To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Births - BLACK to BUMPUS
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Alexander, h. Lydia White of Yarmonth, s. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 26th., 2 mo. . 1747], P.R.38.
Anna, ch. Douglas and Persis, Feb. 26, 1747. [d. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), 26th, 2 mo., P.R.38]
Anna, W. Robert Coffin (s. Jonathan and Peggy (Coffin)), d. Daniel and Elizabeth (Coffin), 8th, 4 mo. 1772, PR38.
Clovis, h.. Betsey (d. Nathaniel Fisher and Naomi), s. Daniel and Elizabeth (Coffin), 8th, 6 mo. 1776, P.R.38.
Daniel, ch. Douglas and Persis, May 14, 1743. [h. Elizabeth (d. Abner Coffin and Phebe), h. Patience (wid. Richard Sherman), s. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), 11th [dup. 14th], 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, ch. William and Mary [(Folger) P.R.38, 6th, 6 mo. 1763.
Eunice, ch. Douglas and Persis, June 24, 1739. [ch. Douglass, CR1. w. Jacob Alley [q. v.], d. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), _, 7 mo. 1740, P.R.38]
Eunice, w. Benjamin Flagg, d. Daniel and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 8th, 4 mo. 1772] P.R.38.
Gideon, ch. William and Mary [(Folger) P.R.38.], 20th, 10 mo. 1769.
Janet, ch. Douglas and Persis, Feb. 8, 1745- [Jeanette, d. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), 8th, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
John Brock, s. Patta [Martha, PR38], Mar. 24, 1782, in N.
Love, w. Robert Coffin (s. Jonathan and Peggy), d. Daniel and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 8th, 6 mo. 1776], P.R.38.
Lydia, ch. William and Mary, 28th, 6 mo. 1767, C.R.4.
Martha, ch. Douglas [Douglass, CR1] and Persis, Aug. 25, 1741.
Martha, second w. Uriah Bunker (s. Obed), d. Douglas, 6th, 3 mo. 1760, P.R.38.
Mary, d. Douglas and Persis [Percis (Arthur), PR38.], June 30, 1735.
Mary, ch. William and Mary, 8th, 11 mo. 1774. CR4.
Owen, ch. William and Mary [(Folger) P.R.38], 18th, 12 ma. 1761.
Peleg, ch. William and Mary [(Folger) 15th, 5 mo. 1765. -
Timothy, s. Daniel and Elizabeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
William, s. Douglas and Persis, Mar. 12, 1736-7. [ch. Douglass, C.R.1. h. Mary (d. Eleazar Folger Jr.), s. Douglas and Percis (Arthur), 12th, 3 mo. 1736, PR38.
William, ch. William and Mary [(Folger) 19th, 9 mo. 1771.
Mary S., w. William Parsons, d. Erastus and Lydia (Bailey), _____, PR38.
Abigail, d. Samuel and Celia (Merry), 28th, 5 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Edwin, s. John and Hannah (Swain) (Ellis), _____ , PR38.
Franklin, s. John and Hannah (Swain) (Ellis), _____, P.R.38.
Henry S., s. John and Hannah (Swain) (Ellis), _____, P.R.38.
Mary [___] [w. Roland], 17th, 3 mo. 1740, P.R.38.
Rowland [h. Mary], _, 10 mo. 1747. PR38.
Samuel, h. Celia (d. Seth Merry), h. Jane, h. Martha (d. Abner Mayhew of Chilmark), s. Samuel, _, 10 mo. 1772, P.R.38.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Celia (Merry), _____, P.R.38.
William s. Samuel and Celia (Merry), _____, P.R.38.
Eliza Jennings, w. Judah Crowell, d. James and Deborah (Modley), 28th, 12 mo. 1841, P.R.38.
James, h. Deborah (d. Thomas Modley and Rebecca), h. Catharine J. (d. Henry M. Pinkham and Catharine), 8th, 4 mo. 1811, P.R.38.
James Jr., s. James, blacksmith, and Deborah of N., Aug. 7. 1846, in N. [James R., s. James and Deborah (Modley), P.R.38.]
Rebecca .M., d. James, blacksmith, and Deborah of N., Dec. 12, 1844, in N.
Susan L., w. Josiah F. Baker of Yarmouth, d. James and Deborah (Modley), 18th, 3 mo. 1844, P.R.38.
Edmund, s. John, laborer, and Catherine of N., June 20, 1848, in N.
John, s. John, laborer, and Catharine of N., Feb. 19, 1844, in N.
Margaret, d. John, laborer, and Catharine of N., Jan. 6, 1847, in N.
Benjamin F., s. Obed, mariner, and Mary of N. Nov. 1, 1843, in N.
____, ch. Michael. June 22, 1841.
Abraham. h. Susan (wid. ____ Knowles. d. William Hull), . 6 ma. 1807, P.R.38.
Sophia, d. Abraham and Susan (Hull) (Knowles). , 2 mo. 1826, P.R.38.
Caroline L. S., w. Abraham Lovell of Cotuit, d. Joseph and Sally (Orne), 30th, 3 mo. 1815. P.R.38.
Sarah Maria, w. Charles F. Meader (s. Reuben), d. Joseph and Sarah (Orne), , 6 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Betsey H. Jones [___ ], w. Sylvester D. of Chatham. 26th, 3 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Caroline E., d. Sylvester D. and Betsey H. Jones, 8th, 9 mo. 1842, P.R.38.
Catharine, second w. Obed Raymond (s. Benjamin and Elizabeth), sister of Sylvester, , 1816 [in Halifax], P.R.38.
Charles H., s. Sylvester D. and Betsey H. Jones, 14th, 9 mo. 1841. P.R.38. -
Eugene B., s. Sylvester, shipwright, and Betsey of N. [Sylvester D. and Betsey H. Jones, P.R.38.1, Feb. 8, 1848, in N.
Paulina H., d. Sylvester D. and Betsey H. Jones, 6th, 4 mo. 1844, P.R.38.
Sylvester D. of Chatham, h. Betsey H. Jones, 30th, 10 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Valina. H., d. Sylvester, carpenter, and Betsey of N., Apr. 22, 1845, in N.
Anna, w. Elihu Folger (s. Jethro), d. John and Sarah (Swain), 22d, 11 mo. 1760, P.R.38.
Anna, w. Obed Barnard (s. David), d. James and Charity (Swain), , 8 mo. 1781, P.R.38.
Elizabeth (Bowcot), d. Thomas and Mercy, Feb. 4, 1738. [w. Banister Keen, 14th, 2 mo., PR38.]
Fanny, d. John and Anna (Bunker), 15th, 10 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
Harriet, d. James and Elizabeth (Brown), 4th, 3 mo. 1810. P.R.38.
James, s. Mercy (Bowcot), Jan. 28, 1742. [Bowcot, s. Thomas and Mercy. P.R.38.]
James, h. Charity (d. Ebenezar Swain), 12th, 10 mo. 1749, PR38.
James, h. Elizabeth (d. James Brown), [twin] s. James and Charity (Swain), 16th. 11 mo. 1778. P.R.38.
John, h. Mercy [dup. Percy] Doane of New Bedford, s. John and Sarah (Swain), 15th, 3 mo. 1758, P.R.38.
John, h. Anna (d. Natliwniel Bunker and Anna), [twin] s. James and Charity (Swain), 16th, 11 mo. 1778, P.R.38.
Lydia, w. Laban Coleman (s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth), d. John and Sarah (Swain), 12th, 9 mo. 1772, P.R.38.
Lydia, d. John and Percy Doane, 27th, 6 ma, 1808, P.R.38. -
Mary, w. John Sprague, d John and Sarah (Swain), 11th, 11 mo., 1762 [dup. 1761], P.R.38.
Mary (see Lydia).
Mary, d. Anna (d. John and Sarah), 1st, 1 mo. 1783, P.R.38.
Moses, s. James and Charity (Swain), _____ [rec. before ch. b. , 8 mo. 1781], PR38.
Susan [dup. Bocott], w. Stephen Coleman (s. Jonathan and Hepsabeth), d John and Sarah (Swain), 13th, 6 mo. 1764, P.R.38.
Winifred., w. Joseph M. Chase (s. Judah), d. James [dup. Jr..] and Elizabeth (Brown), 13th, 6 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Abigail, [dup. Abby G. Bourden], w. Henry J. Starbuck ("a Portuguese"), d.. Henry and Abigail Guild, 19th, 1 mo. 1811, P.R.38.
Abigail Guild [ ___ ], w. Henry, 17th, 6 mo. 1782, P.R.38.
Charles, s. Edward, cooper, and Mary [Mary Jane (Howe), P.R.38.] of N., May 13, 1846, in N.
Edward, h. Mary Jane (d. Martin Howe of Wareham), h. Lurania S. (wid. ___ Hillery, d. Martin Howe of Wareham), s. Henry and Abigail , 1 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Edward, s. Edward and Mary Jane (Howe), _____ [? before 1850], P.R.38.
Eunice, w. Manuel Enos [q.v.], d. Henry and Abigail Guild, 9th, 6 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Henry, h. Abigail Guild, 9th, 2 mo. 1783, PR38.
Martin H., s. Edward, cooper, and Mary [dup. adds J.] of N., May 13, 1844 [dup. 1845], in N.
Mary F., d. Edward, cooper, and Mary Jane of N. June 29, 1847. in N. [Mary Francis, ch. Edward and Mary Jane (Howe), P.R.38.]
Joseph Henry, s. Joseph 0. and Adelia B. (Eldredge), _____, P.R.38.
Joseph 0.. Aug. 19, 1817, G.R.3. [h. Adelia B. (d. Thomas Eldredge of Waquoit, Cape Cod), P.R.38.]
Francis M., s. Francis and Sally (Moores), ___, 1811, P.R.38.
Nancy, w. ____ Smith, d. Francis and Sally (Moores), _____. PR38.
Phebe, d. Francis and Sally (Moores), _____, PR38.
____, s. William of N.., Oct. 22, 1848, in N.
Huldah H., d. George and Anna Stanton, ___, 1826, in Lemington, Kent Co., Del., G.R.5.
Artemas (see Artemas Ross).
Lucy, ch. Tobias and Falla, bp. July 17, 1774, C.R.3.
Mary, ch. Tobias and Falk, bp. Oct. 9, 1768, C.R.3.
Phebe, ch. Tobias and Falla, bp. Nov. 10, 1771, C.R.3.
Prince, s. Tobias and Falla, bp. Mar. 23, 1777, C.R.3.
Priscilla, d. Tobias and Falla, bp. Mar. 20, 1768, CR3.
John Masters, Apr. 2, 1821, G.R.3.
BOWEN (see also BOWENS)-
Betsey, d. Reuben and Sally (Folger), 2d, 12 mo. 1804, PR38.
George, h. Elizabeth (Ellis), h. Sally (wid. Isaac Barker), s. Reuben and Sally (Folger), 13th, 12 mo. 1800, P.R.38.
James, S. Reuben and Sally (Folger), 3d, 12 trio. 1808, P.R.38.
Lydia, d. Reuben and Sally (Folger), 15th, 9 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Mary Ann, Reuben and Sally (Folger), 3d, 10 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Nancy, d. Reuben and Sally (Folger), 24th, 7 MO. 1819, P.R.38.
Reuben of Rehoboth, R. I., h. Sally (d. Henry Folger and Elizabeth), 16th, 2 mo. 1774, P.R.38.
Susan, w. Emmanuel Wood ("a Portuguese"), d. Reuben and Sally (Folger), 20th, 1 mo. 1813, P.R.38.
William, s. Reuben and Sally (Folger), 13th, 4 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
William, h. Nancy (wid. Peter Starbuck, d. Isaac Hargreaves of Fla.), s. Mary Ann, 20th, 1 mo. 1830, P.R.38.
BOWENS (see also BOWEN)-
Victoria Everett (see Victora Everett).
Amos, h. Lydia (wi& Benjamin Adams, d. William Raymond), 25th., 5 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
Ann Louisa, w. John B. Nicholson (s. Benoni), d. George W. and Sally H. (Swain), , 6 mo. 1836, P.R.38.
George W., h. Sally H. (d. Alexander Swain), s. Amos and Lydia (Raymond) (Adams), 7th, 11 mo. 1812, PR38.
Charles W., s. Wyman, merchant, and Elizabeth of N., Feb. 21, 1848, in N. [s. Wyman and Elizabeth Ann (Starbuck), 23d, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Lucy Starbuck, w. Robert B. Gardner (s. Robert F.), d. Wyman and Elizabeth Ann (Starbuck), 23d, 8 mo. 1840, PR38.
Mary Ann S., d. Wyman, merchant, and Elizabeth of N., Dec. 3, 1847. [sic, see death, see also birth of Charles W.] in N. [d. Wyman and Elizabeth Ann (Starbuck), P.R.38]
Wyman, h. Elizabeth Ann (d. Thomas Starbuck and Susan), 19th, 20 10 mo. 1812, P.R.38.
Alexander, h. Julia Ann (d. Maltiah Nye), s. Israel and Merab (Coleman), 16th, 3 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
Alexander, s. Alexander and Julia Ann (Nye), 19th, 5 mo. 1830, P.R.38.
Alice Hussey, ch.. Robert and Deborah, 7th, 12 mo. 1796, C.R.4. [w. Charles Swain (s. Thaddeus), d. Robert and Deborah (Hussey), P.R.38.]
Charles F., s. Shubael, mariner, and Mary of N., Aug. 14, 1843, in N.
Daniel C., h. Anna Weeden of Va., s. William and Mary (Hoeg), 17th, 2 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
David, h. Eliza (d. Shubael Folger), nephew of Robert, 1st, 9 mo. 1788, P.R.38.
David, h. Susan (d. Jethro Coffin and Anna [dup. Mary (Cobb)]), s. David and Eliza (Folger), 20th, 5 mo. 1826,
Elizabeth, ch. Robert and Deborah, 19th, 6 mo. 1803, C.R.4. [w. William Almy of Dartmouth, d. Robert and Deborah (Hussey), PR38].
Elizabeth Ann, w. John C. Mitchell (s. James), [twin] d. George and Hepsibeth (Mitchell), _, 10 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
Eunice, ch. Robert and Deborah, Toth, 10th, 9 mo. 1810, C.R.4. [d. Robert and Deborah (Hussey). P.R.38.]
George, ch. Robert and Deborah, 31st, 8 mo. 1800, C.R.4. [h. Hepsibeth (d. Paul Mitchell), s. Robert and Deborah (Hussey), P.R.38.]
George, h. Priscilla Tobey, s. David and Eliza (Folger), 25th, 5 mo. 1831, P.R.38.
Isaac, ch. Isaac and Sarah, _____ [rec. after ch. b. 8th, 7 mo. 1799], C.R.4. [h. Love (d. Peleg Mitchell and Lydia), s. Isaac and Sarah (Hussey), 20th, 1 mo. 1801, PR38.]
Israel, h.. Merab (d. Barnabas Coleman Jr.), 17th, 4 mo. 1774, P.R.38.
Israel, ch. Robert and Deborah. 15th, 5 mo. 1808, CR4. [h. Judith Haskel, s. Robert and Deborah (Hussey), P.R.38.]
John, s. George and Hepsibeth (Mitchell), _____ P.R.38.
John C., h. Patience R. Tobey of New Bedford, s. David and Eliza (Folger), 19th, 1 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
Judith, d. David and Eliza (Folger), 1st, 8 mo. 1820, PR38.
Julia Ann, w. Franklin Macy (s. Paul), d. Israel and Merab (Coleman), 3d, 8 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Julius F., Sept. 6, 1834, G.R.2.
Mary, ch.. Robert and Deborah, 11th, 9 mo. 1805, C.R.4. [w. John H. W. Paige Esq., d. Robert and Deborah (Hussey), P.R.38.]
Mary Arm, ch. Isaac and Love M., 21st, 4 mo. 1830, CR4. [w. Frederick H. Woodbridge of Conn., d. Isaac and Love (Mitchell), P.R.38.]
Rebecca, w. Thomas Tobey (s. Luke and Keziah), d. David and Eliza (Folger), 8th, 12 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Robert, h. Deborah (d. George Hussey), 21st, 9 mo. 1773, P.R.38.
Shubael F., h. Mary M. (d. Joshua Bunker), s. David and Eliza (Folger), 21st, 7 mo. 1812, P.R.38.
Susan H., w. Maj. J. R. Snyder of Calif., [twin] d. George and Hepsibeth (Mitchell), _, 10 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
William, ch. Isaac and Sarah, 8th, 7 mo. 1799, C.R4. [h. Mary (d. Frederick Hoeg and Eunice), s. Isaac and Sarah (Hussey), P.R.38.]
William, s. William and Mary (Hoeg), 12th, 11 mo. 1831, P.R.38.
____, ch. Isaac and Love M., 31st, 12 mo. 1828, C.R4.
Emma, ch. Simeon and Eunice, _____ [rec. before ch. b. 22d, 4 mo. 1809], C.R.4. [d. Simeon and Eunice (Macy), 17th, 3 mo. 1807, P.R.38.]
James. ch. Simeon and Eunice, 1st, 1 mo. 1811, c.R4. [s. Simeon and Eunice (Macy), P.R.38.]
James, ch. Simeon and Eunice, 9th, 9 mo. 1813, C.R.4. [s. Simeon and Eunice (Macy), P.R.38.]
John, ch. Simeon and Eunice, 22d, 4 mo. 1809, [s. Simeon and Eunice (Macy), P.R.38.]
Simeon of Providence, R.I., h. Eunice (d. Peleg Macy), 29th, 8 mo. 1782, P.R.38.
William, s. William and Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1744. [s. William and Elizabeth (Allen), 31st, 12 mo. 1744, P. R.38]
Charles W., s. John, teacher, and Ann W. of N., Sept. 19, 1843, in N.
Henry A. (Bridgeman), s. John, school teacher, and Ann of N., May 4, 1845, in N.
Abner, h. Deborah (d. Nathan Coffin), h. Mary (wid. Henry Dow), 10th, 8 mo. 1739, P.R.38.
Almira, Jonathan and Sally (d. Wickliffe Chadwick), 27th, 7 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Augustus D., h. Elizabeth H. Allen of New Bedford, s. Job and Sarah (Davis), _____, P.R.38.
Caroline A., w. Henry Winslow (s. George), d. Job and Sarah (Davis), _____, P.R.38.
Catharine Thurston [___] of Cape Cod, w. James H. Briggs, 6th, 6 mo. 1816, P.R.38.
Charles, s. Jonathan and Sally (d. Wickliffe Chadwick), 22d, 3 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Charles F., s. Jonathan C. and Sally (Coffin) (Barrett), 3oth, 12 MO. 1804., P.R.38.
Charles H., s. James H. and Catharine Thurston, 2d, 4 mo. 1840, P.R.38.
Frank J., s. Job and Sarah (Davis), _____, P.R.38.
Harrison, s. James H. and Catharine Thurston, 4th, 4 mo. 1841, P.R.38.
Henry D., h. Sarah A. Thompson, s. Job and Sarah (Davis), _____, P.R.38.
James H., s. Jonathan C. and Sally (Coffin) (Barrett), Toth, 3 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
John Acinins s. Jonathan C. and Sally (Coffin) (Barrett), 18th, 7 mo. 1800, P.R.38.
Jonathan of Conn., h. Sally (d. Wickliffe Chadwick), 18th, 3 mo. 1783, P.R.38.
Jonathan C., h. Sally (wid. Samuel Barrett Jr., d. Simeon Coffin Jr.), s. Abner and Deborah (Coffin), 18th, 12 mo. 1765, P.R.38.
Love, w. Reuben Baxter (s. Christopher), d. Abner and Deborah (Coffin), 30th, 12 mo. 1779 [dup. 13th, 12 MO. 1771), P.R.38.
Lydia, w. Abel Rawson (s. Paul), d. Abner and Deborah (Coffin), 9th, 7 mo. 1767 [dup. 9th., 11 mo. 1766], PR38.
Lydia. d. Jonathan C. and Sally (Coffin) (Barrett), 11th, 11 mo. 1801, PR38.
Lydia., d. William C. and Mary W. (Jenks), 2d, 2 mo. 1827, P.R.38.
Lydia, d. James H. and Catharine of N., Mar. 20. 1849 [d. James H. and Catharine Thurston, 2d, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Phebe, w. Joseph Paul, second w. Elijah Cash (s. William and Mary), d. Barnabas, 25th, 8 mo. 1771, P.R.38.
Sarah, d. Jonatimn and Sally (d. Wickliffe Chadwick), 22d, 5 mo. 1817, P.R.38.
Sarah J., d. James H. merchant, and Catharine of N., June 13, 1847, in N. [Sarah Jane, m., d. James H. and Catharine Thurston., PR38]
Stephen, h. Phebe (d. Timothy Swain and Mary), h. Nancy (d. Nathan Coffin), s. Abner and Deborah (Coffin), 16th, 6 mo. 1770, PR38.
Thomas F., s. Jonathan C. and Sally (Coffin) (Barrett), ___, 1799, P.R.38.
William, s. James H., gentleman, of N., June 20, 1843, in N. [William C., s. James H. and Catharine Thurston, 24th, 6 mo., P.R.38.]>br?
William C., h. Mary W. (d. Samuel Jenks), s. Jonathan C. and Sally (Coffin) (Barrett), 20th, 3 mo. 1795, P.R.38.
William C., s. William C. and Mary W. (Jenks), 18th, 10 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Alexander, s. Cornelius and Eliza (Fisher), ___, 1832, P.R.38.
Cornelius "from Virginia," h. Eliza (d. Joseph Fisher). ___, 1803, P.R.38.
Cornelius, s. Cornelius and Eliza (Fisher), ___, 1838, PR38.
Eliza M., d. Cornelius and Eliza (Fisher). ___, 1835, P.R.38.
Mary or Mercy Jane, d. Cornelius and Eliza (Fisher), _____, P.R.38.
Samuel S., s. Cornelius, laborer, and Eliza of N., Apr. 17, 1848, in N. [s. Cornelius and Eliza (Fisher), , 1847, P. R.38.]
Stephen B., s. Cornelius, mariner, and Eliza [(Fisher) P.R.38.] of N., Apr. 11, 1844, in N.
William M., s. Cornelius and Eliza (Fisher). _____ [rec. after ch. b. 1838]. P.R.38.
Abby Hussey, d. Charles H. and Lydia (Wood), -, 6 mo. 1821, P.B.38. [Oct. 11, 1820 [sic, see Eunice], PR47]
Abby Hussey. w. Stephen Hickmott of Buffalo, N. Y., d. Charles H. and Lydia (Wood), 9th, 7 mo. 1836, PR38.
Andrew, h. Eunice (d. Thomas Arthur), s. Thomas and Patience (Gardner), -, 2 mo. 1737, PR38.
Andrew, h. Abigail (d. Ebenezer Hussey and Mehitable (Smith)), h. Eunice (d William Brooks and Elizabeth),
[twin] s. John and Parnal (third w., wid. Edward Coffin, d. Peter Calef) 7th, 7 mo. 1772, P.R.38.
Andrew, s. Shubael and Elizabeth M. (Prince), _____ [rec. before ch. b. 20th, 2 mo. 1834], P.R.38.
Andrew H., s. George and Susan (Plasket), 20th, 6 mo. 1824, PR38.
Andrew H., Nov. 30, 1848. [s. George H. and Charlotte A., G.R.2. s. George H. and Charlotte A. (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Ann, ch. Thomas, bp. Aug. 13, 1747, C.R.I. [w. Francis Brown Jr., d. Thomas and Patience (Gardner), b. 30th,
8 mo. 1743, P.R.38.]
Ann W., w. James F. Chase Jr. (s. James F. and Eliza), d. Thomas and Sarah (Earl), -, 7 mo. 1832, P.R.38.
Anna, w. Timothy Long (s. Nathan), d. Thomas and Judith (Coffin), ___, 1779, P.R.38.
Betsey, ch. Edw[ar]d and Hannah, bp. Sept. 23, 1792. C.FL3.
Charles Frederick, s. Charles H. and Lydia (Wood), 9th, 10 mo. 1828, P.R.38. [Oct. 12, P.R.47.]
Charles H., h. Lydia (d. Obediah Wood), s. Andrew and Abigail (Hussey), 13th, 9 mo. 1796, P.R.38. [Sept. 15, PR.47.]
Delia Maria, ch. John. bp. Apr. 19, 1818, CR2. [d. John and Merab (Mitchell), b. _____, P.R.38.]
Elisab[eth], ch. Tho[ma]s, bp. Aug. 13. 1747, C.R.I. [Elizabeth, w. Benjamin Chase (s. Abel), d. Thomas and Patience (Gardner), b. ___, 1745, P.R.38.]
Eliza, ch. Jo[h]n, bp. Apr. 19, 1818, C.R.2. [Eliza B., w. John R. Mitchell (s. David), d. John and Merab (Mitchell), b. 8th, 9 mo. 1805, P.R.38.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth, first w. Nathaniel Macy Jr. (s. Nathaniel and Abigail). d. William and Elizabeth (Calef), _____, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. William FitzGerald [q. v.], d. Thomas and Judith (Coffin), 1st, 6 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
Eunice, d. John and Parnal (Calef) (Coffin) (third w.), 7th, 2 mo. 1774, P.R.38.
Eunice, d. Charles H. and Lydia, Feb. 26, 1821 [sic, see Abby Hussey Brock], PR47.
Eunice B. [dup. P.], w. George H. Coon (s. William and Catharine), d. Charles H. and Lycra (Wood), -, 1 mo. 1823, P.R.38. [Eunice B., Jan. 26, PR47.]
Frances Lincoln, ch. Jo[h]n bp. Apr. 29, 1818, [w. Thomas Dawes Elliot of New Bedford., d. John and Merab (Mitchell), b. 1st, 10 mo. 1815, P.R.38.]
Francis, ch. Edw[ar]d and Hannah, bp. Sept. 23, 1792, C.R.3.
Frederick, s. John and Merab Mitchell), 13th, 3 mo. 1803, P.R.38. [Mar. 18, P.R.64.]
George, h. Susan (d. Joseph W. Plasket), s. Andrew and Abigail (Hussey), 5th, 10 mo. 1798, P.R.38.
George H., May 15, 1826, GR2. [h. Charlotte A. (d. Thomas Coleman and Emma), s. George and Susan (Plasket), P.P-38]
George P., s. Shubael and Elizabeth M. (Prince), -, 6 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
Janet, ch. Tho[ma]s and Patience, bp. July 22, 1739, C.R.1. [w. James Townsend, second w. Christopher Worth, d.
Thomas and Patience (Gardner), b. 9th, I mo. 1739, P.R.38]
Jeannet, d. Wiliam and Elizabeth (Calef), 1st, 1 mo. 1763, PR38.
Jethro, h. Sally (d. William Hussey), s. John and Partial (Calef) (Coffin) (third w.), 1st, 12 mo. 1776, P.R.38.
Jethro C., s. Shubael and Elizabeth M. (Prince), 20th, 2 mo. 1834, P.R.38.
John, h. Ann (d. Caleb Bunker Esq.), h. Parnal (wid. Joseph Paddack, d. John Coffin and Lydia), h. Parnal (wid. Edward Coffin, d. Dr. Peter Calef), s. Thomas and Patience (Gardner), 22d, 6 mo. 1728, P.R.38.
John, h. Elizabeth (d. Jonathan Coffin and Priscilla), s. John and Ann (Bunker), _____, [rec. before ch. b. 12th, 9 mo. 1762]. P.R.38.
John, h. Merab (d. Paul Mitchell and Merab), s. John and Elizabeth (Coffin), 14th, 6 mo. 1780, P.R.38.
John (see John Brock Black).
John C., Capt., May 19, 1813. G.R.2. [h. Charlotte M. (d. Seth Coffin Jr.), s. Peter and Waite Pease (second w.), P.R.38]
John R., s. Shubael and Elizabeth M. (Prince), 29th, 9 mo. 1842, P.R.38.
Joseph, s. Tho[ma]s and Patience, bp. Sept. 26, 1731. C.R.I. [s. Thomas and Patience (Gardner), b. ___, 1731, P.R.38.]
Joseph C., s. Peter C., mariner, and Eliza of N.. Apr. 14, 1848, in N. [Joseph Chase Brock, s. Peter C. and Eliza (Spencer), 4th, 2 mo., PR38.]
Josiah, s. Thomas and Judith, bp. Dec. 5., 1773, C.R.3.
Josiah C., Dec. 18, 1822, [h. Mary Elizabeth, s. Peleg and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.24. h. Mary Elizabeth (d. Benjamin Coleman and Lydia), s. Peleg and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.38]
Judith, ch. Thomas and Judith, bp. May 12, 1776. [w. Joseph Fitch (s. Ebenezer), d. Thomas and Judith (Coffin), b. 28th, 7 mo. 1775, P.R.38.]
Judith C., w. Frederick Cobb (s. George), d. Thomas and Sarah (Earl), 22d, 4 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Lydia, w. Robert Calder (s. Samuel and Ruth), d. John and Ann (Bunker), 12th, 9 mo. 1762, P.R.38.
Lyra, w. Jonathan Pollard Jr. (s. Jonathan and Hannah), d. Walter and Judith (Pinkham), _____ [rec. before ch. 23d, 8 mo. 1781], P.R.38.
Lydia Ann, w. Charles Coon (s. William and Catharine (Marsh)), d. Charles H. and Lydia (Wood), 24th, 5 mo.
1824 [dup. -, 1826], P.R.38. [May 21, 1826, PR47.]
Lydia G., w. Charles B. Swain (s. Peleg), w. Thomas Bowen of Fairhaven, d. Peter C. and Eliza (Spencer), -, 7 mo.
1837, P.R.38.
Lydia R, d. Shubael and Elizabeth M. (Prince), ___, 1840, P.R.38.
Margaret, ch. Thomas and Patience, bp. Aug. 31, 1735, C.R.1. [w. Joshua Bunker (s. John), d. Thomas and
Patience (Gardner), b. 6th [dup. 16th], 3 mo. 1733, PR.38]
Margaret, d. John and Anna, June 27, 1752. [w. Jethro Coffin (s. Robert), w. Nathaniel Barrett, d. John and Anna (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Margaret, w. Lindsey Riddell (s. Samuel), d. Walter and Judith (Pinkham), 23, 8 mo. [dup. 5 mo.] 1781, P.R.38.
Margaret P. (see Peggy). -
Martha P., d. Priam and Ann (Brooks), ___, 1826, P.R.38.
Martha P., d. John C., mariner, and Charlotte of N., Sept. 15, 1848, in N. [Martha C., w. John A. Easton (s. Daniel
and Mary), d. John C. and Charlotte M. (Coffin), 30th, 11 mo., P.R.38.]
Mazy. w. Thaddeus Starbuck (s. Benjamin), d. William and Elizabeth (Calef), 22d, 5 mo. 1760, P.R.38.
Oliver S., h. Elizabeth (d. John Luce), s. Peter C. and Eliza (Spencer), -, 1 mo. 1834, P.R.38.
Peggy [Brock], w. Capt. Joseph C. Chase, July 6, 1810, G.R.2. [Margaret P. Brock, w. Joseph Chase (s. Stephen), d. Peter and Waite Pease (second w.), PR38.
Peleg, h. Lydia (Gardner), h. Sarah, Dec. 16, 1788, P.R.24. [h. Lydia (d. Amaziah Gardner), h. Sarah (wid. Amiel
Joy, d. Grindal Gardner), s Thomas and Judith (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Peter, h. Margaret (d.. Francis Gardner), h. Waity [dup. Waite] Pease of Martha's Vineyard, s. John and Parnal (Coffin) (Paddack) (second w.), 27th, 11 mo. 1765 P.R.38.
Peter, ___, 1832, GR2. [h. Abby J. (d. John Miller, later w. John Gardner), s. Priam and Ann (Brooks), 17th, 3 mo. PR38]
Peter C., h. Eliza (d. Tristram Spencer), s. Peter and Waite Pease (second w.), 9th, 12 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
Priam, h. Ann (d. William Brooks), s. Peter and Waite Pease (second w.), 6th. 12 mo. [dup. 12th, 6 mo.] 1799, P.R.38.
Priscilla, w. Abijah Coffin (s. Ebenezar), w. Tristram Spencer (s. Oliver). d. Thomas and Judith (Coffin), 9th. 2 mo. 1780, PR38.
Reuben, s. Thomas and Sarah (Earl), 18th, 2 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Reuben, s. Peleg and Lydia (Gardner), Feb. 27, 1826, PR24. [Reuben R., h. Jane L. Robinson of Alameda, Calif., 27th, 2 mo. 1828, P.R.38]
Ruth, w. William Brooks Jr., [twin] d. John and Parnal (Calef) (Coffin) (third w.), 7th, 7 mo. 1772, P.R.38.
Sally [dup. Sarah]. w. Benjamin Ames (s. Benjamin). d. William and Elizabeth (Calef), 15th, 2 mo. 1768, P.R.38.
Samuel Robinson, h. Bethia A. Sherman, s. Charles H. and Lydia (Wood), 21st, 4 mo. 1833, P.R.38.
Sarah (see Sally).
Sarah E., d. Shubael F., mariner, and Eliz[abe]th M. of N., Mar. 17, 1846. in N.
Sarah E.. d. Shubael, mariner, and Eliz[abe]th [Elizabeth M. (Prince). P.R.38) of N., July 14, 1847, in N.
Shubael F., h. Elizabeth M. (d. George Prince and Miriam), s. Jethro and Lydia (Russell) (Folger) (second w.), 4th, 6 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Susan E. [Brock], w. Daniel Russell, Apr. 30, 1815. G.R.2. [Brock, first w. Daniel Russell Jr., d. Thomas and Sarah
(Earl). 30th, 4 mo. 1816 [dup. -, 1815], P.R.38]
Susan M.. d. John and Merab (Mitchell), _____, P.R.38.
Thaddeus, s. John and Ann (Bunker), ______ [rec. after ch. b. 12th, 9 mo. 1762], P.R.38.
Thomas, h. Patience (d. Joseph Gardner), s. Thomas, 25th, 12 mo. 1698, P.R.38. [ ___, 1700, in Paisley, Scot., PR63.]
Thomas, ch. Tho[ma]s and Patience, bp. July 11, 1742, C.R.1. [h. Mary (d. Cromwell Coffin), s. Thomas and Patience (Gardner), b. 29th, 5 mo. 1741, P.R.38]
Thomas, s. John and Anna, May 11, 1750. [h. Judith (d. Josiah Coffin), s. John and Ann (Bunker), 11th, 5 mo., P.R.38]
Thomas, h. Eunice (d. Francis Worth), h. Elizabeth Biscoe of Baltimore, s. William and Elizabeth (Calef), _____, PR38.
Thomas, h. Sarah (d. Joseph Earl and Parnal), s. Thomas and Judith (Coffin), 6th, 2 mo. 1792, P.R.38.
Thomas A., s. Thomas and Sarah (Earl), -, 10 mo. 1826, P.R.38.
Waite Pease [ ___ ] "of the Vineyard," second w. Peter (s. John), 23d, 9 mo. 1771, P.R.38.
Walter, h. Judith (wid. Hezekiah Pinkham, d. Solomon Pinkham), s. Thomas and Patience (Gardner), 6th, 2 mo. 1749, P.R.38.
William, ch. Tho[ma]s and Patience, bp. Aug. 24, 1735, C.R.I. [h. Elizabeth (d. Ebenezer Calef Esq.), s. Thomas and Patience (Gardner), b. 25th, 2 mo., P.R.38]
William, h. Rebecca (d. George Gardner), s. William and Elizabeth (Calef), _____ P.R.38.
William H., h. Lydia (d. Jethro Coffin), s. Peter and Waite Pease (second w.), 7th, 5 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
William H., s. Peter C., mariner, and Eliza of N., Apr. 11., 1847, in N. [William Henry, h. Lucy M. Rich of Quincy, s. Peter C. and Eliza (Spencer), 4th, 4 mo., P.R.38.]
Andrew B., h. Lucretia (d. Zimri Coffin and Abigail), s. William and Ruth (Brock), 18th, 3 mo. 1813, P.R.38.
Ann, w. Priam Brock (s. Peter), d. William and Ruth (Brock), ___, 1798 [dup. 8th, 4 mo. 1797], P.R.38.
Ann B., d William and Emeline (Wyer), -. 2 mo. 1833, P.R.38.
Elizabeth. ch. William and Elizabeth, July 19, 1766. [d. William and Elizabeth (Clark), 7th, 7 mo., P.R.38]
Elizabeth, w. Thomas Greene, Aug. 6, 1799, G.R.I. [w. Thomas Green (s. John), d. William and Ruth (Brock), 8th, 6 mo., PR38]. -
Elizabeth Green, w. Ferdinand Defriez (s. Henry), w. Charles H. Jagger, d. William and Emeline (Wyer), 1st, 2 mo. 1836, P.R.38.
Ellen, w. James S. Russell (s. Ammial and Eliza.), d. Andrew B. and Lucretia (Coffin), 16th, 5 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
Emeline W., w. Grafton Smith of Edgartown, William and Emeline (Wyer), 29th 3 mo. 1842, P.R.38.
Eunice, ch. William and Elizabeth. July 30, 1770. [Eunice, w. Andrew Brock (s. John), d. William. and Elizabeth (Clark), 3d. 7 mo., PR.38.]
Eunice. d. William and Ruth (Brock), 20th, 3 mo. 1805, PR38.
George F.. h. Ann Howland of New Bedford, s. William and Emeline (Wyer). , 11 mo. 1822, PR38.
Harriet .Abby, d. Andrew, mariner, and Lucretia of N.. Sept. 24, 1843. in N. [w. Ferdinand Smith of Lynn, w. William F. Field (s. Thomas), d. Andrew and Lucretia (Coffin), PR38.]
Henry C., s. Jethro and Winifred (Coffin), 13th, 3 mo. 1840, PR38.
Jethro B., h. Winifred (d. Alexander Coffin), h. Phebe (wid. John Crimblish, d. Shubael Barnard), s. William and Ruth (Brock), 25th, 9 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
John R, h. Lucretia (wid. Andrew Brook), s. William and Ruth (Brock), 17th, 2 mo. 1817. P.R.38.
John L., Aug. 31, 1834, G. R. 2. [July 31, P.R.57.]
Martha P., cl. Jethro and Winifred (Coffin), . 2 mo. 1836, P.R.38.
Peter, s. William and Ruth (Brock), _____, P.R.38.
Peter C., h. Lydia M. (d. Seth Coffin Jr. and Lydia), s. William and Emeline (Wyer), 28th., 11 mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Phebe Ann, w. Charles Starbuck (s. Charles R..), d. Jethro and Winifred (Coffin), 7th, 8 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
Susan W.. w. Underwood Carr of Newport, R. I., d. William and Emeline (Wyer), _, 1 mo. 1827, P. R.38.
Timothy W., s. William and Emeline (Wyer), , 3 mo. 1831, P.R.38.
William, ch. William and Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1768. [h. Ruth (d. John Brock), s. William and Elizabeth (Clark). PR38.
William, h. Emeline (d. Timothy Wyer), s. William and Ruth (Brock), 21st, 9 mo. 1794, P.R.38.
William H., s. William and Emeline (Wyer), 8th, 2 mo. 1840, P. R.38.
Frederick C., s. James, engineer, and Mary of N., Oct. 22, 1843, in N.
Abial, first w. Silvanus Hussey (s. Stephen), d. John and Rachel (Gardner), _____, P. R.38.
Abigail, ch. George and Abigail 25th, 8 mo. 1730. CR4. [w. Benjamin Macy (s. Richard), d. George and Abigail (Trott) (second w.), P. .38.]
Abigail d. Joseph and Mary (Ellis), 23d, 8 mo. 1759. PR38.
Albert C., h. Harriet S. (d. Shubael Chase), s. George F. and Judith (Clark), -, 10 mo. 1832, P.R.38.
Alexander. h. Sarah Bell of Westchester Co. N. Y. s. Benjamin and Betsey (Allen), 30th, 3 mo. 1797, P.R.38.
Alexander Gardner, ch. Benjamin] and Nancy, bp. June 11, 1820, C.R.2. [h. Phebe (Gardner), s. Benjamin and Nancy (Gardner), b. 11th, 5 mo., P.R.38.] -
Alexander W., h. Almira. Morse of Boston, s. Moses and Lydia (Weeks). 17th, 12 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
Alfred C.. s. John A. and Ruth (Folger), 10th, 4 mo. 1834, P.R.38.
Ann B.. second w. Joseph S. Barnard (s. Timothy and Eunice), d. Samuel and Maria (Hussey), 28th, 7 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Ann L., d. Thomas 2d, mariner, and Mary of N., Dec. 7, 1848, in N. [Ann Louisa, w. Benjamin F. Janes of Charlestown, d. Thomas and Mary B. (Crosby) (Brown), P.R.38.]
Avis, w. Isaac Myrick, Mar. 4, 1786, P.R.7. [w. Isaac Myrick (s. Peter), d. Joseph and Susan (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Benjamin, ch.. George and Abigail, -, 1 mo. 1721, C.R.4- [s. George and Abigail (Trott) (second w.), P.R.38] -
Benjamin, h. Betsey (d. Joseph Allen and Hepsibeth), h. Deborah (d. Caleb Gardner), s. James and Mehitable
(Dawes), 12th, 1 mo. 1759 [dup. 19th, 9 mo., 1756], P.R.38.
Benjamin, h. Nancy (d. Alexander Gardner Jr.), [twin] s. Benjamin and Betsey (Allen), 7th, 6 mo. 1790, P.R.38.
Benjamin F., ___, 1840, G.R.3. [h. Mary Ann (d. Henry C. Pinkham) s. Henry G. and Lydia (Hodges), 30th, 5 mo.,
Catharine, m. in Philadelphia. d. George F. and Judith (Hussey), _____ [rec. after ch. b. -, 2 mo. 1826], P.R.38.
Charles, May 15, 1815, G.R.3. [Charles F., s. Shubael and Avis (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Charles A., s. Moses and Lydia (Weeks), 22d, 2 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Charles F. (see Charles).
Charles Frederick, s. Joseph and Susan (Coleman), 23d, 6 mo. 1791. P.R.38.
Charles Frederick, h. Martha A. (Jenkins), s. George and Lydia (Folger), 20th, 3 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Charles Frederick, [twin] s. George F. and Judith (Clark), _, 11 mo. 1837, PR38.
Charles H., h. Elizabeth Keith of Fairhaven, s. Henry G. and Lydia (Hodges), -, 3 mo. 1830, P.R.38.
Charlotte [Brown], w. William Fitzgerald, Nov. 16, 1821, GR.3. [Brown, w. William FitzGerald [q.v.], d. George
and Lydia (Folger) [dap. 16th, 11 mo. 1820], P.R.38. Nov. 16, 1821, P.R.51.]
Daniel P., h. Araminta Lines, s. John and Deborah (Myrick), 7th, 2 mo. 1792, P.R.38.
Deborah, w.. William Chadwick Jr., d. George and Parnal (Chase), 3d, 4 mo. 1784, P.R.38.
Deborah, d. Benjamin and Nancy (Gardner), 12th, 5 mo. 1837, P.R.38.
Edward, s. Joseph and Mary (Ellis), 19th, 10 mo. 1760 [sic, see Mary], PR38. [Oct. 19, 1763, P.R.50.]
Edward, h. Judith (d. Benjamin Allen), s. Joseph and Susan (Coleman), 15th, 12 mo. 1784, P.R.38.
Edward R., s. Frederick W., mariner, and Sarah B. of N., Feb. 7, 1847, in N.
Elezabeth Allen, ch. Benjamin and Nancy, bp. Apr. 6, 1823, C.R.2. [Elizabeth A. Starbuck, G.R.3. Elizabeth, w. Frederick P. Starbuck (s. Obed), d. Benjamin and Nancy (Gardner), b. 3d, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth], ch. William and Dorcas, 27th, 6 mo. 1771, C.R.4.
Eliza, w. Thomas Huxford of M[artha's] V[ineyard], d. Benjamin and Betsey (Allen), 19th, 4 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
Eliza, w. Herman Gardner (s. Resolved), d. John and Deborah (Myrick), -, 1804, P.R.38.
Eliza (see Elizabeth).
Eliza, w. George Cartwright (s. Joseph), w. John Bull, d. John and Deborah (Ellis), 25th, 4 mo. 1812, P.R.38.
Eliza, w. William Mulick, d. George and Lydia (Folger), 4th, 4 mo. 1818. P.R.38.
Eliza H., w. Obed Hussey (s. Albert and Mary), d. Shubael and Lucy (Hallett), 5th, 9 mo. 1838 [dup. 1839], P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. Joseph Grafton Jr., w. Lt. Samuel Gardner (s. George). d. John and Sarah Walker, _____, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, d. John and Rachel (Gardner), 6th, 6 mo. 1690, P.R.38. -
Elizabeth, ch. George and Abigail, 14th, 7 mo. 1723, CR.4. [d. George and Abigail (Trott) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, w. Francis Macy Jr., d. Joseph and Mary (Ellis), 8th, 11 MO. 1766, P.R.38. [Aug. 11, P. R.50.] -
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth, w. James Bocot Jr., d. James and Priscilla (Swain), 17th, 2 mo. 1783, PR38.
Elizabeth [dup. Eliza], w. Charles W. Chase (s. Stephen), d.. William and Elizabeth (Coffin), 29th [dup. 25th], 11 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. Jabez Wood, d. Samuel and Maria (Hussey), 25th, 8 mo. 1827, P.R.38.
Elizabeth Allen (see Elezabeth Allen Brown).
Elizabeth C.., d. George F. and Rebecca (Russell) (Weeks) (second w.), 17th, 11 mo. 1841 [sic., see death of Judith (first w.)].
Elizabeth Coffin, only ch. Thomas and Elezabeth, Aug. 9, 1828, G.R.3.
Erizabeth G., w. Ezekiel Parker (s. David), George F. and Judith (Clark), , 8 mo. 1830, P.R.38.
Eunice, ch. Francis and Eunice, Sept. 20, 1758. [w. Isaac Chase, d. Francis and Eunice (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Francis, h. Eunice (d. George Coffin), h. Deborah (wid. Ichabod Clark, d. Daniel Bunker), s. George and Sarah (Cartwright) (first w.), 10th, 1 mo. 1719, P.R.38.
Francis, ch. Francis and Eunice, May 12, 1745. [h. Anna (d. Zephinia [dup. Zephaniah] Pinkham), h. Anna (d. Thomas Brock), s. Francis and Eunice (Coffin), 12th, 5 mo., P.R.38.]
Francis H., ch. Franklin and Judith, 13th, 2 mo. 1826, C.R.4. [h. Elizabeth (d. Asa Coffin), s. George F. and Judith
(Hussey), P.R.38]
Francis H., s. Alex[ande]r S., mariner, and Lydia C. of N., Apr. 21, 1845, in N.
Frederick F., only ch. John A. and Ruth, Dec. 5, 1830, G.R.3.
Frederick W., h. Sarah B. (d. Peter Russell), s. Shubael and Avis (Coleman), 8th, 1 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
George, sailmaker, h. Sarah (d. Nicholas Cartwright), h. Abigail (d. John Trott), , 1693, P.R.38.
George, ch. Francis and Eunice, June 11, 1753. [h. Parnal (d. Shubael Chase), s. Francis and Eunice (Coffin). P.R.38.]
George, h. Lydia (d. Joseph Folger), s. Joseph and Susan (Coleman), 8th, 11 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
George, s. Samuel and Maria (Hussey), 6th, 1o mo. 1829, P.R.38.
George C., s. Moses, mariner, and Lydia [(Weeks) P.R.38.] of N., Aug. 5, 1847, in N.
George F., h. Judith (d. Albert Clark and Peggy), s. Shubael and Avis (Coleman), 22d, 11 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
George F., s. George and Lydia (Folger), 27th, 9 mo. 1814, PR38.
George Franklin. h. Judith (d. John Hussey), h. Rebecca (wid. Jonathan Weeks, d. Peter Russell), s. William and Elizabeth (Coffin), 12th, 7 mo. 1799, P.R.38.
George Frederick, s. Shubael and Lucy (Hallett), _____, P.R.38.
George Paddack, ch. Benjamin and Nancy, bp. May 29, 1825, CR2.
George S., h Adaline (d. Timothy Gardner), s. Henry G. and Lydia (Hodges). 14th, 2 mo. 1836, PR38.
George W., h. Julia A. (d. Samuel Hussey), s. George F. and Rebecca (Russell) (Weeks) (second w.), _____ [rec. after Elizabeth C.], PR38.
George W., s. Alex[ande]r S., mariner, and Lydia C. of N., Nov. 8, 1847 [sic, see Louisa M.], in N.
George Washington, [twin] s. William and Sophia A. (Raymond), 25th, 11 mo. 1836, P.R.38.
Hannah, w. Tristram Coffin (s. Peter Jr.), first w. Jonathan Pinkham (s. Richard and Mary), d. John and Rachel (Gardner), 6th, 4 mo. 1689, P.R.38.
Henry G., h. Lydia (d. Isaac Hodges), s. Benjamin and Betsey (Allen), 4th, 8 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
Henry Jones, h. Mary Eliza (d. Charles Cottle), [twin] s. William and Sophia A. (Raymond), 25th, 11 mo. 1836, PR38.
Hepsabeth, w. Samuel Fisher, d. Joseph of England, _, 3 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
Horace, h. Abby (d. George Coleman), h. Charlotte H. (d. George Rule), s. John and Mary B. (Crosby), 13th, 12 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Isaac Folger, s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Folger), 2d, 4 mo. 1845, P.R.38.
Isaac H., s. Henry G. and Lydia (Hodges), 22d, 4 mo. 1834, PR38.
James, h. Hannah (d. Henry Bartholomew), s. John and Sarah Walker, , 6 mo. 1640, P.R.38.
James, ch. George and Abigail, 28th, 4 mo. 1724, CR4. [h. Mehitable (d. Joseph Dawes), h. Elizabeth (d. Jonathan Pinkham), s. George and Abigail (Trott) (second w.) PR38].
James, ch. Francis and Eunice, Aug. 13, 1750. [h. Priscilla (d. Charles Swain), s. Francis and Eunice (Coffin), 13th [dup. 24th]. 8 mo., PR38]
James, s. James and Mehitable (Dawes), _____, PR38.
James, s. John and Deborah (Ellis), 6th., 8 ma. 1802, P.R.38. -
James F., h.. Lydia C. (d. Arnial Russell), s. George and Lydia (Folger), 22d, 7 mo. 1829, P.R.38. [James Franklin Brown, PR51].
Jeremiah, Oct _. 1806, GR6.
John of Salem, "ruling Elder of the Church," h. Sarah Walker, ___ 1595 [.? in England]. P.R.38.
John, h. Hannah (d. Rev. Peter Hobart), s. John and Sarah Walker [sic], -, 9 mo. 1638 [? in Salem], PR38.
John, h. Rachel (d. Capt. John Gardner), s. John and Hannah (Hobart), 21st, 2 mo. 1662 [in Salem], P.R.38.
John of Salem, h. Deborah (d. Freeman Ellis), s. John, 27th, 6 mo. 1761, P.R.38.
John, h. Deborah (d. Jonathan Myrick), s. Francis and Eunice (Coffin), 26th, 6 mo. 1766, P.R.38.
John, h. Mary B. (d. Marshall Crosby), s. John and Deborah (Ellis), 13th, 9 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
John A., h. Ruth (d. Isaac Folger and Love), s. William and Elizabeth (Coffin), 6th, 5 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
John Franklin, h. Maria Ceeley, s. John and Mary B. (Crosby), 21st, 11 mo. 1839, P.R.38.
Jonathan, h. Abial (d. Rev. John Burr of Dorchester), s. John and Sarah Walker, _____ [? in Salem], P.R..38.
Joseph, ch. George and Abigail, 19th, 8 mo. 1728, C.R4. [h. Mary (d. Humphrey Ellis), s. George and Abigail (Trott) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Joseph, h. Susan (d. Solomon Coleman), s. Joseph and Mary (Ellis), 24th, 7 mo. 1757, P.R38.
Joseph, h. Hannah (d. Seth Mitchell), s. Edward and Judith (Allen), 19th, 8 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
Joseph B., Rev., "Father," Dec. 25, 1806, in Thompson, Conn., [in lot with Perez and Sarah Jenkins] G.R.2.
Joseph C., s. Peter C., mariner, and Eliza of N., Apr. 14, 1848, in N. [Joseph Chase Brock, s. Peter C. and Eliza (Spencer), 4th, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Joseph E., s. Rev. Joseph B. and Lydia J. of N., Nov. 29, 1848.
Joseph Goold, h. Kate Bostwick, s. Samuel and Maria (Hussey), 19th, 6 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Josiah C., Dec. 18, 1822, G.R.2. [h. Mary Elizabeth (d. Benjamin Coleman and Lydia), s. Peleg and Lydia (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Judith, third w. Benjamin Ray (s. Seth), d. Edward and Judith (Allen), 31st, 1 mo. 1812 [dup. 19th, 9 mo. 1805], P.R.38.
Louisa, d. George F. and Rebecca (Russell) (Weeks) (second w.), _, 5 mo. 1849, PR38.
Louisa M., d. Alexander S., mariner, and Lydia C. of N., Apr. 17, 1848 [sic, see George W.], in N.
Lucy, w. Charles G. Barnard (s. Thomas and Eunice), d. William and Elizabeth (Coffin), 4th, 5 mo. 1801, P.R.38.
Lydia, w. Peter Russell (s. Silvanus), d. John and Deborah (Myrick), 27th, 5 mo. 1790, PR38. -
Lydia C., d. Timothy Coffin and Eliza R (Coleman), -, 12 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Lydia Goold, w. Nathaniel H. Randall, d. Samuel and Maria (Hussey), 27th, 8 mo. 1822, P.R.38.
Lydia P., w. Samuel Gardner (s. Oliver C.), d. Benjamin and Nancy (Gardner), _, 10 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Lydia S., d. Shubael and Avis (Coleman), 12th, 1 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Margaret C. [dup. G.], w. James C. Starbuck (s. Frederick), [twin] d. George F. and Judith (Clark), -, 11 mo. 1837,
Martha Inott, d. George and Lydia, Nov. 11, 1827, PR51.
Mary, ch. George and Abigail, 14th, 7 mo. 1732, [d. George and Abigail (Trott) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Mary, d. Joseph and Mary (Ellis), 7th, 9 mo. 1760, P.R.38. [Sept. 7, 1760, P.R.50]
Mary, w. Daniel Folger (s. Elisha and Deborah), d. Joseph and Susan [dup. Susanna] (Coleman), 22d, 11 MO. 1781, P.R.38.
Mary, w. Seth Pinkham (s. Jethro), d. William and Elizabeth (Coffin), 13th [dup. 18th], 6 MO. 1791, PR38.
Mary Abbie [Brown], w. Franklin B. Murphey, Mar. 20, 1830, G.R.3. [Mary Abby Brown, d. William and Sophia A. (Raymond), 20th, 3 mo. 1831, P.R.38.]
Mary Elizabeth, d. Alexander and Sarah Bell, "adopted by Mr. Green of Jersey City," _____, PR38.
Mary F., w. Daniel F. Macy (s. Peleg), d. George and Lydia (Folger), 12th, 11 mo. 1811 [dup. __, 1813], P.R.38. [Nov. 12, 1811, P.R.5I.]
Mary F., w. Oliver Coffin (s. Reuben and Hepsa), d. Thomas and Elizabeth (Folger), 9th, 3 MO. 1832, P.R.38.
Mary Macy, ch. William and Dorcas, 11th, 7 mo. 1778, CR4. [w. Benjamin Coffin (s. William and Lydia), d. William
and Dorcas (Barney) [dup. 11th, 7 mo. 1777], P.R.38.]
Moses, h. Lydia R. (d. Joseph Weeks and Mary), s. George and Parnal (Chase), 6th, 10 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Moses. s. Samuel and Maria (Hussey), 30th, 3 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Moses H., h. Sarah Ann Brown of England, s. William and Sophia A. (Raymond). 18th, 10 mo. 1833. P.R.38.
Nancy, w. Ichabod Coffin (s. Hezekiah and Abigail), d. Francis and Anna (Brock) (second w.), 6th, 7 mo. 1780, PR38.
Phebe, second w. Silvanus [dup. Sylvanus] Coleman (s. Barnabas and Rachael), d. Joseph and Mary (Ellis), 5th, 7 mo. 1755 [dup. 6th, 7 mo. 1756], P.R.38. [July 5, 1755, P.R.50.]
Phebe Ann, d. Alexander S., mariner, and Lydia C. of N, Sept. 21, 1843, in. N.
Priscilla, d. James and Mehetabel, June 12, 1752 [see Priscilla b. 1762].
Priscilla, ch. Francis and Eunice, Sept 4, 1761. [w. Jonathan Myrick Jr., d. Francis and Eunice (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Priscilla, d. James and Mehitable (Dawes), 3d, 11 mo. 1762 [see Priscilla b. 1752], P.R.38. -
Priscilla, w. Joseph Cartwright (s. James), d. Joseph and Mary (Ellis), 6th, 7 mo. 1769 [dup. 1770] P.R.38. [July 6, 1769, P.R.50]
Priscilla. w. Joseph Huxford of M[artha's] V[ineyard], [twin] d.. Benjamin and Betsey (Allen), 7th, 6 mo. 1790, P.R.38.
Rachel, w. James Chase (s. Isaac and Mary), d. John and Rachel (Gardner), 16th, 12 mo. 1687, P.R.38.
Rebecca, w. George Bruff (s. Samuel), d. George and Parnal (Chase), _____, P. R.38.
Rebecca. w. George G. Chase (s. Judah), d. James and Priscilla (Swain), 8th, 5 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
Rebecca C., d. Moses and Lydia (Weeks), 31st, 12 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
Rebecca M., d. Joseph, mariner, and Hannah of N., Aug. 12, 1847, in N.
Ruth, ch. Francis and Eunice, Oct. 2, 1746. [d. Francis and Eunice (Coffin), 2d, 10 mo., P.R.38.]
Ruth, w. Grafton Baker (s. James and Elizabeth), d. Francis and Anna (Brock) (second w.), 12th [dup. 7th], 2 mo. 1784. P.R.38.
Sally, w. Annanias Cooper, w. Job Halsey, d. Francis and Anna (Pinkham), 3d, 8 mo. 1774, P.R.38.
Samuel, h. Rebecca (d. Obed Folger), s. John and Deborah (Ellis), 7th, 2 mo. 1800, P.R.38.
Sarah. ch. Francis and Eunice, Jan. 18, 1742. [first w. Jonathan Long (s. John and Jane), d. Francis and Eunice (Coffin), 18th, 1 mo., P.R.38]
Sarah, w. Daniel Hurd of Hudson, d. John and Deborah (Myrick), ___, 1794, P.R.38.
Sarah B.., w. William Henry Chadwick (s. William), d. George R and Judith (Clark), ___, 1841, PR38.
Sarah Joy, d. Samuel and Maria (Hussey), 24th, 11 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Sarah Walker [ ___ ], w. John. of Salem, ___, 1618 [? in England], P.R.38.
Shubael, h. Avis (d. Shubael Coleman and Lydia), s. George and Parnal (Chase), 8th, 11 mo. 1782, P.R.38.
Shubael, h. Lucy (Hallett) of Barnstable, s. Shubael and Avis (Coleman), 2d, 8 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Sophia H., d. Henry G. and Lydia (Hodges), 28th, 12 mo. 1827, P.R.38.
Thomas, h. Elizabeth (d. Isaac Folger and Love), s. William and Elizabeth (Coffin), 13th, 9 mo. 1796, P.R.38.
Thomas Jefferson, only s. Thomas and Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1836. G.R.3.
Thomas Richmond, h. Lucy E. Lincoln, s. Thomas W. and Mary B. (Crosby) (Brown), 19th, 11 mo. 1842, P.R.38.
Thomas W., "Father," Aug. 31, 1815, G.R.3. [h. Mary B. (wid. John Brown, d. Marshall Crosby and Nancy
(Bunker)), s. John and Deborah (Ellis), 3d [dup. 31st], 8 mo., P.R.38]
Timothy Coffin, Eliza F. (d. Andrew Coleman), s. William and Elizabeth (Coffin), 6th [dup. 12th], 8 mo. 1794, P.R.38.
William of Philadelphia, h. Dorcas (d. Benjamin. Barney and Lydia), 21st, 9 mo. 1744, P.R.38.
William, s. Francis and Eunice (Coffin), 27th, 11 mo. 1748, PR38.
William, ch. Francis and Eunice, Dec. 28, 1764 [h. Elizabeth (d. Hezekiah Coffin and Abigail), s. Francis and Eunice (Coffin), P.R.38.]
William, h. Sophia A. (d. Benjamin Raymond), s. John and Deborah (Ellis), 4th, 7 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
William Austin, h. Ann Maria Chase, s. Samuel and Maria (Hussey), 11th, 10 mo. 1832, P.R.38.
William Felix, Capt., Sept. 19, 1806, G.R.3. [h. Mary W. (d. David Cushman), s. William and Elizabeth (Coffin),
William J., h. Sarah P. (d. Reuben Gardner), s. William and Sophia A. (Raymond), 2d, 1 mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Betsey, w. James Swain Jr., d. Samuel and Jane (Whippey), 17th, 2 mo. 1784, P.R.38.
Charlotte, w. Reuben Luce (s. Elijah and Lydia), w. Barzilla Luce (s. Elijah and Lycria), d. Samuel and Jane
(Whippey), 6th, 3 mo. [dup. 6th, 5 mo.) 1781, PR38.
George, h. Rebecca (d. George Brown and Parnal) s. Samuel and Jane (Whippey), _____ P.R.38.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Jane (Whippey), _____, P.R.38.
Percy, w. Andrew Folger (s. Henry and Elizabeth), 9th, 4 mo. 1792, P.R.38.
Joseph, h. Eliza (d. James P. Robinson), s. John and Sally (Long), 14th, 2 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
William, h. Olive C. (d. Lemuel Jenkins of Barnstable), s. John and Sally (Long), 28th, 7 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
Albion K. P., , 1825, G.R.3.
Eliza Ann, w. Thomas S. James (s. Thomas), d. Israel and Nancy (Ames), , 1812, P.R.38.
Israel F., s. Israel and Nancy (Ames), _____ P.R.38.
Ruth S. [dup. Burnpus], w. Isaiah Jones (s. William and Mary), d. Israel and Nancy (Ames), , 5 mo. 1816, P.R.38.
Wiliam B., s. Israel and Nancy (Ames), _____, P.R.38.
BUMPUS (see Bump)