[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

THIS publication is issued under the authority of a vote passed by the New England Historical Genealogical Society, November 6, 1901, as follows :
Voted: That the sum of $20,000, from the bequest of the late Robert Henry Eddy, be set aside as a special fund to be called the Eddy Town-Record Fund, for the sole purpose of publishing the Vital Records of the towns of Massachusetts, and that the Council be authorized and instructed to make such arrangements as may be necessary for such publication.
And the treasurer is hereby instructed to honor such drafts as shall be authorized by the Council for this purpose.
Committee on Publications
THE TOWN OF HANSON, Plymouth County, was formerly part of Pembroke. February 22, 1820, it was established as a town.
Population by Census : -
1820 (U.S.), 917;
1830 (U.S.), 1030;
1840 (U.S.), 1040;
1850(U.S.), 1217;
1855 (State), 1231;
1860(U.S.), 1245;
1865 (State), 1196;
1870(U.S.), 1219;
1875 (State), 1265;
1880(U.S.), 1309 ;
1885 (State), 1227;
1890 (U.S.), 1267 ;
1895 (State), 1380;
1900(U.S.), 1455;
1905 (State), 1490.
1. When places other than Hanson and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy.
2. In all records the original spelling is followed.
3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual might be found under different spellings.
4. Marriages and intentions of marriages are printed under the names of both parties. When both the marriage and intention of marriage are recorded, only the marriage record is printed.
5. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i.e. any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. Parentheses are used to show the difference in the spelling of a name in the same entry, to indicate the maiden name of a wife, to enclose an imperfect portion of the original text, and to separate clauses in the original text -- such as the birthplace of a parent in late records.
a. -- age
abt. about
b. born
ch. -- child
chn. -- children
Co. county
C.R.1. -- church record, First Congregational Church
C.R.2.. -- church record,Baptist Church, South Hanson
d. -- daughter; died; day
Dea. Deacon
dup. duplicate entry
G.R.1. gravestone record, Fern Hill Cemetery, Hanson, formerly Second Precinct of Pembroke
G.R.2.. gravestone record, Hobert Cemetery
G.R.4. gravestone record, Munroe Burying Ground in South Hanson
G.R.4. gravestone record, tomb of John Thomas
h. -- husband hrs. -- hours
inf. infant
int. -- publishment of intention of marriage
Jr. junior
m. married; month
min. -- minutes
P.R.1. -- private record, from the Nathaniel Bonney Bible, now in the possession of Miss Eliza B. White of Hanson
P.R.2. private record, from the Joseph White Bible, now in the possession of Miss Eliza B. White of Hanson
P.R.3. private record, from the Snow Baker Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Mary C. Sturtevant of Hanson
P.R.4. -- private record, from the Luther Josselyn Bible, now in the possession of Charles S. Josselyn of Hanson
P.R.5. private record, from the Benjamin White Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Florence Webb of Hanson
P.R.6. -- private record, from the Nathaniel Soper Bible, now in the possession of William E. Barker of Hanson
P.R.7. private record, from the Eleazer Josselyn family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Florence Webb and Mrs. Alice Hammond of Hanson
P.R.8. private record from the Thomas Macomber Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. C. M. Carr of Hanson
P.R.9. private record, from the Moses Carr Bible, now in the possession of Miss Malinda A. Carr of Hanson
P.R.10. private record from the Samuel Perry Bible, now in the possession of Miss Malinda Carr of Hanson
P.R.11. -- private record, from the Alvin Brown Bible, now in the possession of William G. Elms of Hanson
P.R.12. private record, from the John L. Elms Bible, now in the possession of William G. Elms of Hanson
P.R.13. private record, from the Byram Sampson Bible, now in the possession of William G. Elms of Hanson
P.R.14. private record, from the Lot Phillips Bible, now in the possession of Miss Josephine Estes of Hanson
P.R.15.private record, from the Chelcias Howard Bble, now in the possession of Mrs. Amelia Dwelley of Bryantville
P.R.16. --- private record, from the Floran Estes Bible, now in the possession of Nathaniel T. Howland of Hanson
P.R.17. -- private record, from the Perez Howland Bible, now in the possession of Nathaniel T. Howland of Hanson
P.R.18. -- private record, from the Charles Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Charles Thomas of Hanson
P.R.19. private record, from the Nathaniel Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Ellen P. Bearse of Hanson
P.R.20. private record, from the Elijah Damon Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Angeline Damon of Hanson
P.R.21. private record, from the Benjamin Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Cushing O. Thomas of Hanson
P.R.22. private record, from the Nelson Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Ruth A. Thomas of Hanson
P.R.23. private record, from the Albert House Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Emily F. Brown of Hanson
P.R.24. --- private record, from the Oliver Bourne Bible, now in the possession of Miss Marcia H. Bourne of Hanson
P.R.25. -- private record, from the Bible of Edwin Clark, now in his possession
P.R.26. private record, from a Bible presented to the Hanson Library Association by T. S. Mitchell of Plymouth
P.R.27. -- private record, from the Ezekiel Bonney Bible, now in the possession of Ellen J. Ford of Hanson
P.R.28. -- private record, from the Jeremiah Stetson Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Florence Josselyn of Hanson
P.R.29. -- private record, from the George F. Stetson Bible, now m the possession of Mrs. Florence Josselyn of Hanson
P.R.30. - private record, from the Joseph Barker Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Mary E. Read of South Hanson
P.R.31.-- private record, from the Andrew H. Bates Bible, now in the possession of Albert Bates of Hanson
P.R.32. -- private record, from the Bible of Nahum Stetson, now in his possession
P.R.33. private record, from the Joseph Bearce Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Deborah Soper Howard of Hanson
P.R.34. -- private record, from the Friend W. Howland Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. C. L. Howland of Hanson
P.R.35. -- private record, from the Isaac Pratt Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Edwin Pratt of Hanson
P.R.36. -- private record, from the Joseph Bearce Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. L. H. Bonney of Bryantville
P.R.37. -- private record, from the Benjamin H. Bearce Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Polly Bearce of Hanson
P.R.38. -- private record, from the Jeremiah Soper Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Julia E. Thomas of Hanson
P.R.39. -- private record, from the Levi Z. Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Julia E. Thomas of Hanson
P.R.40. -- private record, from the Cyrus Munroe Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Lydia Munroe of Whitman
P.R.41. - private record, from the John A. Whiting Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Cornelia J. Cook of Hanson
P.R.42. private record, from the Robert Perry Bible, now in the possession of Henry J. Perry of Hanson
P.R.43. private record, from the Cushman D. Hill family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Carroll Washburn of Bryantville
P.R.44. private record, from the Isaac Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Miss Sally B. Cushing of Hanson
P.R.45. -- private record, from the Oren Josselyn Bible, now in the possession of Samuel House of Hanson
P.R.46. -- private record, from the Elijah Damon family record, now in the possession of Miss Angy Damon of South Hanson
P.R.47. private record, from the Deborah Leavitt Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Otis L. Bonney of Hanson
P.R.48. private record, from the Fuller family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Elbridge G. Fuller of South Hanson
P.R.49. private record, from the Bearce family record, now in the possession of Mrs. George Stetson of Hanson
P.R.50. private record, from the Bible of Thomas G. Clark, now in his possession
P.R.51. private record, from the Jeremiah Stetson Bible, now in the possession of Marshall Stetson of North Hanson
P.R.52. -- private record, from the Reed and Josselyn family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Ellen P. Reed of North Hanson
P.R.53. -- private record, from the Isaac Ramsdell Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Isaac Ramsdell of Hanson
P.R.54. -- private record, from the Jacob Josselyn Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Ida E. Turner of Hanson
P.R.55. private record, from the Ebenezer B. Keene Bible, now in the possession of Frank Keene of South Hanson
P.R.56. -- private record, from the Keene family record, now in the possession of Miss Josephine Estes of Hanson
P.R.57. -- private record, from the Keene family record, now in the possession of Miss Mabel Keene of Hanson
P. R.58. -- private record, from the White family record, now in the possession of Lucius White of Pembroke
P.R.59. -- private record, from the Nathan Stevens Bible, now in the possession of Nathan White of Hanson
P.R.60. private record, from the Benjamin Josselyn Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Emily A. Josselyn of Hanson
P.R.61. --private record, from the Zalmon Briggs family record, now in the possession of John Briggs of South Hanson
P.R.62. -- private record, from the Shadrach Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Miss M. Elizabeth Thomas of Neponset
P.R.63. -- private record, from the Nathan Stevens Bible, now in the possession of Hiram H. Stevens of Bryantville
P.R.64. -- private record, from the Keene family record, now in the possession of Miss Mabel Keene of Hanson
P.R.65. -- private record, from the Nathan Stevens Bible, now in the possession of Nathan White of Hanson
P.R.66. -- private record, from the Joseph Howland Bible, now in the possession of Miss Maria W. Howland of Rockland
P.R.67. private record, from the Levi Everson Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Fred U. Corson of Melrose
P.R.68. private record, from the Bartlett Sampson Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Bartlett Sampson of East Whitman
P.R.69. private record, from the Bryant family record, now in the possession of Oscar Stevens of Marshfield
P.R.70. private record, from the Noah Bonney Bible, now in the possession of Lucian Bonney of South Easton
rec. recorded
s. son
Sr. senior
w. wife; week
wid. -- widow
widr. widower
y. -- year