Vital Records Of Lowell Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

ABBOTT (Abbot)
Abiel, July 26, 1798.
Anna P., d. Samuel and Hephzibah. Feb. 5, 1841.
Caroline Mercy, d. Josiah Gardner and Caroline, bp. Aug. 4, 1839. C.R.1.
Caroline Trull, at Andover, Apr. 6, 1820.
Charles Horace, s. Joshua and Fanny (Davis), May 13, 1833.
Charles William, s. Charles and Jane, Oct. 22, 1835.
Charlotte, d. Abiel and Ruth (Morrill), Sept. 12, 1830.
Edward Gardner, s. Josiah G. and Caroline, bp. Apr. 4, 1841. C.R.1.
Edward [Thayer. C.R.1.], s. Ziba, trader, and Elizabeth, Jan. 30, 1844.
Edwin Agustus Clark (Abbot), s. Abiel and Ruth (Morrill), in New York City, Nov. 14, 1834.
Elcy Frances Locke (Abbot), d. Walter, trader, and Elcy P., Mar. 13, 1845.
Elizabeth Maria, d. Ziba and Elizabeth (Thayer), Jan. 14, 1837.
Fletcher Morton, s. Josiah Gardner and Caroline, bp. Apr. 5, 1843. C.R.1.
George Henry (Abbot), s. Ziba and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 27, 1843. C.R.1.
George W., s. Samuel B., carpenter, and Rachel, Nov. 4, 1843.
Henry Joshua (Abbot), s. Joshua and Fanny (Davis), Sept. 21, 1830.
Henry Livermore, s. Josiah Gardner and Caroline, bp. Apr. 5, 1843. C.R.1.
John Morrill (Abbot), s. Abiel and Ruth (Morrill), Jan. 14, 1829.
Lauretta, d. Samuel B., carpenter, and Rachel U., May 11, 1846.
Lucy Frye, d. Joshua and Fanny (Davis), Jan. 15, 1838.
Ruth (Abbot), d. Abiel and Ruth (Morrill), July 23, 1832.
Samuel Appleton Brown, s. Josiah G[ardner. C.R.1.] and Caroline L., Mar. 6, 1846.
Samuel B., s. Josiah G., counsellor, and Caroline, Mar. 6, 1846.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Ziba and Elizabeth (Thayer), Feb. 25, 1835.
Sarah J., d. Samuel [dentist. dup.] and Hephzibah, Dec. 22, 1843.
Susan Harriet, d. Joshua and Fanny (Davis), Sept. 22, 1835.
William Garrison (Abbot), s. Henry, lumberman, and Caroline, June 28, 1846.
William Stackpole, s. Josiah G[ardner. C.R.1.], attorney at law, and Caroline, Nov. 18, 1844.
Elepha Maria, d. Lyman, laborer, and Ann Maria, Nov. 8, 1848.
Abigail, d. David and Ann, bp. Mar. 25, 1844. C.R.1.
Catharine H., d. Thomas, trader, and Catharine, Sept. 13, 1844.
Clarrissa Maria, d. Simon and Mariah, Aug. 31, 1830.
Edward, s. Cyrus G. P., tin worker, and Nancy, Nov. 2, 1847.
Eliza J., d. Lewis G. P., shoemaker, and Eliza F., Apr. 24, 1844.
Eliza Jane, d. Jonathan and Gracy Ann, bp. June 29, 1832. C.R.1.
Elizabeth Bartlett, d. Simon and Mariah, Aug. 12, 1836.
Emma F., d. Smith, tripe dealer, and Lydia, Oct. 28, 1843.
Frank, s. Charles, clergyman, b. Stratham, N.H., and Sarah E., b. Rye, N.H., Sept. 25, 1849.
Frank Albert, s. Michael J., trader, and Julia R. (?) May 19, 1846.
George L., s. Emery H., carpenter, and Lovana, Feb. 13 1849.
George Washington, s. John and Eliza, Jan. 3, 1832.
Harry, s. H. D., jeweler, and Susan T., May 30, 1848.
Helen A., d. Alfred W., gas fitter, b. Milford, and Rebecca, Oct. 16, 1849.
Helen J., d. Cyrus P., tin plate worker, and Nancy A., Mar. 31, 1846.
Henry Edward, s. Jonthan and Gracy Ann, bp. June 9, 1831. C.R.1.
Henry Harrington, s. Charles J., city marshal, and Mary, Sept. 13, 1844.
Henry Sylvanus, s. Sylvanus and Caroline (Wesson), Sept. 8, 1839.
John Clark, s. Sylvanus and Caroline (Wesson), Feb. 17, 1837.
John Quincy, s. Smith, tripe dealer, and Lydia, July 9, 1848.
Landon, s. Landon, manufacturer, and Mary F[rances. dup.], July 12, 1845.
Martha Adelaide, d. John W., tin worker, and Mary O., Aug. 15, 1847.
Mary Clark, d. Shuhael P., machinist, and Lydia, Nov. 25, 1847.
Mary F., d. Charles J., sheriff, b. Haverhill, N.H., and Mary P., b. Lexington, Aug. 17, 1849.
Mary Frances, d. Landen and Mary Frances, Mar. 30, 1836.
Mary Julia, d. Simon and Mariah, July 9, 1833.
Nancy Scarlet, d. John W., trader, and Mary O., Apr. 26, 1845.
Orin Edward, s. Elisha, butcher, and Sally, Oct. 2, 1846.
Phineas, s. Phineas, paymaster, and Elizabeth P., Dec. 26, 1844.
Sarah Ann, d. David and Ann, bp. Mar. 25, 1844. C.R.1.
Silence C., at Holliston, July 1, 1801.
----, s. Horace J., upholsterer, and Elsa, Apr. 23, 1843.
----, d. John S., machinist, and Dorothy W., Jan. 13, 1848.
----, s. John S., machinist, b. Haverhill, N.H., and Dorothy W., b. Parsonsfield, Me., Aug. 6, 1849.
Albert L., s. Charles A., manufacturer, and Catherine G., Oct. 16, 1845.
Charles, s. Charles A., manufacturer, and C. G., Aug. 5, 1843.
Henry Francis Cheever, s. Charles and Lucina W., bp. Nov. 5. 1841. C.R.1.
Elizabeth Jane, d. William, watchman, and Elizabeth, Dec. 14, 1847.
Ellen Maria [Helen Maria McMaster. C.R.4.], s. (sic) William. laborer, and Elizabeth N., Apr. 19, 1846.
William Alexander, s. William, manufacturer, and Elizabeth, both b. Scotland, Sept. 15, 1849.
AHERN, see Hern.
Elizabeth Holmes, d. Benjamin F., trader, and Elizabeth, June 9, 1847.
Jane Appleton, d. John, agent for Lawrence Corporation, and Mary M., Jan. 5, 1845.
Peter, s. Thomas, laborer, and Ann, Feb. 14, 1845.
AINLEY (Ainsley)
Mary Milnes, d. William H. and Susannah, bp. Nov. 1, 1846. C.R.1.
Milnes (Ainsley), d. William H., machinist, and Susanna, Oct. 13, 1846.
Sarah E., d. Henry, machinist, and Susan, both b. England, July 26, 1849.
Sarah Louisa, d. Henry and Susan. bp. July 11, 1849. C.R.1.
Ann, d. Michael and Ellen, bp. Oct. 4, 1847. C.R.1.
Squier, s. Michael and Ellen, bp. Oct. 4, 1847. C.R.1.
----, d. Gilman, peddler, and Abby, Mar. 7, 1848.
Abby Ann, d. Daniel, manufacturer, and Mary, July 28, 1846.
Albert Reed, s. David, blacksmith, and Nancy, July 23, 1847.
----, d. Dexter, manufacturer, and Mary A., Feb. 4, 1844.
ALDRICH (Aldridge)
Abby Isabella, d. Milton, shuttle maker, and Hannah G. T., May 21, 1847.
Abby V. (Aldridge), d. Liberty, locksmith, and Lovisa, Aug. 5, 1846.
George Washington, s. Alpheas and Sally, Oct. 25, 1830.
William Kelley, s. Milton, shuttle maker, and Hannah G., Nov. 5, 1844.
----, s. Warren, laborer, and Harriet, Apr. 23, 1844.
[James. C.R.1.], s. Richard, sailor [deceased. C.R.1.], and Elizabeth B., Mar. 25, 1846.
Jane, d. Richard, laborer, and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1843.
Abby Louisa, d. Daniel N., manufacturer, and Sarah A., Feb. 19, 1845.
Edwin Augustus, s. Edwin A., counsellor, and Amanda M., Oct. 19, 1846.
Esther E., d. Daniel M., laborer, b. Hanover, N.H., and Sarah A., b. Dorchester, Aug. 5, 1849.
Frances Cleora, d. E. A., lawyer, and Amanda M., Oct. 11, 1848.
Nathan Cram, s. Daniel M., "agent for Eagle H. H. Insurance Co. & Co.", and Sarah A., May 14, 1847.
Abby Ann, d. James M., machinist, and Alice, July 5, 1847.
Adelaide Heywood, d. John and Sarah, bp. Apr. 30, 1837. C.R.1.
Catherine, d. Austin and Eliza R. (Ordway) at Baltimore, July 8, 1847.
Charles, s. John and Sarah, bp. Apr. 30, 1837. C.R.1.
Charles Frank, s. William H., mechanic, and Mary A., July 9, 1847.
[Charles H. different ink.], s. Otis, chandler, and Louisa, Apr. 15, 1848.
Charles Otis, s. Otis Lee and Charlotte Bates, Jan. 23, 1836.
Daniel, "born 10 days," s. Timothy and Mary, bp. Aug. 25, 1839. C.R.5.
Frank Allston. s. Austin and Eliza R. (Ordway), at Baltimore, Dec. 2, 1843.
Frank Colman, s. Edmund C., salesman, and Almira P., Apr. 23, 1848.
George Bates, s. Otis L., trader, and Charlotte B., June 29, 1846.
George Warren, s. John and Sarah, bp. Apr. 30, 1837. C.R.1.
Harriet, d. Austin and Eliza R. (Ordway), Aug. 19, 1838.
Isaac Lathrop, s. Isaac L., victualler, and Sarah A., at Nashua, N.H., Sept. 6, 1846.
James, s. Timothy and Mary, Apr. 16, 1841. C.R.5.
James Campbell, s. John Penly and Sarah, bp. Oct. 30, 1839. C.R.1.
James Penly, s. John P. and Sarah, bp. Apr. 15, 1843. C.R.1.
Jeremiah, s. Timothy and Mary, bp. Feb. 23, 1845. C.R.3.
Julia, d. Austin and Eliza R. (Ordway), at Boston, Feb. 6, 1836.
Louisa Albina, d. Jonathan, book binder, and Albina, July 23, 1844.
Mary, d. Timothy and Mary, Apr. 15, 1843. C.R.5.
Mary Ann, d. John and Mary Agon, Dec. 10, 1847. C.R.3.
Mary Jane, d. John and Sarah, bp. Apr. 30, 1837. C.R.1.
Mary L., d. Otis L., trader, and Charlotte, both b. Mansfield, Oct. 26, 1849.
Mary Ordway, d. Austin and Eliza R. (Ordway), at Baltimore, Oct. 24, 1840.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. John and Sarah, bp. Jan. 28, 1837. C.R.1.
Sarah Jane, d. Otis and Louisa Bixby, Aug. 8, 1832.
Thomas, s. John, butcher, and Mary [Eagan. C.R.3.], Apr. 20, 1849. [Apr. 23. C.R.3.]
Thomas Otis, s. Otis and Louisa Bixby, Apr. 29, 1835.
William Henry, s. John and Sarah, bp. Apr. 30, 1837. C.R.1.
Rosanna, d. Charles and Asenath, bp. Jan. 17, 1845. C.R.1.
Elizabeth C., d. George H., machinist, b. Little Compton, and Elizabeth, b. England, Oct. 16, 1849.
John, s. Stephen and Ellen, Mar. 23, 1845. C.R.3.
John [Edward. C.R.3.], s. Michael, laborer, and Hannah [Honora Sullovan. C.R.3.], Sept. 7, 1847.
Joseph, s. Michael and Honora, Mar. 17, 1849. C.R.3.
Mary, d. Stephen and Ellen, Feb. 6, 1847. C.R.5.
William, s. Michael, laborer, and Hannah, Dec. 11, 1845.
Ardell Lavor, s. Seth C., physician, and Abby E., Oct. 7, 1848.
Emily Girdlestone, d. Joseph and Sarah Fisher, bp. Aug. 3, 1849. C.R.1.
Fisher, s. Seth and Margaret (Stevenson), Jan. 24, 1838.
Frances Worthington, d. Seth and Margaret (Stevenson), Aug. 16, 1832.
George Theodore, s. Theodore, trader, and Charlotte H., Aug. 1, 1844.
John Worthington, s. Seth and Margaret (Stevenson), Nov. 23, 1833.
Pelham Warren, s. Seth and Margaret (Stevenson), Apr. 22, 1839.
William, s. William, grocer, and Olive J., Apr. 13, 1846.
----, ch. Seth and Margaret (Stevenson), Dec. 25, 1840.
----, s. S. C., physician, and Abby, Sept. 26, 1843.
AMES, see Eames.
Addison, s. Robert, carpenter, and Almira, May 2, 1846.
Anna Francis, d. Peter, manufacturer, and Martha, Jan. 13, 1849.
Herman Monrad, s. Peter, accountant, and Rebekah, Aug. 24, 1844.
Mary, d. William and Ellen, Feb. 25, 1845. C.R.5.
Robert Jane (sic), s. Peter, painter, and Isabella, Apr. 2, 1848.
ANDREWS (Andrew)
Amos C., s. Daniel, teamster, and Lydia, Oct. 17, 1843.
Charles Edwin, s. Ephraim and Loisa, bp. Dec. 16, 1846. C.R.1.
Charles Henry, s. Charles C., overseer, and Elizabeth, Jan. 20, 1848.
Clinton, s. Daniel S., teamster, and Lydia Ann, June 3, 1847.
Eliza, d. ----, machinist, and Eliza, Mar. ----, 1849.
Ephraim Francis, s. Ephraim and Loisa, bp. Apr. 13, 1838. C.R.1.
Frederic, s. Ephraim, machinist, and Louisa, Nov. 3, 1847.
George Bird, s. Jeremiah, machinist, and Julia, July 14, 1848.
George Harris, s. John, manufacturer, and Mary Ann, Feb. 3, 1848.
George Lyman, s. Ephraim and Loisa, bp. Sept. 1, 1833. C.R.1.
Henry Holden, s. Ephraim and Loisa, bp. Sept. 1, 1833. C.R.1.
Loisa Maria, d. Ephraim and Loisa, bp. Sept. 1, 1833. C.R.1.
Margarett Jane, d. David and Jane, bp. Mar. ----, 1847. C.R.4.
Mary, d. Stephen, laborer, and Ellen, Mar. 1, 1847.
Mary Eliza (Andrew), d. Aaron, machinist, and Eliza, Apr. 21, 1849.
Mary J., d. David, laborer, and Jane, Nov. 2, 1846.
Ruth Jane, d. Ephraim and Loisa, bp. June 3, 1836. C.R.1.
Susan Amanda, d. Ephraim and Loisa, bp. Sept. 1, 1833. C.R.1.
Victor B., s. James B. and Margaret Jane (Gemel), Feb. 5, 1840.
----, d. Daniel S., teamster, and Lydia A., Apr. 13, 1845.
----, d. John, fuller, and Hannah, Apr. 23, 1845.
----, d. Aaron, carpenter, and Eliza, Apr. 22, 1846.
----, s. John, manufacturer, and Ann, Feb. 5, 1847.
----, s. John H., operative, b. Lisbon, Me., and Emeline M., b. Waitsfield, Vt., July 24, 1849.
Franklin Anson Webster, s. Anson and Dolly Perham, Dec. 17, 1833.
----, s. Rollins B., laborer, and Eliza, May 22, 1845.
Agnes Melora, d. Isaac and Ann Maria, bp. June 8, 1843. C.R.1.
Edward Isaac, d. Isaac and Ann Maria, bp. June 8, 1843. C.R.1.
Eliza Francis, d. Isaac and Ann Maria, bp. June 8, 1843. C.R.1.
George Theodore, s. Isaac and Ann Maria, bp. June 8, 1843. C.R.1.
Lydia Adelia, d. Isaac and Ann Maria, bp. June 8, 1843. C.R.1.
----, s. Isaac, machinist, and Ann Maria, Mar. 17, 1849.
Kate, d. William H. and Mary M., bp. Aug. 20, 1848. C.R.1.
William Worthen, s. William H. and Mary M., bp. Aug. 23, 1846. C.R.1.
----, d. Charles T., agent of bleachery, and Catharine L., Mar. 28, 1846.
Charles, s. Benjamin, basket maker, and Sally, at Barrington, N.H., Nov. 2, 1845.
Anna, w. John, and d. John Davidson, jr., Nov. 30, 1789. P.R.1.
Margaret, d. Christopher, job wagoner, and Margaret, in Canada East, May 17, 1845.
Margaret, d. Christopher, laborer [teamster. dup.], and Margaret, Mar. 12, 1847. [1849. dup.].
ARTHURS (Arthur)
[Mary Ellen Arthur. C.R.1.], d. William, laborer, and Rosanna, Mar. 5, 1849.
Mary, d. Michael and Bridgit, July 26, 1847. C.R.5.
----, d. Caleb, watchman, and Harriet, Jan. 30, 1849.
Hannah Louisa, d. Henry, manufacturer, and Susan C., Aug. 24, 1847.
Edwin A., s. William, carpet weaver, b. England, and Eliza, b. Livermore, Me., Nov. 4, 1849.
Elizabeth B., d. Joseph D., machinist, and Elizabeth P., Aug. 15, 1845.
Charles, s. George, block printer, and Joanna, Dec. 19, 1843.
Matilda, d. George and Joanna, bp. Aug. 20, 1841. C.R.1.
Theodore, s. James, manufacturer, and Margaret, Aug. 27, 1848.
Agnes Catherine, bp. Nov. 21, 1830. C.R.1.
Charles Benjamin, s. Danforth and Esther Brown, July 4, 1829.
Daniel Salisbury, s. Thomas, engraver, and Susan F., Dec. 7, 1847.
Edwin Hudson, s. Danforth and Esther Brown, Sept. 23, 1827.
Elizabeth Foster, d. Thomas, machinist, and Susan F., Feb. 20, 1846.
Samuel, bp. Nov. 25, 1832. C.R.1.
Thomas Woodhouse, s. Thomas and Alice, bp. Sept. 14, 1829. C.R.1.
Benjamin Franklin, s. James V. and Cinthia (Bicknell), Oct. 28, 1841.
Charles Luther, s. James V. and Cinthia (Bicknell), Feb. 7, 1832.
Cynthia Jane, d. James V. and Cinthia (Bicknell), Sept. 16, 1828.
George Kent, s. James V. and Cinthia (Bicknell), Apr. 20, 1837.
James Bicknell, s. James V. and Cinthia (Bicknell), Feb. 6, 1830.
John, s. John and Ann, bp. Sept. 28, 1833. C.R.1.
Mary Clark, d. James V. and Cinthia (Bicknell), Aug. 13, 1833.
Mary Emma Jane, d. Benjamin E., carpenter, and Emma, Aug. 20, 1846.
Moses Walter, s. Bela, laborer, and M. Celena, Nov. 22, 1848.
Caroline Stutson, d. Henry and Caroline Stutson, Aug. 25, 1831.
Eliza A., d. George, manufacturer, and Ann, July 23, 1843.
Emily J., d. Henry E., file cutter, and Salina, Sept. 27, 1845.
George Cutting, s. James, shoemaker, and Esther C., Aug. 27, 1848.
George Henry, s. Henry E., file cutter, and Salina, June 15, 1844.
George Sumner, s. George H., file cutter, and E. H., Mar. 13, 1849.
Lewis. s. Samuel, blacksmith, and Eliza, both b. Frankfort, Me., Nov. 28, 1849.
Mary Elizabeth, d. Isaiah L., carpenter, and Elizabeth, June 10, 1847.
Harriot Williams, d. John and Sarah Derby, Nov. 26, 1828.
John, s. John and Sarah Derby, July 16, 1830.
Mary Louisa, d. David P., cabinet maker, and Mary A., Apr. 9, 1845.
Sarah Derby, d. John and Sarah Derby, Nov. 2, 1831.
AYER (Ayres)
Ann Elizabeth, d. James N. B., bp. Jan. 25, 1829. C.R.1.
Charles Albert, s. Alvan B., lumberman, and Martha, Nov. 28, 1846.
Charles Francis (Ayres), s. Thomas and Sarah C., May 19, 1833.
George H., s. John L., manufacturer, and Clara, Nov. 10, 1848.
Josephine, d. Perley, machinist, and Eliza, Dec. 7, 1846.
Walter, s. Perley, manufacturer, and Eliza, Aug. 14, 1848.
Walter E., s. David M., weaver, b. Limerick, Me., and Ruth S., b. Pelham, N.H., Nov. 21, 1849.
----, d. Lucius D., teamster, and Rebecca, Feb. 8, 1848.
----, d. George, yeoman, and Mary, Apr. 23, 1849.
Charles Augustus, jr., s. Charles A., agent, and Emeline, Nov. 5, 1848.
Samuel H., s. Charles A., superintendent of bleachery, and Emily, July 15, 1845.
Cornelius, s. Thomas, manufacturer, and Maria, Aug. 15, 1845.
Oel, s. Oel, laborer, and Clara, both b. Strafford, Vt., at Pawtucket, Nov. 12, 1849.
James, s. Robert, laborer, June 4, 1843.
Henry M., s. Hugh, machinist, and Sarah, July 4, 1846.
William Stinson, s. James W., carpenter, and Asenath, June 16, 1848.
BAFF (Balf, Balfe, Baof)
James, s. John, laborer, and Ann, Sept. 1, 1845. [Aug. 24. C.R.5.].
Margaret (Baof) [Balf. C.R.5.], d. John, laborer, and Ann, Jan. 1, 1844.
Rosanna (Balfe), d. John and Anne, Mar. 24, 1847. C.R.6.
BAFT (Bapp)
Joseph (Bapp), s. Lewis and Mary, Nov. 1, 1845. C.R.3.
Joseph, s. Lewis A., laborer, and Mary, Jan. 10, 1846.
BAGLEY (Bagly, Begley, Begly, Bigly)
Catharine, d. Michael, laborer, and Hanifin [Ellen. C.R.5.], Aug. 2, 1844.
Catharine, d. James, laborer, and Joanna, Dec. 25, 1844.
Catherine (Begly), d. John and Margaret, Nov. 18, 1845. C.R.5.
Catherine, d. Michael, laborer, and Eila, Mar. 5, 1848.
Ellen (Bigly), d. Michael and Ellen, bp. Mar. 12, 1848. C.R.6.
James (Bagly), s. John and Margaret, Sept. 15, 1843. C.R.5.
James (Begly), s. James and Johanna, Nov. 11, 1849. C.R.6.
Joanna, d. Michael, laborer, and Ellen, July [18. C.R.5.], 1846.
John (Begly), "two weeks old," s. Martin and Ellen, bp. May 30, 1841. C.R.5.
Mary (Begly), d. James and Joanna Quin, bp. July 17, 1842. C.R.5.
Mary (Begly), d. Michael and Ellen, bp. Dec. 18, 1842. C.R.5.
Michael (Bagly), s. John and Mary, Aug. 29, 1841. C.R.5.
Thomas (Begley), s. James, laborer, and Joanna, Apr. 17, 1847.
BAILEY (Baily, Bayley, Bealey)
Abagail, bp. Dec. 21, 1828. C.R.1.
Abby Alsina, d. Herbert, manufacturer, and Almira, Oct. 2, 1845.
Caroline King, bp. Dec. 21, 1828. C.R.1.
Catharine, d. John, laborer, and Margaret, Nov. 18, 1845.
Charles Haton, s. Levi P., mason, and Hannah, Dec. 15, 1844.
Clara Louise, d. Thomas D., mason, and Ruth G., Oct. 5, 1847.
Emma Jane, d. James H., manufacturer, and Susan J., May 14, 1845.
Eugene Swett, s. George W., stone mason, and Agnes, Sept. 15, 1847.
Frederic, s. Gardner, wagoner, and Susan. Nov. 6, 1847.
Gustavus Adolphus (Baily), s. Joshua and Elizabeth Chase, at West Newbury, Apr. 26, 1820.
Hannah Isabella, d. Mark, waste sorter, and Eliza L., Aug. 30, 1847.
Henry Clay (Baily), s. Joshua and Elizabeth Chase, Oct. 25, 1833.
James H., s. Gardner, teamster, and Susan, Dec. 18, 1843.
John, s. Thomas, laborer, and Mary, May 16, 1847.
John C., s. James, manufacturer, and Susan, June 2, 1843.
John Thomas, s. John T., tin plate worker, and Orilla, Nov. 3, 1846.
Mary Eleanor (Baily), d. Joshua and Elizabeth Chase, Aug. 24, 1829.
Michael (Bayley), s. John, laborer, and Margaret, Sept. ----, 1843.
Polly Eddy, bp. Dec. 21, 1828. C.R.1.
Sally Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 21, 1828. C.R.1.
Sarah Elizabeth (Baily), d. Joshua and Elizabeth Chase, June 13, 1827.
Simon Augustus (Bayley), s. Oliver W. and Sarah R. (Greenleaf), Aug. 13, 1835.
Thomas (Bealey), s. Thomas and Mary, June 2, 1849. C.R.5.
----,s. Thomas D., mason, and Ruth F., Jan. 23, 1845.
----, s. Mark, laborer, and Eliza L., July 29, 1845.
----, d. Levi P., stone layer, and Hannah, Mar. 31, 1847.
----, d. James H., manufacturer, and Susan J., Apr. 3, 1847.
----, s. James H., manufacturer, and Susan J., Dec. 22, 1848.
----, d. Thomas D., mason, b. Boston, and Ruth F. G., b. Hebron, N.H., Sept. 15, 1849.
Alvin Cordes, s. Reuben and Lydia, Dec. 28, 1835.
Amanda Melvinah, s. Richard, jr. and Mary (Reed), Nov. 21, 1824.
Ansel Granville, s. Reuben and Lydia, Jan. 11, 1837.
Catherine, d. Richard, jr. and Mary (Reed), Apr. 3, 1817.
Charles Henry, s. Richard, jr. and Mary (Reed), Oct. 4, 1822.
Clara E., d. Stephen, carpenter, b. N. Hampton, and Nancy, b. Berwick, Me., May 18, 1849.
Eleazer Reed, s. Richard, jr, and Mary (Reed), June 16, 1815.
Elexis Alexander, s. Richard, jr. and Mary (Reed), Sept. 17, 1820.
Elizabeth Reed, d. Richard, jr. and Mary (Reed), July 3, 1809.
Elizabeth Reed, d. Richard, jr. and Mary (Reed), Aug. 23, 1810.
Francis E., s. Enoch W., stone layer, and Edna J., Sept. 8, 1845.
Frank, s. Storrs A., carpenter, and Eliza M., Dec. 11, 1846.
George E., s. Thomas, manufacturer, and Ann, July 1, 1843.
George Otis, s. John and Mary J., Aug. 24, 1839.
Harlin Pillsbury, s. Reuben and Lydia, Sept. 18, 1839.
Jacob, s. Francis and Sarah, June 15, 1843.
John Joseph, s. Joseph H., manufacturer, and Mary, May 16, 1848.
Josephine, d. Stephen, carpenter, and Nancy E., Aug. 1, 1847.
Loiza, d. Richard, jr. and Mary (Reed), Jan. 1, 1819.
Mary Ann, d. Richard, jr. and Mary (Reed), Mar. 15, 1812.
Samuel Reed, s. Richard, jr. and Mary (Reed), May 11, 1808.
William Davis, s. Richard, jr. and Mary (Reed), Sept. 25, 1813.
----, d. Storrs A., carpenter, and Eliza M., Apr. 20, 1849.
Asahel Adams, s. Daniel and Silence C. (Adams), June 1, 1826.
Daniel, at Bradford, Mar. 21, 1797.
Emily Caroline, d. Daniel [overseer. dup.], and Silence C. (Adams), Apr. 25, 1845.
Frances Maria, d. Daniel and Silence C. (Adams), June 16, 1840.
Hannah Maria, d. Daniel and Silence C. (Adams), at Portland, Me., Dec. 3, 1836.
Louisa Shattuck, d. Daniel and Silence C. (Adams), June 2, 1824.
Sarah Adaline, s. Daniel and Silence C. (Adams), at Methuen, Aug. 27, 1831.
Walter Byron, s. Daniel and Silence C. (Adams), Aug. 9, 1828.
Clarence J., s. Jesse, laborer, b. Sutton, N.H., and Mary C., b. Fairlee, Vt., Oct. 3, 1849.
Emma Jane, d. George W., laborer, and Jane, Jan. 21, 1848.
Francis Orlando, s. David Orlando and Martha Ann, bp. Aug. 22, 1849. C.R.1.
George Lewis, bp. Dec. 21, 1828. C.R.1.
George W., s. George W., farmer, and Jane, May 31, 1846.
Orlando Melvin, s. David S., clerk, and Martha A., Apr. 17, 1849.
Othello, s. George W. and Jane, Mar. 19, 1849.
Abby, d. Matthew, painter, b. Brookfield, Ct.,and Susan D. Barr, b. Eastport, Me., Aug. 7, 1849.
Frances J., d. Leverett, teamster, and Asenath, June 19, 1843.
George Dallas, s. Matthew, painter, and Susan D., Mar. 2, 1845.
Hannah, d. Leverett S., teamster, and Asenath, Oct. 19, 1845.
BALF, see Baff.
Charles Farrar, s. Abner and Sarah Farrar, both from Concord, July 22, 1824.
George Frederic, s. Abner and Sarah Farrar, both from Concord, Oct. 11, 1827.
Henry Agustus, s. Abner and Sarah Farrar, both from Concord, Sept. 1826.
Warren Bradford, s. Abner and Sarah Farrar, both from Concord, Dec. 27, 1829.
Augusta, d. Nathan, machinist, and Lorena, Aug. 22, 1848.
Charles Freeman, s. Samuel F., laborer, and Sarah A., Feb. 27, 1845.
Nathan W., s. Nathan, carpenter, and Lowana, June 21, 1843.
Thomas, s. Patrick, manufacturer, and Margaret [Mongovan. C.R.3.], Dec. 6, 1848.
Charles Augustus, s. James S., manufacturer, and Martha N., July 1, 1846.
William M., s. James S., roll coverer, b. Fayette, Me., and Martha U., b. Amherst, N.H., Aug. 16, 1849.
Caroline Brown, d. Selwin and Mary Ann (Pond), Dec. 15, 1833.
Edward Payson, s. Selwin and Mary Ann (Pond), July 17, 1837.
George Selwyn, s. Jefferson and Harriet (Bradley), also grands. Daniel, of Warwick, and great grands. of Raam, of Reading, July 7, 1836.
Grace, d. Jefferson [mayor. dup.] and Harriet (Bradley), also grandd. Daniel, of Warwick, and great grandd. of Raam, of Reading, Aug. 28, 1846.
Harriet Bradley, d. Jefferson and Harriet (Bradley), also grandd. Daniel, of Warwick, and great grandd. of Raam, of Reading, Sept. 1, 1830.
John Jefferson, s. Jefferson and Harriet (Bradley), also grands. Daniel, of Warwick, and great grands. of Raam, of Reading, Oct. 13, 1833.
Kirk Henry, s. Jefferson and Harriet (Bradley), also grands. Daniel, of Warwick, and great grands. of Raam, of Reading, Sept. 10, 1839.
Sarah Antoynette, d. Selwin and Mary Ann (Pond), Dec. 24, 1831.
Ann Stewart, d. Mathew and Rebecca H., bp. June 18, 1837. C.R.1.
Catherine, d. Matthew and Rebecca, bp. Mar. 3, 1839. C.R.1.
Hellen Lahona, d. Horace and Deborah, Dec. 16, 1830.
Horace Willard, s. Horace and Deborah, Dec. 3, 1828.
Mary, d. Mathew and Rebecca H., bp. Sept. 11, 1836. C.R.1.
Willard, Dec. 3, 1828.
----, s. Josiah, carpenter, and Dorothy, Jan. 10, 1846.
Ellen, d. John and Julia, Oct. 22, 1848. C.R.6.
Alfred Young, s. Alfred D., machinist, and Eliza A., Sept. 4, 1847.
Edson, s. Enoch W., overseer, and Edna Jane, June 10, 1848.
Margaret, d. Charles, laborer, and Ann, Feb. 6, 1847.
John Henry, s. John R., engineer, and Ruth, Nov. 26, 1847.
William, s. William, tinsmith, and Nancy L., Feb. 5, 1849.
----, d. John R., watchman, and Ruth K., Mar. 18, 1845.
Adalinda Louisa, d. Thomas Z., grocer, and Salome J., Sept. 24, 1848.
Ann Maria, d. Charles E., b. Litchfield, Me., and Ann M., b. Buxton, Me., Aug. 19, 1839.
Ann Mariah, d. Charles and Fanny (Seavey), May 31, 1833.
Charles Rockwood, s. Charles and Nancy, both from Marlborough, at Dracut. May 25, 1827.
Esther, d. Richard and Ann, bp. Aug. 3, 1844. C.R.1.
George H., s. Thomas J., whip maker, and Christiana, Oct. 2, 1843.
George Whitefield, s. Charles and Fanny (Seavey), Nov. 27, 1836.
James Henry, s. Richard and Ann, bp. Oct. 17, 1849. C.R.1.
John, s. Henry and Mary Ann Mittle, Sept. 24, 1841. C.R.2.
John William Fletcher, s. Charles and Fanny (Seavey), Aug. 28, 1881. (sic)
Joseph Henry, s. Henry and Mary Ann, bp. Sept. 2, 1838. C.R.1.
Joseph Judson, s. Joseph, yeoman, and Laura Ann, July 30, 1848.
Julia Ann, d. Charles and Nancy, both from Marlborough, Nov. 23, 1828.
Margaret, d. Richard, manufacturer, and Ann, May 13, 1844.
Mary Fletcher, d. Charles and Nancy, both from Marlborough, at Waltham, Nov. 29, 1825.
Nancy Jane, d. Henry and Mary Ann, bp. Nov. 13, 1840. C.R.1.
Nancy Smith, d. Charles and Nancy, both from Marlborough, Dec. 30, 1829.
Sarah A[nn. C.R.1.], d. Richard, manufacturer, and Ann, Dec. 1, 1845.
Stephen Bramwell, s. Charles and Fanny (Seavey), Nov. 3, 1834.
Thomas (Barn), s. Peter and Margaret Collaher, Nov. 28, 1848. C.R.3.
William Erving, s. Cummings M., painter, and Emily A., Sept. 9, 1848.
----, s. Hiram K., machinist, and Mary S., Mar. 5, 1849.
Cornelius, s. Jerry and Catherine, July 31, 1848. C.R.5.
Fanny S., d. Asa R., machinist, and Mary, Aug. 25, 1849. [1848. in pencil.].
Abigail, d. Jonathan and Margaret, Nov. 10, 1833.
Charles, s. John and Alice, bp. Oct. 1, 1835. C.R.1.
Eliza Ann, d. John and Alice, bp. June 11, 1838. C.R.1.
Elizabeth Ann, d. John and Alice, bp. May 1, 1834. C.R.1.
Frederic Abbot, s. Jacob, carpenter, and Cynthia, June 17, 1845.
Frederick, bp. Nov. 21, 1830. C.R.1.
Henry, s. John and Alice, bp. Oct. 4, 1839. C.R.1.
Lord, s. John and Alice, bp. Jan. 17, 1833. C.R.1.
Eliza Jane, d. Cummings and Eliza (Peabody), Apr. 6, 1829.
BARRETT (Barret)
Francis (Barret), s. Patrick and Jane, Feb. 22, 1843. C.R.5.
James, s. Patrick and Jane, June 25, 1844. C.R.5.
James, s. John and Mary, Nov. 26, 1848. C.R.6.
Jane, d. Patrick and Jane, bp. Mar. 11, 1848. C.R.5.
Margaret, d. Patrick and Jane, Oct. 13, 1837. C.R.5.
Margaret, d. John and Mary, Jan. 6, 1847. C.R.5.
Margaret, d. Edward and Ellen, May 8, 1847. C.R.5.
Mary, d. Thomas, farmer, and Bridget, Apr. 17, 1849.
Michael, s. Patrick and Jane, Aug. 25, 1841. C.R.5.
Rosanna, d. Patrick and Jane, June 11, 1840. C.R.5.
Thomas, s. Patrick and Jane, Nov. 3, 1838. C.R.5.
William, "born two weeks," s. Patrick and Jane, bp. Jan. 24, 1846. C.R.5.
BARRY (Barrey, Bary, Berrey, Berry)
Catharine, d. Daniel and Catherine, Mar. 5, 1841. C.R.5.
Catherine, d. Jeremiah, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland, July 11, 1849. [Aug. 4. C.R.5.].
Dave (Berry), s. Thomas, laborer, and Ellen, Feb. 1, 1845.
Edgar Ernest, s. Daniel, wheelwright, and Mary J., Jan. 27, 1847.
Eliza J. (Berry), d. Patrick, manufacturer, and Mary, Nov. 5, 1843.
Ellen (Berrey), d. Patrick and Mary Finnigan, May 28, 1846. C.R.3.
Ellen (Berrey), d. Patrick and Ellen, Mar. 24, 1847. C.R.3.
Ellen, d. William and Jane, Dec. 21, 1847. C.R.5.
Francina M. (Berry), d. Benjamin F., trader, b. Leeds, Me., and Nancy S., b. Franklin, N.H., June 9, 1849.
Hannah, d. Daniel and Catharine, Nov. 13, 1849. C.R.6.
James, s. Richard and Eliza, Mar. 23, 1848. C.R.6.
James S. (Berry), s. Stillman, laborer, and Bridget, Nov. 15, 1843.
Joanna, d. Daniel and Catherine, Dec. 16, 1839. C.R.5.
John, s. Daniel and Catherine, July 16, 1842. C.R.5.
John, s. William and Jane, Mar. 5, 1846. C.R.5.
John E., s. John, laborer, and Catherine [Hannon. C.R.3.], both b. Ireland, Aug. 2, 1849.
Julia (Bary), d. Daniel and Mary Ann, Mar. 24, 1848. C.R.5.
Margaret, d. Thomas and Ellen, Aug. 20, 1842. C.R.5.
Mary, d. Daniel and Catharine, Oct. 2, 1838. C.R.5.
Mary (Barrey), d. William and Julia Quirk, July 29, 1848. C.R.3.
Mary Ann, d. William, laborer, and Joanna, Aug. 31, 1848.
Robert, s. Richard, dyer, b. Ireland, and Catherine, b. Co. Monoghan, Ire., July 20, 1849. [Aug. 22. C.R.5.]
Thomas, s. Thomas, laborer, and Ellen, Mar. ----, 1847.
Thomas (Berry), s. Thomas, laborer, and Mary, both b. Co. Limerick, Ire., June 30, 1849.
William, s. Richard and Margaret, Oct. 17, 1844. C.R.5.
William Ernest, s. Daniel, wheelwright, and Mary, Jan. 15, 1849.
William Stevson, s. William, clergyman, and Elizabeth W., Apr. 4, 1849.
----, (Berry), s. Charles B., shoemaker, and Eliza, Apr. 10, 1846.
----, (Berry), d. Charles D., teamster, and Sarah, Apr. 3, 1847.
Frederic, s. Henry, "out of business," and Frances P., July 19, 1847.
----, d. Trueman C., painter, and Jane, Apr. 15, 1847.
Daniel B. H., s. Stephen, manufacturer, and Cyrena, Oct. 30, 1843.
Edwin Warren, s. Stephen, weaver, and Cyrene, at Charlestown, Apr. 11, 1847.
George Pilsbury, s. Isaac and Clarrissa, May 2, 1832.
Harriet N., d. Benjamin, paper maker, b. Newton, and Sarah, b. Billerica, May 5, 1849.
Henry Augustus, s. Daniel F., manufacturer, and Sarah J., Apr. 30, 1846.
Mary A., d. Edward, painter, and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1844.
Sarah E., d. Benjamin W., paper maker, and Sarah A., Sept. 6, 1845.
Sarah N[ichols. C.R.1.], d. Benjamin [F. C.R.1.], manufacturer, and Sarah A., July 30, 1843.
Stephen E., s. Stephen, overseer, and Cyrene, Sept. 23, 1848.
William Henry, s. Ed., painter, and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1848.
----, s. Albert D., carpenter, and Sarah T., Apr. 7, 1844.
----, d. Edward, painter, and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1846.
Margaret M., "eight weeks old," d. Peter and Ellen, bp. Apr. 7, 1842. C.R.3.
Eldora M., d. Alanson M., laborer, and Nancy C., Jan. 28, 1849.
BATCHELDER (Bachelder, Bacheller)
Albert H., s. David S., watchman, and Climena B., Nov. 22, 1843.
Albert Laforest, S. David, belt-maker, and Clemena, Sept. 6, 1848.
Asa A. (Bachelder), s. Augustin L., painter, b. Litchfield, Me., and Mary J., b. Gorham, Me., May 15, 1849.
Emma Frances, d. John P., manufacturer, and Emma H., Oct. 31, 1846.
Eugene, s. Samuel and Mary M., bp. July 16, 1826. C.R.1.
Flora Mehitable (Bacheller), d. David, watchman, and Clemena, June 6, 1845.
Frank [Francis. C.R.1.] Lowell, s. Samuel and Mary Montgomery, Apr. 2, 1825.
Horace, s. Samuel and Mary M., bp. July 16, 1826. C.R.1.
Isabel, d. Samuel and Mary M., bp. July 16, 1826. C.R.1.
John Montgomery, bp. Oct. 2, 1825. C.R. (?)
John S., s. John, carder, b. Allenstown, N.H., and L. Emily, June 14, 1849.
Mary Ann, d. Samuel and Mary M., bp. July 16, 1826. C.R.1.
Mary Ann, d. Stephen, manufacturer, and Mary, Nov. 12, 1844.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Mary Montgomery, Jan. 9, 1830.
William Samuel, s. Samuel and Mary M., bp. July 16, 1826. C.R.1.
John Henry, s. John, calico printer, and Emily C., Nov. 27, 1848.
Lydia Ann, d. Otis P., mason, b. Cohasset, and M., b. N.H., at Cohasset, June 17, 1849.
Charles Blake, s. Charles F., clerk, and Elizabeth O., June 27, 1846.
Edgar, s. J. Augustus S., trader, and Abigail J., Aug. 7, 1846.
Ella, d. Benjamin P., overseer, and Lucretia, Dec. 12, 1847.
John F., s. Augustus, trader, and Susan, Nov. 13, 1843.
John, s. David, "Polanders," Feb. 5, 1838. C.R.5.
Abba Ann, d. Henry Jones [tailor. dup.] and Caroline H. [B. dup.], Oct. 4, 1843.
Albert Francis, s. Henry Jones and Caroline H., Aug. 22, 1838.
Alicia, d. Andrew and Ann, May 12, 1848. C.R.5.
Caroline. d. Henry Jones and Caroline H., Aug. 27, 1835.
Charles Henry, s. Darwin D. and Nancy (Rogers), Nov. 13, 1838.
Clorazette, d. Darwin D. and Nancy (Rogers), Dec. 30, 1842.
Edwin Josephus, s. Henry Jones and Caroline H., Oct. 16, 1840.
Ella Gage, d. Darwin D., trader, and Nancy, Feb. 17, 1848.
Ellen, d. Patrick, shop keeper, and Ellen, Apr. 18, 1848.
Henry Jones Hildrerth, s. Henry Jones and Caroline H., Jan. 2, 1832.
Maretta, d. George, yeoman, and Hannah H., June 19, 1848.
Mary, d. Patrick and Ellen, Jan. 8, 1843. C.R.5.
Valentine, 3d, s. Henry Jones and Caroline H., Aug. 5, 1833.
Henry James, s. Robert and Alice, bp. May 24, 1846. C.R.1.
James Henry, s. Robert, manufacturer, and Alice, Mar. 27, 1846.
Robert J., s. Ann Morrison, June 4, 1843.
William Thomas, s. Robert and Alice, bp. Aug. 11, 1844. C.R.1.
Ann Maria, d. William G. and Maria F., deceased, bp. Sept. 3, 1844. C.R.1.
Ann Maria, d. Samuel, farmer, and Adaline, May 12, 1847.
Charles A., s. Joel, yeoman, and Frances, Apr. 14, 1844.
Eliza H., Oct. 15, 1848.
Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 21, 1828. C.R.1.
Emma S. D., d. George S., blacksmith, and Eliza, Oct. 18, 1846.
Frank Alva, s. Alva, overseer, and Marcia, Dec. 22, 1848.
Frank O., s. William W., carpenter, b. Salisbury, N.H., and Alvira, b. Milford, N.H., July 3, 1849.
George Alphonso, s. Orson K., manufacturer, and Mary, June 22, 1847.
Lemuel Madison, s. George J., machinist, and Elsa G., Aug. 28, 1844.
----, d. Samuel, yeoman, and Adaline, Jan. 3, 1844.
----, s. George W., iron founder, and Mary J., Jan. 25, 1847.
Abigail, d. Ithamar W., attorney at law, and Mary A. T., Sept. 16, 1843.
Abigail Ames. see Pierce, Abigail A.
Charlotte Jane Montgomery, d. Ithamar A. and Mary [ (Warren). P.R.1.]. both from Littleton, Nov. 30, 1829.
Hannah S. P., d. Ithamar A. and Mary (Warren), at Littleton. Sept. 26, 1822. P.R.1.
Henry C., s. Ithamar A. and Mary (Warren), at Biddeford, Me., June 18, 1831. P.R.1.
Ithamar, s. Ithamar W. and Mary A., Feb. 23, 1840. P.R.1.
Ithamar A., at Tewksbury, Dec. 5, 1789. P.R.1.
Alfred, s. Christopher, bp. July 19, 1831. C.R.1.
Charles, s. Christopher, bp. Nov. 23, 1832. C.R.1.
Peter Anford, bp. Dec. 21, 1828. C.R.1.
Helen A., d. Samuel, sheet-iron worker, and Caroline, June 17, 1845.
----, d. Samuel, tin plate worker, b. Salem, and Caroline, b. Dover, N.H., Aug. 3, 1849.
Mary Anne, d. Michael and Mary, Oct. 24, 1837. C.R.5.
Charlotte Ann, d. Joseph and Ann, Jan. 30, 1831.
George Washington, s. Joseph and Ann, July 16, 1827.
Lydia Maria, d. Joseph and Ann, Nov. 9, 1833.
Mary A., d. Moses B., stone cutter, b. Vienna, Me., and Mary D., b. Durham, N.H., Nov. 15, 1849.
Caroline S., d. Stephen, manufacturer, and Caroline, Mar. 3, 1844.
BEHAN (Bahan)
Catherine, d. John and Mary, bp. July 2, 1843. C.R.3.
Catherine, d. Edward and Margret, Mar. 15, 1849. C.R.5.
Edward, s. Edward and Margaret, Apr. 4, 1845. C.R.3.
Mary (Bahan), d. Edward and Margaret, Aug. 10, 1843. C.R.3.
Blythe, d. William, dyer, and Blythe, Oct. 21, 1846.
Lucy Frances, d. Samuel M., printer, and Harriet N., Apr. 16, 1846.
Mary Augusta, d. Samuel M., printer, and Harriet N., Dec. 13, 1848.
Rebecca, w. Col. John, of Walpole, and d. John and Hannah Hubbard, May 14, 175----. P.R.1.
Caroline A., d. Wilder, mason, and Mary A., Dec. 12, 1848.
Charles Almond, s. Amas C., laborer, and Elizabeth P., June 9, 1844.
Edward, s. Edmund M., machinist, and Diantha, June 27, 1848.
Frank W., s. Wilder, mason, and Mary A. D., Jan. 29, 1846.
Hannah W., d. William S. [tailor. dup.] and Susan H. (Davis), Nov. 20, 1846.
Henry, s. Francis and Elizabeth, Apr. 19, 1849. C.R.5.
Martha Stone, d. William S. and Susan H. (Davis), Dec. 10, 1840.
William Wheeler, s. William S. [tailor. dup.] and Susan H. (Davis), Oct. 31, 1843.
Emily Etta, d. Samuel, carpenter, and Emily, Aug. 19, 1844.
Faraline, d. Samuel, carpenter, b. Vermont, and Emily, b. Marlow, N.H., Aug. 12, 1849.
Mary Louisa, d. Samuel, carpenter, and Emily, July 30, 1846.
Amos Albert, s. Amos, iron founder, and Mary A., Feb. 23, 1848.
Sarah E., d. Samuel, machinist, b. Boston, and Mary J., b. Walpole, Aug. 24, 1849.
Matilide, "born 5 weeks," d. John and Catherine, "Canadians," bp. Sept. 30, 1839. C.R.5.
BERIN (Berian, Berine, Berrien, Burian)
Ellen (Burian), d. Patrick, manufacturer, and Ellen, May 25, 1847.
James [Berine. C.R.3.], s. Patrick, manufacturer, and Ellen, Mar. 13, 1844. [1843. C.R.3.]
John (Berian), s. Patrick and Ellen, Nov. 2, 1838. C.R.5.
Luke (Berine), s. Patrick and Ellen, Jan. 18, 1841. C.R.5.
Mary A[nn. C.R.3.], d. Patrick, manufacturer, and Ellen, May 25, 1845.
BERRY, see Barry.
Henry C., s. Curtiss and Maria, Dec. 22, 1838.
Marcia Andrews, d. twin, Curtiss and Maria, Aug. 15, 1830.
Martha Augusta, d. twin, Curtiss and Maria, Aug. 15, 1830.
Lucinda, "foundling," Sept. ----, 1848.
BICKFORD (Beckford)
Algelon I., s. Simon, carpet weaver, and Louisa, Apr. 5, 1847.
Clara Sophia, d. Joseph, machinist, and Abby, July 1, 1848.
Isadore, d. George W., teamster, and Lydia, June 16, 1848.
Rosabel, d. George W., dyer, and Lydia, Sept. 10, 1845.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Abraham and Sarah, Dec. 29, 1832.
----, (Beckford), d. Joseph, machinist, and Abigail C., Feb. 10, 1845.
Hannah, d. Zimri, operative, and Hannah [Grady. C.R.6.], Mar. 25, 1849. [Apr. 21. C.R.6.]
Harriet Augusta, d. Thomas, spinner, and Ann, at Milbury, Nov. 16, 1846.
Julia A., d. James, manufacturer, and Caroline H., Nov. 22, 1843.
James, s. James, laborer, and Joanna, both b. Ireland, Nov. 19, 1849.
Adeline Eliza, d. Thomas and Eliza, bp. Dec. 10, 1829. C.R.1.
Charlotte Ann, d. Thomas and Eliza, bp. Dec. 27, 1829. C.R.1.
Eliza Tyler, d. Thomas and Eliza, bp. July 6, 1834. C.R.1.
John Thomas, s. Thomas, bp. Aug. 14, 1831. C.R.1.
John Thomas, s. Thomas and Eliza, bp. Oct. 1, 1836. C.R.1.
Thomas Emmons, s. Thomas and Eliza, bp. Dec. 27, 1829. C.R.1.
Mary Ellen, d. James and Catherine Keeleher, Apr. 16, 1849. C.R.3.
Irah Warren, s. Ira, picker maker, and Zilpha, Feb. 2, 1846.
Ann Elizabeth, d. John and Ann, bp. Aug. 23, 1841. C.R.1.
Ellin, d. George and Ellin, Nov. 10, 1849. C.R.5.
Elizabeth, d. Peter and Elizabeth Rodger, bp. May 22, 1836. C.R.1.
Lowell B., s. William B., laborer, and Mahala, Aug. 19, 1845.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. William, tailor, and Phebe A., Aug. 1, 1846.
William W., s. William, teamster, and Mahela, June 17, 1843.
Ann Maria, d. Theophilus C., watchman, and Harriet M., Nov. 11, 1844.
Frank Harrison, s. Harrison G., counsellor, and Margaret J., Dec. 6, 1847.
Harriet Emily, d. Theophilus C., watchman, and Harriet M., Dec. 21, 1846.
Leman Henry, s. Jonathan H., machinist, and Hannah B., Dec. 19, 1848.
----, d. Henry, millwright, and Sarah, Feb. 13, 1846.
----, d. Arthur, carpenter, and Rebecca, Mar. 31, 1846.
----, s. Philip, butcher, and Maria, Apr. 30, 1848.
BLAKE (Blakey)
Annette Josephine, d. Wesley, overseer in factory, and Dorothy, Oct. 15, 1844.
Charles Frederick, s. John H. and Lucia W., Dec. 17, 1836.
Charles Sidney, s. Thomas, watchman, and Betsey, Dec. 20, 1847.
Frederick August, s. John H. and Lucia W., Aug. 24, 1840.
Hannah, d. Thomas and Margaret, June 11, 1842. C.R.5.
Harriet Ann (Blakey), d. Thomas and Mary, Aug. 19, 1844.
John, s. Thomas and Margaret, Sept. 7, 1844. C.R.5.
Margaret Jane, d. Thomas, laborer, and Margaret, Oct. 30, 1847. [Sept. 31. (sit) C.R.6.]
Sylvester Calvin, s. Calvin, carpenter, and Amanda, Sept. 6, 1848.
William Henry, s. John H. and Lucia W., Dec. 20, 1832.
----, d. Thomas C., carpenter, b. Salem, Vt., and Sarah A., b. Brownington, Vt., Sept. 3, 1849.
Amos, s. Rev. Amos and Caroline R. D., Apr. 12, 1831.
Cornelia Sherburn, d. Cornelius, manufacturer, and Sarah, Sept. 7. [1845 or 1846.]
John H., s. Joseph, engineer, h. Boston, and Rhoda, b. Merrimack, Oct. 11, 1849.
----, s. Joseph, engineer, and Rhoda, Apr. 30, 1846.
Margaret M., d. James R., and Mary, Sept. 5, 1848. C.R.6.
Ellen E., d. Abel, manufacturer, and Eliza R., Feb. 6, 1844.
Elisabeth Ellingwood, d. Wilder D., manufacturer, and Eliza Jane, June 12, 1847.
Erastus N., s. Wilder D., manufacturer, and Eliza J., Oct. 13, 1845.
Isadora Floretta, d. Luther, manufacturer, and Almira, June 10, 1845.
Susan, "aged 5 months," d. Alexander and Susan, bp. June 22, 1843. C.R.5.
Allora, d. Joseph, laborer, and Sarah, Mar. 23, 1846.
Amos A., s. Rufus, painter, and Susan, Mar. 22, 1849.
Angelina, d. Cyrus, teamster, and Sarah, Mar. 20, 1847.
Desdemona, d. Jonathan, machinist, and Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1845.
Edwin Pembroke, s. Preston, carpenter, and Mary E., Aug. 29, 1846.
Henrietta, d. Andrew, cloth dresser, and Hannah M., Dec. 1, 1847.
John, s. John L., stone cutter, and Emeline, Nov. 29, 1848.
John Henry, s. Joseph, teamster, and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1848.
Joseph E., s. Joseph, laborer, b. Groton, and Sarah, b. Thomaston, Me., Oct. 7, 1849.
Lucindia, at Concord, Nov. 18, 1805.
Luna Ardella, d. Joseph, teamster, and Sarah, Dec. 31, 1844.
Mary Anna, d. John L., laborer, and Emeline, Feb. 20, 1845.
----, s. William S., baker, and Jane, Mar. 28, 1849.
Mary Elizabeth, d. Henery and Catherine, Oct. 9, 1843. C.R.5.
Sarah A., d. William W., shoemaker, and Angeline P., Aug. 8, 1848.
BODDY (Body)
Catherine [Body. C.R.3.], d. Thomas, spinner, and Bridget [O'Brian. C.R.1.], both b. Ireland, Dec. 22, 1849.
Mary Jane (Body), d. Thomas and Catherine O'Brien, June 3, 1846. C.R.3.
Mary Jane, d. Thomas, manufacturer, and Bridget, June 3, 1847.
Enoch, s. Enoch, blacksmith, and Clarissa, Apr. 1, 1846.
Eliza, d. James and Margaret, Apr. 17, 1841. C.R.5.
Mary Ann, d. James and Margaret, Feb. 24, 1836. C.R.5.
BOLAN (Boland)
Margaret, d. John and Elisa, Sept. 19, 1841. C.R.5.
Thomas (Boland), s. Michael and Ellen, Apr. 15, 1849. C.R.5.
Alfred Foster, s. Alfred and Almira (Foster), Aug. 5, 1836.
Benjamin Franklin, s. Alfred and Almira (Foster), Nov. 20, 1839.
Harriet Almira Jane, d. Alfred and Almira (Foster), at Gilsum, N.H., Oct. 25, 1834.
Jerusha J., s. Micah and Hannah (Worthen), Feb. 19, 1849.
John, s. Micah and Hannah (Worthen), Nov. 18, 1838.
Mary Jane, d. James and Ellen Boyle, Mar. 27, 1847. C.R.3.
Sarah S., d. Micah and Hannah (Worthen), Mar. 17, 1843.
William, s. Micah and Hannah (Worthen), Feb. 15, 1839.
----, d. Micah, laborer, and Hannah, Apr. 7, 1845.
----, d. Micah, laborer, and Hannah, Mar. 3, 1848.
Charles Gleason, s. Alonzo, music teacher, and Maria, Dec. 6, 1847.
Peter, s. Peter and Mary, Sept. 17, 1846. C.R.5.
Esther Eliza, d. John, deceased, and Esther Holmes, d. John and Mary, July 8, 1839. C.R.5.
John, s. John, laborer, b. Scotland, and Margaret, b. Ireland, June 1, 1849.
Caroline Malonia, d. Milton, bookseller, and Mary Ann, June 22, 1846.
Emma N., d. Milton, bookseller, and Mary A., July 10, 1848.
Michael, s. Edward, laborer, and Joanna, May 29, 1846.
BOOTH (Boothe)
Elisabeth, d. William and Mary, Nov. 18, 1842. C.R.3.
Mary [Ann. C.R.3.] (Boothe), d. William, machinist, and Mary, Apr. 8, 1844.
Mary Ann, d. William, carpet weaver, and Mary, July 24, 1846.
Sarah J[ane. C.R.3.], d. William, laborer, and Mary [Bridget Cassidy. C.R.3.], Aug. 6, [1848.]
----, d. Joseph, handle setter, and Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1847.
Alfred Herbert, s. Edward K., scale maker, and Caroline, Oct. 16, 1848.
Edwin Moses, s. Joseph and Mary, bp. July 1, 1838. C.R.1.
BOOTT (Boot)
Eliza Hayden, d. Kirk and Ann, bp. Oct. 28, 1827. C.R.1.
Frederic, s. Kirk, deceased, and Anne, bp. Oct. 22, 1837. C.R.1.
John Wright (Boot), s. Kirk and Anne, bp. Mar. 20, 1825. C.R.1.
Michael, s. Edward and Johanna, Mar. 30, 1847. C.R.S.
Charles A., s. Abram, surveyor, and Rosanna, Nov. 5, 1845.
Abby Elen, d. Joseph and Almaria, Aug. 12, 1831.
Almeda, d. Isaac P., teamster, and Emeline F., Jan. 27, 1845.
Augusta, d. Francis H. and Martha Ann, bp. Oct. 3, 1847. C.R.4.
Clarrissa Ann, d. James and Hannah, residents of Chelmsford, Mar. 4, 1827.
George, s. Jonathan and Ann Coburn, residents of Chelmsford, Dec. 9, 1826.
George Andrew, s. Darius, blacksmith, and Esther V., Sept. 29, 1846.
George Francis, s. Francis H., manufacturer, and Martha A[nn. C.R.3.], Aug. 24, 1845.
Hannah Mariah, d. James and Hannah, residents of Chelmsford, July 16, 1830.
Helen Augusta, d. Francis H., overseer, and Martha A., Aug. 1, 1847.
James Taylor, s. James and Hannah, residents of Chelmsford, May 22, 1825.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Ann Coburn, residents of Chelmsford, Mar. 2, 1825.
Julia A., w. Alpheus, and d. Josiah and Rachel Stevens Parkhurst, Mar. 15, 1809. P.R.1.
Luke, s. James and Hannah, residents of Chelmsford, Nov. 20, 1828.
----, s. Coburn, carpenter, and Hannah, July ----, 1846.
----, s. Francis, painter, and Mary Jane, Dec. 17, 1848.
----, d. T. C., carpenter, and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1849.
----, d. Francis H., manufacturer, b. Peterborough, N.H., and Martha A., b. Epsom, N.H., Sept. 7, 1849.
----, s. Edmund, tanner, b. Dummerston, and Sarah, b. Deerfield, N.H., Dec. 29, 1849.
BOWLER (Bouler)
Catherine (Bouler), d. James and Bridget, Feb. 16, 1847. C.R.5.
Elizabeth, d. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, Sept. 3, 1847.
Patrick, d. James and Bridget Sullivan, Feb. 17, 1849. C.R.5.
Charles, s. William, shoemaker, and Mary, at Temple, Me., Aug. 1, 1845.
Ida, d. Catherine, July 25, 1846.
Edward James, s. Patrick and Catherine, July 3, 1844. C.R.5.
Thomas, s. Nicholas and Catherine Flynn, Dec. 2, 1844. C.R.3.
Thomas Henry, s. Thomas and Caroline, both from Waltham, Aug. 13, 1825.
Alise, d. Michael and Bridget, Feb. 14, 1836. C.R.5.
John, s. Charles, bp. Aug. 28, 1842. C.R.3.
James, s. James and Margaret, Aug. 31, 1838. C.R.5.
Abby Jane, d. George, painter, and Emeline, July 20, 1844.
Albert Garrdner, s. twin, Gardiner, powder maker, and Huldah S., Sept. 15, 1845.
Almira Louisa, d. Benjamin F., clerk, and Louisa, June 20, 1848.
Frank, s. James, restorator, b. N. Hampton, N.H., and Abigail, b. Pepperell, May 2, 1849.
George Colburn, s. Mark C., teamster, and Ruth A., Jan. 11, 1848.
George Henry, s. George, painter, and Emeline, Sept. 18, 1847.
James, s. James M., laborer, and Abigail, Mar. 23, 1848.
Varsal P., s. twin, Gardiner, powder maker, and Huldah S., Sept. 15, 1845.
Henry Francis, s. Thomas, laborer, and Mary J., Sept. 25, 1844.
Adalaide Louis, d. Jos. A., harness maker, and Elizabeth M. F., Mar. 2, 1847.
Frances Eunice, d. Joseph A., carriage maker, and Elizabeth M. F., Nov. 21, 1844.
Celesta H., d. Daniel, overseer, and Esther H., at Waterford, Me., Oct. 10, 1846.
Charles Alfred, s. John, carpenter, and Elizabeth, June 5, 1848.
Hiram H., s. Azariah, manufacturer, and Sophia, Oct. 11, 1843.
Susan Margaret, d. Azariah, manufacturer, and Sophia, July 4, 1845.
Helen, d. Charles and Eliza D. (Stone), Nov. 24, 1835.
Sarah Eliza, d. Charles and Eliza D. (Stone), Nov. 6, 1833.
George I., s. Robert, trader, and Anne, Nov. 1, 1848.
BRADLEY (Bradly)
Ann, d. James, calico printer, and Catherine [Catheniora. C.R.5.], Mar. 15, 1847.
Catherine (Bradly), d. Peter and Mary, bp. July 16, 1842. C.R.5.
Charles H., s. Pashby, stone layer, and Eliza, Mar. 29, 1846.
Daniel, s. Patrick, carpet weaver, and Catherine [Maguire. C.R.3.], both b. Ireland, May 19, 1849.
Elizabeth, d. James, manufacturer, and Catharine, Dec. 29, 1843.
Glenroy, s. Joshua B., mechanic, and Nancy, Jan. 8, 1849.
James, s. James, calico printer, and Catharine, June 14, 1845.
James, s. Hugh and Elizabeth Grow, July 28, 1848. C.R.3.
James Bernard. s. Patrick and Catherine Maguire, Sept. 21, 1847. C.R.3.
Margaret (Bradly), d. twin, Peter and Mary, bp. July 17, 1842. C.R.5.
Maria (Bradly), d. James and Catherine, Feb. 10, 1849. C.R.5.
Mary, d. Peter, laborer, and Mary, July 17, 1844.
Mary Ann, d. Michael, laborer, and Mary, Dec. 22, 1848.
Mary Ann, d. Peter, Feb. 12, 1849. C.R.3.
Mary Elizabeth (Bradly), d. Hugh and Elizabeth, Apr. 25, 1841. C.R.5.
Mary Florella, d. twin, Joshua B., roll coverer, and Nancy H., Aug. 5, 1844.
Philip (Bradly), s. twin, Peter and Mary, bp. July 17, 1842. C.R.5.
Rosanna, d. James and Mary, bp. Apr. 2, 1837. C.R.5.
Stella Eliza, d. twin, Joshua B., roll coverer, and Nancy H., Aug. 5, 1844.
William, s. William, shoemaker, and Mary G., Feb. 5, 1844.
William Crossland, s. Thomas D., peddler, and Mary Ann [Doley. C.R.3.], Dec. 8, 1848.
Anna Bailey, d. David, baker, and Hester Maria, Nov. 14, 1847.
Charles Augustus, s. David, baker, and Esther M., Dec. 7, 1844.
Daniel Edgar, s. Daniel, trader, and Sarah F., Aug. 13, 1848.
Frances Oliver, s. Garret J., baker, and Salina A., June 20, 1844.
Garrett J., s. David, baker, b. Chelmsford, and Hester M., b. Wentworth, N.H., Dec. 16, 1849.
John, s. Daniel, trader, b. Albany, and Sarah, b. Amesbury, Dec. 14, 1849.
Sarah Margaret, d. Daniel, trader, and Sarah F., Apr. 21, 1847.
Ann, d. Patrick and Ann, May 5, 1848. C.R.5.
Elinor Francis, d. Peter and Eliza, Oct. 19, 1839. C.R.5.
James Bernard, s. Patrick and Mary, Jan. 24, 1846. C.R.5.
John, "three days old," s. Hugh and Margaret, bp. Oct. 8, 1840. C.R.3.
John, s. Patrick, laborer, and Ann, Jan. 21, 1847.
John, s. John, laborer, and Elizabeth [Roncam. C.R.3.], both b. Ireland, July 4, 1849.
John, s. Thomas and Mary Casey, Aug. 28, 1849. C.R.3.
John, s. Thomas, laborer, and Bridget, both b. Ireland, Aug. 29, 1849.
Julia Anna, d. John and Julia, Oct. 28, 1837. C.R.5.
Margaret, d. Patrick and Anne, Feb. 6, 1838. C.R.5.
Margaret, "two weeks old," d. Edward and Ann, bp. Jan. 15, 1845. C.R.3.
Margaret, d. James, laborer, and Alice [Gaffrey. C.R.3.], both b. Ireland, Oct. 31, 1849.
Mary, d. Patrick, manufacturer, and Ann, Feb. 12, 1846.
Mary, d. Michael and Ellen, May 24, 1847. C.R.5.
Mary, d. James and Mary, June 6, 1847. C.R.5.
Patrick, s. Thomas and Bridgit, Mar. 30, 1848. C.R.5.
Sarah, bp. Feb. 13, 1848. C.R.6.
Charles Maynord, s. Maynord and Seignora, Jan. 15, 1819.
Charles Maynord, s. Maynord and Seignora, Oct. 14, 1828.
Laura Ann, s. Maynord and Seignora, Mar. 27, 1831.
William Henry, s. Frederick, carpenter, and Eliza, Oct. 4, 1848.
Rebecca Jane, d. Moses and Sybel, bp. Jan. 19, 1840. C.R.1.
Washington Bebee, s. Simon and Jane W., bp. Apr. 15, 1843. C.R.1.
Henrietta, d. Cornelius V., carrier, and Catharine C., Feb. 27, 1844.
BRENNAN (Branan, Brannan, Brenan)
Catherine, d. James and Mary, Aug. 30, 1842. C.R.5.
Catherine (Brannan), d. Thomas and Ellen, June 6, 1844. C.R.3.
Charles James, s. William and Mary Murphy, May 4, 1846. C.R.3.
Ellen, d. George and Joanna, Apr. 5, 1844. C.R.5.
Ellen, d. Patrick, laborer, and Mary [Reynolds. C.R.3.], July 3, 1848.
George (Branan), s. George and Johanna, Sept. 7, 1848. C.R.5.
James, s. Thomas and Eliza, Sept. 17, 1837. C.R.5.
Johanna (Brenan), d. Michael and Mary, Dec. 18, 1846. C.R.5.
John, s. John and Mary Kenney, Feb. 4, 1849. C.R.3.
John Augusta, s. James and Mary Meagher, June 12, 1846. C.R.3.
Margaret Maria, "aged 2 weeks." d. George and Johanna, bp. Aug. 23. 1846. C.R.5.
Margaret Maria, "born 2 weeks," d. George and Johanna, bp. Aug. 24, 1847. C.R.6.
Martin Francis (Brannan), "one month old," s. James and Mary, bp. Dec. 10, 1843. C.R.3.
Mary Ellen (Brannan), d. Thomas and Ellen, Dec. 4, 1842. C.R.3.
Sarah, d. John and Mary Kenney, bp. Nov. 8, 1846. C.R.3.
Mary, d. Andrew and Mary, May 12, 1848. C.R.5.
----, s. Michael and Ann, June 7, 1849. C.R.3.
Ida Celestina, d. Daniel, carpenter, b. Poland, Me., and Martha, b. Embden, Me., Oct. 13, 1849.
John, s. James, laborer, and Catharine, Mar. 2, 1846.
Rufus T., s. Rufus, machinist, b. Vermont, and Mehitable, b. Salisbury, Sept. 4, 1849.
BRIDGE (Bridges)
Francis, s. Thomas, engraver, b. Canada, and Louisa, h. Ireland, June 4, 1849.
George Woodbury (Bridges), s. Samuel Woodbury and Sabra, bp. Oct. 7, 1838. C.R.1.
James (Bridges), s. Samuel Woodbury and Sabra, bp. Dec. 25, 1839. C.R.1.
Louisa Jane, d. Thomas and Louisa, bp. Oct. 19, 1845. C.R.1.
Theodore Edson (Bridges), s. Samuel Woodbury and Sabra, bp. May 27, 1845. C.R.1.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Louisa, bp. June 6, 1847. C.R.1.
William, s. Thomas and Christen, bp. Dec. 4, 1836. C.R.1.
William Henry (Bridges), s. Samuel Woodbury and Sabry, bp. June 6, 1841. C.R.1.
----, d. Thomas, engraver, and Louisa, Mar. 5, 1845.
----, d. Erastus, manufacturer, and Roxana, Feb. 24, 1846.
----, s. Thomas, engraver, and Louisa, Feb. 24, 1847.
----, s. John, weaver, b. Canada, and Adeline C., b. Portsmouth, N.H., Dec. 25, 1849.
BRIERLY (Brailey, Briley)
Agnes Jane, d. Edward, laborer, and Margaret, June 17, 1844.
Agnes Thompson, d. Edward and Margaret, bp. Aug. 9, 1846. C.R.1.
Edward James, s. Edward and Margaret, bp. June 24, 1849. C.R.1.
Frances (Brailey), d. Edward, dyer, and Margaret, May 17, 1847.
Margaret (Briley), d. Edward, laborer, and Margaret, Nov. 15, 1845.
Margaret, d. Edward and Margaret, bp. Apr. 25, 1846. C.R.1.
Martha Jane Maria (Briley), d. John and Mary Chatterton, July 4, 1842. C.R.2.
Amanda D., d. George, blacksmith, and Hannah H., Nov. 12, 1843.
Carlos H., s. Sumner, carpenter, b. Paris, Me., and Sophia, b. Orange, N.H., Sept. 1, 1849.
Charles Edgar, s. Alanson, fireman, and Abigail, Feb. 10, 1845.
Edgar Andrew, s. Andrew, machinist, and Aldusta Ann, Oct. 11, 1848.
Ellen, d. James and Mary, Oct. 6, 1842. C.R.5.
Anna A., d. Ephraim T., bookseller, and Sophronia A., Nov. 4, 1843.
Charlotte Mariah, d. William and Sophia, both from Marlborough, at Chelmsford, Mar. 23, 1822.
George Alford, s. William and Sophia, both from Marlborough, Jan. 11, 1830.
George Alfred, s. William and Sophia, both from Marlborough, Apr. 24, 1827.
Loella Jane, d. William F., machinist, and Jane, June 28, 1845.
Sophia Ann, d. William and Sophia, both from Marlborough, at Northborough, Oct. 9, 1816.
Susan P., d. Danforth P., manufacturer, and Hannah, June 22, 1843.
William Freeman, s. William and Sophia, both from Marlborough, at Northborough, Mar. 18, 1819.
Charles Horatio, s. Horatio, "corporation," and Mary E., Feb. 11, 1848.
Ellen F., d. Joseph, teamster, and Caroline, Apr. 20, 1844.
----, d. Joseph, butcher, and Caroline, Mar. 27, 1846.
Ella M., d. Coffee and Ann, b. Maine, Oct. 4, 1849.
Susan, d. Patrick, laborer, and Ann, Sept. 1, 1843.
Ellen, d. John, laborer, and Jane, Mar. 31, 1844.
Floyer P., s. Preston, iron founder, and Susan, Jan. 29, 1844.
Ruel F., s. Preston, founder, and Susan, Jan. 20, 1846.
----, s. Preston H., iron moulder, and Susan L., Jan. 2, 1849.
Ann Maria, d. Peter, laborer, and Catharine, May 23, 1844.
Catherine, d. Daniel and Bridget, Jan. 11, 1839. C.R.5.
Hugh, s. Barney [Bernard. C.R.3.], laborer, and Mary [McCall. C.R.3.], June 18, 1848.
James, s. Daniel, laborer, and Bridget, Apr. 29, 1847.
John, s. Daniel and Bridget Harrigon, Apr. 21, 1847. C.R.3.
William, s. Daniel and Bridget Gettigan, June 23, 1849. C.R.3.
Bridget, d. Edward, hatter, and Margaret, June 2, 1845.
BROOKS (Brook)
Charlotte, d. James, machinist, and Mary, both b. England, Sept. 17, 1849.
Frances G., d. Daniel, blacksmith, and Caroline, Nov. 19, 1845.
Fredolin, s. John and Sophy, Dec. 26, 1847. C.R.5.
Georgiana, d. William P., manufacturer, and Cyrena, Sept. 5, 1843.
James, s. Walter, manufacturer, and Margaret, June ----, 1848.
John, s. Michael, spinner, and Julia, Jan. 17, 1848.
Josephine Adelaide, d. George W., manufacturer, and Betsey, Apr. 7, 1848.
Mary Elizabeth, d. James, block printer, and Mary, July 11, 1847.
----, d. George, manufacturer, and Betsey, July 31, 1845.
----, s. Elbridge G., clergyman, and Martha F., Apr. 14, 1846.
Bridget, d. Edward and Margaret, June 2, 1845. C.R.3.
Ellen, "born two weeks," d. Thomas and Catherine, bp. Sept. 26, 1841. C.R.5.
Ellen, d. twin, Edward and Margaret, Mar. 19, 1842. C.R.5.
James, s. Thomas, laborer, and Catharine, Feb. 13, 1845.
John, s. Thomas, laborer, and Catharine, Oct. 13, 1843.
Joseph, s. twin, Edward and Margaret, Mar. 19, 1842. C.R.5.
Martin, s. Thomas and Catharine, Aug. 23, 1838. C.R.5.
Michael, s. Thomas, laborer, and Catherine [Rashford. C.R.3.], Aug. 30, 1847.
Patrick, s. Thomas, laborer, and Catherine [Rashford. C.R.3.], June 13, 1846. [June 11. C.R.3.]
Therese, d. Edward [Edmond. C.R.3.], hatter, and Margaret [Walsh. C.R.3.], Dec. 3, 1847.
Thomas, "2 weeks old," s. Thomas and Catherine, bp. Mar. 8, 1840. C.R.5.
Ellen, d. Morris and Mary, June 8, 1847. C.R.5.
Charles Henry, s. Ephraim, machinist, and Rhoda, Sept. 7, 1846.
George William, s. Joseph, machinist, and Mary Ann, Feb. 13, 1847.
Susan, d. Ephraim, machinist, and Rhoda, Dec. 24, 1847.
Ada B., d. Samuel F., laborer, and Nancy, Mar. 30, 1847.
Adelaide Augusta, d. Francis, wool sorter, and Susan, "removed to Lawrence," b. May 6, 1847.
Angeline A., d. Ames L., teamster, and Emeline E., Dec. 15, 1845.
Ann Maria, d. Gardiner and Lucinda (Prescott), Mar. 22, 1830.
Augustus, s. Dearborn D., stone cutter, and Eliza, Aug. 31, 1845.
Austin, s. John A., machinist, and Phebe T., Aug. 7, 1846.
Catherine, d. James and Mary McCray, Mar. 27, 1848. C.R.3.
Charles, s. James, yeoman, and Charlotte, Nov. 25, 1848. [Oct. 25. C.R.5.].
Charles Fox, s. Moses F., laborer, and S., June 19, 1846.
Charles W., s. William, manufacturer, and Jane N., Sept. 20, 1848.
Edgar A., s. John B., machinist, and Maria M., Aug. ----, 1843.
Edwin A., s. John B., carpenter, and Maria M., Aug. 29, 1844.
Eliphalet Warren, s. Eliphalet and Sally, both from Amesbury, Feb. 26, 1831.
Elizabeth Jane, d. David and Mary Bell, bp. July 7, 1836. C.R.1.
Ellen, d. Mary. Aug. 29, 1847. C.R.5.
Ellen M., d. Ammi, laborer, and Elvira, Jan. 9, 1844.
Emma Augusta, d. William, mason, and Lucy, Jan. 25, 1845.
Emma Jane, d. Amos S., teamster, and Emeline E., Sept. 15, 1844.
Ezra Worthen, s. Eliphalet and Sally, both from Amesbury, Mar. 26, 1826.
Francis E., s. Albert J., powder maker, and Sarah, Jan. 20, 1844.
Frank, s. Darius C., reed maker, and Luella M., Oct. 1, 1848.
Franklin Agustus, s. Eliphalet and Lovey, Jan. 29, 1841.
Frederick Henry, s. Eliphalet and Lovey, Mar. 5, 1843.
George, s. Samuel S., variety store, and Julia E., Dec. 21, 1846.
George F., s. Thomas H., carpenter, and Lydia, Feb. 16, 1846.
George Porter, s. Ephraim, laborer, and Rhoda Ann, Nov. 2, 1846.
George S., s. Samuel L., fruit and vegetable dealer, b. Salem, and Julia, b. Roxbury, May 10, 1849.
Harriet Lovey, s. Eliphalet and Lovey, Feb. 2, 1839.
Harriet M., d. George and Ann. [before June 18, 1833.]
Harriet Maria, s. Eliphalet and Lovey, Aug. 14, 1834.
Helen Meers, d. William, architect, and Adaline, July 29, 1847.
Henry Colby, s. Job, carpenter, and Louisa, Oct. 27, 1845.
Henry Le Roy, s. Ephraim, laborer, and Rhoda A., May 22, 1844.
Hiram Alvah, s. Nathaniel, teamster, and Mary B., July 12, 1844.
James Eugene, s. George Haman and Fanny Almira, Dec. 29, 1843. C.R.2.
John Barnard, s. Eliphalet and Sally, at Amesbury, Aug. 18, 1820.
Josiah Woodman, s. Eliphalet and Lovey, Aug. 22, 1832.
Maria Susan, d. Eliphalet, dyer, and Lovey, Jan. 25, 1847.
Martha Ann, d. Ephraim, teacher, and Mary F., Oct. 13, 1846.
Martha Sarah, bp. Dec. 21, 1828. C.R.1.
Martin Luther, s. twin, Eliphalet, dyer, and Lovey, May 12, 1845.
Mary Ann, d. James and Mary McCray, Nov. 4, 1849. C.R.3.
Mary Ellen, d. Charles H., laborer, and Nancy H., July 3, 1844.
Mary F. B., d. Eliphalet and Sally, at Amesbury, ----, 1818.
Mary Frances, d. Aaron and Harriet (Fowler), Apr. 7, 1838.
Michael, s. Valentine, laborer, and Catherine, both b. Ireland, July 1, 1849.
Milton Servetas, s. twin, Eliphalet and Lovey, May 12, 1845.
Otis Demic, s. Eliphalet and Sally, both from Amesbury, Aug. 26, 1829.
Rodolphus Jerry, s. Jeremiah W., manufacturer, and Betsey H., May 2, 1846.
Rosanna, d. James, wood sawyer, and Anna, Aug. 1, 1843.
Samuel, s. Job, carpenter, and Louisa, Nov. 30, 1843.
Sarah Almira, d. George Haman and Fanny Almira, July 17, 1838. C.R.2.
Susan E., d. Deliverence, laborer, and Ellen, Oct. 18, [1845.]
Walter George, s. Eliphalet and Lovey, Oct. 23, 1836.
William Athelston, s. Eliphalet and Sally, both from Amesbury, Sept. 3, 1827.
William Henry, s. William H. and Caroline, at Boston, Mar. 14, 1845.
----, s. Amos S., teamster, and Emeline, Jan. 8, 1847.
----, d. William B., weaver, and Henrietta S., Feb. 23, 1848.
----, s. Amos S., teamster, b. Billerica, and Emeline, b. Norridgewock, Me., Oct. 8, 1849.
Charles Thomas, s. George and Sarah T., bp. June 3, 1836. C.R.1.
Francis Lowell, s. George and Sarah T., bp. Nov. 29, 1833. C.R.1.
George Joseph Warren, s. Joseph and Hannah, bp. Jan. 8, 1843. C.R.1.
Martha E., d. William G., carpenter, b. Barnard, Vt., and Martha, b. Nottingham, N.H., Aug. 7, 1849.
BRUNDETT (Brundratt)
Thomas W., s. Thomas, laborer, and Ann, June 23, 1847.
William Thomas (Brundratt), s. Thomas and Hannah, Nov. 19, 1848. C.R.1.
BRYAN, see O'Brien.
Francis Devereaux, s. James H., overseer of water, and Eliza Ann, July 19, 1846.
Henrietta C., d. J. Hervey and Eliza Ann, Sept. 23, 1838.
Henry Joseph, s. Joseph H. and Sarah (Willoughby), Jan. 24, 1839.
John Wheelock, s. Joseph H. and Sarah (Willoughby), Dec. 25, 1841.
Joseph Anthony, s. J. Hervey, overseer, and Eliza Ann, July 19, 1844.
Mary Jane, d. Joseph H. and Sarah (Willoughby), Aug. 6, 1837.
Sarah, d. Joseph, manufacturer, and Sarah, Apr. 29, 1845.
Theron Alston, s. J. Hervey and Eliza Ann, Jan. 17, 1842.
Clara E., d. Benjamin, manufacturer, b. Loudon, N.H., and Martha, b. Candia, N.H., Sept. 26, 1849.
BRYSAN (Brison)
James, s. Charles and Sarah, July 28, 1841. C.R.5.
William (Brison), s. Charles and Sarah, Aug. 25, 1842. C.R.5.
BUCE (Buse)
Ann Rebecca, d. William and Rebecca Tucker, bp. June 18, 1837. C.R.1.
Henry Edward (Buse), s. William and Rebecca T[ucker. C.R.1.], Aug. 20, 1832.
James William (Buse), s. William and Abigail (Rich), Dec. 17, 1839.
Sarah, d. William and Rebecca T., and d. adopted, Hector and Sarah McArthur, bp. June 12, 1837. C.R.1.
John William, s. John, deceased, and Jane, bp. Apr. 15, 1832. C.R.1.
----, s. John, overseer, and Elvira, Apr. 18, 1848.
BUCKLEY (Buckly)
Catharine (Buckly), d. Michael and Hannah, Feb. 8, 1849. C.R.6.
Jeremiah (Buckly), s. John and Bridget, bp. Jan. 15, 1843. C.R.5.
Johanna (Buckly), d. Patrick and Hanora, Nov. 16, 1848. C.R.5.
John, s. Patrick, laborer, and Mary, Dec. 25, 1848.
Julia (Buckly), d. John and Bridget, Jan. 5, 1841. C.R.5.
Mary (Buckly), d. William and Honora, Nov. 23, 1845. C.R.5.
Mary (Buckly), d. Edmund and Ellen, bp. Dec. 28, 1845. C.R.5.
Harriet Mumford, d. Thomas, bp. May 4, 1828. C.R.1.
James Sewall, s. Thomas, bp. May 4, 1828. C.R.1.
Rebecca Jane, d. Thomas, bp. Nov. 2, 1828. C.R.1.
Thomas, s. Thomas, bp. May 4, 1828. C.R.1.
Roseann, d. John, laborer, and Ann, Mar. 27, 1847.
----, s. Abel H., painter, and Clarissa P., Sept. 22, 1843.
George, s. Coats, manufacturer, and Mary, May 17, 1847.
Ellen, d. Ed. and Mary, Oct. 13, 1847. C.R.6.
Henry, s. Joseph M., machinist, and Sarah G., Jan. 7, 1849.