Vital Records of Heath, Massachusetts
To the Year 1850
Published by the New England Historic Genealogical Society
Births - McCARTER to WOOD & Unidentified
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Charles, ch. Denis and Prudence, Mar. 11, 1829.
Denis, h. Prudence, Apr. 8, 1788.
Hannah, ch. Denis and Prudence, July 25, 1820.
Lydia, ch. Denis and Prudence, Apr. 4, 1815.
Maryann, ch. Denis and Prudence, June 26, 1813.
Prudence [-----], w. Denis, July 12, 1785.
Sally, d. Denis and Prudence, Sept. 29, 1811.
Adna, s. David and Merriam, Mar. 19, 1808.
Adoline, d. David and Merriam, Apr. 7, 1817.
Clarissa, d. David and Merriam, June 15, 1812.
Clark, s. David and Merriam, Aug. 30, 1806.
David H., s. David and Merriam, Dec. 1, 1820.
Diana, d. David and Merriam, Sept. 22, 1814.
Diantha, d. Asa Jr. and Elizabeth, Sept. 3, 1821.
George, s. David and Merriam, Apr. 12, 1823.
Henry Chiles, s. David and Sophia, June 10, 1829.
Lyman, s. David and Merriam, Nov. 18, 1809.
Maria, d. David and Merriam, Dec. 12, 1818.
Milo, s. Asa Jr. and Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1819.
Sophia, d. David and Sophia, July 16, 1825.
Sophia, d. David and Sophia, July I, 1827 [sic, see death].
Weltha D., Jan. 27, 1826.
William F., s. David and Sophia, Aug. 29, 1834.
Alexander P. Jr., ch. Alexander P. and Sarah (Temple), Mar. 24, 1821.
Alexander Park, ch. Benjamin and Anna W., Jan. 31, 1786, in Charlemont. This
entry in later handwriting.] [h. Sarah (Temple), s. Benjamin and Anna
Ann Marion, d. Winslow and Joanna, June 10, 1833.
Anna, ch. Benjamin and Anna W. [ (Winslow.], Jan. 15, 1767, in Bedford. [This
entry in later handwriting.]
Benjamin, Lt., h. Anna, Mar. 17, 1737, in Bedford. [This entry in later
handwriting.] [h. Anna (Winslow), Mar. 17, 1737 "O.S., ch. Hugh and Sarah
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Anna W., Sept. 9, 1771, in Bedford. [This entry in
later handwriting.] [Benjamin Jr., h. Mary Cheney, s. Benjamin and Anna
Benjamin Jr., ch. Benjamin Esq. and Polly, May 16, 1804.
Calista H., ch. Winslow and Joanna, Mar. 13, 1822.
Caroline, ch. Benjamin Esq. and Polly, Dec. 1, 1819.
Charles, s. Hugh and Olive (Newhall), Jan. 9, 1803.
Charles Irwin, ch. Alexander P. and Sarah (Temple),-----[rec. after ch. b. Mar.
1, 1831.
David, ch. William M. [William M. and Eunice (Rugg),[15], Apr. 29, 1844.
Dorcas, w. Joseph Kirkland Esq., d. Col. Hugh (s. Hugh and Sarah) and Bridget
(d. William Monro and Phebe), Apr. 13, 1765.
Edwin Ruthven, s. Winslow and Joann, Feb. 14, 1831.
Eliza, d. Sylvanus [Silvanus.] and Eunice [dup. Eunice Wright (Wheat)], Sept.
25, 1808.
Elizabeth Olive (see Olive Elizabeth).
Eunice, d. James, farmer, and Elizabeth, Dec. 22, 1844.
Eunice Wheat, ch. Syivanus and Eunice Wright (Wheat), Apr. 14, 1817.
Eustice, ch. Winslow and Joanna, July 6, 1824.
Frazier, ch. Benjamin and Anna W., Nov. 30, 1788, in Charlemont. [This entry in
later handwriting.] [Frazer, ch. Benjamin and Anna (Winslow)].
Frederick Henry, s. Luther and Elizabeth, Jan. 12, 1824. [Frederick F., s.
Luther (s. Hugh and Olive (Newhall).
Frederick Henry, ch. William M., Feb. 15, 1841. [Fredric William, ch. Monre and
Eunice. Frederic Henry, ch. William M. and Eunice (Rugg). Frederick H., ch.
William M. and Eunice (Rugg).]
George, ch. William M. [William M. and Eunice (Rugg).], Dec. 5, 1842.
Gulielmus, ch. Winslow and Joanna, Aug. 18, 1827.
Hannah, w. Calvin Rice, d. Col. Hugh (s. Hugh and Sarah) and Bridget (d. William
Monro and Phebe), June 22, 1761.
Harry (see Henry).
Hellen Caroline, d. Winslow and Joanna, July 21, 1835.
Henry, s. Hugh and Olive (Newhall), Mar. 7, 1795. [Harry, Henry, M.D.]
Hugh, " Colonel in the Continental Army," h. Bridget, Apr. 27, 1733 " O. S.," in
Minterburn, Ire. [ch. Hugh and Sarah Corbett.] h. Bridget (Monro), s. Hugh and
Sarah, grandfather of William Munroe Maxwell, May 27, in Minterborn, Co. Tyrone,
Hugh, Lt., h. Olive (Newhall), Mar. 13, 1770. (h. Olive (Newhall) of Conway, s.
Col. Hugh (s. Hugh and Sarah) and Bridget (d. William Monro and Phebe), father
of William Munroe Maxwell.]
Hugh, s. Hugh and Olive (Newhall), Aug. 17, 1800. [Hugh, M.D.]
Hugh, s. Luther and Elizabeth, Dec. 15, 1825.
Hugh, ch. William M., June 5, 1836. [ch. William M. and Eunice (Rugg)., ch.
William M. and Eunice (Rugg), June 4.]
Hugh Thompson, ch. Sylvanus and Eunice Wright (Wheat), Feb. 18, 1815.
James, ch. Hugh and Sarah Corbett,----, 1735.
James, ch. Benjamin Esq. and Polly, Mar. 19, 1812.
Joanna [-------], w. Winslow, Apr. 10, 1797.
Jonas R., ch. Alexander P. and Sarah (Temple), Feb. 8, 1829.
Lilly, w. Alfred Jones, d. Col. Hugh (s. Hugh and Sarah) and Bridget (d. William
Monro and Phebe), Aug. 7, 1762.
Lucretia Theresa, d. James and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1838.
Luther, s. Hugh and Olive (Newhall), Mar. 16, 1797.
Lydia, ch. Benjamin Esq. and Polly, Mar. 11, 1817.
Margaret, ch. Hugh and Sarah Corbett,---, 1731, in Minterburn, Ire.
Martha, ch. Benjamin and Anna W., Apr. 15, 1769, in Bedford. [This entry in
later handwriting.] [w. Aaron Smith, d. Benjamin and Anna (Winslow)., w. Aaron
Smith, Apr. 15, 1770.]
Martha A., ch. Alexander P. and Sarah (Temple), Mar. 1, 1831.
Mary (see Polly).
Mary, ch. Benjamin Esq. and Polly, May 8, 1807.
Mary Elizabeth, d. James and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1840.
Olive, ch. Benjamin and Anna W. [Winslow ] Feb. --, 1774, in Bedford. [This
entry in later handwsilmg.]
Olive, ch. Sy1vanus and Eunice Wright (Wheat), Apr. 10, 1820.[Oeiive].
Olive Elizabeth, ch. William M. [dup. Elizabeth Olive Maxwell, d. William M.,
farmer, and Eunice], Apr. 5, 1846. [Olive Elizabeth Maxwell, ch. William M. and
Eunice (Rugs).]
Orasmus, ch. William M., July 18, 1837. [ch. William M. and Eunice (Rugg).]
Patrick, s. Alexander P. and Sally, bp. Aug. --, 1827. [P. Henry, ch. Alexander
P. and Sarah (Temple), b. Apr. 25.]
Polly, w. Samuel Smith, Oct. 2, 176[ ] [dup. in later handwriting, Mary, ch.
Benjamin and Anna W.,---, 1765, in Bedford]. [Mary, d. Benjamin and Anna
(Winslow), 1765.
Prisscilla, ch. Col. Hugh (s. Hugh and Sarah) and Bridget (d. William Monro and
Phebe), Oct. 21, 1767.
Rowland Frasier, ch. Winslow and Joanna, June 11, 1829.
Samuel Frasier, ch. Winslow and Joanna, Dec. 3, 1825.
Sarah, ch. Hugh and Sarah Corbett,-----1739, in Bedford.
Sarah, ch. Benjamin and Anna W.-----1763, in Bedford. [This entry in later
handwriting.] [w. William Buck, d. Benjamin and Anna (Winslow).]
Sarah, ch. Benjamin Esq. and Polly, July 27, 1808.
Sarah W. [dup. Wright), d. Sylvanus [Silvsnus.] and Eunice [dup. Eunice Wright
(Wheat)], Oct. 12, 1812.
Seth, s. Park and Sally, bp. May 19, 1823. (Seth T., ch. Alexander P. and Sarah
(Temple), b. Feb. 23.]
Sylvanus, h. Eunice Wright (Wheat), b. July 27, 1780[ dup. in later handwriting,
ch. Benjamin and Anna W., July 27, 1780, in Charlemont.] [ch. Benjamin and Anna
Sylvanus [dup. Jr.], s. Sylvanus and Eunice [dup. Eunice Wright (Wheat)], Nov.
9, 1806.
S1vester, s. Syhranus and Eunice [dup. Eunice Wright (Wheat)], June 15, 1810.
Thomson, ch. Hugh and Sarah Corbett,-----, 174l, in Bedford.
William, ch. Hugh and Sarah Corbett,----, 1729, in Minterburn, Ire.
William, ch. Benjamin and Anna W., Oct. 31, 1777, in Charlemont. [This entry in
later handwriting][h. Electa Abbey, s. Benjamin and Anna (Winslow).]
William, ch. Sylvanus and Eunice Wright (Wheat), Nov. 9, 1824.
William Dickinson, ch. Sylvanus and Eunice Wright (Wheat), Sept. 10, 1822.
William Munroe, s. Hugh and Olive (Newhall), May 22, 1807. [h. Eunice (Rugg), h.
Mary P. (Bartlett), h. Mary (Russell).]
Winslow, h. Joanna, Apr. 26, 1783 [dup. in later handwriting, ch. Benjamin and
Anna W., May 26, 1783, in Charlemont]. [ch. Benjamin and Anna (Winslow), May 26,
1783, in Charlemont.]
Daniel, s. Nathaniel and Martha, Nov. 28, 1806.
Harriet, [twin] d. Nathaniel and Martha, Feb. 19, 1812.
Harry, [twin] s. Nathaniel and Martha, Feb. 19, 1812.
Joseph, s. Nathaniel and Martha, Mar. 19, 1805.
Luther, s. Nathaniel and Martha, July 22, 1809.
Azubah [-----], w. Caleb, Jan. 13, 1771, in Worcester.
Azubah [dup. w. Aaron Smith Jr.), d. Caleb and Azuba, Aug. 12, 1802, in
Northborough. [w. Aaron Smith.]
Bethiah Avery, ch. Rev. Moses [Rev. Moses and Bethiah (Ware).], Feb. 14, 1815.
Caleb, h. Azubah, Aug. 12, 1764, in Westborough.
Catherine (see Katharine).
Eliza Prentice, d. Caleb and Azubah, May 11, 1800, in Northborough.
Fisher Samuel, ch. Rev. Moses, Oct. 5, 1822. [ch. Rev. Moses and Bethiah (Ware).
Samuel Fisher (Miller).]
Hannah Billings, ch. Rev. Moses [Rev. Moses and Bethiah (Ware)], Feb. 26, 1813.
Henry Curtis, ch. Caleb and Azubah, Oct. 6, 1795.
Katharine [dup. Catherine], d. Caleb and Azubah, Dec. 27, 1807. [Catharine.]
Margaret, d. Caleb and Azubah, June 29, 1806, in Northborough.
Mary [dup. w. Hart Leavitt], ch. Rev. Moses [Rev. Moses and Bethiah (Ware).],
Apr. 5, 1811.
Moses Alexander, ch. Rev. Moses [Rev. Moses and Bethiah (Ware).], Feb. 21, 1819.
Samuel Fisher (see Fisher Samuel Miller).
Samuel Ware, ch. Rev. Moses [Rev. Moses and Bethiah (Ware), July 18, 1807.
Sarah [dup. w. Aaron Dickinson], ch. Rev. Moses, Aug. 6, 1809. [ch. Rev. Moses
and Bethiah (Ware), w. Aaron Dickinson.
Sophia, d. Caleb and Azubah, Dec. 3, 1797, in Northborough.
Sophrona, d. Caleb and Azubah, June 3, 1811. [Sophronia.]
Thomas Spencer, ch. Rev. Moses (Rev. Moses and Bethiah (Ware).], May 24, 1817.
William, ch. Rev. Moses [Rev. Moses and Bethiah (Ware).], Jan. 23, 1821.
Aaron Gleason, s. Joseph and Lucy, July 28, 1825.
Joseph, h. Lucy, July 28, 1801.
Lucy [-----], w. Joseph, Aug. 16, 1802.
Lucyann, d. Joseph and Lucy, Nov. 16, 1823.
Bridget, w. Col. Hugh Maxwell, d. William and Phebe, Apr. 27, 1735, in
Lexington, Middlesex Co.
Martha Jane, d. Rufus and Nancy, July 14, 1829.
Ella Ann, ch. Esther, wid., bp. May 17, 1823.
Esther Evan, ch. Esther, wid., bp. May 17, 1823.
Olive, w. Lt. Hugh Maxwell, June 3, 1771. [d. Daniel and Elizabeth of Conway.]
Eusebia, d. Josiah and Phebe, bp. Oct. 1, 1815.
George, s. Josiah and Phebe, Mar. 7, 1811.
Phebe, d. Josiah and Phebe, May 30, 1809.
Daniel Wilbur, ch. Uriah and Dolly, bp.---, 1823.
Ethylinda, ch. Uriah and Do1ly, bp.-----, 1823.
-----ch. Mr. Nichols, Jan.----, 1811.
Calvin, s. Calvin and w., bp. July 6, 1800.
Daniel, S. Jonathan and Hannah, Apr. 4, 1801.
Hannah, d. Jonathan and Hannah, May 3, 1803.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Hannah, Dec. 2, 1788.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan Jr. and Harriot, bp. July 20, 1817.
Reuben, s. Jonathan and Hannah, Nov. 16, 1794.
Reuben, ch. Jonathan and w., bp. May 30, 1802.
Rosymond, d. Jonathan and Hannah, Nov. 21, 1792.
Rosymond, ch. Jonathan and w., bp. May 30, 1802.
Sarah, d. Jonathan and Hannah, Oct. 17, 1790.
Sarah, ch. Jonathan and w., bp. May 30, 1802.
William, s. Jonathan and Hannah, Apr. 18, 1798.
Mary E. [? m.], Oct. 2, 1843.
------, s. Zebulon, farmer, and Elizabeth, Oct. 2, 1844.
------, d. James, farmer, and-----,Mar. 9, 1845.
PATTERSON (see Pattison)
Jonathan, " household of " John Chapin and w., bp. July 18, 1823.
PATTISON (see Patterson)
Adam W., s. Jonathan and Sally, Jan. 6, 1808.
Anna, d. Jonathan and Nancy, July 13, 1796.
Clarissa, d. Jonathan and Nancy, Sept. 28, 1794.
James, s. Jonathan and Nancy, July 20, 1798.
Jonathan, July 10, 1769.
Jonathan G., s. Jonathan and Nancy, Jan. 13, 1803.
Nancy W., d. Jonathan and Sally, Dec. 10, 1809.
Sally [----], second w. Jonathan, Sept. 21, 1768.
PEAS (see Pease)
James Wilson, s. Solomon and----, Apr. 25, 1810.
Mary, d. Solomon and-----, Sept. 21, 1811.
PEASE (see Peas)
Caroline Jane, d. Solomon Jr. and Mary, bp. Oct.---, 1813.
David Mills, s. Solomon Jr. and w., bp. Sept. 29, 1816.
Mary Jane Richardson, d. William and Polly Guild, Jan. 17, 1821.
Almira, d. Reuben and w., Dec. 26, 1814.
Barnabas Sabens, s. Reuben and w., Nov. 14, 1803.
Betsey, ch. Clement and Electa, May 28, 1823.
Clement, h. Electa, Aug. 31, 1790, in Guilford, Vt.
Electa [------], w. Clement, Nov. 24, 1800, in Whitingham, Vt.
Elisha, ch. Clement and Electa, Feb. 17, 1839.
Eliza, d. Reuben and w., June 21, 1808. [Elizabeth, d. Reuben and Elizabeth.]
Eunice P. [-----], w. William R.,-----,1823.
Harriet, ch. Clement and Electa, Jan. 3, 1833 [sic, see Normon].
Joseph, ch. Clement and Electa, Aug. 24, 1824.
Lucinda, d. Reuben and w., Mar. 17, 1817.
Lucy, ch. Clement and Electa, Sept. 13, 1827.
Lydia Maynard, d. Reuben and w., Oct. 17, 1811. [bp. Dec. 16, 1810 sic.]
Normon, ch. Clement and Electa, July 3, 1832 [Sic, ? 1842, rec. after ch, b.
Feb. 17, 1839, see Harriet].
Plinny, ch. Clement and Electa, Apr. 29, 1835.
Rufus, s. Reuben and w., Dec. 11, 1812.
Sally Arms, d. Reuben and w., Mar. 10, 1807.
William R., h. Eunice P.,-----, 1822.
Cynthia, d. Luther and Eunice, Oct. 13, 1828.
Eunice, d. Luther and Eunice, Sept. 19, 1826.
Joshua, s. Luther and Eunice, Nov. 18, 1824.
Luther, h. Eunice, Feb. 11, 1798.
Luther, s. Luther and Eunice, June 29, 1823.
Eliphalet Fox, ch. Calvin and w., bp. May 15, 1808.
Mary Snow, ch. Calvin and w., bp. May 15, 1808.
Abigail, ch. Jonas, May 4, 1809.
Elbridge, ch. Jonas, Nov. 9, 1814.
Elizabeth Experiance, d. John and Jane, Mar. 29, 1841.
Frederic Eugene, s. John and Jane, Jan. 29, 1847.
Jane, ch. Jonas,-----[rec. between ch. b. May 4, 1809 and ch. b. Nov. 9, 1814].
Jonas, ch. Jonas, Apr. 10, 1817.
Mary Sophrona, d. John and Jane, June 29, 1842.
Maryan, d. Jonas and Betsy, Feb. 11, 1807.
Susan, ch. Jonas, Oct. 2, 1819.
Edward, s. Chester and Maria, Jan. 10, 1839.
Emily Celestia, d. Chester and Maria, Mar. 31, 1831.
Harriet Ackland, d. Chester and Maria, Jan. 9, 1830.
Henry, s. Chester and Maria, Oct. 14, 1836.
Louisa, d. Hannah, wid., bp. June 8, 1823. [d. Calvin of Charlemont and Hannah
(Maxwell), b. [? in Clarlemont.]
Lucy, ch. Samuel and Olive (Richardson), Dec. 6, 1818.
Lydia, ch. Samuel and Olive (Richardson), Apr. 2, 1802.
Olive, ch. Samuel and Olive (Richardson), May 27, 1808.
Polly, ch. Samuel and Olive (Richardson), Feb. 25, 1799.
Samuel, h. Olive (Richardson), Apr. 22, 1773.
Samuel Jr., ch. Samuel and Olive (Richardson), Jan. 10, 1805.
Willard, ch. Samuel and Olive (Richardson), July 21, 1811.
William Haynes, ch. Samuel and Olive (Richardson), Sept. 24, 1816.
Olive, w. Samuel Rice, Feb. 13, 1775.
Mary Francis, d. Aaron G., teamster, and Meriza, Oct. 23, 1844.
Alexander Poole, s. James, farmer, and Ann M.,----, 1849.
Alfred H., ch. Dea. David, Aug. 8, 1831.
Amos, ch. Dea. David [David and Lucretia], Aug. 11, 1825.
Caroline, d. Daniel and Esther, Mar. 20, 1813.
Charles Prescot, s. James, farmer, and Ann M., Sept. 14, 1844.
Cleora, d. Reuben and Sarah, Apr. 24, 1826.
Cleora, d. Reuben and Sally, bp. June 3, 1827.
Cynthia, d. Daniel and Esther, Nov. 26, 1816.
Cyrus, ch. Dea. David, Jan. 20, 1811.
Cyrus, ch. David and Eunice, bp. May 17, 1823.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Esther, Dec. 15, 1820.
David, s. Ruben and Elisabeth, bp. Nov. 12, 1786.
David, ch. Dea. David, Oct. 30, 1818.
David, ch. David and Eunice, bp. May 17, 1823.
Diadama, d. Daniel and Esther, Aug. 8, 1811.
Diana, d. Reuben and Sarah, June 16, 1820.
Diana, ch. Reuben and Sally, bp. Sept. 15, 1823.
Edwin Lenkorn [?], s. Cyrus and w., bp. July 7, 1839.
Elizabeth, ch. Dea. David, Nov. 18, 1816.
Elizabeth, ch. David and Eunice, bp. May 17, 1823.
Emaline, d. Joel and Tirana, Sept. 9, 1823.
Erastus R., ch. Dea. David, Nov. 2, 1820.
Erastus Root, ch. David and Eunice, bp. May 17, 1823.
Esther, d. Daniel and Esther, Nov. 19, 1822.
Eunice, ch. Dea. David, Nov. 4, 1814. (ch. David and Eunice, w. William M.
George, ch. Dea. David, Aug. 11, 1827.
George Cotton, s. Joel and Timna, Sept.30, 1821. [George Colton Rugg, ch. Joel
and Timnah.]
Henry M, ch. Dea. David, Oct. 13, 1822. [Henry Martyn Rugg, ch. David and
Herbert, s. James, farmer, and Maria, Apr. 18, 1846.
James, s. Daniel and Esther, Jan. 27, 1815.
Joel, h. Timna, July 5, 1791.
Joel, s. Joel and Timna [Timnath.], July 26, 1826.
John, s. Daniel and Esther, Nov. 5, 1818.
Justin Wilson, s. Joel and Timna, Nov. 28, 1832.
Lestina, ch. Dea. David, Aug. 14, 1829.
Lucretia, ch. Dea. David, Dec. 8, 1812.
Lucretia, ch. David and Eunice, bp. May 17, 1823.
Lucy, w. Dea. John Brown, Mar. 20, 1749.
Martha, d. Daniel and Esther, Oct. 8, 1825.
Ophelia, d. Reuben and Sarah, Mar. 30, 1818. [Ofelia, ch. Reuben and Sally.]
Oramel, s. [son written in pencil above daughter crossed out in pencil) Reuben
and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1824.
Reuben Nims, s. Reuben Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1822.
Reuben Nims, ch. Reuben and Sally, bp. Sept. 15, 1823.
Rowena Eliza, d. Joel and Timna [Timnah], Apr. 27, 1839.
Sarah, d. Daniel and Esther, Nov. 20, 1827.
Solomon Gleason, s. Joel and Timna, May 5, 1837.
Susan Maria, d. Joel and Timna, Aug. 28, 1819.
Susan Maria, ch. Joel and Timnah, bp. Mar, 30, 1823.
Tyler George, s. Joel and Timna, Oct. 6, 1830.
William, s. Joel and w., bp. Aug. 31, 1828.
William, s. Joel and Timna, June 25, 1829.
William Densmore, s. Reuben Jr. and Sarah [Sally.], May 27, 1816.
Mary, w. William M. Maxwell, Dec. 25, 1812. [in Southampton.]
Jane Maria, d. John and Susan, Apr. 25, 1832.
Caroline, d. William and Fanny, Jan. 21, 1827.
Eliza Ann Burrington (see Elizaann Burrington).
William Henry, s. William and Fanny, Apr. 27, 1820.
Almira, d. Oliver and Mary, Oct. 9, 1809.
Almira, ch. Oliver and w., bp. Oct. 14, 1816.
Anthony, s. Oliver and Mary, Jan. 7, 1814.
Anthony, ch. Oliver and w., bp. Oct. 14, 1816.
Catherine, d. Oliver and Mary, Oct. 21, 1818. [Catharine.]
Josephine, d. Oliver and Mary, Aug. 12, 1811.
Josephine, ch. Oliver and w., bp. Oct. 14, 1816.
Louisa, d. Oliver and Mary, May 2, 1806.
Louisa, ch. Oliver and w., bp. Oct. 14, 1816.
Martha, d. Oliver and Mary, Apr. 3, 1820.
Mary, d. Oliver and Mary, Feb. 21, 1805.
Mary, ch. Oliver and w., bp. Oct. 114, 1816.
Merrick, s. Oliver and Mary, Feb. 2, 1808.
Merrick, ch. Oliver and w., bp. Oct. 14, 1816.
Sarah, ch. Oliver and w., bp. Oct. 14, 1816.
-----, d. Oliver and Mary, Feb. 11, 1813.
-----, d. Oliver and Mary, Mar. 22, 1817.
Alonzo D., s. Willis and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1808.
Elijah, s. Royal and Olive, Mar. 9, 1806.
John, s. Royal and Olive, Feb. 25, 1802.
Nathaniel, s. Royal and Olive, Dec. 6, 1803.
Alanson, s. George and Lucena, Feb. 15, 1812.
Augusta Maria, ch. Francis and Hannah, bp. July 27, 1845.
Eunice Emeline, ch. Francis and Hannah, bp. July 27, 1845.
Francis, s. George and Lucena, Sept. 1, 1801.
Freeman, s. George and Lucena, Apr. 20, 1804.
George, s. George and w., bp. Jan. 22, 1815.
Henry Seymour, ch. Francis and Hannah, bp. July 27, 1845.
Josiah Taft, ch. Francis and Hannah, bp. July 27, 1845.
Lysander Green, ch. Francis and Hannah, bp. Dec. 12, 1847.
Mary, d. George and Lucena, Oct. 18, 1809.
Mary (see Unidentified).
Sumner, s. George and Lucena, Apr. 21, 1800.
Warren, s. George and Lucena, Apr. 29, 1806.
-----, s. Francis, farmer, and Hannah, Feb. 5, 1845.
Asaph, s. Salah and Hannah, Jan. I, 1802.
Asaph, s. Salah and Hannah, May 16, 1805. [Asa Severeace.]
Catherine Mercy, d. Horace and Mary, Apr. 13, 1827.
Elizabeth, d. Horace and Mary, Apr. 5, 1823.
Emily, d. Salah and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1803. [Emela Severence.]
Hepsebah Fisk, d. Horace and Mary, July 9, 1833.
Horace, h. Mary, Sept. 24, 1793.
Horace Henry, s. Horace and Mary, Jan. 2, 1829.
Joseph Fisk, s. Horace and Mary, Apr. 29, 1831.
Lucy Ward, ch. Horace and Mary, bp. Oct. 6, 1839.
Luther, s. Salah and Hannah, Jan. 22, 1808.
Mary [-----], w. Horace, June 9, 1798.
Mary, d. Horace and Mary, June 17, 1821.
Sarah, d. Horace and Mary, Apr. 2, 1820.
Seth Washburn, s. Horace and Mary, Jan. 19, 1825.
Fanny Jane, d. Abraham and Lucy, June 26, 1825.
Nancy Dorleska, d. Abraham and Lucy, Aug. 15, 1826.
Aaron, h. Martha (Maxwell), Nov. 30, 1770.
Aaron [dup. Jr., h. Azubah], s. Aaron and Martha, Apr. 25, 1798. [Aaron, ch.
Aaron and Martha (Maxwell), h. Azubah (Miller).]
Abby Jane, ch. Augustus and Jane, bp. July 16, 1848.
Amelia C. (see Catherine Amelia).
Anna, d. Aaron and Martha (Maxwell), Sept. 16, 1803.
Anna, d. Aaron and Martha, Mar. 6, 1807. [d. Aaron and Patty, Anna W., ch. Aaron
and Martha (Maxwell).]
Augustus, s. Moses and Lucretia, Feb. 10, 1816.
Augustus, ch. Moses and Lucretia, bp. June 20, 1823.
Catherine Amelia, d. Aaron Jr. and Azubah, Dec. 9, 1828. [Amelia C.,
w.-----Guild. Catherine Amelia, ch. Aaron and Azubah (Miller).]
Charles, ch. Thompson and Charlotte, Dec. 31, 1827.
Charlotte [-----], w. Thompson, May 5, 1784.
Charlotte, ch. Thompson and Charlotte, June 2, 1814.
Chester, s. Samuel and Polly (Maxwell), Oct, 15, 1799.
Claricy, ch. Rhuben and w., bp. July 15, 1792.
Diantha, d. Phinehas and Sylvia [Phineas and Azubah [Azubah written in another
hand and crossed out in pencil], Feb. 22, 1808.
Dorcas, d. Phinehas and Sylvia, Aug. 23, 1801.
Elijah, ch. Rhuben and w., bp. July 15, 1792.
Elisabeth Spencer, ch. Rhuben and w., bp. July 15, 1792.
Elisha, s. Aaron and Martha (Maxwell), July 28, 1809.
Elizabeth Spencer (see Elisabeth Spencer Smith).
Ellen Lucretia, ch. Augustus and Jane, bp. July 16, 1848.
Ephraim H., ch. Thompson and Charlotte, Jan. 17, 1816.
Erasmus Darwin, ch. Thompson and Charlotte, Mar. 31, 1816.
Fanny, d. Aaron and Martha (Maxwell), Nov. 27, 1795.
Fanny, ch. Aaron and w., bp. May 10, 1801.
Frances Elizabeth, ch. Aaron Jr. [Aaron and Azubah (Miller)], Mar. 3, 1835.
Frank Augustus, ch. Augustus and Jane, bp. July 16, 1848.
Franklin Powers, s. Moses and Lucretia, May 11, 1821.
Frederick Griffin, s. Moses and Lucretia, Dec. 23, 1823.
Harriet Haynes, d. Ephraim and Martha, May 18, 1827.
Henry (see Hervy).
Henry, ch. Samuel and w., bp. Oct. 26, 1800.
Henry Kirke, s. Aaron Jr. and Azubah, Sept. 1, 1831. [Henry Kirk Smith, ch.
Aaron and Azubah (Miller).]
Hervy [sic, ? Henry], s. Samuel and Polly (Maxwell), Apr. 27, 1797.
Hopkins, s. Phinehas and Sylvia, Oct. 4, 1811.
Horace, ch. Thompson and Charlotte, Nov. 17, 1808.
Jane J., ch. Thompson and Charlotte, Oct. 30, 1817.
Joel, s. Ruben and w., bp. Feb. 14, 1796.
John, s. Samuel and Polly (Maxwell), Aug. 11, 1787.
John, ch. Samuel and w., bp. Oct. 26, 1800.
Joseph Emmerson, ch. Thompson and Charlotte, Sept. 1, 1810.
Laura, ch. Samuel and w., b. Oct. 26, 1800.
Lorry, d. Samuel and Polly (Maxwell), Apr. 21, 1788.
Lowell, s. Moses and Lucretia, Nov. 27, 1802.
Lucretia, d. Moses and Lucretia, Nov. 12, 1806.
Lucretia, ch. Moses and Lucretia, bp. June 20, 1823.
Maria, d. Thompson and Charlotte, Apr. 17, 1829.
Martha, d. Aaron and Martha, June 16, 1801. [Patta Martha M., ch. Aaron and
Martha (Maxwell).]
Martha Miller, d. Aaron [dup. Jr.], farmer, and Azubah [Aaron and Azubah M.,
Aaron and Azubah (Miller).], Sept. 26, 1839.
Mary, ch. Samuel and w., bp. Oct. 26, 1800.
Moses, s. Moses and Lucretia, June 6, 1804.
Moses, ch. Moses and Lucretia, bp. June 20, 1823.
Nathaniel, s. Thompson and Charlotte, Sept. 17, 1804.
Nathaniel, s. Thompson and Charlotte, Nov. 28, 1806.
Olive, d. Samuel and Polly (Maxwell),-----[rec. after ch. b. Oct. 15, 1799.]
[bp. Mar. 7, 1802.]
Polly, d. Samuel and Polly (Maxwell), Sept. 1, 1792.
Preserved S., ch. Thompson and Charlotte, Feb. 22, 1826.
Rhuben, ch. Rhuben and w., bp. July 15, 1792.
Roswell, s. Samuel and Polly (Maxwell), Dec. 20, 1794.
Roswell, ch. Samuel and w., bp. Oct. 26, 1800.
Russell, s. Moses and Lucretia, June 7, 1810.
Russell, ch. Moses and Lucretia, bp. June 20, 1823.
Ruth, d. Reuben and w., bp. NOV. 25, 1798.
Samuel, h. Polly (Maxwell), Jan. 13, 1765.
Samuel Jr., s. Samuel and Polly (Maxwell), June 15, 1790.
Samuel, ch. Samuel and w., bp. Oct. 26, 1800.
Sarah, d. Moses and Lucretia, June 3, 1813.
Sarah, ch. Moses and Lucretia, bp. June 20, 1823.
Sarah Lavina, d. Augustus, tavern keeper, and Jane M., JulY 3, 1845.
Sarah Lavina, ch. Augustus and Jane, bp. July 16, 1848.
Sophia, d. Rhuben and w., bp. Aug. 11, 1793.
Sophrona, d. Samuel and Polly (Maxwell),------,[Sophronia, bp. June ---1804.]
Sylvia, d. Phinehas and Sylvia, Nov. 21, 1805.
Theodore, s. Thompson and Charlotte, Oct. 20, 1802.
Theodore, ch. Thompson and Charlotte, July 17, 1822.
Thomas F. S., ch. Thompson and Charlotte, Mar. 14, 1824.
Thompson, h. Charlotte, Oct. 3, 1784.
Thompson, ch. Thompson and Charlotte, Aug. 3, 1812.
William Maxwell, ch. Aaron Jr. [Aaron and Azubah (Miller).], Jan. 26, 1837.
------, s. Thompson and Charlotte, Apr. 21, 1821.
------, s. Augustus, merchant, and Jane M., June 7, 1844.
----- , d. Aaron, farmer, and Azubah, Sept. 7, 1844.
Adison, s. David and Sally Baldwin [Baldwin written in later hand], July 11,
Amelia, d. David and Susan, Dec. 21, 1825.
Asaph, s. David and Lucy Dean [Lucy Dean written in later hand], Dec. 15, 1804.
Benjamin Franklin, s. Jacob and Mercy, Oct. 20, 1819.
Elizabeth, d. Jacob and Mercy, Oct. 22, 1814.
Horace, s. Jacob and Mercy, Sept. 26, 1815.
John Dean, s. David and Susan, Jan. 22, 1824.
Lucy, d. David and ----, Feb. 20, 1806.
Mary, ch. Jabob and w., bp. June 20, 1819.
Mercy, d. Jacob and Mercy, Aug. 30, 1817.
Mercy, ch. Jabob and w., bp. June 20, 1819.
Olive, d. Jacob and Mercy, Dec. 15, 1821.
Rodney Severance, s. Jacob and Mercy, Dec. 2, 1825.
Sarah Baldwin, d. David and Susan, Jan. 29, 1821.
Susan Wait, d. David and Susan Wait [Wait writtenn in later hand], June 7, 1820.
William, ch. Jabob and w., bp. June 20, 1819.
William Wait, s. David and Susan, July 17, 1829.
William Wilson, s. Jacob and Olive, Apr. 27, 1812.
Anna Graves, ch. Mr. Spooner and w., bp. July 26, 1818.
Betsy, d. Shearjashub dec'd and Sarah, bp. Nov. 12, 1786.
Cyrus, s. Paul and Deborah, bp. July 2, 1797.
Daniel Gale, ch. Mr. Spooner and w., bp. July 26, 1818.
Daniel Webster [Webster written above Gale crossed out], s. Daniel and Nancy,
Sept. 3, 1834 [sic, see Edward Adams Spooner].
Deborah, d. Paul and Deborah, bp. July 1, 1798.
Edward Adams, s. Daniel and Nancy, Sept. 24, 1834 [sic, see Daniel Webster
Esther Rice, ch. Mr. Spooner and w., bp. July 26, 1818.
Henry Herbert, s. Daniel [Daniel C.,] and Nancy, Sept. ----, 1839.
Herman A., ch. Nathaniel and Persina Brooks, ----, 1839.
Horace, ch. Mr. Spooner and w., bp. July 26, 1818.
John, s. Paul and Deborah, bp. July 2, 1797.
Lucy Holland, ch. Mr. Spooner and w., bp. July 26, 1818.
Lucy M., d. Nathaniel W., farmer, and Persina, Oct. 3, 1845.
Lyman Lathrop, s. Daniel and Nancy, June 15, 1832.
Nathaniel Wales, ch. Mr. Spooner and w., bp. July 26, 1818. [Nathaniel, h.
Persina Brooks, b.---, 1818.]
Persina Brooks [-------], w. Nathaniel,----, ISxI, 1811.
Philip, h. Martha (Gale),----, 1772.
Sarah, d. Nat. W., farmer, and Persina, Sept. 20, 1849.
Sarah Wilson, d. Daniel and Nancy, Jan. 25, 1831.
Whipple, s. Paul and Deborah, bp. July 2, 1797.
Naamah, w. John Williams, July 3, 1751. [Naaman.]
Charles Edwin, s. Prentice B. and Margaret J., Nov. 12, 1841.
Christopher Brazer, s. Prentice B. and Margaret J., Jan. 15, 1838.
Henry Prentice, s. Prentice B. and Margaret J., Mar. 29, 1835, in Boston.
Margaret Almira Hawks, d. Prentice B. and Margaret J., Ju1y 4, 1843.
Marion Kirissa, d. Prentice B. and Margaret J., Apr. 23, 1840.
Martha Ann, d. Prentis, farmer, and Margaret, July 29, 1848.
Susan Brazer, d. Prentice B. and Margaret J., Aug. 21, 1836, in Whitingham, Vt.
Sylvester, s. Prentice B. and Margaret J., Dec. 28, 1838.
Thomas E., s. Prentice B., farmer, and Margaret J., May 29, 1845.
Benjamin [ch. Rufus and Gratia (Temple)], June 8, 1809.
Broughton S. [ch. Rufus and Gratia (Temple)], Sept. 28, 1825.
Charlotte T. [ch. Rufus and Gratia (Temple)], Apr. 3, 1816.
David, s. Elias and w., bp. Aug. 25, 1793.
David [ch. Rufus and Gratia (Temple)], Mar. 18, 1823.
Esther Eliza [ch. Rufus and Gratia (Temple)], Feb. 19, 1827.
Gratia Ann [ch. Rufus and Gratia (Temple)], Oct. 28, 1818.
Henry [ch. Rufus and Gratia (Temple)], Oct. 29, 1831.
R. I. R. [ch. Rufus and Gratia (Temple)], Apr. 28, 1813.
Rufus, h. Gratia (Temple), Sept. 18, 1785.
Rufus K. [ch. Rufus and Gratia (Temple)], Apr. 5, 1821.
Sally Amelia [ch. Rufus and Gratia (Temple)], July 2, 1811.
Sarah, d. Elias and w., bp. July 5, 1795.
Charles P., s. Charles and Rhoda, Oct. 4, 1826. [Charles Philetus.]
Edwin, s. Daniel and Pollina, Apr. 17, 1818.
Henry M., s. Charles and Rhoda, Mar. 18, 1829.
Juliett, d. Otis and Sylvia, Mar. 7, 1828.
Sarah Fisher, ch. Charles and w., bp.---, 1827.
Cotten, s. Gelston and w., bp. Sept. 23, 1792.
Delia, d. Joseph and Sophia, bp. May 25, 1800.
Elbridge, s. Joseph and Sophia, bp. June 17, 1798.
Franklin Lee, s. Dr. Simeon E, and Rachel L., Nov. 24, 1844. [Frank Lee Strong.]
Harriot, d. Gelston and w., bp. Jan. 18, 1795.
Henry Sargent, ch. Dr. S. E. and w., bp. Nov. 26, 1843.
Horatio Elbridge, s. Joseph and Sophia, bp. May 30, 1802.
Maltby, s. Joseph and Sophia, Nov. 24, 1796.
Sophia Woodbridge, d. [Rev.,] Joseph and Sophia, Dec. 31, 1792.
Woodbridge, s. [Rev.,] Joseph and Sophia, Aug. 24, 1794.
Adelia Malvina, ch. Levi and Deborah (Waste), Apr. 19, 1843.
Arminta, d. Levi, farmer, and Deborah,----, 1849.
Arminta Selona, ch. Levi and Deborah (Waste), Nov. 25, 1847.
Deborah Lucinda, d. Levi and Deborah (Waste), May 30, 1829, in Stamford, Vt.
Edwin Munroe, s. Levi and Deborah (Waste), July 4, 1839.
Levi, h. Deborah (Waste), May 8, 1803, in Whitingham, Vt.
Lydia Melissa, d. Levi and Deborah (Waste), Sept. 3, 1832, in Whitingham.
Marietta Sylvia, ch. Levi and Deborah (Waste), Apr. 3, 1841.
Oscar Alonzo, ch. Levi and Deborah (Waste), July 6, 1846.
----- (see Unidentified).
Abigail Right, d. Sullivan and Abigail [" Mrs. Abigail .. Should read ` Mrs
Sarah "' written in pencil in later hand], July 25, 1805.
Adoniram Judson, s. Sullivan and Abigail [sic, see Abigail Right Taft], Dec. 15,
Andrew Jackson, s. Sullivan and Abigail [sic, see Abigail Right Taft], Apr. 17,
Andrew Jackson, s. Sullivan and Abigail (sic, see Abigail Right Taft], Feb. 16,
Augusta Maria, d. Josiah Jr. and Hannah, Oct. 17, 1837.
Eunice, d. Josiah and Lucinda, Mar. 26, 1802, in Athol.
Eunice Emeline, d. Josiah Jr. and Hannah, May 20, 1842.
Hannah, d. Josiah and Lucinda, Sept. 25, 1790, in Worcester.
Henry, s. Josiah and Lucinda, Jan. 21, 1796, in Wilbraham.
Henry Seymour, s. Josiah Jr. and Hannah, May 1, 1839.
John, s. Josiah and Lucinda, Feb. 3, 1794, in Worcester.
Josiah, h. Lucinda, May 20, 1768, in Uxbridge.
Josiah, s. Josiah and Lucinda, Mar. 21, 1806, in Athol.
Lucinda [-----], w. Josiah, Aug. 21, 1769, in Brookfield.
Lucy Eliza [dup. w. William Gleason], d. Sullivan and Abigail [sic, see Abigail
Right Taft], Dec. 8, 1810.
Polly, d. Josiah and Lucinda, Dec. 11, 1792, in Shrewsbury.
Polly Flagg, d. Sullivan and Abigail [sic, see Abigail Right Taft], Oct. 25,
Sarah Maria, d. Sullivan and Abigail [sic, see Abigail Right Taft], Feb. 25,
Timothy Sullivan, s. Sullivan and Abigail [sic, see Abigail Right Taft], Dec.
21, 1806.
Alvira [-----], w. Jonathan Hastings, Mar. 6, 1806.
Alvira, d. Jonathan Hastings and Alvira, July 23, 1831.
Betsey, d. Jonathan and Nancy, Jan. 26, 1803. [Betsy.]
Elvira (see Alvira).
Huldah, d. Jonathan and Nancy, July 8, 1796. [Huldy.]
Jonathan Hastings [dup. h. Alvira], s. Jonathan and Nancy [Lucy.], Jan. 4, 1805.
Lucy, d. Jonathan and Nancy, Jan. 25, 1801.
Nancy, d. Jonathan [Jr.] and Nancy, Oct. 29, 1891.
Polly, d. Jonathan and Nancy, Sept. 27, 1791.
Russell Johnson, s. Jonathan Hastings and Alvira, Nov. 5, 1828.
Sally, d. Jonathan and Nancy, May 13, 1794. [Salla.]
Samuel, s. Jonathan and Nancy, Feb. 23, 1811.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Jonathan Hastings and Alvira, Mar. 14, 1830.
Thomas, s. Jonathan and Nancy, July 31, 1807.
Abigail [----], w. Solomon, May 30, 1746.
Abigail, d. Solomon and Abigail, Mar. 17, 1785.
Abigail, d. Richard and Eunice, Sept. 15, 1817. [w. Aaron Dickinson, w. Aaron
Dickinson, d. Richard and Eunice (Christie).]
Abigall, ch. Solomon and Abigaill, bp. Apr. 20, 1788.
Almira, ch. Seth [Jr.] and Julia, Oct. 13, 1822.
Alvira, d. David and Rosamond, May 29, 1825.
Amos, ch. John 2d, Oct. 16, 1837.
Anson, ch. Asa and Olive, bp. July 5, 1818.
Asa, s. Solomon and Abigail, Dec. 4, 1789.
Asa, s. Solomon and w., bp. Nov. 27, 1791.
Asa Welkinson, s. Asa and Olive, bp. Nov. 4, 1821.
Benjamin [dup. h. Rebena], s. Solomon and Abigail [Abigaill, Aug. 27, 1780.
Betsey [dup. w. Bliss Kinsman], d. Nathaniel and Polly, June 25, 1811.
Betsy [------], w. Solomon, Jan. 1, 1795.
Broughton, ch. David and Rosamond, Feb.---, 1829.
Catharine, ch. Asa and Olive, bp. July 5, 1818.
Cemantha Christie, d. Benjamin and Rebena, Apr. 15, 1809.
Charle Emmons, s. Rufus and Anna, Nov. 8, 1828.
Charlotte, d. Richard and Eunice [ (Christie).], July 17, 1820.
Charlotte, d. David and Rosamond, Oct. 3, 1833.
Cyrus, ch. John, Aug. 7, 1828.
Cyrus, s. John and Sarah, bp. Aug. ---, 1829.
Cyrus Oscar, ch. John 2d, May 28, 1839.
David, ch. Seth and Martha, bp. June 26, 1791. [h. Rosamond Nims, [s. Seth and
Martha (Hunt)] b. Sept. 11, 1789.]
David [dup. h. Martha H. C.], s. Nathaniel and Polly, Apr. 1, 1809.
David, s. David and Rosamond, Oct. 2, 1822.
Dexter, s. David and Rosamond, Jan. 14, 1816.
Diantha, ch. Tillotson, Sept. 10, 1820.
Dolla, d. Seth and w., bp. Jan. 14, 1798. [Dorothy [ch. Seth and Martha (Hunt)],
b. Dec. 6, 1797.]
Edward Payson, s. Rufus and Anna, June 21, 1830.
Eleanor Dickinson, ch. Solomon and Betsy, Sept. 4, 1829.
Eliza, d. David and Rosamond, Nov. 6, 1819.
Elizabeth, ch. John, June 9, 1838.
Elvira (see Alvira).
Erastus, s. Nathaniel and Polly, Aug. 3, 1819.
Eunice [------], w. Richard, Jan. 16, 1788. [Eunice (Christie), ch. William and
Hannah. Eunice (Christie).]
Eunice, d. Richard and Eunice, Nov. 8, 1811. [w. Nathaneil Carrol, ch. Richard
and Eunice (Christie).]
Fanny, ch. Solomon and Elizabeth (Marsh), Aug. 27, 1841.
Fidelia, ch. Tillotson, Apr. 3, 1811.
Frederic, ch. John, May 8, 1835. [Dr. Frederick.]
George, ch. John [John and Sarah.], Oct. 30, 1822.
Grata, ch. Seth and Martha, bp. June 26, 1791. [Gratia, w. Rufus Stone, [d. Seth
and Martha (Hunt)] b. Nov. 16, 1785.]
Gulielma Elizabeth, ch. Solomon and Betsy, Mar. 1, 1835.
Hamilton, ch. Solomon and Betsy, July 6, 1817.
Hamilton, ch. Solomon and w., bp. Oct. 9, 1828.
Hannah, d. Solomon and Abigail (Hayden) (second w.), Feb. 9, 1777.
Hannah Brooks, d. Asa and Olive, bp. Aug.---, 1827.
Hannah Hunt, d. Benjamin and Rebena, Jan. 30, 1817.
Hariot, d. David and w., bp. Oct. 12, 1828.
Harriet Electa, d. Rufus and Anna, Jan. 12, 1834.
Henry, s. Benjamin and Rebena, Aug. 20, 1814.
Henry, ch. John, Dec. 2, 1830. [Henry M, " Member of Co. B. 52 Regt. Mass.
Vols.," h. Lucretia W., G.R.4.]
Hiram, s. David and Martha, Dec. 13, 1839.
Holmes, ch. Seth Jr., Sept. 4, 1830.
Horace, ch. John [John and Sally.], Oct. 4, 1820.
Jackson, ch. David and Rosamond, Aug. 11, 1827.
Jacob Chapin, ch. Asa and Olive, bp. July 5, 1818.
James, ch. Solomon and Betsy, Dec. 6, 1822.
James, ch. Solomon and w., bp. Oct. 9, 1828.
James Clark, ch. Solomon and Elizabeth (Marsh), Jan. 7, 1838.
Jane, d. Benjamin and Rebena, Oct. 6, 1819.
John, ch. Seth and Martha, bp. June 26, 1791. [h. Sallie Taylor, [s. Seth and
Martha (Hunt)] b. Apr. 19,].
John, s. Nathaniel and Polly, Apr. 28, 1807.
John Franklin, ch. John, June 19, 1818.
John Milo, s. Horace, farmer, and Mary M., Nov. 5, 1848.
John Milton, ch. Tillotson, Aug. 16, 1812.
Jonathan, s. Nathaniel and Polly, July 31, 1822.
Julia [----], w. Seth, Sept. 22, 1787.
Julia, d. Seth [Jr.] and Julia, Aug. 22, 1819.
Julia Ann. ch. Seth Jr.,------[rec. between ch. b. Mar. 22, 1816 and ch. b. Aug.
22, 1819].
Lewis, ch. Tillotson, Apr. 17, 1814.
Louisa, d. Richard and Eunice, Sept. 20, 1808. [w.-----Clay, w.------Eddy, d.
Richard and Eunice (Christie).]
Lucinda, d. Nathaniel and Polly, July 6, 1814.
Lucinda, twin ch. Richard and Eunice (Christie), Sept. 8, 1824.
Lucretia, twin ch. Richard and Eunice (Christie), Sept. 8, 1824.
Lucretia, ch. John 2d, Mar. 17, 1836.
Lucretia W. [-----], w. Henry M., Dec. 11, 1830.
Lucy, d. Solomon and [Abigail crossed out] first w., Feb. 10, 1769.
Lucy, d. Benjamin and Rebena, July 6, 1807.
Lucy, d. John and Sally, May 24, 1816.
Luther, s. Benjamin and Rebena, June 29, 1811.
Margaret, d. Richard and Eunice (Christie), June 1, 1814.
Margaret Campbell, d. Richard and Eunice, Apr. 4, 1822. [Margarette Campbell
Temple, ch. Richard and Eunice (Christie).]
Maria, d. Nathaniel and Polly, Mar. 7, 1829.
Martha [ch. Seth and Martha (Hunt)], Apr. 5, 1784.
Martha, ch. John, Feb. 24, 1824.
Martha Henrietta, d. John F., carpenter [and] joiner, and Huldah A., Oct. 10,
Martha Jane, d. David and Martha [Temple wrillen over Christie], Mar. 24, 1838.
[w. Samuel K. Gleason, Mar.]
Marthaann, d. Rufus and Anna, Mar. 3, 1832. [Martha Ann.]
Mary, d. Solomon and Betsy, Aug. 29, 1812.
Mary, ch. Tillotson, May 9, 1818.
Mary, ch. Solomon and w., bp. Oct. 9, 1828.
Mary Reed, d. Nathaniel and Polly, July 7, 1817.
Nancy, ch. John, Feb. 15, 1826. [w. Orrin Todd.]
Nancy, d. Richard, May 29, 1828. [w.----White, d. Richard and Eunice
Nathaniel, s. Solomon and Abigail (Hayden) (second w.), June 29, 1775.
Nathaniel, h. Polly, June 29, 1777.
Nathaniel, ch. Solomon and Betsy, Jan. 23, 1815.
Nathaniel, ch. Solomon and w., bp. Oct. 9, 1828.
Otis, ch. Solomon and Betsy, Oct. 4, 1820.
Otis, ch. Solomon and w., bp. Oct. 9, 1828.
Patta, ch. Seth and Martha, bp. June 26, 1791.
Perces, d. Benjamin and Rebena, Feb. 25, 1813.
Philup Horace, s. Horace, farmer, and Mary M., Apr. 28, 1847.
Polly [-----], w. Nathaniel, Mar. 9, 1781.
Richard [dup. h. Eunice], s. Solomon and Abigail (Hayden) (second w.), Nov. 29,
1778. [ch. Solomon and Abigaill, h. Eunice (Christie).]
Richard, ch. Solomon and Betsy, Dec. 13, 1825.
Richard, s. Benjamin and Rebena, Jan. 8, 1826.
Richard, ch. Solomon and w., bp. Oct. 9, 1828.
Richard Franklin, s. Richard, Sept. 7, 1831. [h. Ann Maria Wheeler, s. Richard
and Eunice (Christie).]
Rufus, h. Anna, Sept. 28, 1795. [s. Seth and w., [ch. Seth and Martha (Hunt).]
Rufus, s. Seth [Jr.] and Julia, Mar. 22, 1816.
Rufus Alexander, s. Rufus and Anna, Dec. 9, 1836 [6 written in pencil over 9.]
Samantha Christie (see Cemantha Christie Temple).
Samuel, s. Richard and Eunice (Christie), Apr. 7, 1816.
Samuel Hayden, s. Solomon and Abigail (Hayden) (second w.), Oct. 3, 1773.
Samuel Kimbal, s. Benjamin and Rebena, Dec. 6, 1822.
Sarah, d. Seth and w., bp. May 5, 1793. [w. Alexander P. Maxwell, [d. Seth and
Martha (Hunt)] b. Mar. 10.]
Sarah, d. Richard and Eunice, Mar. 6, 1810. [Saviah, w. John Boyce, ch. Richard
and Eunice (Christie).]
Sarah, d. John and Sally [Sarah], Nov. 9, 1814.
Saviah (see Sarah).
Seth, h. Martha (Hunt), Feb. 21, 1753.
Seth, h. Julia, Oct. 10, 1787. [ch. Seth and Martha, Seth Jr., h. Julia Porter,
[s. Seth and Martha (Hunt).]
Seth, ch. Seth and Julia, Dec. 24, 1823. [Seth Jr., ch. Seth Jr., Dec. 25,
Solomon, h. Abigail, Apr. 25, 1747.
Solomon Jr. [dup. h. Betsy, omits Jr.], s. Solomon and Abigail (Hayden) (second
w.) [Abigaill], Sept. 18, 1782.
Sophia, d. Seth [Jr.] and Julia, Jan. 9, 1815.
Thankful, d. Solomon and Abigail (Hayden) (second w.), June 20, 1787.
[Thankfull, ch. Solomon and Abigaill.]
Theresa, ch. John 2d, Jan. 25, 1835.
Theresa Elizabeth, ch. John 2d, Sept. 20, 1840.
Theron, ch. John, Apr. 20, 1833.
Wilber, ch. Tillotson, Apr. 14, 1816.
William, ch. Tillotson, Mar. 27, 1823.
William Henry, s. David and Martha, Sept. 12, 1842.
-----, ch. Richard and Eunice (Christie), May 12, 1813.
-----, ch. David and Rosamond, June 22, 1818.
-----, ch. David and Rosamond, Oct. 2, 1821.
-----, d. David, farmer, and Martha H., Mar. 7, 1845.
Achsah (see Axa and Axah).
Agues [-----], w. Jonah, Oct. 28, 1747.
Alpheus (dup. h. Mary, h. Lucinda, h. Betsey), s. Jonah and Agues, Nov. 26,
Alpheus Cannon, s. Alpheus and Betsy, July 18, 1825.
Anna [dup. w. Rufus Temple], d. Asahel [Jr.] and Dolly, Sept. 12, 1804.
Asahel Jr., s. Asahel and Esther, Aug. 21, 1768.
Asahel, s. Asahel and Dolly, Nov. 27, 1800.
Asahel, s. Asahel Jr. and w., bp. Jan. 24, 1802.
Axa, d. Silas and w., bp. May 14, 1797.
Axah, ch. Silas and w., bp. Aug. 26, 1792.
Betsey [----], third w. Alpheus, Feb. 29, 1796.
Charles, s. Asahel and Dolly, Aug. 28, 1806.
Charles Evens, s. David and Susan, Nov. 22, 1815.
David, s. Jonah and Esther, Oct. 9, 1787. [David Cutler Thayer, s. Jonah and
David, s. David and Susan, Mar. 8, 1818.
David Haven, s. David and Susan, May 21, 1824.
Dolly [-----], w. Asahel Jr., Apr. 9, 1771.
Dolly, d. Asahel and Dolly, Oct. 10, 1802.
Electa, d. Asahel and Dolly, Apr. 11, 1808. (Alectra)
Elizabeth, d. Jonah and Agnes, Mar. 18, 1781.
Emily, Nov. 19, 1815. [d. Asahel and w.)
Esther, d. Jonah and Esther, Oct. 16, 1793. [Essther]
Esther, d. Artemas and Lydia, Oct. 19, 1803.
Esther, Jan. 10, 1814. [d. Asahel and w.]
George Manley, s. Alpheus and Betsey, Aug. 9, 1820.
George Manley, s. Alpheus, Aug. 15, 1822.
Gerard (see Jerard).
Hadassah, d. Jonah and Esther, Nov. 8, 1791. [Hadasah]
Harry, s. Artemas [Artemus] and Lydia, Feb, 18, 1798.
Horace, s. Artemas and Lydia, Nov. 5, 1795. [Horris]
James, s. Jonah and Agnes, May 10, 1777.
James, s. Jonah and Agnes (Agness], Aug. 29, 1785.
James Henry, s. Alpheus, Mar. 15, 1818.
Jerard, s. Silas and w., bp. May 11, 1800.
Joel, s. Jonah and Agnes,-----[rec. between ch. b. Nov. 26, 1778 and ch. 6. Mar.
18, 1781].
Jonah, h. Agnes, Dec. 14, 1751.
Jonah, s. Jonah and Agnes, Nov. 26, 1778.
Jonathan, ch. Silas and w., bp. Aug. 26, 1792.
Levina, d. Jonathan dec'd and Lucretia, bp. May 14, 1786.
Lovel, s. Jonah and Esther, July 2, 1790. [Lovell)
Lucina, d. Jonah and Agnes, Oct. 9, 1775.
Lucinda [-----], second w. Alpheus, Mar. 23, 1790.
Lucinda, d. Asahel and Dolly, Apr. 13, 1799.
Lydia, d. Artemas and Lydia, June 7, 1811. [Ledia]
Martha Emma, ch. Asahel Jr. [Asahel and Mary], June 30, 1843.
Mary [----], w. Alpheus, Oct. 22, 1780.
Mary Jane, ch. Asahel Jr., Oct. 14, 1834 [Mary Ann, d. Asahel and Mary.]
Mary Treadwell, d. Alpheus and Mary, Mar. 23, 1815.
Merrick Wilder, ch. Asahel Jr. [Asahel and Mary], Nov. 11, 1832.
Olive, d. Asahel and Dolly, Dec. 23, 1810.
Olive Dorothy, ch. Asahel Jr., June 7, 1838.
Philena, d. Artemas and Lydia, Oct. 22, 1800.
Rachel, d. Artemas and Lydia, Nov. 2, 1805.
Salla, ch, Silas and w., bp. Aug. 26, 1792.
Sarah Electa, ch. Asahel Jr., Aug. 13, 1840. [Sara Electa, ch. Asahel and Mary.]
Silas, s. Silas and w., bp. Nov. 30, 1794.
Susan Haven, d. David and Susan, July 12, 1814.
Washington, s. Artemas and Lydia, Dec. 12, 1808.
-----, s. Jonah and Esther,-----[rec. between ch. b. Oct. 9, 1787 and ch. b.
July 2, 1790].
-----, d. Asahel Jr. and w., bp. Jan. 24, 1802.
THOMPSON (see Thomson)
Almira, ch. Rufus and w., bp. May 24, 1818.
Amela, d. Stephen and w., bp. Jan. 27, 1799.
Arad Lyman, s. Lyman, farmer, and Emily, Aug. 30, 1846.
Asad, ch. William and Levina, Dec. 16, 1814.
Catharine, d. Stephen and Phebe, June 23, 1793. [Katy].
Diantha, ch. Rufus and w., bp. May 24, 1818.
Edward, s. Jerome, farmer, and Eliza Jane, Dec. 7, 1849.
Elizabeth, d. Stephen and Phebe, Dec. 6, 1808.
Elizabeth Jane, d. Rufus and Betsey, Dec. 28, 1827.
Emelia, d. Stephen and Phebe, Mar. 22, 1801. [Emela Thomson].
Emily Ellen, d. Lyman, farmer, and Susanna, Dec. 19, 1849.
Ephraim Clay, ch. Luther and Sally, bp. June 8, 1823.
George W., s. Lyman, farmer, and Susanna, Dec. 18, 1847.
Harriet, ch. William and Levina, June 24, 1820.
Harriet Newel, ch. Luther and Sally, bp. June 8, 1823.
Helen Maria, ch. Luther and Sally, bp. June 8, 1823.
Henry, s. Stephen Jr. and Louisa, bp.-----, 1821.
Jerom, ch. William and Levina, Aug. 18, 1817.
John C., s. Stephen and Phebe, Sept. 27, 1804. [John Chapin Thompson].
John Howland, s. Luther and Grac, Sept. 8, 1827.
Kate (see Catharine).
Levina [-----], w. William, Apr. 9, 1777.
Levina, ch. William and Levina, Mar. 1, 1813.
Louisa, ch. Rufus and w., bp. May 24, 1818.
Luther, s. Stephen and Phebe, July 25, 1785.
Luther, ch. Stephen and w., bp. June 10, 1793.
Luthcr (Thomson), s. Luther and Grac, May 13, 1826.
Luther Chapin, s. Luther and Grace, Jan. 20, 1832.
Lyman, ch. Rufus and w., bp. May 24, 1818.
Mary Jane, d. Rufus, farmer, and Susan, July 2, 1849.
Nancy, d. Stephen and Phebe, Dec. 28, 1796.
Pheba, ch. Stephen and w., bp. June 10, 1893.
Phebe, d. Stephen and Phebe, June 5, 1791.
Rhoda (dup. w. Elijah Allen), d. Stephen and Phebe, Jan. 11, 1789.
Rufus, s. Stephen and Phebe, Sept. 2, 1783.
Rufus, ch. Stephen and w., bp. June 10, 1793.
Salla, ch. Stephen and w., bp. June 10, 1793.
Sally, d. Stephen and Phebe, Mar. 12, 1787.
Sarah Grace, d. Luther and Grace, Sept. 17, 1829.
Stephen, s. Stephen and Phebe, Mar. 7, 1795.
Stephen Payson, s. Luther and Grace, Sept. 20, 1833.
William, h. Levina, Apr. 5, 1775.
William, s. William and Levina, Jan. 14, 1809.
THOMSON (see Thompson)
Almira, d. Rufus and Betsey, Nov. 26, 1812.
Diantha, d. Rufus and Betsey, Feb. 27, 1811.
Ephraim Clay, s. Luther and Sally, Dec. 30, 1816.
Harriet Newell, d. Luther and Sally, Jan. 9, 1819.
Helen Maria, d. Luther and Sally, Mar. 14, 1821.
Jesse (dup. Thompson), s. William and Lovina [dup. Levina], Jan. 9, 1811.
Louisa, d. Rufus and Betsey, Oct. 1, 1809.
Lyman, s. Rufus and Betsey, May 4, 1814.
Rufus T., s. Rufus and Betsey, Aug. 10, 1819. [Rufus Thurber Thompson.]
Ann E. Smith [-----], w. Josiah, Sept. 2, 1844.
Josiah, " Co. K. 49 Reg. Mass. Vols.," h. Ann E. Smith, Jan. 15, 1839.
Horace L., h. Melinda M. Stetson,-----, 1818.
Melinda M. Stetson [----], w. Horace L.,-----, 1827.
Arad, s. Thomas and Mary, Aug. 29, 1790.
Lucinda, d. Thomas and Mary, Feb. 23, 1800.
Rachel, d. Thomas and Mary, Feb. 15, 1802.
Ruth, d. Thomas and Mary, Nov. 2, 1798.
------, s. Horace, painter, and Martha A., Aug. 19, 1849.
Aaron, s. Lowel and Betsey, Mar. 5, 1836.
Abel, s. William and Bathsheba, Feb. 12, 1789.
Abel, ch. William and w., bp. Oct. 5, 1800.
Bathsheba, d. William and Bathsheba, May 21, 1791.
Bathsheba, ch. William and w., bp. Oct. 5, 1800.
Benjamin [dup. h. Olive], s. William and Bathsheba, Apr. 17, 1783.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Olive, June 11, 1820.
Erasmus, s. William and Bathsheba, Dec. 14, 1801.
Fanny Elizabeth, d. Lowel and Betsey, May 29, 1843.
Haskins, ch. William and w., bp. Oct 5, 1800.
Jane Maria, d. Lowel and Betsey, June 22, 1840.
Loammi, s. William and Bathsheba, July 21, 1806.
Loisa, d. Benjamin and Olive, Mar. 11, 1822.
Lowel, h. Betsey, July 21, 1806.
Lowel Jefferson, s. Lowel and Betsey, Sept. 7, 1834.
Minerva, d. William and Bathsheba, May 18, 1794.
Minerva, ch. William and w., bp. Oct. 5, 1800.
Olive[----] w. Benjamin, June 5, 1783.
Olive, d. Benjamin and Olive, Sept. 24, 1817.
Roswell, s. William and Bathsheba, May 4, 1798.
Roswell, ch. William and w., bp. Oct. 5, 1800.
Susan Emma, d. Lowel and Betsey, Aug. 14, 1847.
Vernon, s. Lotcel and Betsey, Mar. 5, 1833.
William, s. William and Bathsheba, Oct. 31, 1780.
William, s. William and Bathsheba, May 9, 1786.
William, ch. William and w., bp. Oct. 5, 1800
George, h. Mary J. Brown, Aug. 17, 1830.
Ledia Robins, d. Ebenezer and Hannah, bp. Jan. 6, 1805.
Mary J. Brown [-----], w. George, July 25, 1831.
Cynthia, ch. Whiting and Polly, July 31, 1825.
Henry Whiting, ch. Whiting and Polly, Feb. 3, 1828.
Sarah Adaline, ch. Whiting and Polly, Oct. 11, 1826.
Emily, d. Elias Jr., June 17, 1816.
Hart, s. Elias Jr, and w., June 23, 1827.
James, s. Elias Jr. and w., Feb. 27, 1821.
Josiah, s. Elias Jr. and w., Apr. 5, 1824.
Sarah, d. Elias Jr., June 4, 1819.
Trivena, d. Elias Jr., July 28, 1814.
-----, ch. Elias Jr., Aug. 4, 1829.
Chandler, s. Joshua and w., bp. Sept. 16, 1798.
Joshua, s. Joshua and w., bp. Sept. 9, 1801.
-----, ch. Mr. Wait, Aug.----, 1822.
David, s. Thomas and----, Sept. 20, 1798.
Harvy, s. Thomas and -----, May 22, 1810.
Ira, s. Thomas and------, Feb. 17, 1805.
Joseph Collins, s. Thomas and Milla, Sept. 2, 1791.
Josiah Davidson, s. Thomas and------, Feb. 19, 1801.
Lewis, s. Thomas and-----, May 28, 1807.
Rachel, d. Thomas and-----, Jan. 16, 1796.
Thomas s. Thomas and-----, Dec. 27, 1793.
Joseph Tyler, ch. Lysander M. and Nancy S. S., May 6, 1843.
Lysander Curtis, s. Lysander M., farmer, and Nancy S. S., Apr. 17, 1845.
Nancy Sophia, d. Lysander M. [Lysander L.], merchant, and Priscilla B., Mar. 10,
Solomon Reed, s. Lysander M., merchant, and Nancy S. S., Mar. 25, 1847.
Solomon Reed, ch. Lysander L. and Priscilla B. [sic], bp. Aug. 5, 1849.
Asa Howland, s. Joshua Jr. and Catharine, bp. Apr. 9, 1820.
Aurilla, d. Huldah, Mar. 14, 1802. [Orilla, d. Hulda.]
Betsey Elizabeth, d. Josiah and w., bp.------, 1821.
Elihu Edward, s. Job and Nancy, Aug. 21, 1821.
Eliza Arroline, d. Joshua and Catharine, bp. Sept. 3, 1826.
Henry Lyman, s. Job and Nancy, Sept. 11, 1836.
Job Alexander, s. Job and Nancy, July 30, 1823.
Lucy, d. Job and Nancy, May 22, 1818.
Nancy I. [dup. J.], d. Job and Nancy, Apr. 13, 1827.
Sarah Wilson, d. Job and Nancy, Sept. 5, 1831.
Stephen Thompson, s. Job and Nancy, Nov. 22, 1816.
Thurber, s. Joshua and Catharine, bp. Apr. 12, 1818.
William Lyman, s. Joshua and Catharine, bp. Mar. 30, 1817.
Lyman, s. Increase and Patty, Jan. 11, 1813.
Deborah, w. Levi Sumner, Aug. 12, 1807, in Whitingham, Vt.
Henry, s. Henry and Sally, Oct. 17, 1804.
Polly, d. Henry and Sally, Sept. 3, 1808.
Sally, ch. Henry and Sally, bp. Oct. 16, 1808.
Stephen, ch. Henry and Sally, bp. Oct. 16, 1808.
Alva H., h. Polly, Nov. 2, 1806, in Conway.
Benjamin Swan, ch. Ezekiel B., Apr. 28, 1817, in Greenfield.
Benjamin Swan, ch. Ezekiel and w., bp. Oct. 31, 1830.
Carissa Louisa, ch. Ezekiel and w., bp. Oct. 31, 1830.
Christopher Henry, s. Alva H. and Polly, Aug. 10, 1834.
Clarissa Loisa, ch. Ezekiel B., Aug. 28, 1822, in Greenfield.
Clarissa Louisa (see Carissa Louisa).
George Frink, s. Alva H. and Polly, Jan. 10, 1832.
Harriet Electa, ch. Ezekiel B., May 14, 1825.
Harriot Electa, ch. Ezekiel and w., bp. Oct. 31, 1830.
Louisa, d. Horatio, May 26, 1831.
-----, d. Ezekiel B. and Clarrissa [Clarissa], Mar. 12, 1827.
Eunice Wright, w. Sylvanus Maxwell, Mar. 16, 1785.
Alonzo, s. John and Dorothy, Feb. 7, 1804.
Betsey, d. John and Dorothy, Apr. 9, 1783.
Betsey, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 4, 1792.
Cephas (see Josephas).
Curtis, S. John and Dorothy, Mar. 17, 1798.
Dexter, s. John and Dorothy, Aug. 26, 1799.
Dorothy [-----], w. John, Mar. 30, 1763.
Dorothy, d. John and Dorothy, June 13, 1786.
Dorothy, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 4, 1792.
Elijah, [twin] s. John and Dorothy, Apr. 22, 1801.
Eliza, [twin] d. John and Dorothy, Apr. 22, 1801.
Emerly, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 4, 1792.
Emily, d. John and Dorothy, Apr. 1, 1788.
Horace, s. John and Dorothy, Oct. 28, 1802.
John, h. Dorothy, Dec. 23, 1756, in Leominster.
John, s. John and Dorothy, Oct. 17, 1793.
Josephas, s. John and Dorothy, Apr. 3, 1792. [Cephas.]
Lucinda, d. John and Dorothy, June 23, 1790.
Lucinda, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 4, 1792.
Otis, s. John and Dorothy, Jan. 9, 1796. [Whelock.]
Philena, d. John and Dorothy, Apr. 23, 1806.
Polly, d. John and Dorothy, Aug. 7, 1781.
Polly, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 4, 1792.
Sally, d. John and Dorothy, Dec. 14, 1784.
Sally, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 4, 1792.
Sukey, d. John and Dorothy, Mar. 29, 1780, in Lancaster.
Sukey, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 4, 1792.
Achsah, d. John and Lucy, Mar. 11, 1797.
Becky, d. John and Lucy, Dec. 22, 1805.
Ephraim Fairbank, s. John and Lucy, Dec. 17, 1801.
John, s. John and Lucy, Feb. 9, 1804.
Jonathan, s. John and Lucy, Sept. 7, 1809.
Lucy, d. John and Lucy, Feb. 22, 1799.
Abby Lovisa, d. Rodolphus and Lovisa, May 9[dup. crossed out, Nov. 25], 1834
[sic, see Rodolphus Ashley White].
Abel [dup, h. Sylvia], s. Capt. Benjamin and Abigail, Jan. 23, 1787.
Abel, s. Abel and Sylvia, Sept. 10, 1820.
Abel, ch. Abel and Sylva, bp. June 20, 1823.
Abigail [----], w. Capt. Benjamin, May 19, 1750.
Abigail, d. Capt. Benjamin and Abigail, Apr. 8, 1789. [Nabba, d. Benjaman and
Abigail, Abigail, d. Capt. Benjaman.]
Addison, s. Jonathan and Jane, bp. Jan. 24, 1819.
Alpheus, s. Josioth and Rebeckah, bp. May 25, 1788.
Asa, s. David and Sophia, July 11, 1817.
Asaph, ch. David and Abigail, Mar. 27, 1811.
Asaph, ch. David and Abigail, bp. Dec. 15, 1822.
Benjamin, Capt., h. Abigail, Mar. 3, 1746.
Benjamin, s. Capt. Benjamin and Abigail, July 22, 1783.
Benjamin, s. David and Sophia, Aug. 28, 1815.
Benjamin Franklin, s. Joseph and Huldah, May 8, 1837.
Benjamin Franklin, ch. Joseph and Huldah, bp. July 19, 1840.
Betsy, ch. Luke and w., bp. Jan. 5, 1794.
Caroline Lucretia, d. Gardner and Sally, Dec. 27, 1825.
Clarissa, ch. James and Ruth, bp. Aug. 13, 1786.
Clarissa, [? ch.] Jonathan and Jane, bp. Dec. 28, 1817.
Cyrus, s. Orson and Eusebia, Oct. 16, 1818.
Cyrus, ch. Orson and Eusebia, bp. Sept. 20, 1823.
David [dup. Lt., h. Sophia], s. Capt. Benjamin and Abigail, May 30, 1785.
David, s. Luke and w., bp. May 14, 1797.
David, s. David and Sophia, July 5, 1819.
David Williams, ch. David and Abigail, Aug. 21, 1815.
David Williams, ch. David and Abigail, bp. Dec. 15, 1822.
David Williams, ch. Rodolphus and Lovisa, Nov. 12, 1838.
Dolly, d. Abel and Sylvia, Mar. 15, 1818.
Dolly, ch. Abel and Sylva, bp. June 20, 1823.
Edmund, adopted ch. Luke and w., bp. Jan. 19, 1815.
Eliza Jane, d. Joseph and Huldah, Sept. 9, 1824.
Elizabeth Ayer, d. Joseph and Huldah, May 29, 1839.
Emaline Burnett, d. Gardner and Sally, May 4, 1832.
Emily, ch. Orson and Eusebia, bp. Sept. 20, 1823.
Erastus, s. Abel and Sylvia, Aug. 20, 1813 [sic, see Lucy].
Erastus, s. Abel and Sylvia, Mar. 15, 1819.
Erastus, ch. Abel and Sylva, bp. June 20, 1823.
Eunice, ch. Luke and w., bp. Jan. 5, 1794.
Eusebia, d. Orson and Eusebia, July 24, 1825. [Esubia, d. Orson and Esubia.]
Fanny Alvord, d. David and Sophia, Feb. 19, 1813.
Frederick Handel Bethoven, s. Gardner and Sally, June 5, 1830.
Gardner, s. Dea. James and Ruth, June 11, 1789. [Garner.]
Gardner, s. Gardner and Sally, Apr. 8, 1814.
George, s. Orson and Eusebia, Dec. 10, 1820.
George, ch. Orson and Eusebia, bp. Sept. 20, 1823.
Harriet Mayhew, d. David and Sophia, Mar. 3, 1825.
Harriet Newell, d. Joseph and Huldah, Aug. 27, 1826. [Harriet Newel White.]
Hopkins, s. Abel and Sylvia, May 20, 1825. [Tarbel Hopkins White.]
Horace, s. Luke and w., bp. Nov. 2, 1794.
Huldah Mariah, d. Joseph and Huldah, Feb. 6, 1823. [Huldah Maria.]
James, s. Dea. James and Ruth, Sept. 30, 1785.
James Mozart Haydon, s. Gardner and Sally, Mar. 19, 1828.
John, s. Capt. Benjamin and Abigail, Aug. 21, 1797.
John, s. Luke and Elizabeth, bp. June 23, 1805.
John Milton, s. Joseph and Huldah, June 5, 1828.
John Milton, s. Joseph and Huldah, Nov. 29, 1832.
Jonathan Ashley, ch. David and Abigail, Dec. 18, 1801.
Jonathan Ashley, ch. David and Abigail, bp. Dec. 15, 1822.
Joseph, s. Capt. Benjamin and Abigail, Aug. 18, 1793.
Joseph, ch. David and Abigail, Apr. 11, 1809.
Joseph, ch. David and Abigail, bp. Dec. 15, 1822.
Joseph Phelps, s. Joseph and Huldah, Nov. 2, 1821.
Josiah, s. Capt. Benjamin and Abigail, Mar. 3, 1791.
Josiah Johnson, s. David and Sophia, Sept. 11, 1823.
Julia Ann Taylor, d. Gardner and Sally, Mar. 29, 1821.
Lovisa [----], w. Rodolphus, May 24, 1810.
Lucretia, d. Col. Asaph and Lucretia, bp. Jan. 11, 1789.
Lucretia Bingham [dup. w. Ezra Lamb], ch. David and Abigail, July 5, 1800.
Lucy, d. Abel and Sylvia, Feb. 2, 1814 [sic, see Erastus].
Lucy, d. Abel and Sylvia, Oct. 18, 1826.
Luke, s. Capt. Benjamin and Abigail, Dec. 8, 1778.
Martha, d. Capt. Benjamin and Abigail, Nov. 13, 1780.
Martha, d. Gardner and Sally, June 13, 1819.
Martha Longley, d. Gardner and Sally, Apr. 22, 1817.
Mary, d. Gardner and Sally, Apr. 24, 1815.
Mary, [? ch.] Jonathan and Jane, bp. Dec. 28, 1817.
Nabby, ch. James and Ruth, bp. Aug. 13, 1786.
Nabby (see Abigail).
Nancy, d. David and Sophia, Sept. 25, 1821.
Nancy Eliza, d. Abel and Sylvia, Jan. 2, 1829.
Nancy Weld, d. Joseph and Huldah, Aug. 23, 1830.
Orson, ch. Luke and w., bp. Jan. 5, 1794.
Polly, ch. James and Ruth, bp. Aug. 13, 1786.
Rebecca, d. Abel and Sylvia, Nov. 21, 1823.
Rebekah, ch. James and Ruth, bp. Aug. 13, 1786.
Rodolphus [dup. h. Lovisa], ch. David and Abigail, Dec. 19, 1804.
Rodolphus, ch. David and Abigail, bp. Dec. 15, 1822.
Rodolphus Ashley, s. Rodolphus and Lovisa, Nov. 25, 1833 [sic, see Abby Lovisa].
Roswell, s. Luke and w., bp. Oct. 27, 1799.
Sally, d. Abel and Sylvia, Mar. 15, 1822.
Sally, ch. Abel and Sylva, bp. June 20, 1823.
Sophia [------][see Sophia Kendrick], w. Lt. David, June 16, 1793.
Sophia K., d. David and Sophia, May 2, 1814.
Suky, ch. Luke and w., bp. Jan. 5, 1794.
Sylvia, d. Abel and Sylvia, Sept. 25, 1815.
Tarbel Hopkins (see Hopkins White).
Thomas, s. Capt. Benjamin and Abigail, Apr. 14, 1776.
William, [? ch.] Jonathan and Jane, bp. Dec. 28, 1817.
-----, d. Luke, bp. Nov. 22, 1801.
-----, ch. Joseph, bp. July 19, 1840.
-----, d. David, farmer, and Wealthy Jr., June 10, 1844.
Betsy, d. Willis and Releiff [Relief.], Feb. 28, 1791.
Clarinda, d. Willis and Releiff, Oct. 26, 1792.
Clarinda, d. Willis and w., bp. Oct. 5, 1795.
John, s. Willis and Releiff, Sept. 2, 1780, in Shrewsbury.
Joseph, s. Willis and w., bp. July 20, 1800.
Nancy, d. Willis and Releiff, Oct. 9, 1784, in Lancaster.
Polly, d. Willis and Releiff, Feb. 13, 1783, in Lancaster.
Releiff, d. Willis and Releiff, Oct. 3, 1788. [d. Wilise aad Releiff, bp. Apr.
20 sic.]
Vashty (Wildar), d. Willis and w., bp. June 22, 1794.
Willis, s. Willis and Releiff, Mar. 10, 1779, in Lancaster.
Abigail, d. John and Naamah [Naaman.] (Starks), May 4, 1779.
Austin, s. Gayton and Louisa. (Densmore), June 6, 1809 [sic, see death].
Charles Holmes Calmeda, s. John and Naamah [Naaman,] (Starks), Nov. 15, 1789.
Clark, s. Gayton and Louisa, Mar. 6, 1828.
Cynthia [-----], w. James, Aug. 16, 1802.
Diana, d. Gayton and Louisa, Dec. 18, 1817. [ch. Gayton and Louisa (Densmore),
Dec. 8].
Diana B., d. Gayton and Louisa, Oct. 28, 1811. [ch. Gayton and Louisa
(Densmore), Oct. 28, 1812x.]
Diantha W., d. Gayton and Loisa, June 14, 1815. [ch. Gayton and Louisa
(Densmore), June 6.]
Elenor, d. John and Naamah (Starks), July 20, 1777. [Elenar, ch. John and Naaman
(Starks), Jan. 20.]
Gayton [dup. h. Louisa], s. John and Naamah (Starks), June 23, 1785 [dup. 1775
sic]. [bp. May 14, 1786. Jayton, ch. John and Naaman (Densmore), b. June 16,
1785, Gayton, h. Louisa (Densmore), b. June 16, 1785]
Harriet Lane, d. John and Naamah (Starks), May 6, 1787. [Harrett Lane Williams,
ch. John and Naaman (Starks).
James, h. Cynthia, Sept. 13, 1796.
James, s. James and Cynthia, June 14, 1828.
Jayton (see Gayton Williams).
John, h. Naamah [Naaman] (Starks), Sept. 30, 1735.
John Lane, s. John and Naamah [Naaman] (Starks), May 27, 1776.
Lindsey (see Lynsey).
Louisa (-----], w. Gayton,-----. [Louisa (Densmore), Apr. 26, 1791.]
Louisa Densmore, d. Gayton and Louisa, Dec. 12, 1820. [ch. Gayton and Louisa
(Densmore), Dec. 11.]
Lynsey, s. John and Naamah (Starks), Aug. 28, 1792. [Linsey, ch. John and Naaman
Persis, d. Gayton and Louisa, Dec. 25, 1823.
Sarah, d. John and Naamah [Naaman] (Starks), Apr. 24, 1781.
Thomas Everct, s. John and Naamah [Naaman] (Starks), Apr. 17, 1783.
Elbert Lyman, s. Robert M., farmer, and Esther, Nov. 25, 1849.
Esther R. [------], w. Robert M., Sept. 20, 1812, in Whitingham, Vt.
Francis Edward, s. Robert M. and Esther R., June 22, 1839.
Lucinda Emaline, d. Robert and Sally, Sept. 2, 1821. [Lucinda Emeline.]
Nancy, d. Robert and Sally, Mar. 17, 1808.
Nancy, ch. Robert and Sarah, bp. Mar. 1, 1818.
Phebe Chapin, d. Robert and Sally, Nov. 7, 1810.
Phebe Chapin, ch. Robert and Sarah, bp. Mar. 1, 1818.
Robert Mills [dup. h. Esther R.], s. Robert and Sally [Sarah], Aug. 2, 1815.
Sarah, d. Robert and Sally [Sarah], Feb. 29, 1812.
Sarah Helen, d. Robert M. and Esther R., June 12, 1842. [Sarah Hellen.]
Anna, w. Lt. Benjamin Maxwell,-----, 1743, in Boston. [This entry in later
Ashmun Hinkley, ch. Joel S. and Lydia P., bp. Dec. 20, 1846.
Francelia Fedora, d. Joel S. and Lydia, Jan. 20, 1843. [Francelia Phedora, ch.
Joel N. and Lydia].
Henry Porter, s. Joel S. and Lydia, Jan. 18, 1834.
Joel Leavitt, ch. Joel N. and Lydia, bp. May 11, 1845.
Julia Spencer, d. Joel S., farmer, and Lydia M. [Lydia P.], June 13, 1848.
-----, Mary, " a child taken to bring up George Session & ----- his wife," bp.
June 15, 1824.
-----, Samuel, " a child placed under the care and education of Jonah Thayer
and---- his wife," bp. June 19, 1808
-----,-------,[?------Sumner], d. Levi, farmer, and-----, June 27, 1844.