Vital Records Of Manchester, Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1903
Newcomb & Gauss, Printers, Salem, Massachusetts
Marriages - PLUMER to YOUNGER & Negroes
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

George, of Salem, and Lucinda Drew, int. June 1, 1836.
Abigail, of Beverly, and John Pearce, Nov. 27, 1772.
John, and Lydia Orsment, Dec. 19, 1773.
Lydia, and David Morse, Jan. 18, 1798.
NathanielI [jr. int.], of Ipswich, and Abigail Tarring, Jan. 24, 1786.
Susan, of Hamilton, and William Harvey Allen, int. Apr. 2, 1845.
Susanna, of Ipswich, and Nathaniel Lee, at Ipswich, Dec. 18, 1788.
Thomas, of Ipswich, and Joanna Tallen [Tarring. int.], at Essex, Jan. 20, 1757.
Joseph, Capt., and Patty Hilton, Oct. 31, 1805. C.R.
Joshua [Dr. int.], of North Brookfield, and Martha L. Smith, May 6, 1835.
Willard, and Lucy Lee, int. Oct. 14, 1804. T.C.
Mary Elizabeth, of Hamilton, and Henry P. Allen, int. Aug. 24, 1844.
Abby J., a. 17 y., d. John and Mary, and Enoch W. Crombie, a. 28 y., fisherman, s. Benjamin and Betsey, Dec. 24, 1847.
PRASSON (see also Presson)
Sarah, and Samuel Woodbery, int. Jan. 22, 1743-4.
Mariam B., wid., of Gloucester, a. 35 y., d. William and Jemima Munsey, and Benkley Munsey, widr., of Gloucester, a. 38 y., farmer, s. George and Hannah, Aug. 21, 1844.
PRESON (see also Presson)
Benjamin, and Mary Woodbary, Apr. 15, 1723.
PRESSON (see also Prasson, Preson, Preston)
Anna, and John Pearce, Oct. 20, 1747.
Benjamin, and Lydia Goodale, May 6, 1737.
Betsy, and Joseph Perry, Dec. 10, 1793. C.R.
David, of Beverly, and Mary Pearce, at Beverly, Apr. 21, 1707.
David, of Beverly, and Ruth Tuck, Dec. 19, 1765.
Deborah, and William Craft, Jan. 22, 1789.
Isaac, and Margaret Foster, Oct. 20, 1747.
Isaac, and ["Misrs." int.] Deborah Lee, May 25, 1767.
Isaac, and Nabby Norton, June 27, 1793. C.R.
Margret, and Israel Lee, May 19, 1789.
Mary, and Samuel Williams, Dec. 16, 1720.
Mary, and John Hill, May 21, 1741. C.R.
Molly, and John Hill, Jan. 5, 1795.
Nathan, of Beverly, and Mrs. Elezebeth Lee, May 22, 1783.
Nehemiah, of Beverly, and Hannah Lee, May 15, 1774.
PRESTON (see also Presson)
Abigail, and Joseph Lendall, July 7, 1816. C.R.
Anna [Presson. int.], and Amos Hill, Aug. 19, 1803. C.R.
Betsey, and Jacob Cheever, Sept. 12, 1831.
Betsey, and Asa Richardson, jr., July 16, 1835.
Isaac [jr. int.], and Betsy Morse, Dec. 20, 1814. C.R.
William, and Eliza [B. int.] Simonds, Dec. 29, 1833.
John, and Joan [Joann. int.] G. Crafts, Apr. 12, 1832.
Joseph, and Abigail S. Abbott, June 14, 1841. T.C.
Joseph, and Mrs. Nancy Rust of Lynn, int. Dec. 21, 1844.
Jane, and Ithamer Eaton, May 21, 1805. C.R.
Jonathan, and Molley Allen, Nov. 17, 1772.
Jonathan, and Jenny Leach, Jan. 17, 1797.
Maria, and William Lull, Apr. 7, 1833.
Polly, and Richard Allen, Dec. 6, 1796.
Samuel, and Betsey Norwood, Jan. 16, 1799.
PROCTER (see also Proctor)
Asa, of Londonderry, N.H., and Anna Allen, Feb. 14, 1819. C.R.
Charlotte [A. int.], and Nathan [B. int.] Goldsmith, Oct. 14, 1827.
Frances, and Mrs. Abigail Ober, int. June 17, 1784.
George, and Caroline [A. int.] Allen, Dec. 15, 1835.
Joseph, of Derry, N.H., and Elizabeth Bray of Gloucester, Jan. 8, 1843. T.C.
Lucy, Mrs., and Aaron Giddens of Ipswich, Oct. 12, 1780.
Lucy Ann, of Essex, and John C. Webb, Mar. 31, 1840.
Mary [Polly. int.], and Ezekeil Allen, Aug. 25, 1791.
Umpherey, and Charlotte Allen, int. Jan. 25, 1806.
PROCTOR (see also Procter)
John, and [Mrs. int.] Hannah Cogswell of Ipswich, at Ipswich, May 31, 1781.
John [jr. int.], of Boston, and ["Mrs." int.] Annis Lee, Jan. 14, 1768.
Leonora, of Gloucester, and Augustus Haskell, int. Oct. 30, 1846.
Abraham [Jr. int.], and Susannah Camell, Mar. 4, 1792.
James, and Ann Lynch, both from Ireland, int. Jan. 20, 1847.
Bickford L., of Topsfield, and Eunice Carter, Jan. 23, 1823.
Abraham, Rev., and Hannah Leavitt of Hampton, N.H., int. Jan. 9, 1803.
John, jr., of East Tomastown, Me., and Abigail Edwards, Aug. 1, 1837.
George, of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Harsham, int. Feb. 17, 1764.
RAY (see also Rea)
Peter W., and Amanda M. Peart, both of Boston, Dec. 21, 1840.
Joanna, of Beverly, and John Lea, 3d, at Beverly, June 16, 1737.
Mary, and Samuell Lee, jr., int. June 26, 1743.
Ruth [Ruth Lee. int.], and Sewell Tuck of Beverly, May 21, 1772.
REA (see also Ray)
Molly, of Beverly, and Samuell Ober, Mar. 6, 1785.
Eben R., a. 23 y., sawer, s. James and Bethiah, and Mahala Standley, a. 18 y., d. Paul and Mahala, June 20, 1847.
Joseph, of Cambridge, and Mrs. Levina Bond, Mar. 26, 1778.
Edward, of Marblehead, and Rachel Bennet, May 7, 1772.
RICHARDS, Anna, and James Burges, Feb. 1, 1821.
Betsy, and Thomas Williams, int. Dec. 31, 1819.
Hannah L. [Mrs. C.R.], and Henry F. Lee, Aug. 19, 1841. T.C.
John, and Anne Bare, June 11, 1793. C.R.
John, and Betsey Danford, Nov. 24, 1796.
John, and Hannah Hilton, Nov. 10, 1830.
Lydia, and Samuel S. Hooper, Apr. 13, 1826.
Asa, and Elizabeth Allen, May 29, 1809.
Asa, jr., and Betsey Preston, July 16, 1835.
Lydia, and William Godsoe, May 30, 1841. T.C.
Nathan, a. 26 y., blacksmith, s. Asa and Betsy, and Mary Elizabeth Butler of Gloucester, a. 18 y., tailoress, d. Daniel and Rhoda, of Gloucester, Oct. 31, 1844.
Nathan, widr., a. 30 y., blacksmith, s. Asa and Betsy, and Caroline Allen, a. 19 y., d. Azariah and Sally, June 25, 1848.
Ruben, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and Mary Samples, Dec. 10, 1793. C.R.
Sarah, of Glocester, and John Allen, jr., int. Nov. 27, 1756.
ROBASON (see also Robinson)
Mary, and Robbert Leach, Mar. 15, 1704-5.
Luther, and Sarah Robinson of Gloucester, int. Nov. 26, 1811.
ROBERDS (see also Roberts)
Jonathan, jr., of Beverely, and Hanah Badcock, int. Oct. 27, 1734.
ROBERTS (see also Roberds)
Andrew, and Mrs. Molly Morse of Beverly, June 26, 1783.
Andrew, of Beverly, and Eunice Leach, Dec. 26, 1805. C.R.
Andrew, and Mary Ann Ward of Beverly, Nov. 9, 1836.
Anne, and Phelep Caststeirs, int. May 23, 1791.
Eliza, of Beverly, and James Dow, int. Jan. 3, 1819.
Eunice, and Joseph Killham, Oct. 5, 1830.
Hannah, and Henry Stone [of Gloucester. int.], May 23, 1830.
Laura A., of Rockport, and Arthur S. Allen, int. Oct. 10, 1846.
Louisa, and Samuel Driver, Mar. 3, 1836.
Marcy, and David Goodrich of Beverly, int. Dec. 31, 1809.
Mary, and William Morse of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 19, 1798.
Mehitable, and William Cross, Nov. 26, 1834.
Oliver, a. 26 y., fisherman and cordwainer, s. Andrew and Eunice, and Ruth Foss of Beverly, a. 20 y., b. Strafford, N.H., d. Enoch and Ruth, of Strafford, N.H., Nov. 18, 1847.
William, and Mercy Stanley of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 11, 1776.
William, and Lucy Sanderson of Beverly, Feb. 27, 1806. C.R.
ROBINSON (see also Robason, Robison)
Mary, of Salem, and Robert Leach, Mar. 15, 1705. T.C.
Sarah, of Gloucester, and Luther Robbins, int. Nov. 26, 1811.
ROBISON (see also Robinson)
John, of Salem, and Vilet Kahall, int. July 6, 1798.
RODGERS (see also Rogers)
Abigail W., and Enoch Allen, June 17, 1834.
ROGERS (see also Rodgers)
Hannah, of Wenham, and Daniel Lee, at Wenham, Dec. 16, 1773.
Nathaniel, of Wenham, and Elizabeth Hill, Oct. 10, 1752.
Samuel, a. 22 y., varnisher, s. Samuel W. and Mary G., and Adeline Carter, a. 17 y., d. Nathan, jr. and Adeline, Dec. 9, 1847.
John, and Marthe Roston of Glocester, Apr. 4, 1787.
John, and Juday Hooper, int. July 25, 1747.
Martha R., of Boston, and Charles H. Trask, int. Sept. 18, 1849.
Horace, a. 27 y., cabinet maker, b. Ipswich, s. Ephram and Elizabeth, of Ipswich, and Sarah M. Wheaton, a. 26 y., b. Cape Breton, d. Joseph and Mary Ann, of Arrowshot, C. B., May 6, 1845.
ROW (see also Rowe)
Abram [Abraham. int.], and Olive M. [Maria int.] Goldsmith, Dec. 2, 1832.
ROWE (see also Row)
Martha, of Gloucester, and Samuel Kilham, Dec. 30, 1830.
Nancy, and John Andrews, Jan. 3, 1813. C.R.
RUNNELS (see Ronels).
RUSSEL (see also Russell)
Betsey, and Capt. George Girdler, int. Dec. 18, 1811.
Joseph, and Elizabeth Hilton of Beverly, int. Mar. 13, 1814.
Lucy, and Michael [D. C.R.] Monies of Salem, June 20, 1825.
Polly, and Simion [Simion Fedreck. int.] Miller, Nov. 28, 1802. C.R.
Sarah, and Azariah Allen, Sept. 14, 1824.
William [jr. int.], and Nabby Hooper, Nov. 14, 1813. C.R.
RUSSELL (see also Russel)
Caroline, and Thomas W. Crumby, Oct. 14, 1838.
Elizabeth, and John Easkoot, Aug. 30, 1812. C.R.
Isaac, and Elezebeth Lee, int. Aug. 20, 1794.
Judith, and Isaac Lee, jr., June 12, 1814. C.R.
Mary, of Beverly, a. 17 y., b. Beverly, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Winthrop Pickering of Gloucester, a. 22 y., yeoman, b. Gloucester, s. Elisha. and Mary, of Gloucester, Sept. 6, 1848.
William, and Judath Killam, int. Oct. 25, 1788.
William, and Elizabeth Girdler, Oct. 4, 1835.
Daniel, of Ipswich, and Ruth Belcher, Nov. 10, 1763.
Nancy, Mrs., of Lynn, and Joseph Price, int. Dec. 21, 1844.
Rachel, of Ipswich, and Moses Bennet, at Essex, Feb. 15, 1739.
Sarah, of Gloucester, and John Allen, jr., int. Nov. 27, 1756.
William C., and Eliza Lee, Feb. 21, 1828.
Moses, of Essex, and Olive Lee, June 7, 1829.
Samuel H., a. 24 y., cabinet maker, b. Newbury, s. Samuel and Mary of Newbury, and Lucretia B. Story, a. 21 y., d. Arthur and Anne, Nov. 28, 1844.
SAMPELS (see also Sample)
Jenny, Mrs., and Andrew Leach, Mar. 2, 1779.
SAMPLE (see also Sampels, Samples)
Elizabeth ["Misrs." int.], and Eliazar Craft, Jan, 6, 1767.
Elizabeth, and Benjamin Leach, Dec. 12, 1773.
Samuel, of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Allen, Jan. 16, 1755.
SAMPLES (see also Sample)
Mary, and Ruben Richardson of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Dec. 10, 1793. C.R.
Nathaniel P., and Sophia Earle, int. Mar. 16, 1840.
Nathaniel P., and Abigail H. Goldsmith, int. Oct. 17, 1846.
Lucy, of Beverly, and William Roberts, Feb. 27, 1806. C.R.
Mary, of Boston, and Rev. Mr. Chever, int. Oct. 18, 1733.
Josiah, of Gloucester, and Hannah Day, at Gloucester, Nov. 19, 1719.
SARGEANT (see also Sargent)
Mary A., and William Munsey, both of Gloucester, int. Nov. 29, 1827.
SARGENT (see also Sargeant)
Moses, of Hopkentown, and Mrs. Sally Lee, int. Dec. 4, 1790.
Sumner, of Boston, and Mary Augusta Leach, int. Dec. 31, 1837.
SARLS (see also Searls)
Benjamin, and Sarah Hooper, Jan. 15, 1735-6.
William, of Boston, and Mary Ingersoll, Dec. 7, 1806. C.R.
SEARL (see also Searls)
Judith, and Benjamin Hilton, Jan. 20, 1767.
SEARLS (see also Sarls, Searl)
Benjamin, of Marbelhead, and Lucy Bennet, Jan. 4, 1732-3.
Lucey, and Joseph Killum, Jan. 8, 1761.
Sarah, and Nathan Lee, Dec. 28, 1760.
SEARS (see also Cier, Seears)
Sarah, and Samuel Carter, Apr. 16, 1752.
William, and Elisabeth Cole of Beverly, at Beverly, Mar. 25, 1723.
William [jr. int.], and Charity Cole, Jan. 7, 1734-5.
SEEARS (see also Sears)
William [Sears, jr. int.], and Sarah Coye [Coy. int.], Dec. 29, 1736.
Lydia, and Joseph Lee, int. June 29, 1797.
Mathew, and Lydia Ayers, May 18, 1784.
Stephen, of Marblehead, and Mrs. Abigail [Nabby. int.] Lee, Mar. 30, 1777.
Mary S. G., a. 15 y., b. Dublin, Ireland, d. Samuel and Anna, and Israel F. Morgan, a. 18 y., cabinet furniture rubber, s. Israel jr. and Christiana, Nov. 6, 1848.
Rachil, and Elihab Littlefield, Oct. 29, 1696.
Elizabeth D., and Isaac Ayers, int. Oct. 7, 1848.
SIMMENS (see also Simonds)
Mary, and Joseph Day, Feb. 18, 1800.
SIMONDS (see also Simmens, Simons, Symmons, Symons)
Abram, and Harriet Hooper, Nov. 6, 1838.
Eliza [B. int.], and William Preston, Dec. 29, 1833.
Evoline A. [Abigail. int.], and Joseph Akerman, Mar. 18, 1838.
John [D., Capt. int.], of Salem, and Hannah [Lucy. int. and C.R.] Kelham, Dec. 16, 1834.
Nathaniel D., of Salem, and Hannah Kelham, May 22, 1827.
Oliva A., and Samuel Treadwell, June 14, 1837.
SIMONS (see also Simonds)
Andrew, and Nabby Brown, Oct. 18, 1796.
Ruth, and Obed Carter [sr. int.], Sept. 13, 1804. C.R.
SINNET (see also Sinnett, Sinnit)
Polly, and Joseph Lee, int. Jan. 7, 1797.
SINNETT (see also Sinnet)
Mary, and Benjamin Jones, Sept. 29, 1768.
SINNIT (see also Sinnet)
John, of Marblehead, and Mary Belsher, Jan. 27, 1755.
Thomas W., and Susan L. Burnham of Gloucester, int. Apr. 5, 1848.
Abigail, of Glocester, and Samuel Pert, int. Nov. 25, 1797.
Abigail, and Nehemiah Abbot, Jan. 13, 1818. C.R.
Ann H., a. 25 y., d. adopted, Israel and Eunice Peart, and Carroll A. Dame, a. 23 y., farmer, b. New Field, Me., s. Nathan and Sally, of Parkman, Me., Apr. 13, 1845.
Augustus W., and Lydia Knight, July 27, 1827. [Aug. 27. C.R.]
Burley, and Mary Allen, Oct. 24, 1799.
Burley, Maj., and Nancy Hooper of Gloucester, at Essex, Jan. 1, 1842. T.C.
Clarissa, and Ebenezer Caldwell of Augusta, Me., July 13, 1825.
Debby, of Beverly, and Benjamin Foster, at Beverly, Nov. 2, 1797.
Elias, and Thankful Groves of Beverly, at Beverly, Feb. 26, 1765.
Elizabeth, of Ipswich, and John Baker, Dec. 2, 1770.
Elizabeth, and John W. Mann of Salem, Sept. 29, 1825.
Ellingwood, and Sally Lee, May 14, 1830. [May 12. C.R.]
Ellingwood, and Caroline S. Chapman of Ipswich, int. May 21, 1839.
Gilman, and Mary Stinson of Dunbarton, N.H., int. Apr. 17, 1808.
Jane B., and Jacob P. Holm, Dec. 7, 1840.
John, and Abigail Giddens of Ipswich, Dec. 27, 1810.
Lucy [A. C.R.], and John B. Lamson of Salem, Feb. 28, 1828.
Martha L., and [Dr. int.] Joshua Porter of North Brookfield, May 6, 1835.
Mary, Mrs., of Roxbury, and Capt. Jonathan Hossam, int. Dec. 22, 1848.
Mary C., and [Capt. int.] Albert A. Martin of Salem, Oct. 19, 1841. T.C.
Nabby, of Beverly, and Azariah Edwards, int. Aug. 28, 1801.
Nancy, of Beverly, and Capt. Samuel F. Tappan, int. Dec. 2, 1827.
Rachel L., and [Dr. int.] Simeon E. Strong of Heath, Mar. 29, 1833.
Richard, and Mrs. Sarah Kitchens, Sept. 27, 1781.
Stephen, and Nabby Hooper, int. Sept. 22, 1798.
William, and Ellen Mahoney (Irish), int. Sept. 1, 1849.
Hannah T., of Reading, and Edward M. Horten, int. Apr. 10, 1847.
Peter, and Anna Ober, int. Dec. 28, 1771.
Benjamin, jr., of Gloucester, and Hannah Lee, June 22, 1823.
STANDLEY (see also Stanley)
Elizabeth [A. int.], and Charles L. Parsons of Gloucester, Dec. 14, 1840.
Mahala, a. 18 y., d. Paul and Mahala, and Eben R. Reed, a. 23 y., sawer, s. James and Bethiah, June 20, 1847.
STANLEY (see also Standley)
Ezra, a. 28 y., mason, s. Paul and Mahala, and Rachel Ann Curtis, a. 20 y., tailoress, d. Benjamin and Dorcas, Sept. 22, 1844.
Mercy, of Beverly, and William Roberts, at Beverly, Jan. 11, 1776.
Paul, and Statiria. Peart, June 28, 1842. T.C.
Darkes, and Samuel Craft, int. Dec. 21, 1799.
Lydia, and Jonathan May, Mar. 19, 1795.
Christian, and John Derrig, int. Sept. 19, 1849.
Temothey, and Polly Hilton, int. Jan. 27, 1793.
Edward, of Gloucester, and Lucy A. [Ann. int.] Friend, Dec. 30, 1830. C.R.
STEPHEN (see also Stevens)
Moses, and Jenny Pert, Nov. 14, 1798.
STEPHENS (see also Stevens)
Bartholomew, and Polly Gardner, Oct. 28, 1796.
Thomas, of Marblehead, and Mrs. Betty Allen, Mar. 9, 1786.
STEVENS (see also Stephen, Stephens)
Gideon, and Mehitable May, Apr. 9, 1824.
Gideon, and Hannah [B. int.] Crumby, Nov. 10, 1833.
Jenny, and Thomas Ayers, int. Apr. 19, 1807.
Mary, of Andover, and Benjamin Lee, int. Jan. 3, 1730-1.
Benjamin, of Beverly, and Eunice Lee, int. Nov. 9, 1819.
Mary, of Dunbarton, N.H., and Gilman Smith, int. Apr. 17, 1808.
Elizabeth, and James Pitman, Apr. 27, 1704.
STON (see also Stone)
Bathia [Bathier Stone. int.], and Aron Bennet [Aaron, jr. int.], June 27, 1734.
STONE (see also Ston)
Abbagal, of Beverly, and Andrew Knolton, int. Oct. 31, 1741.
Abgiel, and John Leach, Nov. 13, 1729.
Abial, and Joseph Hasham, Oct. 4, 1727.
Abraham, and Elezebeth Phipeny, int. Aug. 19, 1791.
Abraham [jr. int.], and Priscilla Daniels, Oct. 27, 1816. C.R.
Ann, and Ariel P. Lee, Dec. 11, 1821.
Anna, and John Davice, int. Sept. 30, 1804.
Elizabeth, and David Goldsmith, Dec. 2, 1813. C.R.
Elizabeth, and [Capt. C.R.] John Girdler, Apr. 24, 1831.
Elizabeth, and James M. Andrews, Sept. 28, 1842. T.C.
Ester, and Samuell Carter, Nov. 16, 1732.
Esther, and John Day, Mar. 7, 1776.
Hannah, and Downing Lee, Dec. 24, 1747.
Henry [of Gloucester. int.], and Hannah Roberts, May 23, 1830.
Jane, and Israel Foster, Jan. 15, 1750-51.
Jenny, and John Hooper, May 9, 1798.
John, and Sally M. Andrews, Dec. 5, 1837.
Mary, and Samuel Davis of Glocester, int. May 16, 1760.
Priscilla, and Stephen Somes Parsons of Gloucester, int. May 28, 1846. (Marriage forbidden by Overseers of the Poor of the town of Gloucester.)
Sally, and David Colby, Jr., Dec. 8, 1823.
Samuel, and Ruth Knight, May 16, 1717.
Samuel [jr. int.], and Esther Haskell of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Dec. 17, 1751.
Samuel, and Elezebeth Hooper, Dec. 8, 1789.
Samuel, and Hannah Morgan, Jan. 8, 1837.
William, and Anna Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Sept. 24, 1761.
William, and Mary Phippen, Sept. 28, 1775.
William, and Anna Knight, Dec. 27, 1818. C.R.
William, and Aphia Driver, Nov. 10, 1822.
William, and Mary E. Wilmington, Jan. 15, 1838.
STORER (see also Story)
Rachel [Story. int.], and David Hooper, Dec. 1, 1768.
STOREY (see also Story)
Auther, and Ann Allen, Sept. 19, 1822.
Hannah, and Capt. Israel Forster, May 18, 1806. C.R.
Henrietta, and Richard [C. int.] Dennis, May 8, 1832.
Susan W., and David Allen, July 20, 1828.
STORY (see also Storer, Storey)
Asa, Dr., and Eliza B. Farnham of West Newbury, int. Mar. 16, 1823.
Charles R., of Salem, a. 22 y., apothecary, s. Asa and Eliza, and Abby C. Hooper, a. 24 y., b. Marblehead, d. Jacob and Deliverance, Oct. 8, 1846.
Hannah, and [Capt. int.] Nehemiah Story, June 26, 1803. C.R.
Hennery, and Mrs. Hannah Tewksbury, July 16, 1778.
Henry [jr., Capt. int.], and Lucretia H. [Huntington. int.] Bingham, May 6, 1813. C.R.
Hermon, of Essex, a. 29 y., carpenter, s. Ephriam and Hannah, and Susan S. Crafts, a. 26 y., d. John and Nancy, Dec. 19, 1847.
Lucretia B., a. 21 y., d. Arthur and Ann, and Samuel H. Safford, a. 24 y., cabinet maker, b. Newbury, s. Samuel and Mary, of Newbury, Nov. 28, 1844.
Lucretia H., and Joseph Knowlton, int. Dec. 26, 1819.
Lucy, Mrs., and Elnathan Witney, Mar. 7, 1784.
Lucy, and Aaron Allen, Dec. 3, 1789.
Lucy, and Capt. Joseph Hooper, Nov. 25, 1813. C.R.
Miriam, and Andrew L. Burgis, Mar. 28, 1811. C.R.
Nathan, and Eunice Choate of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Nov. 22, 1768.
Nehemiah, of Ipswich, and [wid. int.] Mary Lee [3d. int.], at Ipswich, Jan. 7, 1766.
Nehemiah [jr. int.], and Lucy Allen, Apr. 7, 1771.
Nehemiah [Capt. int.], and Hannah Story, June 26, 1803. C.R.
Ruth, of Ipswich, and Peter Calado, int. Sept. 3, 1815.
Sally, and Benjamin Tappan, Apr. 4, 1816. C.R.
Sarah, of Ipswich, and James Brown, int. Nov. 4, 1797. C.R.
Stephen [jr. int.], of Ipswich, and Maria Tuck, June 8, 1817. C.R.
Simeon E. [Dr. int.], of Heath, and Rachel L. Smith, Mar. 29, 1833.
Cornelius, and Catherine Kasey, int. Dec. 31, 1846.
SYMONS (see also Simonds)
Jacob, and Molly Bennett, Sept. 17, 1772.
SYMONS (see also Simonds)
Rachel, and Capt. John Tuck, int. Jan. 1, 1809.
TALLEN (see also Tarring)
Joanna [Tarring. int.], and Thomas Poland of Ipswich, at Essex, Jan. 20, 1757.
Almire, of Lowell, and Benjamin W. Hildreth, int. Oct. 28, 1848.
TAPPAN (see also Tappen, Toppan, Toppen)
Benjamin, and Sally Story, Apr. 4, 1816. C.R.
Betsey [Mrs. int.], and Daniel Chase of Pepperrelbourough, Dec. 18, 1788.
Betsey, and Perley Brown, Sept. 12, 1827.
Ebenezer, jr., and Sally Hooper, Nov. 30, 1814. C.R.
Elizabeth F. and John Cheever, 3d, Dec. 25, 1840.
Henry S., and Elizabeth Eldridge, of Beverly, int. Nov. 23, 1846.
Israel F., and Deborah Forster, July 17, 1822.
Maria, and Nathaniel Colby [jr. int.], Nov. 29, 1832.
Sally F., and Woodbury Allen, Mar. 4, 1828.
Samuel F., Capt., and Nancy Smith of Beverly, int. Dec. 2, 1827.
Sarah F., and Andrew Brown, jr. [widr. C.R.], Apr. 24, 1842. T.C. [Mrs. Sarah F. Allen, formerly Tappan. C.R.]
TAPPEN (see also Tappan)
Eben, and Betsey Forster, int. Mar. 5, 1791.
Elizabeth, and Joseph Killam, Jan. 18, 1770.
TARRIN (see also Tarring)
Mary, and Samuell Lee, Oct. 8, 1712.
TARRING (see also Tallen, Tarrin, Terren)
Abigail, and Enoch Boynton, int. Jan. 15, 1771.
Abigail, and Nathaniell Poland [jr. int.] of Ipswich, Jan. 24, 1786.
John, jr., and Joannn Lee, int. Aug. 22, 1752.
Mary, and Jacob Allen, int. Oct. 13, 1765.
William, and Abigail Knight, Dec. 2, 1770.
George, and Aurilia Burgess, June 8, 1843. T.C.
John, of Concord, N.H., and Caroline [E. int.] Burges, Oct. 23, 1838.
John M., and Ann Lee, July 4, 1841. T.C.
Mary A., of Montpelier, Vt., and William Johnson, int. Aug. 19, 1849.
Oliver A., Rev., and Mary Cleaveland of Topsfield, d. the late Hon. Nehemiah, Nov. 8, 1843. T.C.
David, a. 22 y., butcher, b. Londondary, s. ----, of Londondary, and Jane H. Wheeler, a. 18 y., b. Warner, Vt., d. Plummer and Sally, Oct. 24, 1847.
Sarah M., of Exeter, N.H., and Worren C. Dane, int. June 13, 1844.
TERREN (see also Tarring)
John [Tarring. int.], and Abgil [Abgiel. int.] Lee, Jan. 1, 1729-30.
TEWKSBURY (see also Tewxbary, Tewxbury, Tucksbury, Tukesbery, Tuxbary, Tuxbery)
Anne, Mrs., and John Lendall, jr., Nov. 12, 1782.
Hannah, Mrs., and Hennery Story, July 16, 1778.
Jacob, jr., and Rebeckah Craft, Apr. 9, 1795.
Rebecca, and Solomon Lee, Nov. 1, 1830.
Rebeckah, Mrs., and Isaac Allen, Mar. 30, 1779.
Thomas, and Mrs. Anne Lee, Nov. 27, 1783.
TEWXBARY (see also Tewksbury)
Anna, and Robert Holmes of Ipswich, at Essex, Apr. 30, 1761.
TEWXBURY (see also Tewksbury)
Elizabeth, and Joseph Harsham, Mar. 13, 1770.
Emey, and Israel May, Apr. 16, 1767.
Jacob. and Hannah Hilton, Jan. 24, 1757.
John, and Ruth Marsters, June 11, 1772.
John, and Mrs. Sarah Lendall, May 15, 1777.
Lois, and Stilson Hilton, Jan. 25, 1774.
Rebecca, and Josiah Allen, jr., Nov. 14, 1754.
Sarah, and Nehemiah Lee, Nov. 24, 1763.
THISELL (see also Thissel)
Paul, and Bethiah Lovet Woodbury, both of Beverly, Sept. 5, 1793.
THISSEL (see also Thisell)
David, and Hannah Elliot of Beverly, Feb. 28, 1815. C.R.
John, and Polly Hooper, May 20, 1804. C.R.
THOMPSCN (see also Thomson)
Benjamin, of Marblehead, and Mrs. Elezabeth Gorden, Apr. 1, 1784.
Benjamin, jr., Lydia Lee, Oct. 23, 1823.
Benjamin, jr., and Lydia M. Littlefield of Wells, Me., int. Nov. 13, 1847.
Mary Cline, a. 20 y., d. Benjamin and Lydia, and John Goldsmith Gilbert, a. 25 y., carpenter, b. Gloucester, s. Samuel P. and Sally, of Gloucester, Sept. 11, 1847.
Ruth, and Oliver Kinsman of Beverly, int. May 28, 1826.
THOMSON (see also Thompson)
Benjamin, and Ruth Badcock, Aug. 30, 1799.
Joanna, of Beverly, and Nathaniel Allen, at Beverly, Apr. 19, 1768.
Mary, of Wenham, and Ebenezer Lee, at Wenham, Mar. 29, 1768.
Richard, and Lucy Dennis, Feb. 3, 1811. C.R.
Richard, Capt., and Abigail Hooper, Nov. 2, 1823.
Cyntha Sharlotte, of Boston, and Tyler Parsons, int. Feb. 5, 1837.
TOPPAN (see also Tappan)
Benjamin, Rev., and Mrs. Elezebeth March, int. Oct. 5, 1746.
TOPPEN (see also Tappan)
Nabby, Mrs., and John Wingate Chase of Portsmouth, June 18, 1782.
George, of Marblehead, and Lucy Allen, Sept. 13, 1772.
Charles H., and Martha R. Ropes of Boston, int. Sept. 18, 1849.
Mary A. [Abigail. int.], and John L. Eaton, Jan. 6, 1836.
Moses, of Gloucester, and Mary Hill, Nov. 9, 1753.
William T., of Beverly, and Lydia Morgan, June 29, 1818. C.R.
Samuel, and Oliva A. Simonds, June 14, 1837.
Samuell, and Mary Ann Hughes of Ipswich, int. May 12, 1839.
Thomas, and Frances [H. int. M. C.R.] Andrews of Ipswich, Dec. 3, 1835.
Samuel, and Mary Perry, May 10, 1796.
Abraham, and Anna Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Oct. 2, 1789.
Abigail, and Moses May, Jan. 14, 1762.
Anna, and Francis [Francisco. int.] De Silver, Mar. 14, 1771.
Betsy, and Abner Allen, jr., Oct. 19, 1818. C.R.
Deborah Lee, and Delucena Lathrop Bingham, Jan. 31, 1788.
Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Mastus [Marsturs. int.], Nov. 22, 1742. C.R,
Elizabeth, and Andrew Woodbery, Nov. 18, 1754.
Elizabeth, and Joseph Belcher, Mar. 8, 1759.
Evoline [Aveline. int.], and [Capt. C.R.] Charles Leach, July 4, 1831.
Harriet R., and Samuel Fielder of Beverly, Feb. 3, 1833.
Henry, and Joanna H. Drew of Somersworth, int. Dec. 28, 1806.
John, and Sarah Pears [Perase. int.], June 18, 1734.
John, jr., and Esther Carter, July 4, 1771.
John, jr., and Betsey Day, Dec. 3, 1795.
John [jr. int.], Capt., and Nabby Carter, Sept. 13, 1804. C.R.
John, Capt., and Rachel Symons, int. Jan. 1, 1809.
John, and Rebecca Widger, Jan. 17, 1822.
Levi, and Margaret Lee, Jan. 11, 1818. C.R.
Lidia, of Beverly, and Jeremiah Allen, at Beverly, Nov. 14, 1727.
Lydia, and Asa Osborn [jr. int.], of Beverly, Jan. 30, 1823.
Maria, and Stephen Story [jr. int.], of Ipswich, June 8, 1817. C.R.
Mary [Mrs. int.], and Jonathan Brown, at Gloucester, Nov. 19, 1767.
Mary Ann, and Andrew Brown, jr., Oct. 25, 1832.
Polly, and John Camel, int. July 19, 1800.
Rebecca W., a. 21 y., tailoress, d. John and Rebecca, and Edward Flint, a. 26 y., cabinet maker, s. Willerd and Mary, Dec. 23, 1845.
Ruth, and David Presson of Beverly, Dec. 19, 1765.
Samuel, and Bethiah Baker, May 10, 1796.
Samuel L. [jr. int.], and Harriet Allen, Mar. 29, 1825.
Sarah, of Beverly, and Samuel Allen, jr., at Beverly, May 1, 1717.
Sarah, Mrs., of Beverly, and Dea. Benjamin Allen, at Beverly, Dec. 8, 1720.
Sarah W., and Wiseman B. Parker, Dec. 4, 1834.
Sewell, of Beverly, and Ruth Raymond [Ruth Lee. int.], May 21, 1772.
William, of Beverly, and Mary Lee, Nov. 24, 1763.
William, Capt., and Mrs. Elizabeth Lee of Salem, int. Apr. 30, 1779.
William, Esq., and Lydia Badcock, Jan. 2, [1801. int.]
William [2d. int.], and Rebecah Allen, Apr. 28, 1805. C.R.
William, Esq., and Polly [Molly. int.] Morgan, July 22, 1807. C.R.
William, Capt., and Elizabeth Hassam, Nov. 13, 1831.
George B., of Lynn, and Lucy [Ann L. int.] Girdler, Nov. 26, 1834.
George W., and Mary Elizabeth Burnham of Essex, int. Oct. 4, 1849.
TUCKSBURY (see also Tewksbury)
Mary, and John Owens of Marblehead, at Marblehead, June 13, 1687.
TUKESBERY (see also Tewksbury)
John, and Elisabeth Hilton May 14, 1749.
TUXBARY (see also Tewksbury)
Thomas, and Rebeckah Foster, Dec. 27, 1722.
TUXBERY (see also Tewksbury)
Mary, and Robert Long, July 15, 1723.
Ezekiel, of Reading, and Anna Edwards, Aug. 9, 1741. T.C.
Edward B. S., and Louisa A. Lee, Oct. 24, 1841. T.C.
WABBAR (see also Webber)
Johon [John, jr. int.], and Mary Crowal, Dec. 3, 1733.
Hiram, a. 21 y., blacksmith, b. Lennox, N.Y., s. Henry and Mary A. W., of Lenox, N.Y., and Mary A. Peart, a. 17 y., b. Providence, R.I., d. Daniel and Mary, Apr. 5, 1847.
William [Wiett. int.], of Wenham, and Lucy Crose, Sept. 22, 1791.
Elias, of Salem, and Lucinda Drew, int. Apr. 10, 1832.
Nathaniell, of Wenham, and Sarah Harsham, May 14, 1735.
Sarah, and William Allin, Nov. 19, 1700.
WALLACE (see also Wallis)
Hannah, of Beverly, and Isaac P. Smith, int. Apr. 23, 1826.
WALLAS (see also Wallis)
Anna, and Thomas Hill, int. May 9, 1736.
WALLASE (see also Wallis)
George, and Annah [Bishop. C.T.R.], Apr. 30, 1717. [1718. C.R.]
WALLLS (see also Wallace, Wallas, Wallase)
Elsey, of Beverly, and David Morgan, int. Sept. 24, 1826.
Joseph C., of Beverly, and Sally Ayers, Aug. 18, 1835.
Mary, Mrs., of Beverley, and Isaac Allen, int. Jan. 10, 1808.
James, and Elizabeth Easty, int. June 26, 1756.
Mary Ann, of Beverly, and Andrew Roberts, Nov. 9, 1836.
Abraham, and Sally Padison, Nov. 13, 1785.
WARREN (see also Warrin, Worring)
Abigail, and John Ashbee, Apr. 3, 1738.
Mary, and Samuel Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 27, 1763.
Mary, see Foster, Mary.
WARRIN (see also Warren)
Rebburt, and Elizabeth Bennit, Dec. 11, 1700.
Robert, and Mary Norten, Feb. 8, 1727-8.
Robert, and Elizabeth Norton, Nov. 8, 1742. C.R.
Elkanah [Elkanah. int.], of Plymouth, and Patience Marston, Nov. 7, 1754.
John H., a. 24 y., cabinet maker, s. John and Mary, and Emily P. Lynn, a. 18 y., tailoress, d. William and Elizabeth, Mar. 9, 1845.
Marston, and Mrs. Lucy Lee, Mar. 30, 1779.
John C., and Lucy Ann Procter of Essex, Mar. 31, 1840.
William [Capt. int.], of Glocester, and [wid. int.] Elizabeth Holland, Apr. 21, 1763.
WEBBER (see also Wabbar, Weebber, Weeber)
Mary, and Thomas Day of Glocester, Feb. 19, 1745-6.
Nancy, of Gloucester, and [Capt. C.R.] John Hooper, Mar. 14, 1829.
Sarah J., of Beverly, and David C. Pittee, int. Nov. 4, 1848.
WEEBBER (see also Webber)
Andrew, and Johana Weebber of Ipswich, int. Dec. 12, 1736.
Johana, of Ipswich, and Andrew Weebber, int. Dec. 12, 1736.
WEEBER (see also Webber)
Terrance, and Prudance Bishop, June 28, 1731.
William, of Lynn [of Salem. int.], and Martha Goldsmith, Jan. 3, 1836.
John, and Elizabeth Craft, Apr. 17, 1806. C.R.
John, of Danvers, and Sally Jones, int. Nov. 18, 1848.
WELLES (see also Wells)
Thomas, and Betsey Allen, Mar. 22, 1807. C.R.
WELLS (see also Welles)
Betsey A., and Daniel Osgood, Sept. 23, 1832.
John C., a. 31 y., cabinet maker, b. Sanbornton, N.H., s. Enoch and Catharine, of Amesbury, and Eliza A. Kinsman, a. 21 y., d. Samuel and Rachel, Dec. 17, 1846.
Samuel, and Jane Lee, May 20, 1824.
Betsy, and Nehemiah Goldsmith, June 14, 1818. C.R.
Christan, of Beverly, and Andrew Day, at Beverly, Sept. 11, 1753.
Edward S., and Mary A. McCartney, Dec. 20, 1841. T.C.
Elizabeth, and Joseph Woodbery, Dec. 19, 1687.
Isaac S., and Nancy N. Kitfield, int. June 9, 1839.
John, of Beverly, and Mary Lee, at Beverly, June 1, 1675.
John, and Lucy Goldsmith, July 20, 1820.
John [a. 83 y. C.R.], and Hannah Kilham [a. 63 y. C.R.], Sept. 9, 1830.
Mary, and Paul Hanson of Washington Plantation, Me., Feb. 29, 1813. C.R.
Harriet [Ann. int.], and Benjamin Cleaves of Beverly, Feb. 11, 1835.
Sarah M., a. 26 y., b. Cape Breton, d. Joseph and Mary Ann, of Arrowshot, C. B., and Horace Ross, a. 27 y., cabinet maker, b. Ipswich, s. Ephram and Elizabeth, of Ipswich, May 6, 1845.
William E., and Sarah A. Edwards, Mar. 18, 1844. T.C.
Jane H., a. 18 y., b. Warner, Vt., d. Plummer and Sally, and David Tenney, a. 22 y., butcher, b. Londondary, s. ----, of Londondary, Oct. 24, 1847.
Lydia A., of Lowell, and John D. Hildreth, int. Sept. 21, 1847.
Martha, of Gloucestere, and Joseph Knowlton, int. Mar. 24, 1775.
WHITNEY (see also Witney)
Alfred, of Boston, and Ann [H. int.] Goldsmith, Dec. 1, 1836.
Lydia, of Beverly, and William Bennet, at Ipswich, Aug. 26, 1729.
Louisa, a. 24 y., d. Samuel and Lucy, and Aaron Bennett, a. 28 y., cabinet maker, s. David and Abigail, Apr. 14, 1845.
Lucy Jane, and Augustus Haskel, Feb. 27, 1839.
Rebecca, and John Tuck, Jan. 17, 1822.
Samuel G., and Lucy Cross, May 9, 1819. C.R.
James L, and Mary A. Barker of Stratham, N.H., int. May 19, 1839.
Mary, and William Lofty [jr. int.], Dec. 25, 1768.
WILLAMS (see also Williams)
Abbigel, and John Hender, Oct. 25, 1722.
Daniel, jr., and Sarah Marstus, Mar. 14, 1729.
WILLIAMS (see also Willams)
Abigail, and Samuel Allin, at Marblehead, Mar. 17, 1686.
Daniell, and Abigaill Marsters, Nov. 5, 1724.
Elesabeth, and Jeremiah Hibert, jr., int. Nov. 18, 1733.
Hester A., of Readfield, and Daniel W. Hillier, int. Apr. 21, 1835.
John, of Beverly, and Elisabeth Bishop, at Beverly, Nov. 1, 1705.
Joseph, of Beverly, and [Mrs. int.] Molly Leach, Nov. ----, 1784.
Samuel, and Mary Presson, Dec. 16, 1720.
Samuel M., and Mariam Burgis, Nov. 4, 1817. C.R.
Thomas, and Betsy Richards, int. Dec. 31, 1819.
William, and Sarah Degarr, Oct. 12, 1760.
WILLMONTON (see also Wilmonton)
Lydia Ann, and Goram Morse, Dec. 20, 1841. T.C.
Thomas, and Louisa Ann Andrews of Gloucester, Dec. 5, 1839.
WILMINGTON (see also Wilminton)
Jacob, and Eliza A. [Ann. int.] Crumby, Sept. 1, 1833.
Mary E., and William Stone, Jan. 15, 1838.
WILMINTON (see also Wilmington)
Charles, and Sally Lee, Nov. 28, 1805. C.R.
WILMONTON (see also Willmonton)
Charles, and Alice Morse, Nov. 15, 1829.
Sally, and Issachar Morgan, Dec. 30, 1830. [Nov. 28. C.R.]
Samuel [Willmington. C.R.], and Sally Morgan, Nov. 21, 1831.
Otis, Rev., of Gloucester, and Mrs. Lucy Marsters, int. Oct. 9, 1836.
WITNEY (see also Whitney)
Elnathan, and Mrs. Lucy Story, Mar. 7, 1784.
Joseph, of Lynn, and Hannah L. Marsters, June 13, 1835.
WOODBARY (see also Woodbury)
Joseph, and Elezebeth Dalan [Dolan. int.] , June 28, 1723.
Mary, and Benjamen. Preson, Apr. 15, 1723.
Samuel, and Mary Helton, int. Oct. 18, 1719. T.C.
WOODBERRY (see also Woodbury)
Abigail [Abigail Forster. T.C.], and Richard Leach, at Beverly, Nov. 24, 1715.
Abigail, and John Lee [4th int.], Oct. 16, 1740. C.R.
Anna, and Israel Forster, at Ipswich, Nov. 2, 1724.
Anna, of Beverly, and William Stone, at Beverly, Sept. 24, 1761.
Anna, of Beverly, and Abraham Trout, at Beverly, Oct. 2, 1789.
Anna ["Messes." int.], of Beverly, and Eleazer Craft, at Beverly, Dec. 12, 1793.
Azariah, of Beverly, and Anne Bennett, Sept. 16, 1765.
Azariah, of Beverly, and Louisa Peart, int. Jan. 2, 1831.
Elisabeth, of Beverly, and Samuel Bennett, at Beverly, Sept. 9, 1773.
Elizabeth, and Ezekiel Knowlton, Feb. 2, 1762.
Hannah, and Nathaniel Masters, at Beverly, Nov. 24, 1715.
Hannah, and William Bennit, at Beverly, Jan. 18, 1760.
Jacob, of Beverly, and Betty Haskell, int. July 18, 1801.
Jacob, and Saloma Morgan, Aug. 16, 1829.
James, of Beverly, and Abigail Worten, at Beverly, Nov. 24, 1752.
Larkin, and Louisa T. Lee, Nov. 5, 1822.
Lydia, of Beverly, and Aaron Lovice, int. Dec. 3, 1774.
Mary, of Beverly, and Solomon Lee, at Beverly, Nov. 7, 1776.
Samuel, of Beverly, and Mary Warrin, at Beverly, Jan. 27, 1763.
Samuel, and Mary Boyles, Feb. 7, 1771.
WOODBERY (see also Woodbury)
Andrew, and Elizabeth Tuck, Nov. 18, 1754.
Benjamin, and Elizebeth Carter, Nov. 15, 1725.
Elizabeth, and Shadrack Norton, Dec. 25, 1709.
Hannah, and Nathaniell Mastus, Nov. 24, 1715.
Joseph, and Elizabeth West, Dec. 19, 1687.
Joseph [jr. int.], and Dorothy Harris of Salem [of Beverly. int.], Feb. 5, 1754.
Samuell, and Sarah Prasson, int. Jan. 22, 1743-4.
Sarah, and Timothy Donoway, Jan. 23, 1755.
John, of Newbury, and Elizabeth Norton, at Newbury, Feb. 24, 1706.
WOODBURRY (see also Woodbury)
Asa, and Ann Crafts, Jan. 9, 1833.
WOODBURY (see also Woodbary, Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodburry.)
Andrew, and [Mrs. int.] Elezebeth Edwards, Nov. 4, 1790.
Ann [Anna, Mrs. int.], and Oliver Osborn of Beverly, Nov. 22, 1838.
Anna [Anne. int. ], of Beverly, and David Bennett, Oct. 19, 1775.
Barnet, of Ipswich, and [Mrs. int.] Margaret Orsment, Dec. 15, 1785.
Bethiah Lovet, and Paul Thisell, both of Beverly, Sept. 5, 1793.
Betsey, "Mrss.," of Ipswich, and Samuell Bare, int. Oct. 27, 1793.
Dorothy, and John Austin, Feb. 14, 1760.
Elezebeth, Mrs., and Benjamin Ober, jr., Oct. 23, 1777.
Ezra, of Beverely, and Anna Badcock, int. Aug. 26, 1739.
Henry, a. 23 y., shoemaker, s. Daniel and Jane, and Elizabeth Allen, a. 20 y., d. Samuel and Abigail, Dec. 19, 1848.
Larkin, widr., a. 54 y., cabinet maker, b. Beverly, s. Asa and Anna, of Beverly, and Emily S. Goldsmith, a. 21 y., d. Zacheus and Olive, Nov. 4, 1848.
Nickolas, and Rebeckah Allen, Dec. 28, 1785.
Rebeckah [of Hamilton. int.], and James Abbot, Dec. 2, 1805. C.R.
William, of Reading, and Lydia Morse, Aug. 30, 1824.
Zebulun, and Betsy Ober, both of Beverly, June 18, 1816. C.R.
Gideon [jr. int.], of Newbury, and Lucretia Baker, Jan. 6, 1822.
Thomas, Rev., of New Salsbury, N.H., and ["Mress." int.] Deborah Lee, Mar. 11, 1792.
WORRING (see also Warren)
Elizabeth, and John Pary of Marbelhead, Feb. 3, 1731-2.
Abigail, and James Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 24, 1752.
Sally Leach, of Wenham, and Samuel Huggins of Wakefield, N.H., July 3, 1817. C.R.
Simon, of Wenham, and Elezebeth Crose, Oct. 16, 1783.
Hannah, of Gloucester, and William Knights, at Gloucester, Mar. 18, 1729.
Samuel, of Gloucester, and Betsey Dow, June 16, 1841. T.C.
Charles, and Abigail Hooper, May 24, 1812. C.R.
John W., and Nabby Elliot, both of Beverly, Apr. 8, 1812. C.R.
John W., and Nancy Ober, both of Beverly, Mar. 30, 1819. C.R.
William [widr. C.R.], of Gloucester, and Elizabeth C. Allen, Apr. 20, 1842. T.C.
Morris, of Gloucester, and Mary E. Burnham, int. Nov. 24, 1833.
Bristol, and Violet, "Capt. John Forster's," Feb. 5, 1762.
Cahale, Violet, and John Roberson of Salem, Aug. 9, 1798.
Cheever, Dina, and Seaser Conaway of Ipswich, int. Nov. 11, 1804.
Clarke, Rachal, and Greace, Sept. 3, 1788.
Conaway, Seaser, of Ipswich, and Dina Cheever, int. Nov. 11, 1804.
Dilla [Dele. int.], and Stephen "Sarvents to Samuell Lee, jr.," Mar. 6, 1734. [1733-4. C.R.]
Greace, and Rachal Clarke, Sept. 5, 1788.
Lee, Rachel, and Parker Lemons of Essex, Dec. 8, 1822.
Lemons, Parker, of Essex, and Rachel Lee, Dec. 8, 1822.
Phelis, and Seser, "Belonging to Capt. Samuell Lee," Apr. 9, 1778.
Roberson, John, of Salem, and Violet Cahale, Aug. 9, 1798.
Seser, and Philes, "Belonging to Capt. Samuel Lee," Apr. 9, 1778.
Stephen, and Dilla [Dele. int.], "Sarvents to Samuel Lee, Jr.," Mar. 6, 1734. [1733-4. C.R.]
Violet, and Bristol, "Capt. John Forster's," Feb. 5, 1762.