Extracted From
Mattapoisett And Old Rochester Massachusetts
Being a History of These Towns and
Also in Part of Marion and a
Portion of Wareham.
Prepared under the direction of a
Committee of the Town of Mattapoisett.
The Grafton Press
Publishers, New York
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

From the Records of the Second Church in Rochester, Mattapoisett Precinct.
The record books of the Congregational Church show the following baptisms between the years 1740 and 1857. Compiled from lists furnished by Lemuel LaBaron Dexter, Church Clerk. Where several children were baptized at one time, they appear under the name of the first child mentioned in the record. The following list of pastors indicate what minister officiated:
Rev. Ivory Hovey, 1740 - 1768
Rev. Lemuel LaBaron or Rev. Asahel Cobb (Colleague), 1772 - 1836
or Rev. Thomas Robbins (Colleague), 1832 - 1836
Rev. Thomas Robbins, 1836 - 1844
Rev. Isaiah C. Thacher, 1844 - 1849
Rev. William L. Mather, 1851 - 1855
Rev. Charles Livingstone, 1856 - 1857
Rev. William L. Parsons, 1858 - 1864.
Abigail Smith, Child of Perkins & Abigial, Nov. 8, 1776.
Benjn the Chielf of Barnibas by his wife ____ was baptized on her account, Feb. 2, 1755.
Betty, Jesse, Elisha, Loice, Children of Ebenr & Mary, Sept. 1778.
Elisha, William, Benjamin, Childr of Wilm & Taba (Hannable), Dec. 6, 1772.
Elizabeth the Chield of John, July 18, 1747.
Elphraim Son to John and his wife, Nov. 24, 1744.
John, Elizabeth, twins of William and Tabitha, Dec. 1777.
John, Son of Tabitha & Wm., Oct., 1780.
Jonathan, Ann, Samuel, Children of Wilm & Tabitha, Apr. 18, 1772.
Leonard, Child of William & Tabitha, Dec. 11, 1774.
Saml, Chiled to John, Aug., 1749.
Benjamin James, son of Benjamin, Aug. 27, 1837.
Eliza Ann, 1817.
Nathan Crosby, Child of Benjn & Patience, Aug. 10, 1829.
Sarah Allen, Child of Benjn & Sophia, 1823.
Sophia, Child of Benjamin & Sophia, Nov. 2, 1825.
Sophia Allen, dau. of Benjamin, Sept. 21, 1834.
William Francis, son of Benjamin, Aug. 11, 1839.
Hunneman, adult, June 21, 1842.
Abigail Daughter of Deacon Joseph by his wife Abigail, July 29, 1744.
Benjn the Chield of Aaron by his wife Mary, Jan. 20, 1765.
Ebenezer, the Son of Joseph, March 25, 1750.
George, the Son of George by his wife Ruth, July 26, 1741.
Hannah, Daughter of Obed & Rebekah, March, 1776.
Mary, Child of Aaron & Marah his Wie, Oct. 23, 1774.
Mary, the Daughter of Joseph by his wife Abigail, Oct. 25, 1747.
Nathaniel, the son of Aaron by his wife Mary, April 5, 1767.
Rebekah, Child of Obed & Rebekah, Aug., 1784.
Ruth, Daughter of Aaron & wife Mary, Jan. 31, 1773.
Ruth, the Daughter of George by his wife Ruth, May 10, 1745.
Sarah, Child of Obed & Rebekah, 1782.
Timothy, Son to Aaron & Mary his wife, Jan. 5, 1764.
William & Wiate the Twins of Joseph by his wife Abigail, July, 1780.
Almira, Child of Thomas & ____, 1807.
Branch, son of Isaac and Lydia B., Aug. 31, 1845.
Lucy Clark, Child of Branch, Nov., 1819.
Mary Clark, dau. of Isaac N. & Lydia B. April 6, 1854.
Samuel, Clarissa, George, Alpheus, & Bethiah, chilrn of Thomas & ____, 1807.
_____ Child of Branch & ____, 1813.
BARSTOW (also see Bester & Bestow)-
Altol Olmner, son of Wilson, June 19, 1836.
Anna, Child of Gideon Junr & Anna his wife, Jan., 1796.
Benjamin Franklin, Edwin, Nathan Hammond, childr of Benj & Rebecca, 1807.
Betsy Drew, Child of Wilson & Betsy, 1824.
Caleb, Child of Gideon Jun & Anna, 1796.
Carolina, Child of James & Sarah, 1825.
Deborah Loring, dau. of James, Oct. 30, 1832.
Elizabeth Penn, Child of Benjamin & Rebecca, Oct. 1815.
George Wales, Child of George & Sally, 1802.
Gideon, Son of Wilson, Aug. 26, 1838.
Gideon, Jenny, Children of Gideon & Anna Junr. July, 1787.
Helen, Caroline, and Elisabeth Penn, daughters of Nathan H., July 5, 1835.
Henry, Child of Benjamin & Rebecca, 1817.
James Munro, Child of James & his wife, 1820.
Jane Wilson, Chd of Wilson & Eliz., Aug. 6, 1827.
Mary, dau. of James, Oct. 21, 1829.
Jonathan Moore, Henry Wilson, Children of Wilson & Susanah, 1799.
Joseph, chield of Aaron by his wife Mary, March 27, 1763.
Lucy, Daughter of Gideon & Jenny, May 17, 1772.
Lucy, Child of Wilson & Susannah, May, 1798.
Mary, Child of Gideon & Anna, 1793.
Mary Tobey, dau. of Nathan H., June 19, 1836.
Mary Tobey, dau. of Nathan H., at home, sick, Nov. 26, 1840.
Sarah Munro, Child of James & ____, Aug., 1822.
Samuel, son of Wilson & Betsy, Aug. 15, 1829.
Samuel Wilson, Child of Wilson & Betsy, Aug., 1825.
Susan Congdon, Child of Benjamin & Rebecka, Oct., 1820.
Susannah Parkman, Caleb, children of Wilson & Susanh, 1746.
Wilson Parkman, child of & Susanh, 1803.
Wilson, Child of Gideon & Anna, June, 1798.
Zacheus Mead, Son of Gideon & Anna, 1789.
Zaccheus Mead, son of Wilson, May 3, 1835.
Mary Bealls, adult, April 7, 1839.
Nathan the Son of Ebenzer by his Wife Abigial, Nov. 10, 1751.
Elizabeth, Child of Nathan & Elizabeth, 1810.
James, Son of Nathl & Susanh, Sept. 20, 1772.
Lovina, Daughter of Nathl & Susannah, June 15, 1777.
Martha, Child of Nathl & Susanh, July, 1782.
Nathan, Joshua, Benjamin, Nathaniel, Children of Natl & Susannah his Wife, June 7, 1772.
Susana Hammond, Lydia Gifford, Almira, Childr of Nathan & Eliza, June 28, 1807.
Benjn the Chield of Gideon by his wife Jinne, Sept. 27, 1767.
Giddeon, Mary & Wilson the children of Gideon by his wife Jinne, Aug. 11, 1766.
Marah, daughter of Seth & Ruth, May 5, 1776.
Sarah, Caleb, Children of Gideon & Jenny, Aug. 9, 1772.
Sarah, Child of Gideon & Jane, Dec. 1777.
BEWEL (also see Buell)-
Marietta & Edward Franklin, children of Edward & Clarrissa, Oct., 1829.
Molly, Aurelia, Benjamin, Robert, Ezra, Joseph, Children of Benjamin & Hannah, Jan. 1775.
John, Seth, Loice, Children of Seth & Loice, July, 1808.
Unice the Child of Saml by his wife Mary, July 1, 1764.
Lydia the Chield of Saml Junr by his wife Mary, April 3, 1763.
Asa the Chield of Thoms by his wife Anne, June 27, 1756.
Benjn the Chield pf Benjn by his wife Hannah, Feb. 17, 1751.
Deborah Ye Chield of Benjn by his wife Hannah, March 26, 1758.
Ebenezer the Chield of Hozea, Mar. _ June, 1851.
Joannah the Chielf of Samuel Junr by his wife Mary, July 5, 1767.
Joseph the Chielf of Saml Junr by his wife Mary, Aug. 21, 1768.
Joshua the Chield of Saml Junr by his wife Mary, Apr. 19, 1761.
Mary the Chield of Benjamn by his wife Hannah, Augt. 3, 1755.
Paul the Chield of Thms by his wife Ann, Aug. 30, 1761.
Prince the Chield of Benjn by his wife Hannah, Novr. 28, 1762.
Rhoda the Chield of Thoms by his wife Anne, July 24, 1763.
Ruben the Chield of Thoms by his wife Ann, March 6, 1766.
Samuel the Chield of Thoms by his wife Anne, May 13, 1759.
Sarai Ye Daughter of Thoms by his wife Anne, March 26, 1753.
Hozea the Chielf of Ye Widow Mehitable, April 28, 1754.
Thankful the Daughter of Thoms by his wife Anne, March 30, 1755.
Joanna the Chield of Benjn by his wife Hannah, July 22, 1753.
John Jonathan & Experience the younger Children of the above Jonathan, Jan. 24, 1742.
Ann Tobey, Child of Isaac & Catharine, Oct. 1825.
Ezra, Mary, Children of Saml & Mary, May 7, 1777.
Isaac, Son of Isaac & Catharine, Aug., 1821.
John, Child of Isaac & Catharine, 1811.
Joshua Wolden, Child of Asa & Keziah, 1796.
Justus White, Child of Isaac & Catharine, Oct., 1816.
Loice, Nathan, Children of Saml & Molly, July 7, 1772.
Ophelia Butler, dau. of Isaac & Sarah, June 7, 1846.
Resolved White, Child of Isaac & Catharine, 1823.
Silvanus Tobey, Child of Isaac & Catharine, Sept., 1814.
Sophia Wing, dau. of Isaac Jr., June 30, 1844.
Stephen Wing, Child of Isaac and Katharine, Feb. 1813.
Thomas, Jamima, Anna, Reuben, John, Childr of Asa & Keziah, 1795.
Anna, Sarah, Mary, Nathan, Hannah, Childr of Nathan & Mary, March, 1786.
Andrew Southworth, son of George, at home, sick, Feb. 5, 1841.
Elisha, Chield of Nathan & Mary, 1795.
Elizabeth, Child of Nathan & Mary, July, 1786.
Lois, adult, June 7, 1840.
Lucy, the Child of Clement & Hannah, 1809.
Silvanus & Abigail, Children of Nathan & mary, Oct., 1792.
Thomas Barrows, Child of Clem. & Hannah, Oct., 1815.
Edward Watson, son of Edward, June 14, 1835.
Edward, son of Edward & Clarissa, June 26, 1853.
Eliza LeBaron, dau. of Edward, June 17, 1838.
Laura Josephine, dau. of Edward & Clarissa, Jan. 4, 1846.
Reuben Dexter, son of Edward, Dec. 2, 1841.
Arvin, son of Watson, Aug. 4, 1839.
Caleb Leonard, Child of Ebenezer Jun & ____ his wife, 1796.
Clara Meigs, dau. of Watson & Deborah, Nov. 16, 1845.
David Howland, son of James Cannon, June 30, 1844.
Ebenezer the Chielf of Ebenez by his wife Experience, July 19, 1767.
Ebenezer, Henry, Lincoln, Children of Eben & Eliza his wife, July, 1824.
Eliakim, Son of Eben & Experience, Nov., 1780.
Eliakim, Child of Eben & Elizabeth, Nov. 2, 1825.
Elsa Howland, Child of Deacon Nathan & Eunice, Aug., 1825.
Hallet Mitchell, Abigail Haskell, Martha, Joseph, Childr of Dn. Nathan & Eunice, 1824.
James, Child of Eliakim & Mary, 1808.
Joseph, son of Ebenezer Jr., Sept. 24, 1837.
Martin Luther and Samuel Thomas, children of Ebenezer Jr., Oct. 12, 1834.
Mary & Martha the Children of Ebenzr by his wife Experience, May 12, 1765.
Mary Howland, dau. of David H. & Susan C., June 26, 1853.
Melinda Crosby, child of Calvin & Melinda, Jan. 6, 1829.
Molly, Child of Ebenezer & Experience, Dec. 25, 1774.
Nathan H. Barstow, son of David & Susan, Nov. 2, 1856.
Nathan Son of Ebenezer & Experience his wife, June 20, 1772.
Priscilla Cushman, dau. of Calvin, Oct. 30, 1832.
Priscilla Cushman, daughter of Calvin, Sept. 27, 1835.
Ruth Briggs, Child of Eben, 1804.
Ruth Briggs, Child of Ebenr & Silence, 1805.
Silence Brigs, Child of Een & H. ____ Cannon, 1814.
Chandler, Zadock, Sarah, Lydia, Lucy, Children of Thos & _____, 1807.
Helen Marr and Mercy Ann, daughters of William & Sarah, Mar. 2, 1850.
Sarah Emily, dau. of John & A.M.D., June 26, 1853.
Abigail the Chield of Calib, May 10, 1761.
Alice daughter of Caleb by his wife Mercy. Pr Revd Mr. Parker, Dec. 9, 1770.
Hannah the Chield of Joseph, Oct., 1743.
Hannah the Chield of Joseph, July 22, 1750.
Joseph the Chield of Joseph by his wife ____, April 23, 1759.
Nathan the Chield of Joseph by his wife Hannah, April 10, 1763.
Prince the Son of Joseph, May 4, 1752.
Saml the Son of Joseph, at home, being sick, July 17, 1747.
_____ the Chielf of Joseph by his wife, July 7, 1754.
Abigail the Chield of Deacn by his wife Abigail, May 10, 1760.
Abby Ann, dau. of Watson & Drusilla, June 20, 1847.
Allis Daughter to ye Widow Deborah, Jan. 13, 1744-5.
Arelia Child of Elijah & Cynthia, & Hannah, of the same, 1796.
Deborah Mead, dau. of Nathaniel & ____, Aug. 23, 1829.
Elijah the Chielf of Deacn Ezekiel by his wife Hannah, June 14, 1767.
Elizabeth, Child of Elijah & Cinthia, 1799.
Elizabeth the Chield of John by his wife Elisabath, June 13, 1756.
Eunice, Daughter to John by his Wife Epiphena, Sept. 10, 1769.
Ezekiel, Child of Elijah & Cynthia, 1805.
Ezekiel the Chielf of Deacn Ezekiel by his wife Abihail, April 23, 1759.
Harriet Deane, dau. of Nathaniel, at home, sick, Feb. 2, 1841.
Helen Maria, dau. of Nathaniel, June 30, 1844.
John Ye Son of John by his wife Epiphena, July 29, 1753.
Joseph The Chield of Deacn Ezekiel by his wife Abigail, May 8, 1757.
Judith, daughter to Ezekiel by his wife Mary, 1749.
Mary, Child of Elijah & Cynthia, 1807.
Mary Ann, Child of Nathanl & Debo his wife, 1827.
Mercy Daughter to Caleb by his wife Deborah by the Revd Mr. Peirce of Datrmouth in ye Pasters Absence, July, 1743.
Moses the Chielf of Deacn Ezekiel by his wife Hannah, June 2, 1769.
Nathaniel Dean, son of Nathaniel & Susan, Aug. 31, 1845.
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Susan, June 26, 1853.
Parker the Chielf of Deacn Ezekiel by his wife Hannah, May 26, 1765.
Susanna the Chielf of John Clark by his wife Elizabath, Nov. 10, 1754.
Susannah Child of Elijah & Cinthia, June, 1798.
Temperance the Chield of Ezekiel by his wife Abigial, Oct. 20, 1754.
Thomas son of Ezekiel by his wife Hannah, Pr Revd Mr. Shaw, Nantucket, Sept. 22, 1771.
Thomas Parker, Child of Elijah & Cinthia, 1811.
Unice the Daughter of Ezekiel by his wife Abigail, Oct. 19, 1755.
Walter, Child of Cornelius & Hannah of the First Chh in Rochester, Dec. 1793.
William the Chielf of John by his wife Elizabeth, June 11, 1758.
Elijah Mead, son of Nathaniel, Sept. 9, 1838.
Elizabeth the Chield of William by his wife Elizabath, July 22, 1759.
John, Son of Abisha & Katharine, 1780.
John the Chield of Midean by his wife Sarah, Jan. 8, 1754.
William the Chielf of Midean by his wife Sarah, May 9, 1756.
Mary, Israel, Jonathan, Patience, Experience, Children of Seth & Penelope, July 10, 1774.
Penelope Cowing, wife to Seth, March 6, 1774.
Penelope, Daughter of Penelope & Seth, April, 1779.
Ruth, Child of Seth & Penelope His Wife, Aug., 1776.
____ Child of Seth & Penelope, July, 1782.
Stephen Amos (?), son of Waterman, July 5, 1829.
Eliza Ann, Child of Deacon & Eliza his wife, Nov. 13, 1831.
Elizabeth Sears, Alfred Kendrick, Franklin Kendrick, children of David, Oct. 6, 1839.
Frederic Allen and Mary Ann, children of Prentiss, Sept. 6, 1835.
Joseph Allen and Mary Ann, children of Prentiss, July 6, 1856.
Louisa, dau. of Uberto and Mary, July 9, 1848.
Lurane Lovel, Child of Wat. & Susan, Aug. 11, 1829.
Mary Eliza, dau. of Uberto & mary, May 4, 1847.
Nathaniel Allen son of Dea. Nathaniel, July 12, 1840.
Uberto Crocker, Child of Mr., June, 1819.
Thomas Kempton, son of Prentiss, Sept. 10, 1837.
A child, dau. of Dea. (Nathaniel A.) at home, sick, Jan. 25, 1832.
Uberto Crocker, son of Uberto C. & Mary, Dec. 28, 1845.
William, son of Dea. N. Crosby, Dec. 2, 1841.
Alice, Child of Alice & Nathl, 1817.
Asa Pease, Child of N. & Phebe, Dec., 1792.
Elizabeth, Child of Stephen & Rachel, July, 1782.
Elizabeth West, child of Nathanl. & Alice, 1820.
Elnathan Hammond, Child of Nathl & Alice, 1811.
Eunice Hammond, Chld of Nat. & Eliz., 1809.
John the Chielf of Nathanl by his wife Lydia, June 14, 1761.
Martha, Child of Natl & Phebe & Sarah Child of the same, 1797.
Mary Ann, Child of Nathl & Alice, 1822.
Mooly the Chield of Nathaniel by his wife Lydia, Sept. 14, 1766.
Nathaniel, Benjamin, Anna Turner, Joshua, Phebe, Childr. of Nathl & Phebe, 1790.
Oliff the Chield of Zattue by his wife Bethiah, Jan. 26, 1766.
Sarah the Chielf of Nathll by his wife, Lydia, July 1, 1764.
Thomas, Child of Stephen & Rachel, March, 1786.
William, Jane, Stephen, Milton Foster, Children of Stephen & Rachel, May, 1781.
Zattue the Chield of Bethiah Widw., Oct. 16, 1768.
Zattue the Chielf of Nathaniel by his wife Lydia, July 17, 1768.
Henry Milton, Son of Alerton & ____, July 3, 1829.
Philander, Alerton, Gardener, Sally, Laura, Childr of Alerton Cushman, June, 1820.
Rachel Tyler, Child of Noah & ____, Newbedford, 1809.
Mary the Chield of Mary, April 4, 1756.
Abgial Child of Ephraim by his wife Martha, May 5, 1746.
Abigail, dau. of Jonathan, Mar. 6, 1833.
Allis the Daughter of Josiah, September 22, 1751.
Anna, Child of Reuben & Polly, 1799.
Anna, Child of Edward at their own House by reason of its mother's Confinement by Sickness, Feb. 27, 1758.
Benjn the Chield of Ebenezr by his wife Lydia, April 23, 1758.
Benjn & Phillip Children to Josiah by his wife Abigial, Augt. 3, 1746.
Benjamin Potter, Son of David & Sally, 1799.
Caleb the Son of Ephraim, June 16, 1751.
Caleb, Child of Caleb & Hannah, 1793.
Caroline, Child of Reuben & Mary, Nov., 1813.
Charles Robinson, Child of Eben & ____, 1821.
____, Chield to Josiah, 1749.
Drucilla Child of Eb. & Desire, 1815.
Eben Allen, Child of David & Sarah, July, 1786.
Edward the Chield of Edward by his wife, Jan. 11, 1767.
Elias Son to Seth & Mary his wife, June 7, 1772.
Elisha, the Chield of Peleg by his wife Catharine, July 11, 1747.
Elisha the Chield of Seth by his wife Mary, April 28, 1765.
Elnathan the Chielf of Elnathan by his wife Mary, at his own house a Lecture being preached at Ye same time, Decr. 13, 1758.
Ephraim the Child of Ephraim by his wife Martha, July 18, 1742.
Freeman & ____ Children of Alden, 1814.
Gideon the Son of Constant by his wife Meribah, Augt. 19, 1750.
Hannah the Chielf of Ebenezr by his wife Lydia, Oct. 31, 1756.
Hannah daughter to Josiah by his wife Abigail, Jan. 31, 1747-8.
Hannah Jane, adult, Dec. 1, 1839.
Harvey, Child of David & Sarah His Wife, 1790.
Hope, Child of Thankfull & Hannah, 1791.
Isaac Son to Constant by his wife Meribah, July 22, 1744.
Isaiah the Chielf of Seth by his wife Mary, April 14, 1754.
Jabez the Chield of Seth by his wife Mary, October 1, 1758.
James Son to Edward and Mary His Wife, Feb. 16, 1772.
Jane Chielf to ye Widow Epiphena, Oct., 1745.
Jesse the Son of Peleg, July 15, 1750.
John the Son of Peleg by his wife Catherine, July 14, 1745.
Jonathan the Chielf of Josiah by his wife Abigail, Septr. 30, 1753.
Jonathan Kelly, Child of Jno & Mary, 1812.
Loess, Chield to Ephraim by his wife Martha, March 17, 1749.
Lucy Alden, Child of Alden & Lucy, Oct., 1816.
Martha Mayhew, dau. of Allen, Sept. 10, 1837.
Mary the Chield of Seth by his wife Mary, June 27, 1762.
Mary, Child of Edw Mary, July, 1782.
Mary Jane, dau. of John & Mary, Aug. 13, 1848.
Meriah Snow, Child of Jno & Mary, June 20, 1819.
Meribah, Thomas, Ebenezer, Betty, Childr of Thomas & Hannah, March, 1780.
Moores Rogers, son of John, Jan. 3, 1836.
Nathan the Child of Constant by his wife Meribah, April 4, 1742.
Nathan, son of Reuben & Mary, 1800.
Pamela, Child of Jna. & Mary, Oct., 1816.
Rebeckah, Child of Caleb & Hanh, 1790.
Ruth and Ellis the children of Ephraim by his wife Martha, Aug. 9, 1741.
Saml, Child of Edward & Mary his Wife, March 13, 1774.
Samuel Studly, Child of Jonathan & Mary his wife, June, 1824.
Sarah the Daughter of Seth by his wife Mary, Oct. 12, 1755.
Stephen the Son of Constant by his Wife Meribah, April 24, 1748.
Stephen Delano, son of Allen, June 14, 1840.
Susan Parkman, Child of Reuben & Mary, 1803.
Thankful the Chield of Josiah by his wife Abigial, May 30, 1756.
Thankfull, Child of Joshua & Thankful, Sept. 30, 1787.
Thomas Son to Constant by his wife Meribah, March 5, 1745-6.
Thomas, Son of Eben & Desiah, 1807.
Unice the Chielf of Edward by his wife Mary, Dec. 4, 1768.
Harper, the Chielf of Jabez, April 21, 1748.
Nathan & Jabez Children of Jabez at his own House, Aug. 5, 1761.
Stephen, the Son of Jabez, March 13, 1751.
Margaret Albertson Child of George & Mary, 1810.
Mary Albert, Child of George & Mary, Aug., 1808.
Mary, Sophronia, Childr of George & Mary, Nov., 1815.
Rufus Albertson, Martha Ann, Children of George & Mary, June, 1820.
Maria Rogers, dau. of Solomon & Maria, April 12, 1845.
Martha Ann, dau. of Solomon Eaton, at home, sick, May 3, 1842.
Ebenezer & Thankful the Children of Joel by his wife Elizabeth, at their own House, Aug. 27, 1765.
George the Son of Joel by his wife Elizabeth, April 1, 1753.
Mary, Child of Wm., Aug. 1780.
Jerusha, Child of Elnathan & Thankfull, 1790.
Polly, Elnathan, Pope, Childr of Elnathan & Thankfull, July 16, 1787.
Edwin Francis, son of Mr. & Mrs. Abiah, Jan. 1, 1851.
Lucy LaBaron, Child of A. & L., living in Fairhaven, Feb., 1813.
Sarah & Mary the Children of Mehittibel wife of Joseph, Aug. 19, 1758.
Abner Leonard, son to Abner, Aug. 21, 1856.
Emily Francis and Nathan Dexter, children of Abner, Aug. 24, 1834.
Martha Gibbs & Lucy Clarke, children of Abner & Anna, Aug. 30, 1829.
Andrew Thomas, Lydia Weeks, Mercy Swift, children of Alpheus, June 12, 1842.
Abia Moore, Child of Leonard & Acenath, 1820.
Abigail the Chielf of Elisha by his wife Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 1760.
Abigail the Chielf of Captn Jabez by his wife Abigail, July 25, 1762.
Abigail, Daughter of Jabez & Priscilla, July 29, 1774.
Abigail, Matilda, Nancy, Antipas, Childr of Joseph & Rachel, Aug. 25, 1780.
Abner, Son of Abner & Huldah, Aug., 1776.
Amitti Barlow, Child of Noah & Lydia, 1788.
Ann Eliza, Child of Leonard & Acenath, June 15, 1829.
Anna the Daughter of Rogr. Nov. 12, 1748.
Anne the Chielf of Jedediah by his wife Mary, June 11, 1758.
Ansel, Son of Wyat & Mary, July 7, 1822.
Anstus the Chielf of Elisha by his wife Elizabeth, April 23, 1758.
Archelaus & Ruth the children of Amaziah at his House, Feb. 22, 1764.
Benjamin the Chield of Antipas by his wife Abigail, May 9, 1756.
Benjamin the Chield of Enoch by his wife Druzillai, Sept. 4, 1763.
Benjn the Chield of John by his wife Mary, April 2, 1759.
Benjn the Chield of Rogr, July 26, 1752.
Benjamin Franklin and Georgianna Kendrick, children of Franklin and Lurania, June 26, 1853.
Betty, Moses, Stephen, Abel, Mehitable, Mercy, Childr of Moses & Mehith., Aug. 1, 1773.
Caleb, Son of Jabez & Priscilla, Aug. 16, 1776.
Calib the Child of Captn Jabez by his wife Abigail, Jan. 9, 1757.
Calvin Son of Jabez, Feb. 9, 1745-6.
Cary the Chield of Josiah by his wife Rebeccah, May 6, 1764.
Charity Daughter of Abner by his wife Huldah, Pr. Revd M. Moore, Oct. 28, 1770.
Charles the Son of Arculaus, May 17, 1752.
Deborah daughter of Rogr by his wife Charity, Nov., 1746.
Deborah & Susannah Ruggles, Childr of Wo Debo, Aug., 1784.
Dulcina, Deborah, Children of James & Deborah, 1807.
Edwin, son of James, Dec. 4, 1838.
Elisha the Chield of Elisha by his wife Elizabeth, June 19, 1763.
Elizabeth Daughter of Abner & Huldah, Apr. 19, 1772.
Elizabeth the Chield of Antipas by his wife Abigail, March 8, 1752.
Elizabeth Pitson (?), Micah, Children of Micah & Eliz, she being a member of Chh. in Boston, 1782.
Elizabeth Pope, adult, June 12, 1842,Mbr<
El.nathan, Anstriss, & Richard, Children of Josiah by his wife Rebecca, Sept. 5, 1756.
Enoch, Child of Nathl & Lucy, Oct., 1798.
Gardnr the Chielf of Ameziah by his wife, Aug. 15, 1757.
George the Son of Captn Jabez by his wife Abigial, Sept. 22, 1754.
George Augustus, child of Leonard & Acenath, June 10, 1825.
Hannah Daughter to Benjn Junr by his wife Priscilla, Dec. 25, 1743.
Hannah the Chield of Elisha by his wife Elizabeth, July 13, 1755.
Hannah Chield of John by his wife Mary, March 26, 1763.
Israel the Child of Israel by his wife Elizabeth at their own House being Dangerously Sick, July 21, 1745.
Israel, a man of 92 years of Age, 1799.
James, an Adult, March 38, 1773.
James, Child of Gideon & Mary, 1796.
James the son of James by his wife Hannah, Aug. 21, 1763.
Jabez, the Son of Jabez by his wife Abigail, July 5, 1741.
Jane Leonard, dau. of Leonard, Oct. 5, 1834.
Jedediah the Chield of Jedediah by his wife Mary at a Lecture at Mr. Jonathan Bool's publickly notified, Sept. 23, 1767.
Jesse the Chield of James by his wife Hannah, May 26, 1765.
Jirah, Son of Faunce & Mary, Oct. 1778.
John the Son of Capt. Jabez, March 11, 1750.
John ye Son of John by his wife Mary, July 22, 1783.
John the Chield of John by his wife Mary, Nov. 7, 1756.
John Son of Israil by his Wife Elizebath, Jan. 22, 1748-9.
John Clapp, son of Dea. A.B. & Lucinda his Wife, July 15, 1829.
Joanna and Susannah Children of Elisha by his wife Elizabeth, April 19, 1748.
Jonathan the Chield of Abner by his Wife Huldah, Jan. 9, 1763.
Joseph Son of Antips, Oct. 11, 1747.
Joseph, Jenny, Adeline, Amelia, Loring, Frederic, Mary Blossom, Childr of Gideon & Rebecka, 1824.
Joseph Franklin, Child of Leonard & Acenath, 1817.
Josiah was Baptized & all his Children Nathan Charity Deborah Peckum Josiah Bethiah Hannah Abner & Mary at his own house, Nov. 19, 1741. [transcriber's note: since there were no commas between names, it's difficult to know if any of these names may have been first&middle name combos.]
Judah the Chielf of Archelaus by his wife Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1753.
Lemuel Son to Saml by his wife Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1741.
Lothrop the Chield of Josiah by his wife Rebecca, June 6, 1762.
Lucy Daughter to Saml by his wife Elizabath, Aug. 5, 1744.
Lucy, Hannah, Sophia, Sukey, Marah, Childr of Jesse & Sukey, 1806.
Luther, the son of Faunce & Mary, June 10, 1781.
Luther Son of Jabez by his wife Abigail, April 12, 1744.
Mary of Barzillai by his wife Anne by Revd Mr. Brown of Little Compton, Sept. 21, 1755.
Mary the Daughter of John by his wife Mary, Feb. 25, 1749-50.
Mary the Chield of Pollipus by his wife Barsheba, Oct. 3, 1756.
Mary Elizabeth, dau. of James, March 26, 1842.
Mehitable wife of Moses, Nov. 29, 1772.
Moses, June 13, 1773.
Nathan the Chield of Josiah by his Wife Rebeccah, June 29, 1766.
Nathan an Adult of 80 Yrs. (recorded in proprio loco), 1779.
Nathan, Stephen, Ruth, Sally, Jabez Holmes, Children of Faunce & Mary, March 27, 1774.
Noah, son of Noah & Lydia, Sept. 1787.
Olive the Daughter of Rogr by his wife Charity, July 14, 1745.
Parnal the Chield of Jedediah by his wife Mary, May 25, 1760.
Priscilla the Daughter of Benj. Junr. by his wife Priscilla, April 12, 1741.
Priscilla, Child of Natl & Lucy, 1796.
Priscillai the Chield of Josiah by his wife Rebecca, March 23, 1760.
Rebekah daughter of Jabez & Priscilla, April 12, 1772.
Rebekah, Elizabeth, Priscilla, Childr of Noah & Eunice, Sept. 26, 1784.
Rhode Daughter to Jabez, Dec. 27, 1747.
Rogr the Chield of Abner by his wife Huldah, May 3, 1761.
Rogr the Chield of Rogr by his wife Charity, June 15, 1757.
Roger Wing, Child of Jesse & Susan, 1807.
Rose the Daughter of Samuel by his wife Elizabeth, May 15, 1748.
Rufus, Son of Natl & Lucy, 1799.
Ruth, Child of Abner & Huldah, July 3, 1774.
Ruth the Chield of Enoch by his wife Drewzillar, April 14, 1765.
Ruth the Chield of Captn Jabez by his wife Abigail, Oct. 7, 1759.
Sarah the Daughter of Israel by his wife Elizabeth, at their House, being Dangerously Sick, Nov. 1, 1741.
Sarah, Meribah, Mary & Ellis the Children of Barnabas by his wife Susanna, July 11, 1742.
Sarah Shaw, Child of Jesse & Susan, 1809.
Sarah Winslow, child of Joseph & Sophia, July 6, 1851.
Seth & Barnabas Children of Saml by his wife Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1745.
Susannah the Chield of James by his Wife Hannah, Oct. 1, 1758.
Susan, Joseph, Jesse, Sarah Winslow, Childr of Jesse, 1825.
Sylvia Russell, dau. of Gideon 2nd, April 24, 1834.
Sympson the Chield of Jedediah by his wife Mary, Oct. 14, 1750.
Thankful the Chield of Roger by his wife Charity, Sept. 22, 1754.
Thankful & Hannah the Children of Abner by his wife Huldah, July 31, 1768.
Thoms the Chield of Enoch by his wife Drewzillar, Aug. 31, 1766.
Thomas C. son of Franklin & Lurana, Nov. 2, 1856.
Thomas Cushman, Child of Leonard & Acenath, Aug., 1823.
Thomas Faunce, Son of Faunce & Mary, Jan. 30, 1784.
Timothy Son to John Junr by his wife Mary, March 11, 1743-4.
Unice the Chield of Josiah Junr by his wife Rebecca, April 9, 1758.
Waty, Child of Gideon & Mary, 1801.
William George Cowell and John Mayo sons of James and his wife, Jan. 9, 1838.
William LeBaron, Mary Allen, Childr of Wyatt & Mary, June 18, 1820.
____ Chield to Jedediah by his wife Mary, 1749.
____ the Chield of Jedediah, July 5, 1752.
____ the Chield of Jedediah by his Wife Mary, July 27, 1755.
____ the Chield of Jedediah by his wife Mary, Oct. 16, 1763.
Abner Wood and Mary Stanton, children of Abner Harlow, at the funeral of their mother, May 20, 1839.
Sarah, Daughter Nathanal, July 27, 1829.
Ephraim, Jabez & Barnibas Children to Ephraim of Ye other Praish, Feb. 1, 1748-9.
Ann Folgar, child of Benjn & ____, 1799.
Martha the Chield of Obed by his wife Ruth, Nov. 14, 1762.
Samuel the Chield of Obid by his wife Ruth, July 6, 1760.
____ the Daughter of Timothy, July 19, 1752.
Hannah, Elizabeth, Jonathan, Wilson, Childr of Heman, 1799.
Frederick Augustus, Child of H. Living in Fairhaven, FEb., 1813.
Alsy, Child of Ebnr & Desire, July 5, 1807.
Mary, Child of Eben & Keziah, 1809.
Ann Allen, Daughter of Joshua & Amy, June 4, 1775.
Bethiah the Chield of Samuel by his wife Elizabath, March 10, 1766.
Abel, Son of Abel & Bethiah, Oct., 1781.
Phebe the wife of Mathew, Nov. 1, 1741.
Delia Eldredge, dau. of Rowland and Grace, Jan. 3, 1847.
Eldredge, dau. of Rowland, Sept. 28, 1834.
Edward Payson, son of Rowland, July 8, 1838.
Grace Ellen, dau. of Rowland & Grace, Sept. 1, 1850.
Anne the Chield of Ivory Hovey by his wife Olive, Nov. 10, 1754.
Ivory the Child of Ivory by his wife Oliver, Jan. 8, 1748-9.
Olive daughter of ye Revd Ivory by his wife Olive, Aug. 10, 1746.
Jemimah, the Child of Samuel by his wife Elizabath, Dec. 20, 1742.
JENNY (also see Jinne)-
Joshua Cushman, Benjn Cushman Childr of Ansel & Phebe, 1807.
Abner the Son of Jabez, Sept. 13, 1747.
Anne Ye Chield of Saml by his wife Mary Anne, Oct. 15, 1758.
Benjamin the Chield of Samuel by his wife Mary Anne, July 29, 1764.
Caleb Ye Son of Caleb, April 11, 1750.
Elizabath the Child of Jabez by his wife Ruth, March 2, 1745-6.
Hannah, Chield to Jabez, Aug. 20, 1749.
Ingatius the Chield of Samuel by his wife Mary Anne, Nov. 1, 1761.
John, Child of John, Living in Fairhaven, Feb., 1813.
Jonathan at his own house being by the Consent of this Chh & in the Presence of Some of the Brethren, Nov. 2, 1741.
Mary Angeline, dau. of Lot N., Sept. 10, 1837.
Lettice the Chield of Samll by his wife Mary Anne, Aug. 16, 1767.
Levy and ____, children of Cornelius of Dartmouth at his own House, April 11, 1750.
Mary, Chield to Lettice, at Dartmouth, June 22, 1749.
Nathaniel ye Chield of Samuel by his wife Mary Anne, March 11, 1759.
Patience Hall the Chield of Saml of Dartmouth by his wife, Oct. 19, 1760.
Zilpha Daughter of Jabez, March 24, 1745.
____ the Chield of Jabez by his wife at the House of Mr. Ignacious Jinne's at a Lecture, June 14, 1763.
Elizabeth, dau. of Bethuel, at home, sick, Dec. 20, 1840.
Mary Alice, daughter of Bethuel, Feb. 7, 1841.
Washington I, son of Thomas & Nancy, July 29, 1849.
Ann, Child of Leml & Elizabeth, Dec., 1777.
Charles Henry, Child of Wm & Eliz. Dec., 1823.
Elizabeth, Child of Leml & Elizabeth, 1784.
Elizabeth the Child of Wm & Elizabeth, July, 1816.
Elizabeth Allen, Child of Lazarus & Priscilla LeBaron, Nov. 6, 1813.
Enoch Hammond, Jane Barstow, Children of Lazarua & Priscilla, Aug. 7, 1824.
James, Child of Leml & Elizabeth, 1794.
John Allen, Son of Lemuel & Elizabeth, May 26, 1782.
Lazarus, Child of Leml & Eliz., 1788.
Lemuel, Son of Leml & Elizabeth LeBaron, Feb., 1780.
Lemuel, Son of Leml & Elizabeth, Sept. 7, 1775.
Lemuel, James, Horatio Gates, Childr of Jn A. & Abigail his wife, Deceased, 1816.
Sally Alden, a Child of Leml & Eliza. 1791.
Sarah Ann, Child of Wm & Elizabeth, May 26, 1811.
Thomas Kitredge, Child of Leml & Martha, Roxbury, June, 1820.
Thomas Robbins, Child of William & Eliza, June 20, 1819.
William, Child of Lemuel & Eliza., 1786.
William Bradford, Child of Wm & Eliza, Nov., 1814.
Almira Lewis, adult, June 7, 1840.
Adam, Joseph, John, Ruth, Rebecca, Margaret, the Children of Samuel by his wife Ruth, at his own House, Jan. 12, 1742.
Ellis the Child of Samuel by his wife Ruth, Sept. 19, 1742.
Abisha Hammond, son of Capt Thomas & Mary, April 26, 1846.
Elizabeth Child of Matthew & Sally, July 11, 1819.
Elizabeth Child of Matthew & Sally, March 31, 1831.
Elizabeth Allen, dau. of Matthew, Mar. 31, 1833.
Francis LeBaron, Son of Matthew & Sally, June, 1822.
John Allen, Son of Math. & S., July 20, 1829.
Thomas, Child of Matthew & Sally, 1824.
Anna, Child of Eben & Priscilla, 1790.
Anne ye Chield of Zecheus by his wife Sarah, Nov. 19, 1758.
Debby, Daughter of Eben & Priscilla Mead, 1799.
Ebenezer the Chield of Zechaus by his wife Sarah, Aug. 31, 1760.
Elijah Son of Eben & Priscilla, Dec., 1792.
Elizabeth Child of Eben & Priscilla, 1794.
Mary, the Chld of Ebenr & Prisilla, June, 1803.
Rachel the Child of Eben & Prissy, May, 1788.
Samuel the Child of Zecheus by his wife Sarah, May 8, 1865.
Sarah, Child of Eben & Prissy Sept. 30, 1787.
Abigail, Sarah, Ephraim, Mary, Joseph, Childs of Ephm & N., 1807.
Caleb & Joseph, Childr of John & Elsa, Aug. 1780.
Mary, Nathaniel & Rebecca Children of Ebenezer, April 20, 1750.
Henry Davis, William Warner, Calvin Cannon, Alexander Coffin, Eugene Bradbury, children of widow Silence, Jan. 31, 1852.
Samuel Nye, son of William, Aug. 30, 1835.
William, son of William, July 1, 1838.
Josiah Nathan, Abigail, Nathaniel Hammond, Childr of Mary & Job, Aug., 1792.
Mary, daughter of Job & Mary, 1794.
Nathaniel the Chield of Samuel, Feb. 24, 1751.
Aaron, Child of Aaron & Abigail, June, 1780.
Adoniram, Child of Aaron & Rhoda, June, 1786.
Betty, Child of Aaron & Abigail, May 26, 1782.
Jabez, Son of Aaron & his wife Marthar, Sept. 15, 1777.
Mary the Chield of Jabez by his wife Elizabeth, June 11, 1758.
Matthew, Son of Aaron & Abigail, June, 1784.
Priscillai the Chield of Jabez by his wife ____, May 25, 1760.
Hannah, wife to Jesse and was received into full communion, Mar. 28, 1756.
Bethiah & Moses Children of Jesse by his wife Hannah, Apr. 4, 1756.
Aaron the Chield of Jesse by his wife Anna, Feb. 26, 1758.
Asenath, Daughter of Theophilus & Ruth, July 18, 1773.
Cornelius, Child of Cornelius & Phebe, July, 1782.
Eunice, Theopilus, Onesiphorous, Joanna, Abner, Childr of Theoph & Ruth, Oct. 18, 1772.
John Merchant, Son of Cornelius & Phebe, Ag. 1785.
Lydia, Daughter of Cornelius & Phebe, Dec. 30, 1780.
Phebe, Polly, Nabby, Ruth, Childr of Cornelius & Phebe, June, 1780.
Susanna & Isaiah Children of James of Dartmouth by his wife Deborah, Apr. 10, 1743.
John Son to Edward by his wife Jerusha, Oct. 10, 1744.
Edward Phelps, an Adult a Black, & Afterward Sarah his wife, 1784.
Jane, Alvin, John, Sarah, Childr of Edw & Sarah, Nov. 1785.
Joanna, Chield to Thomas of Dartmouth, July 22, 1749..
Lydia Child of Asa & Thankfull, May 9, 1773.
Sarah, John, Chadwick, Children of Asa & Thankfull, June 20, 1772.
Thankfull, Child of Asa & Thankfull, 1778.
[transcriber's note: This surname appears in the "R"s, so it must begin with an R one would about RAIMOND?]
Deborah Child to Willm by his wife Hannah, July 28, 1745.
Hannah the Chield of William by his wife Hannah, Dec. 26, 1756.
Thankful the Daughter of William, Oct. 13, 1751.
William the Child of William, March 27, 1743.
Zilpha, the Daughter of William by his wife Hannah, Nov. 22, 1747.
Bashebah the Chield of Nehemiah by his wife Hopestill, Aug. 26, 1764.
Elizabath the Chield of Micah by his wife, May 27, 1764.
Moses & Ann, Wililam & Hannah the Children of Micah by his wife Elizabeth at their house, Oct. 20, 1762.
Nehemiah the Chield of Nehemiah by his wife Hopstill, May 25, 1760.
Clement, Child of David & Priscilla, July, 1782.
Peace, an Adult, May 30, 1781.
Joseph Fontain, Child of Abiel & ____, 1809.
Lucy, the Chield of Perez of Dartmouth in Coxit, May, 1752.
Clarissa Moores, Child of Moores & Mary, 1803.
Elizabeth, Child of Widow, June, 1783.
Ezra Cushman, Child of Abisha & Judith, Aug., 1808.
Isaiah, Child of ____ & Isaiah, 1807.
Judith Cushman, Child of Mary & Moores, 1811.
Moores Allen, Child of Moores & Mary, 1807.
Rachel Rogers, adult, Feb. 7, 1841.
Rebekah, Moors, Sarah, Children of Wido Alice (?), July, 1782.
William Barrows, Child of Moores & Polly, Nov., 1813.
William Loyd, son of William B. & Sarah, June 26, 1853.
Frederick Leonard, son of Frederick & Caroline, Nov. 3, 1850.
Sarah, dau. of Frederick & Caroline, July 29, 1849.
Edward, Child of A. & ____, 1823.
Lydia the Child of Henry by his wife Mary, July 21, 1745.
Isaiah, adult, by immersion, Fast Day, April 1, 1842.
Rebeccah, Child of Nathn & ____, July, 1782.
Thankful Josephine, adult, Aug. 4, 1830.
Mary Ye Daughter of Peleg by his wife Mary, July 5, 1747.
____, Chield to Peleg, Aug. 30, 1740.
Asa, Child of Deacon Elihu & Eliza his wife, Dec. 1791.
Elihu, Child of Elihu & Elizabeth, Dec. 1777.
Elihu an Adult, June 4, 1775 (recorded in proprio loco).
James, son of Elihu & Eliz., May 6, 1781.
Jedidah, Elizabeth, Childr of Elihu & Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1775.
Melintha, Daughter of Elhu & Elizabeth, May 5, 1776.
Jeremiah, Joseph, William, Anna, Mary, Childr of Sol & Zilph, June, 1807.
Lucy, John, Children of Solomon & Zilpha, 1811.
Mary the Child of Thos & Cassandra, Nov., 1815.
Charles Dunbar and Harrison, sons of Stephen and Eunice, Sept. 8, 1844.
Ebenezer the Chield of Seth by his wife Desire, May 16, 1756.
Ebenezer Son of Eben & Eleanor, 1800.
Edward Francis, Joseph Cannon, Susan Amanda, Abigial Haskell, _ children of Stephen, Oct. 5, 1834.
Eleanor Young, child of Eben & Eleanor, 1796.
Henry Hudson, Child of Thomas, Nov., 1813.
Ivory the Chield of Joshua by his wife Ruth, Aur. 1, 1762.
James the Chield of Seth by his wife Desire, April 23, 1758.
James & Mary Children of Joshua & Ruth, May 24, 1772.
James, Susanah, Chloe, Maryan Snow, Mary Eliza, Childr of Eben & Desire, 1807.
Jane, Child of Prince & Martha, July, 1816.
Joanna, Child of Ebenr & Eleanor, 1790.
Joseph, Child of Joseph & Rachel his wife, Oct. 10, 1773.
Joshua the Chield of Joshua by his wife Ruth, May 5, 1765.
Levi Morton, son of Levi, at home, sick, Dec. 1841.
Lidia the Daughter of Joshua by his wife Ruth, May 11, 1735.
Lucy, Child of Freeman & his Wife, 1788.
Nancy, James, Betsey Prince, Stephen, Harvey, Avery, Rachel, Children of Prince & Martha, 1808.
Nancy, John, Children of Thmas, 1807.
Nancy & John, Children of Thos, July 26, 1807.
Phebee Daughter of Joshua by his wife Joanna, June 12, 1757.
Rachel & Elizabeth, Children of Eben; May, 1788.
Rebekah, Child of Joshua & Ruth, Sept. 4, 1774.
Rebekah West, Child of Eben & Eleanor, 1793.
Richard the Chield of Joshua by his wife Ruth, July 12, 1767.
Saml & Nicholas Children of Nathaniel of the other Parish, Jan. 14, 1745-6.
Sarah the Chield of Seth by his wife Desire, Oct. 5, 1760.
Seth Boardman, Desire West & Benjamin, Children of Seth by his wife Desire, April 20, 1750.
Susan Willis, child of Thomas & Nancy, 1811.
Thomas, Son of Joseph & Rachel, Sept., 1776.
Timothy the Chield of Joshua by his wife Ruth, April 28, 1754.
William, child of Prince & Martha, 1821.
Winslow the Chield of Joshua by his wife Ruth, Oct. 28, 1759.
____ the Chield of Seth, July 15, 1750.
Thomas H., adult, April 12, 1835.
William Thomas, son of Thomas, Dec. 11, 1836.
Ebenezer Son of Gideon, Jan. 13, 1744-5.
John Ye Chield of Thoms by his wife Abigial, May 30, 1756.
Daniel, the Son of Thos by his Wife Abigail, Dec., 1750.
David the Son of Thos by his wife Abigail, Oct. 15, 1752.
Edward Newton, son of I. Newton, at home, sick, March 9, 1830.
Hannah, Chield of Thoms by his wife Abigail, May 14, 1749.
Mary the Daughter of Thos. by his wife Abigail, March 15, 1747.
Newton, son of Newton & Rhoda, July 29, 1849.
Rowena Augusta, dau. of I. Newton, July 24, 1836.
Sarah Ye Chield of Thoms by his wife Abigail, March 4, 1759.
Sophia Wing, Rhoda Ellen, and Eli, children of Dr. Newton & Rhoda, Aug. 31, 1845.
Stephen the Son of Thoms by his wife Abigail, May 18, 1755.
Susan Eaton, dau. of Newton & Rhoda, June 26, 1853.
Paul the Chield of Noah Junr by his wife Mary at Mr. Ruggles Parish pr me I.H., March 1, 1767.
The Children of Nathaniel, vis. _ Parnol Mitchell, Elizabeth, Nathaniel, Ansel, David, Sept. 30, 1787.
Polly, Joshua, Amey, Childr of Joshua & Amey, Aug. 1, 1773.
Cinthia, Child of Ruth & Nathaniel her Husband, Aug., 1792.
Samuel, Phebe, John Merchant, Nancy Pease, Childr of S. & L., 1808.
Anne the Chield of Charles by his wife Barsheba, Aug. 19, 1753.
Charles the Chield of Charles by his wife Barsheba, July 13, 1755.
Hannah the Chield of Charles by his wife Barsheba, Aug. 29, 1757.
Rebecca the Chield of Charles by his wife Barsheba, Nov. 22, 1761.
Thaddeus the Chield of Charles by his wife Barshebah, Sept. 2, 1764.
Benjamin Freeman, Child of ____ & Eliza, 1811.
Isaac Young, Child of ____ & Eliz., 1815.
Charles, Child of Jireh & ____ his wife, N. Bedford, 1802.
Eleanor Spooner, Child of Saml & ____, 1812.
All the Children of Eleanor, __ Susanh, Jesse, Lucy, 1804.
____ Child of Saml & Eleanor, 1807.
____ Chield to Alixandr by his Wife Mary, Aug. 13, 1749.
Mary Ludlow, dau. of Isaac C. and Eliszabeth, June 7, 1846.
Hannah, Child of John & Lucy, Aug., 1784.
James son of James & Jane, July 29, 1849.
Nelson Blake, Child of Reuben & Salvina (?), 1821.
Abigail, Child of Tho & Keziah, 1895.
Abigail, Daughter to Elisha by his wife Abigail, Sept. 17, 1749.Mbr<
Anne the Chield of Luke by his wife Anne, May 11, 1786.
Elisha the Chield of Elisha, July 19, 1752.
Elisha Son to Luke by his Wife Ann, Nov. 26, 1760.
Elizabeth Child of Thomas & wife Abigail, 1789.
Elizabeth, child of Luke & Anna, Aug. 1, 1773.
Isaac Son to Jonathan, Nov. 25, 1744.
Isaac Smith, Child of Thos & Abigl, March 20, 1785.
John the Child of Jonathan by his wife Elizabeth, Aug. 7, 1742.
John the Chield of Luke by his wife Ann, Oct. 21, 1758.
Job Townsend Child of Smith & Rachel, April 1, 1812.
Lemuel, Son of Thomas & Abigl, Sept., 1781.
Luke the Chield of Luke by his wife Anne, May 9, 1756.
Mary the Chield of Luke by his wife Anne, Feb. 14, 1768.
Mathew, Son of Thomas & Abigail, Sept., 1787.
Thomas, Child of Thoms & Abigl, March, 1783.
Thoms Kezah & William the Children of Luke by his wife Abigail at his own hired House, April 10, 1754.
William the Son of Luke by his wife Anne, Sept. 18, 1763.
Elizabeth the Chield of Eldr Nathan by his wie Experience, Nov. 25, 1755.
Hannah the Chield of Nathan by his wife Experience, April 2, 1749.
Joannah Tuppr daughter to Eldr Tupper was received into full communion with this Chh., Feb. 29, 1756.
Medad Child of Nathan by his wife Experience, June 29, 1746.
Martha Daughter to Deacon Nathan by his wife Experience, June 10, 1744.
Mary the Daughter of Eldr Nathan by his wife Experience, Jan. 27, 1754.
Mary the Chield of Nathan, June 30, 1751.
Nathan Son of Nathan by his wife Experience, April 18, 1742.
Nathan the Son of Nathan Eldr by his wife Experience, May 15, 1757.
George Dunham, son of John V., Sept. 4, 1840.
John, Joseph, Elizabeth, Hannah, Abigail, Alice, Childr of Jona. (?) & Eunice, 1795.
Albert, Ezra, Edson, Horace Wilber, sons of Ezra and Rosamond, July 7, 1850.
Barsheba wife to Bezaleel was baptized, being upon a sick bed at her father's (Nathan) Hammond's House and Rose her sister was Baptized at the same time, making a profession of their faith. The Desire of both the above said Persons were propounded in the two Meeting-Houses the preceding Sabbath and Several of the Brethren of my Chh were present at the time of their admission & Signifyed their Consent in the Usual Way &c. nemine contradictine, March 2, 1767.
Lucy Bond, dau. of Ezra E., Aug. 25, 1839.
Sarah Allen, dau. of Ezra E., June 19, 1836.
William Bradford, Thomas Allen, Children of Eleazer, May 30, 1824.
Ansel Warren, Louisa, Children of Shubl & Eliza, 1807.
Asenath, Daught of Timo & Loice, March, 1781.
Jane, Nancy, Presbury, Else, Drusilla, of Timo & Loice, May, 1780.
Samuel the Son of Samuel, of Ye other Parish, by his wife Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1747.
Betty, Daughter of Richard & Deborah, July, 1777.
Sara Vaun, Welthy, Deborah, Richar, Childr, May 27, 1776.
Benjamin, Child of Richard & Deborah, July, 1782.
Carolina, Chld of Richd & Eliz., 1815.
Eunice, Hariot, Mary Hammond, Childr of Richard & Eliza, 1807.
Jane, child of Richard & Eliz., 1790.
Jane Goodspeed, Child of Richard & Deborah, July, 1780.
Joannah, the Daughter of Thomas by his wife Hannah, Sept. 8, 1746.
Abiel, Townsend Child of Shubl & Elizabeth, 1807.
____ the Chield of John, May, 1752.
Hannah, Child of Jonathan & Hanah, Oct., 1777.
Hannah Wing, Wife to Jonathan, June 13, 1773.
Wyart, Moses, Elizabeth, Mary, Childr of J. & Hannah his wife, July 25, 1773.
Dorcas the Chield of John by his wife, July 13, 1766.
Noah the Chield of Enoch by his wife Sarah, Aug. 2, 1767.
Thankful the Child of Thoms by his wife Rebecca, June 22, 1746.
____ Daughter to Thomas, March 9, 1748.
Anna, Rebekah (?), and Freeman, Childr of Rebekah, Widow, Sept. 3, 1780.
Eleanor, Sarah, Mary, Hannah, Solomon, John, Zaccheus Mead, Children of Solomon & Hannah, March 20, 1774.
Hannah, an adult, wife of Solomon, Oct. 25, 1772.
Martha Olena, dau. of Henry, Nov. 13, 1833.
The following Negroes are recorded as having been baptized:-
Cyrus, Lot, Children of Toby & ____, May 27, 1776.
Guinea, Servant of Mr. LeBaron, Aug. 4, 1775.
Thomas, Son of Jack & Sarah, April 14, 1776.
Violeta the Child of the Negro Woman Ann "Church," Jan. 16, 1742-3.
William, Son of Toby, & Hannah his Wife, Oct. 26, 1777.