Congregational Church Records
Excerpted From
Vital Records of Lee, Massachusetts, 1777-1801
From The Records Of The Town
Congregational Church
And Inscriptions in the Early Burial Grounds
All The Family Birth Records Continued Beyond 1801
Given As Fully As Recorded
Containing Also The Baptisms & Names of Church Members
In The Records Of The Congregational Church
From Its Organization In 1780 to 1801
Lee, Mass.:
The Valley Gleaner
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

Congregational Church Records
[Many matters are omitted from the Records here printed, but all the Admissions to the Church, the Baptisms, and Dr. HYDE's list of Marriages and Deaths are given.]
Lee, May, 25 AD., 1780:
The Professors of religion in the town of Lee met and formed themselves into a Church. The Rev'd Mr. Daniel COLLINS of Lansborough being present at their request to assist in forming them:
The Church being then formed made choice of Mr. Wil'm INGERSOLL for their Moderator: after which they made choice of Mr. Wil'm INGERSOLL, Mr. Jesse BRADLEY & Mr. Prince WEST as a Committee to sign Letters missive to the Churches in Sheffield, Egremont, Stockbridge, Lenox, Pittsfield, Lansborough & Williamstown to request their assistance by Pastors & Delegates in the Ordination of Mr. Abraham FOWLER to the work of the Ministry & pastoral charge of the Church to be on June 8, A.D. 1780. On the 6 day of July, Sarah, wife of Levi NYE; Phebe, wife of Thomas BEECHER; Tabitha, wife of Peter WILLCOCKS; Eunice, wife of Moses INGERSOLL; Lydia, wife of Aaron INGERSOLL & David INGERSOLL were all received as members of full Communion with this Church: The same day, Truman, son of James PENOYER was baptized.
Dec 3: Hopstill, son of Thomas BEECHER, was baptized
Dec 17: James PENOYER, Daniel CHURCH & Hannah wife of, were received into full Communion with this Church.
Dec 31: Lois, wife of Joseph HANDY, & Elizabeth, wife of Seth BARLOW were received into full Communion with this Church.
Jan 17, AD 1781: Heman & Amey, Children of Prince WEST and Elenor, Anna, Luther & John Calvin, Children of Moses INGERSOLL were baptized
Jan 28: Levi NYE & Hannah, wife of Hope DAVIS were received into full Communion with this Church.
Feb 25: John CROSBY & Martha wife of, Elizabeth CHADWICK, and Thankfull, wife of John GOODSPEED, were received into full Communion with this Church.
April 22. AD. 1781, Electa, wife of Peter WILLCOCKS & Benjamin, son of James YOUNG were baptized
Jun 23. AD. 1782, Abigail wife of Elisha GOODSPEED was received into full Communion with this Church., and she & her Daughter Thankfull were baptized
Aug 4, Josiah BARTHOLOMEW, Desire wife of Abiathar CHADWICK & Moriah BACKUS were received into full Communion with this Church.. Moriah BACKUS, Billy & Betcy, Children of Moses INGERSOL, and Daniel son of Nathan BALL were baptized the same day.
These are the accounts recorded of the Church by Mr. Wil'm INGERSOLL while Moderator of the Church.
July 3, AD. 1783, Mr. Elisha PARMELE was ordained to the work of the Gospel ministry & pastoral charge of this church.
The members of this church & their children that are baptized are these that follow: -
Josiah BARTHOLOMEW & Phebe his Wife. Children: Oliver, Phebe, & Jesse
Lemuel HATCH, Temperance HATCH. Children: Oliver, Timothy, Joseph, Lemuel, Ebenezer, Tempe & Jonathan
Hope DAVIS & Hannah DAVIS
Will'm INGERSOLL & Lydia INGERSOLL. Children: Moses, Aaron, Barsheba, Jared, David, Will'm, Lucinda, Elijah, Calvin, & Betcy
Prince WEST. Children: Barsheba, Hannah, John, Silvanus, Christopher, Heman, Amey & Philo
Jesse BRADLEY & Mary BRADLEY. Children: Jared, Eli, Jesse, Mamry, Joseph, William, Lemi, Lydia, & Daniel
Joseph TOTMAN. Children: Sarah, Elizebeth, Mary & Benjamin
Oliver WEST & Thankful WEST. Children: Amy, Caleb, Amasa, Anna, Sarah, Joshua, & Oliver
Nathan BALL & Ruhannah BALL. Children: Nathan, Lydia, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Martha, John, Anna, James, Samuel, Cesar
John CROSBY & Martha CROSBY. Children: John, Abijah, Hannah, Thomas, Abner, & Elizabeth
David KELLOGG & Elenor KELLOGG. Children: Lydia, Rhoda, Russell, Adosha, David [these are marked with the note "baptized in the half way"] Welthy, Hannah, Ira, & Otis
Lemuel CROCKER & Sarah CROCKER. Child: Samuel
David INGERSOLL & Sarah INGERSOLL. Child: Erastus
Levi & Sarah NYE, Children: Joshua, Benjamin, Mary, Rachel, Thomas, Levi, & Sarah
James & Hannah YOUNG, Children: James, Rebekah, Hannah, Lydia, Elizebeth, Benjamin, David & Anna
James & Sarah PENOYER. Children: David-lovel, Reuben, Jacob, Truman, & Zina
Thomas & Mary EWER, Children: Thomas, Ebenezer, Ansel, Lydia, Seth & Elisha
Daniel & Hannah CHURCH, Children: Rachel, Levi, Eli & Daniel
Sarah FOOT, wife of Jonathan FOOT
Phinehas & Marcy FISH, Children: Joseph, b. 20 Dec 1767; Job, b. 2 Dec 1769; Phinehas, b. 9 Jul 1771; Samuel, b. 9 Sep 1773; Elizabeth, b. 1 Nov 1776; Bethia, b. 5 Apr 1779; Susannah, b. 17 Feb 1781; & Thankful, b. 11 Feb 1783
Caty PERRY, wife of Arthur PERRY. Children: Ruth, Cloe, Mary, Johannah, Abraham & Abigail
Elizebeth WINEGAR, wife of John WINEGAR. Children: Catharinah, Samuel, Zachariah, Jacob, Huldah, Elizebeth, John, Jesse, David & Stephen
Thankfull GOODSPEED, wife of John GOODSPEED. Child: Obed
Eunice INGERSOL, wife of Moses INGERSOLL. Children: Elenor, Anna, Luther, John-Calvin, Billy, Betcy
Elizebeth CHADWICK. Children: Rose, Abiathar, Archelus, Samuel
Moriah BACKUS. Children: Hannah, Sarah, Nathaniel, Anson & Benjamin
Fannah COLLINS, wife of Oliver COLLINS. Children: Elisha, Archebal, Oliver, Avis, Elias, John & Isaac
Sarah CHADWICK, wife of Archelus CHADWICK. Children: Thomas, Jabez, Elizebeth & John
Tryphena MARSH, wife of Reuben MARSH. Child: Judith
Lydia INGERSOLL, wife of Aaron INGERSOLL. Children: Jonathan & Stephen
Tabitha WILLCOCKS, wife of Peter WILLCOCKS. Children: Mary DAVIS, Thomas DAVIS, Anna DAVIS, Rowland DAVIS, Timothy DAVIS, Phebe WILLCOCKS & Electe WILLCOCKS
Deliverance FOOT, wife of Jonathan FOOT. Children: Elisha, Alvin & Jerusha
Thankfull DIMMUCK, wife of Sylvanus DIMMUCK. Child: Hannah
Desire CHADWICK, wife of Abiathar CHADWICK. Children: Fear, Heman & Joseph
Lydia GIFFORD, wife of Thomas GIFFORD. Children: Abigail, Isaac, Huldah, Sarah & Cornelius
Catherina WINEGAR
Seth & Amy NYE. Child: Elisha
Naomi GOODSPEED, wife of David GOODSPEED, Children: Naomi & Antony
Lois HANDY, wife of Joseph HANDY, Children: Joseph, Nathaniel & Seth
Mary HATCH, wife of Wate HATCH, Children: Rebekkah, Lewes, Priscilla & Edward
Aaron BENEDIC. Children: Clarissa & Stephen-Thomas
Elizebeth WEST, wife of Daniel WEST. Children: Elizebeth, Saviah, Thomas-Tracy, David & Lucy
Mary, wife of Elisha GRANT. Children: Elisha, Ruth, Prudence, Jared
Elizabeth, wife of Seth BARLOW, Children: Samuel & Nathan
Experience COFFEY, wife of John COFFEY. Children: Mary, Betcy, Rachel & Crecia
Lydia, wife of Stephen TOBY
Phebe, wife of Thomas BEECHER, Children: Hopestill & Submit
Oliver HATCH & Rebekah HATCH
[Several pages in the original are blank after the above list, on which evidently, it was designed that the names of persons taken into the church from time to time, & their children, should be entered. The list, however, remains as left by Wm. INGERSOLL; the clerks following him making no additions to it.]
Jul 18, 1783. The church agreed to choose two Deacons; and choose Mr. David INGERSOL Choirester.
Jul 13. Thankful FISH, wife of Phinehas & March FISH was baptized
Jul 20. Hannah BACKUS, Sarah BACKUS, Nathaniel BACKUS, Anson BACKUS, Benjamin BACKUS, Children of Moriah BACKUS; John CHADWICK, son of Archelus & Sarah CHADWICK; and Fear CHADWICK, Heman CHADWICK & Joseph CHADWICK, Children of Abiathar & Desire CHADWICK were all baptized
Jul 24. Mary wife of Thomas YURE, and Amy wife of Seth NYE were examined by this Church: and propounded with a view to join this Church in full communion on the 26 of July.
Jul 27, Crecia, daughter of John & Experience COFFEY, was baptized
Aug 3, Otis, son of David & Elenor CELLOGG; Samuel, son of Lemuel & Sarah CROCKER; and Elizebeth, Saviab, Thomas-Tracy, Daniel & Lucy, the Children of Daniel & Elizabeth WEST were all baptized
Aug 10, Mary wife of Thomas EWER & Amey wife of Seth NYE were both received into full Communion with this Church.; and Mrs. EWER was baptized the same time being not certain that she was baptized in her infancy
Aug 31, Elisha, son of Seth & Amy NYE was baptized
Sep 4, The Church choose Mr. Oliver WEST & Mr. Jesse BRADLEY to the Office of Deaconship.
Sep 21, Lydia, wife of William INGERSOLL; Phebe, wife of Josiah BARTHOLOMEW; Aaron BENEDIC; Mary wife of Elisha GRANT; Lydia, wife of Stephen TOBY & Jerusha STANDLY were received into full Communion with this Church.: and Mrs. TOBY with Thomas, Ebenezer, Ansel, Lydia, Seth & Elisha, Children of Thomas & Mary EWER were all baptized
Oct 12, Elisha, Ruth, Prudence & Jared, Children of Elisha & Mary GRANT were baptized
Nov 2, Olliver HATCH & Rebekah his wife were received into full Communion with this Church.
Nov 23, Thomas CROCKER & Mary his wife and also Sarah the Wife of David INGERSOLL were received into full Communion with this Church.
Jan 15, AD. 1784. Daniel, son of Daniel & Hannah CHURCH was baptized, being sick & not likely to live he was baptized at his Father's house.
Jan 18. Stephen, son of John & Elizebethe WINEGAR was baptized
[The preceding Records were written by Wm. INGERSOL, whose hand does not appear again. The next entries are supposed to be in Deacon Jesse BRADLEY's writing. (Transcriber's note:-- Two entries in May concern the poor health of Mr. PARMELE & his desire to travel south to Virginia for his health.) After this the Records commence in a different hand, supposed to be Deacon Oliver WEST's. Except when otherwise noted, the remainder of the 1st book is in this hand. The first entry below is not the next in order of the original, but next in time.]
Aug 8th 1784. Mr. MONSON Preach'd & Adminnestred the Sacrament here. Seth NYE was received into full Communion with this Church. & was baptized. Ezekiel, son of Prince & Hannah WEST; Salle, daughter of Daniel & Elizabeth WEST, and Esther & David, Children of Elisha & Mary GRANT; and Remembrance, Celah & Stephen, Children of Stephen & Lidia TOBY were all baptized
Dec 5, Mr. MONSON Adminnestred the Sacrament & baptized [the space is blank, but probably should have been filled by "Submit, daughter"] of Thomas & Phebe BEACHER & Mary, daughter of Abiather & Desire CHADWICK, and John, son of Achelus & Sarah CHADWICK
Jan 9, 1785. Mr. WEST Adminnestred the Sacrament. Jesse GIFFORD & Ruth, his wife; Samuel DAVIS & Priscilla his wife; Josiah YALE & Ruth his wife; Sarah, wife of Roswel HUBBORT; Cornelus BASSETT & Archelus CHADWICK were all recv'd into the Church and Jesse GIFFORD, Samuel DAVIS, Mary & Hopestill, Children of Samuel & Priscilla DAVIS were all baptized
Aug 14, Mr. KIRKLAND Preached here & baptized Isaac, son of Nathan & Ruhamah BALL; Lucina, daughter of Aaron BENEDIC; Eli, son of Oliver HATCH and Elisha & John, sons of Cornelius BASSETT
Jun 25, 1786. Mr. MONSON preached here & baptized Theodor, son of David & Sarah INGERSOL and Elisha Parmale, son of Samuel & Prissilla DAVIS
Sep 17, Mr. PERRY Preached here, administered the Sacrrament & baptized Electa, daughter of John & Elizabeth WINEGAR; Lidia, daughter of Stephen & Lidia TOBY; Ira, son of Daniel & Elizabeth WEST; Thankful, daughter of Elisha & Mary GRANT; Sirus, son of Josiah & Ruth YALE; Archelus, son of Abiather & Desire CHADWICK; Daniel Lewes, son of Oliver & Rebekah HATCH and Samuel, son of Archelus & Sarah CHADWICK. Elizabeth, wife of Cornelius GIFFORD & Eunice, wife of Ebenezar BROWN were taken into the Church.
Sabathday, Jun 10, 1787. Mr. CAMP Preach'd here & baptized Prince, son of Prince & Hannah WEST; David, son of Cornelus BASSET & Lucy, daughter of John & Lucy WILLIAMS was given up by Jerusha STANDLY and [Seth & Elisha EWER were baptized Sep 21, 1783. Probably the name of a later child should have been here inserted, and obviously, "was baptized", was also omitted] Thomas & Mary EWER.
Apr 6, 1788. Mr. AVERRY preached here & baptized Lucreace, daughter of David & Sarah INGERSOL
Apr 20, Mr. BELL baptized Caleb, son of Seth & Amy NYE
May 4, Mr. STEEVENS baptized Hannah, daughter of Danniel & Ann CHURCH and Jonathan, son of Jonathan & Deliverance FOOT
Jun 1, Mr. WEST Preached at Lee & baptized Elisebeth, daughter of Daniel & Elizebeth WEST
Aug 24, Mr. WEST preched here & baptized Nathaniel, son of Stephen & Lydia TOBY
Feb 22, 1789, Mr. SANFORD preched here & baptized Ezra, son of James & Hannah YOUNGS and Sarah, daughter of Archelus & Sarah CHADWICK
Mar 16, the Church met & voted unanimusly to desire Mr. William Fowler MILLER to take the Pastoral Care & Charge of this Church Provide the Town will unite in Supporting him.
Jun 20, 1790. Mr. MONSON Preached here & adminstered the Sacrament. John, son of Josiah YALE; Moses, son of David & Sarah INGERSOL and Thankfull, daughter of Seth & Amy NYE all were baptized. -
Jul 29. The Church met & voted to Desire Hope DAVIS, Nathan BALL & Prince WEST to go & Converse with Mrs. BRADLEY & inquire the Reason of her not attending our meeting and also to Converse with Mr. PENOY[E]R respecting his Ideas of all mankinds being finally happy.
Aug 1. Mr. AVERY Preach'd here. Eleaser, son of Thomas EWER; Aaron & Desire, children of Aaron BENNEDICK and Lemuel & David, children of Oliver HATCH all were baptized
Oct 1. Mr. AVERY preached a lecter here & baptized [The three oldest children having been baptized 29 Jan 1783 & Jun 25, 1786, perhaps Rebecca & Samuel were baptized at this time] of Samuel & Prissilla DAVIS
Sep 18, 1791. Mr. SHAW preached here & baptized Pamela, daughter of Thomas & Phebe BEACHER; Orson, son of Daniel & Elisebeth WEST; Eunes, daughter of Elisha & Mary GRANT; John, son of Jonathan & Deliverence FOOT and Sep 25 he baptized Anna, daughter of Daniel & Anna CHURCH; Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas & Mary EWER and Alvin, son of James & Hannah YOUNGS
Nov 20. Mr. MONSON Preached in this town & baptized Charlotte, daughter of Lucy BULLARD
[This last item above is in Rev. Alvan HYDE's writing]
Feb 23, 1792, the Church met & voted unamimusly to give Mr. Alvin HIDE a call to take the Pasteral Care & Charge of the Church.
May 6. Mr. AVERY preached here & administered the Sacrament & baptized Abraham, Phebe, Thomas, Lidia & Abigail, children of Jesse & Ruth GIFFORD; Asel, son of Stephen & Lydia TOBY; Soffe, daughter of David & Sarah INGERSOL; Betsy, daughter of Seth & Amy NYE, and Ruth, daughter of Archelus & Elizabeth CHADWICK.
At an ecclasiastical Counsel conveined at Lee pursuant to Letters mismive received from the Church of Christ in said Town, requesting our assistance in setting apart Mr. Elisha PARMELE to the pastoral Office over them in the Day 3rd June AD 1783. Present:
Elders Rev. Messrs:-
Stephen WEST, Stockbridge
Daniel COLLINS, Lanesborough
Thomas ALLEN, Pittsfield
Samuel MUNSON, Lenox
Eliphalet STEEL, Egremont
Zadock HURU [HUNN], Becket
Joseph AVERY, Alford
Seth SWIFT, [Williamstown]
Delegates -
Elijah BROWN, Esq.
Eberer OLDS
Benjamin SKINNER
Docke WEST was chosen Moderator & Mr. COLLINS Scribe, the Counsel was opened by prayer seeking to God to Counsel and direction in the important Matters to be laid before them.
The Counsel then gave a full and candid hearing to a paper laid before them signed by 21 of the inhabitants of the town, containing a request that the Counsel would not proceed to ordain Mr. PARMELE to the work of the Gospel Minisry in this place, [in] which also their reasons against it were stated. -- After the Counsel proceeded to a strick and carefull Examination of the Candidate, and were unanimously agreed that he appeared to be a person duely qualified for the important Office of the Gosp Ministry and after carefully deliberating the Objections which were made against Mr. PARMELES being set apart to the pastoral Office amongst them the Council were of the Opinion that these objections sentered in a Disapprobation of Mr. PARMELES religious Sentiments, and that his Sentiments were in their Judjement strictly founded on scripture so that they judjed these objections to be groundless: the Counsel wer of opinion they ought to proceed to the Ordination of Mr. PARMELE and sid accordingly set him apart by prayer and the true position of hands to the pastoral office over the Church and people in this Town.
Signed: Stephen WEST, Modr
Test: Daniel COLLINS, Scribe
Alvan HYDE Jun. 2 Scribe
[The following Church Records are entirely by Dr. HYDE, and contained in a separate book from the preceding.]
An account of persons taken into the church of Christ in Lee, since June 6th 1792, the time Mr. Alvan HYDE was ordained.
Jun 17, 1792: Elisha FREEMAN & Elizabeth his wife; Cornelius BASSETT & Abigail his wife; Anne the wife of Daniel CHURCH & Mehitabel, wife of Andrew WEST were all received into full Communion with this Church.
Aug 12, 1792: David PERRY & Desire his wife; Thomas BEECHER, Samuel WINEGAR; Elizabeth WEST; Temperance CHASE the wife of Levi CHASE; Abigail PARCIVAL, the wife of Elisha PARCIVAL, were all received into full Communion with this Church.
Sep 9, 1792: Lewis HATCH; Sarah DODGE the wife of Ansel DODGE & Mercy INGERSOL, the wife of William INGERSOL, Jr., were taken into this church.
Oct 14, 1792: Seth ABBOTT & Martha his wife; Joseph BRADLEY & Eunice his wife, Mehitabel NORTHROP the wife of Thomas NORTHROP; Elizabeth CROCKER the wife of Job CROCKER; Nabby BARNS & Miriam DICKINSON were received into this Church
Nov 11, 1792: Elisha PARCIVAL, Peter WILLCOX, Nathaniel HAMLIN & Abigail his wife, James AUSTIN & Achsah his wife; Daniel WEST, Nathaniel BASSETT, Daniel WILLCOX, Asabel FOOT, Widow Silence CHASE, Phebe BRADLEY the wife of Eli BRADLEY, Anne ABBOTT and Daniel SANTIE & Betsey his wife, were all taken into this Church
Dec 9, 1792: Edmund HINCKLEY & Content his wife, Nathan DAVIS & Lucy his wife, Paul EWER & Mercy his wife, Daniel CHURCH, Jared INGERSOL, Ebenezer JENKINS Jr., Elizabeth JENKINS the wife of Eben'r JENKINS, Esq., Sarah TUTTLE wife of James TUTTLE & Martha CROCKER wife of Lt. Joseph CROCKER were all taken into this church.
Dec 23, 1792: Widow Thankful DIMICK was taken into this church.
Jan 13, 1793: Jonathan FOOT, David GOODSPEED, Levi CHASE, Solomon FOOT, Mehitabel WEST wife of Ebenezer WEST, Ann BRADLEY wife of Heman BRADLEY, Nabby BARLOW wife of Reuben BARLOW, Molly STANLEY, Louis NYE wife of John NYE & Joshua & Charity NYE were all received into the communion & fellowship of this church
March 10, 1793: Jedidiah CROCKER & Sarah his wife, James TUTTLE, Samuel TILLEY & Hannah his wife, Josiah CROCKER, Jabez CHADWICK, Salvina BAKER wife of David BAKER, Deborah TAYLOR, Sarah-Ann FOOT, Hannah BARLOW, & Huldah WINEGAR were all received into this Church
May 5: Nathaniel TOBY & Deborah his wife, John PARCIVAL & Ruth his wife, John NYE, Samuel PORTER, Ebenezer WEST, Tabitha GIFFORD, Aurviah WELLS, Ruth TYLER, Joanna GIFFORD, Thankful BARLOW, Olive THOMPSON, Lucy HYDE, Mary CASEY, Lydia BALL, Huldah GIFFORD & Hannah DODGE were all received into this church.
1794 -
Jan 12: Sarah LEE, wife of Ashbel LEE, was received into full Communion with this Church.
Mar 2: Enoch GARFIELD was received into full Communion with this Church.
May 18: John COUCH, Sr. & his wife; James GIFFORD & Sarah his wife; Mamre BARTHOLOMEW, wife of Jesse BARTHOLOMEW; Lydia HINSDALE & Tabitha CROCKER were all received into full Communion with this Church.
Jul 13: Tabitha HAMBLIN was received into full Communion with this Church.
Dec 23: Benjamin BACKUS was received into full Communion with this Church., at his own house where the church convened on the account of his being sick.
1795 -
Jul 12: Ephraim SHELDON & Mrs. Sarah BLACKMAN, wife of Mr. Jon. BLACKMAN, were received into full Communion with this Church.
Nov 5: Mr. Levi ROBINSON & _____ his wife were received into full Communion with this Church., being recommended by the Church of Christ at Meriden in Connecticut
1796 -
Jan 10: Mrs. Prudence PORTER, wife of Mr. Samuel PORTER was received into full Communion with this Church.
Jun 7: Mrs. Lydia BARLOW, wife of Mr. Peleg BARLOW was received into full Communion with this Church. at her own house where the Church convened on account of her being sick.
Nov 12: Widow Thankful BASSETT & Martha, wife of Mr. Nath'l HOWLAND, were received into full Communion with this Church., being recommended from the West Church in Barnstable.
1797 -
Semuel LEONARD Jr., was received into full Communion with this Church. on the 12th day of March -- also at the same time widow Experience CHILDS was received being recommended from the West Church in Barnstable.
Apr 23: Mrs. HAMBLETON was received into full Communion with this Church., being recommended by the Rev'd Gideon HAWLEY, Pastor of the church at Marshpee
Jul 30: Lemuel BARLOW & Josiah WILLOUGHBY were received into full Communion with this Church.
Sep 10: Widow Sarah PARSONS, recommended from the church in Stockbridge, and Mrs. Prudence INGERSOL, recommended from the church in Willington, were recommended to communion. Also Grace WORMER, wife of Jeremiah WORMER, & Chloe WANSEY, wife of Henry WANSEY, were received into the church.
1799 -
Jan 13: Abigail BRADLEY, wife of Mr. Asabel BRADLEY, was received to the communion & watch of this chh, being recommended from the church at Cornwall, in Connecticut.
Mar 10: Hannah CROCKER, wife of Mr. Joseph CROCKER, was received by this church to their communion, watch & fellowship.
Apr 14: Abraham HALL & Rachel, his wife, were received by this church to their communion, watch & fellowship.
Jun 30: Esther BAILEY, wife of Mr. Thomas BAILEY, was received by this church to their communion, watch & fellowship.
Jul 28: Anne PARCIVAL, daughter of Mr. Elisha PARCIVAL, was received by this church to their communion, watch & fellowship.
Sep 8: Dean Rowland THATCHER & wife of, Stephen BRADLEY & widow Rebecca PUTNAM were received by this church to their communion, watch & fellowship.
1800 -
Jan 12: Prudence COUCH, wife of John COUCH, Jr.; Lucy CROCKER, wife of Elisha CROCKER; Thankful HUMPHREY, wife of Elias HUMPHREY & Sally SQUIRE were all received by this church to their communion, watch & fellowship.
Mar 9: Dr. Nath'l THAYER & Ann his wife, recommended from the chuch at Durham, in Connecticut; John COUCH, Jun'r; Lydia BRADLEY, wife of Stephen BRADLEY; Hannah DAVIS, wife of Calvin DAVIS; Sarah STEWART; Patience DEXTER; Sophia CROCKER; Lemira CROCKER & Laura CROCKER were all received by this church to their communion, watch & fellowship.
May 4: John WINEGAR & Lydia STANTON were received by this church to their communion, watch & fellowship.
Sep 14: Adria SQUIRE, wife of Eben'r SQUIRE; Rhoda HATCH and Elizabeth ROBINSON were received by this church to their communion, watch & fellowship.
Oct 19: Samuel Prince ROBBINS & Sally BARLOW were received by this church to their communion, watch & fellowship.
An account of persons baptized by the Rev'd Alvan HYDE, who was ordained to the work of Gospel-ministry and charge of this church, June 6th 1792
Jun 17: Elizabeth FREEMAN, wife of Elisha FREEMAN; Nancy, Lemuel & Lydia, children of Cornelius Abigail BASSETT; Hannah & Abigail, children of Mehitabel WEST, wife of Andrew WEST; Molly & Betsey, children of Aaron BENEDICT and Justus & Oliver, children of Oliver HATCH were all baptized
Jun 24: Elisha, Fanny, Thomas & Lydia Parcival, children of Elisha FREEMAN & Elizabeth his wife, were baptized
Jul 8: Lucy Tracy, daughter of Josiah & Ruth YALE and Elisha, son of Lydia INGERSOL, wife of Aaron INGERSOL were baptized
Jul 15: Sara, Lydia, Lemuel & Salvinn, children of David BAKER were baptized
Jul 22: Elizabeth, daughter of Elizabeth BARLOW, wife of Seth BARLOW, was baptized
Aug 5: Priscilla, daughter of Samuel & Priscilla DAVIS was baptized
Sep 2: Elisha, Huldah, Fear, Polly & John, children of Elisha & Abigail PARCIVAL were baptized
Sep 23: William, son of Jonathan & Mehitabel (Deliverance?) FOOT; Wait, Thomas Davis, Alpheus & Tabitha, children of Lewis Hatch; Lydia, Seth Crocker, William, Cela & Sarah, children of William & Mercy INGERSOL, and Darius CARPENTER, a child taken to be educated by Thankfull GOODSPEED, were all baptized
Oct 14: Elizabeth CROCKER, wife of Job CROCKER; Miriam DICKINSON; and Heman, Asahel, Sarah & Samuel Stanley, children of Asabel & Sarah DODGE were baptized
Oct 28th: Huggins, Betsey, Celah, Electa & Olive, children of Job & Elizabeth CROCKER were baptized
Nov 4: Asenath, daughter of Joseph & Eunice BRADLEY was baptized
Nov 11: Elisha PARCIVAL, Daniel WILLCOX & Asahel FOOT were baptized
Nov 18: Deborah-Webb, Hannah, John-Smith, Nabby & Polly, children of Nathaniel & Bethiah BASSETT; Philo, Celah, Anne, Polly & Josiah, children of Eli & Phebe BRADLEY and Berenice & Zafne, children of James & Achsah AUSTIN were all baptized
Nov 25: Daniel, son of Miriam DICKINSON was baptized
Dec 9: Content HINCKLEY, wife of Edmund HINCKLEY; Lucy DAVIS, wife of Nathan DAVIS; Mercy EWER, wife of Paul EWER and Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Abigail HAMLIN were all baptized
Dec 23: Polly, daughter of Lewis HATCH was baptized
1793 -
Jan 13: Solomon FOOT; Nabby Barlow, wife of Reuben BARLOW; Charity NYE, wife of Joshua NYE; Lucy, Hannah-Crocker, Nathan, Charity-Hall & Isaac, children of Nathan & Lucy DAVIS, and Ruth, daughter of Jesse & Ruth GIFFORD were all baptized
Jan 27: Hannah, John, Irra, & Esther children of John & Louis NYE were baptized
Feb 10: Sally, Benjamin, Grissilda, Betsey-Clark, Polly & Asa, children of Joseph & Martha CROCKER and Huldah, James & Polly, children of Daniel CHURCH were baptized
Mar 3: Stephen, Ephraim, Phebe, Timothy-Nye & Joel, children of Ebenezer & Mehitabel WEST were baptized
Mar 10: Jedidiah CROCKER & Sarah his wife; James TUTTLE; Samuel TILLY & Hannah his wife; Salvina BAKER, wife of David BAKER; Deborah TAYLOR & Sarah-Ann FOOT were all baptized
Apr 7: Pelatiah, son of Daniel & Elizabeth WEST, and Louis, daughter of John & Louis NYE were baptized
May 5: Nathaniel TOBY & Deborah, his wife; Mary CASEY, Hannah DODGE, John PARCIVAL & Ruth his wife; Charles, son of Elisha & Elizabeth FREEMAN and Joel, son of Joseph & Eunice BRADLEY were all baptized
Jun 2: Thomas, son of Corneliu & Abigail BASSETT was baptized
Jun 9: Sylvanus, Sylva, John, Genevarah & Jesse, children of Joanna GIFFORD, and Rhoda, Hezekiah-Orton & Chauncey, children of Gideon & Oliver THOMPSON were baptized
Jun 16: Ebenezer-Nibloo, Polly, Louis, John, David & Merit, children of of Jared INGERSOL were baptized
Jun 23: Remember-Nye, a child of Cornelius BASSETT was baptized
Jul 14: Lecta & Rhoda, children of Samuel & Hannah TILLY were baptized
Jul 21: Sarah, a child of Stephen & Lydia TOBEY was baptized
Aug 4: John-Crocker, Mary-Busley, Tilson, Jane, Nabby & Martha, children of Paul & Mercy EWER, were baptized
Aug 11: Elizabeth HANDY, a child taken to be educated by Hannah COLLINS, wife of Oliver COLLINS, was baptized
Aug 25: Achsah, Samuel, Mary, Deborah & Cynthia, children of Nathaniel & Deborah TOBY; Noah, Jedediah-Davis, Sarah, Samuel & Elizabeth, children of Jedediah & Sarah CROCKER; Polly & Arthur, children of Abraham & Tempe PERRY were all baptized
Sep 8: Asa, son of Thomas & Mary EWER; John, Samuel, Ruth, James, Montgomery & Hannah-Gates, children of John & Ruth PARCIVAL; William Bassett, Cornelius, Hannah & Reuben, children of Thankful BARLOW; Sibyl, David & Sally, children of Sarah TYLER, were all baptized
Sep 8: Joseph CROCKER was baptized
Oct 6: David, son of David & Salvina BAKER was baptized
Oct 20: Betsey DENIO, a child taken to be educated by Sarah DODGE, was baptized
Nov 17: John GIFFORD; Mary, Grace, Lorain, Abigail & Lydia, children of Samuel PORTER; Henry-Williams & Pruda, children of Elizabeth BENNETT; and Lucy, Eliha, Jacob & Thomas-Williams, children of Eunice FULLER, were all baptized
Dec 1: Betsey, a child of Jesse BRADLEY, Jun'r, was baptized
Dec 15: Polly, daughter of Elisha & Mary GRANT was baptized
1794 -
Jan 5: Sally, daughter of Eli & Bhebe BRADLEY was baptized
Jan 12: Ancel, son of Archelans & Elizabeth CHADWICK was baptized
Feb 23: tAMAR, daughter of Oliver HATCH was baptized
May 4: Reuben, son of Jared INGERSOL was baptized
May 18: James GIFFORD & Lydia HINSDALE were baptized. Also Alvan, son of Jesse & Ruth GIFFORD & Sarah-Ann, daughter of Asahel & Anne FOOT
Jun 1: Alva, child of Thomas & Phebe BEECHER and Lucy, child of Samuel & Hannah TILLY were baptized
Jun 15: Daniel, son of Daniel CHURCH, Jun'r, was baptized
Jul 15: Tabitha HAMBLIN was baptized
Jul 27: Eunice, daughter of Aaron BENEDICT; Mamre, Jesse-Bradley, Lemi, Augustus & Lydia, children of Mrs. Mamre BARTHOLOMEW; Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Bethiah BASSETT; Alvan, son of Alvan & Lucy HYDE and Henry-William, son of Ebenezer JENKINS Jun'r & Lydia his wife, were all baptized
Sep 14: Eunice, daughter of James & Sarah GIFFORD, was baptized
Sep 28: Bathsheba, daughter of Nathan & Lucy DAVIS was baptized
Oct 19: Electa, daughter of Josiah & Ruth YALE was baptized
Nov 2: Abigail, child of Joseph CROCKER, Sen'r, was baptized
Nov 9: Olive, daughter of Gigeon & Olive THOMPSON was baptized
Nov 30: Dama, daughter of Abraham & Tempe PERRY, was baptized
Dec 14: Amanda, daughter of Jesse BRADLEY, Jun'r, was baptized
Dec 28: Polly, Silas & Daniel, children of Enoch GARFIELD, and Thomas, son of Wm INGERSOL, Jun'r, & Mercy his wife was baptized
1795 -
Jan 4: Eunice, daughter of Joseph & Eunice BRADLEY, and Sarah, daughter of Joshua & Charity NYE, were baptized
Jan 11: Kimball PORTER, son of Samuel PORTER, and Wait-Hatch DAVIS, son of Samuel & Priscilla DAVIS, were baptized
Jan 18: Artemesia, a child of Mr. Joseph KING of Barrington, was baptized
Mar 19: Was baptized an infant son of Mr. Paul EWER, at his father's house, by the name of Paul
Mar 23: Nathan, son of Ebenezer JENKINS, Jun'r, was baptized at his father's house, being dangerously sick
Apr 5: Lucy, a child of Samuel & Lydia HODGES, was baptized
Apr 12: Content, daughter of John & Ruth PARCIVAL was baptized
Apr 19: David & Sarah, twin children of Mr. David & Sarah INGERSOL, were baptized
Jun 14: Lydia, daughter of Ephraim & Lydia SHELDON was baptized
Jul 12: Polly, daughter of Jedediah & Sarah CROCKER, was baptized
Jul 26: Alva, son of Daniel & Elizabeth WEST was baptized
Aug 2: Was baptized Elizabeth, daughter of Jared INGERSOL
Oct 4: Was baptized Cornelius, son of Samuel BARLOW
Oct 23: Was baptized Joshua, son of Seth & Amy NYE
Nov 8: Was baptized Ezra-Thompson, son of Huldah FINNEY
Nov 29: Was baptized Zafne, son of James & Achsah AUSTIN
Dec 13: Was baptized Hudson, son of Daniel & Lydia WILCOX
1796 -
Feb 7: Was baptized Charles, son of John & Louis NYE
Feb 14: Was baptized Harriot, daughter of Cornelius & Abigail BASSETT and Elizabeth, daughter of Asnel & Anne FOOT
Feb 21: Was baptized Seth, son of Josiah & Hannah CROCKER
Mar 20: Was baptized Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer WEST
Apr 24: Was baptized Experience, child of Cornelius BASSETT, Sen'r; also William, son of Eli BRADLEY and Charles- Backus, son of Alvan & Lucy HYDE
May 8: Was baptized Fanny & Amanda, children of Levi ROBINSON
Jun 5: Was baptized Betsey, daughter of Elizabeth BENNETT
Jun 7: Was baptized Lydia BAROW, wife of Peleg BARLOW, at her own house, being unable to attend meeting
Jul 10: Were baptized Hannah, daughter of Thomas EWER; Huldah, daughter of Aaron BENEDICT, and Samuel-Crocker, son of David BAKER
Aug 28: Was baptized Hope DAVIS, son of Nathan DAVIS
Sep 25: Were baptized Josiah, son of Josiah YALE, and Daniel, son of Archelaus CHADWICK
Oct 23: Was baptized Mary, daughter of Stephen & Lydia TOBY
1797 -
Jan 8: Was baptized Lyman, child of Mrs. Anne BRADLEY of Milton in the State of New York
Jan 15: Was baptized Lydia BRADLEY, daughter of Jesse BRADLEY, Jun'r
Jan 22: Was baptized Josiah, son of Ebenezer JENKINS, Jun'r
Mar 5: Was baptized Isaac, son of Nath'l & Bethiah BASSETT
Mar 12: Was baptized Samuel LEONARD, Jun'r - and at the same time, he convenanted with this Church
Apr 4: Thomas CROCKER, an infant child of Mr. Josiah CROCKER, was baptized at the house of its father, on account of its being thought dangerously sick
Apr 16: Lewis, son of Samuel DAVIS was baptized
Apr 30: Sally, child of Mr. John & Joanna GIFFORD was baptized
Jun 18: Joseph, son of Joseph & Martha CROCKER, was baptized
Jul 30: Josiah WILLOUGHBY was baptized, an adult
Jul 30: Elizabeth, daughter of David INGERSOL was baptized
Aug 13: Eunice, daughter of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Elizabeth WEST, was baptized
Aug 27: Polly & Lydia, children of Josiah WILLOUGHBY, were baptized
Oct 30: Moses, son of Moses INGERSOL, & John, son of Samuel WINEGAR, were baptized
Dec 24: Rhoda, daughter of Jared INGERSOL, was baptized
1798 -
Jan 7: Heman, son of Mr. Oliver HATCH of Granville, who removed from this church, was baptized
Jan 14: Sally, daughter of Mr. Seth NYE, and Lydia, daughter of Mrs. Hannah REMELE, were baptized
Feb 19: Isaac, son of Elisha & Mary GRANT, and Charles, son of Paul & Susannah EWER, were baptized
Mar 11: Abraham, son of Abraham & Tempe PERRY, was baptized
Apr 22: Nabby, daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Ruth PARCIVAL; Palmira, daughter of Squire STONE and Harriot, daughter of Alvan & Lucy HYDE were all baptized
May 14: Betsey-Crosby, daughter of Josiah & Hannah CROCKER, was baptized
May 20: James, son of James & Sarah GIFFORD, was baptized
Jun 17: Mehitabel, daughter of Ebenezer & Mehitabel WEST, was baptized
Jul 8: Joseph-Warren, son of Reuben & Nabby BARLOW, was baptized
Aug 5: Lyman, son of Asabel & Anne FOOT, was baptized
Sep 9: Senah (alias Asenath), child of Huldah FINNEY, wife of Abraham FINNEY, was baptized
Oct 1: Philena, daughter of Jedediah & Sarah CROCKER, and Eli, son of Eli & Phebe BRADLEY, were baptized
Oct 7: Harriot-Maria, daughter of Gideon & Olive THOMPSON, was baptized
Oct 14: Eunice, daughter of Mrs. Prudence INGERSOL, and Parmelia, daughter of Mr. Joseph BRADLEY, were baptized
Nov 4: Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer JENKINS, Jun'r, was baptized
1799 -
Jan 7: Daniel, son of Jesse & Mamre BARTHOLOMEW, was baptized
Mar 3: Seth, son of Lemuel BARLOW & Thankful his wife
Mar 10: Semantha, child of Josiah WILLOUGHBY
Apr 7: John, son of David BAKER, and Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel & Tabitha WINEGAR
Apr 14: Lydia, daughter of Abraham & Sarah HALL
May 19, Alva, son of Paul & Susannah EWER
Jun 23: James, son of William & Marcy INGERSOLL
Jun 30: Esther BAILEY, wife of Thomas BAILEY
Jul 14: Lucy, daughter of of David & Sarah INGERSOLL; also Smith, Orra, Wealthy & Thomas, children of Thomas & Esther BAILEY
Jul 28: Ann PARCIVAL; also, Reuben, John, Benjamin, Electa, Esther, Grace, Jared & Henry, children of Henry & Chloe WANSEY
Sep 8: Rachel, daughter of Cornelius & Abigail BASSETT; also Marcy, daughter of Nathan & Lucy DAVIS
Sep 15: Joseph, son of Nathan'l & Bethiah BASSETT
Sep 29: Cornelius, son of Cornelius & Abigail BASSETT; also Lucy, daughter of Jesse BRADLEY, Jun'r
Oct 13: Chloe, daughter of Henry & Chloe WANSEY
Nov 3: Josiah, son of Josiah & Hannah CROCKER
Nov 10: Abigail, daughter of Asahel & Abigail BRADLEY
Nov 19: William, son of Squire STONE, was baptized at his father's house, by reason of the sickness & confinement of Mrs. STONE
Nov 20: John, son of James & Achsah AUSTIN
Dec 8: Ebenezer-Cook & Elisha, children of Stephen & Lydia BRADLEY
1800 -
Jan 12: Lucy CROCKER, wife of Elisha CROCKER; also Phebe, Amanda & Tirza, children of Samuel & Hannah COUCH
Mar 9: Lydia BRADLEY, wife of Stephen BRADLEY, Sarah STEWART, Sophia CROCKER, Lemira CROCKER & Laura CROCKER, all adults
Apr 27: William, Electa-Lewis, John-Dimick, Lucy & Lucius, children of Elisha & Lucy CROCKER
May 1: Stephen, son of Alvan & Lucy HYDE
May 4: Lydia STANTON, an adult; also, William, son of Joseph & Martha CROCKER, and Hannah, daughter of John & Hannah REMELE
Jun 1: Electa, daughter of Daniel & Lydia WILCOX
Jun 8: Charles, son of Asahel & Anne FOOT
Jul 6: Lewis, son of John GIFFORD, and Lyman, son of James & Sarah GIFFORD
Aug 3: Thankful & Elias, children of Elias & Thankful HUMPHREY
Aug 17: Abraham FINNEY, son of Abraham & Huldah FINNEY
Aug 24: Asher, son of Jared INGERSOL
Aug 31: Benjamin, son of Eben'r & Mehitabel WEST
Sep 7: Mabel & John, children of John & Prudence COUCH
Oct 19: Sally BARLOW was baptized
Oct 26: Lydia, daughter of Eben'r & Lydia JENKINS, was baptized
Nov 9: Aurelia, daughter of Jedidiah CROCKER, was baptized
An Account of Persons Married by the Rev'd Alvan HYDE
1792 -
Jul 19: Jonathan WALLY & Mary WINSLOW were married
Aug 23: Ebenezer JENKINS, Jun'r & Sydia SMITH were married
Oct 18: Josiah WILLOUGHBY & Sally BACKUS were married
Nov 20: Joshua NYE & Charity PARKER were married
Nov 29: Heman BRADLEY & Anne WEST were married
1793 -
Jan 17: Wally BACKUS & Grace VANDUSEN were married
Jan 31: Ichabod LATHROP & Esther PIXLEY were married
Apr 11: Ancel BASSETT & Hannah DIMMUCK were married
Aug 21: Asnel FOOT & Anne ABBOT were married
Oct 17: Joseph WITON to Amanda GARFIELD
Oct 17: Jabez BURSLEY to Abigail PERRY
Nov 28: Pardon AUSTIN to Rhoda STANTON
1794 -
Mar 27: Jacob PENOYER to Alice Hoyt CROCKER
May 25: Ephraim SHELDON to Lydia GIFFORD
Jun 30: Silas EASTON to Rachel NYE
Jul 8: Isaac BARLOW to Sally CASEY
Aug 24: John READ to Elizabeth CROCKER
Oct 8: David HAMLIN to Sally BACKUS
Oct 12: Samuel HODGES to Lydia BRADLEY
Oct 19: Daniel WILCOX to Lydia BALL
Oct 24: Stephen DEXTER to Lydia BACKUS
Oct 30: Ebenezer HAWES to Electa NORTHROP
Nov 19: Joseph HINCKLEY to Polly STEWART
Nov 20: Abraham FINNEY to Huldah GIFFORD
1795 -
Jan 15: Abijah CROSBY to Caty OLDS
Jan 15: Josiah CROCKER to Hannah CROSBY
Feb 19: Benjamin HAMBLIN to Thankful BARLOW
Feb 19: Lemi BRADLEY to Ruth NEWEL of Lenox
Jun 3: Reuben PIXLEY, Jun'r, to Polly CHASE
Sep 7: Hope DAVIS to Mrs. Lucy BULLARD
Sep 10: William STURGES to Sallome DIMMUCK
1796 -
Jan 20: ____ SHERMAN to Avis COLLINS
Feb 18: Mr. Paul EWER to Miss Susannah HAMBLIN
Mar 10: Benjamin ADAMS to Sarah PARKER
Mar 29: Reuben PENOYER to Polly GIFFORD
Apr 19: John REMELE to Hannah BARLOW
Jun 29: Nathaniel HUDSON to Nabby HINKLEY
Oct 16: Jacob WINEGAR to Anne PARKER
Nov 8: Simeon WRIGHT to Sukey ABBOTT
Dec 15: Ozias JUDD to Lucena HEWLET
Dec 25: Harvey OSBORN to Caty GIFFORD
1797 -
Jan 12: Samuel WINEGAR to Tabitha CROCKER
Jan 12: Nathan BASSETT to Azubah JONES
Jan 14: Joshua HOWE to Urania STEVENS
Jan 18: Peleg BARLOW to Esther GRIFFIN
Jan 22: Lewis GIFFORD to Betsy BACKUS
Jan 26: Ephraim WILLIAMS to Jemima WORMER
Jun 29: Nathan BALL, Jun'r, to Fear CHADWICK
Jun 29: Zina HINKLEY to Betsey BALL
Oct 4: Jeremiah VALLET to Abiah MOOR
Oct 19: Job NORTHROP to Sally BENNET
Nov 9: William FOOT of Stockbridge to Abia VOLLET
Nov 23: Daniel PARKER to Anne HANDY
Dec 28: Joseph FRARY of Becket to Sally GIFFORD
1798 -
Jan 3: William BRADLEY to Tabitha HAMBLIN
Feb 1: Calvin DAVIS to Hannah CROCKER
Jun 21: Elisha DODGE to Betsey CROSBY
Dec 15: John WHITE to Fear PERRY
Dec 20: OliverWEDGE to Martha GRANT
1799 -
Jan 3: Elisha KILBURN to Lydia TOOLEY
Mar 21: Andrew HOWK to Betsey MANSFIELD
May 12: Luther DAY to Meribah SMITH
Sep 16: Thomas CHADWICK to Lucinda INGERSOLL
Sep 22: John GARDNER to Delia CHILDS
1800 -
Jan 26: Simeon CLARK to Lucy BACKUS
Feb 6: Eli CHURCH to Elizabeth CHADWICK
Apr 24: Jeduthan WEST to Phebe WILCOX
May 1: Samuel BARLOW to Sena WILCOX
Jun 26: John RATHBONE to Celah TOBEY
Aug 8: Cornelius FESSENDEN to Nancy BALL
Sep 1: Philip PACKARD to Rachel GIFFORD
Oct 6: Asahel STANTON to Patty BALL
Oct 30: Amasa PORTER to Betsey WINEGAR
Oct 30: Job CHILDS to Rhoda HATCH
Oct 30: Thomas BACKUS to Rebecca COUCH
Dec 18: James WHITON to Deborah Webb BASSETT
An Account of Deaths in Lee, since the ordination of Mr. HYDE.
1792 -
Jun 28: Died Hannah CROCKER
Sep --: An infant child of Mr. Jonathan FOOT, Jun'r
Nov 2: Thomas NYE, son of Deacon Levi NYE
1793 -
Feb 13: An infant child of Mrs. FARRAR
Mar 16: An infant child of Reuben BARLOW
Apr 5: Parmilia, daughter of Thomas BEECHER
Apr 21: A child of John CROSBY, Jun'r
Jun 28: A child of John HEWLITS
Jul 23: A child of Joshua NYE
Aug 26: A child of James AUSTIN
Nov 11: A son of James YOUNGS
Dec 4: A child of Laurence VANDUSEN
Nov 13: Deliverance BACKUS, wife of Ichabod BACKUS, who died at Falmouth
Dec 5: A child of Jabez CLARK
1794 -
Jan 14: Cornelius, son of Lemuel BARLOW
Feb 7: A child of George BENNETT
Feb 9: A child of John HEWLIT
Mar 3: A child of Paul EWER
Mar 13: A child of Levi G. PORTER
Mar 20: A child of Elisha GRANT
May 7: Died Arthur PERRY, Aged 73
Jun 30: Jesse, son of John GIFFORD
Jul 21: Content CROCKER, wife of Noah CROCKER, 63
Aug 22: Samuel GRAVES, aged 76 yrs
Oct 20: An infant child of James AUSTIN
Dec 10: An infant child of James GIFFORD
Dec 16: A child of Jesse SMITH
1795 -
Jan 5: Charles, son of Benj'm HINKLEY, aged 16 months
Feb 16: An infant child of Silas EASTON
Feb 23: Hannah DAVIS, wife of Hope DAVIS, aged 64
Mar 3: An infant child of Eben'r WEST
Mar 3: An infant child of Caleb CHADWICK
Mar 18: Marcy EWER, wife of Paul EWER, ae 39
Apr 9: An infant child of Mr. SHAW
Apr 10: Widow Abigail CROCKER, in the 90th year of her age
Apr 11: An infant son of John GIFFORD
Apr 14: An infant child of Sam'l HODGES
Apr 16: An infant child of Nath'l TOBY
Apr 18: BenjaminBACKUS, of a cancer, aged 60 yrs
Apr 23: An infant child of Aaron GRAHAM
March: An infant child of Lodowick GARDNER, of which I did not hear in season
May 3: An infant child of John CROSBY, aged one week
May 5: Molly CASEY, aged 24 years, who was eminent for her piety
Jun 5: Rhoda, daughter of Levi G. PORTER, aged 3 years
Sep 9: Marcy CROCKER, daughter of Joseph CROCKER, Jun'r, aged 3 years & nine months
Sep 17: Died Mr. Jonathan WEST, aged 58 years
Sep 17: Died a daughter of Mr. Jonathan GRAVES, aged 2 years
Nov 10: Died Polly, daughter of Mr. Elisha GRANT, aged 2 years
Nov 19: Died Mrs. Eunice INGERSOL, wife of Mr. Moses INGERSOL, in the 51st year of her age
1796 -
Jan 8: Died Mr. Joseph CROCKER, son of Capt. Thomas CROCKER, in the 30th year of his age
Jan 19: Died an infant son of Mr. Silas CLARK
Feb 11: Died an infant son of Mr. John KEEP
Feb 20: Died Mrs. Elizabeth KEEP, wife of Mr. John KEEP, in the 40th year of her age
Mar 6: Died Charles, son of Capt. John NYE, aged 2 months
Mar 7: Died Kimball PORTER, son of Mr. Sam'l PORTER, aged one year & 3 months
Apr 23: Died Richard WHITNEY, son of Mr. Wm. WHITNEY, aged one year & 2 months
May 1: An infant child of Mr. James GIFFORD
May 4: Died Mrs. Anner BASSET, wife of Mr. Nathan BASSET, in the 41st year of her age
May 13: Died Joseph JONES of Sandwich, in a fit of drunkenness, at the house of Mr. WILCOX, being as was supposed about 47 years in age
May 16: Died Henry ATKINS, in the 70th year of his age
Jul 5: Died Capt. Thomas CROCKER, in the 62d year of his age
Jul 24: Died Joseph CROCKER, son of Joseph CROCKER Jun'r & grand son of Capt. Thomas CROCKER, aged about 8 months
Jul 27: Died Abigail SWIFT, wife of Ebenezer SWIFT, aged 56
Aug 7: Died Orra BLACKMAN, son of James BLACKMAN, aged 1 year & 11 months
Aug 11: Died Mrs. Lydia BARLOW, wife of Mr. Peleg BARLOW, aged 31 years
Aug 24: Died Mrs. Lydia EWER, aged 74 years
Sep 29: Died an infant child fo Mr. Reuben BARLOW, aged 12 hours
Oct 15: Died John, son of Mr. John HEWLIT, aged ----
1797 -
Jan 2: Died a daughter of Mr. Seth BURDEN, aged 5 years
Jan 21: Died Mrs. ---- HEWLIT, wife of John HEWLIT, aged 33 years
Feb 16: Died Peggy CASEY in the 16th year of her age
Feb 25: Ded Ebenezer CHADWICK, Jun'r, in the 25th year of his age
Mar 8: Died an infant child of Mr. Wm. FREEMAN, aged 2 weeks
Apr 1: An infant child of Mr. Jacob WINEGAR
Apr 6: An infant son of Mr. Josiah CROCKER, aged 10 days
May 26: An infant child of Mr. Ancel & Mrs Hannah BASSETT, aged 3 weeks
Jun 25: Died Mr. Christene GARDNER, wife of Mr. Lodowick GARDNER, aged 23 years
Jul 30: Died Mr. Eleazer TURNER, in the 30th year of his age
Aug 31: Died, widow Silence CHASE, in the 76th year of her age
Sep 23: An infant child of the widow TURNER, aged 5 months
Oct 23: A son of Cornelius HAMBLIN, aged 17 months
Dec 19: Died Mrs. Desire PERRY, wife of Mr. David PERRY in the 66th year of her age
Dec 29: Died, Mr. Nathan BALL, in the 62nd year of his age
1798 -
Jan 19: Died Harriot BASSETT, daughter of Mr. Cornelius BASSETT, Jun'r, aged 2 years
Mar 14: Died Mr. John WINEGAR, aged 55 years. In the 29th year of his age, he was severely frozen geing left in the woods and without shelter. Both of his feet came off, and his constitution was so injured that he never had good health afterwards.
May 2: Died Mr. Benjamin HAMBLIN, aged 67 years
May 3: Died an infant child of Mr. James AUSTIN, aged but a few hours
May 6: Died Dennis CASEY, of a consumption, aged 20 years
Jun 5: Died Anner BASSETT, of a consumption, aged 18 years
Jun 13: Died Catharina WINEGAR, of a consumption, aged 33 years. She was an example of piety in her life, and met death with fortitude & conposure.
Jul 28: Died at Mr. Wm. STURGES, Cynthia CHADWICK, aged 13 years
Sep 2: Died Zeruiah CROCKER, of consumption, aged 20 years
Nov 30: Died Widow Dorcas CROCKER, in the 79th year of her age
Dec 23: Died Betsey C. CROCKER, aged 9 months
1799 -
Jan 3: Died Roxana HOWK, daughter of Mr. Abr'm HOWK, in the fourth year of her age
Jan 7: Died, Mrs. Sarah GRAVES, wife of Mr. Phineas GRAVES
Feb 7: Died Miss Remember TOBY, daughter of Stephen TOBY, in the 22d year of her age
Feb 21: Died Mrs. Elizabeth TURNER, widow of Mr. Eleazer TURNER, aged 39 years
Mar 8: Died Mr. Daniel CHURCH, aged 92 years, wanting a few days
Mar 11: Died Mrs. Meribah BURDEN, wife of Mr. Timothy BURDEN, aged ---
Mar 13: Died an infant child of Mr. Stephen TOBEY
Apr 3: Died Mr.s Lydia TOBY, wife of Mr. Stephen TOBEY, in the 43d year of her age
Jun 1: Died Mrs. Sarah COUCH, wife of Mr. John COUCH, in the 77th year of her age
Jun 8: Died a son of Mr. John COUCH, Jun'r, aged one year & nine months
Jun 29: Died Bulah, daughter of Mr. Elijah PEET, aged 9 years
Jul 19: Died Laurence VANDUSEN, in the 32d year of his age
Jul 20: Died a child of Mr. POLLY, aged one year and seven months.
Aug 5: An infant child of Mr. Alvan FOOT, aged but a few hours
Aug 9: Died Mr. Thomas NORTHROP, aged 72 years
Aug 18: Samuel COUCH, son of Mr. Samuel COUCH, aged 15 months
Sep 6: Died a twin child of Mr. POLLY, aged about one year & 9 months
Sep 21: Died, Mary Ann WORMER, daughter of Mr. Aaron WORMER, in the 8th year of her age
Oct 5: Died a child of Capt. John STEARNS, aged one year and 6 months
Dec 21: Died Moses RAMSDALE, son of Mr. Jehu RAMSDALE, aged 7 years
Dec 23: An infant child of Mr. Andrew HOWK
1800 -
Feb 22: Died Miss Lucinda INGERSOLL, daughter of Wm. INGERSOL, Esqr., in the 36th year of her age
Mar 21: Died Mrs. Elizabeth WEST, aged 88 years
Apr 9: Died Mr. Daniel CHURCH, in the 60th year of his age
May 16: Died Electa WILCOX, in the 29th year of her age
May 27: An infant child of Mr. Elijah WEST
Aug 10: Died Joseph BASSETT, son of Mr. Nath'l BASSETT, aged one year
Sep 30: Died Achsah TAYLOR, wife of William TAYLOR, in the 24th year of her age
Nov 9: Died Miriam HATCH, wife of Josiah HATCH, aged 83 years.