Vital Records Of Milford, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Compiled By Thomas W. Baldwin, A.B., S.B.,
Member Of The New England Historic Genealogical Society.
Boston, Mass., 1917.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Bridget Cone [----], w. of Felix, ----, 1826. G.R.2.
Felix, ----, 1827. G.R.2.
John, Mar. 3, 1826. G.R.2.
Aug. W., ----, 1840. G.R.1.
Fannie S., ----, 1846. G.R.1.
Catherine, d. of John and Catherine, June 8, 1848.
Dennis, s. of Dennis and Susan, Mar. 23, 1848.
C. A., ----, 1843. G.R.3.
Emma Eames [----], w. of C. A., ----, 1845. G.R.3.
Eunice, d. of Comfort and Deborah, bp. Oct. 2, 1768. C.R.
Lydia Brown, d. of Nathan and Mary, Sept. 14, 1810.
Marianna Agusta, d. of Nathan and Mary, Oct. 5, 1828. (w. of ---- Harris. G.R.1.)
Mary [----], w. of Nathan, Mar. 16, 1789. G.R.1.
Nathan, June 16, 1785. G.R.1.
KELLEY (see Kelly, Killey) -
Catherine [----], w. of James, ----, 1836. G.R.2.
Ellen [----], w. of William, ----, 1838. G.R.3.
James, ----, 1833. G.R.2.
Jeremiah Luther, s. of Jeremiah and Louisa, ----, 1830. G.R.1.
Jeremiah Mellen, s. of Jeremiah and Louisa (Louisa G., G.R.1.), Nov. 5, 1836.
John J., ----, 1836. G.R.2.
Louisa G. [----], w. of Jeremiah, ----, 1803. G.R.1.
Mary Ann, d. of Wing and Mary, June 21, 1816.
Sarah J. [----], w. of William D., Aug. 5, 1848. G.R.2.
Silvia, d. of Wing and Mary, Jan. 3, 1809.
William, ----, 1836. G.R.3.
William D., Mar. 25, 1842. G.R.2.
KELLY (see Kelley, Killey) -
Alice Jane, d. of Dennis and Mary, in St. John, N.B., Mar. 9, 1845.
Ann, d. of Dennis and Mary, in St. John, N.B., Oct. 26, 1849.
Bridget, d. of Dennis and Mary, in St. John, N.B., Dec. 25, 1838.
Catharine, d. of Patrick and Mary of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1813.
Catharine, d. of Dennis and Mary, in St. John, N.B., Dec. 25, 1836.
Edward, s. of Patrick and Margaret, June 8, 1849.
Ellen, d. of Dennis and Mary, in St. John, N.B., Mar. 17, 1848.
Maria, d. of Dennis and Mary, in St. John, N.B., May 24, 1843.
Maria, d. of Barney and Catharine, July 6, 1849.
Patrick, s. of Michael and Catharine, in Ireland, ----, 1840.
George H., Sept. 3, 1834. G.R.3.
John, ----, 1842. G.R.1.
Sarah Frances [----], w. of John, ----, 1846. G.R.1.
KENDAL (see Kendall) -
George Lyman, s. of Lyman and Nancy, July 4, 1838.
Lucy Mariah, d. of Daniel and Anna, Sept. 26, 1820.
Mary Abigail, d. of Lyman and Nancy, Jan. 2, 1822.
Nancy Amelia, d. of Lyman and Nancy, Mar. 24, 1824.
KENDALL (see Kendal) -
George H., ----, 1820. G.R.3.
Harriet G. [----], w. of George H., ----, 1827. G.R.3.
Phebe Maria, d. of George H. and Harriet C., May 22, 1849.
Catherine [----], w. Of Martin, ----, 1831. G.R.2.
Conner, s. of Michael and Margaret, in Ireland, ----, 1832.
Margaret, d. of ---- of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1793.
Mary, d. of Michael and Margaret, in Ireland, ----, 1834.
Michael, s. of Michael and Margaret, in Ireland, ----, 1823.
KENNEY (see Kinne) -
Bridget Murphy [----], w. of John, ----, 1834. Native of Co. Clare, Ire. G.R.2.
John, ----, 1834. Native of Co. Galway, Ire. G.R.2.
Abigail, d. of Isaac and Rachel, bp. May 17, 1752. C.R.
Amos, s. of Isaac and Rachel, bp. Oct. 20, 1754. Twin. C.R.
Anna, d. of Isaac and Rachel, bp. Aug. 5, 1750. C.R.
Charlotte Elisabeth [----], w. of Thomas Goddard, Nov. 3, 1846. G.R.1.
Elisabeth, d. of Isaac and Rachel, bp. Sept. 7, 1746. C.R.
Ellen [----], w. of James, ----, 1833. G.R.2.
James, ----, 1832. G.R.2.
John, s. of Isaac and Rachel, bp. May 1, 1757. C.R.
Joshua, s. of Isaac and Rachel, bp. June 17, 1759. C.R.
Rebecca, d. of Isaac and Rachel, bp. Oct. 2, 1748. C.R.
Thomas Goddard, Dec. 12, 1829. G.R.1.
Zara, s. of Isaac and Rachel, bp. Oct. 20, 1754. Twin. C.R.
George D., ----, 1825. G.R.6.
Kate M. [----], w. of George D., ----, 1838. G.R.6.
KILBON (see Kilburn) -
Catharine, d. of Otis and Catharine, June 5, 1822.
Clementina, d. of Otis and Catharine, Nov. 21, 1824.
Danforth, s. of Henry and Lydia, Apr. 3, 1803.
Hannah Mariah, d. of Otis and Catharine, June 28, 1818.
Hyram, s. of Josiah and Phebe, Aug. 24, 1802.
Lydia, d. of Henery and Lydia, Oct. 18, 1799.
Olive, d. of Stephen and Hannah, Aug. 29, 1798.
Sophia Ann, d. of Otis and Catharine, Apr. 11, 1827.
Stephen, s. of Stephen and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1801.
KILBURN (see Kilbon) -
Charles E, s. of Hiram and Roxana, Jan. 21, 1845.
Dan, s. of Josiah and Martha, bp. Sept. 11, 1763. C.R.
Deborah, d. of Josiah and Martha, bp. May 20, 1764. C.R.
Deborah, d. of Stephen and Hannah, Aug. 22, 1789.
Ede, d. of Josiah and Phebe, Jan. 29, 1798.
Elanor Jane, d. of Otis and Catherine, Aug. 14, 1835.
Eleazer, s. of Stephen and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1783.
George Adams, s. of Hiram and Roxana, Aug. 7, 1843.
John, s. of Josiah and Deborah, bp. Dec. 4, 1757. C.R.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Martha, bp. Aug. 6, 1769. C.R.
Marcy, of Josiah and Martha, bp. May 15, 1768. C.R.
Martha, d. of Josiah and Martha, bp. Aug. 1, 1773. C.R.
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Otis and Catherine, Oct. 13, 1837.
Nathaniel, s. of Josiah and Martha, bp. June 25, 1775. C.R.
Otis, s. of Stephen and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1797.
Polly, d. of Stephen and Hannah, Apr. 5, 1785.
Sarah, eldest ch. of Josiah and Martha, bp. Sept. 11, 1763. C.R.
Simeon, s. of Josiah and Martha, bp. June 2, 1765. C.R.
Stephen, s. of Josiah and Deborah, bp. Nov. 19, 1758. C.R.
Timothy, s. of Josiah and Martha, bp. Apr. 6, 1777. C.R.
KILLEY (see Kelley, Kelly) -
Alexander, s. of Luke and Hannah, Feb. 10, 1789.
Betsey, d. of Luke and Hannah, Apr. 18, 1786.
Chloe, d. of George and Kezia, Apr. 19, 1797.
Drusey, d. of Luke and Hannah, Oct. 5, 1781.
George, s. of Wing and Mary, Feb. 7, 1806.
Hannah, d. of Luke and Hannah, Jan. 6, 1798.
Jeremiah, s. of Luke and Hannah, Mar. 11, 1796.
Luzerne, d. of Luke and Hannah, Apr. 20, 1800.
Rebecca, d. of George and Kezia, Nov. 21, 1785.
Rhoda, d. of George and Kezia, Mar. 18, 1787.
Samson, s. of George and Kezia, Apr. 18, 1789.
Sarah, d. of Wing and Mary, June 12, 1804.
Seth, s. of George and Kezia, Mar. 5, 1800.
Silva, d. of George and Kezia, July 5, 1795.
KIMBAL (see Kimball, Kimbell) -
Priscilla, d. of Boyce and Rebecca, bp. Apr. 7, 1771. C.R.
Richard, s. of Boyce and Rebecca, bp. June 25, 1773. C.R.
KIMBALL (see Kimbal, Kimbell) -
Amasa, s. of Boyce and Rebecca, bp. July 6, 1777. C.R.
Benoni, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Apr. 11, 1790.
Ebenezar, s. of Boyce and Rebecca, bp. Jan. 22, 1764.
Ede, d. of Nathaniel and Abigail, Dec. 11, 1796.
Electa, Mar. 16, 1800. G.R.3.
Israel D., ----, 1839. G.R.3.
Jonathan, s. of Boyce and Rebecca, bp. Nov. 22, 1761. C.R.
Laura A. [----], w. of Israel D., ----, 1843. G.R.3.
Moses, s. of Nathaniel and Abigail, Dec. 23, 1794.
Reuel, s. of Boyce and Rebecca, bp. May 16, 1779. C.R.
Susanna, d. of Boyce and Rebecca, bp. Oct. 2, 1768. C.R.
Timothy, s. of Boyce and Rebecca, bp. July 4, 1773. C.R.
KIMBELL (see Kimbal, Kimball)
Bettsey, of Jonathan and Mary, Mar. 25, 1782.
George, ----, 1848. G.R.3.
Mary, d. of Terrell and Bridget of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1832.
George Richmond, s. of Elijah and Nancy, bp. Sept. 22, 1805. C.R.
William Jones, s. of Capt. Elijah and Nancy, bp. July 31, 1803. C.R.
KINNE (see Kenney) -
Charles, s. of Nathan and Clarisa, Sept. 25, 1806.
Harriot Aliza, d of NathPn and Clarisa, Sept. 25, 1815.
Ellen, ----, 1845. G.R.2.
David Watson, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1837.
Ethan, s. of Samuel and Rhoda, Feb. 24, 1847.
Timothy, Apr. 6, 1842. G.R.2.
Jacob P., ----, 1838. G.R.2.
Catherine [----], w. of John, ----, 1829. G.R.2.
John, ----, 1823. G.R.2.
KNIGHT (see Knights) -
Grinfell B., ----, 1821. G.R.1.
Harriet Sheldon, d. of Arnold and Eleanor, Nov. 7, 1838.
Ma vina Manchester, d. of Arnold and Eleanor, Apr. 17, 1836.
Maria Fisk, d. of Arnold and Eleanor, Feb. 9, 1834.
Maria S. [----], w. of Grinfell B., ----, 1828. G.R.1.
KNIGHTS (see Knight) -
Augustus, s. of John and Truelove, Dec 24, 1822. Twin.
Charles, s. of John and Truelove, Dec. 24, 1822. Twin.
Esther C. [----], w. of Charles, ----, 1828. G.R.5.
Christian, ----, 1830. G.R.2.
Ellen DaCey [----], w. of Christian, ----, 1825. G.R.2.
John, ----, 1836. G.R.3.
Susanna, ----, 1842. G.R.3.
Ellen M. [----], w. of Sylvester P., ----, 1836. G.R.1.
Sylvester P., ----, 1824. G.R.1.
Mary E., ----, 1833. G.R.1.
S. Niles, Dec. 27, 1828. G.R.1.
Louis, ----, 1820. G.R.2.
John H., ----, 1822. G.R.3.
Louisa Darling [----], w. of Franklin, May 12, 1823. G.R.1.
Marion C., d. of George L. and Pauline, Aug. 10, 1846.
Mary A. [----], w. of John H., ----, 1825. G.R.3.
Nathan, s. of Matthew and Rebecca, bp. Sept. 27, 1747. C.R.
Catherine, ----, 1799. G.R.2.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Ellen of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1816.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Margarett, in Ireland, Mar. ----, 1847.
Ellen, d. of Daniel and Margarett, in Ireland, May ----, 1845.
Margarett, d. of Timothy and Mary Hugan of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1816 [prob. w. of Daniel].
James, ----, 1823. G.R.2.
Mary Kelly [----], w. of James, ----, 1828. G.R.2.
Michael O., ----, 1844. G.R.2.
Lovisa R. [----], w. of A. Wesley, ----, 1831. G.R.3.
Mary F., ----, 1834. G.R.2.
Thomas, s. of ---- and Mary, ----, 1848. G.R.2.
William R., s. of William R. and Sarah, in Attleboro, May 17, 1849.
Frances [----], w. of ----, Aug. 28, 1843. G.R.4.
Margaret Ki;hilea [----], w. of Michael, ----, 1846. G.R.2.
Michael, ----, 1844. G.R.2.
LASHURE (see Leseur, Lesuer, Lesure) -
Hopy D., ----, 1816. G.R.1.
Ellen, d. of Dennis and Charlotte, June 17, 1849.
John J., s. of Edward and Catherine, June 20, 1848.
Adelia, d. of Cephas and Betsey, Feb. 3, 1831.
Cephas Willard, s. of Cephas and Betsey, Apr. 8, 1841. (Apr. 8, 1840. G.R.3.)
Esther, d. of Cephas and Betsey, May 14, 1822.
Laura Ann, d. of Cephas and Betsey, Aug. 4, 1827.
Otis, s. of Cephas and Betsey, Aug. 15, 1820.
Sylvanus Sumner, s. of Cephas and Betsey, Nov. 23, 1833. (1834. G.R.3.)
Warren, s. of Cephas and Betsey, Mar. 27, 1829.
Thomas, s. of Connell and Catharine of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1830.
Daniel, ----, 1842. G.R.2.
Hannah [----], w. of Daniel, ----, 1844. G.R.2.
LEALAND (see Leland) -
Carro S., d. of Lemuel and Susanna, Sept. 29, 1848.
David, s. of William and ----, bp. Sept. 25, 1755. C.R.
Julia, ----, 1815. G.R.1.
Levi, s. of William and ----, bp. Sept. 25, 1755. C.R.
Martha Johnson, d. of Elijah and Rachel, Feb. 26, 1818.
Mary, d. of William and ----, bp. Sept. 25, 1755. C.R.
Mary Thayer, d. of Elijah and Rachel, Oct. 14, 1819.
Mercy, ----, 1783. G.R.1.
Nathaniel, s. of William and ----, bp. Sept. 25, 1755. C.R.
Silvia, d. of Elijah and Lydia, July 3, 1813. Twin.
Sophia, d. of Elijah and Lydia, July 3, 1813. Twin.
William, s. of William and ----, bp. Sept. 25, 1755. C.R.
William Warren, s. of Elijah and Lydia, Oct. 20, 1811.
Willis Cleaveland, s. of Elijah and Rachel, Sept. 19, 1816.
LELAND (see Lealand)
----, d. of Abner A. and Phebe A., Apr. 13, 1849.
Abner Adams, s. of Amasa and Beckey, Nov. 27, 1819.
Bellarmine, ----, 1822. G.R.3.
Caroline, ----, 1820. G.R.3.
Charles H., ----, 1821. G.R.1.
Elvira, d. of William and Mary, Dec. 23, 1845.
Emma A., d. of Charles and Sarah A., Dec. 1, 1844.
Hannah Thayer, d. of Amasa and Beckey, Feb. 15, 1825.
Hollis, s. of Amasa and Beckey, Dec. 3, 1821.
Lemuel P., ----, 1825. G.R.3.
Martha T., ----, 1828. G.R.1.
Phebe A., [----], w. of Abner A., ----, 1820. G.R.1.
Ruancy M., d. of Abner A. and Phebe A., July 20, 1846.
Sarah A. [----], w. of Lemuel P., ----, 1827. G.R.3.
Susannah, ----, 1811. G.R.1.
Daniel, s. of Jeremiah and Joanna, Apr. 4, 1842.
James B., ----, 1840. G.R.1.
Joanna, d. of Jeremiah and Joanna, Feb. 25, 1845.
John, s. of Jeremiah and Joanna, Apr. 3, 1847.
Patrick, s. of Brien and Winnaford of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1837.
LESEUR (see Lashure, Lesuer, Lesure) -
Clarissa Dudley [----], w. of William, ----, 1808. G.R.1.
William, ----, 1804. G.R.1.
LESUER (see Lashure, Leseur, Lesure) -
Isora M., d. of William and Clarissa D., Feb. 16, 1847.
William Ruthven, s. of William and Clarissa, May 8, 1844.
LESURE (see Lashure, Leseur, Lesuer.) -
Betsy, d. of Simeon and Miriam, May 22, 1790.
Clarissa, d. of Simeon and Miriam, Dec. 31, 1802.
Cynthia, d. of Simeon and Miriam, Nov. 5, 1780.
Dulsene, d. of Simeon and Miriam, Jan. 26, 1798.
Emmery, s. of Simeon and Miriam, Aug. 20, 1792.
Hiram, s. of Polly, May 15, 1799.
Hopestill, d. of Simeon and Miriam, June 14, 1804.
Lucy, d. of Simeon and Miriam, Jan. 31, 1788.
Lydia, d. of Polley, June 13, 1803.
Nancy, d. of Simeon and Miriam, Nov. 2, 1794.
Otis, s. of Simeon and Miriam, July 20, 1785.
Polly, d. of Simeon and Miriam, Feb. 6, 1783.
Sallee, d. of Simeon and Miriam, Mar. 6, 1799.
Simeon, s. of Simeon and Miriam, Dec. 21, 1800.
Simeon, s. of Simeon dec. and Meriam, Aug. 8, 1806.
Stephen, s. of Lovica, July 9, 1784.
Emma D., d. of William and Lydia, Dec. 27, 1849.
Nancy Whipple [----], w. of William R., ----, 1831. G.R.4.
LILLEY (see Lilly) -
Maria E., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
Thomas, ----, 1840. G.R.3.
LILLY (see Lilley) -
Lucy B., d. of Henry and Caroline, Oct. 8, 1841.
Sarah P., d. of Henry and Caroline, July 19, 1839.
Anna Howe, ----, 1844. G.R.1.
Perry Allen, ----, 1839. G.R.1.
Mary, d. of Morris and Johnnah of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1834.
Albert, s. of Abel and Mary, Aug. 23, 1842.
Ann Morse, d. of Ebenezer and Susanna M., July 8, 1833.
Betsy, d. of Isaac and Elisabeth, June 3, 1792.
Charles, s. of Abel E. and Mary E., May 19, 1849.
Dana Judson, s. of Joseph W. and Mary W., Apr. 7, 1844.
Ebenezer, ----, 1806. G.R.3.
Emily Stearns, d. of Joseph W. and Mary, Nov. 11, 1845.
Ephraim, s. of Isaac and Elisabeth, Oct. 17, 1781.
Henry H., s. of Ebenezer and Susanna M., Nov. 20, 1846.
John Morse, s. of Abel and Mary, Nov. 23, 1844.
Joseph, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Apr. 25, 1787.
Lincoln s. (Lincoln Scammell, C.R.), s. of Joseph W. and Mary W., June 30, 1842.
Mary E., d. of Ebenezer and Susan Morse, ----, 1843. G.R.3.
Mindwell, d. of Isaac and Elisabeth, June 25, 1774.
Moses, s. of Isaac and Elisabeth, Sept. 14, 1789.
Prudence, d. of Isaac and Elisabeth, Mar. 16, 1776.
Susan Morse [----], w. of Ebenezer, ----, 1808. G.R.3.
Wilber Fisher, s. of Ebenezer and Susanna M., Feb. 25, 1842.
Mary, ----, 1807. G.R.3.
Rodney, ----, 1833. G.R.3.
Amanda Maria, d. of Rev. David and Rebecca, Aug. 13, 1808.
Claudius Buchanan, s. of Rev. David and Rebecca, Mar. 17, 1812.
Enoch Curtis, s. of Rev. David and Rebecca, May 23, 1805.
Isaac Curtis, s. of Rev. David and Rebecca, Feb. 24, 1807.
Sophia Rice [----], w. of Rev. David, in Marlborough, Apr. 27, 1789. G.R.1.
Ellen, d. of William and Mary, in Sterling, Dec. 25, 1848.
Charles M., May 8, 1835. G.R.1.
Rosetta C. [----], w. of Charles M., May 22, 1336. G.R.1.
John B., s. of Luke and Hannah S., in Leicester, June 12, 1842.
----, s. of John E. and Lucinda S., Apr. 28, 1844.
Charles, ----, 1791. G.R.1.
Mary [----], w. of Charles, ----, 1782. G.R.1.
Abigail, d. of Phinehas and Beaulah, bp. Aug. 5, 1750. C.R.
Beaulah, d. of Phinehas and Beaulah, bp. Apr. 3, 1748. C.R.
Daniel, s. of Capt. Daniel and Abigail, bp. Apr. 26, 1741. C.R.
Daniel, s. of Phinehas and Beaulah, bp. June 7, 1752. C.R.
Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Beaulah, bp. June 30, 1745. C.R.
Rachel, d. of Phinehas and Beaulah, bp. Feb. 12, 1743-4. C.R.
Samuel Daniels, s. of Otis C. and Nancy, Sept. 23, 1833.
Silence, d. of Capt. Phinehas and Beaulah, bp. Oct. 14, 1759. C.R.
William, s. of Capt. Phinehas and Beaulah, bp. July 16, 1758. C.R.
Patrick, ----, 1839. G.R.2.
ROSanna [----], w. of Patrick, ----, 1842. G.R.2.
Elizabeth A. [---], w. of Michael, Dec. 24, 1840. G.R.2.
Francis O., s. of Francis O. and Olive, in Oxford, Oct. 7, 1835.
Catherine, d. of James and Ann, July 18, 1847.
Charles, ----, 1845. G.R.2.
Honora [----], w. of Patrick, ----, 1840. G.R.2.
Jeremiah, ----, 1841. G.R.2.
John H., ----, 1841. G.R.2.
Marsella, d. of Patrick and Julia of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1835.
Mary [----], w. of Charles, ----, 1845. G.R.2.
Mary A., d. of James and Ann, July 20, 1845.
Patrick, ----, 1834. G.R.2.
Honore [----], w. of Michael, ----, 1824. G.R.2.
Margaret, ----, 1846. G.R.2.
Michael, ----, 1818. G.R.2.
Thomas, ----, 1841. G.R.2.
Hannah, d. of William and Mehitable, bp. June 18, 1749. C.R.
Mary, d. of William and Mehetable, bp. Aug. 23, 1747. C.R.
William, s. of William and Mehetable, bp. Nov. 18, 1744. C.R.
Margaret, d. of Daniel and Eliza, Sept. 25, 1849.
Andrew T., ----, 1847. G.R.1.
Eliza, ----, 1827. G.R.1.
----, 1822. G.R.1.
William, ----, 1846. G.R.1.
Frederick C., ----, 1800. G.R.3.
Lydia B. [----], w. of Frederick C., ----,1801. G.R.3.
Mary E. [----], w. of ----, ----, 1835. G.R.1.
MADDEN (see Madding) -
Africa, s. of Levi and Salley, Nov. 20, 1799.
Albert L., s. of Nelson and Elizabeth, Aug. 15, 1847.
America Levi, s. of Levi and Salley, Mar. 20, 1812.
Amos, s. of Michael and Mary, bp. June 21, 1772. C.R.
Amos Levi, s. of Africa and Triphena, Feb. 2, 1846.
Asia, s. of Levi and Salley in Sturbridge, Aug. 5, 1798.
Caroline, d. of Levi and Salley, in Boston, Nov. 17, 1807.
Damaris Newton, d. of Levi and Salley, in Hopkinton, Apr. 20, 1808.
David, s. of Michael and Mary, bp. June 21, 1772. C.R.
Diana Eliza, d. of Asia and Sally, Dec. 22, 1833.
Emma M. Phipps [----], w. of Amos L., ----, 1849. G.R.3.
Ezekiel, s. of Michael and Mary, Apr. 13, 1780.
Ezekiel, s. of Levi and Salley, Apr. 28, 1814.
Foster Newton, s. of Michael Europe and Susan, Dec. 12, 1823.
Harriot Maria, d. of Asia and Sally, June 28, 1832.
Henry Nelson, s. of Asia and Sally, Nov. 16, 1829.
John, s. of Thomas and Abby, Feb. 7, 1849.
L. Angeline Frink [----], w. of Amos L., ----, 1849. C.R.3.
Levi, s. of Michael and Mary, bp. June 21, 1772. C.R.
Lydia, d. of Michael and Mary, Feb. 23, 1784.
Mariann, d. of Levi and Salley, in Boston, Mar. 25, 1810.
Mary, d. of Michael and Mary, Feb. 23, 1784.
Michael Europe, s. of Levi and Salley, in Hopkinton, June 20, 1803.
Richard T., s. of Patrick and Bridget of Uxbridge, in Ireland, ----, 1829.
Salley, d. of Levi and Salley, in Hopkinton, Dec. 2. 1801.
Sally Rockwood, d. of Asia and Sally, Jan. 4, 1828.
Sarah C., d. of George and Ellen Varny of Boston, in Boston, ----, 1835.
Sylvester Levi, s. of Asia and Sally, Aug. 5, 1839.
Sylvia Genett, d. of Asia and Sally, Mar. 12, 1836.
Willard Rockwood, s. of Levi and Sally, May 18,1818.
William E., s. of Asia and Sally, Jan. 30, 1845.
MADDING (see Madden) -
Olive, d. of Ensign Michel and Mary, bp. June 1, 1777. C.R.
MAGUIRE (see McGuire) -
Mary [----], w. of Michael, ----, 1828. G.R.2.
Michael, ----, 1819. G.R.2.
William J., ----, 1847. G.R.1.
John, ----, 1809. G.R.2.
Mary [----], w. of John, ----, 1818. G.R.2.
William, ----, 1839. G.R.1.
Sarah, d. of John and Mary of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1836.
Lydia [----], w. of Wyatt, formerly w. of Asa White, ----, 1832. G.R.3.
MANLEY (see Manly) -
Abigail [----], w. of Thomas, ----, 1797. G.R.3.
David L., ----, 1821. G.R.3.
Leander W., s. of David L. and M. A. E., Jan. 17, 1846.
Mary Ann E. [----], w. of David L., ----, 1825. G.R.3.
Thomas, ----, 1791. G.R.3.
MANLY (see Manley) -
Albert H., s. of David L. and Mary A. E., Aug. 23, 1848 (Aug. 3 dup.).
Elbridge, ----, 1820. G.R.1.
Elijah T., Mar. 20, 1823.
William J., s. of Elbridge and Elizabeth L., Apr. 3, 1846.
Margaret, ----, 1810. G.R.2.
Matthew, ----, 1811. G.R.2.
Thomas W., ----, 1839. G.R.2.
Winnifred, ----, 1834. G.R.2.
Eliza L. [----], w. of Franklin B., ----, 1816. G.R.1.
Franklin B., ----, 1816. G.R.1.
Frederick S., ----, 1846. G.R.1.
Abigail, d. of John and Elisabeth, bp. Nov. 29. 1747. C.R.
----, s. of Hosea and Amanda M., May 6, 1849.
Amanda, d. of Hezekiah and Nabby, in Holliston, June 6, 1842.
Dinah, d. of Joseph and Mary, bp. July 22, 1750. C.R.
Eliza Ann, d. of Hezekiah and Nabby, in Holliston, Mar. 10, 1839.
Ezra, s. of Joseph and Mary, bp. Jan. 6, 1760. C.R.
Farnworth, s. of John and Mary, bp. Mar. 29, 1752. C.R.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, bp. Mar. 18, 1753. N.S. C.R.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, bp. May 23, 1756. C.R.
Mary, d. of Joseph and Mary, bp. July 17, 1748. C.R.
Rebecca, d. of John and Mary, bp. July 23, 1749. C.R.
MARTHERS (see Mather.) -
Ammagine Louisa, d. of John and Orvilla, Jan. 29, 1830.
Frederick Alonzo, s. of John and Orvilla, Dec. 5, 1825. (1826. G.R.3.)
Hellen Maria, d. of John and Orvilla, July 1, 1836.
Jerome Schofield, s. of John and Orvilla, Mar. 10, 1832.
Lewis William, s. of John and Orvilla, Oct. 13, 1838.
Samuel Almon, s. of John and Orvilla, Apr. 5, 1828.
Anna, d. of Thomas and Bridget, Aug. 15. 1844.
Catherine [----], w. of Patrick, ----, 1829. G.R.2.
John, s. of Thomas and Bridget, in Marlestown, Ire., St. John's day, 1842 [June 24].
Maria, d. of Thomas and Bridget, Dec. 15, 1848.
Patrick, ----, 1831. G.R.2.
Albert A., s. of Noah and Cynthia, Oct. 31, 1845.
Ann Eliza, d. of Noah and Cynthia, July 12, 1835.
Caroline A. [----], w. of James M., ----, 1840. G.R.3.
Clara A., d. of Noah and Cynthia, Dec. 8, 1846.
Florence L. [----], w. of George W., ----, 1838. G.R.1.
Francis Owen, s. of John and Salley (Sally W. dup.), Dec. 11, 1833. (Dec. 11, 1834 dup.).
George Washington, s. of Noah and Cynthia, June 27, 1838.
Isabella M. [----], w. of Francis O., ----, 1836. G.R.1.
Jane A., d. of John and Sally, June 4, 1832.
John G., s. of John Q. and Susan, Oct. 13, 1847.
John Q., s. of John and Martha, in Mendon, Apr. 13, 1823.
Julia Ann, d. of John and Sally, Dec. 1, 1830.
Lyman Dudley, s. of Noah and Cynthia, May 4, 1841.
Marcus M., s. of Noah and Cynthia, July 13, 1844.
Martha W., d. of John and Sally, Dec. 25, 1828.
Rodolphus A., s. of John and Martha, Sept. 4, 1824.
Bartholomew, ----, 1822. G.R.3.
Maria A. [----], w. of BartHolomew, ----, 1831. G.R.3.
MATHER (see Marthers) -
Emeline [----], w. of Frederic A., ----, 1829. G.R.3.
John, ----, 1794. G.R.3.
Orvilla, ----, 1800. G.R.3.
Stephen, July 26, 1820. G.R.3.
Bridget, d. of William and Mary, ----, 1837. G.R.2.
Mary [----], w. of William, ----, 1809. G.R.2.
William, ----, 1808. G.R.2.
Anna M., ----, 1836. G.R.3.
John S., ----, 1842. G.R.3.
George A., ----, 1835. G.R.3.
Susan C. Hall [----], w. of George A., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
Catherine D., d. of Charles and Caroline M., Feb. 17, 1849.
Eliza D., d. of Charles and Caroline, Dec. 25, 1846.
Cora Anna [----], w. of John Sumner, ----, 1844. G.R.1.
John S. (John Sumner, G.R.1.), s. of Aaron C. and Olivia, Feb. 11, 1843.
Sally, June 7, 1801. G.R.1.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Aaron C. and Olive, July 26, 1835.
Fidelia F., d. of Eustis and Cynthia, Jane 22, 1828.
Stephen A., s. of Eustis and Cynthia, Oct. 28, 1829.
Nancy C. [----], w. of William, Sept. 2, 1829. G.R.3.
William, Jan. 20, 1821. G.R.3.
Catherine, ----, 1806. G.R.2.
Ellen, d. of James and Ellen, in Scotland, Apr. 20, 1840.
Genette, d. of James and Ellen, in Scotland, Jan. 31, 1848.
Jane, d. of James and Ellen, in Scotland, Dec. 27, 1845.
Margaret, d. of Henry and Jane, in St. John, N.B., May 26, 1843.
Nancy, d. of Henry and Jane, in St. John, N.B., Mar. 29, 1841.
Patrick, s. of Patrick and Mary of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1830.
John Gray, ----, 1834. G.R.1.
Sarah J. Gibson [----], w. of John Gray, ----, 1839. G.R.1.
Jeremiah, s. of John and Catharine, in Ireland, -----, 1845.
Jeremiah, s. of John and Mary, in Ireland, ----, 1849.
Timothy, s. of Daniel and Mary of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1833.
Timothy, s. of John and Mary, in Ireland, ----, 1846.
Mary, d. of John and Ann of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1838.
James, s. of James and Sarah of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1844.
Catherine A., d. of John and Catherine, in Cambridge, Aug. 19, 1843.
James, s. of John and Catherine, in Cambridge, Sept. 27, 1839.
Catharine, d. of Charles and Catharine, in St. John, N.B., May 31, 1844.
Charles, s. of Charles and Catharine, in St John, N.B., Apr. 2, 1842.
Ellen, d. of Charles and Catharine, in St. John, N.B., May ----, 1833.
John, s. of Charles and Catharine, in St. John, N.B., Oct. ----, 1835.
Nancy, d. of Charles and Catharine, in St John, N.B., Apr. 2, 1839.
Bridget [----], w. of Martin, ----, 1814. G.R.2.
James, s. of Timothy and Margaret of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1819.
John, ----, 1835. G.R.2.
Martin, ----, 1805. G.R.2.
Martin, s. of Martin and Bridget, in Ireland, May ----, 1847.
Alexander, s. of Alexander and Margaret of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1791.
Sarah L. [----], w. of P. E., ----, 1845. G.R.4.
McDARMOD (see McDearmod) -
Richard, s. of Richard and Margaret, June 17, 1846.
McDAVETT (see McDavitt) -
Mary Ann, d. of Dominick and Mary, Feb. 2, 1840.
Teresa, d. of Dominick and Mary, in St. John, N.B., Dec. 25, 1842.
McDAVITT (see McDavett) -
Dominick, ----, 1797. G.R.2.
Dominick, s. of Dominick and Mary, Sept. 22, 1848.
Eloner, d. of Dominick and Mary, June 27, 1835.
Martin, s. of Dominick and Mary, Mar. 14, 1837.
Matilda, d. of Dominick and Mary, May 29, 1845.
McDEARMOD (see McDarmod) -
James, s. of Richard and Margaret B., Jan. 14, 1848.
Bridget [----], w. of John F., in St. Clarence, Galway Co., Ire., Jan. 31, 1827. G.R.2.
John F., in Gustteen, Galway Co., Ire., June 7, 1819. G.R.2.
Cromwell, ----, 1819. G.R.1.
Hannah [----], w. of Cromwell, ----, 1819. G.R.1.
Margaret, d. of James and Mary of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1829.
Bridget, d. of Peter and Bridget, in Ireland, ----, 1847.
Catharine, d. of Peter and Bridget, in Ireland, ----, 1849.
Ellen, d. of Edward and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1847.
Mary Callanan [----], w. of Edward, in Loughrea, Co. Galway, Ire., Mar. 11, 1832. G.R.2.
Mary L., ----, 1847. G.R.2.
Edward, ----, 1808. G.R.2.
Mary [----], w. of Edward, ----, 1818. G.R.2.
McGUIRE (see Maguire) -
Alice [----], w. of Patrick, ----, 1816. G.R.2.
Catherine [----], w. of John, ----, 1833. G.R.2.
Ellen, ----, 1836. G.R.3.
John, ----, 1824. G.R.2.
John, ----, 1828. G.R.2.
Catherine, d. of Peter and Catherine, Aug. 1, 1844.
Ellen, d. of John and Catherine Gorfer, ----, 1820.
John, s. of Peter and Catherine Cain, in Providence, R.I., June 29, 1842.
Mary, d. of Peter and Catherine Cain, Mar. ----, 1840.
Thomas, s. of Peter and Catherine, Jan. ----, 1848.
Eliza, d. of Patrick and Nancy of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1840.
Lucy, d. of Frank and Mary of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1845.
Caroline, d. of Simon and Caroline, Dec. 25, 1842.
Dominick O., s. of Simon and Caroline, Mar. 14, 1845.
Mary Ann, d. of Simeon and Caroline, Apr. 20, 1841.
Michael, s. of Simeon and Caroline, June 25, 1831.
Thomas, s. of Simeon and Caroline, Oct. 5, 1839.
Ann Sophia, d. of John and Phoebe, June 27, 1833.
Catharine Godfrey, d. of John and Phebe, Aug. 15, 1830.
Charles, s. of John and Phebe, July 6, 1822.
George Henry, s. of John and Phebe G., Dec. 3, 1837.
Harriet Clementine, d. of John and Phebe, Jan. 2, 1827.
John Davis, s. of John and Phebe, Nov. 7, 1824.
Caroline P., ----, 1820. G.R.1.
John S., ----, 1825. G.R.1.
Sarah E., ----, 1846. G.R.1.
Clarisa, d. of Henry Jr. and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1812.
David D., s. of John and Angeline, Apr. 15, 1842.
Gilbert, ----, 1818. G.R.1.
Henry 3d, s. of Henry Jr. and Sarah, May 15, 1809.
John B., s. of John and Angeline, June 29, 1839.
John Bugba, s. of Henry and Sarah, May 13, 1815.
Joseph, ----, 1777. G.R.1.
Lovett, ----, 1806. G.R.1.
Samuel, s. of Henry Jr. and Sarah, May 7, 1811.
Sophronia, ----, 1781. G.R.1.
MERIAM (see Merriam, Miriam) -
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Rachell, bp. Apr. 6, 1755. C.R.
Ebenezer, s. of Benjamin and Rachel, bp. Apr. 14, 1751. C.R.
Elisabeth, d. of Benjamin and Rachel, bp. Feb. 4, 1753. N.S. C.R.
Margarett, d. of Benjamin and Rachel, bp. Aug. 7, 1757. C.R.
Ruth, d. of Benjamin and Rachel, bp. June 7, 1761. C.R.
William, s. of Benjamin and Rachel, bp. July 15, 1759. C.R.
MERIFIELD (see Merrifield) -
Aaron, s. of Aaron and Elizabeth, Dec. 23, 1769.
Austin, s. of Marcus and Juda, Aug. 14, 1808.
Betsy, d. of Aaron and Elizabeth, Feb. 22, 1774.
Cyrus, s. of Aaron and Elizabeth, June 15, 1778.
David, s. of Aaron and Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1780.
Moses, s. of Aaron and Elizabeth, Mar. 22, 1772.
Polley (Mary, C.R.), d. of Aaron and Elisabeth, Jan. 23, 1776.
Salley, d. of Aaron and Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1793.
MERRIAM (see Meriam, Miriam) -
Edmund, s. of Benjamin and Rachel, bp. Apr. 15, 1750. C.R.
Jerusha, d. of Benjamin and Rachel, bp. Apr. 15, 1750. C.R.
Rachel, d. of Benjamin and Rachel, bp. Apr. 15, 1750. C.R.
MERRIFIELD (see Merifield) -
Abner, s. of Aaron and Mary, bp. Aug. 27, 1769. C.R.
Alanson, s. of Marcus and ----, bp. Apr. 23, 1809. C.R.
Ichabod, s. of Aaron and Mary, bp. Aug. 27, 1769. C.R.
Sarah, d. of Aaron and Elisabeth, bp. Apr. 25, 1784. C.R.
Willis, s. of Marcus and ----, bp. Apr. 23, 1809. C.R.
Emily J., d. of Lorenzo and Jane, Jan. 24, 1849.
Eliza C. [----], w. of Daniel E., Nov. 2, 1823.
Esther, d. of Rev. Henry of Wrentham, Jan. 15, 1723-4. C.R.
Haman Amanda, d. of Edward and Eliza, in Uxbridge, Sept. 1, 1849.
Harriet Amanda, d. of William and Czarina, Dec. 22, 1825.
Henry, s. of Samuell and Catharine, bp. Feb. 24, 1765. C.R.
Joel, s. of Samuel and Catharine, bp. July 13, 1760. C.R.
Juletta, d. of Samuel and Catharine, bp June 13, 1762. C.R.
Olive, d. of Samuel and Catharine of Holliston, bp. Oct. 1, 1758. C.R.
Sarah, d. of Rev. Henry of Wrentham, Nov. 27, 1725, w. of ---- Caryl. C.R.
Alfred P., s. of Horace P. and Nancy O., in Franklin, Oct. 31, 1843.
Aurilla [----], w. of Richard M., Apr. 8, 1809. G.R.5.
Edward A., s. of Horace and Nancy O., Apr. 1, 1845.
Emma Ornelia, d. of Horace P. and N. O., Nov. 3, 1849.
Esther Scott, d. of Richard M. and Aurilla, Aug. 30, 1831.
Fisher, s. of Jabez and Elisabeth, Feb. 3, 1787.
Richard M., Aug. 2, 1803. G.R.5.
David, s. of Robert and Lucy, Apr. 27, 1843.
Elizabeth, d. of Robert and Lucy J., May 5, 1838.
Hannah Maria, d. of Robert and Lucy J., Nov. 14, 1840.
Jonathan, ----, 1829. G.R.1.
Mary Ann, d. of Robert and Lucy, Aug. 14, 1846.
Susan E. [----], w. of Jonathan, ----, 1838. G.R.1.
Eliza [----], w. of George, ----, 1835. G.R.3.
George, ----, 1830. G.R.3.
Catharine, d. of Thomas and Margaret, May 9, 1849.
Margaret [----], w. of Michael, ----, 1828. G.R.2.
Michael, ----, 1826. G.R.2.
Abby [----], w. of Capt. William P., ----, 1811. G.R.1.
Abby A., d. of William B. and Abby, Apr. 4, 1849.
Asa Parker, ----, 1820. G.R.3.
Charles A., ----, 1843. G.R.3.
Ellen Maria Clark, [----], w. of Asa Parker, ----, 1830. G.R.3.
George W., ----, 1846. G.R.1.
James, ----, 1829. G.R.3.
James, s. of John and Jane, in Ireland, ----, 1831.
Jane, d. of Mark and Molly Carr, in Ireland, ----, 1785.
John., s. of John and Martha, in Ireland, ----, 1783.
John, s. of John and Jane, in Ireland, ----, 1824.
Lucy Ann, d. of William P. and Abby, in Billerica, Dec. 29, 1838.
Martha, d. of John and Jane, in Ireland, Dec. ----, 1820.
Mary M, d. of William P. and Abby, in Billerica, Nov. 16, 1840.
William, s. of John and Jane, in Ireland, ----, 1822.
William, s. of Michael and Katherine, Nov. 12, 1848.
William Henry, s. of William P. and Abby, in Tewksbury, Nov. 5, 1843.
William P., Capt., ----, 1813. G.R.1.
John, s. of Thomas and Mary A., June 23, 1847.
Charles, Nov. 21, 1838. G.R.1.
Nancy [----], w. of Patrick, ----, 1817. G.R.2.
Patrick, ----, 1820. G.R.2.
MIRIAM (see Meriam, Merriam) -
Daniel, s. of Benjamin and Rachel, bp. Apr. 3, 1763. C.R.
Julia Fallan [----], w. of Thomas, July 1, 1832. G.R.2.
Thomas, Feb. 9, 1832. G.R.2.
Benjamin H., ----, 1831. G.R.3.
Francis D., ----, 1818. G.R.3.
Olive T. [----], w. of Francis D., ----, 1816. G.R.5.
Mary E., d. of Peter and Isabella, July 7, 1848.
MOORE (see Moores) -
Anna P. [----], w. of E. Addison, ----, 1823. G.R.3.
Charles, s. of John and Margaret, in Newark, N.J., Dec. 29, 1845.
E. Addison, ----, 1826. G.R.3.
Edwin A. H., s. of Asa H. and Sarah, in Princeton, Mar. 2, 1844.
Elizabeth, d. of John and Margaret, in Newark, N.J., Feb. 16, 1847.
Henry B., s. of John and Margaret, in Elizabethtown, N.J., Feb. 14, 1842.
John, s. of John and Margaret, in Elizabethtown, N.J., May 6, 1838.
John, s. of Michael and Catherine, in Ireland, Jan. 6, 1848.
Margaret A., d. of John and Margaret, in Medway, Dec. 26, 1836.
Michael, s. of Michael and Catherine, in Ireland, Nov. ----, 1849.
Peter, s. of John and Margaret, in Elizabethtown, N.J., Mar. 15, 1840.
MOORES (see Moore) -
Oliver Sylvester, s. of Joseph and Louisa, in Mendon, Sept. 7, 1849.
Henry W., ----, 1836. G.R.4.
Bridget [----], w. of Thomas, ----, 1842. G.R.2.
Thomas, ----, 1837. G.R.2.
MOREY (see Mowry) -
James M., ----, 1829. G.R.4.
Sarah Emma [----], w. of James M., ----, 1832. G.R.4.
Catharine, d. of Thomas and Bridget, Apr. 24, 1847.
Mary J., d. of John and Mary, in Troy, N.H., Mar. 4, 1846.
Antoine, ----, 1844. G.R.3.
Mary [----], w. of Maurice, ----, 1826. G.R.2.
Maurice, ----, 1820. G.R.2.
Asa L., ----, 1834. G.R.3.
Lucy G. [----], w. of William G., ----, 1829. G.R.3.
William G., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
Albert J., s. of Elmon and Maria S., in Brookfield, Vt., May 7, 1844.
Amos Clark, s. of Henry and Eleanor, Sept. 6, 1791.
Caroline F. [----], w. of Thomas E., ----, 1827. G.R.1.
George A., s. of Albert and Margaret J., Apr. 17, 1849.
Hannah, d. of Henry and Eleanor, June 18, 1794.
Harriet M., d. of Albert and Margaret, Nov. 26, 1846.
Henry Milton, s. of John E. and Mary, Apr. 2, 1843.
James, s. of Henry and Eleanor, May 17, 1789.
Mary M., d. of Elbridge C. and Lucinda W., in Hopkinton, Dec. 29, 1847.
Thomas E., ----, 1822. G.R.1.
Waldo J., s. of Marvel and Charlotte, Nov. 27, 1845.
William, s. of Edmund and Rachel, bp. June 29, 1746. C.R.
Anna Grant, d. of Nathaniel and Betsy, May 11, 1795.
Arba, s. of Nathaniel and Betsy, July 2, 1793.
MOWRY (see Morey) -
Ann I. [----], w. of John G., ----, 1840. G.R.1.
Daniel C., June 18, 1825. G.R.1.
Frederick, s. of Frederick and Mary A., in Hopkinton, Oct. 30, 1848.
Harriet N. [----], w. of Daniel C., Nov. 24, 1825. G.R.1.
Mary Taft [----], w. of Daniel C., Jan. 21, 1830. G.R.1.
Maria, d. of Michael and Ann, in Boston, Nov. ----, 1848.
Elizabeth A. [----], w. of Felix, ----, 1836. G.R.3.
Felix, ----, 1835. G.R.3.
Thomas L., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
Catherine G., ----, 1818. G.R.4.
Daniel, s. of Dennis and Mary, in Ireland, ----, 1828.
David, s. of Dennis and Mary, in Ireland, ----, 1846.
Dennis, s. of Dennis and Hannah of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1802.
Dennis, s. of Dennis and Mary, in Ireland, ----, 1832.
Dennis, s. of Richard and Johanna, in Bellingham, Mar. 29, 1848.
Dennis, s of John and Abigail, May 2, 1849.
Edward, ----, 1799. G.R.2.
Edward J., s. of Edward and Mary, ----, 1847. G.R.2.
Ellen, d. of Richard and Johanna, in Bellingham, Feb. 14, 1847.
Hannah, d. of Dennis and Mary, in Ireland, ----, 1837.
James, s. of Michael and Jane of Ireland, in Ireland, Jan. ----, 1828.
John, s. of Dennis and Mary, in Ireland, ----, 1849.
Margaret, d. of Michael and Jane of Ireland, in Ireland, Apr. ----, 1837.
Mary, d. of David and Mary Barrett of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1810 [prob. w. of Dennis]
Mary [----], w. of Edward., ----, 1818. G.R.2.
Mary, d. of Dennis and Mary, in Ireland, ----, 1844.
Bridget [----], w. of James, ----, 1824. G.R.2.
James, ----, 1822. G.R.2.
John, s. of Thomas and Mary, in Providence, R.I., May 7, 1844.
Katherine, d. of Thomas and Mary, in Providence, R.I., Apr. 27, 1846.
Martin, ----, 1815. G.R.2.
Mary A., d. of Thomas and Mary, in Providence, R.I., Sept. 27, 1842.
Patrick, s. of Thomas and Mary, in Galway, Ire., Mar. 10, 1338.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary, in Providence, R.I., June 9, 1848.
Winifred [----], w. of Martin, ----, 1803. G.R.2.
Jacob, s. of John and Catherine, Jan. 10, 1821.
John, s. of Jacob and Margaret, Dec. 8, 1847.
Margaret, d. of Jacob and Elisabeth Hugo, Dec. 20, 1822.
Martin Luther, Apr. 23, 1846. G.R.3.
NAVAILS (see Neveils, Neville, Nevils) -
Catharine, d. of William and Margaret, in Lismore, Waterford County, Ire., Oct. 19, 1845.
----, d. of Nathaniel T. and Silence, ----, 1838. G.R.1.
Abigail, d. of Gershome and Mercy, bp. Sept. 8, 1765. C.R.
Abigail, d. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Feb. 12, 1780.
Abigail Sophia, d. of Seth Jr. and Sophia, Aug. 29, 1811.
Abigail Tyler, d. of Seth Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 10, 1807.
Adelia, d. of Nathaniel T. and Silence, Oct. 13, 1824.
Albert Hobart, s. of John and Lucinda, Mar. 12, 1812.
Alexander, s. of John and Bettsey, bp. Aug. 8, 1790. C.R.
Angelina, d. of Nathaniel T. and Silence, Mar. 16, 1829.
Angelina Parkhurst, d. of Henry and Catharine, Dec. 4, 1821.
Anna, d. of Seth and Silence, bp. July 26, 1767. C.R.
Arba, s of Josiah and Elisabeth, Apr. 14, 1772.
Austin, s. of Simeon and Esther, Feb. 19, 1796 (Jan. 19 dup.).
Betsy, d. of Nehemiah and Rhoda, Dec. 12, 1789.
Betsy, d. of John and Betsy, bp. Dec. 4, 1796. C.R.
Betsy Mellen, d of Josiah Jr. and Anne, June 18, 1792.
Calvin, s. of Nehemiah and Rhoda, Aug. 4, 1787.
Caroline, d. of Ezra and Polley, May 10, 1807.
Catharine, d. of Henry and Catharine, Oct. 17, 1815.
Catharine, of Capt. Henry and Catharine, Aug. 21, 1824.
Charles Newell, s. of Nathaniel T. and Silence, Apr. 29, 1836.
Charlotte Helen, d. of Henry and Catharine, Aug. 15, 1827.
Charlotte L. Travis [----], w. of David, ----, 1826. G.R.1.
David, s. of Seth and Silance, bp. Sept. 8, 1765. C.R.
David, s. of Newell and Betsy, Nov. 21, 1819.
Deborah, d. of Dea. Nathanael and Deborah, bp. Aug. 14, 1743. C.R.
Deborah, d. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Apr. 14, 1765.
Dion, d. of Capt. Ezra and Polly, Jan. 28, 1818.
Ebenezer, s. of Seth and Silence, bp. Mar. 5, 1758. C.R.
Ebenezer Jones, s. of Seth Jr. and Sallee, Jan. 12, 1805.
Elisabeth [----], w. of Josiah, July 5, 1735.
Elisabeth, d. of Nehemiah and Hannah, bp. Apr. 24, 1748. C.R.
Elisabeth, d. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Oct. 10, 1768.
Elisabeth Sarah, d. of Seth Jr. and Sarah, Apr. 10, 1803.
Eliza, d. of Nathaniel T. and Silence, Apr. 23, 1826.
Eliza Wing, d. of Newel and Betsey, July 4, 1808.
Elizabeth, d. of Otis T. and Harrah H., Feb. 11, 1849.
Elizabeth B. [----], w. of George H. ----, 1837. G.R.1.
Ellen M., d. of Otis T. and Hannah H., June 19, 1847.
Elthina M. d. of Horatio M. and Roxanna, Apr. 9, 1848.
Emely, d. of Samuel and Salley, July 18, 1786.
Esther, d. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Sept. 16, 1770.
Experience, d. of Gershome and Mercy, bp. Feb. 14, 1768. C.R.
Ezra, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, May 8, 1777.
Ezra Thayer, s. of Ezra and Polly, May 9, 1823.
Filinda, d. of Nehemiah and Rhoda, Jan. 3, 1797.
Francis Drake, s. of Newell and Betsy, Dec. 15, 1806.
George Clinton, s. of Ezra and Polly, Mar. 24, 1812.
George Henry, s. of Nathaniel T. and Silence, Dec. 1, 1833.
Hannah, d. of Nehemiah and Hannah, bp. Sept. 14, 1755. C.R.
Hannah, d. of Seth and Silence, bp. Sept. 11, 1763. C.R.
Hannah, d. of Nehemiah and Rhoda, Mar. 13, 1785.
Hannah, d. of Newell and Betsey, July 5, 1822.
Hannah Harkness Taft [----], w. of Otis Torry, ----, 1824. G.R.1.
Hannah Urania, d. of Seth and Sophia, June 25, 1813.
Harriet W., ----, 1828. G.R.1.
Harriot, d. of Simeon and Esther, Jan. 20, 1798.
Harriot, d. of Simeon and Esther, Oct. 29, 1800.
Henry, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, June 20, 1754.
Henry, s. of Josiah Jr. and Anna, Sept. 2, 1786.
Henry Edwin, s. of Otis F. and. Laura, May 3, 1839.
Hollaway, ch. of yid. Anna, bp. Oct. 11, 1801. C.R.
Holloway Taylor, s. of Levi and Salley, Dec. 9, 1808.
Hopestill, d. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Oct. 10, 1774.
Horatio M., Mar. 25, 1825. G.R.3.
James Madison, s. of Ezra and Polly, Nov. 24, 1809.
John, s. of Josiah Jr. and Anna, Sept. 8, 1790.
Jonathan, s. of John and Betty. bp. Aug. 31, 1783. C.R.
Joseph, s. of Samuel and Sally, Dec. 29, 1791.
Josiah, Aug. 27, 1732.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Aug. 23, 1761.
Julian, d. of Josiah Jr. and Anna, Apr. 22, 1798.
Laura Chapin, ----, 1812. G.R.3.
Levi, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Nov. 25, 1766.
Levi, s. of Seth and Silence, Aug. 8, 1779.
Lucinda, d. of Josiah Jr. and Anna, Jan. 15, 1789.
Lucy, d. of Simeon and Esther, Apr. 24, 1803.
Marcy Jones, d. of Josiah Jr. and Anne, Apr. 21, 1794.
Maria, d. of Henry and Catharine, Feb. 21, 1813.
Maria, d. of Nathaniel T. and Silence, June 10, 1832.
Mariann, d. of Simeon and Esther, Apr. 29, 1811.
Martha Murtilla, d. of Ezra and Polley, Apr, 17, 1815.
Mary, d. of Gershome and Mercy, bp. Jan. 2, 1757. C.R.
Mary, of Seth and Silence, bp. July 17, 1774. C.R.
Mary Ann, d. of Simon and Esther, bp. July 28, 1811. C.R.
Mary Eliza, d. of Otis F. and Laura, June 23, 1841.
Mary Marilla, d. of Ezra and Polley, Apr. 17, 1815.
Nancy Parkhurst, d. of Lieut. Henry and Catherine, Feb. 15, 1818.
Nathan, s. of Seth and Silence, bp. Dec. 2, 1759. C.R.
Nathanael, s. of Nehemiah and Hannah, bp. Sept. 6, 1751. C.R.
Nathaniel, s. of Dea. Nathaniel and Deborah, bp. July 19, 1741. C.R.
Nathaniel, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Mar. 23, 1759.
Nathaniel, s. of Ezra and Mary, Aug. 25, 1804.
Nathaniel Torrey, s. of Samuel and Sally, Nov. 15, 1799.
Nehemiah, s. of Nehemiah and Hannah, bp. Aug. 27, 1758. C.R.
Newel, s. of Samuel and Salley, Mar. 20, 1784.
Newell Newton, s. of Newell and Betsey, July 24, 1825.
Olive, d. of Seth and Silence, bp. May 27, 1770. C.R.
Otes Torrey, s. of Newel and Betsey, Sept. 15, 1812.
Paschal, s. of Simeon and Esther, May 27, 1805.
Paul, s. of Nehemiah and Hannah, bp. July 27, 1760. C.R.
Paul, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Sept. 3, 1763.
Paul, s. of Nehemiah and Rhoda, Feb. 9, 1783.
Pearley, d. of Nehemiah and Rhoda, Aug. 13, 1781.
Pede, d. of John and Betty, bp. Dec. 29, 1793. C.R.
Rachel, d. of Gershom and Mercy, bp. Nov. 27, 1763. C.R.
Rhoda, d. of Nehemiah and Rhoda, Mar. 19, 1794.
Rosalinda, d. of wid. Anna, bp. Oct. 11, 1801. C.R.
Ruth, d. of Nehemiah and Hannah, bp. Apr. 24, 1748. C.R.
Ruth, d. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Oct. 11, 1757.
Ruth, d. of Nehemiah and Rhoda, Aug. 23, 1796.
Samuel, s. of Gershome and Mercy, bp. Nov. 16, 1760. C.R.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sally, Oct. 17, 1789.
Samuel, s. of Newell, and Betsy, Jan. 3, 1818.
Sarah, d. of Gershome and Mercy, bp. July 4, 1773. C.R.
Sarah Torry, d. of Newel and Betsey, June 5, 1810.
Seth, s. of Seth and Silence, bp. Sept. 22, 1776. C.R.
Silence [----], w. of Nathaniel T., ----, 1805. G.R.1.
Simeon, s. of Seth and Silence, bp. June 7, 1772. C.R.
Stephen, s. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Dec. 12, 1755.
Stephen Atwood, s. of Levi and Salley, Mar. 22, 1807.
Stephen Torry, s. of Capt. Samuel and Sallee, Oct. 31, 1796.
Sylvania Kelley, d. of Newel and Betsey, Sept. 13, 1815.
Warren J., s. of Henry and Catharine, Nov. 25, 1810.
William, s. of Ezra and Polly, Apr. 19, 1802.
NEVEILS (see Navails, Neville, Nevils) -
Catherine, d. of William and Margaret, Dec. 13, 1847.
NEVILLE (see Navails, Neveils, Neville) -
Amanda, d. of Francis and Sarah, in Boston, Mar. 8, 1835.
William F., s. of Francis and Sarah, in Providence, R.I., May 22, 1842.
NEVILS (see Navails, Neveils, Neville) -
Richard, s. of William and Margaret, June 19, 1849.
Charles W., s. of Albert and Amanda M., Oct. 15, 1844.
Francis Albert, s. of Albert and Amanda M., Feb. 14, 1833.
Mary Jane, d. of Albert and Amanda M., Aug. 28, 1830.
Samuel Chapin, s. of (Capt., C.R.) Albert and Amanda M. (A. Maria, C.R.), Sept. 22, 1840.
Alfred Marton, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth, Aug. 11, 1842.
Clara Elizabeth, d. of Daniel and Elizabeth, Nov. 9, 1844.
Frances Ann, of Benjamin and Lucy, in Hopkinton, Dec. 15, 1839.
Franklin Sylvester, s. of Sylvester J., in New York City, Dec. 28, 1847.
George B., s. of Benjamin and Lucy, in Hopkinton, Dec. 27, 1837.
Ichabod, s. of Azariah and Sarah, bp. Apr. 5, 1747. C.R.
Levi L., s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Jan. 19, 1835.
Martha Jane, d. of Benjamin and Lucy, May 3, 1845.
Martin V. B., s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Aug. 10, 1841.
Mary M., d. of Benjamin and Lucy, Sept. 1, 1832.
Melvell P., s. of Daniel and Elizabeth Ann, Dec. 1, 1837.
Orrin G., s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Oct. 13, 1849.
Phebe, d. of Ichabod and Rhoda, May 24, 1777.
Philo Augustus, s. of Daniel and Elizabeth Ann, Aug. 1, 1839.
Samuel, s. of Jason and Hannah, bp. Jan. 27, 1760. C.R.
Sylvester H., s. of Benjamin and Lucy, July 21, 1844.
Sylvester Harrington, s. of Benjamin and Lucy, July 20, 1843.
William H., s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Dec. 23, 1847.
Albert Ruthben, s. of Joseph D. and Harriet, Nov. 22, 1840.
Annie White [----], w. of William, Apr. 1, 1831. G.R.3.
Henry Stafford, s. of Joseph D. and Harriet, Mar. 19, 1839.
Martha L. [----], w. of Robert, ----, 1825. G.R.3.
Mary E., d. of Robert and Martha, Mar. 13, 1849.
Mary S., d. of John and Maria, July 19, 1842.
Olive Amanda, d. of Joseph D. and Harriet, Nov. 29, 1836.
Rachel, d. of Robert and Martha, May 31, 1847.
Richard (Rachel S. in pencil), s. of Robert and Martha, in Woonsocket, R.I., May 31, 1847.
Robert, ----, 1810. G.R.3.
William, ----, 1835. G.R.3.
Archelous, s. of Daniel and Abigail, Oct. 12, 1779.
Chapin, s. of Daniel and Abigail, July 28, 1782.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Abigail, June 29, 1777.
Elijah, s. of Daniel and Abigail, May 12, 1774.
Hannah, d. of Peter and Joanna, bp. Sept. 8, 1754. C.R.
Mary, d. of Peter and Joanna, bp. Oct. 7, 1750. C.R.
Nathanael, s. of Peter and Joanna, bp. May 19, 1751. C.R.
Sarah [----], w. of ----, ----, 1830. G.R.4.
Jane, Mar. 17, 1822. G.R.2.
Cyrus, ----, 1820. G.R.1.
Elmira M. [----], w. of Cyrus, ----, 1825. G.R.1.
Bridget [----], w. of Maurice, ----, 1849. G.R.2.
Thomas J., ----, 1845. G.R.2.
George W., s. of Joseph W. and Abilena S., Feb. 9, 1849.
J. Warren, ----, 1822. G.R.1.
----, s. of Michael and Hannah, May 2, 1848.
Bridget, ----, 1799. G.R.2.
Bridget [----], w. of Thomas H., ----, 1848. G.R.2.
Charles, ----, 1833. G.R.2.
Daniel, s. of Richard and Bridget, Aug. 15, 1849.
Ellen [----], w. of Charles, ----, 1833. G.R.2.
Hannah Shaughnessy [----], w. of Michael, ----, 1828. G.R.2.
Mary, ----, 1818. G.R.2.
Mary, d. of Daniel and Joanna, in Cork, Ire., May 15, 1833.
Michael, ----, 1804. G.R.2.
Bridget, d. of Martin and Ellen, in Ireland, ----, 1845.
Ellen, d. of Jerry and Mary Shean of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1823 [prob. w. of Marten].
John, s. of Martin and Ellen, in Ireland, ----, 1833.
Martin, s. of Morris and Bridget of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1813.
Mary [----], w. of Michael, ----, 1834. G.R.2.
Michael, ----, 1827. G.R.2.
Michael, s. of Martin and Ellen, in Ireland, ----, 1837.
Morris, s. of Martin and Ellen, in Ireland, ----, 1847.
Bridget, ----, 1840. G.R.2.
David, ----, 1827. G.R.2.
Edward, ----, 1827. G.R.2.
Edward J., ----, 1841. G.R.2.
Honora [----], w. of Edward, ----, 1836. G.R.2.
John, ----, 1798. G.R.2.
Mary McDonough [----], w. of John, ----, 1811. G.R.2.
Ann, d. of James and Catharine of Ireland, in Ireland, ----, 1831.
Catherine [----], w. of John, ----, 1830. G.R.2.
George, s. of David of Ireland and Bridget, in Limerick, Ire., Mar. 17, 1829.
James, s. of Michael and Jane, in Limerick, Ire., Apr. 11, 1826.
Jane, d. of Michael and Jane, in Limerick, Ire., Dec. 14, 1832.
John, ----, 1813. G.R.2.
John, s. of Michael and Mary, in Limerick, Ire., Nov. 4, 1836.
John, s. of Bartholemew and Mary, in Ballygally, Ire., Feb. 4, 1840.
Mary, d. of Michael and Jane, in Limerick, Ire., Aug. 10, 1834.
Mary, d. of Bartholemew and Mary, in Ballygally, Ire., Feb. 1, 1842.
Michael, s. of Michael and Jane, in Limerick, Ire., Sept. 12, 1830.
Michael, s. of Bartholomew and Mary, in Boston, Jan. 6, 1847.
Nancy E., Feb. 15, 1840. G.R.2.
Sarah, d. of Michael and Jane, in Limerick, Ire., Jan. 3, 1829.
Thomas, s. of Bartholemew and Mary, Mar. 10, 1849.
Margaret, ----, 1837. G.R.2.
Caroline A., d. of Edward H. and Roxana, Oct. 15, 1845.
Emeline R. [----], w. of Samuel P., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
Hannah P. [----], w. of Samuel, Sept. 10, 1801. G.R.3.
Roxanna W. [----], w. of Edward H., Nov. 24, 1820. G.R.3.
Samuel P., ----, 1836. G.R.3.
Betsey Jenks [----], w. of Jonathan, ----, 1803. G.R.3.
Ellen Maria; d. of Jonathan and Betsey, Jan. 7, 1836.
Emily Augusta, d. of Jonathan and Betsey, Dec. 26, 1840.
Jonathan, ----, 1804. G.R.3.
Laura A., d. of Jonathan and Betsey, Apr. 24, 1829.
Marrion Augusta, d. of Jonathan and Betsey, Mar.. 28, 1838.
Rebecca M. [----], w. of Stephen J., ----, 1827. G.R.3.
Stephen J., s. of Jonathan and Betsey, Feb. 5, 1827.
O'REILLY (see O'Riley) -
Margaret [----], w. of Patrick, ----, 1839. G.R.2.
Patrick, ----, 1837. G.R.2.
O'RILEY (see O'Reilly) -
James, ----, 1841. G.R.2.
Augusta, d. of Reuben and Almira, June 13, 1838.
Harriet R., d. of Rheuben and Elmira, Sept. 13, 1848.
Mary A., d. of Reuben and Elmira, July 20, 1842.
Sarah Jane, d. of Reuben and Almira, Aug. 10, 1845.
Asa, s. of Ebenezer and ---- of Upton, members of church in Wenham, bp. Aug. 2, 1747. C.R.
Delia, d. of Sidney and Delia, Apr. 8, 1833.
Edward Louis, Aug. 6, 1843. C.R.4.
Marinda, d. of Sidney and Delia, Feb. 13, 1837.
Sarah E. [----], w. of Timothy, ----, 1849. G.R.4.
Timothy, ----, 1849. G.R.4.
Patrick, Aug. 14, 1812. Native of Doneraile, Co. Cork, Ire. G.R.2.
Eugene, ----, 1804. G.R.2.
Mary Larkin, ----, 1810. G.R.2.
Mary Stratton [----], w. of Eugene, ----, 1820. G.R.2.
Michael, ----, 1845. G.R.2.
Patrick J., ----, 1838. G.R.2.
Patrick J., s. of Eugene and Mary Stratton, ----, 1849. G.R.2.
Timothy E., s. of Eugene and Mary Stratton, ----, 1846. G.R.2.