Early Settlers Before 1665
Compiled by G. W. Chamberlain
Extracted From
Proceedings of the
Two Hundred Seventy-fifth Anniversary
of Malden, Massachusetts, 1924
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

ADAMS, James, came from Dorsetshire to Weymouth, 1635; settled in Malden as early as 1649.
BARRETT, James, was an inhabitant of Charlestown 1643, Malden 1648.
BRACKENBURY, William, inhabitant of Charlestown 1629, had lands granted at Mystic Side 1634 & 1638.
BUCKMAN, William, inhabitant of Charlestown 1647, of Malden (now Everett), 1649.
BURDITT, Robert, appears as settler in Malden, 1652.
CARRINGTON, Edward, turner, inhabitant of Charlestown, 1633, had lands granted to him at Mystic Side, 1638
CHADWICK, John, settler at Mystic Side, 1648
DEXTER, Richard, inhabitant of Mystic Side, 1648; purchased the Dexter Farm 1663
GREEN, James, inhabitant of Charlestown 1634, of Mystic Side 1648
GREEN, Corporal John of the Hill, came from London to Charlestown 1632; had land granted at Mystic Side 1637
GREEN, Thomas, inhabitant of Lynn 1646, of Malden 1651
GREENLAND, John, carpenter, had land granted at Mystic Side, 1638
GROVER, Thomas, inhabitant of Charlestown 1643, of Malden before 1653
HILL, Abraham, inhabitant of Charlestown 1636; of Mystic Side 1634; tender of the Coytemore Mill 1643-1670
HILLS, Joseph, came from Maldon, Old England, 1638 to Charlestown; of Mystic Side 1648
HOWARD, Samuel, inhabitant of Malden, 1652-1671. Came to Charlestown from England, in ship Elizabeth in 1635.
LANE, Job, carpenter, came from Misenden, Buckinghamshire, to Dorchester; built the Second Meeting House in Malden, 1658; owner of the Coytemore Mill property 1666 to 1697.
LEWIS, John, inhabitant of Charlestown 1634; had lands granted to him at Mystic Side 1637.
LYNDE, Thomas, maltster, inhabitant of Charlestown 1634; hd grants of land at Mystic Side 1637
MUDGE, Thomas, inhabitant of Malden, 1657
NICHOLS, James, inhabitant of Malden, 1660
PIERCE, Samuel, inhabitant of Malden 1656
PRATT, Richard, came from Maldon, Old England, to Charlestown 1649; and Malden 1650
SARGENT, William, clergyman, came from Northampton, England to Charlestown 1638; Mystic Side (now Everett) 1648.
SKINNER, Thomas, victualler, came from Chichester in Sussex, England, to Mystic Side 1645
SPRAGUE, Ralph, came from Fordington St. George, Dorchester, England, in the Lion's Whelp, 1629; settled in Malden on Mystic Side 1648
TUFTS, Peter, planter, inhabitant of Mystic Side before 1638
UPHAM, John, came from Dorsetshire 1635 to Weymouth; Malden 1648; selectman 1650.
UPHAM, Lt. Phineas, came to Malden with his father in 1648. Mortally wounded in the Great Swamp Fight of King Philip's War, in 1675, at Kingston, R.I., where he led the attack, after his captain fell early in the action.
WAYTE, John, came from Wethersfield, England, and was settler at Mystic Side 1648
WHITTEMORE, Thomas, came from Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England, 1639; inhabitant of Malden (now Everett)
WIGGLESWORTH, Rev. Michael, minister of the First Parish and Church of Malden, 1655-1705