Vital Records Of Leominster, Worchester Co., MA
To The End Of The Year 1849
Marriages - EAGER to JUDKINS
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Nancy M. of Northboro and Joshua Lincoln, int. Oct. 11, 1834.
Uriah and Margaret C. Smith of Warner, N.H., int. Sept. 19, 1829.
EAMES (see Eams)
Phebe and Peter Parmeater [both of No. Town adjoining Leominster in int.], April 8, 1824.
Mary L. of Hopkinton and Leonard Cozzens, int. June 11, 1846.
EAMS (see above)
Charles and Hanna Robbins of Westford, int. Jan. 9, 1753-4.
Hannah and Manassa Knight of Lancester, Jan. 26, 1775.
Felicia Ann and Artemas Buck of Sterling, int. Sept. 8, 1838.
Benjamin [Benjamin W. in int.] and Sarah Colburn, April 6, 1827.
Joseph M. and Polly A. [or M.] Wilder, April 11, 1830.
Mrs. Lovina of Lunenburg and Henry Jackson, int. April 10, 1830.
Mary B. of Townsend and Andrew Russell, int. March 29, 1845.
Nancy and David Wood, Nov. 30, 1797. In Lancaster.
Reuben of Reading and Anna Colburn, Oct. 8, 1801.
Mrs. Sarah and Jacob Damon of Fitchburg, int. Aug. 15, 1842.
Charles B. and Abigail L. Chase, Nov. 18, 1832.
Hosea of Groton and Sally [Lefe in int.] Coolidge, April 7, 1803.
Lucy A. and Gilbert Southard of Fitzwilliam, N.H., int. Nov. 23, 1844.
Mrs. Rebecca of Royalston and James S. Parker, March 31, 1842.
Gideon of Keen and Lucy Osgood [wid. in C.R.], June 6, 1764.
Lovisa (d. Caleb and Hannah, a. 20) and David C. Newton of Marlborough, Jan. 21, 1849.
George of Malden and Nancy Fuller, Oct. 24, 1813.
Alva of Fitchburg and Mrs. Louisa G. Derby, int. May 17, 1845.
ENGLAND (see Ingland)
Prudence and Capt. Josiah Carter, Oct. 14, 1787.
Sarah and Samuel Danforth both of Fitchburg, Aug. 17, 1780.
Henery and Relief Rogers, int. March 8, 1777. [Married May 6, C.R.]
Henry and Relief Rogers, May 6, 1777. C.R.
Phebe D. of Roxbury, N.H. and William B. Barron, int. Sept. 9, 1847.
EVANS (see Evens)
Asa and Dorothy Buss, Oct. 25, 1781.
Elias and Lucy Glover, Dec. 20, 1798.
Elias and Sarah Deane Caswell of Fitchburg, int. Oct. 17, 1806.
Lucy of Fitchburg and Peletiah Sheldon, int. Oct. 15, 1836.
EVENS (see above)
Elizebeth and William Divoll, int. Nov. 28, 1789.
Heman of Peterborough, N.H. and Elisabeth Carter, Aug. 24, 1788.
Nethaniel and Mary Tidde of Woburn, int. Feb. 2, 1758.
Nethaniel Jr. and Susannah Carter, int. May 28, 1783. [Married Jan. 1, 1784, C.R.]
Samuel of Woburn and Elisabeth Johnson, Sept. 29, 1766.
Mrs. Martha and Jonathan Willard both of Sterling, Feb. 14, 1808.
FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks)
Abigail and James Boutell, May 25, 1796.
Abijah of Sterling and Vashti Wilder, July 12, 1792.
Beulah and Abijah Butler, Dec. 29, 1795.
Wid. Deborah and Timothy Rockwood of Holliston, Feb. 15, 1787.
Elijah and Bulah Carter, May 22, 1766.
Elijah Jr. and Lucy Tainter, int. Oct. 2, 1794.
Eliphlet and Rebeccah Blood, int. Jan. 11, 1801.
Jabez of Lancaster and Naomi Dupee, Jan. 20, 1756. In Lancaster.
Jabez, living adjacent to Leominister and Betsey Baker of District of Berlin, July 19, 1786. In Berlin.
John of Athol and Wid. Tabitha White, Dec. 15, 1796.
Mary C. of Fitchburg and Asa Longley, int. May 9, 1818.
Mary E. of West Boylston and Merritt Wood, int. April 2, 1847.
Naoma of Sterling and David Wheelock, int. March 30, 1800.
FAIRBANKS (see above)
Betsey of Northboro and Abel Wood, int. Sept. 14, 1821.
Elisabeth and Joshua Tyler Jr., May 10, 1804.
Esther and James Aiken, Dec. 25, 1828.
[Fairbank in int.], Polly and Isaac Spaulding of Townsend, Dec. 23, 1802.
FAREWELL (see Farwell)
Peter and Maria Patch of Fitchburg, April 20, 1837. In Fitchburg.
Julia Ann of Ashburnham and Rev. Horace Moulton, int. Dec. 6, 1843.
Mark and Lucretia Gardner, Sept. 19, 1805.
John (s. Francis and Sarah, a. 31) and Martha P. Dean, May 10, 1845.
William of Lunenburg (s. John and Betsey, a. 20) and Martha J. Putnam of Mason, N.H., Nov. 21, 1849.
Rev. William S. of Louisville, Ky. (s. Jesse and Margaret, a. 33) and Abby S. Low, April 9, 1845.
Abigail of Westminister and Edward Follainsbe, int. May 5, 1812.
[Mrs. in int.], Almira C. (d. Elnathan and Colburn, a. 34, wid.) and Albert B. Trowbridge, May 10, 1848.
Asa and Lucy Warner, Sept. 22, 1805.
Asa and Lucy Scollay, int. Feb. 15, 1823.
Charles and Rebecca C. Dodge of Charlton, int. May 22, 1848.
Clarissa and Moses Sartwell, int. Sept. 7, 1817.
Dorothy and Abel C. Chase, int. April 1, 1848.
Mrs. Lucy and William Palmer both of Sterling, Nov. 23, 1837.
Martha of Groton and Edward Phelps, Dec. 20, 1765. In Groton.
Nathaniel of Harvard and Mary Collins, Feb. 13, 1777.
Sally and Francis Nurse, May 3, 1824.
Susan and Rufus Houghton, April 2, 1834.
Susannah of Harvard and Ebenezer Houghton, Jan. 9, 1752. In Harvard.
Sybel of Harvard and Moses Stickney, Nov. 20, 1760. In Harvard.
Thankful and Nathaniel Beman of Lancester, April 10, 1770.
Roxana of Ashby and James D. Hervey, int. Dec. 12, 1840.
Mary and Gen. James Reed of Fitzwilliam, Oct. 16, 1792.
Harriet and Charles Russell both of Fitchburg, July 12, 1838.
Betsey of Harvard and Samuel Walker, ---- ----, ----. In Harvard. [int. Oct. 14, 1797.]
Peter and Catharine Boutell of Fitchburg, Oct. 7, 1823.
(see Farewell), Peter and Elizabeth S. Burrage, Nov. 26, 1839.
Stephen S. of Northbridge and Mary E. [C. in int.] Houghton, Jan. 1, 1836.
Athelia of Temple, N.H. and Allen Johnson, int. Oct. 30, 1839.
Almira F. of Townsend (d. John and Elisabeth, a. 45) and Francis Chase, Aug. 2, 1849.
Nehemiah (s. Solomon and Hannah, a. 23) and Charlotte E. Wilson, May 20, 1846.
Dr. C. C. and Hannah C. Danforth, May 27, 1839.
Phila of Northfield (d. George) and Rev. Hiram Withington, ---- ----, ----. In Northfield. [int. Jan. 30, 1848.]
William and Sally Mahan both of Sterling, May 4, 1841.
Charles B. and Rhoda Vance of Fitchburg, int. June 23, 1849.
Jacob Jr. of Lancaster and Oricy Hills, int. April 30, 1818.
James of West Boylston and Louisa Allen, int. March 22, 1828.
Wid. Mary and James Chamberlain of Dublin, N.H., int. March 25, 1801.
Receive and Oliver Priest, Aug. 11, 1793.
Almira and Samuel W. Vilas of Shrewsbury, int. April 20, 1822.
Sarah and Orville Lothrop of Shrewsbury, April 29, 1823.
John of Fitchburg and Rebecca Gamwell, int. June 19, 1815.
Wid. Hannah and Oliver Carter, Aug. 27, 1777.
Charles and Hepsybeth Henry of Chesterfield, N.H., int. Feb. 14, 1845.
Chloe and Henry H. Griffin of Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 14, 1836.
Hannah and Calvin Bennett, May 13, 1798.
Joel W. Esq. and Mnry Ann Marsh of Hardwick, int. April 12, 1845.
Mrs. Mary and Benjamin Adams, Sept. 12, 1841.
Persis of Sterling and Plyney Colburn, int. March 12, 1790.
Polly of Westford and Orville Richardson, int. June 10, 1826.
Nancy of Shirley and Samuel Legate, int. March 11, 1811.
Lucinda of Lancaster and Isaac E. Hutchins, int. April 1, 1820.
FOLLAINSBE (see forms below)
Edward and Abigail Farnsworth of Westminister, int. May 5, 1812.
Andrew J. (s. Ayers and Abigail, a. 22) and Caliste A. [or G.l Whitcomb, Aug. 4, 1847.
Ayers and Abigail Brown, April 4, 1824.
Eliza and John Bigelow, Jan. 20, 1814.
Hannah and Silas Johnson, July 24, 1788.
Lydia and Ephraim Johnson, May 12, 1785.
Sarah and Abraham E. Willard of Lancaster, int. March 19, 1820.
FOLLINSBEE (see above)
Betty and Benjamin Johnson, Jan. 26, 1792.
Edward and Elisabeth Taintor, Sept. 20, 1791.
Lyman R. of Rutland and Nancy B. Carter, int. March 5, 1835.
Absolom P. and Mary Ann Heywood of Lunenburg, int. April 2, 1846.
Absalom P. and Miranda Priest Heywood, int. Feb. 10, 1849.
FOSTER, Abigail and Stephen Ames of Holles, int. Sept. 26, 1761.
Coolidge of No-town (so called) and Dolly Maynard of Lancaster, int. July 5, 1820.
David [Daniel ? in int.] D. of Troy, N.H. and Susan Patch, April 21, 1842.
Dorothy and Jacob Peabody, March 4, 1756. In Lunenburg.
Eunice and Henry Carter, int. Sept. 10, 1826.
[Mrs. in int.], Hannah (d. Gershom and Sarah Flagg, a. 53, wid.) and Abel Wilson, March 30, 1847.
Mary E. (d. ----, and Hannah, a. 16) and William Scranton, April 20, 1847.
Nancy and Metaphor Kendall, int. April 29, 1826.
Rachel of Lunenburg and John Sampson, int. Sept. 16, 1835.
Mrs. Sarah A. [Ann in int.] and Daniel Parkhurst, Aug. 23, 1835.
Isaac J. of Jaffrey, N.H. and Sophia H. Wilder, int. Sept. 23, 1827.
Isaac J. of Nashua, N.H. and Permelia Wilder, Nov. 17, 1839.
Margaret and Jacob Wilson, Dec. 6, 1762. In Lunenburg.
Lydia and Ezra Hale, June 5, 1744.
Patience of Groton and Jonathan Kendall, Dec. 3, 1761. In Groton.
FULLAM (see Fullom, Fullum)
Abigail and Summonsbee Chase, June 5, 1808.
Betsey and Richard Park [Parks ?], July 1, 1806.
Jacob Jr. and Belinda Stearns, Feb. 16, 1817.
Lidea of Fitchburg and Peleg Battels, int. Dec. 22, 1787.
Mary E. (d. Jacob and Belinda, a. 28) and Robert Henry, Nov. 4, 1847.
Polly and Luke Gates, Nov. 29, 1810.
Sarah and David Alline, int. Jan. 2, 1802. [1803 ?.]
FULLER (see Fullor)
Benjamin of Fitchburg and Phebe Poor, March 26, 1795.
Daniel and Darnaris Carter, int. Jan. 31, 1788. [Married Feb. 22, C.R.].
Edward Jr. and Sarah Colborn, Dec. 12, 1781.
Edward and Anna Thurston of Newbury, Feb. 2, 1786. In Newbury.
Edward and Sarah Goodridge, April 21, 1808.
Edward Jr. and Sally Osborn of Fitchburg, int. Oct 5, 1816.
Mrs. Eunice of Lunenburg and John Carter Jr., int. March 25, 1810.
John Thurston and Polly Powers, Jan. 20, 1811.
Lucretia and Calvin Oaks, March 20, 1782.
Lucy and Francies Parker, Feb. 12, 1766.
Wid. Lucy and Dea. Simon Butler, July 14, 1791.
Mary and John Beman, Aug. 5, 1767.
Nancy and George Emerson of Malden, Oct. 24, 1813.
Percis and Asa Kendal, July ----, 1777.
Mrs. Polly K. and Reuben Kendall of Westmoreland, N.H., June 8, 1838.
Rebecca and Sylvester Priest of Harvard, Dec. 12, 1819.
Relief [T. ?] and Luke Richardson Jr., Jan. 19, 1786.
Sally and Phinehas Sprague of Malden, Aug. 7, 1804.
William and Betsey Smith, int. June 14, 1813.
[Fuller in int.], Betty and Nathan Colburn, May 10, 1769.
[Fuller in int.], Sarah and Reuben Gates Jr., Feb. [July ?] 1, 1779.
FULLOM (see Fullam)
Sally and David Allen, Jan. 3, 1803.
FULLUM (see above)
Jacob and Wid. Elisebeth Houghton, Dec. 7, 1777.
Eunice and Solon Hale, May 4, 1817.
Mary and Amos Haws, int. Dec. 31, 1815.
GAFFELL (see Garfield)
Elijah of Petersham and Jenny Nichols, May 29, 1771.
James B. and Orracy A. Wheelock, May 20, 1841.
Rebecca and John FitzGerald of Fitchburg, int. June 19, 1815.
Lucy of Situate and David Battles, int. Nov. 4, 1796.
Ann Sewall and Leonard W. Noyes of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 25, 1826.
Dorothy and Ferdinand Eliot White of Boston, int. Oct. 29, 1825.
Hannah and Abijah Bigelow, April 8, 1804.
John and Elizabeth Greenleaf of Boston, int. Sept 8, 1795.
Lucretia and Mark Farley, Sept. 19, 1805.
Mary [Polly in int.] and Jonathan Whitcomb Esq. of Bolton, Oct. 18, 1796.
Mary [Eliza, C.R.] and William P. Thurston, Feb. 12, 1821.
Nancy and Samuel Salisbury Jr. of Boston, July 15 [18, C.R.], 1806.
Sarah and Jotham Johnson, April 29, 1792.
Sarah and William Greenough of Boston, int. July 27, 1817.
Sophia and Charles Prentiss, Nov. 19, 1795.
GAREY (see Gary, Geary)
[Gerry in int.], Betsey W. (d. Solomon and Betsey, a. 22) and Luther Osborn, June 4, 1844.
GARFIELD (see Gaffell)
Jane of Westminster and Charles Whitcomb, March 25, 1834.
GARY (see Gerry)
[Gerry in int.], David and Lucy Thomson, Nov. 15, 1793.
Phebe of Sterling and James May, int. Sept. 26, 1801. [Married Dec. 14, C.R.]
Wid. Sally of Sterling and Capt. John Gerry, int. April 11, 1817.
Thomas 2d and Nancy Withee of Mason, int. Jan. 31, 1813.
Artemas and Lorinda Wilder, int. March 23, 1833.
Augustus (s. Jonas Jr. and Martha, a. 25) and Adelia M. Puffer, April 24, 1849.
Carter and Nancy Simonds, Feb. 5, 1818.
Charles W. of Holliston (s. Reuben and Anna, a. 24) and Roxanna G. Goodrich, April 19, 1849.
Edwin and Ann B. Whitney, int. April 1, 1843.
Elias of Westmoreland and Mary Bernan, Feb. 26, 1770.
Elias and Lucy Laughton of Lancaster, int. Aug. 24, 1816.
Jonas and Mary Carter, June 13, 1786.
Jonas and Louis Nichols, April 9, 1812.
Jonas Jr. and Martha Divoll, Dec. 10, 1812.
Luke and Polly Fullam, Nov. 29, 1810.
Mary and Nathaniel S. Young of Fitchburg, Aug. 5, 1832.
Marcy and Daniel Price [Pierce ?, int.], Dec. 11, 1766.
Marcy and Amos Brown, May 30, 1771.
Reuben Jr. and Sarah Fullor, Feb. [July ?, C.R.] 1, 1779.
Reuben of Harvard and Sally Potter, Sept. 26, 1802.
Sarah and Joseph Wetherbee of Stow, Jan. 27, 1768.
Sewall and Martha Stockwell of Boston, int. May 11, 1824.
Silas and Vashti Carter, July 13, 1801.
Silas and Polly Simonds, June 13, 1810.
Vashti and Daniel Virgil of Lancaster, May 26, 1830.
Whiting of Worcester and Lucy Ann Richardson, Jan. 5, 1842.
George and Lucy Hutchinson of Pepperell, int. Nov. 20, 1829.
Jeremiah Jr. of Needham and Lydia Ware, Fitchburg, Dec. 26, 1765. C.R.
GEARY (see Gary, Gerry)
[Gary in int.], Benjamin and Louis Osgood of Lancaster, May 3, 1798.
Jenny [Janey in int.] and Aaron May, Jan. 18, 1787.
Jonas and Polley Putnam of Sterling, int. Nov. 27, 1785.
Jonathan of Sterling and Hephsibah Braybrook, May 16, 1785.
[Gary in int.], Levina and Salmon Wilder, June 25, 1807.
Polly of Sterling and Elijah Houghton, int. Dec. 17, 1785.
Levi B. of Bradford and Joanna [W.] Carter, Jan. 1, 1835.
GERRY (see Gary, Gery)
Abigail and Silas May, June 30, 1836.
Almira [Almira P. in int.] and David Tenney, March 21, 1824.
[Gary in int.] Betsey and Solomon Gerry, Feb. 17, 1819.
Betsey and Nathan Burpee of Boylston, int. March 18, 1837.
Caleb S. and Elizabeth R. Knight of Harvard, Nov. 14, 1838.
Capt. John and Wid. Sally Gary of Sterling, int. April 11, 1817.
Mrs. Louis and Ebenezer Rugg, May 15, 1831.
[Gary in int.], Lucy and John Winch of Fitzwilliam, N.H., May 8, 1804.
[Gary in int.], Mebitable and Daniel Chisamore, April 2, 1829.
Priscilla and John Davis of Sterling, Nov. 29, 1827.
Solomon and Betsey, [Elizabeth, C.R.] Gerry, Feb. 17, 1819.
[Geary in int.], Louisa and Ira Darby, Jan. 17, 1828.
John of Portland and Caroline Crosby, May 26, 1823.
[Mrs. in int.] Abigail Fletcher of Fitchburg and Thomas Lincoln, Oct. 24, 1793. In Fitchburg.
Dolly S. and Moses W. Wood both of Boylston, Dec. 14, 1843.
Hollis and Mrs. Marcella Smith, Feb. 1, 1835.
Jesse and Lucy Rice both living on land adjacent to Leominster, Sept. 26, 1810.
Mary living on land adjacent to Leominster and Joel Brown of Sudbury, July 2, 1811.
Alexander B. and Roxana Brittan, int. March 20, 1834.
Bazeleel and Lucinda Gibson of Ashburnham, int. April 22, 1810.
Betsey of Fitchburg and Elnathan Colburn, int. June 3, 1809.
Betsey and William Tenney, Feb. 3, 1820.
Caroline L. and William T. Allen of Boston, June 7, 1836.
George P. (s. Bezaleel and Lucinda, a. 22) and Lydia Symonds, Feb. 14, 1847.
Isaac of Fitchburg and Abigail Bennet, Nov. 27, 1766.
James and Lucy Petts, April 15, 1824.
Joseph of Fitchburg and Asenath Graham, int. Dec. 5, 1846.
Lefe of Fitchburg and Joseph Colburn, int. April 4, 1804.
Louisa W. and Erastus G. Thompson, int. Oct. 10, 1828.
Lucinda of Ashburnham and Bazeleel Gibson, int. April 22, 1810.
Lucy and John Hills Jr., Jan. 2[3 ? C.R.], 1814.
Lyman [Lyman J. in int.] and Harriet P. Bennett, May 3, 1841.
Orville J. (s. James and Lucy P., a. 22) and Sarah M. Clark, May 10, 1848.
Relief and Rufus Bowers, Oct. 3, 1813.
Reuben of Fitchburg and Mary Maynard, July 16, 1843.
Stephen and Mary Hartwell of Lunenburg, April 4, 1811.
Lucy of Lunenburg and Parker Tyler, int. Oct. 29, 1803.
Eliza Jane of Marlborough, N.H. and Joseph Blanchard, int. March 12, 1844.
Sarah H. of Townsend and George Page, int. April 16, 1842.
Polly of Hubbardston and Elisha Wilder, int. Nov. 28, 1801
[Glason in int.], Fortunatus of Westmoreland and Easter Beaman, Oct. 18, 1775.
Lucy and Elias Evans, Dec. 20, 1798.
Polly and John Daby, Dec. 20, 1800. [1798 ?.]
William and Betsy Divoll, June 29, 1813.
Rev. David Jr. and Charlotte P. Davenport of Boylston, int. Sept. 7, 1840.
Rev. David and Mrs. Elizabeth Raymond, int. May 28, 1846.
Ebenezer [Eber ?] of Lancaster and Mary [S. or L.] Burditt, March 2, 1841.
Elizabeth of Sudbury and Silas Parminter living on land adjacent to Leominster, int. May 22, 1814.
GOODRICH (see Goodridge)
Asenath (d. Phinehas and Nancy, a. 24) and Rev. Noadiah S. Dickinson of Amherst, Sept. 4, 1845.
Ronan G. (d. Phineas and Mary, a. 24) and Charles W. Gates of Holliston, April 19, 1849.
GOODRIDGE (see above)
Abigail of Lunenburg and Joseph Smith, int. Sept. 7, 1783.
Benjamin Jr. of Lunenburg and Lydia Wilder, Sept. 5, 1768. In Lunenburg.
Jefferson A. [Adams in int.] of Lunenburg and Nancy Bigelow, Nov. 15, 1826.
John of Fitchburg and Desire Nichols, Oct. 14, 1778.
Capt. John of Fitchburg and Prudence Butler, July 9, 1789.
Lucy of Luningburgh and Moses Blake, int. March. 15, 1775.
Lydia of Lunenburg and Joshua Parce [Pirce in int.], Nov. 27, 1766. In Lunenburg.
Lydia W. of Lunenburg and William Harris Jr., int. April 7, 1835.
Martha of Fitchburg and John Divoll 2d, Nov. 20, 1823.
[Mrs. in int.], Sarah and Edward Fuller, April 21, 1808.
Sophia L. and Abram Quimby of Hartford, Vt., int. Dec. 6, 1845.
Susan A. W. and Joseph Pierce, June 1, 1842. In Fitchburg.
Eliza Ann and Timothy Brooks of North Adams, int. May 25, 1830.
John Jr. of Lancaster and Susan Smith, int. March 13, 1820.
Jonathan S. and Sophronia A. Johnson both of Lowell, May 20, 1841.
Bridget and James Coleman, int. May 1, 1844.
Henry of Lancaster and Sarah Dexter, int. Nov. 17, 1826.
Levi and Marsylvia S. Ware both of West Boylston, Dec. 14, 1843.
Laura and Joel Knowlton, int. May 12, 1849.
Sally of Wrentham and John Perrigo, int. Nov. 6, 1799.
Susana of Oxford and Robert Smith, Feb. 28, 1743-4. In Oxford.
Mrs. Adah J. of Grafton and Dea. James Boutell, Oct. 24, 1843.
Lydia of Henniker, N.H. and Charles P. Whittin, int. Aug. 10, 1839.
Delia and Nathan Merriam of New Ipswich, N.H., July 1, 1817.
Esther and Israel Nichols Jr., May 18, 1800.
Sarah of LinfieId and Jonas Kendall Jr., int. Sept. 10, 1785.
Dr. Thomas and Esther Richardson, Jan. 17 [27, C.R.], 1763.
Andrew and Submit Davenport, July 15, 1752.
Asenath and Joseph Gibson of Fitchburg, int. Dec. 5, 1846.
Lucy [Lucy Ann in Int.] of Lunenburg and Manson D. Haws, March 5, 1843. In Lunenburg.
Melzar and Nancy Runnel of Lunenburg, March 19, 1792. In Lunenburg.
Calvin and Betse Pike of Leuningburge, int. May 6, 1777. [Married July 6, C.R.]
GRAVES (see Greaves)
Calvin and Lydia Smith, July 31, 1773. In Lunenburg.
Elisabath and Josiah Carter [Jr.], Aug. 22, 1770.
Lydia of Bolton and Daniel Priest, April 5, 1762. In Bolton.
Lydia and Joseph Richardson, Oct. 28, 1779.
Sarah of Stow and Samuel Stearns, Dec. 26, 1772. In Stow.
James and Rebecca How both of Lancester, Dec. 20, 1770.
William S. and Louisa F. Whitcomb, int. June 17, 1848.
GREAVES (see Graves, Gowan)
Wid. Phebe and Col. John Boyenton of Weathersfield, Vt., Feb. 5, 1794.
Rachel of Bolton and Samuel Wilder, int. Oct. 26, 1793.
Elizabeth of Boston and John Gardner, int. Sept. 8, 1795.
William H. S. of Warner, N.H. and Myra Joslin, Oct. 16, 1825.
William of Boston and Sarah Gardner, int. July 27, 1817.
Martha of Gardner and Simeon A. W. Stevens, int. Oct. 30, 1841.
Ebenezer and Betty Carter, Sept. 20, 1792.
Henry H. of Ann Arbor, Mich. and Chloe Fletcher, Sept. 14, 1836.
Olivia of Princeton (d. Daniel and Olivia, a. 45) and Micah R. Ball, Dec. 16, 1845.
Mary Elizabeth and William Palmer, Nov. 22, 1842.
Lucy O. and William Rice, int. Oct. 26, 1839.
Samuel and Lydia Stone, April 3, 1830. [int. March 12, 1831 ?]
HADLEY (see Headley)
Elisabeth R. (d. Jacob and Nancy, a. 22) and J. Milton Burrage, Nov. 26, 1846.
Harriet of Princeton and Martin A. Houghton, int. Oct. 10, 1846.
James and Abby M. Newton of Fitchburg, int. Nov. 23, 1848.
Nancy of Lunenburg and William M. Legate, int. March 30, 1822.
Mrs. Betsey of Newton and Levi Powers, int. April 8, 1834.
EAMES (see Haynes)
Daniel R. (s. John S. and Betsey, a. 28) and Abigail R. Richardson, March 7, 1849.
Abel and Hannah Baker of Sterling, Aug. 30, 1804.
Bazaleel and Sarah Hale, int. April 16, 1831.
Belinda and Josiah Johnson, June 22, 1823.
Benjamin and Mary Ingland [England, C.R.], Oct. 14, 1779.
Betsey and William Snow, Feb. 12, 1804.
Betsey and John Stuart, Nov. 26, 1812.
Betsy and James Carter, Jan. 1, 1795.
Calvin and Phebe Nichols, int. Nov. 4, 1781.
Capt. Calvin and Wid. Sally Whitney, July 10, 1814.
Calvin Jr. and Mary Wheeler, Nov. 15, 1814.
Candace and David Bigelow, Sept. 13, 1807.
Charles and Eliza Boutell of Fitchburg, int. April 22, 1824.
Charles and Mary Wheeler of Leicester, int. May 1, 1829.
Charles B. (s. Calvin and Sally, a. 26) and Rebecca Laughton, May 21, 1846.
Elisabeth and Samuel Boutell, Nov. 25, 1790.
Ephraim and Hannah Spoffard of Lancester, May 22, 1768.
Ezra and Lydia Frost [of Groton, C.R.], June 5, 1744.
Ezra and Thankfull Barbrook of Lancester, int. June 18, 1772.
Hepzibah and John Cummings of Royalston, June 1, 1820.
Jasper and Lucy Hudson, June 27, 1825.
Joel and Jana Ramar of Westminster, int. April 6, 1785.
Hall ?], John and Mary Whitcomb, June 18, 1778.
Katherine and Silas Parry, int. June 6, 1783.
Luthor and Joanna Carter, Jan. 16, 1787.
Lydia of Lancaster and James Digens, June 1, 1769. In Lancaster.
Maria L. and Carter Lamb, June 5, 1836.
Oliver [Jr. in int.] and Mary Wheelock, Dec. 25, 1772.
Oliver and Mrs. Catharine Boutle, int. Feb. 11, 1758.
Phebe and Artemas Bowers, int. Nov. 21, 1812.
Sally and John Ramore, Feb. 17, 1789.
Sally and Abel Kendall, Feb. 14, 1796.
Samuel Jr. and Wid. Hannah Stearns, July 8, 1784.
Samuel Jr. and Wid. Hepzibah Whitney of Ringe, N.H., int. Oct. 24, 1790.
Sarah of Fitchburg and John Simonds, int. April 1, 1820.
Sarah and Bazaleel Hale, int. April 16, 1831.
Solon and Eunice Furbush, May 4, 1817.
Suky and Eben Steart, May 24, 1801.
Sylvia and Thomas Livermore, March 3, 1817.
Sylvia A. (d. Abel and Hannah, a. 27) and Martin Carleton, Oct. 14, 1847.
Thomas and Elizabeth Wilder, int. April 20, 1781. [Married May 14, C.R.]
[Hall ?] William of Lyme, Ct. and Mary Brown, May 31, 1841.
William S. and Emma M. Houghton, Dec. 5, 1839.
HALL (see Hale)
Abigail L. and Capt. Charles Hitchcock of Hanson, Feb. 9, 1824.
Clara R. of Otisfield, Me. and A. Gilman Reckard, int. Oct. 27, 1848.
John, see Hale.
Wid. Elisabeth and Phinehas Butler, March 8, 1792.
Amanda B. and John A. Peters, Dec. 30, 1842.
Thomas and Keziah Nichols, May 12, 1791.
Daniel of Holliston (s. Richard and Catherine, a. 27) and Malvina G. Bowers, April 12, 1848.
Noah R. and Sarah Caroline Howe of Princeton, int. May 13, 1848.
Rev. Fordyce of Roxbury, N.Y. and Cynthia Boutelle, int. July 25, 1832.
Frederick B. of Westminster and Harriet Clark, May 24, 1842.
Phinehas Jr. [of Shirley in int.] (s. Phinehas and Lois, a. 21) and Cynthia Osborn, Nov. 28, 1848.
HARRIS (see Herris)
Benjamin and Deborah Allen, int. Dec. 13, 1801.
Emory and Ellery Brown both of Fitchburg, Jan. 4, 1805.
[Homes ? q.v.] Jonathan and Hannah Robins of Groton, int. Jan. 2, 1767.
Jonathan, and Abigail Phillips, Dec. 31, 1759. C.R.
Lydea of Fitchburg and John Sanderson of Templeton, Aug. 12, 1819. At Fitchburg. C.R.
Lyman (s. Daniel and Mary, a. 29) and Theresa A. Smith, Nov. 17, 1844.
Sophia of Fitchburg and Amos Whitney, int. March 23, 1802.
Thomas G. and Mary E. Pierce, Dec. 3, 1840.
William of Lunenburg and Betsey Spaulding, May 11, 1802.
William Jr. and Lydia W. Goodridge of Lunenburg, int. April 7, 1835.
Rebekah of Lunenburg and Benjamin Daby, Dec. 11, 1774. In Lunenburg.
HARTWEL (see Heartwell)
Molley and Reuben Kendal, int. July 10, 1762.
Benjamin and Merriel Nichols, Sept. 15, 1782.
Dorcas and John Rand of Westminster, int. Oct. 23, 1795.
Edward of Lunenburg and Eliza Tyler, int. March 12, 1830.
Eliza and James H. Marshall, Aug. 31, 1843.
Mrs. Eunice of Lunenburg and Caleb Wood, int. Sept. 17, 1785.
John of Lunenburg and Betsey Snow, Dec. 10, 1816.
Mary of Lunenburg and Stephen Gibson, April 4, 1811.
Mary of Lunenburg and Alpheus Rugg of Rindge, N.H., Sept. 17, 1835. In Lunenburg.
Reuben of Lunenburgh and Abigail Ruggels, April 27, 1786.
Tabitha of Lunenburgh and Phinehas Tyler Jr., Oct. 16, 1788.
John Perez and Sally Richardson, Nov. 30, 1815.
Mary of Lancaster and Luke Wilder, int. April 29, 1811.
Mariah of Leuninburge and Oliver Houghton, int. Jan. 23, 1775.
Charlotte M. C. (d. Peter N. and Sarah, a. 25) and Franklin Lyon, Feb. 21, 1849.
Franklin E. [Francis L. in C.R.] (s. Peter N. and Sarah, a. 24) and Lydia Day both of Lunenburg, Jan. 31, 1849.
Jeremiah and Latice Corthrell of Scituate, Jan. 7, 1777. In Scituate.
Joseph and Sarah Trumbell of Shirley, int. Feb. 15, 1834.
Laura A C. (d. Peter N. and Sally, a. 24) and Fordyce J. Stone, June 17, 1845.
Wid. Lucy of Fitchburg and Dea. David Wilder, June 13, 1798. In Fitchburg.
Thankfull of Lancaster and Jonathan Wheelock, Dec. 27, 1757. In Lancaster.
William A. of Northboro' and Charlotte M. Jones, Nov. 24, 1842.
Clarissa of Lunenburg and John Divoll 2d, int. Oct 19, 1816.
Joseph E. of Shrewsbury (s. Joseph and Dolly A., a. 23) and Amelia B. Rugg, Oct. 7, 1845.
Naaman and Lydia Whitney of Lunenburg, int. Aug. 19, 1809.
Samuel A. of Lancaster and Olive W. Nurse, March 29, 1832.
John and Polly Low of Lunenburg, May 6, 1798. In Lunenburg.
Lydia and Benjamin Perkins, Nov. 4, 1768. In Lynn.
Benjamin and Mary Boutell of Fithburgh, Nov. 23, 1782.
Sive [Seve in. int.] and Calvin Austin of Lunenburg, June 21, 1815.
Amos and Mary Furbush, int. Dec. 31, 1815.
Manson D. and Lucy Graham of Lunenburg, March 5, 1843. In Lunenburg.
[Hawkes ?] Olive and Joshua Daby, July 30, 1799.
[Hanes in int.] (see Haines), Eleanor of Sudbury and Eli Smith, Nov. 28, 1768. In Sudbury.
Wid. Martha of Gardner and Elisha Coolidge, int. Dec. 29, 1821.
Mary and Darwin Powers of Princeton, int. April 11, 1840.
HAYWARD (see Heywood)
Samuel of Lunenburg and Ann B. Simmons, int. May 2, 1820. Cancelled in the original.
Timothy of Lancaster and Patience Stebens, int. Aug. 11, 1769.
HEADLEY (see Hadley)
Tabitha of Woburn and Nathaniel Colburn, April 17, 1750. In Weston.
HEARTWELL (see Hartwell)
Joseph of Lunenburg and Mrs. Matilda Smith, int. Feb. 10, 1834.
John and Wid. Sarah Carter of Rockingham, Rockingham Co., Vt., int. Nov. 30, 1816.
Hepsybeth of Chesterfield, N.H. and Charles Fletcher, int. Feb. 14, 1845.
Robert (s. Robert and Martha, a. 38, widr.) and Mary E. Fullam, Nov. 4, 1847.
HERRIS (see Harris)
Jonathan and Abigail Philips, Dec. 31, 1759.
James D. and Roxana Farr of Ashby, int. Dec. 12, 1840.
HEYWOOD (see Hayward)
Abigail of Lunenburg and Horatio N. Welch, int. Oct. 2, 1836.
Adaline E. of Luneburg and Lovander W. Conant, int. May 18, 1843.
Mary Ann of Lunenburg and Absalom P. Ford, int. April 2, 1846.
Miranda Priest and Absalom P. Ford, int. Feb. 10, 1849.
James W. [D. in C.R.] and Mrs. Betsey Weston, Feb. 10, 1833.
HILL (see Hills)
Abigail of Harvard and Oliver Divoll, int. June 16, 1784.
John and Polly Wheelock, Aug. 30, 1790.
Polly and Nathaniel Boutell of Fitchburg, May 9, 1793.
Richard and Catherine Dean of Fitchburg, int. Nov. 22, 1834.
Sally and John Poor, int. May 14, 1793.
HILLS (see above)
Alva and Lydia Pollard, int. Dec. 27, 1823.
Becca and John Kendall, Jan. 15, 1784.
Caroline A. (d. Silas Jr. and Polly, a. 18) and Jerome Judd, June 11, 1846.
Charles and Betsey Buss, March 26, 1812.
Charlotte D. and Albert H. Murdock, July 18, 1839.
Eliza Ann (d. Charles and Betsey, a. 23) and Benardo S. Nichol, Oct. 30, 1845.
Emerson and Susan Whitney, April 19, 1829.
Fanny and John Smith of Milbury, Sept. 14, 1817.
George H. and Sophronia Carter, April 19, 1827.
Hulday [Huldah in int.] and Joseph Johnson, Sept. 16, 1785.
John and Sarah White, Sept. 3, 1779.
John and Sally Carter, April 23 [29, C.R.], 1793.
John 2d and Betsey Low, March 11, 1810.
John Jr. and Lucy Gibson, Jan. 2 [3 ?, C.R.], 1814.
Judith [Judah in int.] and Stephen Johnson Jr., April 9, 1789.
Mary and William Wilder, May 24, 1812.
Mary of Billerica and Samuel Butler, int. Oct. 27, 1824.
Mary B. and Isaac Smith, Oct. 5, 1837.
Oricy and Jacob Fisher Jr. of Lancaster, int. April 30, 1818.
[Mills ?] Wid. Prudence and Abraham Holman of Bolton, int. Oct. 6, 1780.
Sally and Josiah Whitcomb, Jan. 5, 1800.
Silas and Mary Vose, int. Dec. 16, 1784. [Married March 3, C.R.]
Silas and Hannan Low, May 12, 1811.
Silas Jr. and Polly Smith, int. March 30, 1820.
Col. Silas [Jr. in int.] and Mrs. Cleora Kendall, April 28, 1830. [1831 ?, C.R.]
Smith and Betty Johnson, Oct. 10, 1793.
Smith of Sterling and Mary B. [Baker] Pollard, Oct. 30, 1827.
Thomas and Dolly Buss, Feb. ----, 1812.
Capt. Thomas and Nancy W. Colbun, March 4, 1838.
Volney and Ora [Orraca in int.] Carter, April 23, 1833.
Capt. Charles of Hanson and Abigail L. Hall, Feb. 9, 1824.
Almira of Westminster and Harrison Perkins, int. Dec. 6, 1849.
(?) David and Lydia Perkins, Nov. 28, 1799. C.R.
Oliver and Silance Houghton of Lancaster, int. Jan. 9, 1753-4.
Polly and Josiah Derby, Sept. 30, 1830.
Rebecca of Lincoln and Joseph White, June 15, 1784. In Lincoln.
Sukey and Joseph Woods 1st, Nov. 14, 1826.
Sylvins J. P. (s. Sylvius and Sarah G., a. 22) and Mary Osborn, Nov. 28, 1848.
Luke of Shirley and Rebecca Polly, Nov. 3, 1814.
Martha W. [E. in int.] (d. Samuel and Maria, a. 20) and William B. Tisdale, Aug. 30, 1849.
Sally and William Legate, int. June 7, 1788.
Samuel and Eunice Hooper of Lancaster, int. June 11, 1847.
Abraham of Bolton and [wid. in int.] Prudence [Mills ?] Hills, Oct. 25, 1780. In Bolton.
Mary of Stow and John Wheelock, int. Aug. 14, 1755.
Henry F. of West Boylston and Martha L. Wood, int. Nov. 6, 1841.
Jonathan of Jeffrey, N.H. and Kaziah Peirce, int. July 20, 1781.
Lucy of Westminster and Phinehas Warren, June 26, 1792. In Westminster.
Rebecc and Oliver Houghton, Feb. 10, 1780.
Sarah and William Warner, Dec. 27, 1787.
Sarah J. F. of Nashville, N.H. and Moses M. Chase, int. May 12, 1844.
Susan and Cotton Whiting, Nov. 26, 1779.
Jonathan and Hannah Robins of Groton, Feb. 2, 1767. In Groton.
Eunice of Lancaster and Samuel Holland, int. June 11, 1847.
Lydia of Concord and John Wood, Dec. 6, 1770. In Concord.
Susan G. (d. Josiah and Elizabeth B., a. 22) and Isaac N. Smith, June 8, 1845.
William B. and Maria A. Smith, int. Dec. 8, 1849.
Abiathur and Meliasant Carter of Lancaster, July 3, 1750. In Lancaster.
Abiathur and Judeth Boutell, April 12, 1781.
Abigail and Joab Wetherbee, Dec. 9, 1779.
Abraham of Bolton and Sarah Divoll, Oct. 8, 1764.
Achsah and Thomas O. Bowers, Nov. 26, 1840.
Allice and Francis Whetcomb of Winchendon, Dec. 15, 1785.
Anna [Joanna in int.] and Timothy Kendall, Jan. 20, 1762. In Lancaster.
Betsey W. of Harvard and Aaron W. Stearns, int. May 17, 1828.
David and Calista Parker, int Dec. 11, 1826.
Dorithy and Thomas Page [of Lunenburg in int.], Dec. 25, 1755.
Dorothy and Joseph Whitcomb, Feb. 14, 1810.
Ebenezer and Susannah Farnsworth of Harvard, Jan. 9, 1752. In Harvard.
Ebenezer Jr. and Emma Jones of Lunenburg, Dec. 10, 1789. In Lunenburg.
Elbridge of Bolton and Emily Richardson, Feb. 16, 1843. In Lancaster.
Elijah and Lydia How of Sterling, May 25, 1785. In Sterling.
Elijah and Polly Geary of Sterling, int. Dec 17, 1785.
Wid. Elisebeth and Jacob Fullum, Dec. 7, 1777.
Eliza and John Rugg, Oct. 18, 1818.
Elizabeth and Daniel Knight of Lancaster, Map 12, 1758. In Lancaster.
Emma M. and Wiliam S. Hale, Dec. 5, 1839.
Eunice and Sewell Tyler, int. Sept. 30, 1820.
Eunice and Thomas Houghton of Bolton, int. March 22, 1823.
Hepzabeth and Thomas Ramer Jr., int. Dec. 6, 1794.
Horace of West Boylston (s. Jonah and Sylvia, a. 23) and Elizabeth M. Snow, Nov. 27, 1845.
Jane and William L. Upham of Boston, Dec. 22, 1836.
Jemima and Increase Ayers of Brookfield, Nov. 19, 1797.
John and Betsy Lincoln, July 29, 1798.
Jonathan and Polly Beaman, March 29, 1798.
Joseph and Mary Wilson, Jan. 31, 1758. In Lunenburg.
Josiah S. of Lunenburg and Catharine White, March 1, 1827.
Lucy and Eben Atherton of Harvard, Dec. 28, 1815.
Manasseh and Eliza Barnard, Sept. 20, 1830.
Martin A. and Harriet Hadley of Princeton, int. Oct. 10, 1846.
Mary E. [C ? in int.] and Stephen S. Fay of Northbridge, Jan. 1, 1836.
Mary J. and William A. Houghton of Quincy, Oct. 15, 1842.
Mary P. and Elory B. Beaman both of Sterling, April 29, 1837.
Massa and David Wilson of Petersham, int. June 15, 1773.
Oliver and Mariah Haskel of Leuninburge, int. Jan. 23, 1775.
Oliver and Rebecc Holt, Feb. 10, 1780.
Prudence and Ebenezer Rugg, int. April 23, 1808.
Wid. Rebeccah and John Stuart, July 10, 1798.
Rebecca and Isaac How, int. June 4, 1808.
Richard W. and Elizabeth Russell of Ashburnham, int. Dec. 2, 1825.
Rufus and Dolly Richardson, June 25, 1795.
Rufus and Susan Farnsworth, April 2, 1834.
Ruth and Jonathan Barrett of Lancaster, Dec. 31, 1793.
Sally and William H. Derby, Feb. 3, 1831.
Sally W. of Harvard and Luke Joslin, int. Jan. 16, 1830.
Silance of Lancaster and Oliver Hoar, int. Jan. 9, 1753-4.
Stephen Jr. and Hannah Colburn, Aug. 14, 1814.
Tamer and Levi Wood [Woods in int.] of Petersham, April 20, 1763. In Lancaster.
Thomas and Ruth Kilburn of Lunenburg, Dec. 9, 1772. In Lunenburg.
Thomas of Bolton and Eunice Houghton, int. March 22, 1823.
Willard of Princeton and Lucy Powers, June 14, 1833.
William A. of Quincy and Mary J. Houghton, Oct. 15, 1842.
HOUSE (see Huse)
Hannah of Lancaster and James Richardson, Jr., Jan. 10, 1753. In Lancaster.
Sarah and Jotham White, Nov. 24, 1748.
HOW (see Howe)
BecCa and Andrew Poor, March 24, 1791.
Isaac and Rebecca Houghton, int. June 4, 1808.
Lydia of Sterling and Elijah Houghton, May 25, 1785. In Sterling.
Rebecca and James Gray both of Lancaster, Dec. 20, 1770.
William of Princeton and Eunice Robbins, March 27, 1770.
George of Lancaster and Elizabeth Buss, April 5, 1833.
Rachel H. of Bolton and Haynes M. Smart, int. May 3, 1842.
HOWE (see How)
Adaline and William A. Josselyn, int. May 18, 1844.
Almira B. and John D. Wyer, Dec. 29, 1840.
David 2d and Mary S. Chase, May 20, 1841.
Henry (s. Isaac and Rebecca, a. 26) and Mary A. Walker, July 19, 1849.
Mrs. Lucy and William Carter of Fitchburg, int. April 25, 1848.
Sarah Caroline of Princeton and Noah R. Harlow, int. May 13, 1848.
William (s. Israel and Submit, a. 59, widr.) and Betsey Kilburn, Nov. 4, 1847.
William F. and Lydia G. Dodge of Charlton, int. Jan. 25, 1848.
Martha M. of Holden and Thomas B. Wilder, int. April 19, 1842.
Rev. Ochus G. and Martha Smith of Hadley, int. June 29, 1833.
Persis of Worcester and William Boutell, April 27, 1757. In Worcester.
Charlotte and Benjamin Adams of Concord, Aug. 17, 1824.
Levi and Betsey Woodcock, March 5, 1816.
Lucy and Jasper Hale, June 27, 1825.
Sarah of Boylston and Francis Johnson, int. Nov. 15, 1817.
Abigail and Ebeneser Colburn Jr., Oct. 5, 1784.
Deborah [Deborah Miller in int.] and Elisha Colburn, Nov. 5, 1797.
Ruth and Josiah Stearns, Feb. 24, 1795.
Sarah T. of Lancaster and Edward Wilder Jr., int. Nov. 2, 1825.
HUSE (see House)
Dennison (s. John D. and Rebecca, a. 51, widr.) and Ann B. Smith, July 11, 1848.
Isaac E. and Lucinda Floyd of Lancaster, int. April 1, 1820.
Lucy of Pepperell and Geoge Gay, int. Nov. 20, 1829.
Eliza and Peter Spaulding of Lunenburg, May 1, 1834.
Lydia of Lunenburg and John Stratton, int. Dec. 10, 1825.
Almeira of Peterboro', N.H. and Charles Carter, int. April 7, 1827.
Mary and Benjamin Hale, Oct. 14, 1779.
John of Cambridge and Martha [Patty in int.] Joslin, Dec. 8, 1801.
Henry and Mrs. Lovina Eaton of Lunenburg, int. April 10, 1830.
Josiah and Mary Darby both of Narragansett, int. Jan. 30, 1755.
Ann L. [or S. ?] (d. ---- and Hannah, a. 18) and Francis L. Joslin, Nov. 28, 1849.
Joseph [of Richmond, Cheshire Co., N.H. in int.] and Abigail Tenney, Feb. 19, 1804.
Samuel [Lemuel ?] of Townsend and Rebeccah Tainter, March 1 or 29, 1798.
Elizabeth of Paxton and Jacob May Jr., int. June 26, 1828.
JEWETT (see Jewitt)
Abby M. of Pepperell and J. Milton Burrage, int. March 8, 1843.
Charles of Lancaster (s. Abijah and Elisabeth, a. 26) and Myra Wood, Aug. 23, 1848.
David Jr. of Sterling and Esther May, int. June 18, 1812. [Married June 25, C.R.]
Sarah M. and William G. Colburn, May 7, 1835.
JEWITT (see above)
Molley of Lancester and Daniel Nichols, int. Nov. 11, 1767.
Abigail and Moses Bennett of Westmoreland, N.H., Aug. 26, 1783.
Allen and Athelia Felt of Temple, N.H., int. Oct. 30, 1839.
Annis and David Kendell, Jan. 17, 1771.
Asa and Tamar Whitcomb, Feb. 22, 1753.
Azuba and John Powers, Sept. 13, 1835.
Azubah and George Turner of Harvard, July 25, 1816.
Belinda H. and Charles C. Boyden, April 8, 1838.
Benjamin and Rhoda Smith, Nov. 9, 1786.
Benjamin and Betty Follinsbee, Jan. 26, 1792.
Betsey and Charles Barrett of Ashburnham, Aug. 5, 1816.
Betty and Smith Hills, Oct. 10, 1793.
Lt. David and Prudence Divol, int. Nov. 5, 1796.
Elbridge and Ruth [T. or F. ?] Beal, May 24, 1842.
Elisabeth and Samuel Evens of Woburn, Sept. 29, 1766.
Emily and Josiah Whitcomb Jr., Sept. 7, 1823.
Ephraim and Lydia Follansbee, May 12, 1785.
Ephraim Jr. and Jane Stuart [Stewart ?], Nov. 19, 1795.
Ephraim Jr. and Mrs. Lois Locke, Oct. 7, 1838.
Fanny and Jonathan Wheelock, Jan. 7, 1824.
Francis and Sarah Hudson of Boylston, int. Nov. 15, 1817.
Frederic and Mary P. Beal, Nov. 27, 1836.
Henry and Cynthia E. Jones, April 8, 1830.
Huldah and Windsor Stone of Harvard, April 18, 1816.
Isaac and Lydea Deane, July 2, 1746.
Jonas and Prudence Kendall, Feb. 3, 1791.
Jonathan of Lowell and Sarah S. Barnard, Aug. 7, 1844. C.R. At Harvard.
Joseph and Hulday Hills, Sept. 16, 1785.
Joseph and Mrs. Ruth Brown of Concord, int. March 18, 1818.
Josiah and Belinda Hale, June 22, 1823.
Jotham and Sarah Gardner, April 29, 1792.
Lattice [Lattice in int.] and Daniel Newhall, April 22, 1793.
Laura and Gilman Tenney, April 5, 1833.
Mrs. Laura L. and Hervy Burditt, Oct. 3, 1843.
Levi and Sarah Nichols, June 28, 1791.
Levi and Mrs. Susan Johnson of Groton, int. June 21, 1834.
Lucy and Henry Sweetser, Oct. 5, 1763.
Capt. Luke and Sally Rogers, Nov. 26, 1789.
Capt. Luke and Beulah Lealand of Holliston, March 9, 1796. In Holliston.
Luther of Lancaster and Grata Tyler, int. Jan. 16, 1814. [Married March 10, C.R.]
Lydia of Lancaster and Simon Darby Jr, int. Oct. 9, 1806.
Maria S. (d. Thomas and Hitty S., a. 20) and Nathaniel G. Wood of Saco, Me., Feb. 25, 1847.
Martha W. (d. Levi and Sophronia, a. 21) and George Lincoln of Lunenburg, Nov. 10, 1847.
Mary and Jonathan Carter Jr., Dec. 6, 1807.
Mary and Rufus Kendall, June 7, 1815.
Mary and Charles B. Sinclier, Oct. 4, 1838.
Mary Ann and Hosea Smith, April 13, 1841.
Nathaniel and Almira Pierce of West Boylston, int. May 20, 1826.
Polly and Seth Tisdale, April 2, 1813.
Reuben and Belinda Divoll, March 31, 1819.
Capt. Salmon and Rebeccah W. Moore, Aug. 31, 1817.
Sarah of Newtown, Ct. and Daniel Colbourn, int. Oct. 23, 1783.
Sarah and Benjamin Seaver of Boston, int. July 26, 1818.
Sarah J. (a. 23) and Jonathan Z. Wetherbee of Princeton, Nov. 7, 1844.
Silas and Hannah Follansbee, July 24, 1788.
Sophronia A. and Jonathan S. Gordon both of Lowell, May 20, 1841.
Stephen and Dorothy Whetcomb, June 23, 1757.
Stephen Jr. and Juclith Hills, April 9, 1789.
Mrs. Susan of Groton and Levi Johnson, int. June 21, 1834.
Susan and Henry A. Wilder, Oct. 10, 1839.
Susan E. (d. Reuben and Belinda, a. 19) and Rufus K. Allen of Townsend, Aug. 5, 1849.
Tamor and William Ross of Lancester, int. March 4, 1774.
Thirza and John Nichols, Nov. 2, 1828.
Walter and Anna Lawrence, int. March 28, 1815.
William and Persis Wilson of Petersham, Nov. 21, 1771. C.R.
William of Fitchburg and Mrs. Cynthia L. Jones, Dec. 27, 1842.
Amasa of Lunenburg and Prudence Buss, May 1, 1792.
Amams and Patty Woods, July 1, 1804.
Aron and Polly Smith, May 2, 1799.
Betsy and John Wheeler of Berlin, Oct. 11, 1827.
Charlotte M. and William A. Haskell of Northboro', Nov. 24, 1842.
Comfort of Lunenburg and Samuel Crocker, May 3, 1798. In Lunenburg.
Cynthia E. and Henry Johnson, April 8, 1830.
Mrs. Cynthia L. and William Johnson of Fitchburg, Dec. 27, 1842.
Emma [Amy in int.] of Lunenburg and Ebenezer Houghton Jr., Dec. 10, 1789. In Lunenburg.
Enos of Ashbonham and Mary Whitmore, Jan. 20, 1768.
Jesse and Polly Crandall, Jan. 2, 1807.
John E. and Cynthia Lincoln, int. March 8, 1821.
Louisa Conant of Framingham and Lewis Newhall, int. Jan. 10, 1824.
Lucinda of Acton and Ebenezer White, int. Nov. 8, 1801.
Mary E. [or C.] (d. Amasa and Martha, a. 38) and William Sampson of Fitchburg, Sept. 24, 1846.
Mary L. and Henry Buswell, April 11, 1830.
Phebe and Samuel C. Pratt, int. Oct. 1, 1825.
Samuel of Lincoln, N.H. and Theresa Smith, Oct. 22, 1803.
Zilpha and Joel Sawin, Dec. 3, 1809.
JOSLIN (see Josselyn)
Calvin and Patience Allen, Feb. 17, 1805.
Charles L. and Martha J. Adams, int. Oct. 10, 1846. [Married Oct. 28, C.R.]
David and Becca Richardson, Oct. 23, 1785.
Deborah and Asa Pierce, Dec. 2, 1800.
Dorinda and William Stearns of Boston, Oct. 11, 1831.
Dorothy and Nathaniel Carter, June 26, 1760.
Dorothy and Stephen Wood, Dec. 20, 1787.
Dorothy and Thomas G. Meriam, April 8, 1824.
Elias and Prudence Lincoln, Aug. 23 [28 ?, C.R.], 1787.
Elias Jr. and Elizabeth Stearns, April 11, 1819.
Eizabeth and William Lawrence, int. March 23, 1844.
Elizabeth M. R. and Albert Sizer of Saybrook, Ct., May 25, 1834.
Francis L. (s. Elias and Elizabeth, a. 21) and Ann L. Jaquith, Nov. 28, 1849.
James and Mary Daby, int Dec. 20, 1766. [Married Jan. 8, 1767. C.R.]
James Jr. and Releaf Carter, Nov. 7, 1793.
James and Wid. Prisalla Richardson, Feb. 2, 1797.
Jeames [James in int.] and Mary Daby, Jan. 8, 1767.
Joanna and Levi Warner, Feb. 18, 1773.
Joel and Betsey Bailey, June 18, 1808. [1809 ?.]
John Jr. and Susannah [Elizabeth ?] Carter, int. Dec. 1 or 3, 1757.
Dea. John and Martha Wilder, Dec. 12, 1776.
Dea. John and Wid. Mather Phelps, ---- ----, [March ----, C.R.], 1780.
John 3d and Sarah Bowers, Dec. 27, 1781.
John 2d and Ellen M. Kenny, Aug. 27, 1840.
John E. and Eliza Ann Dorrison, int. Dec. 27, 1845.
Joseph and Sarah Tarbell, Oct. 20, 1763.
Joseph Jr. and Lucretia Wilder, int. Jan. 31, 1788. [Married Feb. 16, C.R.]
Joseph Jr. of Jaffrey, N.H. and Sarah D. Parker, Dec. 8, 1824.
Leafy and Eber Lincoln, Feb. 5, 1792.
Lucretia and Solon Carter, Dec. 11, 1834.
Lucy and David Wilder, Jan. 24, 1768.
Lucy and Jonah Carter of Jaffrey, N.H., April 12, 1792.
Capt. Luke and Sally Beaman, Feb. 14 [15, C.R.], 1799.
Luke and Sally W. Houghton of Harvard, int. Jan. 16, 1830.
Luke and Elizabeth Rice of Worcester, int. June 1, 1833.
Martha [Patty in int.] and John Ireland of Cambridge, Dec. 8, 1801.
Martha A. and Elijah Sawyer of Lancaster, int. Nov. 11, 1832.
Mary and William Burrage Jr., Feb. 2, 1792.
Myra and William H. S. Greenleaf of Warner, N.H., Oct. 16, 1825.
Nancy and Isaac Bigelow, Sept. 16, 1804.
Nathaniel and Susy Buss, Jan. 1, 1789.
Patty and David Richardson of Lancaster, July 14, 1813.
Peter and Betsy Nichols, April 29, 1798.
Relief and Elisha Carter, int. June 27, 1777.
Sally and Joseph Lincoln, Oct. 28, 1792.
Sally and Oliver Miles, Jan. 27, 1796.
Sally and Horace Richardson, March 20, 1817.
Samuel and Lavinah Cummings of New Ipswitch, N.H., int. Oct. 28, 1795.
Sarah and James Butler, Feb. ----, 1777.
Sarah [Sally in int.] of Ashburnham and Peter Andrew Wilder, Nov. 3, 1795. In Ashburnham.
Sarah and Anson Dexter of Boston, Dec. 4, 1838.
Susannah and John Ames of Buckland, Nov. 25, 1790.
Thomas and Hannah Adams, Jan. 26, 1812.
William S. and Elisabeth G. Morse, int. Sept. 18, 1841.
JOSSELYN (see above)
William A. and Adaline Howe, int. May 18, 1844.
Anna M. (d. Caleb and Nancy W., a. 17) and Edmund A. Sneden, Dec. 24, 1848.
Asenath D. of Bolton (d. Caleb and Nancy, a. 21) and Edward B. Rollins of Lancaster, Nov. 14, 1849.
Francis (s. Caleb and Nancy, a. 27) and Mary J. [Jane in int.] Chase, Nov. 29, 1849.
Jerome (s. Lucian and Rachel, a. 22) and Caroline A. Hills, June 11, 1846.
Sarah J. of Sanbornton, N.H. and Edmund C. Smith, int. Nov. 12, 1845.
