Medway, Norfolk Co., Massachusetts
Vital Records To The Year 1850
Published By The New-England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1905.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Jemima, 20, of Wrentham, d. Ephraim and Lydia and Erastus C. Farrington, Sept. 5, 1849.
Levi, Rev., of Spencer, and Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] Sanford, Aug. 16, 1826. [of Spenser, P.R.]
Rhoda Maria, 20, d. William and Rhoda, and Jonathan Wood, Apr. 2, 1846.
Samuel N., 21, and Maria K. Pratt, Jan. 30, 1849.
Maria and Elihu Partridge, Mar. 14, 1834.
Olney and Abigail Abbe, int. Feb. 6, 1847.
Susannah [int. Susanna Pane] of Foxborough, and Timothy Ellis, Feb. 11, 1790, in Foxborough.
George A. and Deborah Bullard, Sept. 13, 1837.
Ann of Holliston, and Isreal [int. Israel] Daniels, June 7, 1787.
Bethiah [dup. Bethya] and Ezekiel [dup. Ezekiel] Adams, May 8, 1728.
Hannah [int. adds Mrs. of Dedham] and [int. adds Dr.] Silas Pratt, Sept. 20, 1750. [Dr. Silas, C.R.1.]
Jeremiah and [int. adds Mrs.] Deborah Dix, Apr. 24, 1774.
Jeremiah of Whiting, and Hannah Pond, May 1, 1786.
Mary [int. adds Mrs.] and Silas Adams, Aug. 5, 1768.
Sarah of Wrentham, and Samuel Morse, June 25, 1772.
Eliza, 23, "Orphan," and John Mahr [int. Marrs] Jr., Jan. 2, 1848.
Elizabeth [int. Parkust], 22, d. Louis Darling, and Stephen Holmes [int. Jr.], July 14, 1844.
Silas of Milford, and Mrs. Nancy Bullard, int. May 22, 1845.
PARNEL (see Parnell, Pernal)
Cynthia and Thomas Ballou [int. Balliee], May 29, 1794.
Daniel R. [int. Richardson] of Bellingham, and Mary Mann, Oct. 4, 1815. [Daniel Richardson Parnel, P.R.]
PARNELL (see Parnel, Pernal)
Sabra [int. Parnel] and Peter Rockwood, Nov. 7, 1809.
William R., 23, s. William and Agnes, and Mary J. Walbridge, Oct 12, 1848.
PARTRIDG (see Partridge)
Thaddeus [int. Partridge] of Rutland, and [int. adds Mrs.] Thankful Adams, Sept. 8, 1766.
PARTRIDGE (see Partridg)
Abby H., b. Franklin, d. Phineas and Luther M. Hunt, widr. [int. omits widr.], June 1, 1843. [Maj. Luther M., P.R.]
Abigail, Mrs. [int. Partriage, omits Mrs.], of Wrentham, and James Partridge Jr. [Int. Partriage, omits Jr.], Nov. 22, 1759.
Abigail [int. Nabby] and Ezra Adams, Jan. 24, 1799.
Abigail of Bellingham, and Abel Albee, Dec. 3, 1818.
Abigail [int. Abagail] H., Mrs., and Capt. Clark Partridge, Mar. 25, 1835.
Adin and Mary Lealand, Apr. 16, 1806.
Adin of Boston, and Abigail Harding, Jan. 1, 1838.
Alfred of Bellingham, and Chloe Blake, Apr. 6, 1840, in Bellingham.
Allen and Peggy J. Daniels, Dec. 11, 1828.
Almira of Milford, and Cyrus M. Hill, int. Feb. 16, 1848.
Anne [int. adds Mrs.] and Jonathan Holbrook, May 1, 1771.
Azubah and Aaron Gardner, Dec. 25, 1765.
Benjamin of Bellingham, and Sarah Allen, Sept. 13, 1737.
Benjamin R. of Bellingham, and Bathsheba Jones, Dec. 18, 1834.
Bernard and Mary Phillips, Mar. 14, 1802.
Bethiah and Seth Hixon [int. Hixson], Mar. 15, 1759.
Betsey and William S. Mitchell, int Nov. 22, 1839.
Beulah [int. Partriage, adds Mrs.] and Elias Hayward, Dec. 18, 1782.
Caleb and Phebe Whitney, July 16, 1751. [Witney, C.R.1.]
Catherine and Stephen Adams, June 5, 1800.
Catherine, Mrs., and Moses Pond Jr., Oct. 1, 1811.
Catherine [int. Catharine] and Moses Adams [int. 2d], May 20, 1830.
Catherine A. of Franklin, and Seth Inman, Apr. 16, 1845, in Franklin. P.R.
Charlotte and George W. Allen, Aug. 5, 1827.
Charlotte E., 20, d. Phineas and Polly, and Simeon H. Fuller, Aug. 31, 1846.
Chloe and John Bullard, Dec. 1, 1814.
Clairssa [int. Clarissa] and Fisher Hill, Apr. 19, 1818.
Clara P., 26, b. Franklin, d. Phineas, and Rev. Alfred Hawes, Nov. 2, 1844.
Clarissa [int. Clary] and Gregory Ide, Jan. 11, 1795.
Clark and Mary Harding, Apr. 6, 1830.
Clark, Capt., and Mrs. Abigail [int. Abagail] H. Partridge, Mar. 25, 1835.
Cutler and Harriot Thayer, Dec. 3, 1818.
Daniel B. and Mary S. Plaistead [int. Plaisted], Dec. 26, 1830.
Darius and Abigail Ellis, Feb. 4, 1793.
David and Meriam Partridge, Nov. 29, 1804.
David S., s. Job and T. of Holliston, and Adaline Force, Dec. 12, 1844.
Deborah [int. Patridge, adds Mrs.] and Levi Warren, Mar. 14, 1769.
Deborah of Bellingham, and Timothy Ellis, Sept. 1, 1803.
Eda of Bellingham, and Timothy E. Jones, Nov. 10, 1831.
Ede [int. Eda] and Nathan Bullard, Jan. 18, 1749 [sic, ? 1750]. [1749-50, C.R.1.]
Ede [int. Eda] and Nathaniel Clark, Nov. 30, 1809.
Ede [int. Eda] and Cyrus Bullard, Jan. 2, 1838.
Edward Jr. of Wrentham, and Hannah Legg, int. Sept. 3, 1770.
Eleazer [int. Eleazar Patridge] and [int. adds Mrs.] Lois Rockwood, Mar. 21, 1765.
Eau and Charlotte Wight, Nov. 7, 1810.
Elihu and Maria Paine, Mar. 14, 1834.
Elihu [int. Jr.] and Olive Shumway, Nov. 25, 1841.
Elijah and Keziah [int. Kezia] Curtis, June 6, 1785.
Elijah and Catherine Clark, June 10, 1798.
Elijah and Ruth Adams, Dec. 11, 1839.
Eliza [int. adds A.] and Jotham Adams Jr., Dec. 21, 1839.
Eliza J. and Samuel W. Metcalf, int. Mar. 21, 1846.
Elizabeth and Samuel Hill, May 30, 1738.
Elizabeth, Mrs., and John Wheeler, int. Mar. 8, 1766.
Elizabeth and Simon Hill Jr., Oct. 15, 1795.
Elmira D. and Oratio S. Claflin, June 1, 1841.
Ephraim and Lidia [dup. Lydia] Harding, Mar. 22, 1727-8.
Eunice [int. adds Mrs.] and Ralph Mann, Mar. 6, 1783.
Experience of Bellingham, and Elery Allen, Dec. 2, 1806.
Ezekiel and Deborah Harding, Feb. 27, 1800.
Freelove and David Pike, Jan. 29, 1778.
Hannah and Asa Fairbank, Sept. 17, 1800.
Hannah and Joel Works [int. Wooks], Sept. 23, 1801.
Harriet, 20, "orphan," and Jotham Adams Jr., widr. [int. omits widr.], June 4, 1845.
Henry and Anna Babcock, int. July 31, 1813.
Hiram and Betsey A. Daniels, int. Nov. 5, 1842.
Huldah and Joseph Hill, Oct. 22, 1740. [Hulda, C.R.1.]
James and Kezia [dup. Keziah] Bullard, Jan. 24 [dup. Jan. 29], 1729.
James Jr. [int. Partriage, omits Jr.] and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Abigail Partridge [int. Partriage], Nov. 22, 1759.
Jerusha and David Partridge Mann, Apr. 18, 1809.
Jerusha and Emory Richardson, int. Dec. 22, 1844.
Jerusha, d. Elihu, and Amos W. Whitney, Apr. 2, 1845.
Job of Bellinham, and Tamer Partridge, Apr. 12, 1804.
Joel and Waitstill Morse, July 29, 1774.
Joel Jr. and Sarah Clark, Feb. 26, 1807.
Joel Jr. and Joanna Sanford, Nov. 16, 1820.
Joel G. and Emeline M. Richardson, int. Oct. 15, 1835.
Joel G. and Roxania Richardson, Oct. 6, 1841.
John and Hannah Sheffill [Sheffield], Apr. 17, 1721.
John C. and Jane G. Williams, June 7, 1842.
John Harding and Susanna Turner, Jan. 4, 1819.
John W., 23, s. Phinehas and Polly, and Caroline Hunt, Oct. 30, 1845. [s. Phineas and Polly, P.R.]
Jonathan and Elizabeth Learned [dup. Lernard], Nov. 13, 1717.
Jonathan and Ann Phipps, Jan. 18, 1739.
Jonathan of Sherborn [int. Sherburne], and Abigail Lovit [int. Lovet], Oct. 12, 1749, in Sherborn.
Joseph of Bellingham, and Betsey Garnsey, Feb. 26, 1728-9, in Wrentham.
Joseph and Chloe Puffer, Feb. 27, 1794.
Joseph and Sally Hall, int. Apr. 22, 1815.
Joshua and Elizabeth Kingsbury, Dec. 23, 1742. [Elisabeth Kingbury, C.R.1.]
Joshua Jr. and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Cutler, Sept. 24, 1767.
Joshua and Rebecca Allen, Nov. 30, 1790.
Judith and Isiah [dup. and int. Isaiah] Turner, Sept. 29, 1784, in Wrentham.
Kezia [int. Keziah] and Moses Thompson, June 5, 1751.
Kezia of Bellingham, and Ephraim Hill, Mar. 13, 1758.
Keziah [int. Mrs. Kezia] of Franklin, and Joseph Barber, May 24, 1827. [Barbar, P.R.]
Lois and Benjam [int. Benjaman] Pond Jr., July 26, 1756.
Lois R., 30, b. Franklin, d. Eleazer, and Samuel A. Grosvenor, Oct. 16, 1844.
Lydia [int. adds Mrs] and Nathaniel Whiting Jr. [int. omits Jr.], June 17, 1762.
Lydia [int. adds Mrs.] and Samuel Bullard [int. Jr], Apr. 27, 1769.
Lydia of Mendon, and Asahel Fairbanks, int. Jan. 10, 1801.
Mahitable [dup. Mehetabel] and Joseph Grant, int. Jan. 20 [? 1741].
Mahitable [int. Mehitable] and Jasper Daniels, Mar. 24, 1808.
Martha [dup. int. Matha] and John Hucker [dup. int. Tucker], June 24, 1740.
Mary and Benjamin [dup. Benjemian] White, Jan. 25, 1727.
Mary and Abner Ellis [int. Ellice], July 23, 1747.
Mary and Thomas Adams, Dec. 27, 1748.
Mary, Mrs., and Joseph Baxter, int. Aug. 10, 1760.
Mary, Mrs., and Asa Burr, Apr. 29, 1805.
Mary and John Abbee, Nov. 17, 1808.
Mary of Holliston, and Cyrus Adams 2d, Jan. 1, 1834.
Mary Ann and Charles Abbe, Apr. 8, 1827.
Mary Ann and Charles Newall, int. May 2, 1836.
Mary C. and William Phipps Jr., Sept. 4, 1837.
Mary L. of Sherburne, and Caleb Blake, int. Aug. 6, 1835.
Matilda and Oliver Richardson Jr., Feb. 9, 1797.
Mehitable and Samuel Clark, int. Sept. 11, 1790.
Mercy and Abner Pond, May 29, 1794.
Meriam and David Partridge, Nov. 29, 1804.
Miletiah and Thomas Adams, Aug. 26, 1790.
Moses and Rachel Thayer, Sept. 9, 1755.
Nancy of Bellingham, and Theron Holbrook, Apr. 20, 1823.
Nathan and Miletiah Holbrook, int. Feb. 16, 1776.
Nathaniel and [int. adds Mrs.] Mehitable Metcalf, May 19, 1763.
Nathaniel, Dea., and [int. adds Mrs.] Mary Leland [int. Lealand], Oct. 24, 1799, in Hopkinton.
Olive and Nathaniel Holbrook Jr., July 12, 1774.
Olive and Samuel Clark, Apr. 7, 1794.
Phebe and William, ----, Nov. 9, 1738.
Phebe, wid., and Joseph Ankers, July 7, 1755.
Phillip of Bellingham, and Althina Johnson, Dec. 27, 1821. [Elthina, P.R.]
Preserved and Katherine Avon Strong, Nov. 10, 1737.
Rachel and Daniel Lealand Jr., Dec. 13, 1809.
Rhoda, and [int adds Capt.] John Ellis Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Dec. 9, 1779.
Rhoda and Elihu Fisher, Apr. 19, 1798.
Roxana, Mrs., and Valentine W. Holbrook, int. Nov. 17, 1849.
Sally, Mrs., and Paul Clark, June 24, 1830.
Samuel and Mehitable Allen, int. Nov. 9, 1775.
Samuel and [int. adds Mrs.] Elizabeth Macintire [int. Macentier], June 5, 1782, in Needham.
Samuel and Mrs. Abigail [int. Abagail] Richardson, Oct. 6, 1830.
Sarah and George Adams, Mar. 13, 1723.
Sarah of Wrentham, and Joseph Green, Dec. 30, 1737.
Sarah of Wrentham, and Obadiah Adams, Dec. 8, 1744.
Sarah [int. adds Mrs.] and Isaac Adams, May 22, 1765.
Sarah Ann [int. adds Mrs.] and Joseph Bullard 2d, June 14, 1840.
Seth and [dup. int adds Mrs.] Ruth Bullen, Sept. 11, 1740, in Sherborn.
Seth of Wrentham, and Marcy [int. Mercy] Harding, Oct. 9, 1760.
Seth of Walpole, and Laura A. [int. omits A.] Ruggles, Mar. 2, 1831.
Sewall and Sarah G. Mann, June 6, 1838. [Sewell, P.R.]
Silas of Wrentham, and Sarah Pray, Apr. 22, 1773.
Silence and Stephen Kingsbury, Dec. 23, 1742.
Simeon and Jerusha White, int. Nov. 24, 1784.
Simeon, s. Elihu, and Betsey M. Adams, Jan. 18, 1844.
Stephen and Mary Maccane, Apr. 7, 1737, in Boston.
Stephen and [int. adds Mrs.] Esther Emerson [int. Emmarson], Feb. 27, 1772, in Uxbridge.
Stephen and Fidelia [int. Fedelia] Allen, Oct. 23, 1833.
Susan, 23, of Franklin, d. Philip and Elethina, and Emerson N. Bullard, Oct. 12, 1848. P.R.
Sylvia P. and Joseph L. Richardson Jr., Apr. 26, 1837. [Silvia P., P.R.]
Tabatha [int. Mrs. Tabathy] and James Johnson, July 26, 1781.
Tamer and Job Partridge, Apr. 12, 1804.
Thaddeus and Mrs. Keziah Harding, Dec. 8, 1763.
Timothy and Abigail Barber, Jan. 15, 1755.
Timothy Jr. and Lois Ware, May 17, 1787, in Wrentham.
Timothy and Charlotte Adams, int. Nov. 27, 1810.
Uranah [int. Mrs. Urainah] and John Ellis Jr., Feb. 2, 1774.
William J. of Somerthsworth [int. Somersworth], N.H., and Abagail Harding, Nov. 26, 1829.
Ziba and [int. adds Mrs.] Elizabeth Knowlton, Jan. 1, 1783.
Betsey G. of Portland, Me., and Alvin Josselyn, int. Sept. 4, 1824.
Martha T. of Kingston, N.H., and Ezra Newton Jr., int. July 24, 1846.
Caroline, 24, d. Moses and Sarah, and John W. Coleman, Nov. 6, 1846.
Joseph A. [int. Pierson], 21, s. Moses and Sarah, and Lydia Daniels, Apr. 6, 1848.
Jerome and Harriot Hixon [int. Hixson], Oct. 25, 1837. [Harriet, P.R.]
PEIRCE (see Pierce)
James and Polly Gay, Mar. 17, 1821.
Joel and Susan Miranda Hall, int. Mar. 24, 1828.
Jonathan and Rebeccah [int. Mrs. Rebecca] Carey, Aug. 20, 1772.
Polly [int. Pierce] and Nahum Thayer, Dec. 21, 1797.
Sally of Upton, and Amos Daniels, int. Jan. 20, 1810.
Abigail and Samuel Demon [int. Deming], May 27, 1779.
Ama and Ralph Bullard, Jan. 1, 1793.
Baruch [int. Barach] of Mendon, and Sally Pond, Sept. 8, 1806.
Daniel of Dedham, and Deborah Harding, Feb. 22, 1749. [1749-50, C.R.1.]
Daniel of Bellingham, and Mrs. Mary Adams, Nov. 21, 1776.
Daniel of Bellingham, and Elizabeth Richardson, Nov. 28, 1799.
Huldah of Bellingham, and Henry Death, July 5, 1786.
James and Abigail Clark, Sept. 19, 1750.
Mercy and Micah Adams, Dec. 21, 1789.
Olive and Jabez Shumway, Mar. 29, 1775.
Olive and Amos Marsh, Dec. 6, 1815.
Priscilla [int. Prissilla] and Lemuel Daniels, Jan. 28, 1784.
Sybil [int. Pennamin] and John Clark, May 4, 1796.
Thankful of Medfield, and Robert Hinsdal, int. June 2, 1753.
Thankful, Mrs., and Joseph Daniels Jr., int. Aug. 6, 1781.
David, 26, "Orphan," of Walpole, and Susan E. Mann, Dec. 31, 1845.
PERNAL (see Parnel, Parnell)
Benjamin [int. Parnel] and Abigail Richardson, June 2, 1783 [sic,? 1785].
David and Lydia Clark, int. May 23, 1835.
Warren C. and Olive L. White, int. Oct. 26, 1848. [m. Nov. 30, P.R.]
Baruch of Holliston, and Betsey Fairbank, int Mar. 4, 1817.
Baruch of Holliston, and Mrs. Lucy Fairbanks, May 18, 1829. [May 13, P.R.]
Elizabeth of Holliston, and Timothy Rockwood, int. Oct. 27, 1750.
Joseph [int. Pearry] of Boston, and Mary Thompson, Jan. 12, 1758.
Mariam, Mrs., and John Daniels, int. Jan. 16, 1767.
Nathan [int. Jr.] of Worcester. and Anna Haven, Sept. 29, 1802.
Ruth of Holliston, and Zedekiah Johnson, Sept. 23, 1778.
Sally and Isaac Hixon Jr., int. May 3, 1822.
Simeon of Milford, and Sybil Cutler, Mar. 24, 1796.
Sybil, Mrs., of Milford, and Stephen Metcalf Esq., Dec. 8, 1836.
Joseph and Abigail Thompson [int. Tompson], Sept. 5, 1750.
Alanson and Fanny Marsh, int. Oct. 18, 1828.
Mary E. and Nathaniel Bosworth, Nov. 30, 1848.
William of Gardiner, Me., and Paulina Simmons, int. Apr. 2, 1831.
Amanda and John Barber, Dec. 25, 1831.
Andrew of New Marlborough [int. of Malborough, N.H.], and Sarah Fairbank [int. Fairbanks], Apr. 22, 1778.
Charles A. and Harriot Gardner, July 2, 1840, in Boston.
Elisha R. and Elizabeth Daniels, Nov. 13, 1834.
Hannah and Timothy Bullard, Jan. 25, 1838. [Dec. 25, 1838, C.R.1.]
Jedediah and Sarah Bullen. Feb. 6, 1775.
Jedidah [int. Jedediah] and Charlotte Bacon, Jan. 18, 1803.
John of Bellingham, and Sarah Pond, May 25, 1768.
John and Abigail Ballard, May 7, 1811.
Josiah and Sally Morse, Oct. 10, 1810.
Lydia and Amos Ellis, Apr. 29, 1804.
Martha A. [int. Philips] and David B. Rockwood, Mar. 9, 1836.
Mary and Bernard Partridge. Mar. 14, 1802.
Oliver and Hannah Richardson [int. 2d], Dec. 1, 1808.
Rachel and Joshua Lealand, July 8, 1804.
Sally and Charles Daniels, Apr. 3, 1811.
Sarah B. and John S. Smith, int. Sept. 26, 1830.
Sarah E. and Ellis Daniels, Nov. 14, 1833.
Ann and Jonathan Partridge, Jan. 18, 1739.
Calvin O. [int. omits O.] and Sarah A. Holmes, Nov. 24, 1842.
Louisa and Benjamin F. Holbrook, Apr. 6, 1830.
Persis of Bellingham, and Moses Hill, Apr. 7, 1808.
Rhoda Ann, 18, of Franklin, d. Jedediah and Rhoda of Franklin, and Joseph W. Hixon, Aug. 16, 1846.
Sarah and Samuel Daniel [dup. Daniell], Feb. 20, 1733.
Sarah B. of Framingham, and Capt. Luther Metcalf, int. Dec. 7, 1827.
William Jr. of Franklin, and Mary C. Partridge, Sept. 4, 1837.
William, widr. [int. omits widr.], 55, of Franklin, and Hannah P. Russell, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], Dec. 19, 1844.
Daniel J. of Saugerties, N.Y., and Levina T. Hayward, Dec. 6, 1840. P.R.
Sally of Salem, and Henry Harding, int. Feb. 27, 1813.
PIERCE (see Peirce)
Allen L. and Lorre Grant, Oct. 5, 1826. [Lorra, P.R.]
Clarendon J., 23, of Milford, s. Joshua and Sarah, and Emeline Daniels, Apr. 30, 1848.
John, Rev., of Brookline [int. Brooklin], and Abagail [dup. and int Abigail] Lovell, Oct. 31, 1798, in Brookline.
Roxana of Westborough, and Otis Claffin, int. Mar. 13, 1828.
Sarah [int. Peirce] and Samuel Rockwood Jr., Nov. 7, 1750. [Samuell, C.R.1.]
Willard of Fishkill, N.Y., and Hannah Fisher, May 18, 1825.
PIERSON (see Pearson).
Anna and Silas Brick, Mar. 12, 1811.
David and Freelove Partridge, Jan. 29, 1778.
Mary Ann and Henry Daniels, ---- [rec. between Apr. 15, 1823, and Apr. 15, 1824] [int. Oct. 12, 1823].
Rhoda of Holliston, and William E. Fisk, int. Nov. 18, 1836.
Samuel of Holliston, and [int. adds Mrs.] Anna Ring, Feb. 9, 1777.
Susannah of Hopkinton, and Asa Bullen, int. Apr. 9, 1814.
Jonathan, 36, of Franklin, s. Joshua and Thankful of Franklin, and Mary Fleming, Dec. 25, 1846.
Mary S. [int. Plaisted] and Daniel B. Partridges Dec. 26, 1830.
PLIMPTON (see Plimton, Plympton)
Beriah and Nahum Hayward [int. Havrard], Nov. 15, 1798.
Beriah and Plina Bosworth, Aug. 2, 1826.
Calvin and Caroline Cutler, Feb. 23, 1806.
Caroline C. and Albert Metcalf, int. Aug. 22, 1835. [Caroline Plimton, m. Sept. 21, P.R.]
Charlotte and Andrew Cunningham [int. Cuningham] Dorr, Jan. 1, 1803.
Elizabeth and Nathaniel Cutler, Oct. 2, 1788.
Esther and Simon Slocomb, May 21, 1778.
Hannah of Medfield, and Sabin Mann, May 24, 1775.
Job and Esther Pond, Feb. 29, 1743. [1743-4, C.R.1.]
Job Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and [int. adds Mrs.] Beriah Hawes, Jan. 16, 1767.
John and [int. adds Mrs.] Rhoda Adams, June 7, 1781.
Joseph A., 26, "Orphan," and Abagail [int. Abigail] B. Rand, Oct. 16, 1845.
Mary and Timothy Adams, Jan. 22, 1784.
Milla [int. Millea] and Silas Fairbank Jr., Nov. 25, 1813.
Nathan and Prudence Ferery Metcalf, int. Apr. 23, 1809.
Olive and Abner Merrifield, int. Apr. 17, 1790.
Ruth of Medfield, and Sylvanus Adams, int. Aug. 31, 1793.
Sarah of Medfield, and Josiah A. Blake, int. Mar. 7, 1836.
Sybil [int. Sibbel] and Zachariah [int. Zacheriah] Lovell, Feb. 26, 1807.
Thamar [int. Tamer] of Medfield, and Timothy Clark [int. Jr.], July 13, 1757.
PLIMTON (see Plimpton, Plympton)
Joseph of Medfield, and Susannah Sabin, Apr. 15, 1739.
PLYMPTON (see Plimpton, Plimton)
Joseph A. [int. Plimpton], 29, "orphan," b. Medfield, and Hannah A. Richardson, Jan. 1, 1849.
Aaron Jr. of Holliston, and Silence Underwood, Apr. 13, 1786.
Abigail of Franklin, and Joseph R. Davis, Nov. 3, 1817. [Abagail, and Joseph W. Davis, Nov. 23, P.R.]
Abner of Wrentham, and Mercy Partridge, May 29, 1794.
Alfred of Franklin, and Almira Lovering, June 14, 1829. [Elmira, P.R.]
Alvira of Holliston, and Hartwell Bullard, Apr. 6, 1825.
Asa, 33, b. Franklin, of Franklin, s. Jeremiah and Patty, and Sabra P. Abbee, Sept. 25, 1848.
Barzilla and Mrs. Lydia Wheelock, int. Jan. 4, 1809.
Bathsheba of Wrentham, and Jonathan Metcalf, Apr. 15, 1753.
Benajah of Franklin, and Mary Pond, Sept. 29, 1791.
Benjam [int. Benjaman] Jr. of Wrentham, and Lois Partridge, July 26, 1756.
Benjamin 3d of Franklin, and [int. adds Mrs.] Catherine Cutler, May 31, 1781.
Benjamin D. and Eliza N. Bosworth, int. Mar. 25, 1826.
Betsey, Mrs., and Philemon Adams, int. Apr. 1, 1780.
Caty and Isaac Blake, int. Mar. 15, 1800.
Charlotte M., 29, b. Franklin, d. Gilmore and Rachel of Franklin, and Holland Gilson, June 17, 1849.
Daniel and Mrs. Lois Metcalf, Aug. 4, 1763.
David and Sarah [dup. Sarrah] Richardson, Jan. 14, 1718.
Dianah of Franklin, and Simeon Daniels, int. Mar. 21, 1845.
Dinah of Wrentham, and Elisha Ellis, July 4, 1754.
Dinah [int. adds Mrs.] of Wrentham, and Simon [int. Simom] Fisher, Sept. 1, 1768.
Edene [int. Edny] and Timothy Hill, Aug. 1, 1799.
Eliab M., 24., "orphan," b. Franklin, of Franklin, and Isabeller J. Laurence, Feb. 11, 1845.
Elihu and Jemima Cutler, May 5, 1789.
Elizabeth of Franklin, and Lewis Pond, Apr. 9, 1801.
Emeline [int. Emily] and Joseph E. Cooledge [int. Coolidge], May 24, 1832.
Esther and Job Plimpton, Feb. 29, 1743. [1743-4, C.R.1.]
Esther of Franklin, and George W. Morse, May 7, 1829.
George L., 24, s. Timothy L. of Franklin, and Caroline M. Morse, Jan. 5, 1848.
Gilmore and Rhachel L. Wallace, int. May 19, 1829.
Gouldsbury of Franklin, and Prissilla Fisher, Jan. 19, 1797.
Hannah of Franklin, and Jeremiah Parker, May 1, 1786.
Harriet C., 25, of Franklin, d. Martin and Annie, and Daniel W. Hart, June 4, 1849.
Huldah of Franklin, and Capt. James E. Spellman, Dec. 20, 1836. [Spelman, P.R.]
Jabez, Lt. [int. omits Lt.], of Wrentham, and Bashmeth [int. Basmeth] Ellis, Apr. 30, 1795.
James of Wrentham, and Mrs. Mary Garnsey, int. Apr. 30, 1769.
Jemima and Henry Bullard, Mar. 14, 1746.
Joanna of Holliston, and Thomas J. Adams, Nov. 30, 1826.
John [int. Jr.] and Dinah Metcalf, Nov. 21, 1745. [John Jr. and Dinah Medcalf, C.R.1.]
John and Charlotte A. Wiswell, Mar. 31, 1840.
John F. and Betsey Foster, int. June 4, 1821.
Jonathan of Houston, and Mary Wiswell, Oct. 30, 1797.
Jonathan Jr., and Eliza Jane Fisher, int. Mar. 14, 1839.
Kezia and John Harding, Jan. 9, 1745. [Keziah and John Harding Jr., 1744-5, C.R.1.]
Keziah and Charles Burnett [int. Burnap], Oct. 11, 1815.
Lewis of Franklin, and Lydia Ellis, Jan. 28, 1801.
Lewis of Franklin, and Elizabeth Pond, Apr. 9, 1801.
Lucinda of Franklin, and Eliakim Morse, int. Mar. 12, 1809.
Lydia of Franklin, and Holly [int. Hawly] Clark, May 3, 1821. [Hawley, P.R.]
Lydia E. of Franklin, and George H. Greenwood, int Aug. 26, 1839.
Lyman [int. adds P.] and Laura Allen, Oct. 15, 1828.
Malchiah of Wrentham, and [int. adds Mrs.] Ruth Fisher, Oct. 30, 1771.
Malchiah of Franklin, and Mary J. Hanan, Mar. 27, 1817.
Margery [int. adds W.] and Nathaniel Clark, Apr. 6, 1825.
Martha A., 25, of Franklin, d. Malachi of Franklin, and Alexander L. Hart, widr., Apr. 6, 1848.
Martha C. and James N. Smith, int. Oct. 15, 1835. [m. Nov. 4, P.R.]
Mary, Mrs. [int. wid., omits Mrs.], of Wrentham, and Dea. John Barber, Nov. 28, 1751.
Mary and Elisha Cutler, Jan. 18, 1759.
Mary of Franklin, and Benajah Pond, Sept. 29, 1791.
Mary, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Ebenezar [int. Ebenezer] Wood, Dec. 21, 1797.
Mary and Charles Wight, Apr. 6, 1832. [White, P.R.]
Mary Ann of Franklin, and Selwyn Bancroff, Sept. 10, 1828. [Bancroft, P.R.]
Mayo of Goffstown, N.H., and Eliza Ann Howard, Dec. 25, 1826.
Melicent [int. Millecent] and Ozias M. Morse, Mar. 21, 1822. [Melecent, P.R.]
Micah of Boston, and Elijah Bullard, Nov. 24, 1774.
Miletiah of Franklin, and Lewis Boyden, Oct. 29, 1823. [Milatiah, P.R.]
Mime of Franklin, and Oliver Pond, Jan. 26, 1792.
Miranda and Abner Merrifield, May 8, 1788.
Moses of Wrentham, and [int. adds Mrs.] Patience Carpenter, Mar. 12, 1763 [int. Aug. 24, 1760], in Wrentham.
Moses Jr. and Polly Fairbank [int. Fairbanks], Feb. 8, 1807.
Moses Jr. and Mrs. Catherine Partridge, Oct. 1, 1811.
Moses and Mrs. Nancy Bullard, Oct. 29, 1834.
Moses Jr. and Zilpha S. [int. T.] Clark, Nov. 21, 1838.
Nathan C. and Meletiah [int. Milatiah] Metcalf, Apr. 8, 1829.
Nathan C. and Bathsheba Metcalf, Apr. 10, 1833. [Nathan Clark of Franklin, P.R.]
Nathanel H. and Atatine Adams, int. Dec. 6, 1849.
Nathaniel W. and Lucy A. S. Boyden, Apr. 29, 1841.
Olive and Abijah Richardson Jr., June 5, 1806.
Olive and Ebenezer [int. Ebenezer] Clark [int. Jr.], May 9, 1810.
Olive C., 18, d. Preston and Susan, and George H. Frost, Oct. 29, 1845.
Oliver of Franklin, and Mime Pond, Jan. 26, 1792.
Pamelia, 43, d. Jonathan and Mary, and Nathaniel Clark, widr. [int. omits widr.], Oct. 15, 1845.
Patience [int. adds Mrs.] and Phinehas [int. Phineas] Adams, May 3, 1781.
Paul and Calley Dexter, Jan. 9, 1784.
Paul and Mahitable [int. Mehitable] Jones, Sept. 7, 1786.
Paul Dexter of Franklin, and Huldah Hill, Feb. 4, 1808.
Polly of Franklin, and William Barnard, Sept. 14, 1827.
Rachel and John Bullard, May 3, 1743. [May 23, C.R.1.]
Rachel of Franklin, and Charles F. Knapp, Oct. 5, 1828.
Robert of Wrentham, and Rachel Adams, int. Feb. 16, 1745.
Roxana of Franklin, and Jermiah Claflin, Apr. 29, 1819, [Roxena and Jeremiah Claftin, P.R.]
Sally and Baruch [int. Barach] Penniman, Sept 8, 1806.
Sally and James N. Smith, Jan. 1, 1839.
Sarah and John Ellis [int. 3d], Sept. 25, 1765.
Sarah of Wrentham, and John Phillips, May 25, 1768.
Sarah [int. adds Mrs.] of Franklin, and Ichabod Hawes [int. Haws], Feb. 14, 1782.
Sarah Maria of Franklin, and John Cushing, int. May 29, 1838.
Sumner and Mercy Jones Chapin, int. Oct. 30, 1824.
Timothy [int. Jr.] of Wrentham, and Mrs. Sarah Cutler, Feb. 14, 1763.
Timothy of Franklin, and Rachel Adams, Nov. 3, 1790.
Timothy, b. Franklin, s. Justin of Franklin, and Eliza Jane Creecy, Apr. 4, 1844.
William of Franklin, and Polly Hide [int. Ide], Jan. 21, 1796.
Rhoda [int. Roba] and Welcomb [int. Welcome] S. Smith, Nov. 25, 1841.
Thomas T. and Adeliza Henderson, Nov. 29, 1838.
PRAT (see Pratt)
Abial [int. Pratt] and Grace Metcalf, Jan. 29, 1778.
PRATT (see Prat)
Chandler M. [int. adds Esq.] of Grafton, and Olivia Fisher, Sept. 28, 1842.
Eli and Roxane Wilber [int. Roxana Wilbor], Nov. 11, 1821.
Elijah Hawes of Sherburne, and Hannah Daniels, Nov. 24, 1808.
Jane and Harford Barton, int. Oct. 4, 1839.
Maria K., 18, d. Philip and Naomi, and Samuel N. Page, Jan. 30, 1849.
Orra of Medfield, and Julia Harding, Sept. 11, 1827.
Otis B., 21, of Framingham, s. Luke C. of Framingham, and Mary J. Stratton, Sept. 8, 1847.
Silas [int. adds Dr.] and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Parker, Sept. 20, 1750. [Dr. Silas, C.R.1.]
Sarah of Wrentham, and Silas Partridge, Apr. 22, 1773.
Betsey P., 24, of Rome, Me., d. Jonathan and Ruth, and John Rollins Jr., Jan. 22, 1846.
Hannah G. [int. C.], 21, "Orphan," and Gilbert Kingsbury, Jan. 24, 1849.
Matthew [int. Mathew Proven] of Blanford, and Mary Clark, June 6, 1745. [Mathew Proven, C.R.1.]
William and Mary Clark, Dec. 29, 1738.
Anna and Asahel Holbrook, Apr. 20, 1743. [Hannah, C.R.1.]
Chloe and Joseph Partridge, Feb. 27, 1794.
Hannah (see Anna).
Job and Nancy Knowlton, Dec. 26, 1787.
Molly, Mrs., of Wrentham, and Daniel Wight, int. Nov. 10, 1780.
Ruth and Moses Holbrook, Oct. 10, 1744.
Timothy Metcalf and Bathsheba Beals, Aug. 22, 1816.
Tisdale and Ursula Daniels, Mar. 29, 1792.
William of Wrentham, and Mrs. Anna Metcalf, int. Oct. 15, 1781.
William and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Susanna Ellis, Apr. 18, 1799.
Alsena L. [int. Alseenath, omits L.] and Zadock Coffee, Mar. 1, 1813.
Hannah of Waltham, and Elihu H. Hixon, int. Oct. 22, 1824.
Louisa [int. of Sandwich, N.H.] and Capt. James Adams, May 6, 1838.
RAMSDAIL (see Ramsdell)
Vashti and Oliver Richardson, int. Sept. 9, 1775.
RAMSDELL (see Ramsdail)
William E., 23, s. Oren and Eliza, and Eliza A. Hawes, Apr. 6, 1847.
Abagail [int. Abigail] B., 18, "Orphan," and Joseph A. Plimpton, Oct. 16, 1845.
Abner of Uxbridge, and Mary Allen, May 17, 1745.
Bud [int. Ruel] and Catherine Holden, ---- [rec. between Apr. 15, 1823, and Apr. 15, 1824] [int. Feb. 1, 1824].
Charles E. and Eliza C. Rockwood, int. Sept. 13, 1844.
Edmund of Uxbridge, and Martha Allen, Jan. 12, 1743 [dup. 1734, sic.], in Uxbridge.
Liberty of Holliston, and Harriet L. Blake, Sept. 21, 1842.
Ruel (see Bud).
George W. and Mrs. Sarah S. Cook, int. Nov. 7, 1846.
READ (see Reed)
Dorcass [int. Dorcas] and John Staples, ---- [rec. between Apr. 15, 1823, and Apr. 15, 1824] [int. Dec. 13, 1823].
Joseph [int. Reed] of Franklin and Susan Staunton [int. Santon], May 17, 1821. [Stanton, P.R.]
REED (see Read)
Carlton [int. Read] and Caroline Staunton, May 13, 1823.
Dorcas of Attlborough, and Job Harding, int. Dec. 2, 1786.
George [int. Read, adds J.] of Providence, R.I., and Louisa Fairbanks, Sept. 7, 1836.
Hannah and David Jackson, int. Oct. 10, 1822.
Johanna B. of Billerica, and John Ryan, int. Apr. 11, 1835.
Olive and Elihu Harding, int. Feb. 2, 1793.
Mehitable, Mrs., and Abel Fisk, int. June 10, 1771.
William of N.Y., and Rhoda Bullen, int. Feb. 21, 1796.
Elizabeth and David Mosely, May 29, 1776.
REXFORD (see Rixford).
John and Mary Atkins, int. Oct. 20, 1833.
RHOADES (see Rhodes)
Fanny, Mrs., of Sharon, and Asa Hixon, int. Sept. 7, 1833.
RHODES (see Rhoades)
Lewis and Harriot Fisher, int. Mar. 15, 1833.
Hannah R. of Dorchester, and Marshall Fales, int. Oct. 19, 1841.
Hollis and Nancy Abbe [int. Abbee], Nov. 2, 1825. [Abbee, P.R.]
Mary Ann and Augustus J. Messenger [int. Messinger], May 20, 1842, in Holliston.
Polly M., Mrs., of Bellingham, and Asa Burr, Feb. 9, 1832.
Samuel of Charlestown, and Mrs. Mary F. Bickford, Nov. 27, 1833.
Emeline A. of Dover, and Charles H. Fitts, int. Mar. 30, 1839.
Lewis M. of Medfield, and Eliza Harding, May 7, 1846.
Thadaeus of Dedham, and Hannah Metcalf, int. June 13, 1779.
Thomas D. of Bellingham, and Hellen Clark, Sept. 12, 1843.
William and Nancy Jane Gilmore [int. Gillmore], Jan. 6, 1835.
William F. and Susan F. Kimball, int. Feb. 19, 1842.
Abigail [int. adds Mrs.] and John Cutler [int. Jr.], July 7, 1763.
Abigail, Mrs., and Samuel Hill Jr., int. Aug. 9, 1766.
Abigail, Mrs., and Caleb Boynton [int. Bointon], May 24, 1765, in Mendon.
Abigail and Benjamin Pernal [int. Parnel], June 2, 1783 [sic, ? 1785].
Abigail and Luther Green, Dec. 23, 1790.
Abigail and Joel Brown, int. Feb. 27, 1803.
Abigail and Asa Thayer, Nov. 29, 1810.
Abigail and Aaron Willard Wight, Apr. 15, 1812.
Abigail of Franklin, and Noyes P. Hawes, Oct. 25, 1827. [Abagail, P.R.]
Abigail [int. Abagail], Mrs., and Samuel Partridge, Oct. 6, 1830.
Abigail D. and Simeon Richardson Jr., int. Aug. 20, 1820.
Abigail M. [int. Maria] and Addison Richardson, Apr. 19, 1840.
Abijah and [int. adds Mrs.] Mercy Daniels, Nov. 24, 1772.
Abijah Jr. and Olive Pond, June 5, 1806.
Addison and Abigail M. [int. Maria] Richardson, Apr. 19, 1840.
Almira (see Elmira).
Ama and Rev. John S. White, int. Mar. 19, 1834.
Ama, A. and Capt. Elisha A. Jones, June 25, 1840.
Amos and [int. adds Mrs.] Phebe Holbrook, Aug. 7, 1766.
Amos Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Eda Johnson, Jan. 13, 1803.
Ann M. [int. Maria] and Samuel Whiting, Apr. 20, 1829.
Artemas and Deborah Johnson, June 23, 1805.
Asa and Abigail Barber, Feb. 18, 1739. [Barbar, 1739-40, C.R.1.]
Asa and Catherine [int. Katherine] Adams, Jan. 19, 1791.
Asa and Elizabeth Dexter, June 17, 1798.
Asa Partridge and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Hill, Dec. 3, 1767.
Betsey and Lewis Wheeler, Nov. 7, 1793.
Betsey and Lewis Fisher Jr., Mar. 27, 1838.
Betsey [int. Betsy], d. Henry, and Eliel [int. Eliah] B. Blake, Dec. 10, 1845.
Catherine and Reuben Jenks [int. Jencks], Sept. 13, 1827.
Charles and Hepzibah [int. Hephzibeth] Ross, Oct. 6, 1811.
Charlotte and Lt. Eleazer [int. Eleazar] Daniels, Mar. 1, 1813.
Clara [int. Clarissa] H., 23, d. Jeremiah D. and Lorana, and William W. Leland [int. Lealand], June 28, 1847. [Clarisa H., C.R.1.]
Clarissa and Chester Ellis, Feb. 18, 1841.
Daniel and Judith Bullen, July 13, 1742. [Daniel Jr., C.R.1.]
Daniel and Lydia Bacon [int. Mrs. Lydia Beacon], Oct. 25, 1780.
David and Jemima Smith, Jan. 14, 1748.
Ede, wid., and James M. Lindsey, int. Aug. 21, 1816. "forbidden by said Widow Ede Richardson five days after."
Eli [int. adds A.], 26, s. Ezra, and Sarah B. Round [int. Rounds], July 3, 1844.
Elisha and [int. adds Mrs.] Sarah Ellis, May 26, 1773.
Elisha of Franklin, and Harriot Blake, Jan. 1, 1829. [Harriet, P.R.]
Eliza and Sylvanus [int. Capt. Syvanus] Adams, ---- [rec. between Apr. 15, 1823, and Apr. 15, 1824] [int. Feb. 16, 1823].
Eliza A., 19, d. Artemas, and William H. Temple, widr. [int. omits widr.], Apr. 21, 1847.
Elizabeth of Bellingham, and Daniel Penniman, Nov. 28, 1799.
Elizabeth and Lowell Coolidge [int. Cooledge], May 22, 1806.
Elizabeth and Adams Daniels, June 11, 1832.
Elmira and Lewis Slocom, Jan. 12, 1820.
Emeline M. of Franklin, and Joel G. Partridge, int. Oct. 15, 1835.
Emeline P. and William H. Temple, Mar. 14, 1839.
Emory of Milford, and Jerusha Partridge, int. Dec. 22, 1844.
Esther [dup. Ester] and Thomas [dup. Thomers] Jones, May 27, 1728.
Esther and Ezra Daniell, Nov. 13, 1800.
Ezra and Jemima Lovell, July 5, 1786.
Ezra Jr. and Mary Goodell, Sept. 23, 1812.
Ezra and Lavina Daniels, Nov. 15, 1827.
Fanny and Joel W. Brooks, Mar. 17, 1840.
Francis D. and Betsey F. Bullard, int. Oct. 16, 1842.
George W., s. Amos and Eda, and Eliza A. Curtis, Jan. 1, 1846.
Hannah and Jonathan Underwood, June 15, 1739.
Hannah [int. 2d] and Oliver Phillips, Dec. 1, 1808.
Hannah and Elisha Adams Jones, Feb. 11, 1810.
Hannah and William Haskins [int. Haskin], Dec. 12, 1813.
Hannah A., 25. d. Lewis and Elmira, and Joseph A. Plympton [int. Plimpton], Jan. 1, 1849.
Helen B. [int. of Franklin], 19, d. Howard of Franklin, and David S. Dorr, Aug. 25, 1847.
Henry and Rebeccah Adams, Jan. 6, 1814.
Horace and Catherine Draper, int. May 6, 1819.
Irena and Obed Turner, Jan. 23, 1817.
James of Franklin, and Hannah Hayward [int. Jr.], Jan. 26, 1787.
James and Sarah Eames, Dec. 3, 1789, in Holliston.
Jemima and Nathan Jones Jr., Apr. 21, 1808.
Jemima and Dr. Lyman B. Larkin, Apr. 3, 1838.
Jerimiah Daniels [int. Jeremiah Daniells] and Larana [int. Lorana] Beals, Dec. 21, 1820. [Jeremiah Daniels, P.R.]
John and [int. adds Mrs.] Mary Daniels, Oct. 9, 1828.
John H. of Franklin, and Abby Baldwin, int. Dec. 9, 1849.
Jonathan and Ruth Clark, July 4, 1728.
Joseph and Ama Adams, May 25, 1795.
Joseph L. Jr. [int. of Holliston] and Sylvia P. Partridge, Apr. 26, 1837. [Silvia P., P.R.]
Joseph Lovell and Pairlee [int. Peirlee] Richardson, June 20, 1811.
Joshua and Mrs. Sarah Morse, int. Aug. 6, 1781.
Judith and Jones [int. Jonas] Brick, Dec. 18, 1782.
Keziah [int. Kezia] and Nathan Hall, Apr. 20, 1780.
Keziah [int. Kezia] and Josiah Stedman, July 24, 1806.
Lewis and Abigail Mann Tyler, Mar. 29, 1821.
Lois and Adam Bullard, Dec. 18, 1777.
Marcus and Prudence Hill, Dec. 1, 1803.
Mariam, Mrs., and Samuel Slocomb, int. Oct. 15, 1763.
Mary and James Boyden, June 4, 1731.
Mary of Medfield, and Thomas Wight, May 23, 1745-1.
Mary, Mrs., and Phileman Stacey, int. Sept. 30, 1762.
Mary of Mansfield, and Ichabod Seaver, int. Nov. 7, 1798.
Mary A. [int. Antoinette], 22, d. Ezra, and George H. Stone, Aug. 28, 1844.
Mary A. of Franklin, and Arival P. Ware, int. Mar. 20, 1847.
Mary S. and Reuben Jencks, Apr. 10, 1840. [Jenckes, Apr. 16, P.R.]
Matilda [int. Matilah], Mrs., and Anahmale Wheeler, June 14, 1807.
Matilda, 19, d. John, and Gilbert Mellen, Feb. 16, 1846.
Mercy and John Stedman [int. Steedman], July 4, 1805.
Mercy and Horace [int. Horris] Underwood, Feb. 22, 1830.
Moses and Abigail Allen, Mar. 17, 1740. [Richard, 1739-40, C.R.1.]
Moses Jr. and Abigail Daniels, int. Dec. 10, 1774.
Moses Jr. and Patty Wight, Dec. 26, 1797.
Moses and Keziah [int. Kasiah] Fairbanks, Oct. 30, 1842.
Oliver and Vashti Ramsdail, int. Sept. 9, 1775.
Oliver Jr. and Matilda Partridge, Feb. 9, 1797.
Oliver and Mrs. Mary Carrol [int. Carroll], Sept. 13, 1829.
Orinda of Franklin, and Eleazar Thompson, Jan. 1, 1787, in Franklin.
Pairlee [int. Peirlee] and Joseph Lovell Richardson, June 20, 1811.
Pearlee [int. Pearly] and Jeremiah Daniels Jr., Oct. 13, 178[sic] [int. 1785].
Persis and [int. adds Dr.] Paul Metcalf, Feb. 2, 1791.
Phebe and David Johnson, Mar. 7, 1802.
Prissilla [int. Priscilla] and Daniel Allen, Dec. 26, 1793.
Prudence of Franklin, and Eleazar Thompson, int. May 27, 1786.
Rebecca of Attleborough, and Ichabod Seaver, int. Dec. 2, 1786.
Rebeccah [int. Mrs. Rebecca] and Henry Bullard Jr., Apr. 14, 1773.
Rhoda [int. adds Mrs.] and Timothy Bullard, Oct. 29, 1764.
Rhoda and James Daniels, June 8, 1815.
Rhoda and Nathan Bullard, Nov. 7, 1837.
Richard and Elizabeth Bullard, int. Oct. 5, 1827.
Richard and Elizabeth Baker, int. Dec. 12, 1845.
Roxania and Joel G. Partridge, Oct. 6, 1841.
Sally [int. adds Mrs.] and Samuel Rockwood, May 30, 1781, in Franklin.
Samuel and Leah Clark, Sept. 6, 1733.
Sarah [dup. Sarrah] and David Pond, Jan. 14, 1718.
Sarah [int. adds Mrs.] and Timothy Ellis, Apr. 5, 1772.
Sarah, Mrs., and Ebenezer Walker Jr., int. Oct. 23, 1805. "The publishing for Marriage are forbidden for the present."
Sarah and Rev. Alvin Bond, Apr. 25, 1821.
Silas and Abigail Daniels, Feb. 21, 1791.
Silas and Mary Carlton, Dec. 22, 1811.
Simeon and [int. adds Mrs.] Elizabeth Jones, July 29, 1773.
Simeon Jr. and Abigail D. Richardson, int. Aug. 20, 1820.
Solomon and Rebecca Man, June 9, 1741, in Deerfield.
Solomon and Olive Morse [int. Morss], Jan. 22, 1807.
Stephen W. of Franklin, and Eliza Bullard, May 6, 1835.
Stephen W., widr., 32, "orphan," b. Franklin, of Franklin, and Mary Bullard, Feb. 5, 1845.
Tryphena and Joseph Perry Lealand, Dec. 24, 1812.
Ursula and Amos Clark, Aug. 18, 1788.
Ursula "late resident of Holliston," and Carmel Cheney, Dec. 4, 1817.
William and Hannah Ellis, May 21, 1739.
William and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Abigail Curtis. June 25, 1759.
Ziba of Franklin, and Huldah Thompson, Oct. 18, 1789.
Betsey and Daniel Tidd, June 20, 1821.
Sarah of Hopkinton, and George L. Wood, June 11, 1837.
Ebenezar of Hopkinton, and Mehitable Anderson, Aug. 24, 1786.
Ebenzar and Sarah Rite, int. Mar. 21, 1789.
Joseph of Holliston, and Sarah Morse, Nov. 1, 1750.
Polly and Solomon Wright, Dec. 14, 1814.
Theodor and Ruth Lealand, Oct. 7, 1784.
Anna [int. adds Mrs.] and Samuel Pike, Feb. 9, 1777.
Thomas and [int. adds Mrs.] Anna Grant, Nov. 30, 1773.
Joseph of Uxbridge, and Jerusha Cutler, May 27, 1779.
RITE (see Wright)
Sarah of Amherst, and Ebenezar Rider, int. Mar. 21, 1789.
William and Hannah [int. Anna] Thayer, Nov. 13, 1751, in Mendon.
ROBBINS (see Robins)
Hannah of Foxburough, and Samuel Forrist, int. Oct. 31, 1812.
Thurston [int. Thuston] of Newfane, Vt. [int. omits Vt.], and Elizebeth [int. Elizabeth] C. Taylor, Oct. 21, 1841.
John and Eliza M. Thurston, int. May 30, 1829.
ROBINS (see Robbins)
Joseph [int. Robbins, adds L.] of Washington, N.H., and Catherine Wight, July 15, 1802.
Melletiah and Roger Robinson, int. Feb. 18, 1766.
Adeline W. of Oakham, and Levi P. Knight, int. Nov. 4, 1830.
Lucinda and Moses Kimball, Dec. 22, 1817.
Rebekah A. of Smithfield, R.I., and Julius C. Hurd, int. May 13, 1837.
Roger and Melletiah Robins, int. Feb. 18, 1766.
ROCKET (see Rockwood)
Bethiah and William Burges, Aug. 25, 1712, in Warwick.
Josiah and Sarah Kingsbury, Mar. 12, 1716-17, in Boston.
ROCKWOOD (see Rocket)
Aaron W. and Almira Cobb, int. Mar. 14, 1830.
Abigail and John Daniel, int. June 22, 1751.
Amos and Abigail Knowlton, Apr. 6, 1809.
Benjamin Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Ruth Adams, May 17, 1750.
Calvin and Elizabeth Marsh, int. Mar. 22, 1828.
David B. of Milford, and Martha A. Phillips [int. Philips], Mar. 9, 1836.
Deborah and Ammiel Week [dup. Weeks], int. ----[rec. between May 10 and Sept 20, 1740] [dup. May 17, 1740].
Elisha of Franklin, and Eunice Clark, int. Apr. 14, 1778.
Eliza and Newell Lovering, Apr. 16, 1829.
Eliza C. of Holliston, and Charles E. Rawson, int. Sept. 13, 1844.
Ellen M. of Holliston, and John P. Jones, Nov. 6, 1849. [d. Simeon, P.R.]
Esther, Mrs., and John Wilson, May 7, 1767.
Eunice of Wrentham, and Jotham Clark, int. Nov. 8, 1814.
Hannah [int. adds E.] and George Blake, Dec. 5, 1822.
Horace and Eliza B. Smith, int. Jan. 24, 1835.
Lois [int. adds Mrs.] of Wrentham, and Eleazer Partridge [int. Eleazar Patridge], Mar. 21, 1765.
Mary Ann of Franklin, and Simeon Fisher, Sept. 2, 1824. P.R.
Mary Ann and Solomon G. Blake, Nov. 18, 1835.
Moses and Mrs. Lydia Ellis, June 2, 1760.
Moses Jr. and Lois Johnson, July 1, 1798.
Moses Jr. of Holliston, and Adeline Johnson, Nov. 4, 1841.
Newell of Bellingham, and Ann [int. adds S.] Winter, Apr. 20, 1823.
Peter of Milford, and Sabra Parnell [int. Parnel], Nov. 7, 1809.
Samuel Jr. and Sarah Pierce [int. Peirce], Nov. 7, 1750. [Samuell, C.R.1.]
Samuel of Franklin, and [int. adds Mrs.] Sally Richardson, May 30, 1781, in Franklin.
Simeon and. Miletiah [int. Meletiah] Clark, Nov. 1, 1821. [Melletiah, P.R.]
Sophia of Holliston, and Abner Holbrook, int. June 12, 1801.
Sybil of Holliston, and Eli Ellis, July 20, 1786.
Timothy and Elizabeth Perry, int. Oct. 27, 1750.
RODGERS (see Rogers)
Mary E. of Marblehead, and Samuel Bancroft, int. Mar. 15, 1845.
ROGERS (see Rodgers)
Lydia of Greenwich, and Abner Fuller, int. Dec. 30, 1808.
John Jr., 27, of Mt. Vernon, Me., s. John and Mary, and Betsey P. Prescott, Jan. 22, 1846.
Samuel of Needham, and Lucy Anderson, int. Nov. 28, 1792.
Hepzibah [int. Hephzibeth] and Charles Richardson, Oct. 6, 1811.
ROUND (see Rounds)
Sarah B. [int. Rounds], 20, "orphan," and Eli [int. adds A.] Richardson, July 3, 1844.
ROUNDS (see Round)
Emma [int. Ama Round] of Franklin, and Jasper Adams, Nov. 22, 1792, in Franklin.
Prince [int. Roial] and Mary Gates, Oct. 1, 1772.
Prince and Zilpba Daniels, int. June 6, 1801.
Josiah of Dover, and Sukey Newell, May 2, 1793, in Dover.
Lanra A. [int. omits A.] and Seth Partridge, Mar. 2, 1831.
Mary Of Franklin, and Moses Fuller, Sept. 30, 1824. P.R.
Nancy C. of Franklin, and Christopher C. Homes, Mar. 31, 1840. [Nancy M., P.R.]
Susan and Washington Adams, May 30, 1843.
Susan F. and David A. Cheever, Dec. 1, 1836. [Chever, P.R.]
RUSSEL (see Russell)
Jonathan of Killingsley, and Hannah Harding, int. Jan. 28, 1777.
Jonathan (Bussel) Jr. of Thompson [int. Tompson], and Abigail Harding, Dec. 18, 1788.
Josiah of Oxford, and Clarissa Fisher, Apr. 18, 1821. [Jeriah, P.R.]
RUSSELL (see Russel)
Hannah P., wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 38, and William Phipps, widr. [int. omits widr.], Dec. 19, 1844.
Martha [int. Mrs. Marth Russel of Hopkinton] and Bezafiel [int. Bazaleel] Jones, June 23, 1762, in Hopkinton.
Nancy of Oxford, and Nathan Bullard, int. Oct. 15, 1814.
Jemima [int. Butler] of Sudbury, and [int. adds Dr.] Aaron White [int. Wight], Jan. 17, 1776, in Sudbury.
John and Johanna B. Reed, int. Apr. 11, 1835.
Susannah and Joseph Plimton, Apr. 15, 1739.
Stephen, Dr., and Elizabeth Parker Clarke, int. Dec. 5, 1843.
Bathsheba and Rev. Ethan Smith, Feb. 4, 1793.
Christian of Mendon, and Obadiah Adams, Apr. 24, 1716, in Mendon.
Clarissa [int. Sandford] and Rev. John Morse, Feb. 4, 1793.
Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] and Rev. Levi Packard, Aug. 16, 1826.
David of Gt. Barington [int. Gt. Barrington], and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Thompson [int. Tompson], Dec. 7, 1780.
Edna Jane and Richard M. Le Favour [int. Le Favor], June 14, 1842.
Elihu and Hannah Metralf, Feb. 9, 1792.
George F. and Sarah E. Sanger, int. Apr. 11, 1840.
Joanna and Joel Partridge [int. Jr.], Nov. 16, 1820.
Lydia and Rev. William Eaton, Nov. 1, 1815.
Milton H. and Anna T. Davenport, int. July 30, 1836.
Phila B. of Holliston, and George Bird, int. Sept. 4, 1848.
Philo and Lydia Whiting [int. Jr.], Mar. 18, 1784.
Philo and Bathsheba French, int. Mar. 7, 1835.
Samuel [int. adds Dr.] of Francestown [int. Fransistown], N.H., and Betsey Wight, Sept. 22, 1803.
Sewell and Edeny Holbrook, int. Oct. 11, 1812.
Stephen and Maria Ann Fisher, Oct. 13, 1828.
SANGER (see Sangor)
Sarah E. of Sherburne, and George F. Sanford, int. Apr. 11, 1840.
SANGOR (see Sanger)
Eleanor of Sherburne, and Samuel O. Daniels Esq., int. Sept. 22, 1839.
Ezra S. of Chester, Vt., and L. A. M. [int. Laura Ann Matilda] Holmes, Mar. 7, 1841.
David G., 25, of Medfield, s. Nathaniel and Hannah of Medfield, and Eliza M. Fisk, June 5, 1845.
Benjamin Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of E. Sudbury, and Lucinda Harding, Aug. 20, 1826.
Nathaniel of Lancaster, and Catherine [int. Mrs. Katherine] Ellis, Oct. 30, 1771.
Ann C. of Wrentham, and Abijah Clark, int. Mar. 15, 1834.
Richard of Wrentham, and Betsey Jones, June 3, 1804.
Israel of Providence, R.I., and Patty Slocom, July 27, 1828. [Isreal, P.R.]
Pardon E., 26, "orphan," s. Lemuel and Ruth, and Lucinda Stratton, July 3, 1849.
Ichabod and Rebecca Richardson, int. Dec. 2, 1786.
Ichabod and Mary Richardson, int. Nov. 7, 1798.
Stepney [? Senoah] and Elizabeth Lawrence, int. Mar. 17, 1758.
Baylies L., 23, "Orphan," and Alvira. W. Jordan, Apr. 8, 1847.
Hannah of Sherborn, and Ephraim Hill, June 15, 1713, in Sherborn.
Hannah (Sheffill) and John Partridge, Apr. 17, 1721.
Nathaniel of Holliston, and Lydia Gibbs, int. Sept. 21, 1751.
Sullivan of Charlestown, and Irene Lovering, Dec. 8, 1837.
SHEPARD (see Shepherd)
Laura E. of Wrentham, and Phillip S. Sparrow, int. Sept. 30, 1837.
Willard [int. Shepherd] and Juliann [int. Julian] Fisher, Oct. 1, 1833.
SHEPHERD (see Shepard)
Frances [sic] and Mrs. Catherine Bayley, int. Jan. 21, 1782.
Benjamin R., 21, of Attleboro, s. D. G. and Cynthia A., and Martha A. Gleason, June 26, 1849.
Ephraim L. of Hopkinton, and Miranda C. Newton, int. Feb. 18, 1846.
Sarah W. and Abner Fogg, int. May 13, 1837.
Amos and Patience Adams, Nov. 7, 1810.
Jabez and Olive Penniman, Mar. 29, 1775.
Olive and Thomas Adams, Sept. 29, 1803.
Olive and Elihu Partridge [int. Jr.], Nov. 25, 1841.
Ruth and William Adams, Nov. 29, 1815.
SIMMONDS (see Simmons)
Israel of Framingham, and Catherine Mann, July 31, 1837.
SIMMONS (see Simmonds)
Eliza O. and Amariah Maker [int. Macker], Nov. 24, 1842.
Paulina and William Phelan, int. Apr. 2, 1831.
Stephen of Brighton, and Hannah H. Henry, int. Aug. 29, 1835. [m. Oct. 1, P.R.]
Samuel W. and Eveline Jones, int. Apr. 3, 1822.
Samuel W. and Elizabeth Fletcher, int. Mar. 27, 1825.
SLOCOM (see Slocomb)
Bethuel A. of Cumberland, R.I., and Caroline A. Forestall, Dec. 5, 1837.
Christopher and Charlotte Adams, Sept. 2, 1818.
Patty of Bellingham, and Israel Scott, July 27, 1828. [Isreal, P.R.]
SLOCOMB (see Slocom)
George and Tabathy [int. Tabatha] Harding, Aug. 1, 1776.
Lewis of Wrentham, and Elmira Richardson, Jan. 12, 1820.
Samuel of Wrentham, and Mrs. Mariam Richardson, int. Oct. 15, 1763.
Simon and Esther Plimpton, May 21, 1778.
Abel and Sarah Adams, Nov. 1, 1759.
Amey and Willard [int. Williard] K. Ellis, Apr. 24, 1831.
Anna of Charlton, and John C. Hill, int. Aug. 26, 1831. "Publishment stoped by J. C. Hill, August 31, 1831."
Anna of Medfield, and Asa Holbrook, int. Dec. 3, 1836.
Arnold of Dover, N.H., and Jerusha White, Oct. 12, 1827.
Benjamin and Eunice Coffee, June 14, 1815.
Benjamin and Wealthy Leonard, Jan. 3, 1827.
Betsy [int. Betsey] F., 21, d. Samuel of Holliston, and Asa W. Adams, Nov. 20, 1845.
Caleb of Needham [dup. Nedham], and Rachel Fisher, July 4, 1717.
Ebenezar and Abiel Allen, Apr. 9, 1739.
Eliza, A., 19, d. Mason and Rhoda, and Charles Dodge, Sept. 22, 1847.
Eliza B. of Bellingham, and Horace Rockwood, int. Jan. 24, 1835.
Esther and Jonathan Adams, int. Jan. 11, 1823.
Ethan, Rev., of Haverhill, N.H., and Bathsheba Sanford, Feb. 4, 1793.
Eunice of Framingham, and John H. Barber, int. Mar. 12, 1825.
Hepsibah [int. Hephzibeth] of Walpole, and Uriah Morse, Jan. 1, 1789.
Isaac of Holliston, and Prudence Clark, May 31, 1787.
Isaac Jr. of Holliston, and Indiana Daniels, Jan. 3, 1822.
James N. and Martha C. Pond, int. Oct. 15, 1835. [m. Nov. 4, P.R.]
James N. and Sally Pond, Jan. 1, 1839.
Jemima and David Richardson, Jan. 14, 1748.
John S. of Holliston, and Sarah B. Phillips, int. Sept. 26, 1830.
Julia Ann of Bellingham, and Ruel Adams, Oct. 31, 1833.
Katurah and John Hill, Feb. 24, 1791.
Levina of Bellingham, and Arnold Hill, May 26, 1803.
Lewis B., 28, of Randolph, s. Samuel of Holliston, and Caroline M. Spalding, Oct. 14, 1845.
Margaret, Mrs., of Bellingham, and Simeon Wight, int. Feb. 28, 1772.
Margarett of Bellingham, and Simon Wight, Mar. 17, 1782, in Bellingham.
Martha of Dedham, and James Clark [int. Jr.], Nov. 8, 1758, in Dedham.
Martha of Framingham, and Cyrus Barber, int. Feb. 13, 1826.
Mary and Isaac Lealand, Apr. 7, 1758.
Mary of Walpole, and Samuel Ellis, Jan. 1, 1795.
Mary J. of Franklin, and Amos H. Morse, May 7, 1829.
Melatiah W. of Bellingham, and Ebenezar H. Fisher, int. Aug. 3, 1839.
Nancy E. [int. C., of Wrentham] and Lewis Fisher [int. Jr.], Nov. 12, 1835.
Nelson and Lucy W. King, int. July 5, 1839.
Pamelia of Uxbridge, and Joseph Whiston, Nov. 27, 1800.
Phebe, Mrs., and Samuel Lovering Jr., int. Feb. 12, 1763.
Rachel of Glocester, R.I., and John Green, int. June 5, 1798.
Rachel of Medfield, and Isaac Harding, int. Aug. 10, 1805.
Rhoda, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], of Wrentham, and James Barber, Mar. 3, 1762.
Robert of Bellingham, and Sally Fairbanks, Feb. 3, 1805.
Royal of Dover, N.H., and Lydia Lesure [int. Lasure], June 4, 1826.
Sally of Bellingham, and Christopher Adams, int. Apr. 3, 1814.
Sally A. and Erastus Dupee, Apr. 4, 1839.
Samuel R., 32, of Holliston, s. Samuel and Anna, and Anna Holbrook, Apr. 1, 1846.
Sewall and Julia Ann Blake, int. Aug. 21, 1839.
Sybil of Medfield, and Gilbert Corsen, int. Mar. 9, 1786.
Welcomb [int. Welcome] S. and Rhoda [int. Roba] Potter, Nov. 25, 1841.
Willard of Foxborough, and Amanda M. Ellis, int. July 6, 1836.
Elizabeth of Holliston, and Whitney Kibbee, int. Feb. 5, 1814.
Henry C. and Sybil Adams, Aug. 30, 1826.
Henry C. and Eliza Thayer, int. Apr. 11, 1845.
John and Abigal Kibbey, int. Mar. 21, 1756.
Polly of Hopkinton, and John Allen, int. Apr. 8, 1815.
Samuel "a transient man," and [int. adds Mrs.] Mary Wheeton, Apr. 19, 1773.
Annah P. and Calvin Morse, int. Feb. 11, 1837.
Fredreek P. and Sally Wares, int. July 22, 1842.
Joseph A., Capt., 35, of Bangor, Me., s. Capt. ---- of Bangor, Me., and Eliza B. [int. omits B.] Fisher, Oct. 20, 1845.
Royal Jr. and Direxa Claflin, int. Nov. 11, 1826.
SPALDING (see Spaulding)
Caroline M., 20, "Orphan," of Holliston, and Lewis B. Smith, Oct. 14, 1845.
John Jr. [it. Sparrowk] of Sherburne, and Mary Morse, Oct. 19, 1828.
Philip S. and Laura E. Shepard, int. Sept. 30, 1837.
SPAULDING (see Spalding)
Samuel J., Rev. [int. Spalding], 23, b. Nashua, N.H., of Somersworth, N.H., s. ---- of Nashua, N.H., and Sarah L. Metcalf, June 27, 1849.
James E., Capt., of Providence, R.I., and Huldah Pond, Dec. 20, 1836. [Spelman, P.R.]
Israel of Stratton, Vt., and Mary Balwin, June 7, 1825.
Frances E., 24. d. Stephen of Hallowell, Me., and William Williams Jr., Sept. 16, 1846.
Janette H., 22, d. Tillinghast of Augusta, Me., and Charles A. Grant, June 4, 1848.
Rosette H. and Nathan F. Whitney, int. Oct. 14, 1843. [Whiting, m. Nov. 1, P.R.]
Mary and Nathaniel Allen, Jan. 25, 1758.