Holliston, Middlesex Co., Ma, Vital Records To 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund.
Boston, Mass. 1908.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Charles C., Mar. 8, 1835. G.R.7.
ABBY (see Albee, Albey)
Jane, d. Obadiah and Jane, July 14, 1734. [Albey, C.R.1.]
ADAMS (see Addams)
Abbie B., d. Thomas B. and Elizabeth [Mar. ----, 1837]. G.R.1.
Abigail, d. Isaac and Martha, Mar. 4, 1726-7.
Abigail, d. Daniel, bp. June 27, 1736. C.R.1.
Abigail, d. Jesse and Thankfull, Nov. 20, 1775.
Abigail Bacon, ch. Thomas B. and w., bp. Feb. 9, 1840. C.R.1.
Abner, s. Jonathan and Jemima, Jan. 19, 1777.
Aexis, s. Jonathan and Hepzibah, Jan. 17, 1827. [Alexis, G.R.4.]
Ann M. [----], w. Lucius T., ----[1821]. G.R.1.
Anna, d. Stephen and Catharine, Dec. 6, 1808.
Appleton, s. James and Lydia, Aug. 28, 1822.
Asa, s. Benoni and Mary, Mar. 15, 1725.
Asa, s. Asa and Ruth, Jan. 25, 1753.
Asa, s. Asa and Ruth, Nov. 20, 1755.
Asa, s. Asa, bp. Nov. 2, 1766. C.R.1.
Barshabe, d. Elezar and Barshabe, Feb. 18, 1745-6. [Bathsheba, d. Eleazer, C.R.1.]
Benjamin James, s. Lucius T. and Ann Maria, Aug. 17, 1842.
Benjamin James, s. Lucius T., farmer, and Ann M., Mar. 5, 1847.
Benjamin s., ----, 1818. G.R.4.
Calista, d. Moses and Ruth, Mar. 30, 1804.
Calista, d. Moses and Ruth, June 20, 1805.
Caroline Augusta, twin d. Gilbert, shoemaker, and Sally S., May ----, 1845. [ch. Gilbert and Sally (Seavey), May 18, 1844, G.R.1.]
Cata, d. Jonathan and Jemima, Jan. 10, 1779.
Catherine Cochran, ch. Thomas B. and w., bp. Feb. 9, 1840. C.R.1.
Charles Augustus, twin s. Gilbert, shoemaker, and Sally S., May ----, 1845.
Charles M., s. Elijah W. and Levina B., Sept. 13, 1839.
Daniel, s. Benoni and Mary, Jan. 21, 1727.
Daniel Emerson, s. James and Elisabeth, Feb. 24, 1772.
David, s. Benoni and Mary, Aug. 6, 1729.
David, s. Jesse and Thankful, May 20, 1781.
Dianna M., d. John and Persis, Apr. 23, 1819, in Bellingham.
Edward M., s. Washington and Susan, Oct. 25, 1845.
Eleazar Plimpton, s. Timothy and Mary, Aug. 21, 1798.
Elezer, s. Elezer and Bathsheba, Sept. 11, 1751. [Eleazer, s. Eleazer, C.R.1.]
Elijah Watkins, s. James and Lydia, Apr. 3, 1808.
Elikam, s. Elezer and Barshabe, June 13, 1756. [Eliakim, s. Eleazer, C.R.1.]
Eliphaz, s. Eleazer, bp. Oct. 30, 1763. C.R.1.
Elisa, d. James and Lydia, Mar. 7, 1806.
Elisabeth, d. Isaac and Martha, Jan. 17, 1724-5.
Eliza (see Elisa).
Elizabeth [? m.] [Feb. ----, 1802]. G.R.1.
Ellen M., d. Henry C. and Eliza J. July 13, 1834.
Ellen M., d. George and Susan, J., July 14, 1846. [Ellen Maria, G.R.4.] [Ellen Mariah, P.R.8.]
Esther, w. Horace Partridge, Feb. 21, 1806, in Readfield. G.R.7.
Esther Harding, ch. Thomas B. and w., bp. Feb. 9, 1840. C.R.1.
Ethan Rockwood, s. Jonathan Jr. and Hepsibeth, Jan. 11, 1813. [Eathan R. [h. Fanny], G.R.4.]
Eveline Sophia, d. Appleton, farmer, and Julia Ann, Sept. 9, 1848.
Fanny [----], w. Ethan R., ----[1810]. G.R.4.
Fisher, s. Abner and Calley, Jan. 23, 1812.
Frances M. D., d. Henry C. and Eliza J., May 15, 1837.
Francis J., s. Stephen and Catharine, Feb. 22, 1822.
George, s. Jonathan Jr. [dup. crossed out, omits Jr.] and Hepsibath [dup. crossed out, Hepzibah], Apr. 4 [dup. crossed out, Apr. 9], 1819.
George Everett, s. George, farmer, and Susan, Dec. 14, 1849. [George Everette, P.R.8.]
George Morrison, s. Gilbert and Sally [ch. Gilbert and Sally (Seavey), G.R.1.], Jan. 6, 1835.
Gilbert, s. Abner and Calley, Dec. 15, 1804. [[h. Sally (Seavey)] G.R.1.]
H. Jennie [----], w. G. C., Aug. 27, 1846. G.R.7.
Hannah, d. Jesse and Thankfull, Jan. 29, 1778.
Hannah, d. Phinehas and Sally, Sept. 3, 1812.
Harriet, d. Thomas B. and Elizabeth, June 28, 1840.
Harriot, d. Jonathan Jr. [dup. crossed out, omits Jr.] and Hepsibath [dup. crossed out, Hepsibeth], Jan. 18, 1817.
Hattie [? m.], ----[1841]. G.R.1.
Hellen Mariah, d. Gilbert and Sally, July 14, 1837. [Helen Maria, ch. Gilbert and Sally (Seavey), G.R.1.]
Henry, s. Timothy and Mary, Jan. 10, 1793.
Henry C. Jr., s. Henry C. and Eliza J., May 30, 1839.
Hepsebath, d. Isaac and Martha, June 8, 1729. [Hephzibah, C.R.1.]
Hepsibeth [----], w. Jonathan, ----[1796]. G.R.4.
Holley, s. Timothy and Mary, Mar. 21, 1801.
Horace, ----[1785]. G.R.4.
Horace, s. Jonathan Jr. and Hepsibeth, Nov. 29, 1814.
Ira, s. Abner and Calley, Dec. 9, 1809.
Isaac, s. Benoni and Mary, Dec. 15, 1733.
Ithamar, s. Timothy and Mary, Oct. 30, 1784.
Ithamor, s. Elezer and Bathshabe, May 5, 1754. [Ithamar, s. Eleazer, C.R.1.]
James, s. Elisha and Sarah, Oct. 14, 1780.
James, s. Elijah W., farmer, and Lavina, Oct. 29, 1846.
James F., s. Thomas, laborer, and Elizabeth, Oct. ----, 1844.
James Goulding, s. Lt. Lemuel and Usera, Feb. 24, 1824.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Jemima, May 25, 1781. [[h. Hepsibeth] G.R.4.]
Laura, d. Jonathan and Hepzibah [Hepsibeth, G.R.4.], Sept. 19, 1829.
Lemuel, s. Jonathan and Jemima, June 5, 1788.
Lemuel Florus, s. Lemuel and Usera, Feb. 7, 1819.
Lemuel Florus, s. Lt. Lemuel and Usera, Jan. 23, 1821.
Levi, s. Jesse and Thankfull, Oct. 23, 1773.
Levinia, d. Titus and Anna, Feb. 23, 1780.
Loes, d. Asa and Ruth, Jan. 31, 1760. [Lois, C.R.1.]
Loisa, d. Moses and Ruth, Jan. 25, 1807. [Louisa [w. Amasa Foristall], G.R.15.]
Lowel, s. Phenihas and Patience, July 31, 1896 [sic. 1796].
Lucius Thayer, s. Lemuel and Usera, Jan. 23, 1814.
Luther, s. Jonathan and Jemima, Jan. 22, 1784.
Lydia [? m], ---- [1784]. G.R.6.
Lydia, d. Elijah W., farmer, and Lavina, Apr. 21, 1844.
Maria, d. Lucius T. and Ann M., May 11, 1849.
Mary, d. Benoni and Mary, Nov. 25, 1730.
Mary, d. Asa and Ruth, Sept. 2, 1750.
Mary E., d. Lucius T. and Ann M., Mar. 5, 1847.
Mary Ellen, d. Gilbert and Sally, Nov. 5, 1841.
Mary Homes, d. James and Lydia, Mar. 25, 1810.
Mary P., d. Timothy and Mary, Sept. 16, 1802.
Milton Erastus, s. George, farmer, and Susan, Jan. 13, 1849.
Mimme, d. Jonathan and Jemima, Oct. 19, 1797.
Miranda, d. Moses and Ruth, Feb. 6, 1812.
More, s. Jonathan and Jemima, Sept. 23, 1799.
Moses, s. Moses and Deborah, Feb. 27, 1720-1.
Moses, s. Asa, bp. Oct. 22, 1769. C.R.1.
Moses [h. Ruth], ----[1781]. G.R.6.
Moses, s. Jonathan and Jermima, Aug. 26, 1795.
Moses Ames, s. Lemuel and Usera, Apr. 27, 1817. [[h. Mary Ann (Woolford)] G.R.7.]
Nancy, w. Timothy Rockwood, Apr. 3, 1788. G.R.1.
Nancy, d. Jonathan and Jemima, Feb. 21, 1791.
Nancy, d. Jotham and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1803.
Nancy Watkins, d. Moses and Ruth, Apr. 18, 1810.
Newall, s. Stephen and Catharine, May 8, 1811.
Olive, d. Timothy and Mary, June 8, 1786.
Olive, d. Timothy and Mary, July 13, 1788. [w. Ezra Brown, G.R.7.]
Pamelia James, d. Lucius T., yeoman, and Ann Maria, Nov. 2, 1843.
Parker Thayer, s. Lucius T. and Ann Maria, Nov. 14, 1840.
Patience, d. Barzillia and Polly, Aug. 16, 1810.
Persis [----], mother of ----, ---- 1788. G.R.7.
Philemon, s. Eleazer, bp. Jan. 1, 1760. C.R.1.
Resigned, d. Jesse and Thankful, May 14, 1780.
Rhoda, d. Timothy and Mary, Oct. 8, 1794.
Rhoda, d. Barzillia and Polly, Mar. 29, 1815, in Medway.
Roxanna, d. Jonathan and Hepzibah, Feb. 19, 1821.
Ruth, d. Asa and Ruth, June 19, 1757.
Sally, d. James and Lydia, June 23, 1812.
Sarah, d. Benoni and Mary, Mar. 6, 1735-6.
Sarah Elizabeth, ch. Thomas B. and w., bp. Feb. 9, 1840. C.R.1.
Sarah Lovina, d. Elijah W. and Sarah B., July 12, 1841.
Sarah T. [----] w. Lemuel, ----[1784]. G.R.1.
Sarah V., w. Rufas Davis [July ----, 1825]. G.R.1.
Serah Vesta Creusa, d. Lemual and Usera, Apr. 8, 1815.
Silas, s. Asa, bp. Apr. 17, 1763. C.R.1.
Silence Clark, d. Phinehas and Patience, July 1, 1801.
Susan [----], w. Washington, ----, 1819. G.R.6.
Susan [? m.],----[1820]. G.R.4.
Susan Amelia, d. Asa F., bootmaker, and Jane, Apr. 22, 1848.M
Susan Ann, d. James and Lydia, Sept. 1, 1818.
Sybel, w. John Strickland, ----[1788]. G.R.1.
Tabitha, d. Daniel, bp. Nov. 19, 1738. C.R.1.
Tabitha, Jotham and Sarah, June 11, 1805.
Thankfull, d. Elezer and Bershebe, June 4, 1748. [Thankful, d. Eleazer, C.R.1.]
Thomas B. [Jan. ----, 1799]. G.R.1.
Timothy, s. Eleazer, bp. Sept. 24, 1758. C.R.1.
Timothy, s. Timothy and Mary, Nov. 4, 1790.
Titus, s. Eleazer, bp. Sept. 24, 1758. C.R.1.
Warren, s. Jonathan and Hepzibeth, July 19, 1822.
Washington, s. James and Lydia, Aug. 30, 1814. [[h. Susan] C.R.6.]
Willard, s. Phinehas and Patience, June 27, 1794.
Willard, s. George and Susan, Mar. 17, 1848.
William, s. Ira and Dolly, Dec. 19, 1840.
Zacharias, s. Elezer and Barshabe, June 3, 1750.
ADDAMS (see Adams)
Julia Ann, d. Jonathan and Hepzibah, Nov. 29, 1824.
ALBEE (see Abby, Albey)
Abagail [----] [w. John], Jan. 16, 1752. P.R.28.
Abagail, ch. John and Abagail, Aug. 26, 1772. P.R.28.
Abner, s. Abner and Hepsibeth, Aug. 5, 1814.
Abnor, ch. John and Abagail, May 13, 1788. P.R.28.
Amos Perry, s. Abner and Hepzibeth, Nov. 21, 1811.
Charles E., ----[1831]. C.R.4.
Deborah, ch. John and Abagail, Aug. 25, 1776. P.R.28.
Earl Corbett, s. Earl and Nancy, Aug. 2, 1801.
John [h. Abagail], May 1746. P.R.28.
John, ch. John and Abagail, Dec. 5, 1781. P.R.28.
Mary, ch. John and Abagail, Sept. 3, 1779. P.R.28.
Mary, ch. John and Abagail, Sept. 4, 1785. P.R.28.
Olive, d. Abner and Hepsibeth, Feb. 12, 1820.
Rhoda, ch. John and Abagail, Dec. 3, 1770. P.R.28.
Ruth, ch. John and Abagail, Apr. 17, 1784. P.R.28.
William, ch. John and Abagail, Aug. 11, 1774. P.R.28.
ALBEY (see Abby, Albee)
Benjamin, s. Obadiah, bp. Sept. 6, 1741. C.R.1.
Albert A. (see Albert A. Whittemore).
Henry Martin, s. Andrew and Camilla, Jan. 2, 1833.
ALLEN (see Allin)
Abner, s. Seth and Elisabeth, May 23, 1765.
Amos, s. Seth and Elisabeth, Jan. 23, 1763.
Asa [h. Lizzie C.] [Apr. ----, 1825]. G.R.7.
Cloe, d. Seth and Elisabeth, June 12, 1760.
Daniel, s. Edmond, bp. Nov. 24, 1754. C.R.1.
Do11a, d. Seth and Mary, Apr. 9, 1780.
Dorcas [w. Jonas Gilbert Stone], Apr. 1, 1816, in Franklin. P.R.47.
Ebenezer, s. Seth and Elesebeth, Mar. 19, 1758.
Eliab, s. Edmond, bp. Apr. 17, 1757. C.R.1.
Elidia, d. Seth and Mary, Dec. 11, 1770.
Jonathan, s. Seth and Mary, June 18, 1772.
Lizzie C. [----], w. Asa [Nov. ----, 1838]. G.R.7.
Louisa, d. Samuel and Polley, June 14, 1829. [d. Samuel and Polly (Hosmer), w. ---- Metcalf, G.R.7.]
Milley, d. Ebenezer and Esther, Dec. 28, 1780.
Milton, ---- [1822]. G.R.7.
Nancy, w. ---- Ballow, ----, 1823. G.R.7.
Samuel, s. Seth and Elisabeth, Apr. 17, 1755.
Samuel [h. Polly (Hosmer)], ----, 1785. G.R.7.
Seth, s. Seth and Mary, Mar. 14, 1774.
Susan Augusta [----], [first] w. John, ---- [1831]. G.R.7.
Talitha, d. Seth and Mary, Sept. 23, 1769.
ALLEY (see Ally)
Lauraetta Elizebeth, ch. Nathaniel W. and Jerusha, Aug. 17, 1844, in Walpole. P.R.4.
Nathaniel W. [h. Jerusha (Davenport)], June 18, 1816, in Fairhaven. P.R.4.
ALLIN (see Allen)
John, s. Seth and Mary, Nov. 8, 1778.
ALLY (see Alley)
Frederick W., s. Nathaniel U. (Alley) [and] Jerusha of Hopkinton, Oct. 1, 1846. [Frederick Upham Alley, ch. Nathaniel W. and Jerusha D., P.R.4.]
Eunice, d. Simon and Eunice, Oct. 5, 1780.
John, s. Simon and Eunice, Mar. 11, 1779.
Mary, d. Simon and Eunice, Apr. 11, 1774.
Abigail, d. William, bp. Apr. 25, 1760. C.R.1.
Albert, s. Otis and Betsey, Jan. 4, 1807.
Almira Perry, d. Albert W. and Almira, June 27, 1841.
Joshua, s. William, bp. Apr. 23, 1758. C.R.1.
Mariah Ophelia, d. Albert W. and Almira, Dec. 4, 1838.
Stephen [h. A. Ophelia (Eames)], Dec. 28, 1820. G.R.7.
Theodore E., s. Thomas E., bonnet manufacturer, and Mary B., Dec. 11, 1845. [[h. Mary A. (Eames)] G.R.7.]
Almira, d. Alfred and Betsy, Apr. 5, 1837, in Milford.
Charles Remington, s. Alfred and Betsey, Dec. 11, 1842.
Elizabeth, d. Alfred and Betsey, Feb. 11, 1840.
Silence, d. Alfred, cordwainer, and Betsey, Apr. 6, 1844.
Luman B., s. Thomas, laborer, and Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1847.
Margaret E., d. Thomas, laborer, and Elizabeth, May 25, 1845.
Thomas H. F., s. Thomas, laborer, and Elisabeth, Sept. 22, 1848.
Hannah, w. Hon. Joseph Morse, Feb. 8, 1664. G.R.1.
BACHELDER (see Bachellor, Batchelder)
William Henry, s. William, bp. Aug. 25, 1833. C.R.1. [ch. William S. and Rhoda W., b. ----, 1832, G.R.7.]
BACHELLOR (see Bachelder, Batchelder)
Benjamin Franklin, ch. Benjamin and w., bp. June 16, 1839. C.R.1.
William Nelson, ch. Benjamin and w., bp. June 16, 1839. C.R.1.
Abel H., ----, 1812. G.R.7.
Albert M., ----, 1842. G.R.7.
Albert Monroe, s. Abel H. and Mary, Dec. 11, 1841.
Ede Goulding, w. Clark Travis, Sept. 9, 1803, in Natick. G.R.7.
Ellen Louisa, d. William, blacksmith, and May Louisa, July 2, 1843.
Emily Amelia Ann, d. Abel H. and Mary A., Apr. 16, 1846.
Henry [h. Ann (Eames)], Jan. 31, 1814. G.R.7.
Mary A. [? m], ----, 1819. G.R.7.
Mary Jane Josephine, d. Abel H. and Mary, Mar. 12, 1838.
Sarah Goodridge, d. Rev. William R. and Sarah F., May 7, 1849. [Sarah Goodrich, ch. William R. Jr., C.R.2.]
BAILEY (see Baley)
Charles Fitch, s. Abel and Lydia, Feb. 2, 1834.
Eliphlet, s. Abel and Lydia, Feb. 15, 1825.
Henry S., s. Eliphalet [and] Minerva, Oct. 29, 1847. ["Private in Co H Regt M.V.M.," G.R.7.]
Lydia Caroline, d. Abel and Lydia, Aug. 14, 1836.
Martha Eames, d. Abel and Lydia, Jan. 27, 1823.
Albert H., s. Henry and Lorinda, Mar. 23, 1848. [[h. Emma J. (Wheeler)] G.R.7.]
Ann [----], mother of ----, ----, 1800. G.R.7.
Eleanor [----], w. Richard, ----, 1837. G.R.7.
Henry, ----, 1815. G.R.7.
James, ----[1818]. G.R.2.
James W., s. James, comb maker, and Sarah Ann, Mar. 9, 1848.
John, s. William and Mary Ann of Warren, N.Y., Oct. 2, 1845.
Lorinda [? m.] ---- [1811]. G.R.7.
Martha Anne, d. James and Sarah A., Apr. 9, 1846.
Mary A. [----], w. William, ----, 1822. G.R.7.
Mary Elisabeth, d. William and Mary Ann, Nov. 25, 1846.
Richard [h. Eleanor], ----, 1827. G.R.7.
William [h. Mary A.], ----, 1822. G.R.7.
BALEY (see Bailey)
Francis Edmond, s. Eliphalet, bootmaker, and Minerva, Dec. 3, 1849.
Bathsheba, d. Abraham and Martha, May 27, 1740.
Lois, d. Abraham and Martha, Dec. 16, 1732.
Martha, d. Abraham and Martha, July 24, 1737.
Mary, [twin] d. Abraham and Martha, Aug. 29, 1734.
Sarah, [twin] d. Abraham and Martha, Aug. 29, 1734.
Alice C., w. J. Edwin Lewis, July ----, 1837. G.R.7.
Abbie [----], w. Elias S. [Jan. ----, 1811]. G.R.6.
Elias S. [h. Abbie], ----[1810]. G.R.6.
John, ---- [1798]. G.R.6.
John, s. Elias S., bootmaker, and Abigal, Jan. 11, 1849. [s. Elias and Abbie, G.R.6.]
Eugene L., May 26, 1828. G.R.7.
Hamblet, s. Elisha and Esther, Feb. 22, 1814. [Hamlet [h. Miranda P. (Mellen)], P.R.39.]
Hamlet, ----, 1754. G.R.4.
Miranda P. [----], w. Hamlet, ----[1820]. G.R.7.
Rhoda, ----, 1753. G.R.4.
Susan, w. George H. Newell [Dec. ----, 1810]. G.R.2.
Sarah, w. Hermon Leland, Jan. 15, 1798. G.R.1.
Henry Thurlow, Nov. 19, 1839. G.R.7.
Henry W., ---- [1839]. G.R.7.
Sarah R. [----], w. William O. [Dec. ----, 1823]. G.R.4.
William O. [h. Sarah R.] [June 6, 1816]. G.R.4.
BATCHELDER (see Bachelder, Bachellor)
Adeline M., d. William S., manufacturer, and Rhoda, Nov. 25, 1834.
Albert S., ch. William S. and Rhoda W., ----, 1840. G.R.7.
Angela Adeline, ch. William and Rhoda, bp. Oct. 16, 1831. C.R.1. [ch. William S. and Rhoda W., b. ----, 1831, G.R.7.]
Benjamin F. [h. Lucinda (Daniels)], Nov. 1, 1801. G.R.7.
Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin F. and Lucinda, Dec. 26, 1833.
Betsey F. [----], w. Curtis [Apr. ----, 1813]. G.R.7.
Charles, s. John [J. C., P.R.49.], boot and shoemaker, and Emily, May 18, 1845.
Charles F., s. Curtis, shoemaker, and Betsey F. of N. Bridgewater, May 3, 1846. [[h. Martha A.] G.R.7.]
Ellen Lucinda, d. Benjamin F. and Lucinda, Feb. 21, 1839. [Bachellor, C.R.1.]
Emily, d. John and Emiline [ch. J. C. and Emeline, P.R.49.], Apr. 18, 1837.
Evaline Daniels, d. Benjamin F. and Lucinda, Feb. 23, 1829. [Eveline, C.R.1.] [Eveline D., w. Aaron B. Bennett, G.R.7.]
Francis, s. John [J. C., P.R.49.] and Emeline, Apr. 6, 1847.
George [h. Hannah (Kingsbury)], ----, 1810. G.R.7.
George, s. John [J. C., P.R.49.] and Emeline, Nov. 2, 1833.
Henri, ch. J. C. and Emeline, Oct. 4, 1842. P.R.49.
John Calvin [h. Emeline (Mason)], Mar. 20, 1803, in N.H. P.R.49.
John Mason, s. John [J. C., P.R.49.] and Emeline, Jan. 8, 1832.
Laura A., w. John G. Puffer, Dec. 30, 1830. G.R.1.
Lucretia, w. Timothy Fiske, Dec. ----, 1806. G.R.1.
Lucy [----], w. Nathan [July ----, 1788]. G.R.1.
Maria, d. John [J. C., P.R.49.] and Emeline, Mar. 15, 1830.
Maria, d. John [J.C., P.R. 49.], manufacturer, and Emeline, Jan. 16, 1849.
Maria Adeline [dup. Bachelder], ch. William S. and Rhoda W. [dup. omits W.], bp. Jan. 28, 1837. C.R.1.
Martha A. [----], w. Charles F., ----, 1845. G.R.7.
Mary Jane, d. William S. and Rhoda W., Feb. 5, 1825.
Mary Jane Whiting, d. William and Rhoda, Feb. 26, 1829.
Matilda, d. John [J. C., P.R.49.] and Emeline, Jan. 1, 1840.
Millicent [----], second w. Odlin, ----[1789] G.R.1.
Odlin [h. Huldah], ----[1775]. G.R.1.
Rhoda Ellon [dup. Rhoda Ellen Bachelder], ch. William S. and Rhoda W. [dup. omits W.], bp. Jan. 28, 1837. C.R.1. [ch. William S. and Rhoda W., b. ----, 1836, G.R.7.]
Rhoda W. [----][w. William S.], ----, 1798. G.R.7.
William Nelson, s. Benjamin F. and Lucinda, May 21, 1837.
William S. [h. Rhoda W.], ----, 1800. G.R.7.
William Whiting, s. William and Rhoda, bp. Mar. 30, 1828. C.R.1. [ch. William S. and Rhoda W., b. ----, 1827, G.R.7.]
BATLE (see Battel, Battle)
Anne, d. James and Anne, Sept. 1, 1764. [Anna Battle, C.R.1.]
Joseph, s. James and Anne, Sept. 11, 1762. [Battle, C.R.1]
BATTEL (see Batle, Battle)
Olive, d. James and Anne, June 22, 1757. [Battle, C.R.1.]
BATTLE (see Batle, Battel)
James, s. James and Anne, June 27, 1759.
BEALLS (see Beals)
Hannah C. [----], w. Joseph D., Mar. 5, 1791. G.R.7.
Joseph D. [h. Hannah C.], Dec. 7, 1790. G.R.7.
BEALS (see Bealls)
Nathanael, s. Nathanael and Mary, Aug. 15, 1730. [Nathaniel Beal, s. Nathan, C.R.1.]
BEGALO (see Bigalow, Bigelow, Biglo, Biglow)
Asa, s. Ephraim (Begilo) and Lydia, Jan. 27, 1745-6. [Asaph Biglow, C.R.1.]
Emeline Reynolds, s. William L. and Mary C., May 10, 1837, in Westboro.
Henry T., ----[1815]. G.R.7.
Lewis H., s. William L. and Mary, Apr. 19, 1848. [Lucius H., s. William L. and Mary C., Apr. 18, G.R.6.]
Mary E., d. William L., yeoman, and Mary, Mar. 10, 1846.
Otis H., s. Henry T., shoemaker, and Mary J., May 24, 1845.
William Henry, s. William L. and Mary C., Mar. 18, 1835.
Albert, s. Leonard H., carpenter, and Jerusha, Dec. 11, 1847.
Amanda C., ch. Leonard H. and Hannah J., May 22, 1841. G.R.1.
Asa F. [h. Emily (Bullard)], Jan. 5, 1805. G.R.1.
Clarissa C., w. Lucien Shepherd, ----[1830]. G.R.1.
Edward A., s. Samuel H., carpenter, and Mary J., Apr. 26, 1847.
Edward Luther, s. Luther and Jane T., Oct. 15, 1841.
Edwin A. [ch. Samuel A. and Mercy J.], ----, 1847. G.R.7.
Emma F., d. John W. and Lucy of Framingham, June 23, 1843. [Emma Frances, P.R.30.]
George H. S., s. Leonard H., carpenter, and Hannah J. of Hopkinton, Dec. 25, 1843.
Henry Hudson, s. Luther, carpenter, and Jane T., Sept. 8, 1843.
James N., s. John W. and Lucy, Nov. 29, 1835.
Jane T. [----], w. Luther, June 23, 1817. G.R.7.
Jarvis M., s. Luther, carpenter, and Jane T., Aug. 24, 1846.
John Jr., s. John W. and Lucy, Aug. 22, 1837. [John Willard, P.R.30.]
John W. [h. Lucy (Holman)], Apr. 6, 1807. P.R.30.
Lorinda, w. Abner Fiske, Sept. 11, 1809. G.R.1.
Louisa Jane, d. Luther, carpenter, and Jane I., July 10, 1849.
Lucretia A., d. John W. and Lucy, Feb. 4, 1840. [Lucretia Agusta, P.R.30.]
Lucy Ann, d. John W. and Lucy, Sept. 12, 1833, in Sutton.
Luther [h. Jane T.], Dec. 3, 1810. G.R.7.
Lydia R., d. Samuel A. and Mercy R., June 20, 1839.
Maria Emeline, d. Samuel A., house carpenter, and Mercy, Aug. ----, 1844.
Mercy J. [----], w. Samuel A., ----, 1810. G.R.7.
Mercy J., d. Samuel A. and Mercy J., Oct. 30, 1841.
Samuel A. [h. Mercy J.], ----, 1809. G.R.7.
Samuel A. Jr., s. Samuel A. and Mercy J., May 8, 1837.
Theodore P. [dup. omits P.], s. Leonard H. [dup. omits H.], carpenter, and Hannah J. [dup. Jerusha, omits Hannah], Jan. 28, 1845.
Amory L., ----, 1848. G.R.1.
Augustine Samuel, ----, 1816. G.R.1.
Augustine Samuel, s. A. S., bp. Aug. 31, 1845. C.R.1. [b. ----, 1845, G.R.1.]
Caroline S. [----], w. Charles A., Feb. 4, 1816. G.R.7.
Charles A. [h. Caroline S.], Mar. 4, 1818. G.R.7.
Cyrus W. [h. Sarah A. M.], ----, 1820. G.R.7.
John B., ----, 1828. G.R.1.
John Bishop, ch. Peter, bp. Jan. 22, 1833. C.R.1.
Mary Alice, d. A. S., bp. June 25, 1845. C.R.1.
Mary Ellis, d. Augustine, merchant, and Ophelia, May ----, 1844.
Peter, ----, 1788. G.R.1.
Sally H. [? m.], ----, 1795. G.R.1.
Sarah A. M. [----], w. Cyrus W., ----, 1822. G.R.7.
Aaron B. [h. Eveline D. (Batchelder)], Aug. 22, 1822. G.R.7.
Charles Jr., s. Charles, boot maker, and Julia, Aug. 30, 1848.
Elbridge, s. Benjamin Q. and Mary Eliza, Oct. 2, 1820.
Albert Alonzo, s. Stillman and Susanna, Jan. 29, 1843.
Stillman [Mar. ----, 1808]. G.R.1.
Susannah [----], w. Stillman, Aug. 5, 1808. G.R.1.
BIGALOW (see Begalo, Bigelow, Biglo, Biglow)
Charles, s. Joseph and Ruth, bp. Nov. 12, 1809. C.R.1.
John, ch. Joseph and Ruth, bp. Sept. 15, 1805. C.R.1.
Joseph, ch. Joseph and Ruth, bp. Sept. 15, 1805. C.R.1.
Josiah, ch. Joseph and Ruth, bp. Sept. 15, 1805. C.R.1.
Ruth, ch. Joseph and Ruth, bp. Sept. 15, 1805. C.R.1.
Sally, ch. Joseph and Ruth, bp. Sept. 15, 1805. C.R.1.
BIGELOW (see Begalo, Bigalow, Biglo, Biglow)
E. Everett, Mar. 6, 1846. G.R.7.
George, s. Joseph and Ruth, bp. Nov. 3, 1811. C.R.1.
BIGLO (see Begalo, Bigalow, Bigelow, Biglow)
Abiel, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Apr. 18, 1732. [Biglow, C.R.1.]
Epharaim, s. Joseph and Lydia, Dec. 28, 1757. [Ephraim Biglow, C.R.1.]
Joseph, s. Ephraim and Lydia, May 26, 1730. [Biglow, C.R.1.]
BIGLOW (see Begalo, Bigalow, Bigelow, Biglo)
Amory, s. James and Sophia, Jan. 8, 1813.
Calvin, twin s. Ephraim and Mary, Aug. 10, 1792.
Deborah, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Mar. 16, 1741-2.
Hephzibah, d. Joseph and Lydia, Sept. 24, 1767.
James, s. Ephraim and Mary, Dec. 31, 1784.
John, s. Joseph and Ruth, Jan. 28, 1792.
Joseph, s. Joseph (Biglo) and Lydia, Sept. 17, 1763.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Ruth, May 4, 1794.
Josiah, s. Joseph and Ruth, Oct. 26, 1790.
Lawson, s. Ephraim and Mary, May 11, 1782.
Lydia, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Oct. 22, 1737.
Lydia, twin d. Ephraim and Mary, Aug. 10, 1792.
Lydia, d. Zebulon, bp. Apr. 15, 1770. C.R.1.
BLANCHAR (see Blanchard)
Molly, d. John, bp. Oct. 17, 1773. C.R.1.
BLANCHARD (see Blanchar)
Cina M., w. James F. Simons, ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
Horace [h. Mary Ann], Sept. 11, 1807. G.R.1.
Silas, s. John, bp. Sept. 18, 1774. C.R.1.
Susan [? m.] m.], ----[1799]. G.R.1.
Annah, d. Henry H., boot maker, and Chloe D., Mar. 15, 1849.
BLOCHED (see Blodget, Blodgett)
Hannah, d. ----, bp. Oct. 22, 1749. C.R.1.
BLODGET (see Bloched, Blodgett)
Richard H., s. William, blacksmith, and Sarah, July 2, 1846. ["Mem of Co B 16th Mass Vols," G.R.7.]
BLODGETT (see Bloched, Blodget)
Mary Porter, d. William H., blacksmith, and Sarah H., Dec. 19, 1843.
Mary Sophia, d. W. H. and Mary W., June 19, 1832. G.R.7.
Mary W. [----], w. W. H., May 10, 1812. G.R.7.
May Elmina, d. William H., blacksmith, and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1848.
Sarah H., d. William H. and Sarah H., Mar. 5, 1842.
W. H. [h. Mary W.], Sept. 5, 1812. G.R.7.
Edward W. [h. Sarah M.], ----[1818]. G.R.7.
Sarah M. [----], w. Edward W., ----[1822]. G.R.7.
Erastus E., s. Elias F. and Rhoda B., Sept. 21, 1840.
Francis Lyman, s. Newell and Elvira H., Apr. 22, 1834.
Mary Esther, d. Calvin, carpenter, and Jerusha W., May 29, 1849.
Samuel Curtis, s. Samuel, bp. Oct. 5, 1777. C.R.1.
Ann Jane Holms, d. Nathaniel H. and Sylvia Ann, July 24, 1840.
E. Frank, ----, 1844. G.R.7.
Alfred, July 10, 1811. G.R.5.
Almiry, d. Arial and Elizabeth, Oct. 11, 1803.
Arial [h. Sibbel], July 30, 1772, in Milford. G.R.5.
Ariel, May 24, 1818. G.R.5.
Charles Maynard, s. Maynard and Seignora, Jan. 15, 1819.
Fowler [h. Sarah] [June ----, 1807]. G.R.5.
George Archer, s. Ariel and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1844. G.R.5.
Irene P., d. Mellen C., manufacturer, and Caroline, Aug. 22, 1846.
Jane, d. Mellen C., shoe maker, and Caroline F., Aug. 22, 1846.
John F., s. Mellen C., boot manufacturer, and Caroline, Aug. 2, 1845.
John Fisher, s. Alexander and Mary, Feb. 5, 1803.
John Fisher [h. Mary A. (Ryan)], ----, 1845. G.R.5.
Manard, s. Arial and Sibbel, Jan. 13, 1797.
Nancy [w. Arial], May 15, 1781, in Hopkinton. G.R.5.
Sarah Frances [----], w. Fowler [Feb. ----, 1822]. G.R.5.
Sephrone, d. Alexander and Esther, June 23, 1785.
BRAILEY (see Braley)
Benjamin, s. Ezekiel and Louisa W., Jan. 24, 1820, in Hopkinton.
Ellison, s. Ezekiel (Braley) and Louisa W., July 26, 1810, in Hopkinton.
Esther A., d. Ezekiel and Louisa W., Mar. 19, 1829.
George R., s. Ezekiel and Louisa W., Nov. 17, 1825, in Hopkinton.
Gibbs, s. Ezekiel and Louisa W., May 6, 1806, in Milford.
Harriot N. d. Ezekiel (Braily) and Louisa W., Mar. 27, 1817, in Hopkinton.
Louisa H., d. Ezekiel and Louisa W., Oct. 23, 1814, in Hopkinton.
Philander, s. Ezekiel and Louisa W., Oct. 30, 1812, in Hopkinton.
BRALEY (see Brailey)
Adelia L., d. Gibbs and Lavina, Feb. 16, 1840.
Charles P., s. Gibbs and Lavina, Apr. 15, 1836.
Ellen R., d. Gibbs and Lavina, Oct. 28, 1837.
Elliott, s. Ezekiel and Louisa W., Jan. 28, 1828, in Pelham.
Ellison L., s. Gibbs and Lucina, June 29, 1834.
Francis G., s. Gibbs and Lavina, Mar. 29, 1842.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Elliot, farmer, and Esther, Jan. ----, 1844.
Ellen Maria, d. Lewis and Sarah, July 16, 1833.
Emeline [----], w. Reuben, Nov. 26, 1795. G.R.7.
Reuben [h. Emeline], May 23, 1797. G.R.7.
Thomas Eugene, s. Lewis and Sarah, June 29, 1831.
Mary Ann, d. Daniel and Olive, Apr. 12, 1825.
Aaron Eames, s. Alpheus and Susanna, Feb. 17, 1823.
Adaline, d. Ziba and Betsey, Jan. 29, 1803.
Addaline, d. Appleton and Almirah, Dec. 29, 1823.
Alpheus, s. Hachaliah and Elisabeth, Dec. 23, 1785.
Alpheus, s. Appleton and Almira, Sept. 27, 1825.
Amos, s. Nathan and Julie [Julia, P.R.9], June 28, 1799.
Ann Mariah, ch. Amos and Sally, Sept. 18, 1827. P.R.9.
Appleton, s. Calvan and Achsah, Nov. 25, 1802. [h. Almira (Holbrook)] G.R.7.]
Appleton, ----, 1835. G.R.7.
Baxter, [twin] ch. Timothy Parker and Millia, Mar. 31, 1793. P.R.9.
Benjamin [h. Esther (Parker)], Apr. 27, 1740. P.R.9.
Benjamin, s. Nathan and Julie, May 7, 1802. [[h. Elizabeth] G.R.7.
- ] [s. Nathan and Julia [h. Elizabeth Cutler (Mellen)], P.R.9.]
Benjamin A., "Capt of Co F 16th Regt Mass Vols.," ----, 1828. G.R.7.
- [Benjamin Albert, May 5, P.R.9.]
Betsey, d. Ziba and Betsey, Sept. 22, 1804.
Betty, d. Hachaliah [Hackeliah, C.R.1.] and Elisabeth, June 23, 1770.
Calvin, s. Hachaliah and Elisabeth, Oct. 29, 1783.
Charles Lyman, s. Lyman and Harriot, Dec. 24, 1833. [ch. Lyman and Harriett, Dec. 24, 1834, P.R.9.]
Clarissa Jane, d. Appleton and Almira, May 22, 1830.
Dexter, [twin] ch. Timothy Parker and Millia, Mar. 31, 1793. P.R.9.
Ede, d. Hachaliah and Elisabeth, Jan. 18, 1777. [Eda, d. Hacheliah, C.R.1.]
Elijah, s. Hachaliah and Elisabeth, Apr. 15, 1775.
Elizabeth [----], w. Benjamin, ----, 1807. G.R.7.
Emeline Augusta, d. Appleton and Almira, July 15, 1842.
Emeline C., ch. Amos and Emeline, Jan. 6, 1849. P.R.9.
Emerline, d. Calvin and Achsah, Jan. 31, 1806.
Esther, ch. Timothy Parker and Millia, Feb. 8, 1790. P.R.9.
Esther Johnson, ch. Amos and Sally, June 26, 1833. P.R.9.
Everett Webster, s. Lyman, farmer, and Harriett, Sept. 16, 1849. [Sept. 10, P.R.9.]
Hadassah, ch. Timothy Parker and Millia, Dec. 1, 1802. P.R.9.
Harriett Frances, ch. Baxter and Oril, July 31, 1824. P.R.9.
Hastings, s. Martin and Urana, Oct. 7, 1802.
Hiram, s. Ziba and Betsey, Apr. 29, 1801.
Jemima, d. Hachaliah [Hackeliah, C.R.1.] and Elisabeth, Dec. 30, 1768.
Joann Holbrook, d. Appleton and Almira, Jan. 13, 1828.
Jonathan, s. Hacheliah and Elisabeth, May 15, 1767.
Josephine Rosellah, ch. Amos and Sally, July 23, 1829. P.R.9.
Julia Caroline, ch. Amos and Sally, Apr. 16, 1826. P.R.9.
Keys Johnson, s. Nathan and Juley, Feb. 5, 1805. [Kies J., G.R.6.] [Kies J., s. Nathan and Julia, P.R.9.]
Lorenzo, s. Calvin and Achsah, July 26, 1808.
Luther, s. Hachaliah [Hackeliah, C.R.1.] and Elisabeth, Mar. 20, 1782.
Lymon, s. Nathan and Nabby, May 24, 1811. [Lyman, P.R.9. P.R.18.]
Martin, s. Benjamin and Esther, Jan. 27, 1779.
Martin Rockwood, s. James and Joanna, Dec. 14, 1826.
Mary Ann, d. Appleton and Almira, May 4, 1832.
Mary Elizabeth [ch. Benjamin and Elizabeth C.], Sept. 29, 1826. P.R.9.
Mary Wheaton, d. Nathan and Nabby, July 7, 1817.
Meranda Ruth, d. Appleton and Almira, Sept. 5, 1838.
Milla, d. Hackaliah and Elisabeth, July 29, 1765. [Melle, C.R.1.]
Miranda (see Meranda Ruth).
Nabby S. [----], w. Nathan [Oct. ----, 1781]. G.R.1. [Oct. 31, 1781, P.R.18.]
Nathan, s. Benjamin and Esther, Nov. 26, 1772.
Oril Jane, ch. Baxter and Oril, Dec. 14, 1829. P.R.9.
Ruth, d. Hachaliah and Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1773.
Sally, ch. Timothy Parker and Millia, June 13, 1791. P.R.9.
Samson, s. Hachaliah [Hackaliah, C.R.1.] and Elisabeth, Feb. 12, 1772.
Sarah, d. Benjamin and Esther, May 6, 1768.
Sarah, d. Hachaliah and Elisabeth, Dec. 9, 1787.
Sarah, d. Capt. Alpheus and Susanne, Apr. 14, 1825.
Sarah L., ch. Amos and Sally, Apr. 30, 1833. P.R.9.
Timothy Parker, s. Benjamin and Esther, Oct. 8, 1765.
Uraner, d. Hachaliah and Elisabeth, Apr. 4, 1780. [Urinah, d. Hackeliah, C.R.1.]
Willard, s. Calvin and Achsah, Sept. 7, 1804.
Ziba, s. Hachhaliah [Hackeliah, C.R.1.] and Elisabeth, Nov. 11, 1778.
Alma Hill, d. Aaron and Solinda, Jan. 2, 1849.
Daniel S., s. Aaron and Solinda, Apr. 18, 1841, in Vienna, N.Y.
Daniel S., s. Aaron and Salinda S., ----, 1845. G.R.2.
Delia A., s. [sic] Aaron and Solinda, Sept. 17, 1838, in Vienna, N.Y. [second w. Asa Allen, G.R.7.]
George W., Nov. 9, 1833. G.R.7.
Martha M., d. Aaron, shoe maker, and Solinda of Marlboro, Aug. 10, 1845.
Salinda S. [w. Aaron], ----[1812]. G.R.2.
Sarah [----], w. Aaron, ----[1819]. G.R.2.
Lawson B., Feb. 14, 1824. G.R.7.
Alvan, May 12, 1812. G.R.7.
Thomas, June 1, 1807. G.R.7.
BROWN (see Browne)
Betsy, d. Ezra and Olive, July 28, 1812. [Betsey A., w. Sewell G. Burnap, G.R.7.]
Emily, w. Nicanor Pierce, ----[1805]. G.R.1.
Emily M., d. Amos and Mary Ann, Dec. 6, 1847.
George E., s. Amos, boot maker, and Mary Ann, Nov. 19, 1845.
Henery, s. Joseph and Lydia, Aug. 3, 1760. [Henry, C.R.1.]
Joseph, s. Joseph and Lydia, Jan. 31, 1763.
Katharine, d. Joseph and Lydia, July 29, 1768. [Catherine, C.R.1.]
Katherine, d. Joseph and Hephzibah, Apr. 9, 1737. [Catherine, C.R.1.]
Lydia, d. Joseph and Hephzibeth, Aug. 29, 1734.
Lydia, d. Joseph and Lydia, Jan. 24, 1766.
Margaret, w. Archibald Robinson, ----, 1833. G.R.7.
Mary, d. Joseph [Joseph Jr., C.R.1.] and Lydia, Oct. 10, 1757.
Walter Cutler, s. James O., bootmaker, and Nancy G., Sept. 8, 1849.
BROWNE (see Brown)
Amos, s. Ezra and Rhoda, Jan. 10, 1783.
Betsey, d. Ezra and Rhoda, Mar. 2, 1785.
Emily, d. Ezra and Rhoda, Sept. 14, 1796.
Ezra, s. Ezra and Rhoda, July 2, 1790. [Brown [h. Olive (Adams)], G.R.7.]
Joseph, s. Joseph and Kackteren [sic], Feb. 23, 1733. [Brown, C.R.1.]
Martin, s. Ezra and Rhoda, June 26, 1792.
Jedediah [h. Miriam], Dec. 21, 1799. G.R.2.
Miriam [----], w. Jedediah, July 27, 1803. G.R.2.
Aaron, s. Asa and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1757.
Aaron, s. Samuel and Lydia, June 7, 1770.
Aaron, s. Samuel, bp. June 30, 1771. C.R.1.
Abijah, s. Elijah and Mileah, June 2, 1775.
Adaline, d. Titus and Esther, May 4, 1810.
Albert Wheeler, ch. Henry and Bethia S., July 27, 1846. P.R.40.
Alice Rebecca, ch. Henry and Bethia S., Mar. 29, 1844. P.R.40.
Alma, d. Haziah and Keziah, Aug. 7, 1803.
Alphaus, s. Walter and Charlotte, Mar. 19, 1790.
Amos, s. Asa and Hannah, Aug. 23, 1778.
Aner, s. Isaac and Lois, bp. Oct. 23, 1814. C.R.1.
Angeline, d. Henry 2d and Unice, Feb. 18, 1818.
Anne, d. Isaac and Bulah, May 27, 1747. [Ann, C.R.1.]
Anne, d. Isaac and Bulah, Feb. 19, 1752. [Anna, C.R.1.]
Appleton, Mar. 16, 1804. G.R.7.
Artemas, s. Asa and Hannah, Dec. 8, 1768.
Asa, s. Benjamin and Judith, July 10, 1730.
Asa, s. Asa and Hannah, Mar. 6, 1755.
Asa, s. Haziah and Keziah, June 18, 1807.
Bengamin Harvey, s. Asa and Luisa, Oct. 25, 1835.
Benjamin, s. Eleazer and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1764.
Benjamin, s. Asa and Hannah, Aug. 9, 1776.
Benjamin, s. Haziah and Keziah, July 14, 1805.
Benjamin, s. Walter and Charlotte, Apr. 28, 1806.
Betty, d. Elijah and Milcah, Mar. 3, 1777.
Catherine Louisa, d. Nathan and Rhoda, Jan. 30, 1839.
Charles, s. Eleazer and Patty, July 31, 1795.
Charles, ch. Eleazer and Patty, bp. Oct. 17, 1802. C.R.1.
Charlotte, d. Walter and Charlotte, May 21, 1801.
Clarissa Ann, d. Joseph and Sarah, Mar. 31, 1843.
Comfort, d. Seth and Sarah, Mar. 3, 1750-1.
Daniel, s. Benjamin [Benjamin Jr., C.R.1.] and Judeth, June 1, 1739.
Daniel, s. Nathan and Bathshebah, Mar. 13, 1777.
David, s. Benjamin and Judeth, Aug. 11, 1741.
Deborah, d. Samuel and Debrah, Nov. 23, 1747.
Dinah, d. Benjamin, bp. Aug. 30, 1752. C.R.1.
Ebenezer, s. Seth and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1737.
Edmond Appleton, s. Appleton and Hepsibeth [Hepsibah L., G.R.7.
- ], Mar. 27, 1841.
Edwin Pond, s. Hartwell and Elvira, Aug. 25, 1832. [Edward Pond, C.R.1.]
Ehezia, s. Asa and Hannah, Nov. 25, 1770.
Elbridge Harding, s. Appleton. and Hepsibah, Feb. 17, 1836.
Eleazer (see Eliezar).
Eleazer, s. Isaac and Beulah, Dec. 7, 1764.
Eleazer, s. Eleazer and Hannah, Feb. 12, 1767.
Eleazer, s. Eleazer and Patty, Mar. 26, 1812. [Eleazar, s. Eleazar and Patty B., C.R.1.]
Eli, s. Asa and Hannah, May 7, 1767.
Eli, s. Walter and Charlotte, Apr. 12, 1788.
Eliezar, s. Benjamin and Judith, Mar. 11, 1737. [Eleazer, C.R.1.]
Elijah, s. Elezer and Hannah, May 17, 1762.
Elizabeth Howe, d. Joel and Lucretia, Oct. 2, 1813. [Elizebeth Howe, C.R.1.]
Ellen Eliza, d. Henry, farmer, and Bethia S., Dec. 8, 1849.
Ellen W., d. Jonathan, shoe maker, and Angeline B., Mar. 23, 1846.
Elmira A., w. S. Morse Cutler, Sept. 16, 1822. G.R.7.
Emely, d. Nathan and Sukey, Dec. 10, 1807. [Emily, w. Asa F. Bellows, G.R.1.]
Estes, s. Zadok and Betsy, Dec. 7, 1812.
Esther, d. Joel and Lucretia, Jan. 15, 1804.
Esther, ch. Joel and Lucretia, bp. Sept. 29, 1811. C.R.1.
Esther Amelia, d. Capt. Samuel and Esther H. Sept. 8, 1833.
Ethan, s. Isaac and Lois (Mellen) of Medway, bp. May 24, 1812. C.R.1.
Ezekel, s. Benjmain and Judath, Mar. 3, 1748-9. [Ezekiel, s. Benjamin, C.R.1.]
Ezekiel, s. Nathan and Bathshebah, Feb. 24, 1774.
Francis Hartwell, s. Hartwell and Elvira, Aug. 1, 1830.
Francis Hartwell, s. Hartwell and Alvira, bp. Oct. 2, 1831. C.R.1.
George, s. Jonathan and Polley, May 14, 1824.
George Walton, s. Joseph and Sarah, May 24, 1841.
George Wilkins, s. Jonathan and Polly, Dec. 1, 1827.
George Wilkins, s. Jonathan and Mary, bp. June 12, 1831. C.R.1.
Hannah, d. Asa and Hannah, May 6, 1764.
Hannah, d. Haziah and Kezia, Sept. 9, 1809.
Harriet, d. Joel and Lucretia, July 11, 1797.
Harriet, ch. Joel and Lucretia, bp. Sept. 29, 1811. C.R.1.
Harriet, d. Eli and Mercy, May 19, 1816.
Harriett Cornelia, d. Samuel M. and Harriet A., Aug. 21, 1842.
Harriot, d. Jonathan and Polley, Apr. 19, 1820.
Hellen M., d. Alpheus, shoe maker, and Sarah E., July 2, 1845.
Henry, s. Eleazer and Jemima, Mar. 6, 1791.
Henry, ch. Eleazer and Patty, bp. Oct. 17, 1802. C.R.1.
Henry, s. Henry and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1803.
Henry, s. Titus and Esther, July 13, 1815.
Henry Elias, s. Appleton, carpenter, and Hepzibah, Aug. 18, 1847.
Huldah, d. Nathan and Bathsheba, Feb. 28, 1772.
Huldah, d. Nathan and Bathsheba, July 12, 1781.
Huldah, d. Daniel and Ruth, Feb. 4, 1807.
Irena, d. Walter and Charlotte, Sept. 8, 1808.
Isaac, s. Isaac and Sarah, Oct. 9, 1726.
Isaac, s. Isaac and Beulah, Dec. 8, 1754.
Isaac, s. Joel and Lucretia, Feb. 8, 1808.
Isaac, ch. Joel and Lucretia, bp. Sept. 29, 1811. C.R.1.
Jasper, s. Walter and Charlotte, July 7, 1794.
Jemima, d. Eliazer and Patty, Sept. 10, 1804. [Jamima, d. Eleazer and Patty, C.R.1.]
Joanna, d. Henry and Rebekah, Mar. 21, 1792.
Joanna, d. Titus and Esther, Nov. 4, 1812.
Joel, s. Elezer and Hannah, May 24, 1760.
Joel, s. Isaac and Beulah, Apr. 10, 1771.
Joel, s. Joel and Lucretia, Mar. 21, 1806.
Joel, ch. Joel and Lucretia, bp. Sept. 29, 1811. C.R.1.
John, s. Eleazer and Patty, Sept. 13, 1808.
John Anson, s. Titus and Esther, Oct. 31, 1822.
Jonathan, s. Asa and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1781.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Polly, Aug. 26, 1816.
Joseph, twin s. Samuel and Lydia, May 11, 1773.
Joseph, s. Asa and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1786.
Joseph, s. Eleazer and w., bp. Oct. 15, 1816. C.R.1.
Josephine Daniels, ch. Elias Esq. and w., bp. Sept. 6, 1840. C.R.1.
Joshua, s. Asa and Hannah, June 28, 1759.
Josiah, s. Eleazer and Patty, Nov. 8, 1809.
Jotham, twin s. Samuel [Samuel Jr., C.R.1.] and Lydia, May 11, 1773.
Judath, d. Asa and Hannah, June 24, 1761.
Judith, d. Benjamin and Judith, Aug. 20, 173[2].
Juliann, d. Jonathan and Polly, July 23, 1812.
Lavina Maria, d. Appleton and Hepzibath [Hepsibah L., G.R.7.
- ], Mar. 7, 1834.
Levi, s. Joel and Lucretia, Oct. 23, 1799.
Levi, ch. Joel and Lucretia, bp. Sept. 29, 1811. C.R.1.
Lewis Henry, ch. Henry and Bethia S., Nov. 8, 1841. P.R.40.
Lucretia, d. Joel and Lucretia, Sept. 14, 1810.
Lucretia, ch. Joel and Lucretia, bp. Sept. 29, 1811. C.R.1.
Luke, s. Eleazer and Patty, Apr. 24, 1802.
Lydia, d. Benjamin and Judith, Sept. 3, 1728.
Lydia, d. Asa and Hannah, Dec. 11, 1772.
Lydia, d. Nathan and Bathsheba, Mar. 21, 1779.
Lyman, s. Joel and Lucretia, Nov. 30, 1801.
Lyman, ch. Joel and Lucretia, bp. Sept. 29, 1811. C.R.1.
Mari [dup. crossed out, Mary], d. Daniel and Ruth, Aug. 23, 1804.
Maria Luisa, d. Asa and Luisa, Apr. 12, 1831.
Martha, d. Isaac and Bulah, Oct. 5, 1757.
Martha, d. Eleazer and Patty, July 21, 1814.
Martha Sophia, d. Asa and Luisa, Mar. 31, 1834.
Martin, s. Elijah and Mileah, Sept. 13, 1782.
Mary, d. Benjamin and Judith, June 5, 1744.
Mary, d. Seth and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1745-6.
Mary, d. Isaac and Bulah, June 24, 1767.
Mary (see Mari).
Mary, d. Walter and Charlotte, Aug. 15, 1814.
Mary, d. Jonathan and Polly [dup. crossed out, Polley], Oct. 6, 1817.
Mary Ann, ch. Henry and Eunice, bp. Apr. 2, 1820. C.R.1.
Mary Helen, ch. Elias Esq. and w., bp. Sept. 6, 1840. C.R.1.
Massena, s. Walter Jr. and Hannah, May 10, 1825.
Meranday, d. Walter and Charlotte, Dec. 28, 1798.
Moses, s. Henry and Rebeckah, Sept. 20, 1779.
Nancy, d. Walter and Charlottee, June 30, 1796.
Nancy Jemima, ch. Henry and w., bp. May 27, 1821. C.R.1.
Nathan, s. Benjamin, bp. June 1, 1746. C.R.1.
Nathan, s. Nathan and Bathsheba, Aug. 21, 1785.
Nelson, s. Henry 2d and Eunice, Feb. 4, 1817.
Nelson, ch. Henry and Eunice, bp. Apr. 2, 1820. C.R.1.
Olive, d. Isaac and Bulah, July 10, 1761.
Olive, d. Asa and Hannah, June 16, 1774.
Otis Brigham, twin s. Samuel and Persis, Aug. 18, 1815.
Parker, s. Eleazer and Patty, Dec. 6, 1806.
Persis Bailey, twin d. Samuel and Persis, Aug. 18, 1815.
Peter Parker, s. Eleazer and Patty, bp. Mar. 15, 1807. C.R.1.
Phebe, d. Nathan and Bathshaba, Apr. 2, 1770.
Polly, d. Asa and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1783.
Rebeckah, d. Henry and Rebeckah, Aug. 22, 1777.
Rebeckah, d. Titus and Esther, Oct. 4, 1819.
Ruth, d. Eleazer and Patty, Aug. 11, 1798.
Ruthy, ch. Eleazer.and Patty, bp. Oct. 17, 1802. C.R.1.
Sally, d. Eli and Mercy, Mar. 28, 1814.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Deborah, Sept. 5, 1742.
Samuel, s. Samuel, bp. Oct. 9, 1743. C.R.1.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Lydia, Nov. 12, 1777.
Samuel, s. Johnson, teamster, and Joanna, July 9, 1847.
Samuel Hill, s. Capt. Samuel and Esther, Dec. 29, 1830.
Sarah, d. Seth and Sarah, Apr. 1, 1742.
Tabitha, d. Benjaman [Benjamin, C.R.1.] and Judith, Feb. 8, 1734-5.
Titus, s. Henry and Rebeccah, Mar. 15, 1783.
Walter, s. Asa and Hannah, Sept. 26, 1765.
Walter Jr., s. Walter and Charlotte, July 17, 1803.
Zevina, s. Walter and Charlotte, Apr. 4, 1792.
Anne Maria, d. Lewis and Mary Anne, Jan. 25, 1839.
David, s. David, bp. Mar. 11, 1732-3. C.R.1.
Ebenezer, s. David, bp. May 19, 1734. C.R.1.
Joshua, s. David, bp. Nov. 15, 1741. C.R.1.
Daniel Emerson, s. John and Mary, Mar. 3, 1778.
John, s. John and Mary, Feb. 25, 1776.
Josiah, s. John and Mary, Apr. 28, 1774.
Josiah, s. John, bp. Oct. 22, 1775. C.R.1.
Lydia, d. Samuel, bp. Mar. 20, 1774. C.R.1.
Lydia, d. Samuel, bp. Oct. 18, 1778. C.R.1.
Samuel, s. John and Mary, May 1, 1783.
Sullivan, s. Samuel and Eunice, Oct. 8, 1776.
John [Oct. ----, 1799]. G.R.2.
Margaret B. [----], w. Richard A., ----, 1819. G.R.1.
Richard A. [h. Margaret B.], ----, 1818. G.R.1.
Charles B., s. Sewall G. and Betsey A., May 22, 1835.
Charles Brown, s. Dr. Burnap and w., bp. Apr. 7, 1842. C.R.1.
Charles C. P., ----, 1812. G.R.7.
Lydia [? m.], ----[1785]. G.R.1.
Mary, w. Col. William Rockwood [Mar. ----, 1781]. G.R.1.
Sewell G. [h. Betsey A. (Brown)], ----, 1802. G.R.7.
Melissa P. [----], w. Walter, June 9, 1843. G.R.7.
Angeline, w. Jonathan Bullard, June 3, 1820. G.R.7.
Ella Francilla, d. John M. and Mary M., Sept. 20, 1849.
Hannah [----], w. Silas, Sept. 5, 1827. G.R.7.
Mary Elisabeth, d. Silas and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1849.
Silas [h. Hannah], Sept. 16, 1819. G.R.7.
Eliza Ann, d. John M. and Electa, Aug. 19, 1831.
Mary A., d. William and Mary A., ----[1836]. G.R.1.
Zeriah [----], w. Edmond, ----[1777]. G.R.1.