Hingham, Plymouth Co., MA
Daniel Cushing's Record of Early Settlers
Extracted from
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Vol 15, p 25 - 28
Jan 1861
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

Daniel CUSHING of Hingham, one of the founders of New England, left the following record of Norfolk emigrants. Mr. Cushing, we are told, in the excellent Address by Solomon LINCOLN, Esq., on the two hundredth anniversary of the settlement of Hingham, "was conspicuous in the annals of that town, in various public offices, especially in those of Town Clerk and a Magistrate." He left among his papers an acount of those emigrants, which is appended to Mr. LINCOLN's address. It had not before been printed. It was thought the propriety of admitting it here would not be questiond, and the Author of the Address being applied to, kindly allowed it to be added to the other lists in this work.
"A list of the names of such personts as came out of the town of Hingham, and Towns adjacent in the County of Norfolk, in the Kingdom of England, into New England, and settled in Hingham, in New England, most of them as followeth: ---"
1633, Imprimis, in the year of our Lord God 1633, Theophilus CUSHING came from Hingham in Norfolk, and lived several years at Mr. HAINS's (HAYNE's) farm and many years before he dyed he lived at Hingham, in New England, and there he dyed, being about 100 years old, and was blind about 25 years of the said time. (1)
1633, Edmond HOBART, senior, came from said Hingham, with his wife & his son Joshua & his daughters Rebekah & Sarah & their servant Henry GIBBS, into New England, & settled first at Charlestown and after, the said Edmond HOBART & his son Joshua & Henry GIBBS settled in this Town of Hingham (3)
Also Ralph SMITH came from Old Hingham & lived in this town. (1)
1633, Also Nicholas JACOB with his wife & two children, and thier cosen Thomas LINCOLN, weaver, came from Old Hingham, and settled in this Hingham (4 / 1)
1633, Also Thomas HOBART came from Windham, with his wife & 3 children, & settled in Hingham.
1634, Thomas CHUBBUCK & his wife came & settled in this Hingham (2)
1635, Mr. Peter HOBART, Minister of the Gospell, with his wife & 4 children, came into New England & settled in this town of Hingham, & was Pastor of the Church -- years. (6)
1635, Mr. Anthony COOPER, with his wife, 4 sons, 4 daughters & 4 servants, came from Old Hingham, and settled in New Hingham (14)
1635, John FARROW & his wife & child came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (3)
1635, William LARGE & his wife came & settled in New Hingham (2)
Also George LUDKNI, his wife & son (3)
1637, John TOWER & Samuel LINCOLN came from Old Hingham & both settled in New Hingham, Samuel LINCOLN living some time at Salem (2)
1638, Mr. Robert PECK, preacher of the Gospell in the Town of Hingham, in the County of Norfolk, in Old England, with his wife & 2 children & 2 servants came over the sea, & settled in this Town of Hingham, and he was teacher of the Church (6)
1638, Mr. Joseph PECK & his wife with 3 sons & daughter, & 2 men servants & 3 maid servants, came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (10)
1638, Edward GILLMAN, with his wife, 3 sons & two daughters & 3 servants, c&sih (8)
1638, John FOULSHAM & his wife & 2 servants, came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (4)
1638, Henry CHAMBERLIN shoe maker, his wife & his mother & 2 children came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (5)
1638, Steven GATES, his wife & 2 children came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (4)
1638, George KNIGHTS, his wife & child came from Barrow & settled in New Hingham (3)
1638, Thomas COOPER, his wife, 2 children & 2 servants & 2 other persons, viz: John TUFTS & Robert SKOULING, came from Old Hingham & thereabout, & settled in New Hingham (8)
1638, Mathew CUSHING, his wife, 4 sons & 1 daughter, and his wife's sister Frances RICROFT, widow, came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (8)
1638, John BEALE, shoemaker, his wife, 5 sons, 3 daughters, & 2 servants, came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (12)
1638, Elizabeth SAYER & Mary SAYER came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (2)
1638, Francis JAMES, his wife, & 2 servants (to witt) Thomas SUCKLIN & Richard BAXTER, came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (4)
1638, Philip JAMES, his wife, 4 children & 2 servants (viz) William PITTS & Edward MICHELL, came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham. Philip JAMES dyed soon after he came. (8)
1638, James BUCK with his servant John MORFIELD, came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (2)
1638, Also in the same ship that the above named persons came in, came divers other persons out of several towns near to Old Hingham, (viz:) Steven PAINE, his wife, 3 sons, & 4 servants came from Great ELLINGHAM & settled in New Hingham (9)
1638, John SUTTON, his wife, & 4 children came from Atleburraye (Attleboro') & settled in New Hingham (6)
1638, Steven LINCOLN, his wife & his son Steven, came from Windham & settled in New Hingham (3)
1638, Samuel PACKER, his wife & child came from Winham & settled in New Hingham (3)
1638, Thomas LINCOLN & Jeremiah MOORE came from Windham & settled in New Hingham (2)
1638, Mr. Henry SMITH, his wife, 3 sons, 2 daughters, 3 men servants, 2 maid servants & Thomas MAYER came from Ha**en Hall in Norfolk & settled in New Hingham (13)
1638, Mr. Bozone ALLEN, his wife, & 2 servants came from Lynn, in Norfolk, & settled in New Hingham (4)
Also William RIPLY, his wife, & 4 children (6)
1638, Mathew HAWK, his wife, & his servant John FERRING, came from Cambridge in Old England & settled in New Hingham (3)
All the persons above named that came over in the year 1638, were 133, came in one ship called the Diligent of Ipswich; the master was John MARTIN of said Ipswich. All before named that came before were 42 persons. (Total 175 persons). All of them settled in this Town of Hingham.
1639, Edmond PITTS, his wife, & child, and his brother Leonard PITTS & Adam FOULSHAM, came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (5)
Frances RICROFF died in a few weeks after she came; and Mr. Robert Peck, his wife, his son Joseph & his maid went to England again in the year 1641.
1638, William RIPLY, his wife, 2 sons & 2 daughters came from Old Hingham & settled in New Hingham (6)
1635, John SMART, his wife, & 2 sons came out of Norfolk, in Old England, & settled in New Hingham (4)
1637, Henry TUTTIL, his wife, & Isaac WRIGHT came out of Norfolk, & settled in New Hingham (3)
1637, William LUDKIN, the Smith, & his wife, came from Norwich, & settled in New Hingham (2)
1637, From *** in Norfolk came John CUTLER, his wife, 7 children & 1 servant (10)
All the persons that came from Norfolk in Old England in several years (viz:) beginning to come in the year 1633, until the year and in the year 1639, were 206. The most of them came from Old Hingham, and the rest from several other towns thereabout and settled in this town of New Hingham.