To the Year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Abby, w. William Stanton (s. Giles), d. Heman and Mehitable (Crocker), -, 9 mo. 1813, P.R.38.
Alfred Scudder, s. Theophalus, mariner, and Lydia of N., Dec. 12, 1843, in N.
Andrew C., h. Mary Wilcox of New Bedford, h. Arm Eliza (d. William Snow and Mary), s. Thomas and Mary (Bates), -, 5 mo. 1831, P.R.38.
Andrew J., s. Zenas, laborer, and Sarah B. of N., Oct. 26, 1843, in N.
Ann, d. Thomas and Mary (Bates), -, 6 mo. 1821, P.R.38.
Ansel C., s. Heman and Mehitable (Crocker), ___, 1815, P.R.38.
Augustus, s. Zenas, laborer, and Sarah B. of N., July 22, 1846, in N.
Bethania Bradford, w. John Pauls Gardner (s. Joshua), d. Ichabod and Sophronia. (Small), 9th, 4 mo. 1832,
Caroline, w. Ebenezer B. Gould, d. Ichabod and Sophronia, 7th, 4 mo. 1826 [sic, see Thankful], PR38.
Charles A., s. Crocker and Betsey (Crocker), —, 9 mo. 1821, PR38.
Charles Henry, s. Thomas and Mary (Bates), 8th, 9 mo. 1841, P.R.38.
Clark, s. Francis and Mary (Clark), _____ P.R.38.
Crocker, h. Betsey (d. Ansel Crocker of E. Falmouth), h. Sally (wid. Frederick Jones, d. George Newbegin), s. Clark, 12th, 5 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
Crocker, h. Elizabeth (wid. Joseph Backus), s. Thomas and Mary (Bates), —, 10 MO. 1827, PR38.
Eleazar, h. Sarah Ann (wid. Job Swain), s. Heman and Mehitable (Crocker), —, 1820, PR38.
Eliza Ann, w. John B. Stanton, d. Heman and Mehitable (Crocker), —, 8 mo. 1817, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. William Young (s. Francis), w. James P. Staples, d. Thomas and Mary (Bates), —, 7 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
Ephraim, s. Ichabod and Sophronia. (Small), 25th, 4 mo. 1830, P.R.38.
Ervin Hinckley, h. Rebecca (d. Benjamin Daggett), s. Ichabod and Sophronia (Small), 3d, 7 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Francis, h. Ruth J. Little of N. B., s. Ichabod and Sophronia (Small), 29th, 3 mo. 1828, P.R.38.
George A., s. Crocker and Betsey (Crocker), —, 2 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
George A., s. Ichabod, farmer, and Sophronia of N., Aug. 29, 1843, in N. [George Allen Backus, h. Sarah (d. George Barrett and Rebecca), s. Ichabod and Sophronia (Small), P.R.38.]
George W., h. Sarah Whitney of Fall River, s. Heman and Mehitable (Crocker), —, 5 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Harriet (see Unidentified).
Heman [h. Mehitable (d. Anthony Crocker)], —, 8 mo. 1777, P.R.38.
Ichabod, h. Sophronia (d. John Small), s. Clark, 9th, 1 mo. 1791, P.R.38.
John J., h. Ruth A. Crapo of New Bedford, h. Sarah (wid. John Prouty, d. Edward Folger). s. Icbabod and Sophronia. (Small), 3d, 5 mo. 1824, PR38.
Joseph, h. Elizabeth Tyler, s. Thomas and Mary (Bates), —, 6 mo. 1814, PR38.
Josiah, s. Ichabod and Sophronia (Small), —, 4 mo. 1839, PR38.
Luther, s. Crocker and Betsey (Crocker), _____, P.R.38.
Lydia, w. Nathaniel Hinckley, d.. Heman and Melaitable (Crocker), —, 3 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Mary Aim, d. Crocker and Betsey (Crocker), 18th, 10 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Mary Ann, d. Theophalus C., mariner, and Lydia of N, Feb. 19, 1846, in N.
Mary G., w. Nymphas Lothrop (s. Thomas), d. Heman and Mehitable (Crocker), —, 10 mo. 1811, PR38.
Oliver C., h. Eliza Ann (d. David Phinney), h. Lucy (w. ___ Morris, d. Manual Enas), s. Hemam and Melaitable (Crocker), —, 4 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
Paulina, w. — Groves of New Bedford, d. Thomas and Mary (Bates), —, 11 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Rebecca, w. Samuel Lowell of Lewiston, Me., d. Thomas and Mary (Bates), —, 9 mo. 1825, P.R.38.
Sarah B. Norton [____] of Martha's Vmeyard w. Zenas (s. Thomas and Mary B.), —, 8 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
Thankful, d. Ichabod and Sophronia (Small), —, 4 mo. 1826 [sic, see Caroline], PR38.
Thankful, d. Crocker and Betsey (Crocker), _____, P.R.38.
Theophilas, h. Lydia Bearse, __, 8 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
Thomas, h. Mary of Marstons Mills, Cape Cod (d.. Joseph Bates), s. Clark, —, 4 mo. 1792, P.R.38.
Thomas J., s. Thomas and Mary (Bates), —, 8 mo. 1824, P.R.38.
William H., s. Crocker and Betsey (Crocker), _____, P.R.38.
Zenas, h. Sarah B. Norton of Martha's Vineyard, s. Thomas and Mary (Bates), —, 3 mo. 1817, P.R.38.
Joann, ch. Joseph and Elizabeth, bp. May 25, 1828, CR1.
Albert, s. John Hazleton and Priscilla (wid. Lindsay Morselander), 4th, 11 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Ann C., d. Charles and Emma A. (Hurlburt), 23d, 8 mo. 1837, P.R.38.
Ann Eliza, , d. Hiram, mariner, and Phebe of N., Apr. 29, 1845, in N. [w. Edgar J. Dunbar, d. Hiram and Phebe
(Folger), 27th, 4 mo., P-R.38.]
Anna W., d. Frederick W. and Sarah Faulkner, _____, P.R.38.
Benjamin, h. Lydia, h. Abigail (divorced w. John Gurrell, d. Reuben Folger), s. Jonathan, —, 3 mo. 1768, P.R.38.
Benjamin [s. Benjamin and Lydia —, 3 mo. 1797, P.R.38.
Benjamin., s. Ebenezar and Elizabeth (Barker), _____, P.R.38.
Charles D., h. Pamelia. Overton, s. Stephen and Susan (Folger), ____ [? in N.], PR38.
Charles F., s. Frederick W. and Sarah Faulkner, _____, P.R.38.
Charles H., h. Emma A. (d. William Hurlburt), s. Samuel and Eunice (Clark), 2d, 5 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Ebenezar, s. Thomas and Mary (Fitch), _____, PR38.
Eliza, w. Henry Miller, d. Stephen and Susan (Folger), _____ [? in N.], P.R.38.
Eliza, d. Benjamin and Abigail (Folger) (Gurrell) (second w.) [sic], 29th, 9 mo. 1809, PR38.
Elizabeth (Baily), d. Thomas and Mary, Dec. 8, 1730. [Bailey, w. Henry Clark of R. I., d. Thomas and Mary (Fitch), 8th 12 mo. 1730, P.R.38.]
Elizabeth C., d. Frederick W. and Sarah Faulkner, _____, PR38.
Francis W., m., s. Frederick W. and Sarah Faulkner, _____, P.R.38.
Frederick W., h. Sarah Faulkner of Bloomingdale, N. Y., h. Elizabeth (wid. — Simpson), s. Samuel and Eunice
(Clark), 7th, 1 mo. 1805 [dup. 1st, 1 mo. 1806], P.R.38.
George, s. Stephen and Susan (Folger), _____, [? in N.], P.R.38.
George R., s. Hiram, mariner, and Phebe J. of N., Feb. 22, 1844, in N. [h. Susan E. Springer of Fall River, s. Hiram and Phebe (Folger), 28th, 2 mo. 1843, P.R.38.]
Harriet Ann, w. George L. Morse of Brooklyn, N. Y., d. Richard Jr. and Cynthia Ann (Bennett), —, 5 mo. 1839, PR38.
Henry E., s. Stephen and Eliza (Thompson), _____, PR38.
Hiram, h. Phebe (d. Timothy Folger Jr.), s. Benjamin and Abigail (Folger) (Gurrell) (second w.), 12th, 11 mo. 1812,
Isaac, s. Ebenezar and Elizabeth (Barker), —, 8 mo. 1790, P.R.38.
James, s. Ebenezar and Elizabeth (Barker), _____, P.R.38.
John, s. Ebenezar and Elizabeth (Barker), _____, P.R.38.
John F., h. Eliza West, s. Stephen and Susan (Folger), _____, [? in N.], P.R.38.
John Hazleton, h. Priscilla (wid, Lindsay Morselander), 11th, 5 mo. 1775, P.R.38.
Joseph (Baily), s. Thomas and Mary, July 2, 1729. [Bailey, s. Thomas and Mary (Fitch). 2d, 7 mo. 1727 [sic], PR38.
Joshua [s. Benjamin and Lydia], 27th, 12 mo. 1794, P.R.38.
Lydia M., w. Erastus Blackmer, w. Leander Hathaway, d. Samuel and Eunice (Clark), 7th, 2 mo. 1812, PR38.
Martha, w. Joseph E. Carr (s. John), d. Richard Jr. and Cynthia Ann (Bennett), _____, PR38.
Martha Washington, d. Stephen and Eliza (Thompson), _____, P.R.38.
Mary Ann, d. John Hazleton and Priscilla (wid. Lindsay Morselander), 8th, 1 mo. 1810, PR38.
Mary Ann, d. Samuel and Eunice (Swain) (Glidden) (third w.). 7th, 10 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
Mary N. (Bayley), w. Charles C. Folger (s. Charles and Judith), d. John of New Bedford], ___, 1826, P.R.38.
Phebe Ann, d. Stephen and Susan (Folger), _____, P.R.38.
Richard Jr. of New Bedford, h. Cynthia Ann (d. Charles Bennett and Celia), —, 1810, PR38.
Robert F., s. Stephen and Susan (Folger), _____, P.R.38.
Russell; s. Stephen and Susan (Folger), _____, P.R.38.
Samuel, h. Eunice (d. Thomas Clark), h. Lydia (wid. William Marshall, d. Freeman Swain), h. Eunice (wid. Tobias
Glidden, d. Pelatiah Swain), s. Ebenezar and Elizabeth (Barker), 15th, 3 mo. 1776, PR38. [Mar. 15, I777,
Sarah Faulkner [___], w. Frederick W., —, 2 mo. 1817 [? in Bloomingdale, N. Y.], P.R.38.
Sarah Goodspeed, d. Rev. Stephen and Sarah, bp. May 20, 1827, C.R.I.
Sarah S., w. George Ellis (s. Henry), w. Hiram Gardner (s. Jesse), d. Samuel and Eunice (Swain) (Glidden) (third w.),__, 8 mo. 1821, P.R.38.
Stephen, h. Eliza (d. Isaac Thompson), h. Caroline (wid. Josiah Macy, d. Thomas Meader), s. Benjamin and Abigail
(Folger) (Gurrell) (second w.), 24th, 5 mo. 1816, P.R.38.
Susan E., d. Charles H., laborer, and Emma of N., Sept. 3, 1847, in N. [Susan Emma, d. Charles and Emma A.
(Hurlburt), 17th, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Thomas (Bally), s. Thomas and Mary, Feb. 10, 1733. [Bailey, s. Thomas and Mary (Fitch), 10th, 2 MO., PR38]
Timothy, s. Ebenezar and Elizabeth (Barker), —, 5 mo. 1783., P.R.38.
William, s. Stephen and Susan (Folger), _____, PR38.
Abner, h. Maria (cL Shubael Crowell), s. Lemuel and Abial (Pinkham), _____, P.R.38.
Abner (see Andrew).
Albert P., s. Obed and Phebe (Norris), _____, PR38.
Alonzo, s. Arvin and Jerusha C., —, 1841, P.R.38.
Amelia J., d.. William and Sophronia (Jenkins), Mar. 24, 1836, PR38.
Andrew "or Abner," s. Obed and Phebe (Norris), _____, P.R.38.
Ann D., w. Shubael Winslow (s. Benjamin), d. James and Ruth (Maxey), 1st, 12 mo. 1813, P.R.38.
Arvin, master mariner, July 6, 1804, G.R.3. [Arvin of E. Falmouth, h. Jerusha C., —, 6 mo. 1805, P.R.38.]
Betsey B., w. Zimri Wheeler of Cape Cod, d. Charles and Betsey (Crowell), _____, P.R.38.
Betsy, w. Nathaniel Gorham (s. Josiah), d. Lemuel and Abial (Pinkham) , ___ 1792, P.R.38.
Charity Thacher, d. Charles and Betsey (Crowell), _____, P.R.38.
Charles, h. Betsy (d. Silvanus Crowell), s. Lemuel and Abial (Pinkham), _____, P.R.38.
Charles, h. Eraeline (d.. Abraham Hedge), s. Franklin and Ruth (Crowell), _____, P.R.38.
Charles Henry, S. Arvin, mariner, and Jerusha of N., Aug. 17, 1843, in N. [h. Ellen (d. William Fitzgerald
and Charlotte), s. Arvin and Jerusha C., —, 1844, P.R.38.]
Charles J., s. William and Sophronia (Jenkins), 10th, 4 mo. 1848, P.R.38.
Charles P., s. Prince and Mary (Maxey) (Coleman), 13th, 3 mo. 1826, P.R.38.
Daty, bp. May 26, 1793, CR.3. [Theodate, w. Henry Starbuck (s. Reuben), d. James and Elizabeth Nickerson, b. 13th, 12 mo. 1792, P.R.38.]
David, h. Avis (d. Jonathan Barnard), s. James Jr. and Elizabeth Nickerson, 4th, 6 mo. 1790, P.R.38.
David 2d, h. Phebe Ann (d.Thomas Coffin), s. Prince and Mary (Maxey) (Coleman), June 7, 1811, P.R.38.
Deborah, w. Jeptha Nickerson of Cape Cod, d. James and Elizabeth Nickerson, _____, P.R.38.
Deborah [Baker, w. ____] Pitman, Oct. 5, 1808, GR4. [Baker, w. Samuel Pitman (s. Charles and Susanna),
d. Prince and Mary (Maxey) (Coleman), PR.38.]
Delia, w. Capt. Joshua Coffin (s. Philip and Hannah), d. Lemuel and Abial (Pinkham), 16th, 2 mo. [dup. 3 mo.]
1799, P.R.38.
Delia C., w. ____ Kelley, d. Franklin and Ruth (Crowell), _____, P.R.38.
Delia M., d. William and Sophronia (Jenkins), _____ [? before 1850], P.R.38.
Ebenezar, h. Ann B. (d. Frederick Macy and Lydia), s. Jonathan C. and Hannah (Smith), 6th, 10 mo. 1814, PR38.
Eliza, d. Prince and Mary (Maxey) (Coleman), _____, P.R.38. -
Elizabeth, w. Henry Folger (s. James and Mary), d. Seth of Cape Cod, 5th, 8 mo. 1762, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. Uriah Swain (s. Paul), w. Jonathan Hall, d. James and Elizabeth Nickerson, 19th, 10 mo. 1783, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. Shubael F. Wood (s. David), d. David and Avis (Barnard), 3d, 10 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Elizabeth Nickerson [____], w. James of Chatham, Cape Cod, 18th, 1 mo. 1749, P.R.38.
Emeline, w. Charles S. Chadwick (s. Seth), d. Jonathan C. and Hannah (Smith), 6th, 4 mo. 1812, P.R.38.
Franklin, h. Ruth (d. Silvanus Crowell), s. Lemuel and Abial (Pinkham), _____, PR.38.
Franklin T., Oct. 16, 1833, G.R.3. [Franklin S., h. Harriet M. Beckwith, s. Arvin and Jerusha C., P.R.38.]
Frederick P., h. Hannah (d. Ezekiel Crowell), s. Charles and Betsey (Crowell), _____, P.R.38.
George Theodore of Dedham, h. Priscilla (d. Francis Pinkham), 21st, 9 mo. 1788, P.R.38.
George W., m., s. Josiah and Mary (Barnard) (Austin), 28th, 7 mo. 1833, P.R.38.
Grafton, bp. Oct. 9, 1785, CR3. [h. Ruth (d. Francis Brown), s. James and Elizabeth Nickerson, b. 25th, 9 mo. 1784, P.R.38.]
Henry, s. James and Ruth (Maxey), 30th, 7 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Henry, May 25, 1821. G.R.4. [Henry C., h. Mary J. (d. William R. Coffin), s. Prince and Mary (Maxey) (Coleman),
Hepsibeth, w. Henry Tracy (s. Henry), d. Lemuel and Abial (Pinkham), 27th, 10 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
Hepsibeth F., w. ____ Kelley, d. Abner and Maria (Crowell), _____, P.R.38.
Isaiah F., h. Emeline (d. Joseph Hallett of Yarmouth), h. Anna (d. Edward Ray), s. Charles and Betsey (Crowell), _____, PR38.
James of Chatham, Cape Cod, h. Elizabeth Nickerson, h. Mary (wid. Gershom Dunham, d. Henry Clark and Elizabeth (Bailey)), 11th, 12 mo. 1742 [? in N.], PR38.
James, h. Ruth (d. Isaiah Maxey), h. Mary (d. William Ray and Elizabeth), s. James and Elizabeth Nickerson, 6th [dup. 4th], 7 mo. 1774, P.R.38.
James, s. Jesse and Deborah (Shaw), __, 10 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
James B.., s. William and Sophronia (Jenkins), 24th, 12 mo. 1842. P.R.38.
Jerusha C. [____], w. Arvin, Apr. 8, 1814, G.R.3. [12 mo. 1813. P.R.38.]
Jesse, h. Deborah (d. John H. Shaw Sr.), s. James and Elizabeth Nickerson., 15th, 2 mo. 1788, P.R.38.
John J., s. William, cab driver, and Sophronia. [(Jenkins) P.R.38.] of N., Sept. 16, 1845, in N.
John M., s. James and Ruth (Maxey), 14th, 3 mo. 1817, PR.38.
Jonathan C., h. Hannah (d. Silvanus Smith), s. Amos and Amy (Coleman), __ [dup. 30th], 6 mo. 1785, P.R.38.
Josiah, s. Mary (afterward second w. Edward Dixon), 1st, 6 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Judith, d. James and Ruth (Maxey), 1st, 10 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Judith M.. w. Alexander Drew Coffin (s. Job and Mary), d. Prince and Mary (Maxey) (Coleman), __ [dup. 7th], 6 mo. 1818, P.R.38.
Louisa, blind, d. George Theodore and Priscilla (Pinkham), 31st [sic], 11 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Louisa S., d. Arvin. merchant, and Jerusha of N.. Oct. 17, 1846, in N. [Rev. Louise S., G.R.3. d. Arvin and Jerusha C., ___, 1847, P.R.38.]
Mary Ann, w. Albert S. Coffin (s. Reuben and Elizabeth), third w. Moses Joy (s. Moses and Deborah), d. David and Avis (Barnard), 23d, 9 mo. 1822 [dup. 1823], P.R.38.
Mary Ann, d. William and Sophronia (Jenkins), _____ [? before 1850], P.R.38.
Mary M., w. Benjamin Winslow (s. Benjamin), d. James and Ruth (Maxey), 14th, 12 MO. 1811, P.R.38.
Mary M., d. David 2d, mariner, and Phebe Ann of N., July 20, 1844, in N.
Mary M., d. David 2d, mariner, and Phebe Ann of N., Sept. 21, 1847, in N.
Obed, h. Phebe (d. Thomas Norris), s. Lemuel and Abial (Pinkham), _____, PR38.
Polly, w. George E. Gardner (s. Ansel and Elizabeth), d. Lemuel Baker of Cape Cod, 26th, 4 mo. 1805 [? on Cape Cod], PR38.
Ruth H., d. Franklin and Ruth (Crowell), _____, P.R.38.
Sarah J., d. Jesse and Deborah (Shaw), —, 1828, GR3 [Sarah Jane, 9th, 7 mo., PR38.]
Sidney, s. Obed and Phebe (Norris), _____ , P.R.38.
Susan S., w. Joseph Hamblin (s. Joseph), d. David and Avis (Barnard), 13th, 5 mo. 1827, P.R.38.
Thankful, w. Reuben Swain, sister of ____ (w. David Chadwick), 23d, 11 mo. 1751 [? in Yarmouth], P.R.38.
Thankful, w. Joseph Davis, d. James and Elizabeth Nickerson, 12th, 4 mo. 1781, PR38.
Theodate (see Daty).
Valina, w. Henry Winslow (s. James), d. Lemuel and Abial (Pinkham), ___, 1790, P.R.38.
Washington Irving, s. Arvin and Jerasha C., —, 11 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
William, h. Sophronia. (d. John Jenkins Jr.), s. James and Ruth (Maxey), 4th, 2 mo. 1799, PR38.
William, s. James and Elizabeth Nickerson, _____, PR38.
William B., s. David and Avis (Barnard), 21st, 8 mo. 1820, PR38.
William G., h. Sarah Hobbs of Waltham, s. George Theodore and Priscilla (Pinkham), _____, P.R.38.
William H., s. William and Sophronia (Jenkins), _____ [? before 1850], PR38.
____, ch. William, Apr. 30, 1848.
Anna C., d. Elijah and Bathsheba (Chandler), 2d, 2 mo. 1817 [sic, see Benjamin], P.R.38.
Benjamin, s. Elijah and Bathsheba (Chandler), 2d, 9 mo. 1816 [sic, see Anna C.], P.R.38.
Caroline M., w. Joseph C. Fish (s. Theodore), d. Elijah and Bathsheba (Chandler), 29th, 8 mo. 1822, PR38.
Charles C., s. Elijah and Bathsheba (Chandler), 26th, 10 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Edwin, h. Persis Sturgiss, s. Elijah and Bathsheba (Chandler), 14th, 3 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
Elijah, h. Bathsheba (d. Jacob Chandler and Ann), 28th, 1 mo. 1784, PR38.
Eliza S., d. Edwin, mariner, and Persis M. of N., Apr. 19, 1846, in N.
George C.. h. Mary E. Handy of New Bedford, s. Elijah and Bathsheba (Chandler), -, 8 ma. 1820, P.R.38.
Jacob C., s. Elijah and Bathsheba (Chandler), 2d, 12 mo. 1807, P.R38.
William, h. Sarah B. (d. Gideon Swain), s. Elijah and Bathsheba (Chandler), 18th, - 1819, PR38.
Abednego, triplet ch. John, Jan. 5, 1839, P.R.62.
Abigail Shearman, ch. Matthew and Ruth, 23d, 1 mo. 1820, [d. Matthew and Ruth Almy, P.R.38.]
Abraham, ch. Robert and Sarah, _____, CR4. [h. Priscilla Hopkins of Baltimore, s. Robert and Sarah (Folger) . (Gardner) (second w.), 18th, 6 mo. 1775, P.R.38.]
Abraham, h. Sally (d. William Wharton), s. Jacob and Elizabeth (Hazard), _____, P.R.38.
Alexander, h. Elizabeth (d. George Murphey), s. Joshua and Betsey (Holmes), 7th, 5 ma. 1825, P.R.38.
Alice, d. Edward H. and Lydia C. (Athaern), ___, 1844, P.R.38.
Amy A., w. Edward Winslow of Fall River, d. Matthew and Ruth Almy, 22d, 4 mo. 1817 [see Mary Almy Barker], P.R.38.
Ann C., w. William Clark (s. Uriah), w. Alexander Holmes, d. Joshua, and Betsey (Holmes), 25th, 3 mo. 1824, P.R.38.
Anna, w. George G. Folger (s. George and Rebecca), d. Francis and Deborah (Russell), 23d, 3 mo. 1787 [dup. 20th, 3 mo. 1788], P.R.38.
Anna. H., w. Samuel C. Ward (s. Thomas B. of Boston), d. Jacob and Elizabeth (Hazard), _____, P.R.38.
Benjamin [dup. h. Elizabeth], ch. James and Sarah, 22d, 11 MO. 1795, C.R.4. [h. Eliza (d. Obed Coleman and Elizabeth), s James and Sarah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Betsey Ann, w. Asaph P. Thompson of Halifax, d. Joshua and Betsey (Holmes), ___, 1835, P.R.38.
Charles E., h. Mary E. Lincoln, s. Edward H. and Lydia C. (Athaern), 16th, 12 mo. 1839, P.R.38.
Charles Edward, s. Samuel, bp. Apr. 19, 1818, C.R.2. [s. Samuel and Rebecca (Parker), b. 10th, 3 mo., P.R.38.]
Daniel Anthony [dup. Anthoney], ch. Matthew and Ruth, 1st, 10 mo. 1809, C.R4.
David R., s. Francis and Deborah (Russell), 2d, 4 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
Deborah, "witch of Endor," d. Samuel and Christian (Coffin), 21st, 7 mo. 1770, P.R.38.
Edward, h. Lydia C. (d. James Athaern), s. Robert and Lucretia. (Hussey), 31st, 12 mo. 1807, PR38.
Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth], ch. James and Lydia (second w.), 23d, 6 mo. 1811, CR4.
Eliza R, w. Thomas C. Pinkham. (s. Bethuel), w. Thomas Cary of Dartmouth, d. Samuel and Rebecca, 11th, 9 mo. 1807, PR38.
Elizabeth, ch. Samuel and Christiana, July 14, 1752. [w. Ebenezar Bailey Jr. (s. Thomas), d. Samuel and Christian (Coffin), P.R.38]
Elizabeth, ch. Josiah and Elizabeth. (second w.), 3d, 11 mo. 1764 [sic, see Josiah], CR4. [w. Benjamin Rotch. (s.
William), d. Josiah and Elizabeth (Hussey) (Coffin) (second w.), P.R.38]
Elizabeth, ch. Josiah Jr. and Elizabeth, 18th, 4 mo. 1790, c.R.4. [d. Josiah and Elizabeth (Folger), P.R.38.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth, w. Badiven Brower, yr. William Van Zandt, d. Jacob and Elizabeth (Hazard), _____, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. Alexander. Holmes (s. Thomas), d. Joshua and Betsey (Holmes), —, 5 mo. 1832, P.R.38.
Elizabeth Anthony, ch. Matthew and Ruth, 9th, 1 mo. 1826, [d. Matthew and Ruth Almy, P.R.38.]
Elizabeth S., d. James H., mariner, and Mary C. of N., Aug. 25, 1845, in N. [w. Lewis Overman (s. Philanda), w. William C. Boone of N. Y., d. James H. and Mary C. (Barney), 17th, 8 mo., P.R.38]
Eunice, ch. Josiah and Eliza[beth], 31st, 3 mo. 1757, CR.4. [w. Peleg Coffin, P.R.38.]
Francis, ch. Robert and Jedidah, July 12. 1762. [h. Deborah (d. Silvanus Russell and. Anna), s. Robert and Jedidah (Chase), PR38]
George A., h. Anna Gould of Boston, s. Edward H. and Lydia C. (Athaern), 8th, 8 mo. 1836, P.R.38.
George R., s. Francis and Deborah (Russell), 8th, 1 mo. 1798, P.R.38.
Hannah, w. James Gibson (s. James and Bethiah), d. Joshua and Betsey (Holmes), __, 1 mo. 1831, P.R.38.
Harriet Webb, d. Edward H. and Lydia C. (Athaern), 6th, 9 mo. 1834, P.R.38.
Henry [s. James and Ruth], 26th, 7 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
Henry, s. Sam[ue]l and Rebecca, bp. May 16, 1813, C.R.2.
Henry B., s. Edward H., merchant, and Lydia [Lydia C. (Athaern), P.R.38.] of N.. Aug. 29, 1845, in N.
Henry R., s. Isaac, town clerk, and Sarah [Sally (Andrews), PR38] of N., Aug. 20, 1846, in N.
Hepzibah, ch. Josiah and Eliza[beth], 16th, 12 mo. 1754. C.R.4. [Hepsabeth, w.William Hammett of Boston, d. Josiah and Elizabeth (Mitchell), PR38.]
Hezekiah, d. Robert and Sarah (Folger) (Gardner) (second w.), 8th, 3 mo. 1765, PR38.
Isaac, s. Samuel and Christian (Coffin), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 1754 PR38.
Isaac, ch. Robert and Sarah, _____, CR4. [s. Robert and Sarah (Folger) (Gardner) (second w.), 16th, 2 mo. 1778, PR38.]
Isaac, Ch. James and Sarah, 16th, 2 mo. 1797. CR4 [h. Sally (d. David Andrews), s. James and Sarah (Coffin), PR38.]
Isaac, s. Samuel and Rebecca (Parker), 7th, 12, 1799, PR38.
Jacob, ch. Robert and Sarah, _____, C-R.4. [h. Eliza [dup. Elizabeth] (d. Thomas Hazard of Newport, R. I., and
Anna), s. Robert and Sarah (Folger) (Gardner) (second w.), 17th, 12 mo. 1779, P.R.38]
Jacob, s. Jacob and Elizabeth (Hazard), _____, PR38.
James, ch. Robert and Jedidah, Nov. 11, 1759. [h.. Sarah (d. William Coffin and Hepsabeth), h. Lydia (d. Prince
Gardner), s. Robert and Jedidah (Chase), PR38.]
James [h. Ruth]. 6th, 7 mo. 1773, PR38.
James, ch. James and Sarah, 18th, 11 mo. 1798, CR4.
James, Jan. 8, 1840, G.R.3. [h. Josephine M. Sarrasquita of New Orleans, s. James H. and Mary C. (Barney),
James H., Capt., h. Mary C., Aug. 11, 1812, G.R.3. [h. Mary C. .(d. Joseph Barney), s. Robert and Lucretia (Hussey),
Jedida [dup. Jedidah], ch. Robert and Sarah, _____, CR4. [Jedida, second w. William Macy Jr. (s. William, and Mary (Barney)), d. Robert and Sarah (Folger) (Gardner) (second w.), 3d, 12 mo. 1770 [dup. 1771], PR38.]
Jedidah [____], w. Robert, Feb. 15, 1723. [Jedidah Chase, w. Robert Barker (s. Samuel and Bethia), d. James, 15th, 2 mo., PR38.]
John H., h. Harriet (d. John Case and Phebe), s. Joshua and Betsey (Holmes), 22d, 10 mo. 1821, P.R.38.
John Simpkins, s. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. May 20,1810, C.R.2. [h. Lydia W., s. Samuel and Rebecca (Parker), b. 29th, 4 MO., P.R.38.]
Joseph, s. Samuel and Rebecca (Parker), 21st, 6 mo. 1795, P.R.38.
Joshua, h. Betsey (d. William Holmes and Lydia), s. Joshua of R. I. 4th, 11 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
Josiah, ch. Samuel and Bethiah, 17th. 7 mo. 1728, C.R.4. [h. Elizabeth (d. Richard Mitchell), h. Elizabeth (wid. Peleg Coffin, d. George Hussey), s. Samuel and Bethia (Folger), 17th, 9 mo., P.R38.]
Josiah, ch. Josiah and Elizabeth (second w.), 20th, 2 mo. 1765 [sic, see Elizabeth], C.R-4. [Josiah Esq., h. Elizabeth (d. William Folger and Ruth), s. Josiah and Elizabeth (Hussey) (Coffin) (second w.) [dup. 20th, 2 mo. 1766], P.R.38.]
Josiah, ch. Josiah Jr. and Elizabeth, 3d, 3 mo. 1789, C.R.4. [h. Ellen, s. Josiah and Elizabeth (Folger), P.R.38]
Judith, d. Samuel and Bethia. [Bethia (Folger), PR38.], 12th,
11 mo. 1720.
Judith, ch. Robert and Jedidah, Feb. 24, 1745. [w. Shubael Gardner (s. Reuben), d. Robert and Jedidah (Chase), 24th, 2 mo., P.R.38]
Judith, d. Samuel arid Christian (Coffin), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 1760], P.R.38.
Judith, d. Samuel and Rebecca (Parker), _____, PR.38.
Judith [d. James and Ruth]. 1st, 10 mo. 1809, P.R.38.
Latham, ch. Samuel and Christian, Mar. 1, 1754. [h. Sally (wid. Samuel Palmer, d. Peter Fitch), s. Samuel and Christian (Coffin), P.R.38]
Lydia, ch. Robert and Jedidah, Sept. 27, 1749. [w. Francis Swain Jr., d. Robert and Jedidah (Chase), 27th. 9 mo., P.R.38. w. Francis Swam, Sept 27, PR41.]
Lydia, ch. James and Sarah, 13th, 10 mo. 1788, C.R.4., [d. James and Sarah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Lydia, ch. Josiah and Elizabeth, _____, CR.4. [d. Josiah and Elizabeth (Folger), 2d, 1 mo. 1798, P.R.38]
Lydia, ch. James and Lydia (second w.), 28th, 8 mo. 1809, C.R.4. [ w. Heman Crocker of Cotuit, d. James and Lydia (Gardner) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Margaret, ch. Robert and Jedidah, July 9, 1747. [w. Paul Hussey (s. George), w. Thomas Jenkins, d. Robert and Jedidah (Chase), 9th, 7 mo., P.R.38]
Martha, ch. Josiah and Elizabeth,_____, CR.4. [d. Josiah and Elizabeth (Folger), 8th. 6 mo. 1806, P.R.38]
Mary, ch. Robert and Jedidah, Mar. 10, 1752. [d. Robert and Jedidah (Chase), 10th, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Mary, ch. Robert and Sarah, _____, [w. Walter Allen of Smithfield, R. I., w. Moses Farnham of Waterford, d. Robert and Sarah (Folger) (Gardner) (second w.), 30th, 5 mo. 1773, P.R.38.)
Mary Almy, ch. Matthew and Ruth, 22d, 1 mo. 1817 [see Amy A.], CR4. [d. Matthew and Ruth Almy, P.R.38.]
Mary Ann, ch. Josiah and Elizabeth, _____, CR4. [w. Richard Howland, d. Josiah and Elizabeth (Folger), 6th,
4 mo. 1804, P.R.38]
Mary B., w. Henry Bigelow (s. James), d. Robert and Lucretia. (Hussey), 11th, 3 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Mary G., ch. James and Lydia (second w.), 11th, 7 mo. 1814, CR4. [w. David C. Swain (s. Frederick and Ann), d. James and Lydia (Gardner) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Matthew of R. I. [h. Ruth Almy of R. I.], 17th, 10 mo. 1785 [? in N.], P.R.38.
Matthew Jr., ch. Matthew and Ruth, 30th, 5 mo. 1823, CR.4. [s. Matthew and Ruth Almy, P.R.38.]
Meshach, triplet ch. John, Jan. 5, 1839, P.R.62.
Nathaniel, s. Samuel and Rebecca (Parker), _____, PR38.
Peleg, h. Sally Slocum of England, s. Samuel and Christian (Coffin), ___, 1760, P.R.38.
Phebe, ch. Samuel and Christian, Sept. 27, 1748. [w. Jonathan Wheeler, d. Samuel and Christian (Coffin), 27th, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Phebe Ann, d. Joshua and Betsey (Holmes), __, 1 mo. 1837, P.R.38.
Prince, ch. Samuel and Christian, Aug. 23, 1751. [s. Samuel and Christian (Coffin), 23d, 8 mo. 1750, P.R.38.]
Robert [dup. h. Jedidah], s. Samuel and Bethiah, 23d, 12 mo. 1722 [dup. 1723]. [23d, 12 mo. 1722, C.R.4, h. Jedidah (d. James Chase), h. Sarah (Folger) Gardner (second w.), s. Samuel and Bethiah. (Folger), 25th, 2 mo. 1722, P.R.38.]
Robert, ch. Robert and Jedidah [(Chase) P.R.38.], June 26, 1757.
Robert, ch. James and Sarah, 6th, 4 mo. 1787, CR4. [h. Lucretia (d. James Hussey), s. James and Sarah (Coffin), P.R.38]
Robert, s. Jacob and Elizabeth (Hazard), _____, P.R.38.
Ruth [____] [w. James], 11th, 9 mo. 1775, P.R.38.
Ruth Almy [____] of R. I. [w. Matthew of R. I.]. 14th, 4 mo. 1788, P.R.38.
Samuel, h. Deborah (d. John Wing of Sandwich), Bethia (d. John Folger), s. Isaac and Judith, 2d, 11 ma. 1667, PR38.
Samuel, ch. Samuel and Bethiah, 14th, 12 mo. 1725, CR.4. [h. Christian (d. Bartlett Coffin), s. Samuel and Bethia (Folger), 14th, 2 mo., P.R.38]
Samuel, ch. Josiah and Elizabeth (second w.), 3d, 6 mo. 1771, [h. Rebecca (d. Joseph Parker of Woodshole [dup. Falmouth]), s. Josiah and Elizabeth (Hussey) (Coffin) (second w.), 3d [dup. 18th], 6 mo. 1767, PR38.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. Oct. 1, 1815, CR.2. [h. Mary C. Fletcher of Dartmouth, s.Samuel and Rebecca (Parker), b. 6th. 9 mo., PR38.]
Sarah, ch. Robert and Sarah, _____, CR4. [w. Andrew Sigourney of Boston, d. Robert and Sarah (Folger) (Gardner) (second w.), 1st, 10 mo. 1767, P.R38.]
Sarah, ch. Josiah Jr. and Elizabeth, _____. CR4. 13th, 11 mo. 1787, CR4- [d. Josiah and Elizabeth (Hussey) (Coffin) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Sarah, ch. Josiah and Elizabeth, [d. Josiah and Elizabeth (Folger), 5th, 5 mo. 1796, PR38]
Sarah, d. Francis and Deborah (Russell),_____ [rec. after ch. b. Apr. 2, 1802], PR38.
Sarah, ch. James and Lydia (second w.), 29th. 1 mo. 1808, CR.4. [w. Presbury Wing of Sandwich, d. James and Lydia (Gardner) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Sarah. w. John Harrison, d. Jacob and Elizabeth (Hazard), _____, P.R.38.
Shadrach, triplet ch. John, Jan. 5, 1839, P.R.62.
Susan, w. Abraham Wood of New Bedford, d. Samuel and Rebecca (Parker), 22d, 11 mo. 1801, P.R.38.
Susan, d. Joshua and Betsey (Holmes), 13th, 8 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Thomas, h. Ann G. Morgan of Pa., s. Francis and Deborah (Russell), 3d, 11 mo. 1793, P.R.38.
William, ch. James and Sarah, 28th, 8 mo. 1790. C.R.4. [William C., h. Harriet Jessup of Conn., s. James and Sarah (Coffin), 28th, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
William [s. James and Ruth], 4th, 2 mo. 1799, P.R.38.
William, h. Jeanette (d. William B. James of Albany), s. Jacob and Elizabeth (Hazard), _____, P.R.38.
William C., s. Isaac, town clerk, and Sarah [Sally (Andrews), PR38.] of N., Sept. 29, 1844, in N.
William Folger, ch. Josiah Jr. and Elizabeth, 9th, 11 mo. 1783, CR4.
____, d. Edward H., Nov. 8, 1842.
Almira, w. William Winslow (s. Joseph), d. Levi and Maria (Rogers), 13th, 5 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
Emeline, w. Leander Ames (s. Samuel), d. Levi and Maria (Rogers), 4th, 7 mo. 1826, P.R.38.
Levi, h. Maria (d. Henry Rogers), —, 1800, P.R.38.
Louisa, w. Obed B. Long (s. Reuben), d. Levi and Maria (Rogers), —, 1822, PR38.
Rhoda C., w. George Austin (s. Timothy), d. Levi and Maria (Rogers), 13th, 9 mo. 1828, RR.38.
Aaron, ch. John 2d and Mary, _____, CR4. [h. Elizabeth (d.. David Bunker and Miriam), s. John and Mary (Russell), P.R.38.]
Abigail, w. Abraham Chase (s. Lt. Isaac of Martha's Vineyard] and Mary Tilton), d. Nathaniel and Mary (Barnard),
_____. PR38.
Abigail, d. Benjamin, 12th, 5 mo. 1714. [ch. Benj[ami]n and Judith, CR.4. w. Robert Macy (s. Thomas), d. Benjamin and Judith (Gardner), PR38.]
Abigail, ch. Matthew and Mary, ___, 1734, CR.4. [w. Christopher Folger (s. Barzillai), d. Matthew and Mary (Titbits), —, 1735, PR38]
Abigail, w. William Coleman (s. Barnabas), d. Joseph and Mary (Gardner), _____, PR38.
Abigail, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, 6th, 3 mo. 1762, CR.4. [d. Francis and Elizabeth (Macy), P.R.38.]
Abigail, ch. Matthew and Deborah, 31st, 8 mo. 1770, CR4, [second w. Abraham Coleman (s. Nathaniel), d. Matthew and Deborah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Abigail, ch. John 2d and Mary, _____, CR4. [w. Reuben Bunker (s. Elihu and Phebe), d. John and Mary (Russell), P.R.38.]
Abishai, ch. Benj[ami]n and Judith: 2d, 12 mo. 1722, CR4. [h. Hannah (d. Peter Coffin "(Nope)" and Hope), s. Benjamin and Judith (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Abisbai, ch. Robert and Hephzibah, 25th, 8 mo. 1751. [ch. Robert and Hepsibah, CR.4. h. Susanna (d. Stephen Paddack and Eunice), s. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), 25th, 5 mo., PR38]
Abishai, ch. Abishai and Hannah, 2d, 8 mo. 1755, CR.4. [h. Phebe (d. Tristram Swain and Anna), s. Abishai and Hannah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Abishai, "Abishai since Christopher," ch. Nathaniel and Margaret, 29th, 3 mo. 1771, C.R.4. [Christopher, h. Eliza
(d. Reuben Coleman and Deborah), s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Swain), P.R.38.)
Abishai, ch. Abishai and Phebe, 22d, 7 mo. 1780, CR4. [h. Mary Wilson of N. Y., s. Abishai and Phebe (Swain), P.R.38.]
Albert, deaf and dumb, h. Rhoda Edson of Amherst (a mute), s. Benjamin and Anna (Folger), 8th, 5 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
Albert W., h. Mary Ann (d. James Meigs), s. Charles H. and Lydia (Wyer), _____, P.R.38.
Alexander, s. Andrew and Deborah (Giles), 26th, 4 mo. 1796, PR38.
Alexander, h. Eliza (d. Silvanus Pitts), h. Betsey (d. Levi Varney), S. Andrew and Deborah (Giles), 22d, 3 mo. 1799, PR38.
Alexander, h. Phebe Ann (d. Job Chase and Ruth), s. Thomas and Eunice (Gardner), 10th, 10 mo. 1812, P.R.38.
Alexander C., h. Sarah Ellison, s. Obed and Susannah (Hussey). 13th. 7 mo. 1800, P.R.38. -
Alice, d. Nathaniel and Hepsibeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Alice, d. Matthew, teacher, and Mary of N., Feb. 3, 1844, in N. [d. Matthew and Mary (Macy), 3d, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Amelia, d. Cromwel Jr., tailor, and Susan W. of N., Sept 23, 1843, in N. [w. George W. White of N. Y., d. Cromwell and Susan W. (Riddell), 28th, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Amelia A., ___, 1838, [on monument with Cromwell, Susan W., Sarah F., and Evelyn] GR3.
Ammiel, h. Almira, s. Nathaniel and Hepsibeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Andrew, ch. Jonathan and Mary, 4th, 7 mo. 1767, [h. Deborah (d. Reuben Giles), s. Jonathan and Mary (Coffin), PR38]
Ann, ch. Matthew and Mary, 25th, 1 mo. 1737, C.R.4. [w. Joseph Nichols, d. Matthew and Mary (Tibbits), P.R.38.]
Ann C., w. Silvanus Jenkins (s. Charles and Love), d. Charles G. and Lucy (Brown), 28th, 5 mo. 1824, P.R.38.
Ann F., first w. Paul B. Macy (s. Thomas), d. Paul and Mary (Bocot), 23d, 3 mo. 1809. P.R.38.
Ann Maria, w. Seth Clisby (s. Seth), d. Thomas and Caroline H. (Morris), ___, 1838, P.R.38.
Ann S [? m.] ___, 1822, C.R.2.
Anna, ch. Robert and Hepsibah, _____ [rec. before ch. b. 26th, 6 mo. 1728], C.R.4. [Ann, d. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), P.R.38]
Anna, ch. Robert and Hephzibah, 29th, 1 mo. 1745. [ch. Robert and Hepsibah, CR4. first w. Reuben Macy (s. Francis and Judith), d. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Anna, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, 16th, 6 mo. 1755, CR4. [w. Alexander Bunker (s. David), w. Christopher Gardner (s. Robert), d. Francis and Elizabeth (Macy), PR38]
Anna, ch. Christopher and Judith, 1st, 12 mo. 1766, CR4, [w. Thomas Hussey, P.R.6. w. Thomas Hussey (s. Stephen), d. Christopher and Judith (Swain), P.R.38.]
Anna, ch. Shubael and Ruth (second w.), 23d., 1 mo. 1769, CR.4. [w. Hezekiah Barnard (s. Nathaniel), d. Shubael and Ruth (Btmker) (Myrick) (second w.), P.R.38]
Anna, w. Robert R. Macy (s. Robert and Anna of Chatham, N. Y.), d. Reuben and Phebe (Coleman), 26th, 7 mo. 1784, P.R.38.
Anna, ch. Abishai and Susanna, _____ CR4. [w. Ebenezar Comstock (s. Thomas), d. Abishai and Susanna. (Paddack), PR38]
Anna, d. James and Hepsibeth (Colesworthy) (Bunker), 26th, 8 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Anna, ch. Cromwell and Sarah. _____, CR.4.. [w. Andrew Swain (s. Barnabas and Abiel), w. Henry J. Defriez, d. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard), 26th, 11 mo. 1803, P.R.38]
Anna, deaf and dumb, d. Benjamin and Anna (Folger), 26th, 9 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Anna J., w. ____Sykes, w. ____ Price, d. Valentine and Anna (Coffin), _____[? in N.], P.R.38.
Ariel C., h. Sarah Ann Verdenef, s. Edwin and Emma (Coffin), —, 12 mo. 1828, P.R.38.
Augustus, s. Charles A., merchant, and Elizabeth of N., Sept 3; 1847, in N. [Augusta, m. "in Charleston," w. George E. Pearson, d. Charles H. and Eliza Ann (Gardner), P.R.38]
Avis, w. Hezekiah Steele, d. John and Mary (Russell), _____, P.R.38.
Avis, w. David Baker (s. James Jr.), d. Jonathan and Ann (Paddack), 10th, 7 mo. 1791. P.R.38.
Barzillai, ch. Timothy and Love, _____, CR4. [s. Timothy and Love (Swain), P.R.38]
Benjamin, h. Judith (d. Nathaniel Gardner and Abigail (Coffin)), s. Nathaniel and Mary (Barnard), _____, P.R.38.
Benjamin, ch. Matthew and Mary, —, 1728, CR.4. [h. Judith (d. Barzillai Folger and Phebe), s. Matthew and Mary (Tibbits), P.R.38.]
Benjamin, ch. Timothy and Mary, _____ [rec. before ch. b. 30th, 7 mo. 1735], CR4. [h. Eunice (d. Beriah Fitch), s. Timothy and Mary (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Benjamin, ch. Thomas and Sarah, _____ CR4.
Benjamin, h. Mary (d. Timothy Barnard and Mary), s. Robert and Hepsleth (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Judith, 24th., 5 mo. 1751, CR4. [h. Lydia (d. Tristram Swain), Benjamin and Judith (Folger), PR38.
Benjamin, ch. Ruth, _____, CR4. [h. Anna. (d. Seth Folger and Anna), s. Thomas and Rnth, 6th, 10 mo. 1770, PR38.
Benjamin., ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 30th, 1 mo. 1782, CR4. [h. Elizabeth (d. Samuel Perry and Mary), h. Judith
Barton (second w.), s. Benjamn and Lydia (Swain), PR38]
Benjamin, ch. Cromwell and Sarah, _____, CR4. [h. Mary (d. Peter Paddack and Judith), h. Elizabeth Huntington of New York, s. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard), 22d, 5 mo. 1801, P.R.38]
Benjamin Avery, s. Jonathan and Lydia Smith, 5th, 10 mo. 1839, P.R.38.
Benjamin Franklin, s. Libni and Lydia (Paddack), 11th, 2 mo. 1802, PR38.
Betsey, w. Enoch Barnard (s. Joseph and Mary), d. Nathaniel and Hepsibeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Caroline Morris, d. Thomas and Caroline H. (Morris), —, 1833, P.R.38.
Charles, ch. Stephen and Phebe (second w.), 21st, 12 mo. 1762, CR4. [s. Stephen and Phebe (Swain) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Charles, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 11th, 5 mo. 1776, CR4. [h. Susanna (d. Stephen Gardner), s. Benjamin and Lydia (Swain), P.R.38.]
Charles, h. Mary (d. Seth Ray and Eunice), h. Mary Ann (wid. Edward H. Starbuck, d. ____ Easton), s. Jonathan and Ann (Paddack), 11th, 10 mo. 1797, P.R.38.
Charles, s. Timothy and Eunice (Starbuck), _____, PR38.
Charles, s. Paul and Mary (Bocot), 2d, 3 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Charles C., s. Thomas S., blockmaker, and Anna S. of N., June 6, 1843, in N.
Charles E., h. Laurinda Osborne of Cooperstown, N. Y., s. Abishai and Susanna (Paddock), _____, P.R.38.
Charles Edwin, s. Thomas G. and Mary (Smith), 12th, 11 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Charles F., h. Mary F. (d. Russell Rogers), h. Eunice ([w. Francis Rogers] d. John Beard and Maria), s. John P. and Sophia W. (Parker), 21st, 11 mo. 1832, P.R.38.
Charles F., h. Sophia (d. Valentine Holmes), s. Charles and Mary G. (Ray), —, 7 mo. 1838, PR38.
Charles G., h. Lucy (d. William Brown and Elizabeth), s. Thomas and Eunice (Gardner), 19th. 4 mo. 1799, PR38.
Charles H., h. ____ Thaxter, s. Valentine and Anna (Coffin), _____ [? in N.], PR38.
Charles H., h. Lydia (d. Hugh Wyer and Lurandia), s. Obed and Susannah. (Hussey), 19th, 10 mo. 1791, PR.38.
Charles H., h, Eliza Ann (d. Benjamin F. Gardner), s. Charles H. and Lydia (Wyer), 30th, 6 mo. 1818, PR38.
Charles H., s. William, mariner, and Caroline of N., June 22, 1845, in N. [Charles Henry, s. William S. and Caroline J. (Gardner), P.R.38]
Charles W., s. James H., mariner, and Eliza. of N., Feb. 19, 1849, in N. [Charles Wesley Barnard, s. James Henry and Eliza (Farris) (Marshall), P.R.38]
Charlotte Hussey, d. Frederick and Deborah, 8th, 1 mo. 1849, P.R.38.
Christopher, ch. Peter and Anita, July 26, 1737. [h. Judith (d. Caleb Swain and Margaret), s. Peter and Anna (Starbuck), 26th, 7 mo. P.R.38]
Christopher, ch. Christopher and Judith, 27th, 3 mo. 1765, CR4. [s. Christopher and Judith (Swain), P.R.38]
Christopher, h. Sally (d. Robert Little), s. Peter and Rebecca (Hussey), _____, PR38. -
Christopher (see Abishai).
Cromwell, ch. Jonathan and Mary, 22d, 9 mo. 1769, CR4. [h.. Sarah (d. Jonathan Barnard and Sarah), s. Jonathan and Mary (Coffin), 29th, 9 mo., P.R.38.]
Cromwell, s. Andrew and Deborah (Giles), 20th, 11 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Cromwell, ch. Cromwell and Sarah, 30th, 1 mo. 1809, CR4. [h. Susan W. (d. Henry Riddell and Hepsibeth), s. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard), P.R.38]
Daniel, h. Anna Hull of Tideman, Dutchess Co., N. Y. [dup. Anna Hull, d.. Tideman), s. Reuben and Phebe (Coleman), 12th [dup. 14th], 2 mo. 1780, P.R.38.
David, ch. Peter and Anna, 27th, 22 mo. 1752, C.R.4. [h. Abigail and Hepsibeth (daughters of Silvanus Starbuck and Mary), s. Peter and Anna (Starbuck) [dup. 27th, 11 mo. 1751], P.R.38]
David, ch. Matthew and Deborah, 23d, 1 mo. 1782, CR4. [s. Matthew and Deborah (Coffin), P.R.38]
David C., h. Charlotte (d. Zebdial Coffin and Hepsabeth), h. Sarah C. (wid. Capt. John N. Rogers), s. Libni
and Lydia (Paddack), 11th, 8 mo. [dup. 8th, 11 m0.] 1808, P.R.38.
Deborah, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, 3d, 6 mo. 1745, C.R.4. [w. Prince Gardner (s. Robert), d. Francis and Elizabeth (Macy), P.R.38.]
Deborah, ch. Matthew and Deborah, 4th, 11 mo. 1783, CR4. [w. Aaron Paddack (s. Abishai), d. Matthew and Deborah (Coffin), 1st, 11 mo., P.R.38]
Deborah, ch. Reuben and Phebe, _____, CR4. [d. Reuben and Phebe (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Deborah [____], w. Frederick (s. Shubael), 16th, 12 mo. 1809, PR38.
Delia Maria, w. Edward Hyatt (s. James), d. Obed and Susannah (Hussey), 23d, 9 mo. 1798, P.R.38.
Delia Maria [dup. Ann], w. Thomas M. Folger (s. Aaron and Mary), d. Charles H. and Lydia (Wyer), 2d, 8 mo. 1820 [dup. 1821], P.R.38.
Diadema, w. Benjamin F. Folger (s. Timothy and Abial (Coleman)), d. Jethro (s. Stephen) and Cynthia Sheldon, ___, 1770, P.R38.
Dorcas, d. Nath[anie]ll Jr. and Dorcas. 9th, 10 mo. 1707. [d. Nathaniel and Dorcas, CR4. w. Jacob Barney of R. I. (s. Jonathan and Sarah (Griffin)), d. Nathaniel and Dorcas (Manning), P.R.38.]
Ebenezar, h. Mary (wid. Jonathan Worth, d. Stephen Hussey), s. Nathaniel and Mary (Barnard), —, 1691, PR38.
Ebenezer, ch. Stephen and Eunice, May 30, 1747. [10th, 6 mo., CR4. Ebenezar, s. Stephen and Eunice (Starbuck),
10th, 6 mo., P.R.38.]
Edward, s. David and Hepsibeth (Starbuck) (second w.), ___, 1797, P.R.38.
Edward, h. Susan (d. William Meader and Phebe), s. James and Hepsibeth (Colesworthy) (Bunker), 23d, 11 mo. 1799, P.R.38.
Edward, S. Charles G. and Lucy (Brown), —, 3 mo. 1837, P.R.38.
Edward G., s. Joseph S. and Ann B. (Brown) (second w.), 27th, 10 mo. 1846, P.R.38.
Edward S., s. Tristram and Phebe (Swain), 5th, 10 mo. 1800, P.R.38.
Edward S., h. Lucy Hatch. h. Mary Smith, s. Paul and Mary (Bocot), 4th, 12 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Edwin, h. Emma (d. Ariel Coffin and Priscilla), s Thomas and Eunice (Gardner), 20th, 4 mo. 1801, P.R.38.
Eleanor (see Elleanor).
Elisabeth, ch. Robert and Hephzibah, 23d, 8 mo. 1731. [Elizabeth, ch. Robert and Hepsibah, 28th, 3 mo., CR4.
Elizabeth, d. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), P.R.38]
Elisabeth, ch. Benjamin and Judith, 30th, 6 mo. 1760, CR4. [Elizabeth, w. Valentine Bunker (s. Joshua), second w.
Francis Joy (s. David), d. Benjamin and Judith (Folger), Pr38]
Elisabeth, ch. Ruth, _____, CR4.
Elisha, ch. Peter and Anna, 30th, 1 mo. 1754, CR4. [h. Lydia (d. Silvanus Starbuck and Mary), s. Peter and Anna (Starbuck), P.R.38]
Elisha, h. Anna (d. William Gardner and Susanna), s. Benjamin and Eunice (Fitch), _____ , P.R.38.
Elisha, s. Elisha and Lydia (Starbuck), 13th, 1 mo. 1778, PR38.
Eliza, w. John R. Caswell (s. Levi and Phebe), d. Libni and Lydia (Paddack), 9th, 4 mo. 1788, P.R.38.
Eliza, w. Charles R. Starbuck (s. Levi), d. Thomas and Eunice (Gardner), 13th, 4 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
Eliza Hawkins, d. Thomas G. and Mary (Smith), 4th, 2 mo. P.R.38.
Eliza Jane, w. Orrin F. Adams (s. Freeman), w. George Kempton of Sharon, d. James Henry and Eliza (Farris) (Marshall), 20th, 5 mo. 1836, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, d. Nath[anielll Jr. and Judith, 11th, 7 mo. 1710. [ch. Nathaniel and Judith (second w.) [sic, third w.], CR.4. w. Barnabas Coleman (s. John 2d), d. Nathaniel and Judith (Coffin) (Folger) (third w.) [dup. 19th, 4 mo.] PR38.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth, ch. Peter and Anna, June 26, 1739. [26th, 6 mo., CR4. w. Alexander Ray (s. Samuel), & Peter and Anna (Starbuck), 26th, 6 mo., P.R.38]
Elizabeth, ch. Matthew and Mary, —, 1747, C.R.4. [w. Sheffield Coffin (s. Nathaniel), d. Matthew and Mary (Tibbits), P.R.38]
Elizabeth, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, 13th, 4 mo. 1749, CR.4. [d. Francis and Elizabeth (Macy), P.R.38]
Elizabeth, ch. Abishai and Hannah, 29th [sic], 2 mo. 1759, C.R.4. [w. James Mitchell (s. Richard), d. Abishai and Hannah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth, ch. Matthew and Deborah, 18th, 12 mo. 1775, CR4. [Eliza [dup. Elizabeth], second w. Zebulon
Coffin, d. Matthew and Deborah (Coffin), PR38]
Elizabeth, ch. Matthew and Elisabeth, 3d, 4 mo. 1776, CR.4. [w. Samuel Mott of New York, d. Matthew and Elizabeth (Swain), PR.38.]
Elizabeth, ch. Reuben and Phebe, _____, CR4. [w. Peter C. Myrick (s. Andrew and Elizabeth), d. Reuben and Phebe (Coleman), 8th, 6 mo. 1776 [sic, see following entry], PR38.
Elizabeth, ch. William and Hepzibah, _____, CR4. [w. Peter C. Myrick (s. Andrew), d. William and Hepsibeth
(Gardner), 8th, 6 mo. 1776 [sic, see preceding entry], P.R.38.]
Elizabeth, w. Caleb Powell, w. Matthew Crosby, d. William and Elizabeth (Inot), __, 10 mo. 1799, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. Charles Abrahms (s. William), second w. Benjamin Snow, d. Jonathan and Ann (Paddack), 1st, 11 mo. 1799, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, w. William Squires, d. Zaccheus and Eunice (Abrahms) (Lawrence) (second w.), _____, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, ch. Cromwell and Sarah, 6th, 10 mo. 1815, CR4. [w. George Barker (s. Abraham of N[ew] B[edford]), d. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard), P.R.38] -
Elizabeth, w. Robert P. Pitman Jr. (s. Robert), d. Benjamin and Anna (Folger), 7th, 7 mo. 1819, P.R.38.
Elizabeth, d. Charles G. and Lucy (Brown), _____, P.R.38.
Elizabeth Ann, w. Frederick Gardner (s. Reuben), d. George C. and Mary F. (Russell), 12th, 5 mo. 1827, PR38.
Elizabeth Ann. w. Antone Costar Sabano, d. Charles and Mary G. (Ray), —, 1 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
Elizabeth H., w. Reuben McCleave (s. Joseph), d. Jonathan and Lydia (Smith), 2d, 12 mo. 1836, P.R.38.
Elleanor, d. Nath[anie]ll, June 18, 1679. [Eleanor, w. Ebenezar Coffin Esq. (s. James), d. Nathaniel and Mary (Barnard), 19th, 6 mo., P.R.38]
Emeline,d. Abishai and Susanna (Paddack), _____, P.R.38.
Emeline, w. Joseph B. Cartwright Jr., w. George W. Coffin (s. Robert and Mary), d. Libni and Lydia (Paddack),
5th [dup. 6th], 5 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
Emeline, second w. Hiram B. Andrews (s. David), [twin] d. Josiah and Rhoda (Peckham), 4th, 7 mo. 1810, PR38.
Emeline C., d. John, mariner, and Sophia of N., Dec. 27, 1845, in N. [Emma C., d. John P. and Sophia W. (Parker), P.R.38]
Emily T., w. Samuel F. McCleary of Boston, d. James Henry and Eliza. (Farris) (Marshall), 27th, 9 mo. 1833, P.R.38.
Emma C. (see Emeline C.)
Enoch, ch. Joseph, _____, [h. Love and Betsey (daughters of Nathaniel Barnard and Hepsibeth), s. Joseph and Mary (Gardner), P.R.38]
Eunice, d. Nath[anie]ll Jr. and Judith, 7th, 6 mo. 1714. [d. Nathaniel and Judith (second w.) [sic], C.R.4. d. Nathaniel and Judith (Coffin) (Folger) (third w.), P.R.38]
Eunice, ch. Robert and Hephzibah, 26th, 6 ma. 1728. [ch. Robert and Hepsibah, w. Jonathan Coffin (s. Tristram), second w. Samuel Ray (s. Samuel), w. Jonathan Gardner (s. Barnabas), d. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), PR38]
Eunice, ch. Peter and Anna, 8th, 12 mo. 1749, [w. Nathariiel Starbuck (s. Joseph), d. Peter and Anna (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Eunice, ch. Shubael and Susanna, 7th, 1 mo. 1750, [first w. George Russell (s. John), d. Shubael and Susanna (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Eunice, ch. William and Mary, _____, CR4. [w. William Swain (s. John and Lydia), d. William and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38]
Eunice, ch. Joseph, _____, CR4. [w. Jared Coffin (s. Peleg and Elizabeth), d. Joseph and Mary (Gardner),
___, 1757, P.R.38]
Eunice, ch. Stephen and Phebe (second w.), 1st, 1 mo. 1766, C.R.4. [w. David Giles (s. Beriah), d. Stephen and Phebe (Swain) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Eunice, w. Elijah Cornell of Providence, R I., d. Reuben and Phebe (Coleman), _____, P.R.38.
Eunice, idiot, d. Benjamin and Eunice (Fitch), _____, P.R.38.
Eunice, ch. Nathaniel and Margaret, 1st, 12 mo. 1776, C.R.4. [d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Swain), 21st, 1 mo., P.R.38.]
Eunice, ch. Abishai and Susanna, _____, CR4. [w. Samuel Plumb (s. Samuel and Eunice), d. Abishai and Susanna (Paddack), P.R.38]
Eunice, w. b George Riddell (s. William and Betsey), d. Thomas and Eunice (Gardner), 14th, 10 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Eunice H., w. Benjamin D. Chase (s. Benjamin [dup. George and Deborah]), d. George and Merib (Smith), 26th, 8 mo. 1824 [dup. 1823], P.R.38.
Eunice P., w. Shubael Hussey (s. Peter and Sally), d. Charles and Mary G. (Ray), —, 4 mo. 1830, P.R.38.
Eunice S, w. George Hayden (s. Zopher), d. Tristram and Phebe (Swain), 6th, 1 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Evelyn, ___, 1849, [on monument with Amelia A.] G-R-3. [Evaline, d. Cromwell. and Susan W. (Riddell), 6th, 6 mo., P.R.38.)
Francis, s. Benjamin, 6th, 8 mo. 1718. [s. Benjamin and Judith, C.R.4. h. Elizabeth (d. Thomas Macy and Deborah), s. Benjamin and Judith (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Francis, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, 4th, 7 mo. 1747, [h. Catharine Osborn of N. J., s. Francis and Elizabeth
(Macy), P.R.38.]
Francis, h. Lois (d. David Reynolds of New Breton [dup. New Britain], N. Y.), s. Reuben and Phebe (Coleman), _____, PR38.
Francis, ch. Moses and Francis [sic] Mackay, _____, PR38.
Francis, h. Lilla (d. George Riddell and Eunice), s. Thomas G. and Mary (Smith), 5th, 7 mo. 1840, P.R38.
Francis F., s. George] C., laborer, and Mary F. of N., Mar. 29, 1845, in N.
Franklin S., h. Anna (d. Moses Folger), s. George and Merib (Smith), 26th, 4 mo. 1823, P.R.38.
Frederick, h. Judith (d. Barzillai Gardner), s. Benjamin and Eunice (Fitch), _____, P.R.38.
Fredericlc, h. Margaret (d. Thomas Allen of Milford Haven), s. William and Elizabeth (Inot), 20th, 4 mo. 1781, P.R.38.
Frederick, h. Deborah, s. Shubael and Lucretia (Coffin), 21st, 6 mo. [dup. 2 mo.] 1805, P.R.38.
Frederick, h. Caroline (d. Samuel White), h. Eliza Hosmer, wid., h. ___ Pratt, wid., s. Enoch and Betsey (Barnard) (second w.), _____ P.R.38.
Frederick H., h. Lucy (d. Baker Turner and Susanna), [twin] s. Libni and Lydia (Paddack), 12th, 6 mo. 1794, P.R.38.
Frederick W., s. Frederick and Deborah, 28th, 11 mo. 1840, P.R.38.
George, ch. Stephen and Phebe (second w.), 19th, 11 mo. 1754, C.R.4 [s. Stephen and Phebe (Swain) (second w.), P.R.38.]
George, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 20th, 6 mo. 1779, CR4. [s. Benjamin and Lydia (Swain), P.R.38.]
George, s. Charles G. and Lucy (Brown), —, 3 mo. 1840, P.R.38.
George A., s. Joseph S. and Ann B. (Brown) (second w.), 1st, 1 mo 1845, P.R.38.
George B., h. Merib (d. Solomon Smith and Anna), s. Tristram tram and Phebe (Swain), 26th [dup. 25th]„ 3 MO. 1794, P.R.38.
George C. [dup. E.], h. Mary F. (d. Sbubael Russell and Betsey), s. Shubael Jr. and Lucretia (Coffin), 16th, 7 ma. 1803, PR.38.
George F., s. Obed and Susannah (Hussey), 30th, 4 mo. 1796, P.R.38.
George F., ch. Thomas and Alice, 14th, 10 mo. 1803, CR4. [h. Lydia (d. Frances Taber), s. Thomas and Alice (Freeborn), 13th, 10 mo. 1804 [sic], P.R.38]
George F., s. George C. and Mary F. (Russell), 29th, 5 mo. 1833, P.R.38.
George G., h. ____ Russell (m. "in Boston"), s. Charles H. and Eliza Ann (Gardner), 8th, 8 mo. 1842, PR38.
George H., s. George and Merib (Smith), 2d, 2 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
George W., s. Jonathan, cooper, and Lydia C. of N., Apr. 12, 1845, in N. [George Worth Barnard, s. Jonathan and
Lydia (Smith). P.R.38.]
Gilbert, ch. Timothy and Love, _____, [s. Timothy and Love (Swain), P.R.38.]
Hannah w. John Stevens (s. John), d. Robert (brother of Thomas) and Joanna Harvey, _____, P.R.38.
Hannah, d. Nath[anie]ll, July 19, 1669. [d. NathAirriel and Mary (Barnard), 19th, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Hannah, d. John [John and Sarah (Macy), P.R.38.], 7th, 7 mo. 1711.
Hannah, ch. Joseph, _____, [w. Gideon Gardner (s. Hezekiah), d. Joseph and Mary (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Harriet, w. Joseph F. Barrett (s. Samuel and Judith), w. Aaron Coffin (s. Barzillai and Rebecca), w. Samuel F. Coffin (s. Barzillai), d. Frederick H. and Lucy (Turner), 11th, 9 mo. 1820, P.R.38.
Harriet N., d. James H., mariner, and Eliza of N., Sept. 11, 1846, in N. [Harriet Newell Barnard, d. James Henry and Eliza (Farris) (Marshall), P.R.38.]
Harriet Newell, d. James Henry and Eliza (Farris) (Marshall), ___ 1839, P.R.38.
Henry, ch. Jonathan and Mary, 4th, 10 mo. 1762, C.R.4. [s. Jonathan and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38]
Henry, ch. Stephen and Phebe (second w.), 17th, 10 mo. 1769, CR.4. [h. Love (d. James Cartwright and Love (Macy)), s. Stephen and Phebe (Swain) (second w.), 17th, 8 mo. [dup. 10 mo.], P.R.38.]
Henry, ch. Henry and Love, 9th, 12 m0. 1799, C.R.4. [James H., G.R.3. James Henry, h. Eliza (wid.
William Marshall, d. Thomas Farris), s. Henry and Love (Cartwright), P.R.38]
Henry, s. Matthew and Mary (Macy), 6th, 6 mo. 1842, PR38.
Henry C., s. Shubael Jr., laborer, and Eliza Ann of N., July 6, 1844, in N.
Hephzibah, ch. Robert and Hephzibah, 24th, 2 mo. 1736. [Hepsibah, w. Richard Mitchel, ch. Robert and Hepsibah, CR4. Hepsibeth, w. Richard Mitchell Jr., d. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Hepsibah, ch. Matthew and Mary, —, 1754, C.R.4. [Hepsibeth, w. Daniel Paddack (s. Stephen), d. Matthew and Mary (Tibbits), P.R.38.]
Hepsibah, ch. Jonathan and Mary, 29th, 7 mo. 1758, [Hepsibeth., d. Jonathan and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Hepsibah, ch. Nathaniel and Margaret, 7th, 10 mo. 1765, [Hepsibeth, d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Swain),
Hepsibah, ch. Abishai and Susanna, _____, C.R.4. [Hepsibeth, d. Abishai and Susanna (Paddack), P.R.38.]
Hepsibeth., d. Jonathan and Ann (Paddack), 25th, 4 mo. 1786, P.R.38.
Hepsibeth, d. Valentine and Anna (Coffin), _____, [? in N.], P.R.38.
Hepzibah, ch. Stephen 2d and Hepsibah, 30th, 11 mo. 1768, C.R.4. [Hepsibeth. w. Shubael Pinkham (s. Benjamin), d. Stephen and Hepsibeth (Paddack), PR38]
Hezekiah, ch. Peter and Anna, Apr. 10, 1743. [h. Lydia (d. Christopher Hussey and Mary), s. Peter and Anna (Starbuck), 10th, 4 mo. [dup. 6 mo.], P.R.38.]
Hezekiah, ch. Nathaniel and Margaret, 30th, 4 mo. 1769, C.R.4. [Hezikiah, h. Anna (d. Shubael Barnard), h. Mary (d. William Macy and Anna), s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Swain), P.R.38]
Hopcut, ch. Thomas and Sarah, _____, C.R.4.
Isaiah, ch. Abishai and Hannah, 9th, 11 mo. 1763, C.R.4. [s. Abishai and Hannah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
James, ch. Shubael and Ruth (second w.), 7th, 3 mo. 1774, C.R.4. [h. Hepsibeth [second dup. Hepsabeth] wid. Noah Bunker, d. Jonathan W. Colesworthy and Hepsabeth (Gardner)), s. Shubael and Ruth (Bunker) (Myrick) (second w.), P.R.38.]
James, s. Josiah and Rhoda (Peckham), 22d, 5 mo. 1813, P.R.38.
James H., s. George C. and Mary F. (Russell), 28th, 6 mo. 1836, P.R.38.
James Henry (see Henry).
Jemima, d. John, 14th, 9 mo. 1699. [w. Elilm Coleman (s. John Jr.), d. John and Sarah (Macy), P.R.38.]
Jemima, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 19th, 7 mo. 1726, C.R.4. [w.Tristriam Coffin (s. Peter " (Nope) "), d. Ebenezer and Mary (Hussey) (Worth), P.R.38.]
Jemima, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, 21st, 8 mo. 1757, C.R.4. [d.. Francis and Elizabeth (Macy), P.R.38.]
Jemima, w. Adam Coffin (s. Benjamin Jr. and Elizabeth), d.. William and Mary (Coffin) [dup. Francis and Catherine], PR38.
Jethro, s. Stephen and Eunice, June 27, 1745. [8th., 7 mo., C.R.4. h. Cynthia Sheldon, s. Stephen and Eunice (Starbuck), 8th, 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Job, ch. Timothy and Love, _____, C.R4. [s. Timothy and Love (Swain), P.R.38.]
John, h. Bethia (d. Peter Folger 1st), s. Robert and Joanna Harvey, 2d, 1 mo. 1642, P.R.38.
John, s. Nathaniell, Feb. 24, 1670. [h. Sarah (d. John Macy and Deborah), s. Nathaniel and Mary (Barnard), 24th,
2 mo., P.R.38]
John, ch. Benj[ami]n and Judith, —, 11 mo. 1720, C.R.4. [h. Mary (d. Mordecai Ellis and Margaret (Swain)), h. Sarah (wid. Ebenezer Harker, d. Thomas Jones), s. Benjamin and Judith (Gardner), P.R.38]
John, ch. Matthew and Mary, —, 1745, C.R.4. [h. Mary (d. William Russell and Mary), s. Matthew and Mary (Tibbits), P.R.38.]
John, h. ___ Brown, s. John and Sarah (Jones) (Harker) (second w.), —, 8 mo. ___, P.R.38.
John, h. Eunice (wid. Barzillai Hussey, d. Paul Mitchell), s. John and Mary (Russell), _____, P.R.38.
John, s. James and Hepsibeth (Colesworthy) (Bunker), 5th, 2 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
John C., s. Roland C. and Lydia (Caswell) (Sayer), —, 7 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
John C., s. Frederick, laborer, and Deborah of N., Oct. 14, 1843, in N.
John Franklin, s. John P. and Sophia W. (Parker), 6th, 5 mo. 1841. P.R.38.
John P., h. Sophia (d. Joseph Parker), s. Libni and Lydia (Paddack), 29th, 5 mo. 1806, P.R.38.
John R, s. George C. and Mary F. (Russell), —, 7 mo. 1838, PR38.
Jonathan, ch. Robert and Hephzibah, 28th, 1 mo. 1734.. [ch. Robert and Hepsibah, 28th, 2 mo., CR4. h. Mary (d. Tristram Coffin and Mary), s. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), 28th [dup. 26th], 3 mo., P.R.38]
Jonathan, ch. Abishai and Hannah, 11th, 7 mo. 1746. C.R.4- [h. Sarah (d. David Joy and Sarah), s. Abishai and Hannah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Jonathan, ch. Jonathan and Mary, 17th, 10 mo. 1760, CR4. [h. Ann (d. Silas Paddack and Hepsibeth), s. Jonathan and Mary, P.R.38.]
Jonathan, ch. Cromwell and Sarah, 8th, 10 mo. 1811, CR4. [h. Lyra Smith, s. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard) [dup. 8th, 10 mo. 1812], PR38.]
Joseph, ch. Matthew and Mary, 25th, 2 mo. 1732, C.R.4. [h. Mary (d. Grafton Gardner Esq. and Abigail), s. Matthew and Mary (Titbits) [dup. 25th, 8 mo.], PR38.
Joseph, ch. Joseph, _____, CR4. [h. Eunice (d. Jethro Myrick), s. Joseph and Mary (Gardner), PR38]
Joseph, ch. Timothy and Eunice, 1st, 7 mo. 1796, [Joseph S., h. Mary Anthony of Fall River, s. Timothy and Eunice (Starbuck), PR38]
Joseph G, s. Joseph S. and Mary Anthony, _____, PR38.
Joseph Parker, s. John P. and Sophia W. (Parker), 27th, 8 mo. 1836, PR38.
Joshua, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 19th, 2 mo. 1772, CR4. [s. Benjamin and Lydia (Swain). PR38.]
Josiah, h. Rhoda (Peckham), h. Elizabeth (wid. Chandler Brown, d. Ebenezer Gardner and Susan), s. Jonathan and
Anna (Paddack), 4th, 4 mo. [dup. 3 mo.] 1784, P.R.38.
Judith, d. Timothy and Mary, Sept. 30, 1733. [w. Benjamin Folger, d. Timothy and Mary (Bunker), 22d, 9 mo., PR38.
Judith, ch. Peter and Anna, 7th, 5 mo. 1745, CR4. [second w. Jonathan Barney (s. Jonathan), d. Peter and Anna (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Judith, d. John and Mary (Ellis), 11th, 12 mo. 1746, P.R.38.
Judith, ch. Thomas and Sarah, _____, CR4. [w. Tristram Russell (s. Benjamin), d. Thomas and Sarah Hoeg, P.R.38.]
Judith, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, 9th, 3 mo. 1753, C.R.4. [w. Paul Swain (s. Jonathan), w. Tristram Barnard (s. William) w. Timothy Russell (s. William and Mary), d. Francis and Elizabeth (Macy), P.R.38.]
Judith, ch. Benjaarm. and Judith, 3d, 3 mo. 1754, [w. Job Myrick (s. Andrew), d. Benjamin and Judith (Folger), P.R.38]
Judith, w. Charles M. Coffin (s. Seth and Lydia), d. William and Elizabeth (Inot), 9th, 7 mo. 1783, PR38.
Laban, ch. David and Abigail, 2d, 9 mo. 1772, CR4. [h. Lydia (d. Stephen Hussey), s. David and Abigail (Starbuck), P.R.38]
Lamuel, s. John, 3d, 7 mo. 1707. [Lemuel [dup. Samuel], s. John and Sarah (Macy), PR38]
Libni, h. Anna (d. John Macy), h. Eunice (d. Paul Coffin and Ruth), s. Benjamin and Eunice (Fitch), —, 1764, PR38.
Libni, ch. Jonathan and Mary, 22d, 3 mo. 1765, CR4. [Libni, h. Lydia (d. Silas Paddack and Hepsibeth), s. Jonathan
and Mary (Coffin), 20th, 3 mo., P.R.38.]
Lila (see Lydia).
Love, w. Enoch Barnard (s. Joseph and Mary), d. Nathaniel and Hepsibeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Love, ch. Henry and Love, 4th, 8 mo. 1811, C.R.4.. [Love C., w. George Winslow (s. James and Martha (Payne)), d.
Henry and Love (Cartwright), 2d, 8 mo., P.R.38]
Lucinda, w. Andrew Gardner (s. Timothy and Mary), d. Hezekiah and Lydia (Hussey), —, 1765, P.R.38.
Lucinda, w. Beriah Macy (s. John and Ruth), d. Benjamin and Eunice (Fitch), _____, PR38.
Lucretia, ch. Stephen 2d and Hepsibah, 9th, 7 mo. 1771, CR4. [d. Stephen and Hepsibeth (Paddack), P.R.38.]
Lucretia, ch. Reuben and Phebe, _____, C.R.4. [w. Simeon Macy (s. Abraham Jr. and Priscilla), d. Reuben and Phebe (Coleman), ___, 1771, P.R.38.]
Lucretia, d. Paul and Mary (Bocot), 3d., 4 mo. 1804, P.R.38.
Lucretia, w. ___ Church of Fairhaven, d. Shubael and Lucretia (Coffin), 25th, 12 mo. 1812 [sic, rec. aft. ch. b. 2d,
7 mo. 1815, see Shubael, b. 23d, 4 mo. 1812], P.R.38.
Lucretia, w. Frederick Swain (s. Solomon and Eunice), d. Zaccheus and Eunice (Abrahms) (Lawrence) (second w.),
, P.R.38.
Lucretia, w. George Kent (mute) of Westborough, d. Benjamin and Anna (Folger), 8th, 8 mo. 1814, P.R.38.
Lurania, w. John Whiting. d. Andrew and Deborah (Giles), 23d, 9 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Lydia, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 2d, 12 mo. 1730, c.R.4. [w. Jonathan Folger Jr., d. Ebenezar and Mary (Hussey) (Worth), 7th, 12 MO., P.R.38.]
Lydia, ch. William and Mary, _____ CR4. [w. Seth Coffin (s. Benjamin and Jedida), d. William and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38]
Lydia, ch. Shubael and Susanna, 5th, 1I mo. 1751, CR4. [first w. Abisbai Swain (s. Tristram), d. Shubael and Susanna (Gardner), P.R.38]
Lydia, ch. Peter and Anna, 17th, 10 mo. 1756, CR4. [d. Peter and Anna (Starbuck), PR38.]
Lydia, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, 25th, 12 mo. 1759. CR4. [w. Albertus Swain (s. Jonathan), d. Francis and Elizabeth (Macy), PR.38.]
Lydia, ch. Christopher and Judith, 30th, 11 mo. 1762, CR4. [ w. John Hussey (s. Stephen), d. Christopher and Judith (Swain), PR38]
Lydia, d. Elisha and Lydia (Starbuck), 12th, 11 mo. 1779, PR38.
Lydia, ch. Benjamin and Eunice, _____ , CR4. [w. Matthew Macy (s. Matthew and Abigail (Coffin)), d. Benjamin and Eunice (Fitch) of New Garden, N. C., P.R.38]
Lydia, ch. John 2d and Mary, _____, CR4. [w. Oliver Whittaker, w. Jacob Bosworth, d. John and Mary (Russell),
Lydia, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, 12th, 6 mo. 1784, C. R.4. [w. John Chadwick (s. David), second w. Wiliam Barnard Coffin (s. Gilbert), d. Benjamin and Lydia (Swain), P.R.38]
Lydia, ch. Shubael and Ruth (second w.), 28th, 4 mo. 1785, C.R.4. [w. Valentine Hussey (s. Zaccheus and Lydia), d. Shubael and Ruth (Bunker) (Myrick) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Lydia, w. George Gorham Gardner (s. Asa and Elizabeth), d. William and Elizabeth (Inot), 25th, 5 mo. [dup. 4 mo.] 1786, P.R.38.
Lydia, ch. Timothy and Eunice, 27th, 9 mo. 1798, CR4. [d. Timothy and Eunice (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Lydia, w. Joseph Webb, d. Shubael and Lucretia (Coffin), 10th. 9 mo. 1807, P.R.38.
Lydia, d. James and Hepsibeth (Colesworthy) (Bunker), 4th, 7 mo. 1812, P.R.38.
Lydia, ch. Cromwell and Sarah, 6th, 9 mo. 1813, C.R.4. [w. William Gookins of Maine, d. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard), P.R.38]
Lydia, d. Charles A., tin plate worker, and Eliza Ann of N., Aug. 10, 1845, in N. [Lydia ("known always as Lilla "), w. David Joy Starbuck (s. Albert and Mary Ann), d. Charles H. and Eliza Aim (Gardner), P.R.38,]
Lydia Ann, d. Joseph S. and Mary Anthony, _____, PR38.
Lydia G., yr. Harrison Whiting, d. Andrew and Deborah (Giles), 21st, 2 mo. 1813, P.R.38.
Lydia Mitchell, d. James Henry and Eliza a. (Farris) (Marshall), 21st, 4 mo. 1842, P.R.38.
Lydia P., w. Josiah B. Whippey Jr., d. David C. and Charlotte (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Margaret, ch. Nathaniel and Margaret, 25th, 7 mo. 1767, C.R.4. [d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Swain), PR38.
Margaret, ch. Robert and Margaret, bp. Nov. 5, 1769, CR3.
Margaret [dup. Peggy], w. Stephen Chase (s. Charles), d. Robert and Margaret (Whitney), 11th, 7 mo. 1770, P.R.38.
Margaret, ch. Nathaniel and Margaret, 27th, 6 mo. 1774, C.R.4. [w. David and Gilbert Swain (sons of David), d. Nathaniel and Margaret (Swain), P.R.38]
Maria, w. Hezekiah Paddack (s. Abishai), d. Jonathan. and Ann (Paddack), 25th, 5 mo. 1793, P.R.38.
Martha, w. William Rogers of Martha's Vineyard, d. Robert and Joanna Harvey, _____ [rec. after ch. b. Mar. 2, 1642], PR38.
Martha, Ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 18th, 2 mo. 1733, C.R.4. [d. Ebenezer and Mary (Hussey) (Worth), P.R.38]
Martha, ch. Matthew and Avis (second w.), 28th, 2 mo. 1784, CR4. [d. Matthew and Avis (Slocum) (Folger) (second w.), P.R.38]
Martha, ch. Cromwell and Sarah, 20th, 9 mo. 1817, C.R.4. [w. Avery T. Harris, d. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard), PR38.
Martha W. [Barnard], w. [Henry] Colesworthy, Feb. 27, 1825, G.R.3. [Barnard, w. Henry H. Colesworthy (s. John), d. Benjamin and Anna (Folger), 27th. 7 mo., P.R.38.]
Mary, w. Nathaniel Barnard (s. Thomas), d. Robert and Joanna Harvey, _____, PR38.
Mary, d. Nath[anie]ll, Feb. 24, 1667. [w. John Folger (s. Peter [q. v.] and Mary), d. Nathaniel and Mary (Barnard), 24th, 12 mo. P.R.38]
Mary, w. Christopher Starbuck, ch. Benjamin and Judith, 18th, 8 mo. 1729., CR4. [w. Christopher Starbuck (s. Tristram), d. Benjamin and Judith (Gardner), P.R.38]
Mary, ch. Thomas and Sarah, _____ , C.R.4. [w. Jethro Folger Jr. (s. Jethro and Mary), d. Thomas and Sarah Hoeg, P.R.38.]
Mary, ch. Matthew and Mary, 27th, 1 mo. 1741, CR4. [w. Thomas Jenkins Jr. (s. Thomas), d. Matthew and Mary (Titbits), PR38.
Mary. ch. Timothy and Mary. ___, 1742, CR4. [w. Benjamin Barnard (s. Robert), d. Timothy and Mary (Bunker), P.R.38.]
Mary, d. John and Mary (Ellis), 31st, 8 mo. 1759, PR38.
Mary, ch. William and Mary, _____ [rec_ before ck. b. 28th. 12 mo. 1763], C.R.4. [w. Aaron Coffin (S. Benjamin Jr.), d. William and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Mary, ch. Shubael and Ruth (second w.), 14th, 9 mo. 1766, CR4. [w. Valentine Swain (s. David), d. Shubael and Ruth (Bunker) (Myrick) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Mary, ch. Benjamin' and Eunice, _____, CR4. [w. Elisha Smith, d. Benjamin and Eunice (Fitch), P.R.38.]
Mary, ch. Paul and Phebe, 18th, 2 mo. 1779, CR4. [w. Ramsdell Jr. (s. William and Ruth), d. Paul and Phebe
(Macy), P.R.38]
Mary, ch. Matthew and Deborah, 23d, 5 mo. 1779, C.R4. [w. Peleg Easton (s. John of R. I.), d. Matthew and Deborah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Mary, ch. John 2d and Mary, _____, CR4. [w. Robert Moores (s. Alexander and Eunice), d. John and Mary (Russell), P.R.38.]
Mary, ch. Reuben and Phebe, ____, CR4. [d. Reuben and Phebe (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Mary, w. ___ Peck, d. Valentine and Anna (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Mary, w. Eliakina Coffin (s. Seth and Lydia), d. William and Elizabeth (Inot), 19th, 4 mo. 1788, P.R.38.
Mary, w. Benjamin C. Joy (s. Obed and Anna), d. Limni and Lydia (Paddack), 5th, 12 mo. 1791, P.R.38.
Mary, d. Andrew and Deborah (Giles), 3d, 7 mo. 1802, P.R.38.
Mary, ch. Cromwell and Sarah, 19th, 2 mo. 1807, CR4. [w. George F. Austin (s. Benjamin and Lydia), w. Josiah
Baker Jr., w. Solomon Farming, d. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard), P.R.38.]
Mary, w. William Morrill, d. Zaccheus and Eunice (Abrahms) (Lawrence) (second w.), _____, PR38.
Mary, d. John P. and Sophia W. (Parker), _____, 1835. P.R.38.
Mary A., d. Cromwel Jr., tailor, and Susan W. of N., May 19, 1847, in N. [Mary Antoinette, w. William Brownell of
N. Y., d. Cromwell and Susan W. (Riddell), 19th, 5 mo. 1846, P.R.38.]
Mary Anna, d. Thomas G., boat builder, and Mary of N., Jan. 15, 1847, in N. [Marianna, d. Thomas G. and Mary (Smith), 18th, 1 mo., P.R.38.]
Mary C, d. Thomas and Eunice (Gardner), 28th, 6 mo. 1820, PR38.
Mary F., d. Frederick, laborer, and Deborah of N., Feb.. 3, 1847, in N.
Mary Joy, w. Joseph West of Barnstable, d. Frederick H. and Lucy (Turner), 6th, 4 mo. 1836, PR38.
Mathew, s. John, 7th, 9 mo. 1705. [Matthew, h. Mary (d. Ephraim Tibbets and Rose of Dover, N. H.), s. John and Sarah (Macy), P.R.38]
Mathew, Ch. Thomas and Alice, 1st 2 mo. 1807. CR4. [Matthew, h. Mary (d. Reuben Macy and Hannah), s. Thomas and Alice (Freeborn), P.R.38.]
Matilda, w. Henry Kennedy, d. Benjamin and Eunice (Fitch), _____. PR38.
Matthew (see Mathew).
Matthew, ch. Robert and Heplizibah, 4th, 7 mo. 1742. [ch. Robert and Hepsibah, CR4. h. Deborah (d. David Coffin
" (Nope)" and Mary Lumbart), s. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin) [dup. 15th, 9 mo.], P.R.38.]
Matthew, ch. Matthew and Mary, ___, 1749, CR4. [h. Elizabeth (d. Reuben Swain and Elizabeth), h. Avis (wid. Silvanus Folger, d. John Slocum), s. Matthew and Mary (Tibbits), P.R.38]
Matthew (see Mathew).
Matthew Jr., s. Matthew, school teacher, and Mary [(Macy) P.R.38.] of N., Feb. 26, 1846, in N.
Miriam, ch. William and Mary, _____. C.R.4. [w. Tristram Macy (s. Nathanel,) w. Job Coggshall (s. Caleb and. Mary), d. William and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Moses, ch. Jonathan and Sarah, 3d, 12 rm. 1770, CR4. [h. Francis [sic] Mackey Colwell [dup. Mackay, omits Colwell] of Billerica, s. Jonathan and Sarah (Joy) [dup. 13th, 12 mo.], P.R.38]
Moses, ch. David and Abigail, 29th, 4 mo. 1784, C.R.4.
Moses, h. Lydia (d. Benjamin Kelley), s. David and Abigail (Starbuck), 8th, 7 mo. 1785, P.R.38.
Moses, ch. Cromwell and Sarah, 22d, 12 mo. 1796, C.R.4. [s. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard), P.R.38.]
Moses, s. Moses and Francis [sic] Mackay, _____, P.R.38.
Moses, h. Louisa (d. Thomas Hillman), s. George and Merib (Smith), 10th, 1 MO. 1818, P.R.38.
Moses G., ch. Cromwell and Sarah, 26th, 11 mo. C.R.4. [h. Christina Calend of Philadelphia, s. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard), PR38]
Nancy, w. Obed Ramsdell (s. William), w. Paul Coffin (s. Jonathan and Phebe), d. Nathaniel and Hepsibeth (Coffin), 28th, 2 mo. 1781, P.R.38.
Nancy, w. David Chase (s. Peter), d. Thomas and Eunice (Gardner), 22d, 6 mo. 1797, P.R.38.
Nancy, w. Josiah Starbuck (s. Simeon and Judith), d. William and Elizabeth (Inot), 9th, 11 mo. 1797, P.R.38.
Nathaniel, h. Mary (d. Robert Barnard and Joanna), s. Thomas, 15th, 11 mo. 1642, P.R.38.
Nathaniel, ch. Benj[ami]n and Judith, —, 1727, CR4. [s. Benjamin and Judith (Gardner), PR38]
Nathaniel, ch. Robert and Hephzibah, 19th, 5 mo. 1740. [ch. Robert and Hepsibah, C.R.4. s. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Nathaniel, ch. Peter and Anna, Apr. 8, 1741. [8th, 4 mo., C.R.4. h. Margaret (d. Caleb Swain and Margaret), s. Peter and Anna (Starbuck), 8th, 4 mo., P.R.38.]
Nathaniel, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, 27th, 3 mo. 1751, C.R.4. [s. Francis and Elizabeth (Macy), P.R.38.]
Nathaniel, ch. Abishai and Hannah, 2d, 10 mo. 1752, [h. Hepsibeth (d. Enoch Coffin and Love), s. Abishai and Hannah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Nathaniel, s. Rob[er]t and Margaret. bp. Mar. 20, 1768, C.R.2. [s. Robert and Margaret (Whitney), b. _____, P.R.38]
Nath[anie]ll, s. Nathaniell, Nov. 24, 1672. [Nathaniel, h. Elizabeth (wid. Peter Coffin Jr., d. Nathaniel Starbuck), h. Dorcas (d. Dennis Manning), h. Judith (wid. Peter Folger 2d, d. Stephen Coffin), s. Nathaniel and Mary (Barnard), 24th, 11 mo., P.R.38.]
Nathaniell, s. Nathaniell Jr., 2d, 2 mo. 1717. [Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel and Judith (second w.) [sic, third C.R.4. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Judith (Coffin) (Folger) (third w.), P.R.38]
Obed, ch. William and Mary, _____, C.R.4. [h. Elizabeth (d. Benjamin Coffin Jr. and Elizabeth), s. William and Mary (Coffin), —, 1761, P.R.38]
Obed [dup. h. Susanna], ch. Benjamin and Judith, 26th, 8 mo. 1762, C.R.4. [h. Susanna [dup. Susannah] (d. Bachelor Hussey and Anna), s. Benjamin and Judith (Folger), P.R.38.]
Obed, ch. David and Abigail, 23d, 5 mo. 1782, C.R.4. [h. Anna (d. James Bocot and Charity), s. David and Abigail (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Oliver Cromwell, [twin] s. Libni and Lydia (Paddack), 12th, 6 mo. 1794, P.R.38.
Paul, ch. William and Mary, _____, CR4. [h. Phebe (d. Nathaniel Macy), s. William and Mary (Coffin), PR38.
Paul, h. Mary (d. Anna. (d.. John Bocot and Sarah)), s. Elisha and Lydia (Starbuck), 29th, 12 mo. [dup. 1 mo.] 1781,
Peter, s. Nathaniell Jr. and Judith, 5th, 1 mo. 1713. [s. Nathaniel and Judith (second w.) [sic, third w.], CR4.
h. Anna (d. Nathaniel Starbuck Jr.), s. Nathaniel and Judith (Coffin) (Folger) (third w.), P.R.38.]
Peter, ch. Peter and Anna, 2d, 3 mo. 1747, C.R.4. [h. Rebecca (d. Jonathan Hussey and Hepsibeth), h. Hannah Jenkins, s. Peter and Anna (Starbuck), P.R.38.]
Peter, ch. David and Abigail, 16th, 3 mo. 1775, CR4. [s. David and Abigail (Starbuck), P.R.38]
Phebe, ch. Abishai and Hannah, 11th, 7 mo. 1744, [w. George Bunker (s. John), 29th, 8 mo., PR38]
Phebe, ch. Benjamin and Judith, 27th, 5 mo. 1758, CR4. [w. Daniel Kelley from Virginia, d. Benjamin and Judith (Folger), 21st, 5 mo. [dup. 27th, 6 mo.], P.R.38.]
Phebe, ch. William and Mary, 28th, 12 mo. 1763, C.R.4. [w. Gilbert Coffin (s. Micajah), d. William and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38]
Phebe, ch. Reuben and Phebe, _____, C.R.4. [w. Aaron Macy (s. Abraham Jr.), d. Reuben and Phebe (Coleman), P.R.38.]
Phebe, ch. David and Abigail, 25th, 1 mo. 1779, C.R.4. [w. David Coffin (s. Seth), d. David and Abigail (Starbuck),
20th [dup. 2d], 1 MO., P.R38.]
Phebe, ch. John 2d and Mary, _____, CR4. [w. Jacob Bosworth, d. John and Mary (Russell), PR38]
Phebe, w. William. Green Pease, d. Valentine and Anna (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Phebe Ann, ch. Henry and Love, _____ [rec. after ch. b. 4th, 8 mo. 1811] C.R4. [w. George Coffin (s. Robert and Mary), d. Henry and Love (Cartwright), 6th, 8 mo. 1807. P.R.38.]
Phebe Ann, w. Joseph Vincent of Martha's Vineyard, d. George and Meribah (Smith), 26th, 10 mo. 1815, PR38.
Phebe C., w. John Crimblish, w. Jethro Brooks (s. William), d. Shubael and Lucretia (Coffin), 2d, 7 mo. [dup. 7th,
2 mo.] 1815, P.R.38. -
Phebe Crimblish, w. William A. Folger (s. Alfred), d. George C. and Mary F. (Russell), 29th, 6 mo. 1841, PR38.
Phebe F., w. Henry Coffin (s. Alexander and Lucinda), d. Benjamin and Alma (Folger), 27th, 4 mo. 1817 [sic, dup. 1818], PR38.
Priscilla, w. Seth M. Coffin (s. Benjamin and Rachel), d. Edwin and Emma (Coffin), —, 5 mo. 1837, P.R.38.
Rebecca, w. William McKinstrey (s. John), d. Peter and Rebecca (Hussey), _____, P.R.38.
Rebecca, ch. Abishai and Hannah. 9th, 11 mo. 1767, C.R.4. [w. Benjamin Worth (s. Francis), d. Abishai and Hannah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Rebecca, w. Benjamin Franklin Hussey (s. Christopher and Abial), d. Andrew and Deborah (Giles), 22d, 4 mo. 1792, PR38.
Rebecca, w. Ralph B. Grady (m. "in New York"), d. Charles G. and Lucy (Brown), —, 5 mo. 1838, P.R.38.
Reuben, ch. Francis and Elizabeth, 24th, 1 mo. 1743, C.R.4. [h. Phebe (d. Daniel Coleman and Elizabeth (Moores)), s. Francis and Elizabeth (Macy), P.R.38.]
Reuben, ch. Benjamin and Judith, 15th, 3 mo. 1756, [h. _____ of Philadelphia, s. Benjamin and Judith (Folger),
Reuben, "m'd in S. C.," s. Valentine and Anna (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Reuben, s. Obed and Susannah (Hussey), 19th, 5 mo. 1786, P.R.38. -
Reuben, s. Andrew and Deborah (Giles), 12th, 4 mo. 1790, P.R.38.
Reuben, s. Shubael and Lucretia (Coffin), 30th, 1 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
Reuben C., h. ____ of Philadelphia, s. Edwin and Emma (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Rhoda, ch. Abishai and Hannah, 26th, 5 mo. 1757, C.R.4. [w. Joseph Russell (s. John), d. Abishai and Hannah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Robert, s. John, 14th, 11 mo. 1702. [h. Hepsibeth (d. Stephen Coffin), s. John and Sarah (Macy), P.R.38.]
Robert, ch. Robert and Hephzibah, 24th, 10 mo. 1748. [ch. Robert and Hepsibah [dup. Hephzibah], C.R.4. h. Margaret (d. Dr. John Whitney and Margaret), s. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Robert, ch. Robert and Margaret, bp. May 17, 1772, C.R.3. [s. Robert and Margaret (Whitney), b.____ , P.R.38.]
Robert, h. Eliza Bruff (d. Zebulon Whippey), s. Shubael and Nancy Carr, _____, PR38.
Robert A., h. Anna Burokstead of Pa., s. Abishai and Susanna (Paddack), 1st. 1 mo. 1787, P.R.38.
Roland C., h. Lydia (wid. William Sayer, d. Levi Casweil), s. Libni and Lydia (Paddack), 4th, 2 mo. 1798, P.R.38.
Roland C. Jr., h. Clara A. Conner, s. Roland C. and Lydia (Caswell) (Sayer), _____ [rec. before ch. b. July —, 1838], PR38.
Rose, ch. Matthew and Mary, 18th, 3 mo. 1739, C.R4 [w. Stephen Hussey (s. Daniel), d. Matthew and Mary (Tibbits), 18th, 5 mo., P.R.38]
Rose, ch. Shubael and Susanna, 26th, 7 mo. 1756. C.R.4. [w. Matthew Starbuck (s. Edward), d. Shubael and Susanna (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Ruth, d. Benjamin, 2d, 7 mo. 1717. [d. Benjamin and Judith, 2d, 7 mo. 1716, CR4. w. Peter Clark, w. Joseph Jenkins (s. Matthew and Mary), d. Benjamin and Judith (Gardner), 2d, 7 mo. 1716 [dup. 1717], P.R.38.]
Ruth, ch. Stephen 2d and Hepsibah, 16th, 12 mo. 1766, C.R.4. [d. Stephen and Hepsibeth (Paddack), 16th, 2 mo., P.R.38.]
Sally, ch. Robert and Margaret, bp. Apr. 23, 1775, C.R.3. [Sarah, d. Robert and Margaret (Whitney), b. _____, P.R.38.]
Sally, ch. Thomas and Alice, 2d, 2 mo. 1800, C.R.4. [d. Thomas and Alice (Freeborn), P.R.38.]
Sally, ch. Thomas and Alice, 13th, 3 mo. 1802, C.R.4. [d. Thomas and Alice (Freeborn), P.R.38]
Samuel (see Lamuel).
Samuel, ch. Nathaniel and Margaret, 7th, 10 mo. 1782, C.R.4. [s. Nathaniel and Margaret (Swain), P.R.38]
Sarah, w. James Skiff, d. Robert and Joanna Harvey, _____, P.R.38.
Sarah, d. Nathaniell, Mar. 23, 1677. [w. Thomas Currier of Amesbury, d. Nathaniel and Mary (Barnard), 23d, 3 mo., P.R.38.]
Sarah, ch. Robert and Hephzibah, 19th, 4 mo. 1738. [ch. Robert and Hepsibah, C.R.4. w. William Ellis (s. John), d. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), P.R.38]
Sarah, ch. Shubael and Ruth (second w.), 12th, 1 mo. 1771, [d. Shubael and Ruth (Bunker) (Myrick) (second w.), P.R.38]
Sarah (see Sally).
Sarah, ch. Ruth, _____ , [w. Solomon Coffin (s. Solomon and Eunice), d. Thomas and Ruth, 14th, 11 mo. 1775, P.R.38.]
Sarah, ch. Jonathan and Sarah, 20th, 7 mo. 1776, CR4. [w. Cromwell Barnard (s. Jonathan and Mary), d. Jonathan and Sarah (Joy), P.R.38.]
Sarah, d. Nathaniel and Hepsibeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Sarah, d. William and Elizabeth (Inot), _____, PR38.
Sarah, ch. Cromwell and Sarah, 11th, 5 mo. 1798, C.R.4. [w. George B. Worth (s. Benjamin), d. Cromwell and Sarah (Barnard), PR.38.]
Sarah, w. Charles Murphey (s. James and Sally), d. Libni and Lydia (Paddack), 19th, 6 mo. 1800 [dup. 18th,mo. —], P.R.38
Sarah, first w. John Stetson (s. Barzillai and Naomi), d. James and Hepsibeth (Colesworthy) (Bunker), 19th, 4 mo. 1805, P.R.38.
Sarah, w. Edwin Myrick (s. Charles G.), d. Benjamin and Anna (Folger), 8th, 11 mo. 1815, P.R.38.
Sarah Frances, d. Cromwell and Susan W. (Riddell), 27th, 9 mo. 1835, P.R.38.
Seth, ch. Stephen and Phebe (second w.), 2d, 9 mo. 1760, C.R.4 [s. Stephen and Phebe (Swain) (second w.), PR38]
Seth, ch. Peter and Rebecca, _____, C.R.4. [s. Peter and Rebecca (Hussey) PR38.
Seth, "m'd in Ohio," s. David and Hepsibeth (Starbuck) (second w.), _____ [rec. before ch. b. —, 1797], P.R.38.
Seth R., s. Shubael, laborer, and Eliza Ann of N., Apr. 17, 1846, in N. -
Shubael, ch. Matthew and Mary, 13th, 1 mo. 1730, C.R.4. [h. Susanna (d. Ebenezer Gardner and Judith), h. Ruth
(wid. John Myrick, d.. James Bunker), s. Matthew and Mary (Tibbits), 13th [dup. 24th], 3 mo., P.R.38.]
Shubael, ch. Shubael and Susanna, 25th, 7 mo. 1759, C.R.4. [s. Shubael and Susanna (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Shubael, h. Lydia (d. Paul Macy and Bethia), s. Benjamin and Eunice (Fitch), _____ [in N. C.], P.R.38.
Shubael, ch. Shubael and Ruth (second w.), 19th, 10 mo. 1780, C.R.4. [h. Lucretia (d. Reuben Coffin of Halifax), s. Shubael and Ruth (Bunker) (Myrick) (second w.), P.R.38.]
Shubael, h. Eliza (d. Davis Cleaveland), s. Shubael and Lucretia (Coffin), 23d, 4 mo. 1812, P.R.38.
Shubal, ch. Robert and Hephzibah, 8th. 5 mo. 1754. [Shubael, ch. Robert and Hepsibah, C.R.4. Shubael, h. Nancy Carr, s. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Stephen, s. Nathaniell, Feb. 16, 1674. [h. Damaris (d. Joseph Gardner and Bethiah), h. Hopcot Gardner [? order and statement], s. Nathaniel and Mary (Barnard), 16th, 2 mo., P.R.38]
Stephen, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 14th, 6 mo. 1723, [h. Eunice (d. William Starbuck 1st), Phebe (d. George
Swain), s. Ebenezer and Mary (Hussey) (Worth), P.R.38]
Stephen, ch. Thomas and Sarah, _____. C.R.4.. [h. Hepsibeth (d. Paul Paddack and Ann), s. Thomas and Sarah Hoeg, ___ 1724 [sic, ? 1742], PR38]
Stephen, ch. Stephen and Phebe (second w.), 19th, 11 mo. 1756, C.R.4 [s. Stephen and Phebe (Swain) (second w.), PR38]
Steven, h. Rebecca Howe, s. Robert and Joanna Harvey, ___ 1649, P.R.38.
Susan, d. Nathaniel and Hepsibeth (Coffin), _____, PR38.
Susan, w. Reuben F. (s. Samuel Coffin and Eunice (Folger)), d. William and Elizabeth (Inot), 6th, 10 mo. 1795. P.R.38.
Susan, ch. Thomas and Alice, 1st, 5 mo. 1805, CR4. [w. George Mitchell (s. Peleg), d. Thomas and Alice (Freeborn), 5th, 1 mo., P.R.38]
Susan F., w. George Coleman (s. John Franklin). d. George C. and Mary F. (Russell), 28th, 5 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
Susan H., w. Obed Chase (s. Reuben), d. Paul and Mary (Bocot), 17th, 5 mo. 1806, PR38.
Susan R., d. Cromwell and Susan W. (Riddell), 28th, 8 mo. 1840, P.R.38.
Susannah, ch. Abishai and Susanna, _____, C.R.4. [Susanna, w. Barzillai Jenkins (s. Charles), d. Abisbai and Susanna (Paddack), P.R.38]
Susanna. ch. Timothy and Mary, 24th, 11 mo. 1744, C.R.4. [w. Seth Coffin (s. David). d. Timothy and Mary (Bunker) [dup. 18th, 11 mo.], P.R.38]
Susannah, ch. Shubael and Susanna, 20th, 12 mo. 1761. C.R.4. [Susanna, second w. Latham Bunker (s. Peleg), d. Shubael and Susanna (Gardner), P.R.38]
Thomas. ch. Thomas and Sarah, _____, C.R.4. [h. Ruth (d. Zaccheus Macy), s. Thomas and Sarah Hoeg, PR38]
Thomas. ch. Jonathan and Mary, 4th, 10 mo. 1774, C.R.4. [h. Eunice (d. Barnabas Gardner and Abigail), s. Jonathan and Mary (Coffin), 7th [dup. 4th], 10 mo., P.R.38]
Thomas, ch. Shubael and Ruth (second w.), 26th, 7 mo. 1777. C.R.4. [h. Alice (d. George Freeborn and Susanna), s. Shubael and Ruth (Bunker) (Myrick) (second w.), P.R.38]
Thomas. ch. Ruth, _____, C.R.4.
Thomas, h. Avis, s. Nathaniel and Hepsibeth (Coffin), _____, P.R.38.
Thomas, h. Caroline H. (d. Jacob Morris), s. Jonathan and Ann (Paddack), 11th, 9 mo. 1803, P.R.38.
Thomas, ch. Thomas and Alice., 9th, 8 mo. 1808, [s. Thomas and Alice (Freeborn), P.R.38.1
Thomas, s. Benjamin and Anna (Folger), 14th, 2 mo. 1810, PR38.
Thomas C., s. Shubael Jr., laborer, and Eliza Ann of N., Dec. 25, 1847, in N.
Thomas F., h. Joanna (d. Gershom Phinney), s. Benjamin and Anna (Folger), 30th, 12 mo. 1816, PR38.
Thomas G., h. Mary (d. Thomas Smith and Cassandra). s. Thomas and Eunice (Gardner), 20th, 4 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
Thomas H., s. James Henry and Eliza (Farris) (Marshall), 13th, 4 mo. 1831, P.R.38.
Timothy, s. Nathaniel and Mary (Barnard), _____ [rec. after clz. b. 1691], PR38.
Timothy. s. Benjamin, 3d, 8 mo. 1712. [s. Benjamin and Judith, CR.4. h. Mary (d. Peleg Bunker and Susanna), s. Benjamin and Judith (Gardner), P.R.38.]
Timothy, ch. Timothy and Mary, _____ [rec. after ch. b. 30th, 7 mo. 1735], CR.4. [h. Love (d. George Swain and Love), s. Timothy and Mary (Bunker), P.R.38]
Timothy, ch. Matthew and Deborah, 26th, 10 mo. 1773, C.R.4. [h. Eunice (d. Nathaniel Starbuck and Eunice), s. Matthew and Deborah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Timothy, ch. Abishai and Phebe, 23d, 7 mo. 1778, c.R.4. [h. Mary (d. Daniel Paddack), s. Abishai and Phebe (Swain), P.R.38]
Timothy, ch. Benjamin and Eunice, _____, CR4. [h. Anna (d. Shubael Pinkham and Eunice), s. Benjamin and Eunice (Fitch), P.R.38.)
Tristram, ch. William, and Mary, _____, C.R.4. [h. Margaret (d. Reuben Folger), s. William and Mary (Coffin), 5th, 3 mo. 1743, P.R.38]
Tristram, ch. Abishai and Hannah, 17th, 9 mo. 1748, C.R.4. [h. Betsey Mackey, s. Abishai and Hannah (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Tristram, ch. Jonathan and Mary, 17th, 8 mo. 1771, C.R.4. [h. Phebe (d. William Swain), s. Jonathan and Mary
(Coffin), P.R.38]
Uriah, ch. Timothy and Love, _____, C.R.4. [h. Elizabeth (d. Joseph Macy and Mary), s. Timothy and Love (Swain), 27th, 8 MO. 1761, P.R.38]
Valentine, ch. Thomas and Sarah, _____ C.R4. [h. Anna (d. Peleg Coffin and Hepsibeth), s. Thomas and Sarah Hoeg, P.R.38.]
Valina, [twin] d. Josiah and Rhoda (Peckham), 4th, 7 mo. 1810, P.R.38.
William, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 23d, 9 mo. 1724, CR.4. [h. Mary (d. Samuel Coffin and Miriam), s. Ebenezar and
Mary (Hussey) (Worth), PR38.]
William, ch. Timothy and Mary, _____ [rec. after ch. b. 24th, 11 mo. 1744], CR.4.. [h. Hepsibeth (d. Charles Gardner and Anna.), s. Timothy and Mary (Bunker), PR38]
William, ch. Jonathan and Mary, 28th, 10 mo. 1756, CR4. [h. Elizabeth Inott (d. Joseph (Inot) and Elizabeth), s.
Jonathan and Mary (Coffin), P.R.38.]
William, s. Jonathan and Ann (Paddack), 20th, 5 mo. 1795, P.R.38.
William, s. Charles and Mary G. (Ray), —, 7 mo. 1825, PR38.
William, s. Matthew, teacher, and Mazy of N., Aug. 28, 1848. [William Macy Barnard, h. Sarah M. Holman of N. Y., s. Matthew and Mary (Macy), P.R.38.]
William B., s. Charles G. and Lucy (Brown), 15th, 5 mo. 1829, P.R.38.
William Francis, "For thirty-three years superintendent of the five points house of industry, New York," —, 1840, G.R.3. [h. Marianna Sprague, s. William S. and Caroline J. (Gardner), —, 10 mo., P.R.38.]
William H., s. Abishai and Susanna (Paddack), _____ [rec. after ch. b. 1st, 1 mo. 1787], P.R.38.
William Henry, s. Josiah and Rhoda (Peckham), 1st, 9 mo. 1808, P.R.38.
William S., h. Caroline J. (d. Charles Gardner and Jane Harley), s. Libni and Lydia (Paddack), 21st, 8 mo. 1812, P.R.38.
Zaccheus, ch. Ruth, _____, CR4. [h. Lucretia (d. Alexander Gardner), h. Eunice (wid. Charles Lawrence, d. William
Abrahms), s. Thomas and Ruth, 18th, 11 mo. 1783, PR38.
____, s. Caroline Fanning, Aug. 3, 1812 [? in Boston], P.R.64.