Vital Records Of Mendon, Worchester Co., Ma
To The Year 1850
Compiled By Thomas W. Baldwin, A.B., S.B.,
Member Of The New England Historic Genealogical Society.
Boston, Mass., 1920.
Marriages - UNDERWOOD to YOUNG, Unidentified & Negroes
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Chloe of Holliston, and William Drake, int. Nov. 7, 1812.
Joseph, Dr., of Belfast, Me., and Silvia Chapin, Apr. 22, 1801.
Joseph and Ruth Wilber, Sept. 26, 1819.
Joshua of Holliston, and Hannah Wheelock, Feb. 16, 1737-8.
Mary and Gershom Legg, Dec. 1, 1757.
Paul of Oblong, N.Y., s. of Edward and Eleanor of Barclay, R.I., and Phebe Smith, d. of John and Mary, 31st d., 3d mo., called March, 1768. C.R.2.
Paul, s. of Ebenezer of Dover, N.H., and Elisabeth Mussey, d. of James, 2d d., 7th mo., called September, 1742. C.R.2.
Hannah of Boston, and Lieut. Ichabod Ammidon, int. Apr. 11, 1777.
Mary of Sutton, and John Rawson, Feb. 19, 1729-30.
VERREY (See Verry) -
Abigail and Simon Whipple of Smithfield, Nov. 27, 1794.
Nathan and Bethyah Thayer, May 26, 1753.
Ruth and Ruben Allbe of Smithfield, int. ----, 1744.
Salley and Caleb Allen, int. June 14, 1785.
VERRY (See Verrey) -
Foster and Rachel Holbrook of Uxbridge, int. Apr. 4, 1810.
Nancy and Otis Mason of Cumberland, R.I., June 29, 1823.
Nathan and Sarah Scott, int. Apr. 30, 1767.
Nathan Jr. and Hannah Thomson, Mar. 11, 1789.
Nathan Jr. and Nancy Ballou of Cumberland, R.I., int. June 8, 1823.
Patience and Richard George, Sept. 13, 1801.
Sally and William (William B., int.) Nolen of Grafton, Dec. 18, 1842.
Samuel and Anna Gaskill, Mar. 4, 1827.
Benjamin Jr. and Rhoda Holbrook, Dec. 12, 1776.
Lydia and Isaiah Corbett, Jan. 12, 1758.
Mary and Jonathan Hayward Jr., Jan. 25, 1769.
Rebeckah of Charlton, and Japhett Taft, int. Feb. 21, 1807.
Polly and Isaac P. Arculess, May 25, 1843.
Virtue and Caleb Mowrey Jr., Apr. 4, 1824.
VOCE (See Force, Vose) -
Marianne of Cumberland, R.I., and Robhert A. Blanchard, int. Apr. 11, 1839.
VOSE (See Force, Voce) -
Mary of Milton, and Ebenezer Chephen, in. Milton, ----, 1758 (int. Aug. 25, 1758).
Mary M. and Davis B. Alexander of Wrentham, June 18, 1840.
Cyrus of Westborough, and Sarah Burns, int. Apr. 13, 1844.
Caroline G. and John D. Parker, both of Uxbridge, Oct. 27, 1839.
Eliza and Harvey Munyan, July 3, 1838.
Simian O. of Milford, and Dorinda S. Howard, May 23, 1839.
WALCKER (See Walker) -
Jedediah of Rehoboth, and Molley Gors, int. Feb. 16, 1784.
WALCOTT (See Wolcott) -
Abijah W. of Seekonk, and Sophia Smith, Aug. 27, 1815.
WALDEN (See Waldin, Waldon) -
George of Burrillville, R.I., and Pheba Ann Tinkham, int. Jan. 12, 1835.
WALDEN (See Walden, Waldon) -
Susan F. and Elias S. Stone, int. Feb. 16, 1844.
WALDEN (See Walden, Waldon) -
Alpha of Bellingham and Seth Southwick, int. May 10, 1801.
Amos and Emily Cheney, both of Milford, Apr. 21, 1831.
Elisabeth of Stoughton, and Ichabod Ammidon Jr., int. Feb. 15, 1781.
Jacob (Jr., int.) of Winchendon, and Silvia A. Ramsdell, Nov. 18, 1814.
Jonathan of Braintree, and Rachel Taft, Dec. 2, 1755.
Mille of Franklin, and Amos Thayer, int. Feb. 25, 1797.
Ruth C. of Orange, and Nathaniel K. Mellens, int. Dec. 21, 1823.
WALKER (See Walcker) -
Angelina of Milford, and Willard F. Parker, Oct. 2, 1837..
Benjamin of Uxbridge, and Margaret Rawson, in Uxbridge, Nov. 15, 1773.
Emeline, d. of Edward and Sarah, a. 18 y., and Francis B. Gunn, s. of Benjamin and Lucretia, a. 22 y., Dec. 12, 1848.
Ephraim of Providence, and Pricilla Rawson, July 24, 1758.
Fanny and Wing Hendrick of Smithfield, R.I., Nov. 27, 1823.
George W. of Seekonk, and Esther Smith of Smithfield, R.I., June 17, 1830.
Hannah and Daniel White, Nov. 16, 1741. (according to the microfilmed town records, Hannah's surname was STALKER, not WALKER. [courtesy of Susan Mulvey])
Ira of Wrentham, and Keziah Southwick, Oct. 30, 1825.
Isaac, s. of John and Margaret, and Abigail Harris, d. of Jeremiah and Abigail of Smithfield, 30th d., 4th mo., 1783. C.R.2.
Jason and Nancy Hyland, Oct. 25, 1808.
John and Eunice Keith, int. Apr. 12, 1760.
John I. of Upton, s. of Simeon of Hopkinton, and Elizabeth, a. 37 y., and Sarah W. Mason, d. of Millen of Woonsocket, R.I., and Lettis, a. 27 y., May 30, 1847.
Levi F. of Upton, and Mary M. Reynolds of Millbury, Oct. 20, 1840.
Lucy A. P. of Holliston, and Thomas W. Claflin, Feb. 8, 1842.
Mary of Framingham, and Samuell Stratton, in Framingham, Nov. 17, 1737.
Polley of Sutton, and Aaron Burdon, int. Oct. 25, 1810.
Samuel of Hopkinton, and Sarah Lyon, Jan. 15, 1759.
Susanna of Hopkinton, and Thomas Beard Jr., Dec. 28, 1732.
Thomas of Hopkinton, and Bethiah Chapin, Apr. 12, 1750.
Timothy and Olive Arnold, both of Uxbridge, Nov. 5, 1793.
Timothy s. of Cumberland, R.I., and Mary Ann Preston, int. Oct. 27, 1833.
William (William B., int.) and Henrietta Slack (Henrietta L. Slade, both of Medway, int.), Apr. 10, 1824.
Patience and Obadiah Coolidge, of Jay, N.Y., Oct. 3, 1833.
Wait and Simon Lee Jr., int. June 13, 1821.
WALLEN (See Wallen) -
Mary, Mrs., and Anthony Chase, Apr. 3, 1808.
WALLING (See Wallen) -
Heber and Sally Engley, int. Feb. 1, 1816.
Martin of Burrillville, R.I., and Mary E. Greenman, Sept. 2, 1824.
Mercy and Ahaz Cook, Nov. 19, 1818.
Rheuana and Amasa Sweet, int. Dec. 14, 1816.
Paul D. of Boston, and Emeline Pitts, Sept. 7, 1843.
WARD (See Word) -
Daniel of Sutton, and Mary Rawson of Uxbridge, Sept. 20, 1792.
David of Bellingham, and Mary Norcross, int. Mar. 4, 1773.
Deborah and John Fish, May 7, 1752.
Elijah and Hannah Read, July 27, 1749.
Elisabeth and John Benney Jr. of Weston, Dec. 6, 1753.
Sylvanus and Sematha Glasier, Apr. 28, 1831.
William and Hannah Taft of Upton, int. June 18, 1776.
Eliza and Albert J. Fletcher, both of Upton, Oct. 4. 1840.
WARE (See Wares, Were) -
Albert O. of Uxbridge, and Mehitable Hawes of Cumberland, R.I., May 28, 1835.
Betsey of Franklin, and Hiram Cook, int. Mar. 11, 1827.
Esther of Needham, and Josiah Penniman, in Needham, Jan. 22, 1761.
Joseph of Wrentham, and Hannah Pasmore, Jan. 6, 1778.
Lyman of Cumberland, R.I., and Salinan Burlington (Salinda Burlingame, int.), June 2, 1831.
Robard of Wreatham, and Elizebeth Holbrook, Feb. 26, 1719.
WARES (See Ware, Were) -
Mary and Moses Ramsdell, Oct. 1, 1743.
Nathan of Wrentham, and Lydia Green, int. Nov. 10, 1766.
WARFEILD (See Warfield, Wharfeild, Wharfield) -
Job and Huldah Thayer, June 12, 1751.
Lewis and Mary Remington, July 19, 1807.
Luther of Milford, and Alce Thomson, May 24, 1807.
WARFIELD (See Warfeild, Wharfeild, Wharfield) -
Abba Ann and Estes Burden, Dec. 3, 1835.
Alinda and George Washington Benson, int. Feb. 11, 1804.
Daniel T. and Amy Ann Smith, Oct. 12, 1840.
Elihu and Mary Ellis of Medway, in Medway, May 30, 1764.
Elisabeth and John Darling, Jan. 20, 1791.
Hannah and Ralph Hill, Nov. 23, 1731.
John and Deborah Taft, Apr. 3, 1777.
Lawson and Harriet M. Stockwell of Sutton, int. Apr. 1, 1845.
Lewis and Sylvia Warfield, int. Jan. 28, 1822.
Lydia and George Hill, June 4, 1800.
Mary and William Green, May 19, 1719.
Olive of Milford, and Josiah Gould of Medway, July 10, 1814.
Polly and John Darling Jr., June 3, 1790.
Preston and Hannah W. Burden, Jan. 5, 1836.
Ruth and John Thayer, Feb. 20, 1806.
Samuel and Hannah White, July 22, 1701.
Samuell and Margery Gay, Mar. 22, 1780.
Sylvia and Lewis Warfield, int. Jan. 28, 1822.
Thurber and Lydia Tourtellot, Oct. 1, 1809.
Betsey and Benajah Dyer, Apr. 12, 1818.
Charles and Eliza Bacon, July 12, 1838.
Criah and Levi Mowrey of Smithfield, R.I., int. Nov. 9, 1823.
David E. and Ruth S. Taylor, Mar. 29, 1839.
Demarius of Gloucester, R.I., and Mason Milmouth, int. Feb. 4, 1820.
Demeras and Samuel Ropes, July 1, 1821.
James S. and Hepsebeth Cathcart, Jan. 7, 1821.
Mary and Thomas Manton of Johnston, R.I., int. Apr. 7, 1817.
Sarah and Nahum Thayer, Sept. 13, 1818.
WARRAN (See Warren, Warrin] -
Hannah and Jason Newton of Framingham, June 9, 1757.
WARREN (See Warran, Warrin) -
Chandler M. of Grafton, and Surphrona Aldrich, int. May 11, 1828.
Deliverance of Weston, and Seth Warren, in Weston, Oct. 9, 1760.
Esther and Abraham Stearns, May 31, 1780.
Samuel and Hannah Beard, Sept. 27, 1733.
Samuel Jr. and Polly Mellen, both of Milford, Apr. 19, 1797.
Sarah and Joseph Partridge, Nov. 15, 1778.
Seth and Deliverance Warren of Weston, in Weston, Oct. 9, 1760.
Thankful of Grafton, and Levi Rawson, in Grafton, Oct. 26, 1775.
WARRIN (See Warran, Warren) -
Priscilla of Milford, and Baruch Penniman, int. Mar. 30, 1789.
Samuell of Grafton, and Eunice Corbitt, May 29, 1754.
Hannah and Jeremiah Battles Jr., int. Apr. 6, 1771.
Huldah and Samuel Kimpton of Uxbridge, int. Apr. 11, 1776.
Lusina and Benson Darling, Nov. 29, 1829.
Obed and Linda Taft, int. June 29, 1834.
Ruhamah and Eleazer Albee, June 2, 1775.
Samuel and Mary Cutting, Feb. 19, 1795.
Samuell and Hannah Hayward, Nov. 12, 1777.
Sarah and Elijah Darling, Apr. 13, 1769.
Susanna and John Kimpton of Uxbridge, Dec. 1, 1768.
James and Sarah Whittemore of Leicester, int. Dec. 14, 1841.
Albert and Lucy Buxton, both of Smithfield, R.I., July 6, 1842.
Amarinthy E. of Cumberland, R.I., and David H. Colvin, Sept. 15, 1840.
Stephen and Eliza Aldrich, both of Providence, July 5, 1824. C.R.1.
John of Sutton, and Bethiah Adams, Oct. 20, 1791.
Almira A. of Smithfield, R.I., and John L. Gleason of Grafton, Jan. 31, 1841.
Caleb and Elmira Allen of Smithfield, R.I., int. Sept. 5, 1830.
Dorcas and Ira Allen, May 6, 1830.
Dorothy and Dea. Thomas Sanford, int. Dec. 1, 1745 (Dec. 7, 1745 dup.).
Joseph L. and Elsa Ann Phillips, int. Feb. 24, 1833.
Kesiah (Keziah G., int.) and Henry Carr, Nov. 6, 1831.
Atla A. and Elery White, Mar. 13, 1842.
Betsey and Newton Darling of Smithfield, R.I., int. July 4, 1820.
George of Grafton, and Annice Nichols, May 21, 1834.
Melvin and Phebe P. Kinsman, both of Upton, Oct. 20, 1836.
Daniel and Hannah Wiswall, Mar. 6, 1755.
Jepthah and Esther Marshall, Nov. 17, 1757.
Lydia and John Chapin Jr., both of Milford, Apr. 29, 1792. C.R.1.
Willard and Anna Phillips, Apr. 17, 1814.
Joseph H. of Boston, and Lydia Whitney of Milford, in Milford, Sept. 28, 1840.
Palmer (of Uxbridge, int.) and Emily C. Wilson, May 11, 1836.
Clarissa of Cumberland, R.I., and William Horton, May 26, 1841.
Deliverance of Wrentham, and Windsor Wheelock, int. Mar. 18, 1815.
WERE (See Ware, Wares) -
Sanford (Sanford Ware of Franklin, int.) and Diana Wilson, May 30, 1808.
WESCOT (See Westcott) -
George of Foxborough, and Charlotte Wight of Upton, Aug. 20, 1842.
Hewman of Hopkinton, and Amelia Aldrich, int. July 18, 1804.
Loiza .
- Luke Knox, int. Aug. 5, 1827.
Harriet J. of Hopkinton, and William Knight, Jan. 25, 1842.
Mary and Nathan Cass, int. Nor. 10, 1822.
WESTCOTT (See Wescot) -
Dexter and Cyntha Chard of Thomson, Conn., int. Feb. 15, 1800.
Joseph and Ann F. Foster of Smithfield, R.I., int. Aug. 11, 1833.
Mary and Walter Palmer Wilcox, int. Aug. 16, 1825.
WHARFEILD (See Warfeild, Warfield, Wharfield) -
Hannah and Joshua Daniels, Aug. 28, 1764.
WHAREFEILD (See Warfeild, Warfield, Wharfeild) -
Elihu and Ruth Green, May 24, 1744.
John and Lydia Taft, Dec. 3, 1772.
Mary and Jonathan Hayward, July 12, 1738.
Samuel and Abigail Adams of Sherborn, in Holliston, Mar. 13, 1733.
Sarah and William Sprague, Nov. 4, 1731.
Mary of Smithfield, R.I., and George Mathison, int. Jan. 27, 1844.
Mary and Aaron Aldrich, May 1, 1753.
Salmon of Nine Partners, N.Y., and Abigail White, Jan. 13, 1757.
WHEATON (See Wheton) -
Mary and Benjamin Hayward, Feb. 13, 1734-5.
Samuel and Mary Rockwood, Feb. 24, 1717-8.
Abraham of Worcester, and Elizabeth Miller, in Worcester, July 13, 1756.
Asa and Alzada Dyer of Smithfield, R.I., int. July 14, 1827.
Avery P. and Adaline S. Bates of Bellingham, int. Feb. 10, 1828.
Benjamin, s. of Templeton, and Julia H. Doggett, int. May 30, 1849.
Bennett and Sarah Wilson, Mar. 10, 1822.
Ebenezer of Grafton and Priscilla Hayward, Sept. 5, 1753.
Jonathan D. of Grafton, and Elizabeth Davenport, Oct. 28, 1830.
Mary and Seth A. Curtis, Dec. 10, 1820.
Obadiah of Bolton, and Hannah Gaskill, wid. of Ebenezer, 4th d., 8th mo., 1791. C.R.2.
Sarah and Stephen C. Gould of Cumberland, R.I., int. Dec. 14, 1839.
Ziporah and Josiah Wood of Upton, in Shrewsbury, Feb. 3, 1757.
WHEELLOCK (See Wheelock, Whelock) -
Silas and Hannah Albee, May 20, 1740.
WHEELOCK (See Wheellock, Whelock) -
Adam and Eliza Robbins of Upton, int. Sept 1, 1810.
Adam D. of New York, s. of Adam, a. 25 y., and Laura A. Wood, a. 19 y., Mar. 3, 1845.
Adin B. and Mary Ann Wheelock, int. Aug. 31, 1844.
Alcista and Archibald Kennedy of North Providence, R.I., Nov. 30, 1815.
Amy and Marcus C. Phipps of Hopkinton, int. Oct. 14, 1849.
Amy Ann and Joseph G. Baxter, Oct. 8, 1837.
Andrus and Lovice Hill, Mar. 18, 1819.
Andrus Jr. and Hannah Pratt, int. Nov. 21, 1847.
Benjamin and Rebeckah Kinney of Sutton, in Sutton, Aug. 21, 1740.
Benjamin and Hannah Chapin of Grafton, in Grafton, June 4, 1752.
Benjamin, Lieut., and Joanna Taft, Dec. 1, 1763.
Benjamin and Ama Aldrich, Nov. 28, 1810.
Betsey and Nathan Aldrich 2d. (Nathan Marsh 2d, int.), Oct. 23, 1806.
Caleb and Rachel Green, Nov. 27, 1766.
Calvin and Marcy White, Oct. 1, 1778.
Caroline and Alanson S. Freeman, Nov. 22, 1834.
Catherine and Rufus J. Stafford of Killingly, Conn., Apr. 12, 1840.
Daniel of Uxbridge, and Deborah Darling, Mar. 30, 1732.
Daniel and Mary Brown, Apr. 26, 1837.
Daniel S. and Mary W. Capron of Cumberland, R.I., int. Aug. 2, 1840.
David of Charlton, and Rachel Jones, Nov. 5, 1760.
Deborah and Elkanah Benson, Nov. 27, 1788.
Dennis and Lucinda Staples, Dec. 8, 1821. C.R.1.
Ebenezer and Mary Sleeman, Feb. 16, 1737-8.
Elisabeth and Nathan Albee,int. Feb. 25, 1776.
Eliza Ann and George Staples, May 24, 1829.
Elizabeth and Ephraim Daniels, July 3, 1733.
Eseck and Salley Davis, int. Dec. 17, 1790.
Experience and Henry Penniman, Apr. 13, 1769.
Hannah and Joshua Underwood of Holliston, Feb. 16, 1737-8.
Hannah and Ephraim Taft, Nov. 16, 1769.
Henry (Capt, int) and Mary M. Thornton, Dec. 8, 1833.
Huldah and John Sanford, Nov. 12, 1730.
Huldah and Peter Penniman, Nov. 21, 1754.
Jesse and Mary Taft, Mar. 20, 1752.
Jesse and Phebe White, Dec. 4, 1753.
Jesse and Aurilla Aldrich, Feb. 27, 1820.
Jonathan and Ruth Daniels, Jan. 29, 1756.
Josiah and Experiance Clerk, Jan. 6, 1748.
Julia Ann and Samuel Lathrop of Springfield, Sept. 1, 1836.
Leah and Increase Thayer, Nov. 20, 1771.
Lois and Joseph Thompson of Bellingham, int. June 18, 1773.
Manning and Marbra Southwick, Feb. 19, 1815.
Margarett and James Albee, July 16, 1739.
Mary and Ebenezer Thayer of Bellingham, Aug. 9, 1721.
Mary and Caleb Cheney, May 9, 1758.
Mary and Joseph Perry of Mansfield, Sept. 14, 1774.
Mary and Jesse Howard (Hayward, int.) of Milford, Dec. 21, 1824.
Mary and Cyrus Boyden, Jan. 7, 1829.
Mary Ann and Adin B. Wheelock, int. Aug. 31, 1844.
Nabby of Uxbridge, and Ensign Joseph Torrey, Dec. 14, 1788. C.R.1.
Nahum Jr. and Lucindia Allen, int. Oct. 7, 1815.
Nahum Jr. and Nancy Legg, Oct. 25, 1818.
Nancy of Uxbridge, and Caleb Verrey Allen, int. Nov. 27, 1806.
Nathan and Abigail Rawson (Abigail Ellis, alias Rawson, int.), June 15, 1806.
Nehum and Betty Steel, Feb. 3, 1784.
Obadiah and Martha Sumner, Oct. 26, 1733.
Olive and Laban Bates, Dec. 28, 1768.
Orson R. and Sophrona Wilson, July 3, 1834.
Perla and Amass Thayer, int. July 18, 1772.
Peter and Sarah Taft, Nov. 25, 1744.
Peter and Anna Taft, int. Feb. 2, 1812.
Phebe and (Lieut., C.R.1) Nathan Keith of Uxbridge, Jan. 10, 1788.
Phebe of Smithfield, R.I., and Estas Sturtevant, int. Apr. 1, 1830.
Polly and Phinehas Lovett, Mar. 13, 1800.
Polly L. and Stephen Goldthwait Jr. of Northbridge, int. Oct. 19, 1826.
Rebecca and Benjamin Fisk of Upton, Nov. 16, 1747.
Rhoda and Nehemiah Nelson Jr. of Milford, Feb. 11, 1781.
Rhoda H. and Thomas C. Hoyt, Jan. 10, 1830.
Royal and Lydia Taft, both of Uxbridge, Jan. 11, 1790.
Royal M. and Rachael Freeman, int. Mar. 11, 1843.
Ruth and William Rutter, Jan. 23, 1720-1.
Ruth and Abraham Staples, Feb. 17, 1774.
Salley and Moses Aldrich, Jan. 25, 1807.
Samuel and Hannah Ammidown, Feb. 16, 1737-8.
Samuel and Dinah Leland of Holliston, int. Sept. 22, 1770.
Sarah and Isaac Kent of Bellingham, May 17, 1770.
Sarah (Sarah A., int.) and Latimer S. Staples, Apr. 26, 1838.
Seth and Margery Aldrich, Nov. 23, 1775.
Seth and Phebee Legg, int. Dec. 13, 1785.
Seth and Tryal Herrington of Gloucester, int. Sept. 22, 1797.
Simeon of Uxbridge, and Deborah Thayer, Nov. 28, 1763.
Simeon and Diana Albee, Dec. 27, 1829.
Submit and James Mellen Jr., Feb. 12, 1801.
Susan and Micajah Fuller, May 18, 1841.
Sylvia and Daniel Day, Nov. 30, 1787. (Nov. 15, 1787. C.R.1.)
Thomas and Hannah Hayward of Bellingham, int. Sept. 29, 1769.
Thomas and Paulin Cook, Feb. 7, 1822.
Thomas and Minerva Baker, Apr. 13, 1834.
Thuza and Ezekiel Alexander of Upton, Apr. 18, 1803.
Timothy and Joannah Holbrook of Bellingham, Jan. 22, 1765.
Windsor and Deliverance Welman of Wrentham, int. Mar. 18, 1815.
Salley of Edgarton, and Robert P. Pratt, int. Aug. 28, 1819.
WHELOCK (See Wheellock, Wheelock) -
Benjamin and Deborah Taft, June 24, 1726.
Benjemin and Hulda Thayer, Dec. 9, 1700.
Mary and Daniel Bullard of Bellingham, int. Sept. 18, 1781.
Nancey and Laban Fairbanks, int. Mar. 9, 1785.
Obadiah and Elizebeth Darling, Jan. 8, 1708.
WHETON (See Wheaton) -
Benjamin and Abigail Green, Apr. 14, 1719.
Amy of Smithfield, and Esek Aldrich, int. Dec. 6, 1777.
Emerson and Keziah Holbrook, Apr. 12, 1837.
Henry F. and Caroline M. Merrill of Milford, July 16, 1838.
Jonathan and Mary Joneson (Jennison, int.) of Douglas, in Douglas, Dec. 25, 1777.
Parmelia and John Handy, int. Sept. 23, 1815.
Resolved R. and Ruth Arnold, Feb. 15, 1824.
Simon of Smithfield, and Abigail Verrey, Nov. 27, 1794.
Weatty and John Cass, both of Cumberland, Feb. 7, 1839.
Juba F. and Vienna Scott, Nov. 4, 1830.
Julia Ann and Elbridge G. Thompson, Dec. 8, 1836.
Aaron of Uxbridge, and Susannah Thayer, Dec. 25, 17[torn] (1739 T.C.).
Aaron and Ruhamah Thayer, int. Feb. 26, 1763.
Abigail and John Tompson, Mar. 31, 1712.
Abigail and Salmon Wheat of Nine Partners, N.Y., Jan. 13, 1757.
Abigail of Uxbridge, and Uriah Thayer, in Uxbridge, Jan. 2, 1768 (int. Jan. 3, 1768).
Abigail and David Thomson, int. Sept. 14, 1771.
Abigail and Nathaniel Legg of Upton, Nov. 21, 1771.
Abigal and Samuel Read, Jan. 7, 1703-4.
Alpheus and Rhoda Rawson of Uxbridge, int. Sept. 13, 1802.
Benjamin and Mary Thayer, May 23, 1720.
Benjamin and Ruth Chapin, Aug. 29, 1779.
Bezaleel of Uxbridge, and Polly Taft, Apr. 25, 1793.
Chloe of Milford, and Ruben Thayer, Apr. 28, 1805.
Comfort of Uxbridge, and David Legg, Aug. 18, 1791. C.R.1.
Cyntha and Ezra Staples, int. Nov. 25, 1802.
Daniel and Hannah Walker, Nov. 16, 1741. (according to the microfilmed town records, Hannah's surname was STALKER, not WALKER. [courtesy of Susan Mulvey])
Daniel and Huldah Albee, Dec. 12, 1776.
Daniel and Martha Parkhurst, Jan. 4, 1778.
Dinah and Samuel Leeland of Holliston, Dec. 30, 1736.
Ebenezer and Elisabeth Elis of Uxbridge, int. Mar. 3, 1747-8.
Ebenezer and Susannah Taft, int. Feb. 12, 1797.
Ebenezer and Sarah Darling, int. Dec. 12, 1801.
Elery and Atla A. Weatherhead, Mar. 13, 1842.
Elisha and Mary Corbitt, Oct. 12, 1775.
Ephraim and Betsey Hovey, Oct. 30, 1836.
Eunice and Ezekiel Hunt, May 27, 1761.
Experiance and Ephraim Miller, Feb. 10, [torn; prob. 1701-2].
Experiance and Joseph Pool, Dec. 6, 1706.
Farnum and Lois Nelson o.
- pton, int. Aug. 9, 1773.
Hannah and Samuel Warfield, July 22, 1701.
Hannah and John Sprague. Mar. 28, 1764.
Hannah and Remmington Southwick, Mar. 24, 1833.
Hopestill of Milford, and Joseph Thayer Jr., May 27, 1807.
Huldah and.
- muell Penniman Dec. 3, 1741.
Jacob and Katherine Penniman, Feb. 18, 1779.
Joanna and Solloman Chapin, May 28, 1754.
John and Sarah Cheney, Apr. 28, 1720.
John Jr. and Margarit Thompson, May 29, 1744.
Joseph and Abigail Skiner of Oxford, Apr. 15, 1718.
Joseph and Margery Aldrich, Apr. 11, 1751.
Joseph and Anna Coleson of Holliston, Sept. 26, 1751.
Joseph of Uxbridge, and Deborah Fish, Mar. 15, 1759.
Joseph of Smithfield, and Rhoda G.R.oway, int. Aug. 25, 1774. Banns forbidden.
Joseph of Smithfield, and Jemima Darling, int. Apr. 28, 1775.
Joseph Jr. and Naomi Wilson, in Uxbridge, Feb. 17, 1792.
Josiah of Uxbridge, and Mary Green, Jan. 26, 1769.
Keziah of Bellingham, and Ebenezer Holbrook, Apr. 26, 1748.
Ledia and Micall Medcalf, Mar. 21, 1704-5.
Leonard of Milford, and Diana Thayer, Dec. 10, 1820.
Lydia of Uxbridge, and Abraham Staples, in Uxbridge, Oct. 1, 1740.
Marcy and Calvin Wheelock, Oct. 1, 1778.
Martha of Uxbridge, and Simon Allexander, May 21, 1786. (Lord's Day evening. C.R.1.)
Mary and Thomas Legg, Nov. 8, 1748.
Mary and Turner .
- is, Mar. 16, 1769.
Mehitebell and Benjemin Darling, June 11, 1708.
Moses of Uxbridge, and Abigail Holbrook, Dec. 12, 1749.
Nathan of Uxbridge, and Abigail Anthony of Gloucester, R.I., Mar. 6, 1793.
Noah, s. of John of Uxbridge, and Rebecah Trask, d. of Nichols, 2d d., 6th mo., called August, 1750. C.R.2.
Peter and Salley Stoddard, both of Milford, Feb. 9, 1806.
Phebe and Jesse Wheelock, Dec. 4, 1753.
Philander of Uxbridge, and Mary Eddy, Oct. 31, 1824.
Philip and Rachel Green, June 5, 1751.
Prudance and James Albe of Uxbridge, Jan. 21, 1745.
Prudence of Uxbridge, and Benoni Benson, in Uxbridge, Sept. 3, 1739.
Prudence and Stephen Darling, Dec. 25, 1760.
Rachel and John Green, May 25, 1742.
Rachel and Thomas Darling, Dec. 14, 1749.
Ruth and James Albee Jr. of Uxbridge, Feb. 29, 1776.
Samuel of Killingly, and Sarah Corbett, July 15, 1752.
Samuell and Comfort Tyler, Nov. 26, 1739.
Samuell and Abigail Adams, int. June 10, 1744.
Sarah and Joseph Chilson, June 4, 1718.
Sarah and Samuel Darling, int. Apr. 1, 1746.
Sarah and John Lysure, Mar. 16, 1749.
Sarah and Josiah Ball, Oct. 23, 1758.
Silva and Seva Pond, Apr. 4, 1770.
Silvia of Milford, and Ariel Thayer, Jan. 15, 1809.
Smith and Prudence Taft, int. Jan. 17, 1778.
Smith of Milford, and (wid., int.) Mary Cleaveland, Dec. 9, 1813.
Solomon (Lieut., int.) and Esther Prebble, Apr. 2, 1780.
Stephen R. Of Grafton, and Nancy Fowler of Northbridge, Jan. 30, 1842.
Susanna and (Ensign, int.) Benjamin Darling, Apr. 17, 1760.
Thomas (of Andover, int.) and Prescilla Bishop, July 27, 1748.
Thomas and Sarah Daniels, Dec. 27, 1756.
Turner and Hannah Holbrook, May 16, 1774.
William and Elizabeth Thayer, Aug. 3, 1721.
William and Elisabeth Brummel, Nov. 16, 1749.
WHITELEY (See Whitely) -
William. and Patience Newell of Bellingham, int. Oct. 5, 1779.
WHITELY (See Whiteley) -
Patience of Bellingham, and Asa Killey, int. May 3, 1801.
Mary Ann and William C. D. Earl of Smithfield, R.I., int. July 27, 1827.
Sally C. and Thomas Wilber, int. Jan. 21, 1827.
Mary A. (Mary Ann, int.) and Lyman Mowry of Smithfield, R.I., Nov. 28, 1839.
Mercy and Seth Hayward, June 22, 1768.
WHITNEY (See Witney, Wittney) -
Abigail of Framingham, and Ebenezer Chapin, in Framingham, Mar. 29, 1743.
Abigail and Barnard Boyden, both of Milford, Nov. 22, 1798.
Benjamin (Dea., C.R.1.) of Sherborn, and Mary Fairbanks, Feb. 9, 1792.
David and Kezia Marshall, int. Feb. 2, 1765.
David C. and Syla B. Bowdish of Douglas, int. Oct. 15, 1832.
Elias Jr. and Lucy Barnes of Hingham, in Hingham, Apr. 10, 1772.
Elias and Elisabeth Boyden, June 26, 1774.
Gershom of Woodstock, and Sarrah Wood, Mar. 21, 1751.
Jesse and Mary Cheney, Sept. 22, 1757.
Jesse and wid. Ruth Wight, int. Apr. 19, 1779.
Jonathan and Esther Parkhurst, Nov. 6, 1760.
Lucy of Milford, and John Wood, int. Mar. 26, 1803.
Lucy Ann of Milford, and Benjamin F. Reynolds of Sharon, Aug. 3, 1837.
Lydia and Samuel Bowker of Hopkinton, Dec. 12, 1754.
Lydia of Milford, and Joseph H. Welch of Boston, in Milford, Sept. 28, 1840.
Mary and (Capt., C.R.1.) Robert Taft of Upton, June 11, 1795.
Mason and Dolly Rawson, both of Uxbridge, Mar. 29, 1792.
Nelson and Ruth Guild, both of Medway, in Millbury, Apr. 6, 1836.
Rhoda and William Hayden of Hopkinton, Dec. 9, 1779.
Sarah and Wales Cheeney, Nov. 10, 1756.
Simon and Sarah Johnson of Bellingham, int. Dec. 2, 1832.
Susanna and Isaac Tenney, June 25, 1752.
Sarah of Leicester, and James Waterhouse, int. Dec. 14, 1841.
WHOLBROOCK (See Holbrook, Hollbrook) -
Jonathan of Uxbridge, and Abigail Benson, int. Nov. 17, 1783.
Phine and Stephen Jones, int. Sept. 22, 1783.
Susan M. and Jonathan Wright of Bellingham, int. Mar. 30, 1842.
Abigail and Eliphelet Holbrook, both of Bellingham, Nov. 26, 1753.
Charlotte of Upton, and George Wescot of Foxborough, Aug. 20, 1842.
Eleazar and Ruth Legg, Dec. 3, 1761.
Relief and Ebenezer Wood of Upton, Dec. 16, 1762.
Ruth, wid., and Jesse Whitney, int. Apr. 19, 1779.
Samuel and Mary Thompson, both of Bellingham, Oct. 18, 1752. N.S.
WILBER (See Wilbour, Wilbur) -
David and Betsey Legg, Nov. 24, 1813.
George of Coventry, Conn., and Laura Ann Easty, Mar. 31, 1833.
Martha and Levi Johnson, May 26, 1819.
Martha S., d. of Jonathan, a. 16 y., and Samuel Lesure, s. of Stephen, a. 22 y., Sept. 23, 1844.
Mary and James Greenman, Oct. 31, 1824.
Phebe S. and John Bussey, Apr. 18, 1819.
Prudence and Olney Wood of Smithfield, R.I., Mar. 27, 1825.
Ruth and Joseph Underwood, Sept. 26, 1819.
Thomas and Sally C. Whitford, int. Jan. 21, 1827.
Walter and Mary (Marcy, int.) Craige, Oct. 8, 1818.
WILBOUR (See Wilber, Wilbur) -
Sayles of Providence, R.I., and Ruth Taft, Jan. 16, 1834.
WILBUR (See Wilber, Wilbour) -
Martha Ann and Perry Holoway of Smithfield, R.I., int. Apr. 2, 1839.
WILCASON (See Wilkinson) -
Samuel and Hulda Aldrich, Apr. 13, 1697.
WILCOCKS (See Wilcox, Willcocks, Willcox) -
Daniel, of Cumberland, and Olive Cook, int. Sept. 21, 1776.
WILCOX (See Wilcocks, Willcocks, Willcox) -
Alice and Pardon Cory, Mar. 27, 1825.
Allice and Avery Emerson, int. May 11, 1823.
Deborah and Seth Southwick Jr., Aug. 29, 1819.
Deborah and Cyrus C. Daniels, Nov. 28, 1839.
Elijah D. of Cumberland, R.I., and Adeliza Scott, int. Feb. 25, 1843.
Julia E. M. and Ira W. Cook, int. Sept. 22, 1844.
Lucinda and Cornelius Metcalf, Jan. 22, 1829.
Marcus of Smithfield, R.I., and Kesiah Lee, int. Dec. 18, 1835.
Mary (Mary A., int.) and Otis T. Parkhurst, July 30, 1839.
Melinda and Olney Cook, Oct. 3, 1822.
Meribah of Cumberland, and Artimas Pickering, int. Mar. 5, 1808.
Samuel G. and Sally Cook, Mar. 25, 1830.
Susan and Seth Cook of Bellingham,int. Sept. 28, 1819.
Susan and Aaron C. Cook, Apr. 6, 1834.
Walter Palmer and Mary Weston, int. Aug. 16, 1825.
Willard Jr. widr., and Betsey F. Jencks, Oct. 10, 1844.
William (Willard Jr., int.) of Uxbridge, and Evelina Miller, Dec. 23, 1830. C.R.1.
Elisabeth of Milton, and Thomas Lee, int. July 3, 1824.
Abigail and Zaccheus Taft, Jan. 30, 1791.
Caleb and Betty or Elisabeth Woodward of Boston, int. July 10, 1772.
Sarah and Elijah Smith, Jan. 1, 1835.
WILKINGS (See Wilkins) -
Abigail and Robert Benham, [no date; prob. 1718].
WIKINS (See Wilkings) -
Hannah and Jonathan Pickering, int. Oct. 15, 1796.
WILKINSON (See Wilcason) -
Alexander T. of Cumberland, and Maria Sayles, Aug. 17, 1834.
Amey of Cumberland, and Nathan Southwick, int. Aug. 25, 1808.
Isreal Jr. of Smithfield, R.I., and Abigail Carpenter, Dec. 9, 1813.
Jeremiah of Cumberland, and Elizabeth Southwick, d. of Daniel and Ruth, 4th d., 12th mo., 1777. C.R.2.
Marcy of Providence, and Benjamin Thayer, Aug. 24, 1727.
Bezaleel and Rebecca Jaha, both of Uxbridge, Apr. 5, 1841.
Joseph, Rev., and Hannah Parker of Reading, int. May 2, 1769.
Levi, Dr., and Mary Rawson, Apr. 28, 1774.
Levi, Dr., and Amy Tillinghast of Uxbridge, int. Mar. 11, 1780.
Mary and Josiah Chapin of Milford, int. Apr. 14, 1805.
Samuel, Dr., of Uxbridge, and Olive Frost, Nov. 3, 1774.
Samuel and Sally Taft, int. Aug. 15, 1801.
Stephen (of Douglas, int.) and Betsey Wood, Nov. 29, 1808.
WILLCOCKS (See Wilcocks, Wilcox, Willcox) -
Meribah of Cumberland, and Gideon Thayer, int. June 10, 1776.
WILLCOX (See Wilcocks, Wilcox, Willcocks) -
Maribe and Horrace W. Southworth, int. Apr. 15, 1827.
Sarah G. and John M. Daniels, int. Aug. 7, 1842.
Elias and Lucy Hendrick, both of Northbridge, Dec. 31, 1840.
Ephraim of Ashfiel.
- and Mercy Daniels, Sept. 14, 1775.
George and Mary C. Atwell of Attleboro, int. Aug. 6, 1841.
James H. and Sarah A. Mowry, int. Jan. 11, 1845.
Lydia and Stephen A. Read, Oct. 17, 1830.
Rebeckah of Scituate, R.I., and David Thayer Jr., int. Feb. 28, 1752.
Rhoda of Cranston, R.I., and Emor Tourtellott, int. May 10, 1815.
Sarah of Easton, and Seth Killey (Jr., int.) in Easton, Nov. 23, 1779.
Susannah S., d. of Parson and Nancy, a. 35 y., and Willard L. Allen, s. of Willard of Medfield, and Charlotte, a. 26 y., Apr. 8, 1847.
Thomas and Polly Richardson of Attleboro, int. Sept. 23, 1815.
WILLIS (See Wyllys) -
Mercia Moulton and Horatio Stone, Mar. 20, 1825.
Samuel and Cynthia Merriam, Dec. 3, 1817.
WILLSON (See Wilson) -
Alexander Jr. and Susan Capron, int. Nov. 6, 1816.
Eunice s. of Northbridge, and Benoni L. Goldthwait, int. June 16, 1820.
Joanna of Bellingham, and David Hayward, Mar. 20, 1751.
John and Elizabeth Harris, Apr. 14, 1719.
John of Sherborn, and Mary [torn], June 28, 1738.
John and Dinah Stow, int. June 30, 1744.
John and Elisabeth Streeter, int. July 16, 1787.
Russel and Joanna. B. Taft of Uxbridge, int. Nov. 17, 1844.
Mason and Demarius Warner of Gloucester, R.I., int. Feb. 4, 1820.
WILSON (See Willson) -
Abraham and Betsey Streeter of Richmond, N.H., int. June 9, 1797.
Alexander and Sarah Battles, int. Aug. 25, 1780.
Alexander paid Patience Nye of Douglas, in Douglas, Nov. 17, 1782.
Caleb and Rachel Hayward, int. June 24, 1794.
Caleb W. and Lucy Thompson, July 28, 1822. C.R.1.
Daniel and Susanna Thomson, int. Apr. 17, 1771.
David and Emaline Mann of Milford, int. Jan. 1, 1832. Colored people.
David N. and Acksah Balou, int. July 14, 1804.
David Nye, s. of Alexander, and Jane Ballou, d. of Nathaniel, Nov. 3, 1805.
Diana and Sanford Were (Sanford Ware of FrArarlin, int.), May 30, 1808.
Emily C. and Palmer Welch (of Uxbridge, int.), May 11, 1836.
George and Delia Kempton, int. Sept. 22, 1833.
Henry and Abigail Taft, May 24, 1829.
Israel and Penelopa Darling of Bellingham, int. Mar. 30, 1765.
James and Mary (Mary A., int.) Thayer, Oct. 12, 1825.
Jedediah and Thankful Joselyn, int. Nov. 4, 1773.
Jediah and Polley Bennet, Mar. 4, 1801.
Joanna and Thomson Taft, Nov. 29, 1827.
John and Margerit Hall, May 25, 1711.
John of Wrentham, and Sarah Daniels, Nov. 11, 1760.
John and Leah Darling, int. Aug. 22, 1801.
Josiah and Amy Southwick, int. May 29, 1821. Publishment forbidden.
Josiah and Dimerous Carr, Apr. 24, 1825.
Lear and Otis Holbrook of Uxbridge, int. May 20, 1810.
Louis of Smithfield, R.I., and Dexter Taft, int. Mar. 15, 1835.
Lyman and Sophia Ann Harkness, Sept. 19, 1833.
Margerit and Samuell Terey of Barrington, Oct. 25, 1719.
Mary and Jothum Taft of Dudley, Dec. 2, 1772.
Mary and Calven Turner Jr., Oct. 24, 1822.
Mary Ann and John Greenman (Jr., int.), Nov. 6, 1823.
Mehitable and Daniel Cook of Danby, Vt., int. Feb. 19, 1786.
Mehitebel and Daniel Cook, int. Feb. 14, 1785.
Nancy, wid., and David Handy, [no date] (int. Sept. 9, 1832).
Naomi and Joseph White Jr., in Uxbridge, Feb. 17, 1792.
Phila and Otis Taft, Aug. 29, 1802.
Rachel and Genery Taft, May 12, 1793.
Ruben and Joanna Taft, int. Mar. 19, 1800.
Sally and Daniel S. Southwick, June 23, 1832.
Samuel and Elisabeth Grant of Wrentham, int. Mar. 12, 1768.
Samuel of Uxbridge, and Alpha Fletcher, int. Feb. 7, 1805.
Samuel and Celia Ann Wood, Aug. 6, 1828.
Sarah and Bennett Wheeler, Mar. 10, 1822.
Sophia and Henry Steere, Dec. 24, 1833.
Sophrona and Orson R. Wheelock, July 3, 1834.
Thankful and Daniel Taft of Hartland, int. Aug. 25, 1801.
Wait C. and Euclid Chadsey, Mar. 20, 1844.
Willard and Julia Thayer, Nov. 14, 1819.
Abigail, Mrs., of Shutesbury, and Elias Wood, int. Sept. 28, 1844.
Ichabod Esq. of Winthrop, Me., and wid. Cinthia Kendal, June 6, 1824.
Elisha S. of Gloucester, R.I., and Paulina Goldthwait, int. Mar. 20, 1831.
Abigal and Jacob Staples, Mar. 28, 1690.
Delia and John Read, int. Aug. 16, 1843.
WISWAL (See Wiswall) -
Abigail of Milford, and Nicholas Cook, int. Aug. 16, 1802.
WISWALL (See Wiswal) -
Hannah and Daniel Wedge, Mar. 6, 1755.
Henry and Joanna Thayer, Feb. 17, 1774.
Lydia and Mordicai Day, Dec. 18, 1757.
Noah and wid. Susanna Tenney, Apr. 11, 1764.
Timothy and Diadama Daniels, Nov. 17, 1773.
WITNEY (See Whitney, Wittney) -
Hannah of Uxbridge, and Moses Tinney, in Uxbridge, Mar. 16, 1737-8.
WITTNEY (See Whitney, Witney) -
Jonathan and Lydiah Jones, Jan. 26, 1726-7.
WOLCOTT (See Walcott) -
William A. of Salsbury, Conn., and Susan H. Peck, June 21, 1838.
WOOD (See Woods) -
Aaron and Sarah Wood, both of Upton, Sept. 2, 1773.
Achsah and Jonathan Nelson of Upton, Feb. 7, 1828.
Alpha and Benjamin Dyer, July 16, 1820.
Betsey and Stephen Willard (of Douglas, int.), Nov. 29, 1808.
Catharine and Benjamin Drake, Dec. 14, 1809.
Celia Ann and Samuel Wilson, Aug. 6, 1828.
Celinda H. and Elijah Albee, both of Milford, Apr. 5, 1835.
Collister of Grafton, and Sarah Bowen of Northbridge, Oct. 6, 1808.
Cyntha and Andrew Penniman, June 13, 1799.
Daniel of Milford, and Suke Staples, int. Aug. 22, 1801.
David and Elizebeth Hayward, Aug. 9, 1727.
Deborah and Joseph Pierce, Mar. 31, 1767.
Ebenezer of Upton, and Lydia Parkhurst, int. July 24, 1762.
Ebenezer of Upton, and Relief Wight, Dec. 16, 1762.
Edward and Rachil Rawson, int. Aug. 30, 1764. Banns forbidden by Edward Wood.
Edward and Ruth Rockwood of Somers, int. Oct. 5, 1765. Oct. 10, 1765, banns forbidden by Rachel Rawson.
Elias and Sarah Staples, Dec. 1, 1803.
Elias and Mrs. Abigail Wing of Shutesbury, int. Sept. 28, 1844.
Elijah and Deborah Hide, both of Upton. Feb. 11, 1810.
Elisabeth and William Wood of Somers, Nov. 28, 1765.
Elisha and Nancy Legg, May 26, 1799.
Elizabeth and Samuel Rockwood, Apr. 9, 1722.
Elon G. and Louisa L. Turner of Medway, int. Nov. 3, 1845.
Esther of Uxbridge, and Dependance Hayward, in Uxbridge, Nov. 27, 1760.
Eunice and William Goss, int. Dec. 9, 1804.
Ezekel of Uxbridge, and Sarah Albee, int. Mar. 26, 1782.
Ezekel and Hannah Wood, Sept. 24, 1809.
George and Silvia Wood, Mar. 31, 1811.
George and Sally Miller, int. Oct. 28, 1816.
Grindall and Mary Nelson of Upton, int. July 27, 1771.
Hannah and Ezekel Wood, Sept. 24, 1809.
Hannah B. and Alexander H. Allen, June 21, 1838.
Hannah C. of Uxbridge, and Sylvester Pickering, int. Aug. 1, 1835.
Harriot and Moses Adams of Sutton, June 3, 1828.
Henry (Henry W., int.) and Sarah (Sarah P., int.) Staples, Oct. 26, 1843.
Hezekiah and Phebe Perry, both of Upton, June 8, 1778.
James and Bridget Joans, May 17, 1716.
James and Grace Thayer, Oct. 8, 1723.
James and Elisabeth Hazeltine, Mar. 8, 1737-8.
James and Unity Gauss, Feb. 7, 1750.
Jesse (of Upton, int.) and Wate Mowrey, Mar. 20, 1809.
John and Susanna Temple, both of Upton, May 21, 1778.
John of Scituate and Sarah Holder, int. Sept. 1, 1783.
John and Lucy Whitney of Milford, int. Mar. 26, 1803.
Jonathan and Margaret Thayer, Dec. 15, 1720.
Jonathan and Lydia Taft of Uxbridge, int. Feb. 28, 1801.
Jonathan. B. and Alcy Bennett, June 25, 1820.
Joseph of Milford, and Mary Ann Austin, Aug. 8, 1839.
Josiah of Upton, and Ziporah Wheeler, in Shrewsbury, Feb. 3, 1757.
Laura A., a. 19 y., and Adam D. Wheelock of New York, s. of Adam, a. 25 y., Mar. 3, 1845.
Lebbeus L. and Almira Aldrich, Mar. 31, 1825.
Levi of Medway, and Izanna Works of Milford, Jan. 1, 1839.
Lewis and Sophia Rawson of Uxbridge, int. Jan. 27, 1833.
Liberty and Lucinda Hodges, both of Douglas, Nov. 13, 1814.
Lois of Uxbridge, and Jesse Pennyman, in Uxbridge, Dec. 8, 1763.
Lois and Moses Hayward, May 17, 1767.
Lois and Joel Sibley, both of Uxbridge, Nov. 25, 1790.
Lois W. and Judson Fisher of Upton, Apr. 8, 1840.
Marcelia of Warwick, R.I., and Josiah Batty of Cumberland, R.I., Apr. 4, 1839.
Mary and Ebenezer Pratt of Sherborn, in Boston, Jan. 28, 1717.
Mary and John Farnum, Nov. 8, 1722.
Mary of Upton, and Zebuion Goss, int. Aug. 1, 1761.
Mary and Stephen Albee, Sept. 2, 1761.
Mary and Henry Goss of Dummerston, Jan. 25, 1798.
Mary and Joseph Hill of Cambridge, Mar. 9, 1828.
Mary E. and Rufus P. Johnson, both of Upton, Aug. 23, 1839.
Mary S. and Emory Hayward, Jan. 7, 1826.
Nabby and Simon Rawson, int. Mar. 3, 1804.
Obadiah of Uxbridge, and Experience Hayward, Nov. 22, 1759.
Obadiah and Alse Mowry, Apr. 21, 1796.
Obadiah Jr. and Rebecca Fowler of Northbridge, int. Feb. 12, 1840.
Olney of Smithfield, R.I., and Prudence Wilber, Mar. 27, 1825.
Pamelia and Dr. Phinehas W. (Phinehas Washington, int.) Leland, Nov. 19, 1826.
Perry and Caroline Staples, Mar. 6, 1836.
Phily of Upton, and Israel Mowrey, int. July 22, 1815.
Phinehas and Chloe Hazeltine (of Grafton, int.), Dec. 12, 1791.
Rachel and Moses Daniels of Holliston, Nov. 27, 1760.
Ruby and Thomas Stone (Jr., int.), Oct. 18, 1824.
Ruth and Edmund Evens, Apr. 9, 1722.
Sally and Enos Goss, Jan. 27, 1803.
Samuel and Mary Albey, Nov. 12, 1730.
Samuel Jr. of Upton, and Elisabeth Daniell, May 24, 1764.
Samuel of Uxbridge, and Rachel Albee, June 22, 1794.
Sarah and Aaron Wood, both of Upton, Sept. 2, 1773.
Sarah and Joseph Brown of Framingham, Apr. 11, 1820.
Sarah s. of Shutesbury, and Stephen Cook, int. Nov. 13, 1835.
Sarrah and Gershom Whitney of Woodstock, Mar. 21, 1751.
Silas and Asenath Stuart of Holliston, Dec. 6, 1772.
Silvia and George Wood, Mar. 31, 1811.
Simon of Wrentham, and Prutia Thomson, int. Jan. 30, 1794.
Simon and Polly Hiles of Thomson, int. Nov. 10, 1796.
Solomon of Uxbridge, and Hannah Fish, Oct. 1, 1765.
Stephen and Jemima Taft, Nov. 13, 1777.
Susan and John B. Killey, Feb. 28, 1832.
Susanna and Phineas Pratt of Grafton, Aug. 24, 1749.
Susanna and Samuel Bills of Uxbridge, int. Jan. 27, 1803.
Watee and Amariah Taft, Apr. 20, 1820.
Wheelock and Hannah Comestock of Uxbridge, Dec. 17, 1820.
William of Somers, and Elisabeth Wood, Nov. 28, 1765.
William and Ann Leisure, int. Apr. 28, 1837.
William and Rucella Keith, int. Jan. 15, 1840.
William W. of Northbridge, and Mary D. Smith of Uxbridge, Oct. 10, 1842.
WOODARD (See Woodward) -
George and Bethiah Tiler, May 18, 1716.
Nathaniel of Bristol, and Abigail Coffin, May 17, 1720.
Jeremiah of Warren, R.I., and Louisa Manly, int. Mar. 22, 1841.
WOODS (See Wood) -
Hezekiah and Lycy Treadaway, int. Jan. 5, 1773.
WOODWARD (See Woodard) -
Elisabeth or Betty of Boston, and Caleb Wilder, int. July 10, 1772.
Ann Moriah and James Congdon, Nov. 9, 1843.
Elizabeth and Gilman (Gilman G., int.) Peirce, Apr. 2, 1843.
Stephen D. and Susan E. Solisbury, Nov. 13, 1841.
George s. of Weymouth, and Ann D. Evans, Sunday, Oct. 15, 1837.
WORD (See Ward) -
John of Upton, and Mary Torrey, Jan. 16, 1745.
Josiah and Deborah Sheffield, Sept. 1, 1748.
Silence and Stephen Rawson of Conway, May 30, 1776.
Izanna of Milford, and Levi Wood of Medway, Jan. 1, 1839.
Louisa of Milford, and John W. Olds, in Milford, Sept. 6, 1836.
Jonathan of Bellingham, and Susan M. Wiggin, int. Mar. 30, 1842.
Margaret and Joshua Chilson of Bellingham, in Bellingham, Sept. 4, 1783.
WYLLYS (See Willis) -
Lemuel (Samuel Willis, int.) and Lydia Gilson, Dec. 20, 1801.
Margery and William Torrey (Jr., int.), May 17, 1778.
Stephen of Lancaster, and Margery Green, Jan. 31, 1775.
YATES (See Yeates) -
Berzalai of Uxbridge, and Marcy Thayer, int. July 9, 1781.
Thomas of Smithfield, R.I., and Mary Phetteplace, Apr. 6, 1843.
YEATES (See Yates) -
Amariah of Smithfield, and Margaret Thayer, Apr. 1, 1773.
Daniel and Olive Hill, int. Jan. 27, 1783.
Abiada and George C. Ross, int. Feb. 8, 1837.
Andrew of Burrillville, R.I., and Hannah Southwick, int. Aug. 24, 1809.
Arnold H. and Urania Rathbun of Smithfield, R.I., int. Jan. 9, 1836.
David and Jainnet Ballou, int. Feb. 14, 1825.
Ester and Peleg Prentice, Jan. 1, 1811.
Jason and Betsey Maria Parker, int. Jan. 27, 1836.
Levi of Smithfield, and Deborah Battles, int. Aug. 27, 1772.
Mary of Smithfield, R.I., and Elbridge G. Sibley, int. Oct. 23, 1831.
Nelson and Nancy L. Mann, Oct. 1, 1839.
Othniel of Burrillville, and Ruby Southwick, int. Aug. 30, 1813.
Parley and Susan B. Lawton of Medway, int. Mar. 24, 1839.
Polly and Nathan Darling, Apr. 6, 1794.
Rheuama and John S. Mayo, int. Oct. 24, 1830.
Rhoda and Philander Darling of Smithfield, R.I., int. Nov. 18, 1832.
Sally and Charles Bennet of Smithfield, int. Jan. 7, 1809.
Seth P. and Lydia E. Morse, both of Smithfield, R.I., Nov. 28, 1839.
William F. of Cumberland, R.I., and Harriet H. Ballou, Dec. 8, 1836.
----, of Cumberland, and Asa Pickring, int. [torn; June or July], 1782.
----, [torn], Mary and John Willson of Sherborn, June 28, 1738.
----, Susanna and Caleb Legg, int. Aug. 5, 1782.
Coesar, negro manservant of Dr. Corbett of Bellingham, and Violet, negro woman of Capt. Philip Paine, int. Nov. 10, 1778. Banns forbidden.
Felix, Elder Adams negro man, and Genne Edward Hall's negro woman of Wrentham, int. [torn; prob. 1744].
Edward Hall's negro woman of Wrentham, and Felix, Elder Adams negro man, int. [torn; prob. 1744].
a negro woman, and Fortin Bernice (Burnee, int.), a negro man of Grafton, in Grafton, July 31, 1778.
Violet, negro woman of Capt. Philip Paine, and Coesar, negro manservant of Dr. Corbett of Bellingham, int. Nov. 10, 1778. Banns forbidden.