To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Births - BUNKER to BUTTS
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Abel (see Abiel).
Abial, ch. Peleg and Lydia, 4th, 3 mo. 1760, C.R.4. [w. Abishai Pinkham (s. Benjamin), d. Peleg and Lydia (Worth), P.R.38.]
Abiel, ch. Shubael and Lydia, 29th, 9 mo. 1771, c.R.4. [Abel, h. Betsey [dup. Elizabeth] (d. John Morris and Deborah (Chase)), s. Shubael and Lydia (Paddack), P.R.38.]
Abigail, w. Shubael Pinkham (s. Richard and Mary), d. William and Mary (Macy), , 1689, P.R.38.
Abigail, w. John Pinkham (s. Jonathan), w. William Aldrich, d. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Abigail, w. George Coffin (s. Nathan and Lydia), d. John and Mary (Coffin), _____, P.R.38. -
Abigail, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 22d, 8 mo. 1738, [w. Francis Coleman (s. Solomon and Deliverance), d. Samuel and Priscilla (Coleman), 22d, 10 mo., P.R.38.]
Abigail, w. ____ Tappan of L. I., d. Reuben and Mary (Chase), _____, P.R.38.
Abigail, ch. Joseph and Phebe, 11th, 2 mo. 1757, C.R.4. PR25. [d. Joseph and Phebe (Pinkham), P.R.38.]
Abigail, w. Simeon Hussey (s. Obed and Priscilla, d. Tristram and Abigail, 12th, 8 mo. 1762, P.R.38.
Abigail, w. Ichabod Aldrich [dup. Aldridge] (s. Ichabod), d. Joshua and Margaret (Brock). 28th, 1 mo. 1772, PR38.
Abigail, w. Charles R. Macy (s. Robert Jr.), d. Tristram and Anna (Bunker), 7th, 7 mo. 1781, P.R.38.
Abishai, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 21st, 5 mo. 1734, CR4. [h. Dinah (d. Zephaniah Coffin), h. Hepsibeth (d. Daniel
Allen 1st), s. Samuel and Priscilia. (Coleman), PR38]
Abishai, ch. Abishai and Dinah, 4th, 2 mo. 1754., CR4. [h. Merib (d. David Swain), s. Abishai and Dinah (Coffin),
Abner, ch. Jabez and Hannah 30th, 2 mo. 1719, c.R.4 [s. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), "non compos," P.R.38.]
Abraham, ch. Richard and Eunice, 24th, 9 mo. 1770, CR4. -
Abraham, ch. Silas and Deborah, _____, CR4. [h. Jemima Baldwin, s. Silas and Deborah (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Absalom, Mar. 13, 1794, G.R.I. [s. Absolem and Love (Downs), 19th, 3 mo., P.R.38]
Absolem, h. Love (d. Jonathan Downs and Lydia). s. Uriah and Susan (Giles), 18th, 12 mo. 1776 [Sic, dup. 1766], PR38.
Albert C., s. Paul and Eliza (Coffin), ___, 1826, P.R.38.
Alexander, ch. David and Elizabeth. -, 12 mo. 1751. C.R.4. [h. Anna (d. Francis Barnard), s. David and Elizabeth.
(Gorham), P.R.38]
Alexander, h. Almira Bushnell, s. Solomon and Abigail (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Alexander, ch. Peleg and Lydia (third w.), 12th, 5 mo. 1786, C.R.4.
Alexander, ch. Peleg and Lydia (third w.), 2d, 8 mo. 1794, C.R.4.
Alexander, h. Mary (d. Samuel Bursley [dup. Bursely] of Barnstable), s. Jesse and Eunice (Folger), 29th, 5 mo. 1804, PR38.
Alexander, h. Lydia (d. Joseph Rose), s. Valentine and Lydia (Higgins), 15th, 7 mo. 1813. P.R.38.
Alex[ande]r D., July 13, 1791, G.R.3. [h. Rebecca (d. William Baxter and Hannah), s. Absolem and Love (Downs), P.R.38.]
Alexander F., h. Sophia Manning of Salem, s. Alexander and Mary (Bursley), 19th, 1 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
Alfred, s. Christopher and Abigail (Worth), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 7th, 3 mo. 1774]. P.R.38.
Andrew, ch. Zachariah and Desire [Zacheriah and Desire (Gorham), PR38.], Ang. 30, 1752.
Andrew, m., s. Joshua and Margaret (Brock), _____ [rec. before ch. b. 7th, 6 mo. 1769], P.R.38.
Andrew, h. Nancy (d. Jonathan W. Colesworthy), s. Uriah and Margaret (Clark), 4th, 5 mo. 1786, PR38.
Andrew, h. Lydia (d. Cornelius Morselander Jr.), h. Eliza (d. Lemuel Clark and Jerusha [of Martha's] Vineyard), s. Nathaniel, 21st, 3 mo. 1800, P.R.38.
Ann, w. Joseph Coleman (s. Thomas), d. George and Jane Godfrey. , 1654. P.R.38.
Ann, w. Nathaniel Paddack (brother of Zackery), d. William and Mary (Macy), 3d, 9 mo. 1686, PR38.
Ann, w. Thomas Stitts, d. Timothy and Dinah (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Ann, d. James M., lawyer, and Sarah W. of N., Feb. 2, 1844, in N. [Anne, G.R.3.]
Anna, d. Caleb and Priscilla, Aug. 18, 1728. [w. John Brock (s. Thomas), d. Caleb and Priscilla (Bunker) (Coffin),
Anna, ch. Benjamin and Abigail, _____, CR4. [w. Tristram Bunker (s. Daniel), d. Benjamin and Abigail (Worth)
(Bunker), 23d [dup. 28th], 11 mo. 1744, P.R.38]
Anna, d. William and Mary, Sept. 5, 1748. [w. Nathan Gardner (s. Abel and Priscilla), d. William and Mary (Russell), 5th, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Anna, ch.. Peleg and Lydia, 27th, 6 mo. 1762, C.R4. [w. Abraham Folger (s. Tristram), d. Peleg and Lydia (Worth), P.R.38]
Anna, first w. Thaddeus Hussey (s. Obed and Priscilla), d. Tristram. and Anna, , 1768, P.R.38.
Anna. ch. Richard and Eunice. 4th, 9 mo. 1769, C.R.4. [d. Richard and Eunice (Mitchell), P.R.38]
Anna, w. Obed Fosdick (s. Benjamin), w. Abishai Swain (s. Tristram), d. Uriah and Margaret (Clark), 17th, 2 mo. [dup. 17th, 11 mo.] 1782, P.R.38.
Anna. w. Matthew Coffin Jr. (s. Matthew and Matilda), d. William and Mary (Pitts), , 12 mo. 1790, P.R.38.
Anna, ch. Latham and Susannah [dup. Susanna], __, 1 mo. 1791, C.R.4. [d. Latham and Susanna (Barnard), P.R.38.]
Anna, ch.. Barnebas and Lydia, 19th, 1 mo. 1793, C.R.4. [w. Charles Macy, P.R.35. w. Charles Macy (s. Peter and
Sarah (Folger)), w. James Eldredge, d. Barnabas and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.38] -
Anna, d. Batchelder and Abigail (Hussey) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Anna, w. William Coffin (s. Paul), d. Thomas and Mary (Chadwick), 15th, 2 mo. 1796, P.R.38.
Anna, ch. Latham and Ssuanna, 10th, 4 mo. 1797, CR4. [w. Frederick W. Mitchell, Apr. 4, 1797, GR3. w. Daniel
Chase (s. Peter), w. Frederick Mitchell (s. Paul), d. Latham and Susanna. (Barnard), 10th, 4 mo. 1796, PR38.]
Anna, ch. Charles Jr. and Mary, 8th, 2 mo. 1799, CR4. -
Anna, d. Reuben and Abigail (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Anne, d. Nathaniel and Lydia, Feb. 24, 1780, C.R.3. [Anna, w. John Bocot, second w. Southard Jenkins (s. Joseph), d. Nathaniel and Anna [sic, Lydia], PR38]
Anne, d. Reuben R. and Rachel, July 7, 1804, GR3.
Asa Gardner, h. Mary (d. Isaiah Ray), s. Hezikiah and Lydia (Gardner), 30th, 7 mo. 1802, PR38.
Avis, w. David Coleman (s. Elihu and Elizabeth), d. Timothy and Dinah (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Avis R., d. Timothy and Avis (Rawson), July 25, 1808, PR31.
Barnabas, ch. Charles and Mary [(Coffin) P.R.38.], Jan. 21, 1778.
Barnebas, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 25th, 9 mo. 1754, C.R.4. [Barnabas, h. Lydia (d. Peter Gardner), s. Samuel and Priscilla (Coleman), 25th, 11 mo., PR38]
Barzillai, ch. Benjamin and Abigail, _____, C.R4. [h. Lydia (d. Daniel Pinkham), s. Benjamin and Abigail (Worth)
(Bunker), 16th, 8 mo. 1754 [14th, 8 MO. 1755], P.R.38.]
Batchelor, ch. Simeon and Huldah, 10th, 3 mo. 1738, CR4. [Batchelder, h. Bethia. (d. John Hussey), h. Abigail (d.
Paul Hussey), PR38]
Batchelor, ch. Thomas and Anna, _____ [rec. after ch. b. 27th, 11 mo. 1746], CR4.
Benajah, ch. Batchelor and Bethia, _____, C.R4.
Benjamin, s. Will[ia]m, May 28, 1683. [h. Deborah (d. Zackery Paddack Jr.), s. William and Mary (Macy), 28th, 5 mo., P.R.38.]
Benjamin, ch. Jabez and Hannah, 14th, 4 mo. 1721, C.R.4. [h. Abigail (wid. George Bunker, d. Joseph Worth), s. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), P.R.38.] -
Benjamin, h. Eunice (d. Ebenezer Swain), s. Reuben and Mary (Chase), _____, P.R.38.
Benjamin, s. William and Mary, Feb. 25, 1746-7. [s. William and Mary (Russell), 25th, 2 mo. 1746, PR38.]
Benjamin, s. William and Mary, Mar. 18. 1751. [Mar. 17, P.R.31. h. Rebecca (d. George Folger), a William and Mary (Russell), 18th, 3 mo. P.R.38.]
Benjamin [s. Benjamin and Rebecca), Jan. 19, 1781, P.R.31.
Benjamin, s. Batchelder and Bethia (Hussey), _____, P.R.38.
Benjamin, h. Eunice Jennings, h. Jane Holmes, s. Elijah and Abigail (Folger), _____, PR38.
Bethuel, ch. Silas and Deborah, _____, CR4.
Bethuel, h. Catharine Sale of N. Y., s. Ehlau S. and Jemima (Jenkins), _____, P.R.38.
Betsey (see Eliza and Elizabeth).
Caleb [dup. Buncker], s. George, 2d, 9 mo. 1699. [Bunker Esq., h. Priscilla (wid. Joshua Coffin, d. Peleg Bunker), s. George and Deborah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Caleb, s, Caleb and Priscilla., Mar. 31, 1736. [h. Eunice (d. Abel Gardner), s. Caleb and Priscilla (Bunker) (Coffin) [dup. 31st, 3 mo.], P.R.38.]
Calvin, h. Lydia (d. Andrew Myrick Jr. and Elizabeth), s. Uriah and Susan (Giles), 11th, 11 mo. 1771. PR38.
Caroline E., w. Charles H. Rexford (s. Rev. Jordan), d. William and Parnal (Morris), 9th, 8 mo. 1819 [dup. , 1820], P.R.38.
Catharine, w. Benjamin Pinkham Jr. (s. Benjamin and Hepsabeth), w. Abijah Baker, d. Reuben and Mary (Chase), 19th, 11 mo. 1745, PR38.
Charles, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 9th, 5 mo. 1740, CR4. [h. Mary (d. Zephaniah Coffin), s. Samuel and Priscilla (Coleman), 20th, 7 mo., P.R.38]
Charles, twin ch. Charles and Mary, 23d, 10 mo. 1772. [h. Mary (d. Benjamin Worth), twin s. Charles and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Charles, Aug. 8, 1802, [in lot with Anne, b. July 7, 1804, and Reuben R] G.R.3.
Charles, h. Phebe (d. Asa Rawson), s. Henry S. and Hannah (Nickerson) (Bunker). _____, P.R.38.
Charles C., h. Sarah B. (d. Jethro Gardner), s. Andrew and Eliza (Clark) (second w.), , 1829, P.R.38.
Charles F., h. Deborah, s. Thaddeus and Lydia (Folger), 18th, 3 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Charles F., s. Frederick F. and Hepsibeth (Fosdick), 1st, 3 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Charles Frederick, ch. Joshua and Margaret, bp. May 30, 1830, C.R.I.
Charles G., h. Mary Morton (d. Charles Cary). s. Owen and Phebe (Gardner), 28th., 1 mo. 1818. P.R.38.
Charlotte, ch. James and Swarm 22d, 5 mo. 1813, CR4. [d. James and Susan (Marshall), PR38.]
Christian, "an idiot," s. William and Mary (Macy), _____, PR38.
Christian, "an Idiot," s. Peleg and Susannah (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Christopher, h. Abigail (d. John Worth), s. John and Mary (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Christopher, s. Christopher and Abigail, Sept. 4, 1766. [h. Dinah (d. Frederick Folger). h. Susan (d. Benjamin
Gardner), s. Christopher and Abigail (Worth), 4th, 9 mo. 1776 [sic], P.R.38.]
Cromwell, h. Lydia (d. Jonathan Ramsdell), s. George and Phebe (Barnard), , 1766, P.R.38.
Cromwell, h.. Eliza A. (d. Shubael Hussey), s. Owen and Phebe (Gardner), 16th, 3 mo. 1807, PR38.
Cromwell Jr., s. Cromwell, mariner, and Eliza Ann of N., May 21, 1845, in N.
Cyrus, h. Catharine Holmes, s. Elijah and Abigail (Folger), _____[rec. before chn. b. __ 1791], P.R.38.
Daniel, s. William and Mary (Macy), _____, P.R.38.
Daniel, s. George, Aug. 16, 1696. [h. Priscilla (d. John Swain Jr.), h. Margaret (wid. John Davis, d. Peter Coffin), s.
George and Deborah (Coffin) [dup. 16th, 8 mo.], P.R.38.]
Daniel, ch. Joseph and Phebe, 19th, 8 mo. 1753, C.R.4. P.R.25. [s. Joseph and Phebe (Pinkham), P.R.38.]
Daniel, s. Tristram and Anna (Bunker), 5th, 1 mo. 1772, P.R.38.
Daniel, h. Susan [dup. Susanna] (d. John Cathcart and Mary), s. Ebenezar and Mary (Maxey). 12th, 10 mo. 1781,
David, s. Benjamin and Deborah, 19th, 1 mo. 1716. [h. Elizabeth (d. Stephen Gorham), s. Benjamin and Deborah (Paddack), P.R.38.]
David, ch. David and Elizabeth, 16th, 7 mo. 1748, CR4. [h. Miriam (d. Robert Gardner and Jedida), s. David and Elizabeth (Gorham), P.R.38.]
David, ch. Thomas and Anna, _____ [rec. after ch. b. 15th, 7 mo. 1756], C.R.4.
David, s. David and Miriam (Gardner), _____, P.R.38.
David, ch. Richard and Eunice, 16th, 7 mo. 1785, C.R.4. [h. Diadamia (d. Dr. Amos Carpenter), s. Richard and Eunice (Mitchell), P.R.38.]
David, h. Lydia (d. Shubael Pinkham), h. Polly (wid. Nathan Newell, d. William Johnson), s. Nathaniel, 20th, 12 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
David., Capt., h. Sarah R (d. David Wood and Sally). ___ 1818, GR3. [s. Daniel and Susan (Cathcart), 18th [dup. 19th], 5 mo., PR38]
David P, h. Hepsibeth (d.. Alexander Russell and Maria), s. David and Lydia (Pinkham), 26th, 1 mo. 1816, P.R.38.
Deborah, d. Daniel and Priscilla, Feb. 20, 1729-30. [w. Ichabod Clark (s. John), second w. Francis Brown, d. Daniel and Priscilla (Swain), 20th, 2 mo. 1729, P.R.38.]
Deborah, w. Barzillai Luce of Tisbitry, M[artha's] V[meyard], w. Reuben Clark (s. Josiah and Ruth), d. Reuben and Mary (Chase), 30th, 11 mo. 1736, P.R.38.
Deborah, ch. Jonathan and Judith, _____. CR4. [w. Silas Bunker (s. Samuel), d. Jonathan and Judith (Macy), , 1745, P.R.38.]
Deborah, ch. Thomas and Anna, _____, CR4. [w. Eliphalet Smith (s. Daniel), d. Thomas and Anna (Swain), PR38.]
Deborah (see Deborah Pinkham). -
Deborah, d. Silvanus and Hepsibeth (Swain), _____, P.R.38.
Deborah, ch. Peleg and Lydia (third w.), 21st, 7 mo. 1788, CR4.
Desire, ch. Zachariah and Desire, Aug. 16, 1741. [w. Eber Benthal1 [dup. Benthal], w. Abner Coffin Jr., d. Zacheriah [dup. Zachery] and Desire (Gorham), 16th, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Dinah, d. Peleg, Jan. 25, 1705. [w. Elisha Coffin (s. James Jr.), w. James Williams, w. John Ellis, d. Peleg Sr. and Susannah (Coffin), 25th, 1 mo., P.R.38.]
Dinah, ch. Paul and Hannah., 13th. 10 mo. 1759, C.R.4. [first w. Silvanus Macy (s. Daniel and Abigail (Swain)), d. Paul and Hannah (Gardner), PR38]
Dinah, ch. Charles and Mary [(Coffin) P.R.38], 4th, 9 mo. 1765.
Ebenezer, ch. Joseph and Phebe, 18th, 8 mo. 1751, CR4. P.R.25. [h. Mary (d. Samuel Maxey), P.R.38.]
Edward, [? triplet] s. Elijah and Abigail (Folger), ___, 1791. P.R.38.
Edward, h. Esther Holmes (sister of Cornelius), s. Valentine and Lydia (Higgins), 20th, 6 mo. 1817, P.R.38.
Edward, s. Alexander and Mary (Bursley), 11th, 7 mo. 1842, P.R.38.
Edward W., s. Jesse and Eunice (Folger), 19th, 12 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Eliab, ch. Thomas and Anna, _____ [rec. before ch. b. 15th, 7 mo. 1756], C.R.4.
Elihu, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 18th, 3 mo. 1748, CR4. [h. Phebe (d. Joseph Starbuck and Ruth), h. Abigail Farris, h. Lydia (d. Abishai Gardner), s. Samuel and Priscilla (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Elihu, ch. Silas and Deborah, _____ , CR4. [Elilzu S., h. Jemima (d. Francis Jenkins and Phebe), h. Judith (wid. Isaac Leggett, d. Francis Clark), s. Silas and Deborah (Bunker), ___, 1772, P.R.38]
Elihu, ch. James and Susanna, 25th, 8 mo. 1802 CR.4. [Elihu M., s. James and Susan (Marshall), P.R.38.]
Elihu, s. George M. and Abby (Holmes), 4th, 1 mo. 1830, PR38.
Elijah, ch. Benjamin and Abigail, _____, CR4. [h. Abigail (d. Christopher Folger and Anna (Joy) (second w.)), s.
Benjamin and Abigail (Worth) (Bunker), __, 12 mo. 1763, P.R.38.]
Elisha, ch. James and Bethiah, 7th, 11 mo. 1747. CR4. [s. James and Bethia (Jenkins), P.R.38.]
Elisha, h. Margaret (d. Caleb Gardner), s. John and Mary (Coffin), _____. PR38.
Elisha, ch. Matthew and Bethiah, 22d, 9 mo. 1778, C.R.4. [s. Matthew and Bethia (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Elisha G., h. Sarah (d. Hezkiah Pinkham), s. Hezildah and Lydia (Gardner), 2d, 4 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
Eliza, w. Peter F. Chase (s. George and Rebecca), d. Moses and Mary (Wyer), 12th, 6 mo. 1799 [dup. 22d, 8 mo. 1798], PR38.
Eliza, ch. Betsey, wid., bp. June 17, 1810, CR2. [Betsey, w. Abishai Barrows, d. John and Betsey (Gelston). b. 20th, 10 mo. 1798, P.R.38. Betsey, b. Oct. 18, P.R.64.]
Eliza Ann, w. Nahum Gurney, second w. Reuben G. Folger (s. Seth and Elizabeth (Gardner)), d. Jesse and Eunice, 23d, 9 mo. 1800, P.R.38.
Eliza Ann, w. Aaron C. Young, d. Alexander and Mary (Bursley), 14th, 12 mo. 1834, P.R.38.
Eliza C., w. David Morrow (s. John), d. William and Parnal (Morris), 29th, 1 mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. Thomas Look (s. Thomas), d. George and Jane Godfrey, ___, 1646, P.R.38.
Elizaeth, w. Daniel Allen (s. Edward 1st), d. Peleg and Susanna [dup. Susannah (Coffin)], 21st, 9 mo. 1717, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, ch. Zachariah and Desire, Sept. 18, 1738. [w. Robert Rider, w. ___ Riddell (brother of Samuel), w. Barnabas Briggs of Cape Cod, d. Zacheriah and Desire (Gorham), 18th, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 4th, 6 ma. 1750, [w. Reuben Macy (s. Abraham and Anna), d. Samuel and Priscilla (Coleman), ___, 1748 [sic], PR38.]
Elizabeth, ch. David and Elizabeth, 28th, 6 mo. 1734, CR4. [w. Benjamin Cartwright, PR13. w. Benjamin
(s. Hazadiah), d David and Elizabeth (Gorham), P.R.38.]
Elizabeth. ch. Thomas and Anna, _____, CR4. [w. Peleg West (s. Charles), d. Thomas and Anna (Swain), 28th,
11 mo. 1764, P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, ch. Charles and Mary, 13th, 11 mo. 1767. [w. Bartlett Coffin (s. Thomas), d. Charles and Mary (Coffin),
Elizabeth, ch. Batchelor and Bethia. _____, CR4. [w. Robert Gardner 3d (s. Robert), d. Batchelder and Bethia. (Hussey), ___, 1769. P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, d. George and Phebe (Barnard), _____ [rec. between ch. b. 9th, 1 mo. 1768 and ch. b. 15th, 9 mo. 1772], PR38.
Elizabeth, w. Hugh Wyer (s. Edward). Obed and Hepsileth (Giles), 16th, 7 mo. 1771, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. John Getchell Jr. of Kennebeck, d. Simeon and Mary (Swain), , 1772, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, ch. Barnebas and Lydia, 4th, 5 mo. 1779, CR4. [w. Reuben Dow (s. Henry), d. Barnabas and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, w. Stephen Parr, 18th, 7 mo. 1779, P.R.25. [Betsey, w. Stephen Parr (s. Stephen and Sarah), d. Ebenezar and Mary (Maxey), 18th., 7 mo. 1778 [dup. 12th, 7 mo. 1786, sic], PR.38.]
Elizabeth, d. Silas and Deborah (Bunker), _____, PR38.
Elizabeth, w. Aaron Barnard (s. John and Mary), d. David and Miriam (Gardner), _____ , PR38.
Elizabeth, w. Reuben Coffin (s. Robert Jr. and Lydia), d. Hezekiah and Lydia Ellinwood, 4th., 12 mo. 1793, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, d. George and Mary (Gardner), 30th, 4 mo. 1798. P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. Edward C. Coffin (s. Edward Jr. and Janet), d. Thomas Jr. and Mary (Chadwick), 12th, 3 mo. 1799, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, second w. David Swain (s. Abishai), w. William R. Coffin (s. Elial), d. Abel and Elizabeth (Morris), 17th, 6 mo. 1799, PR38.
Elizabeth, ch. Calvin and Lydia, bp. Aug. 16, 1818, C.R.2. [w. Thomas D. Morris of N. C., d. Calvin and Lydia (Myrick), b. 16th, 4 mo. 1816, P.R.38.]
Elizabeth Ann, second w. William H. Waitt (s. Henry), d. Asa G. and Mary (Ray), 7th, 8 mo. 1830 [dup. , 1831], P.R.38.
Elizabeth B., d. George M. and Abby (Holmes), 4th, 10 mo. 1827, P.R.38.
Ellen, d. John and Sarah Mall, _____, P.R.38.
Emeline, w. Charles W. Riddell (s. William), Moses and Mary (Wyer), 24th, 5 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
Emeline C., d. Timothy and Nancy (Cooper), June 28, 1830, P.R.31.
Emiel, ch. Peleg and Lydia (third w.), 29th, 1 mo. 1783, C.R.4.
Emma C., d. Charles S., block maker, and Eliza M. of N., Feb. 14, 1845, in N.
Emma C., d. Charles, block maker, and Eliz[abe]th M. of N., Mar. 29, 1846, in N.
Eunice, w. Nathan Coffin Jr., d. William and Jane (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Eunice, ch. Paul and Hannah, 5th, 11 mo. 1743, C.R.4. [second w. Jonathan Gorham Fitch, d. Paul and Hannah (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Eunice, ch. David and Elizabeth, 21st, 7 mo. 1744. CR4. [w. Alexander Coffin Jr. (s. Alexander and Judith), d. David and Elizabeth (Gorham) [dup. 21st, 8 mo.], P.R.38.]
Eunice, w. ___ Smith, d. Uriah and Zeruiah, May 13, 174? (smeared) CR3. [w. Micajah Swain (s. Peleg), w. Thomas Smth of England, w. Uriah Coffin, d. Uriah and Zaruiah (Pinkham), 13th, 5 mo., P.R.38.]
Eunice, d. Caleb and Eunice (Gardner), 9th, I mo. 1762, P.R.38.
Eunice, w. Paul Coleman (s. Elihu and Elizabeth), d. Elihu and Phebe (Starbuck), _____, P.R.38.
Eunice, w. Ebenezer Rand Jr., d. Obed and Hepsibeth (Giles), 25th, 6 mo. 1781, P.R.38.
Eunice, w. William R. Macy (s. Robert Jr. and Anna (Jones)), d. Barzillai and Lydia (Pinkham), Oct. 16, 1781, PR38.
Eunice, ch. Latham and Susannah [sic, dup. former w,], _____, CR4. [w. George Fitch [q. v.], w. Valentine Hussey (s. Zaccheus and Lydia), d. Latham and Anna (Coleman), 20th, 1 mo. 1783, P.R.38.]
Eunice, ch. Richard and Eunice, 30th, 1 mo. 1788, C.R.4 [w. Silvester Borrows, d. Richard and Eunice (Mitchell),
Eunice, ch. Solomon and Abigail, _____, C.R.4. [w. Robert Waldron (s. Nathan), d. Solomon and Abigail (Coffin),
Eunice, w. Charles C. Morris (s. John), d Hezekiah and Lydia Ellinwood, 22d, 3 mo. 1791, P.R.38.
Eunice, ch. Peleg and Lydia (third w.), 2d, 3 mo. 1796, CR4. [w. Obed Ray (s. Seth and Eunice), w. ___ Sheppard,
second w. David Ray (s. John and Jndith), P.R.38]
Eunice, first w. Theodore Sampson, d. Valentine and Lydia (Higgins), , 6 mo. 1815, PR38.
Experience Studley [ ___ ], second w. Simeon (s. Zachery), 8th, 4 mo. 1744, PR38.
Fanny, w. Capt. Thomas Stothard, d. Henry S. and Hannah (Nickerson) (Bunker), _____, P.R.38.
Francis, ch. Zachariah and Desire, Aug. 29, 1746. [h.
Paddack, s. Zacheriah and Desire (Gorham), 29th, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Francis, ch. Shubael and Lydia, 31st, 7 mo. 1758, CR4. [h. Eunice (d. Robert Macy and Abigail), s. Shubael and Lydia (Paddack), P.R.38.]
Francis, s. Batchelder and Abigail (Hussey) (second w.), _____, P.R.38.
Francis Gorham, s. Hezikiah and Lydia (Gardner), 14th, 1 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Franklin, s George and Phebe (Barnard), , 1777, P.R.38.
Franklin, s. Owen and Phebe (Gardner), 25th, 1 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
Frederick, h. Ann (d. Stephen Paddack), s. Tristram and Anna (Bunker), 14th, 2 mo. 1777, P.R.38.
Frederick, h. Julia Watson of N. Y., s. Elihu S. and Jemima (Jenkins), _____, P.R.38.
Frederick F., h. Hepsibeth Philip Fosdick and Hepsibeth), s. Christopher Jr. and Dinah (Folder), 26th [dup. 25th], 2 mo. 1798, P.R.38.
Frederick W., s. John and Betsey (Gelston), 14th, 8 mo. 1788, P.R.38.
Frederick W., s. Joshua and Margaret (Perry), ___, 1826, P.R.38.
Freeman, s. Ebenezar and Mary (Maxey), _____, P.R.38.
George, s. Will[ia]m, Apr. 22, 1671. [George Esq., h. Deborah (d. James Coffin Esq.), s. William and Mary (Macy), 22d, 4 mo., P.R.38.]
George, h. Abigail (d. Joseph Worth), s. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
George, h. Phebe (d. Abishai Barnard), s. John and Mary (Coffin), 9th, 3 mo. 1740, P.R.38.
George, s. Simeon and Huldah (Hussey), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 15th, 7 mo. 1747], P.R.38.
George, h. Margaret Nelson, s. William and Mary (Russell), ___, 1759, P.R.38.
George, h. Polly [dup. Mary] (d. Shubael Gardner), s. George and Phebe (Barnard), 9th, 1 mo. 1768, PR38.
George, ch. Barzillai and Lydia, 28th, 10 mo. 1777. C.R.4. [George P., h. Mary (d. John Macy and Bethia), s. Barzillai and Lydia (Pinkham), P.R.38.]
George, ch. James and Susanna, 21st, 10 mo. 1796, CR4.
George, ch. Latham and Susannah, 14th, 3 mo. 1799, C.R.4. [s. Latham and Susannah (Barnard), P.R.38.]
George, h. Eliza Aricans, s. Valentine and Lydia (Higgins), 29th, 12 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
George F. [s. Benjamin and Rebecca]. June 22, 1788, P.R.31.
George F., s. Timothy and Nancy (Cooper), Nov. 26, 1815. PR31.
George F. Jr., May 12, 1849, P.R.3I.
George H., m., s. Henry S. and Hannah (Nickerson) (Bunker),_____ , P.R.38.
George M., ch. James and Susanna, 23d, 11 mo. 1799, CR4. [h. Abby (d. Bartlett Holmes of Barnstable), s. James and Susan (Marshall), P.R.38.]
Gilbert, ch. Shubael and Lydia, 17th, 11 mo. 1762, C.R4. ("Idiot," s. Shubael and Lydia (Paddack), P.R.38.]
Gorham, h. Phebe (d. Edward Burdett), s. Simeon and Mary (Swain), 17th, 5 mo. 1786, P.R.38.
Hannah, ch. Jabez and Hannah, 1st, 1 mo. 1722-3, C.R.4. [w. Benjamin Coffin (s. James), d. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Hannah, ch. Barnebas and Lydia, 22d, 10 mo., 1782, C.R.4. [w. Henry Gardner (s. Crispus), d. Barnabas and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.38]
Hannah, w. Seth Mitchell (s. Christopher), d. Hezeldah and Lydia Ellinwood, 2d, 10 mo. 1785, P.R.38.
Hannah M. [Bunker, w. ____] Robinson, Mar. 12, 1825, G.R.3. [Bunker, w. Alexander B. Robinson (s. Alexander H.), d. William and Parnal (Morris), P.R.38.]
Harriet, w. Clement Randall of Mattapoisett (s. ____ of Fairhaven), d. Samuel and Sarah (Russell), ___, 1814, P.R.38.
Harriet Newell, d. Andrew and Lydia (Morselander), _____, P.R.38.
Harvey, h. Catharine Paddack, s. Elijah and Abigail (Folger), _____, P.R.38.
Henry, s. Joshua and Margaret (Brock), _____ [rec. before ch. b. 18th, 9 mo. 1761], P.R.38.
Henry, s. Silvanus and Hepsilaeth (Swain), _____, P.R.38.
Henry, s. Joshua and Parnal, June 6, 1780. [s. Joshua and Parnal (Myrick), 4th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Henry, ch. Barnebas and Lydia, 13th, 1 mo. 1781, CR4. [s. Barnabas and Lydia (Gardner), PR.38.]
Henry, [? triplet] s. Elijah and Abigail (Folger), ___,1791, PR38.
Henry C., h. Huldah Ann (d. William Sill), h. Adeline (wid. Lewis Carlot, d. Elijah Swift), s. Abel and Betsey (Morris), 17th, 10 mo. 1797, P.R.38.
Henry S., h. Hannah (wid. George Bunker, d. Thomas Nickerson), s. Nathaniel, 17th, 9 mo. 1797. P.R.38.
Henry S., s. Henry C. and Huldah Ann (Sill), 24th, 3 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Henry U., s. Tristram and Anna. (Bunker), 15th, 10 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
Hephsibah, d. William, _____, CR4. [Hepsibeth, w. Benjamin Starbuck Jr., d. William and Jane (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Hepsabeth, w. Eliphalet Smith, w. Benjamin Thurston of R. I., d. Peleg and Susannah (Coffin), _____ PR38.
Hepsibah, ch. Paul and Hannah, 1st, 7 mo. 1757, C.R.4. [Hepsibeth, w. Joseph Harris, d. Paul and Hannah (Gardner), P.R.38.)
Hepsibah, ch. Silas and Deborah, _____, C.R.4. [Hepsibeth, w. Isaiah Swain (s. Christopher), d. Silas and Deborah (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Hepsibeth, w. Uriah Coffin (s. Bartlett and Judith), d. Uriah and Zaruiah (Pinkham), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 13th, 5 mo. 1746], PR38.
Hepsibeth, w. ____ Gifford, d. Silvanus and Hepsibeth (Swain), _____ , PR.38.
Hepsibeth, w. Jonathan Swain (s. Abishai), d. Obed and Hepsibeth (Giles), 2d, 9 mo. 1788 [sic, see mar.), PR38.
Hepsibeth, w. Charles Lawrence (s. Jeremiah), d. Moses and Mary (Wyer), _. 1 mo. 1802, P.R.38. -
Hepsabeth S.. d. Obed, cooper, and Eliza A. of N., Sept. 4, 1845, in N. [Hepsabeth S., G.R.2.]
Hepzibah, ch. Jonathan and Judith, _____, C.R.4. [Hepsibeth [dup. Hepzibah], w. Zephaniah Coffin Jr., d. Jonathan and Judith (Macy), , 1750, P.R.38.]
Herbert H., s. Charles S., mariner, and Eliza M. of N., Jan. 5, 1849, in N.
Hezekiah, ch. Paul and Hannah, 23d, 10 mo. 1737, CR4. [h. Margaret Fitzgerald, h. Lydia Ellenwood [dup.
Ellinwood] of Yarmouth, N. S., s. Paul and Hannah (Gardner), PR38.]
Hezekiah, ch. Matthew and Bethiah, 29th, 12 mo. 1780, CR4. [h. Lydia (d. Asa Gardner), s. Matthew and Bethia (Coffin), 29th, 10 mo., P.R.38.]
Hiram, ch. James and Susanna, 23d, 7 mo. 1808, CR4. [s. James and Susan (Marshall), PR38.]
Hiram, ch. Betsey, wid., bp. June 17, 1810, [s. John and Betsey (Gelston), b. ___, 1800, P.R.38.]
Huldah, ch. Batchelor and Bethia, _____, CR4. [w. Daniel Coffin (s. Barnabas), d. Batchelder and Bethia (Hussey), 1st, 3 mo. 1760, P.R.38.]
Isaiah, s. Thomas and Anna [(Swain) P.R.38.], July 15, 1736, in N.
Isaiah, ch. Richard and Eunice, 4th, 4 mo. 1781, CR4. [s. Richard and Eunice (Mitchell), P.R.38.]
Isaiah, s. Thomas and Mary (Chadwick), 14th, 6 mo. 1791, P.R.38.
Jabez, s. William, Nov. 7, 1678. [h. Hannah, (d. Nathaniel Gardner), s. William and Mary (Macy), 7th, 11 mo. 1678, PR38].
James, h. Bethia (d. Matthew Jenkins), s. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
James, ch. Zachariah and Desire, Aug. 22, 1733. [h. Hannah Shurtleff, s. Zacheriah and Desire (Gorham), 21st, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
James, ch. Matthew and Bethiah, 2d, 9 mo. 1769, C.R.4. [h. Susan (d. Obed Marshall), s. Matthew and Bethia (Coffin), P.R.38.]
James Curtis, ch. James M. and Sarah W., Nov. 6, 1841, G.R.3.
James H., s. Timothy and Nancy (Cooper), Apr. 20, 1823, P.R.31.
James M., h. Sarah (d. Moses Folger), h. Rebecca (d. Joseph W. Hussey and Eliza), s. William and Parnal (Morris), 28th, 9 mo. 1817, PR38.
James W., s. James, farmer, and Joanna of N., Jan. 7, 1844, in N.
Jane, w. Robert Watson, d. William and Mary (Macy), _____ [rec. after ch. b. __, 1689], P.R.38.
Janet, d. Joshua and Margaret (Brock), _____, P.R.38.
Jesse, h. Eunice (d. Owen Folger), s. Christopher and Abigail (Worth), 7th, 3 mo. 1774, P.R.38.
Jethro, ch. Richard and Eunice, 14th. 4 mo. 1776, [h. Rebecca (d. Abel Coffin), s. Richard and Eunice (Mitchell), P.R.38.]
Jethro, s. Ebenezer and Mary (Maxey), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 12th, 10 mo. 1781], PR38.
Job, ch. Obed and Mary, June 8, 1745. [h. Hepsibeth (d. Jonathan. Hussey), s. Obed and Mary (Duanna), 8th, 6 mo., P.R.38.]
John, s. William, July 23, 1673. [s. William and Mary (Macy), 23d, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
John [dup. Buncker], s. George, 27th, 10 mo. 1697. [Bunker, h. Mary (d. James Coffin Jr.), s. George and Deborah (Coffin) [dup. 27th, 12 mo.], PR38]
John, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
John. school master, s. John and Mary (Coffin), 25th, 12 mo. 1737, PR38.
John, ch. Batchelor and Bethia, _____ , [s. Batchelder and Bethia (Hussey) [rec. after ch. b. 1st, 3 mo. 1760], P.R.38]
John. s. Joshua, Apr. 17, 1783. [Rec. below mar. of Joshua to Parnal Myrick.] [s. Joshua and Parnal (Myrick), 17th, 4 mo. 1785, P.R.38.]
John, h. Susan (d. James Chase and Mary), h. Elizabeth (wid. John Pierce, d. Tuba____), s. George of Fairhaven and Phebe (Barnard), 2d, 5 mo. 1784, P.R.38.
John, [? triplet] s. Elijah and Abigail (Folger), ___,1791, P.R.38.
John, h. Sarah Mall, s. Nathaniel, 17th, 9 mo. 1795, P.R.38.
John, s. John and Susan (Chase), _____, PR38.
John, m., s. Henry S. and Hannah (Nickerson) (Bunker), _____, P.R.38.
John C., s. Daniel and Susan (Cathcart), 2d, 7 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
Jonathan, s. William, Feb. 25, 1674. [h. Elizabeth (d. James Coffin), s. William and Mary (Macy), 25th, 2 mo., PR38.
Jonathan. h. Judith (d. Richard Macy), s. Peleg and Susannah (Coffin), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 21st, 9 mo. 1717]. P.R.38.
Jonathan, ch. Zachariah and Desire. Apr. 2, 1729. [h. Jerusha Pease, h. Experience Studley [sic, see Simeon Bunker], s. Zacheriah and Desire (Gorham). 11th, 4 mo., P.R.38.]
Jonathan. ch. Jonathan and Judith, _____, [h. Comfort (d. David Smith "at Nine Partners, N. Y. "), s. Jonathan
and Judith (Macy), P.R.38.]
Jonathan, h. Mary Smith, s. Simeon and Mary (Swain), _____, [rec. after ch. b. 17th, 5 mo. 1786], P.R.38.
Joseph, s. Daniel and Prissilla, Aug. 25, 1727. [h. Phebe (d. Shubael Pinkham), s. Daniel and Priscilla. (Swain), 25th, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Joseph W., h. Cornelia Chamberlain, s. William C. and Eliza (Miller), 14th, 4 mo. 1835, PR38.
Joshua, h. Margaret (d. Thomas Brock and Patience), s. John and Mary (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Joshua, h. Parnal (d. Jonathan Myrick), s. Joshua and Margaret (Brock), _____, P.R.38.
Joshua (Bunke). s. Joshua, Sept. 15, 1790. [Rec. below mar. of Joshua to Parnal Myrick.) [h. Margaret (d. Jonathan Perry), s. Joshua and Parnal (Myrick), P.R.38.]
Josiah, ch. Peleg and Kezia, 8th, 11 mo. 1768, C.R.4.
Josiah, s. David and Polly (wid. Nathan Newell, d. Johnson), , 5 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Judith, d. Peleg, Sept. 21, 1701. [w. Bartlett Coffin, d. Peleg and Susannah (Coffin), 3d, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Judith, w. Alexander Coffin (s. Ebenezar), w. Uriah Gardner (s. Ebenezar), d. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Judith, w. James Fitch (s. Peter), d. Reuben and Mary (Chase), _____, P.R.38.
Judith, ch. Jonathan and Judith, _____, CR4. [w. Jedidiah Irish, d. Jonathan and Judith (Macy), P.R.38.]
Judith, w. Benjamin Glover (s. Simeon and Lydia), d. Tristram and Abigail, 4th, 8 mo. 1769, P.R.38.
Judith, ch. Peleg and Lydia (third w.), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 2d, 3 mo. 1796], C.R4.
Kezia, ch. Peter and Judith, _____, CR4. [Keziah, w. Peleg Bunker (s. Jonathan), d. Peter and Judith (Gardner), P.R.38.)
Kezia, ch. Peleg and Kezia, 22d, 9 mo. 1770, C.R.4. [w. David A. Cushman, G.R.3. w. David Whippey, PR38]
Laban, ch. Richard and Eunice, 22d, 7 mo. 1778, CR4. [s. Richard and Eunice (Mitchell), P.R.38.]
Laban, ch. Richard and Eunice, 30th, 6 mo. 1783, C.R.4. [h. Deborah (d. Abraham Macy), s. Richard and Eunice (Mitchell), P.R.38.]
Latham, ch. Peleg and Lydia, 22d, 10 mo. 1755, C.R.4. [h. Anna (d. Jethro Coleman), h. Susanna (d. Shubael Barnard and Susanna), s. Peleg and Lydia (Worth), P.R.38.)
Lauriston, s. David 2d, mariner, and Sarah of N., Mar. 27, 1849. [Lauriston Hall Bunker, s. David and Sarah F. (Wood), 10th, 3 mo., P.R.38.]
Lawton, ch. Thomas and Anna, 24th, 12 mo. 1770, CR4. ["an Idiot," s. Thomas and Anna (Swain), P.R.38.]
Lois, ch. David and Elizabeth, 10th, 8 mo. 1741, CR4. [w. William Long (s. John), second w. Benjamin Barney (s. Benjamin), d. David and Elizabeth (Gorham), 21st, 10 mo. [dup. 10th, 8 mo.], P.R.38.]
Lois, ch. Solomon and Abigail, _____, CR4. [d. Solomon and Abigail (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Love, w. Isaiah Clark (s. Thomas), second w. David Giles (s. Beriah), d. Uriah and Susan (Giles), 25th, 10 mo. 1769, PR38.
Love G., d. Samuel, yeoman, and Eunice of N., Sept. 11, 1846, in N.
Lucretia F. [ ___ ] "Mother," Sept. 5, 1832, G.R.3.
Lucy W., d. James M., school teacher. and Sarah W. of N., Feb. 20, 1849, in N. [Lucy West Bunker, GR3]
Lurania, w. Hugh Wyer (s. Edward), d. Obed and Hepsibeth (Giles), , 4 mo. 1789 [sic, see mar.], P.R.38.
Lurania, second w. Uriah Gardner (s. Francis and Anna), d. Noah and Hepsibeth (Colesworthy), 4th, 5 mo. 1791, P.R.38.
Lydia, w. Nathan Coffin (s. James Jr. and Ruth), d. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coffin), , 1699, P.R.38.
Lydia, ch. Jabez and Hannah, , 1717, C.R4. [d. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Lydia, w. John Swain (s. William and Jemima), d. William and Jane (Coffin), , 1733, PR38.
Lydia, ch. George and Abigail, _____, C.R.4. [w. Shubael Folger Jr., w. George Coleman (s. Solomon), d. George
and Abigail (Worth), 24th, 7 mo. 1737 [sic], P.R.38.]
Lydia, ch. Jonathan and Judith, _____, [w. Noah Coffin (s. Stephen), d. Jonathan and Judith (Macy),
Lydia [ ___ ], w. Hezekiah, 15th, 7 mo. 1766, C.R4.
Lydia, ch. Richard and Eunice, 30th, 10 mo. 1771, CR4. [w. Goddard Glazier of R. I., d. Richard and Eunice (Mitchell), P.R.38.]
Lydia, ch. Zacchariah and Judith, 19th, 2 mo. 1772, C.R.4. [w. Stephen Waterman (s. Perez), d. Zacheriah and Judith (Folger), P.R.38]
Lydia, ch. Peleg and Lydia, 18th, 7 mo. 1773, C.R.4. [d. Peleg and Lydia (Worth), P.R.38.]
Lydia, w. Benjamin Macy (s. John and Bethiah), d. Silas and Deborah (Bunker), 9th, 9 mo. 1782, P.R.38.
Lydia, w. Stephen Jennings, d. David and Miriam (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Lydia (Bunker), [w. ___] Mitchell, 25th, 3 mo. 1787, GR3. [Bunker, w. Samuel Gardner (s. Elijah), d. Hezekiah and Lydia Ellinwood, PR.38.]
Lydia, d. Tristram and Anna (Bunker), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 15th. 10 mo. 1787], PR38.
Lydia, w. Abraham Coffin (s. Matthew and Matilda), d. Nathaniel and Lydia, 11th, 10 mo. 1789, P.R.38.
Lydia, ch. Peleg and Lydia (third w.), 10th, 7 mo. 1790, CR4. [w. David Sprague, PR38.]
Lydia, ch. Latham and Susannah, 31st, 12 mo. 1793, CR.4.. [d.. Latham and Susanna (Barnard), P.R.38.]
Lydia, d. Batchelder and Abigail (Hussey) (second w.), _____, P.R.38.
Lydia, d. Batchelder and Abigail (Hussey) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Lydia, w. Alfred Folger (s. Charles and Lydia), d. Abel and Elizabeth (Morris), 10th, 9 mo. 1795, P.R.38.
Lydia, ch. Latham and Susanna, 2d, 4 mo. 1796, CR4.
Lydia Downes, w. David Warren, d. Alexander D. and Rebecca (Baxter), 20th, 2 mo. 1821, P.R.38.
Lydia G., d. Asa G. and Mary (Ray), , 6 mo. 1844, P.R.38.
Lydia R., d. Timothy and Nancy (Cooper), Aug. 9, 1832, PR31.
Lydia W., d. David, mariner, and Sarah of N., Dec. 7, 1844, in N. [Lydia Wood Bunker, w. Isaac Parry of Utica, N. Y., d. David and Sarah F. (Wood), 9th, 12 mo., P.R.38.]
Margaret [dup. Peggy], w. Timothy Gardner Jr. (s. Timothy and Mary), d. Joshua and Margaret (Brock), 18th, 9 mo. 1761, P.R.38.
Maria, w. Peter Hardwick, d. David and Miriam (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Maria, w. Alexander Joy, cl. Barzzillai and Lydia (Pinkham), _____, P.R.38.
Maria, w. Lewis Raymond, d. Timothy and Dinah (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Martha, w. Stephen. Hussey (s. Capt. Christopher and Theodate), d. George and Jane Godfrey, , 1656, PR38.
Mary, w. Stephen Coffin (s. Tristram 1st and Dionis), d. George and Jane Godfrey, , 5 mo. 1652, P.R.38.
Mary, w. Tristram Coffin (s. Lt. John [of Martha's Vineyard), d. William and Mary (Macy), , 1685, P.R.38.
Mary, w. Timothy Barnard (s. Benjamin. ), Peleg and Susannah (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Mary, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 10th, 7 mo. 1736, CR4. [w. Stephen Coffin, d. Samuel and Priscilla (Coleman), 10th, 10 mo., P.R.38.]
Mary, w. Timothy Coleman (s. Joseph and Rachel), w. John Pinkham (s. Solomon and Eunice), d. John and Mary (Coffin), 14th, 6 mo. 1745, P.R.38.
Mary, w. David Squires, d. Reuben and Mary (Chase), _____, P.R.38.
Mary, d. William and Mary (Russell), ___, 1762, PR38.
Mary [dup. Polly], w. Obed Aldrich [dup. Aldridge] (s. Ichabod), d. Joshua and Margaret (Brock), 7th, 6 mo. 1769, P.R.38.
Mary, twin ch. Charles and Mary, 23d, 10 mo. 1772. [w. Francis Paddack (s. Benjamin), twin d. Charles and Mary
(Coffin), P.R.38.]
Mary, w. Paul Coffin 2d, d. George and Phebe (Barnard), _____ [rec. after ch. b. ___1777]. P.R.38.
Mary, ch. Peleg and Lydia (third w.), 24th, 5 mo. 1781, C.R4. [w. Richard Folger (s. Solomon and Lydia), PR38]
Mary, w. Jonathan Jenkins of Hudson (s. Francis), d. Solomon and Abigail (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Mary, first w. Micajah Swain (s. Peleg Jr.), d. Ebenezar and Mary (Maxey), 27th, 4 mo. 1786, P.R.38.
Mary, w. Ammiel [dup. Amial] Coffin (s. John and Susan), d. William and Abigail (Gardner), , 1787, P.R.38.
Mary [d. Benjamin and Rebecca], Dec. 23, 1794. P.R.31. [w. John H. Pease, cl. Benjamin and Rebecca, 26th, 12 mo. 1793, P.R.38.]
Mary, ch. James and Susanna, 27th, 1 mo. 1795, C.R.4. [w. Jesse Coffin (s. Robert), d. James and Susan (Marshall), P.R.38.]
Mary, w. Josiah Coleman (s. Obed and Elizabeth), d. Moses and Mary [dup. Polly] (Wyer), 17th [dup. 27th], 5 mo. 1796, P.R-38.
Mary, ch. Barnebas and Lydia. 17th, 3 mo. 1797, CR4.
Mary. ch. Barnebas and Lydia, 9th, 3 mo. 1800, CR4. [d. Barnabas and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Mary, w. Robert F. Fosdick. (s. Reuben), d. Owen and Phebe (Gardner), 13th, 9 mo. 1801, P.R.38.
Mary, w. Edward Folger (s. Charles and Lydia (Coleman)), d. Hezeldah and Lydia Ellinwood. 1st. 1 mo. 1803, PR38.
Mary, w. John Loines (s. Stephen and Sybil of N. Y.). d. Reuben and Abigail (Barnard), _____, P.R.38.
Mary, d. John and Sarah Mall, _____ P.R.38.
Mary Abby, w. Dr. P. S. Leaming, d. George M. and Abby (Holmes), 9th, 12 mo. 1824, P.R.38.
Mary D., d. Daniel and Susan (Cathcart), 27th, 2 mo. 1881, PR38.
Mary E., d. Roland C., cooper, and Julia Ann of N., Nov. 17, 1848, in N.
Mary F.. w. William P. Ceeley (s. Elias), d. Thaddeus and Lydia (Folger), 7th, 7 mo. [dup._, 1 mo.] 1814, PR38.
Mary Jane, w. Rufus M. Kelton of Dorchester, d. Alexander and Mary (Bursley), 17th, 8 mo. 1838. P.R.38.
Mary Myrick, ch. Joshua and Margaret, bp. July 11, 1820, CR1.
Matilda, d. Silvanus and Hepsibeth (Swain), 2d, 2 mo. 1760, P.R.38.
Matthew, ch. James and Bethiah, 29th, 5 mo. 1738, C.R.4. [h. Bethia (d. Zaccheus Coffin), s. James and Bethia (Jenkins) [dup. 9th, 10 mo.], P.R.38.]
Matthew, s. Reuben and Abigail (Barnard), _____ , PR38.
Merab, w. Gideon Gardner (s. Benjamin and Abigail), d. Christopher and Abigail (Worth), 26th, 5 mo. 1768,
Merab, ch. Charles and Mary, Nov. 1, 1775. [Mereb, C.R.4. Merab, w. Nathaniel Ray (s. William), d. Charles and Mary (Coffin), 4th, 11 mo.. P-R.38.]
Merab, w. John Pinkham 3d (s. Tristram and Lydia), d. Christopher and Dinah (Folger), 26th, 8 mo. 1791 [dup. , 1790], P.R.38.
Merib, w. Nathaniel Starbuck (s. Benjamin), d. David and Miriam (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Meribah [dup. Merab], w. William B. Coffin (s. Stephen Jr. and Eunice of Hudson, N. Y.), d. Barzillai and Lydia (Pinkham), _____, P.R.38.
Miriam, ch. Abishai and Dinah, 12th, 12 mo. 1755, CR4. [w. William Bunker (s. Jonathan and Judith), (d. Abishai and Dinah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Mirriam, ch. Peleg and Lydia, 19th, 7 mo. 1752, C.R.4. [Miriam, d. Peleg and Lydia (Worth), P.R.38.]
Moses, ch. Zacchariah and Judith, 24th, 12 mo. 1769, CR4 [s. Zacheriah and Judith (Folger), P.R.38.]
Moses, h. Mary [dup. Polly] (d. William Wyer), s. Obed and Hepzibeth (Giles), 21st, 8 mo. 1773, P.R.38.
Nancy, w. Hezekiah Coffin Jr. (s. Hezekiah and Abigail), d. Uriah and Susan (Giles), 11th, 1 mo. 1778, P.R.38.
Nancy, w. Marshall Crosby (s. Samuel and Mary), d. Richard, 30th, 12 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
Nancy, d. John and Betsey (Gelston), 7th, 1 mo. 1793, P.R.38.
Nancy, w. Nathaniel Rand (s. Ebenezer), d. Uriah and Abigail (Gardner), 9th, 10 mo. 1799, P.R.38.
Naomi, ch. Jabez and Hannah, 4th, 11 mo. 1709, CR4. [w. Eliphalet Paddack (s. Joseph), d. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), 16th, 3 mo., P.R.38.]
Naomi, ch. Shubael and Lydia, 17th, 6 nio. 1766, [w. Reuben Mooers (s. Alexander), d. Shubael and Lydia (Paddack), PR38.
Nathan, ch. Shubael and Lydia, 8th, 11 mo. 1768. C.R4. [s. Shubael and Lydia (Paddack), P.R.38.]
Nathaniel, ch. James and Bethiah, 5th, 9 mo. 1742, C.R.4. [s. James and Bethia (Jenkins), P.R.38.]
Nathaniel, h. .Anna (d. Jethro Swain), h. Lydia Lewis of Barnstable, s. Reuben and Mary (Chase), 19th, 7 mo.
1743, PR38.
Nathaniel C., s. John and Betsey (Gelston), 31st, 12 mo. 1795, P.R.38.
Nathaniel Cotton, s. John and Betsey, Nov. 30, 1790, in N.
Nathaniell, s. Benjamin and Deborah, 9th, 9 mo. 1718. [Nathaniel, s. Benjamin and Deborah (Paddack), PR38]
Noah, h. Hepsibeth (d. Jonathan Colesworthy), s. Obed and Hepsibeth (Giles), _____, P.R.38.
Noah, s. Noah and Hepsibeth (Colesworthy), 29th, 4 mo. 1794, P.R.38.
Obed, s. Benjamin and Deborah, 14th. 2 mo. 1714. [h. Mary (d. Peggy Duanna), s. Benjamin and Deborah (Paddack) [dup. 14th, 4 mo.], P.R.38.]
Obed, s. Peleg, _____, CR4.
Obed, ch. Obed and Mary, Apr. 26, 1741. [h. Hepsabeth [dup. Hepsibeth] (d. Thomas Giles), s. Obed and Mary (Duanna), 26th, 4 mo. [dup. -, 5 mo. 1739], P.R.38.]
Obed, May 28, 1802, G.R.2. [h. Elizabeth A. (d. Simeon Macy), s. Uriah and Margaret (Clark), P.R.38]
Obed R., h. Emily A., Jan. 17, 1813, G.R.2. [h. Emily (d. Dr. Martin T. Morton), s. Owen and Phebe (Gardner), p.R.38]
Olive, d. George M. and Abby (Holmes), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 4th, 1 mo. 1830], P.R.38.
Oliver, ch. Calvin and Lydia, bp. Aug. 16. 1818, C.R.2. [Oliver C., h. Elizabeth Sumner of Boston, s. Calvin and Lydia (Myrick), b. 1st, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Owen, h. Mary Fenn, Simeon and Mary (Swain),_____, [rec. before ch. b. 23d, 10 mo. 1768], P.R.38.
Owen, h. Phebe (d. Stephen Gardner and Christian), s. George and Phebe (Barnard), 17th, 3 mo. 1776, P.R.38.
Patience, w. Jonathan Gardner (s. James), d. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coffin), ___,1706, PR38.
Paul, [twin] ch. Jabez and Hannah, 16th, 8 mo. 1713, C.R.4. [h. Hannah (d. Samuel Gardner), h. Rachel (wid. Barnabas Coleman, d Silvanus Hussey), s. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), 13th [dup. 15th], 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Paul, ch. Peleg and Lydia, 12th, 11 mo. 1764, C.R.4. [h. Eunice (d. Nathaniel Folger), s. Peleg and Lydia (Worth), P.R.38.]
Paul, h. Lydia (d. Abishai Pinkham and Abial), s. Elihu and Phebe (Starbuck), _____, PR38.
Paul, h. Eliza (d. Albert Coffin and Elizabeth), s. Hezekiah and Lydia Ellinwood, __, 11 mo. 1797 [dup. 22d, 11 mo. 1799] PR38.
Paul, h. Almira (d. Charles Starbuck and Elizabeth), s. Reuben and Abigail (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Paul, h. Sarah B. (d. Charles Smith and Sarah), s. William and Parnal (Morris). , 1831, P.R.38.
Paul W., s. James M., lawyer, and Sarah W. of N.. Sept. 8, 1846, in N.
Peggy. (see Margaret).
Peleg. s. Will[ia]m, Dec. 1, 1676. [h. Susanna (d. Stephen Coffin), s. William and Mary (Macy), 1st, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Peleg, ch. Jabez and Hannah., 19th, 4 mo. 1727, CR4. [h. Lydia (d. Joseph Worth), s. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), P.R.38.] -
Peleg. s. Jonathan and Judith, Dec. 17. 1748. [h. Kezia (Bunker), h. Deborah (Gorham), h. Lydia (Gardner), s. Jonathan and Judith (Macy), P.R.38.]
Persis, w. Henry Worth (s. Andrew and Judith), d. Christopher and Abigail (Worth). , 1771, P.R.38.
Peter, ch. Jabez and Hannah, 8th, 1 mo. 1724-5, C.R.4. [h. Judith (d. Jethro Gardner), s. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner). P.R.38.]
Peter, ch. Peter and Judith, ____ , C.R.4. [s. Peter and Judith (Gardner), P.R.38]
Peter, ch. Barnebas and Lydia, 12th, 11 mo. 1777, C.R.4.
Peter, ch. Peleg and Lydia (third w.), 18th, 10 mo. 1779, C R4.
Peter, s. Batchelder and Abigail (Hussey) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Phebe, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 1st, 7 mo. 1732, [w. William Clasby Jr, d. Samuel and Priscilla (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Phebe, ch. Paul and Hannah, 4th, 4 mo. 1753, C.R4. [w. Reuben Hussey (s. Christopher), d. Paul and Hannah (Gardner), 4th, 4 mo. 1752, P.R.38.]
Phebe, ch. Charles and Mary, 8th, 10 mo. 1763. [w. Laban Coffin (s. Richard Jr.), d. Charles and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Phebe, d. George and Phebe (Barnard), _____ [rec. before ch. b. ___, 1766], P.R.38.
Phebe, William Cash Jr., [dup. second] w. Reuben Cash (s. William), d. Simeon and Mary (Swain), 23d, 10 mo. 1768, P.R.38.
Phebe, ch. Silas and Deborah,_____, CR4. [w. Isaiah Macy (s. John), w. Nathan Coleman (s. Elihu and Elizabeth),
d. Silas and Deborah (Bunker), 10th, 1 mo. 1775. P.R.38.]
Phebe, m., "had numerous descendants," d. Silvanus and Hepsibeth (Swain), _____, P.R.38.
Phebe, first w. Thomas Macy (s. John and Bethiah), d. Elihu and Phebe (Starbuck), 26th, 8 mo. 1779, P.R.38.
Phebe, w. Solon Worth (s. Gideon), d. George and Phebe (Barnard), 9th, 5 mo. 1781 [dup. 1780], P.R.38.
Phebe, ch. Barnabas and Lydia, 23d, 10 mo. 1784, CR4. [w. Joseph G. Coleman (s. Obed), d. Barnabas and Lydia , (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Phebe, w. Israel Baldwin, d. Solomon and Abigail (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Phebe, ch. Charles Jr. and Mary, 24th, 10 mo. 1797, CR4.
Phebe, w. William Coffin (s. Salmon and Anna), d. Timothy and Judith, _____ , PR38.
Phebe, w. James Martin, d. Reuben and Abigail (Barnard), _____, PR38.
Phebe Ann [Bunker], w. James H. Adams, July 2, 1821, G.R.2 [Bunker, d. Owen and Phebe (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Phebe Ray, w. Obed F. Alley (s. Obed and Susan), d. Asa G. and Mary (Ray), 22d, 7 mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Polly (see Mary).
Prince, ch. Peleg and Lydia, 1st, 8 mo. 1770, C.R.4. [h. Dinah Slade, s. Peleg, and Lydia (Worth), P.R.38.]
Priscilla, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 14th, 4 mo. 1745, C.R.4. [w. Abraham Macy Jr. (s. Abraham and Anna), d. Samuel and Priscilla (Coleman), 14th, 8 mo., P.R.38]
Priscilla, ch. Joseph and Phebe, 21st, 9 mo. 1749, CR4 PR25. [w. Edward Whittemore, d. Joseph and Phebe (Pinkham), P.R.38]
Priscilla, second w. Shubael Coffin (s. Henry and Mary), d. William and Mary (Russell), 17th, 5 mo. 1765. P.R.38.
Priscilla, ch. Silas and Deborah, _____ , CR4. [d. Silas and Deborah (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Priscilla, w. Alexander Drew (s. Gershom and Mary), d. Uriah and Margaret (Clark), 7th, 5 mo. 1789, P.R.38.
Prissilla d. Peleg, Dec. 8, 1703. [Priscilla, w Joshua Coffin, w. Caleb Bunker Esq., 8th, 12 MO. [dup. 1702], P.R.38.]
Puella, ch. Shubael and Lydia, 7th, 5 mo. 1756, C.R.4. [w. Abraham Taber, d. Shubael and Lydia (Paddack), P.R.38.]
Rachel, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 4th, 10 mo. 1752, C.R.O. [w. Tristram Swain (s. Tristram), d. Samuel and Priscilla
(Coleman), P.R.38.] -
Rachel, ch. Charles and Mary, 9th, 2 Mo. 1770. [w. Jonathan Paddack Jr., d. Charles and Mary (Coffin), PR38]
Rachel, ch. James M. and Sarah W., Oct. 22, 1836, G.R.3. -
Rebecca, w. Caleb Briggs [? Gibbs, see mar..], d. Silvanus and Hepsibeth (Swain), _____, PR38.
Rebecca, w. William Nash, d. David and Miriam (Gardner), _____, P.R.38. -
Rebecca, ch. Zacchariah and Judith, _____, C.R.4. [w. Daniel Neale of Philadelphia]. d. Zacheriah and Judith (Folger), 17th, 4 mo. 1788, P.R.38]
Rebecca, ch. Barnebas and Lydia, 28th, 12 mo. 1791, C.R.4. [w. William Mooers Jr., d. Barnabas and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Rebecca, w. Rev. George W. Kilton of Taunton, d. John and Susan (Chase), 18th, 4 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Rebecca B., w. James C. Caldwell of Cincinnati, Ohio, d. Alexander D. and Rebecca (Baxter), 20th, 11 mo. 1827, P.R.38.
Rebecca Fitch, w. Edward Gibbs (s. Thomas), d. Elisha G. and Sarah (Pinkham), ___, 1840, P.R.38.
Reuben (see Ruben).
Reuben, h. Judith (d. John Macy), s. Reuben and Mary (Chase), _____, PR38.
Reuben, h. Abigail (d. John Barnard and Mary), h. Lydia (wid. George Paddack, d. Alexander Gardner), s. Elihu and Phebe (Starbuck), _____, P.R.38.
Reuben, h. Hepsibeth (d. Stephen Coffin and Eunice), s. Barzillai and Lydia (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Richard, ch. Thomas and Anna, 27th, 11 mo. 1746. CR4, [h. Eunice (d. Richard Mitchell), s. Thomas and Anna (Swain), P.R.38.]
Richard, ch. Richard and Eunice. 4th, 12 mo. 1773, CR4. [h. Lois (d. Benjamin Cartwright), s. Richard and Eunice (Mitchell), PR38.
Robert, ch. Zacchariah and Judith, 30th, 4 mo. 1775, C.R.4.
Robert, h. Rachel Folger, s. Timothy and Dinah (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Robert, ch. Barnebas and Lydia, 16th, 10 mo. 1788, CR4. [h. Lydia (d. Sylvanus Macy), s. Barnabas and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Robert, h. Eliza Stagg of N. Y., s. Elihu S. and Jeminia (Jenkins), _____, P.R.38.
Roland (see Rowland).
Roland, s. Rowland and Rebecca (Hayden), 16th, 5 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Roland, s. Hezildah and Lydia (Gardner). _____, P.R.38.
Roland R.., h. Julia Ann (d. George W. Nye), s. William and Parnal (Morris), 16th, 6 mo. 1822, P.R.38.
Rose Ann, second w. Simeon Ellis [q. v.], d. Joshua, grand d. Joshua and Margaret, 21st, 8 mo. 1770, PR38.
Rowanna, d. George and Phebe (Barnard), 15th, 9 mo. 1772, P.R.38.
Rowland, h. Rebecca (d. Abishai Hayden), s. Uriah and Susan (Giles), 4th, 9 mo. 1782, P.R.38.
Rowland, ch. Calvin and Lydia, bp. Aug. 16, 1818, [s. Calvin and Lydia (Myrick), b. 12th, 2 mo. 1814., PR38]
Rowland, h. Sarah (d. David Clark of Middleboro), h. Emeline L. (d. Edward Paddack and Mary), s. Frederick F. and Hepsibeth (Fosdick), _, 7 mo. 1827, P.R.38.
Ruben, s. Benjamin and Deborah, 4th, 4 mo. 1710. [Reuben, h. Mary (d. Abraham Chase [of Martha's] Vineyard), s. Benjamin and Deborah (Paddack), P.R.38.]
Rufus, ch. Peleg and Lydia, 6th, 2 mo. 1766, C.R.4. [s. Peleg and Lydia (Worth), P.R.38.]
Ruth, w. Richard Coffin (s. John Esq.), d. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Ruth, d. Daniel and Priscilla, July 23, 1721. [w. Uriah Gardner (s. Ebenezer), d. Daniel and Priscilla (Swain), 23d, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Ruth, ch. James and Bethiah, 27th, 8 mo. 1740, C.R.4. [w. John Myrick (s. Isaac), second w. Shubael Barnard (s. Matthew), d. James and Bethia (Jenkins), 9th, 3 mo. PR38]
Ruth, ch. Joseph and Phebe, 11th, 5 mo. 1755, C.R.4. PR25. [w. Isaiah Maxey, d. Joseph and Phebe (Pinkham), PR38.]
Ruth, ch. Elihu and Phebe, 10th, 9 mo. 1769, [w. David Ring, d. Elihu and Phebe (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Ruth, second w. Benjamin Folger (s. Solomon and Lydia), d. William and Abigail (Gardner), 11th, 7 mo. 1780, P.R.38.
Ruth, ch. Zacchariah and Judith,_____ , [second w. Borden Chase of R. I., d. Zacheriah [dup. Zachery] and
Judith (Folger), ___, 1781 [dup. 1778], P.R.38.]
Sally (see Sarah).
Sally [d. Benjamin and Rebecca], Dec. 27, 1775, PR31. [w. David Pinkham, second w. Laban Coleman, d. Benjamin and Rebecca, 25th, 8 mo., P.R.38. d. Benjamin and Rebecca, Dec. 25, P.R.64.]
Sally, w. William Chadwick (s William), d. Uriah and Abigail (Gardner), 27th, 12 mo. 1792, PR38.
Sally, w. Lewis Little, d. Elijah and Abigail (Folger), _____, P.R.38.
Sally, ch. Barnebas and Lydia, 28th, 3 mo. 1795, C.R.4. [Sarah, w. Hazadiah [dup. Hezediah Coffin (s. Ebenezer and Mary), d. Barnabas and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Sally, ch. Latham and Susannah, 13th, 6 mo. 1800, CR4. [Sarah, w. Josiah Coleman, G.R.3. Sarah, w. Josiah Coleman (s. Obed), d. Latham and Susanna (Barnard), P.R.38]
Samuel, ch. Jabez and Hannah, 5th, 9 mo. 1711, C.R.4. [h. Priscilla (d. John Coleman Jr.), s. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), 14th, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Samuel, h. Rachel Ellinworth, s. William and Mary (Russell), ___, 1756, P.R.38.
Samuel, ch. Barnebas and Lydia, 17th, 11 mo. 1786, C.R.4. [h. Sarah (d. Elihu Russell and Hepsabeth), s. Barnabas and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Samuel [s. Benjamin and Rebecca], May 16, 1791, P.R.31.
Samuel [s. Benjamin and Rebecca], Aug. 24, 1796, P.R.31.
Sarah, ch. Zacchariah and Judith, 20th, 11mo. 1768, C.R.4. [Sally, w. Obed Clark (s. Church), d. Zacheriah and Judith (Folger), P.R.38.]
Sarah, m. "at the Eastward," d. Batchelder and Abigail (Hussey) (second w.), _____, P.R.38.
Sarah (see Sally).
Sarah [? m.], June 27, 1830, G.R.3.
Sarah Ann, d. Henry C. and Huldah Ann (Sill), _____, P.R.38.
Sarah B. [Bunker], w. William H. Gardner, July 13, 1812, GR1.. [Bunker, w. William H. Gardner (s. George
W.), d. Owen and Phebe (Gardner), 9th, 7 mo., P.R38]
Sarah C., d. William and Patna (Morris), 5th, 3 mo. 1812, PR38.
Sarah F., d. Timothy and Nancy (Cooper), Jan. 21, 1821, P.R.31. [w. William T. Hight of Maine, d. Timothy and Nancy, P.R.38]
Sarah F., w. Joseph S. Spinney, d. John and Sarah Mall, _____, P.R.38.
Sarah G., w. David Huntington of Newport, R. I., d. Hezekiah and Lydia Ellinwood, 7th, 2 mo. 1797, P.R.38.
Sarah G., w. George H. Fillmore (s. Rev. Daniel), w. M. B. Ivory of Martinez, Calif., d. Asa G. and Mary (Ray), 13th, 3 mo. 1834, P.R.38.
Seth, ch. Paul and Hannah, 28th, 8 mo. 1745, CR4.. [s. Paul and Hannah (Gardner), P.R.38]
Seth, h. Lavinia Ceeley, s. Timothy and Dinah (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Shubael, ch. Zachariah and Desire, Aug. 9, 1731. [h. Lydia (d. Daniel Paddack), s. Zacheriah and Desire (Gorham), 9th, 8 mo., PR38]
Shubael, ch. Shubael and Lydia, 6th, 2 mo. 1754, C.R.4. [h. Lydia (d. Joseph Gardner), s. Shubael and Lydia (Paddack), P.R.38.]
Silas, [twin] ch. Jabez and Hannah, 16th, 8 mo. 1713, C.R.4. [s. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), 15th, 8 mo. 1711 [sic], PR38]
Silas, h. Eunice Mott of Newport, R. I., s. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), 18th, 1 mo. 1715, P.R.38.
Silas, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, 28th, 9 mo. 1742, C.R4. [h. Deborah (d. Jonathan Bunker), h. Elizabeth Reynolds (d. Francis Swain), s. Samuel and Priscilla (Coleman), P.R.38]
Silas J., s. Silas and Deborah (Bunker), _____ [rec. after ch. b. ___, 1772], P.R.38.
Silvanus, s. Daniel and Priscilla, Feb. 24, 1732-3. [h. Hepsibeth (d. Stephen Swain), h. Abigail (d. John Ellis), s. Daniel and Priscilla (Swain), 24th [dup. 2d], 2 mo. 1732, P.R.38.]
Silvanus, s. Silvanus and Hepsibeth (Swain), _____, P.R.38.
Simeon, h. Huldah (d. Bachelder Hussey), s. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____ , P.R.38.
Simeon, ch. Zachariah and Desire, Mar. 21, 1736. [h. Mary (d. Elijah Swain) [dup. h. Experience Studley, see Jonathan Bunker], s. Zacheriah [dup. Zachery] and Desire (Gorham), 21st, 3 mo., P.R.38.]
Simeon, ch. Simeon and Huldah. 15th. 7 mo. 1747, C.R.4. [h. Lydia (d. Paul Hussey), s. Simeon and Huldah (Hussey), P.R.38.]
Simeon, m. "at the Eastward," s. Batchelder and Abigail (Hussey) (second w.). _____, P.R.38.
Solomon, ch. David and Elizabeth, , 9 mo. 1750, CR4. [h. Abigail (d. Zephaniah Coffin and Abigail), s. David and Elizabeth (Gorham), P.R.38.]
Stephen, h. Elizabeth Cook of the Vineyard., s. Uriah and Zaruiah (Pinkham),_____ [rec. before ch. b. 13th, 5 mo.
1746], P.R.38.
Stephen, s. Silvanus and Hepsibeth (Swain),_____ , P.R.38.
Stephen, m. "at the Eastward," s. Batchelder and Abigail (Hussey) (second w.), _____ P.R.38.
Stephen G., s. Charles G., mariner, and Mary M. of N., Nov. 6, 1845, in N.
Susan, d. Uriah and Susan (Giles), 12th, 7 mo. 1762, P.R.38.
Susan, w. Benjamin Meader (s. Nathaniel), d. Simeon and Mary (Swain), _____ [rec. after ch. b. , 1772]
Susan. ch. James and Susanna, 4th, 8 mo. 1805, C.R.4. [On stone with George S. Coleman, G.R.3. w. George S. Coleman (s. John), d. James and Susan (Marshall), 4th, 8 mo. 1806. P.R.38.]
Susan, w. John Foster of Rochester, d. John and Susan (Chase) of Fairhaven, 16th, 4 mo. 1811, P.R.38.
Susan Perry, ch. Joshua and Margaret, bp. May 30, 1830, C.R.1. [d. Joshua and Margaret (Perry), P.R.38.]
Susan W., w. William M. Keeting, d. Valentine and Lydia (Higgins), 12th, 12 Mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Susana [d. Benjamin and Rebecca], Dec. 26, 1785, P.R.31.
Susanna w. Peter Coffin of Tuckernuck, d. William and Jane (Coffin). _____ [rec. before ch. b. , 1733], P.R.38.
Susanna, Batchelor and Bethia, _____, C.R.4. [d. Batchelder and Bethia (Hussey), P.R.38.]
Susannah, ch. Jonathan and Judith, _____, CR4. [Susanna, w. Paul Coffin (s. Zephinia), d. Jonathan and Judith
(Macy), ___,1743, PR38]
Tamer, w. George Pollard Jr. (s. George and Lydia), d. Uriah and Susan (Giles), 12th, 11 mo. 1764, P.R.38.
Thaddeus, ch. Abishai and Hepzibah (second w.), 24th, 6 mo. 1758, C.R.4. [h. Hepsibeth Howland, s. Abishai and Hepsibeth (Allen), P.R.38.]
Thaddeus. s. Caleb and Eunice (Gardner), _____, P.R.38.
Thaddeus, ch. Charles and Mary, Dec. 31, 1780. [h. Lydia (d. Charles Folger), s. Charles and Mary (Coffin), 1st, 1 mo. 1781 [dup. ___, 1780], P.R.38]
Thaddeus, Uriah and Margaret (Clark), 23d, 9 mo. 1784, P.R.38.
Thomas, s. William, Apr. 8, 1680. [h. Priscilla Arthur, s. William and Mary (Macy), 8th, 4 mo., P.R.38]
Thomas, s. Benjamin and Deborah, 1st, 5 mo. 1719. [h. Anna. (d. Richard Swain and Elizabeth), s. Benjamin and Deborah (Paddack), P.R.38]
Thomas, ch. Thomas and Anna, _____, C.R.4.
Thomas. ch. Thomas and Anna, _____, C.R.4. [h. Mary (d. William Chadwick), s. Thomas and Anna (Swain), P.R.38]
Thomas C., s. George and Mary (Gardner), 5th, 11 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Timothy, ch. Benjamin and Abigail, _____, [h. Dinah (d. Shubael Coffin and Abigail), h. Judith (d. Shubael Coffin and Mary and "half sister-to Dinah"), s. Benjamin and Abigail (Worth) (Bunker). 1756, P.R.38]
Timothy, h. Elizabeth (d. Robert Macy Jr.), s. Tristram and Anna (Bunker). 17th, 6 mo. 1778, P.R.38.
Timothy. h. Avis (Rawson), h. Nancy (Cooper), [s. Benjamin and Rebecca] July 23, 1783, P.R.31.
Tristram. h. Abigail (d. Jonathan Ramsdell), s. Reuben and Mary (Chase), 13th. 2 mo. 1733. P.R.38.
Tristram, s. Daniel and Margaret, June 19, 1742. [h. Anna (d. Benjamin Bunker and Abigail). s. Daniel and Margaret (Coffin) (Davis), 19th, 6 mo. [dup. 7 mo.]. P.R.38.]
Tristram, s Peleg and Lydia (Worth). . 1776, P.R.38.
Tristram, ch. Peleg and Lydia (third w.) _____, CR4.
Ulsy, ch. Peleg and Lydia. 30th. 4 mo. 1768. C.R.4. [Ursula, d. Peleg and Lydia (Worth). P.R.38.]
Uriah, h. Zaruiah (d. Jonathan Pinkham) s. Peleg and Susannah (Coffin), _____ [rec. before ch. b. 21st, 9 mo. 1717], P.R.38.
Uriah, ch. Obed and Mary, Dec. 2. 1738. [h. Susan (d. Thomas Giles), h. Martha (d. Douglas Black). s. Obed and Mary (Duanna). 2d. 12 mo. 1738, P.R.38]
Uriah. h. Margaret (d. William Clark and Zilpah), s. Caleb Jr. and Eunice (Gardner). 30th. 8 mo. 1750 or 1759 [last digit hard to read]. P.R.38.
Uriah, h. Abigail (d. Barnabas Gardner). s. Obed and Hepsibeth (Giles). 23d. 9 mo. 1767. P.R.38.
Uriel, h. Mary (d. Thomas Allen of Milford Haven). s. Silvanus and Hepsibeth (Swain), _____, PR38.
Ursula (see Ulsy).
Valentine, h. Elizabeth (d. Benjamin Barnard), s. Joshua and Margaret (Brock), _____ [rec. before ch. b. 18th, g mo. 1761], P.R.38.
Valentine, s. Joshua, Sept. 15, 1776. [Rec. below mar. of Joshua to Parnal Myrick.]
Valentine, h. Lydia (d. Isaac Higgins and Sahara), s. Christopher Jr., 12th, 6 mo. 1789, P.R.38.
Volentine (Bunke), S. Joshua, July 13, 1798. [Rec. below mar. ofJoshua to Parnal Myrick. Valentine Bunker, s. Joshua and Parnal (Myrick), 13th, 7 mo. 1795, P.R.38]
William, h. Mary (d. Thomas Macy); s. George and Jane Godfrey, , 1648, P.R.38.
William, h. Jane (d. Ebenezer Coffin Esq.), s. Peleg and Susannah (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
William, s. Caleb and Priscilla., July 14, 1726. [h. Mary (d. Samuel Russell), s. Caleb and Priscilla (Bunker) (Coffin), 14th, 7 mo., P.R38]
William, ch. James and Betbiah, 16th, 1 MO. 1745, C.R.4. [h. Abigail (d. Grafton Gardner), s. James and Bethia (Jenkins), P.R.38.]
William, ch. Jonathan and Judith, _____, CR4. [h. Miriam (Bunker), h. Mary (d. Stephen Chase), s. Jonathan and Judith (Macy), P.R.38.]
William, s. William and Mary, Nov. 25, 1753. [h. Priscilla (d. Joshua Gardner), s. William and Mary (Russell), P.R.38.]
William, h. Mary (d. Benjamin Pitts), s. Nathaniel, 17th, 6 mo. 1770, P.R.38.
William, h. Love (d. Amaziah Hammond), s. William and Abigail (Gardner), _____, P.R.38.
William, s. Benjamin, silver smith, of N., and Rebecca, July 10, 1778. [July 9, P.R.64.]
William, h. Parnal (d. John Morris), s. Hezekiah and Lydia Ellinwood, 19th, 2 mo. 1789, P.R.38.
William, s. Zacchariah and Judith, _____, C.R4. [m. in Liverpool, Eng., s. Zacheriah and Judith (Folger), 2d, 6 mo. 1790, P.R.38.]
William, s. Thomas and Mary (Chadwick), 9th, 9 mo. 1800, P.R.38.
William, s David and Lydia (Pinkham), 14th, 10 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
William C., h. Eliza (d. John Miller and Avis), s. Daniel and Susan (Cathcart), 1st, 6 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
William C., s. Timothy and Nancy (Cooper), 28th, 11 mo. 1813, P.R.31.
William H., s. George and Mary (Gardner), _____, P.R.38.
William H., h. Christina Sanborn of Salem, s. Alexander and Mary (Bursley), 1st, 3 mo. 1831, P.R.38.
William Henry, s. William C. and Eliza (Miller), 23d, 10 mo. 1833. P.R.38.
William J., h. Ann Southwark of Conn., s. Elihu S. and Jemima (Jenkins), _____ , P.R.38.
William M., s. William and Parnal (Morris), 18th, 12 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
William M., s. Roland R., cooper, and Julia A. of N., Nov. 6, 1846, in N.
William P., h. Sarah (d. Joshua Riddell), s. Owen and Phebe (Gardner), 19th, 7 mo. 1809, PR38.
William R., s. David mariner, and Hepzibah of N., May 24, 1843, in N. [h. Anna B. (d. Shubael Winslow), s. David P. and Hepsibeth (Russell), P.R.38]
Zaccheriah [dup. Zacheriah], h. Desire (d. Shubael Gorham), s. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____,PR38.
Zachariah, ch. Zachariah and Desire, Mar. 11, 1744. [Zacheriah, h. Judith (d. William Folger), s. Zacheriah and Desire (Gorham),11th, 3 mo., P.R.38]
Zebulon, s. George and Phebe (Barnard), _____, P.R.38.
Zephaniah, ch. Charles and Mary. 19th, 9 mo. 1761. [Zepheniah, C.R.4. Zephaniah, s. Charles and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38]
____, twin chn. Jabez and Hannah (Gardner), 19th, 4 mo. .1707. P.R.38.
____, twin chn. Zac and w., Dec. , 1776, P.R.64.
_____, d. John and w., June 30, 1793, PR64.
_____, s. Betsy. Apr. 23, 1796, PR64.
Almira Upham, w. George W. Swain (s. Barzillai), d. William and Polly (Orpin) (second w.), 18th, 1 mo. 1835. P.R.38.
Barzillai, h. Eunice (d. Samuel Robinson), s. Edward and Parnal (Russell), 4th, 11 mo. 1782 [dup. 1781], P.R.38.
Barzillai R., h. Charlotte (d. Tristram Tobey), s. Barzillai and Eunice (Robinson), 8th, 1 mo. 1820. P.R.38.
Buel of Falmouth, h. Anna (wid. Moses Keen), ___, 1790, P.R.38.
Caroline E. Prescott [____] of Portland. Me., w. Thomas (s. Barzillai), 30th, 9 mo. 1819, PR38.
Charles L., s. Thomas, mariner, and Caroline E. of N., Sept. 3, 1848, in N. [h. Lucy W. Stockbridge, s. Thomas and Caroline E. Prescott, PR38]
Charlotte Maria, w. Timothy G. Folger (s. Reuben), d. William and Polly (Orpin) (second w.), 15th, 5 mo. 1830, P.R.38.
David Upham, s. William and Polly (Orpin) (second w.), 26th, 6 mo. 1839, P.R.38.
Deborah, w. Benjamin Robinson (s. James), d. Reuben and Lydia (Ellis), 17th, 9 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Edward of England, h. Parnal (d. Daniel Russell Jr.), 27th, 12 mo. 1745, P.R.38.
Edward, s. Reuben and Lydia (Ellis), 19th, 10 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Edward, h. Eliza (d. Joseph Cowan and Phebe (Easton)), s. William and Polly (Orpin ) (second w.), 15th, 10 mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Edward Barnes, s. Bud and Anna ( ___ ) (Keen), _____, P.R.38.
Eliza Ann, second w. Alexander Coffin (s. James Jr. and Rhoda), d. Reuben and Lydia (Ellis), 15th, 6 mo. 1803 [sic], P.R.38.
Elizabeth, d. Edward and Parnal (Russell), 18th, 4 mo. 1775, PR38.
Emeline R., w. William H. Coffin (s. William M. and Mary), d. Barzillai and Eunice (Robinson), -, 1 mo. 1826 [dup. 1825, PR38.
Emma C., Apr. 7, 1841, GR3. [d. Thomas and Caroline E. Prescott, P.R.38]
George L., ch. Reuben and Caroline, bp. Oct. 28, 1849, C.R.1. [s. Reuben and Caroline (Coffin), b. 15th, 5 mo., P.R.38]
Lydia [Burdett], w. William M. Hallett, May 17, 1812, G.R.3. [Burdett, w. William M. Hallett (s. Isaac and Rebecca of Barnstable), d. Reuben and Lydia (Ellis), P.R.38]
Mary, w. William M. Coffin (s. Joseph of Newbury and Elizabeth), d. Edward and Parnal (Russell), 20th, 12 mo. 1788 [dup. 1789]. P.R.38.
Mary, w. Charles A. Folger (s. William and Lucy), d. Barzillai and Eunice (Robinson), 30th, 10 mo. 1811 [dup. ___, 1812], P.R.38.
Mary Coffin, w. Edwin Hiller (s. William), d. William and Polly (Orpin) (second w.), 15th, 3 mo. 1832, P.R.38.
Nancy [dup. Burdittl, w. James Davis of Truro, d. Reuben and Lydia (Ellis), 8th, 9 mo. 1808 [dup. 17th, 6 mo. 1809], P.R.38.
Parnal, w. Moses Harris (s. Obed and Rhoda), d. Edward and Parnal (Russell), 6th, 3 mo. 1787 [dup. 1786], P.R.38.
Parnal Harris, d. William and Polly (Orpin) (second w.), 26th, 5 mo. 1837, P.R.38.
Phebe, w. Gorham Bunker (s. Simeon), d. Edward and Parnal (Russell). 2d, 3 mo. 1785. P.R.38.
Phebe Fisher, d. Buel and Anna (____) (Keen), _____, PR38.
Rebecca R, w. Aaron Coffin (s. Barzillai and Rebecca), d. Barzillai and Eunice (Robinson), 17th, 1 mo. 1809, PR38.
Reuben, h. Lydia (d. Simeon Ellis), s. Edward and Parnal (Russell), 20th, 1 mo. 1781, P.R.38. -
Reuben, h. Caroline (d. Philander Coffin), s. Barzillai and Eunice (Robinson), 19th, 3 mo. 1824, P.R.38.
Sarah, w. John K. Sears of S. Yarmouth, d Reuben and Lydia (Ellis), -, 11 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Seth, s. Edward and Parnal (Russell), 21st, 5 mo. 1779, P.R.38.
Susan, w. Edward W. Cobb (s. George), d. Barzillai and Eunice (Robinson), 3d, 6 mo. 1816, P.R.38.
Thomas, s. Edward and Parnal (Russell), 10th,4 mo. 1776, P.R.38.
Thomas, h. Caroline E. Prescut [dup. Prescott] of Portland, Me., s. Barzillai and Eunice (Robinson), 1st, 7 mo. 1814,
William, h. Hannah (d. John Wilbur), h. Polly (d. Isaac Orpin), h. Hannah (d. Richard Alley), s. Edward and Parnal (Russell), 21st, 12 mo. 1792, P.R.38.
William B., s. William and Polly (Orpin) (second w.), 30th, 5 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Christopher, h. Lydia E. (wid. Henry Burdick, d. Peleg Easton and Eunice), 16th, 7 mo. 1788, P.R.38.
Eunice E., ch. Henry and Lydia, 15th, 6 mo. 1817, C.R.4. [w. Alonzo Matthews of Dartmouth, d. Henry and Lydia E. (Easton), P.R.38.]
George Washington, h. Ellen (d. James Morse), [twin] s. Christopher and Lydia E. (Easton) (Burdick), 23d, 4 mo. 1833, P.R.38.
Henry C., h. Judith (d. Mark Folger), s. Christopher and Lydia E. (Easton) (Burdick), 19th, 9 mo. 1831, PR38.
Martha W., d. Christopher and Lydia E., ___, 1833, G.R.3. [twin] d. Christopher and Lydia E. (Easton) (Burdick), 23d, 4 mo., P.R.38.]
Mary F., w. Elijah Hedding Alley of Lynn (s. Benjamin and Abigail of Lynn), d. Christopher and Lydia (Easton) (Burdick), 13th, 6 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Susan E., w. William F. Channing of Boston, d. Christopher and Lydia E. (Easton) (Burdick), -, 12 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
Alexander, s. Watson and Zeruiah (Bennett) ___, 1833, P.R.38.
Amanda Maria, w. F. Banting, d. Watson and Zeruiah (Bennett). 4th, 3 mo. 1830, PR38.
Ann Elizabeth, w. Harvey Winchell of N. Y., d. Watson and Zeruiah (Bennett), . 1831, P.R.38.
Catharine L., second w. Ansel L. Snow, d. Nathaniel and Naomi of Barnstable, 16th, 7 mo. 1817 [? in N]. PR38.
Catharine Smith [____] of Barnstable, w. Richard E. (s. Charles A.). 19th, 3 mo. 1837 [? in Barnstable], P.R.38.
Charles A., h. Mary C. (d. David Worth), h. Mrs. Juliet A. Williams of Frederickstown N. B., 24th, 10 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
David W., h. Susan Ryder of Duxbury, h. Eliza W. (d. Edward C. Joy and Eliza), h. Etta [dup. Marietta] (d. Charles Starbuck), s. Charles A. and Mary C. (Worth), 19th, 2 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
George W., s. Watson and Mary J. (Parker) (second w.), 2d, 9 mo. 1834, P.R.38.
Martha W., d. Charles A., yeoman, and Mary of N., July 4, 1844, in N. [w. Abner Fish (s. Samuel), d. Charles A. and Mary C. (Worth), P.R.38.)
Mary E., d. Watson, fisherman, and Mary of N., June 27, 1847, in N. [w. Judah E. Nickerson of Dennisport, d. Watson and Mary J. (Parker) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Mary Elizabeth, d. Watson, mariner, and Mary of N., Aug. 21, 1843. in N.
Mary W., w. Thomas Gibbs (s. Stephen and Deborah), d. Charles and Mary C. (Worth), 2d, 2 mo. 1839, P.R.38.
Richard Ennis, h. Catharine Smith of Yarmouth, s. Charles A. and Mary C. (Worth), 12th, 2 mo. 1837, P.R.38.
Ruth of Harwich, third w. Charles E. Hayden (s. Prince Gorham and Priscilla), , 9 mo. 1822 (? in N.], P.R.38.
Watson, h. Zeruiah (d. William Bennett), h. Mary J. (d. Jesse Parker). 19th, 1 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
William J., h. Ann C. (d. Daniel McDonnell [dup. Donnell], s. Watson and Mary J. (Parker) (second w.), 20th, 3 mo. 1836, PR38.
Barker, s. Jonathan and Deborah (Barker), _____, P.R.38.
Barker, s. Jonathan and Jemima (Marshall), _____, PR38.
Barker, h. Judith B. (d. Jonathan Barney Jr. and Mar). s. Jonathan and Polly (Giles), 30th, 1 mo. 1798, P.R.38.
Barker, h. Lydia C. (d. Matthew Crosby), s. Barker and Judith B. (Barney), 12th, 10 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Barker Jr., s. Barker, merchant, and Lydia of N., Sept. 27, 1845, in N.
Deborah, w. Benjamin Jenkins (s. Thomas), d. Jonathan and Deborah (Barker), _____, PR38.
Deborah [Burnell], w. Thomas Meader. June 23, 1783, G.R.4. [Burnell, w. Thomas Meader (s. Nicholas), d. Jonathan and Jemima (Marshall), 4th, 7 mo. PR38]
Eliza, d. Jonathan and Mary (Myrick), 2d, 1O mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Eunice, w. George Ramsdell (s. Jonathan Jr.), d. Jonathan and Deborah (Barker), _____, PR38.
Jonathan, h. Deborah (d. Samuel Barker and Deborah Wing), s. Jonathan of Boston, 2d, 1 mo. 1714, P.R.38.
Jonathan, h. Jemima (d. Joseph Marshall), s. Jonathan and Deborah (Barker), 9th, 10 mo. 1745, P.R.38.
Jonathan, h. Polly (d. Reuben Giles), s. Jonathan and Jemima (Marshall), 17th, 5 mo. 1779, P.R.38.
Jonathan, h. Mary (d. George Myrick), s. Jonathan and Polly (Giles), 15th, 11 mo. [dup. -, 12 mo.] 1796, P.R.38.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary (Myrick), 1st, 11 mo. 1822, P.R.38.
Judith, w. Peter Folger Jr., d. Jonathan and Deborah (Barker), _____, PR38.
Lydia, w. Benjamin and Francis Baxter (sons of Christopher), d. Jonathan and Jemima (Marshall), 24th, 1 mo. 1766 [sic], P.R.38.
Mary, w. John Cotton (s. Josiah and Judith), d. Samuel and Mary, 15th, 2 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Mary C., d. Barker, merchant, and Lydia C. of N., Feb. 28, 1844, in N.
Sally (see Sarah).
Samuel, h. Mary (d. Jonathan W. Colesworthy), s. Jonathan and Jemima (Marshall), 12th, 3 mo. 1778, P.R.38.
Sarah [dup. Sally], w. William Hussey Jr. (s. Will.iarn and Abigail), d. Jonathan and Deborah (Barker), 8th, 10 mo.
1752, P.R.38.
Susan, w. Ammiel [dup. Ammial] Elkins (s. John), d. Jonathan and Jemima (Marsloall), 8th, 10 mo. 1781, PR38.
Susanna, w. Obed Marshall (s. Joseph Jr.), d. Jonathan and Deborah (Barker), 23d [dup. 30th], 9 mo. 1747, PR38.
BURRAGE (Burridge)
Charles, s. Edward and Sabara (Whippey), 28th, 12 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
Lucy (Berridge), ch. Mary (Gabriel), bp. Aug. 13, 1747, CR1.
Lydia, w. William Holmes, d. James and Mary, 13th, 9 mo. 1753. PR38.
Mary (Burridge), ch. Mary, bp. Nov. 12, 1749, CR1.
Mary, w James Smallwood, d. Edward and Sahara (Whippey), 7th, 2 mo. 1782, P.R.38.
Randal, ch. James and Anna, bp. Oct. 30, 1791, C.R.3.
Seth (Burrell), s. James and Judith [(Morton) P.R.38.], June 30, 1768.
John B. (Burrows), s. John R., carpenter, and Charlotte of N., July 6, 1845, in N.
Mary E., d. John R., carpenter, and Charlotte of N., Aug. 21, 1843, in N.
BURSLEY (Bursely)
Mary, w. Alexander Bunker (s. Jesse), d. Samuel of Barnstable, 29th, 11 MO. 1803, PR38.
Mercy (Bursely) [dup. Bearse], w. Massena Jones, second w. Ruel Rawson, d.____ of Cape Cod, 16th, 12 mo. 1794, P.R.38.
Abigail, w. Cyrus Coffin (s. Isaiah and Sarah), d. Rev. Zebulon and Nancy [dup. Anna (Starbuck)], 30th, 4 mo. 1783, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. Matthew Pease, d. Samuel and Mary, _____, P.R.38.
Etta, w. Charles W. Coffin (s. Samuel C.), niece of Ruth (w. Obed Coleman), _____, P.R.38.
John Starbuck, ch. Zebulon and Ann, bp. Apr. 2, 1780, C.R.3. [s. Zebulon and Ann (Starbuck), b _____, P.R.38.]
Nancy, w. Cyrus Hussey (s. Christopher), d. Zebulon and Anna (Starbuck), 5th, 7 mo. [dup. 6 mo.] 1776, P.R.38.
Ruth of Falmouth, w. David and Obed Coleman (sons of Robert and Deborah), d. Rufus and Jane, 16th, 3 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Sarah, d. Shubal of Martha's Vineyard and Susanna Folger of N., Feb. 10, 1739. [Sarah Folger, ch. Susanna, C.R.I. w. Ephraim Coffin, d. Susannah Folger, grand d. Richard Folger, 2d, 10 mo. [dup. 7th, 2 MO.], P.R.38.]
Sophronia W., second w. Alexander Raymond (s. Samuel and Mary), , 1808 [? in Falmouth], P.R.38.
Thankful, Mar. 11, 1749 "Old stile," P.R.32.
____, s. Mrs. Butler, Sept. 21, 1779, PR64.
James Henry, ch. J. and Mary, bp. Jan. 28, 1821, CR2.
Horace, s. Charles P., carpenter, and Lydia. of N., Aug. 22, 1844, in N.