Marriages -
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

ABBOT (see Abot)
Mary M. of Chester, and Nathan Root, int. Oct. 20, 1832.
ABOT (see Abbot)
Olive [int. Oliva Abbat] and Peter Pinny, Jan. 18, 1808. [Oliva Abbot and Peter Pinney, C.R.1.]
Clarissa and Samuel Ingham,May 15, 1832.
Daniel and Electa Root, int. Apr. 13, 1823.
Harriet of Chester, and Abraham Hodges Jr., int. Mar. 7, 1819.
Nancy and Ambrose Smith, May 13, 1819.
Portia and William Noble Jr. of Hartford, Conn., Apr. 22, 1833.
Romeo and Maria Ingham, Nov. 29, 1831.
Sally [int. Sarah] and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Thomas Ward, Aug. 28, 1794.
Sarah of Symsbury, and Elijah Bartholomew, int. Apr. 14, 1792.
Thankful and Benjamin Phelps, May 9, 1792, in Chester.
ALFORD (see Alvord)
Elijah Jr. of Becket and Betsy Little Apr. 24, 1806. [Betsey, C.R.1.]
Frederick of Washington, and Hannah Jones, Feb. 18, 1801.
Hesekiah Jr. of Windsor, Conn., and Asubah Gleason, Dec. 29, 1802. [Hezekiah Jr. of Winsor, and Azubah Gleason, C.R.1.]
Moses Jr. of E. Windsor, Conn., and Azubah Gleason, int. Nov. 25, 1802.
Timothy and Margaret ------------, Sept. 21, 1780, in E. Windsor, Conn.
ALVORD (see Alford)
Jemima of S. Hadley, and Gideon Russel [int. Russell], Feb. 9, 1786, in S. Hadley.
Abner L of Becket, and Eliza W. Prentiss of Chester, May 3, 1848, in Chester. C.R.1.
Daniel of Hinsdale, and Eunice Smith of Chester, Oct. 25, 1848, in Chester. C.R.1.
Erastus, Rev., and Almira Bartlet of W. Boylston, int. Mar. 24, 1829.
Peter and Mehitabel P. Clark, Dec. 21, 1825. [Mahitabel P., C.R.1.]
Hannah Hathaway of Partridgefield, and Hesekiah Pelton, int. Mar. 3, 1804.
George W. [int. omits W.], 24, farmer, b. Hauly, s. Moses and Jane of Hauley, and Sarah A. Meacham, 26, of Peru, b. Peru, d. Philip and Sally of Peru, July 1, 1847, [George W. Ayres, C.R.1.]
Benjamin and Hannah Hais of Russel, int. Sept. 20, 1792.
Chloe and Jonathan Burnham of Peru, Mar. 31, 1818.
Daniel and Zeraptha [int. Jerusha] Taylor of W. Springfield [int. of Springfield], Dec. 4, 1787, in W. Springfield.
Ebeneser Jr. and Lois Forbs of Partridgefield, int. July 18, 1803.
Elizabeth and Seth Hais of Russell [int. Russel], Jan. 13, 1795. [Hayes, C.R.1.]
Hannah and Ebenezer Bixby of Corinth, Vt., int. May 15, 1791.
Lovice and Joel Pelton of Savoy, int. Aug. 3, 1823.
Lydia and Joseph Hais of Russell, Apr. 9, 1794. [Hayes, C.R.1.]
Nathaniel of Westfield, and Hannah W. Coats [int. Hannah Way Coates], Jan. 6, 1803. [Hannah Way Coates, C.R.1.]
Saloma [int. Salomi] and Elijah Saunderson [int. Sanderson of Chester], Oct. 19, 1795, in Chester.
Tabitha and William Hamilton of Chester, Sept. 10, 1807.
Huldah, wid., of Windsor, and James Meacham, int. Feb. 27, 1814.
Mary and Abel Cheeseman [int. Cheesman] Jr., Aug. 21, 1823.
Rhoda, Mrs., of Hatfield, and Amasa Grays, int. Feb. 2, 1817.
Alanson of Peru, and Laura Graves, Apr. 7, 1836.
Amanda of Peru, and Nelson Graves, int. Mar. 3 [? 1], 1836.
Elias 2d [int. omits 2d] of Peru, and Louisa Pease, Mar. 6, 1832.
Melita of Peru, and Lt. John M. Ingham, int. Oct. 12, 1833.
Persis of Peru, and Eldridge Pease, int. Apr. 6, 1834.
Abigail of Montagu [int, of Conway], and Elon Booth Apr. 14, 1797, in Montagu.
BARSTOW (see Bestow)
Elijah and Sarah Alderman of Symsbury, int. Apr. 14, 1792.
Alimira of W. Boylston, and Rev. Erastus Andrews, int. Mar. 24, 1829.
Louisa, Mrs., and John Manning of Chester, int. June 10, 1801.
Phebe of Stockbridge, and Theodore Coats, int. Jan. 13, 1830.
David and Ruth Loveland, Sept. 5, 1793.
Emily L. of Worthington, and James T. Church, int. Sept. 4, 1838.
Rachel and Andrus Loveland, June 20, 1793.
Dilly and William Grean, int. June 24, 1810.
Betsey of Chester, and William P. Johnson, int. Mar. 22, 1835.
Simpson of Chester, and Polly Gamwell of Chester, July 10, 1801, C.R.1.
William 2d of Chester, and Minerva Cross, Sept. 23, 1813.
Alvah of Worthington, and Nancy Pease, May 15, 1820.
Salah Bernard and Anna Bromley, Feb. 3, 1793. [Selah Barnard, C.R.1.]
Sophronia and Nelson Spencer, Dec. 15, 1825.
Neal of Lanesboro [int. Nial Bentley of Lanesborough], and Lucy Ward, Aug. 28, 1828. [Nial Bentley, C.R.1.]
Orilla [int. Orrilla Bestor] and Orrin Meach, Oct. 25, 1821. [Orrilla Bestow, C.R.1.]
Charles and Alrmina [?] Kent of Washington, int. Feb. 3, 1838.
Roxana [int. Roxany] and William Wheeler Jr., Dec. 11, 1823.
Salla of Whately, and Amasa Graves Jr., int. Nov. 7, 1803.
Waity of Hatfield, and Stephen Graves, int. Sept. 10, 1809.
BISBEE (see Bixby)
Asahel of Chesterfield, and Eliza, B. Stebbins of Chesterfield, Mar. 25, 1835, in Chesterfield. C.R.1.
Barton and Sally Graves, Feb. 26, 1833.
Celena [int. Celenia Bisbee] and Amasa Graves Jr., Oct. 13, 1825.
Jennet of Plainfield, and Daniel Miller, int. Nov. 5, 1826.
John H., Rev., and Clarissa J. Lyman of Westhampton, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
BISSELL (see Bizsell)
Anna and Daniel Leach, Dec. 7, 1803.
Israel and Lucy Handcock of Longmedow, int. Aug. 30, 1784.
Justus [int. Justice] Jr. and Nancey Hatch, Aug. 15, 1803. [Justus Jr. and Nancy Hatch, C.R.1.]
Orris and Milicent Church, Sept. 3, 1809. [Bissel, C.R.1.]
Robert [int. Bissel] and Thankfull Cheeseman [int. Cheesman], Mar. —, 1796. [Bissel, and Thankful Cheesman, C.R.1]
BIXBY (see Bisbee)
Ebenezer of Corinth, Vt., and Hannah Babcock, int. May 13, 1791.
BIZSELL (see Bissell)
Hannah and John Crane of Becket, int. Sept. 10, 1783.
BLISH (see Bliss, Blush)
Elizabeth and Joseph Russ, Nov. 26, 1792. [Elizabeth, wid., C.R.1.]
Joseph Jr. and Sevila Taylor, int. Aug. 9, 1784.
Lucey and John Smith, int. Sept. 21, 1790.
Phebe and Orin Clap, Dec. 29, 1791.
BLISS (see Blish, Blush)
Oliver [int. Blish] and Sarah Mack, June 1, 1786, in Chester.
BLOSSOM (see Blosson)
Mercy and Anson [int. Ansel] Rockwell of Worthington [int. of Washington], Mar. 8, 1814.
Reuben of Onondaga [Int. Onondaga], N.Y., and Lydia Ingham, Jan. 20, 1811. [of Onondago, N.Y., C.R.1.]
BLOSSON (see Blossom)
Orrin [int. Blossom] and Laura Fellows, Aug. 20, 1818. [Blossom, C.R.1.]
BLUSH (see Blish, Bliss)
Amasa [int. Blish] and Nancey [int. Nancy] Durant, Feb. 3, 1802. [Blish, and Nancy Durant, C.R.1.]
Julia Ann and Ira B. Sampson, June 10, 1834. [June 9, C.R.1.]
Nancy A. and Stiles Reynolds of Hinsdale, int. May 18, 1833.
Oliver and Mary Field, Dec. 20, 1820.
Sally (see Sally Wheeler).
William D. and Eliza Ann Sonnet of Blandford, int. May 25, 1833.
Louis [int. Lewis] D. of Lowell, and Laura M. Root, Feb. 25, 1839.
Eton and Abigail Bangs of Montagu [int. of Conway], Apr. 14, 1797, in Montagu.
Electa A. and Harry Meacham, July 22, 1830.
Phebe and Ambros [int. Ambrous] Church, Nov. 25, 1798. [Ambrose, C.R.1.]
Jonathan [int. Brakely] and [int. adds Mrs.] Deborah Green, Nov. 30, 1798. [Brakely, C.R.1.]
Nathan C. of Wendell, and Aurelia B. Marble of Chester,-----------[rec. Apr. 18, 1837]. C.R.1.
Milton of Worthington, and Eunice Nash, Oct. 6, 1831.
Sidney of Worthington, and Mary J. Dickson, Sept. 22, 1830.
Anna and Salah Bernard Benjamin, Feb. 3, 1793. [Selah Barnard, C.R.1.]
Abigail and Charles Tryon of Southwick, Dec. 29, 1813.
Mary of Washington, and Darius Eggleston [int. Eagleston], Apr. 22, 1794, in Washington.
Justus and Mary Emmons, Mar. 20, 1817.
Mary S., d. [Justus] dec'd and [Mary (Mack)] dec'd, and Milton Smith, farmer, s. Oliver and Fanny S., May 2, 1843.
Seth and Saly Seldon [int. Mrs. Salla Selden], May 31, 1793. [Sarah Selden, C.R.1.]
Olive, Mrs., of Holliston, and Luther Leland, int. June 9, 1800.
Mary of Stockbridge, and Nelson Graves, int. June 14, 1845.
Jonathan of Peru, and Chloe Babcock, Mar. 31, 1818.
Walter R. Esq. of Albany, and Rebecca C. Rice of Worthington, Apr. 24, 1838, in Worthington. C.R.1.
Robert of Chester, and Asenath Loveland, int. Dec. 12, 1785.
Susanna [int. Susan Cambell] [of] Chester, and Philip [int. Phillip] Loveland, Sept. 12, 1793, in Chester.
Sally and John G. Williams, Jan. 18, 1816.
Abner of Williamsborugh [int. Williamsburgh], and Annis Stebins [int. Stebbins], June 10, 1807. [of Williamsburgh, and Annis Stebbins, C.R.1.]
Abner of Williamsburgh, and Roxany Johnson, Dec. 12, 1814. [Carey, and Roxana Johnson, C.R.1.]
Beulah and Uriel Cone, Mar. 14, 1805. [Uriel, C.R.1.]
Neri of Springfield, and Abigail A. Warner, Nov. 21, 1829.
Abel Jr. [int. Cheesman] and Mary Ball, Aug. 21, 1823.
Thankfull [int. Cheesman] and Robert Bissell [int. Bissel], Mar. —, 1796. [Thankful Cheesman and Robert Bissel, C.R.1.]
Isaac, Rev., and Elizabeth Robertson of Boston, int. Nov. 12, 1820.
Amanda and Isaac G. Gleason of Worthington, Dec. 17, 1833.
Ambros [int. Ambrous] and Phebe Brainard, Nov. 25, 1795. [Ambrose, C.R.1.]
Anna and Dennis Wardwell, Nov. 30, 1797.
Elihu and Lydia Sheldon of Sommers, int. June 5, 1786.
Franklin and Angeline D. Higgins of Worthington, int. Nov. 21, 1838.
Green H. [int. omits H.] and Mrs. Ellice [int. Ellis] Root, July 10, 1802. [Allis, C.R.1.]
Green H. and Mrs. Hannah Root of S. Wilbraham, int. June 10, 1822.
Green Hungerford and Dorinda Squair [int. Square], Oct. 31, 1792. [Squire, C.R.1.]
James and Nancy Little of Peru, int. Feb. 3, 1815.
James T. and Emily L. Bates of Worthington, int. Sept. 4, 1838.
Jefferson, Dr., of Peru, and Betsey Little, May 31, 1826.
Lyman and Amanda Meacham, int. Apr. 15, 1839.
Milicent and Orris Bissell, Sept. 3, 1809. [Bissel, C.R.1.]
Nancy E. and James L. Munyan of Northampton, Oct. 23, 1842.
Nancy M. and Lucian A. Higley, Oct. 11, 1831.
Oliver, 27, merchant, s. Uriah and Phebe, and Lucy Smith, 21, milliner, d. Oliver and Abi, July 23, 1849.
Phebe D. and John Ward, July 4, 1837. [John Jr., C.R.1.]
Susannah and Damiel Root Jr., int. Aug. 13, 1819.
Uriah Jr. and Phebe Mack, Jan. 11, 1810.
Wealthy and John Smith Jr., Sept. 3, 1818.
William Jr. and Nancy Dickson, May 10, 1803.
Laura L., 21, d. Giles and Abigail, and Elijah Cole Jr., 22, farmer, of Worthington, b. Worthington, s. Elijah and Freedon of Worthington, Oct. 14, 1847.
CLAP (see Clapp)
Abner Jr. and Mrs. Mercy Gillet of Colchester, Conn., int. Oct. 20, 1798.
Orin and Phebe Bush, Dec. 29, 1791.
CLAPP (see Clap)
Elects [int. Clap, adds Mrs.] and John Pinny [int. Jr.], Sept. 28, 1797.
Mercer [int. Mercy Clap] and Joel Shapley [int. Shaplee], Jan. 26, 1803. [Marcy Clapp, C.R.1.]
Rachel and John Skinner, July 24, 1817. [Rachal, C.R.1.]
Simeon and Mercy Pomeroy of Southhampton, int. May 2, 1808.
CLARK (see Clarke, Clerk)
Electa [of] Deerfield, and Benjamin Russ [of] Partridgefield. Nov. 14, 1798, in Deerfield.
Isaac of Becket, and Anna Mack, Apr. 17, 1806.
Mehitabel P. and Peter Atwood, Dec. 21, 1825. [Mahitabel P., C.R.1.]
William of Petersham, and Rachel Ward, July 27, 1812.
CLARKE (see Clark, Clerk)
Edward, Rev., and Julia Hyde of Becket, int. Feb. 26 [1844].
Rebecca of Becket, and Alpheus Russel, int. May 6, 1794.
CLERK (see Clark, Clarke)
Polly [int. Clark] and Joseph Little, Mar. 30, 1802. [Clarke, C.R.1.]
Silas and Mehitable Jagger, int. June 23, 1788.
COATES (see Coats)
Lois and Luther Leland, May 4, 1803.
Theodore and Kesia Crowell, June 28, 1797. [Kezia, C.R.1.]
COATS (see Coates)
Charles and Semantha Hyde of Williamsburg, int. May 2 [dup. Apr. 30] 1842.
Chauncey and Nancy [int. Mary] Pease, Dec. 29, 1813. [Coates, and Mary Pease, C.R.1.]
Hannah W. [int. Hannah Way Coates] and Nathaniel Babcock of Westfield, Jan. 6, 1803. [Hannah Way Coates, C.R.1.]
James [int. Coates] and Polly Spencer, Jan. 27, 1803. [Coates, C.R.1.]
Theodore and Phebe Bassett of Stockbridge, int. Jan. 15, 1830.
John of Chester, and Anna Jones, July 24, 1794.
Isaac of Schenectady, N.Y., and Sally Robbins, Nov. 10, 1811.
Charles of Worthington, and Emeline H. Root, int. Nov. 7, 1846.
Elijah Jr., 22, farmer, of Worthington, b. Worthington, s. Elijah and Freedon of Worthington, and Laura L. Churchill, 21, d. Giles and Abigail, Oct. 14, 1847.
Merrick of Worthington, and Laura Dickson, Feb. 28, 1842.
James [int. Jr.] of Hinsdale, and Harriet Olds, Nov. 25, 1841. [Colman, C.R.1.]
William, Dr., and-----------[int. Achsah] Lyman [of] Chester, July 19, 1792, in Chester.
Fanny of Worthington, and Phineas Prentice of Worthington, May 29, 1794. C .R.1.
Hannah and Aron Egleston, int. Nov. 25, 1784.
COMBS (see Coomes, Cooms)
Louisa [chip. and int. Coomes], d. Milton and Louisa [Laura, written below in pencil], and Charles Smith, farmer, s. Orrin and Sally, Mar. 27, 1843. [Coomes, C.R.1.]
Elizabeth of Becket, and Alpheus C. Russell, int. Apr. 12, 1818.
Lydia of Oxford, and Obadiah Rhoads, Jan. 10, 1796. [Rhoades, C.R.1.]
Amos and Charlotte Mack, Dec. 19, 1816.
Amos and Dolly C. Miillikan of Washington, int. Mar. 24, 1849.
Asenath of Peru, and Nathan Wright, int. Jan. 14, 1816.
Charlotte and John C. Cooper of Dalton, Sept. 25, 1842.
Cyrus and Percy [int. Persis] West, July 11, 1822. [Percy, C.R.1.]
Ludy B. [int. omits B.] and Ambrose Loveland, Mar. 14, 1814. [Ludy B., C.R.1.]
Polly B. [int. Bigalow] and Benjamin G. [int. Gillet] More of Cambridge, N.Y., Mar. 24, 1806. [Moore, C.R.1.]
Rhoda and Patrick Obrien [int. O. Brine], Dec. 19, 1826. [O'Brine, C.R.1.]
Ruby B. and Joseph Ely, Nov. 8, 1810. [Ela, C.R.1.]
Uriel and Beulah Chapin, Mar. 14, 1805. [Urial, C.R.1.]
Christopher and Lucretia Snow of Chesterfield, int. Oct. 30, 1843.
Jacob S., widr., 28, shoemaker, of Athol, b. Athol, s. Ziba of Athol, and Vesta Dickson, 26, tailoress, d. Gaston and Esther, Mar. 8, 1848. [George S., C.R.1.]
COOMES (see Combs, Cooms)
Milton and Laura. Meacham, int. Mar. 4, 1821.
COOMS (see Combs, Coomes)
Armitta [int. Armidia Coomes] and John Damon Jr., July 9, 1817. [Armitta Coomes, C.R.1.]
John C. of Dalton, and Charlotte Cone, Sept. 25, 1842.
Royal of Windsor, and Thankful Mack, Dec. 17, 1812.
James H., farmer, of Worthington, b. Worthington, s. Rufus and Sarah of Worthington, and Mary Damon, d. John and Armidda, Mar. 30, 1846.
Edward of Becket, and Flavia Millard, July 4, 1826.
George of Washington, and Amanda Pease, Oct. 20, 1841.
John of Becket, and Hannah Bizsell, int. Sept. 10, 1783.
John M., widr., farmer, of Washington, b. Washington, s. Amos and Martha of Washington, and Mary C. Wright, d. Nathan and Asseneth, May 30, 1846.
Rebecca (see Unidentified, Rebeccah-----------).
James C., widr. [int. omits widr.], lumber mercheant, of Allen [int. Albany], N.Y., and Esther A. Gamwell of Chester Factories, d. Suel and Amanda, Jan. 15, 1846.
Amos W., farmer, s. [James] dec'd, and Clarissa A. Gamwell [d. Sewall], June 6, 1843.
Amos W., widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, s. James (Coss) dec'd, and Julia Wright, housekeeper, d. Jesse, May 19, 1847.
Esther M., d. James dec'd and w. dec'd, and Alvan Day, dyer, of Hinsdale, b. Chester, s. Ira dec'd and Esther dec'd, Apr. 3,1844.
James and Abigail Whittemore, Apr. 6, 1812.
Minerva and William Bell 2d of Chester, Sept. 23, 1813.
Polly and John Gear Jr. of Worthington. Nov. 28, 1810.
William of Washington, and Waity Ann Swan, May 26, 1831.
Eliza Ann, 23, b. Montgomery, d. William dec'd and Abigail dec'd of Montgomery, and Leicester Lathrop, 22, mechanic, s. Alanson and Hannah, Nov. 30, 1848.
Eunice of Montgomery, and Madison Smith, int. Feb. 6, 1841.
Eli [int. Ely] and Bathsheba Howes [int. Hows] of Ashfield, June 15, 1797, in Ashfield.
Enoch and Hannah Hamilton of Lee, int. Sept 14, 1801.
Kesia and Theodore Coates, June 28, 1797. [Kezia, C.R.1.]
Salla and Jairus Stebbins, Nov. 23, 1806. [Sally Crowd, C.R.1.]
Eunice H. of Worthington, and Phineas Prentiss, int. Sept. 22, 1832.
Emeline, d. John and Armitta, and Frederick Saunders [int. Sander], laborer, b. Germany, Apr. 16, 1843.
John Jr. and Armitta Coons [int. Armidia Coomes], July 9, 1817. [Armitta Coomes, C.R.1.]
Lucy, d. John and Armitta, and James Granger, farmer, b. N.Y., Sept. 24, 1846.
Mary, d. John and Armidda, and James H. Cottrell, farmer, of Worthington, b. Worthington, s. Rufus and Sarah of Worthington, Mar. 30, 1846.
Prudence and Lloid West, July 8, 1817.
Alvan, dyer, of Hinsdale, b. Chester, s. Ira, dec'd and Esther, dec'd, and Esther M. Cross, d. James dec'd and w. dec'd, Apr. 3, 1844.
Anna of Bernardston [int. Mrs. Anna Dinier of Barnardstown], and Asahel Pelton, Nov. 17 [int. Nov. 26, sic], 1798, in Bernardstone.
Alexander and Sarah Gates, Apr. 15, 1802. [Sally, C.R.1.]
Alexander 2d and Sarah Metcalf, int. Oct. 14, 1821.
Caroline, 22, teacher, d. Gaston and Esther, and Lewis M. Drew, 25, teacher, of Huntington, N.Y. [int. L.I.], s. Samuel and Lardene, Apr. 17, 1849.
Diodate and Maria Holmes, int. Oct. —, 1837.
Elizabeth and Russel Gillet, Mar. 26, 1794. [Russell, C.R.1.]
Gaston and Esther Wolcott, May 26, 1811.
Horatio N. and Olive Fay of Chester, int. Apr. 18, 1839.
James Jr. and Sally [int. Salla] Pease, Apr. 27, 1808. [Sally, C.R.1.]
John and Vesta Williams, Nov. 2, 1778, in E. Haddam, Conn.
John Jr. and Patta Gleason, Apr. 30, 1805. [Patty, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Abigail Whiting of Norwich, Conn., July 2, 1789.
Laura and Merrick Cole of Worthington, Feb. 28, 1842.
Lydia, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and Hiram Parish, widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, of Worthington, Aug. 19, 1845.
Mary and Moses Egleston, int. May 24, 1784.
Mary J. and Sidney Brewster of Worthington, Sept. 22, 1830.
Nabby and Joshua Jackson of Hinsdale, int Dec. 8, 1806.
Nancy and William Church Jr., May 10, 1803.
Salla and Isaac Gleason [int. Jr.], Nov. 24, 1803. [Sally, Nov. 21, C.R.1.]
Vesta and Erastus John Ingham, May 21, 1807.
Vesta, 26, tailoress, d. Gaston and Esther, and Jacob S. Cook, widr., 28, shoemaker, of Athol, b. Athol, s. Ziba of Athol, Mar. 8, 1848. [George S., C.R.1.]
Mary B. of Goshen, and Samuel Loveland, int. Oct. 13, 1835.
Lewis M., 23, teacher, of Huntington, N.Y. [int. L.I.], s. Samuel and Lardene, and Caroline Dickson, 22, teacher, d. Gaston and Esther, Apr. 17, 1849.
John C., mercheant, of Rowe, and Harriet E. [int. omits E.] Maltby, Aug. 31, 1843 [dup. 1844] [1843, C.R.1.]
Edwin E., 23, farmer, of Cato, N.Y., b. Cato, N.Y., s. Sardis and Anste of Cato, N.Y., and Caroline Smith, 23, d. Asa and Sally, June 5, 1845.
DURANT (see Durrant)
Betsey and Walter Tracy of Hinsdale, int. Sept. 30, 1832.
Nancy [int. Nancy] and Amasa Blush [int. Blish], Feb. 3, 1802. [Nancy, and Amasa Blish, C.R.1.]
Thomas Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Sybil [int. Sibil] Wright, Mar. 9, 1813. [Thomas Jr. and SibiI Wright, C.R.1.]
Thomas D. and Thankful Metcalf, int. Mar. 23, 1834.
DURRANT (see Durant)
Polly and Samuel Wheeler of Lovill [int. Lovell], N.Y., Feb. 5, 1806. [Durant, and Samuel Wheeler of Black River, C.R.1.]
EGGLESTON (see Eglesston, Egleston)
Darius [int. Eagleston] and Mary Brown of Washington, Apr. 22, 1794, in Washington.
Moses of Lima, N.Y., and Lucy Starr, int. Jan. 17, 1819.
Oliver [int. Egleston] and Scyntha [int. Cynthaj Skinner, Nov. 27, 1787, in Washington.
EGLESSTON (see Eggleston, Egleston)
Martin and Nancy Kilborn, int. Sept. 27, 1802.
EGLESTON (see Eggleston, Egleston)
Aron and Hannah Collins, int. Nov. 23, 1784.
Joseph and Parla Leonard of Washington, int. May 11, 1807.
Moses and Mary Dickson, int. May 24, 1784.
ELA (see Ely)
Eli and Nancy Wheeler, May 6, 1819.
Jonathan [int. Elay] and Huldah Hatch, Jan. 4, 1808.
Electa S. of Chester, and Hewn E. Moody of Belchertown, Apr. 26, 1841, in Chester. C.R.1.
George N. and Julia A. Root, int. Apr. —, 1836.
Nored [nt. adds Lt.] of Chester, and Rebecca Russell, Feb. 20, 1823. [Russel, C.R.1.]
Samuel of Farmington, O., and Elmira Ward, Apr. 8, 1834.
William and Abigail Mack, Sept. 21, 1815.
Ruhamah of Hebron, Conn., and Daniel Taylor, int. Nov. 7, 1784.
Reuben of E. Windsor, Conn., and Priscilla Pelton, Dec. 27, 1827. [of E. Winsor, Conn., C.R.1.]
ELY (see Ela)
Eli and Lucy Wheeler, June 7, 1832.
Franklin B., farmer, s. Eli, and Ludy M. Loveland, d. Ambrose and Ludy, Apr. 22, 1846.
Joseph and Ruby B. Cone, Nov. 8, 1810. [Ela., C.R.1.]
Mary of Longmeadow, and David Mack Jr., int. Dec. 29, 1811.
Amanda and Timothy Root of Lenox, May 14, 1818.
Ebenezer and Mary Mack, int. June 6, 1791.
Harmony and Samuel Hamilton of Chester, Nov. 22, 1826.
Ichabod [int. Ichabud] and [int. adds Mrs.] Mlndwell Mack, Dec. 9, 1799.
Mary and Justus Browning, Mar. 20, 1817.
Sylvester and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Peas [int. Pees], Oct. 4, 1798. [Pease, C.R.1.]
Addison and Martha White of Ludlow, int. Apr. 10, 1830.
Mary Smith Clapp of Worthington, and William F. Leonard, int. Dec. 7, 1824.
Olive of Chester, and Horatio N. Dickson, int. Apr. 18, 1839.
William of Chester, and Independence Roots [int. Root], May 16, 1838.
Laura and Orrin Blosson [int. Blossom], Aug. 20, 1818. [Blossom, G.R.1.]
Parker of Norwich, and Dorcas Mechem [int. Mechem], May 29, 1793.
FERGASON (see Ferguson)
Julia of Peru, and Stephen Graves, int. Nov. 11, 1837.
FERGUSON (see Fergason)
Elmira of Cummington, and Reuben Olds, int. Mar. 11, 1837.
Mary and Oliver Blush, Dec. 20, 1820.
Priscilla and Benjamin Stewart, Nov. 12, 1811.
Ruth of Partridgefield, and Joel Felton, int. Aug. 9, 1803.
Lucy of Partridgefield, and Samuel Spencer, Dec. 1, 1800.
Fanny of Becket, and George W. McElwain, int. May 14, 1800.
Rebeca, Mrs., of Becket, and Simeon Wood, int. Jan. 1, 1798.
Isaac Jr. [int. Follett] of Worthington, [and] Persis Gleason, Oct. 21, 1818.
Sarah [int. Foot] and Alexander Ingham, Dec. 1, 1836. [Foot, C.R.1.]
Lois of Partridgefield, and Ebeneser Babcock Jr., int. July 18, 1803.
Jemima, wid., and Lewis Taylor, int. June 6, 1784.
Lucina and Reuben Rich of Carsanova [int. Carsanva], Feb. 3, 1805. [Reuben of Cazenova, C.R.1.]
GAMAEL (see Gamwell)
James [int. Gamwell] and Polly Kingston, June 26, 1797. [Gamuel, C.R.1.]
GAMWELL (see Gamael)
Clarissa A. [d. Sewall] and Amos W. Cross, farmer, s. [James] dec'd, June 6, 1843.
Esther A. of Chester Factories, d. Suel and Amanda, and James C. Crocker, widr. [int. omits widr.], lumber mercheant, of AlIeny [int. Albany], N.Y., Jan. 15, 1846.
Polly of Chester, and Simpson Bell of Chester, July 10, 1801. C.R.1.
Sophronia and Samuel Robbins, int. Apr. 16, 1834.
Martha, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Dea. Job [int. Jobe] Robbins, Mar. 23, 1808.
Sally and Alexander Dickson, Apr. 13, 1802. [Sally, G.R.1.]
Sally and Job Robbins 3d, Mar. 15, 1825.
Zilpah [int. adds Mrs.] and Timothy M'Elwain [int. Makelwain] Jr., Jan. 31, 1798. [McElwain, C.R.1.]
GEAR (see Geer)
John Jr. of Worthington, and Polly Cross, Nov. 28, 1810.
Roxany of Worthington, and Alvan Holmes, int. Nov. 27, 1831.
GEER (see Gear)
Rosella of Worthington, and Spencer Stewart, int. May 4, 1840.
Dolly Ann of Blandford, and Lorenzo C. Robbins, int. July 29, 1841.
Huldy of Chester, and Horris Gleason, int. Sept. 11, 1814.
Mercy, Mrs., of Colchester, Conn., and Abner Clap Jr., int. Oct. 20, 1798.
Nancy and Israel Pease Jr., int. Apr. 27, 1817.
Russel and Elizabeth Dickson, Mar. 26, 1794. [Russell, C.R.1.]
Asubah and Hesekiah Allen Jr. of Windsor, Conn., Dec. 29, 1802 [Azubah and Hezekiah Allen Jr. of Winsor, C.R.1.]
Azubah and Moses Allen Jr. of E. Windsor, Conn., int. Nov. 23, 1802.
Horris and Huldy Gillet of Chester, int. Sept. 11, 1814.
Isaac [int. Jr.] and Sally Dickson, Nov. 24, 1803. [Sally, Nov. 21, C.R.1.]
Isaac G. of Worthington, and Amanda Church, Dec. 17, 1835.
Patta and John Dickson Jr., Apr. 30, 1805. [Patty, C.R.1.]
Persis [and] Isaac Follet [int. Follett] Jr. of Worthington, Oct. 21, 1818.
Charles of Springfield, and Elizabeth A. Warner, Aug. 29 [1828].
Mercy of Worthington, and Charles E. Wood, int. Sept. 6, 1840.
Ann L. of Chester, and Nathan Samuels of Chester, Aug. 22 [1838], in Chester. C.R.1.
Betsey [int. Betsy] and Amos Strong, Oct. 9, 1788, in Chester.
GRAHAM (see Grayham).
Clarissi and Noah Lyman of Chester, int. Mar. 18, 1804.
Elizabeth of Southwick, and Justus Olds Jr., int. Apr. 30, 1831.
James, farmer, b. N.Y., and Lucy Damon, d. John and Armitta, Sept. 24, 1846.
Lydia and Edward Hayward, Apr. 2, 1807. [Heyward, C.R.1.]
GRAVES (see Grays)
Amasa Jr. and Salla Bird of Whately, int. Nov. 7, 1803.
Amasa Jr. and Celena Bisbee [int. Celenia Bixbee], Oct. 13, 1825.
Anna and Jonah Williams of Goshen, int. Jan. 6, 1791.
Dwight E. (see Enoch D.).
Emerancy, d. Amasa and Sally, and Jarvis [dup. Jarves] Norcutt [int. Norcott], farmer, of Becket, b. Becket, s. John (Norcut) and w. of Becket, Sept. 28, 1843 [dup. 1844]. [Jarvis Norcutt, 1843, C.R.1.]
Enoch D. [int. Dwight E.], farmer, s. Stephen, and Maryette [int. Maryett] Root, d. S. E. and Mary, July 4, 1843 [dup. 1844] [Dwight E. and Maryett Root, 1843, C.R.1.]
Erastus and Melina [int. Malinda] Lyon of Whately, June 6, 1798, in Whately.
Laura and Alanson Ballou of Peru, Apr. 7, 1836.
Lydia and Timothy Graves of Hatfield [int. Hadfield], Feb. 5, 1803.
Lydia and Franklin Stowell of Peru, Sept. 9, 1830.
Nathan of Nelson, N.Y., and Phebe Graves, Sept. 30, 1839.
Nelson and Amanda Ballou of Peru, int. Mar. 5 [? 1], 1836.
Nelson and Mary Burghardt of Stockbridge, int. June 14, 1845.
Phebe and Pain Loveland, Nov. 12, 1795. [Payne, C.R.1.]
Phebe and Nathan Graves of Nelson, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1839.
Sally and Barton Bisbee, Feb. 26, 1833.
Stephen and Waity Bird of Hatfield, int. Sept. 10, 1809.
Stephen and Julia Fergason of Peru, int. Nov. 11, 1837.
Timothy of Hatfield [int. Hadfield], and Lydia Graves, Feb. 5, 1805.
Waitee [int. Waita] I. and Selden [int. Seldan] Root, Sept. 23, 1834. [Waitta I. and Selden Root, C.R.1.]
GRAYS (see Graves)
Amasa and Mrs. Rhoda Ball of Hatfield, int. Feb. 2, 1817.
Nelson and Azubah Smith, int. Jan. 29, 1845.
Jenny [int. Mrs. Genna Graham] and Ozem Merryfield, Apr. 17, 1798. [Jenny Graham, C.R.1.]
GREAN (see Green)
William and Dilly Baxter, int. June 24, 1810.
GREEN (see Grean)
Deborah [int. adds Mrs.] and Jonathan Brakly [int. Brakely), Nov. 30, 1798. [Brakely, C.R.1.]
Melvina of Dalton, and Silvanus E. Nichols, int. Mar. 15, 1844.
Hannah of Russel, and Benjamin Babcock, int. Sept. 20, 1792.
Joseph of Russell, and Lydia Babcock, Apr. 9, 1794. [Hayes, C.R.1.]
Seth of Russell [int. Russell, and Elizabeth Babcock, Jan. 15, 1795.[Hayes, C.R. 1.]
Israel and Emeline Olds, int. Mar. or Apr. —, 1839.
William and Hannah Tuttle, Mar. 2, 1809.
Levi [int. Hamblon] of Worthington, and Agnes [int. Agness) Hoskins, Sept. 27, 1809. [Hamblin, and Agnes Hoskins, C.R.1.]
Betsey and George Pratt, Mar. 23, 1809.
David of Washington, and Abigail Meacham, Apr. 26, 1827.
Dolly and William Mahanna of Chester, Feb. 12, 1816.
Hannah of Lee, and Enoch Crowell, int. Sept. 14, 1801.
John Jr. of Washington, and Mary Olds, Nov. 29, 1821.
Mary of Washington, and Dudley Taylor, int. Apr. 10, 1814.
Mary M., teacher, d. John and w., and Phineas Prentice, widr. [int. omits widr.], tanner, b. "supposed" Chester, s. -----dec'd, Apr. 8, 1846.
Moses 2d and Peggy Mahanna, May 9, 1822.
Samuel and Patty Henry, Jan. 4, 1815.
Samuel of Chester, and Harmony Emmons, Nov. 22, 1826.
William of Chester, and Tabitha Babcock, Sept. 10, 1807.
Lucy of Longmeadow, and Israel Bissell, int. Aug. 30, 1784.
Almon of Smithfield, N.Y., and Sophronia Hazeleton, May 19, 1842.
Melody, Mrs., of Washington, and Hesekiah Russ, int. Oct. 20, 1800.
Richard of Washington, and Asenath Perkins, Dec. 11, 1800.
Amanda of Becket, and Chester Johnson, int. Oct. 24, 1819.
Peter of Windsor [int. Harvy of W. Windsor, Conn.], and Betsy Perkins, Dec. 7, 1802. [of Windsor, C.R.1.]
HASKINS (see Hoskins).
Huldah and Jonathan Ela [int. Elay] Jan. 4, 1808.
Nancey and Justus [int. Justice] Bissell Jr., Aug. 15, 1803. [Nancy and Justus Bissell Jr., C.R.1.]
Solomon, Dr. [int. omits Dr.], of Hamilton, N.Y., and Sarah McElwain, July 31, 1810.
Celena and Andrew Meacham, Sept. 7, 1813.
Henry and Emerancy Loveland, Oct. 29, 1829.
HAYES (see Hais).
Edward and Lydia Granger, Apr. 2, 1807. [Heyward, C.R.1.]
Sophronia and Almon Hardy of Smithfield, N.Y., May 19, 1842.
Patty and Samuel Hamilton, Jan. 4, 1815.
Polly of Worthington, and John Slade, int. Apr. 17, 1814.
Alanson of Westford, N.Y., and Lucy Pelton, Nov. 29, 1832.
Angeline D. of Worthington, and Franklin Church, Nov. 21, 1838.
Eunice of Chester, and Charles F. Leonard, int. Feb. 13, 1834.
Lucian A. and Nancy M. Church, Oct. 11, 1831.
Abraham Jr. and Harriet Alderman of Chester, int. Mar. 7, 1819.
Alvan and Roxany Gear of Worthington, int. Nov. 27, 1831.
Loren and Clarissa A. Knox of Blandford, int. May 3, 1845.
Maria and Diodate Dickson, int. Oct. —, 1837.
Agnys [int. Agness] and Levi Hamblin [int. Hamblon] of Worthington, Sept. 27, 1809. [Agnes and Levi Hamblin, C.R.1.]
Lovicy of Washington, and Asa Taylor, int. Oct. 22, 1820.
Elizabeth and Joshua Tower [int. Town] of Worthington, Jan. 9, 1812. [Tower, C.R.1.]
Hannah of Dalton, and Ebenezer Russ, int. Oct. 15, 1787.
HOWES (see Hows)
Bathsheba [int. Hows] of Ashfield, and Eli [int. Ely] Crowell, June 15, 1797, in Ashfield.
HOWS (see Howes)
Rebecca [int. Rebeca] and Samuel Little, Oct. 16, 1800.
Mary of W. Springfield, and Selden Root, int. Oct. 14, 1821.
Israel [int. Huchinson] of Montgomery, and Poly Kiegwine [int. Mrs. Molly Kiegwin], Nov. 30, 1797. [Molly Keigwin, C.R.1.]
Julia of Becket, and Rev. Edward Clarke, int. Feb. 26 [1844].
Rufus, farmer, of Chesterfield, and Emily Catharine Olds, 19, teacher, d. Levi and Emily, Aug. —, 1848.
Semantha of Williamsburg, and Charles Coats, int. May 2 [dup. Apr. 30] 1842.
William of Chester, and Esther Whittemore, Sept. 21, 1813.
INGHAM (see Ingraham)
Alexander and Sarah Foote [int. Foot], Dec. 1, 1836. [Foot, C.R.1.]
Betsey and Amos Mack, July 4, 1808.
Daniel and Anna Smith, Sept. —, 1808. [Sept. 8, C.R.1.]
Erastus John and Vesta Dickson, May 21, 1807.
John M., Lt., and Melita Ballou of Peru, int. Oct. 12, 1833.
Lydia and Reuben Blossom of Onondaga [int. Onondago], N.Y., Jan. 20, 1811. [Reuben of Onondago, N.Y., C.R.1.]
Mahitabel and Abner Wing of Hinsdale, Oct. 16, 1816. [Mehitable, C.R.1.]
Maria and Romeo Alderman, Nov. 29, 1831.
Maria of West Hampton, and John P. Loveland, int. Mar. 29, 1845.
Mary and Andress [int. Andrys] Loveland of Smithfield, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1809. [Andrus, C.R.1.]
Mary and Walter Pease, Feb. 23, 1831.
Mehitable (see Mahitabel).
Samuel and Clarissa Alderman, May 15, 1832.
Tryphena [int. Triphene] and Zeri Wing of Hinsdale. May 15, 1817. [Zera, C.R.1.]
William and Betsey [int. Betsy] Smith, Mar. 3, 1806. [Betsy, C.R.1.]
INGRAHAM (see Ingham)
Jedediah and Mary Jones, Nov. 27, 1794.
Joshua of Hinsdale, and Nabby Dickson, int. Dec. 8, 1806.
Mehitable and Silas Clerk, int. June 23, 1738.
Sarah of Becket, and Samuel Taylor, May 28, 1789.
JENINGS (see Jennings)
Hannah F. [int. Jennings] and William D. Stevens of Becket, Feb. 16, 1820. [Jennings, C.R.1.]
JENNINGS (see Jenings)
Zeba P. of Dalton, and Emily Olds, Feb. 11, 1830.
Chester and Amanda Harris of Becket, int. Oct. 24, 1819.
Edmund and Sarah D. Olds, int. Feb. 24, 1844.
Elihu, farmer, b. Chester, s. Isaac of Washington, and Mary Johnson, teacher, b. Sheffield, d. --- dec'd and w. of Sheffield, Mar. 24, 1846.
Lyman of Chester, and Caroline E. Olds, Dec. 6 [1838].
Mary, teacher, b. Sheffield, d. --- dec'd and w. of Sheffield, and Elihu Johnson, farmer, b. Chester, s. Isaac of Washington, Mar. 24, 1846.
Milton [int. Milton] and Esther W. Wright, May 18, 1820. [Milton, C.R.1.]
Olive S. and Seth Stannard of Westfield, int. July 4, 1843.
Roxany and Abner Cary of Williamsburgh, Dec. 12, 1814. [Roxana and Abner Carey, C.R.1.]
William P. and Betsey Bell of Chester, int. Mar. 22, 1835.
JONES (see Jons)
Anna and John Cobb of Chester, July 24, 1794.
Arba and Polly Squires [int. Squirs], June 28, 1797. [Squire, C.R.1.]
Hannah and Frederick Allen of Washington, Feb. 18, 1801.
Jethro Jr. of Blanford, and Anne Starkweather of Blanford, June 22, 1796. C.R.1.
John and Hannah Skinner, Nov. 12, 1795.
Judith of Blanford, and William Martin of Blanford, June 21, 1796. C.R.1.
Lucy of Otis, and Elder Silas Kingsley of Chester, Dec. 7, 1837.
Mary and Jedediah Ingraham, Nov. 27, 1794.
Samuel and Rebeccah----------[int. Rebecca Crane of Becket], Sept. 6, 1788, in Becket.
Samuel Jr. and Betsey Skinner, int. Apr. 23, 1792.
JONS (see Jones)
Cyntha [int. Mrs. Cynthia Jones] and John Tinker of Worthington, Nov. 11, 1798. [Cynthia Jones, C.R.1.]
Miriam [int. Mrs. Mirriam] and Alexander Lomis of Southampton, Sept. 30, 1799.
Phebe and Oliver Waters [int. of Hallifax] Jan. 25, 1787, in Chester.
Almina [ ?] of Washington, and Charles Bill, int. Feb. 3, 1838.
Poly [int. Mrs. Molly Kiegwin] and Israel Hutchinson [int. Huchinson] of Montgomery, Nov. 30, 1797. [Molly Keigwin, C.R.1.]
Nancy and Martin Eglesston, int. Sept. 27, 1802.
Edward, Rev. [int. "Methodist Elder on Middlefield Cercuit from N York "], 23, b. New Lebanon, N.Y., s.----------dec'd, and Lorinda Smith, 22, teacher, d. Obadiah, Sept. 1, 1847 [not in Middlefield].
Silas, Elder, of Chester, and Lucy Jones of Otis, Dec. 7, 1837.
Polly and James Gamael [int. Gamwell], June 26, 1797. [Gamuel, C.R.1.]
Clarissa A. of Blandford, and Loren Holmes, int. May 3, 1843.
Leicester, 22, mechanic, s. Alanson and Hannah, and Eliza Ann Crow, 23, b. Montgomery, d. William dec'd and Abigail dec'd of Montgomery, Nov. 30, 1848.
Anna and Justus Olds Jr., int. Aug. 20, 1826.
Daniel and Anna Bissell, Dec. 7, 1803.
Daniel and Fanny Wolcott [int. Walcott], Mar. 18, 1830. [Wolcott, C.R.1.]
Irena, wid. [int. Rena, omits wid.], and Capt. Abraham Washbourn [int. Washbon] of Partridgefield, Mar. 16, 1802. [Mrs. Irena and Capt. Abraham Washburn, C.R.1.]
Luther and Mrs. Olive Bullard of Holliston, int. June 9, 1800.
Luther and Lois Coates, May 4, 1803.
Lyman of Hinsdale, and Gray Taylor, Mar. 31, 1813.
Nabby and Phillip Mechem, Nov. 20, 1794. [Meacham, C.R.1.]
Azuba and George U. Taylor, Dec. 1, 1808.
Charles F. and Eunice Higgins of Chester, int. Feb. 13, 1834.
Duane of Hinsdale, and Miss----------Olds, int. Mar. —, 1839.
Edmund D. and Elizabeth Remington of Hinsdale, int. Oct. 22, 1829.
Emiline [int. Emeline] and Robert Lindsey of Blandford, Apr. 24, 1823.
Lucina and Joseph A. Lyman of Hinsdale, Apr. 6, 1836.
Paria of Washington, and Joseph Egleston, int. May 11, 1807.
Simeon, Capt., of Hinsdale, and Cynthia [int. Synthia] Moore Apr. 18, 1811. [Cynthia, C.R.1.]
William and Mary A. Lyman of Easthampton, int. Sept. 14, 1839.
William F. and Mary Smith Clapp Everett of Worthington, int. Dec. 7, 1824.
Robert of Blandford, and Emiline [int. Emeline] Leonard, Apr. 24, 1823.
Amasa and Achsah Smith, Mar. 17, 1825.
Betsey and Dr. Jefferson Church of Peru, May 31, 1826.
Betsy and Elijah Alford Jr. of Becket, Apr. 24, 1806. [Betsey, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Polly Clerk [int. Clark], Mar. 30, 1802. [Clarke, C.R.1.]
Mary and Thomas D. Robbins, int. Dec. 2, 1843.
Nancy of Peru, and James Church, int. Feb. 3, 1815.
Nancy M. of Otis, and Oliver E. Matthews, int. Mar. 27, 1830.
Nial and Rhoda Root, Sept. 14, 1803. [Niel, C.R.1.]
Rhoda P. and Charles Packard of Springfield, Dec. 17, 1829. [Rhoda R., C.R.1.]
Russell and Salla Mack, Apr. 2, 1804. [Sally, C.R.1.]
Sally of Peru, and Philip Meacham 2d, int. Mar. 5, 1820.
Sally of Peru, and Oliver Spencer, int. Feb. 8, 1824.
Samuel and Rebecca [int. Rebeca] Hows, Oct. 16, 1800.
Samuel H. and Submit White, June 2, 1814.
Warren and Susannah Spencer Sept. 19, 1811. [Susanna, C.R.1.]
LOMIS (see Loomis)
Alexander of Southampton, and Miriam [int. Mrs. Mirriam] Jons, Sept. 30, 1799.
LOOMS (see Lomis)
Clarrissa and Benoni Rust of Amherst, Aug. 3, 1828.
LOTHROP (see Lathrop).
LOVELAND (see Lovland)
Ambrose and Ludy B. [int. omits B.] Cone, Mar. 14, 1814. [Ludy B., C.R.1.]
Ambrose O. and Eliza W. B. Turner of Worthington, int. Oct. 6, 1839.
Andress [int. Andrys] of Smithfield, N.Y., and Mary Ingham, Sept. 10, 1809. [Andrus, C.R.1.]
Andrus and Rachel Bates, June 20, 1793.
Asenath and Robert Campbell of Chester, int. Dec. 12, 1783.
Aurelia of Hinsdale, b. Hinsdale, d.----------of Hinsdale, and Calvin Smith, farmer, s. Asa and Sally (Root), Sept. 19, 1844.
Cyrus P., 21, laborer, s. Ambrose and Ludy, and Abigail F. Prentice, 19, d. Fanny T., dec'd, Nov. 13, 1845.
Emerancy and Henry Hawes, Oct. 29, 1829.
John P. and Maria Ingham of West Hampton, int. Mar. 29, 1845.
Ludy M., d. Ambrose and Ludy, and Franklin B. Ely, farmer, s. Eli, Apr. 22, 1846.
Pain and Phebe Graves, Nov. 12, 1795. [Payne, C.R.1.]
Phebe and Worcester Taylor, Mar. 7, 1816.
Philip [int. Phillip] and Susanna Campbell [int. Susan Cambell [of] Chester, Sept. 12, 1793, in Chester.
Precilla and William Taylor, int. May 31, 1784.
Rachell [int. Rachel] and Ebenezer Partridge of Worthington, Dec. 10, 1795. [Rachel, C.R.1.]
Roxana [int. Mrs. Roxany] and John Partridge [int. Jr.] of Worthington, Nov. 29, 1797. [John Jr., C.R.1.]
Ruth and David Bates, Sept. 5, 1793.
Samuel and Mary B. Dresser of Goshan, int. Oct. 13, 1833.
LOVLAND (see Loveland)
Epaphroditus and Anna Spencer, Oct. 2, 1803. [Loveland, C.R.1.]
Malachi Jr. and Experiance Stowel of Partridgefield, int. Oct. 15, 1787.
Mehitable of Becket, and Jeremiah Rider, int. Mar. 29, 1792.
Achsah (see---------- Lyman).
Clarissa J. of Westhampton, and Rev. John H. Bisbee, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
Clarissa J. [int. Jane], 25, housekeeper, of Chester, b. Chester, d. Moses of Chester, and Jonathan McElwain Jr., 28, farmer, s. Jonathan, May 20, 1847.
Joseph A. of Hinsdale, and Lucina Leonard, Apr. 6, 1836.
Mary A. of Easthampton, and William Leonard, int. Sept. 14, 1839.
Noah of Chester, and Clarissi Granger, int. Mar. 18, 1804.
----------[int. Achsah] [of] Chester, and Dr. William Coleman, July 19, 1792, in Chester.
Melina [int. Malinda] of Whately, and Erastus Graves, June 6, 1798, in Whately.