Wills & Estates, Part I
1680 to 1778
Extracted From
Nantucket Lands And Land Owners
Henry B. Worth.
Nantucket Historical Association, 1901.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Wills and Estates.
The records in the Probate Office commence in 1706, when James Coffin was appointed Judge and Eleazer Folger, Register of Probate. But there are earlier transactions recorded in the books in the Registry of Deeds. There must have been some crude judicial system before 1671, but if so no records have been preserved. When the Decree of Lovelace established a method of electing judges, Richard Gardner was chosen. and then in 1671 begins the earliest record that has been preserved. and this is in Book 2 in the Registry of Deeds. It contains all transactions down to 1706, when, at the death of Captain John Gardner, the Probate Department was separated from the others and its proceedings kept in distinct books. But no probate records under the old system appear before 1680. Captain John Gardner was commissioned by Governor Andros, November 10, 1680, as Chief Justice, and he held the office until his death in 1706.
Scattered through Book 2 in the Registry of Deeds are fragmentary items relating to estates of deceased persons, but considering the number of inhabitants and the amount of property they had, it seems certain that all proceedings were not recorded. There was no register and some of the records are in the illegible chirography of Captain Gardner. In one case where a release was given by Jedediah and Abigail Fitch, there is reference to a will that it not recorded. The following is a list of what appears in these records:-
March 3, 1680-81. Inventory of estate of Nathaniel Wyer, showing an estate of £36, including a house and ten acres of land valued at £5, "an old bibell and 5 other books." His widow, Sarah, was appointed administratrix.
August, 1681. Administration on estate of Benjamin Austin, valued at £21, and ordered distributed to Brothers Thomas and Nathaniel and Sisters Deborah Coffin and Mary Gardner.
November 29, 1681. Administration on estate of Tristram Coffin granted to sons, James. John and Stephen. Estate later given to widow, Dionis.
August 1, 1682. Administration on estate of Thomas Macy granted to his son John. The estate was valued at €71, of which about one-half was land and the rest cattle.
At the same date, Richard Swain was appointed administrator of the estate of his father Richard, and Tobiah Coleman of the estate of his father Thomas. -
December 5, 1682. Probated will of Robert Barnard, of which his widow Joan was probably executrix. but there is no record of the contents of the will.
Scrupulous attention was given to the selection in these cases of four appraisers. Nathaniel Barnard, Stephen Coffin, Thomas Look and Richard Swain seemed to be in favor with the court, but the inventories were not recorded. -
August 23, 1683. Sarah Wyer had become incapable of administering, so John Swain, her son-in-law, was appointed in her behalf, but of what estate the record is silent, but probably of Nathaniel Wyer.
March 18, 1688-89. Sarah Gardner, widow of Richard Gardner. Sr. administratrix on his estate.
August 12, 1690. Administration on estate of Joseph Coleman granted to William Bunker and Stephen Coffin.
May, 1692. Administration on estate of John Walch granted to Nathaniel Starbuck.
The foregoing comprise all known records of Probate Proceedings before 1706, which indicates that there must have been others not preserved. At that period there must have been more than eight estates settled in court in twenty-six years.
From 1706 to the date of the Revolution the Judges of Probate were James Coffin, Richard Gardner, George Bunker, George Gardner, Jeremiah Gardner, Grafton Gardner, Jethro Hussey.      
Eleazer Folger was Register, 1706-1754, and his successor was Frederick Folger.      
After the establishment of a District Court of Probate, with judge and register, the records are well kept and complete, but no original papers have been preserved before the Revolution.      
A descriptive index of the Probate Records down to the Revolutionary War will now be presented, but these items are not in any sense copies. The purpose of the schedule being to furnish materials in constructing genealogies, it was intended to include the names and relations of all persons interested and such dates as the records contain, but practically the whole substance of wills and inventories has been omitted. It will, however, indicate the general subjects to be found in the Probate Office, but for full and complete details, reference must be had to the original records.-
September 27, 1706. Hannah Coffin, widow of Tristram Coffin, administratrix of his estate. His heirs were Stephen Coffin. Jr., brother ; Jedidah Fitch, sister. In the inventory were mentioned whalebone, sheep and a silver cup.
October 4, 1706. Nathaniel Starbuck, Jr., blacksmith, and Nathaniel Barnard, Jr., administrators of the estate of Peter Coffin.
October 11, 1706. Jedidiah Fitch of New London, mariner, Jethro Coffin and George Gardner, appointed administrators of the estate of Peter Coffin.
1706. Will of Edward Cartwright was probated and the witnesses were William Gayer, Richard Gardner and Ann Bunker. To his wife Elizabeth he devised one-half of his house for life, and his daughters, Susannah and Mary, were to have forty shillings the day each was married. His lands at Pocomo, where his house stood, was given equally to his three sons, Nicholas, Sampson and Edward. Will dated August 28, 1705.
October 2, 1706. The will of Captain John Gardner probated. He signed by his mark, being probably in feeble health, in the presence of William Gayer, James Coffin, William Worth and Eleazer Folger. To his daughters, Priscilla Arthur, Rachel Gardner, Ann Coffin, Mehitable Dawes, pecuniary legacies. To daughters Mary Coffin and Ruth Coffin, land at Marthas Vineyard. To grandsons, Jeremiah and Nathaniel Gardner, legacies of money. His house, lands and one-eighth of the water mill in Salem to his grandson George. To wife Priscilla, a life estate in all his lands, and at her death all lands and "housing" on Nantucket to son George. His widow was named as executrix, and after her his son George, and he provided that James Coffin and his cousin Samuel Gardner and Richard Gardner should be assistants. Will dated December 2, 1705.
June 19, 1707. Probated will of Peter Folger, the witnesses being Richard Gardner, George Bunker, George Gardner and Joseph Marshall. The use of the entire estate was given to his widow Judith for her life, and then, after pecuniary legacies to daughters Anna Keziah, Eunice and Mary, on the day of their marriage, all the real estate to son Daniel. The widow was appointed executrix, with the assistance of "my unkle Nathaniel Gardner and brother-in-law Stephen Coffin, Jr." Will was dated February 24, 1707.
September 27, 1706. Stephen Coffin, Jr., was appointed guardian of Eunice Coffin, orphan daughter of Peter Coffin, and Jethro Starbuck was appointed guardian of Jemima. the daughter of Peter Coffin.
A release given by Abigail Fitch and her husband Jedidiah to Nathaniel Barnard, dated February 3, 1708, recited, that Peter Coffin died November, 1699, leaving considerable estate to his wife Elizabeth and her four children, Tristram, Abigail, Eunice and Jemima. But the will was disallowed by John Gardner, Esq., then Judge of Probate, and the widow was appointed administratrix. She married Nathaniel Barnard December 2, 1702, before any settlement had been made of the estate of her first husband, "which by the death of John Gardner, Esq., was rendered impossible."; she, the said Elizabeth, dying before any other person could be appointed Judge of Probate, and four days after the death of Tristram Coffin, only son of Peter, who a little before his death had married Hannah Brown of Nantucket, which made the settlement still more difficult; before the decease of Elizabeth, Jedidiah Fitch had married Abigail, the oldest daughter of Peter Coffin. Hannah, the widow of the brother Tristram, is now wife of Jonathan Pinkham. -
October 24, 1710. Will of William Gayer admitted to probate on the testimony of Richard Gardner, Eleazer Folger, Jr., Jabez Bunker, Eunice Gardner and Judith Gardner. To his house-keeper, Patience Foot, a house and lot for life, and "to Africa, a negro once my servant," the east chamber of my now dwelling house and one-half of the leanto for life. To my son William, if he shall ever come hither again, one whole shore of Nantucket. To my daughters, Damaris Coffin and Dorcas Starbuck, land I had from my father-in-law. Edward Starbuck. Dated September 21. 1710.
[Note. The son never appeared and the rest of the property was treated as their own by the two daughters.] His tryhouse mentioned.
August 5, 1712. Probated the will of William Bunker, the witnesses being Joseph and Benjamin Swain and Nathan and Eleazer Folger, Jr. "My sons George and Jonathan being by me already advanced," received only small legacies. To his wife Mary the "west end of my house she lives in for life." To son Benjamin "my house and lot." To daughters Jane Bunker, Ann Paddock, Abigail and Mary Bunker, small legacies. Rest of property to sons Jabez, Thomas and Peleg. Dated June 22, 1712.
May 15, 1713. Will of Nathaniel Gardner was probated by the testimony of John Coleman, Jr., Jethro and Dorcas Starbuck and Priscilla Coleman. Only persons named were son Ebenezer and his oldest daughter, Hannah Bunker, and there was mentioned a younger daughter who had been brought up by Hannah Bunker. Dated November 18, 1710. Personal estate valued at £484, which was distributed to children Ebenezer, Peleg, Nathaniel, Andrew, Abel, Hannah Bunker, Judith Barnard, Margaret Gardner and Susannah Gardner. Inventory mentioned great Bible, linen, needles and knives from London, quadrant and Gunter's scale, shoemaker's tools, books, silver spoons and silver cup and money scales.
January 27, 1717-18. The will of John Swain was probated. The witnesses were William Worth, John Folger, Robert Long and Moses Giles. Pecuniary legacies were given to Mary Mason, daughters Sarah, Hannah, Patience and son Stephen, and the balance of his estate to sons John, Joseph, Benjamin, and daughter Elizabeth Sevalle. Dated February 9, 1714-15. His estate, £310, included a silver tankard, Bible, chiney platter, and a fashionable table.
August 20, 1715. Joanna Coleman, widow of John Coleman, appointed administratrix of his estate. The heirs were Thomas, Isaac, Jeremiah, Solomon, John, Bejamin, Phebe Cathcart and Abigail Tisdale.
March 26, 1716. John Macy had died intestate and his children divided his real estate. Thomas Macy had the dwelling house and the others were Richard Jabez, Sarah Barnard, Deborah Russell, Bethia Coffin. A daughter, Mary Coleman, had died, and her daughter Abigail took her part.
May 13, 1718. Will of Stephen Hussey probated. "To avoid contests and janglings, I have made many wills hereto fore which I hereby declare null and void, and this is my last will." To my wife Martha my property for life ; and a negro woman named Sarah, and after her to my sons George and Sylvanus. To my son Sylvanus, a negro boy named Mark, and to my daughter Teodate, a negro girl Dorothy. "My law books to my son Bachelor for the use of his son Stephen." To daughters Mary Worth, Puella Gorham, and Abigail Howes, pecuniary legacies. Dated 5 mo. 17, 1716. The witnesses were Barnabas Gardner, Richard Swain, Richard Macy, William Worth and Ruth Gardner.
May 13, 1718. Will of Deborah Coffin of Edgartown probated, on testimony of Stephen, John and Jonathan Coffin and Eleazer Folger. To son Tristram, lands in New Hampshire. To daughter Hannah Gardner, a brass kettle. To daughter Deborah Macy, my looking glass, two pairs of gold buttons and a silver bodkin. Dated March 4, 1718.
June 11, 1718. Will of Nathaniel Barnard probated. Witnesses were Joseph Coffin, Edward Allen, Bejamin Trott and Eleazer Folger. To my grandson Nathaniel Barnard, the land at Wesco that I had from my father-in-law, Robert Barnard. To sons John and Stephen, land at Wesco and other estate to children Nathaniel, Bejamin, Ebenezer, Mary Folger, Sarah Currier, Eleanor Coffin, Abigail Chase, and granddaughter Experience Ellis. Dated April 7, 1718.
July 11, 1718. Property of Eleazer Folger, deceased, divided between Eleazer, Nathan, Sarah Odar, Mary Arthur.
September 11, 1718. Judith Barnard, widow of Nathaniel Barnard, appointed administratrix of his estate, valued at £405, including a chafing dish, lanthorn, dryping pan, one Beacor and hook.
January 22, 1719. Will of Richard Pinkham probated. Witnesses Hannah Bunker, Abigail Fitch, Lydia Long. To wife Mary, his estate for life. Daughter Deborah Macy, only child named. Dated April 28, 1718.
December 7, 1728. Nathaniel Chase appointed guardian of Peter Barnard, fifteen years old.
December 27, 1718. Nathaniel Barnard had left real estate worth £2,460, and the same went to widow Judith, who had married a Wilcox, and four children, Peter Barnard, Dorcas Barney, wife of Jacob, Elizabeth, and Nathaniel Barnard.
August 29, 1719. Will of Nathaniel Starbuck probated. Witnesses Thomas Macy, Thomas Clark, William Stratton, John Macy. Will dated 4 mo. 14, 1716, when his wife Mary was alive, and a codicil dated 9 mo. 20, 1717, after her decease. Pecuniary legacies given to daughters Eunice Gardner, Priscilla Coleman, Hepsibah Hathaway, and the children of two deceased daughters, Mary Gardner and Elizabeth Barnard. His real estate was given to his sons, Barnabas, Nathaniel and Jethro.
October 13, 1719. Administration on estate of Joseph Coffin to his widow Bethia, and to Thomas Macy. Estate valued at £654, and in 1726 had become £1,237, and was then distributed to seven children, of whom three were sons. Guardians were appointed for Micah Coffin, 16 ; Hezekiah, 14; Miriam, Jedidah and Mary Coffin. The estate included a silver porringer, watch, chafen-dish and a negro boy.
December 11, 1719. Will of Jonathan Worth probated on testimony of William Stratton, George Brown, Edward Cartwright and Eleazer Folger. To wife Mary, the house for life and then to son John. Other lands to sons Ezekiel and Christopher.
August 12, 1720. Will of James Coffin probated. Witnesses Thomas, John and Richard Macy. Negro servant Hagar to Daughter Mary Gardner, and after her to son John ; also great silver tankard. Pecuniary legacies to sons Nathaniel, John, Ebenezer and children of his deceased son Joseph. Real estate on Nantucket and Tuckanuck to sons James, Jonathan and grandsons Zaccheus, Hezekiah and Micah. His lands at Salisbury and Dover to daughters Mary Gardner, Dinah Starbuck, Deborah Bunker, Elizabeth Bunker, Ruth Gardner and the children of my daughter Abigail Gardner.
October 12, 1720. Nathan Folger appointed administrator of the estate of John Arthur Cardwainer.
September 13, 1721. Will of Jonathan Bunker probated. Witnessed by George Hussey, Jabez Bunker, Shubael Pinkham. To wife Mary, house for life and then to son James. Money legacies to daughters Lydia Coffin, Ruth Coffin, Patience, Abigail and Judith. Other estate to sons Zechariah, Simeon, George and James.
September 23, 1721. Administration was granted on estate of Thomas Bunker, to George, Peleg and Jabez Bunker. It was valued at £1,000. It was divided between Mary Bunker, mother of deceased, George Bunker, Peleg Bunker, Jabez Bunker, Ann Paddock, Jane Wodson, Abigail Pinkham, Mary Coffin and the children of Jonathan and Benjamin Bunker, both deceased. In this estate were mentioned an Indian boy and girl, book of curiosities, old Bible, nine leafed table, quarles emblems, shoe buckles, brass chafing dish.
November 16, 1722. Elizabeth Bunker was appointed guardian of her younger children and Deborah Bunker of her children, none of whom were named on account of property which had come from estate of Thomas Bunker.
December 12, 1722. Nathan Folger was appointed guardian of Thomas Arthur and Persis Arthur, under 14, and in July, 1728, of Stephen, and May, 1728, of Priscilla, all children of John Arthur.
July 6, 1723. Jonathan Coffin administrator of estate of Nathan Skiff, valued at £188. The estate went to his mother, Sarah Skiff, and five sisters, Sarah Long, Patience Swain, Hannah Daggett, Mary Joyes, Beulah Bartholomew.
August 24, 1723. Damaris Coffin, widow of Nathaniel Coffin, appointed administratrix of his estate. In the schedule of property were great Bible, a dictionary, a great oval table, clock, great looking glass, 81 ounces of plate, negro George £50, Philis £42, and Sabina £15. Entire real estate £800.
The estate in 1729 was distributed to children Charles, Benjamin, William, Dorcas Soley, Christian, Lydia and Gayer.
November 14, 1723. Will of James Gardner probated. To wife Mary, house for life, and pecuniary legacies to daughters Elizabeth Gorham and Mehitable Gardner. The son Samuel "was sufficiently advanced." Residue of estate to sons Jethro, Barnabas, Jonathan and James. The witnesses were Nathan Pease, William Smith, Shubael and Eleazer Folger.
January 28, 1723. Matthew Jenkins was appointed guardian of Eleazer, minor child of John Arthur.
July 10, 1724. Will of Mary Coffin probated. Witnesses, Nathaniel Starbuck, Eliphalet Smith, Jedidiah and Peter Fitch. Her son Stephen was executor. To daughters Dinah Norton, Judith Wilcox, Susannah Bunker, Anna Gardner and grandson Daniel Coffin, land that was given to me by my father-in-law Richard Swain. The father and grandfather of these daughters were still living.
November 11, 1724. Will of William Worth probated on testimony of witnesses Nathan Folger, George, Deborah and Priscilla Bunker. To wife Damaris, house for life ; also silver cup, great iron pot and middle brass kettle. Residue to son John.
December 28, 1724. Dinah Coffin, widow of Elisha Coffin, appointed administrator of his estate. She later married a Williams.
May 12, 1725. Will of Stephen Coffin probated. Witnesses, Nathaniel Starbuck, Eleazer Folger, Joseph Meader, Martha Hussey and Jabez Macy. To wife Experience, one half of estate for life, including fishing and whaling voyages on Nantucket shoals. To son Shubael, land that I bought of my father-in-law Thomas Look, and other lands to son Zephaniah. To daughters Hephzibah and Dinah, land at Quaise.
July 10, 1727-'28. Will of Matthew Hanlin, seafaring man, probated. To Lydia Coffin, my watch. To Hannah Covill of Chatham, Humphrey Ellis and Jonathan Galley, rest of his property.
July 17, 1728. Will of John Trott, weaver, probated. Estate for life to wife Ann. It was uncertain whether sons James and Joseph were living. Pecuniary legacies to daughters Tabitha, Elizabeth, Rachel Mary, Abigail and Priscilla, lands in New Hampshire. To son John and to son Benjamin, lands at Nantucket.
July 17, 1728. Will of Richard Gardner probated. To daughters Miriam and Lydia Coffin and granddaughter Ruth Gardner, £150 each. Residue to sons Joseph, Solomon, Benjamin and Peter.
Oct. 8, 1728. Ruth Coffin widow of George Coffin, appointed administratrix of his estate valued at 1230 lb. Before Feb. 1729 the widow had married an Upham. The estate went to widow and three minor daughters of the deceased under 14 not named. The inventory scheduled Coles dictionary, clock, silver tankard, cups and spoons, oxenbrigs, sheets, napkins and table cloths, a clock reel, 1/2 of sloop Ruby 170 lb., and cash 236 lb., gold buttons and Bible.
Dec. 7, 1728. Ebenezer Gardner appointed administrator of estate of Africa a free negro, valued at 102 lb. In his estate was a Bible and other books and a compass.
Mar. 14, 1728. Hepsibah Smith, widow of Eliphalet Smith, administratrix of his estate.
Sept. 2, 1729. Keturah Arthur administratrix of estate of Eunice Arthur, single woman. Estate to go to her brothers and sisters.
Dec. 18, 1729. Mercy Coffin, widow of Prince Coffin, administratrix of his estate, valued at 420 lb. Only children were two minor daughters who were placed under guardianship Feb. 7, 1746, and they were Hannah and Mary.
Oct. 13, 1729. Mary Gardner, widow of Nathaniel Gardner, administratrix of his estate. She later married a Coleman. Inventory included 7 pewter porringers, silver cup, spoons, buckles, snuff box, part of Sloop Kingfisher, and a Negro boy. The estate went to widow and two children, Nathaniel and Mary, both under 14.
July 6, 1730. Will of Peleg Bunker probated. To wife Susannah, house for life and then to son William. Other real estate to sons Uriah and Johnathan. Legacies to daughters Priscilla, Mary, Elizabeth, Christian, Judith Coffin, Dinah Williams and Hepsabeth Smith.
Jan. 13, 1730. Will of Ebenezer Coffin probated. To wife Eleanor all estate for life. His real estate according to his own statement was worth as follows : Nantucket 1200£; Tuckanuck 500 lb. and Boston 300£. This he devises to his children Cromwell, Alexander, Valentine, Joseph, Benjamin, Love, Jane and the children of son Prince, deceased. The division of the estate was made in 1746 and it was distributed to Cromwell Coffin, Abel Gardner, guardian; Elias Coffin, Jane Bunker, Joseph Coffin, Benjamin Coffin and Uriah Gardner, guardian.
Feb. 12, 1730. Hannah Maiming, widow of William Maiming, administratrix of his estate which included an old and a new house. Only children were two minors, David and Phebe.
Jan. 7, 1732. Will of Charles Crosby proved witnesses Samuel Gardner. Samuel Stanton, David Gardner and Joseph Jenkins A small legacy to sister Martha and residue to brother William.
Nov. 1, 1734. Will of Ebenezer Coleman probated, one of the witnesses being Benjamin Frost. After a legacy to Brother Joseph, the balance to wife Sarah.
Jan. 3, 1734. George Hussey administrator, estate of Paul Coffin, valued at 4876 lb., including 1/2 share of Nantucket 3200£ ; 1-24 of Tuckanuck 550£ and 1-12 of Quaise 300£. The estate passed to widow Mary Coffin, who had married a Pierce [probably Clothier] and to children.
Peter, aged 17, of whom George Hussey was guardian, Mary and Paul under 14 of whom Clothier Pierce was guardian.
Feb. 7, 1734. Judith Barnard, widow of Benjamin Barnard, appointed administratrix of his estate, appraised at 2610£. The following were some of the items in the inventory: share of Old Wharf ; 5-12 of sloop Ranger; 1/4 of mill; silver cup and spoons; 1-12 of woman's school house and 1-18 of man's school house ; a whole boat, oars, craft to the boat ; house at Weweder. [An outfit for shore whaling.] Elwood's Sacred History. He left seven children, Abigail who had married and Timothy who were of age : Francis 17 ; John 15 and Abishai, Nathaniel and Mary, all under 14. In the division the house went to Timothy.
Sept. 5, 1735. Probated will of Stephen Coffin "aged and infirm," witnesses Samuel Coffin, William Gardner, Lydia Barney, Elizabeth Moores. His children Stephen, Peter, Paul, Daniel, Dinah Norton and Mehitable Smith, had died. Most of estate given to daughter Susannah Bunker, Anna Gardner, Judith Wilcox and grand daughters Keziah Gardner, Anna Starbuck and Mary Coleman.
Jan. 17, 1735. John Pinkham son of Jonathan Pinkham, administrator of his father's estate amounting to 854£. The deceased had daughters Lydia and Elizabeth, of whom Andrew Myrick was guardian and Jonathan, aged 13, Hannah and Zephaniah of whom John Pinkham was guardian, and there were Solomon and Job, who were of age. There was a great number of persons paid from this estate which suggests that the deceased owed some of them as employees. Their names are given in the following list :
John Pinkham, Solomon Pinkham, Shuball Pinkham, Theophilus Pinkham, Andrew Myrick, Isaac Myrick, Ebazer Folger, Anna Folger, Jonathan Folger, Daniel Folger, John Coffin, Jonathan Coffin, Richard Coffin, Nathaniel Coffin, James Coffin, Ebenezer Barnard, Judith Barnard, Rachel Chase, Leah Paddock, Nathaniel Paddock, Andrew Gardner, Mary Gardner, Benjamin Gardner, Keziah Gardner, Jeremiah Gardner, Ebenezer Gardner, Jeremiah Gardner, George Gardner, Jonathan Gardner, Reuben Gardner, John Gardner, Solomon Coleman, Jonathan Coleman, Nathan Coleman, Jethro Coleman. Thomas Clark, Hannah Daggett, Elihu Lumber, Richard Swain, John Swain, Jonathan Moores, Jethro Starbuck, Paul Starbuck, Samuel Barker, Silvanus Allen, Matthew Jenkins, Selvaus Hussey, Thomas Brock, John Beard, John Sadler, Jedidiah Fitch, Peter Fitch, Edward Bennett. Wm. Stratton, Richard Macy, Daniel Bunker, Joseph Worth, Richard Worth, Micah Gundy, Benjamin Trott, Samuel Maxey. -
Feb. 20, 1735. The estate of Joshua Sevelle, laborer. amounting to 200£, as there were no children or kindred, was ordered paid to his widow, Elizabeth.
Dec. 9, 1737. Nathan Coffin, guardian of Judith Coffin, 15 years old and daughter of Elisha Coffin.
Sept. 2, 1737. Will of Shubael Coffin probated, one of the witnesses being Thomas Carver. Widow was Priscilla, brother Zephaniah and sisters Hephzibah Barnard and Dinah Folger. Servant Bristol to be free at the age of thirty.
Dec. 2, 1737. Keziah Gardner, widow of Jethro Gardner, administratrix of his estate.
At the same date Abigail Pinkham, widow of John, administratrix of his estate worth 670£. Silver buckles, spoons and buttons, scheduled.
Dec. 12, 1737. Nathan Folger, administrator of estate of John Arthur, valued at 1350 lb. The persons to whom it was distributed were Eunice, Thomas, Keturah, Stephen, Eleazer and Priscilla Arthur and Persis Black.
Oct. 30, 1728. John Coffin administrator of the estate of Francis Coffin who left three minor children, one daughter and two sons. Estate- 825£, including one Indian boy Joseph.
March 2, 1739. Will of John Swain, probated. His house and furniture to wife Experience for life and after her the furniture to daughters Ruth Upham, Katherine Wyer, Hannah Gardner, and the children of a deceased daughter, Priscilla Bunker. The real estate went to sons William, John, Eliokim, Stephen and George. Dated June 22, 1728. One of the witnesses was Moses Giles. His personal estate was 222 lb., including silver tankard, cup and spoons. Daniel Bunker was the husband of Priscilla who had died and she had left three minor children.
Sept. 7, 1739. Will of Wm. Gardner, cooper, probated, one witness being Ebenezer Calef. He left a wife, Hepsibah, and three sons and two daughters, not named.
Dec. 31, 1739. Probated will of Samuel Barker, described as of Falmouth. Witnesses were Joseph Marshall, Stephen Harper and James Hinckley. To daughter Deborah, the property which came to me from my former wife, who was her mother. The income of the rest of my estate to my widow, Bethia and after her to children Robert, Samuel, Josiah and Judith. He left 1490 lb. The inventory. included four slaves : Man Primas 60 lb., Woman Zubuiah 80 lb., Child Boston 5£, Mulatto Pero 30£, and a punch bowl. In the account is an item "lost Negro woman Zubinah." The children under age were Robert 18, Samuel 16, and Josiah 14. Judith died before March 1743.
May 29, 1740. Probated will of Manuel Gabriel, dated at sea. Witnesses Joseph Worth and Matthew Pate. Property given to wife and children.
Dec. 19, 1740. David Clark, administrator estate of Thomas Clark, valued at 820 lb. It went to Elizabeth Clark, widow and to children David, Jonathan, Peter, Josiah, Simeon, Amos, Abigail and Jerusha, wife of Shubael Folger.
March 6, 1741. Probated will of Sarah Odar, single woman. Her estate was given to her sister Lois Stratton, wife of Caleb.
Sept. 15, 1741. Simeon Bunker, administrator estate of George Bunker.
At same date probated will of James Coffin, who gave property to wife, Ruth and to his eight children, three daughters not named, and sons Nathan, James and Benjamin, and children of deceased children George and Sarah Gardner. -
May 6, 1743. Sarah Worth, widow of Richard Worth, cordwainer, administratrix of his estate.
July 2, 1744. Probated will of John Swain, mariner. Income to wife, Mary, and the estate to children Elijah Francis, Tristram, Seth, Christian Folger, Ruth, Priscilla, Anna, Eunice and Jemima. Estate 1007 lb., including a large and small porringer, a cup, tankard, book by Geo. Fox and Sacred History and Life of David.
July 25, 1743. Sarah Stanton, widow of Samuel Stanton, administratrix of his estate, amounting to 900 lb. She soon after married a Pinkham.
March 27, 1744. Peter Barnard, carpenter, administrator estate of Nathaniel Barnard, mariner, valued at 690£. Estate given to Judith Wilcox, mother of deceased. It appeared that Peter was brother of Nathaniel and they had a sister Elizabeth Coleman, who had died leaving a son Nathaniel. In the inventory was included an epitome, gold buttons, watch and chainy punch bowl.
Feb. 1, 1744. Probated will of George Bunker, Esq., former Judge of Probate, dated May 1743. Part of his house to his widow Deborah for life and then with other estate to three sons, Daniel, John and Caleb.
Aug. 1, 1745. Nathaniel Coleman, son of Barnabas, was 16 years old and placed under guardianship.
Oct. 4, 1744. Inventory of John Swain filed by Mary Swain, executrix, amounting to 1007£. It included 2 large silver porringers and 2 small, a silver spout cup, 1 clock, 1 large tankard, 1 large looking glass, 11 silver buttons, share Old Wharf and 1-3 sloop Humburd. This estate went to four sons Elijah, Francis, Tristram and Seth.
December, 1744. Ben Abel, Indian Sachem, left estate £89.
February 7, 1746. Caleb Stratton administrator estate of William Stratton, chairmaker, amounting to £220.
February, 1746. Alexander Coffin, Ebenezer Coffin, sons of Alexander, were minors and placed under guardianship.
November, 1746. John Renuff had died leaving a widow Sarah and his only child Elizabeth, wife of William Abrahams, Jr.
February 6, 1747. Uriah Gardner admin. estate Daniel Bunker, which amounted to £2,214, and included one-third of a whale sloop and two-thirds share new wharf. He left a son Joseph, 19, and Tristram, who was under 14. Estate included law books, dictionary, silver tankard, porringer, cup, spoons and buttons.
February, 1746. Ruth Gardner, daughter of Uriah, was a minor and, a guardian was appointed.
The will of Stephen Arthur, dated April, 1737, was probated July 8, 1747. Three-quarters of his estate given for life to sister Priscilla, and residue to "my friend Thomas Brock. "
Will of Nathan Folger, dated June, 1745, and probated September, 1747. Personal estate given to children Timothy, Leah Paddock, Esther, Judith Jenkins ; and house and lands devised to sons Abishai, Peter and Barzillai. -
Will of Joseph Gardner, dated April, 1743, and probated October, 1747. To son Bethuel, my clock and the house at Wesco, formerly my father's dwelling. Specific devises to children Patience Brock, Margaret Chase, and to grand children, Timothy Gardner, Mary Gardner, Obed Gardner, and residue to sons Bethuel, Charles, Shubael and Caleb. When the estate was divided in December, 1748, it is stated that the son Shubael had died at sea. He gave income of certain estate to wife Ruth.
November, 1747. The children of John Coffin, who left no will, agree on a division, Richard for himself and as guardian of his brother, Elias, Judith Gardner and Ebenezer, her husband ; and Abigail Folger and her husband Zaccheus.
Will of James Gardner, haberdasher, dated 1747, and probated May, 1748. To wife Judith, one-half of his house, and to sister Judith and his brothers, the rest of his lands, and to his brethren, silver buckles, kalender, quadrant, great chest and desk.
1748. Inventory of estate of James Cadode, £88.
Will of John Barnard, dated December, 1736, and probated June 8, 1748. To wife Sarah, life estate ; personal property to children Matthew, Samuel, Hannah and Jemima Coleman. Real estate to sons Samuel, Robert and Matthew.
Will of William Swan probated August, 1748, by which he gave all to his friend Thomas Carr.
Will of Joseph Marshall, cordwainer, dated 1743, and probated August 5, 1748. To wife Abigail, income of certain estate ; to son Benjamin, his house and great church Bible. Pecuniary legacies to children Hawkins, Mary Folger, Margaret Wadsworth, Ruth Clark, and to grand children Charles, Cornelius, Abigail and Rebecca Chase. To son Joseph, residue, including books, fish house, flakes and boat craft.
August 5, 1748. Abigail Folger, widow of Daniel Folger, administratrix of his estate, valued at £1,521, and including a silver tankard, clock, part of the windmill and Indian servant.
September, 1748. Probated will of Timothy Barnard that left estate to wife Mary and children not named, but by appointment of guardians it appeared that there were children, Judith, 17, Susannah, Mary, William and Timothy, 10. Estate £1,500, including a Dutch Bible.
October, 1748. Hannah Jones, widow of Thomas Jones, administratrix of his estate, amounting to £217.
October, 1737. Inventory of estate of Jethro Gardner in old tenor amounted to £3,536, and included three-eighths of a sloop, Spanish iron, smith's tools, horse shoes, one-half share old wharf, a calash, and money, £489. 1748 his children Micah, Peter, Matthew and Jethro, all over 14, chose as their guardian "our honored father Paul Starbuck." The list of his heirs is elsewhere given, Peleg, Hezekiah, Peter, Matthew, Jethro, Judith, and heirs of son James, deceased.
May, 1749. The heirs of Daniel Folger were five children, Keziah Coffin, Daniel, Abigail and Mary, the last three being minors.
Will of John Swain, weaver, probated December, 1749. His legatees were wife Patience, daughter Hannah, sons Oliver and Chapman, grandsons John and Joseph Swain, daughters Dinah Cathcart, wife of Hugh, Deborah Chadwick, wife of Richard, and Ann Cartwright, wife of Samuel.
Will of Thomas Brock probated May 9, 1750. To his wife Patience, his great Bible, Negro man Robin to be free at the age of 30. His estate to widow and nine children, John. Joseph, Andrew, Thomas, Walter, Margaret, James, Ann and Elizabeth. His estate was appraised in old tenor at £16,192 and in modern currency was worth about one-sixth. The inventory covered a great quantity of silver and household articles. There were included a negro woman, still house, one-third try house and interests in nine sloops.
Jemima. Nantucket, Tryall, Susanna, Content, Hannah, Pearl, Fortune, Fame.
The division of the estate of Thomas Brock, made in April, 1771, was between John, William, Andrew and Walter Brock, Margaret Bunker, wife of Joshua, Janet Townsend; wife of James, Elizabeth Chase, wife of Benjamin, and Anna Brock.
Will of George Gardner, dated 1733, and probated May, 25, 1750. After a life estate to wife Eunice and legacies to daughters Hephzebah Gardner and Priscilla Pinkham he gives his house to son Grafton, and to son Thomas, clock, try-house and kettles and silver tankard, and the residue to the same two sons.
Will of Jabez Bunker probated May 25, 1750. Legacies to daughters Hannah and Naomi Paddock. To sons Samuel and Benjamin, where Samuel's house stands; my house to sons Peter and Peleg and residue to sons Samuel, Paul, Benjamin, Peter, Abner and Peleg.
May, 1750. A guardian appointed for the minor children of Grindall Gardner, Timothy, 17, and Mary, 16.
August, 1750. Samuel Maxey, administrator estate of Robert Leach, amounting to £141.
Old tenor and lawful money. About 1750 throughout New England values were estimated in two standards of currency having the above names. Old tenor had become seriously debased. The fact is here mentioned without explaining the economic causes. The Register of Probate at Nantucket took some pains to record the relation between the two standards. Old tenor in one case was 177-11-8, and lawful money is stated as the equivalent 23-13-6, or nearly eight to one.      
In 1756 old tenor in one case was £1,984, and lawful money its equivalent £264. In numerous cases where both methods are exhibited the same proportion is shown for several years. So at this period old tenor should be divided by 7.7 to obtain the appraisal according to the modern value of an English pound.-
Will of Jonathan Upham, carpenter, probated August, 1750. To wife Ruth, an estate for life ; a legacy to daughter Judith Deland ; to son-in-law Henry Fitzgerald, one-fourth of my sloop ; rest of estate to children, Mary, Susannah, Elizabeth Williams, Anna, Deborah Fitzgerald, Jonathan and grandson David Upham. Estate valued at £360.
Will of Eliakim Swain probated August, 1750. To daughters Priscilla, Rachel, Lydia and Hannah, cows commons. To son Charles, one-fourth of sloop Dove and one-third of mill I own with John Macy. To son Timothy, 16 years old, one-third of mill, my homestead. To wife Abigail, income from certain property. Balance to son Charles. His estate amounted to £1,018, and included a clock, two silver porringers, a tankard and sloops Dove and Ranger.
August 18, 1750. Hannah Chadwick, widow of Daniel Chadwick, administratrix of his estate.
October, 1750. Elizabeth Phillips, widow of Micah Phillips, administratrix his estate, valued at £467. He left children, Sam, aged 14; Abraham, 16, and Daniel, 19.
October, 1752. Jonathan Pinkham, son of John, 17 years.
Will of Daniel Hussey probated December 31, 1750. Mentions father Silvanus and brother-in-law Barnabas Coleman. His estate to five children, Stephen, 19; Elizabeth ; Daniel, 15; Rachel, 13, and Eunice, 10. Inventory £6369, including interests in sloops Mary, Hephzibah and Two brothers, Indian Boy and two shares in schoolhouse.
January 23, 1750. Richard Worth administrator estate of Benjamin Worth and guardian of Benjamin, Francis, minor sons of deceased.
March 23, 1750. Nathan Coffin administrator estate of Simeon Bunker, deceased, valued at £579. It was distributed to widow Huldah, who in 1753 had married a Barney, and to sons Bachelor and Simeon, the latter in 1754 being 16 and the former still a minor. Inventory included book on navigation, Seneca's Morals, Penn's Maxims and No Cross, No Crown.
January, 1752. Estate of Peter Coffin divided between children Bartlett, Abner, Peter, Lydia Long, Margaret Bunker, Jerusha Matthews, Hannah Barnard. Bartlett Coffin was appointed administrator December, 1749, and the estate was valued at £5,076.
Will of John Macy probated February, 1752. To wife Judith, one-third estate for life. Sons Seth and William to have house. Land in Dartmouth devised to daughters, Ann Jenkins, Judith Macy, Sarah Gardner, Abigail, and the children of deceased daughter Miriam. Residue to sons Seth, John, David, Jonathan and William. The inventory amounted to £2,366 and included one-sixth of the Friendship, one-half try-house and kettles, great house, one-half sloop Kingfisher and one-fourth sloop Hannah.
Will of Eleazer Folger probated October 1, 1752. To widow Mary, income for life and then to children, Deborah Frost, Bethiah Margaret, Sophia, Mary, Urian, Charles, Stephen Eliphaz, Frederick and Peleg.
Will of Nathaniel Starbuck, dated 1742, and probated November, 1753. To wife Dinah, use of shipping, fishing and whaling vessels. House to son Tristram. Other real estate to son Paul. Rest of estate to six daughters, Elizabeth, Hepizbah, Abigail Way, Ruth Russell, Anna, Mary, and grandson Benjamin Starbuck. Abigail had a son Zaccheus Howes.
Will of William Macy probated November, 1753. Estate to widow Mary and two children, Lydia, 7, and William. 5. Inventory included interest in brig Friendship and tan vats.
Will of Benjamin Trott. dated 1739, and probated August, 1754. Estate £1,517 given to wife Elizabeth and to children John, Benjamin, Mary, Rachel. Ann and Priscilla, Elizabeth, 14 ; Dinah. 11, and Abigail, 8.
September, 1754. Christian Allen, widow of Ebenezer Allen, administratrix of his estate, valued at £190. and the same went to widow and children, Edward, 14; Ann. 12; Tristram, 10; Judith, 7; Ebenezer, 5. and Abigail, 3 years.
Will Isaac Coleman probated November, 1754. To wife Jane, furniture. To kinsman Daniel Coleman, his house. To kinsman Elihu Coleman, land at Mill Brook. To kinsman George Coleman, an oval table. To kinsman Peter Coleman, bed. To kinsman John Coleman, Bible.
February, 1755. Elizabeth Swain, widow of Joseph Swain, administratrix of his estate.
1755. Estate of Richard Swain, valued at £719, included an interest in a schooner and an old brig, and was distributed to widow Elizabeth and to children, Joseph, Anna Bunker, Jonathan, David, Richard. Christopher, 20 ; Lydia, 17 ; Elizabeth, 14; Hepzibah, 12, and Mary, 10.
May, 1756. Abigail Starbuck, widow of John Starbuck, administratrix of his estate, valued at £1,984. Child Ann. 2 years old.
Will of Thomas Carr, probated October 1, 1756. Estate given to wife Mary and daughter Mary, and to sons-in-law Uriah, Obed and John Bunker. Inventory £6,900, included five-sixteenths sloop Desire.
Will of Joseph Coleman probated December, 1756. To wife Rachel and son Ebenezer, his house. Legacies to children Lydia, Abigail and Deborah. "If my son Joseph should return, he to have my quadrant and seafaring books." Residue to Ebenezer, Timothy, 14, and Joseph, 17.
Will Jedediah Fitch probated March, 1754. His wife Abigail was not mentioned. Estate to children Elizabeth Calef, Peter, Mary Bailey, widow, and Beriah.
Will of Jethro Gardner probated August, 1757. Estate given to wife Dinah and daughter Hephzibah.
Will Benjamin Swain probated September 5, 1757. To wife Mary, one-half of my house and to son Jethro other half. To children Patience Russell, Peleg, Christopher, Lydia Worth, and to children of my son Nathaniel, Abigail, 18, and Lydia, 16.
Will of Robert Coffin, dated 1750, and probated 1757. Estate £3,200 given to wife Susannah and to children. Hepzibah, Catharine, Mary, Joanna, Susannah and Margaret.
November, 1757. Desire Bunker, widow of Zacchariah Bunker. administratrix of his estate.
Will of Judith Bunker probated October, 1758. She was sister of Hezekiah Gardner. Her estate was given to children Peter and Keziah.
October, 1758. Hannah Wyer, widow of Timothy, fellmongre, administratrix of his estate, amounting to £1,462. His children were Edward, John, Sarah, Mary and Lydia, 16.
Will of Matthew Jenkins probated December, 1758. Mentions share in schoolhouse. To wife Mary, one-half of my house and rest of estate to children Peter, Sarah Hussey, Mary Butler, Joseph, and the children of his son Thomas and daughter Bethia Bunker, both deceased.
January, 1758. Estate %John Ellis administered. He had two children, May, 1759, were placed under guardianship, Robert, 13, and Sarah, 9.
Will Paul Starbuck, June, 1759. Estate given to wife Elizabeth, children Edward, Joseph, Samuel, Hepzibah Hussey, Abigail Hussey, Mary Coffin, Anna Pinkham, Dinah Starbuck, a minor, Elizabeth Coffin.
May, 1759. Samuel Coffin of Edgartown, administrator estate Jonathan Coffin.
July, 1759. Robert Coffin left 10 children, not named, one of whom was Robert, a minor.
October 6, 1759. Jemima Coffin, widow of James Coffin, administratrix of his estate.
Will of Matthew Gardner, probated December, 1759, gave estate to wife Susannah and daughters Judith, 5, and Ann.
December 10, 1759. Jonathan Myrick, administrator estate of Isaac Myrick, distributed to children Isaac, Mary Gardner, Hannah, Lydia Coffin, Rebecca, John, Timothy, William, Elizabeth, 10, the last four being minors.
Will of Hugh McCoy, probated January, 1760, gave estate to brothers and sisters, Robert, James, William, Margaret, Elizabeth, Jane and Ann.
April, 1760. Hannah Daggett, administratrix of the estate of her husband, Jacob Daggett. It went to their children Hepzibah Butler, Huldah Daggett, Joseph Daggett, and to the children of a deceased son Nathan, who were Stephen, 17 ; Hepzibah, 13 ; Timothy, 10, and Lydia.
May, 1760. Probated John Way's will. To widow Abigail and sons John, Paul and Seth the estate, amounting to £976, including one-third of mill and three-quarters of sloop Abigail.
Will Solomon Gardner, dated 1753 and probated July, 1761, gave estate to children, Elizabeth Swain, Sarah Joy, Mary Worth, Dinah Macy, Reuben, Stephen, David, Richard, Solomon and Paul.
Will of Joseph Starbuck probated November, 1760. He had a brother Samuel. Estate given to three minor children, Nathaniel, Hephzibah and Phebe. Estate £5,080 old tenor.
November, 1760. Probated will William Starbuck; gave estate to wife Lydia and to children, Anna, 7 ; Jethro, Judith Worth, Mary Macy ; to grand children Jethro and Ebenezer Barnard, children of Jethro Barnard and deceased daughter, Eunice Barnard. Estate valued at £4,252.
January, 1761. Christopher and Joshua Bunker, administrators estate of John Bunker, amounting to £3,692, including one-quarter sloop Ruby. He left two children, Elisha, aged 18, and Mary, also a minor.
Will of Judith Wilcox, dated 1756 and probated January, 1761. To son Peter Barnard, a great Bible. To son John Wilcox, the real estate from my mother, Mary Coffin. To grandson Nathaniel Barnard, what belonged to my son Nathaniel Barnard, whose father was Peter. Legacies to grandson Nathaniel Coleman, to children of my son Daniel Folger, deceased, to my daughter Mary Coleman. Rest to heirs of my daughters Keziah Starbuck and Anna Starbuck, both deceased.
February, 1761. From guardianship decrees it appeared that Tristram Bunker son of Daniel, 18; Peter Bunker, son of Peter, 6; Keziah Bunker, daughter of Peter, was over 21.
Will Mary Jenkins, probated May, 1761, gave estate to children Peter, Sarah Hussey, Mary Butler, Joseph, to grand child Ruth Bunker and to children of her daughter Bethia Bunker and son Thomas.
1761. James Bunker had left children, Elisha, 3, and William, 16.
Will of Robert Wyer, probated July, 1761, gave estate to wife Katherine and to children, William, Robert, Zachery, Ruth, Mary, Elizabeth, Phebe, Hepzibah.
September, 1761. Mary Storer, widow of Samuel Storer, administratrix of his estate.
Will Peleg Gardner, probated October, 1761, gave estate to wife Eunice and to children, Barzillai, Keziah, Rachel, Sarah, Elizabeth.
February, 1762. Hephzibah Bunker, widow of Abishai Bunker, administratrix of his estate. Deceased left children, Abishai, 8 ; Miriam, 7 ; Thaddeus, 3 ; Hephzibah, 1.
Will of Hannah Wyer, probated April, 1762. The beneficiaries were Edward Wyer, son-in-law John Wyer, brother-in-law Richard Chadwick, brother Chapman and his children Patience, Judith, Deborah, Sarah ; to Isaac and Mary Chase, my Indian girl, my grand children, Hannah, Mary and Dinah Wyer, kinswoman Susannah Moores, wife of Thomas, daughter-in-law Lydia Wyer, my sister Ann Cartwright, cousin Elizabeth Swain, wife of Peleg, cousin Phebe Cartwright, daughter of Samuel Cartwright, daughter-in-law Sarah Swain, wife, and Rhoda, daughter of Peter.
Will of Richard Worth, probated July 2, 1762, gave estate to wife Lydia grand children Francis and Benjamin Worth, both minors, and Mary and David Upham ; daughters Priscilla Coleman, Eunice Gardner, Mary Baxter. Estate personal £818, included a Bible, silver tankard and interests in sloop Kit Baxter, Newcastle and Mary.
Will of Bartlett Coffin, probated August, 1762, gave estate to children, Rebecca, Christian Barker, Judith, Uriah, Enoch, Peleg.
Will of Jerusha Matthews, probated January, 1763, devised her estate to daughter Catherine Heath and to Abigail Jackson.
Will of Tristram Coffin, probated February, 1763, gave one cow commons to Nathaniel Macy, and rest of estate to children Abishai, Lydia, 13 years old, Jemima, Miriam, Huldah, all minors, and Phebe, who was probably of age.
Will of Peter Folger, probated March, 1763, gave estate to wife Christian and children Anna, Mary, Owen, Peter, Ruth, Lydia, Rachel, Eunice, Reuben.
Will Abigail Marshall. dated 1753 and probated May, 1763. She is described as a spinster. She gave her estate as follows : To granchild Zaccheus Howes, land on Sheep-scot River. To grandchild Mary Starbuck, land on Sheepscot River. To grandchild Abigail Marshall, furniture. To grandchild Mary Marshall, gold necklace and silver cup. To grandchild Jemima Marshall, silver porringer. To grandchild Huldah Marshall, silver spout cup. To grandchild Thomas Marshall, silver spoons marked A. H. To grandchildren Obed and Elihu Marshall, money. To son Joseph, the residue.
December, 1763. Mercy Chase, widow of Isaac Chase, administratrix, his estate amounting to £350.
Will of Benjamin Gardner, probated February, 1764. Estate given to wife Hannah, son Robert, son-in-law Benjamin Russell and Rebecca his wife, grandsons Silvanus Gardner, Obadiah Gardner, son Benjamin. Mentions grandson Solomon Folger.
Will of Urian Folger, probated February, 1764. After devises to brother Eliphaz and son-in-law Benjamin Pitts, the residue to wife Judith.
February, 1764. Uriah Gardner, administrator estate of Ebenezer Gardner.
Will of Samuel Coffin, probated March, 1764. Estate given to children John, William, David, Deborah Starbuck, Miriam Pinkham, Mary Barnard, Priscilla Coleman and the heirs of a deceased daughter, Sarah Pinkham.
April, 1764. William Rotch, administrator estate Samuel Gorham.
Will of Damaris Coffin, dated 1754 and probated October 5, 1764. Her estate amounted to £912, included silver tankard, cup and spoons, and was given to children William, Benjamin, Gayer, Nathaniel, Dorcas Soley, Lydia Chase, Christian Edwards, Katherine Gardner and children of deceased son Charles. When the division was made in 1765, children Gayer, Charles and Lydia had died.
Will of Philip Pollard, probated February, 1765, gave a life estate to his widow Mehitable and his sister Elizabeth. Legacies were provided for daughters Elizabeth and Mary Gardner, wife of Solomon Gardner, and the rest to son George, who received specifically "my house, clock, silver tankard, large oval table, large looking glass and one-half of my printed books.
Will of Robert Barnard, probated October, 1765. Son Nathaniel received land in the Barnard Fish lot on Wesco Hill ; son Matthew had land where Stephen Hussey's blacksmith shop stood; son Robert, land in Newtown, where my daughter Eunice Ray's house stands; sons Abishai and Shubael, land in Newtown; and to son Jonathan, other land. To wife Hepsibah, estate for life, and then to six sons. Personal estate given to daughters Eunice, Elizabeth, Hepsibah, Sarah and Anna.
Administration granted October, 1766, on estate of Alexander Gardner.
October, 1766. John Rand, administrator estate of Caleb Rand, and Rachel Clark, administratrix of estate of James Clark. -
October, 1766. Elisha Pinkham, aged 11, and Nathaniel Pinkham, 5, both sons of Nathaniel, placed under guardianship.
December, 1766. Administration on estate of Joseph Daws.
March, 1767. Shubael Gardner, 16, son of Joseph, placed under guardianship; also Thomas Arthur was appointed guardian of Rhoda Arthur, 14, child of John; also Eunice Gardner, widow of Joseph, guardian of her younger children.
March, 1767. The estate of Ebenezer Gardner included lands and houses valued at £4,000. His first wife was named Eunice and the second Judith, who was living at the date of the division. There had been ten children, to whom the estate was distributed: Uriah, Samuel, Ebenezer, Lydia Hawes, Joseph, Peleg, Margaret Mayo, Anna Chase, the children of the wife of Shubael Barnard, deceased, and Rhoda Arthur, daughter of John Arthur.
Will of Sylvanus Hussey, probated March, 1767, is long and indicates that he was a wealthy man. To each of ten of his descendants he devised the house and land where he lived. His own old house going to son Joseph. No inventory is on record, but he owned considerable shipping. No widow is mentioned, but the estate was given to his children, Obed, Jonathan, Christopher, William, Bachelor, Nathaniel. Silvanus, George, Joseph, Rachel Coleman, Hepzibah Coleman, grand children Benjamin, Obed, Stephen and Daniel Hussey, Elizabeth Coffin, Rachel Mitchell, Eunice Worth, Seth Hussey, and daughter-in-law Sarah Hussey.
Will of Elijah Pitts, probated February, 1767. Bible and shoe buckles went to his mother, Jedidah Folger, and the rest of his estate to wife Thankful for life, and after them to Elijah Pitts, son of my brother Benjamin.
Will of Ebenezer Barnard, probated June 5, 1767. His house was given to his wife and son Stephen and the rest to his children William, Lydia and Jemima Coffin.
Will Peter Gardner, probated July, 1767, mentions land between the mill and schoolhouse, near house of Stephen Chase. The estate passed to wife Elizabeth and children Enoch, Deborah, Elizabeth, Lydia Hammond, Love Coffin and Beulah Coffin.
Will of Joseph Swain, probated October, 1767, gave an estate valued at £957 to wife Elizabeth, to daughters Elizabeth and Eunice, and his house and lands to son Joseph, the same being near Benjamin Fosdick's, and he mentions his brother, Jonathan Swain.
Will of Shubael Pinkham, probated November, 1767, gave his estate to widow Abigail for life and then to children, Richard, Benjamin, Shubael, Daniel, Mary Coffin, Ruth Coleman, Anna Gardner, Abigail Macy, and Phebe Bunker. To son Benjamin, "all my Looms."
January, 1768, Margaret Chase, widow, appointed administratrix of the estate of her husband Stephen Chase.
Will of Richard Coffin, probated April, 1768, gave estate to widow Ruth and to children, Barnabas, Richard, Francis, Silvanus, Lydia Anthony wife of Joseph, Judith Macy, Abigail Worth, Ruth Folger, and to children of my deceased daughter Phebe Swain. -
November, 1767. A guardian appointed for Barnabas Gardner, insane.
Will of John Coffin, probated May, 1768, transfered his estate to wife Lydia and children Peter, Jethro, John, Richard, Keziah Gardner, Deborah Myrick, Lydia Fosdick, Parnal Brock, and to granddaughters Mary and Parnal Paddock, children of my daughter Parnal Brock. In his estate were enumerated a silver Tankard, spoons and a "Clash."
June, 1768. A guardian appointed for Silas Rand, son of Caleb, aged 14. -
May, 1768. Inventory of estate Benjamin Chase included a Desk, large looking glass, silver tankard, and spoons.
June, 1768. Elisha Gardner, blacksmith, and George Gardner, Gentleman, were appointed administrators of the estate of Jeremiah Gardner.
On same date, probated will of Francis Coffin, which gave an estate for life to wife Ann and then to children, of which only Hepsibah is named.
Will of John Ellis, probated August, 1768, gave estate to wife Dinah and then to children William, Abigail, Dinah Gardner, Hepzibah, Susannah and Deborah.
October, 1768. Probated will of Barnabas Gardner. His wife was Mary and children were Mary Worth wife of Francis, Hannah, Susannah Russell, Jedediah, Abigail, Hepzibah, Jethro, Zaccheus, Jonathan.
Will of Nathan Coffin, probated January, 1768, gave estate to wife Lydia and children Nathan, Charles and others not named.
November, 1769. Will of Hezekiah Coffin probated and gave estate to wife Lydia and then to children Mary, Elijah, Elizabeth, Uriah, Abihu, Eliel, Lebbeus and Laban. Lebbeus was "a poor decrepid child."
January, 1769. Benjamin Clark, administrator of estate of John Clark. -
April, 1769. Phebe Meader, administrator estate of her husband Nason Meader.
June, 1769. Eunice Ray, administratrix , estate Samuel Ray, and at the same date guardians were appointed for his children Barnabas and Elizabeth, who were over 14, and Christopher, Daniel, Samuel, Mary and Jonathan, who were under that age.
Will Nathaniel Hussey, probated July, 1769, gave to wife Judith, estate for life and then to children Francis, David, Peleg, Abraham, Nathaniel, Phebe and Rachel.
March, 1770. Nathaniel Coffin was appointed guardian for his sisters-in-law Miriam and Huldah Coffin, children of Tristram.
April, 1770. Will of David Baschard, a native of London, Tavern Keeper, was probated. Besides a legacy to his sister Mary, his estate was given to his wife Elizabeth, and included a negro girl slave and a pew in the Congregational Meeting House. His estate valued at £1000.
At the same date, a guardian was appointed for Francis and Hepzibah Coffin, children of Francis, deceased.
Will of Daniel Pinkham, probated July, 1770, gave estate to wife Abigail, brother Theophilus and to Peleg, son of my brother Peleg.
Will of Abishai Gardner, probated October, 1770, mentions the fact of a former marriage "before I married last," and that his father was Robert, and Christopher Starbuck was his brother-in-law. His estate was given to his wife Mary and daughters Phebe and Lydia.
November, 1770. Reuben Gardner was appointed administrator of estate of Thaddeus Gardner, in whose estate was a mulatto Boy.
Will of Priscilla Trott, probated January, 1771, gives estate to Kinsman Benjamin Trott and Kinswoman Ann Trott.
Will of Mary Barnard, probated February, 1771, gave estate to children Lydia Folger, Miriam Clark, John Worth, Christopher Worth, Jonathan Worth, Stephen and Wm. Barnard and to grandchildren Abishai, Phebe, Lydia, Jemima, Miriam and Huldah Coffin. She had a son-in-law Jonathan Folger.
May, 1771. Daniel Pinkham, cooper, and Hepzibah Pinkham, widow, admrs. of estate of Benjamin Pinkham.
On the same date Parnel Coffin, widow of Edward Coffin, administratrix of his estate.
June, 1771. Paul Paddock, administrator estate of Nathaniel Paddock.
At same date, administration on estate of Elijah Daggett.
Will of Wm. Barnard, probated August, 1771, gave estate to wife Mary and to children. In 1777 when the Division was made the children were Mary, Tristram, Miriam Macy, Obed, Paul, Eunice Swain, Lydia Coffin and Phebe.
September, 1771. Hezekiah Gardner, Cordwainer, administrator estate of Peter Gardner.
Will of Abel Gardner, probated October, 1771, transferred estate to wife Priscilla and children Priscilla Russell, Sarah Gardner. Phebe Rawson, Elizabeth Aldridge, Eunice Bunker, Nathan, Ephraim, Shubael, James, Joshua, Abel, Heirs of my children Abigail and Joshua, both deceased.
January, 1772. Guardian appointed for children of Edward Coffin, deceased, Christopher above 14. Peter, Edward and Sarah.
Will of Robert Macy, probated January, 1772, gave estate to children Nathaniel, Robert, John, Judith Stratton, Elizabeth Moores, John, Abigail, Mary Eunice ; grandchildren Deborah Cartwright, Phebe and Lydia Gardner, and to his widow Abigail Macy.
At the same date, administration on estate of Samuel Maxey.
Will of Solomon Coleman, probated February, 1772, gave to wife Deliverance a life estate, and the rest to children Hepzibah, Christopher, Abigail Coffin, Elizabeth Gwinn, Hepzibah, Daniel, Peleg, George, Francis, Solomon.
At the same date, will of James Proctor gave all estate to wife Lydia.
April, 1772. Will of Lemuel Barnard gave his estate, one half to his brother Matthew and the other half to the children of his brother Robert, who were Jonathan, Matthew, Nathaniel, Robert, Abishai and Shubael.
Will of John Jackson, probated April, 1772, gave estate to wife Abigail.
May, 1772. Richard Chadwick, administrator estate of Patience Swain.
At the same date, probated the will of Elias Coffin, which gave estate to wife Love, sons-in-law John Woodbury and Jeremy Prior, and to children Anna Pinkham, Jane, Dinah, Elias, Prince, John, Merab and Love. The silver Tankard went to Anna.
June, 1772. Probated will of Jethro Folger, which transferred his estate to children John, Tristram, Jethro, Anna Mitchell, Lydia Coffin. Eunice Coleman, the heirs of my deceased daughter Jedidah Gardner, and my grandson Paul Swain.
At the same date, Judith Barnard, widow, appointed administratrix estate of her husband Christopher Barnard, which was valued at £1322.
July, 1772. Guardian appointed for children of Christopher Barnard, namely Christopher and two daughters not named.
July 28, 1772. Will of Joseph Macy probated. It transferred estate to wife Hannah and to children Mary, Bertha Swain, Joseph, Henry, Paul and Enoch.
August, 1772. Administration on estate of Wm. Bunker.
January, 1773. Elizabeth Moores, administratrix of estate of her husband Alexander Moores.
At the same date, administration on estate of Daniel Hussey, valued at £3300, and included one-fourth sloops Harlequin and Mayflower, and a Silver Tankard.
Will of Jonathan Coffin, probated March, 1773, gave estate to wife Hepzibah and children Jonathan, Joshua, Susannah, Anna Paddock, Mary Hussey, Heirs of son Henry, and of daughter Hepzibah, and James Coffin, son of my son James, deceased.
Will of Eliphalet Paddock, probated April, 1773, gave estate to wife, Naomi, children Jonathan, Benjamin, Silas, Eliphalet, David, Hannah, children of my son Joseph, of my deceased daughter Abigail, and to my granddaughters Mary and Parnel Paddock.
May, 1773. Elizabeth Moores, widow of Alexander Moores, appointed guardian of Reuben and four other children of herself and Alexander.
June, 1773. The settlement of the estate of Benjamin Pinkham was approved, his four youngest children not named placed under guardianship. It appears that his widow Hepzibah had married a Coffin, that Charles was the oldest child and there were seven others not named.
December, 1773. Administration on estate of George Macy. He left widow Margaret and son George, 3 years old.
January 7, 1774. Administration on estate of Zaccheus and Lydia Howes.
Will of Richard Coffin, probated Feb., 1774, gave estate to daughter Lydia and named as executor his brother-in-law Benjamin Fosdick.
February, 1774. Tristram Swain appointed guardian of his nephew James Coffin, son of James, over 14.
February, 1774. Samuel Gardner appointed guardian of his niece Anna Howes, daughter of Zaccheus, aged 15.
March 4, 1774. Ruth Meader, widow of Nicholas Meader, administratrix estate of her husband.
April, 1774. Hannah Lambert, widow of Zaccheus Lambert, administratrix of his estate.
At same date, Benjamin Chase, son of Isaac, deceased, aged 14, placed under guardianship.
May, 1774. The widow of Daniel Hussey, Hepzibah, had become insane and was placed under guardianship, and so were his children Joseph, Timothy and Alpheus.
September, 1774. Administration on estate of John Hall.
September, 1774. Benjamin and Hepzibah Barnard were appointed administrators of estate of Stephen Barnard.
Will of William Aldrich probated November 4, 1774, and gave all estate to his wife Abigail.
November 4, 1774, Lydia Folger, widow of Shubael Folger, was appointed administratrix of his estate.
Will of Peleg Pinkham, probated January, 1775, gave estate to wife Susannah and to children Peleg and Judith Coffin. .
January, 1775. Mary Pinkham, daughter of James Coffin and granddaughter of Jonathan Coffin, was not named in the will of the latter, but her claim on that account was not allowed.
Will of Zephaniah Coffin, probated January, 1775, and gave estate to wife Abigail and children Solomon, Mary Bunker, Miriam Macy, Abigail Bunker, Shubael, Paul, Zephaniah and Stephen and heirs of my two deceased daughters,. Hepzibah Coffin and Dinah Bunker.
Will of Ruth Upham, probated March, 1775, and estate went to children, Abigail Smith, Eunice Brown, Priscilla Ramsdell, granddaughter Anna Williams, son-in-law James Williams and grandson Jethro Starbuck.
Will of William Long, probated May, 1775, gave all estate to wife Lois.
May, 1775. Will of Nathaniel Folger was probated and gave estate to children Elizabeth Pease, Rebecca Merchant, Judith Heath and Paul.
Will of Peter Barnard, probated June, 1775, transferred estate to kinsman, Nathaniel Coleman, wife Anna, and children Nathaniel, Peter, Daniel, Elisha, Elizabeth Ray, Judith Barnard, grand children, Christopher Barnard, children of my deceased son Christopher, two children of my deceased daughter, Eunice Starbuck, and my granddaughter, Lucinda Barnard.
Will of George Brown, probated July, 1775, gave estate to wife Abigail and to children Elizabeth, Mary, Priscilla Briant, Abigail Macy, Francis, James and Joseph.
August, 1775. Administration on estate of John Osborne to widow Sarah.
August, 1775. Administration on estate of Francis Higgins, whose only heir was a sister, Hope Breton.
November, 1775. Estate of Robert Russell divided between the widow Jemima and Benjamin Russell.
December, 1775. Estate of Peter Bunker divided between Peter Bunker and Jonathan Bunker.
December, 1775. Lucy Morton, widow of Taber Morton, administratrix of his estate, valued at £1,850.
December, 1775. Sarah Hussey, widow of Seth Hussey, administratrix of his estate.
Will of Ebenezer Calef, probated June, 1776, gave estate to wife Elizabeth and to children Robert, Ebenezer, Mary Hussey, wife of Obed, Elizabeth Brock, wife of William, Margaret Coggeshall, wife of Paul.
July 5, 1776. Moses Giles, administrator estate of John Way, valued at £1,500 and included share in windmill.
Will of Benjamin Trott, probated August, 1776, gave estate to mother Elizabeth and to sisters Ann and Priscilla.
August, 1776. Estate of Patience Swain divided between Chapman Swain, Dinah Cathcart, Ann Cartwright, Deborah Chadwick and Oliver Swain.
Will of Jabez Macy, probated September, 1776, gave estate to wife Sarah and to children Eunice Beard, Lydia Jenkins, Sarah Macy, .Jethro. daughter-in-law Rachel Macy, sons Daniel and Matthew.
December. 1776. The settlement of the estate of Peter Gardner required the appointment of guardians for children Matthew, Margaret, who chose their uncle Hezekiah Gardner, and two others not named. The widow Deborah had married a Coleman.
May, 1777. Division of estate of Jeremiah Gardner between children George, Elisha and Ruth Spooner.
Will Samuel Ray, probated October, 1776, gave estate to children Mary, William. John, David, Alexander, Enoch, Benjamin. Sarah Gardner, and children of my deceased son Samuel.
February, 1776. Administration on estate of Robert Barnard granted to widow, Margaret.
March, 1777. Administration on estate of Peter Bunker.
Will of Thomas Starbuck, probated March, 1777, and transferred his estate to wife Rachel and to children Silvanus, William, Thomas, Gayer, Hezekiah, Elizabeth Folger, and the children of deceased daughter Rachel Gardner, viz.: Paul, Libni, George, Zenas, Lydia, Rachel and Dorcas.
April, 1777. Administration on estate of Andrew Myrick.
May, 1777. Administration on estate of Mary Ray granted to David Ray.
Will of Caleb Bunker, probated July, 1777, gave estate to wife Priscilla, son Caleb, John Brock, son of my deceased daughter, Anna Brock, Benjamin Bunker, son of my deceased son William, and the other children of William, Anna Gardner, William, Samuel, George, Mary and Priscilla, and other children of my deceased daughter Anna Brock, namely, Thomas, Margaret Coffin, John, Thaddeus and Lydia Brock.
Will of Elizabeth Caleb, [should read will of Elizabeth Calef] probated July, 1777, gave her estate to children Robert, Ebenezer, Mary Hussey, Elizabeth Brock and Margaret Coggeshall. -
Will Jonathan Gardner, probated August, 1777, gave estate to wife Patience and children Elizabeth Coffin, Eunice Ray, Keziah Paddock, Ruth Crosby, Dinah Paddock, Mary Clark, Seth, Simeon, Elihu and Barnabas.
Will of Mary Barnard probated September, 1777, mentions the fact that her father was Samuel Coffin and that her children were Tristram, Paul, Miriam Macy, Eunice Swain, Lydia Coffin, Obed, Phebe and Mary, the last three being minors.
Will of Jonathan Pitts, probated September, 1777, gave estate to wife Huldah and four children not named.
September, 1777, administration on estate of Noah Pease granted to widow Anria.
October, 1777, John Worth appointed administrator estate to Mary Crosby.
January, 1778, Charles Pinkham guardian of his brother Obed Pinkham. both being sons of Benjamin.
February, 1778, will of Abishai Folger probated and property passed to wife Dinah and children, William, George, Timothy, Abishai, John, Robert. Reuben, Sarah, Hepzibah and Dinah.
Will of Abigail Way probated February, 1778, gave estate to daughter, Mary Starbuck, and to grandchildren, Abigail Swain and Anna Howes.
Will John Worth probated June. 1778, and gave estate to wife Abigail and children, Deborah, George, Eliakim. Hannah, Elizabeth, David, Edmund. He had a brother-in-law, Edmund Heath.