Gravestone inscriptions, Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass.:
including all extant of the quarter century 1801-1825.
Dorvil Miller Wilcox
Lee, Mass.: Press of the Valley Gleaner, 1901
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

The following printed inscriptions represent the lettering and its arrangement on the gravestones as well as possible with ordinary type. The exact orthography, including carets and letters interlined, and also the raised letters of abbreviations with the marks under them, so much used at that period, are preserved. As the inscriptions were carefully copied, and after being put in type, were compared with the originals and corrected, their accuracy is assured. Several inscriptions on the plates are not very distinct, owing to the difficulty of obtaining good photographs from the stones. The lower lines on a few of the stones which have been broken and reset are hidden below the surface so that a spade is required to bring them to view.
The town records inform us that the north graveyard was fenced and cared for as early as 1803, and that considerable attention has been paid to it ever since, also that the south graveyard was likewise fenced and cared for at an early date; so it is probable that few, perhaps none of the early gravestones have been lost, although from disintegration by water and frost, especially at their junction with the ground, some may have fallen and become covered with earth or broken to pieces and removed—something most likely to happen to the small and thin stones at childrens' graves.
In the center cemetery there are 186 stones, and in that at South Lee 20 , bearing the memorials of 219 persons who died during the first quarter of the last century. The following, buried here among kindred or friends, were not residents of the town: Mrs. Adah Eells, Mrs. Abigail Hamblin, Nathaniel Hamblin, Jr., Mrs. Betsey Thatcher, Mrs. Lucinda Bill, William Clark Davis, Eliza Judd, Mrs. Anna Prichard, and probably Margaret Van Denson. Jonathan Tuttle, whose memorial appears, was doubtless buried at Redfield, N.Y., where he died.
The death records of the town were not systematically kept by its clerks until 1804, but a very accurate record was kept by Dr. Hyde, pastor of the Congregational Church, during his entire pastorate from June 6, 1792 to the time of his death in 1833. His record gives 413 deaths in town during 1801-1825, of whom 9 were non-residents. To these should be added that of David Blossom, of Lenox, found dead by the roadside in Lee, and of three infants shown by the gravestones, but not recorded, which make a total of 417. The records give also, the names of 7 residents who died out of town; only one of whom—Jonathan Thacher—seems to have been buried here. Dr. Hyde also records the deaths of 4 members of his church who were residents of Lenox, and of a child of a Mr. Hale of Tyringham.
The population of the town was 1267 in 1800; 1395 in 1810, and 1384 in 1820. The average annual mortality of the town during the 25 years under consideration was something less than 12 in the 1000. At that period a large majority of the people living here was of the farmer class. Strangely enough dates on gravestones are often wrong: as witness those below from the followng inscriptions. In each case the records of the town clerk and Dr. Hyde agree, and are undoubtedly correct.
Name |
Date in records. | Date on stone. |
Lanson Crocker | died Nov. 3, 1808 | Nov. 4, 1807. |
Philander Crocker | died Nov. 12, 1818 | July 22, 1818. |
Son of Sylvanns Foot | died Feb. 25, 1817 | Feb. 11, 1817. |
Relief Hall | died Aug. 28, 1804 | Aug. 28, 1805. |
Horace H. Lewis | died Dec. 27, 1824 | Dec. 27, 1825. |
Milton B. Nye | died Apr. 21, 1815 | March 20, 1815. |
Sarah Smith | died March 20, 1815 | March 19, 1814. |
Harriet Spencer | died Aug. 9, 1816 | July 1817. |
GRAVESTONE INSCRIPTIONS, LEE, MASS. Including all Extant of the Quarter Century 1801-1825.
John C. Backus, son of Thomas & Rebecca Backus, Died March 19, 1816 aged 7 Mons.
CATHARINE, Dautr. of Joseph & Esther Ball died Aug 29, 1821, aged 11 Mons.
HARRIET B., dautr. of Isaac & Lydia Ball, died July 14, 1824 aged 11 weeks & 4 days.
In memory of Rhoda Ball, Dautr. of Capt. Nathan & Mrs. Fear Ball, who Died July 23, 1809 in the 3rd Year of her age. Sleep on sweet babe & take thy reft; Go I call'd thee home he saw it beft.
Memory of LEMUEL BARLOW, who died March 10, 1813, in the 55 year of his Age. Now clos'd in death beneath the dust he lies, Silent his voice, forever clos'd his eyes, The immortal part has on swift pinions flown, To take its sentence in the World unknown.
In memory of MRS. LYDIA BARLOW, who died March 1st, aged 25, 1822. There is a calm for those that weep, A rest for weary pilgrims found, And while the mouldering ashes sleep, Low in the ground; The soul of origin divine, Gods glorious image freed from clay, In Heavens eternal sphere shall shine, A star of day.
JULIA, daughter of Dr. H. & Mrs. K. Bartlett, died March 20, 1818, aged 1 year 17 days
WILLIAM, son of Doct. H. & Mrs. K. Bartlett, Died May 5, 1824. aged 1 year.
In memory of Mrs. Abigail Bassett; wife of Mr. Cornelius Bassett junr., who died Dec. 8th 1812, in the 54th Year of her Age. My days are past, my glass is run, My friends I've left my death to mourn.
In memory of MR. CORNELIUS BASSETT, who died Nov. 21, 1821, in the 69 year of his age. Look down upon this sacred spot and see What death can do to you as well as me. Sweet bosom friend your falling sand is nigh, Children prepare 't is God that calls on high
In memory of ELISHA BASSETT, who died Decr. 22, 1822. in the 41st year of his age. Friends & Physicians could not save, This mortal body from the grave, Nor can the grave confine it here, When Jesus calls it must appear.
HANNAH BASSETT, died Octr. 29th 1812 in the 24th year of her Age—Erected by Elifha Foot with whom she lived from a Child until her Death. No plants in natures garden spring, Could heal or swage deaths fatal fling
In memory of an Infant son of Mr. Nathan & Mrs. Martha Bassett, who died March 30, 1811, Aged 5 Days.
In memory of NATH'L. BASSETT Jr., who died May 18, 1822 in the 28 year of his age.
Roxany H., Dautr. of Gershom & Abigail Bassett, Died Feby. 12, 1817 aged 2 Years & 8 Mon. Sleep on dear babe & take thy rest, God call'd thee home he saw it best.
Thankful Bassett, wife of Dea. Nathan Bassett, of Barnstable, was born Sep. 19, 1718, and died March 18, 1809, aged 91 years.
In memory of Thomas Bassett who died Octr. 20, 1807 in the 23 year of his age.
In memory of Mrs. Wealthean; Consort of Mr. Elijah Benton, who died March 19, 1814, aged 36 Years. Here let me rest my weary head, Till Christ my Lord shall raise the dead
In memory of an Infant son of Mr. Amos & Mrs. Lydia Birchard who died May 19th 1809.
In Memory of Edwin, son to Mr. Amos & Mrs. Lydia Birchard, who died July 7, 1812 aged 17 days
Henry, son of Henry & Lydia Bowen, Died Feb. 21, 1818, aged 23 D's.
JOSEPH J. son of JOEL & HARRIOT BRADLEY, died April 3, 1821, AE. 1 Y. 24 Ds. Ah! wither'd joys? how quick, how soon, The fondest hopes of Parent gone!
MRS. LUCY BRADLEY, wife of Mr. JESSE BRADLEY the 2nd., died July 25th 1824, in the 57th year of her age.
Rhoda Jane, Daughter of Elisha & Sophronia Bradley, Died Sep. 14, 1823, age 2 Y's. 9 Ms.
An Infant, son of JOSHUA & ABIGAIL BRIGG, died April 20, 1820.
Bartlet, Son of Mr. Heman & Mrs. Eunice Chadwick, died Decr. 6, 1812, aged 4 Months.
In memory of Mr. Hernan Chadwick, who Died August 19, 1815, Aged. 35 years. GOD is just supreme his power, Mortals be silent and adore.
In memory of Friend William Chanter, who departed this life Sep. 10, 1806 in the 83d year of his age.
In memory of Eleanor Chanter, wife of Friend William Chanter, who died June 9th 1808 in the 79th year of her age.
In memory of Martha Chanter, wife to George Chanter who died June 12, 1808 in the 59 year of her age.
Erected by the Widow of the deceased. In memory of William Chanter who died Jan. 26, 1811, in the 23d Year of his age. Friends nor Physicians could not save My mortal Body from the grave. Nor can this clay confine me here When Christ shall call me to appear.
An Infant Child of Benjamin and Harriet Childs, who died January 24, 1823.
In memory of Mrs. Experiance Childs, wife of Mr. James Childs who Died March 22, 1813, aged 61 years. Through life in virtues path she trod. In death her hope was placed in God.
In memory of Mrs. Rhoda Childs Consort of Mr. Job Childs who departed this life June the 30, 1803 aged 31 years.
In memory of MRS. SARAH CHILDS, wife of Mr. Job Childs, who died March 28, 1822. aged 49 years. For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see GOD.
In memory of Mrs. Anna Church consort of Mr. Daniel Church junr. who died April 25, 1801 in the 59 year of her age. The flesh rests here till Jesus come. And claims the treasure from the tomb.
Here lie buried the mortal remains of Mrs. HARRIOT CHURCH, the wife of Mr. Charles Church, and the oldest daughter of the Rev. Alvan and Mrs. Lucy Hyde, who died at her father's house, in full hope of a blessed immortality, Oct. 14th 1824, aged 26. The path of death must once be trod by all.
CHARLES W., Som of LUMAN & SOPHIA CHURCH , died Feb. 23, 1821, age 5 Months. Sleep on sweet babe. And take thy rest, GOD call'd the home, He saw it best.
An Infant Son of Jeremiah and Betsey Clark, who died June, 11, 1823, aged 7 days.
WILLIAM, son of Henry R. & Eliza. B. Couch, died Octr. 2, 1821 aged 10 days.
In memory of Lanson, son of Jedediah Crocker Esqr. & Mrs. Sarah, his wife, who Nov. 4, 1807 departed this life in the 5 year of his age.
In memory of Mr. Noah Crocker who died April 10, 1807 in the 84th year of his age.
Philander, son of Mr. Eleazer & Mrs. Patience Crocker, Died July 22, 1818 aged 3 Months & 12 days. Erected by his brother, Thomas Crosby.
In Memory of JOHN CROSBY, who died Sept. 2, 1822, age 55 yrs. Also his daughter, ANNA, who died March, 21, 1821, age 17 Y's.
A son of Thomas & Susanna Crosby died Feb. 21st 1805, aged 9 days.
George Woodward, son of Samuel & Lucy Comings, died Octr. 20, 1817. aged 14 Months and 2 days.
In memory of Mr. Calvin Davis who died Dec. 16th 1803 in the 25th year of his age In youthful bloom death laid me down, Here to await the trumpets sound When GOD doth call I must arise, And meet my Saviour in the skies.
Bourn Green, Son of Nathan & Rebecca DILLINGHAM, Died March 14, 1808, aged 9 Months & 13 Days.
In memory of Mr. Elifha Dodge who Died March 13, 1807, in the 32nd Year of his age. George Buckley, son of Samuel & Abigail Dorr, Died Sept. 18th 1812, aged 5 Years. In silence here I lie, On Earth I might not stay When life began, Deaths summons came And hasted me away.
In memory of Mrs. Nancy Dunn, Wife of Mr. John Dunn, who died July 23, 1817, aged 38 years. Farewell my weeping husband dear, Farewell my friends & daughter near Be ready then to meet the Lamb Of God the Judge the great I AM.
Thomas Alonzo, son of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Sibyl Durant, died Dec. 2, 1818, aged 6 Months.
In Memory of Mrs. ADAH EELLS; Consort of Mr. JOHN EELLS Junr. and daughter to Dea. Rowland Thatcher, who died March 23d 1812, in the 29th year of her age. In faith she died in dust she lies, But faith foresees, that dust must rise: When Jesus comes, while hope assumes, And boasts her joy among the tombs.
MRS. NANCY FESSENDEN, departed this life June 23, 1813, aged 34 1/2 years; The Wife of Cornelius. T. Fessenden. She's gone nor angels could prevent her flight. Her lovely soul has winged its way to regions of enternal light, There gentle spirit may you find, That happiness denied you here. There peace and harmony are joined, Nor can destraction enter there, There no aspersing tongue can send, It's venom to thy feeling heart, Jesus is thy immortal friend, Nor will he er'e depart. But where, O where shall her poor husband find One beam of light to cheer his drooping mind. All sad he wanders round the earth & skyes, But no soft solace meets his failing eyes.
To the memory of Mrs. ANNA FOOT, Consort of Mr. ASAHEL FOOT, who died Jan. 21, 1820, Aged 49 Years. What can avert the sting of death, And overpower the grave, Thou canst resistless heavenly faith Immortal thou canst save.
Semantha, Dautr. of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Dame Foot, Died Octr. 28, 1813, aged, 13 Months. An evening bud a morning flower. Out down & witherd in an hour.
The Grave of A Son of Sylvanus & Abigail Foot, who died Feby. 11, 1817 aged 15 days.
In memory of Miss Mary Freese, Dautr. to Mr. John & Mrs. Desire Freese, who died Nov. 13, 1804 aged 31 years 1 Mo. & 2 days. Here beneath this gloomy stone I sleep in quiet and alone All you that read will shortly see That you must die & sleep with me.
In memory of Miss Sally Freese, Dautr. to Mr. John & Mrs. Desire Freese, who died March 25th 1807, aged 23 years & 24 days. In death I had no anxons fears, Here I shall rest till Christ appears. His voic will sound throngh earth & skies, And bid the sleeping saints arise.
Mr. Thomas Fuller d. Septr. 24, 1808 in the 91st year of his age. Mrs. Lucy Fuller his wife, died Sept. 26, 1824 aged 89. [Stone mutilated.]
VARNTJM GARDNER, died Feb. 26, 1819, age 47 Y's.
In memory of ABIGAIL GARFIELD, Dautr. of Capt. Silas & Mrs. Sophia Garfield, who died Feb. 1st. 1821, aged 15 years.
Here lies the Body of Daniel Garfield son to Capt Enoch & Mrs. Abigail Garfield who died March 11th 1801 in the 14th year of his age. A warning to my brothers and sisters. As you are now to once I was. As I am now you soon mast be. Do not neglect to hear me call, For I am the youngest of you all
LUCINDA, Dautr. of Luke & Rebeckah Gates, died May 19, 1809, aged 4 years & 5 Months.
In memory of Mr. Sylvanus Gifford who died Feb. 8th 1804 in the 84 year of his age.
Albert, son of Lieut. Abraham & Mrs. Rachel Hall, died Feby. 16th 1809, Aged 16 days
Mrs. Rachel Hall, Consort of Lieut. Abraham Hall, Died March 2nd 1809, in the 29th year of her Age. Behold we see, while here we look; The dearest ties, of Friendship broke: Tho grief & sorrow, pierce the heart, The dearest Friends, we see must part.
In Memory of Miss ELIZA HALL, Dautr. of Mr. Collins & Mrs. Rebecca Hall, who died March 8, 1825, aged 21 years. Farewell my weeping Parents dear. Farewell my friends & sisters near; I wish you all to live in love. And make your peace with God above.
In memory of Mrs. Relief Hall, wife of Capt. Moses Hall, who Died August 28th 1805. in the 37st year of her Age. GOD is just, supreme his power, Mortals be silent, and adore.
ABIGAIL HAMBLIN, WIFE OF Nathaniel Hamblin, who died August, 15, 1825; AGED 75 YEARS.
In Memory of Miss HANNAH HAMBLIN, Dautr. of Cornelius & Mercy Hamblin, who died August 9, 1822. age 16.
In memory of Job, son to Mr. Cornelius & Mrs. Marcy Hamblin who was killed by the fall of a mantle stone at school, May 20th 1803 in the 9th year of his age. All the days of my appointed time did I wait till my change come.
IN Memory of JAMES HAMBLIN, WHO DIED Jan 13, 1824, aged 40 years.
NATHANIEL HAMBLIN, Jr., died May, 10, 1810; In the 26 year OF His AGE.
In memory of Betsey, Dautr. to Mr. Zina & Mrs. Betsey Hinkley, who died Octr. 17, 1806, in the 5 year of her age.
In memory of Mr. EDMUND HINCKLEY, who died Sept. 20, 1824, aged 25 years, In consequence of the explosion of a Powder Mill. How quick how sudden was his flight, To yonder world unknown! blaze, How small the spark that caus'd the That sent him to his tomb.
In memory of Mr. Isaac Howk, who died Jan. 29th 1805, In the 48th year of his age.
In memory of Miss Katharine, dautr. to Mr. Isaac & Mrs. Fiche Howk, who died March 25, 1806, aged 17 years & 6 months.
Sacred to The memory of the Rev. ALVAN HYDE Junr., the oldest son of the Rev. Alvan and Mrs. Lucy Hyde, and Pastor of the church of Christ in Madison, Geauga County, Ohio, who was ordained to that sacred work, Sep. 1st 1819, and finding his health impaired by excessive labor, returned to his father's house, July 6th 1822, where after languishing two years, he died Augt. 12th 1824, aged 30. Memento Mori.
In Memory of CHARLES BACKUS, Son of the Rev. Alvan and Mrs. Lucy Hyde, Who died March 20th 1813, Aged 17 years. Tho. dead, he still forcibly, Yet silently speaks, and Calls upon the living To prepare for death.
In memory of Mrs. Abigail, wife to Mr. John Ingersoll, who died June 11th 1806, in the 11th year of her age. Behold we see while here we look The dearest ties of friendship broke, Tho grief & sorrow pierce the heart, The dearest friends we see must part.
In memory of Miss RHODA INGERSOL, Dautr. of Jared & Elizabeth Ingersol, who died March 8, 1816, aged 18 years.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Ingersoll, wife to Mr. Elijah Ingersoll, who died Decm. 16th 1807, in the 44th year of her age.
Beneath this stone are interred the mortal remains of Mr. MOSES INGERSOLL, who died, September the 9th, 1813, aged 65 years. Relying on the truths of God's word and conscious of being united to Christ, he calmly resigned his breath In full hope of a glorious immortality. Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord.
In memory of LOIS KELLOGG, who died Sep. 17, 1824, in the 24 year. [Stone broken.]
In memory of HARRIET MARIA, Daughter of Mr. Winthrop and Mrs. Fanny Laflin; Who died Oct 13th 1823; aged 7 weeks. Happy infant early bless'd, Rest in peaceful slumber, rest.
In Memory of Mr. Henry Leonard, Son of Mr. Elijah & Mrs. Hannah Leonard, who Died Decr. 16 1815, age 18. Prepare to meet your God.
In memory of HORACE H. LEWIS, who was blown up in a Powder Mill, Dec. 14, 1825 & died the 27, in the 29 year of his age. Farewell my friends & Children dear, Prepare for death while I sleep here.
In memory of Mr. Joseph Nichols, who died April 2nd 1805, in the 71st year of his age. Ye living mortals stop and read A solemn warning from the dead, Your life is frail your death is sure, Believe on Christ and Heaven secnre.
IN memory of BELINDA NOLCOT, wife of John Nolcot, who died Nov 27, 1825, aged 36.
IN Memory of SIMEON D. NORCUT, Who died Oct. 18, 1830, age 21 Ys.
CHARLES, son of John & Melinda Norcut, died May, 15, 1825, age 6 Ys.
In memory of Mrs. ANNA, widow of Mr. ABRAHAM NORTHRUP, died Sept. 29, 1815, aged 84.
In memory of Miss ABIGAIL NYE; Dautr. of John Nye Esqr. & Mrs. Lois, his wife, who died Sept. 15, 1820, aged 18 Years. Mortals be still, twas Gods decree; Go youth prepare to follow me.
In memory of Harvey Nye, son to Mr. Levi & Mrs. Polly Nye, who departed this life March the 8, 1805, aged one year and 12 days.
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. John Nye, who died May 15th 1810, aged 87 years; and of Mrs. Annis Nye, his second wife, who died June 6th 1811, aged 85 years. The memory of the Just is blessed.
Milton Brewster, son of Ira & Almira Nye, died March 20, 1815 aged 6 Months & 6 Days.
BRADFORD, Son of Bradford & Mrs. Deborah Packard, who died Sept. 14, 1824, aged 8 Mo, & 17 Ds. Like as a bud, nipt from the tree, Death has parted you and me.
In memory of Remember Parker dautr. to Mr. Jorge Parker who died June 26 1803, in the 19 year of her age. God is just supreme his power, Mortals be silent & adore.
In memory of Mrs. SALLY, wife of Mr. ELISHA PERCIVAL Jr., who died June 28, 1815. Age 30 Years. Farewell my friends & children dear, Prepare for death while I sleep here, Could you but know as much as I, How soon you would prepare to die.
In memory of Mrs. Catharine Perry, wife of Mr. Arthur Perry, who died Feby. 5, 1817 in the 86 year of her age. Through life in virtues path she trod, In death her hope was plac'd in God.
Benjamin Franklin son to Mr. Anselm & Mrs. Polly Phinney, died Sept. 2d 1802, aged 1 year & 3 Months.
John. Y. Porter, son of Ebenezer & Eunice Porter, died March 11th 1808, aged 4 months & 2 days
In memory of Mrs. Prudence Porter, wife of Mr. Samuel Porter, who Died May 16, 1813, in the 62d Year of her age. Death is my doom my glass is run, My friends Iv'e left my death to mourn, But stop tis right don't shed a tear, For God commands the whole affair.
In memory of Mr. William Prout, who died July 5th 1812, aged 77 years.
In memory of MR. Amos ROBERTS, who died March 3, 1823, age 66. Lamented most, by those who knew him best.
In memory of Mrs. Susanna Roberts, wife of Mr. Amos Roberts, who died June 20th 1813, aged 56 years.
In memory of MRS. ELIZABETH, wife of Mr. LEVI ROBINSON, who died Oct. 19, 1820, age 59 Years. Her languishing head is at rest, Its thinkings & achings are oe'r, Her quiet & unmoveable breast; Is heard by affliction no more, The lids she so seldom could close, By sorrow forbidden to sleep, Seal'd up in eternal repose, Have strangely forgotten to weep.
LEVI ROBINSON, DIED April 16, 1843, age 82 Y's.
ELIZABETH, DIED Aug. 1, 1825, age 39 Y's.
FANNY, died Dec. 12, 1839, age 45 Y's. Both daughters of Levi & Elizabeth Robinson.
In memory of George G. Sanford, son of Mr. Elihu & Mrs. Penelope Sanford, who Died August 31, 1815, in the 2nd Year of his age.
Here lie interred the Children of Doctr Erastus and Margaret Sergeant. Nancy. died Feby. 17th 1805 age 1 year 8 months & 22 days. Deaths chilling frost soon nipt the opening Bud: Her body dust, the soul returned to GOD. A Son still-born March 11 1806.
OLIVER P. SERGENT, died August 17, 1814, age 15 Ms. & 25 Ds. also MARTHA C. SERGENT, died April 6, 1821, age 3 Ms. 20 Ds.
AARON, son of Aaron and Lucinda Shepardson, who died Sept. 16, 1822, aged 2 years.
In memory of Mr. Benjamin Smith, who died April 4th 1813, Aged 62 Years 9 Months & 18 Days. Down to the dead All must decend. The Saints of God must die While Angels gard Their souls to rest. In dust their Bodies lie.
Mrs. Sarah Smith died March 19, 1814, aged 66 years & 5 months.
Benjamin Smith 2nd, died June 22, 1822, aged 40 years & 7 months.
The Grave of Miss Jane Smith who Died July 31st 1811, Aged 44 Years. Stone. Here beneath this gloomy I sleep in quiet and alone.
In memory of Mr. Samuel Smith who Died March 29, 1819, aged 95 years. Formerly from Connetticut. Lying at his right hand Harriot, Dautr. of Jonathan and Sally Spencer who died July 1817 aged 1 year.
In memory of JESSE SPARKS, who was instantly killed in a Powder-Mill, Sep. 18, 1821, aged 19 Years.
Lemuel Sparks, died July 18, 1822, aged 52 Years. Depart my friends dry up your tears, I must lie here till Christ appears.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Sparks wife of Mr. Lemuel Sparks, who Died March 6, 1818, age 45.
In memory of Mr. James Stevens, who died Octr. 22d 1809 in the 43 year of his age
HENRY F., son of Moses and Sarah Strong, died Dec. 14. 1822, aged 15 Months.
ELIZA Sturges. Dautr. of W1,14. & Sally Sturges, Died April 28, 1816 aged 1 Year & 9 Mon. those little rites, a tear, a stone receive; tis all a father, all a friend can give.
In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Sturges, wife of Mr. Jonathan Sturges, who Died March 17, 1813 aged 58, Forgive blest shade the tributary tear That mourns thy exit from a world like this Forgive the wish that would have kept thee here, And stay'd thy progress to the seats of bliss.
HARRIET, daught. of Nehemiah & Hannah STURGES, died April 21, 1820, age 8 M's.
There is rest in heaven. In memory of LYDIA STURGES, Wife of NEHEMIAH STURGES, who died March 29, 1816, aged 29 years. Through life in virtueous path she trod In death her hope was placid in GOD.
IN Memory of NEHEMIAH STURGES, DIED March 9, 1821, age 34 Y's.
In MEMORY OF WILLIAM STURGES JR., WHO DIED SEP. 14, 1825, AGED 25 YEARS. Thou sleepest but we will remember thee.
This stone erected by Rowland THATCHER Junr. to perpetuate the memory of Mrs. Betsey THATCHER, his wife who died Jan. 16, 1804 aged 24 years 9 months & 20 days. My friends behold as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for Death and follow me.
In memory of Mr. ROWLAND THATCHER, Jr. who departed this life May 5th 1809, in the 31st year of his Age. Behold we see, while here we look; The dearest ties, of Friendship broke; Tho grief & sorrow, pierce the heart, The dearest Friends, we see must part.
In memory of BETSEY F. THATCHER, Dautr. of TIMOTHY & DOROTHY THATCHER, who died March, 28, 1820, age 16 Years. Farewell my weeping Parents dear, Farewell my Brothers & Sisters near I wish you all to live in love, And make your peace with GOD above.
In memory of CONTENT THATCHER, who died March 1st 1825, in the 84 year of her age.
In memory of Mr. Jonathan Thacher, son of Mr. Jethro & Mrs. Hannah Thacher, who died at Alford, Decr. 14th, 1807, of the kick of an horse, in the 28 year of his age. Friends nor Physicians could not save My mortal body from the grave, Nor can this clay confine me here, When Christ shall call me to appear.
In memory of Mr. Rowland Thatcher, Son of Mr. Jethro & Mrs. Hannah Thatcher, who died October 4th 1813, aged 25 Years. Farewell my weeping Parents dear, Farewell my friends & Sisters near, I wish you all to live in love, And make your peace with God above.
ELIEL: Last member of the Family of Mr. NATHAN & Mrs. LUCY TOBEY, died of a wound Recd. by a rakes-tail on sliding from a hay-mow, Decm. 29, 1809, age 16 years.
ANNA, wife of JONATHAN TUTTLE, died March 8, 1841, age 61 Y's.
JONATHAN TUTTLE, DIED In Redfield, Jefferson Co. N.Y. June 19, 1814, age 41 Y's.
In memory of Mr. Matthew Vandusen, who Departed this Life, March 7th 1807, in the 68th year of his age.
In memory of Lowrence, son to Mr. Matthew Vandusen junr., who died Jan. 30th 1805, aged 4 months & 27 days.
In memory of William, son to Mr. Matthew Vandusen junr., who died Nov. 19th 1802, aged 3 Mo. & 7 da.
In Memory of Mrs. Margaret Vandeusen, Dautr. to Mr. John, & Mrs. Katharine Vandeusen, of Gt. Barrington, who died April 25, 1807 in the 24 year of her age.
Marshal Van Dusen, son of Mathew & Betsey Van Dusen, died May 21, 1820, aged 14 years, & 6 months.
In Memory of George Warren, Son of John & Phila Warren, who died June 30, 1821. age 1 year.
In memory of Amasa Weft, son of Mr. Joshua & Mrs. Mary Weft, who died Sep 3, 1813, Aged 4 Years.
An ifant son of Joshua Weft, died Dec. 1813.
In Memory of Caleb West, son of Joshua & Mary West, who Died August 3, 1817, aged 6 years.
In memory of Mrs. Lois Weft, wife to Mr. Ephraim Weft, who died May 3d 1806, aged 19 years.
In memory of Mehetabel Dautr. of Mr. Ebeneze & Mrs. Mehetabel Weft, who Died March 17th 1810, Aged 11 Years and 10 Months.
In memory of James Westcoat, son of Mr. Ambrose & Polly Westcoat, who died June 12th 1809, in the 8th year of his Age.
HENRY, son of James Whiton Esq. & Mrs. Deborah, his wife. Died Octr. 14, 1818 aged 16 Months. Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of GOD.
SHERMAN, Son of MANLY & SALLY WHITON, died March 22, 1819, age 17 Days. Rest little saint till JESUS comes, To skake the earth & rend the tombs, Then rise to heaven in glorious dress, Clothed with thy Saveiours rightiousnes.
Here lies the body of Hudson Wilcox, son to Capt. Daniel & Mrs. Lydia Wilcox, who died May 28, 1802, aged 6 years 7 Mo. & 16 da. Think mortals what it is to die.
In memory of MIME WILLIAMS, wife to Ephraim Williams, who died March 18, 1824, aged 48 years. To perpetuate the many virtues, of the wife, & the mother, this stone is erected by her bereaved Husband. To the righteous the grave is the passport to glory. Reader! will it be so to thee ?
Two infants of Jacob & Anna Winegars, One died March 3, 1797, The other died June 16 1802.
In memory of Mrs. Anna Winegar, consort of Mr. Jacob Winegar, who departed this Life July 5th 1802. aged 28 years & 9 Months. Now in the bloom of life I bid you all adieu, Husban, children & friends Prepare for your exit too.
Erected by Jac WINEGAR, to the memory of SARAH his 2 wife, who departed this life June 3, 1818, in the 46 year of her age. Refrain thy tears for CHRIST shall come And claim this body from the tomb
April 19, 1818, was taken from health, life, & fiends, in the 12 Yr. of her age. THANKFUL, dautr. of JAC & SARAH WINEGAR.
Beneath this stone are interred the mortal Remains of Mrs. Grace Wormer wife to Mr. Jermiah Wormer, who died July 17th 1803 in the 50th year of her age. Ye living mortals stop and read, A Solemn warning from the dead, Your life is frail your death is sure, Believe on Christ and Heaven secure.
Sacred to the memory of Miss Hannah Wormer, dautr. of Mr. Jeremiah Wormer, who died July 5th 1809, in the 30th year of her age. Surviving friends, although you mourn, Let this console, I shall return; The righteous Judge can, by his word, Bring me triumphing with the Lord.
Gilbert L. Wormer, son of Mr. Richard & Mrs. Dimerus Wormer, died March 22, 1818, aged 2 Years 2 Months & 18 Days. Here lies our little son within, Free from sorrow & from sin, Lent to us for years & hours And then cut down like other flowers.
In memory of John Yale, son to Josiah Yale Esq. & Ruth, his wife, who departed this life, Jan 16th, 1807, in the 19th year of his age. In youthful bloom, death laid me down; Here to await, the trumpet sound; Repent repent, now you have time; For I was taken, in my prime.
The lower lines on Capt. Bradley's gravestone are: He was the Son of Daniel Bradley; who was the Son of Daniel Bradley; who was the Son of Abraham Bradley, who was the Son of William Bradley, who was one of the first Setlers of Newhaven in 1637.
The lower lines on Martha Crosby's gravestone are: Farewell all sublunary things, I go to see the King of Kings.
The last line on Levi and Sarah Nye's gravestone is: Time how short! Eternity how long!
The names of two children were omitted from the proper place, not having been found until the preceding pages were printed. They are on the pedestal of the Taylor Monument, which stands on a part of the cemetery not used for burials until many years later than 1825. The inscription containing them is:-
Other inscriptions on the monument are:-
ABNER TAYLOR, BORN MARCH 15, 1784, DIED FEB. 11, 1853. His record is on high.
HORACE TAYLOR, DIED May 11, 1886. Age 71 Y's. [SOUTH FACE]
LUCINDA, WIFE OF ROSWELL BILL, DIED Dec. 29, 1813. Age 32 Y's.
Mrs. MERIBAH BROWN, wife of Mr. Horatio Brown, died July 18, 1822. in the 42 year of her age. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live And whosoever liveth, and believeth in me, shall never die. Believest thou this? she saith unto him, yea, Lord: I believe. And when she had so said: she went her way.
William Clark Davis, Son of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Marcy, was Born May 25 1809 and Died Oct 20th.
ORIN, son of Thomas & Cyntha Hatch, died Jany. 29, 1816, aged 5 Months.
In Memory of Mr. SAMUEL HULET, who Died March 5th 1813, in the 52nd Year of his Age. Friends nor Physicians could not save, My mortal body from the grave, Nor can this clay confine me here, When Christ shall call me to appear.
In Memory of Mrs. SUSANNAH HULET; wife of Mr. Samuel Hulet, who Died Feby. 27, 1813, in the 48th Year of her Age. How sadden was the fatal stroke, When the Almighty summons spoke; My friends and children now draw near, And see that you for death prepare.
In memory of Mrs. AMNEY HURLBERT, wife of Mr. Christopher Hurlbert, who died May 8, 1823 in the 58 year of her age.
In memory of Mr. Joseph Hurlburt Junr., who departed this life February 23rd. 1806, in the 24th. Year of his age. He is call'd away from all his friends And here to lie till all things end. He lies moldring all away, Into dust and silent clay.
ELIZA, Daughter of Bela & Patty Judd, died Oct. 8th 1824, age 2 years.
BELA JR. Son of Bela & Patty Judd, died August 8th 1833, age 4 years.
In Memory of Arvan, Son Of SAMUEL & POLLY KEEP, who died Feb. 5, 1816, age 4 Months. Also an Infant Son to the above named PARENTS, died Dec. 23, 1814.
JAMES H. KEEP, DIED Feb. 17, 1823; age 2 yr's, & 3 m's.
LESTER KEEP, DIED May 20, 1825; age 5 yrs. & 2 m's.
LOIS KEEP, DIED April 3, 1822; age 4 yr's.
In memory of Capt. ABIJAH MERRELL, who died Feb. 20, 1823 in the 88 year of his age.
Abijah 3rd, died Feb. 16. 1817 aged 5 Mons. Harriet A., died Dec. 17, 1818, aged 13 Mons. Children of Abijah & Anna Merrell.
Orson Merrell, son of William & Asenath H. Merrell, Died March 5, 1816, aged 9 Months. Oh Earthly hopes thy fairest prospects vanish here.
SUSAN, daughter of HENRY & BETSEY Miller, died April 12, 1824, aged 11 years.
ANNA, Wife of Benjamin Prichard, died Oct. 2, 1809; in the 41 year of her age. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea saith, the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them.
In memory of Capt. DANIEL SQuIRE; who died Feb. 13, 1817, aged 32 years. Ye living mortals stop and read A solemn warning from the dead; Your life is frail your death is sure; Believe on Christ & Heaven secure.
Mrs. SALLY WHITON; late Consort of Mr. Mandley Whiton, died May 5, 1814, aged. 29 Years. Her mind was tranquil and serene, No terrors in her looks were seen, Her Saviours smile dispel'd the gloom, And smooth'd her passage to the tomb.
On this spot was found the lifeless corpse of Mr. David Blossom, of Lenox, Son of Capt. Ezra & Mrs. Mehitabel Blossom, on the 8th day of May, 1814; in the 22 year of his age. Walking here alone he was suddenly call'd into Eternity, without any earthly friend to console him in his last moments, or to close his dying eyes. Reader! Pause, and consider the vast importance of being always prepar'd to meet thy God! For thou knowest not the time, the place, nor the manner of thy Death!