Harvard, Massachusetts
Vital Records To 1850
Births - TAYLER to YOUNG
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

TAYLER (see Taylor)
Charles, s. of Israel and Rachel, Oct. 6, 1742.
TAYLOR (see Tayler)
Abbie Sophia, d. of Zopher and Eunice D., b. in Littleton, Oct. 12, 1849.
Abigail, d. of John and Sally, June 10, 1815. (Abigail, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. May 30, 1824.)
Allice Mary, d. of Ebenezer M. and Abigail, in Pepperell, July 25, 1846.
Almira, d. of John and Sally, Feb. 22, 1813. (Almira, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. May 30, 1824. C.R.2.)
Anna Whitmore, d. of John and Sally, in Lancaster, Mar. 3, 1808.
Asenath, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1802.
Betty, d. of (Dr., C.R.1) John and Mary, June 8, 1757.
Daniel, s. of John and Sally, Mar. 3, 1819. (Daniel, s. of wid. Sarah, bp. May 30, 1824. C.R.2.)
Elisabeth Augusta, d. of Samuel H. and Esther E., Feb. 15, 1848.
Eliza, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, June 27, 1806.
Elizabeth, d. of John and Sally, Aug. 9, 1821. (Elizabeth, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. May 30, 1824. C.R.2.)
Elizabeth Barnard, d. of Phinehas and Mercy, Feb. 17, 1817.
Ellen Elizabeth, d. of Zopher and Eunice D., Apr. 6, 1847.
Emery, s. of William and Polly, Feb. 3, 1816.
Ephraim, s. of Charles and Mercy, Dec. 5, 1776.
Ephraim Handley, s. of Phinehas and Mercy, Dec. 20, 1820.
Ephraim Harvey, s. of Ephraim and Anne, in Ashbumham, Oct. 23, 1817.
Esther, d. of Charles and Mercy, Aug. 18, 1765.
Eunice D. [----], w. of Zophar, Oct. 24, 1819. G.R.1.
Henry Albert, s. of Samuel H. and Emeline E., b. in Groton, July 23, 1849.
Israel, s. of Charles and Mercy, Apr. 9, 1769.
Jacob Fairbank, s. of Phinehas and Mercy, July 2, 1812.
John, s. of John and Mary, Aug. 31, 1761.
John, s. of John and Sally, Mar. 18, 1810.
John Nourse, s. of Zopher and Maria (dec., C.R.2), Aug. 25, 1844.
Jonathan Wood, s. of Phinehas and Mercy, Jan. 6, 1819.
Joseph, s. of Charles and Mercy, Dec. 9, 1774.
Lucy Jane, d. of William and Mary Jr., Nov. 5, 1826.
Lydia, d. of William and Polly, Mar. 19, 1819.
Martha Ann, d. of Ephraim and Anne, Dec. 24, 1819.
Martha L. (Martha Louisa, C.R.2), d. of Zopher and Maria, Oct. 16, 1839.
Mary, d. of Israel and Rachel, Mar. 12, 1732-3.
Mary, d. of William and Polly, Nov. 6, 1803.
Mary, d. of John and Sally, June 20, 1817. (Mary, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. May 30, 1824. C.R.2.)
Mary Ann, d. of William and Mary Jr., July 9, 1824.
Mary Jane, d. of Samuel H. and Eveline E., July 19, 1846.
Mary Wilkins, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 20, 1809.
- Mercy, d. of Charles and Mercy, Mar. 12, 1771.
Mercy, d. of William and Polly, Mar. 11, 1812.
Mira, d. of Josiah and Elisabeth, Feb. 25, 1804.
Nabby, d. of William and Polly, Nov. 3, 1807.
Nancy, d. of William and Polly, Oct. 19, 1805.
Nathan, s. of wid. Sarah, bp. July 20, 1746. C.R.1.
Salley, d. of Charles and Mercy, July 18, 1781.
Sally, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, bp. May 21, 1809. C.R.1.
Sally Brewer, d. of Solomon and ----, bp. Mar. 13, 1803. C.R.1.
Sally Burdet, d. of John and Sally, in Leominster, Nov. 3, 1806.
Samuel H., s. of Samuel H. and Mary Smith, Oct. 17, 1847.
Samuel Hill, s. of William and Mary Jr., Nov. 13, 1822.
Sarah Davis, d. of Phinehas and Mercy, July 1, 1815.
Thomas Burdett, s. of John and Sally, Nov. 10, 1809.
William, s. of Charles and Mercy, Feb. 10, 1779.
William, s. of Hannah Rand, Dec. 30, 1799.
Zopher, s. of William and Polly, Mar. 9, 1810.
Olive D., Sept. 26, 1803. G.R.1.
Emery Bigelow, s. of wid. Betsy, bp. June 2, 1813. C.R.1.
Erastus Darwin, s. of wid. Betsy, bp. June 2, 1813. C.R.1.
John, s. of wid. Betsy, bp. June 2, 1813. C.R.1.
Orissa, d. of wid. Betsy, bp. June 2, 1813. C.R.1.
Emeline Elvira, d. of Amos D. and Louisa E., bp. Sept. 8, 1833. C.R.2.
Sarah Ann Augusta, d. of Amos D. and Louisa E., bp. May 6, 1832. C.R.2.
Abigail A., ----, 1812. G.R.3.
Abbie D. Newman [----], w. of Thomas J., Aug. 23, 1806. G.R.1.
Bethiah, d. of Prince and Rebekah, Aug. 28, 1782.
Betsy, d. of James and Louis, Aug. 30, 1815.
Caleb, s. of Simeon and Lucy, Oct. 27, 1788.
Charlotte Meeds, d. of Luther and Nabby, Feb. 10, 1816.
Dwelly, s. of Simeon and Lucy, Oct. 13, 1786.
Edward Oliver, s. of Oliver W. and Rebecca, Apr. 18, 1849.
Elisha, s. of Luther and Nabby, June 23, 1802.
Eliza Johnson, d. of George and Azubah, May 13, 1817.
George, s. of Prince and Rebecca, Nov. 24, 1790.
Horatio, s. of Luther and Nabby, Feb. 26, 1806.
- Isaac Whitney, s. of James and Louis, Nov. 21, 1809.
James, s. of Prince and Rebekah, Aug. 16, 1784.
Lorenzo, s. of James and Louis, Dec. 2, 1807.
Lucendy, d. of Prince and Rebekah, July 19, 1780.
Luther, s. of Prince and Rebecca, Mar. 30, 1775.
Luther Gerry, s. of Luther and Nabby, Mar. 10, 1804.
Nabbey, d. of Prince and Rebecca, Dec. 28, 1777.
Nancy, d. of Luther and Nabby, Sept. 27, 1800.
Nancy, d. of Luther and Nabby, Feb. 11, 1812.
Nathan Sprague, s. of Luther and Nabby, Jan. 16, 1808.
Oliver Wood, s. of Luther and Nabby, Apr. 6, 1810.
Rachal, d. of Simeon and Lucy, May 19, 1783.
Rebecca, d. of Prince and Rebecca, Mar. 7, 1789.
Sally, d. of Prince and Rebekah, Oct. 11, 1786.
Stephen Hayward, s. of Luther and Nabby, Nov. 26, 1814.
T. Jackson, s. of Thomas J. and Abbie D. Newman, Nov. 21, 1829. G.R.1.
Thomas J., Jan. 2, 1804. G.R.1.
Washburn, s. of James and Louis, Aug. 6, 1813.
Alma Elery, d. of (Capt., C.R.1) Edward and Alma (Alma E., C.R.1), Mar. 2, 1815.
Elizabeth, d. of (Capt., C.R.2) Edward and Alma (Almy Ellery, C.R.2), June 21, 1823.
Harriet Newall, d. of Edward and Alma, May 29, 1820. Twin.
James Richards, s. of Edward and Alma, May 29, 1820. Twin.
John Flavel, s. of Edward and Alma, June 30, 1818.
Polly, d. of ---- and ward of Samuel Jr. and Olive Hill, bp. Oct. 18, 1795. C.R.1.
Susanna, d. of (Capt., C.R.1) Edward and Alma (Almy E., C.R.1), July 30, 1816.
Lysander S., ----, 1820. G.R.1.
Mercy F. [----], w. of Lysander S., ----, 1822. G.R.1.
Ann Lucy, d. of William and Catherine of Marlborough, Aug. 31, 1847.
WARNER (see Worner)
Aaron, s. of Nathan and Dorothy, June 30, 1751.
Aaron, s. of Phinehas and Lydia, Sept. 25, 1780.
Abigail, d. of John and Phebe, July 4, 1750.
Abigail, d. of Ebenezer Jr. and Deborah, June 8, 1777.
Abigail, d. of Elias and Abigail, Aug. 10, 1793.
Abijah, s. of Nathanael and Rachel, July 15, 1753.
- Alanson, s. of John and Sally, June 10, 1826.
Albert, s. of Luke and Amanda, Feb. 7, 1828.
Amanda, d. of Luke and Amanda, Oct. 6, 1836.
Ann, d. of John of Lancaster, bp. Apr. 24, 1743. C.R.1.
Anna, d. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Aug. 24, 1752 O.S. (Aug. 14 dup.).
Anna, d. of Calvin and Anna, Oct. 18, 1790.
Asa, s. of Caleb and Bethiah, Apr. 13, 1804. (Asa, s. of wid. Bethiah, bp. May 26, 1816. C.R.1.)
Benjamin, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, May 21, 1757.
Benjamin, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Jan. 29, 1761.
Benjamin Franklin, s. of John and Sally, July 3, 1844.
Betsy, d. of Calvin and Anna, Sept. 28, 1792.
Betsy, d. of Caleb and Bethiah, Oct. 2, 1811.
Caleb, s. of Caleb and Bethiah, Mar. 7, 1814. (Caleb, s. of wid. Bethiah, bp. May 26, 1816. C.R.1.)
Calvin, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Sept. 7, 1763.
Calvin, s. of Calvin and Anna, Dec. 26, 1788.
Calvin, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Mar. 3, 1816.
Charles, s. of Joshua and Dorathy, bp. Aug. 17, 1746. C.R.1.
Charles, s. of Joshua and Dorathy, Feb. 5, 1754.
Daniel, s. of Elizabeth, bp. May 28, 1738. C.R.1.
Daniel Webster, s. of John and Sally, Mar. 17, 1838.
Danvers, s. of Calvin and Elcy, May 23, 1830.
David, s. of John and Phebe, Nov. 23, 1766.
Dorathy, d. of Joshua and Dorathy, July 7, 1751.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1754.
Edwin, s. of John and Sally, July 11, 1828.
Elcy, d. of Abijah and Elcy, Sept. 13, 1778.
Elias, s. of John, bp. Sept. 9, 1764. C.R.1.
Elias, s. of Elias and Abigail, Oct. 7, 1795.
Eliza, d. of John and Sally, June 26, 1821.
Eliza M., d. of John and Sally, Mar. 22, 1840.
Elizabeth, d. of Ephraim and Mercy, Sept. 11, 1812.
Elsey, d. of Calvin and Lydia, Feb. 16, 1812.
Ephraim, s. of Phinehas and Lydia, Apr. 16, 1774.
Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Mercy, June 17, 1804.
Eunice, d. of Moses, bp. Apr. 12, 1767. C.R.1.
Ezra, s. of Ephraim and Mercy, Apr. 12, 1799.
Franklin, s. of Ephraim and Mercy, Mar. 12, 1811.
George Henry, s. of Elias, Mar. 18, 1844.
George Turner, s. of Caleb and Bethiah, Jan. 24, 1809. (George Turner, s. of wid. Bethiah, bp. May 26, 1816. C.R.1.)
Henry L., s. of Luke and Amanda, Oct. 27, 1834.
Horatio, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Feb. 22, 1818.
Israel, s. of Phinehas and Lydia, Nov. 17, 1771.
Ize, d. of Ebenezer Jr. and Deborah, Apr. 20, 1782.
Job, s. of Joshua and Mary, bp. Jan. 27, 1745. C.R.1.
Job, s. of Joshua and Mary, bp. May 18, 1746. C.R.1.
John, s. of John and Phebe, Mar. 16, 1762.
John, s. of Elias and Abigail, Aug. 23, 1789.
John G., s. of John and Sally, Sept. 17, 1834.
John W., s. of John and Sally, Feb. 26, 1833.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. Dec. 12, 1742. C.R.1.
Joshua, s. of Joshua and Mary, bp. Jan. 1, 1748-9. C.R.1.
Levi, s. of Joshua (Jr., C.R.1) and Dorothy, Mar. 22, 1748-9.
Lidiah, d. of David and Annah, Apr. 15, 1750.
Lidiah, d. of Nathaniel and Rachel, Feb. 8, 1750-1.
Lois, d. of Ebenezer and Abigail, Feb. 22, 1750-1.
Lois, d. of Moses and Eunice, bp. Apr. 19, 1761. C.R.1.
Lorenzo, s. of John and Sally, July 6, 1819.
Loring D., s. of Luke and Amanda, Mar. 28, 1830.
Lovisa, d. of Caleb and Bethiah, Nov. 30, 1806. (Louisa, d. of wid. Bethiah, bp. May 26, 1816. C.R.1.)
Lucy, d. of Aaron and Mary, Dec. 7, 1776. (Lucy, d. of wid. Mary, bp. Apr. ----, 1777. C.R.1.)
Lucy, d. of Ebenezer and Deborah, Mar. 11, 1781.
Luke, s. of Calvin and Anna, Oct. 28, 1795.
Lydia, d. of Phinehas and Lydia, Oct. 19, 1775.
Lydia, d. of Ephraim and Mercy, Dec. 15, 1796.
Lydia, d. of Calvin and Lydia, Mar. 5, 1820.
Mary, d. of David and Annah, Jan. 13, 1747-8.
Mary Ann, d. of Luke and Amanda, Sept. 13, 1838.
Nabe, d. of John and Phebe, July 16, 1759.
Nathan Ball, s. of Ebenezer Jr. and Deborah, Mar. 22, 1779.
Nathanael, s. of Abijah and Elcy, Jan. 3, 1777.
Noah, s. of Calvin and Anna, Feb. 15, 1800.
Olive B. Dorchester [----], w. of Henry L., ----, 1836. G.R.3.
Persis, d. of John and Phebe, Mar. 19, 1757.
Phebe, d. of John and Phebe, Feb. 18, 1754.
Philemon, s. of Capt. John of Lancaster, bp. July 14, 1745. C.R.1.
Rachel, d. of Nathan and Dorothy, Mar. 9, 1748-9.
Rebecca, d. of Phinehas and Lydia, Dec. 24, 1769.
Ruth, d. of Joshua and Mary, bp. Oct. 3, 1742. C.R.1.
Sally, d. of John and Sally, June 10, 1824.
Sally Gould [----], w. of John, ----, 1798. G.R.1.
Sarah, d. of John (Jr., C.R.1) and Phebe, June 7, 1753.
Sarah Lydia, d. of Washington and Candace, Mar. 15, 1845.
Silas, s. of Moses and Eunice, bp. Apr. 19, 1761. C.R.1.
Susan, d. of Calvin and Lydia, Feb. 15, 1827.
Sylva, d. of Luke and Amanda, Dec. 7, 1831. (w. of Charles Mills. G.R.3.)
Tamar, d. of Nathan and Dorothy, Dec. 3, 1738.
Waldo, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Mar. 8, 1826.
Walter, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Mar. 22, 1822.
Washington, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Nov. 21, 1813.
Zerviah, d. of Calvin and Anna, Nov. 5, 1797.
Zophar, s. of Calvin and Lydia, Apr. 10, 1824.
Abraham, s. of Abraham and Suky, Apr. 22, 1818.
Daniel Gray, s. of Abraham and Suky, May 15, 1813.
Eliza, d. of Abraham and Suky, Oct. 1, 1801.
Harriet, d. of Abraham and Suky, June 6, 1804.
Henry Augustus, s. of Abraham and Suky, Sept. 5, 1814.
Maryan, d. of Abraham and Suky, Apr. 5, 1806.
Sarah Gray, d. of Abraham and Suky, Apr. 17, 1811.
Suky, d. of Abraham and Suky, Jan. 22, 1800.
Thomas Gray, s. of Abraham and Suky, Apr. 5, 1811.
James A., Feb. 1, 1834. G.R.1.
Mary, d. of wid. ----, bp. May 18, 1773. C.R.1.
Moses, s. of wid. ----, bp. May 18, 1773. C.R.1.
Jabez, s. of Eliphalet, bp. June 4, 1775. C.R.1.
WETHERBE (see Wetherbee, Witherbe, Witherbee)
John, s. of John and Sarah, Noy. 10, 1751.
Lydia, d. of Joseph and Lydia, Apr. 12, 1792.
Martha, d. of Jan and Martha, Feb. 21, 1761.
Micah, s. of John and Sarah, May 22, 1758.
Polly, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, Sept. 14, 1772.
Ruth, d. of John and Sarah, Apr. 29, 1757.
Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, Aug. 13, 1750.
WETHERBEE (see Wetherbe, Witherbe, Witherbee)
Abigail, d. of Ezra and Sally, Dec. 11, 1822.
Abigail Farwell, d. of Jonathan and Mary Gray, Apr. 12, 1812.
Adeline, d. of Ezra and Rachel, May 28, 1806.
Albert, s. of Ezra and Sally, Aug. 19, 1817.
Andrew, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1813.
Anna, d. of John and Anna, June 22, 1736.
Anna, d. of John and Martha, Aug. 3, 1763.
Anne, d. of Samuell, bp. Sept. 15, 1771. C.R.1.
Asa, s. of Josiah and Lucy, June 24, 1785.
Benjamin Stone, s. of Ethan and Sally, bp. Aug. 30, 1827. C.R.2.
Betsey, d. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. Apr. 18, 1824. C.R.2.
Betty, d. of Josiah and Lucy, Apr. 24, 1776.
Catharine, d. of Asa and Polly, Mar. 26, 1818.
Catharine, d. of Ethan and Betsy, Feb. 8, 1821.
Charles Lincoln, s. of Zophar and Sarah C., b. in Boston, Aug. 27, 1849.
Charles Randall, s. of Charles and Susan, July 7, 1819.
Doddridge, s. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. Feb. 3, 1822. C.R.2.
Elizabeth, d. of John and Sarah, Apr. 9, 1753.
Elizabeth Thomas, d. of Jonathan and Mary Gray, in Maine, Sept. 18, 1808.
Elizabeth Whitney, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. July 9, 1786. C.R.1.
Elizabeth, d. of John and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1748.
Emeline, d. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. May 15, 1831. C.R.2.
Ethan, s. of Ethan and Sally, bp. June 29, 1823. C.R.2.
Ezra Zopher, s. of Zopher and Sarah, July 16, 1835.
Francis William, s. of Ezra, bp. Nov. 20, 1831. C.R.1.
Frederick, s. of Zopher and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1844.
Gardner, s. of Ezra and Rachel, Oct. 8, 1810.
Gardner, s. of Zopher and Sarah, Nov. 8, 1833.
George C., ----, 1840. G.R.3.
Hannah, d. of Josiah and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1808.
Harriet Newell (Harriet Nason dup.), d. of Ezra and Sally, Dec. 27, 1819.
Henry Stetson, s. of Jonathan and Mary Gray, in Dexter, Me., Dec. 20, 1809.
John, s. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. June 23, 1833. C.R.2.
Jonas, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, bp. July 1, 1753. C.R.1.
Jonathan, s. of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 26, 1733-4 [sic.]
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, May 22, 1751.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Lucy, June 28, 1783.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Dec. 30, 1811.
Josiah, s. of Charles and Susan, Sept. 13, 1820.
Josiah L., s. of Ezra and Sally, May 10, 1815.
Juliann, d. of Ezra and Rachel, Sept. 7, 1808.
Lucy, d. of Josiah and Hannah, Sept. 23, 1815.
Lucy E. [---], w. of Sylvanus, June 12, 1805. G.R.1.
- Malissa, d. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. June 12, 1828. Twin. C.R.1.
Margaret Little, d. of Asa and Polly, Aug. 22, 1820.
Maria, d. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. Apr. 30, 1826. C.R.2.
Marilla, d. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. June 15, 1828. Twin. C.R.2.
Martha, d. of Asa and Polly, Jan. 25, 1815.
Mary, d. of Ezra and Rachael, and w. of Enoch Perkins, Nov. 14, 1802.
Mary, d. of Josiah and Hannah, Apr. 4, 1817.
Mary, d. of Asa and Polly, Oct. 14, 1823.
Mary E. [----], w. of George C., ----, 1844. G.R.3.
Mary Perkins, d. of Zopher and Sarah C., Jan. 26, 1846.
Melinda, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, July 28, 1793.
Melvina [----], w. of Frederic, ----, 1847. G.R.3.
Nahum, s. of Ethan and Betsy, Jan. 10, 1802.
Nancy Park, d. of Asa and Polly, June 25, 1816.
Polly, d. of Josiah (Jr., C.R.1) and Lucy, Sept. 20, 1780.
Rachel, d. of Ezra and Rachel, Jan. 10, 1813.
Rowana, d. of Josiah and Hannah, May 18, 1806.
Rowland, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Apr. 23, 1810.
Salla, d. of Josiah (Jr., C.R.1) and Lucy, Aug. 14, 1778.
Sally, d. of Ethan and Betsy, Mar. 1, 1807.
Sally, d of Josiah and Hannah, Oct. 24, 1818.
Sarah Augusta, d. of Asa and Polly, June 14, 1829.
Sarah Louisa, d. of Zopher and Sarah, Dec. 17, 1838.
Sarah P., ----, 1780. G.R.1.
Seba French, d. of Jonathan and Mary Gray, Jan. 23, 1815.
Sophia Parkhurst, d. of Asa and Polly, May 6, 1826.
Sukey, d. of Josiah and Lucy, Jan. 15, 1788. (Sukee, d. of wid. Wetherbee, bp. Aug. 3, 1788. C.R.1.)
Susan, d. of Phinehas and Sally, Sept. 20, 1818.
Susan, d. of Charles and Susan, Nov. 21, 1821.
Susan Moore, d. of Asa and Polly, Nov. 15, 1811.
Sylvanus, s. of Ethan and Betsy, Oct. 4, 1804.
Sylvanus Robins, s. of Sylvanus and Lucy E., bp. Aug. 12, 1832. C.R.2.
Thomas Stetson, s. of Jonathan and Mary Gray, Jan. 7, 1820.
Unice, d. of John and Sarah, May 27, 1755.
Warren, s. of Josiah and Hannah, bp. Feb. 3, 1822. C.R.2.
Zophar, s. of Ezra and Rachel, July 19, 1804.
Lydia, d. of Joseph and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1802.
Abigale, d. of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 26, 1776.
Claressa, d. of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 1, 1774.
Daniel Greenleaf, s. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 14, 1768.
Deliverance, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, July 9, 1737.
Deliverance, s. of Thomas and Mary, Mar. 28, 1745.
Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1727.
Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 31, 1761.
Ephraim, s. of Seth and Mary Jr., Sept. 21, 1747.
Ephraim, s. of Thomas and Mary, bp. Oct. 4, 1747. C.R.1.
John, s. of Joseph and Mary, May 17, 1770.
Joseph, s. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Aug. 27, 1766.
Levi, s. of Joseph Esq., bp. Nov. 28, 1779. C.R.1.
Mary, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Sept. 19, 1730.
Mary, d. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Apr. 7, 1763.
Moses, s. of Joseph and Mary, Apr. 4, 1772.
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1733.
Theophilus, s. of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 25, 1765. (Dec. 22, 1764; bp. Jan. 3, 1765. C.R.1.)
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Jan. 30, 1723.
WHETCOMB (see Whetcombe, Whitcomb, Whitcombe)
Abraham, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1797.
John Priest, s. of Reuben and Mercy, June 16, 1796.
Josiah, s. of James Jr., bp. Apr. 21, 1776. C.R.1.
Sally, d. of Abraham and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1795.
WHETCOMBE (see Whetcomb, Whitcomb, Whitcombe)
Elias, s. of William and Hannah, Jan. 26, 1760.
Loas, d. of William and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1748-9.
Lucy, d. of William and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1756.
Oliver, s. of William and Hannah, July 2, 1749.
Persis, d. of William and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1754.
WHITCOMB (see Whetcomb, Whetcombe, Whitcombe)
Abiel, s. of James and Hannah, June 23, 1744.
Abigail Clevland, d. of Jotham, bp. Oct. 5, 1777. C.R.1.
Abraham, s. of James Jr., bp. Apr. 10, 1772. C.R.1.
Adeline, d. of Leonard and Hannah, Mar. 30, 1818.
Allis, d. of Abel, bp. Nov. 15, 1778. C.R.1.
Charles, s. of Thomas, bp. Apr. 14, 1765. C.R.1.
Edward Payson, s. of Reuben and Abby F., Aug. 26, 1832.
Edward Payson, s. of Reuben (Jr., C.R.2) and Abby F., May 16, 1834.
Eliza Pierce, d. of Leonard and Hannah, Mar. 10, 1822.
Hannah, d. of James and Hannah, May 26, 1747.
Hannah, d. of Abel, bp. Mar. 19, 1775. C.R.1.
Isaac, s. of Oliver, bp. Feb. 10, 1771. C.R.1.
Jacob, s. of Oliver, bp. Dec. 6, 1772. C.R.1.
Jeams, s. of Jeams and Hannah, July 4, 1741.
Joanna, d. of Chapman and Rhoda, Apr. 6, 1793.
Joseph Pratt, s. of Leonard and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1806.
Lois, d. of William and Hannah, bp. Mar. 22, 1747. C.R.1.
Lucy, d. of Phinehas and Abigail, Mar. 21, 1786.
Luthar, s. of James and Hannah, June 23, 1753.
Lydia, d. of James and Hannah, Oct. 27, 1736.
Lydia, d. of William and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1744-5.
Martha Antonette, d. of Oliver W. and Martha M., Sept. 9, 1845.
Mary Mercy, d. of (Dea., C.R.2) Reuben and Abby F., Oct. 2, 1844.
Oren, s. of Leonard and Hannah, Mar. 1, 1811.
Pattiance, d. of James and Hannah, Apr. 3, 1739.
Paulina Astin, d. of Leonard and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1813.
Peter, s. of James and Hannah, Feb. 23, 1733.
Peter, s. of Jotham, bp. Mar. 25, 1781. C.R.1.
Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Abigail, Feb. 15, 1790.
Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Abigail, June 24, 1792.
Phinehas Willard, s. of Chapman and Rhoda, bp. Apr. 24, 1803. C.R.1.
Potter, s. of Leonard and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1809.
Reuben, s. of Reuben and Mercy, Aug. 22, 1802.
Sarah, d. of James Jr., bp. Nov. 15, 1766. C.R.1.
William, s. of Phinehas and Abigail, Apr. 19, 1799.
WHITCOMBE (see Whetcomb, Whetcombe, Whitcomb)
Betty, d. of Oliver, bp. May 8, 1774. C.R.1.
Betty Fletcher, d. of Jotham, bp. Apr. 3, 1774. C.R.1.
Hannah, d. of William and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1752.
Molly, d. of James Jr. and Lucy, May 31, 1773.
Sarah, d. of James Jr. and Lucy, Oct. 2, 1769.
Anna, d. of John and Jemima, bp. Jan. 12, 1752. C.R.1.
Ruth, d. of John and Jemima, bp. May 12, 1754. C.R.1.
WHITEMORE (see Whittemore)
Lydia, d. of Nathaniel and Lydia, Nov. 28, 1778.
Prescott, s. of Nathaniell and Lydia, July 28, 1787.
----, ch. of George and Abby, Feb. 16, 1841.
Aaron, s. of Jonas and Margaret, June 2, 1740.
Aaron, s. of Aaron and Sarah, Nov. 7, 1777.
Aaron, s. of Aaron and Sally (Aaron and Susanna, C.R.1), Dec. 1, 1812.
Abba Eliza, d. of (Capt., C.R.1) Asa W. and Abigail, Dec. 13, 1817.
Abel, s. of Timothy and Alice, Sept. 19, 1752.
Abel, s. of Aaron, bp. May 28, 1786. C.R.1. (Abel Esq., b. Feb. 17, 1786. G.R.1.)
Abel, s. of Abraham and Rebecca, bp. July 8, 1792.
Abel, s. of Abraham 2d and Alice, Feb. 20, 1804.
Abel, s. of Aaron and Susan, Nov. 23, 1830.
Abigail, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 29, 1763. Twin.
Abijah, s. of Nathan, bp. May 8, 1768. C.R.1.
Abner, s. of John and Rebecca, Jan. 21, 1733-4.
Abraham, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Dec. 20, 1748.
Abraham, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, Mar. 3, 1777.
Abraham, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, Nov. 29, 1779.
Addison, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Oct. 20, 1802. (Jos. Addison, Oct. 23, 1802. G.R.1.)
Alfred, s. of Richard 2d and Sally, May 19, 1813.
Alice, d. of Jonathan and Alice, Apr. 2, 1733.
Alice, d. of Simon and Olive, May 26, 1753.
Allice, d. of (Capt., C.R.1.) Hezekiah and Lucy, July 29, 1780.
Almira, d. of Abraham 2d and Alice, Oct. 24, 1805.
Almira, d. of William and Betsy, July 20, 1806.
Amos, s. of Isaiah and Peirses, Dec. 27, 1768.
Amos, s. of Isaiah Jr., bp. May 8, 1791. C.R.1.
Amos, s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Mar. 9, 1795.
Angelina, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Apr. 15, 1822.
Ann, d. of Abraham and Sarah, May 2, 1760.
Anna, d. of Aaron and Anna, Nov. 18, 1766.
Annas, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 30, 1765.
Annes, d. of Caleb and Annes, May 9, 1756.
Anness, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Feb. 26, 1761.
Arathusa, d. of Israel and Hannah, Dec. 12, 1783.
Artemus, s. of Wetherbe and Abigail, June 8, 1775.
Artemus Ward, s. of (Col., C.R.1) Josiah and Sarah, Nov. 17, 1778.
Asa Willard, s. of Isaac and Lucy, Apr. 24, 1787.
Asena, d. of Cyrus and Asena, Mar. 18, 1800.
Augustus Luke, s. of Luke and Abigail, June 19, 1845.
Benjamin Franklin, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Mar. 21, 1804. (Mar. 23, 1804. G.R.1.)
Bethia, d. of Moses and Betty, Jan. 22, 1757.
Betsey, d. of Israel and Hannah, May 24, 1782.
- Betsey Willard, d. of Richard (Jr., C.R.1) and Mercy, June 5, 1774.
Bettee, d. of Isaiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 3, 1733-4.
Betty, d. of Moses and Betty, Dec. 9, 1756.
Beulah, d. of John and Rebecca, Jan. 23, 1730.
Caleb, s. of Caleb and Annes, June 23, 1758.
Caroline F., d. of William and Jane A., Oct. 2, 1844.
Claresy, d. of Isaac and Lucy, Oct. 28, 1791.
Clarinda, d. of Cyrus and Asena, Oct. 24, 1797.
Cyrene Adelia, inf. d. of Nathan and Nancy, bp. Jan. 4, 1835. C.R.2.
Cyrus, s. of Isaiah and Persis, Aug. 17, 1771.
Daniel, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1786.
Daniel, s. of Isaiah 2d and Mary, Apr. 12, 1797.
Daniel, s. of Aaron and Susan, Sept. 5, 1825. (Daniel Hartwell, s. of Capt. Aaron, bp. June 18, 1826. C.R.1.)
Dolly, d. of wid. ----, bp. May 2, 1785. C.R.1.
Dorcas, d. of Isaiah and Peirses, Apr. 20, 1760.
Drusilia, d. of Levi and Sarah, Nov. 24, 1816.
Dwelle, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Aug. 21, 1782.
Edwin, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Oct. 2, 1812.
Edwin, s. of Nathan and Nancy, Aug. 22, 1826.
Elbridge, s. of Moses and Patty, Nov. 23, 1802.
Eli, s. of Jacob and Mercy, May 7, 1783.
Elias, s. of Elijah and Rebeccah, June 11, 1740.
Elijah, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Feb. 15, 1754.
Elijah, s. of wid. Rebekah, July 8, 1755.
Elisabeth, d. of Caleb and Annes, June 27, 1751.
Elisabeth, d. of Josiah and Sarah, May 7, 1755.
Eliza, d. of Moses and Patty, May 13, 1806.
Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1739.
Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Sarah, Apr. 25, 1742.
Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Rebecca, Sept. 22, 1802.
Elizabeth, d. of Josiah and Rhoda, Jan. 24, 1810.
Ella Amanda, d. of Luke and Abby, July 6, 1849.
Ella Cecelia, d. of Isaiah and Mary A., b. in Charlestown, N.Y., Nov. 19, 1849.
Ellen Frances, d. of Justin and Mary C., June 7, 1847.
Ellen Maria, d. of George and Abby, Feb. 10, 1840.
Emely, d. of Jonas and Relief, Jan. 23, 1797. (Emily, d. of wid. Relief, bp. July 12, 1812. C.R.1.)
Emery, s. of Jacob and Lois, Oct. 1, 1791.
Enoch, s. of David and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1756.
Ephraim, s. of Jonas Jr. and Zebudah, Apr. 2, 1754.
- Ephraim, s. of Salmon and Hephsebeth, Jan. 12, 1791.
Ephraim, Sept. 19, 1817. G.R.3.
Esther, d. of Phinehas, bp. Nov. 13, 1768. C.R.1.
Eva H. Burt [----], w. of George F., July ----, 1842. G.R.1.
Evelina, d. of Levi and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1812.
Ezra, s. of John and Rebecca, Aug. 24, 1731.
Fordyce, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Apr. 14, 1806.
Frances Lucy, d. of Benjamin F. and Louisa, in Acton, Feb. 15, 1848.
Francis Wheeler, s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Nov. 30, 1778.
Francis Wheeler, s. of Isaiah 3d and Lydia, Jan. 18, 1808.
George, s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Dec. 16, 1788.
George, s. of Aaron and Sally (Aaron and Susanna, C.R.1), Dec. 13, 1809 (Dec. 26 dup.).
George Henry, s. of Justus and Mary C., July 18, 1839.
George Washington, s. of George and Polly, Nov. 19, 1816.
Hannah, d. of Daniel and Dorathy, Apr. 29, 1746.
Hannah, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1756.
Hannah, d. of Richard, and Mary, Oct. 17, 1763.
Hannah, d. of Jacob and Lois, Dec. 14, 1772.
Hannah, d. of Israel and Hannah, Apr. 23, 1773.
Hannah, d. of Oliver and Mercy, Jan. 22, 1813.
Harriet Whitcomb, d. of Moses and Patty, Sept. 7, 1811. (Harriot Whitcomb, d. of wid. Patty, bp. July 7, 1816. C.R.1.)
Harriot I. (Harriet Isabel, C.R.2), d. of Justin and Mary, Jan. 6, 1837.
Harry M., ----, 1845. G.R.1.
Hezekiah, s. of Jonathan and Alice, Apr. 14, 1735.
Hiram, s. of James and Susan, Mar. 11, 1815.
Horatio Turner, s. of Luke and Charlottee, Mar. 5, 1840.
Isaac, s. of David and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1761.
Isaac, s. of Cyrus and Polly, July 24, 1818.
Isaiah, s. of Isaiah and Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 1735.
Isaiah, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1751.
Isaiah, s. of Isaiah, bp. Oct. 25, 1762. C.R.1.
Isaiah, s. of Isaiah and Peirses, Dec. 13, 1764.
Isaiah, s. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Sept. 8, 1781.
Isaiah, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Sept. 22, 1815.
Israel, s. of Elijah and Rebekah, Dec. 29, 1748.
Israel, s. of Elijah and Rebeckah, June 22, 1751.
Israel, s. of Jonas (Jr., C.R.1) and Zebudah, Jan. 16, 1767.
Israel, s. of Israel and Hannah, Apr. 18, 1775. (Apr. 18, 1776. G.R.1.)
Israel, s. of Israel and Susanna, in Littleton, May 30, 1790.
Jacob, s. of Richard and Mary, Mar. 24, 1748-9.
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Lois, Oct. 16, 1776.
Jacob Milton, s. of Jacob and Mercy, bp. July 28, 1816. C.R.1.
James, s. of Richard and Mary, May 29, 1760.
James Harris, s. of Benjamin F. and Louisa, Aug. 16, 1835.
James Laughton, s. of Richard 2d and Sally, Feb. 2, 1817.
Jefferson, s. of Josiah and Sally, Nov. 29, 1804.
Jefferson, s. of James and Lucy, Apr. 26, 1806.
Jeremiah Laughton, s. of James and Rachel, Aug. 13, 1788.
Joel, s. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, Oct. 15, 1762.
John, s. of John and Rebecca, Mar. 20, 1725.
John, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1746.
John, s. of Isaiah and Percis, bp. Mar. 30, 1760. C.R.1.
John, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, July 31, 1783.
John, s. of James and Rachel, July 20, 1796.
John, s. of Salmon and Hephsibah, Sept. 1, 1803.
John, s. of John and Sally, Mar. 16, 1813. (John, s. of wid. Sally, bp. July 3, 1814. C.R.1.)
John Hancock, s. of Josiah (Jr., C.R.1) and Sarah, Dec. 13, 1788.
Jonah, s. of Isaiah and Persis, June 19, 1758.
Jonas, s. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, Mar. 3, 1756.
Jonas, s. of Jonas and Relief, June 10, 1784.
Jonas, s. of Nathan and Zebudah, Nov. 9, 1809.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, July 1, 1749.
Jonathan, s. of Caleb, bp. Nov. 3, 1769. C.R.1.
Jonathan, s. of Phineas, bp. Aug. 21, 1774. C.R.1.
Jonathan, s. of Hezekiah and Lucy, Mar. 4, 1775.
Jonathan, s. of (Capt., C.R.1) Hezekiah and Lucy, May 20, 1782.
Joseph, s. of Caleb and Annes, July 9, 1760.
Joseph, s. of Abraham and Rebecca, bp. Aug. 9, 1795. C.R.1.
Joshua, s. of Caleb and Annis, Feb. 18, 1754.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Feb. 25, 1753.
Josiah, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, Aug. 18, 1781.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Rhoda, May 3, 1817.
Judah, s. of Simon and Oleav, May 17, 1757.
Judah, s. of Simon and Olive, June 16, 1761.
Julianna, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Nov. 13, 1824.
Justin, s. of Salmon and Hephsebeth, July 24, 1801.
Justin Otis, s. of Justus and Mary (s. of Justin and Sally, C.R.2), June 10, 1829.
- Lauretta, d. of Cyrus and Polly, Oct. 25, 1810.
Laurilla, d. of Aaron and Sally (Aaron and Susanna, C.R.1), Mar. 27, 1808.
Lemuel, s. of (Col., C.R.1) Josiah and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1784.
Levi, s. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, June 12, 1751.
Levi, s. of Richard Jr. and Mercy, Apr. 26, 1781.
Levi, s. of Hezekiah and Lucy, Aug. 30, 1786.
Levi, s. of Jonas and Relief, Aug. 23, 1793.
Levi, s. of Levi and Sarah, Apr. 25, 1818.
Lois, d. of Simon and Olive, July 28, 1753.
Lois, d. of Simon and Olive, Mar. 30, 1759.
Lois, d. of Jacob and Lois, Aug. 1, 1779.
Louisa Jane, d. of Jacob, bp. July 1, 1827. C.R.1.
Louisa Lawrence [----], w. of Benjamin Franklin, May 17, 1808. G.R.1.
Lucy, d. of Moses and Betty, Oct. 10, 1759.
Lucy, d. of Simon and Olives, Oct. 7, 1765.
Lucy, d. of Hezekiah and Lucy, June 30, 1777.
Lucy, d. of Reuben and Lucy, Jan. 24, 1782.
Lucy, d. of Moses and Pattee, Sept. 28, 1800.
Lucy, d. of James and Lucy, July 23, 1804.
Lucy, d. of Rebecah Knight, Oct. 30, 1820.
Lucy Emerson, d. of wid. Sally, bp. July 3, 1814. C.R.1.
Lucy Stow, d. of John and Sally, July 12, 1805.
Luke, s. of Israel and Abigail, Feb. 8, 1793.
Luke, s. of Josiah and Sally, Apr. 22, 1803.
Luther, s. of Israel and Abigail, Feb. 5, 1790.
Luther Farwell, s. of Richard 2d and Sally, Mar. 8, 1819.
Lydia, d. of Elijah and Rebaca, May 7, 1746.
Lydia, d. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, Oct. 17, 1757.
Lydia, d. of Moses, bp. Oct. 13, 1771. C.R.1.
Lydia, d. of Israel (Jr., C.R.1) and Hannah, May 25, 1779.
Lydia, d. of Enoch and Hannah, July 27, 1792.
Maria, d. of Josiah and Rhoda, May 15, 1812.
Maria Bird, d. of Justus and Mary, May 14, 1831.
Marian, d. of Moses and Patty, Dec. 11, 1808.
Marietta, d. of John and Mary Ann, Nov. 9, 1844.
Marshall, s. of Reuben 2d and Mille, Mar. 9, 1809.
Martha Ann, d. of Jacob and Mercy, Mar. 22, 1812.
Mary, d. of Elijah and Rebekah, June 26, 1738.
Mary, d. of Abraham and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1744.
Mary, d. of Richard and Mary, July 3, 1755.
Mary, d. of Phinehas and Kezia, May 15, 1766.
Mary, d. of Abraham and Rebecca, Jan. 17, 1800.
Mary, d. of James and Lucy, Dec. 17, 1809.
Mary, d. of Isaiah 3d and Lydia, Feb. 23, 1813. (Mary, d. of Isaiah 3d dec. and Lydia, bp. May 15, 1813. C.R.1.)
Mary, d. of Cyrus and Polly, Feb. 1, 1824.
Mary Ann Bird, d. of Justin and Sally, bp. Oct. 23, 1831. C.R.2.
Mary Farwell, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Jan. 4, 1832.
Mary H. [----], w. of Ephraim, Dec. 6, 1825. G.R.3.
Mary Hayward, d. of Isaiah and Mary, Mar. 9, 1777.
Mary Louisa, d. of Benjamin F. and Louisa, Dec. 25, 1828.
Mary Perry, d. of Jacob and Mercy, July 25, 1814.
Mary R., d. of George and Polly, July 15, 1818.
Mehitable [----], w. of Jonathan, Aug. 12, 1795. G.R.1.
Melissa Alvira, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Mar. 10, 1829.
Mercy, d. of Abraham and Sarah, bp. Sept. 23, 1744. C.R.1.
Mercy, d. of Jacob and Lois, Feb. 20, 1774.
Mercy, d. of Abraham 2d and Alice, July 16, 1802.
Mercy, d. of Oliver and Mercy, Jan. 10, 1815.
Mercy Fairbank, d. of Reuben and Lucy, July 25, 1786.
Milly Pollard, d. of Richard 2d and Sally, Oct. 16, 1822.
Miriam, d. of Jonas Jr. and Zebudah, Aug. 8, 1752.
Moriah, d. of Abraham 2d and Alice, Nov. 15, 1807.
Moses, s. of Jonas and Margaret, Oct. 17, 1733.
Moses, s. of Moses and Betty, Mar. 18, 1761.
Moses, s. of Aaron and Anna, May 3, 1772.
Moses, s. of Aaron and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1775.
Moses, s. of Isaac and Lucy, Feb. 14, 1782.
Moses Gill, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Feb. 4, 1791.
Nabbe, d. of Jonas and Relief, Mar. 25, 1786.
Nancy, d. of Josiah Jr. and Anna, Apr. 12, 1777.
Nancy, d. of Jacob and Mercy, Aug. 7, 1785.
Nancy Flagg, d. of Aaron and Sally (Aaron and Susanna, C.R.1), May 28, 1814. Twin.
Nancy Levina, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Aug. 23, 1818 (1819 dup.).
Naomi, d. of Israel and Abigail, Apr. 28, 1797.
Nathan, s. of Salmon and Hephsebeth, Aug. 1, 1793.
Nathan, s. of Nathan and Nancy, Nov. 3, 1816.
Newton, s. of Nathan and Nancy, July 22, 1820.
Oliver, s. of Timothy and Alice, Mar. 10, 1754.
Oliver, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 29, 1763. Twin.
Oliver, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1777.
Oliver, s. of Phinehas, bp. Nov. 4, 1781. C.R.1.
Oliver, s. of Israel and Hannah, May 16, 1786.
Persis, d. of Salmon and Hephsebeth, Aug. 12, 1796.
Peter, s. of Jonas and Zebudah, Aug. 17, 1772.
Phinehas, s. of Jonathon Jr. and Sarah, July 3, 1747.
Phinehas, s. of Isaiah 3d and Lydia, May 12, 1809.
Polley, d. of Richard and Mercy, Mar. 16, 1777.
Polley, d. of Isaac and Lucy, Dec. 13, 1779.
Polley, d. of Richard Jr. and Mercy, Feb. 15, 1789.
Rachel, d. of Simon and Olive, Jan. 5, 1748.
Rachel, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1767.
Rachel, d. of wid. ----, bp. May 2, 1785. C.R.1.
Rachel, d. of Jonas and Relief, Apr. 17, 1788.
Rachel, d. of James and Rachel, July 21, 1791.
Rebecca, d. of Israel and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1777.
Rebecca, d. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Feb. 15, 1784.
Rebecca, d. of Abraham and Rebecca, Oct. 13, 1789.
Rebeccah, d. of Elijah and Rebeccah, May 25, 1743.
Releif, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, May 21, 1754.
Relief, d. of Timothy and Alice, Feb. 2, 1758.
Relief, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 13, 1758.
Relief, d. of Phinehas, bp. June 18, 1780. C.R.1.
Relief, d. of Jonas and Relief, Nov. 4, 1799. (Relief, d. of wid. Relief, bp. July 12, 1812. C.R.1.)
Reuben, s. of Richard and Mary, Feb. 21, 1758.
Reuben, s. of Reuben and Lucy, Aug. 11, 1783.
Rhoda, d. of Josiah and Rhoda, July 24, 1814.
Richard, s. of Richard and Mary, Feb. 2, 1752.
Richard, s. of James and Rachel, Mar. 30, 1784.
Richard Harris, s. of Cyrus and Polly, Nov. 2, 1808.
Ruhamah, d. of Jonathan and Alice, July 19, 1737.
Ruth, d. of Jonas and Margaret, Sept. 8, 1736.
Ruth, d. of Isaiah Jr. and Mary, Apr. 17, 1786.
Salley, d. of Enoch and Hannah, Feb. 21, 1780.
Salley, d. of Jonas and Relief, Oct. 26, 1789.
Sally, d. of Moses and Patty, Aug. 12, 1798.
Sally, d. of Aaron and Susan, July 8, 1823. (Sally Fairbank, d. of Capt. Aaron, bp. Nov. 9, 1823. C.R.1.)
Sally Fairbank, d. of George and Polly, Feb. 15, 1815.
Sally Flagg, d. of Aaron and Sally, May 28, 1814. Twin.
Sally Turner, d. of Richard 2d and Sally, Oct. 2, 1810.
Salmon, s. of Jonas Jr. and Zabudah, Feb. 16, 1760.
Salmon, s. of Salmon and Hephsebeth, Jan. 31, 1788.
Salmon, s. of Justin and Mary (Justin and Sally, C.R.2), Mar. 24, 1833.
Samuel, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, May 28, 1785.
Samuel F., s. of Aaron and Susan, Oct. 20, 1821.
- Sarah, d. of John and Rebecca, Feb. 5, 1727.
Sarah, d. of Abraham and Sarah, May 16, 1740.
Sarah, d. of (Capt., C.R.1) Jonathan and Alice, June 1, 1740.
Sarah, d. of Simon and Olive, Feb. 5, 1749-50.
Sarah, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1751.
Sarah, d. of Richard and Mary, Feb. 9, 1767.
Sarah, d. of Aaron and Anna, May 23, 1769.
Sarah, d. of Phinehas, bp. July 8, 1770. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of Col. Josiah and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1775.
Sarah, d. of Abraham and Rebecca, Feb. 11, 1797.
Sarah, d. of Moses and Patty, bp. Sept. 4, 1803. C.R.1.
Sarah Hartwell, d. of Aaron and Susanna, bp. Dec. 14, 1817. C.R.1.
Sarah Louisa, d. of Benjamin F. and Louisa, Nov. 25, 1833.
Sarah Margaret, d. of Jacob, bp. Sept. 4, 1825. C.R.1.
Sarah Maria, d. of Justin and Mary C., bp. Sept. 2, 1841. C.R.2.
Silas, s. of Simon and Olive, Oct. 16, 1751.
Simeon, s. of Abraham and Rebekah, Mar. 20, 1787.
Simon, s. of Timothy and Alice, June 28, 1756.
Simon, s. of Simon and Olives, Jan. 17, 1767.
Simon, s. of Simon and Patience, Mar. 17, 1770.
Simry, s. of Reuben and Lucy, May 29, 1795.
Solan Franklin, s. of Benjamin F. and Louisa, Aug. 22, 1831.
Sophronia, d. of Jonas and Relief, Sept. 3, 1802. (Sophronia, d. of wid. Relief, bp. Oct. 11, 1812. C.R.1.)
Stephen, s. of Josiah and Sarah, May 1, 1757.
Sullivan, s. of John and Sally, Dec. 22, 1808. (Sullivan, s. of wid. Sally, bp. July 3, 1814. C.R.1.)
Sumner, s. of Reuben 2d and Mille, Jan. 3, 1811.
Susa, d. of Isaac and Lucy, Mar. 26, 1785.
Susan, d. of Richard 2d and Sally, Dec. 29, 1808.
Susan, d. of Oliver and Mercy, Jan. 23, 1811.
Susan, d. of Aaron and Susan, Oct. 20, 1818.
Susanna Hartwell, d. of Aaron and Susanna, bp. July 18, 1819. C.R.1.
Susannah, d. of Josiah and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1780.
Syrena Adelia, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Aug. 22, 1834.
Waldow, s. of Oliver and Mercy, Apr. 16, 1817.
Walter Harris, s. of Isaac and Dorcas H., b. in Littleton, Nov. 1, 1849.
William, s. of Enoch and Hannah, Feb. 27, 1785.
William Whitcomb, s. of Josiah and Rhoda, Oct. 10, 1807.
Witherbee, s. of Simon and Olive, May 3, 1746.
Zebudah, d. of Jonas and Relief, Feb. 28, 1782.
WHITTEMORE (see Whitemore)
Asa Dunbar, s. of Nathanael and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1784.
Benjamin, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Aug. 30, 1772.
Calvin, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Mar. 5, 1776.
Dorcas, d. of Nathaniel and Lydia, May 17, 1782.
Joseph, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Feb. 1771.
Martha, d. of Nathaniel and Lydia, Aug. 7, 1780.
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Feb. 18, 1774.
David Jeneson, s. of John and Mary, Aug. 21, 1795.
Elisabeth, d. of Joseph and Mary, bp. Jan. 3, 1762, a. 3 d. C.R.1.
Henry Clay, s. of William S. and Sophia C., May 19, 1832.
Martha White, d. of John and Mary, July 1, 1798. (d. of John and Elizabeth. C.R.1.)
----, ch. of William Jr. and Patience, Mar. 16, 1784. Twin.
----, ch. of William Jr. and Patience, Mar. 16, 1784. Twin.
----, d. of Ephraim and Lydia M., Apr. 28, 1846.
Abby Ann, d. of Albert and Martha A., July 27, 1848.
Abel, s. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, Nov. 28, 1761. Twin.
Abel, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1763.
Abel, s. of Joel and Polly, May 13, 1793.
Abel, s. of William B. and Abiah H., Dec. 4, 1841.
Abigail, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, bp. Apr. 15, 1750. C.R.1.
Abigail, d. of Joseph 3d and Abigail, Oct. 19, 1811.
Abraham, s. of Abraham and Mary, Dec. 12, 1748.
Albert, s. of Ithamar and Lucy, July 16, 1823.
Albert A., s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, May 19, 1828.
Alfred, s. of Josiah 2d and Betsy, July 31, 1804.
Alma H., d. of Stedman and Mary W., Aug. 14, 1828.
Alonzo, s. of Nathan and Eliza, July 8, 1824.
Alpheus Rowland, s. of Rowland and Melissa, Apr. 17, 1831.
Ame, d. of Tarbell and Rachel, Nov. 28, 1751.
Ame, d. of Simon of Lancaster, and Elisabeth, July 11, 1765.
Ame, d. of Henry Jr., bp. Nov. 12, 1769. C.R.1.
Amos, s. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, Mar. 27, 1751.
Andrew H. (Andrew Hosmer, C.R.1.), s. of George and Hannah, June 19, 1813.
Andrew Jackson, s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1830.
Andrew Jackson, s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1832.
Andrew Loring, s. of Christopher L. and Henrietta M., b. in Shirley, Oct. Jo, 1849.
Anna, d. of Lemuel and Hannah, bp. Sept. 30, 1750. C.R.
Anna, d. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, May 6, 1754.
Anna, d. of Abigail of Lancaster, bp. Apr. 10, 1737. C.R.1.
Annis, d. of Henry and Abigail, June 20, 1730.
Annis, d. of Abraham and Mary, bp. Oct. 22, 1752. C.R.1.
Arabella, ----, 1838. G.R.1.
Artemas, s. of William Jr. and Patience, Oct. 6, 1790.
Augusta M. Farwell [----], w. of Alpheus R., July 1, 1831. G.R.1.
Barzillai, s. of William and Elen, Dec. 13, 1750.
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, bp. Oct. 29, 1752. C.R.1.
Betsey, d. of Timothy and Elisabeth, Aug. 20, 1782.
Betty, d. of Peter and Mary, Jan. 30, 1765.
Caleb, s. of Phinehas and Rebekah, Mar. 12, 1779.
Calvin, s. of Lemuel and Abigail, Dec. 7, 1784.
Caroline Louisa, d. of Robert and Nancy B., Nov. 7, 1828.
Catharine, d. of William and Elen, Sabbath day, May 7, 1758.
Catherine, d. of Ebenezer and Susan, Dec. 27, 1816.
Charles, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 30, 1734.
Charles, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Nov. 21, 1795.
Charles, s. of William and Patience, Aug. 2, 1797.
Charles Austin, s. of Charles and Martha, May 30, 1823.
Charlottee Adeline, d. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1835.
Chloe, d. of Barzillia and Silva, Mar. 25, 1790.
Christopher Loring, s. of Ebenezer and Susan, Feb. 2, 1819.
Clarissa Melvina, d. of Charles and Martha, ----, 31, 1838.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Lucy, bp. Dec. 13, 1747. C.R.1.
Daniel, s. of Benjamin and Hannah, bp. Oct. 20, 1754. Twin. C.R.1.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Mar. 16, 1798.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 21, 1806.
Dinah, d. of William and Elen, Feb. 21, 1742.
Ebenezer, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Mar. 17, 1791.
Edwin Lakeman, s. of Hosea E. and Esther C., b. in Boston, June 21, 1849.
Elana Bowles, d. of William B. and Abiah W., Jan. 10, 1824.
Elbridge, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Mar. 1, 1801.
Elbridge Gardner, s. of Elbridge and Roxana S., b. in Sangerville, Me., Aug. 24, 1849.
Elean, d. of William and Elen, Jan. 22, 1744-5.zz
Elias, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Jan. 7, 1756.
Elijah, s. of Abraham and Mary, Mar. 12, 1750-1.
Elijah, s. of Elijah and Mary, Feb. 7, 1776.
Elisabeth, d. of Joseph Jr. and Elisabeth, June 18, 1758.
Elisabeth, d. of Simon and Elisabeth, in Lancaster, July 30, 1759.
Elisabeth, d. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, Nov. 27, 1760.
Elisabeth, d. of Joseph and Elisabeth, Nov. 20, 1764.
Eliza Stone, d. of William B. and Abiah, Nov. 12, 1843.
Elizabeth, d. of William and Elan, May 22, 1739.
Elizabeth F., d. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, July 1, 1820.
Ellen M. Davis [----], w. of Abel, ----, 1848. G.R.1.
Emeline Augusta, d. of Elbridge and Roxanna, July 9, 1846.
Emma L. Snell [----], w. of Sewall Parker, ----, 1848. G.R.3.
Ephraim Stone, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Jan. 30, 1803.
Esther, d. of Lemuwel, and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1748.
Esther G. [----], w. of H. E., Aug. 3, 1830. G.R.1.
Eunice, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, bp. Sept. 28, 1746. C.R.1.
Eunice, d. of Josiah and Eunice, June 12, 1774.
Ezra, s. of Simon of Lancaster and Elisabeth, Mar. 19, 1761.
Ezra, s. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, Nov. 28, 1761. Twin.
Fanny, d. of Barzillia and Silva, Feb. 21, 1788.
Frances Eusebia, d. of Robert and Nancy, July 4, 1840.
Frances Marian, d. of Ebenezer C. and S. M., July 9, 1844.
Francis H., s. of Robert and Nancy B., May 16, 1838.
Frederick Augustus, s. of Luther and Mary B., in New York City, Dec. 9, 1824. (b. 1823. G.R.1.)
George, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Jan. 4, 1787.
George, s. of George and Hannah, Feb. 1, 1812.
Gibson, s. of Thomas and Sarah, bp. Sept. 8, 1745.
Gibson, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1750.
Hannah, d. of Isaac and Hannah, Jan. 9, 1748-9.
Hannah, d. of Lemuel and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1753.
Hannah, d. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 1, 1775.
Hannah, d. of Joel and Polly, Mar. 31, 1795.
Harriet, d. of Ithamer and Lucy, July 27, 1821.
Harrison, s. of Ithamar and Lucy, May 13, 1833.
Henry, s. of Benjamin, bp. Dec. 18, 1769. C.R.1.
Henry Crosby, s. of E. Crosby and Susan M., Oct. 31, 1846.
Hezekiah, s. of Hezeciah (Jr., C.R.1) and Lydia, July 18, 1743.
Holman, s. of Ithamar and Lucy, Feb. 5, 1831.
Hosea, s. of Daniel and Lucy, July 16, 1800. C.R.1.
Hosea, s. of Levi and Sally, Aug. 18, 1805.
Ira, s. of Barzilla and Silva, May 24, 1785.
Ithamer, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Sept. 7, 1793.
Jacob, s. of Henry and Abigail, July 20, 1734.
Jacob, s. of Tarbal and Rachel, Nov. 5, 1747.
James, s. of James of Lancaster, bp. May ----, 1737. C.R.1.
James Adolphus, s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, Dec. 9, 1824.
James Marshall, s. of Ithamar and Lucy, Sept. 20, 1825.
Jane Maria, d. of George and Hannah, Aug. 8, 1814.
Jeremiah, s. of Thomas, bp. Sept. 28, 1735. C.R.1.
Jeremiah, s. of Isaac and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1753.
Joel, s. of Peter and Mary, Dec. 17, 1763.
Joel, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Apr. 25, 1765.
John, s. of Henry and Abigal, July 26, 1739.
John, s. of John, bp. Nov. 2, 1766. C.R.1.
John, s. of William and Patience, Nov. 29, 1785.
John Barstow, s. of Luther and Mary, in New York City, Apr. 1, 1822.
Joseph, s. of Joseph Jr. and Elisabeth, Sept. 14, 1760.
Joseph, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Apr. 14, 1784.
Joseph B., s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1826.
Joseph Kendal, s. of Joseph Jr. and Abigail, July 21, 1821.
Josiah, s. of Tarbal and Rachel, Nov. 9, 1749.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Eunice, Sept. 17, 1771.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Eunice, Feb. 28, 1779.
Josiah R., May 4, 1832. G.R.1.
Judith, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, bp. June 25, 1758. C.R.1.
Juliann Lazell, d. of William B. and Abiah H., Mar. 18, 1834.
Justin Otis, s. of Robert and Nancy B., June 10, 1829.
Kate, d. of Barzilla and Silva, May 2, 1784.
Lemuel, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1751.
Levi, s. of Joseph and Elisabeth, Aug. 15, 1775.
Levi, s. of Josiah and Eunice, Nov. 4, 1780.
Levi, s. of Joel and Polly, Dec. 26, 1799.
Levi, s. of Levi and Salley, Apr. 23, 1804.
Lewis, s. of Barzillia and Silva, Mar. 16, 1782.
Lois, d. of Daniel and Lucy, bp. Feb. 11, 1750. C.R.1.
Lois, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, bp. Oct. 20, 1754. Twin. C.R.1.
Louiza Harrod, d. of William B. and Abiah W., Feb. 17, 1828. (w. of William F. Bateman. G.R.1.)
Lucy, d. of Tarball and Rachel, Sept. 13, 1740.
Lucy, d. of Tarbal and Rachel, Aug. 26, 1743.
Lucy Ann, d. of Ithamar. and Lucy, June 2, 1829.
- Lucy Bachelor, d. of Daniel and Lucy, Nov. 27, 1804.
Luther, s. of Lemewell and Abigail, Dec. 27, 1780.
Luther, s. of Luther and Mary, in New York City, July 23, 1827.
Luther, s. of William B. and Abiah H., Nov. 10, 1836.
Lydia, d. of Hezciah (Jr., C.R.1) and Lydia, Aug. 3, 1741.
Maria Nason, d. of Capt. George and Hannah, bp. 1st Sunday in April, 1822 [Apr. 7]. C.R.2.
Martha Ann, d. of Charles and Martha, Jan. 12, 1822.
Martha Houghton [----], w. of Orsamus, ----, 1814. G.R.3.
Martha Sterns, d. of Orsamus and Martha S., Sept. 16, 1839.
Martyn, s. of Elijah and Mary, Mar. 4, 1782.
Mary, d. of William of Lancaster, bp. Apr. 27, 1740. C.R.1.
Mary, d. of Henry and Abegal, Feb. 18, 1745.
Mary, d. of Abraham and Mary, Apr. 25, 1747.
Mary, d. of William and Sarah, bp. Sept. 23, 1750. C.R.1.
Mary, d. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, June 1, 1756.
Mary, d. of Simon and Elisabeth of Lancaster, Dec. 4, 1762.
Mary, d. of Phineas Jr., bp. July 6, 1766. C.R.1.
Mary, ----, 1830. G.R.1.
Mary, d. of Luther and Mary, May 9, 1836.
Mary Ann, d. of George and Hannah, Apr. 17, 1809.
Mary Anna S., d. of Daniel and Sarah S., Apr. 5, 1846.
Mary Anne, d. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, July 25, 1822.
Mary D., ----, 1798. G.R.1.
Mary G., ----, 1835. G.R.1.
Mary Gates, d. of Luther and Mary, in New York City, Mar. 22, 1830.
Melissa Augusta, d. of Rowland and Melissa, June 10, 1827.
Mercy, d. of Joseph Jr. and Elisabeth, Feb. 16, 1755.
Mercy, d. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, June 15, 1764.
Mercy Whitney, d. of Itharnar and Lucy, Aug. 15, 1836.
Moses, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, May 7, 1758.
Moses, s. of Lemuel and Hannah, Sept. 19, 1760.
Nabby, d. of Simon, bp. June 4, 1775. C.R.1.
Nabby, d. of Lemuel and Abigail, Nov. 16, 1795.
Nancy, [----], w. of Hosea, Apr. 16, 1795. G.R.1.
Nancy, d. of Joel and Polly, Mar. 21, 1797.
Nancy Sophia, d. of Robert and Nancy B., May 16, 1830.
Nathan, s. of Daniel and Lucy, bp. Feb. 2, 1752. C.R.1.
Nathan, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 14, 1793.
Nathaniel, s. of William of Lancaster, bp. May 23, 1742. C.R.1.
Nathaniel, s. of William Jr. and Patience, Oct. 6, 1788.
Nehemiah Bachelor, s. of Daniel and Lucy, May 14, 1796.
Olives, d. of Joseph and Elisabeth, May 1, 1769.
Oliver, s. of Henry and Abigal, Oct. 13, 1741.
Orsamus John Nathaniel Charles, s. of Orsamus and Martha S., Dec. 29, 1840.
Orsimus, s. of William Jr. and Patience, Aug. 7, 1792.
Paul, s. of William of Lancaster, bp. July 22, 1744. C.R.1.
Peter, s. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lydia, July 9, 1758.
Phebe, d. of Henry Jr. and Phebe, July 19, 1753.
Philemon, s. of William and Elen, Mar. 2, 1748. Twin.
Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Mary, Oct. 1, 1736.
Polley, d. of Elijah and Mary, Dec. 9, 1777.
Polly, d. of Joel and Polly, Oct. 15, 1791.
Rachel, d. of Tarbal and Rachel, Nov. 27, 1745.
Rachel, d. of Josiah and Eunice, Nov. 16, 1777.
Rachel, d. of Elijah and Mary, May 1, 1780.
Rachel, d. of Josiah and Eunice, July 4, 1785.
Rebecca, d. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah, May 9, 1773.
Rebecca Elizebeth, d. of William and Rebecca, Aug. 14, 1830.
Rebeccah, d. of wid. Rebeccah, bp. July 29, 1739. C.R.1.
Rebekah, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1736-7.
Releif, d. of Phinehas and Rebecca, Sept. 24, 1768.
Reuben, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1755.
Rhoda, d. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebekah, Apr. 10, 1760.
Richard Whitney, s. of Ithamar and Lucy, Sept. 27, 1835.
Robert, s. of Joseph Jr. and Susa, Aug. 22, 1798.
Robert Alfred, s. of Robert and Nancy B., Sept. 4, 1833.
Robert Austin, s. of Robert and Nancy B., ---- 17, 1825.
Rowland, s. of Daniel and Lucy, July 21, 1802.
Ruth, d. of Hezekiah and Lydia, June 22, 1746.
Sally Haskell, d. of Robert and Nancy B., Oct. 14, 1823.
Salmon, s. of Benjamin, bp. July 15, 1770. C.R.1.
Samuel, s. of Hezekiah Jr. and Lidiah, Apr. 22, 1749.
Samuel, s. of Samuell and Sybil, bp. June 18, 1749. C.R.1.
Samuell, s. of Thomas and Sarah, July 5, 1742.
Sarah, d. of Thomas, bp. July 10, 1743. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of William and Elen, Mar. 2, 1748. Twin.
Sarah, d. of Isaac and Hannah, Nov. 26, 1751.
Sarah, d. of Charles and Sarah, Mar. 26, 1764.
Sarah, d. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebecca, July 1, 1765.
Sarah, d. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 1, 1770.
Sarah A., d. of Daniel and Sarah S., Oct. 21, 1838.
Sarah E., d. of Elbridge and Roxanna, Dec. 12, 1839.
Sarah Esther [----], w. of Alonzo, Aug. 22, 1831. G.R.1.
Sarah Farwell, d. of Nathan and Eliza, June 14, 1823.
Sarah H., d. of Orsamus and Martha Houghton, ----, 1843. G.R.3.
Sarah Louisa, d. of Nathan and Eliza, May 4, 1837.
Sarah Maria, d. of Joseph H. and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1849.
Sarah Nourse [----], w. of O. J. N. C., ----, 1839. G.R.3.
Sarah S. [----], w. of Daniel, in Antrim, N.H., Sept. 4, 1811.
Sarah W., ----, 1825. G.R.1.
Sewall Parker, s. of Rowland and Melissa, Mar. 15, 1835.
Shadrek, s. of Joseph Jr. and Elizabeth, Dec. 13, 1753.
Sherman, s. of Lemuel and Abigail, Aug. 10, 1789.
Sidney Gustavus, s. of Nehemiah B. and Hannah, July 23, 1834.
Silas, s. of Henry and Abigail, Jan. 25, 1736-7.
Silas, s. of William and Sarah, bp. June 12, 1748. C.R.1.
Simeon, s. of Henery and Abegail, Oct. 25, 1743.
Simeon, Apr. 9, 1777. G.R.1.
Solomon, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1740.
Solomon, s. of Phinehas Jr. and Rebekah, Sept. 8, 1758.
Stephen, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 3, 1739.
Stephen, s. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 17, 1768.
Stilman P., s. of Daniel and Sarah S., Jan. 8, 1835.
Stilman P., s. of Daniel and Sarah S., July 4, 1836.
Susan C. (Susan Clark, C.R.1), d. of George and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1810.
Susannah, d. of Jeremiah and Bethiah, Oct. 18, 1781.
Sybel, d. of Thomas Jr. and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1781.
Sybil, d. of Tarbell and Rachel, Dec. 5, 1754.
Tarbel, s. of Josiah and Eunice, July 23, 1787.
Theophilus, s. of Lemuel and Abigail, Aug. 24, 1787.
Thomas, s. of Henry and Abigail, May 11, 1732.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 13, 1749.
Timothy, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1733.
Timothy, s. of Henry and Abigail, Aug. 8, 1748.
Timothy, s. of Timothy and Elisabeth, July 8, 1780.
Warren O., ----, 1840. G.R.1.
William, s. of William of Lancaster, bp. Dec. 4, 1737. C.R.1.
William, s. of William and Elen, Feb. 13, 1754.
William, s. of William Jr. and Patience, Jan. 4, 1782.
William, s. of Barzilla and Silva, Sept. 7, 1792.
William Bowls, s. of Abel and Eleanor, Jan. 26, 1802.
William Henry, s. of Nehemiah Bachelor and Hannah, Apr. 9, 1819.
Abba Harriet, d. of Daniel and Mariah, July 25, 1846.
Abel, s. of Abel and Susan, July 24, 1817.
Hannah Wetherbee, d. of Daniel, b. in New Marlboro, N.H., and Maria, May 12, 1848.
Leora E., d. of Daniel, Jan. 20, 1845.
Victoria Alexandria, d. of Daniel, b. in Marboro, N.H., and Maria, b. in Bolton, Oct. 5, 1849.
WITHERBE (see Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Witherbee)
Anna, d. of John and Anna, Sept. 25, 1741.
WITHERBEE (see Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Witherbe)
Elizabeth, d. of John and Anna, Sept. 3, 1743.
Elizebeth, d. of John and Anna, Oct. 17, 1737.
Mary, d. of John and Annah, May 24, 1739.
Micah, s. of John and Anna, June 21, 1745.
Albert Eli, s. of John A., b. in Stow, and Elizabeth, b. in Pelham, N.H., in Stow, May 27, 1848.
Ann Eliza, d. of Josiah M., b. in Ludlow, Vt., and Isabell, b. in Weston, Jan. 18, 1849.
Belinda [----], w. of Samuel, ----, 1792. G.R.1.
Isabella [----], w. of Josiah, ----, 1819. G.R.1.
Josiah, ----, 1819. G.R.1.
Laura Belinda, d. of Josiah W. and Isabella, July 7, 1845.
Samuel, ----, 1797. G.R.1.
Sarah Jane, d. of Josiah and Isabella B., Apr. 23, 1847.
Abigail, d. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Apr. 20, 1760.
Abigail Hildreth, d. of Benjamin and Triphenia, Sept. 16, 1827.
Albert, s. of Jonathan and Caroline, Mar. 19, 1846.
Alfred, s. of Almon and Clarissa, Oct. 25, 1846.
Arville A. (Arvilla Augusta, C.R.2), d. of Amory and Marandy, Sept. 13, 1831.
Benjamin, s. of Jabez and Nabby, Aug. 22, 1799.
Benjamin Lewis, s. of Benjamin and Triphenia, Oct. 1s, 1824.
Betty, d. of Eliphlet and Abigail, Apr. 19, 1755.
Charles P., Dr., in Hollis, N.H., Mar. 5, 1824. G.R.1.
Eliza E., ----, 1818. G.R.1.
Emery, s. of Jabez and Nabby, June 28, 1803.
Flavel, s. of Jabez and Nabby, Dec. 28, 1807.
Francis, s. of John and Louis, Jan. 1, 1803.
George Almond, s. of Almond and Clarissa, Jan. 13, 1845.
Hannah Josephine, d. of Levi P. and Hannah, Apr. 28, 1847.
- Harvey, s. of John and Louis, Feb. 11, 1805.
J. Lewis, ----, 1824. G.R.1.
Jabez, s. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Apr. 22, 1775.
Jabez, s. of Jabez and Nancy (Nabby dup.), June 10, 1818.
Jesse, s. of Eliphalet and Abigail, July 28, 1766.
John Harrison, s. of John and Louis, Oct. 11, 1811.
John Sylvanus, s. of Asa and Louisa A., Dec. 26, 1845.
Jonathan, s. of Eliphelet and Abigail, Apr. 13, 1753.
Jonathan, s. of Jabez and Nabby, Oct. 2, 1815.
Joseph, s. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Oct. 12, 1757.
Lucy, d. of Eliphalet and Abigail, June 24, 1768.
Lucy, d. of Jabez and Nabby, July 27, 1805 (July 29, 1805 dup.).
Lydia, d. of Eliphalet and Mary, Mar. 9, 1788.
Lydia, d. of Jabez and Nabby, Nov. 12, 1812.
Mary, d. of Jabez and Nabby, June 10, 1801.
Molley, d. of Eliphelet and Abigail, June 19, 1763.
Nabby, d. of Jabez and Nabby, Aug. 23, 1810.
Nathan Lawrence, s. of Timothy S. and Mary H., in Lowell, Dec. 7, 1846.
Patty, d. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Mar. 22, 1772.
Rhoda R. (Rhoda Raymond, C.R.2), d. of Amory and Marandy, May 28, 1834.
Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Caroline, b. in Groton, Sept. 19, 1848.
Tryphena, ----, 1799. G.R.1.
William, s. of Eliphalet, bp. Aug. 10, 1783. C.R.1.
WORCESTER (see Worster, Woster)
Ann E., Dec. 30, 1838. G.R.1.
Charles Henry, s. of Sally, b. in Groton, May 12, 1848.
Hannah Crosby, d. of George and Mary, Aug. 25, 1835.
Lydia Margaret, d. of Isaiah and Lydia, Aug. 29, 1835.
Mary Maria, d. of George and Mary, June 21, 1833.
Sarah, d. of George and Mary, July 19, 1844.
Sarah Frances, d. of George, b. in Wendall, N.H., and Mary, b. in Lynsboro, N.H., Dec. 17, 1848.
WORNER (see Warner)
Abagil, d. of Nathan and Dorathy, Feb. 27, 1746-7.
Ephraim, s. of Joshua and Dorathy, Jan. 16, 1743-4.
Jonathon, s. of David and Anna, Aug. 11, 1745.
Lucy, d. of Nathan and Dorathy, Nov. 1, 1742.
Phinehas, s. of Nathon and Dority, July 27, 1740.
Samuell, s. of Nathan and Dorathy, May 19, 1745.
WORSTER (see Worcester, Woster)
Bette, d. of Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Sept. 12, 1774.
Ebenezer, s. of Jonathan and Rebeckah, July 5, 1749.
- Gilead, s. of Ebenezer Jr. and Mary, Apr. 8, 1753.
Israel Leabitter, s. of Samuell, bp. May 23, 1773. C.R.1.
John, s. of Jonathon and Rebecah, Mar. 8, 1741.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Rebekah, Mar. 24, 1736-7.
Jonathan, s. of Moses, bp. Jan. 14, 1776. C.R.1.
Lemuel, s. of Jonathan and Rebecca, June 25, 1753.
Lois, d. of Moses, bp. May 8, 1774. C.R.1.
Lucy, d. of Moses, bp. Mar. 11, 1770. C.R.1.
Mary, d. of Jonathan and Rebecca, June 8, 1735.
Molly, d. of Molly, bp. May 23, 1773. C.R.1.
Moses, s. of Jonathan and Rebecca, Jan. 20, 1739.
Rebecca, d. of Jonathan and Rebecca, Feb. ----, 1733-4. (bp. Feb. 10, 1733-4.)
Rebecca, d. of Jonathan and Rebecca, July 16, 1744.
Rebecka, d. of Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Dec. 30, 1772.
Samuel, s. of Ebenezer (Jr., C.R.1) and Mary, Oct. 19, 1743.
WOSTER (see Worcester, Worster)
Abijah, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, July 2, 1745.
John, s. of Jonathan and Rebeckah, Aug. 19, 1751.
Jonathon, s. of Jonathon and Rebecah, Dec. 5, 1742.
Lois, d. of Jonathon and Rebecca, Dec. 12, 1747.
Moley, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, Apr. 12, 1747.
Susannah, d. of Ebenezer Jr. and Mary, Oct. 12, 1750. (Susannah, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, bp. Oct. 29, 1749. C.R.1.)
Abel, s. of Thomas and Abigail, July 25, 1747.
Abigail, d. of Thomas and Abigail, Feb. 15, 1731.
Caleb, s. of Thomas and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1733-4.
Caleb, s. of Thomas and Abigail, June 23, 1738.
Oliver, s. of Thomas Jr. and Moriah, June 2, 1760.
Sarah, d. of Samuell, bp. Nov. 17, 1734. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Abigail, May 9, 1743.
Sarah, d. of Thomas Jr. and Moriah, Apr. 2, 1758.
Sawyer, s. of Thomas and Abigail, May 12, 1736.
Sybil, d. of Thomas and Moriah, Mar. 2, 1756.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Abigail, May 18, 1728.
Abigail, d. of Matthew, bp. Nov. 25, 1739. Twin. C.R.
Daniel, s. of Matthew of Lancaster, bp. July 1, 1744. C.R.1.
- Henry, s. of Matthew and Abigail of Lancaster, bp. Mar. 28, 1742. C.R.1.
Matthew, s. of Matthew, bp. Nov. 25, 1739. Twin. C.R.1.
Patience, d. of Matthew and Abigail, bp. Aug. 21, 1748. C.R.1.
Sally, Sept. 6, 1814.
Sarah, d. of Matthew and Abigail, bp. Sept. 22, 1745. C.R.1.
Charlotte Cordee, d. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphinia, Jan. 1, 1814.
Joseph Pierce, s. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphinia, Dec. 28, 1820.
Samuel, s. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphinia, in Acton, Mar. 26, 1811.
Seraphinia Pierce, d. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphinia, in Acton, Sept. 6, 1809.
William Hunter, s. of Dr. Samuel and Seraphinia, Oct. 18, 1818.