Vital Records Of Leicester, Massachusetts,
To The End Of The Year 1849.
Worcester, Massachusetts:
Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund.
Marriages - HALE to PUTNAM
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Charles of Leominster and Mary Wheeler, May 21, 1829.
Emma and James K. Bradbury, Feb. 15, 1839.
Sarah of Glosenbury and Israel Parsons, int. Nov. 9, 1746.
Edward of Uxbridg and Lydia Brown, Aug. 27, 1747 [1748 ? ]. [Intention July 17, 1748].
Elizabeth of Oakham and Cheny Hatch, int. May 10, 1819.
Grace and Jesse Green, Aug. 17, 1777.
Theron E. of Sutton (s. Edmund T. and Abigail H. M., a 22) and Jemima W. Mann, May 8, 1844.
Benjamin of Deerfield and Abihal Blanchard, int. June 26, 1768.
Joseph of Charlton and Eliza Converse, int. May 30, 1819.
Andrew [of Shutesbury in int.] and Mary Warks, Jan. 27, 1776.
Dolly of Worcester and Asahell Washburn, int. May 20, 1796.
John of Worcester and Mary Lockerd, int. Jan. 22, 1737-8.
Hannah and David Dunbar, Nov. 26, 1773.
Margarat and William Cummins, both of Charlton, Jan. 1, 1761.
Moses of Charlton and Anna Watson, Nov. 5, 1807. C.R.
[Hancock in int.], Lot and Persis Hubbard, Sept. 24, 1816.
HANERY (see Henry)
David of Rutland and Hannah Watson, int. Feb. 15, 1761.
Elijah of Sturbridge and Hanah Newhall, May 14, 1767.
Samuel D. and Eliza Burr, April 26, 1832.
Alexis D. of Worcester and Alice E. Wheat, int. June 27, 1828.
Almira J. of Worcester and John S. Whittemore, int. March 16, 1822.
HARENTON (see Harington, Harrington, Herrington)
Prudence of Spencer and Benjamin Converse, int. Feb. 10, 1754.
Ruth of Brookfield and Nathaniel Bemos, int. Dec. 3, 1852.
[Harrington in int.], Luke of Milbury and Hariot Tainter, Nov. 16, 1814.
Lydia of Brookfield and Ebenezer Warrin, int. July 7, 1745.
Mary of Brookfield and Thomas Bridg, int. Sept. 22, 1745.
Elijah and Betsey N. Rockwood, April 4, 1827.
Nathan and Angeline Trask, Nov. 28, 1827.
Thomas of Rutland and Anne Lamond, Nov. 13, 1744.
Sarah and Anthony Sprague of Spencer, Sept. 20, 1764.
Margerit and Esau Northgate, int. Sept. 10, 1749.
HARRINGTON (see Harenton, Harington, Herrington)
Abigail of Grafton and David Trask, int. Nov. 5, 1808.
Asa and Asenath Brown of Worcester, int. March 6, 1779.
Hannah [of Worcester in int.] and Ezekiel Fosgate, Sept. 30, 1770.
Lucy and Ebenezer A. Howard, Jan. 10, 1822.
Mary [of Worcester in int.] and Reuben Earl, Jan. 3, 1770.
Sarah E. [Eliza in int.] (d. Moses and Lucy, a. 23) and Henry S. Whittemore, Dec. 12, 1848.
Anne and Andrew Aquea, int. Feb. 10, 1760.
Martha of Smithfield and John Hinckley, int. March 22, 1786.
Martha D. of Boston and E. M. Dorr, int. Oct. 14, 1841.
Mary W. and Europe Wetherbee, Nov. 28, 1827.
Mary and Cary H. Bond, May 26, 1831.
Stephen and Sally Denny, int. Jan. 26, 1793.
HARROD (see Harwood)
James and Martha Barns, March 21, 1755. [Probably same as James Harwood below.]
John and Ruth Edy of Oxford, int. July 10, 1762.
John and Sarah Singleterry (widow) of Oxford, int. Oct. 7, 1775.
Mary Ann and Parker B. Woodard, int. Dec. 29, 1849.
George W. of Oxford and Lucretia Haven, Sept. 1, 1827.
Mary Maria (a. 23) and Benjamin Herrick Jr., Oct. 6, 1845.
Sarah J. [Jane in int.], (d. Levi and Mary, a. 22) and Henry Holmes of Fall River, Nov. 25, 1845.
Ame in a gore of land bet. Shrewsbury and Choxet and Warren Snow, int. May 27, 1759.
James and Ruth Arnold, int. May 24, 1790.
HARWOOD (see Harrod, Haywood)
Betsey and Asa Scott, of Ward, June 26, 1796.
Eliphalet and Mary Chase, Oct. 21, 1804.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Bond Jr., Oct. 31, 1765.
Hannah and Micah Whitney of Naragansat No. 6, Feb. 22, 1759.
James and Martha Barns, int. April 13, 1755. [See Harrod.]
James [Jr. in int.] and Margaret Verry, Oct. 1, 1801.
Jesse and Sarah Boyen of Killingly, int. June 6, 1784.
Louisa and Benjamin Hutchinson, March 21, 1832.
Lucy and Jonas Gleason, July 8, 1773.
Martha and Adam Gilmore, int. June 18, 1778.
[Hawod in int.], Mary and Seth Watchburn, April 12, 1750.
Mary and Isaac Very of Spencer, March 14, 1793.
Nathaniel and Sarah Grimes of Newtown, int. Nov. 3, 1770.
Sarah and Elias Bowker, Sept. 13, 1757.
Sarah and Thomas Bond, int. April 3, 1779.
Susanna [Susannah in int.] and John Hill, March 23, 1800. C.R.
Sarah E. of Barre and James H. Desper, int. March 30, 1834.
Abigail [Abegail in int.] and Benjamin Pressen of Wesbury, Nov. 27, 1760.
Elizabeth and Phinehas Barton of Oxford, Feb. 26, 1772.
John and Tabitha Thomas, Nov. 22, 1748.
Martha and John Colman Jr. of Maldon, Feb. 19, 1761.
Phebe and Israel Sprague, Mar. 25, 1762.
Sarah and Hiram Newhall, Oct. 19, 1769.
Tabitha and Abijah Stowers, Jan. 14, 1762.
Tabitha of Brookfield and Michael Hatch, int., Jan. 10, 1773.
Ruth of Watertown and Uriah Clark, int. Feb. 24, 1742-3.
Catherine and Dexter F. Fairbanks, June 18, 1827.
Daniel of Worcester and Elice Cutting, May 3, 1817.
Ebenezer and Merriah Porter, Jan. 24, 1782.
Elizabeth and Horatio G. Henshaw of Worcester, March 28, 1816.
Hellen Maria and Nathan Robbins of Shrewsbury, int. Nov. 15, 1829.
Patty of Shrewsbury and Elijah Southgate, int., Nov. 14, 1773.
Cheny and Elizabeth Hall of Oakham, int. May 10, 1819.
George D. and Sophronia T. Cowles of Chicopee, int. Nov. 2, 1849.
Michael and Tabitha Hascy of Brookfield, int. Jan. 10, 1773.
Michael and Martha Rice, Oct. 13, 1773.
Nancy and Horace Bond, Sept. 13, 1831.
Sophia and Austin F. Conklin, May 5, 1828.
William and Lucretia Conklin, April 27, 1828.
Daniel A. of Warren, widr. (s. Nathan and Lydia, a. 31), and Wealthy M. Boyden, Dec. 18, 1844.
Artemas and Mary Dunbar, Aug. 21, 1814.
Elkanah [Jr. in int.] and Esther Green, Nov. 24, 1785.
Elkenah and Asenath Clark of Medway, int. July 1, 1815.
Hannah and Isaac Livermore, Nov. 6, 1808. C.R.
Hariot and Asahel Barber of Medway, Dec. 3, 1818.
Harriet F. [A. in int.] (a. 20) and Daniel F. Chickering of Spencer, April 8, 1845.
John and Mary Richardson of North Brookfield, int. March 1, 1822.
Jonathan of Spencer and Hannah Baldwin, March 27, 1760.
Lois and Jesse Willson, int. March 9, 1788.
Lois and Benjamin Baldwin Jr., March 13, 1794.
Lucretia [Lucetta in int.] and George W. Hartwell, Sept. 1, 1827.
Mary of Sudbury and Stephen Morse, int. Sept. 8, 1751.
Micha and Rebackah Wickor, int. April 25, 1742.
Persis and Daniel Muzzy, May 10, 1807. C.R.
Simon of Spencer and Ruth Baldwin, int. Feb. 1, 1761.
Elizabeth G. of Boston and Daniel P. Marble, int. Sept. ----, 1835.
Patrick and Mary Carney, int. Nov. 18, 1843.
Michael of Clappville and Ann McGittigen of Boston, int. May 6, 1849.
Bathsheba of Hardwick and Samuel Warks, int. March 31, 1783.
Lucy and Ens. Joshua Sprague, April 30, 1809.
HAYWARD (see Harwood, Heywood)
[Howard in int.], John of Sutton and Anna Sargeant, July 1, 1795.
Sarah M. of Grafton and Dr. Joseph D. Elliot, int. Nov. 12, 1849.
[Harwood in int.], Lydia and Joseph Trumbel, June 14, 1758.
HAYWOOD (see Harwood, Hayward)
Thomas and Mary Ann Townsend, int. Jan. 14, 1827.
Jonas and Louisa Sylvester, Dec. 22, 1827.
HEARSEY (see Hersey)
Eliger Jr. and Beauler Weight of Brookfield, int. May ----, 1780.
Elijah Jr. and Patty Brownell of Brimfield, int. Sept. 24, 1805.
Huldah and Ephraim Mower Jr., int. Oct. 12, 1770.
Nathan and Mary Brown of Worcester, int. Aug. 3, 1770.
James and Margrit Cathon of Sudbury, int. Nov. 21, 1742.
Jane and Ellexander Nickols of Oxford, int. Oct. 6, 1751.
Mary and Charts Devenport of Worcester, int. Feb. 23, 1755.
David, "a tranchant person" [of Paxton in int.] and Lucy Wicker, Jan. 4, 1781.
William of Rutland and Margaret Green, April 10, 1766.
HENNERY (see Henry)
Robart and Charity Tomson, int. March 7, 1730–1.
HENRY (see Hennery)
Hannah and John Duncan of Londonderry, int. Nov. 13, 1762.
Hannah and Ezra Silvester, Nov. 1, 1787.
Robert and Susannah Young of Worcester, int. Jan. 12, 1765.
HENSHAW (see Hinshaw)
Almira (d. H. G. and ----, a. 26) and Rev. Luther Conklin of Liverpool [N.Y.], Nov. 19, 1844.
Daniel, Esq. and Elizabeth De Jersey, Oct. 5, 1775.
Daniel of Pine Plains, N.Y., and Diantha Livermore, July 23, 1834.
David and Mary Sargeant, Feb. 17, 1773, [1774 ? ].
Elizabeth and Austin Flint, June 7, 1785.
Elisabeth and Nathaniel Dodge of North Brookfield, Sept. ----, 1823.
Hannah and John Jopp of Oxford, April 7, 1763.
Horatio G. of Worcester and Elizabeth Hastings, March 28, 1816.
Josiah N. and Mary Ann Barton of Worcester, int. Nov. 2, 1846.
Justice G. and Sally Deland of North Brookfield, Jan. 15, 1835.
Laura and Oliver Fletcher of New Salem, Feb. 26, 1822.
Laura Leffingwell and Hammond Whitney of Boston, Oct. 3, 1842.
Lucinda and Joseph Denny, March 28, 1816.
Mary Belcher and Amos Wheeler of Worcester, May 20, 1762.
Mary L. and William Ward, Sept. 10, 1838.
Phebe and Joseph Denny, Nov. 19, 1799. C.R.
Ruth and Dr. Asa Miles of Westminster, Feb. 14, 1804.
William and Ruth Serjeant, Feb. 4, 1762.
William and Phebe Swan, Sept. 12, 1771.
William and Lucy Stratton of Rutland, int. Jan. 17, 1822.
Samuel and Mehitabel D. Trask, int. April 3, 1824.
Mary of Sudbury and Thomas Quonda, negro man, int. May 25, 1746.
Benjamin Jr. (s. Benjamin and ----, a. 23) and Mary Maria Hartwell, Oct. 6, 1845.
HERRINGTON (see Harrington)
Grace of Brookfield and Joseph Willson, Oct. 8, 1745.
HERSEY (see Hearsey, Hersy)
Achsey [Achsa in int.] and William Trowbridge, Oct. 8, 1789.
Calvin and Sally Reed of Worcester, int. Nov. 2, 1791.
Martin and Marsey Brown, Sept. 24, 1789.
Nathan and Harriet Boyns, April 2, 1833.
Thankfull and Thomas Brown of Worcester, Sept. 28, 1768.
Thomas and Esther Willson, Nov. 5, 1789.
Thomas and Polly Smith of Rutland, int. Dec. 5, 1795.
HERSY (see Hearsey, Hersey)
Thankful and Uriel Johnson of Worcester, June ----, 1820.
HEYWOOD (see Hayward, Haywood) [also entered as Howard, q.v.]
John and Amothy Washburn, Dec. 15, 1793.
James E. and Maria C. Chase, int. Sept. 4, 1836.
Somarthy of Petersham and Daniel Wood Jr., int. Sept. 4, 1836.
Betsey of Charlton and Austin Flint Bond, int. Nov. 28, 1804.
Daniel and Judeth Hopkins, int. June 21, 1735.
Daniel and Mary Clark, Sept. 28, 1769.
Isaac of Spencer and Sally Green, May 27, 1841.
John [Jr. in int.] of Spencer and Dorothy Shaw, Dec. 10, 1767.
John and Susanna Harwood, March 23, 1800. C.R.
John C. and Emaline Howard of Mendon, int. April 7, 1825.
Orison of Spencer and Anna Parker, int. Dec. 20, 1822.
Richard and Dinah Freeman of Brookfield, negroes, int. Sept. 8, 1783.
Susinia and Daniel Tucker, both of West Boylston, Aug. 8, 1813.
Ehab and Lucy Brown, June 27, 1813.
Reuben R. and Lavinia Bisco of Spencer, int. April 15, 1838.
HINCKLEY (see Hinkley)
John and Martha Harris of Smithfield, int. March 22, 1786.
Franses of Brookfield and James Orms, int. July 21, 1733.
Israel and Abegail Smith, int. Dec. 1, 1751.
Joseph of North Brookfield and Mrs. Mary Silvester, Nov. 17, 1831.
Mary of Brookfield and John Stibbins, int. June 2, 1743.
HINKLEY (see Hinckley)
Dennis of Spencer and Lucy Wine, int. May 23, 1846.
HINSHAW (see Henshaw)
Elisabeth and Samuel Denny, Sept. 29, 1757.
Sarah [Salle in int.] and Andrew Scot, Nov. 23, 1780.
Eliza and William Coverhouse, int. Aug. 16, 1844.
Caleb of Brookfield and Sally Steal, int. Aug. 21, 1782.
[Hickson in int.], Seth of Medway and Mehetable Barton, Jan. 14, 1822.
William A. and Mary Muzzy, Oct. 6, 1840.
Billings of Northampton and Azubah Parker, Dec. ----, 1821.
Louisa and Capt. Emery Drury, June 26, 1827.
Mahitable [Mehitable in int.] and Roswell Sprague, Aug. 24, 1813.
HOBBS (see Hobs)
Maria of Brookfield and Edward E. Ryan, int. Jan. 5, 1828.
Jacob and Hannah Thaxter of Abington, int. Aug. 29, 1794.
Polly and Abner Rice of Dudley, April 27, 1794.
HOBS (see Hobbs)
John and Asenath Brigham of Brookfield, int. Jan. 7, 1826.
Josephine and Hiram Holbrook of North Bridgewater, April 30, 1842.
Mercy of Taunton and Sylvester Cobb, int. March 19, 1785.
John [of Fitchburg in int.] and Sary Washburn, Nov. 26, 1789.
Mary Ann and Michel Glispin, both of Clappville, int. Dec. 4, 1849.
Amos Jr. of Roxbury and Sophia Waite, Oct. 20, 1832.
Emery of Worcester and Deborah Silvester, March 30, 1830.
Hiram of North Bridgewater and Josephine Hodges, April 30, 1842.
Jonathan of Worcester and Saba Bass, int. March 19, 1803.
Persis of Peru and Frederick Morgan, int. Sept. 12, 1818.
Daniel and Jemima Tucker, of Shrewsbury, int. June 13, 1766.
George C. of Worcester and Ruth Stanley, Dec. 12, 1843.
[Holdin in int.], Mary of Worcester and Israel Green, March 9, 1742.
Mary and Nathanel Parkhill, int. March 2, 1766.
Olive and Philip Vincent of Dennis, Oct. 4, 1825.
Peter and Ruth Silvester, Dec. 20, 1812.
Polly and Joseph Silvester, Dec. 25, 1817.
John and Eliza Shepherd, July 26, 1826.
George and Ann Johnson, Jan. 3, 1835.
James and Seraph Livermore ---—, [bet. March 27 and May 1] [1828 ?].
James and Mary Shaw, int.March 21, 1830.
James and Mary Kenyon, Nov. 27, 1834.
Amos Jr. [Moses in int.] and Emeline Robinson, Jan. 19, 1835.
Anderson and Lydia C. Edwards of Millbury, int. Feb, 27, 1842.
[Johnson in int.] Elijah of Sutton, and Sally Trask, April 16, 1811. C.R.
Elizabeth E. of Millbury and Edwin Waite, int. March 18, 1837.
Nancy (d. Parley and Nancy, a. 26) and Herman Brown of Webster, May 7, 1846.
Nathan (s. Parley and Nancy, a. 28) and Susan Shumway, Nov. 18, 1846.
Parley Jr. and Emely Rice of Worcester, int. Oct. 6, 1843.
Rufus of Amherst and Esther Kent, May 10, 1842.
Capt. Simeon of Ward and Candace Stone, int. Feb. 28, 1818.
William Y. and Sarah Holt of Worcester, int. ---- ----, 1839.
HOLMES (see Homes)
Henry [H. in int.] of Fall River (s. Francis and Keziah, a. 25) and Sarah J. Hartwell, Nov. 25, 1845.
Catherine R. and Rev. Francis V. Pike of Rochester, N.H., March 29, 1839.
Mary Ann and Peter J. Hughes of Norwich, Ct., int. Nov. 9, 1845.
Martha A. (a. 20) and Palmer Darling of Worcester, March 6, 1847.
Nancy of New Braintree and Peter Slater Jr., int. April 23, 1814.
Mary and Josiah Q. Lamb, May 10, 1832.
Sarah of Worcester and William Y. Holman, int. ---- ----, 1839.
HOMES (see Holmes)
[Whomes in int.] Adam and Hannah Thompson, Jan. 15, 1746-7.
Elizabeth and Samuel Allen Esq., May 13, 1810. C.R.
John and Elizabeth Steel, int. April 18, 1761.
John and Ruth Potter, int. May 1, 1757.
Polly and Nathaniel Lyon, May 17, 1789.
Mary Ann and Thomas Redden, int. May 20, 1838.
Eli and Nancy Wannup, Sept. 23, 1802.
Levina and Paul Anthony of Sturbridge, int. March 27, 1802.
Caroline and William A. Ayres of Brookfield, Sept. 13, 1831.
Ebenezer of Oakham and Elizabeth Staples, Oct. 26, 1823.
Elisabeth and Baly Bond, Jan. 15, 1739-40.
Judeth and Daniel Hill, int. June 21, 1735.
Cornelius and Abigail Garfield of Sutton, int. July 18, 1773.
Anna and Thomas Green, Jan. 16, 1776.
[Widow in int.] Elizabeth and Benjamin Foster, Jan. 16, 1776.
Ruth and Sylvanus Town of Oxford, int. July 2, 1785.
Sally and Lyel Snow of Brookfield, int. Nov. 5, 1818.
HOW (see Howe)
Elijah and Deborah Smith, June 24, 1759.
Esther and Demon Sheffield, both of Worcester, March 5, 1773.
John of Rutland and Widow Lydia Lamb, int. Nov. 12, 1749.
Lucy and Moses Tinny, int. Aug. 16, 1786.
Widow Prudence and Henery Hunt of Rutland, int. Nov. 24, 1754.
Rachel of Marlborough and James Orms, int. March 28, 1736.
Zerviah of Malborogh and Abraham Smith, int. Aug. 10, 1740.
Anna of Holden and David Livermore, int. Oct. 10, 1770.
Ann S. (d. Ebenezer and Lucy, a. 21) and Charles S. Knight, May 21, 1846.
Betsey of Ware and Richard Bond, Jr., int. June 28, 1799.
Ebenezer A. and Ann Sargent, March 11, 1819.
Ebenezer A. and Lucy Harrington, Jan. 10, 1822.
Elizabeth and Thomas Scott Jr. of Ward, Nov. 1, 1798. C.R.
Emaline of Mendon and John C. Hill, int. April 7, 1825.
George W. (s. Harrison and Betsey, a. 23) and Ann Eliza Demick, Aug. 6, 1846.
Hanson and Betsy Whittemore, Feb. ----, 1821.
Harrison and Almira Parker, int. Dec. 8, 1849.
Horace of Worcester and Elisa P. Daniels, Sept. 21, 1830.
John of Sutton and Amity Washburn, Dec. 15, 1793. [See Heywood.]
Lucy Ann (d. Harrison and Betsey, a. 24), and Levi G. Paine of Grafton, Oct. 7, 1849.
Mary and William S. Kent, int. Dec. 19, 1830.
Mary E. (d. Harrison and Betsey, a. 18), and Erastus E. White, Nov. 11, 1845.
Nancy and John Whittemore, April ----, 1812.
Rachel A. (d. Edward and Rachel, a. 19) and Nathaniel P. Earle, Aug. 30, 1848.
William Jr. and Lavinia Warren both of Paxton, Jan. 1, 1805.
HOWE (see How)
Artemas and Roxa Moore of Paxton, Nov. 10, 1807. C.R.
Charles M. of Marlborough (s. W. L. and Persis, a. 22) and Sarah G. Warren, June 6, 1849.
Charles W. (s. Samuel and Elizabeth, a. 24), and Rebecca Anthony, Jan. 14, 1846.
Jonah and Mary S. Knight, June 30, 1835.
Maria L. [Louisa M. in int.] and Aaron F. Marshal of Montreal, Canada, March 28, 1842.
Relief and John Davis Jr., both of Paxton, Nov. 12, 1807. C.R.
Sally of Holden and John R. Bowles, int. April 3, 1813.
Lydia [A. in int.] and Lyman S. Kibbe, Sept. 14, 1815.
Jane and Charles Davis, Jan. 29, 1840.
HUBBARD (see Hubbert)
Benjamin and Rebecca Paine, int. Nov. 2, 1787.
Betsey and Barnard Upham, int. Oct. 9, 1801.
Daniel [Jr. in int.] and Mary Sargeant, Feb. 22, 1776.
Daniel of Paxton and Tamison Wheaten, int. March 8, 1806.
Elisabeth of Worcester and Jabez Pain, int. Nov. 25, 1753.
Esther and Aaron Moore, int. Oct. 30, 1784.
John and Ama Briant, Feb. 8, 1814.
Jonathan and Elizabeth Parsons, May 9, 1771.
Jonathan and Betsey Kent, Nov. 26, 1801.
Nancy and Silas Bullard, Jan. 20, 1807. C.R.
Patty and Nathaniel Woodard, int. Sept. 12, 1802.
Persis and Lot Handcock, Sept. 24, 1816.
Daniel of Worcester and Elisabeth Lynd, March 2, 1747-8.
[Hubbard in int.], Elizabeth and Samuel Cheaver, Dec. 30, 1778.
Phebe of Holden and John Wheaton, int. March 10, 1770.
Polly and Joseph Thurston of Brookfield, June 6, 1793.
Sally and Jdhn Sprague, July 22, 1801.
Zerviah of Worcester and James Smith, int. May 12, 1751.
John and Tabitha Serjeant, May 25, 1769.
William and Betsey Sibley of Dudley, int. April 10, 1836.
Peter J. of Norwich, Ct., and Mary Ann Holmes, int. Nov. 9, 1845.
Hannah S. and William B. Earle, int. June 9, 1833.
Henery of Rutland and Widow Prudence How, int. Nov. 24, 1754.
Sarah and Robert Earl Jr., int. July 27, 1762.
Charles E. of New York (s. Luther and Elizabeth, a. 23) and Elizabeth S. Woodcock, Nov. 25, 1848 [1847 ?].
Robert and Elisabeth MacMaster, Nov. 19, 1730.
Robart and Sarah Tomson, July 14, 1741.
Asa of Somersworth, N.H., and Abagail Lamb, April ----, 1827.
Asahell and Hannah Robinson, Nov. 30, 1797.
Frances M. (d. Samuel and Mahitable, a. 22) and James W. Lee of Boston, Sept. 1, 1847.
Julia T. (d. Samuel and Mehitable, a. 22) and Joshua Murdock Jr., Jan. 10, 1849.
John and Mary Ann Lasell, both of Worcester, April 22, 1839.
William and Deliverance Russell, int. Sept. 1, 1833.
Benjamin [Jr. in int.] and Louisa Harwood, March 21, 1832.
[Hosay in int.], James and Nancy Pendergast, March 27, 1830.
Benjamin and Sylvia Chickering, Jan. 7, 1831.
Daniel and Mary Barber of Worster, int. April 14, 1751.
David and Hannah Graton, Sept. 24, 1750.
Elsie [Elsey in int.] and Josiah Cushman of Homer, N.Y., Feb. 8, 1810.
Elizabeth and Onesiphorus Pike, Oct. 18, 1769.
Jonathan of New Rutland Dist. and Elizabeth Bond, int. March 13, 1761.
Lydia and James Carlyle of Worcester, Sept. 26, 1757.
Martha and Andrew Morgin, int. Oct. 5, 1754.
Matthew and Elizabeth Work, May 3, 1781.
Phebe of Ward and Amos Crage, int. Sept. 25, 1795.
Edward (s. Samuel and Louisa, a. 28) and Harriet Singer, Oct. 29, 1845.
John of Spencer and Roxana Watson, Aug. ----, 1820.
Roxanna and Henry Eames of Spencer, int. June 2, 1832.
Harriet N. of Paxton and Welcome S. Marsh, int. May 14, 1837.
Anna of Northbridge and John Woodcock, int. July 24, 1823.
JOHNSON (see Jonson)
Abigal [Abigail in dup.] and John Prouty, Oct. 9, 1745.
Achsa and Jacob Washburn Jr., Nov. 12, 1789.
Ann and George Hollingworth, Jan. 3, 1835.
Ashbael [Ashbel in int.] and Jael Porter, Oct. 15, 1772.
Azel [Asahell in int.] of Chesterfield, and Rebeckah Brown, Aug. 24, 1788.
Betsey and Lewis Budro, Sept. 30, 1832.
Edwin and Adeline Cunningham, Nov. 26, 1829.
Elijah of Sutton and Sally Trask, int. March 20, 1811. [See Holman, Elijah.]
Hepzibeth of Worcester and Robert Earll, March 23, 1756. In Worcester.
Jonathan of Sturbridg and Jerusha Green, int. Sept. 9, 1739.
Mary and Samuel Bemos Jr., Nov. 11, 1742.
Mary of Worcester and Artimas Morse, Sept. 2, 1779.
Micah of Worcester and Phila Albee, Dec. 20 [2 in dup.], 1824.
Phebe of Worcester and Elezer Baker, int. Dec. 24, 1814.
Rebeckah and Daniel Lynd, May 1, 1740.
Rufus of Worcester and Harriot Green, int. Dec. 21, 1808.
Susan N. and George B. Conklin, Sept. 9, 1834.
[Capt. in int.] Uriel of Worcester and Thankful Hersy, June ----, 1820.
William of Fitchburg and Sarah Gleason, July 28, 1840.
JOHNSTON (see Jonston)
Sarah and John M. Thurman, Nov. 23, 1834.
Jude of Paxton and Sally Washburn, int. May 2, 1799.
Rev. Lot and Lucy Ann Bullard of Sutton, int. April 5, 1831.
Mary and John Brown, int. April 18, 1742.
Mindwell of Spencer and Col. Joseph D. Sargent, int. March 14, 1818.
Nathaniel and Elisabeth Buttler, both of the Country Gore, int. Oct. 22, 1752.
Rebakah and Daniel Denney, int. Nov. 10, 1722.
Reuel of Spencer and Laurinda White, int. Sept. 23, 1838.
Rhoda [Rhody in int.] and Otis Barton, June 16, 1822.
Thomas and Mary Bemos, both of Paxton, Nov. 2, 1769.
JONSON (see Johnson)
Zebediah and Esther Richardson, int. Oct. 17, 1731.
JONSTON (see Johnston)
Robert of Beverly, Upper Canada, and Clarissa Graton, int. July 29, 1838.
John of Oxford and Hannah Henshaw, April 7, 1763.
J. E. of Frankfort, N.Y., and S. A. Whittemore, Sept. 12, 1847.
Nathaniel of Dalton and Lydia Watson, July 1, 1795.
Abner and Susan M. Whittemore, May 31, 1839.
Elisha of Millbury (a. 27) and Frances M. Trask, Dec. 31, 1844.
Selina M. of Millbury and Benjamin H. Franklin, int. Aug. 29, 1845.
John and Catherine Donghue, int. Sept. 10, 1837.
KENNY (see Kinney)
Francis and Harriet Felix, int. May 1, 1842.
Hannah and Samuel Green Jr., int. Feb. 20, 1779.
Lanson and Esther Bond, Aug. 26, 1838.
Betsey and Jonathan Hubbard, Nov. 26, 1801.
Caroline E. [C. in int.] (d. Daniel and Ruth, a. 36) and Levi Clapp of Worcester, Feb. 22, 1848.
Daniel and Ruth Watson, June 6, 1805.
Capt. Daniel and Mrs. Miranda Cunningham of Spencer, June 3, 1829.
Daniel Waldo and Harriet N. Grovner of Paxton, int. March 24, 1839.
Ebenezer and Sarah Stone of Shrewsbury, int. Sept. 23, 1772.
Ebenezer Jr. and Esther Stone, Oct. 29, 1772.
Elias and Betsey Wheeten, int. Oct. 16, 1802.
Elisa [Eliza in int.] and Sheldon Whittemore, Sept. 29, 1836.
Elizabeth and Benjamin Flagg of Holden, int. Aug. 15, 1776.
Emerson and Sopronia Ayres, Jan. 7, 1839.
Esther [S. in int.] and Rufus Holman of Amherst, May 10, 1842.
Ezra and Eusebia Southic, int. Dec. 14, 1811.
Hanah [Hannah in int.] and Ezra French of Hingham, Feb. 11, 1765.
Jacob and Desire Prouty, Sept. 11, 1771.
Jacob and Mary Tucker of Shrewsbury, int. April 13, 1773.
John and Hannah Ripley, July 4, 1785.
Lucy and Jabez Green Jr., Aug. 9, 1764.
Lydia and John Campbell June 28, 1783.
Malinda W. and Dana H. Fitch, April 14, 1835.
Mary B. and Nathaniel Bond, int. ---- ---—, 1829.
Sally and Reuben Billings Swan, May 30, 1799. C.R.
Samuel W. and Caroline Watson, May 19, 1835.
Thomas and Catherine McCarma, int. Dec. 29, 1827.
William and Kata Wheaton, Nov. 30, 1797.
William S. and Mary Howard, int. Dec. 19, 1830.
William S. (s. Daniel and Ruth, a. 41, widr.) and Mrs. Louisa Beers, Oct. 3, 1847.
Thomas and Mrs. Mary Scott, int. Nov. 3, 1827. [forbidden.]
Thomas and Esther Bowdwin, Oct. 18, 1828.
Mary and James Hollingworth, Nov. 27, 1834.
Samuel of Srusbry and Hepsabah Green, int. Oct. 6, 1733.
Samuel and Hannah Culiveir of Milton, int. May 6, 1739.
Solomon of Cambridge, Vt., and Polly Newhall, Jan. 23, 1798.
Lyman S. and Lydia Howlett, Sept. 14, 1815.
Elijah and Augusta King, Dec. 6, 1826.
Oliver of Grafton and Catherine Elliot, May 3, 1810. C.R.
Augusta and Elijah Kimball, Dec. 6, 1826.
Charles [of Charlton in int.] and Roxa L. Barton, Feb. 5, 1814.
Charlotte and Joseph Cheney, int. March 11, 1809.
Henry and Abigal Gree[n ?] int. Feb. 11, 1732-3.
Maria and Artemas Knowlton, Sept. 27, 1836.
Mary (d. John and Mary, a. 20) and Joseph Pecatt of North Brookfield, May 9, 1848.
Mary Ann and Eliab Richardson of Millbury, Jan. 29, 1824.
Mary J. G. of Palmer and Silas B. Titcomb, int. Sept. 19, 1841.
Rebeccah of Sutton and Aaron Woodberry, int. Oct. 24, 1794.
Tamer and Ebenezer Upham Jr., int. April 26, 1794.
Mehitable and Samuel Richardson of Spencer, int. Feb. 27, 1757.
Polly of Oxford and Phinehas Sargeant, int. Oct. 9, 1794.
Dorothy of Enfield and Joseph Allen, int. Nov. 20, 1776.
Elizabeth of Franklin and Silas Armsby, int. Dec. 18, 1792.
Huldah [Hadassah ?] of Spencer and Asa McCollum, int. July 20, 1828.
Josiah of Oxford and Esther Crage, int. Sept. 12, 1795.
Josiah of Spencer and Lucinda Adams, March 27, 1828 [int. recorded as April 12].
Olive and Francis D. Allen of Sturbridge, int. Oct. 25, 1822.
Mary S. of Spencer and Stephen Draper, int. March 27, 1836.
Nathan [Nathaniel in int.] and Sarah Watson, March 1, 1781.
KINNEY (see Kenny)
Lydia B. of Norwich, Ct., and Reuben S. Denny, int. Jan. 1, 1837.
Hugh and Abigail Platt, int. Jan. 24, 1824.
John of Spencer and Asenath Green, int. Oct. 11, 1773.
Anna of Spencer and Nathaniel Cobb, int. March 22, 1792.
KNIGHT (see Knights, Nights)
Benjamin F. of New Braintree and Adeline Whittemore, May 4, 1828.
Betsey and Eber Whitmore of Paxton, int. April 6, 1786.
Betsey and Oliton Silvester, July 19, 1830.
Charles S. (s. Silas and Alice, a. 25.) and Ann S. Howard, May 21, 1846.
Hannah and Pliny Moore of Paxton, int. June 6, 1781.
Hiram and Olive Barns, April 24, 1818.
Horace and Sarah Partrege of Paxton, int. July 19, 1823.
Horace and Hannah Brown of Rutland, int. Aug. 10, 1834.
Jabez of Shrewsbury and Azubah Smith, int. Oct. 1, 1791.
Jonathan Jr. and Polly Sprague, March 22, 1798.
Lavina [Lavinia in dup.] of New Braintree and Addison Arnold, int. May 24, 1828.
Mary A. (d. Thomas J. and Mary A., a. 15) and Joseph Farrar, May 1, 1848.
Mary S. and Jonah Howe, June 30, 1835.
Polly and John Fisk of Paxton, int. Oct. 1, 1792. [See White, Polly.]
Polly and Jonas Whittemore, Oct. 11, 1810. C.R.
Samuel C. and Elisa Jane McElfatrick, July 12, 1835.
Sally and Aaron Pierce, Aug. 30, 1789.
William and Asenath Ward, int. Jan. 29, 1814.
William and Abigail Olney of Oxford, int.Nov. 15, 1835.
KNIGHTS (see Knight)
Elisabeth of Rutland and Seth Snow, May 1, 1759.
Leonard of Spencer and Harriet M. Lynds, int. Feb. 17, 1844. Forbid.
Edward and Sarah Bigelow of Spencer, int. Nov. 9, 1828.
[Noles in int.], Mary and Hervey Bancroft of Ward, Sept. 2, 1818.
Sarah Elizabeth of Stow and Samuel Bowel, int. Nov. 5, 1845.
Artemas and Maria King, Sept. 27, 1836.
Capernaum of North Brookfield and Marshall Wilder, int. June 26, 1814.
Albert of Dover and Adeline Snow, Aug. 23, 1830.
William F. of Woodstock, Vt., and Elisa E. Scott, Nov. 21, 1843.
Mary Ann and John B. Stone, June 17, 1827. [Shaw in int. which is right.]
Abegail and David Adams, int. Oct. 13, 1743.
Abagail and Asa Hunting of Somersworth, N.H., April ----, 1827.
Arnold of Spencer and Susannah Elliot, May 26, 1803.
Alvin and Hannah Craige of Charlton, int. Nov. 11, 1815.
Betsey and Caleb Barton, Dec. 16, 1787.
Mrs. Betsey of Spencer and Jonathan Warren, int. May 27, 1797.
Charlotte and Hezekiah Stone, Aug. 24, 1815.
Dorothy and Jacob Shaw, June 10, 1742.
Ebenezer and Arnie Green, int. Feb. 8, 1730.
Elisa and William Ward, Nov. 27, 1825.
Eliza of Spencer and George S. Bond, int. March 25, 1837.
Elisabeth and Jonathan Stone, Oct. 25, 1739.
Elizabeth of Spencer and Caleb Nichols, int. Jan. 8, 1763.
Jabez and Sarah Wilson of Spencer, int. Aug. 5, 1774.
John of Spencer and Abigail Smith, April 21, 1752. P.R. Probably the same as below.
- .
John and Abigal Smith, Dec. 2, 1750.
Jonas of Spencer and Lucretia Dunbar, Aug. 25, 1803.
Jonathan Jr. and Elisabeth Richardson, Sept. 21, 1737.
Joshua and Sarah Willson, March 19, 1740-1.
Joshua and Abagail Learned of Oxford, int. Nov. 6, 1813.
Josiah Q. and Mary Holt, May 10, 1832.
Josiah Q. of Worcester (s. Liberty and Harriet, a. 25) and Emily A. Bisco, Aug. 28, 1848.
Laura and Marsena Whittemore, int. March 31, 1833.
Liberty and Harriet Stone of Oxford Gore, Oct. 29, 1822.
Louisa [C. in int.] and Isaac Woodcock of Charlton, May 12, 1829.
Lydiah and John Potter, int. Nov. 23, 1729.
Widow Lydia and John How of Rutland, int. Nov. 12, 1749.
Mary and Samuel Lynd, Oct. 9, 1740.
Nathan of Spencer and Elizabeth Richardson, int. Jan. 23, 1766.
Nathan and Widow Hannah Metcalf of Oakham, int. Sept. 7, 1787.
Nathan K. [H. in int.] and Mary Whittemore, Feb. 15, 1842.
Phebe and Natt Reed, int. Nov. 2, 1729.
Reuben and Rebecca Nichols of Oxford, int. Feb. 16, 1765.
Mrs. Susanna and Joseph W. Morse of Oakham, April 12, 1808. C.R.
Waldo and Melissa Whittemore, April 12, 1831.
Dr. Alfred of Springfield (s. William G. and Sarah, a. 27) and Elizabeth Sargent, Sept. 27, 1849.
Anne and Thomas Harman of Rutland, Nov. 13, 1744.
Elisabeth and Daniel Gray of Pellham, int. March 22, 1752.
Ruth and Arthur Forbus of Rutland, June 30, 1749.
George and Lydia Mundle of Brookfield, int. Nov. 9, 1834.
John of Spencer (s. Andrew and Louisa, a. 36) and Sophia Miller, Jan. 1, 1848.
Mary Ann and John Hurlburt both of Worcester, April 22, 1839.
James and Elouisa Rice, April 13, 1837.
Abby B. of Wilbraham and Rev. T. Willard Lewis, int. Aug. 4, 1849.
Esther of Grafton (an Indian woman), and Sharp Freeborn (a negro man), int. Nov. 27, 1762.
Elizabeth of Rentham, and Joseph Morse, int. Sept. 18, 1779.
Cuffee Gum, "Mr. Christopher Jacob Lawton's negro man and Ruth, negro woman sarvent to Mr. Jonathan Nights of Rutland," int. Feb. 27, 1742-3.
James [Jr. in int.] and Mary Earl, July 1, 1741.
Jame Jr. and Joanna Clark of Watertown, int. Oct. 5, 1746.
Lucretia and Benjamin Conklin, int. June 3, 1769.
Pliny and Lucresha Sargeant, June 18, 1750.
Nancy and Samuel Mower Jr., both of Worcester, Dec. 30, 1770.
Abigail of Oxford and Joshua Lamb, int. Nov. 6, 1813.
Lewis and Louisa Mercy, int. May 11, 1849.
James W. [Walter in int.] of Boston (s. David and Adelaid, a. 23) and Frances M. Hurd, Sept. 1, 1847.
George H. of Claremont, N.H. (s. Andrew and Lucy, a. 24) and Sarah T. Chase, Nov. 8, 1848.
Caleb and Elizabeth Blanchard, Dec. 9, 1802.
David and Lydia Dunbar, Oct. 7, 1804.
Caleb and Elizabeth Blanchard, Dec. 9, 1802.
Jenny and Samuel Monday, Nov. 6, 1787.
James of Townshand, Vt., and Nabby Wheaton, Feb. 19, 1797.
Matthew and Patty Wheaton, int. Nov. 8, 1794.
Patty and John Philips, Sept. 6, 1793.
Benjamin and Margaret Scott, Feb. 23, 1769.
Jabez of Spencer and Rachel Wallis of Oxford, Jan. 29, 1763.
Rev. T. Willard and Abby B. Lawrence of Wilbraham, int. Aug. 4, 1849.
Dorothy and James Southgate, Sept. 24, 1741.
Elisabeth and Nathaniel Bicknal of Abinton, Dec. 22, 1748.
Loring and Dolly Mower of Paxton, int. Oct. 5, 1770.
Mary and Asa Merriam of Oxford, int. April ----, 1778.
Rachel and Timothy Bowtell of Leominster, Jan. 21, 1768.
Olive M. [W. in int.] and Joel W. Cargel, May 1, 1839.
LION (see Lyon)
Hannah of Woodstock and Zebulan Boldwin, int. June 28, 1752.
Genet and John Glasford, int. March 1, 1735.
Amos [of Spencer in int.] and Catherine Sargeant, June 3, 1790.
Beulah and Levi Dunton of Southborough, May 26, 1784.
Daniel and Mary Southgate, int. March 5, 1731-2.
Daniel and Betsey Parker, May 28, 1801.
David and Anna Howard of Holden, int. Oct. 10, 1770.
Diantha and Daniel Henshaw of Pine Plains, N.Y., July 23, 1834.
Dolle, and George Roggers, May 23, 1780.
Elisha and Ruth Edy, March 30, 1775.
Elizabeth and Samuel Tucker of Spencer, July 2, 1767.
Elvira of Spencer and Horace Smith, int. July 1, 1820.
Hannah and Samuel Bottomly, Jan. 9, 1828.
Isaac [of Spencer in int.] and Hannah Bulin, Dec. 24, 1776.
Isaac Jr. and Anne Allen of Barre, int. Feb. 13, 1782.
Isaac Jr. and Beulah Collar, May 26, 1784.
Isaac and Hannah Haven, Nov. 6, 1808. C.R.
Jonas Jr. and Sarah Ward, Nov. 12, 1761.
Josiah and Annah Gerfield of Westown, int. April 30, 1749.
Lovisa and Rufus Gale of Stratton, Vt., int. Aug. 2, 1795.
Lydia and Asa Prouty, May 18, 1775.
Mary and Thomas Scott, Jan. 3, 1766.
Mary and Jonathan Warren, June 5, 1817.
Mary Ann and Ebenezer O. Grosvner, Jan. 3, 1814.
Mary and David McFarland, April 9, 1833.
Moses and Silence Thompson of Douglas, int. March 12, 1837.
Nancy and Moses Rockwood Jr. of Grafton, int. Jan. 16, 1824.
Patty and Samuel Upham Jr., Feb. 10, 1791.
Paul and Sally Snow, March 16, 1808. C.R.
Roswell and Mary McNall, both of Spencer, Sept. 23, 1813.
Ruth and Salem Livermore, Jan. 8, 1839.
Salom and Nancy Walker, int. Nov. 21, 1793.
Salem Jr. and Roxana Darling, Nov. 26, 1833.
Salem and Ruth Livermore, Jan. 8, 1839.
Seraph and James Hollingworth, ---- ----, [bet. March 27 and May 1, 1828 ?
Silas and Patty Putnam, int. Nov. 23, 1805.
Sarah and Samuel Bottomly, int. July 24, 1823.
Tamison and Liberty Beers, May 30, 1830.
[Lockor in int.], Martha and Matthew Scott, Jan. 2, 1745-6.
Mary and John Hamilton of Worcester, int. Jan. 22, 1737-8.
Margeret and James Smith of Rutland, June 5, 1750.
Hannah of Spencer, and Charles Sprague, April 18, 1813.
John and Elisa Ayres, May 26, 1827.
John and Clarissa Reed of Rutland, int. Feb. 24, 1839.
Nathaniel Thomas of Spencer and Sarah Watson, int. June 28, 1776.
John and Jane Cambil of Vollentown, int. April 19, 1741.
Margarit and James Stephenson, Feb. 13, 1739-40.
Mary of West Boylston and Levi Berchume, int. Oct. 12, 1844.
Caroline A. of Oxford and William F. Collier, int. July 29, 1847.
LYND (see Lynds)
Abigail and Benjamin Wheaten, June 13, 1744.
Daniel and Rebeckah Johnson, May 1, 1740.
David and Jerusha Peirce of Holden, int. Oct. 27, 1754.
Elisabeth and Daniel Hubbert of Worcester, March 2, 1747-8.
John Jr. and Ruth Converse, int. Jan. 24, 1735-6.
John and Rebeccah Denny, Feb. 4, 1755.
Johnson of Spencer and Molly Prouty, wid., int. Dec. 26, 1795.
Olive of Paxton and Nahum Waite, int. Feb. 28, 1801.
Rebeckah and Assa Stower, int. Feb. 1, 1761.
Sally and John Cutler, int. Jan. 15, 1783.
Samuel and Mary Lamb, Oct. 9, 1740.
Samuel and Dorcas Smith, July 5, 1750.
Daniel and Sarah Bemis of Spencer, June 20, 1751. D.R.
` Isaac and Margaret Sevar, int. Aug. 13, 1762.
Lucy and Nathaniel Smith, int. Aug. 14, 1762.
Mary and Amos Adams of Spencer, int. Feb. 1, 1766.
William and Saba Bass, May 8, 1808. C.R.
Harriet M. of Spencer and David N. Wicker, int. March 11, 1845.
Ruth and Daniel Upham, int. March 23, 1765. Forbid.
LYNDS (see Lynd)
Daniel and Sarah Newhall, Dec. 3, 1772.
George W. and Eliza H. Corbin of Worcester, int. Nov. 7, 1829.
Harriet M. and Leonard Knights of Spencer, int. Feb. 17, 1844. Forbid.
Thomas and Mary Jane Boyd, Oct. 17, 1839.
LYON (see Lion)
Mrs. Betsy and Francis Choot, July 29, 1781.
Elizabeth and Francis Choate, int. May 19, 1781.
Capt. John and Lydia Reed of Rehoboth, int. March 10, 1792.
[Capt. in int.] John Jr. and Abigail Stickney, Sept. 16, 1792.
Mrs. Judath [Judith in int.], and Josiah Blake of Providence, Sept. 27, 1781.
Nathaniel [of Woodstock in int.] and Polly Honeywood, May 17, 1789.
[Lyon in int.], Polly and Jonathan Newhall, Jan. 13, 1788.
Catherine and Thomas Kent, int. Dec. 29, 1827.
John and Elisabath Gill, int. --- ----, 1730.
Asa and Hadassah Kingsbury of Spencer, int. July 20, 1828.
Elisa Jane and Samuel C. Knight, July 12, 1835.
---- [Jane McKelvane in int.] and George Smith of Rutland, June 9, 1752.
McFARLAND (see McFarling)
Daniel and Sophia Sargent, Nov. 25, 1813.
David and Mary Livermore, April 9, 1833.
Hannah of Worcester and William Watson, int. Oct. 14, 1806.
Horace and Sophia McFarland, Feb. 17, 1822.
Jacob Corey and Elisa W. Fuller, Dec. 26, 1837.
Marshall and Lorinda A. Webber of Holland, int. Oct. 5, 1834.
[Widow in int.], Sophia and Horace McFarland, Feb. 1822.
Warren and Jerusha White, June 10, 1834.
Elenar of Worcester and Elexander Calhoon, int. Nov. 26, 1758.
Ann of Boston and Michael Hayes of Clappville, int. May 6, 1849.
Martha of Charlton and John Chard, int. Dec. 21, 1800.
Peter of Charlton and Altheda Trumbal, Nov. 9, 1815.
[McLelathan in int.], John of Hamilton, N.Y., and Chloe Converse, Dec. 27, 1803.
Margaret and Thomas Pike, int. Nov. 1, 1843.
Elisabeth and Robert Hunter, Nov. 19, 1730.
Sarah and Aaron Willson of Brimfield, int. May 10, 1735.
Mary and Roswell Livermore, both of Spencer, Sept. 13, 1813.
McNISH (see Nash)
Daniel M. of Litchfield, N.H., and Alice Briant, Dec. 16, 1818.
Matthew and Cynthia Sumner, int. Sept. 13, 1829.
John and Sarah Taft, April 20, 1786.
John of Hubbardston, and Narcissa Earle, May 5, 1829.
Asa and Hadassah Green, May ----, 1816.
Caroline and Oliver Chase, int. March 30, 1846.
Jemima W. (d. Billings and Mary, a. 20) and Theron E. Hall of Sutton, May 8, 1844.
John of Hubbardston and Narcissa Earle, May 5, 1829.
Elizabeth and Charles Warden of Worcester, Oct. 18, 1831.
Martha and Joseph Sargeant, Aug. 15, 1858.
Jeremiah and Martha Gross, int. Dec. 7, 1751.
John [of Boston in int.] and Catherine Ryan, July 3, 1771.
Daniel P. and Elizabeth G. Hawes of Boston, int. Sept. ----, 1835.
Mehitable of Sturbridge, and Jonathan Newhall Jr. int. April 16, 1771.
Jacob of Sutton and Mrs. Elianor Moore of Worcester, July 4, 1781.
Mary Ann and Frederick Webster, int. Sept. 15, 1849.
Avis K. and William Bond, Sept. 5, 1837.
Joel and Betsey Stetson, Dec. 25, 1806.
Mary Maria of Rutland and Josephus Woodcock, int. April 14, 1849.
Warner and Mary Alby, July 9, 1833.
Welcome S. and Harriet N. Jenneson of Paxton, int. May 14, 1837.
[Marshall in int.], Aaron F. of Montreal, Canada, and Maria L. Howe, March 28, 1842.
A. F. of Montreal, Lower Canada, and Frances M. Bigelow, April 22, 1834.
Mary of Paxton and Samuel Dothety, int. Jan. 30, 1778.
Sirlinda of Oxford and Alden Bisco, int. Aug. 17, 1833.
Abby [E. in int.] and Josiah L. Woodward of Millbury, June 18, 1839.
Joseph of Grafton and Abigail E. Trask, int. May 1, 1836.
Martha A. (d. C. C. and Hannah, a. 21) and Cyrus Preston, both of South Hadley, March 3, 1847.
Rev. William of Castine and Abigail Watson, Oct. 3, 1799. C.R.
Lucy of Spencer and Benjamin Green, int. Nov. 17, 1754.
[Masties in int.], Hannah and James Call, March 8, 1757.
Hiram B. and Louisa Turner, int. March 27, 1823.
Asahell and Priscilla Upham, Oct. 6, 1791.
Betsey and Preston Carpenter, int. July 19, 1843.
David of Spencer and Mary Stoddard, int. Feb. 4, 1764.
John S. W. and Delia Freeman of Sturbridge, int. March 17, 1833.
Mary and Jonathan Stoddard of Spencer, Oct. 25, 1757.
Phebe and James Whittemore Jr., Oct. 2, 1791. [Int. is Nov. 2.]
Rev. Samuel and Sarah Russell of Boston, int. Oct. 18, 1835.
Sarah of Spencer and Lemuel Green, Oct. 17, 1771.
William and Mary Snow, Aug. 13, 1741.
William of Spencer and Polly Snow, June 26, 1788.
Melliscent of Sudbury and Micah Whitney, July 26, 1764.
Lucy F. of Northborough and Walter Paul, int. May 30, 1849.
Marshall S. and Mrs. Terzah W. Bemis of Spencer, int. Dec. 9, 1842.
Widow Sally of Midford and Abel Green, int. Oct. 15, 1817.
Jane and Thomas Connor, int. Feb. 10, 1848.
Louisa and Lewis Le Claire, int. May 11, 1849.
James L. of Oxford (s. Samuel and ----, a. 23) and Angeline Rockwood, Dec. 2, 1845.
Rheuben and Eliza J. Tainter, Nov. 1, 1821.
Silas of Sutton, widr., and Harriet P. Watson, Nov. 2, 1843.
MERRIAM (see Miriam)
Asa of Oxford and Mary Lincoln, int. April ----, 1778.
David E. of Boston and Jane S. Trask, Oct. 18, 1842.
Sarah of Oxford, North Gore, and Samuel Denny, Jan. 26, 1809.
Freelove and Phinehas Convers, int. June 8, 1776.
Hannah and Thomas Sawen, Jan. 7, 1773.
Hannah of Ware and Jacob Bond, int. Dec. 14, 1792.
Hinnery and Abiah Thompson, both of the Country Gore, int. April 29, 1753.
Joseph and Mary Farnsworth, int. Dec. 24, 1753.
Mary and Timothy Capen, April 2, 1751.
Mary and John Watson, April 15, 1759.
[Merritt in int.] Rachel and Benjamin Saunderson Jr., Nov. 12, 1761.
Ruth and Levi Silvester, Dec. 5, 1745.
Ruth and Joshua Silvester, June 1, 1758.
Aaron and Lucy Seagrave of Uxbridge, int. Sept. 12, 1841.
Widow Hannah of Oakham and Nathan Lamb, int. Sept. 7, 1787.
[Munchor in int.], Rev. Joseph and Ruth Washburn, Nov. 21, 1825.
[Thomas K. Mitchell in int.], Thomas and [Lydia G.] White, May 24, 1816.
MILER (see Miller)
[Millor of Vollintown in int.], Peter and Barbera Miller, Nov. 23, 1738.
Dr. Asa of Westminster and Ruth Henshaw, Feb. 14, 1804.
Charles E. of Shrewsbury and Catherine Denny, May 1, 1833.
Rev. John of Grafton and Polly Denny, May 1, 1798. C.R.
Ruth and Rev. Ezekiel L. Bascom of Gerry, Feb. 26, 1806.
[widow in int.], Barbera and Peter Miler, Nov. 23, 1738.
Sophia and James York, int. Jan. 30, 1847.
Sophia (d. Peter and Louisa, a. 24) and John Langdon, Jan. 1, 1848.
Rev. Stephen C. and Sarah F. Appleton of Marblehead, int. April 21, 1833.
[Minite in int.], Hannah and Jacob Stoddard, Nov. 20, 1744.
MIRIAN (see Merriam, Meriam)
Sarah of Oxford and John Crowl Jr., int. Dec. 17, 1762.
Edward W. and Hellen Robinson of Dudley, int. Feb. 26, 1848.
Sumner of Oxford and Adelia Bridges, int. March 10, 1833.
[Munday in int.], Samuel and Jenny Leonard, Nov. 6, 1787.
Elnathan of Woodstock and Deborah Thompson of the Country Gore, July 23, 1744.
Lydia and William Nichols, int. Sept. 13, 1835.
MOOR (see Moore, More, Mores)
Catherine of North Brookfield and Ery ? Chilson, int. March 16, 1822.
Elephelet [Eliphelet More in dup.] of Pomphrit and Mary Silvester, Nov. 27, 1745.
Samuel of Worcester and Baty Newhall, int. April 13, 1746.
Thomas of Worcester and Ruth Nickols, int. Nov. 23, 1746.
Aaron and Esther Hubbard, int. Oct. 30, 1784.
David and Elenar Rice of Worcester, int. Feb. 23, 1755.
Mrs. Elianor of Worcester and Jacob March of Sutton, July 4, 1781.
Ephraim of Worcester and Elizabeth Gerfield, int. June 21, 1747.
Lidea [Lydia of Worcester in int.] and James Snow, Jan. 2, 1783.
Martha and John Goodwin, both of Worcester, Feb. 11, 1773.
Pliny of Paxton and Hannah Knight, int. June 6, 1781.
Roxa of Paxton and Artemas Howe, Nov. 10, 1807. C.R.
Samuel H. and Lucretia D. Parish, int. Oct. 6, 1833.
Sarah of Worcester and John Morse, Nov. 28, 1764.
Thaddeus of Worcester and Tabitha Green, Dec. 11, 1777.
William G. and Mary Fuller of Needham, int. Sept. 5, 1829.
Rev. Zephaniah Swift and Phebe Drury of Ward, int. Jan. 4, 1799.
MORE (see Moor, Moore, Mores)
Mary and Stephen Fish Jr. of Uxbridg, int. March 21, 1756.
Isiaac and Hannah Newhall, int. March 9, 1722-3.
MORGAN (see Morgin)
Frederick and Persis Holbrook of Peru, int. Sept. 12, 1818.
Isaac of Spencer and Abigail Tucker, int. Sept. 3, 1763.
Persis and Charles Turner, int. July 1, 1820.
Andrew and Martha Jackson, int. Oct. 5, 1754.
William H. and Sybel Watson of Spencer, int. Feb. 25, 1825.
Aaron and Mary Denny, May 1, 1815.
Artimas and Mary Johnson of Worcester, Sept. 2, 1779.
Betsey and Thomas Sprague, int. Feb. 5, 1814.
George W. and Betsey Babbit of North Brookfield, int. Aug. 25, 1827.
Harriet and Samuel Newhall of Spencer, June ----, 1823.
Isaac [of Worcester in int.] and Hannah Sawin, May 26, 1776.
Isabelle and Harry Ward, int. Jan. 7, 1809.
John and Sarah Moore of Worcester, Nov. 28, 1764.
Jonas N. of Wayland and Sarah H. Scott, March 10, 1842.
Joseph and Elizabeth Lawrence of Rentham, int. Sept. 18, 1779.
Joseph W. of Oakham and Mrs. Susanna Lamb, April 12, 1808. C.R.
Mrs. Keziah and Francis Pike, both of Paxton, May 30, 1781.
Polly of Holden and Samuel Tenny, int. May 15, 1813.
Stephen and Mary Haven of Sudbury, int. Sept. 8, 1751.
Mrs. Susanna and Samuel Grout of Westborough, Feb. 6, 1811. C.R.
Emely and William Santy of Meriden, Ct., int. Dec. 17, 1848.
Dolly of Paxton and Loring Lincoln, int. Oct. 5, 1770.
Ephraim Jr. and Huldah Hearsey, int. Oct. 12, 1770.
John and Thankfull Brown, June 8, 1785.
Roxa of Paxton and Artemas Howe, int. Oct. 4, 1807.
Sally and Charles Chandler of Worcester, int. Sept. 16, 1796.
Samuel Jr. and Nancy Leach, both of Worcester, Dec. 30, 1770.
Thomas and Anna Brown of Worcester, int. Sept. 12, 1772.
Lydia of Brookfield and George Lancton, int. Nov. 9, 1834.
Joshua Jr. (s. Joshua and Clarissa, a. 33, widr.) and Julia T. Hurd, Jan. 10 1849.
Felix and Susan Connor, int. Nov. 25, 1838.
Persis (d. Daniel and Persis, a. 20) and Benjamin F. Newton of Southborough, Oct. 6, 1846.
Amos [of Spencer in int.] and Sarah Snow, June 10, 1784.
Caroline and Ebenezer Proctor of Warwick, Oct. 6, 1840.
Daniel and Persis Haven, May 10, 1807. C.R.
Edmund and Sarah Dwight, Nov. 24, 1785.
Emely and Jason W. Whitney, both of Medway, April 5, 1837.
Esther G. and Elisha P. Perry of North Brookfield, April 6, 1841.
Mary and William A. Hixon, Oct. 6, 1840.
Nathan and Nancy Sibley of Ward, int. Aug. 24, 1876.
Harriet and Austin Gleason, int. Nov. 6, 1831.
[McNish in int.] Robert M. of Oxford and Jane Sampson, Oct. 9, 1837.
Rev. John and Zibiah Bigelow of Barre, int. April 4, 1812.
William of Western and Sally Bond, May 18, 1801.
Thomas of Barre and Sarah Ann Fits, int. Dec. 2, 1838.
Abigell and Benjamin Earll, int. Dec. ----, 1734.
Baty and Samuel Moor of Worcester, int. April 13, 1746.
Bety and Barnabas Aldrich of Northbridge, int. Feb. 1, 1783.
Daniel Jr. and Elizabeth Stebens of Spencer, March 17, 1755.
Daniel and Easter Warrin, Jan. 17, 1782.
Dorithy and Ebenezer Washburn of Spencer, int. July 10, 1757.
Dorrithy and John Newhall of Maldon, int. June 7, 1741.
Esther and David Allen, July 10, 1732.
Esther and Joktan Green, May 27, 1762.
Wid. Eunice and Stephen Saddler, May 13, 1802.
Hannah and Isaac Mores, int. March 9, 1722-3.
Hanah [Hannah in int.] and Elijah Harding of Sturbridge, May 14, 1767.
Hiram and Mary Seaver, int. Oct. 21, 1761.
Hiram and Sarah Hasey, Oct. 19, 1769.
Jabez and Lydia Shaw of Paxton, int. March 7, 1768.
John of Maldon and Dorrithy Newhall, int. June 7, 1741.
Jonathan and Hannah Conyers, int. Oct. 17, 1731.
Jonathan Jr. and Mehitable Marcey of Sturbridge, int. April 16, 1771.
Jonathan and Polly Lyons, Jan. 13, 1788.
Joseph and Hannah Earle, int. July 7, 1786.
Lidiah [Lydiah in int.] and John Brown, ---- 27 [int. Nov. ---—, 1727].
Phebe and Jonathan Winslow, April 22, 1779.
Phinehas and Lydia Wilson, Sept. 21, 1763.
Pierces and Asael Earle, int. April 1, 1786.
Polly and Solomon Keyes of Cambridge, Vt., Jan. 23, 1798.
Rebackah and Samuel Bemos, Jan. 9, 1739-40.
Sally of Spencer and Elisha Todd, int. Sept. 3, 1826.
Samuel and Anna Reed, int. March 10, 1770.
Samuel of Spencer and Harriet Morse, June ----, 1823.
Sarah and Daniel Lynds, Dec. 3, 1772.
Tabithy and Nathanel Gerfield, Aug. 9, 1750.
Thomas Jr. and Deborah Sargeant, July 1, 1756.
Thomas and Sarah Dwight, March 1, 1770.
Thomas Flagg and Eunice Watson of Spencer, int. Jan. 15, 1799.
William and Almira Earle, Aug. 30, 1818.
Abegail and Jacob Bryant, int. June 24, 1744.
Ann of Worcester (d. Guy S. and Dorothy) and Timothy Earle, Sept. 6, 1843.
Barsheba and Zebediah Smith of Sunderland, int. Dec. 25, 1743.
Benjamin F. of Southborough (s. Benjamin and Sally, a. 21) and Persis Muzzey, Oct. 6, 1846.
Bethsheba and Zebediah Smith of Sunderland, March 30, 1748-9.
David of Rutland and Miriam Smith, May 13, 1762.
Edmond and Phebe S. Wicker, int. Oct. 11, 1840.
Elias M. and Eliza A. Blanchard of North Bridgewater, int. Aug. 14, 1844.
Elizabeth of Paxton and Samuel Richinson Jr., int. March 15, 1781.
George W. [B. in int.] of Paxton and Margret C. H. Wheaton, Oct. 3, 1839.
Guy Stafford and Dorothy Davis of Rutland, int. Jan. 30, 1813.
Hannah and Joseph Chamberlain of Netchauog, June 17, 1740.
Isabella of Worcester and Leonard Eddy, int. Oct. 2, 1841.
Jedadiah and Jemime Fay, March 8, 1758.
John C. of Worcester and Sarah A. Watson, April 6, 1836
[Nuten in int.] Lucy and Elisha Ward, June 27, 1780.
Nahum and Tabathy Sanderson, Feb. 30 (sic), 1741.
Obadiah and Mehitable Whitney, Feb. 23, 1775.
Phenehas of Spencer and Widow Rashal Commins, int. May 27, 1782.
Roadah of Huberston and Gearshorn Comins, int. June 2, 1781.
Samuel T. and Harriet H. Wicker, April 21, 1831.
Sarah and Robert Converse Jr., May 24, 1762.
[Nuten in int.] Stephen and Mary Witt, Jan. 20, 1736-7.
Susan G. (d. John Smith, a. 32, wid.) and Thurlow Stimpson, June 8, 1849.
NICHOLS (see Nickols)
Caleb and Elizabeth Lamb of Spencer, int. Jan. 8, 1763.
Caleb Jr. and Persis Adams of Spenser, int. June ----, 1780.
Hannah and Capt. Parly Eddy, both of Oxford, June 27, 1804.
John D. and Eliza Ellis, Jan. 21, 1834.
John D. widr. (a. 32) and Lucy Baldwin, Aug. 19, 1844.
Lucy and Daniel Carpenter of Wilbraham, int. Nov. 21, 1775.
Lydia and George W. Ware, March 24, 1841.
Mary E. of Oxford and Emerson Rutter, int. Aug. ----, 1832.
Rebecca of Oxford and Reuben Lamb, int. Feb. 16, 1765.
Thomas Jr. of Worcester and Elizabeth Green, int. Sept. 23, 1786.
William and Lydia Mooney, int. Sept. 13, 1835.
Mercy and Mark Bond, Oct 16, 1785.
NICKOLS (see Nichols)
Abigail and Ezra Gilbert, both of Brookfield, Nov. 10, 1772.
Caleb and Lucy Smith, April 23, 1745.
Caleb and Marcy Wicker of Paxton, int. Sept. 28, 1781.
Catherine [Cathorn in int.] and Jabez Upham, Nov. 23, 1738.
Ellexander of Oxford and Jane Heart, int. Oct. 6, 1751.
Mrs. Marthar of Framingham and Rev. David Goddard, int. Dec. 2, 1753.
Ruth and Thomas Moor of Worcester, int. Nov. 23, 1746.
NIGHTS (see Knights)
Ruth, negro woman sarvant to Jonathan Nights of Rutland and Cuffee Gum, Mr. Chris. Jacob Lawton's negro man, int. Feb. 27, 1742-3.
Esau and Margerit Harra, int. Sept. 10, 1749.
Luther of New Braintree and Electa Earle, May 2, 1810. C.R.
Richard and Elisa Robinson, Oct. 25, 1835.
Melissa D. of Southbridge and Elisha W. Sholes, int. Aug. 18, 1839.
Joanna and Michael Powers, int. April 27, 1828.
Abigail of Oxford and William Knight, int. Nov. 15, 1835.
Hannah and James Tankard, int. Aug. 9, 1844.
John and Grace Carr, int. Jan. 17, 1829.
Patrick and Esther Bradbury, int. April 8, 1837.
James and Sarah Gleason, int. Aug. 9, 1835.
James and Franses Hinds of Brookfield, int. July 21, 1733.
James and Rachel How of Marlborough, int. March 28, 1736.
James and Tabatha Right of Framingham, int. Sept. 12, 1742.
Jonathan and Hannah Canada of Windham, int. Sept. 11, 1748.
Sophia K. of Upton and Charles Belknap, int. Feb. 17, 1833.
Sally of Paxton and Amos Silvester, May 15, 1808.
Samuel of Paxton and Polly Silvester, int. Sept. 17, 1815.
Elizabeth of Hardwick and Solomon Green, int. Dec. 11, 1763.
[Paine in int.], Elizabeth and Hezekiah Sandson [Sanderson], Aug. 24, 1780.
Jabez and Elizabeth Hubbard of Worcester, int. Nov. 25, 1753.
Anna and Lieut, William Taft, both of Townsend, Vt., Oct. 21, 1804.
Chloe and Joshua Wood, Oct. 2, 1786.
Levi G. of Grafton (s. Rufus and Sylvia, a. 23) Lucy Ann Howard, Oct. 7, 1849.
Rebecca and Benjamin Hubbard, int. Nov. 2, 1787.
William and Relief Ward of Worcester, int. May 6, 1797.
Nathaniel of Sudbury and Susanna Cuting, int. June 23, 1751.
Joseph and Harriet Webster, Aug. 10, 1833.
PARISH (see Parrish)
Amanda and Nicholas Burt, Feb. 6, 1835.
Elizabeth of Lyn and Samuel Richardson, int. May 6, 1744.
Lucretia D. and Samuel H. Moore, int. Oct. 6, 1833.
Mary (a. 40, wid.) and Rice Barton, April 5, 1847.
Almira and Harrison Howard, int. Dec. 8, 1849.
Anna and Orison Hill of Spencer, int. Dec. 20, 1822.
Azubah [Ezubah in int.] and Billings Hobart of Northampton, Dec. ----, 1821.
Betsey and Daniel Livermore, May 28, 1801.
Charlotte (a. 21) and James Gould, July 3, 1844.
Cynthia and Oliver Rice of Millbury, Nov. 29, 1826.
Daniel W. of Templeton (s. Thomas and Elisa, a. 25) and Sarah B. Warren, Nov. 25, 1847.
David Jr. of Lynn and Polly Parker, June 24, 1792.
Esther and Sibley Converse, April 7, 1830.
Ezra of Worcester and Hannah Barns, int. June 3, 1759.
Ezra and Mary Cook, both of Worcester, Jan. 20, 1768.
Fredereck and Polly Willson, May 9, 1793.
John and Comfort Shumway of Charlton, int. Sept. 24, 1798.
Mary of Charlton and Charles Whittemore, Nov. 3, 1816.
Polly and David Parker Jr. of Lynn, June 24, 1792.
Sally and William Parker of Lynn, Nov. 10, 1793.
Samuel of Charlton and Sarah Dunbar, May 15, 1766.
Samuel S, of Paxton and Sarah Adams, int. Sept. 18, 1836.
Sophia and Hiram Cobleigh of Worcester, int. May 10, 1821.
Thomas of the Gore and Susannah Thompson of Maldon, Dec. 2, 1756.
Thomas Jr. of Charlton and Lucy Dunbar, Dec. 22, 1763.
Thomas and Eliza B. Warren, July 26, 1818.
Uranah S. and Chister Williams, int. April 4, 1830.
William of Lynn and Sally Parker, Nov. 10, 1793.
William W. and Elizabeth Eager, int. Oct. 3, 1830.
Nathaniel and Mary Holden, int. March 2, 1766.
PARRISH (see Parish)
Sarah of Lyn and Nathaniel Willson, March 28, 1742.
Solomon and Elizabeth Taylor, Sept. 5, 1752.
Benjamin of Palmer and Elizabeth Stone, Oct. 26, 1762.
Elizabeth and Jonathan Hubbard, May 9, 1771.
Elizabeth of Paxton and James Whittemore, int. Sept. 17, 1808.
Elizabeth of Worcester and Ira Briant, int. Nov. 12, 1814.
Israel and Sarah Hale of Glosenbury, int. Nov. 9, 1746.
Israel and Hannah Waitt of Maldon, Jan. 9, 1750—1.
Israel and Lois Wiley of Lynn, int. March 28, 1761.
Jene of Brookfield and William Gilford, int. March 4, 1759.
Jerusha of Rutland and Thaddeus Davis, June 1, 1797.
Phebe and Abijah Brown, Oct. 12, 1775.
Solomon and Elizabeth Switcher of Rutland, int. Nov. 7, 1761.
Solomon Jr. and Rebeccah Coburn Wesson of Shrewsbury, int. May 8, 1789.
Susanna and John Taylor Jr., May 28, 1752.
Ellis of Holden and Anna Green, int. April 24, 1807.
Nabby of Paxton and Reuben Wheeten, int. April 22, 1801.
Sarah of Paxton and Horace Knight, int. July 19, 1823.
Joseph L. and Zebiah N. Wilson, Aug. 9, 1837.
Lucy D. and Zolva Green, March 31, 1833.
William of Litchfield and Lydia Thompson, int. May 28, 1763.
Robert of Union and Elizabeth Watson, Nov. 23, 1752.
Walter and Lucy F. Maynard of Northborough, int. May 30, 1849.
Thomas Jr. and Mary Thatcher of Cambridge, int. April 22, 1785.
Hannah of Shrewsbury and Nathan Waite, int. April 13, 1773.
Joseph of North Brookfield (s. Joseph and Mary, a. 21) and Mary King, May 9, 1848.
Calvin of South Orange and Elisa Barton, May 6, 1840.
PEIRCE (see Pierce)
Jerusha of Holden and David Lynd, int. Oct. 27, 1754.
Peter and Louisa Tebo, int. May 1, 1836.
[Pendergrass in int.], Nancy and James Huzzy, March 27, 1830 [1831?].
Malona [Malona in int.] of Spencer and Ebenezer B. Bond, April 2, 1834.
Benoni E. and Martha A. Anthony, int. June 9, 1849.
Elisha P. of North Brookfield and Esther G. Muzzy, April 6, 1841.
[Phillips in int.], Simon and Evelina Sargent, Dec. 11, 1822.
John and Patty Levingston, Sept. 6, 1793.
Charlotte of Spencer and Jonas L. Warren, int. March 27, 1842.
[Philips in int.], Simon and Rebeckah Scott, April 13, 1791.
Tameson and Ephraim Copeland, Sept. 10, 1811. C.R.
Sukey of Ward and Abijah Crage, int. April 8, 1786.
PIERCE (see Peirce)
Aaron [of Paxton in int.] and Sally Knight, Aug. 30, 1789.
Joseph of Hubbardston and Hannah Green, int. Nov. 14, 1783.
Levi of Chester, Vt., and Eunice Green, Jan. 2, 1812.
Luther of Grafton and Clarissa Reed, March 23, 1803.
Sally of Paxton and Bradley Smith, int. Sept. 19, 1813.
Elisha and Eleanor Sargent, Nov. 25, 1810. C.R.
Francis and Mrs. Keziah Morse, both of Paxton, May 30, 1781.
Rev. Francis V. of Rochester, N.H., [of Newburyport in int.] and Catherine R. Holmes, March 19, 1839.
Hannah of Paxton and Isaac Child, int. May 25, 1816.
John Jr. and Charlotte Sargent, April 15, 1810. C.R.
Lucinda [L. in int.] and Eliakim Adams of Paxton, Oct. 21, 1835.
Lucy E. and Samuel H. Wertman of Worcester, int. Nov. 6, 1846.
[Pyke in int.], Mary and Stephen Tucker, Sept. 20, 1750.
Onesiphorus and Wid. Martha Willson, int. Oct. 18, 1735.
Onesiphorus and Elizabeth Jackson, Oct. 18, 1769.
Sarah and Ephraim Amsden, Feb. 7, 1748-9.
Sarah and Peter Gorar of Petersham, int. Feb. 12, 1758.
Thomas and Margret McMann, int. Nov. 1, 1843.
[Perhaps in some cases confused with Prat], Abigail and Hugh Kitchin, int. Jan. 24, 1824.
Benjamin and Sarah Firth, March 5, 1843.
James and Mary Ann Wilby, int. Aug. 20, 1826.
Jane and James Taunton, Oct. 27, 1823.
Julia of Stoneville and Lewis Battoe, int. Aug. 24, 1849.
Erich F. C. of Jefferson City, Mo. (s. Andrew and Elizabeth, a. 26) and Julia M. Spear, May 28, 1845.
Mary F. of Paxton and David Bryant, int. Dec. 28, 1844.
Susan E. (d. Abner and Henrietta, a. 16) and Edmond H. Whittemore, Dec. 17, 1844.
Jael and Ashbael Johnson, Oct. 15, 1772.
Lydia G. of Brookfield and Amasa Warren, int. April 16, 1814.
Merriah [Meriam in int.] and Ebenezer Hastings, Jan. 24, 1782.
Sally and John Withington, March 12, 1797.
Deliverance and Joshua Reed, Sept. 13 [1726 ?].
Abegail and John Webster of Smithfield, int. Jan. 27, 1740-1.
Revd. Dexter and Uloyetta Sabine, int. June 11, 1837.
Ichabod and Rebeckah Vorse, Oct. 28, 1780.
John and Lydiah Lamb, int. Nov. 23, 1729.
John Jr. and Elizabeth Earl, int. March 14, 1735-6.
Joseph and Mehitable Smith, int. March 19, 1731-2.
Nathaniel and Mary Thompson of Uxbridg, int. Nov. 16, 1755.
Ruth and John Honeywood, int. May 1, 1757.
Michael and Joanna O'Leary, int. April 27, 1828.
Sarah and Samuel Converse of Killensly, Feb. 17, 1744-5.
Toinny of Palmer and Jacob Bond Jr., int. June 12, 1823.
[Possibly in some cases confused with Plat], Abegail of Framingham and Joshua Barton Jr., int. Feb. 18, 1749-50.
Beulah of Oxford and Elnathan Bears, int. Jan. 22, 1748-9.
Eunice H. and Francis Woodward, int. July 24, 1836.
Hannah and Joshua Smith, Jan. 25, 1758.
Jonathan of Oxford and Susanah Smith, int. Feb. 8, 1730.
Joseph and Martha Cunningham of Spencer, April 8, 1824.
Rufus and Phebe Baldwin, Feb. 8, 1795.
[Prentis in int.], John of Ward and Harriet A. Barton, Nov. 25, 1828.
Alonzo B. of Philadelphia and Avesta W. Fairbanks, April 18, 1844.
Elisa of Ward and Brigham N. Barton, int. Sept. 25, 1827.
Benjamin of Wesbury and Abigail Hascy, Nov. 27, 1760.
Cyrus (s. Sumner and Tryphena, a. 22) and Martha A. Mason, both of South Hadley, March 3, 1847.
Erasmus D. of Chelmsford (s. Ebenezer and Dorcas, a. 27) and Sarah White, Sept. 17, 1846.
Mary Ann and Joseph Bradbury, int. Dec. 8, 1827.
Ebenezer of Warwick and Caroline Muzzy, Oct. 6, 1840.
Asa [of Spencer in int.] and Lydia Livermore, May 18, 1775.
David and Elisabeth Smith, May 11, 1739.
[Proutey in int.], Desire and Jacob Kent, Sept. 11, 1771.
Isaac of Spencer and Molly Watson, int. Sept. 10, 1778.
Jacob and Ann Capen, Dec. 8, 1741.
John and Abigal Johnson, Oct. 9, 1745.
Molly, wid. and Johnson Lynd of Spencer, int. Dec. 26, 1795.
Nancy of Spencer and Thomas Snow, int. Dec. 17, 1812.
Horace P. of Northfield (s. Willard and Emily, a. 30, widr.) and Catherine E. Scott of Concord, Sept. 7, 1849.
Thomas and Lucy B. Bartlett, Aug. 3, 1834.
Jonathan of Dudley and Abegail Trumbell, int. Aug. 26, 1744.
Horace and Clarinda Boice of Worcester, int. Sept. 5, 1830.
Howard of Ward and Hannah Green, int. March 25, 1784.
Patty and Silas Livermore, int. Nov. 23, 1805.
Rachel of Sutton and Reuben Swan, int. Nov. 27, 1767.
