Hingham, Plymouth Co., MA, First Settlers Vol 2, July, 1848, pgs. 250 - 252

The names of the first proprietors in Hingham, who drew their house-lots on the 18th Sept., 1635, from the Cove on the north side of the road to Fort hill, viz:--
James CADO
Abraham MARTIN
William NOTTER
William WALTON
William ARNALD
Nicholas JACOB
Edmund HOBART, Sen.
Mr. Peter HOBART
George LANE
George MARSH
Nicholas BAKER
Nath'l BAKER
Andrew LANE
Francis SMITH
Many of the above named persons owned other pieces of land in the year 1635; and some others not mentioned above, viz:--
Richard IBROOK
Nath'l PECK
Clement BATE
Thomas GILL
Names of persons to whom lands were granted by the town between the years 1635 & 1640, including those before named, viz:--
1636 Nicholas LOBDIN
1636 Josiah COOPER
1636 Henry GIBBS
1636 Richard SANGER
1637 Thomas LINCORNE, cooper
1637 Thomas NICKOLS
1638 John STEVENS
1638 Stephen LINCORNE
1638 Jeremy MORSE
1638 Samuel PACKER
1638 Stephen GATES
1636 William BUCKLAND
1636 William HERSYE
1638 Thomas LINCORNE, husbandman
1636 Benjamin BOSWORTH
1637 John CUTTER
1636 William WALKER
1636 Adam MOTT
1636 Thomas HUBBARD
1638 John BEALS
1636 Jonas AUSTIN
1636 Ralph WOODWARD
1636 Jaruce GOULD
1636 Thomas LINCORNE, weaver
1636 Daniel FOXE
1636 Thomas JOHNSON
1636 Clement BATES
1636 George RUSSELL
1636 John FARROW
1636 Thomas LINCOLNE, Miller
1636 William LAYRE
1637 Aaron LUDKIN
1637 Thomas PAYNTER
1637 John LORD
1639 John PRINCE
1638 Robert PECK
1638 Mr. Joseph PECK
1637 Jonathan BOSWORTH
1638 John STODDER
1637 Henry TUTTILL
1637 Thomas CHAFFE
1637 William LUDKIN
1637 John TOWER
1636 William SPRAGUE
1637 Thomas SHAW
1637 Joseph PHIPPENY
1637 Thomas HILL
1637 Thomas BARNS
1637 Ralph SMITH
1638 Mathew CUSHING
1638 Thomas COOPER
1638 Henry CHAMBERLIN, shoemaker
1638 John SUTTON, Sen.
1639 Anthony HILLARD
1637 Thomas DIMOCK
1637 Thomas CLAP
1638 Thomas LAWRENCE
1638 Mr. Henry SMITH
1638 Mathew HAWKE
1638 Francis JAMES
1636 Phillip JAMES
1638 James BUCKE
1638 John FOULSHAM
1638 William RIPLEY
1638 Thomas THAXTER
1638 John THAXTER
1638 Stephen PAYNE
1638 John BENSON
1638 Widow WILDER
1637 Joseph UNDERWOOD
1637 Vincen DRUCE
1638 Bezowne ALLEN
1637 Samuel WARD
1637 Thomas UNDERWOOD
1637 Nicolas HODSDIN
1638 Thomas JOANES
1637 Robert JOANES
1837 Thomas HAMMOND
1639 Edmund PITTS
Names of other persons not before mentioned who had lands granted fetween the years 1640 and 1692,, viz:--
1669 Purthy McFARLIN
1647 Edward BURTON
1647 Widow COLLIER
1663 Moses COLLIER
1680 Samuel STOWELL
1647 Abraham JOSLIN
1656 John GARNET
1647 Thomas HUIT
1680 Nathan FARROW
1682 James BATE
1647 Nath'l BEALS
1657 James WHITON
1646 Stephen PAYNE
1684 Peter BARNS
1645 Mark EAMES
1665 Daniel CUSHING
1664 Mathew CUSHING
1639 Anthony HILLIARD
1655 John SMITH
1655 John RIPLEY
1690 Ephraim WILDER
1647 John LAZELL
The above was copied from a copy of the Rev. Peter HOBART's Journal.
Hingham, Plymouth Co., MA, Daniel CUSHING's Records of Settlers Vol 15, January 1861, pgs. 25 - 26

"A list of the names of such persons as came out of the town of Hingham and Towns adjacent in the County of Norfolk, in the Kingdom of England, into New England, and settled in Hingham, in New England, most of them as followeth:-- -
1633. Imprimis, in the year of our Lord God 1633, Theophilus CUSHING came from Hingham in Norfolk, and lived several years at Mr. HAINS's (HAYNE's) farm and many years before he dyed he lived at Hingham, in New England, and there he dyed, being about 100 years old, and was blind about 25 years of the said time.
1633. Edmond HOBART, senior, came from said Hingham, with is wife and his son Joshua and his daughters Rebekah & Sarah and their servant Henry GIBBS, into New England, and settled first at Charlestown and after, the said Edmond HOBART and his son Joshua and Henry GIBBS settled in this Town of Hingham. Also Ralph SMITH came from Old Hingham and lived in this town.
1633. Also Nicholas JACOB with his wife and two children, and their cosen Thomas LINCOLN, weaver, came from Old Hingham and settled in this Hingham
1633. Also Thomas HOBART came from Windham, with is wife and three children and settled in Hingham.
1634. Thomas CHUBBUCK and his wife came and settled in this Hingham
1635. Mr. Peter HOBART, Minister of the Gospell, with his wife and 4 children, came to New England, and settled in this Hingham of Hingham, and was pastor of the Church __ years.
1635. Mr. Anthony COOPER with his wife and 4 sons and 4 daughters and 4 servants, came from Old Hingham, and settled in New Hingham
1635. John FARROW and his wife & child came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham
1635. William LARGE & hwf came and settled in New Hingham. Also George LUDKIN his wife and son.
1637. John TOWER and Samuel LINCOLN came from Old Hingham and both settled in New Hingham. Samuel LINCOLN living some time at Salem.
1638. Mr. Robert PECK preacher of the Gospell in the Town of Hingham, in the county of Norfolk, in Old England, with his wife and 2 children and two servants came over the sea and sittoh, and he was teacher of the Church.
1638. Mr. Joseph PECK and his wife with 3 sons and daughter, and 2 men servants and 3 maid servants came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham
1638. Edward GILLMAN, with his wife 3 sons and two daughters and three servants, came & settled in this Town of Hingham
1638. John FOULSHAM and his wife and two servants, came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham
1638. Henry CHAMBERLIN shoe maker his wife and his mother and two children came from Old Hingham and settled at New Hingham
1638. Steven GATES his wife and 2 childrend, came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham
1638. George KNIGHTS his wife and child came from Barrow and settled in New Hingham
1638. Thomas COOPER and his wife and two children and two servants and two other persons (viz:) John TUFTS and Robert SKOULING, came from Old Hingham, and thereabout, and settled in New Hingham
1638 Mathew CUSHING and his wife and 4 sons and one daughter, and his wife's sister Frances RICROFT, widow, came from Old Hingham and settled at New Hingham
1638. John BEALE, shoemaker, with his wife and 5 sons and 3 daughters and 2 servants, came from Old Hingham and settled at New Hingham
1638. Elizabeth SAYER and Mary SAYER came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham
1638. Francis JAMES and his wife and 2 servants (to witt) Thomas SUCKLIN and Richard BAXTER came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham
1638. Philip JAMES his wife and 4 children and two servants (viz) William PITTS & Edward MITCHELL came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham. Philip JAMES dyed soon after he came.
1638. James BUCK and his servant John MORFIELD, came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham
1638. Also in the same ship that the above named persons came in, came divers other persons out of several towns near to Old Hingham, (viz.) Steven PAINE with his wife and 3 sons 4 servants, came from Great ELLINGHAM and settled in New Hingham
1638. John SUTTON and his wife and four children came from Atleburraye, (Attleboro') and settled in New Hingham
1638. Steven LINCOLN and his wife and his son Steven, came from Windham, and settled in New Hingham
1638. Samuel PACKER and his wife and child came from Windham, and settled in New Hingham
1638. Thomas LINCOLN & Jeremiah MOORE came from Windham, and settled in New Hingham
1638. Mr. Henry SMITH and his wife and theree sons and two daughters, and three men servants and 2 maid servants, and Thomas MAYER came from Ha**en Hall in Norfolk and settled in New Hingham
1638. Mr. Bozone ALLEN and his wife and two servants came from Lynn, in Norfolk, and settled in New Hingham
1638. Mathew HAWK and his wife and his servant John FERRING, came from Cambridge in Old England, and settled in New Hingham.
All the persons above named came over in the year 1638, were 133, came in one ship called the DILIGENT of Ipswich; the master was John MARTIN of said Ipswich. All before named that came before were 42 persons [for a total of 175]. All of them settled in this ** Town of Hingham.
1639. Edmond PITTS and his wife and child and his brother Leondard PITTS and Adam FOULSHAM, came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham. Frances RICROFT died a few weeks after she cmae, and Mr. Robert PECK his son Joseph and his maid went to England again in the year 1641
1638. William RIPLY and his wife and 2 sons and two daughters came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham
1635. John SMART and his wife and 2 sons, came out of Norfolk, in Old England, and settled in New Hingham
1637. Henry TUTTIL and his wife, and Isaac WRIGHT, came out of Norfolk, and settled in New Hingham
1637. William LUDKIN, the Smith, and his wife came from Norwich, and settled in New Hingham
1637. From *** in Norfolk came John CUTLER, and his wife 7 children one servant.
All the persons that came from Norfolk in Old England in several years (viz:) beginning to come in the year 1633, until the year and in the year 1639, were 206. The most of them came from Old Hingham, and the rest of them from several other towns thereabout and settled in this town of New Hingham."
Hingham, Plymouth Co., MA, Marriages by Rev. HOBART, 1638-1688 Vol 2, July, 1848, pgs. 252 - 255

Joshua HOBART & Ellen IBROOK at Cambridge, Mar 1638
John TOWER & Margaret IBROOK, Feb 1639
James BATE & Ruth LIFORD, Apr 1642
John SMITH & Sarah WOODMAN, May 1645
Daniel CUSHING & Lydiah GILMAN, Jun 1645
James WHITING & Mary BEAL, Dec 1647
Mathew BRIDGGES & Deborah CUSHING, May 1648
Richard BROWN & Elizabeth MARSH at Weymouth, Nov 1648
John THAXTER & Elizabeth JACOBS, Dec 1648
John LOW & Elizabeth STODDER, Feb 1649
John TUCKER & Widow NORTON, Jun 1649
Samuel STOWELL & Mary FARROW, Oct 1649
John LAZELL & Elizabeth GATES, Nov 1649
Jeremiah BEAL & Sarah RIPLEY at Boston, Nov 1652
Mathew CUSHING & Sarah JACOB, Feb 1653
Joseph JEWELL at Boston & Wid. ALLEN, late Capt. Bezoun ALLEN's wife, May 1653
Thomas MARSH & Sarah BEAL, Mar 1649
William RIPLEY & Wid. THAXTER, Sep 1654
Onisiphorns MARSH & Hannah CUTTER, Feb 1655
Joseph MORE & Ruth STAR at Boston, May 1656
Jeremiah FITCH at Boston & Sarah CHUBBUCK, Sep 1657
John TUCKER & Elizabeth HOBART at Boston, Mar 1658
John, @ Capt. Thomas ANDRUCE, & Patience NICHOLS, Sep 1658
John BEAL & Widow JACOB, Mar 1659
John LOBDELL & Hannah LEAVITT, Jul 1659
John LOW & Hannah LINCOLN, Sep 1659
Henry WARD & Remember FARROW, Feb 1660
Samuel PECK & Prudence CLAP at Dorchester, Feb 1660
Stephen LINCOLN & Elizabeth HAWKES, Feb 1660
John BEAL & Mary GILL, Nov 1660
Joseph CHURCH & Mary TUCKER, Dec 1660
Caleb HOBART & Mary ELIOT at Braintree, Apr 1662
Peter HOBART & Susanna, # Jacob ELIOT, at Boston, Dec 1662
Thomas LINCOLN & Mary CHUBBUCK, Feb 1663
Abraham HOLMAN & Sarah PITTS, Feb 1663
Humphrey WILSON & Judith HERSEY, Dec 1663
Nathaniel THOMAS & Deborah JACOB, Feb 1664
Joseph BRADFORD & Jael HOBART, May 1664
John LEAVITT & Bathsheba HOBART, Jun 1664
Joseph GRAFTON & Eliza BROWNE, Jul 1664
Return MANNING & Sarah HOBART, Dec 1664
John HUGH & Mary HOBART, Dec 1664
Caleb BEALE & Widow HEWITT's daughter, Dec 1664
Benj'a STUTSON of Scituate & Bethia HAWKES, Aug 1665
John STODDER & Hannah BRIANT, Dec 1665
James HERSEY & Mary FARROW, Dec 1665
Thomas HUMPHREY & George LANE's daugher, Dec 1665
John LONGLEY & Sarah GILL, Jan 1666
Joshua LINCOLN & Deborah HOBART, Apr 1666
Joseph BERSTON & Susanna LINCOLN, May 1666
Robert GREEN & Elizabeth NICOLS, Oct 1666
Samuel THAXTER & Abigail CHURCH, Dec 1666
Benjamin LINCOLN & Sarah FEARING, Feb 1667
Samuel STODDER & Elizabeth GILL, Feb 1667
Samuel JUDKIN & Elizabeth LEAVIT, Mar 1667
Purdy MAGVARLOW & Patience RUSSELL, Jul 1667
Joseph JOY & Mary PRINCE, Aug 1667
William ROBERTS, Boston, & Elizabeth TOWER, Oct 1667
Caleb CHURCH & Joanna SPRAGUE, Dec 1667
Samuel SHRIMPTON & Abial BROWN, Aug 1668
John CHUBBUCK & Martha BEAL, Dec 1668
Israel HOBART & Sarah WITHERELL, Jan 1669
Nathaniel CHUBBUCK & Wid. GARNET, Jun 1669
Samuel MASON & Judith SMITH, Jun 1670
Benjamin LORING & Mary HAWKES, Dec 1670
Josiah LANE & Deborah GILL, May 1671
Daniel HOWARD & Deborah PITT, May 1672
Thomas JEWITT & Susanna GILFORD, Oct 1672
John BULL & Mary PITT, Nov 1672
Samuel INGGS & Mary BEAL, Feb 1673
Thomas GILL & Susanna WILSON, Dec 1673
Thomas JOANES & Elizabeth PITT, Dec 1673
Samuel HOBART & Hannah GOLD, Feb 1674
John HOBART & Hannah BURR, Apr 1674
Nathaniel FOULSHAM & Hannah FAXON, Jun 1674
John LANE & Mehitable ___, Jun 1674
Thomas BACON & Christian BEALE, Nov 1674
William SPRAGUE & Deborah LANE, Dec 1674
Francis BARKER & Mary LINCOLN, Jan 1675
Dr. CUTTER & Mary COWELL, Jan 1675
Thomas MARSH & Sarah LINCOLN, May 1675
Simon GROCE & Mary BOND of Boston, Oct 1675
Robert WILLIAMS of Roxbury & Wid. FERING, Nov 1675
Arthur CAONE & Sarah GOLD, Nov 1675
Groton burnt, 13 Mar 1676
Marlborough burnt, 26 Mar 1676
Rehoboth assulted, 28 Mar 1676
Sudbury burnt & Capt. WADSWORTH & Capt. BROCLEBANK slain, 18 Apr 1676
John Jacob slain by the Indians near his father house - the same day, about the same time Sergeant PRATT of Weymuth was slain, 19 Apr 1676
Joseph JOANES & Anthony SPRAGUE's house burnt. Also Israel HOBARTS, Nath'l CHUBBUCKS & James WHITON's houses burnt to the ground by Indians, 20 Apr 1676
Henoch [perhaps Enoch] HOBART & Hannah HARRIS, Aug 1676
Josiah LEAVITT & Margaret JOHNSON, Oct 1676
John FERING & Hannah BEAL at Boston, Dec 1676
Israel LEAVITT & Lidia JACKSON at Plymouth, Jan 1677
Paul GILFORD & Susanna PULLEN, Feb 1677
John RECORD & Hannah HOBART, Jul 1677
Daniel HOBART at Boston & Elizabeth WARREN, Oct 1677
Joseph BASET & Martha HOBART, Oct 1677
Daniel LINCOLN & Elizabeth LINCOLN, Jan 1678
Benj'a EASTMAN & Anna JOY, Apr 1678
Nehemiah CLAP & Sarah LEVITT, Apr 1678
Samuel THAXTER & Deborah LINCOLN, Jun 1678
James HAWKES & Sarah JACOB, Jul 1678
William KING & Deborah PRINCE, Jul 1678
Mr. John NORTON & Mary MASON at Boston, Nov 1678
Jacob BEAL & Mary BEAL, Jan 1679
Thus far appears to have been recorded by the Rev. Peter HOBART, and as the record says, afterwards continued by his son, David HOBART. The Rev. Peter HOBART d. 20 Jan 1679, and was buried on the 23d in the 75th year of his age, being 53 years a laborer in the work of the ministry; about 43 years at Hingham. -
Peter BARNS & Ann CANTERBURY, Jul 1679
Note: A great fire in Boston wherein were burnt 77 dwelling houses and 35 ware houses, Aug 1679
John LOW & Ruth JOY, Sep 1679
Daniel MASON & Rebecca HOBART, Oct 1679
John LANE & Sarah BEALE, Jan 1680
John SMITH & Dea. PARKER's daughter, Apr 1680
Daniel CUSHING & Elizabeth THAXTER, Dec 1680
My Father [in law] Edmund QUINCY & Mrs. ELIOT at Cambridge, Dec 1680
John MAYO & Hannah FREEMAN, Apr 1681
James RAY & Wid. HEWETT, Jan 1682
Ephraim MARSH & Elizabeth LINCOLN, Jan 1682
Benjamin BATE & Mary LEAVITT at New London, Oct 1682
John LEWIS & Hannah LINCOLN, Nov 1682
Joshua RIPLEY & Hannah BRADFORD at Plymouth, Nov 1682
John OTIS & Grace BACON at Barnstable, Jul 1683
John STOWELL & Mary BEAL, Sep 1683
Joseph LORING & Hannah LEAVITT, Oct 1683
Nathan FARROW & Mary GARNET, Dec 1683
Joseph BATE & Mary LINCOLN, Jan 1684
Caleb LINCOLN & Ruth BATE, May 1684
Goodman JENKINS & Wid. RIPLEY, Jun 1684
Mathew CUSHING & Jael JACOB, Dec 1684
Thomas LINCOLN & Sarah LEWIS, Dec 1684
Samuel GILL & Ruth LINCOLN, Jan 1685
Samuel STOWELL & Rachel GILL, Jan 1685
Peter CUSHING & Hannah HAWKES, Jun 1685
James GARNET & Elizabeth WARD, Jun 1685
John (son of Capt. Thomas ANDREWS) & Patience NICHOLS, Dec 1685
Isaac LAZELL & Abigail LEAVITT, Jan 1686
Mr. WOODBRIDGE & Deborah TOTTON, Aug 1686
John HUNT & Ruth QUINCY, Oct 1686
Jonathan MAY & Sarah LONGLE, Nov 1686
Benjamin JOANES & Susanna BEAL, Dec 1686
Enoch WHITING & Mary LINCOLN, Jan 1687
Nathaniel NICHOLS & Sarah LINCOLN, Mar 1687
Daniel LINCOLN & Sarah NICHOLS, Apr 1687
Samuel LINCOLN & Deborah HERSEY, Apr 1687
Elisha TURNER & Elizabeth JACOB, Jun 1687
Stephen GARNET & Sarah WARREN, Dec 1687
Ambrose LOW & Ruth ANDREWS, Feb 1688
Thomas REMINGTON & Remember STOWELL, Mar 1688