To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Births - COFFIN, Aaron to Eliza
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Aaron, ch. Benjamin and Eliza[beth], _____ , CR4. [h. Mary (d. William Barnard and Mary), h. Sarah (d. John Hussey of N. C.), s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Hussey), ___, 1761, P.R.38.]
Aaron, ch. Benjamin and Judith [(Macy) P.R.38.], 10th, 10 mo. 1773, CR4
Aaron, s. Uriah and Sarah Butler [sic], 25th, 8 mo. 1798, P.R.38.
Aaron, h. Rebecca (d. Barzillai Burdett and Eunice), h. Lydia B. (d. Hezekiah Folger and Lucinda), h. Harriet
(wid. Joseph F. Barrett, d. Frederick Barnard), s. Barzillai and Rebecca (Coffin), 11th, 9 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Abbot, s. Charles G, merchant, and Eliza of N., Jan. 28, 1845, in N. [Abbott, h. Agnes [dup. Avis] Sawyer, s. Charles G. and Eliza (McArthur), P.B.38.]
Abby, d. Prince and Judith (Hussey), _____, PR38.
Abby P., w. George B. Waldron, w. Gen. Richard Arnold [Arnold written in pencil], d.Timothy G. and Betsey (Parker), —, 1835, P.R.38.
Abel, h. Deborah (d. Benjamin Russell and Rebecca (Gardner)), s. James and Priscilla (Rawson), _____, PR38.
Abel, h. Eunice (d. Richard Alley and Martha), s. Jonathan and Peggy (Coffin), 22d, 3 mo. 1768, PR38.
Abel, ch. James and Janet, Apr. 18, 1779. [ch. James and Jennet, CR3. h. Anna (d. Silvan= Russell), s. James and Jeanette (Coffin), PR38.]
Abel, h. Rhoda (d. Stephen Gardner Jr.), s. Barnabas and Phebe (Marshall), _____, PR38.
Abial, ch. Barnabas and Abigail, 7th, 12 mo. 1758, CR4. [w. Jonathan Barney 2d, Dec. 27, G.R.3. w. Jonathan Barney (s. Benjamin and Huldah), d. Barnabas and Abigail (Folger), PR38.]
Abial, ch. Nathaniel and Rebecca, 25th, 10 mo. 1759, CR4 [Abiel, second w. Christopher Hussey (s. Christopher and Mary), d. Nathaniel and Rebecca (Coleman), PR38.
Abial, w. Paul Coleman (s. Matthew and Hannah), d. Christopher and Abigail (Coleman), 22d, 7 mo. 1785, PR38.
Abial, W. John Fisher, d. Gideon and Mary, 8th, 7 mo. 1791, P.R.38.
Abigail (see Abby).
Abigail, w. Daniel Davidson of Ipswich and Newbury, d. Peter and Abigail (Starbuck), 20th, 10 mo. 1657 [? in N. H.], P.R.38.
Abigail, w. Nathaniel Gardner (s. Richard and Sarah), d. James and Mary (Severance), —, 1666, P.R.38.
Abigail, d. Peter Jr., July 9, 1683. [w. Jedediah Fitch ("1st of Nantucket, From Norwich, Conn."), d. Peter and Elizabeth (Starbuck), 9th, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Abigail, d. John, Oct. 21, 1708. [w. Zaccheus Folger (s. John and Mary), d. John and Hope (Gardner), 21st, 10 mo., P.R.38.]
Abigail, d. George and Ruth, July 12, 1719. [w. Daniel Smith, d. George and Ruth (Swain), 12th, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Abigail, ch. Richard and Ruth, 22d, 6 mo. 1729, CR4 [w. Seth Swain (s. John and Mary), w. Nathaniel Worth (s. Joseph and Lydia), d. Richard and Ruth (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Abigail, ch. Cromwel and Ruth, bp. Sept. 14. 1733, C.R.I. [W. James Gardner (s. Abel), d. Cromwell and Ruth (Coffin), b. —, 1735, P.R.38.]
Abigail, ch. Benjamin and Jedidah, 24th, 10 mo. 1736, CR4 [w. Matthew Macy (s. Jabez and Sarah), d. Benjamin and Abigail, (Hussey), P.R.38.]
Abigail, ch. Capt. Josiah and Elisabeth, June 1, 1743. [ch. Josiah Esq.. C.R.1. w. Elias Coffin Jr., d. Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth (Coffin), 1st, 6 mo. P.R.38.]
Abigail, w. Samuel Marshall (s. James). d. Abner and Phebe (Butler). 6th, 6 mo. 1746 [dup. 1745]. P.R.38.
Abigail, ch. Zepheniah and Abigail (second w.), ___, 7 mo. 1752, CR4. [w. Solomon Bunker (s. David and Elizabeth), d. Zephaniah and Abigail (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Abigail, d. Joseph, painter, and Elizabeth (Jillings), 3d, 3 mo. 1764, P.R.38.
Abigail, d. Obed and Phebe (Gardner). 6th. 10 mo. 1770, P.R.38.
Abigail, ch. Solomon and Eunice, 23d, 11 mo. 1775, CR4 [w. Joseph Allen (s. Benjamin and Abigail), d. Solomon and Eunice (Macy), P.R.38.]
Abigail, w. James J. Pollock, d. Elias and Abigail (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Abigail, ch. Sheffield and Eliza[beth], _____, C.R.4 [w. Jonathan Purrington of Hudson, d. Sheffield and Elizabeth (Barnard), P.R.38.]
Abigail, d. Elijah and Abigail (Folger). _, 1 mo. 1783 [sic, see death of Elijah], P.R.38.
Abigail, d. Libni and Hepzibah (Starbuck), _____, P.R.38.
Abigail, d. Paul and Susanna (Bunker), _____, P.R.38.
Abigail, d. Matthew and Hannah Mendenhall, _____, PR38.
Abigail, d. Francis and Ruth (Upham), _____, PR38.
Abigail, ch. Zimri and Abigail, _____, CR4
Abigail, ch. Zimri and Abigail, _____, CR4
Abigaile, d. Jethro, 12th, 12 mo. 1700-1. [Abigail, w. Nathaniel Woodbury, w. Eliakim Swain, d. Jethro and Mary (Gardner), 12th, 2 mo. 1701, P.R.38.]
Abihu, ch. Hezekiah and Lydia. 24th, 9 mo. 1757. [h. Elizabeth (Folger) Wharton, h. Elizabeth (d. John Long), s. Hezekiah and Lydia (Folger), P.R.38.]
Abijah, s. Will[ia]m and Priscilla [(Paddack) P.R.38.1, May 22, 1760.
Abijah, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 7th, 2 mo. 1773, CR4 [h. Priscilla (d. Thomas Brock), s. Ebenezer and Mary (Cartwright), P.R.38.]
Abijah, h. Olive Sumner, s. Libni and Hepzibah (Starbuck), _____, PR38.
Abishai, s. Micah and Dorcas (Coleman), _____, PR38.
Abishai, ch. Tristram and Jemima, _____, CR4. [h. Sarah (d. John Long and Jane Luce), s. Tristram and Jemima (Barnard), 3d, 1 mo. 1746, P.R.38.]
Abner, h. Phebe (d. John Butler of Newport, R. I.), s. Peter "(Nope)" and Hope (Gardner), _____ , P.R.38.
Abner, h. Patience (d. Jonathan Russell and Patience), h. Desire Benthal. s. Abner and Phebe (Butler), 11th, 11 mo. 1745, P.R.38.
Abner, ch. Benjamin and Jedidah, 20th, 3 mo. 1753, CR4 [h. Elizabeth (d. Peleg Gardner), s. Benjamin and Jedidah (Hussey), P.R.38.]
Abner, h. Esther Godfrey Northrop, s. Philip and Catherine (Thompson) (second w.), 15th, 12 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Abraham, ch. Benjamin and Jedidah, 5th, 9 mo. 1750, CR4. [h. Hannah Gaskill, s. Benjamin and Jedidah (Hussey),
Abraham, h. Lydia (d. Nathaniel Bunker and Lydia), s. Matthew and Matilda (Coffin), 15th, 1 mo. 1785, P.R.38.
Absolem [chip. Absalom), h. Mary (d. Paul Folger and Catherine), s. Obed and Phebe (Gardner), ___, 1768, P.R.38.
Achsah, w. Joseph Hubbard (father of Jeremiah), d. William and Elizabeth Vestal (second w.), _____ P.R.38. -
Adaline (see Adeline).
Adam, ch. Benjamin and Eliza[beth], _____, CR4 [h. Jeminaa. (d. Francis Barnard and Elizabeth [sic. Catherine, dup. cl. William Barnard and Mary (Coffin)], h. Margaret (wid. Silvanus Folger, d. Daniel Russell), s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Hussey), —. 5 mo. 1767, P.R.38.]
Addison, h. Ruth Hadley, s. Vestal and Aletha Fluke, 29th. 1 mo. 1822 [? in N. C.], P.R.38.
Adeline, w. Eli C. Balch (brother of Simeon of Vt.), d. Gardner and Mary Jackson (Goodwin), 18th, 5 mo. 1806. P.R.38.
Adeline, w. David Upham Coffin (s. Francis and Ruth), d. Barrett and Hannah (Coffin), 21st, 11 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Adeline, w. Francis Clark, d. Ralph and Abigail (Chase), —,
Adeline, w. Oliver Couse, d. Barnabas and Mary (Starbuck), 12th, 3 mo. 1818, P.R.38. -
Adeline [dup. Adaline], d. George B. [dup. C.] and Sarah [dup. Susan] Sanborn of Maine, _____ , P.R.38.
Albert, ch. Nathaniel and Rebecca, 2d, 6 mo. 1764, CR4.
Albert, ch. William. and Hepzibah, 18th, 11 mo. 1766, CR4 [h. Eliza Ripley of Edgartown, h. Polly (d. James Fay), s. William and Hephzibah (Barney), 12th [dup. 18th], 11 mo., PR38.]
Albert, ch. James and Janet, June 24, 1773. [ch. James and Jennet, C.R.3. h. Martha Gibbs, s. James and Jeanette (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Albert, h. Elizabeth (wid. Job Coleman, d. John Fosdick), s. Brown and Deborah (Coleman), _____, P.R.38.
Albert, ch. Zepheniah and Hepsibah, _____, CR4.
Albert, h. Sarah (d. Nathaniel Earl), s. Jethro and Sophia Whitefield, 4th, 4 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Albert, h. Anstrus (d. Pelatiah Varney), s. Charles F. and Mary (Fulson), _____, P.R.38.
Albert, s. Amial and Mary (Coffin), 21st, 2 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Albert C., s. Prince and Eliza (Austin). 1st, 9 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
Albert J., h. Jane, s. Capt. Noah and Lydia (Bunker), _____, P.R.38.
Albert M., ch. Charles 3d and Mary, 20th, 8 mo. 1809, CR4.
Albert S., h. Mary Ann (d. David Baker), s. Reuben and Elizabeth (Bunker), 26th. 1 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Alexander, s. Ebenezer, 20th, 12 mo. 1713. [h. Judith (d. Jonathan Bunker), s. Ebenezer and Eleanor (Barnard), P.R.38.]
Alexander, h. Eunice (d. David Bunker), s. Alexander and Judith (Bunker), 21st, 9 mo. 1740, P.R.38.
Alexander Jr., h. Lydia (d. Bachelor Hussey and Anna), h. Mary (wid. William Gelston, d. John Dayton), s. Alexander and Eunice (Bunker), 16th [dup. 17th], 11 mo. 1764, P.R.38.
Alexander, h. Lucinda (d. Joseph Weeks and Content), h. Eliza (d. Reuben Burdett), s. James Jr. and Rhoda (Gardner), 10th, IO mo. 1784, P.R.38.
Alexander, ch. Benjamin and Judith, 30th, 4 mo. 1788, CR4 [s. Benjamin and Judith (Macy), P.R.38.]
Alexander, h. Lydia (d. Peter Myrick and Merab (Gardner)), s. Samuel and Eunice (Folger), 20th, 8 mo. 1790, P.R.38.
Alexander, s. Alexander Jr. and Lydia (Hussey), ___, 1793, P.R.38.
Alexander, s. Charles M. and Judith (Barnard), _____, P.R.38.
Alexander Jr., h. Mary G. (d. Joseph Edwards and Lydia), s. Alexander and Lucinda (Weeks), 13th, 9 mo. 1813, P.R.38.
Alexander Jr., s. Alexander M. and Catherine Campbell, _____, PR38.
Alexander B., h. Lucy Ann (d. David Andrews and Phebe), s. Jesse and Mary (Bunker), 1st, 4 mo. [dup. 18th, 3 mo.] 1825, P.R.38.
Alexander Drew, h. Judith M. (d. Prince Baker), s. Job and Mary (Drew) (Chadwick), 25th, 7 mo. 1814, PR38.
Alexander F., s. Benjamin F. and Ann (Stubbs), 2d, 5 mo. 1794., P.R.38.
Alexander G., ch. William Barnard and Deborah, 22d, 7 mo. 1817, CR4. [h. Narcissa (Batty), s. William Barnard
and Deborah (Swain), 10th [dup. 22d], 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Alexander G., h. Caroline C. (d. Benjamin Turner and Rhoda), s. Alexander and Lydia (Myrick), 17th, 5 mo. 1821,
Alexander H., h. Jane Vincent, s. Robert and Magdalen (Bentley), 7th, 6 mo. 18o5, P.R.38.
Alexander H., h. Eliza Ann (d. Thaddeus Worth and Love), s. Owen and Jedidah (Hall), 28th, 8 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
Alexander J., h. Lydia (d. Latham Stratton and Phebe), h. Mary (d. Salmon Coffin and Anna), s. Eliab and Mary
(Jenkins), _____, P.R.38. -
Alexander M., h. Catherine Campbell, s. Albert and Polly (Fay) (second w.), ___,1791, P.R.38.
Alexander W., s. Alexander H. and Eliza (Worth), —, 1834, P.R.38.
Alfred, h. Margaret (d. Joseph Chase and Rebecca), s. Abner and Elizabeth (Gardner), 4th, 5 mo. 1780, P.R.38.
Alfred, h. Mary E. Johnson, s. Vestal and Aletha Fluke, 26th, 1O mo. 1819 [? in N. C.], P.R.38.
Alfred, h. Lilian [dup. Lillias] (d. Moses Marcus of New York), s. Gorham and Rebecca, —, 1822 [dup. —, 5 mo. 1821], P.R.38.
Alfred (see George Alfred).
Alfred B., h. Emeline G. (d. William B. Bunker and Susan P.), s. Reuben and Hepzibah (Gardner), 2d, 1O mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Alfred M., h. Lydia M. (d. Gideon Coffin), h. Julia A. Shaw, s. William and Valina, 28th, 10 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Alfred M., h. Nancy M. (d. Benjamin F. Coffin and Mary), s. Valentine and Jemima, —, 4 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Alice, w. Antipas Taber of New Bedford, d. Timothy and Priscilla (Cook), —, 1778, P.R.38.
Alice (see Elsie).
Allen, h. Isabella M. (d. Allen Lucas of New Bedford), s. Jesse and Mary (Bunker), 8th, 7 mo. 1837, P.R.38.
Alpheus, CiL Stephen and Mary, 19th, 3 mo. 1767, CR4 [h. Love (d. Jonathan Pitts), s. Stephen and Mary (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Alvin C., h. Martha Ann (wid. "of his bro. Wm B."), s. Capt. Seth Jr. and Lydia (Coleman). ___, 1836, PR38.
Alvin N., s. James M. and Ann J. (Swain), _____, P.R.38.
Alvin S., h. Phebe Ann Bolton, s. Cyrus and Abigail (Butler), 29th, 11 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Amelia, d. Peter and Charlotte (Mooers), ___, 1818, P.R.38.
Amelia, d. William and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1822, G.R.3.
Amelia, [twin] d. Charles and Hannah Lyon, 15th, 5 mo. 1836, P.R.38.
Amelia F., d. John Foster and Lydia (Cartwright),_____, .P.R.38.
Amelia Lafayette, d. William Jr. and Elizabeth C. (Hussey), —, 1- mo. 1824, P.R.38.
Amial, h. Mary (d. William Bunker and Abigail), h. Mary (d. Elijah Coffin and Ruth), s. John and Susanna (Clark), 11th, 4 mo. 1784, P.R.38.
Ammiel, ch. Shubael and Mary (second w.), 30th, 9 mo. 1765. CR4. [Ammial, s. Shubael and Mary (Swain) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Andrew, ch. Capt. Josiah and Elisabeth, Aug. 12, 1736. [s. Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth (Coffin), 12th, 8 mo., P.R.38.1
Andrew, ch. Hezekiah and Lydia, 22d, 6 mo. 1745, CR4. [s. Hezekiah and Lydia (Folger), P.R.38.]
Andrew, s. Josiah and Judith (Coffin), _____, P.R.38. [s. Josiah Esq. and Judith, Nov. 23. 1762. P.R.56.]
Andrew, ch. James and Janet, Aug. 21, 1769. [ch. James and Jennet, C.R.3. s. James and Jeanette (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Andrew, h. Deborah (d. Wickliffe Chadwick), s. Elijah and Abigail (Folger), 15th. 7 mo. 1773, P.R.38.
Andrew, h. Frances Saunders, s. Elisha and Eunice (Myrick), _____, P.R.38.
Andrew G., h. Elizabeth M. (d. Isaac Sherwood of New York), h. Elizabeth Pearson of New York, s. Gorham and Rebecca (Mitchell), 4th, 9 mo. 1816, P.R.38.
Andrew Swain, ch. Laban and Abigail (second w.), 19th, 7 mo. 1795, CR4. [s. Laban and Abigail (Tobey or Talman), PR38.]
Ann, w. Gilbert Deblois, d. William and Ann (Holmes), 15th. 12 mo. 1730, P.R.38.
Ann, ch. Capt. Josiah and Elisabeth, Apr. 11, 1741. [Anna, w. Joseph Clark (s. David and Ruth), d. Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth (Coffin), 11th, 4 mo., P.R.38.]
Ann, ch. Peleg and Hephziloah, Nov. 22, 1749. [Anna, w. Valentine Barnard (s. Thomas and Sarah), d. Peleg and Hepsibeth (Coffin), 22d, 11 mo., P.R.38.]
Ann [____ , w. Thaddeus], Dec. 25, 1764, P.R.18. [w. Thaddeus Coffin (s. Henry and Mary), d. ____ Parker of London, P.R.38.]
Ann, ch. Peter and Priscilla, _____, CR4.
Ann, ch. Jonathan and Abigail, 19th. 3 mo. 1780, [w. Frederick Swain, cl. Jonathan and Abigail (Austin), 20th, 3 mo., P.R.38.]
Ann [dup. Nancy, mother of Adeline Fanning. w. P. S. Folger, d. Thaddeus and Ann.], Oct. 7, 1784, P.R.18. [Ann [Nancy written above Ann], w. John C. Fanning [q. v.], second w. Peleg Slocum Folger, d. Thaddeus and Ann, P.R.38.]
Ann, w. Zachary Hyatt, d. Libni and Hepzibah (Starbuck), _____, PR38.
Ann, w. Archibald Craig, d Alexander Jr. and Lydia (Hussey), ___, 1788, P.R.38.
Ann, d. Hezekiah Jr. and Nancy (Bunker), 22d, 1 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Ann, second w. Daniel Coffin (s. John and Elizabeth), d. Robert and Anna (Black), 4th, 7 mo. 1811, P.R.38.
Ann, w. George F. Russell ("a Portuguese"), d. David and Susan (Swain), 10th, 10 mo. 1817, P.R.38.
Ann, second w. Edward C. Swain (s. Silas), d. Paul and Priscilla (Johnston) (Gardner), 12th, 2 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Ann E., [twin] d. Henry 2d, mariner, and Phebe of N., Feb. 6, 1848, in N. [Anna B., w. Joseph W. Marshall, [twin] d. Henry S. and Phebe F. (Barnard), 9th, 6 mo., P.R.38.]
Ann Eliza, w. Charles E. Gorham (s. Davis), d. Thaddeus and Eliza (Cartwright), 13th. 3 mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Ann Joy, d. James M. and Emily (Swain), _____, P.R.38.
Ann M., w. Joseph W. Francis Jr., d. Eliza, ___, 1836, P.R.38.
Ann Maria, w. Ezra W. Lewis (s. Simeon and Eliza), d. Charles G. and Hannah S. (Phinney), 3d, 8 mo. 1849, P.R.38.
Anna, w. Solomon Gardner (s. Richard and Mary), d. Stephen and Mary (Bunker), _____, P.R.38.
Anna, d. Jonathan, 5th, 1 mo. 1720. [Ann, ch. Hephzibah, C.R.1. Anna, w. Paul Paddack, d. Jonathan and Hepsibeth (Harker), P.R.38.]
Anna, w. Bachelor Hussey (s. Silvanus and Hepzibah), d. Daniel and Mary Blake, 2d [dup. 12th], 7 mo. 1729, P.R.38.
Anna, ch. Elias and Love, Aug. 11, 1735. [second w. George Pinkham (s. Barnabas and Priscilla), d. Elias and Love (Coffin), 11th, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Anna, ch. Zaccheus and Mary, 22d, 1 mo. 1736, CR4 [first w. Silvanus Russell, d. Zaccheus and Mary (Pinkham), P.R.38.]
Anna. ch.. Benjamin and Jedidah, 28th, 6 mo. 1740, CR4. [w. Charles Clasby, d. Benjamin and Jedidah (Hussey), P.R.38.]
Anna, w. ____ Carruthers, d. Gayer and Rebecca Parker, _____, P.R.38.
Anna, ch. John and Anna, 9th, 6 mo. 1755, CR4 [w. Jonathan Upham (s. Jonathan), d. John and Anna (Coleman), 8th, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Anna, d. Jethro and Hannah (Pinkham), _____, P.R.38.
Anna, ch. Paul and Ruth, 1st, 7 mo. 1771, CR4 [d. Paul and Ruth (Pinkham), P.R.38.]
Anna, d. Jethro and Margaret (Brock), 20th, 4 mo. 1773, P.R.38.
Anna, d. Elijah and Abigail (Folger), 6th, 8 mo. 1778, P.R.38.
Anna, d. John and Eliz[abeth]. Aug. 3, 1779, C.R.3. [w. Eliakim Swain (s. Timothy), w. William Hart, d. John and Elizabeth (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Anna, second w. Obed Clark (s. Benjamin and Lydia (Harris)), d. Samuel and Eunice (Folger), 21st, 6 mo. 1780 [dup. 26th, 6 mo. 1779], P.R.38.
Anna, w. Benjamin Hussey (s. John and Lydia), d. John and Susanna (Clark), 3d, 8 mo. 1791, P.R.38.
Anna, d. Adam and Jemima (Barnard), _____ , P.R.38.
Anna, w. ____ (s. Joseph Leonard and second w.), d. Aaron and Mary (Barnard), _____, P.R.38.
Anna, teacher, d. Valentine and Anna (Wilson), 22d, 2 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Anna, w. Frank Miller, d. Benjamin Franklin and Elizabeth Besse, 9th, 12 mo. 1842, P.R.38.
Anna, d. William H. and Jane Mabbitt, _____ [? before 1850], P.R.38.
Anna B., w. Henry A. Kelley, d. Jared and Hepzibah (Swain), 20th, 8 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Anna B., w. John G. Carr (s. Moses), d. Edward C. and Elizabeth (Bunker), 15th, 3 mo. 1821, P.R.38.
Anna N., w. Lot Crocker of Barnstable, w. ____ Enos of Boston, d. Valentine and Sarah (Nye), ___, 1825, P.R.38.
Anna [dup. Ann] W., w. Cyrus H. Sawtelle of Maine, d. Charles West and Sophia F. (Sherman), 28th, 6 mo. 1833, P.R.38.
Antipas, ch. Jo[h]n and Lidia, bp. July 11, 1742, C.R.1.
Antipas, ch. Peter and Susanne (Bunker), _____, P.R.38.
Ariel, h. Priscilla (d. Benjamin Fosdick Jr.), h. Judith (d. Benjamin Coffin and Judith). s. Samuel and Eunice
(Folger), 6th., 2 mo. 1775, P.R.38.
Arnold, ch. Nathaniel and Rebecca, 14th, 9 mo. 1773, CR4.
Arthur, [twin] s. Charles and Hannah Lyon, 13th, 5 mo. 1836. PR38.
Arthur, [twin] s. Alfred and Lilian (Marcus), 15th, 2 mo. 1844, P.R.38.
Arthur, twin s. Frederick W. and Mary (Waters). 14th, 8 mo. 1847, P.R.38.
Arthur M., ___, 1837, G.R.2. [s. Charles G. and Eliza (McArthur), 21st, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Asa, ch. Hezekiah and Abigail, 24th, 12 mo. 1766, C.R4. [h. Judith (d. Reuben Coleman and Abigail), h. Eunice (wid. Newcomb Colesworthy, d. Jonathan Long), s. Hezekiah and Abigail (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Asa, h. Phebe (d. Cornelius Morselander Jr.), s. Obed and Phebe (Gardner), 19th [dup. 15th], 6 mo. 1785, P.R.38.
Asa, Dec. 14, 1802, [h. Hannah (d. Ebenezer Gardner 2d), s. Ichabod and Nancy (Brown), P.R.38.]
Asa, s. Asa 2d, cooper, and Hannah of N., Feb. 28, 1849. [Asa Jr., s. Asa and Hannah (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Augustus, bp. Dec. 10, 1843, C.R.1. [s. Edward W. and Mary (Plasket), b. 5th, 2 mo. 1840, P.R.38.]
Aurelia C., d. Thomas S., mariner, and Deborah C. of N., Nov. 25, 1843, in N.
Avis, w. Daniel Nicher, w. Howes Sears, d. Zacheriah and Deborah (Beard), 17th, 4 mo. 1777, P.R.38.
Avis, ch. Bartlet and Sarah, 2d, 9 mo. 1783, [w. Hiram Folger (s. Charles and Lydia), d. Bartlett and Sarah (Coffin), 17th, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Avis, w. John Chadwick (s. David), d. Alpheus and Love (Pitts), ___, 1790, P.R.38.
Avis, d. George B. and Abigail (Allen), ___, 1816, P.R.38.
Avis, w. Remington H. Varney (s. Pelatiah), d. Charles F. and Mary (Fulson), _____, P.R.38.
Avis, second w. Oscar Donning (brother of William), d. George B. and Abigail (Allen), _____, P.R.38.
Avis M., w. Joseph Enos ("Portuguese"), d. George P., "a Portuguese," and Azuba G. (Gould), 12th, 6 mo. 1838, PR38.
Barna, h. Susan (d. George Gardner and Judith), s. Gideon and Mary ("Marvel or Marble"), gth, 12 mo. 1794, PR38.
Barnabas, s. Peter Jr., Feb. 11, 1690. [s. Peter and Elizabeth (Starbuck), 12th, 4 mo. P.R.38.]
Barnabas, ch. William and Priscilla, Dec. 25, 1751. [Barnebas, CR4. Barnabas, h. Phebe (d. Joseph Marshall and Phebe), s. William and Priscilla (Paddack), 25th, 12 mo., P.R.38.]
Barnabas, ch. Daniel and Huldah, 19th, 4 mo. 1791, CR4. [h. Mary (d. David Starbuck), s. Daniel and Huldah (Bunker). P.R.38.]
Barnabas Jr, h. Sarah (d. John Wheeler), s. Barnabas and Phebe Marshall), _____, PR38.
Barnabas, h. Miriam (d. David Worth and Eunice), s. Joseph and Hannah Ballinger, _____, P.R.38.
Barnebas, ch. Richard and Ruth, 11th, 8 mo. 1727, C.R.4. [Barnabas, h. Abigail (d. Daniel Folder and Abigail). s. Richard and Ruth (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Barnebas, ch. Samuel and Elizabeth, 7th, 3 mo. 1763, in Martha's Vineyard, [Barnabas, s. Samuel and Elizabeth (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Barnebas, ch. Obed and Deborah, 10th, 6 mo. 1787, CR4.
Barrett, h. Hannah (wid. Henry Coffin, d. David Swain), s. James and Rhoda (Gardner), 5th, 10 mo. 1777, P.R.38.
Bartlet, ch. Bartlet and Judith, Jan. 17, 1737. [Bartlett, h. Lydia (d. Isaac Myrick), s. Bartlett and Judith (Bunker), 17th, 1 mo., P.R.38.]
Bartlet, ch. Peleg and Hephzibah, May 13, 1748. [Bartlett, h. Peggy (wid. Benjamin Tupper, d. Barnabas Pinkham), s. Peleg and Hepsibeth (Coffin), 18th, 5 mo., P.R.38.]
Bartlet, s. Benjamin and Rebekah (Coffin), July 19, 1757, P.R.16. [Bartlett, h. Sarah (d. Richard Coffin), h. Judith (Starbuck) Coffin, s. Benjamin and Rebecca (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Bartlet, ch. Thomas and Abigail, 14th, 6 mo. 1767, CR4 [Bartlett, h. Elizabeth (d. Charles Bunker and Mary), h. Anna (d. Benjamin Worth), h. Eunice Williams, s. Thomas and Abigail (Russell), P.R.38.]
Bartlett, h. Judith (d. Peleg Bunker and Susanna (Coffin)), s. Peter and Christian (Conde), _____, P.R.38.
Barzillai, ch. Richard and Mary, 8th, 9 mo. 1756, CR4 [s. Richard Jr. and Mary (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Barzillai, ch. Benjamin and Judith. 1st, 2 mo. 1778, CR4 [h. Rebecca (d. Samuel Coffin), h. Charlotte (d. Joseph Chase), s. Benjamin and Judith (Macy), P.R.38.]
Barzillai, s. Brown and Deborah (Coleman), _____, P.R38.
Barzillai, s. Zebdial and Hepsibeth (Swain), 2d, 9 mo. 1799, PR38.
Barzillai, s. Benjamin F., mariner, and Rachel S. of N., June 25, 1845, in N. [h. Henrietta A. (d. Joseph Trehon of Brooklyn, N. Y.), s. Benjamin F. and Rachel (Ceely), ___, 1843, P.R.38.]
Barzillai S., h. Clara Ricket of Barnstable, s. James M. and Eunice (Swain), 28th, 2 mo. 1843, P.R.38.
Benjamin, s. James, Aug. 28, 1683. [s. James and Mary (Severance), 28th, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Benjamin, s. John and Deborah (Austin), ___, 1683, P.R.38.
Benjamin, s. Nathaniell, 3d, 4 mo. 1705. [h. Jedidah (d. Bachelder Hussey and Abigail), h. Deborah (d. Thomas Macy), s. Nathaniel and Damaris (Gayer), 3d, 6 mo., P.R.38.]
Benjamin, h. Elizabeth (Norton) [of] M[artha's] Vin[e]y[ar]d, s. Enoch and Beulah, 25th, 6 mo. 1718, PR38.
Benjamin, s. James and Ruth, Nov. 16, 1718. [h. Rebekah (Coffin), P.R.16. h. Rebecca (d. Bartlett Coffin), h. Hannah (d. Jabez Bunker), s. James and Ruth (Gardner), 16th, 1 mo., P.R.38.]
Benjamin, s. Ebenezer, Jan. 27, 1725-6. [s. Ebenezar and Eleanor (Barnard), —, 1 mo. 1725, P.R.38.]
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Jedidah, 26th, 9 mo. 1732, C.R.4. [h. Elizabeth (d. Daniel Hussey), s. Benjamin and Jedidah (Hussey), P.R.38.]
Benjamin, s. Cromwell and Ruth (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Rebekah, Sept. 1, 1744. [ch. Benjamin and Rebekah (Coffin), P.R.I6. h. Judith (d. Francis Macy), s. Benjamin and Rebecca (Coffin), 1st, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Benjamin, ch. Barnabas and Abigail, 5th, 1 mo. 1768, CR4. [h. Mary (d. Silas Paddack and Hepsibeth), s. Barnabas and Abigail (Folger), 5th, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Benjamin, s. Peter and Judith (Pinkham) (Gardner), _____, P.R.38.
Benjamin, h. Mary (d. William Brown and Dorcas), s. William and Lydia (Gardner) (second w.), 21st, 10 mo. 1771, PR38.
Benjamin, h. Catharine Saunders, s. Elisha and Eunice (Myrick), _____, P.R.38.
Benjamin, s. Aaron and Mary (Barnard), ___, 1792, P.R.38.
Benjamin, h. Mary (cL Thomas V. McCleave), h. Lydia (d. William Fuller and Elizabeth), h. Abigail [dup.
Abba] (wid. Ira Emmons, d. Eben Dunham), s. John and Susanna (Clark), 2d, 4 mo. 1795, P.R.38.
Benjamin, h. Hannah (d. James Stanton and Mary), s. Adam and Jemima (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Benjamin, ch. Mark and Judith, 29th, 5 mo. 1797, C.R.4. -
Benjamin, s. Waterman and Love (Cleaveland), 10th, 9 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Benjamin, ch. John G. and Rebecca, bp. Oct. 14, 1821, C.R.I. [Benjamin Joy [dup. G.] Coffin, h. Elizabeth (d. George Paddack), s. John Gayer and Rebecca (Joy), b. ___, 1821, P.R.38.]
Benjamin Jr., s. Benjamin and Mary (Brown). _____, P.R.38.
Benjamin, h. Sophia (d. Anselm Hamblin), s. Benjamin and Mary (McCleave), 3d, 10 mo. 1824, P.R.38.
Benjamin, s. Moses and Nancy (Gardner)._____, P.R.38.
Benjamin, [twin] s. Benjamin F., laborer, and Elizabeth of N., Aug. 24, 1846, in N.
Benjamin A., h. Lydia M. (d. Frederick Ray and Almira), s. Prince and Eliza (Austin), 23d, 8 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Benjamin F., h. Ann (d. Benjamin Stubbs and Eunice), s. Jonathan and Sally (Fosdick), 13th, 12 mo. 1771, P.R.38.
Benjamin F., h. Sarah (d. David Harris), s. Seth and Lydia (Myrick), 7th, 6 mo. 1796, P.R.38. -
Benjamin F., Dec. 10, 1806, G.R.3. [Benjamin Franklin Coffin, h. Elizabeth Besse of Rochester, s. Benjamin and Mary (Paddack), P.R.38.]
Benjamin F., h. Mary C. (d. Matthew Crosby and Lydia), s. Jared and Hepsabeth (Swain), 1st, 12 mo. 1813, P.R.38.
Benjamin F., h. Rachel (d. Elias Ceely and Dinah). s. Barzilla and Rebecca (Coffin), 3d, 10 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
Benjamin F., s. Capt. Seth Jr. and Lydia (Coleman), ___, 1829, P.R.38.
Benjamin Franklin, ch. Isaiah and Sarah, 29th, 5 mo. 1789. CR4. [h. Hepzibah (d. Joseph Paddack and Army), s. Isaiah and Sarah (Folger), P.R.38.]
Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin Franklin and Hepzibah (Paddack), _____, P.R.38.
Benjamin Swift, S. Abed and Ann (Swift), 9th, 5 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Benoni, ch. James and Love (Gardner), _____ , P. R.38.
Bethiah, ch. Zaccheus and Mary, 14th, 11 mo. 1743, CR4. [Bethia, w. Matthew Bunker (s. James), d. Zaccheus and
Mary (Pinkham), P.R.38.]
Bethiah, w. Jeremiah Gardner (s. Jeremiah and Apphia), d. Zaccheus and Thankful (Joy), 3d, 7 mo. 1771, PR38.
Bethuel, s. William and Priscilla, Feb. 9, 1756. [h. Hannah Dicks, h. Catherine (wid. Thaddeus Macy), s. William
and Priscilla (Paddack), 26th, 3 mo., P.R.38.j
Bethuel, s. Jethro and Eunice (Pinkham), _____, P.R.38.
Betsey (see Elizabeth).
Betsey, w. Amaziah Gardner (s. John), d. Peter and Judith (Pinkham) (Gardner), —, 10 mo. 1764, P.R.38.
Betsey, w. Elisha Starbuck (s. William), d. William and Deborah (Pinkham), 19th, 10 mo. 1782, P.R.38.
Betsey, w. Robert Coggeshall (s. Paul and Margaret), d. Elijah and Ruth (Coffin). 31st, 3 mo. 1785, PR38.
Betsey Mooers, d. Hiram, bp. July 4, 1813, C.R.I. [w. Allen H. Gifford (s. Luther and Phebe (Coffin)), d. Hiram and
Betsey (Moores), b. —, 1 mo. 1803 [sic, dup. 14th, 8 mo. 1812], P.R.38.]
Betsy, ch. Alfred and Peggy, Jan. 22, 1807, G.R.3. [Betsey, d. Alfred and Margaret (Chase). P.R.38.]
Bezaliel, s. Elias and Abigail (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Brown, h. Deborah (d. Solomon Coleman and Mehitable), s. Jethro and Hannah (Pinkham), 25th. 6 mo. 1753, P.R.38. Brown, s. Brown and Deborah (Coleman), 21st, 3 mo. 179o,
Byron, s. Charles and Hannah Lyon, _____ [? before 1850] PR38.
Caleb, ch. Cromwel and Ruth, bp. July 22, 1739, C.R.I. [h. Deborah Alden of Duxbury, s. Cromwell and Ruth (Coffin), b. ____, P.R.38.]
Caleb Jr., h. Ann, s. Caleb and Deborah Alden, _____, P.R.38.
Caleb, ch. Shubael and Mary (second w.), 3d, 7 mo. 1778, C.R4. [h. Hannah, h. Ruth Greene, s. Shubael and Mary
(Swain) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Caleb, h. Anna (d. Charles West and Hepsibeth), s. Obed and Phebe (Gardner), 5th, 6 mo. 1780, P.R.38.
Caroline, d. Job B. and Deborah (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Caroline, w. Reuben Burdett (s. Barzillai), d. Philander and Mary (Ceely), 15th [dup. 19th], 12 mo. 1826, P.R.38.
Caroline, d. Benjamin and Mary (McCleave), ___, 1829, P.R.38.
Caroline, d. Asa and Hannah (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Caroline, d. Charles and Hannah Lyon, _____ [? before 1850] PR38.
Caroline A., d. Grafton and Lydia (Maxey). ___, 1826, PR38.
Caroline C., d. Alexander G. and Caroline C. (Turner),___ , 1848, PR38.
Caroline Carter [____], w. Thaddeus (s. Frederick W. and Mary), 2d, 3 mo. 1843, PR38.
Caroline w. George Mendall of Ill., d. Alexander Jr. and Mary (Dayton) (Gelston) (second w.), ___, 1819, P.R.38.
Catharine, w. Joshua Gardner, d. Gayer and Rebecca. Parker, _____, P.R.38.
Catharine, d. Jonathan and Peggy (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Catharine, ch. Silvanus and Elizabeth, 9th, 9 mo. 1773, CR4. [w. Eber Clark, d. Sillranus and Elizabeth (Hussey), P.R.38.]
Catharine, w. Stephen Abbot of Maine, d. Robert and Anna (Black), 14th, 2 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
Catherine (see Katharine).
Catherine, w. John Hunt (s. John), d. Adam and Jemima (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Caty, d. John and Margaret, May 31, 1776, C.R.3.
Charles, s. Nathaniell, 1st, 1 mo. 1702. [h. Mary Barrett of Boston, s. Nathaniel and Damaris (Gayer), 9th [dup. 1st], 3 mo., P.R.38.1
Charles, h. Susanna Stoodly of Portsmouth, s. Charles and Mary Barrett, 13th, 5 mo. 1721 [sic], P.R.38.
Charles, ch. Nathan and Lydia, Oct 8, 1742. [h. Dinah (d. Benjamin Coleman), h. Merab (Gardner) (Coleman) Coffin, s. Nathan and Lydia (Bunker), 8th, 10 mo., P.R.38.]
Charles, ch. Richard and Mary, 17th, 2 mo. 1769, C.R.4. [h. Miriam (Chase) Parker, s. Richard Jr. and Mary (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Charles, s. Alexander and Eunice (Bunker), _____, P.R.38.
Charles, ch. Obed and Deborah, 3d, 8 mo. 1785, C.R.4. [h. Mary (Macy), s. Obed and Deborah (Coleman), PR38.]
Charles, ch. Zenas and Abial, 23d, 3 mo. 1790, C. R.4. [s. Zenas and Abigail (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Charles, ch. Zepheniah and Hepsibah, _____, C.R.4. [h. Charlotte Hunt of New York, s. Zephaniah and Hepzibah (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Charles, s. Barrett and Hannah (Coffin), 21st, 5 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Charles, h. Harriet [dup. Hannah] Lyon, s. Robert and Magdalen (Bentley), 18th, 4 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Charles Jr., s. Charles and Charlotte Hunt of New York, _____, PR38.
Charles, h. Frances Myers of Baltimore, s. George G. and Lydia (Gardner), 17th, 3 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
Charles, h. Almiza. (d. John Gardner and Mary), s. Obadiah and Lucretia (Paddack), 8th, 3 mo. 1824, P.R.38.
Charles A., s. Charles G. and Angeline White, 6th, 3 mo. 1846, PR38.
Charles Alexander, h. Catharine Hardwick of N. Y, s. Alexander and Eunice (Bunker), 9th, 5 mo. 1784, PR38.
Charles Augustus, h. Elizabeth (d. Lewis Moss), s. Charles Griffin and Miranda Hastings. 10th, 8 ma. 1826, P.R.38.
Charles B., h. Lucy A. Shaw, s. Aviiliarn and Valina, 12th, 3 mo. 1830, PR38. -
Charles B., h. Elizabeth Ann (d. Charles Pitman Jr. and Mary), s. Seth B. and Hepzibah F. (Mooers), 26th, 4 mo. 1834, P.R.38.
Charles Bouton, h. Mlle M (d. John Blunt and M. M.), s. Allen and Deborah G. (Coffin), 3d, 3 mo. 1830, PR38.
Charles Bunker, ch. Bartlet and Eliza[beth], 6th, 3 mo. 1800. C.R.4. [h. Eliza A. (d. Jonathan Parker), s. Bartlett and Elizabeth (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Charles C., Feb. 22, 1820, G.R.3. [s. Prince and Eliza (Austin), PR38.]
Charles C., s. John Foster and Lydia (Cartwright), _____, P.R.38.
Charles Drew, h. Charlotte (d. Alexander Drew and Priscilla), s. Job and Mary (Drew) (Chadwick), 8th, 4 mo. 1812, PR38.
Charles E., s. Matthew and Hannah (White) (Macy), _____, P.R.38.
Charles E., ___, 1828, G.R.3. [Charles Edward, h. Margaret F. (Ewer), s. David Upham Coffin and Adeline (Coffin), 9th, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Charles F., h. Mary (d. James Folson [dup. Fulson] of N. H.), s. Alpheus and Love (Pitts), 18th, 4 mo. 1794, P.R.38.
Charles F., h. Mary Jane (d. Frederick Coffin and Sarah), s. Charles M. and Judith (Barnard), 2d, 4 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Charles F., h. Ann M. (d. Micajah Pratt of Lynn), s. Charles F. and Mary (Fulson), _____, P.R.38.
Charles F., s. Capt. Seth and Lydia (Coleman), _____, PR38.
Charles F., s. Jesse and Mary (Bunker), 16th, 8 mo. 1830, P.R.38. -
Charles Frederick, s. Alexander and Lydia (Myrick), _____, P.R.38.
Charles Frederick, h. Eliza P. (d. John J. Gardner and Eliza), s. Henry and Eliza (Starbuck), 8th, 4 mo. 1835, PR38.
Charles G., h. Susan (wid. Joseph Millwood, d. David Hall), s. Francis and Hepsibeth (Swain), _____, P.R.38.
Charles G., ch. Zenas and Abial, 23d, 10 mo. 1801, CR4. [h. Eliza, h. Susan, G.R.2. h. Eliza (d. Arthur McArthur),
h. Susan (Folger) Macy, s. Zenas and Abial (Gardner), P. R.38.]
Charles G. 2d, h. Hannah S., ___, 1819, G.R.4. [h. Hannah S. (d. Gershom Phinney and Martha), s. Alexander and
Lucinda (Weeks), 1st [dup. 2d], 1 mo. 1821, P.R.38.]
Charles G., h. Angeline White of Conn.. s. Asa and Hannah (Gardner), 9th, 5 mo. 1821 [sic], P.R.38.
Charles Gorham, ch. Charles and Miriam, 7th, 9 mo. 1793, CR4. [h. Theodosia Van Orden of Nova Scotia, s. Charles and Miriam (Chase) (Parker), 3d, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Charles Gould, h. Sarah H. (d. Alexander Hunter and Malinda), s. George P., "a Portuguese." and Azuba G. (Gould).
21st, 2 mo. 1849, P.R.38.
Charles Griffin, h. Miranda (Hastings) (adopted d. Simeon Tubbs), h. Mary Ann Hughes, h. Esther D. (wid. George W. Stone), s. Albert and Polly (Fay), 28th, 5 mo. 1801, P.R.38.
Charles H., s. Charles Gorham and Theodosia Van Orden, _____, P.R.38.
Charles H., h. Lydia H. (d. Gilbert Swain), h. Orinda (Thomas) Gardner, s. David and Susan (Swain), 4th, 2 mo. 1821, P.R.38.
Charles H., h. Jane (d. Silas Sisson), s. William and Phebe (Congdon), ___, 1824, P.R.38.
Charles H., h. Eliza G. (d. Robert Folger), s. Zimri and Abigail (Paddack), 25th, 2 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Charles H., s. Capt. Edwin and Sarah (Folger), _, 9 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Charles H., s James Gorham Coffin and Phebe (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Charles H., s. Valentine and Sarah (Nye), —, 1831, P.R.38.
Charles H., ____, 1832, G.R.3. [Charles Henry, h. Charlotte M. (d. William Miller and Mary Ann), s. Charles G. and
Eliza (McArthur), 29th, 11 mo. [dup. —, 1833], P.R.38.]
Charles H., s. Nathaniel F. and Lydia (Coffin), —, 1847, PR38.
Charles Henry, h. Eliza B. (d. Jared Gardner), s. William Esq. and Sarah (Gardner), 11th, 11 mo. 1795, P.R.38. [s. Billy and Sally, PR64.
Charles Henry, s. Edward B. and Mary Green, —, 8 mo. 1844, P.R.38.
Charles I., s. Job B. and Deborah (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Charles M., h. Judith (d. William Barnard and Elizabeth), s. Seth and Lydia (Myrick), _, 10 mo. 1780, PR38.
Charles Norris, ch. Simeon Jr. and Polly, Jan. 23, 1800 [sic, see Peter Hussey Coffin]. [h. Elizabeth Ann (d. Samuel Gardner and Elizabeth), s. Simeon and Mary (Whippey), P.R.38.]
Charles P., s. James Josiah and Susanna (Pinkham), 21st, 7 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Charles S., s. Cromwell and Margaret (Swain), 4th, 3 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Charles W., s. Samuel C., mariner, and Sarah B. of N., Sept. 3, 1845, in N. [Charles Warren Coffin, C.R.I. Charles W., h. Etta Butler of Falmouth, s. Samuel C. and Sarah B. (Nye), ___, 1846, P.R.38.]
Charles West, h. Sophia F. (d. Nathaniel Sherman and Hepsabeth), s. Caleb and Anna (West), 14th, 10 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Charlotte, w. William Cobb, d. Joshua and Catherine (Coffin), 30th, 9 mo. 1763, P.R.38.
Charlotte, w. Reuben Myrick (s. George and Lydia), d. Thaddeus and Ann Parker, 21st, 3 mo. 1796, P.R.38.
Charlotte, w. David C. Barnard (s. Libni), d. Zebdial and Hepsibeth (Swain), 12th, 1 mo. 1811, P.R.38.
Charlotte, ch. Elihu and Sarah, 16th. 4 mo. 1813, C.R.4. [w. Benjamin Field of Providence, R. I. (s. Benjamin and Sarah), d. Elihu and Sarah (Austin), P.R.38. Charlotte B., P.R.53.]
Charlotte, d. Paul and Nancy (Barnard) (Ramsdell) (second w.), 13th, 10 mo. 1813, P.R.38.
Charlotte, second w. Rufus P. Moses, d. Job C. and Phebe (Grew), 26th, 3 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Charlotte, second w. Capt. William B. Gardner (s. Samuel), d. George and Sarah (Calder) (second w.), 5th, 1 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Charlotte, ch. Jesse and Phebe, bp. Aug. 28, 1820, CR1.
Charlotte, w. Charles B. L'Hommedieu (s. Benjamin), d. Hezediah and Sarah (Bunker). 8th, 11 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Charlotte, w. Reuben Andrews (s. David), d. Jesse and Mary (Bunker), 25th, 12 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
Charlotte A., d. Alex[ande]r B., cooper, and Lucy A. of N., Nov. 12, 1845. in N. [w. William A. B. Wilson, d. Alexander B. and Lucy (Andrews), ___, 1846, P.R.38.]
Charlotte C. [Coffin], w. Samuel C. Wyer, Apr. 18, 1824, G.R.3. [Coffin, w. Samuel C. Wyer (s. Timothy), d. Asa and Phebe (Morselander), P.R.38.]
Charlotte G., w. Edward Swain (s. Gilbert). d. Peter F. and Margaret (Coffin), 18th, 10 mo. 1809, PR38.
Charlotte G., d. Benjamin and Abigail (Dunham) (Emmons),_____, PR38.
Charlotte M., w. John C. Brock (s. Peter and Waity), d. Capt. Seth Jr. and Lydia (Coleman), 12th, 5 mo. [dup. 2 mo.1 1818, PR38.
Charlotte Maria, d. Thomas and Margaret (Paddack), 1st. 1 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Christian, d. Nathaniell, Apr. 8, 1695. [w. John Edwards of Hartford, Conn., w. Timothy Williams of Barnstable, d.
Nathnniel and Damaris (Gayer), 8th, 4 mo., P.R.38.]
Christian, w. Peter Long (s. Samuel), d. Micah and Dorcas (Coleman), _____, P.R.38.
Christian, ch. Bartlet and Judith, June 18, 1730. [w. Samuel Barker (s. Samuel), d. Bartlett and Judith (Bunker), 18th, 6 mo., P.R.38.]
Christopher, h. Richard and Ruth, 30th, 4 mo. 1721, C.R.4. [s. Richard and Ruth (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Christopher, s. George and Abigail (Bunker), _____, P.R.38.
Christopher, ch. Richard and Mary, 24th. 7 mo. 1758. CR4. [h. Abigail (d. Enoch Coleman), s. Richard Jr. and Mary
(Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Christopher, h. Nancy W. Bridger of Wayne Co., Va., s. Edward and Parnal (Calef), 10th, 12 mo. 1758, P.R.38.
Christopher, ch. Peter and Priscilla, _____, C.R.4. [s. Peter and Miriam (Perry) (second w.), P.R.38.] -
Christopher, ch. Bartlet and Sarah, 6th, 3 mo. 1786, C.R.4. [h. Rebecca (d. Reuben Swain and Thankful), s. Bartlett and Sarah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Christopher Columbus, ch. Edward and Mary, bp. Mar. 23 [1834], C.R.I. [s. Edward W. and Mary (Plasket), b. —, 1833, P.R.38.]
Christo[pher] Folger, ch. Isaiah and Sarah, _____, [rec. after ch. b. 8th, 10 mo. 1803], C.R.4. [h. Alice Gibson of New York, s. Isaiah and Sarah (Folger), 25th, 4 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Clarissa, ch. Eliakim and Judith, 28th, 9 mo. 1782, C.R.4. [d. Judith (d. William Starbuck), P.R.64.] -
Clarissa, ch. Eliakim and Judith, 14th, 11 mo. 1784, C.R.4. [w. George Macy of Hudson, N. Y., d. Eliakim and Judith
(Starbuck), 16th, 1 mo. 1783, P.R.38. Nov. 14. 1783. PR64.
Clement, ch. Nathaniel and Rebecca, 20th, 2 mo. 1767, [h. Phebe (d. Charles Swain and Elizabeth), s. Nathaniel and Rebecca (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Cora, w. Homer Fitch, d. Hezekiah R. and Myra Barlow, _____, P.R.38.
Cordelia , Cromwell and Margaret (Swain), —, 9 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Cromwell, s. Ebenezer, 1st, 9 ma. 1709. [h. Ruth (d. James Coffin Jr. and Ruth), s. Ebenezar and Eleanor (Barnard), PR38.
Cromwell, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 6th, 9 mo. 1763, CR4.
Cromwell, h. Mary (d. Ebenezar Coffin), s. Obed and Phebe (Gardner), 2d [dup. 11th], 11 mo. 1775, P.R.38.
Cromwell (see Oliver Cromwell Coffin).
Cromwell, h. Margaret (d. Margaret Swain, grand d. Simeon and Susan), s. Philip and Catherine (Thompson) (second w.), 13th, 9 mo. 1798 [dup. 1797], P.R.38.
Cyrus, ch. Isaiah and Sarah, 14th, 3 mo. 1782, CR4. [h. Abigail (d. Rev. Zebulon Butler and Anna), s. Isaiah and Sarah (Folger), P.R.38.]
Cyrus, m. "in New York," s. Isaiah and Mary (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Daniel, s. Stephen and Mary (Bunker), ___, 1670, P.R.38.
Daniel, h. Mary Blake ("one a/c says Anna Waldo of Newport"), s. Peter (s. Stephen), _____, PR38.
Daniel, s Jonathan, 23d, 12 mo. 1718. [s. Jonathan and Hepsibeth (Harker), 22d, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Daniel, ch. Richard and Ruth, 21st, 7 mo. 1725, C.R.4. [s. Richard and Ruth (Bunker), PR38]
Daniel, h. Mary (Harlock) (first w.). s. Enoch and Beulah, 23d, 1 mo. 1728, P.R.38.
Daniel, h. Abigail Ferguson, s. Daniel and Mary (Harlock) (first w.), ___, 1748 [? in Edgartown], P.R.38.
Daniel, s. Jonathan and Priscilla., Nov. 28, 1749. [h. Elizabeth (d. Joshua Gardner and Elizabeth), s. Jonathan and Priscilla (Coffin), 28th [dup. 26th], 11 mo. P.R.38.]
Daniel, ch. Barnabas and Abigail, 22d, 3 mo. 1754, C.R.4. [h. Huldah (d. Bachelor Bunker), s. Barnabas and Abigail (Folger), 22d, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Daniel, ch. Nathaniel and Priscilla (second w.), 13th. 11 mo. 1777, C.R.4. [h. Merab (d. Shubael Macy), s. Nathaniel
and Priscilla (Gardner) (second w.), 13th, 11 mo. 1778, PR38. Nov. 13, 1777, PR63.]
Daniel Black, s. Robert and Anna (Black), 7th, 9 mo. 1816, P.R.38.
Daniel G., h. Mary (d. Peleg Gardner and Hepsabeth) [see Ann Coffin, 4th, 7 mo. 1811], s. John and Elizabeth (Gardner), 25th, 3 mo. 1789, P.R.38.
David, ch. Samuel and Miriam, 23th, 8 mo. 1718, CR4. [h. Ruth (d. Elihu Coleman and Jemima), h. Christian (Heath) Allen, h. Elizabeth (d. William Clasby and Abiel), s. Samuel and Miriam (Gardner), P.R.38.]
David, h. Mary Lambert, h. Abigail (d. Jonathan Folger), s. Tristram and Mary (Bunker), 17th, 9 mo. 1718, P.R.38.
David, ch. David and Ruth, 6th, 9 mo. 1750, C.R.4. [David Jr., h. Elizabeth (Swain ), s. David and Ruth (Coleman). P.R.38.] -
David, ch. William and Lydia "of the vinyard," 25th, 10 mo. 1772, [h. Sarah (d. Silvanus Coleman and Mary),
s. William and Lydia (Coleman), P.R.38.]
David, h. Eunice Preble, s. John and Mary Wass, 9th, 7 mo. 1776, P.R.38.
David, ch. Seth and Susanna., 22d, 3 mo. 1777, C.R.4. [h. Phebe (d. David Barnard and Abigail), s. Seth and Susanna (Barnard), 23d [dup. 22d], 3 mo., P.R.38.]
David, h. Judith (d. Tristram Jenkins), h. Ester of Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio, s. John and Elizabeth (Gardner), 25th, 12 mo. 1783, P.R.38.
David, ch. Jonathan and Abigail, 8th, 6 mo. 1786, C.R.4. [h. Mahala (Coggeshall), h. Susan (d. Franklin Swain), h. Maria (d. James Hussey), s. Jonathan and Abigail (Austin), 18th, 6 mo., P.R.38.]
David, h. Caroline Worth, s. Daniel and Elizabeth (Gardner), _____, P.R.38.
David, s. Samuel and Mary (Macy) (second w.), _____, P.R.38.
David, s. Moses and Nancy (Gardner), _____, P.R.38.
David C., s. Philander and Mary (Ceely), _____, P.R.38.
David G., s. James Gorham Coffin and Phebe (Coffin), 17th, 10 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
David Irving, s. Henry S. and Phebe H. (Cleaveland), 12th, 8 mo. 1839, P.R.38.
David Upham, h. Adeline (d. Barrett Coffin and Hannah), s. Francis and Ruth (Upham), 10th, 2 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
Deborah, d. Tristram and Dionis (Stevens), 15th, 11 mo. 1642 [see Haverhill Vital Records], P.R.38.
Deborah, w. George Bunker Esq. (s. William and Mary (Macy)), d. James Esq. and Mary (Severance), -, 7 mo. 1676 [? in N.], P.R.38.
Deborah, w. Thomas Macy (s. John and Deborah), John and Deborah (Austin), _____, PR38.
Deborah, ch. Samuel and Miriam, 11th, 4 mo. 1708, CR4. [w. Tristram Starbuck, [twin] d. Samuel and Miriam (Gardner), P.R.38.1
Deborah, ch. John, sheriff, and Lidia, bp. Sept. 7, 1735, CR1. [w. Jonathan Myrick (s. Isaac and Deborah), d. John and Lydia (Gardner), b. 25th, 10 mo. 1731, PR38.]
Deborah, ch. Nathan and Lydia, Feb. 18, 1736. [w. Abner Briggs, d. Nathan and Lydia (Bunker), 18th, 2 mo. [dup. 1st, 3 mo. 1737], P.R.38.]
Deborah, ch. William and Priscilla, Mar. 31, 1743. [w. Abel Gardner, w. Micajah Tirrell of Va., d. Wiliam and Priscilla (Paddack), 31st [sic], 4 mo., P.R.38.]
Deborah, w. Matthew Barnard (s. Robert), David and Mary Lumbert., 29th, 7 mo. 1746, P.R.38.
Deborah, w. Sandford Davis, d. Daniel and Mary (Harlock) (first w.), ___, 1756 [? in Edgartown], P.R.38.
Deborah, w. Samuel Folger (s. Owen and Eunice), d. Jethro and Harrinh (Pinkham), _____, P.R.38.
Deborah, w. George Pinkham (s. William and Phebe), w. Eliakim Willis, d. Simeon and Jedidah (Coffin), 25th, 6 mo. 1764, P.R.38.
Deborah, ch. Paul and Susanna, 8th, 10 mo. 1764, CR4. [w. Pardon Macomber of Westport, d. Paul and Susanna (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Deborah, ch. Thomas and Abigail, 25th. 9 mo. 1765, C.R.4. [w. Henry Perry (s. James and Miriam), d. Thomas and Abigail (Russell), P.R.38.]
Deborah, ch. Benjamin and Deborah (second w.), 25th, 8 mo. 1768, C.R.4. [d. Benjamin and Deborah (Macy), P.R.38.]
Deborah, d. Seth and Lydia (Myrick), 13th, 5 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
Deborah, ch. Bartlet and Eliza[beth], 11th, 7 mo. 1791, CR4. [d. Bartlett and Elizabeth (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Deborah, w. Job B. Coffin (s. Stephen and Eunice), d. Zephaniah and Hepzibah (Bunker), _____, P.R.38.
Deborah, w. Henry Wilson, d. Matthew and Hannah Mendenhall, _____, PR38.
Deborah, w. Calvin Swain (s. Tristram and Parnell), w. ____Terry, d. Obadiah and Lucretia (Paddack), 12th, 9 mo. 1821, P.R.38.
Deborah Barnard, ch. Zebulun and Elizabeth, _____, CR4. [w. Daniel V. Westgate (s. James), d. Zebulon and Eliza (Barnard) (second w.), 15th, 7 mo. 1809, P.R.38.]
Deborah L, d. Charles Griffin and Miranda Hastings. 10th, 2 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Delia M., w. Henry A. Ten Broack, d. George G. and Sally (Nixon), _____, PR38.
Diana Marchant [____], w. Valentine (s. Obed and Phebe), 23d, 7 1310. 1789. P.R.38.
Dinah, d. Stephen, Sept. 21, 1671. [Dionis, w. Jacob Norton of M[artha's] Vineyard, d. Stephen and Mary (Bunker), 21st, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Dinah, w. Nathaniel Starbuck Jr., d. James and Mary (Severance), —, 5 mo. 1674 [? in N.], P.R.38.
Dinah, d. Stephen Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] 23d, 5 mo. 1713. [w. Benjamin Starbuck, w. Abishai Folger, d. Stephen and Experience (Look), P.R.38.]
Dinah, ch. Elias and Love, Apr. 6, 1733. [second w. Jeremiah Prior, d. Elias and Love (Coffin), 6th, 4 mo., P.R.38.]
Dinah, ch. Zepheniah and Miriam, ___, 1736, C.R.4 [w. Abishai Bunker, d. Zephaniah and Miriam (Macy). P.R.38.]
Dinah, ch. Shubael and Abigail, _____, CR4. [w. Capt. Timothy Bunker, d. Shubael and Abigail (Paddack), —, 7 mo. 1765, P.R.38.]
Dionis (see Dinah).
Dorcas, d. Nath[anie]ll, July 22, 1693. [w. John Soley of Charlestown. d. Nathaniel and Damaris (Gayer), 22d, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Dorcas, w. Christopher Swain (s. Richard), d. Micah and Dorcas (Coleman), _____, P.R.38.
Dorcas, w. Joshua Gardner, d. Gayer and Rebecca Parker, _____, PR38.
Dorcas, w. Nathan Rolfe, d. Benjamin and Mary (Brown), _____, PR38.
Ebenezar, m. "in Stockbridge," s. William and Ann (Holmes). 21st, 5 mo. 1736, P.R.38.
Ebenezar, h. Mary (d. Hazadiah Cartwright), s. Alexander and Judith (Bunker), 11th, 11 mo. 1738, P.R.38.
Ebenezer, s. James, Mar. 30, 1678. [h. Eleanor (d. Nathaniel Barnard and Mary (Barnard)), s. James and Mary (Severance), 30th, 3 mo., P.R.38.]
Eber, ch. Stephen and Mary, 20th, 2 mo. 1765. C.R.4. [h. Hepzibah (d. Jonathan Gorham Fitch and Elizabeth), h. Judith (d. George Coleman and Eunice). h. Elizabeth (Pitts) Lawrence, s. Stephen and Mary (Bunker) of Hudson, N. Y., P.R.38.]
Edmond, s. Elisha Jr. and Betsey Lacey, _____, P.R.38.
Edmond B., h. Barbara (d. William Young), s. William and Phebe (Congdon), —, 1822, P.R.38.
Edward, h. Ann (d. Hon. John Gardner and Priscilla), s. Peter and Abigail (Starbuck), 20th, 2 mo. 1669 j? in N. H,], PR38.
Edward, ch. Capt. Josiah and Elisabeth, May r15, 1734 [h. Parnel (d. Dr. Peter Calef and Sarah of Boston), s. Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth (Coffin). 15th., 5 mo., PR38]
Edward Jr., h. Janet (d. Reuben Clark and Mary), s. Edward and Parnal (Calef), 4th, 9 mo. 1759, P.R.38.
Edward, h. Elizabeth (d. Charles Folger), h. Rhoda Champion of Conn., s. John and Susanna (Clark), 26th, 2 mo. 1789, P.R.38.
Edward, s. Daniel and Elizabeth (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Edward, Capt., m. "in New York," s. Hezekiah Jr. and Nancy (Bunker), 5th, 10 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Edward, h. Olive, s. Paul and Nancy (Barnard) (Ramsdell) (second w.), 8th, 6 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Edward, s. Salmon and Anna (Mitchell), _____, P.R.38.
Edward, s. Alexander and Lucinda (Weeks),_____ , P.R.38.
Edward A., h. Deborah (d. Peter Russel and Lydia), s. Elilau and Sarah (Austin), _, 6 mo. 1825, P.R.38. [13th, 6 mo., PR53.]
Edward B., h. Mary Green of R. I., s. Paul and Priscilla, 31st, 3 mo. 1807, P. R.38.
Edward B., h. Delia M. (d. Peter B. Hussey), s. Edward C. and Elizabeth (Bunker), 25th, 5 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Edward B. 2d, Dec. 9, 1837, [on stone with Edward G. 2d and Lydia G.] G.R.2. -
Edward B., s. Alexander and Eliza (Burdett) (second w.), _____, P.R.38.
Edward B., s. Geo[rge] G., merchant, and Emily [(Clapp) P.R.38.] of N., Feb. 20, 1845, in N.
Edward C., h. Elizabeth (d. Thomas Bunker Jr. and Mary), s. Edward Jr. and Janet (Clark), 17th [dup. 11th], 11 mo. 1794, P.R.38.
Edward C., h. Olive G. (d. David Eldredge and Mary of Barnstable), s. Andrew and Deborah (Chadwick), 8th, 11 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Edward G., h. Phebe (d. Micajah Swain and Mary), s. Barrett and Hannah (Coffin), 10th, 4 mo. 1803, PR38.
Edward G. 2d, ___, 1814, [on stone with Lydia G.] G.R.2. [h. Lydia G. (d. David Swain and Sophia), s. Reuben and Hepzibah (Gardner), 7th, 9 mo. 1815, P.R.38.]
Edward H., h. Lydia (d. James Law and Lydia), s. Owen and Jedidah (Hall), 6th, 9 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Edward P., h. Lydia B. (d. Henry Gardner and Hannah), s. Obadiah and Lucretia (Paddack), 8th, 11 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Edward S., ____, 1829, [on stone with Edward G. and Phebe B.] G.R.3. [s. Edward G. and Phebe (Swain), P.R.38.]
Edward Starbuck, s. Cyrus and Abigail (Butler), _____, PR38.
Edward W., h. Mary (d. Joseph W. Plasket), s. Christopher and Nancy W. Bridger, 18th, 3 mo. 1802, PR38.
Edwin, Capt., h. Sarah (d. Aaron Folger and Mary), h. Mary M. Baker of Dennis, s. Gardner and Mary Jackson (Goodwin), 13th, 3 mo. 1801, P.R.38.
Edwin G. Jr., h. Ann Cromets [blurry] of Waterville, Me., s. Capt. Edwin and Sarah (Folger),_____, P.R.38.
Eliab (see Eliel).
Eliab, ch. Shubael and Abigail, _____ , C.R.4. [h. Mary (d. Joseph Jenkins and Ruth), s. Shubael and Abigail (Pad-
dack), _, 9 mo. 1756, P.R.38.]
Eliakim, s. Benjamin and Rebekah (Coffin), Apr. 29, 1761, P.R.16. [h. Judith (d. William Starbuck and Mary), s. Benjamin and Rebecca (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Eliakim, h. Mary (d. William Barnard and Elizabeth), s. Seth and Lydia (Myrick), 18th, 1 mo. 1785, P.R.38.
Elias, s. John, 18th, 6 mo. 1702. [h. Love (d. Ebenezar Coffin and Elinor), s. John and Hope (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Elias, s. Elias and Love, Aug. 8, 1741. [h. Abigail (Coffin), s Elias and Love (Coffin), 8th, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Elias, s. John and Elizabeth (Gardner), _____, P.R.38.
Eliel, ch. Hezekiah and Lydia, 31st [sic], 11 mo. 1759. [31st, 12 mo., CR4. Elial [dup. Eliab], h. Ruth (d. John Beard and Ruth), s. Hezekiah and Lydia (Folger), 31st [sic]. 11 mo., P.R.38.]
Elihu, ch. Samuel and Elizabeth, 9th, 7 mo. 1745, in Martha's Vineyard, C.R.4. [h. Jemima Pease, s. Samuel and Elizabeth (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Elihu, ch. Benjamin and Jedidah, 14th. 10 mo. 1746, C.R.4. [h. Jedida (d. Paul Hussey), s. Benjamin and Jedidah (Hussey), P.R.38.]
Elihu, ch. David and Ruth, 8th, 11 mo. 1748, C.R.4. [h. Eunice (d. Benjamin Folger and Judith), h. Deborah (Peckham) Myrick, s. David and Ruth (Coleman), Feb. 8, 1748 "N. S.," PR38.]
Elihu, ch. Nathaniel and Mary, 13th, 4 mo. 1754, C.R.4. [s. Nathaniel and Mary (Sheffield), P.R.38.]
Elihu, h. Jane (d. William Starbuck and Jane), s. William and Esther Hunt, _____, PR38.
Elihu, ch. Sheffield and Eliza[beth], _____, CR4. [s. Sheffield and Elizabeth (Barnard), P.R.38.]
Elihu, ch. Nathaniel and Priscilla (second w.). 24th, 4 mo. 1787, C.R.4. [h. Sarah (d. Benjamin Austin and Lydia), s. Nathaniel and Priscilla (Gardner) (second w.), 24th, 9 mo. 1786, P.R.38. h. Sarah (Austin), 24th, 4 mo. 1787, PR53.]
Elihu, [twin] s. Elihu and Deborah (Peckham) (Myrick). (second w.), 8th, 8 mo. 1793, P.R.38.
Elijah, ch. Hezekiah and Lydia, 21st, 6 mo. 1747. [h. Abigail (d. Zaccheus Folger and Abigail), s. Hezekiah and Lydia (Folger), PR38.
Elijah, h. Ruth (d. Benjamin Coffin and Rebecca), s. David and Mary Lumbert, 13th, 7 mo. 1751, P.R.38.
Elijah, h. Eunice (d. William Ramsdell and Silvia), h. Eunice (wid. Jesse Yatman, d. Anthony Chadwick), s. Elijah and Ruth (Coffin), 5th. 3 mo. 1795, P.R.38.
Elijah, h. Mary Rose, s. Uriah and Mary, _____, P.R.38.
Eliphalet, s. Peter and Abigail (Starbuck), _____ [? in N. H.], P.R.38.
Eliphalet, s. Joseph and Judith (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Eliphalet, ch. Paul and Susanna, 2d, 12 mo. 1768, CR4. [h. ____ Sherman, s Paul and Susanna. (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Eliphalet, s. Matthew and Matilda (Coffin), _____ , PR38.
Elisha, s. James Jr., 10th, 6 mo. 1699. [h. Dinah (d. Peleg Bunker and Susanna), s. James and Ruth (Gardner), 10th, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Elisha, ch. Nathan and Lydia, Feb. 9, 1726. [h. Mary (d. Nathaniel Gardner Jr. and Mary), s. Nathan and Lydia (Bunker), 9th, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Elisha, ch. Benjamin and Rebekah, Mar. 21, 1740. [ch. Benjamin and Rebekah (Coffin), P.R.16. h. Eunice (d. Andrew Myrick), s. Benjamin and Rebecca (Coffin), 21st, 3 mo., P.R.38.]
Elisha, [twin] ch. Elisha and Mary. 9th, 8 mo. 1758. CR4. [Elishai Jr., h. Betsey Lacey, twin s. Elishai and Mary (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Elisha, ch. Elisha and Eunice, Oct. 9, 1763. [m., s. Elisha and Eunice (Myrick), P.R.38.]
Elisha, s. Matthew and Matilda (Coffin), ___, 1783. P.R.38.
Elisha Folger, h. Pamela Brown, s. Albert and Polly (Fay), ___, 1796, P.R.38.
Elishai, s. Elisha Jr. and Betsey Lacey, _____, P.R.38.
Elishai, s. Benjamin and Mary (Brown). _____, P.R.38.
Eliza [Coffin], w. Benjamin Worth, June 10, 1788, GR2 . [Coffin, w. Thomas Cary (s. Edward), third w. Benjamin
Worth, d. Joshua and Jeanette (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Eliza, first. w. Edward Hills, d Elial and Ruth (Beard), _____, PR38.
Eliza, w. Samuel Harris (s. Obed), w. John B. Nicholson (s. Isaiah), w. Leonard Fisher (s. Nathaniel), d. Silvanus and Lydia (Long), 29th, 4 mo. 1791, P.R.38. -
Eliza, w. Thaddeus Waterman Jr., d. Daniel and Elizabeth (Gardner), _____, P.R.38.
Eliza (see Elizabeth).
Eliza, d. Uriah and Mary, _____, P.R.38.
Eliza, w. Henry Douglass, d. Francis and Hepsibeth (Swain). 3d, 7 mo. 1797, P.R.38.
Eliza [Coffin]. w. Robert Gillespie, May 10, 1800. G.R.4.. [Coffin, w. Garnaliel Bates, w. Robert Gillespie (s. John and Elizabeth of Tyrone Co., Ire.), d. Elias and Abigail (Coffin) [? parentage], ___, 1802, P.R.38.]
Eliza, ch. Isaiah and Sarah, 28th, 8 mo. 1801, CR4. [w.Thomas F. Foster, w. William Brown of New York, d. Isaiah and Sarah (Folger), P.R.38]
Eliza, w. John M. Gardner (s. Grafton and Abigail), d. Jesse and Phebe (Rawson), 29th, 8 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
Eliza (see Elizabeth).
Eliza, w. Alexander Calloway (s. Robert), d. Philip and Catherine (Thompson) (second w.), 1st, 8 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Eliza, d. David and Phebe (Barnard), 3d, 3 mo. 1805, P.R.38. -
Eliza, ch. Laban and Abigail (second w.), 5th, 3 mo. 1806, CR4. [d. Laban and Abigail (Tobey or Tallman) (second
W.), P.R.38.]
Eliza, d. Silvanus and Judith (Macy), 13th, 11 mo. 1807. P.R.38.
Eliza, w. Samuel B. Romaine, d. Gorham and Rebecca (Mitchell), 22d., 6 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Eliza, w. Timothy Ellis of Mattapoisett, d. Job C. and Phebe (Grew), 30th, 4 mo. 1811, P.R.38.
Eliza, d. Paul and Nancy (Barnard) (Ramsdell) (second w.), 19th, 12 mo. 1811, P.R.38.
Eliza, w. ____ Graves [of] Rochester, N. Y., d. Moses and Nancy (Gardner), _____, P.R.38.
Eliza Ann, d. George B. and Abigail (Allen), _____ , P.R.38.
Eliza Ann, w. William S. Chadwick (s. Seth and Nancy), d. Asa and Phebe (Morselander), 18th, 2 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Eliza Ann, w. Cornelius Williams of Elizabethtown, N. J., d. Elijah and Eunice (Ramsdell) [sic, see mar. of Eliza Ann], ___, 1821, P.R.38.
Eliza Ann, w. John Chenery of England, d. Tristram and Deborah (Swain), _____, P.R.38.
Eliza Ann, d. Benjamin F., laborer, and Elizabeth, June 2, 1844.
Eliza F., w. George Cushman (s. Caleb Esq.), d. Thomas and Margaret (Paddack), 6th, 1 mo. 1830, P.R.38.
Eliza F., w. Jacob Ten Eych, d. Alexander and Mary G. (Edwards), 7th, 4 mo. 1839, P.R.38.
Eliza G., w. Thomas M. Clark of Maine, d. Owen and Jedidah (Hall), 7th [dup. 3d], 10 mo. 1803 [sic, see death of Eliza, 18th, 12 mo. 1810], P.R.38.
Eliza G., d. Benjamin F., laborer, and Eliz[abe]th of N., Aug. 3, 1847 [see Eliza Gorham Coffin], in N.
Eliza Gorham, w. William A. Coy, d. Benjamin Franklin and Elizabeth (Besse), 8th, 9 mo. 1848, P.R.38.
Eliza H., w. George Snow (s. Gideon and Lucinda), d. William R. and Mary (Robbins) (first w.), 5th, 6 mo. 1824, P.R.38.
Eliza M., w. George B. Caldwell, d. Robert and Magdalen (Bentley), 9th, 6 mo. 1813, P.R.38.
Eliza M., d. Alexander and Lydia (Myrick), ___, 1825, P.R.38.
Eliza M.. w. F. Brayton King of Ohio, d. James B. and Mary (Coffin), 26th, 10 mo. 1845, P.R.38.
Eliza S., w. David Nevins, d. Jared and Hepzibah (Swain), 28th, 5 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Eliza S., d. Moses and Judith (Smith), _____, P.R.38.