To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Abigail, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 28th, 9 mo. 1730. [w. Samuel Starbuck (s. Paul), d. Benjamin and Lydia (Starbuck), P.R.38.].
Abigail, d. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), 10th, 2 mo. 1746, P.R.38.
Abigail, ch. Jonathan and Judith (second w.), 20th, 12 mo. 1781, CR4. [w. Laban Swain (s. Joseph), d. Jonathan and Judith (Barnard) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Abigail, w.George C. Chase (s. Peter), d. Jonathan J and Mary (Folger), 21st, 10 mo. 1795, P.R.38.
Abigail, ch. Matthew and Abigail, 16th, 7 mo. 1799, CR4. [w. Francis F. Hussey (s. Zaccheus), d. Matthew and Abigail (Macy), PR38.
Alanson S., s. Joseph S. and Malinda (Swain), 3d, 6 mo. 1849. PR38.
Albert C, S. Joseph and Susan (Coleman) (second .w.), -, 2 mo. 1831, PR38.
Alexander, s. Jonathan J. and Mary (Folger). _____ [rec. after ch. b. Sept. 3, 1811], P.R.38.
Alexander, h. Mary B. (d. William Myrick), s. William and Mary (Sprague), 22d, 3 mo. 1841, Pat.38.
Angeline, w. George Wetherbee of Keene, N. H., d. Reuben and Mary S. (Coffin), 29th, 4 mo. 1836, PR.38.
Ann, ch. Charles and Avis, 13th, 2 mo. 1813, CR4. [Ann Macy Barney, d. Charles and Avis (Macy), 18th, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Ann, ch. Capt. David and Elizabeth, June 3, 1830. [w. Sheldon Smith, w. Caleb Whiting of N. Y., d. David and Elizabeth Stone (second w.), P.R.38.]
Ann G.., ch. Jacob and Anna, 14th, 11 mo. 1821, CR4. [w. Joseph and James Upham (sons of John), w. Joseph McCleave (s. Joseph), d Jacob and Anna (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Ann Maria, d. Charles J. and Content Landers, _____, P.R.38.
Anna, ch. William and Sarah, 2d, 5 mo. [dup. 5th, 2 mo.] 1798, CR4.
Anna, ch. William and Sarah, 27th, 5 mo. 1800, CR4. [d. William and Sarah (Joy). P.R.38]
Avis, ch. Peter and Sarah, 28th, 7 mo. 1785, C.R.4. [d. Peter and Sally (Coleman), PR38]
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 8th, 8 mo. 1732. [h. Jemima (d. Peter Jenkins), h. Lois (wid. William Long, d. David Bunker and Elizabeth (Gorham)), s. Benjamin and Lydia (Starbuck), PR38.]
Benjamin. s. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), 1st, 12 mo. 1735, PR38.
Benjamin, h. Lydia (d. Jethro Starbuck and Dorcas), s. Jonathan of R. I., 13th, 4 mo. 1769 [sic], PR38.
Benjamin, ch. Jonathan and Abiel, 24th, 12 mo. 1790, C. R.4. [h. Lydia (d. Daniel Allen Jr. and Phebe), h. Sarah (Mitchell) of R. I. [dup. (sister of David)]. s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin) [dup. 24th, 12 mo. 1789], PR38]
Benjamin A., h. Lydia H. (d. William C. Swain), s. Benjamin and Lydia (Allen), ___, 1825, P.R.38.
Benjamin G, [twin] s. Jonathan J. and Mary (Folger). 21st, 6 mo. 1800, P.R.38.
Benjamin Griffin, h. Clementina (d. John Stevens) [dup. Sarah Clementina (d. Jonathan D. Stevens of Calif.)], s. Edward G. and Eliza Ann (Chase), 13th, 8 mo. 1827, P.R.38.
Caroline E., w. Nathan Green of Gardner, David G. and Elizabeth (Getchell), 6th, 8 mo. 1837, P.R.38.
Charles, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 16th, 4 mo. 1787, C.R.4.
Charles, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 12th, 3 MO. 1791, C.8.4. [h. Avis (d. Jonathan Macy Jr.), s. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin). PR38.)
Charles C., s. Joseph and Mary (Coleman), 9th, 8 mo. 1812, P.R.38.
Charles G., ch. Jacob and Anna, 28th, 3 mo. 1812, C.R.4. [s. Jacob and Anna (Gardner), 28th, 3 mo. 1811, PR38.
Charles G., ch. Charles and Avis, 24th, 6 mo. 1814, c.R.4. [h. Mary Walker, s. Charles and Avis (Macy), 24th, 5 mo., PR38]
Charles Jenkins, ch. Will[ia]m and Sarah, 26th, 11 mo. 1810, C.R.4. [Charles Joy Barney, h. Content Landers of Edgartown, s. William and Sarah (Joy), 27th, 11 mo., 1817. PR38.]
Content Landers [___] of Edgartown, w. Charles J. (s. William and Sarah), 11th, 11 mo. 1817, P.R.38.
Daniel, ch. Benjamin and Jemima, 24th, 10 mo. 1762, C.R.4. [h. Lydia (d. Richard Coffin and Mary), s. Benjamin and Jemima (Jenkins), P.R.38.]
Daniel, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 7th, 7 mo. 1801, C.R.4. [h. Eliza Ann (d. Peleg S. Folger), s. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Daniel H., s. Daniel and Eliza Ann (Folger), _____, P.R.38.
David, ch. Jonathan and Abiel, 25th. 7 mo. 1784, C.R.4. [h. Ann Mathis of Milford Haven, Eng., h. Elizabeth Stone of England, s. Jonathan and Abial, 25th, 7 mo. 1783, P.R.38]
David, ch. Capt. David and Elizabeth, July 13, 1831. [s. David and Elizabeth Stone (second w.), PR38]
David F., h. Eliza Ann (d. Samuel Barney), s. Benjamin and Lydia (Allen). 30th, 3 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
David G., m., s. Charles J. and Content Landers, __, 10 mo. 1836, P.R.38.
David Green, ch. Will[ia]m and Sarah, 28th, 2 MO. 1809, C.R.4. [h. Elizabeth (Getchell), s. William and Sarah (Joy), P.R.38]
David J., ch. William and Sarah, _____ [rec. before ch. b. Mar. 12, 1812, see David Green Barney], CR.4
DeliaM., w. Allen Folger (s. Gideon), d. Reuben and Mary S. (Coffin), 28th., 2 mo. 1831, PR.38.
Dorcas, twin ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 5th, 6 mo. 1739.
Dorcas, w. John Earl of Newport, R. I., d. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), 5th, 3 mo. 1740, P.R.38.
Dorcas, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 6th, 8 mo. 1744. [w. William Brown of Philadelphia, d. Benjamin and Lydia (Starbuck), 17th, 10 mo., P.R.38.]
Dorcas, ch. Robert and Huldy, 22d, 12 mo. 1774, C.R.4. [d. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), P.R.38.]
Edward G., h. Eliza Ann (d. Peter Chase), [twin] s. Jonathan J. and Mary (Folger), 21st, 6 mo. 1800, PR38.
Eliza (see Elizabeth).
Eliza Ann, w. David F. Barney (s. Benjamin), d. Samuel and Eliza (Donnamon), 8th, 10 mo. 1817, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. John Hadwin of England (s. John), d. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), 24th, 7 mo. 1731, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Lydia. Mar. 23, 1735. [w. William Rotch (s. Joseph), d. Benjamin and Lydia (Starbuck). 6th [dup. 3d], 4 mo., P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, ch. Matthew and Abigail, 7th, 4 mo. 1792, C.R.4. [Eliza, d. Matthew and Abigail (Macy), P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, ch. William and Sarah, 27th, 10 mo. 1817, C.R.4. [d.William and Sarah (Joy), 22d, 10 mo. P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, w. Andrew G. Hussey (s. Cyrus and Lydia), d. Joseph and Susan (Coleman) (second w.), 27th, 12 mo.
1826, P.R.38. -
Elizabeth G., w. Theodore E. Hunt of Marlboro, d. William and Mary (Sprague), 7th, 7 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
Elizabeth Stone [____] of England, second w. David (s. Jonathan and Abial), 8th, 8 mo. 1798, P.R.38.
Ellen M., w. Francis J. Swain (s. Gardner), d. David G. and Elizabeth (Getchell), 4th, 5 mo. 1841, P.R.38.
Emily F., w. Charles Mayhew of Marthas Vineyard, d. Charles J. and Content Landers, _, 7 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
Eunice, twin ch. Benjamin and Lydia [(Starbuck) P.R.38.], 5th, 6 mo. 1739.
Eunice, d. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), 27th, 1 mo. 1744, P.R.38.
Eunice, ch. Benjamin and jealitaa, 2d, 4 mo. 1765, C.R.4. [w. Uriah Macy (s. Daniel and Abigail), d. Benjamin and
Jemima (Jenkins), P.R.38.]
Eunice, ch. Robert and Huldy, 16th, 8 mo. 1778, C.R.4. [w. Benjamin Mitchell (s. Ricard), d. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), -, 4 mo. 1778, P.R.38.]
Eunice, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 6th, 3 mo. 1793, CR4.
Eunice, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 29th, 3 mo. 1793, CR4.
Eunice, ch. Jonathan and Abiel, 12th, 10 mo. 1800, [w. Seth Myrick (s. Peter), w. Rev. Isaac Stoddard, d.
Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), PR38]
Eunice, ch. Jacob and Anna, 10th, 11 mo. 1809, CR-4. [d. Jacob and Anna (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Eunice, w. Miles Abbott of Cato, N. Y., d. Samuel and Eliza (Donnamon), 27th, 2mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Eunice H., w. Alexander Childs (s. James), d. William and Mary (Sprague), 12th, 2 mo. 1832, P.R.38.
Francis M., ch. Charles and Avis, 27th, 12 mo. 1825, C.R.4.
Francis Macy, ch. Charles and Avis, 5th, 9 mo. 1822, CR4.
Francis S., m., s. Obed and Lavinia (Coffin), 17th, 7 mo. 1833, PR38.
Frederick, s. Jonathan J. and Mary (Forger), 11th, 4 mo. 1803, PR38.
Frederick H., h. Caroline H. (d. Charles Lovell), s. Reuben and Mary S. (Coffin), 26th, 8 mo. 1834, P.R.38.
George, ch. Peter and Sarah, 13th, 8 mo. 1783, C.R.4. [h.. Susan (d. Abraham Russell), s. Peter and Sally (Coleman), P.R.38.]
George, ch. Jacob and Anna, 31st, 10 mo. 1804, c.R.4. [George H., h. Susan Childs of Falmouth, s. Jacob and Anna (Gardner), P.R.38.]
George C., ch. Daniel and Lydia, 8th, 10 mo. 1807, CR4.
George Coffin, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 6th, 9 mo. 1809, C.R.4. [h. Susan Rebecca (d. Benjamin Pell), s. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin), P.R.38]
George F., Sept. 3, 1811, G.R.2. [h. Phebe (d. William Fitzgerald), s. Jonathan J. and Mary (Folger), P.R.38.]
George H. (see George). -
George Howland. h. Susan Russell of N[ew] Bedford, s. Paul J. and Phebe (Howland), _____, P.R.38.
Griffin [dup. h. Hephzibah], ch. Jonathan and Abigail, 18th, 10 mo. 1769, C.R.4. [h. Hepsabeth (d. Tristram Coffin), s. Jonathan and Abigail (Jenkins), P.R.38.]
Griffin, s. W[illia]m Jr., mariner, and Mary of N., Mar. 27, 1845, in N. [s. William and Mary (Sprague), P.R.38.]
Henry M., ch. Charles and Avis, 8th, 5 mo. 1816, C.R.4. [William H.. h. Mary (d. Benjamin Corliss of N. Y.), s. Charles and Avis (Macy), P.R.38.]
Hephzibah, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 29th, 3 mo. 1737. [Hepzibah, C.R.4. Hepsabeth, w. William Coffin (s. Benjamin), d. Benjamin and Lydia (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Hephzlbah [dup. Hepsibeth C.], ch.. William and Sarah, 15th, 5 mo. 1807, C.R..4. [d. William and Sarah (Joy), P.R.38]
Jacob, h. Dorcas (d.. Nathaniel Barnard and Dorcas). s. Jonathan and Sarah (Griffen) of R. I., 2d, 2 mo. 1705, P.R.38.
Jacob, s. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), 1st, 9 mo. 1733, PR38.
Jacob. ch. Robert and Huldy, 31st, 1 mo. 1781, C.R.4. [h. Anna (d. Joseph Gardner), h. Love (wid. Elisha Paddack.
d. Paul Paddack Jr.), s. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), PR38]
James, m., Benjamin and Sarah (Mitchell), —, 1837, P.R.38.
Jane, ch. Jacob and Anna, 21st, 8 mo. 1814. C. R.4,- [w. Reuben Folger, G.R.3. w. Reuben P. Folger (s. Isaac and Love), d. Jacob and Anna (Gardner). 29th, 8 my. 1815 [dup. —, 1816], P.R.38]
Jane Elizabeth, ch. Capt. David and Elizabeth, Mar. 8, 1827. [d.. David and Elizabeth. Stone (second w.), PR38]
Jethro S., s. Nathaniel and Eliza (Starbuck), 3d, 12 mo. 1831, PR38.
Jonathan, s. Jacob and Dorcas [(Barnard) P.R.38], 29th, 5 mo., "called July." 1727.
Jonathan, h. Abigail (d. Peter Jenkins), h. Judith (d. Peter Barnard), s. Jonathan, _____, P.R.38.
Jonathan, ch. Benjamin and Huldah. (second w.), 23d, 4 mo. 1756. C.R.4. [h. Abial (d. Barnabas Coffin), s. Benjamin and Huldah (____) (Bunker) (second w.), P.R.38]
Jonathan. ch. Jonathan and Abigail, 25th, 1 mo. 1767, C.R.4. [Jonathan J., h. Mary (d. Barzillai Folger Jr.), s. Jonathan and Abigail (Jenkins), P.R.38.]
Joseph, ch. Robert and Huldy, 19th, 2 mo. 1785, C.R4. [h. Mary and Susan (daughters of David Coleman and Elizabeth), s. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), P.R.38]
Joseph G., ch. Jacob and Anna, 12th, 11 mo. 1807, C.R.4. [s. Jacob and Anna (Gardner), PR.38]
Joseph S., May 5, 1827, G.R.3. [h. Maiinda (d. Obed B. Swain and Eunice), s. Nathaniel and Eliza (Staibuck), P.R.38.]
Josiah M., ch. Charles and Avis, 19th, 5 mo. 1818, CR4. [Josiah G., h. Susan Owen, s. Charles and Avis (Macy),
Judith B.. w. Barker Burnell (s. Jonathan and Polly), d. Jonathan J. and Mary (Folger), 27th, 1 mo. 1798, P.R.38.
Lydia, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, July 3, 1742.
Lydia, ch. Benjamin and Jemima„, 25th, 9 mo. 1755, C.24. [second w. Matthew Startruck (s. Edward), d. Benjamin Jr. arid Jemima (Jenkins), P.R.38]
Lydia, ch. Peter and Sarah, 5th, 12 mo. 1792, CR4.
Lydia, ch. Matthew and Abigail, 2d, 4 mo. 1796, CR4. [d-Matthew and Abigail (Macy), P.R.38]
Lydia, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 26th, 5 mo. 1805, CR4.
Lydia, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 15th, 9 mo. 1812, CR4. [first w. William P. Smith (s. Thomas), d. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Lydia, d. Benjamin and Sarah (Mitchel), _____, PR.38.
Lydia J., ch. William and Sarah, 25th [dup. 8th], 12 mo. 1818, CR4. [w. [sic] Oliver Spencer (s. Tristram), d. William and Sarah (Joy), 12th, 8 mo., P.R.38. See death of Lydia J. Barney.]
Mary, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 9th, 9 mo. 1728. [w. William Macy (s. John and Judith), d. Benjamin and Lydia (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Mary, ch. Jonathan and Abigail, 11th, 10 mo. 1764, C.R.4. [second w. Paul Worth (s. John), d. Jonathan and Abigail (Jenkins), P.R.38]
Mary, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 13th, 3 mo. 1799, CR4. [w. Thomas Hillman [dup. Hilburn] (s. Charles), d. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin), 6th, 9 mo., P.R.38]
Mary [dup. adds F.], ch. William and Sarah, 3d, 12 mo. 1812, CR4. [Mary F., w. Franklin Myrick (s. Isaac), d. William and Sarah (Joy), P.R.38]
Mary C. [Barney], w. Capt. James H, Barker, Mar. 12, 1814, G.R.3. [Barney, w. James H. Barker (s. Robert and Lucretia), d. Joseph and Mary (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Mary P., ch. Jacob and Anna, 12th, 12 mo. 1817, C.R.4.. [w. Benjamin F. Swain (s. Owen), d. Jacob and Anna (Gardner), P.R..38]
Matthew, ch. Benjamin and Jemima, 21st, 12 mo. 1759, CR.4. [h. Abigail (d. Daniel Macy and Abigail (Swain)), h. Parnal (wid. James Gorham. d. Solomon Gardner Jr.), h. Elizabeth (wid. Eber Coffin, d. Jonathan Pitts), s. Benjamin and Jemima (Jenkins), P.R.38]
Matthew [dup. h. Sally], ch. William and Sarah, 12th, 3 mo. 1814, CR.4. [h. Sally (d. William Mitchell and Lydia), s. William and Sarah (Joy), PR38]
Moses, ch. Jonathan and Abiel, 30th, 11 mo. 1781, CR.4. [s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), P.R.38]
Nathaniel, h. Amy Proud, s. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), 19th, 7 ma 1729, P.R.38.
Nathaniel, ch. Jonathan and Abiel, 31st, 12 mo. 1792, CR4. [h. Eliza (d. Joseph Starbuck), s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin). PR.38]
Obed, ch. Jonathan and Abiel, 16th, 3 mo. 1798. CR.4. [h. Lavinia (d. Isaac Coffin Esq.). s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin) [dup. 15th, 3 mo.], P.R.38]
Obed, s. David. and Elizabeth Stone (second w.), _____1834, PR38.
Paul, ch. Peter and Sarah., 16th, 7 mo. 1781, CR.4. [Paul J., h. Mary (d. David Coffin and Sarah), h. Phebe [sic, ? Rebecca] (Howland), h. Eliza (Coleman) Barker. s. Peter and Sarah (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Paul, ch. William and Sarah, 4th, 5 mo. 1816, CR.4. [s. William and Sarah (Joy), 5th, 5 mo., P.R.38]
Peter, ch. Benjamin and Jemima, 29th., 8 mo. 1757, C.R.4 [h. Sally (d. Nathaniel Coleman and Hepsy), h. Ann (d. William Hussey), h. Eliza (wid. Allen Howland, d. William Macy), s. Benjamin and Jemima. (Jenkins), PR38.
Peter Jenkins, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 7th, 9 mo. 1803, CR4. [s. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin), Sept 7, 1805 [sic, see Lydia], P.R.38]
Phebe, d. Benjamin and Huldah (second w.), 15th, 11 mo. 1754. CR4. [w. Joseph Swain (s. Joseph), d. Benjamin and Huldah (____) (Bunker) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Phebe, ch. Robert and Huldy, 13th, 5 mo. 1777, CR.4. Ed. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), P.R.38.]
Reuben, ch. William and Sarah, 17th, 10 mo. 1796 [dup.1795], CR4.
Reuben, ch. Will[ia]m and Sarah. 19th, 9 mo. 1803. C.R.4. [h. Mary S. (d. Thaddeus Coffin and Jemima), s. William
and Sarah (Joy), P.R.38.]
Reuben Jr., s. Reuben, mariner [dup. cooper], and Mary S. [dup. omits S.] of N., June 7, 1846 [dup. 1847], in N. [s. Reuben and Mary S. (Coffin), 6th, 6 mo. 1840 [sic, ? 1846], P.R.38.
Robert, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 15th, 3 mo. 1741.
Robert, h. Huldah (d. Joseph Marshall), s. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), 8th, 3 mo. 1742, P.R.38.
Robert, ch. Robert and Huldy, 3d, 1 mo. 1783, C.R.4. [m.., s. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), P.R.38.]
Robert, s. David and Elizabeth Stone (second w.), _____ P.R.38.
Ruth, d. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), 22d, 3 mo. 1749, P.R.38.
Samuel, ch. Robert and Huldy, 16th, 2 mo. 1776, [s. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), P.R.38.]
Samuel, ch. Peter and Sarah, 26th, 3 mo. 1787, CR4. [s. Peter and Sally (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Samuel, ch. Jonathan and Abiel, 15th, 7 mo. 1795, [h. Eliza (d. George Donnamon [dup. Dennamon] and Elizabeth), s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), 5th [dup. 15th, 7 mo., P.R.38]
Samuel, s. David and Ann Mathias, _____, P.R.38.
Sarah, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 30th, 4 mo. 1725. [d. Benjamin and Lydia (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Sarah, w. ____ Lawton, d. Jacob and Dorcas (Barnard), 2d, 2 mo. 1738, P.R.38.
Sarah, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 25th, 2 mo. 1789, CR4. [w. James Hazzard [dup. Hassard of Newport, R. I.], d. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Sarah, ch. Peter and Sarah, 23d, 3 mo. 1790, [d. Peter and Sally (Coleman). P.R.38.]
Sarah, w. William C. Coffin (s. William and Phebe), d. Paul J. and Mary (Coffin), ___, 1818, P.R.38.
Sarah J., ch. Will[ia]m and Sarah. 30th, 9 mo. 1805, CR4.
Sarah Joy, d. Charles J. and Content Landers, ____, 1848, P.R.38.
Sarah S., second w. Alanson Swain (s. Obed B.), d. Nathaniel and Eliza (Starbuck), June 19, 1829, P.R.38.
Stephen, ch. Jonathan and Abiel, 23d., 6 mo. 1786, C.R.4. [s. Jonathan and Abial (Coffin), P.R.38]
Thomas, ch. Robert and Huldy, 7th, 4 mo. 1792, C.R.4. [s. Robert and Huldah (Marshall), P.R.38.]
Thomas, ch. Peter and Sarah. 27th. 5 mo. 1796, C.R.4.
Thomas, ch. Daniel and Lydia, 16th, 2 mo. 1797, C.R4. [h. Sarah (d. Joseph Folger), s. Daniel and Lydia (Coffin),
Thomas F., s. Thomas and Sarah (Folger), _, 4 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
William, h. Sarah, ch. Jonathan and Abigail, 22d, 9 mo. 1772, CR.4. [h. Sarah (d. Reuben Joy), s. Jonathan and Abigail (Jenkins), P.R38.]
William, ch. Will[ialm and Sarah, 30th [dup. 21st], 1 mo. 1802, C.R.4. [Capt., Jan. 27, G.R.2. h. Mary (d. John Sprague and Mary), s. William and Sarah (Joy), 21st, 1 mo., P.R.38.]
William, s. Jonathan J. and Mary (Folger), 1st, 5 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
William C., h. Mazy (d. Thomas Macy), s. Joseph and Susan (Coleman) (second w.), 11th, 8 mo. 1821, PR38.
William C., s. Benjamin A, cooper, and Lydia H., July 21, 1847.
William F., s. David G, mariner, and Elizabeth of N, July 11, 1846, in N. [William Franklin Barney, s. David G. and Elizabeth P.R.38.]
William H. (see Henry M.)
William J., h. Helen E. (d. David Hill of Philadelphia and Elizabeth), s. Edward G. and Eliza Ann (Chase), 27th, 2 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
William M., s. Matthew, cooper, and Sally of N., Oct. 30, 1846, in N. [William Mitchell Barney, ch. Matthew and Sally M., CR4. William Mitchell Barney, h. Mary L. (d. Hon. P. M. Neal of Lynn), s. Matthew and Sally (Mitchell), PR38.
William Mitchell, ch. Matthew and Sally M., 31st, 8 mo. 1839, C.R4. [s. Matthew and Sally (Mitchell), PR38.]
Alexander, h. Mary (d. Joseph Lumbert), s. John and Judith (Coffin), 14th, 9 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
Benjamin G., s. Peter and Lucretia (Gardner), 19th, 8 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Charles. s. Samuel and Judith (Fitch), 10th, 4 mo. 1824, P.R.38.
Edward C., s. John and Judith (Coffin), 25th, 5 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Edward C.. Nov. 17, 1829, G.R.3. [h. Ann E. (d. Alexander Calloway and Eliza), s. John and Judith (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Edwin G., m., s. Peter and Lucretia (Gardner), —, 4 mo. 1834, P.R.38. -
Eliza T. [Barrett]. w. John M. Bovey, Sept. 15, 1826, G.R.3. [d. John W. Barrett and Lydia (Mitchell), PR38.]
Elizabeth (Barret), ch. Samuel and Sarah, bp. July 30, 1775, C.R.3. [Barrett, w. Oliver C. Bartlett (s. Dr. John), d. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, b. 26th, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Eunice, ch. Nathaniel and Eunice, bp. Dec. 22, 1776, C.R.3. [w. Hezeldah Pinkham (s. Tristram), d. Nathaniel and Eunice (Gardner), b. 8th, 12 mo., P.R.38.]
Francis, s. Sam[ue]l and Sarah. bp. May 29, 1768, C.R.3. [h. Rebecca (d. John Hunt Wendall of Boston), h. Abigail
(wid. Reuben Gardner, d. John Wendall), s. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, b. 2d, 1 mo. 1765, P.R.38.]
Francis, h. Susan P. (d. Edward W. Coffin), s. John W. and Lydia. (Mitchell), 31st, 8 mo. 1821, P.R.38.
George, ch. Sam[ue]l and Sarah, bp. Apr. 25, 1773, CR3. [h. Mary (d. Samuel Crosby), h. Sophia (wid. Timothy Robbins, d. James Chase and Mercy), s. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, b. 22d, 4 mo., P.R.38]
George, Jan. 23, 1809, in N.„ GR4. [h. Rebecca (d. Peter M. Vincent of Edgartown), s. John and Judith (Coffin), P.R.38]
George W., h Lydia R, (d. William Bartlett), s. George and Sophia Chase) (Robbins) (second w.), ____ P.R38.
George W., s. Samuel and Judith (Fitch), -, 9 mo. 1831, PR38.
James Henry, s. George, mariner, and Rebecca M. of N., Jan. 6, 1845, in N. [h. Mary E. (wid. ___ Backus, adopted d. David Smith), s. George and Rebecca (Vmcent), P.R.38]
Jethro, ch. Nath[anie]l and Mary, bp. June 10, 1787, C.R.3. [h. Sarah [dup. Sally] (d. Peter Fosdick), s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), 4th, 6 mo. 1786, PR38]
Jethro, h. Sarah A. (d. Barclay Fanning), s. John and Judith (Coffin), _, 6 mo. ___, P.R.38.
John, S. Samuel and Sarah, bp. May 29, 1768, CR3.
John, ch. Nathaniel and Margaret, bp. July 28, 1782, CR3. [h. Judith (d. Elihu Coffin), s. Nathaniel and Margaret
(Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), b. 7th, 7 mo., P.R.38]
John Wendal, ch. Francis and Rebecca, bp. Mar. 6, 1785, C.R.3.
John Wendall, h. Lydia (d. Christopher Mitchell), s. Francis and Abigail (Wendall) (Gardner) (second w.), 15th, 6 mo. 1794, P.R.38.
Joseph F., h. Harriet (d. Frederick Barnard), s. Samuel and Judith (Fitch), 14th, 8 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Josiah F., h. Elizabeth (d. Nathan Chase), s. Samuel and Judith (Fitch), 4th, 3 mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Lydia, w. Henry Bearse (s. Solomon), d. Samuel and Judith (Fitch), 4th, 4 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Margaret, ch. Nathaniel and Margaret, bp. Apr. 30, 1780, C.R.3. [w. David Myrick (s. Andrew), d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), b. 21st, 9 mo. 1780 [sic], P.R.38.]
Margaret A., w. Charles Long of Salem, d. Peter and Lucretia (Gardner), 23d, 9 mo. 1830, P.R.38.
Margaret J, w Willam Lawrence (s. Jeremiah), d. John and Judith (Coffin), 4th, 3 mo. 1826, PR38.
Mary, w John C. Spicer of Springfield, d. John and Judith (Coffin), 19th, 1 mo. 1817 [dup. 1819], P.R.38.
Mary H., w. Frederick B. Pinkham (s. John and Merab), d. Peter and Lucretia (Gardner). _, 8 mo. 1825, PR38.
Mary J., d. George, laborer, and Rebecca M. of N., May 30, 1847, in N. [Mary Jane, w. George A. Backus (s. Ichabod), d. George and Rebecca (Vincent), PR38]
Nancy, ch. Ja[me]s and Anna, bp. June 12, 1785, CR3.
Nathaniel, h. Eunice (d. Grafton Gardner Esq.), h. Margaret (wid. Jethro Coffin, d. John Brock), 22d, 12 mo. 1748, PR38.
Peter, ch. Nath[anie]l and Peggy, bp. Nov. 22, 1789, CR3. [h. Lucretia (d. Gideon Gardner), s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), b. 7th, 1 mo. [dup. __, 11 mo.], PR38.]
Peter, h. Hannah H. Haskell, s. Peter and Lucretia (Gardner), 22d, 6 mo. 1827, P.R.38.
Priscilla, ch. Nath[anie]l and Margaret, bp. Oct. 10, 1784, CR3. [w. Peleg Swain 3d (s. Peleg), second w. Micajah
Swain (s. Peleg Jr.), d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), b. 29th, 9 mo., PR38]
Rebecca, ch. Nathaniel and Eunice, bp. Mar. 26, 1775, CR3. [w. John Fitch [q. v.] Nathaniel and Eunice (Gardner), b. 11th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Rebecca, ch. Francis and Rebecca, bp. May 20, 1787, CR3. [Barett, w. Hez[ekia]h B. Gardner, b. May 5, GR3. Barrett, w. Hezekiah B. Gardner (s. Gideon and Hannah (Barnard) (first w.)), d. Francis and Rebecca (Wendall), b. 5th, 5 mo. 1786, PR38]
Sally (see Sarah).
Sally F., d. Jethro and Sally (Fosdick), 17th, 5 mo. 1818, PR38.
Samuel of Boston, h. Sarah Manning, h. Sally (wid. Uriah Gardner, wid. John Hunt Wendal, d. Joseph [sic] Tilden
of Boston), 22d, 4 mo. 1740, P.R.38.
Samuel, h. Sally (d. Simeon Coffin), s. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning, 7th, 3 mo. 1763, P.R.38.
Samuel, h. Judith (d. Joseph Fitch), h. Mary (wid. Obed Clark, d. Joseph Davis), s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Brock) (Coffin) (second w.), 29th [dup. 26th], 1 mo. 1793, P.R.38.
Sarah, ch. Sam[ue]l and Sarah, bp. Oct. 21, 1770, C.R.3. [Sally, w. Jared Gardner (s. Shubael), d. Samuel of Boston and Sarah Manning. b. 1st, 10 mo., P.R.38]
Sarah Ann, d. George and Rebecca (Vincent), 12th, 9 mo. 1849, PR38.
Sarah M. w. Reuben Hallett (s. Isaac and Rebecca of Barnstable) d John W. and Lydia (Mitchell), 23d, 3 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Sarah M., w. Frederick M. Swain, d. George W. and Lydia, ___, 1849 [sic, see death of Lydia R.] PR38.
Sarah Manning [____], w. Samuel of Boston, 16th, 3 mo. 1740, PR.38. -
William, s. John and Judith (Coffin), 28th, 9 mo. 1811, PR38.
William C., s. Alexander, sail maker, and Mary C. of N., Jan. 31., 1844., in N. -
William H., s. George W., merchant, and Lydia R. of N., June 11, 1844, in N.
William M, h. Elizabeth H. (d. Samuel B. Folger). h. Eliza J. (wid. Zenas Coffin, d. Edward Field), s. John W. and Lydia (Mitchell), 23d, 11 mo. 1830, P.R.38.
Jemima [dup. Bartlemy], w. Joseph Thomas, first w. Silvans Folger, d. Thomas and Beulah (Skiff), 12th, 11 mo. 1740, P.R.38.
Sarah, w. Michael More, d. Thomas and Beulah (Skiff), _____, PR38.
Albert C., h. Avis M. (wid. George Gorham Hussey), s. William and Lydia (Macy), —, 10 mo. 1822, P.R.38.
Amherst, s. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), 2d, 3 mo. 1762, in Stonington, P.R.38.
Ann C., d. William and Emeline P. (Coffin), —, 1 mo. 1824, P.R.38.
Aurora, ch. John and Lucretia, bp. Dec. 19, 1784, C.R.3. [w. William Freeman of Pittston, Me., d. John, M.D.. and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), b. 9th, g mo., P.R.38. d. Dr. Bartlett, b. 7th, 9 mo., P.R.64.]
Catharine Macauley, w. Samuel Crosby Jr., w. Simeon Long (s. Jonathan), d. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), 2d., 12 mo. 1771, in Charlestown, P.R.38.
Charles Frederick, h. Betsey, s. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), 26th, 11 mo. 1766, in Westerley, Conn., P.R.38.
Charlotte, w. Samuel (s. Obed Hussey and Mary), d. Dr. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), 3d, 3 mo. [dup.
2 mo.] 1764, in Stonington, Conn., P.R.38.
Charlotte, w. Nathaniel Ruggles, M.D., d. Oliver C. and Elizabeth (Barrett), 1st, 1 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Edward M., h. Lydia C. (d. James Gibson), s. William and Lydia (Macy), —, 2 mo. 1830, PR38.
Eljah Hedding, s. Oliver C. and Fanny Lampson (second w.), _____, PR38.
Eliza Ann, d. John S. and Eunice (Hussey), —, 1825, PR38.
Emeline C, w. Luther Hinckley, d. William and Emeline P. (Coffin), —, 5 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
Emma, w. Josiah Hallett (s. Isaac and Rebecca), d. Telemechus and Lydia. (Coffin), 20th, 11 mo. 1802, PR38.
George Cary, s. Oliver C. and Fanny Lampson (second w.), _____, P.R.38.
Henry J., [? twin] s. Samuel R. and Lucy (Jenkins), —, 6 mo. 1818 [see death of Mary J.], P.R.38.
Jedediah Southworth, s. John and Susanna (Southworth), 3d, 3 mo. 1759, in Lebanon, Conn, P.R.38.
John, h. Susanna (Southworth) of Duxbury, h. Lucretia Stewart of Amherst, Conn., —, 7 mo. 1730, P.R.38.
John, h. Lucy Libby of Conn., s. John and Susanna (Southworth), 2d, 5 mo. 1755, in Northampton, PR38.
John R, s. William and Lydia (Macy), —, 6 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
John S., h. Eunice (d. Paul Hussey and Judith), s. Oliver C. and Elizabeth (Barrett), 5th, 1 mo. 1800, P.R.38.
Leander, h. Betsey, s. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), ___, 1767, in Westerly [R. I.], PR38.
Leonara B., w. George P. Whippey (s. John G.), William and Emeline P. (Coffin), —, 4 mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Lucretia, w. Arthur Matthews, d. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), 27th, 3 mo. 1779, in Edgartown, PR38.
Lucretia, first w. Barzillai Russell (s. Charles and Hepsabeth), d. Dr. Oliver C. and Elizabeth (Barrett), 22d, 9 mo.
1798, P.R.38.
Lucretia Stewart [____] of Amherst, Conn., second w. John, 10th, 8 mo. 1741, P.R.38.
Lucy J., d. Samuel R. and Lucy (Jenkins), 31st, 5 mo. 1826, P.R.38.
Lydia R., w. George W. Barrett (s. George), d. William and Lydia (Macy), _____, P.R.38.
Mary Ford, d. Oliver C. and Fanny Lampson (second w.), 25th, 8 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Melvin Dempster, s. Oliver C. and Fanny Lampson (second w.), _____, P.R.38.
Oliver C., s. Oliver C. and Elizabeth (Barrett), 12th, 11 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Oliver Cromwell, h. Elizabeth (d. Sam[ue]l Barrett), h. Francis [sic, dup. Fanny] Lampson of Boston, s. Dr.
John and Lucretia Stewart (second w- ), 2d, 4 mo. 1775, in Newport, R. I., PR38.
Pascal Paoli, h. Jane Daggett of Martha's Vineyard, s. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), —, 1769, in Charlestown. P.R.38.
Samuel R., h. Lucy (d. John Jenkins and Susarma), s. Thomas, ___, 1797, P.R.38.
Samuel R., s. Samuel R. and Lucy (Jenkins), 26th, 2 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
Sarah, w. Jonathan Alden, w. Hezibiah N. Woodruff, d. John. and Susanna (Southworth), 3d, 6 mo. 1757, in Lebanon, P.R.38.
Sarah, w. Allen Gibbs of Wareham, d. Oliver C. and Elizabeth (Barrett), 25th, 5 mo. 1797, P.R.38.
Susan C., d. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), 23th, 2 mo. 1777, in Edgartown, P.R.38.
Telemechus, h. Lydia (d. Seth Coffin), s. Dr. John and Lucretia Stewart (second w.), 25th, 5 mo. 1782, in Charlestown, P.R.38.Mbr<
William of Marblehead, h. Lydia (d. Solomon Macy and Lydia), s. Thomas, —, 2 mo. 1795, P.R.38.
William, h. Emeline P. (d. Thaddeus Coffin), —, 1804, P.R.38.
William M., s. William and Lydia (Macy), —, 10 mo. 1819, P.R38.
William Beauchamp, s. Oliver C. and Fanny Lampson (second w.), _____, PR38.
____, d. Dr. Bartlett and w., Oct. 12, 1802, P.R.64.
____, ch. Mrs. Bartlett, July 8, 1803, P.R.64.
____, s. Mrs. Bartlett, May 5, 1813. P.R.64.
Caroline Swift, ch. James N. and Rebecca, bp. Apr. 26, 1831, C.R.2.
Lemuel Freeman, ch. Ja[me]s N. and Rebecca, bp. Oct. 19, 1828, C.R.2.
Lydia Mary, inf. James N. and Rebecca, bp. —, 1834, C.R.2.
Eliza A. [? m.], June 24, 1818, G.R.2.
Francis William s. William M. and Ann Colten (Gelston), —, 12 mo. 1849, P.R.38.
Gelston, s. William M. and Ann Cohen (Gelston), _____ [? before 1850], P..R.38.
George C, s. William M., merchant, and Ann C. of N., July 1, 1848, in N. [George Cartwright Bates, s. William M. and Ann Colten (Gelston), 9th, 1 mo., PR38]
Harriet (see Unidentified).
John [? h. Margaret], 30th, 6 mo. 1775, PR38.
Joseph W., Aug. 20, 1821, GR2. [Joseph W. of Cape Cod, h. Eliza C. (d. Asa Rawson), P.R.38.]
Margaret [____] [? w. John], 16th, 9 mo. 1765, PR38.
Mary of Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, w. Thomas Backus (s. Clark), d. Joseph, 11th, 3 mo. 1793, PR38.
Perry W., s. Asa F., laborer, and Eliza Am, Feb. 16, 1844.
Perry W.., s. Asa F., laborer, and Eliza. Ann of N., Oct. 19, 1847, in N.
William [? S. John and Margaret], 24th, 9 mo. 1812, P.R.38.
William E.., h. Mary Ann (d. Charles Coffin and Angeline), s. Joseph W. and Eliza C. (Rawson), 12th, 9 mo. 1849,
wilritun M., h. Ann Cohen (d. Samuel Gelston), s. Rev. Stephen and Anna [dup. Ann] (Moores), -, 2 mo. 1822, P.R.38.
Narcissa [Batty], w. Alexander G. Coffin, 29th, 9 mo. 1817, C.R.4. [Batty, w. Alexander G. Coffin (s. William B. and Deborah), d. Ezra, -, 2 mo. 1818, P.R.38.]
Benjamin, h. Lydia (d. Jonatimn Burnell), s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 10th 11 mo. 1765, PR38.
Christopher, s. William and Margaret, June 22, 1729. [h. Mary (d. Richard Worth and Lydia), s. William and
Margaret Cook, 10th, 2 mo. 1728 [dup. 10th, 7 mo. 1729], PR38.
David, h. Rachel (d. Owen Folger), s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 4th, 11 mo. 1775, PR38.
David C., May 20, 1814, GR.3. [h. Mary J. (d. Frederick Hussey), h. Martha (wid. Roland Gardner, d. ____ Potter of Martha's Vineyard), s. Reuben and Love (Briggs), 14th, 6 mo., PR38.]
Deborah, d. William and Margaret, Sept. 11, 1722. [w. Jonathan Moores (s. Jonathan), d. William and Margaret Cook,11th, 9 mo., PR38.]
Deborah, w. Job Smith (s. Job and Mary), d. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 19th, 7 mo. 1763, PR38.
Eliza (Baxter), w. William R. Easton, ___, 1808, GR3. [d. Reuben Baxter and Love (Briggs), 9th, 3 mo., PR38.]
Eunice, William and Margaret, Aug. 16, 1724. [w. Stephen Hussey, d. William and Margaret Cook, 16th, 8 mo., PR38.
Eunice, w. Jeremiah Lawrence, [twin] d. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 25th, 10 mo. 1770, P.R.38.
Francis, h. - ("m'd in France"). h. Lydia (wid. Benjamin Baxter), s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 15th, 3 mo. 1768, P.R.38.
Lilly [Baxter], May 12, 1847, GR3. [Lydia Cartwright Baxter, d. David C. and Mary J. (Hussey), PR38.]
Love, w. Albion Buchnam. d. William and Betsey (Cary), 18th, 6 mo. 1835, PR38.
Lydia, w. Reuben (s. Beriah Giles and Mary), d. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 2d, 10 mo., 1758 [dup. 1760], P.R.38.
Lydia Cartwright (see Lilly)
Margaret, w. Nathaniel Chadwick (s. Richard), d. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 2d, 4 mo. 1756, P.R.38.
Mary, d. Benjamin and Lydia (Burnell), _____. P.R.38.
Mary B. [Baxter], w. Francis Colburn, July 24, 1811, G.R.3. [d. Reuben Baxter and Love (Briggs), ___, 1812 [dup.
24th, 7 mo. 1818, sic], P.R.38.]
Phebe, William and Margaret, Sept. 22, 1726. [second w. Job Smith, d. William and Margaret Cook, 22d, 11 mo., P.R.38]
Phebe, w. Thomas Townsend (s. James), [twin] d. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 25th, 10 mo. 1770, P.R.38.
Rebecca, w. Alexander D. Bunker (s. Absolem), d. William and Hannah, 5th, 9 mo. 1793, PR.38.
Reuben, h. Love (d. Abner Briggs), s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 24th, 3 mo. 1773, P.R.38.
Richard, h. Mary Coffin, s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 3d, 12 mo. 1761, P.R.38.
William, h. Hannah Groves of Beverley, s. Christopher and Mary (Worth), 10th, 7 mo. 1754, P.R.38.
William, h. Betsey (d. James Cary and Betsey), s. Reuben and Love (Briggs), 11th, 5 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Anne, ch. John and Deborah, Aug. 14, 1732. [Anna, CR4. Anna, w. Nathaniel Gardner (s. Andrew), w. Robert
Fairweather, d. John and Deborah (Pease), 14th, 8 mo., P.R.38.]
Barret, ch. John and Deborah, 21st, 8 mo. 1750, CR4. [s. John and Deborah (Pease), 21st, 10 mo., P.R.38.]
Charles E., s. John B. and Hannah (Earl), -, 5 mo. 1821, P.R.38.
David, ch. John and Deborah, Oct. 1, 1744. [s. John and Deborah (Pease), 10th, I mo., P.R.38]
Deborah, ch. John and Deborah, 28th, 12 mo.. 1748, CR.4. [w. Zacheriah Coffin (s. Joseph), d. John and Deborah (Pease), 28th, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Deborah, third w. Reuben Starbuck (s. Matthew), w. Charles F. Hussey, d. Matthew and Elizabeth (Myrick), 12th, 3 mo. 1780 [dup. 1783], P.R 38.
Elizabeth, ch. John and Deborah, Mar. 15, 1735. [first w. John Waterman, d. John and Deborah (Pease), 20th, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, ch. Richard and Eunice, 3d, 5 mo. 1761, CR4.
Elizabeth, w. Reuben Hillman (s. John and Phebe), d. Matthew and Elizabeth (Myrick), 28th, 4 mo. 1776, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, d. John and Ruth (Russell), 22d, 2 mo. 1783, P.R.38. -
Elizabeth R., w. William Collier, d. John R. and Maria (Foy), 4th, 10 mo. 1842, P.R.38.
Eunice, ch. Richard and Eunice, 17th, 6 mo. 1744, C.R..4.
Eunice, w. Francis Rogers, [w. Charles F. Barnard] d. John R. and Maria (Foy), -, 3 mo. 1837, P.R.38.
George, ch. Richard and Eunice, 4th, 5 mo. 1754, C.R.4.
George H., s. John R., laborer, and Maria of N., June 27, 1846, in N. [h. Amelia D. (d. Reuben M. Allen), s. John
R. and Maria (Foy), P.R..38.]
Hannah M., d. John R. and Maria (Foy), -, 9 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Henrietta, d. John R., laborer, and Maria R. of N., Sept. 13, 1844, in N. [w. John B. S. Haskins of New Bedford, d. John R. and Maria (Foy), P.R.38. See Benjamin Beekman.
John, h. Deborah (d. Nathan Pease and Hannah), s. John of Teignmouth, Eng., 29th, 5 mo. 1704, P.R.38.
John, ch. John and Deborah, May 14, 1743. [h. Ruth (d. William Russell), s. John and Deborah (Pease), 14th, 5 mo., P.R.38.]
John, ch. John and Ruth, 24th, 10 mo. 1764, C.R.4. [s. John and Ruth (Russell), PR.38.]
John Barrett, h. Hannah (d. Joseph Earl), s. John and Ruth (Russell), 16th. 5 mo. 1781 [dup. 28th, 5 mo. 1782], P.R.38.
John R., h. Maria (d. Obed Foy), s. John Barrett and Hannah (Earl), 16th, 5 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Mary. ch. John and Deborah, June 19, 1740. [second w. John Waterman, d. John and Deborah (Pease), 19th, 6 mo., PR38]
Mary, d. John and Ruth (Russell), 26th, 8 mo. 1776, P.R.38.
Mary, d. John B. and Hannah (Earl), 26th, 8 mo. 1809, PR38.
Mary, w. Lewis R. Lavers of Nova Scotia, d. John B. and Hannah (Earl), -, 3 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Matthew, ch. John and Deborah, Oct. 22, 1746. [h. Elizabeth (d. Isaac Myrick), s. John and Deborah (Pease), -, 10 mo., PR38.]
Matthew, ch. John and Ruth, 20th, 7 ma. 1770, C.R.4.
Obediah, ch. John and Deborah, 23d, 6 MO. 1754, C.R.4. [s. John and Deborah (Pease), P.R.38]
Phebe, ch. John and Deborah, 25th, 1 mo. 1758, CR4. [w. Isaac Nichelson [? Isaiah Nickerson], d. John and Deborah (Pease), PR38.]
Phebe, d. John and Ruth (Russell), 28th, 10 mo. 1778, P.R.38.
Reuben, ch. Richard and Eunice, 18th, 4 mo. 1763, C.R.4.
Ruth, ch. John and Deborah, Nov. 29, 1733. [w. Ebenezer Gardner Jr. (s. Ebenezer and Judith), d. John and Deborah (Pease), 29th, 11 mo., P.R.38.]
Ruth, ch. John and Ruth, 17th, 4 mo. 1768, C.R.4. [[dup. second] w. Elial Coffin, w. Judah Chase, d. John and Ruth
(Russell) [dup. 16th, 4 ma. 1768, second dup. 17th, 4 mo. 1763], PR38]
Ruth, w. Stephen Modley (s. Thomas), d. John B. and Hannah (Earl), 5th, 3 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Sally. w. Joseph Gardner (s. Shubael and Hepsibeth), d. Matthew and Elizabeth (Myrick), 27th, 1 mo. 1778 [dup. 1781], P.R.38.
Sarah, w. Charles Smith (s. Solomon), d. John B. and Hannah (Earl), 3d, 8 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Valentine, ch. John and Ruth, 28th, 5 MO. 1772, C.R.4.
William, ch. Richard and Eunice, 11th, 8 mo. 1751, CR4.
William, s. Matthew and Elizabeth (Myrick), 17th, 1 mo. 1773, P.R.38.
William Henry, s. John B. and Hannah (Earl), 3d, 9 mo. 1811, PR38.
William R., S. John R. and Maria (Foy), -, 9 mo. 1841. P.R.38.
BEARSE (see also BEEARS) -
Abigail. [twin] d. Thomas and Thirza, 11th, 9 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Amanda, w. Henry C. Pinkham (s. John), d. Isaac G. and Mary Ann (Miller), 16th, 8 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Benjamin F., s. Thomas and Thirza, 11th, 8 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Emily C., w. George W. Brown (s. Alexander and Lydia), d. Isaac G. and Mary Ann (Miller), s3d, 11 mo. 1844, P.R.38.
Hannah [Bearse], w. Paul W. Clisby, Apr. 14., 1821, GR3. [Bearse, w. Paul Clisby (s. Seth), d. Solomon and Hannah
Green, —, 1820 [? in Barnstable], P.R.38.]
Hannah L., w. Edward F. Joy, d. ____ of Barnstable, 27th, 11 mo. 1824 [? in Barnstable], P.R.38.
Henry, h. Lydia (d. Samuel Barrett), s. Solomon and Hannah Green, —, 1823 [? in Barnstable], P.R.38.
Henry, s. Isaac G. and Mary Ann (Miller), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 1st, 1 mo. 1838], P.R.38.
Isaac G., h. Mary Ann (d. John Miller and Mary), s. Solomon and Hannah Green, 25th, 6 Tao. 1809 [? in Barnstable], P.R.38.
Jacob, h. Caroline Bearse., s. Solomon and Hannah Green, _____, [rec. before ch. b. —, 4 mo. 1816, ? in Barnstable], P.R.38.
Laura H., d. Isaac G. and Mary Ann (Miller), 1st, 1 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
Lemuel, s. Thomas and Thirza, ___, 1817, P.R.38.
Lucy F., d. Thomas and Thirza, 22d, 10 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
Martha, w. Braddock Coleman (s. Hezekiah), d. Solomon and Hannah Green, _____ [rec. before ch. b. 25th, 6 mo. 1809, ? in Barnstable], P.R.38.
Mary, w. James Coleman (s. Hezekiah), d. Solomon and Hannah Green. _____ [? in Barnstable], P.R.38.
Mercy (see Mercy Bursely).
Nancy, w. Henry Ellis (s. Henry and Rebecca), w. George C. Hussey (s. Peter and Sally), 5th, 12 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Sarah, w. James Robbins, w. Barzlllai Grew (s. Samuel), d. Solomon and Hannah Green, 8th, 8 mo. 1803 [? in Barnstable], P.R.38.
Silvia, d. Thomas and Thirza, 19th, 10 mo. 1818, PR38.
Thirza [___], w. Thomas, 18th, 4 mo. 1784, P.R.38.
Thirza (see Tirza).
Thomas, h. Thirza, 12th, 8 mo. 1780, P.R.38.
Thomas M., h. Mary Francis (d. Edward Swain), s. Isaac G. and Mary Ann (Miller), 11th, 1 mo. 1831 [sic], P.R.38.
Tirza, w. Seth S. Gibbs, divorced w. Charles H. Rogers (s. Henry and Rhoda), w. Seth Macy (s. Job), d. Solomon and Hannah Green, —, 4 mo. 1816 [? in Barnstable], P.R.38.
Tryphosa [Bearse], w. Sylvester Hodges, ___, 1814, G.R.3. [Bearse, w. Sylvester Hodges, d. Solomon and
Hannah Green, _, 4 mo. 1816 [sic, dup. __ 1814, ? in Barnstable], RR.38.]
William Barry, [twin] s. Thomas and Thirza, 11th, 9 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Elizabeth] [dup. Betsy], d. William and Fanny, Sept. 26, 1802, C.R.3. [Betsy, PR64]
Fanny Jr., d. William and Fanny (Rand) (Russell), _____, P.R.38.
Polly, d. William and Fanny, Sept. 19, 1805, CR3.
David, s. David, mariner, and Sarah of N., Sept. 8, 1845, in N.
BEEARS (see also BEARSE)-
Henry Williams, ch. John and Olive, May 24, 1789, in N.
John Francis, ch. John and Olive, June 23, 1791, in N.
Charles M. (Bebee), s. John, merchant, and Patience of N., Apr. 21, 1847, in N.
Elizabeth [___], w. Nathan of Newport, R. I., 11th, 8 mo. 1750, P.R.38.
Elizabeth A., w. ___ Lincoln of S. Abington, d. John M. and Patience Allen (second w.), 25th, 4 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Ezra Stiles, h. Lucy (d. Tristram Allen and Mary), s. Nathan and Elizabeth, 19th, 5 mo. 1795, P.R.38. -
Francis, s. Nathan and Elizabeth, 30th, 4 mo. 1791, PR.38.
George W., Jan. 11, 1832, G.R.2. [h. Ann Maria (d. Frederick Easton), s. John M. and Patience Allen (second w.),
Hannah, w. Giles E. Stanton, d. Nathan and Elizabeth, 18th, 7 mo. 1786, P.R38.
Henry, s. John M. and Patience Allen (second w.), 20th, 8 mo. 1833, P. R.38.
James M., h. Louisa W. (d. Alexander Coffin and Eliza), s. John M. and Patience Allen (second w.), 21st, 6 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
John A., Capt., Mar. 19, 1830, in N., G.R.2. [h. Lydia Abby (d. Lemuel Jones), s. John M. and Patience Allen (second w.), P.R.38.]
John Murray, h. Rebecca (d. Nathaniel Chadwick), h. Patience Allen, s. Nathan and Elizabeth, 20th, 9 mo. 1784, P.R.38.
Maria S., d. John M., fisherman, and Patience of N., Dec. 1, 1843, in N.
Nathan of Newport, R. I., h.. Elizabeth, 21st, 7 mo. 1748, PR38.
Nathan, "an Idiot," s. Nathan and Elizabeth, 31st, 8 mo. 1773, P.R.38.
Patience Allen [___], second w. John M., _, 11 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Reuben C.., s. John M. and Rebecca (Chadwick), 16th, 4 mo. ___, P.R.38.
Sarah, w. Isaiah Nicholson Jr., d. Nathan and Elizabeth, 2d, 5 mo. 1789, P.R.38.
Sophia, "Idiot," d. Nathan and Elizabeth, 10th, 3 mo. 1788, P.R.38.
William, s. Nathan and Elizabeth, 21st, 11 mo. 1779, P.R.38.
William S., h. Elizabeth H. (d. Frederick Easton), s. John M. and Patience Allen (second w.), 11th, 1 mo. 1827, P.R.38.
Benjamin, h. Henrietta (w. ___ Haskins, d. John Beard), s. John and Mary Ann (Holmes), 24th, 10 mo. 1844 [see Moses], P.R.38.
Charles, h. Ellen Fisher of Edgartown, s. John and Mary Ann (Holmes), 24th, 10 mo. 1840, P.R.38.
Eliza Ann, w. John Gardner ("a Portuguese"), d. John and Mary Ann (Holmes), 10th, 7 mo. 1832, P.R.38.
Harriet, w. Thomas Marchant of Edgartown, (twin] d. John and Mary Ann (Holmes), 12th, 2 mo. 1847, P.R.38.
John, h. Mary Ann (d. Benjamin Holmes), _, 7 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Moses, s. John, laborer, and Mary Ann of N., Sept. 14, 1844 [see Benjamin], in N.
Roland, [twin] s. John, laborer, and Mary Ann of N., Feb. 12, 1847, in N.
William H., h. Sarah (d. George Swain), s. John and Mary Ann (Holmes), 24th, 11 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
Joseph H., ___, 1833, G.R.3.
Aaron, s. John and Sally, 6th. 6 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
John [h. Sally], 25th, 8 mo. 1783, P.R.38.
John, s. John and Sally, 20th, 4 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Leonard, s. John and Sally, 9th, 4 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Sally [ ___ ] [w. John], 9th, 3 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
Ann (see Cynthia Ann).
Charles C., h. Celia (d. Zechariah Merry and Eunice), 5th, 4 mo. 1780, P.R.38.
Charles C., s. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), 25t.h, 11 mo. 1826, PR38.
Charlotte M., w. James B. Sykes, w Elisha F. Baker, d. Hiram and Susan (Maxey), _, 5 mo. 1835, PR38.
Cordelia, w. Joshua Merritt of Bath, Me., d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), 2d, 7 mo. 1817, PR38.
Cynthia, w. Zeno Crocker of Barnstable, d. William and Phebe (Raymond), 22d, 11 mo. 1806, PR38.
Cynthia [dup. omits Cynthia] Ann, w. Richard Bailey Jr. of New Bedford (s. Richard), d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), 28th, 12 mo. 1813 [dup. 1810], P.R.38.
Daniel Webster, s. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), 12th, 8 mo. 1831, P.R.38.
Dorcas N., d. William and Betsey Lewis (second w.), ___, 1835, P.R38.
Edward C., h.. Rebecca (d. Luther Adams), s. Edward Hyde and Pamelia (Coleman), 22d, 10 mo. 1841, P.R.38.
Edward H., ___, 1816, GR.3. [Edward Hyde Bennett, h. Pamelia (d. Robert Coleman and Deborah), s. William
and Phebe (Raymond), 20th, 4 mo., P.R.38.] -
Eliza Ann, w. David Christian (s. Peter), d. William and Phebe (Swain), 3d, 10 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Emily B., w. Joseph R. Mitchell, d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), -, 11 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
George, s. William and Phebe (Swain), 7th, 8 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Hannah, w. Amos H. Wood (s. Amos), d. William and Phebe (Raymond), 28th, 11 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
Harriet, w. George Litchfield of Maine, d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), -. 4 mo. 1822, P.R.38.
Henry, s. Sarah C. of N., Oct. 16, 1844, in N.
Hiram, h. Susan (d. Reuben Maxey), s. William and Phebe (Raymond), 19th, 1 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Jane, w. George Gove, d. William and Phebe (Raymond), 1st, 9 mo. 1822, P.R.38.
John, s. John, laborer, and Eliza Ann of N., Sept. 9, 1847, in N.
Lucretia, w. Jonathan Huntoon, w. Henry Folger, w. Peter Boyer, w. William Christian, d. William and Phebe (Swain), 10th, 5 mo. 1801. P.R.38.
Lucy, w. Reuben L. Whippey, d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), 6th, 10 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
Lydia S., w. Charles H. Coleman (s. Benjamin and Elizabeth), w. William H. Gardner (s. Joshua and Eliza), d. William and Phebe (Swain), 12th, 7 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
Maria, w. William Hatch of Barnstable, d. Charles C. and Celia (Merry), _____, PR38.
Nancy, w. James Breed of Lynn, d. Reuben and Sarah (Elias), 17th, 12 mo. 1800, PR38.
Nancy, w. Benjamin Russell, w. Samuel Butterfield. d.. William and Phebe (Raymond), 5th, 3 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Phebe Ann, w. Charles Lovelace, w. William R. Folger (s. Albert and Susan), d. William and Phebe (Swain), 28th, 2 mo. 1811, P-R-38.
Phebe Ann, w Samuel Fales of R. I., d. Edward Hyde and Pamelia (Coleman), 28th, 5 mo. 1849, P.R.38.
Reuben, h. Sally [dup. Sarah] (d. John Elkins), s. Samuel and Ruth (Perry), _____, PR38.
Reuben H., s. Hiram and Susan (Maxey), _____, P.R.38.
Sally, w. Stephen Remson, d. Samuel and Ruth, 7th, 7 mo. 1772, P.R.38.
Sarah C., ___, 1840, G.R.3. [d. Edward Hyde Bennett and Pamelia (Coleman), 4th, 3 mo. 1843, PR38]
Stephen, h. Sarah (d. Marshall Crosby), s. William and Phebe (Raymond), 12th [dup. 17th], 10 mo. 1811, PR38.
Susan, d. William and Phebe (Swain), 22d, 11 mo. 1817, PR38.
Susan M., w. John P. Tamplet, d. Reuben and Sarah (Elkins), 30th, 8 mo. 1799, P.R.38.
Thomas, s. William and Phebe (Raymond), 14th, 5 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Thomas Young, s. Stephen and Sarah (Crosby), ___, 1838, P.R.38.
William, "an Englishman," h. Phebe (d. Freeman Swain and Rebecca (Lewis)), 16th, 6 mo. 1771, P.R.38.
William, h. Phebe (d. Ebenezer Raymond), s. Stephen of Sandwich, 8th, 3 mo. 1776, P.R.38.
William, s. William and Phebe, Mar. 18, 1798, C.R.3. [h. Polly Young of Wareham, s. William and Phebe (Swain), P.R.38.]
William, s. William and Phebe, Mar. 18, 1807, C.R.3.
William Hammond, h. Sarah Day (d. Arnold Morse and Maria (Morey)), s. William and Phebe (Raymond), 4th,
11 mo. 1813, PR38.
Zeruiah, w. Watson Burgess of Sandwich, d. William and Phebe (Raymond), 15th, 9 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
Eben, s. Eber and Desire (Bunker), _____, P.R.38.
Eber, h. Desire (d. Zachery Bunker and Desire), ___, 1741, P.R.38.
Magdalen, w. Robert Coffin (s. Abisha and Sarah), d. Taber and Elizabeth, 26th, 12 mo. 1782, PR38.
Ann Hughes [___], w. John of Charleston, S. C., Jan.. 19, 1809, G.R3.
Mary R., d. Lewis, mariner, and Eliza of N., Dec. 6, 1843, in N.
Sarah Ann, d. Lewis, laborer, and Eliza of N., July 4, 1848, in N.
Susan (see Susan Coffin).
Cynthia (Bassy), second w. Jabez Cushman (s. Isaac and Esther of Plymouth), ___, 1803, P.R.38.
Elizabeth [Besse, w. Benjamin F.] Coffin, July 23, 1814, G.R3. [Elizabeth Besse of Rochester, w. Benjamin Franklin Coffin, P.R.38.]
Deborah, d. Samuell, Feb. 5, 1673.
Elizabeth, d. Samuell, Feb. 16, 1671.
Anna [___], w. Maj. James (s. John), 6th, 2 ino. 1779, P-R-38.
Anna. H., w. Edward Alden., d. Henry and Mary (Barker), 23d, 5 mo. 1833, P.R.38.
Caroline, w. Henry Morgan of Springfield, d. Maj. James and Anna, 4th, 6 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Charlotte, w. Gurden Pitcher of Norwich, Conn., second w. Samuel H. Ames, d. Maj. James and Anna, 4th, 9 mo. 1799 [dup. 1798], P.R.38.
Daniel C., h. Siisar (d. Charles R. Starbuck and Eliza), s. Maj. James and Anna, 13th, 8 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Edward Barker, ch. Henry and Mary, bp. May 2, 1847, CR1. [s. Henry and Mary (Barker), b. 16th, 9 mo. 1841, P.R.38.]
Emily, w. Peter G. Fosdick (s. Peter), d. Maj. James and Anna, 10th, 6 mo. 1797, PR38.
Emily F., d. Henry, mariner, and Mary of N., May 24, 1846, in N. [Emily Fosdick Bigelow, C.R.I. d. Henry and Mary (Barker), 21st, 5 mo., P.R.38.]
Henry, h. Mary (d. Robert Barker), s. Maj. James and Anna, 29th, 6 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
James, Maj., h. Anna, s. John, 10th, 6 mo. 1776, P.R.38.
James, s. Maj. James and Anna, 17th, 4 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
James Henry, h. Harriet E. (d. Thomas Colman), s. Henry and Mary (Barker), 7th, 1 mo., 1838, P.R.38.
Leonard B., s. Maj. James and Anna, 2d, 8 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Maria, w. Robert G. Tenny Jr. of Charlestown, d. Maj. James and Anna, 29th, 12 mo. 1811, P.R.38.
Mary B, d. Henry, mariner, and Mary [(Barker) P.R.38.] of N., Oct. 1, 1848, in N.
Timothy S„ s. Maj. James and Anna, 2d, 3 mo. 1815., P.R.38.
Betsey, d. Truman and Susanna, Mar. 11, 1804, C.R.3.
Eliza [dup. Elizabeth Bizzel], w. Reuben Chase Jr., d. William and Abigail (Swain), 13th, 10 mo. 1799, P.R.38.