Vital Records Of Millbury, Massachusetts,
To The End Of The Year 1849.
Worcester, Massachusetts
Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee Of The Fund.
Marriages - AALBEE to FURNESS
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Julia Ann of Dudley and William Coburn, int. Sept. 14, 1832.
Benjamin and Lucy Wood of Boxford, int.
Eleaner of Holden (d. Asa and Sally, a. 28) and Henry E. Bradford, Nov. 8, 1849.
Elizabeth and John Moody, April 30, 1845.
Ephraim and Mary F. Winn of Holden. int. Oct. 25, 1840.
Harriet of Northbridge and Calvin J. Cheney, int. Nov. 5, 1829.
Henry and Mary Howe, int. July 28, 1837.
Otis C. and Eleanor Staples, Dec. 10, 1829.
Henry A. and Harriet Webber of New Ipswich, N.H., int. Oct. 20, 1848.
Elan W. and Mrs. Candace A. Smith, March 26, 1837. In Sutton.
Rock and Genevieve Meaet, int. Nov. 8, 1840.
Benjamin T. and Lydia Ann Sibley, Dec. 25, 1833.
Rev. Merit P. and Lucy A. Upham of Brookfield, int. Aug. 4, 1839.
Elias and Betsey Bulling of Charlton, int. Feb. 7, 1829.
Lydia and Nathan Parkhurst of Mendon, April 9, 1828.
Marcy and Cyrus Simmons, Oct. 5, 1815.
Orinda B. and Benjamin F. McIntire, int. Dec. 15, 1849.
Sabra S. (d. Ahaz and Mary, a. 18) and William H. Miller, Nov. 27, 1848.
Olive and Nathan Hall of Sutton, March 20, 1832.
Mercy and William Tracy of Worcester, March 20, 1831.
Sabre and Daniel Chase, Aug. 8, 1826.
Sarah of Oxford and Meril Holbrook, int. Oct. 6, 1827.
Stephen and Susan Wood, Oct. 14, 1830.
Abijah and Pamela March, Oct. 31, 1831.
Adeline L. and Maynard Putnam, int. Oct. 13, 1844.
Albert and Harriet N. Bradford, int. Oct. 18, 1845.
Hannah and Chester Stone, April 25, 1847.
Hervey and Hannah Taunt, Apnl 6, 1825.
Hortentia of Shrewsbury and Artemas Perrin, int. Aug. 14, 1831.
Lucinda C. and Oliver A. Boyd of Worcester, int. May 26, 1843.
Martha and Albert B. Clapp, Nov. 5, 1840.
Sarah of Worcester and Albert S. Tanner, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
Timothy B. (s. Hezekiah and Susannah, a. 35, widr.) and Margaret Sawyer, Dec. 25, 1845.
Valary and Hiram Keay, int. Oct. 22, 1836.
Charles C. and Persis Perry, June 10, 1834.
Diana and Jonathan Chase, int. April 26, 1834.
Lucretia and Orrin L. Howlett, Nov. 7, 1839.
Charlotte of Smithfield, R.I., and Jeremiah Learned, int. June 1, 1823.
Capt. Joel F. of Attleborough and Cynthia L. Howe, March 23, 1831.
William E. of Middlebury, Vt., and Eveline C. Fisher, int. Aug. 8, 1835.
Sarah and William Routledgh of Worcester, int. April 24, 1835.
Horace of Northbridge and Lucretia Prentiss, Feb. 26, 1833.
Lewis of Northbridge and Clarissa Dunn, [1841 ?].
Abzady of Burrilville, R.I., and Shadrick O. Mowry, int. March 26, 1845.
Charlotte T. (d. Nathan and Fanny, a. 20) and Newell Carpenter of Sutton, Jan. 15, 1845.
ARPER (see Harper)
Martha and Alexander Boro of Russell, int. Jan. 27, 1849. Canadian French.
Augustus and Aloney Holt, May 24, 1831.
Dolley B. of Grafton and Elbridge Wheelock, int. Oct. 28, 1832.
Hannah and Charles Manley, int. July 11, 1828.
Adeline [Adiline B. in int.] and Benjamin L. Phillips, Oct. 31, 1839.
Flava and Rufus Rogers of Warsaw, N.Y., int. Aug. 27, 1836.
Flavia and Amos Simpson, int. Sept. 17, 1832.
George H. and Ann Bigelow of Webster, int. April 8, 1843.
Lucinda B. [H. in int.] and Samuel Sawyer, May 2, 1832.
Villetta [Villitta in int.] and Rufus W. Davenport of Grafton, June 24, 1835.
BAKER (see Barker)
Caroline A. and Daniel R. Dana of Oxford, int. Feb. 3, 1842.
James H. and Eliza Heyward, Nov. 25, 1842.
William R. and Sarah Clark of Oxford, int. March 5, 1847.
Horace of Charlton and Lucy Belknap, April 14, 1842.
Lydia of Spencer and Samuel Goodell, int. March 18, 1837.
Julia of Royalston and Otis Conant, int. May 2, 1846.
Eliza and Alpheus Marble of Sutton, int. Dec. 2, 1830.
Henry L. (s. Solomon and Harriet, a. 25) and Martha A. Harris, April 9, 1846.
Capt. Joseph and Anna Rice of Ward, Feb. 10, 1815.
Capt. Joseph and Sarah Livermore, Feb. 23, 1825.
Joseph Jr. and Louisa Livermore, March 11, 1830.
Julia P. of Plillipstown and Daniel G. Livermore, int. Feb. 23, 1833.
Mortemer and Lorenza M. Dunnell, April 29, 1840.
Mortimer and Lydia H. Johnson of Upton, int. June 10, 1848.
Nabby and Isaac Lincoln, Dec. 1, 1814.
Nely and Sally Stone of Ward, int. Oct. 6, 1827.
Solomon and Harriot Livermore of Worcester, int. Aug. 25, 1820.
Sullivan and Elizabeth Sibley, July 3, 1839.
Mary H. of Boylston and Jonas Ward, int. Nov. 16, 1833.
Rebeckah [Rebecca in int.] G. of Framingham and Oliver E. Lovell, Sept. 14, 1843.
Hamlet E. and Mary S. Burbank, Jan. 1, 1839.
Peter and Margaret Prew, int. July 3, 1836.
[Baker in int.] Asa and Lucy Whitmore, March 23, 1815.
Calvin and Lucy W. Woodward, Nov. 29, 1825.
Calvin and Lucy Bliss of Springfield, int. March 12, 1836.
Submit of Woodstock, Conn., and Joseph Clark, int. March 1, 1827.
Catherine and Edward Preux, March 25, 1844.
Mary A. of Lowell and John L. Webster, int. Sept. 9, 1836.
Ansel and Deborah Churchell, July 24, 1832.
[Barnes in int.], Lucius of Hardwick and Nancy Town Cole, May 22, 1838.
[Barnes in int.], Sophia and Albert Cole, March 19, 1835.
Benjamin of Dudley and Nancy Stockwell, March 31, 1819.
Benjamin F. and Hepsy Ann Gerry of Grafton, Nov. 26, 1840. In Princeton.
William and Suzan Read of Attleborough, int. May 2, 1819.
[Bartlett in int.], Anson and Releaf Marble, May 27, 1819.
Artemas of Holden and Esther Peirce, Dec. 18, 1833.
Barbary and Clark C. Cutting, Nov. 17, 1832.
Henry A. (s. Arnold and Sarah, a. 23) and Charlotte Grow, Sept. 4, 1848.
Parnel of Holden and Charles Carlisle, int. March 21, 1830.
[Mrs. in int.], Artemisa and Hudson Barton, March 27, 1840.
Eliza and Leonard Marble of Sutton, int. Feb. 27, 1831.
George S. of Worcester and Sophronia S. Greenwood, int. Sept. 12, 1849.
Hudson and Lucy B. Marble, Jan. 14, 1824.
Hudson and Clarah Fuller, Jan. 14, 1835.
Hudson and Artemisa Barton, March 27, 1840.
Jedidiah H. and Mary H. Lathrop, Nov. 28, 1833.
John B. and Mary Ann Gould of Charlton, int. May 8, 1841.
John F. and Mary Robbins, Feb. 28, 1815.
Col. John F. and Artemisa Utley, int. April 16, 1836.
Lewis and Mary Ann Cole of Grafton, int. Jan. 2, 1830.
Lydia P. and Edwin Grout, int. Nov. 16, 1836.
Margaret of Worcester and Charles Fisher, int. July 3, 1848.
Mary and Lillibridge B. Tillinghast of Worcester, Dec. 23, 1834.
Nancy G. and Abel H. Snow of Winchester, Ct., Feb. 2, 1842.
Rufus Jr. (s. Rufus) and Margret S. Carlton, Dec. 30, 1843.
Sophronia and Hosea B. Rice, May 17, 1826.
Theodore A. and Eliza Knowlton of Holden, int. July 9, 1837.
Jonathan Jr. of Lowell and Lucy Burbank, Dec. 1, 1831.
Sally and Goodwin Wood of Princeton, int. May 16, 1829.
Nathaniel and Menevia Holbrook, int. Aug. 31, 1845.
Betsy of Sutton and John Leland, int. Oct. 29, 1825.
Holland N. and Mary Dennis of Grafton, int. April 11, 1846.
Prucilla [Priscilla in int.] (d. Jonah, a. 21) and Darius White of Northbridge, Oct. 10, 1844.
Sarah D. and William F. Vincent, May 1, 1836. In Northbridge.
Susan [E. in int.] (d. John and Sally, a. 21) and Rev. Horace Hutchinson of Burlington, Iowa, Sept. 16, 1844.
David H. and Mary F. Pheteplace of Grafton, Nov. 12, 1844.
Electa B. of Bellingham and Hervey D. Walker, int. Feb. 25, 1844.
Erastus and Sophronia Clapp, int. Oct. 12, 1823.
William and Matilda Newton of Shrewsbury, int. March 5, 1828.
Joseph and Sarah King, int. Oct. 14, 1848.
Mary and Augustus Desotell, int. Jan. 12, 1848. French.
Bridget C. and James Gafney, int. July 20, 1833.
[Belnap in int.], Lucy and Horace Baldwin of Charlton, April 14, 1842.
Jefferson of Grafton and Avis Benson, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
John W. and Lucy Holman, Nov. 8, 1832.
Lyman of Worcester and Sophronia Stockwell, Oct. 1, 1833.
Peter and Adeline Besoo, int. April 14, 1849. Canadian French.
Caroline of Sutton and Thomas W. Trask, int. Oct. 30, 1829.
Catharine and Resolve Sabins, Oct. 14, 1830.
Mary W. and Franklin Clark, June 24, 1832.
Almira of North Brookfield and Dennis Fisher, Nov. 4, 1829.
Albert L. and Elizabeth Vickers of Grafton, int. Aug. 30, 1840.
Henry W. of Norwich, Ct. (s. James H. and Hannah, a. 23), and Julia A. Goddard, May 9, 1845. [int. May 10.]
James H. and Hannah Wetherbee of Providence, int. Jan. 9, 1819.
Eliza H. and Nehemiah Bushnell of Quincy, Ill., Oct. 12, 1840.
Dr. William M. and Mary C. Braman, Aug. 29, 1815.
Dr. William M. and Mrs. Amelia Denny of Worcester, int. Feb. 7, 1833.
Joseph and Lucy Gravlin, int. Oct. 14, 1844. Canadian French.
Russell Jr. and Minerva Farnsworth, int. June 12, 1836.
[Bonnait in int.] Mary (d. ---- and Lora, a. 22) and John B. Gemon, Aug. 1, 1846.
Peter and Emily Taylor, int. Oct. 20, 1844.
Almira of South Brookfield and Dennis Fisher, int. Oct 3, 1829.
Avis and Jefferson Bellows of Grafton, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
Lorinda and Barach Whitney of Worcester, int. Aug. 16, 1840.
Adeline and Peter Belville, int. April 14, 1849. Canadian French.
Levi and Lydia Kennison of Leominster, int. Aug. 18, 1839.
Ann of Webster and George H. Bacon, int. April 8, 1843.
Julia of Douglass and John S. Perry, int. Oct. 8, 1836.
Lucy of Marlborough and Ithamer Stow, int. Aug. 14, 1831.
William H. of Boston and Martha Dunton, Jan. 11, 1843.
Amos [Binney, Rev. Amos of Wilbraham, in int.] (widr.) and Isabella Hill, Oct. 10, 1848.
Arther and Nancy T. Sibley, both of Webster, Dec. 28, 1843.
Laura of Worcester and Rufus Shomeway, int. March 8, 1823.
Lucinda E. and Andrew J. Holden, int. May 3, 1845.
Mary G. and Augustus S. Heyward, May 16, 1827.
Olive J. and Benjamin Whitney, Oct. 6, 1825.
Sophronia of Holden and John S. Burt, int. Feb. 24, 1828.
Sumner R. and Louisa Coggshall, int. April 30, 1836.
Aldis G. (s. Henry and Polly, a. 20) and Clarissa A. Bonzey, Feb. 27, 1848.
Amos H. and Harriet Severy of Dixfield, Me., int. March 18, 1843.
Lorra and Aaron Hayden, int. March 10, 1837.
Adeline and Joseph W. Wright, Nov. 1, 1826.
Calista and John E. Marsh, int. Feb. 11, 1833.
Cina M. and James F. Simons of Houston, May 26, 1833.
Eliza (d. Joseph and Nancy, a. 23) and Moses W. Wheeler, Dec. 31, 1846.
John S. (s. Stephen and Betsey, a. 21) and Harriet W. Putnam, July 3, 1848.
Mary of Oxford and Isaac Reed of Randolph, Vt., Jan. 26, 1815.
Stephen and Mrs. Betsey Sibley of Sutton, int. Oct. 31, 1824.
Thomas and Sarah Segress of Leicester, int. Dec. 12, 1814.
Lucy of Springfield and Calvin Barker, int. March 12, 1836.
Louisa T. and Alfred P. Rhodes, int. April 8, 1837.
David 3d of Pepperell and Nancy Stiles, Jan. 20, 1818.
Noah of Pepperell and Hannah P. Chase, Dec. 4, 1816.
Catharine and Alexander Villandre, int. Sept. 9, 1849.
Julia and Louis Thomas, Nov. 8, 1840.
Zou [Zoa in int.] and Peter Tibboo, Nov. 8, 1840.
Amasa and Mary Tilton, Dec. 31, 1835.
Amasa and Maria Powers, June 29, 1842.
Emery [Emory in int.] and Julia Trask, May 25, 1824.
Isaac and Susan Whitcomb of Bolton, int. March 9, 1820.
Marcus [Marquis in int.] and Elmira Woodward, Nov. 3. 1834.
Mary and Timothy H. Longley, Nov. 12, 1820.
Nancy and Nymphas Longley, Nov. 4, 1819.
Sally and Chester Mann, Mar 20, 1824.
Clarissa A. (d. Alaxander and Rosanna. a. 19) and Aldis G. Blackmar, Feb. 27, 1848.
Alexander of Russell and Martha Arper, int. Jan. 27, 1849. Canadian French.
Maria of Leicester and Homer E. Sergent, int. Jan. 12, 1848.
Harriet of Lansdale, R.I., and Joseph S. Hoit, int. March 2, 1845.
Abigail and Ziba H. Cook. int. June 15, 1833.
Perley and Sarah Knapp of Spencer, int. June 5, 1814.
Carlton and Mary Brown, Sept. 14, 1831.
Sarah S. and Calvin Hoyt of Worcester, int. Jan. 7. 1844.
Clarissa of Worcester and Lathrop Bugbee, int. April 19, 1832.
Oliver A. of Worcester and Lucinda C. Allen, int. May 26, 1843.
Samuel and Caroline M. Earle of Leicester, int. April 5, 1835.
Mary of No. Leicester and John Brierley, int. Feb. 17, 1839.
Harriet N. and Albert Allen, int. Oct. 18, 1845.
Henry E. (s. Elisha and Sally, a. 29, widr.) and Eleaner Abbott of Holden, Nov. 8, 1849.
Mariah (d. Archabald, a. 21) and Edward Ennis, Oct. 7, 1847.
Susan and John Kelso, June 22, 1842.
Ansel E. and Maria W. Watson of Grafton, Jan. 6, 1840.
Frederick of Worcester and Mary Eliza Maynard, Nov. 29, 1827.
Sophronia of Stafford, Conn., and Cyrus White, int. June 15, 1826.
Ann B. and Le Baron Putnam of Sutton, June 26, 1821.
Dana A. and Eliza Burbank of Worcester, int. Oct. 25, 1817.
Mary C. and Dr. William M. Benedict, Aug. 29, 1815.
Pattrick and Ellen Burke, int. Dec. 29, 1844.
Oliver and Caroline Chercott, April 20, 1840.
Ellen and Patrick Mihin of Dudley, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
Susan and Hyram Johnson of Northbridge, April 4, 1838.
Orin and Lucy M. Garfield, int. Dec. 8, 1844.
Benjamin and Lucy E. Mallalieu, [Aug. 28, 1841, in int.].
Samuel and Orrilla Hendrick, April 29, 1841.
William (s. John and Sarah, a. 23) and Hannah M. Gale, Jan. 31, 1849.
Elizabeth and John Hall, int. Nov. 12, 1848.
John and Mary Bradbury of No. Leicester, int. Feb. 17, 1839.
Amariah and Sally Robinson of Sutton, int. March 13, 1825.
Eunice J. of Springfield, Mass., and Jason B. Lobdell, int. Dec. 29, 1844.
Moses and Fanny Knights, May 14, 1818.
Nancy and Dexter S. Kingt of Boston, April 21, 1836.
William E. of Sutton and Elvira Brown, int. Oct. 29, 1843.
Ammon and Almira Wadsworth, Dec. 28, 1842.
Abilene [Abilena in int.] and Orin Skinner of Eastford, Ct., int. Sept. 6, 1835.
Achsah of Wrentham and Oliver Rice, int. April 3, 1833.
Almira of Smithfield, R.I., and William H. Humphrey, int. Aug. 7, 1831.
Delea and John Densmore, int. June 24, 1837.
Elvira and William E. Brigham of Sutton, int. Oct. 29, 1843.
Ethan L. and Mary Ann Sibley, int. April 19, 1841.
Eunice and Clark Cheney, int. Nov. 7, 1830.
George H. and Mary Jane Burrett of Wilkinsonville, int. June 6, 1849.
George H. (s. ---- and Eliza, a. 23) and Mary L. Burt, July 3, 1849.
Jonas of Sutton and Elvira Goodell, July 6, 1843.
Mary and Galaciouc Fisk, May 2, 1816.
Mary of Watertown and Samuel Learned, int. April 8, 1828.
Mary and Canton Bowers, Sept. 14, 1831.
Mary of Uxbridge and Patrick Laerna, int. March 13, 1842.
Oren P. and Mary E. Wyatt of Portsmouth, N.H., int. Nov. 19, 1849.
Ruhamah [H. in int.] and Franklin How of Grafton, Vt., May 5, 1828.
Samuel and Lucy McKnight, Jan. 9, 1814.
Saphronia and Lewis Tracy, Jan. 4, 1832.
Sewell [Sewall in int.] and Martha F. Jacobs, Nov. 28, 1833.
Susan S. (d. Samuel and Lucy, a. 28) and Stephen I. Meservey, March 28, 1849.
William A. and Nancy S. Houghton, Jan. 22, 1840.
Mary A. and Charles Pond, Dec. 6, 1832.
Daniel [Dennis in int.] of West Boylston and Isabella Coulburn, Sept. 14, 1843.
Mary Ide of Marlborough and Ezra Foristall Wood. int. Sept. 27, 1840.
Albert G. and Sophronia Newton, Aug. 2, 1827.
Joseph (s. Joseph and Margaret, a. 24) and Margarett Yatt, March 23, 1845.
Daniel and Mary Stockwell, Feb. 8, 1832.
Daniel and Tamar Holman of Ward, int. March 21, 1835.
Hannah and Erastus Davis, int. Feb. 13, 1836.
Jedediah and Mirium Rice of Ward, int. March 11, 1826.
Lathrop and Clarissa Boyce of Worcester, int. April 19, 1832.
Lathrop and Nancy S. Rice of Auburn, int. March 25, 1848.
James and Elizabeth Lathrop. Aug. 1, 1841.
Silas of Fall River (s. Moses, a. 30) and Nancy M. Southwick, Aug. 20, 1846.
Betsey of Charlton and Elias Aldrich, int. Feb. 7, 1829.
Jane of Holden and John Parker, int. June 23, 1844.
Gen. Caleb and Hannah Smith, March 30, 1825.
Eliza of Worcester and Dana A. Braman, int. Oct. 25, 1817.
Eliza A. and Edward Rice of Norwich, Conn., Feb. 18, 1836.
Lucy and Jonathan Bascom Jr. of Lowell, Dec. 1, 1831.
Mary S. and Hamlet E. Barber, Jan. 1, 1839.
Sally and Palmer G. Chace, Sept. 9, 1821.
Ellen and Pattrick Brannan, int. Dec. 29, 1844.
James and Ruth Powers, both of Sutton, March 28, 1831.
Mary Ann and Joseph Hastings, June 20, 1830.
Abijah 2d and Caroline D. Goddard, April 23, 1826.
Abijah L. and Sally Hobart, March 31, 1829.
Elijah of Sutton and Dency Wait, int. April 26, 1834.
John and Abigail Smith, May 21, 1821.
Mary Ann and Joseph Hastings Jr., int. June 5, 1830.
Mary W. (d. ---- and Sally, a. 18) and John B. Richardson, April 23, 1849.
Nancy T. and Gabriel F. Wheeler of Grafton, Dec. 27, 1818.
Lydia (d. Peter, a. 19) and John Rockally, Jan. 9, 1848. Canadian French.
Sophia (d. John, a. 22) and Ballice Stephens, Jan. 9,1848. Canadian French.
John and Rosanna Karney, int. Nov. 17, 1844.
Eliza Jane of Milton and George W. Whiting, int. March 27, 1847.
Hannah E. of Bellingham and Rufus Fairbanks, int. Oct. 15, 1836.
Mary Ann and Abner T. Lathe of Grafton, March 23, 1836.
Mary Jane of Wilkinsville and George H. Brown, int. June 6, 1849.
Asa and Almira, M. Tainter, int. Dec. 6, 1829.
John S. and Sophronia Bixby of Holden, int. Feb. 24, 1828.
Mary L. (d. John and Sophrona, a. 19) and George H. Brown, July 3, 1849.
Nehemiah [Jr. in int.] of Quincy, Ill., and Eliza H. Benedict, Oct. 12, 1840.
Catharine E. of Charlton and Rolph B. Griswold, int. April 20, 1845.
Samuel D. of Holden and Mary W. Fuller of Worcester, April 18, 1841.
Jeremiah and Mary Carty, int. July 22, 1846.
Jeremiah and Catherine Kelley, int. Dec. 19, 1846. No certificate issued.
Johona and Dennis Kelly, int. Nov. 28, 1846. Irish.
Joannah and William Fehen, int. Dec. 26, 1846. Irish. No certificate issued.
Joannah and Edmond Hanrahan, int. Aug. 6, 1847.
Mary and William Hartley, int. Sept. 18, 1848.
Rev. George W. and Serena J. Williams of Kennebunk, Me., int. Jan. 16, 1830.
Mary and James Dunn, int. April 11, 1849. Irish.
Andrew G. and Hannah B. Smith, int. April 2, 1845.
Charles and Parnel Bartlett of Holden, int. March 21, 1830.
Emma E. (d. James and Sophia, a. 24) and Fredrick A. Hall, both of Sutton, Aug. 30, 1846.
[Carleton in int.], Margret S. and Rufus Barton Jr., Dec. 30, 1843.
Mary R. and Buckley W. Snow, Dec. 24, 1833.
Sally of Sutton and Artemas Furness, int. Aug. 12, 1814.
Sally of Sutton and Warren Snow, int. Oct. 5, 1825.
Silas G. and Hepzibah Lathrop, April 11, 1833.
Joseph A. of Grafton and Mary E. Hastings, int. Feb. 27, 1833.
Nancy of Northbridge and Ira Darling, int. April 30, 1836.
Newell of Sutton (s. John and Abigal, a. 22) and Charlotte T. Arnold, Jan. 15, 1845.
Peter M. (s. Asa and Abigal, a. 26) and Sarah S. McGlauflin, May 8, 1844.
Preston and Betsey Upham Learned of Dudley, int. Sept. 17, 1831.
William W. and Elizabeth Fuller, int. Feb. 7, 1846.
Lucius N. [W. in int.] of Norwich, Ct., and Charlottee L. Pope, May 17, 1843.
Cyntha and Aaron Holman Jr., int. May 15, 1841.
Eleanor and Joseph H. Hayward. June 2, 1842.
Emily and Ephraim Goulding, June 13, 1842.
Mrs. Hannah and Cyrus Faulkner, June 3, 1826.
Hannah (d. Rufus and Hannah, a. 24) and Samuel A. Prescott of Sutton. May 26, 1846.
Hannah (d. Salma and Polly, a. 20) and William G. Grout, Dec. 31, 1846.
Mary and Daniel G. Prentice of Grafton, April 16, 1844.
Lt. Rufus and Hannah Hall of Sutton, int. Oct. 16. 1819.
Sally and James Willard of Worcester. June 1, 1820.
Mary and Jeremiah Callahan, int. July 22, 1846.
Martha E. (d. Leonard and Relief, a. 24) and Jabez Ellice, May 16, 1844.
Brooksey and Jonathan W. Sibley of Eddington, Me., Nov. 24, 1826.
Lewis (a Frenchman) and Mary Zatell, int. Nov. 10, 1849.
Mandy and Lewis Lansley of East Brookfield, int. Oct. 11, 1849.
Philena and Amasa Merriam, April 7, 1822.
CHACE (see Chase)
Palmer G. and Sally Burbank, Sept. 9, 1821.
Sarah P. and Charles Preston of Killingly, Ct., int. April 19, 1821.
Catherine of Holden and Luther Stockwell, int. Aug. 23, 1839.
Delia and Samuel D. Torrey of Boston, Jan. 21, 1821.
Jacob Jr. and Deborah Healey of Dudley, int. Jan. 15, 1817.
Jacob and Mrs. Esther Kingsbury of Worcester, Feb. 3, 1824.
Laura A. of New Salem and Daniel M. Scott, int. Oct. 20, 1827.
Mary (d. Nathaniel and Polly, a. 27) and Ebenezer D. Rich of Thompson, Ct., Aug. 13, 1849.
Mina of Southborough and John Nichols, int. April 8, 1820.
Nahum W. and Lois Leland, May 12, 1814.
Nelson and Celina Nason, Feb. 15, 1825.
Sally and William Stowell of Worcester, April 11, 1816.
Tyler and Martha W. Hull, March 19, 1817.
[Chamberlain in int.], Lucy Ann and Joseph M. March, June 29, 1843.
Martha of Grafton and William Eastwood, int. March 14, 1834.
Theophilas of Worcester and Betsey De Moore, int. Dec. 26, 1846. Canadian French.
CHASE (see Chace)
Abner and Mary Ann Cutting, July 7, 1829.
Bathsheba and David Walker, Feb. 20, 1827.
Mrs. Bathsheba and John Linch, Aug. 28, 1827.
Charles and Polly Putnam of Sutton, int. March 26, 1814.
Daniel and Sabre Alger, Aug. 8, 1826.
Hannah P. and Noah Blood of Pepperell, Dec. 4, 1816.
Hetty S. of Barnstable and David M. Hemenway, int. June 14, 1846.
Ira and Lucy Jones, Oct. 13, 1830.
Jonathan and Diana Ambler, int. April 26, 1834.
Mrs. Judith and Amasa Roberts, Esq., of Grafton, int. Aug. 29, 1829.
Col. Lebbeus of Cornish, N.H., and Nizaulla March, Jan. 8, 1815.
Leonard and Mary L Dickey of Amherst, N.H., int. March 14, 1834.
Paul C. and Sally Peirce, Dec. 9, 1819.
Sally and Dexter Clark of Sutton, int. Nov. 20, 1820.
Silas and Beulah Roberts, June 21, 1838.
Mrs. Susan and Jeremiah Morse of Charlton, Aug. 13, 1827.
Calvin J. and Harriet Adams of Northbridge, int. Nov. 5, 1829.
Clark and Eunice Brown, int. Nov. 7, 1830.
Levi and Mary Harte, int. Dec. 11, 1824.
[Cheney in int.], Ardelia [B. in int.] and John Taunt, May 24, 1832.
Caroline and Oliver Brato, April 20, 1840.
Elisha N. and Elizabeth H. Martin of Providence, R.I. int. Oct. 7, 1848.
Sarah L. of Framingham and Sewall Stone, int. June 18, 1841.
[Clesholm in int.], William of Sturbridge [Southbridge in int.] and Isabel Graham, Oct. 21, 1824.
Deborah and Ansel Barns, July 24, 1832.
Moses A. and Jane B. Davis, int. Sept. 6, 1846.
Albert B. and Martha Allen, Nov. 5, 1840.
Oliver [Olliver in int.] and Prudence Learned, Nov. 19, 1823.
Sophronia and Erastus Bates, int. Oct. 12, 1823.
Dexter of Sutton and Sally Chase, int. Nov. 20, 1820.
Franklin and Mary W. Bemis, June 24. 1832.
Joseph and Submit Barker of Woodstock, Conn., int. March 1, 1827.
Mirando and Solomon Holman, int. Dec. 22, 1820.
Phebe and Ansel Whitcomb, March 31, 1829.
Relief of Oxford and Elisha Muzzy, int. March 16, 1828.
Sarah of Oxford and William R. Baker, int. March 5, 1847.
Samuel of Sutton and Mary A. Warren, int. Aug. 24, 1833.
Charles W. and Mrs. Martha A. Watson, Oct. 13, 1842.
James F. (s. James and Clarissa, a. 24) and Sybel M. Longley, Sept. 21, 1847.
William and Relief Mansfield of Dudley, int. Nov. 23, 1822.
William and Julia Ann Aalbee of Dudley, int. Sept. 14, 1832.
Betsey of Douglass, Mass., and Benjamin Ray of Cumberland, R.I., Jan. 16, 1840.
Louisa and Sumner R. Bixby, int. April 30, 1836.
COLBOURN (see Coulburn)
Hannah R. of Lincoln and Leonard Spaulding, int. May 3, 1845.
Dorinda and John Vilman, int. Aug. 11, 1844.
Eliza M. and Obediah D. Mallery of Northfield, int. Aug. 31, 1845.
Henry (s. Nathaniel and Hannah, a. 23) and Harriet W. Garfield, Dec. 29, 1844.
Mariah A. and Lucian W. Larned, Oct. 5, 1841.
Albert [Allbert in int.] and Sophia Barns, March 19, 1835.
Almira of Northbridge and Abraham Pierce, int. Jan. 11, 1823.
Betsey of Northbridge and Austin F. Fuller, April 14, 1825.
Leonard and Mary Harris of Lunenburg, int. Aug. 17, 1836.
Lora and Charles Tyler, int. Jan. 25, 1833.
Mary and Charles Munroe, June 26, 1828. [int. July 27.]
Mary Ann of Grafton and Lewis Barton, int. Jan. 2, 1830.
Nancy Town and Lucius Barns of Hardwick, May 22, 1838.
Philinda G. [?] of Grafton and Samuel Marble Jr. of Sutton, Sept. 7, 1830.
Augusta and Harry W. Harris, Nov. 27, 1828.
Mary and Ebenezer D. Rich of Thompson, Conn., int. July 21, 1849.
COMBS (see Coombs)
Benjamin and Sarah Ramsdell, int. April 22, 1837.
James Jr. and Lucinda Howard, Sept. 9, 1835.
Samuel [Samuel C. Cooms in int.] and Sophia Goddard, Nov. 17, 1832.
Jonathan F. and Mary D. Hall, both of Mendon, Feb. 13, 1840.
Levi and Martha D. Dunnel, int. Sept. 10, 1836.
Abner G. and Celia Lincoln, int. Aug. 30, 1840.
Otis and Julia Ballou of Royalston, int. May 2, 1846.
Betsey G. of Upton and William W. Thompson, int. April 17, 1841.
Luther G. of Antwerp, N.Y., and Lydia B. Sessions, Aug. 9, 1830.
Ziba H. and Abigail Bowen, int. June 15, 1833.
COOMBS (see Combs)
Jane (d. James and Jane, a. 32) and Samuel Lathrope, May 27, 1847.
Mrs. Louisa S. of East Douglass and Lucian W. Larned, int. Nov. 3, 1844.
Sophrony H. of Northbridge and Sylvanus N. Day, int. Nov. 8, 1835.
Benjamin F. of Brewer, Me., and Susan Waters, Oct. 9, 1839.
Melita of Thompson, Conn., and Ephraim Kingsbury, int. May 25, 1833.
Dennis and Margaret Keney, int. Nov. 28, 1846. Canadian French.
Rebecca P. of Worcester and Samuel Johnson, int. March 4, 1843.
Isabella [Isabella S. Colburn in int.] and Daniel Buck of West Boylston, Sept. 14, 1843.
John and Angeline Gravlin, int. April 28, 1849.
Lousa Jane and Sheldon C. Moses, Dec. 29, 1842. In Worcester.
Lucinda [Lucina in int.] and Lawson Trusdale, Aug. 11, 1836.
Calvin and Hannah Forbes, Jan. 4, 1827.
Elvira C. of Worcester and John E. Harrington, int. Aug. 1, 1844.
John and Ann Paradice of Lowell, int. May 3, 1845.
Joel and Hannah Folansbee, May 26, 1816.
Ezra J. and Cerena H. Newton, int. July 8, 1828.
Noah and Freedom Malcom of Sutton, July 16, 1816.
Willard and Mary Richmond of North Brookfield, int. April 4, 1824.
Betsey and Samuel A. Whitney of Winchendon, int. Jan. 28, 1832.
Rubin and Cloey Stockwell of Oxford, int. March 30, 1833.
Andrew and Almira Taylor, int. Dec. 21, 1828.
Catharine of Webster and Denny S. Putnam, Nov. 24, 1841.
Winthrope R. and Candice A. Smith, May 1, 1843.
Dana [Denney in int.] and Velinda Newton, June 17, 1824.
Mary and Silas Warren of Grafton, Oct. 10, 1833.
Sarah [C. in int.] (d. Dana and Vilind, a. 19) and Carmel C. Perry, Oct. 20, 1846.
Caleb and Louis W. Dudley of Grafton, int. [1834].
Charlotte and Elisha Smith, both of Oxford, April 1, 1849.
Clark C. and Barbary Bartlett, Nov. 17, 1832.
Darius and Mary Ann Dudley, Jan. 17, 1838.
[Cuttin in int.], Mary Ann and Abner Chase, July 7, 1829.
Thaniel and Almira R. Hastings of Boylston, int. Oct. 10, 1835.
Barnabass M. and Mrs. Charity W. Tift, Nov. 24, 1830.
Clark and Prudence Putnam of Sutton, int. Oct. 6, 1827.
Daniel R. of Oxford and Caroline A. Baker, int. Feb. 3, 1842.
Sylvanus of Worcester and Sally Kenney of Sutton, Dec. 1, 1814.
Ebenezer G. of Patterson, N.J., and Sophia C. Wright, July 28, 1829.
Sabin A. of Franklin and Elvira E. Longley, April 28, 1844.
Ira and Nancy Carpenter of Northbridge, int. April 30, 1836.
DAVENPORT (see Devenport)
Rufus W. of Grafton and Villetta Bacon, June 24, 1835.
John C. of Oxford (s. Simeon and Doratha, a. 28) and Cadelia E. Lovell, Nov. 26, 1846.
William G. and Judith C. Holman, int. April 14, 1839.
Mary and Borney Duffee, int. July 18, 1846.
Avery of Holden (s. Paul and Millia, a. 24) and Lydia G. Hale, Aug. 8, 1844.
Eliza G. of Oxford and Abner Rodgers, int. Oct. 2, 1831.
Emeline M. and Abraham Scott, int. Sept. 26, 1836.
Erastus and Hannah Bugbee, int. Feb. 13, 1836.
Esther and Willard Whitcomb, Sept. 7, 1826.
George and Mary H. Parker of Reading, int. Dec. 15, 1844.
Jane B. and Moses A. Claflin, int. Sept. 6, 1846.
Lemuel of Holden and Mahetibel Lamb, int. Nov. 9, 1823.
Lucy B. (d. E. P. Davis and Elizabeth Platt, a. 23) and Almon Drake, May 7, 1846.
Samuel of Worcester and Selina Stockwell, int. Dec. 3, 1829.
Hiel and Sarah Severs, April 18, 1844.
Sylvanus N. and Sophrony H. Cooper of Northbridge, int. Nov. 8, 1835.
Julia and Patrick Fahey, int. May 2, 1847 Irish.
John of Slatersville, R.I., and Mrs. Statira Redding, Nov. 1, 1842.
Sarah Ann of Northampton, N.H., and Dwight Waters, int. Feb. 20, 1836.
Benoi and Agate St. Onge, int. Feb. 3, 1848. Canadian French.
Betsey and Theophilas Chartier of Worcester, int. Dec. 26, 1846. Canadian French.
Polly (d. Joseph and Mary, a. 18) and Isaac Remington, Dec. 5, 1846.
James and Rachel Greenhilgh of Mendon, int. Aug. 11, 1844.
Edward S. and Mariah P. Stockwell of Sutton, int. March 19, 1836.
Maria P. of Sutton (d. Simion and Deborah Stockwell, a. 36, wid.) and Lysander Pratt of Grafton, Sept. 6. 1849.
Mary of Grafton and Holland N. Batcheller, int. April 11, 1846.
Mrs. Amelia of Worcester and Dr. William M. Benedict, int. Feb. 7, 1833.
Caroline A. (d. Austin and Amelia, a. 21) and Dr. John E. Tyler of Salmon Falls, N.H., Oct. 5, 1847.
John and Delea Brown, int. June 24, 1837.
DESOTELL (see Disotell)
Augustus and Mary Beasley, int. Jan. 12, 1848. French.
[Davenport in int.], Emily B. and Samuel Holt, Feb. 13, 1832.
Martha of Lyme, Conn., and John Waters Jr., May 31, 1818. In Lyme, Conn.
Emily of Pompfretville, Ct., and Cloue Morris, int. Nov. 17, 1849.
Mary I. of Amherst, N.H., and Leonard Chase, int. March 14, 1834.
DIKE (see Dye)
Calista Ann (d. James and Calista, a. 18) and George Gates of Worcester, Jan. 5, 1848.
James and Calista White of Northbridge, int. April 4, 1829.
Lucetta of Norridgewock, Me., and Elmer Lathrop, int. May 1, 1841.
DISOTELL (see Desotell)
Esther and Edward Harper, int. Oct. 14, 1848.
Simeon (s. Jonathan P. and Eliza, a. 26) and Delia F. Tyson, July 12, 1846.
Ormond and Marinda Prouty, int. Sept. 9, 1836.
Pasline and Poulle Harpain, int. March 16, 1843. Canadian French.
Almon (s. Joseph and Betsey, a. 25) and Lucy B. Davis, May 7, 1846.
Dolly of Charlton and John W. Whipple, int. Dec. 12, 1833.
Adeline and John Warner, int. July 12, 1828.
Amasa and Ann Fletcher of Northbridge, int. Sept. 22, 1814.
Elijah and Elizabeth W. Fisk of Ludlow, int. March 26, 1837.
Elijah and Eleanor M. Haynes of Southbridge, int. Sept. 18, 1841.
Joanna A. and George L. Ward of Sutton, May 18, 1843.
Louis W. of Grafton and Caleb Cutting, int. [1834].
Mary Ann and Darius Cutting, Jan. 17, 1838.
Sarah E. and Benjamin L. Harden of Worcester, Dec. 6, 1843.
Borney and Mary Davling, int. July 18, 1846.
Daniel and Mary Whittay, int. Dec. 29, 1838.
Catherine and Thomas Scollahan of Worcester, int. Jan. 1, 1848.
Joseph B. and Lucindia Wood of Grafton, int. March 22, 1821.
Clarissa [Clarissa B. in int.] and Lewis Armsby of Northbridge, [1841 ?]
James and Mary Campbell, int. April 11, 1849. Irish.
Martha D. and Levi Comstock, int. Sept. 10, 1836.
[Dunnell in int.], Roxanna (d. Turner and Mary Fuller, a. 42, wid.) and Peter Torbert, Oct. 20, 1847.
Lorenza M. and Mortemer Bancroft, April 29, 1840.
Austin and Helen M. Stanley, Dec. 20, 1842.
Martha and William H. Billings of Boston, Jan. 11, 1843.
Lucy and Joel W. Fay, Sept. 30, 1828.
S. W. S. [Rev. Samuel W. S. in int.], of New Haven, Ct., and Harriet Waters, Sept. 12, 1838.
Elder Isaac of Ward and Roxa Marble, int. March 20, 1817.
Mehetable and Stephen Hayward of Worcester, int. Jan. 20, 1821.
Hannah D. and Andrew B. Garfield of Royalston, Jan. 8, 1835.
Lucy and Wiilliam Wilson of Shoreham, Vt., Sept. 29, 1829.
[Dike in int.], George of Thompson, Ct., and Hannah W. Snow, Jan. 30, 1838.
Angelina of Northbridge and Orra Goodell 2d, int. Feb. 11, 1826.
Caroline F. of Northbridge and Ivers J. Samson, int. March 15, 1830.
Henry and Ellen Perry of Framingham. int. May 25, 1833.
Mrs. Eliza and Darius B. Sibley, June 23, 1840.
Silas and Mary Willard of Worcester, int. Aug. 17, 1823.
Silas and Lucina Humes. April 15, 1835. In Oxford.
Caroline M. of Leicester and Samuel Boyden, int. April 5, 1835.
Charles H. and Susan B. Fisher of Sterling, int. May 12, 1844.
William and Martha Chard of Grafton, int. March 14, 1834.
John E. and Abigail M. Hall of Sutton, int. Dec. 3, 1836.
Marson of Jewett City, Conn., and Betsey Joslin. May 23. 1829.
Samuel 2d and Alice Hathaway of Sutton, int. Sept. 9, 1820.
Thomas of Ward and Hannah Peirce, Jan. 25, 1826.
Albert and Harriet Pike of Sutton, int. Nov. 29, 1833.
Amos and Anna Stone of Oxford, int. Oct. 16, 1813.
Betsey and David Taylor of Sturbridge, int. April 17, 1833.
Emerson and Esther M. Whitney, Oct. 23, 1844.
Justus and L. Maria Smith of Grafton, int. May 14, 1842.
Jonathan J. of Framingham and Rowena Sabins, Oct. 18, 1832.
Lydia C. and Anderson Holman of Leicester, March 22, 1842.
Mehitabe J. of Portland, Me, and Benjamin L. Jones, int. Sept. 17, 1845.
William and Betsey Fay, Oct. 16, 1814.
Harriet [Harriot in int.] N. and Joseph W. Wood, Nov. 10, 1841.
Lucy W. and Orthaneel Moulton, Feb. 16, 1842.
Jabez (s. Cyrus and Huldah, a. 35) and Martha E. Cary, May 16, 1844.
Andrew W. and Lucy Plympton, Jan. 10, 1832.
Maj. David and Lucinda Hall of New Salem, int. Sept. 9, 1815.
Mrs. Nancy and Noah Hinkley of Brunswick, Me., Feb. 6, 1831.
Mrs. Betsey of Grafton and Wyman Sibley, int. May 4, 1833.
Lt. Carter and Nancy Coolege Hall of New Salem, int. Aug. 16, 1814.
Mrs. Mehetible and Mark Lathrop, June 3, 1822.
Sarah W. and Thomas R. Harrington, June 3, 1840.
James and Elisa Sampson (?), int. May 9, 1835.
John and Mary Holbrook of Grafton, int. March 27, 1831.
Edward (s. Phillip and Bridget, a. 21) and Mariah Bradford, Oct. 7, 1847.
George W. of Princeton (s. Washington and Lydia, a. 23) and Sophia E. Lovell, Dec. 31, 1845.
John W. of Princeton (s. Washington and Lydia, a. 24) and Julia A. Howe, Nov. 25, 1847.
Patrick and Julia Leaky, int. May 2, 1847. Irish.
Asahel Jr. and Ann Maria Smith of Sutton, int. May 22, 1825.
George of Holliston and Nancy Searls, May 24, 1831.
George of East Douglass and Nancy M. Nightingell, [March 19, 1842, in int.].
Rufus and Hannah E. Burr of Bellingham, int. Oct. 15, 1836.
Abijah (s. Benjamin and Sarah, a. 47, widr.) and Abilene Skinner, Nov. 27, 1848.
Fanny W. and Elijah A. Johnson, Nov. 28, 1838.
Lucy A. (d. Liman and Lucy, a. 24) and Samuel Towle of New York City, Oct. 5, 1848.
Minerva and Russell Bennett Jr., int. June 12, 1836.
Simon and Mrs. Elmira Sibley, Nov. 19, 1839.
Elizabeth and Silvanus Holbrook, both of Grafton, April 15, 1816.
Cyrus and Mrs. Hannah Carter, June 3, 1826.
Betsey and William Edwards, Oct. 16, 1814.
Joel W. and Lucy Dutton, Sept. 30, 1828.
Louisa of Southborough and Luther H. Trask, int. Sept. 20, 1828.
William and Joannah Callahan, int. Dec. 26, 1846. Irish. No certificate issued.
Edward and Betsey Loyley, int. Oct. 20, 1848.
Julia Maria of Worcester and Pearley Seaver, int. April 21, 1834.
Amity and Charles Green of Ward, int. March 2, 1823.
Charles and Margaret Barton of Worcester, int. July 3, 1848.
Dennis and Almira Bemon of North Brookfield, Nov. 4, 1829.
Dennis and Salome Junkins of York, Me., int. Sept. 3, 1836.
Eveline C. and William E. Andrews of Middlebury, Vt., int. Aug. 8, 1835.
Lewis L. (s. Peter and Mary, a. 22) and Sarah H. Forestall, both of Bellingham, Oct. 29, 1847.
Susan B. of Sterling and Charles H. Earle, int. May 12, 1844.
Elizabeth W. of Ludlow and Elijah Dudley, int. March 26, 1837.
Galacious and Mary Brown, May 2, 1816.
Mary Ann (d. Benjamin and Mary, a. 18) and John B. Mason, June 27, [1844].
Patty of Ward and James Marble, int. March 11, 1814. Countermanded by Patty Fitts.
Benjamin and Harriet Whiting of Holiston, int. March 17, 1838.
James of Worcester and Mary E. Waters, int. Aug. 20, 1836.
Joel and Katy Partridge of Westminster, int. Jan. 10, 1818.
Sarah and Jesse Pierce, Sept. 14, 1837.
William Jr. and Louisa How of Hopkinton, int. July 28, 1832.
Ann of Northbridge and Amasa Dudley, int. Sept. 22, 1814.
Eunice of Northbridge and Russel Murdock, int. Jan. 14, 1826.
Hannah and Joel Crossman, May 26, 1816.
Ebenezer W. and Mary Longley, June 29, 1842.
Edwards E. and Harriet T. Harrington, Jan. 25, 1838.
Eliza H. (d. Elias and Mary Pope, a. 25) and Thomas B. E. Pope, May 6, 1846.
Hannah and Calvin Crane, Jan. 4, 1827.
Lucy B. (d. Elias and Mary, a. 23) and William H. Harrington, Oct. 13, 1847.
Mary G. and Thomas H. Wetherly, May 8, 1839.
Charlotte and Moody H. Severy, April 24, 1839.
Salome of Westboro and Elmer M. Newton, int. Dec. 1, 1832.
Sarah H. (d. Benjamin and Mary A., a. 23) and Lewis L. Fisher, both of Bellingham, Oct. 29, 1847.
William R. and Mary S. Holman, Apnl 2, 1835.
Albert and Rhoda A. Trask, Dec. 2, 1840.
Nancy and Sumner F. Sutton of East Douglass, Nov. 13, 1839.
Benjamin H. of Leicester and Selina M. Kelton, int. Sept. 13, 1845.
Hoyt of Milford and Mary T. Sibley, Jan. 3, 1833.
Dorothy M. and Jonathan G. Gale of Leicester, April 17, 1842.
Hannah P. of Bedford, N.H., and Ebenezer W. Goffe, int. Aug. 14, 1831.
Jonathan C. and Phebe Keay of Berwick, Me., int. May 7, 1836.
William (s. James and Susan, a. 23) and Betsey Warren, both of Oxford, Oct. 29, 1848.
Timothy [s. in int.] (s. Jacob and Delanda, a. 22) and Samantha Walker, June 28, 1846.
Austin F. and Betsey Cole of Northbridge, April 14, 1825.
Avis B. (d. Ezra and Lavina, 20) and Andrew L. Kendall of Grafton, Dec. 14, 1846.
Charles A. of Worcester (s. Rufus and Charlottee, a. 24) and Paulina A. Hastings, Jan. 1, 1845.
Clarah [Mrs. Sarah in int.] and Hudson Barton, Jan. 14, 1835.
Elizabeth and William W. Carpenter, int. Feb. 7, 1846.
Eunice D. of Worcester and George W. Pierce, int. March 17, 1838.
Mary A. P. (d. Austin and Betsey, a. 20) and Willard Humes, June 7, 1846.
Mary W. of Worcester and Samuel D. Buttrick of Holden, April 18, 1841.
William S. and Almira La Duke, [April 24, 1841, in int.].
Artemas and Sally Carlton of Sutton, int. Aug. 12, 1814.
