Medway, Norfolk Co., Massachusetts
Vital Records To The Year 1850
Published By The New-England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1905.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Clarissa, Mrs., and [int. adds Lt.] Asa Childs, Oct. 23, 1799.
Daniel and Mary Hinsdel, int. Apr. 18, 1756.
Daniel [int. Jr.] and Sally Clark, Dec. 12, 1793, in Franklin.
Daniel, Lt., and Mrs. Ruth Clark, int. Aug. 19, 1802.
Daniel Jr. and Susan Wilder [int. Weldon], May 1, 1826. [Weldon, P.R.]
Gregory [int. Greogory] and Clarissa [int. Clary] Partridge, Jan. 11, 1795.
Jacob, Rev., and Mary Emmons, int. Feb. 25, 1815.
Lois and Silas Adams, Feb. 25, 1788, in Hopkinton.
Mary and Philemon Metcalf, May 25, 1780.
Mary and Rev. [int. omits Rev.] Charles T. Torry, Mar. 29, 1837. [Torrey, P.R.]
Polly (see Polly Hide)
INMAN (see Innman)
Fenner and Esther Maria Jefts, int. Dec. 12, 1840.
Seth of Franklin, and Catherine A. Partridge, Apr. 16, 1845, in Franklin. P.R.
INNMAN (see Inman)
Elsey of Cumberland, R.I., and Albert Grant, int. Sept. 14, 1837.
Seth of Franklin, and Almira White, Apr. 28, 1841.
Joseph, widr., 60, of Newburg, and Susan Hart, Aug. 25, 1846.
David of Attborough, and Hannah Reed, int. Oct. 10, 1822.
Miriam [int. Meriam], Mrs., and Clifford Crowningshield [int. Crowninshield], Sept. 29, 1819. [Mrs. Mirriam, P.R.]
William and Mrs. Mary Wilson, int. Mar. 11, 1782.
JAMESON (see Jemmerson).
JANES (see Jones)
Azubah [int. Jones] and Reuben [int. Ruben] Adams, Apr. 26, 1781.
Samuel [int. Jearold] of Stoddard, and Azubah Thompson, Apr. 30, 1786.
Esther Maria and Fenner Inman, int. Dec. 12, 1840.
Winthrop and Emily Wentworth, int. Sept. 21, 1823.
JENCKS (see Jenks)
Reuben and Mary S. Richardson, Apr. 10, 1840. [Jenckes, Apr. 16, P.R.]
JENKS (see Jencks)
Lydia of N. Provdience, R.I., and Luther Metcalf Jr., int. Apr. 9, 1812.
Reuben [int. Jencks] and Catherine Richardson, Sept. 13, 1827.
JEPSON (see Gepson).
JEROULD (see Jearould).
Grace of Webster, and Reuben Carpenter, int. Aug. 29, 1837.
Abner Jr. and Mrs. Mary [int. adds M.] D. Harding [int. Haiding], Apr. 3, 1842, in Medfield.
Achsah and James Johnson [int. Jr.], Apr. 2, 1807.
Adeline of Holliston, and Moses Rockwood Jr., Nov. 4, 1841.
Althina of Holliston, and Phillip Partridge, Dec. 27, 1821. [Elthina, P.R.]
Anna and Titus Adams, June 3, 1779.
Azubah [int. Azuby] and Leonard P. Lawrence, Aug. 1, 1821.
Catherine and Laban [int. Laben] Adams, Jan. 12, 1819 [sic, 1809].
Charlotte, 10, d. Benjamin and Olive, and Nathan Barton, Apr. 20, 1848.
David Jr. of Holliston, and Mrs. Eda Bullard, int. Sept. 19, 1772.
David of Chester, Vt. [int. omits Vt.], and Phebe Richardson, Mar. 7, 1802.
Deborah and Artemas Richardson, June 23, 1805.
Eda of Chester, Vt., and Amos Richardson, int. Dec. 29, 1798.
Eda and Amos Richardson Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Jan. 13, 1803.
Elisha Jr. of Holliston, and Hepzibah [int. Hephzibeth] Adams, May 29, 1777.
Eliza S. and Calvin Grant Jr., Apr. 14, 1836.
Hannah of Holliston, and Ezekiel Hawyard, June 11, 1767.
James and Tabatha [int. Mrs. Tabathy] Partridge, July 26, 1781.
James and Rebeccah [int. Rebecca] Barber, July 10, 1785.
James [int. Jr.] and Achsah Johnson, Apr. 2, 1807.
Joel and Hannah Warren, int. Dec. 12, 1835.
John E., "orphan," and Nancy A. Foran, Dec. 2, 1844.
Joseph of Holliston, and Kezia [int. Mrs. Keziah] Barber, Jan. 7, 1772.
Julia Ann and Horace Wilmarth, Dec. 2, 1841.
Lois and Moses Rockwood Jr., July 1, 1798.
Lucinda of Hopkinton, and Horatio Carlton, int. May 30, 1823.
Lucretia M. and Henry R. Bagg, Apr. 28, 1839.
Luthera and Amos Clark, int. Apr. 10, 1824. [m. May 17, P.R.]
Mary and Calvin Stone, July 4, 1838.
Mehitable and Elijah Craig, June 9, 1801.
Melinda and Willard Clark, Nov. 25, 1817.
Molley and Abel Bullard, int Aug. 29, 1778.
Nancy, Mrs., of Holliston, and Adam Bullard, Mar. 7, 1832.
Nehemiah of Bellingham, and Abigail Merrifield, Jan. 15, 1765.
Pamelia and Moses Tompson [int. Thompson], Aug. 31, 1830. [Pamela, P.R.]
Patty and Mason Clark, Nov. 4, 1813.
Polly and Israel Adams, int. Jan. 3, 1808.
Polly of Worcester, and Obadiah Adams Jr., int. May 13, 1812.
Sally and Sewell [int. Sewall] Clark, Nov. 29, 1821.
Sarah, Mrs., and Jonathan Bullen, Sept. 10, 1807.
Sarah, 30, b. Sharon, of Foxboro, d. Benjamin and Olive of Sharon, and John F. Barton, May 29, 1849.
Sarah S. and Simon H. Whitney, int. Aug. 3, 1833.
William C., 31, "orphan," of Bellingham, s. ---- and Julia, and Eliza A. Williams, Sept. 7, 1848.
Zedeldah of Holliston, and Mrs. Rhoda Bullard, int. Apr. 4, 1772.
Zedekiah of Holliston, and Ruth Perry, Sept. 23, 1778.
JONES (see Janes)
Abigail H. and William D. Daniels, Apr. 4, 1839.
Adaline and Abijah R. Wheeler, Jan. 20, 1841. [Adeline, C.R.1.]
Alexander [int. Ellexander] Hodgden of Sherburne, and Mille Morse, May 31, 1810.
Bathsheba of Bellingham, and Benjamin R. Partridge, Dec. 18, 1834.
Bethiah [int. adds Mrs.] and George Barber, Sept. 21, 1769.
Betsey and Simeon Clark, May 17, 1804.
Betsey and Richard Sayles, June 3, 1804.
Bezafiel [int. Bazaleel] and Martha Russell [int. Mrs. Marth Russel], June 23, 1762, in Hopkinton.
Bliss and Paul Bullard, Nov. 22, 1793.
Elisha A. [int. Jr.] and Rhoda Ellis, Apr. 29, 1840.
Elisha A., Capt., and Ama A. Richardson, June 25, 1840.
Elisha Adams and Hannah Richardson, Feb. 11, 1810.
Elizabeth [int. adds Mrs.] and Simeon Richardson, July 29, 1773.
Esther and Nathaniel Clark, Jan. 31, 1734.
Eveline of Natick, and Samuel W. Sloan, int. Apr. 3, 1822.
Hannah of Holliston, and James Ellis, July 30, 1771.
Hannah and Abner Bullard, Dec. 25, 1786.
Harriot and Mathew [int. Matthew] Brown, May 10, 1838.
Jemima [int. adds Mrs.] and Abel Ellis, Mar. 8, 1781.
John and Sarah Ellis, Sept. 29, 1796.
John P. of Holliston, and Ellen M. Rockwood, Nov. 6, 1849.
Jonathan of Holliston [dup. Holenston], and Hannah Adams, Jan. 25, 1727.
Kezia and Asa Harding, Nov. 16, 1785.
Mahitable [int. Mehitable] and Paul Pond, Sept. 7, 1786.
Miriam and Stephen Harding, May 17, 1786.
Nabby and Thomas Munyan, Dec. 12, 1824.
Nancy and Charles Hill, July 11, 1824.
Nathan and [int. adds Mrs.] Sarah Clark, Aug. 22, 1782.
Nathan Jr. and Jemima Richardson, Apr. 21, 1808.
Samuel and Mrs. Hannah Adams, July 2, 1761.
Sarah and David T. Thurston, int. Jan. 9, 1836. [m. Feb. 2, P.R.] Simpson and Abigail Hamant, June 22, 1780.
Simpson, Capt., and Mrs. Mercy Hill, Nov. 18, 1819.
Thomas of Holliston [dup. Thomers of Holenston], and Esther [dup. Ester] Richardson, May 27, 1728.
Thomas and Bethiah Whitney, Oct. 1, 1750, in Wrentham.
Timothy E. of Franklin, and Eda Partridge, Nov. 10, 1831.
Alvira W., 18, d. Charles of Franklin, and Bayles L. Shaw, Apr. 8, 1847.
JOSLIN (see Josselyn)
Phebe of Mendon, and Horace Chenery Nov. 4, 1829.
JOSSELYN (see Joslin)
Alvin and Betsey G. Patten, int. Sept. 4, 1824.
KEBBE (see Kebbey, Kibbee, Kibbey, Kibby)
Edward [int. Kibbey] and Mary Cody [int. Mrs. Mary Goudey], Aug. 13, 1767, in Hopkinton.
KEBBEY (see Kebbe, Kibbee, Kibbey, Kibby)
Edward and Abial Morse, July 3, 1729, in Holliston.
KEENAN (see Kenan).
Deborah and Joseph Daniell, Feb. 3, 1757.
Elizabeth and John Daniell, June 6, 1753.
Lucinda [int. Lucretia Kieth] and Horace A. Wood, June 17, 1841.
Mary and Jonathan Ellis, Feb. 2, 1757.
Rhoda and Jonathan Ellis, int. Dec. 25, 1756.
Giles C., 23, of Franklin, s. Charles and Sally, and Salley A. Warren, Sept. 6, 1847. [s. Charles C. and Sally, and Sally Ann Warren, P.R.]
John [int. Keenan] and [int. adds Mrs.] Mary Fisher, Aug. 10, 1832.
Warren of Bellingham, and Nancy Fisher, Aug. 21, 1828.
KIBBEE (see Kebbe, Kebbey, Kibbey, Kibby)
E. Maynard [int. Kibbe, omits E.], 21, b. Holliston, of Holliston, s. Isaac and Keziah of Holliston, and Elizabeth Kingsbury, June 25, 1849.
Isaac Jr. and Mrs. Kezia Miller [int. Keziah Miller, wid.], May 27, 1823.
Joshua and Abigail Dowse, June 7, 1733.
Whitney and Elizabeth Snell, int. Feb. 5, 1814.
KIBBEY (see Kebbe, Kebbey, Kibbee, Kibby)
Abigal and John Snell, int. Mar. 21, 1756.
KIBBY (see Kebbe, Kebbey, Kibbee, Kibbey)
Abigail [int. Kibbey] and Timothy Madden, Nov. 10, 1768.
Isaac [int. Kibbey] and [int. adds Mrs.] Phebe Whitney, May 28, 1765.
Lydia [int. Kibbey], Mrs., and William Watkins, Nov. 26, 1761.
Mary Ann of Bellingham, and Ebenezer Hadley, Jan. 2, 1831 [sic. 1832].
KIMBAL (see Kimball)
Nathaniel and Abigail Disper, int. May 10, 1794.
KIMBALL (see Kimbal)
Abigail of Sherburne, and Albert Ellis, int Jan. 10, 1818.
Mary J., 18, d. Wales and Elizabeth, and Rev. Harvey Goodale, Apr. 12, 1849.
Moses and Lucinda Robinson, Dec. 22, 1817.
Susan F. of Salem, and William F. Richards, int. Feb. 19, 1842.
Wales and Elizabeth Blake, int. June 27, 1829.
James H. and Nancy Tileston, int. Nov. 6, 1825.
John, 19, s. David of Franklin, and Ann E. Maker, Oct. 12, 1848.
Lucy W. and Nelson Smith, int. July 5, 1839.
Deborah W. of Bellingham, and William M. Morse, July 21, 1842.
Eliza E. of Bellingham, and William W. Cook, Dec. 29, 1842.
Asa of Walpole, and Eunice Holbrook, Mar. 1, 1790, in Walpole.
Azubah and Henry Ellis Jr., Mar. 1, 1797.
Caleb B. of Franklin, and Nathallia Walker, int. Nov. 29, 1819.
Charles and Miranda Tyler, Jan. 1, 1826.
Ebenezer A. of Franklin, and Mrs. Mary Fisher, Oct. 28, 1805.
Elizabeth of Wrentham, and Joshua Partridge, Dec. 23, 1742. [Elisabeth Kingbury, C.R.1.]
Elizabeth, 21, d. Charles and Miranda, and E. [int. omits E.], Maynard Kibbee [int. Kibbe], June 25, 1849.
Fisher A. of Franklin, and Caroline M. Daniels, Sept. 21, 1828.
Gilbert, 29, and Hannah G. [int. C.] Prescott, Jan. 24, 1849.
Hiram and Charlotte G. Wight, int. Oct. 12, 1844.
Laura H. [int. A.], 19, "Orphan," and Benjamin F. Daniels, June 3, 1848.
Luther of Franklin, and Clarey Holbrook, Mar. 27, 1804.
Martha M. and George Williams, July 2, 1843.
Mary Ann of Franklin, and Elijah Clark, int. July 29, 1835.
Mary F. and Edward L. Ward, int. Mar. 7, 1846.
Polly of Walpole, and Simeon Ellis, May 9, 1795, in Walpole.
Samuel of Walpole, and Hannah Hall, Aug. 26, 1793.
Sarah and Josiah Rocket, Mar. 12, 1716-17, in Boston.
Sarah of Needham, and Phineas Adams, Sept 30, 1731, in Needham.
Sarah A. and Isaac C. Greenwood, int. June 8, 1844.
Stephen of Wrentham, and Silence Partridge, Dec. 23, 1742.
Zebina of Walpole, and Elizabeth Daniels [int. Daniell], May 13, 1799.
Zebina [int. Zelina] a] and Mary Lackey [int. adds wid.], Dec. 1, 1816.
Nehemiah [int. Kinneeom], b. Smithfield, R.I., of Smithfield [int. of Slaters Ville], R.I., s. Nehemiah (Kinnecum) of Smithfield, and Juline Hamdon [int. Juline B. Harandon], May 27, 1844.
Mary [int. Kittredge, adds Mrs.] of Andover, and [int. adds Dr.] Aaron Wight, Nov. 5, 1767, in Andover.
Charles F. of Norton, and Rachel Pond, Oct. 5, 1828.
Emila of Franklin, and Joel E. Hunt, int. Nov. 9, 1839.
James [int. Knap] and Rebeccah Clark, Dec. 25, 1750. [Knap. C.R.1.]
Mary E. and Solomon E. Blake, Oct. 10, 1848.
Levi P. and Adeline W. Robinson, int. Nov. 4, 1830.
Abigail and Amos Rockwood, Apr. 6, 1809.
Abigail and Daniel Bailey, int. Dec. 9, 1821.
Ebenezer and Mary Barber, Aug. 28, 1765.
Elizabeth [int. adds Mrs.] and Ziba Partridge, Jan. 1, 1783.
Emeline of Holliston, and Hiram Bent, July 19, 1836.
James L. of Hopkinton, and Mary Ann W. Holmes, int. Oct. 13, 1822.
Julia and Enoch Wilson, int. Jan. 26, 1810.
Mary and Nathaniel Lovell, Oct. 25, 1779.
Mary Ann of Holliston, and Ebenezar Hadley, Sept. 27, 1836. [Ebenezer, P.R.]
Nancy and Job Puffer, Dec. 26, 1787.
Rhoda of Holliston, and Oliver Prescott Littlefield, int. Mar. 23, 1827.
William of Holliston, and Rachel Anderson, int. Oct. 8, 1758.
William N., 30, of Whitneyville, Me., and Nancy M. Cutler, Nov. 1, 1849. [of Whitingville, P.R.]
Hannah of Upton, and Ellery Hill, int. Aug. 30, 1810.
Mary [int. adds wid.] and Zebina [int. Zelina] Kingsbury, Dec. 1, 1816.
LACROIS (see La Croix)
William of Dedham, and Lois Bullard, Apr. 13, 1815.
William and Jemima Bullard, int Apr. 8, 1826.
LA CROIX (see Lacrois)
James and Mary S. Hodges, int. May 12, 1849.
Charles W., 23, of Franklin, s. Asa and Betsey, and Abby H. Clark, Apr. 5, 1846.
Tryphena and Joseph Barber Jr., int. Sept. 12, 1789.
Tryphena and Silas Whitney, Mar. 16, 1791.
Roxy of Bellingham, and Natha Adams, int. Aug. 13, 1819.
Laetitia B. of Franklin, and Elial [int. Eliab] Metcalf, May 4, 1836. [Eliel, P.R.]
Lyman B., Dr., and Jemima Richardson, Apr. 3, 1838.
Silas and Harriet [int. Harriot] Hutchins, Nov. 4, 1841.
Silas, widr. [int. omits widr.], 29, "Orphan," and Catharine [int. Catherine] S. Hutchins, Mar. 16, 1848.
LAUGHLIN (see Locklin)
Nicholas and Sybil Whiting, ---- [rec. between Apr. 15, 1823, and Apr. 15, 1824] [int. Apr. 30, 1823].
LAURENCE (see Lawrence)
Isabeller J., 17, b. Franklin, of Franklin, d. Leonard of Franklin, and Eliab M. Pond, Feb. 11, 1845.
LAWRENCE (see Laurence)
Abijah E. and Almira Mills, int. Feb. 4, 1826.
Amos of Franklin, and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Daniels, July 5, 1780.
Bethiah and Ebenezar Hill, May 10, 1744.
Elizabeth of Natick, and Stepney Senaah [? Senoah], int. Mar. 17, 1758.
Elizabeth of Franklin, and Erastus Clark, June 3, 1841.
Leonard P. and Azubah [int. Azuby] Johnson, Aug. 1, 1821.
Lois P. and Jonathan R. Moore, June 1, 1826.
Lydia, Mrs., of Medfield, and Ezekiel Ellis, int. Apr. 5, 1783.
Olive and Josiah Farrington, Dec. 11, 1788.
Richard M. and Betsey Tamblin, int. Feb. 20, 1824.
Thomas of Leominster, and Olive Daniels, Sept. 27, 1808.
Susan B. and Parley Young, int. Mar. 23, 1839.
James E., 23, of Bridgewater [int. Bridgwater], s. Philo and Lucia, and Julia M. Hixon, Sept. 4, 1848. [Sept. 7, P.R.]
LEALAND (see Leland)
Alexander of Holliston, and Hephzibah [int. Hepzlah] Harding, June 19, 1806.
Asaph [int. Aseph] Jr. of Holliston, and Rhoda Cutler, June 24, 1788.
Asaph of Holliston, and Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, Nov. 26. 1799.
Daniel Jr. of Sherburne, and Rachel Partridge, Dec. 13, 1809.
David of Holliston, and Mrs. Hannah Harding, int. July 5, 1766.
David Jr. of Holliston, and Phebe Disper, int. Oct. 4, 1806.
Elizabeth, Mrs., and Joseph Lovell Esq., int. Apr. 13, 1817.
Esther of Sherburne [dup. Sherborn], and Phinehas Adams, int. Feb. 22 [? 1741.]
Isaac of Holliston, and Mary Smith, Apr. 7, 1758.
James of Sherburne, and Mary Daniels, Apr. 22, 1819.
Jeremiah of Holliston, and Mary Harding. int. Mar. 9, 1775.
Joseph Perry of Sherburne, and Tryphena Richardson, Dec. 24, 1812.
Joshua of Sherburne, and Phebe Hayward, Dec. 3, 1767.
Joshua of Sherburne, and Rachel Phillips, July 8, 1804.
Lemuel of Sherburne, and Chloe Morse, Nov. 30, 1815.
Mary of Sherburne, and Adin Partridge. Apr. 16, 1806.
Mille, Mrs., of Holliston, and Abner Morse, int. Dec. 13. 1781.
Pearley [int. Pearly] of Holliston, and Hannah Harding. Apr. 30, 1795.
Ruth of Holliston, and Theodor Rider, Oct. 7, 1784.
Simon of Sherburne. and Cynthia Daniels, int. Oct. 5, 1822.
William of Sherburne, and Mercy Ellis, July 30, 1794.
LEARNARD (see Learned, Leonard)
Abigail [int. Larnard[ of Sherburne, and Liberty Bullard. Aug. 29, 1799.
Mary of Medfield, and Seth Harding, int. Nov. 9, 1805.
Sarah, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Capt. Joseph Daniels, Oct. 1, 1806.
LEARNED (see Learnard, Leonard)
Elizabeth [dup. Lernard of Framingham] and Jonathan Partridge, Nov. 13, 1717.
Charles and Lucy Stearns, Mar. 1s, 1821. [Apr. 15. P.P.]
Zebina and Hannah Burder, int. Apr. 26, 1823.
Richard M. [int. Le Favor] of Boston, and Edna Jane Sanford, June 14, 1842.
Elizabeth and Samuel Bullen, July 29, 1773.
Hannah and Edward Partridge Jr., int. Sept. 3, 1770.
LELAND (see Lealand)
Betsey [int. Lealand] of Sherborn [int. Sherburne], and Harnden [int. Harding] Mason, May 4, 1797, in Sherborn.
Daniels of Sherburn [int. Daniel Lealand of Sherburne], and Sybel Eames [int. Mrs. Sybil Ames], Dec. 11, 1766, in Sherborn.
Experience [int. Lealand] of Sherbourn [int. Sherburne], and Jonas Fairbanks [int. Fairbank], Sept 25, 1745, in Sherborn.
Gilbert of Holliston, and Adaline Holbrook, Oct. 20, 1842.
Joseph D. of Boston, and Mary P. Adams, Mar. 8, 1848.
Judith [int. Lealand] of Sherborn [int. Sherburne], and Alpheus Mason, Nov. 19, 1795, in Sherborn.
Mary [int. Lealand, adds Mrs.] of Sherburn [int. Sherburne], and Dea. Nathaniel Partridge, Oct. 24, 1799, in Hopkinton.
Mirriam [int. Mariam Lealand] of Holliston, and Nathan Whitney [int. Nathan Whiting], Dec. 22, 1791, in Bellingham.
Rachael of Sherburn [int. Rachel Lealand of Sherburne], and Moses Adams, June 12, 1758, in Sherborn.
William [int. Lealand] of Sherborn [int. Sherburne], and Jemima Daniels [int. Daniel], May 16, 1750, in Sherborn.
William W. [int. Lealand], 29, of Sherburne, s. Lemuel and Mary of Sherburne, and Clara [int. Clarissa] H. Richardson, June 28, 1847. [Clarisa, C.R.1.]
LEONARD (see Learnard, Learned)
Almira G. and William D. Ware, int Apr. 5, 1839.
Harriett [int. Harriet] and Nathan F. Darling, Aug. 16, 1843.
Mary O. [int. A.] and Amos H. Bullen, June 1, 1828.
Nancy and Henry Myer, May 24, 1829.
Samuel R., 20, of Pierpont, N.Y., s. Peter R. and Ann R., and Angeline A. Winslow, Jan. 14, 1849.
Wealthy and Benjamin Smith, Jan. 3, 1827.
Zebia [int. Zebiah] and Elias Hayward Hixon, Oct. 20, 1814.
Lydia [int. Lasure] and Royal Smith, June 4, 1826.
LEWETT (see Lewit, Lieuett)
Stephen of Bellingham, and Eunice Cook, Oct. 14, 1833.
Susan and Enoch Greely, May 23, 1814.
LEWIT (see Lewett, Lieuett)
Betsey [int. Lewitt] and Lewis Gillinore [int. Gillmore], Oct. 31, 1814.
LIEUETT (see Lewett, Lewit)
Peter and Almira Winslow, Apr. 2, 1838.
Asa of Holliston, and Mrs. Meletiah Whiting, Aug. 25, 1824. P.R.
Christiana of Taunton, and Dea. Josiah Blake, int. Oct. 15, 1831.
Fanny of Randolph, and Charles Holbrook, int. Oct. 25, 1844.
Huldah R. and Lewis Hill, Jan. 11, 1844.
Ira of Holliston, and Patty Whiting, Feb. 14, 1815.
James M. and Ede Richardson, wid., int. Aug. 21, 1816. "forbidden by said Widow Ede Richardson five days after."
LION (see Lyon)
Sarah [int. adds Mrs.] and Ebenezer [int. Ebenezer] Warren, Sept. 7, 1768.
Elizabeth [int. adds Mrs.] and James Adams, July 25, 1771.
Emeline and Reuben Breck [int. Rueben Brick], Nov. 24, 1825.
Ephraim of Holliston, and Mrs. Sarah Grant, int. Aug. 30, 1771.
Jeremiah and [int. adds Mrs.] Elizabeth Barber, Jan. 14, 1768.
Jeremiah and [int. adds Mrs.] Elizabeth Averel, Apr. 20, 1780.
John of Holliston, and Tabathy [int. Tabitha] Adams, June 27, 1759.
John Jr. of Holliston, and Bathsheba Clark, Nov. 7, 1793, in Holliston.
Jotham of Holliston, and Chloe Mann, Apr. 4, 1799.
Loamni [int. Loammi] of Holliston, and Beulah Harding, June 20, 1811.
Mary [int. adds Mrs.] and Stephen Adams, Feb. 10, 1773.
Mary and Asa Bullen [int. Bulen], Nov. 21, 1820.
Oliver Prescott and Rhoda Knowlton, int. Mar. 23, 1827.
Polly of Holliston, and Malachi Dillard, Apr. 24, 1799, in Holliston.
Ruth of Holliston, and Calvin Cutler, int. Dec. 22, 1787.
Sarah of Holliston, and Jotham Adams, int. Feb. 5, 1802.
Sylvia and Joseph [int. Josiah] Morse, Apr. 1, 1837.
LOCKLIN (see Laughlin)
Thomas G., 23, "Orphan," and Hannah C. Bartlett, July 14, 1846.
John [int. adds Dr.] and Esther Hawes, Sept. 14, 1775.
Mathew [int. Matthew] of Hopkinton, and Betty Hawes [int. Haws], Feb. 11, 1779.
Edward H., 21, b. Newfield, Me., s. Moses of Newfield, Me., and Frances E. Holmes, Mar. 14, 1846.
Abagail [dup. and int. Abigail] and Rev. John Pierce, Oct. 31, 1798, in Brookline.
Abigail [int. adds A.] and George Crosby, Jan. 1, 1839.
Asahael P. and Eliza Stedman, int. Nov. 6, 1831.
Catherine [int. Catharine] and Gilman [int. Gillman] Carey, Jan. 1839.
David of Medfield, and Hannah Harding, Oct. 6, 1738.
Elizabeth (Lovell) [int. adds Mrs.] and Abel Clark, May 31, 1769. [Elisabeth Lovel, C.R.1.]
Elizabeth and Rev. Stephen Baxter, Sept. 8, 1791.
Elizabeth, d. Michael and [int. adds Capt.] Eleazar Daniels, widr. [int. omits widr.], July 3, 1843. [Capt. Eleazer, C.R.1.]
Hope and Lydia Metcalf, Nov. 12, 1747. [Lovel, and Lydia Medcalf, C.R.1.]
Hopestill and Prudence Clark, int. July 19, 1809.
Jemima and Ezra Richardson, July 5, 1786.
Joseph and Prudence Clark, Apr. 12, 1739.
Joseph and Mrs. Jemima Adams, int. Nov. 12, 1763.
Joseph Esq. and Mrs. Elizabeth Lealand, int. Apr. 13, 1817.
Lavina, 26, d. Michael and Caty, and Willard Battelle, Jan. 28, 1847.
Lydia of Medfield, and Ezekiel Adams, ---- [rec. between Mar. 20 and June 19, 1740].
Lydia D. and Hiram Cary, Dec. 8, 1828.
Maria and Afford Baker, int. Nov. 8, 1844.
Mary and Charles S. Cheever, Sept. 28, 1829.
Michael [int. Michel] and Cate Daniels, Apr. 27, 1808.
Nathaniel and Mary Knowlton, Oct. 25, 1779.
Prudence [int. adds Mrs.] and Simon Hill, May 14, 1771.
Zachariah [int. Zacheriah] and Sybil [int. Sibbel] Plimpton, Feb. 26, 1807.
Zachariah [int. Zacariah] and Abagall Thayer [int. adds wid.], Jan. 1, 1829.
Almira of Franklin, and Alfred Pond, June 14, 1829. [Elmira, P.R.]
Amos and Lucy Day, Oct. 15, 1795.
Anna and Nathan [int. adds F.] Darling, May 17, 1826.
Harriot R. and Anson Daniels, Nov. 7, 1837. [Harriet R., P.R.]
Irene of Charlestown, and Sullivan Sheffield, Dec. 8, 1837.
James and Levina Edson, Apr. 29, 1813.
Joseph of Holliston, and Mrs. Margret Thayer, Dec. 29, 1763.
Joseph C. [int. L.] and Jemima White, Apr. 4, 1822.
Newell and Susan White, int. Oct. 2, 1824. [m. Oct. 11, P.R.]
Newell and Eliza Rockwood, Apr. 16, 1829.
Sally and Clark Walker, Jan. 5, 1819.
Samuel Jr. of Holliston, and Mrs. Phebe Smith, int. Feb. 12, 1763.
Susan E., 21, d. Newell and Susan, and Uriel Cutler Jr., May 29, 1849.
Thaddeus and Rachel Clark, May 27, 1790.
Abigail [int. Lovet] and Jonathan Partridge, Oct. 12, 1749, in Sherborn.
Sarah B. of Douglas, and Lyman Daniels, int. Mar. 23, 1826.
Sarah of Natick, and Ichabod Coffee, int. Mar. 6, 1809.
Lemuel of Natick, and Mina Coffee, May 23, 1799.
Mary Ann of Franklin, and Charles Williams, May 14, 1843.
Robert Esq. of Taunton, and Mrs. Elizabeth Bucknam, May 8, 1771.
LYON (see Lion)
George, 27, of Boston, s. Ephriam M. of Webster, and Sarah B. Nichols, June 10, 1847.
Killah of Walpole, and John Dexter, June 5, 1771.
MACCANE (see Maccany)
Mary and Stephen Partridge, Apr, 7, 1737, in Boston.
MACCANY (see Maccane)
Elizabeth of Wrentham, and Hezekiah Vickes [dup. Vickas], Oct. 27, 1725.
MACINTIRE (see MacIntire, Mackintire)
Elizabeth of Needham, and Jeremiah Adams, July 21, 1727, in Boston.
MACINTIRE (see MacIntire, Mackintire)
Elizabeth [int. Macentier, adds Mrs.] of Needham, and Samuel Partridge, June 5, 1782, in Needham.
MACKER (see Maker)
Sarah A. [int. Ann] and William Fisher, Apr. 6, 1834.
MACKINTIRE (see MacIntire, Macintire)
Mary and John Ellis, Feb. 2, 1736.
MADDEN (see Mattin)
George and Julia Coyne, int. Nov. 11, 1846.
Timothy of Uxbridge, and Abigail Kibby [int. Kibbey], Nov. 10, 1768.
John and Susan E. Dunn, int. Oct. 21, 1835.
MAHR (see Marrs)
John Jr. [int. Marrs], 23, s. John, and Eliza Parkhurst, Jan. 2, 1848.
MAKER (see Macker)
Amariah [int. Macker] and Eliza O. Simmons, Nov. 24, 1842.
Ann E., 17, of Wrentham, d. Charles, and John King, Oct. 12, 1848.
Stephen [int. Macker] and Catherine Marrs [int. Marr], May 4, 1841.
MAN (see Mann)
Rebecca of Deerfield, and Solomon Richardson, June 9, 1741, in Deerfield.
Salome, 24, Joshua and Sarah, and Josiah E. Morse, Oct. 17, 1847.
MANN (see Man)
Catherine of Framingham, and Israel Simmonds, July 31, 1837.
Chloe and jotham Littlefield, Apr. 4, 1799.
David Partridge and Jerusha Partridge, Apr. 18, 1809.
Elias of Medfield, and Keziah Harding, Apr. 16, 1801.
Elias and Abigail Bowman, int. Jan. 1, 1819.
Eunice and Zenas Brigham, Nov. 29, 1827.
George H. and Rhoda Fisher, May 10, 1820.
Kesia [int. Mrs. Kezia] of Wrentham, and Ichabod Hawes, Feb. 25, 1768.
Levi of N. Wrentham, and Lydia L. Ware, int. Mar. 19, 1842.
Mary and Daniel R. [int. Richardson] Parnel, Oct. 4, 1815. [Daniel Richardson Parnal, P.R.]
Mary Abagail, Mrs., and Simeon Fuller [int. Jr.], Feb. 10, 1829.
Ralph and [int. adds Mrs.] Eunice Partridge, Mar. 6, 1783.
Ralph Jr. and Eunice Clark, Oct. 24, 1813.
Rebecca [int. Rebeca] C. and Albert W. Andrews, Nov. 25, 1841.
Rhoda and Hezakiah [int. Hezekiah] Adams, Sept. 22, 1796.
Sabin of Medfield, and Hannah Plimpton, May 24, 1775.
Sarah and Gilbert Clark, May 15, 1820.
Sarah G. of Holliston, and Sewall Partridge, June 6, 1838. [Sewell, P.R.]
Susan E., 24, d. Levi, and David Perley, Dec. 31, 1845.
Susan M., d. Timothy, and Clark Adams, June 17, 1843. [June 27, P.R.]
Timothy and Susan Doane, Apr. 20, 1820 [sic, 1815].
John and Mrs. Mary Cobb, int. Jan. 5, 1771.
Mordecai Abraham of Huntington, Conn., and Betsey Cleaveland [dup. Cleavland], int. Aug. 29, 1812 [dup. Aug. 9, 1813].
Daniel of Holliston, and Elizabeth Harding, May 29, 1759.
MARRS (see Mahr)
Catherine [int. Marr] and Stephen Maker [int. Macker], May 4, 1841.
Amos of Holliston, and Olive Penniman, Dec. 6, 1815.
Elizabeth and Calvin Rockwood, int. Mar. 22, 1828.
Fanny of Mendon, and Alanson Pettee, int. Oct. 18, 1828.
Frances E. of Ashland, and Edward T. Dean, int. May 6, 1848.
Hartshorn of Rutland District, and [int. adds Mrs] Mehitable Broad, Aug. 17, 1773.
Horatia of Sherburne, and Harriot Ann Barrett, int. Feb. 9, 1839.
MARSHAL (see Marshall)
Sarah of Holliston, and Amariah Forst, Dec. 15, 1785.
MARSHALL (see Marshal)
Elizabeth [int. Marchell, dup. int. Mareshall] of Holliston, and William Grant, Aug. 16, 1741, in Holliston.
Maria [int. Mariah] and James Fairbanks, Nov. 7, 1842.
Nancy, Mrs., of Framingham, and Dr. Aaron Wight, int. Feb. 26, 1773.
Caleb, 28, s. Jeremiah and Hannah, and Mary Bisbee, Feb. 16, 1847.
Daniel G., 24, s. Jeremiah and Hannah, and Lydia A. Carpenter, Oct. 12, 1846.
Simon C., 23, b. Parsonsfied, Me., s. Caleb and Huldah of Parsonsfield, Me., and Clara A. Buffington, Dec. 13, 1849.
Sylvester W., 22, s. Jeremiah and Hannah, and Susan H. Carpenter, Jan. 12, 1848.
John, b. Ireland, s. John and Bridget McGarry, ---- [rec. Nov. 29, 1849] [int. Apr. 16, 1849].
Abner Jr. and Mahitable Andrews, int. Apr. 25, 1807.
Abner, Rev., and Hannah A. Grant, int. Feb. 3, 1849.
Alpheus and Judith Leland [int. Lealand], Nov. 19, 1795, in Sherborn.
Emeline and John Batcheldor [int. Batchelder], Dec. 15, 1828.
Harnden [int. Harding] and Betsey Leland [int. Lealand], May 4, 1797, in Sherborn.
Horatio and Julia Adams, Dec. 6, 1821.
John of Boston, and Martha Daniels, ----, 1838. P.R.
Judith of Dedham, and Nathaniel [dup. Nathanill] Clark, Feb. 4, 1729.
Mary Ann and Joseph Adams, Nov. 8, 1824.
Mercy A., d. Horatio, and [int. adds Rev.] Horace D. Walker, Jan. 21, 1844.
Moses and Olive Thayer, Feb. 18, 1773.
Olive and Silas Adams, Aug. 9, 1794, in Bellingham.
Orion and Almira Walker, int. Jan. 4, 1824 [Elmira, m. Apr. 27, P.R.]
Orion and Tamer [int. Tamar] Walker, Aug. 7, 1828. [Masson, P.R.]
Persis and Joseph Daniels [int. Daniell], May 29, 1799, in Sherborn.
Seth and [int. adds Mrs.] Olive Felt, Nov. 19, 1771.
MATTIN (see Madden)
Eliza of Mansfield„ and John Taylor Whiting, int. Apr. 8, 1821.
MAXWEL (see Maxwell)
Sarah [int. Maxwell] and David Wheaton, July 31, 1750. [Maxwell, C.R.1.]
MAXWELL (see Maxwel)
Rachel, Mrs, and Joseph Wheaton, Jan. 21, 1762.
Jeremiah and Sarah P. Heath, ---- [rec. between Apr. 15, 1823, and Apr. 15, 1824] [int. Aug. 22, 1823].
Eliza and Moses H. Wight, Sept. 27, 1838.
John H., 25, "Orphan," and Mary C. Walker, Nov. 30, 1848.
McCANE (see Maccane, Maccany).
Mary and Michael Welch, int. Apr. 26, 1848.
Arthur and Mary Whitney, int. June 3, 1840.
Bridget, 22, b. Ireland, d. Michall and B., and John Martin, ---- [rec. Nov. 29, 1849] [int. Apr. 16, 1849].
William [int. adds J.], 27, s. William and Susan E. Cummings, Oct. 7, 1847.
John and Catharine Hamlen, int. Nov. 12, 1848.
McINTIRE (see MacIntire, Macintire, Mackintire).
MEDCALF (see Metcalf)
Lydia and Josh Ellis, May ---- [1841]. C.R.1.
Gilbert [int. of Uxbridge], 25, s. Joseph of Pawtucket, and Matilda Richardson, Feb. 16, 1846.
Henry [int. Millens] of Hopkinton, and Hannah Turner, Aug. 31, 1783 [sic, 1785].
John of Holliston, and Mrs. Puah Fisher, int. Aug. 15, 1767.
Lois [int. Millen] and Isaac Bullard, Apr. 25, 1811.
MERRICK (see Myrick).
Abigail of Bellingham, and Nehemiah Johnson, Jan. 15, 1765.
Abner of Newfane, and Miranda Pond, May 8, 1788.
Abner and Olive Plimpton, int. Apr. 17, 1790.
Mary M., 18, b. Franklin, d. Aaron, and Lewis Clark, June 1, 1845.
Miranda and Henry Adams, June 11, 1816.
Phebe [int. adds Mrs.] of Dedham, and Seth Ellis, Feb. 20, 1766, in Dedham.
MESSENGER (see Messinger)
Amherst and [int adds Mrs.] Anna Foster, Nov. 17, 1829.
Augustus J. [int. Messinger of Holliston] and Mary Ann Rice, May 20, 1842, in Holliston.
Eliza Ann and Salsbury Orswell, int. NOV. 26, 1826.
Harriot B. and David Harding, July 1, 1829.
Lucius and Lucretia Woodward, int. Nov. 5, 1825.
Warren E. and Angeline Orswell, int. June 10, 1827.
MESSINGER (see Messenger)
Charlotte of Wrentham, and Thatcher Clark, int. Nov. 20, 1835.
METCALF (see Medcalf)
Abigail of Wrentham, and John Goldsbury, ---- [rec. between July 4 and Nov. 28, 1754].
Adeline, 24, of Franklin, d. Preston and Lucretia of Franklin, and Darwin T. Ballou, Oct. 23, 1849.
Albert of Auburn, N.Y., and Caroline C. Plimpton, int. Aug. 22, 1833. [Caroline Plimton, int. Sept. 21, P.R.]
Alfred H., 32, b. Franklin, of Franklin, s. Whiting and Betsey D. of Franklin, and Susannah Bullen, Nov. 29, 1849. [Susanna, C.R.1.]
Anna, Mrs., and William Puffer, int. Oct. 15, 1781.
Bathsheba of Wrentham, and Eliakim Adams, Nov. 27, 1777.
Bathsheba of Franklin, and Nathan C. Pond, Apr. 10, 1833. [Nathan Clark, P.R.]
Beulah [int. adds Mrs.] of Bellingham, and John Harding 3d [int. omits 3d], Jan. 3, 1782.
Clara and Joel Hunt, June 3, 1807.
Dinah [int. of Wrentham] and John Pond [int. Jr.], Nov. 21, 1745. [Medcalf, C.R.1.]
Edwin and Martha Daniels, Apr. 29, 1841.
Eleanor and Milton M. Fisher, Aug. 22, 1836.
Elial of Franklin, and Silence Cutler, int. Nov. 24, 1784.
Elial [int. Eliab] and Laetitia B. Larkin, May 4, 1836. [Eliel, P.R.]
Francis, 21, of Bellingham, s. Hollis and Olive, and Almira Adams, Aug. 7, 1845.
Grace of Bellingham, and Abial Prat [int. Pratt], Jan. 29, 1778.
Hannah of Wrentham, and Samuel Hayward, int. Mar. 19, 1748.
Hannah and Thadaens Richards, int. June 13, 1779.
Hannah of Franklin, and Elihu Sanford, Feb. 9, 1792.
Hannah of Franklin, and Henry Hill, May 18, 1824, P.R.
Harriet M., 19, of Bellingham, d. Savel and Nabby of Bellingham, and George Wyer, Oct. 5, 1848.
Harriot of Franklin, and Sabin Bradford, Nov. 13, 1839. [Harriet, P.R.]
Hiram, widr., of Blackstone, s. Samuel and Mary C., and Melinda Fisher, June 21, 1848. P.R.
John and Thamer Daniel, Dec. 14, 1733.
John Jr. of Bellingham, and Hannah Clark, Feb. 2, 1786.
John and Betsey Barber, July 10, 1808.
John and Mary F. Bullard, int May 1, 1847.
Jonathan [dup. Medcalf] and Hannah Clark, Mar. 17, 1725. [Medcalf, 1724-5, C.R.1.]
Jonathan of Rutland, and Mary Adams, Oct. 19, 1742. [Medcalf, C.R.1.]
Jonathan Jr. and Bathsheba Pond, Apr. 15, 1753.
Jonathan Jr. of Franklin, and Mary Adams, Nov. 3, 1790.
Joseph and Deborah Adams, Nov. 29, 1739. [Medcalf, C.R.1.]
Joseph of Everingshire, and Patience Clark, June 10, 1772.
Joseph and Olive Fairbank, June 17, 1790.
Judson and Anna Wight, int. Sept. 12, 1811.
Julitha of Franklin, and Capt. Samuel Allen, int. Mar. 4, 1816.
Laura of Franklin, and Elihu White, Nov. 16, 1831.
Lois, Mrs., of Wrentham, and Daniel Pond, Aug. 4, 1763.
Luther and Mercy [int. Mrs. Marcy] Whiting, Apr. 5, 1781.
Luther Jr. and Lydia Jenks, int. Apr. 9, 1812.
Luther Esq. and Mrs. Hannah Fisher, Sept. 28, 1826.
Luther, Capt., and Sarah B. Phipps, int. Dec. 7, 1827.
Lydia and Hope Lovell, Nov. 12, 1747. [Medcalf, and Hope Lovel, C.R.1.]
Martha of Franklin, and Asa Adams, Aug. 22, 1785.
Mary of Bellingham, and Nathan Whiting, May 23, 1749. [Medcalf, C.R.1.]
Mary of Bellingham, and Joseph Fairbank, June 19, 1787.
Mary Ann of Franklin, and Joseph Bacon, Oct. 29, 1828.
Matthew of Bellingham, and Deborah Bullard, Sept. 3, 1767.
Mehitable and Enoch Hill, Apr. 3, 1760.
Mehitable [int. adds Mrs.] of Bellingham, and Nathaniel Partridge, May 19, 1760.
Meletiah of Franklin and Asa Fuller, June 1, 1780, in Franklin.
Meletiah [int. Milatiah] of Franklin, and Nathan C. Pond, Apr. 8, 1829.
Michael [dup. Michal Medcalf] and Miletiah [dup. Melitiah] Hamant, July 2, 1728.
Michael of Franklin, and Melia Breck, Sept. 5, 1838. [Brick, P.R.]
Miranda N. of Franklin, and Isaac E. Heaton, June 15, 1836.
Otis F. of Franklin, and Lucy M. Daniels, May 25, 1845.
Ozias and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Badlow, Mar. 23, 1769.
Patty and Thomas Morse, Oct. 28, 1779.
Paul [int. adds Dr.] of Franklin, and Persis Richardson, Feb. 2, 1791.
Pegga [int. Peggy] and Andrew Morse, Sept. 10, 1810.
Philemon and Mary Ide, May 23, 1780.
Polly of Franklin, and George Draper, Dec. 21, 1820.
Prudence Ferery and Nathan Plimpton, int. Apr. 23, 1809.
Samuel W. and Eliza J. Partridge, int. Mar. 21, 1846.
Sarah and Samuel White Jr., Apr. 29, 1766.
Sarah L., 19, d. Hon. Luther and S. B., and Rev. Samuel J. Spaulding [int. Spalding], June 27, 1849 [sic, 1848].
Sarah P., 23, b. Sherburne, d. Daniel and Clarrisa, and Albert H. Wiley, Aug. 17, 1848.
Savel and Nabby Cook, Jan. 10, 1828.
Stephen of Bellingham, and Hepzibah Adams, Jan. 2, 1758.
Stephen Esq. of Bellingham, and Mrs. Sybil Perry, Dec. 8, 1836.
Stephen J. and Mary Caroline Child, int. Apr. 25, 1840.
Stephen J. and Ester M. Child, int. Jan. 21, 1842.
Tabatha [int. adds Mrs.] and Aaron Fisk, Feb. 18, 1773.
Thomas [int. Medcalf] and Lydia [dup. int. Lydia] Clark, June 19, 1740.
Robert and Lucy Brown, int. Oct. 1, 1836.
Abagail [int. Abigail.] and Asaph Whitney, Nov. 13, 1827.
Daniel and Keziah [int. Kezia] Adams, Sept. 6, 1804.
Kezia, Mrs. [int. Keziah, wid., omits Mrs.], and Isaac Kibbee Jr., May 27, 1823.
Nancy and Henry Burley, Apr. 16, 1812.
Sarah L., 22, d. Rufus and S. M. of Appleton, Me., and John M. Hart, June 8, 1848.
Lydia, Mrs., of Worcester, and John Blanchard, int. Aug. 15, 1767. "The Banns of Marriage is forbidden by her Mother & Guardian."
Almira of Sherburne, and Abijah E. Lawrence, int. Feb. 4, 1826.
William S. and Betsey Partridge, int. Nov. 22, 1839.
William S. and Susan J. Adams, int. Oct. 19, 1844.
MONROE (see Munroe)
Alexander Le Baron, Dr., and Mrs. Miriam H. Hawes, int. Nov. 12, 1837.
Barnard and Sabrina S. Willard, Dec. 29, 1841.
Barnard, widr. [int. omits widr.], 27, s. Otis and Susan, and Mary H. Grant, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], Apr. 12, 1848.
Jonathan R. of Medfield, and Lois P. Lawrence, June 1, 1826.
MOREY (see Mowry)
Robert and Perline [int. Paulina] Fisher, Feb. 2, 1832.
Louisa, 17, b. Wrentham, d. Isaac and Julia, and Egbert Oswald Hixson, Sept. 30, 1848.
Abial of Holliston, and Edward Kebbey, July 3, 1729, in Holliston.
Abigail [int. adds Mrs.] of Medfield, and Henry Bullard, June 28, 1770.
Abner and Mrs. Millee Lealand, int. Dec. 13, 1781.
Amisa [int. Amasa] and Susanna [int. Susannah] Bullen, Apr. 6, 1815.
Amos H. of Newton, and Mary J. Smith, May 7, 1829.
Andrew and Pegga [int. Peggy] Metcalf, Sept. 10, 1810.
Asa D. and Eliza Hill, int. Aug. 12, 1836.
Benoni and Polly Hobbs, Oct. 21, 1785.
Benoni Jr. and Abigail Baker, Oct. 20, 1825.
Betsey and Seneca Wight, Oct. 2, 1817.
Calvin of Holliston, and Annah P. Snow, int. Feb. 11, 1837.
Caroline M., 18, d. Josiah, and George L. Pond, Jan. 5, 1848.
Chloe and Lemuel Lealand, Nov. 30, 1815.
Chloe and Joseph Brooks, May 24, 1829.
Deborah [int. adds Mrs.] and Benjamin [int. Benjaman] Gay, Feb. 10, 1772.
Eleazar [int. Eleazer], 27, b. Holliston, of Milford, s. Eleazer, and Lucinda Breck [int. Brick], Apr. 11, 1844. [Eleazor, P.R.]
Eliakim and Lucinda Pond, int. Mar. 12, 1809.
Elias and Sally Whiting, May 17, 1842.
Elizabeth (see Lizzey).
Ezekiel and Rebecca Couzens, int. Mar. 24, 1750.
George W. of Newton, and Esther Pond, May 7, 1829.
Hannah and William Andreas [int. Andrew], Sept 5, 1750. [Mors, and William Andrews, C.R.1.]
Henry and Abigail Bullen, Nov. 8, 1755, in Sherborn.
Henry of Milford, and Elenor [int. Eleanor] Clark, May. 1, 1788.
Irene and Daniel Hobbs Whitney, Nov. 5, 1801.
James and Hannah Daniell, Jan. 3, 1760.
James and [int. adds Mrs.] Elizabeth Bullard, Aug. 28, 1769. [Elisabeth, C.R.1.]
Jason [int. Jr. of Franklin] and Hannah Tayler [int. Taylor], Oct. 26, 1820.
Jesse [int. Jessee] of Uxbridge, and Rachel Allen, Nov. 28, 1754.
John, Rev., of Green River [int. adds N.Y.], and Clarissa Sanford [int. Sandford], Feb. 4, 1793.
Jonah and Caroline Williams, int. Apr. 4, 1822.
Joseph [int. Morss] and Rhoda Bragg, July ---- [int. July 14], 1805.
Joseph [int. Josiah] and Sylvia Littlefield, Apr. 1, 1837.
Josiah E., 23, s. Josiah, and Salome Manly, Oct. 17, 1847.
Kezia [int. Keziah] and George Harding, Jan. 13, 1825.
Lizzey [int. Elizabeth] and Elijah Adams, Apr. 14, 1774.
Mary and John Sparhawk [int. Sparrowk] Jr., Oct. 19, 1828.
Mary F. and Venus [int. Venus] Bullard, May 27, 1834.
Mercy and David Eames, June 4, 1792.
Mille and Alexander [int. Ellexander] Hodgden Jones, May 31, 1810.
Nabby and Urial [int. Uriel] Cutler, Apr. 25, 1809.
Olive [int. Morss] and Solomon Richardson, Jan. 22, 1807.
Ozias M. and Melicent [int. Millecent] Pond, Mar. 21, 1822. [Melecent, P.R.]
Patty and Gideon Fairbank, Dec. 1, 1808.
Polly and Joseph Green, Mar. 9, 1815.
Sally of Wrentham, and Josiah Phillips, Oct. 10, 1810.
Samuel of Wrentham, and Sarah Parker, June 25, 1772.
Sarah and Joseph Rider, Nov. 1, 1750.
Sarah, Mrs., of Holliston, and Joshua Richardson, int. Aug. 6, 1781.
Sarah and Isaac Cozzens [int. Cozzen], Nov. 18, 1784.
Thankful and Andrew Watkins Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Nov. 10, 1756, in Hopkinton.
Thomas and Patty Metcalf, Oct. 28, 1779.
Uriah and Mrs. Hannah Underwood, Aug. 3, 1763.
Uriah and Hepzibah [int. Hephzibeth] Smith, Jan. 1, 1789.
Waitstill and Joel Partridge, July 29, 1774.
William M. of Bellingham, and Deborah W. Kingman, July 21, 1842.
David and Elizabeth Revere, May 29, 1776.
MOWRY (see Morey)
Julia A. of Bellingham, and Francis D. Bates, int. Feb. 15„ 1839.
MUNROE (see Monroe)
Alexander Le B., Dr. [int. Dr. Alex Le Baron Monroe], and Louisa W. Barber, Oct. 2, 1834.
Thomas of Providence, R.I., and Nabby Jones, Dec. 12, 1824.
Mary and William A. Hixson, int. Sept. 3, 1840.
Emily [int. Emely] and Jason W. Whitney [int. Whetney], Apr. 5, 1837, in Leicester.
Persis H. and Benjamin F. Newton, int. Aug. 29, 1846.
Henry and Nancy Leonard, May 24, 1829.
Hannah H. [int. Hannah R. Merick] and. David S. Tyler, Jan. 1, 1826.
Joseph P. and Joanna Wight, Feb. 1, 1815. [Joann, P.R.]
Jonathan of Mendon, and Mary Daniel, Feb. 19, 1729.
Marcy [int. Mercy] and Asa Holbrook, Feb. 6, 1814.
Olive of Holliston, and Jeremiah Bean, Apr. 15, 1827.
NEWALL (see Newell)
Charles of Medfield, and Mary Ann Partridge, int. May 2, 1836.
NEWELL (see Newall)
George H. of Holliston, and Susan Barber, Oct. 24, 1833.
Hannah and Samuel Haskell, widr. [int. omits widr.], Jan. 24, 1844.
Sukey and Josiah Ruggles, May 2, 1793, in Dover.
Elizabeth A. of Roxbury, and Perez Fuller, int. Mar, 4, 1827.
Mary [int. Numan] of Holliston, and Simeon Clark, Nov. 7, 1768.
Benjamin F. and Persis H. Muzzy, hit. Aug. 29, 1846.
Debby Eliza and Lemuel Clark, Apr. 28, 1805.
Elizabeth H. and Elias Blake, July 13, 1842.
Ezra Jr. and Martha T. Patten, int. July 24, 1846.
George W., 19, s. Benjamin and Sally, and Lucretia M. Duggan, wid. [int. omits wid.], Mar. 30, 1847.
Lydia C. of Princeton, and Elbridge Clark, int. Sept. 12, 1835.
Miranda C. and Ephraim L. Sherman, int. Feb. 18, 1846.
Molly and Moses Cleavland, Feb. 25, 1800.
NICHERSON (see Nichleson, Nicholson, Nickerson)
Willard [int. Nickerson] and Hannah White, July 4, 1832.
NICHLESON (see Nicherson, Nicholson, Nickerson)
Ann and Edward Clark, Jan. 5, 1735.
Otis and Sally [int. adds O.] Barber, June 11, 1823.
Otis and Mrs. Mary Bird, int. Apr. 1, 1826.
Sarah B., 23, d. Otis of Dorchester, and George Lyon, June 10, 1847.
NICHOLSON (see Nicherson, Nichleson, Nickerson)
Daty [int. Nickerson] and Alfred [int. Alford] Daniels, Aug. 4, 1825.
NICKERSON (see Nicherson, Nichleson, Nicholson)
Freeman and Emily Ann Gillmore, int. Mar. 28, 1839.
Ephraim of Oxford, and Fanny Cotton, May 16, 1825.
Julia Ann of Bellingham, and Joseph Disper, int. Aug. 16, 1849.
Asa of Dublin [int. adds N.H.], and Elizabeth Fairbank, Nov. 10, 1774.
Sally and Frederick Fisher, Apr. 2, 1826.
Eau of Stafford [int. Ellihu of Strafford], Vt., and Sally Dewing, Oct. 18, 1830.
NOURSE (see Nurse)
Gilbert and Betsey W. Cargill, Mar. 28, 1838. [Cargail, P.R.]
Mary J. and Simeon Cutler, Nov. 7, 1839.
Sarah A. [int. N.] and William B. Dyer, Nov. 7, 1839.
NURSE (see Nourse)
Daniel and Candice Adams, Sept. 24, 1810.
Joseph P. of Boston and Elizabath Harding, May 25, 1843. [Elizabeth P., C.R.1.]
Lemuel and Sabra Ann Green, June 11, 1834.
ORMSBY (see Armsby).
Angeline of N. Providence, and Warren E. Messenger, int June 10, 1827.
Salsbury of N. Providence, R.I., and Eliza Ann Messenger, int. Nov. 26, 1826.
Mannassah of Rutland District [int. Manaseh of New Rutland], and [int. adds Mrs.] Mehitable Clark, Apr. 4, 1770. [Mehettable, Apr. 3, C.R.1.]