To the year 1850
Compliled by Thomas W. Baldwin, B., S.B.,
Member of the New England Historical Genealogical Society
Boston, Mass. 1911.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

HULL MARRIAGES to the year 1850.
*=intention not recorded
William and Johnah Fippeny, Dec. 18, 1718.*
Justin and Hannah Ranger, Feb. 3, 1751.*
Marget and Roger Gore, both of Boston or elsewhere, June, 21, 1759. C.R.*
Ephraim and Jane Loring, Apr. 3, 1729.*
Betty and John Hayden(Jr., in int.), June 1, 1753. C.R.
Thomas, Rev. and Rachel Binney, June 22, 1823.
Edward of Boston or elsewhere, and Elaner Hartly, Sept. 19, 1764. C.R.*
John and Adaline W. Turner, Aug. 30, 1840.*
BACKER (see Baker)
Elizabeth and Caleb Loring, Aug.--, 1714.*
BAILEY (see Bayler)
Thomas and Anna Loring, June 29, 1726.*
BAKER (see Backer)
[E]lizabeth and Callob Loring, June 24, 1714.*
Jane and John Loring, Dec. 2, 1703.*
Daniel and Elizabeth Bosworth, June 24, 1736.*
BARTLET (see Bertelet)
Experiance and Smith Woodward of Hingham or elsewhere, Mar. 18, 1759. C.R.*
John and Experince Stubs, May 26, 1716.*
Benjamin of Braintree and Hannah Jones, Dec. 6, 1764. C.R.*
Bershebah and Thomas Gaines, Oct. 7, 1719.*
Jane and John Doane, Esq., July 20, 1732.*
Paul and Jane Collier, Aug. 5, 1731.*
Paul and Theodosed[Thedosia} Carpenter, June 6, 1751.*
BAYLER (see Bailey)
Joshua and Dorcas Binney, Oct. 14, 1764. C.R.*
Solomon J. of Cohasset, s. of Caleb and Sarah, a. 40 y., b. in Cohasset, 2nd m., and Irene W. Warrick, d. of Paul B., a. 26 y., Oct. 25, 1849.*
Samuel, Rev. of Nantucket, widr., a 32 y., and Sarah J. Loring, d. of Samuel and Lucy, a. 20 y., Aug.23, 1844.*
BENEY (see Beny, Biney, Binney)
Samuell and Rebecca Vicrey, Nov. 12, 1702.*
Benjamin, of Boston and Experience Prince, Oct. 17, 1711.*
Experance and Jonh Cooms, Nov.---, 1718.*
Joseph and Rebec[c]a Princ, Feb. 24, 1709.*
Rebekah and Dearin Jones, Jan. 14, 1729-30.*
BENY (see Beney, Biney, Binney)
Elizabeth and Goorge Vickere, Dec. 12, 1710.*
BARTELET (see Bartlet)
Anna and John Haidden, May 28, 1719.*
Charles H. of Alton, N.H., a. 23 y., and Lucy A. Turner, d. of Elisha and Betsey, a. 21 y., Nov. 23, 1845.*
BINEY (see Beny, Biny, Binney)
John and Hannah Jones, Oct. 21, 1726.*
BINNEY (see Beney, Biny, Biney)
Amos and Rebekah Loring, Mar. 2, 1731-2.*
Bitha Tirrell and John Goold, Feb. 28, 1811.*
Dorcas and Anderson Phillips, Mar. 19, 1741.*
Dorcas and Joshua Bayer, Oct. 14, 1764. C.R.*
Elizabeth and Isaac Binney, Mar. 24, 1737.*
Elkanah and Eliza[be]th Loring, Feb. 10, 1736-7.*
Hannah of Weymouth, and Ebenezer Potman of Scitnate,---, 1808.*
Hannay(Hannah, C.R.) and Joseph Goold, June 7, 1739.*
Isaac and Elizabeth Binney, Mar. 24, 1737.*
Jain and Thomas Jones, Jan. 6, 1763. C.R.*
Jarusha and Elkanah Hayden, Oct. 5, 1732.*
John and Hannah Paine of Eastham, May 31, 1704.*
Mehitabel and Stephen Greenleaf, June 5, 1766. C.R.*
Phebe and Josaph Spear, Oct. 25, 1743.*
Polly and Moses Tower of Hingham,---,1809.*
Rachel and Rev. Thomas Asbury, June 22, 1823.
Spencar and Molley Jones, Oct. 7, 1789.*
Spencer and Nancy hatch of Hanover, Jan. 9, 1825.*
Rachell and John Loring, Sept. 22, 1679.*
Jane and John Hutcheson, Apr. 19, 1733.*
Brigit and Edword Southwood of Middlebury, June 25, 1711.*
Efraham and Mary Johns, May 4, 1710.*
Elizabeth and Daniel Barker, June 24, 1736.*
John and Elisabath Chamb[e]rling, Sept. 22, 1707.*
Judah and Nathaniell Church of Scituate, Jan. 7, 1696-7.
Samuel and Marsh Johns,---,1715.*
Charlotte of Scituate and Joshua B. Young, int. Feb. 27, 1824.
BRACED (see Bracket)
Moses and Sery Juns, Nov. 10, 1747.*
BRACKET (see Braced)
Moses of Braintree and Mary Jones, Sept. 14, 1758. C.R.*
Ester A., and Barden H. Prowty of Hingham, int. Dec. 3, 1842.
Jonathan and Lydia Loring,---, 1812.*
Ann and John Mitchell, Dec. 25, 1826.*
Mary and Thomas Vickre, July 8, 1718.*
Edward of Boston or elsewhere, and Hannah Loring, Dec. 14, 1760. C.R.*
Samuel and Margeret Stubbs, Mar. 12, 1728-9.*
Theodosed[Theodosia] and Paul Baxter, June 6, 1751.*
Elisabath and John Bosworth, Sept. 22, 1707.*
Jane and John Oldredg, Jan. 12, 1719-20.*
Nathaniell of Scituate, and Judah Bosworth, Jan. 7, 1696-7.
James T. of Quincy, a. 29 y., and Hannah L. Mitchell, a. 26 y., July 27, 1843.
John M., a. 30 y., and Mary R. Mitchell, a. 28 y., Apr. 27, 1843.
Joseph and Elizabeth Turner, may 22, 1832.*
Susanah and Caleb Loring, Jan. 15, 1718-9.*
COLER (see Colier, Coller, Collier, Colyer)
Gershom and Elisabeth Pool, Jan. 25, 1696-7.
COLIER (see Coler, Coller, Collier, Colyer)
Jude and Cromwell Lobdell, July 8, 1726.*
COLLER (see Coler, Colier, Collier, Colyer)
Jonathan and Judith Goold, Nov. 25, 1742.*
COLLIER (see Coler, Colier, Collier, Colyer)
Elisebeth and Gershom Copland of Braintree, Apr. 22, 1764. C.R.*
Jane and Paul Baxter, Aug. 5, 1731.*
Moses and Susannah Foster, Aug. 2, 1752.
Thomas and Jemima Pope of Dorchester, Dec. 10, 1767. S.R.*
COLYER (see Coler, Colier, Coller, Collier)
Elisabeth and John Loring, Feb. 10, 1708-9.*
Experience and Matthew Lorin, Dec. 23, 1714.*
Jane and Samuell Loring, Apr. 19, 1716.*
Mary and Joseph Spear, Dec. 12, 1720.*
Susanah and Samuell Jones, Apr. 5, 1719.*
Thomas and Bridget Southworth, Apr. 20, 1734.*
COOM (see Cooms, Crooms)
Mary and Benjaman Vicrey, July 7, 1709.*
COOMS (see Coom, Crooms)
John and Experance Benson, Nov. ---, 1718.*
Gershom of Braintree, and Elisebeth Collier, Apr. 22, 1764. C.R.*
James and Sarah Webber, Nov. 28, 1742.*
CROOMS (see Coom, Cooms)
John of Barbadoes, W. L., and Elanar Englesby, Nov. 14, 1758. C.R.*
Content and Capt. Thomas Knox,---, 1810.*
David, s. of Pyam and Olive, a. 30 y., and Elisabeth H. Torrey of Hingham, d. of William, a. 22 y., in Hingham, Oct. 13, 1844.*
Emily, d. of Pyam and Olive, a. 26 y., and Edward Wilder of Hingham, s. of Edward, a. 26 y., Jan. 19, 1845.*
Mary and Robert Cushing of Scituate,---, 1810.*
Olive G. and Moses B. Tower, June 10, 1838.*
Peggy and Peter Newcomb of Boston, Dec.---,1818.*
Robert of Scitnate and Mary Cushing,---, 1810.*
Thomas and Sally Shaw of Dorchester, Aug. 23, 1829.*
Elisabet[h] and Joseph Estes, Feb. 19, 1746-7.*
Matthew and Elisabeth Prince, Oct. 21, 1720.*
DASON (see Doson, Dosson)
Joseph and Mary Hill, Oct. 28, 1721.*
Caroline Elisabeth of Mystic, Conn., and John Binney Loring,---.*
Daniel and Sybil C. Hatch, May 22, 1828.*
Elisabeth and Elisha Turner of Scituate,---,1812.*
Emma and John Reed Jr., Nov.--, 1812.*
Esther and William Jaames of Holland,---.1808.*
Jane and Caleb Lovell,---,1813.*
Mary and William Pope, May 29, 1832.*
Nathanael and Mary Goold, Dec. 29, 1743.*
Nathanell and Elesebeth Pray, June 13, 1748.*
Samuall and Elizabath Hulker, Oct. 26, 1749.*
Mary and Benjaman Goold, int. Apr. 16, 1698.
John and Elizabeth,---, Sept. 10, 1711.*
John, Esq. and Jane Baxter, July 20, 1732.*
DOSON (see Dason, Dosson)
Sarah and William Jepson, Nov. 11, 1754. C.R.*
DOSSON (see Dason, Doson)
Joseph Jr. and Jane Garner of Hingham, int. June 9, 1753.
Mary Ann of Boston, and John Hayden, Aug.---. 1834.*
Elizabeth and [J]ohn Whorf, Oct. 30, 1729.*
Fanny H. and Caleb G. Lovell, Dec. 12, 1837.*
Mary Ann and Thomas Pope, Feb. 16, 1837.*
ENGLEBY (see Englesby)
Cuthbert and Hannah Ranger, June 30, 1735. C.R.*
ENGLESBY (see Engleby)
Elanar and John Crooms of Barbadoes, W. I., Nov. 14, 1758. C.R.*
Joseph and Elezebet[h] Danford, Feb. 19, 1746-7.*
John of Boston and Elisabeth Goold, int. May 13, 1780.
FIPPENNY (see Fippeny)
Elisibeth and Joseph Lobdell, Apr. 5, 1719.*
FIPPENY (see Fippenny)
Johanah and William Addems, Dec. 18, 1718.*
Agnas E. of Boston, and Matthew Loring, Jan. 1, 1786.
Nathaniel and Lydia Goold, June 10, 1742.*
Susannah and Moses Collier, Aug. 2, 1752.
Jonathan and Jeusha Haiden, Nov. 28, 1754. C.R.*
Jane and Nicholas Power, Jan. 30, 1727-8.*
Thomas and Bershebah Bates, Oct. 7, 1719.*
Jane of Hingham and Joseph Dosson Jr., int. June 9, 1753.
Sarah and Benjamin Jones, Nov. 28, 1721.*
Jonthon of Boston and Leah Jones, Mar. 15, 1750.*
GOLD (see Goold, Gould)
Nicholas from Europe and Ester Hartly of Rainsford Island, June 11, 1767. C.R.*
GOOLD (see Gold, Gould)
Benjamin and Mary Dinly, int. Apr. 16, 1698.
Elisabeth and John Fillebrown of Boston, int. May 13, 1780.
Elisha and Experience Loring, Mar. 1, 1744.*
Elizabeth and Benjamin Loring, July 24, 1729.*
Huldia and Samuel Loring Jr., int. Dec. 11, 1783.
James and Mary Loring, Feb. 8, 1704-5.*
Jane and Samuell Loring, Nov. 16, 1749.*
Jane Loring and Joel Knight, July 5, 1832.*
John and Jean Loring, Feb. 16, 1755. C.R.*
John and Bitha Tirrell Binney, Feb. 28, 1811.*
John and Mary Greenleaf, Dec. 30, 1838.*
Joseph and Mary Prince, Dec. 18, 1713.*
Joseph and Hannay(Hannah, C.R.) Binney, June 7, 1739.*
Judith and Jonathan Coller, Nov. 25, 1742.*
Lydia and Nathaniel Ford, June 10, 1742.*
Lydia and Jonathan Loring, Dec. 11, 1783.
Martha and W[illia]m Swain, Nov. 7, 1802.*
Mary and Joseph Kinghtingell, Nov. 20, 1719.*
Mary and Nathaniel Dill, Dec. 29, 1743.*
Mehitable and Jno Loring, dec. 27, 1801.*
Mercy and [J]oseph Watts, Nov. 13, 1729.*
Robart and Molley Lincoln, Feb. 4, 1783.
Robert Jr. and Rebecca Loring, Sept. 29, 1816.*
Robert and Marget Alexander, both of Boston or elsewhere, June 21, 1759. C.R.*
GOULD (see Gold, Goold)
Abitha B. and Martin Knight of Troy, N.H. Apr.---, 1837.*
Elesibeth and Zachariah Smealeag, Oct. 8, 1718.*
Joseph and Elisabeth Melten. Mar. 24, 1696-7.
GREENLEAF (see Greenleafe, Greenlef, Greenlief)
Mary and Samuel Reed Jr. of Weymouth, Nov. 11, 1793.*
Mary and John Goold, Dec. 30, 1838.*
Stephen and Mehitable Binney, June 5, 1766. C.R.*
GREENLEAFE (see Greenleaf, Greenlef, Greenlief)
John and Bathsheba Milton, Apr. 19, 1733.*
GREENLEF (see Greenleaf, Greenleafe, Greenlief)
Mary, wid., and Nicholas Philepas of Weymouth, int. June 2, 1781.
GREENLIEF (see Greenleaf, Greenleafe, Greenlef)
Bathsheba, Mrs., and Jno Norwood, a foreigner,---,[179--].
HADON (see Haidden, Haiden, Hayden, Haydon)
Marget and [J]ohn Ranger, Oct. 22, 1750.*
HAIDDEN (see Hadon, Haiden, Hayden, Haydon)
John and Anna Bertelet, May 28, 1719.*
HAIDEN (see Hadon, Haidden, Hayden, Haydon)
Jerusha and Jonathan Gaines, Nov. 28, 1754.*
HARTLEY (see Hardy)
Ester of Rainsford Island, and Nicholas Gold from Europe, June 11, 1767. C.R.*
Samuel and Sarah Hawes, Jan. 26, 1767. C.R.*
HARTLY (see Hartley)
Elaner and Edward Atwood of Boston or elsewhere, Sept. 19, 1765. C.R.*
Nancy of Hanover and Spencer Binney, Jan. 9, 1825.*
Sybil C. and Daniel Dill, May 22, 1828.*
Sarah and Samuel Hartly, Jan. 26, 1767. C.R.*
HAYDEN (see Hadon, Haidden, Haiden, Haydon,)
Anne and Ephraim Pray, July 17, 1740.*
Elisabeth and Thomas Holker, Sept. 11, 1745. C.R.*
Elkanah and Jarusha Binney, Oct. 5, 1732.*
John(Jr., int.) and Betty Arnold, June 1, 1753. C.R.
John, resident at Long Island, and wid. Mary Jones, July 19, 1761. C.R.*
John and Mary Ann Dunham of Boston, Aug. ---, 1834.*
Rachel and William Rouse, Nov. 9, 1742.*
HAYDON (see Hadon, Haidden, Haiden, Hayden,)
John and Sarah Pool,---,1814.*
Mary and Israll Loring, May 25, 1709.*
HERSEY (see Hirse)
Charles of Hingham, and Eliza C. Jones, Aug. ---,1823.(int. July 27, 1823).
Juda and Israell Vicrey, May 13, 1708.*
Ludovick and Rebekah Vickere, Oct. 7, 1730.*
Mary and Joseph Dason, Oct. 28, 1721.*
Richard, Dr., of the Nancy, and Mrs. Sarah Jepson, Mar. 16, 1766.(Mar. 30, 1766, C.R.)
HIRSE (see Hersey)
Sarah of Hingham, and Jacob Loring, Feb. 9, 1708-9.*
Jael of Hingham, and Joseph Milton Jr., int. Sept. 16, 1752.
HOLKER (see Hulker)
Thomas and Elisabeth Hayden, Sept. 11, 1745. C.R.*
Calipe and Rachell Loring, Sept. 23, 1700.*
Hezekiah of Hingham, and Mary Woodward, Nov. 29, 1764. C.R.*
HULKER (see Holker)
Elizabeth and Samuell Dill, Oct. 26, 1749.*
Matthew and Betsy Tirrell,---, 1812.*
John and Jane Bonnar, Apr. 19, 1733.*
JAAMES (see James)
William of Holland, and Esther Dill,---, 1808.*
Nathanil and marcy Whitman, Oct. 22, 1713.*
JAMES (see Jaames)
Catherine and Gideon Mathes, Sept. 17, 1840.*
Esther and Nicho;as Servich, June 24, 1827.*
Sarah, Mrs. and Dr. Richard Hirons of the Nancy, Mar. 16, 1766.(Mar. 30, 1766, C.R.)
William and Sarah Doson, Nov. 11, 1754. C.R.*
JOHNS (see Jones, Jons, Jounes, Jouns, Juns)
Marah and Samuel Bosworth,---, 1715.*
Mary and Efraham Bosworth, may 4, 1710.*
JONES (see Johns, Jons, Jounes, Jouns, Juns)
Benjamin and Sarah Gibson, Nov. 28, 1721.*
Benjamin Jr. and Elisabeth Smith, Nov. 13, 1755. C.R.*
David and Rebeckah Jones, Jan. 9, 1754. C.R.*
Dearin and Rebekah Benson, Jan. 14, 1729-30.*
Elezabeth and David Lincoln, Nov. 25, 1753, C.R.
Eliza C. and Charles Hersey of Hingham, Aug. ---,1823.(int. July 27, 1823).
Francis and Mary Sayri, Dec. 30, 1758. C.R.*
Hannah and John Biney, Oct. 21, 1726.*
Hannah and Benjamin Bass of Braintree, Dec. 6, 1764. C.R.*
Joseph and Mary Vickre, Oct. 20, 1720.*
Leah and Jonthon Ginkins of Boston, Mar. 15, 1750.*
Mary and Moses Bracket of Braintree, Sept. 14, 1758. C.R.*
Mary, wid. and John Hayden, resident at Long Island, July 19, 1761. C.R.*
Molley and Spencer Binney, Oct. 7, 1789.*
Rachel and John Rugels, Dec. 1, 1720.*
Rebeckah and David Jones, Jan. 9, 1754. C.R.*
Samuell and Susanah Colyer, Apr. 5, 1719.*
Sarah and John Ruggles, Dec. 25, 1729.*
Solomon and Mary Winsor, Nov. 17, 1720.*
Thomas and Jain Binney, Jan. 6, 1763. C.R.*
Thomas Jr. and Elizabeth Loring, Dec. 25, 1797.*
JONS (see Johns,Jones, Jons, Jounes, Jouns, Juns)
Barshabey and Joseph Melten, Nov. 18, 1707
[E]phraiam and mery Sothery, Oct.31, 1751.*
JOUNES (see Johns,Jones, Jons, Jouns,Juns)
Iseec and rachel Jouns, Feb. 5, 1756-7.*
JOUNS (see Johns,Jones, Jons, Jounes,Juns)
Abraham and Elizabeth Lobdell, Sept. 14, 1744.*
Rachel and Iseec Jounes, Feb. 5, 1746-7.*
JUNS (see Johns,Jones, Jons, Jounes)
Sery and Moses Braced, Nov. 10, 1747.*
William, Capt. and Alice Pratt of Cohasset, int. Feb. 29, 1824.
Henry and Sarah Milton, July 29, 1736.*
Joel and Jane Loring Goold, July 5, 1832.*
Martin of Troy, N.H. and Abitha B. Gould, Apr. ---. 1837.*
Joseph and Mary Goold, Nov. 20, 1719.*
Thomas, Capt., and Content Cushing,---,1810.*
Lidiah and Matthew Loring, Feb. 5, 1718-9.*
Nathaniel F. of Hingham, and Martha G. Reed, Jan. 4, 1824.
John and hannah Vickere,---.*
Charlotte, d. of Winslow and Charlotte, a. 18 y., and Elisha Turner, s. of Elisha and Betsey, a. 28 y., Aug. 22, 1847.*
LINCOLN (see Linghorn)
David and Elizabeth Jones, Nov. 25, 1753. C.R.
Martha of Hingham, and Moses Lincoln, Dec. 12, 1717.*
Molley and Robart Goold, Feb. 4, 1783.
Moses and Martha Lincoln of Hingham, Dec. 12, 1717.*
LINGHORN (see Lincoln)
Abnezear and Sary Loring, June 6, 1751.*
LOBDELL (see Lobden)
Cromwell and Jude Colier, July 8, 1726.*
Elizabeth and John Loring, Sept. 18, 1729.*
Elizabeth and Abraham Jouns, Sept. 14, 1744.*
Joseph and Elisibeth Fippenny, Apr. 5, 1719.*
Judith and Daniel Sowter of Hingham or elsewhere, Apr. 24, 1759. C.R.*
Rebeckah and Caleb Loring, Jan. 6, 1731-2.*
LOBDEN (see Lobdell)
Elizabath and Thomas Reed, June 13, 1742.*
LORIN (see Loring)
Callob and [E]lizabeth Baker, June 24, 1714.*
Matthew and Experience Colyer, Dec. 23, 1714.*
LORING (see Lorin)
Anna and Thomas Bailey, June 29, 1726.*
Anna and Joseph Sergant, May 4, 1766. C.R.*
Benjaman and Anna Vicrey, Oct. 8, 1702.*
Benjamin and Elizabeth Goold, July 24, 1729.*
Caleb and Elizabeth Backer, Aug. ---, 1714.*
Caleb and Susannah Cocks, Jan. 15, 1718-9.*
Caleb and Rebeckah Lobdell, Jan. 6, 1731-2.*
David and Hannah Vickery, Dec. 20, 1733.*
Elisabeth and Oliver Nucomb of Braintree, int. Oct. 16, 1780.
Eliza[be]th and Elkanah Binney, Feb. 10, 1736-7.*
Elizabeth and Thomas Jones Jr., Dec. 25, 1797.*
Experience and Elisha Goold, Mar. 1, 1744.*
Hannah and James Marsh Jr.(of Gloucester, int.), Jan. 17, 1754. C.R.
Hannah and Edward Burbeck of Boston or elsewhere, Dec. 14, 1760. C.R.*
Israll and Mary Heman, May 25, 1709.*
Jacob and Sarah Hirse of Hingham, Feb. 9, 1708-9.*
James and Martha Milton, Jan. 18, 1746.*
Jane and Matthew Loring, Nov. 17, 1720.*
Jane and Ephraim Andrewes, Apr. 3, 1729.*
Jean and John Goold, Feb. 16, 1755. C.R.*
Jno and Mehittable Goold, Dec. 27, 1801.*
John and Rachell Bockland, Sept. 22, 1679.*
John and Jane Baker, Dec. 2, 1703.*
John and Elisabeth Colyer, Feb. 10, 1708-9.*
John and Elizabeth Lobdell, Sept. 18, 1729.*
John Binney and Caroline Elisabeth Denneson of Mystic Conn.---.*
Jonathan and Lydia Goold, Dec. 11, 1783.
Lydia and Jonathan Bruce,---, 1812.*
Mary and James Goold, Feb. 8, 1704-5.*
Mary and Thomas Wardwell, Aug. 29, 1734.*
Mary and William Tidmarsh, Feb. 7, 1756. C.R.*
Mary and Joseph Sprague of Hingham, June 29, 1761. C.R.*
Mary and Giddien Turriel of Weymouth, int. Jan. 14, 1782.
Matthew and Lidiah landell, feb. 5, 1718-9.*
Matthew and Jane Loring, Nov. 17, 1720.*
Matthew and Agnas E. Floiad of Boston, Jan. 1, 1786.
Rachel and John White, May 24, 1739.*
Rachell and Calipe Huberd, Sept. 23, 1700.*
Rebecca and Robert Goold Jr. Sept. 29, 1816.*
Rebekah and Amos Binney, Mar. 2, 1731-2.*
Rebekah and William Poor, May 8, 1755. C.R.*
Samuall and Jane Goold, Nov. 16, 1749.*
Samuell Jr. and Huldia Goold, int. Dec. 11, 1783.
Samuel Jr. and Lucy Pratt of Weymouth,---, 1814.*
Samuell and Jane Colyer, Apr. 19, 1716.*
Sarah and Thomas White, Nov. 30, 1738.*
Sarah J., d. of Sammuel and Lucy, a. 20 y. and Rev. Samuel Beedle of Nantucket, widr., a 32 y., Aug. 23, 1844.*
Sary and Abnezear Linghoru, June 6, 1751.*
Susana and benjamin Whit, Feb. 18, 1741-2.*
Caleb and Jane Dill,---,1813.*
Caleb G. and Fanny H. Eldridge, Dec. 12, 1837.*
Elizabeth Torry and John Luciche of Trieste, Austria, Mar. 3, 1836.*
Henriett Swett and Nicholas Mitchell, Dec. 25, 1837.*
Jane and Joseph Pope Jr. Feb. 26, 1832.*
Josa and Mary Swaim, Dec. 27, 1801.*
John of Trieste, Austria and Elizabeth Torry Lovell, Mar. 3, 1836.*
Thomas and Elisibeth Vickre, Apr. 4, 1720.*
James of Hingham and Elisabeth Reed,---, 1812.*
James Jr.(of Gloucester, int.), and Hannah Loring, Jan. 17, 1754. C.R.
Gideon and Catherine James, Sept. 17, 1840.*
MELTEN (see Milton)
Elisabeth and Joseph Green, Mar. 24, 1696-7.
Joseph and Barshabey Jons, Nov. 18, 1707.*
MILTON (see Melten)
Bathsheba and John Greenleafe, Apr. 19, 1733.*
Joseph Jr. and Jael Hobart of Hingham, int. Sept. 16, 1752.
Martha and James Loring, Jan. 18, 1746.*
Sarah and Henry King, July 29, 1736.*
Theodorah and Josaph Pray, Oct. 28, 1742.*
Hannah L., a. 26 y. and James T. Cleverly, of Quincy, a. 29 y., July 27, 1843.
John and Ann Bryant, Dec. 25, 1826.*
Martha, a. 23 y. and Elijah Souther of Hingham, s. of Elijah, a. 31 y., Sept.---, 1843.*
Mary R., a, 28 y. and John M. Cleverly, a. 30 y., Apr. 27, 1843.
Nicholas and henriett Swett Lovell, Dec. 25, 1837.*
Joshua, a. 77 y., 2nd m., and Sarah Sprague, a. 57 y., 2nd m., July 15, 1849.
NEWCOMB (see Nucomb)
Peter of Boston and Peggy Cushing, Dec. ---,1818.
Elizabeth G. and Capt. Charles G. Swain, May 5, 1822.
Jno, a foreigner, and Mrs. Bathsheba Greenlief,---,[179-].
NUCOMB (see Newcomb)
Oliver of Braintree and Elisabeth Loring, int. Oct. 16, 1780.
John and Jane Chamberling, Jan. 12, 1719-20.*
Hannah of Eastham and John Binney, May 31, 1704.*
Hannah and Joseph Watts, Dec. 6, 1733.*
Nicholas of Weymouth and Mary Grenlef, wid., int. June 2, 1781.
Anderson and Dorcas Binney, Mar. 19, 1741.*
Elisabeth and Gershom Coler, Jan. 25, 1696-7.
Sarah and John Haydon,---,1814.*
William and Rebekah Loring, May 8, 1755. C.R.*
Elijah of Boston and Ann Stubbs, Jan. 2, 1761. C.R.*
Jemima of Dorchester and Thomas Collier, Dec. 10, 1767. S.R.*
Joseph Jr. and Jane Lovell, Feb. 26, 1832.*
Ralph and Rebekah Stubbs, Nov. 27, 1729.*
Thomas and Mary Ann Eldridge, Feb. 16, 1837.*
William and Mary Dill, May 29, 11832.*
Ebenezer of Scituate and Hannah Binney of Weymouth,---,1808.*
Nicholas and Jane Gaines, Jan. 30, 1727-8.*
Alice of Cohasset and Capt. William Kilborn, int. Feb. 29, 1824.
Lucy of Weymouth and Samuel Loring Jr., ---,1814.*
Elesebeth and Nathaniel Dill, June 13, 1748.*
Ephraim and Anne Hayden, July 17, 1740.*
Joseph and Theodorah Milton, Oct. 28, 1742.*
PRINCE (see Princ)
Elisabeth and Matthew Danford, Oct. 21, 1720.*
Experience and Benjamin Benson of Boston, Oct. 17, 1711.*
Isaacc and Mary---, Dec. 23, 1679.*
Mary and Joseph Goold, Dec. 18, 1713.*
Ruth and John Soper, Sept. 29, 1718.*
Barden H. of Hingham and Ester A. Brown, int. Dec. 3, 1842.
Hannah and Cuthbert Engleby, June 30, 1735. C.R.*
Hannah and Justin Alden, Feb. 3, 1751.*
[J]ohn and Marget Hadon, Oct. 22, 1750.*
Elisabeth and James Marble of Hingham,---,1812.*
Jane B., d. of John and Emma, a. 28 y., and John W. Tower, s. of Moses and Mary, a. 26 y., Feb. 13, 1848.*
John and Martha Swain, in Hingham, Nov. 21, 1816.*
John Jr. and Emma Dill, Nov.---,1818.*
Martha G. and Nathaniel F. Lane of Hingham, Jan. 4, 1824.
Samuel Jr. of Weymouth and Mary Greenleaf, Nov. 11, 1793.*
Thomas and Elizabeth Lobden, June 13, 1742.*
William and Rachel Hayden, Nov. 9, 1742.*
RUGELS (see Ruggles)
John and Rachel Jones, Dec. 1, 1720.*
RUGGLES (see Rugels)
John and Sarah Jones, Dec. 25, 1729.*
Mary and Francis Jones, Dec. 30, 1758.*
Joseph and Anna Loring, May 4, 1766. C.R.*
Nicholas and Esther James, June 24, 1827.*
Sally of Dorchester and Thomas Cushing, Aug. 23, 1829.*
Zachariah and Elisibeth Green, Oct. 8, 1718.*
Elisabeth and Benjamin Jones Jr., Nov. 13, 1755. C.R.*
John and Ruth Prince, Sept. 29, 1718.*
Mery and [E]phraiam Jons, Oct. 31, 1751.*
SOUTHER (see Sowter)
Elijah of Hingham, s. of Elijah, a. 31 y., and Martha Mitchell, a. 23, y., Sept.--,1843.*
Edword of Middlebury and Brigit Bosworth, June 25, 1711.*
Bridget and Thomas Colyer, Apr. 20, 1734.*
SOWTER (see Souther)
Daniel of Hingham or elsewhere and Judith Lobdell, Apr. 24, 1759. C.R.*
Joseph and Phebe Binney, Oct. 25, 1743.*
Joseph and Mary Colyer, Dec. 12, 1720.*
Joseph of Hingham and Mary Loring, June 29, 1761. C.R.*
Sarah, a. 57 y., 2nd m., and Joshua Morse, a. 77 y., 2nd m, July 15, 1849.*
STUBBS (see Stubs)
Ann and Elijah Pope of Boston, Jan. 2, 1761. C.R.*
Margeret and Samuel Butt, Mar. 12, 1728-9.*
Rebekah and Ralph Pope, Nov. 27, 1729.*
STUBS (see Stubbs)
Experince and John Bartlet, May 26, 1716.*
Charles G., Capt., and Elizabeth G. Norwood, May 5, 1822.
Martha and John Reed, in Hingham, Nov. 21, 1816.*
Mary and Josa Lovell, Dec. 27, 1801.*
W[illia]m and Martha Goold, Nov. 7, 1802.*
Eunice and Nisimnus---,---, 1755. C.R.*
Mary and Robert White of Charlestown, Dec. 2, 1762. C.R.*
William and Mary Loring, Feb. 7, 1756. C.R.*
TIRRELL (see Turriel)
Betsy and Matthew Hull,---, 1812.*
Elisabeth H., of Hingham, d. of William, a. 22 y., and David Cushing, s. of Pyam and Olive, a. 30 y., in Hingham, Oct. 13, 1844.
John W., s. of Moses and Mary, a. 26 y., and Jane B. Reed, d. of John and Emma, a. 28 y., Feb. 13, 1848.*
Moses of Hingham and Polly Binney,---, 1809.*
Moses B. and Olive G. Cushing, June 10, 1838.*
Adaline W. and John Augusta, Aug. 30, 1840.*
Elisha of Scituate and Elisabeth Dill,---, 1812.*
Elisha, s. of Elisha and Betsey, a. 28 y., and Charlotte Lawton, d. of Winslow and Charlotte, a. 18 y., Aug. 22, 1847.*
Elizabeth and Joseph Cobb, May 22, 1832.*
Lucy A., d. of Elisha and Betsey, a. 21 y. and Charles H. Bickford of Alton, N.H., a. 23 y., Nov. 23, 1845.*
TURRIEL (see Tirrell)
Giddien of Weymouth and Mary Loring, int. Jan. 14, 1782.
VICKERE (see Vickery, Vickre, Vicrey)
Goorg and Elizabeth Beny, Dec. 12, 1710.*
Hannah and John Langey,---.*
Rebekah and Ludovick Hill, Oct. 7, 1730.*
VICKERY (see Vickere, Vickre, Vicrey)
Hannah and David Loring, Dec. 20, 1733.*
VICKRE (see Vickere, Vickery, Vicrey)
Elisibeth and Thomas Lumberd, Apr. 4, 1720.*
Mary and Joseph Jones, Oct. 20, 1720.*
Thomas and Mary Bul, July 8, 1718.*
VICKREY (see Vickere, Vickery, Vicre)
Anna and Benjamin Loring, Oct. 8, 1702.*
Benjamin and Mary Coom, July 7, 1709.*
Israell and Juda Hersey, May 13, 1708.*
Rebecca and Samuell Beney, Nov. 12, 1702.*
Thomas and Mary Loring, Aug. 29, 1734.*
Irene W., d. of Paul B.,a, 26 y., and Solomon J. Beal of Cohasset, s. of Caleb and Sarah, a. 40 y., b. in Cohasset, 2nd m., Oct. 25, 1849.
[J]oseph and Mercy Goold, Nov. 13, 1729.*
Joseph and Hannah Paine, Dec. 6, 1733.*
Betty and Richard Wheat, Apr. 22, 1744.*
Sarah and James Crawford, Nov. 28, 1742.*
Richard and Betty Webber, Apr. 22, 1744.*
WHIT (see White)
Benjamin and Susana Loring, Feb. 18, 1741-2.*
WHITE (see Whit)
John and Rachel Loring, May 24, 1739.*
Robert of Charlestown and Mary Tidmarsh, Dec. 2, 1762. C.R.*
Thomas and Sarah Loring, Nov. 30, 1738.*
Marcy and Nathaniel Jacobs, Oct. 22, 1713.*
[J]ohn and Elizabeth Eina, Oct. 30, 1729.*
Edward of Hingham, s. of Edward, a. 26 y., and Emily Cushing, d. of Pyam and Olive, a. 26 y., Jan. 19, 1845.*
Mary and Solomon Jones, Nov. 17, 1720.*
Mary and Hezekiah Hudson of Hingham, Nov.29, 1764. C.R.*
Smith of Hingham or elsewhere and Experiance Bartlet, Mar. 18, 1759. C.R.*
Joshua B. and Charlotte Bowker of Scituate, int. Feb. 27, 1824.
----, Elizabeth and John Dixon, Sept. 10, 1711.*
----, Mary and Isaacc Prince, Dec. 23, 1679.*
----, Nisimus and Eunice Thomas,---, 1755. C.R.*