Harvard, Massachusetts
Vital Records To 1850
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

HEARSEY (see Hersey)
Augusta Ellen, d. of Henry and Martha, May 3, 1833.
Elizabeth Hannah, d. of Henry and Martha, Jan. 18, 1842.
Henry Whatey, s. of Henry and Martha, Aug. 30, 1835.
Lucia Francena, d. of Sanford and Lucia, Mar. 5, 1835.
William Sanford, s. of Sanford and Lucia, July 11, 1838.
HERSEY (see Hearsey)
Charles A., ----, 1819. G.R.3.
Horatio Brooks, ----, 1823. G.R.3.
Lucy E. [----], w. of Charles A., ----, 1841. G.R.3.
Mary M., ----, 1825. G.R.3.
HELDRETH (see Hildrith)
Augustus S., Oct. 26, 1822. G.R.1.
Caroline, d. of Elizabeth, bp. May 29, 1814. C.R.1.
Henry Wright, s. of Elizabeth, bp. July 2, 1815. C.R.1.
Isaac Learned, s. of Elizabeth, bp. May 29, 1814. C.R.1.
Lucy, d. of Samson, bp. May 18, 1766. C.R.1.
Lydia, d. of Samson and Lydia, May 24, 1759.
Mary, d. of Samson, bp. June 29, 1760. C.R.1.
Mary Winship, d. of Elizabeth, bp. May 29, 1814. C.R.1.
HILDRITH (see Hildreth)
Abel, s. of Samson and Lydia, Mar. 18, 1757.
Ephraim, s. of Sampson and Lydia, Apr. 12, 1755.
Sarah, d. of Samson and Lydia, Mar. 25, 1763.
Albert Chaffin, s. of John Jr. and Betsy, Apr. 28, 1818.
Alonzo, s. of Oliver and Molley (Mary, C.R.1), June 20, 1800.
Amos, s. of Stephen and Abigail, May 4, 1799.
Augustus Granville, s. of Oliver and Molly (Mary, C.R.1), Aug. 15, 1803.
Barnard, s. of Levi and Sabra, Mar. 21, 1804.
Charles, s. of Levi and Sabra, Apr. 5, 1802.
Emery, s. of Levi and Sabra, Feb. 6, 1798.
Joel Mace, s. of Stephen and Abigail, in Merrimac, N.H., Apr. 10, 1817.
John, s. of John, bp. Sept. 11, 1763. C.R.1.
John, s. of Samuell, bp. June 30, 1765. C.R.1.
John, s. of John and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1785.
Joseph Chaffin Appleton, s. of John Jr. and Betsy, Jan. 21, 1820.
Levi, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 26, 1768.
Levi, s. of Levi and Sabra, Mar. 10, 1800.
Lois, d. of Samuel and ----, bp. Oct. 3, 1784. C.R.1.
Louis, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1763.
Martha Sawyer [----], w. of Augustus Granville, Jan. 28, 1808. G.R.1.
Olive, d. of Samuel (Jr., C.R.1) and Olive, Dec. 18, 1796.
Oliver (Capt., G.R.1), s. of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1771.
Perez, s. of Levi and Sabra, Apr. 2, 1807. twin.
Pliny, s. of Levi and Sabra, Apr. 2, 1807. Twin.
Polly, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1775.
Sabrina, d. of Levi and Sabra, bp. Nov. 3, 1811. C.R.1.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 4, 1761.
Samuel, s. of Samuel Jr. and Olive, Feb. 9, 1794.
Sarah, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1766.
Sarah, d. of Levi and Sabra, bp. Sept. 10, 1809. C.R.1.
Sherman Goldsmith, s. of Oliver and Molly (Mary, C.R.1), Jan. 16, 1799.
Alfred Hutchins, s. of Ephraim and Maria, Monday, Sept. 20, 1824.
HOLDEN (see Holdin)
Isaac, s. of Justinan and Ruth, Feb. 12, 1742-3.
Joanna, d. of Jestinian and Ruth, May 16, 1746.
Lucy, d. of Justinian and Ruth, Sept. 25, 1751.
Moses, s. of Justinian and Ruth, bp. June 15, 1755. C.R.1.
Ruth, d. of Justinian and Ruth, May 2, 1748.
HOLDIN (see Holden)
Richard, s. of Richard and Dorathy, Sept. 1, 1758.
Timothy, s. of Richard and Dorathy, July 12, 1760.
HOLLAND (see Hollond)
Ann, d. of Robert and Experience, Jan. 29, 1750. O.S.
Mary, d. of Robert and Experiance, Jan. 30, 1755.
HOLLOND (see Holland)
John, s. of Robert and Experiance, Feb. 14, 1746-7.
Abby T., d. of Silas W. and Nancy, Jan. 28, 1838.
Charlotte E., d. of Silas W. and Nancy, Apr. 11, 1845.
Charlotte Louisa, d. of Silas W., b. in Bolton, and Nancy T., Sept. 22, 1849.
Francis Eugene, s. of Eliakim A. and Lucinda, Oct. 4, 1828.
Francis Eugene, s. of Eliakim A. and Lucinda, Dec. 27, 1829.
Mandana, d. of Joshua R. and Nancy, Mar. 16, 1847.
Silas, s. of Eliakim A. and Lucinda, Jan. 14, 1834. (Silas Haynes, s. of Dr. E. A., bp. July 2, 1835. C.R.1.)
Sophia Whitcomb, d. of Dr. E. A., bp. May 16, 1845. C.R.1.
Anness, d. of Uriah and Anness, Sept. 1, 1757.
David, s. of Dinah, bp. May 11, 1773. C.R.1.
Jacob, s. of Uriah and Anness, June 23, 1759.
Jonathan, s. of Uriah, bp. Sept. 9, 1764. C.R.1.
Joshua, s. of Uriah and Annis, June 23, 1753.
Lemuel, s. of Uriah, bp. Nov. 1, 1767. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of Uriah and Anise, bp. Sept. 20, 1761. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of Uriah, bp. July 15, 1770. C.R.1.
Thomas Richardson, s. of Samuel and Phebe, June 3, 1808.
Uriah, s. of Uriah and Annis, May 10, 1755.
Sarah L. [----], w. of Jacob, ----, 1838. G.R.1.
HOSMER (see Hosmore)
----, s. of Samuel and Sally B., May 3, 1848.
Charles M., ----, 1848. G.R.3.
Edward B., s. of Eli and Lucy, Apr. 8, 1842.
Eli Willard, s. of Eli and Lucy, May 18, 1839.
Lucius Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sally B., Sept. 25, 1845.
HOSMORE (see Hosmer)
Francis, s. of Samuel and Sally, Aug. 17, 1837.
Francis Edwin, s. of Jonathan and Lucy, July 10, 1837.
Henry A., s. of Jonathan and Lucy, Aug. 21, 1839.
Horace Hayward, s. of Jonathan and Lucy, May 11, 1835.
Sarah L., d. of Samuel and Sally, Dec. 8, 1839.
Whitcomb, s. of Samuel and Sally, Dec. 15, 1833.
Abel, s. of John and Esther, Sept. 5, 1766.
Abel, s. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 31, 1784. C.R.1.
Abel, s. of Peter and Marcy, July 20, 1798.
Abel, s. of Jacob and Sarah, in Boxborough, Dec. 13, 1815.
Abigail, d. of Henry and Elizabeth, Apr. 3, 1733.
Abigail, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Feb. 26, 1754.
Abraham, s. of Elijah and Mercy, Jan. 23, 1771.
Abraham, s. of Elijah and Mercy, Apr. 26, 1777.
Allice, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Feb. 22, 1784.
Almira, d. of Jabez and Rebecca, Mar. 6, 1815.
Alven, s. of Jacob and Sarah, in Boxborough, Feb. 28, 1813.
America, d. of Cyrus and Sarah, July 14, 1799.
Amery, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Nov. 20, 1789.
Andrew, s. of Abraham and Elizabeth, in Groton, Sept. 20, 1817.
Anis, d. of Ephraim, bp. Apr. 24, 1763. C.R.1.
Asa, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 6, 1755.
Asa, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 1, 1756.
Asa, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Feb. 15, 1757.
Asa, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Feb. 14, 1758.
Asa, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Feb. 4, 1787.
Augusta H., d. of Jacob and Abigail, Sept. 6, 1826.
Bainbridge S., s. of Jacob and Abigail, Dec. 8, 1837.
Benjamin, s. of Peter and Marcy, Oct. 22, 1796.
Benjamin Henry, s. of Benjamin and Betsy, Dec. 10, 1827.
Betsy, d. of Peter and Mercy, June 15, 1792.
Betsy, d. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, Dec. 26, 1797.
Betsy, d. of Abraham and Elizabeth, Aug. 14, 1804.
Betsy, d. of Daniel and Betsy, Aug. 17, 1827.
Betsy White, d. of Thomas and Betsy, July 1801. Twin.
Betty, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Nov. 3, 1763.
Catherine, d. of Daniel and Betsy, May 15, 1830.
Cephas, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Jan. 27, 1788.
Cephas, s. of Thomas and Betsy (Elizabeth, C.R.1), Feb. 11, 1792.
Charles W., s. of Daniel and Betsy, Nov. 5, 1816.
Cyrus, s. of John and Esther, July 24, 1768.
Cyrus, s. of Peter and Mercy, Apr. 22, 1790.
Daniel, s. of Phineas and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1790.
Daniel P., s. of Daniel and Betsy, Dec. 5, 1819.
Deborah, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Apr. 24, 1759.
Dorcas, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 10, 1767.
Edmund, s. of Thomas and Betsy, May 15, 1808.
Elbridge, s. of Jabez and Rebecca, June 5, 1813.
Elijah, s. of Thomas and Marian, June 2, 1739.
Elijah, s. of Elijah and Mercy, Oct. 23, 1769.
Elijah, s. of Thomas and Betsy (Elizabeth, C.R.1), July 18, 1797.
Elijah, s. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, June 12, 1800.
Elisabeth, d. of John and Esther, Aug. 2, 1770.
Elisabeth, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Dec. 3, 1779.
Elisha, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, bp. June 5, 1748. C.R.1.
Elisha, s. of Elisha and Moriah, Jan. 15, 1775.
Eliza Ann, d. of Cephas and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1831.
- Eliza Ellen, d. of Levi and Eliza, bp. Mar. 8, 1827. Twin. C.R.2.
Emery, s. of Levi and Rebecca, Apr. 30, 1810.
Ephraim W. s. of Daniel and Betsy, Oct. 10, 1824.
Ephraim Whitcomb, s. of Benjamin and Betsy, Oct. 10, 1831.
Esther, d. of Simeon and Jerusha, in Nichawog [Petersham], Apr. 13, 1745.
Eunice, d. of John and Esther, Dec. 16, 1765. (Eunice, d. of John, bp. Jan. 20, 1765. C.R.1.)
Francena E. W. [----], w. of Edward Warren, ----, 1828. G.R.1.
Frances Emogene [----], w. of Ephraim W., ----, 1842. G.R.3.
Francis Augustine, s. of Charles W. and Sally, May 22, 1844.
George, s. of Cephas and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1824. (George Nelson, s. of Cephas and Sarah, bp. Dec. 19, 1824. C.R.2.)
George Emory, s. of Cephas and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1822.
George W., s. of Jacob and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1821.
Hannah, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Sept. 7, 1781.
Hannah, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Apr. 22, 1786.
Hiram, s. of Thomas 2d and Polly, Mar. 16, 1814.
Irene, d. of Asa 2d and Lucy, Feb. 3, 1808.
Israel, s. of Simeon and Jerusha, Feb. 26, 1748-9.
Jabez, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Nov. 4, 1790.
Jacob, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Jan. 21, 1782.
James, s. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, Feb. 9, 1796.
Jane, d. of Jacob and Sarah, June 2, 1807.
Jesse Knight, s. of Phinehas and Sarah, Mar. 28, 1799.
John, s. of Henry and Elizabeth, June 14, 1738.
John, s. of Peter and Mercy, Aug. 17, 1787.
John, s. of Peter and Mercy, Aug. 11, 1789.
John Cephas, s. of Cephas and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1836.
John Peirce, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Oct. 1, 1795.
John Ruel, s. of Benjamin and Betsy, Sept. 21, 1829.
Jonathan, s. of Asa and Elizebeth, Oct. 10, 1750.
Jonathan, s. of John and Esther, Feb. 28, 1761.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. June 4, 1786. C.R.1.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Ame, Mar. 3, 1766.
Jotham, s. of Simeon and Jerusha, in Nichawog [Petersham], Dec. 19, 1740.
Levi, s. of Joseph and Amy, bp. Sept. 8, 1754. C.R.1.
Levi, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Mar. 14, 1780.
Levi, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Feb. 28, 1794.
Levi Elijah, s. of Levi and Eliza, bp. Mar. 8, 1827. Twin. C.R.2.
Lidiah, d. of Simeon and Jerusha, in Nichawog [Petersham], May 6, 1739.
Louisa H., d. of Jacob and Abigail, July 11, 1828.
Lucretia, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. May 13, 1764. C.R.1.
Lucy, d. of Joseph and Ame, July 18, 1755.
Lucy, d. of Aretas and Anna, Sept. 2, 1757.
Lucy, d. of wid. ----, bp. Oct. 23, 1763. C.R.1.
Lucy, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. Jan. 18, 1767. C.R.1.
Lucy, d. of Peter and Mercy, Sept. 26, 1785.
Lucy, d. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, Apr. 22, 1794.
Lucy, d. of Jacob and Sarah, in Boxborough, Jan. 26, 1804.
Lurina H., d. of Jacob and Abigail, July 6, 1830.
Luther, s. of Joseph Jr., bp. Aug. 4, 1765. C.R.1.
Lydia, d. of Aretas and Anna, Nov. 24, 1755.
Lydia, d. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, June 29, 1802.
Mariah, d. of Thomas and Mariah, Sept. 5, 1736.
Mariah, d. of Abraham and Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1809.
Martha, d. of Abraham and Elizabeth, Dec. 22, 1814.
Mary, d. of Stephen and Abigail, June 19, 1735.
Mary, d. of Abraham and Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1802.
Mary, d. of Elijah Jr. and Lucy, Feb. 7, 1804.
Mary Leora Smith [----], w. of Rev. John C., ----, 1840. G.R.3.
Mercy, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Sept. 27, 1774.
Mercy, d. of Peter and Mercy, June 13, 1794.
Mercy, d. of Jacob and Sarah, Aug. 16, 1818.
Mercy Whitney, d. of Thomas and Betsy, Jan. 20, 1802.
Moriah [----], w. of Thomas, Aug. 9, 1699.
Moriah, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Nov. 7, 1772.
Moriah, d. of Esther and Moriah, May 2, 1777.
Nason H., s. of Jacob and Abigail, Jan. 3, 1823.
Obed, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, July 30, 1795.
Obed, s. of Jabez and Rebecca, Mar. 6, 1817.
Olive, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Feb. 28, 1752.
Olive, d. of Asa (Jr., C.R.1) and Dorcas, Dec. 25, 1797.
Olivea, d. of Asa and Elisabeth, Aug. 14, 1761.
Oliver, s. of Joseph and Ame, June 20, 1753.
Peter, s. of John and Esther, Jan. 27, 1763.
Phinehas, s. of Asa and Elisabeth, Jan. 10, 1766.
Phinehas, s. of Phinehas and Sarah, Aug. 17, 1794.
Phinehas Whitcomb, s. of Asa 2d and Lucy, May 13, 1815.
Polley, d. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 16, 1788. C.R.1.
Polly, d. of Peter and Mercy, June 15, 1784.
Reuben, s. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Sept. 10, 1784.
Salley, d. of Phineas and Sarah, Dec. 7, 1787.
Salley White, d. of Thomas and Betsy, July 1, 1801. Twin.
Sally, d. of Peter and Mercy, Nov. 5, 1782.
Sally, d. of Elijah and Mercy, Sept. 20, 1788.
Samuel W., s. of Daniel and Betsy, Jan. 22, 1822.
Sarah, d. of Henry and Elizabeth, Mar. 8, 1734-5.
Sarah, d. of Jacob and Sarah, Aug. 1, 1810.
Sarah Augusta, d. of Charles W. and Sally H., June 5, 1847.
Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Cephas and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1820.
Sarah Wyman, d. of ----, bp. Apr. 21, 1776. C.R.1.
Silas, s. of Aretas and Anna, May 10, 1753.
Simeon, s. of Simeon and Jerusha, in Stow, June 23, 1747.
Sophia, d. of Phinehas and Sarah, Aug. 26, 1797.
Sophia Beman, d. of Thomas and Betsy, Dec. 19, 1805.
Stedman, s. of Thomas and Betsy, Aug. 29, 1799.
Stephen, s. of Stephen and Abigal, May 9, 1737.
Stilman, s. of Abraham and Elizabeth, June 19, 1820.
Thadias, s. of Simeon and Jerusha, in Nichawog [Petersham], Jan. 31, 1742-3.
Thomas, s. of Elijah and Mercy, Jan. 11, 1767.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Betsy, May 21, 1786.
Thusa, d. of Asa Jr. and Dorcas, Sept. 10, 1793.
Warren, s. of Cephas and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1829. (Edward Warren, s. of Cephas and Sarah, bp. Apr. 26, 1829. C.R.2.)
William, s. of Abraham and Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1806.
Edwin, ----, 1813. G.R.3.
Ella F. [----], w. of Francis E., ----, 1848. G.R.3.
Martha [----], w. of Edwin, ----, 1820. G.R.3.
Sarah Elisabeth, d. of Dr. Levi and Lydia Jane, Feb. 28, 1848.
HUCHINGS (see Huchins, Hutchins)
Daniel, s. of Joseph and Sarah, May 12, 1746.
Holis, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Mar. 3, 1744.
John, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1739.
Lois, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1737-8.
Sarah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1741.
HUCHINS (see Huchings, Hutchins)
Basmath, d. of William and Hephzibah, Sept. 7, 1769.
David, s. of William and Hephzibah, Nov. 11, 1763.
Eliner, d. of William and Hephzibah, Nov. 26, 1771. (Eleoner, d. of wid. Hutchins, bp. Apr. 12, 1772. C.R.1.)
Esther, d. of William and Hephzibah, Sept. 10, 1761.
Jonathan, s. of William and Hephzibah, Jan. 26, 1760.
Barzilai, s. of William and Lucy, May 16, 1774.
Metilda, d. of William and Lucy, Nov. 8, 1777.
Ellen Warner [----], w. of C. E., Dec. 30, 1844. G.R.3.
Charlotte, d. of John Denison and Rebeccah, Oct. 16, 1799.
Denison, s. of John Denison and Rebeccah, Apr. 6, 1796.
John, s. of John D. and Rebeccah, Nov. 14, 1797.
HUTCHINS (see Huchings, Huchins)
Abel, s. of Gordon and Dorathy, Mar. 16, 1763.
Ann, d. of Joseph and Sarah, June 13, 1752.
Bethiah, d. of Gordon and Dolley, Aug. 29, 1765.
Ephraim, s. of Gorden and Dolly, Jan. 16, 1758.
Ezra, s. of Gordon and Dorithy, May 26, 1770.
John, s. of William Jr. and Jerusha, Aug. 4, 1765.
Levi, s. of Gording and Dorothy, Aug. 17, 1761.
Mehitabel, d. of William, bp. May 11, 1766. C.R.1.
Meribah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1748.
Molley, d. of William Jr. and Jerusha, Jan. 4, 1761.
Olive, d. of William Jr., bp. Feb. 14, 1768. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, July 29, 1750.
Sarah, d. of William Jr. and Jerusha, Oct. 20, 1763.
Simon, s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Feb. 11, 1761.
Sarah Louisa, d. of George W., b. in Pittsfield, and Sarah H., b. in Shirley, Nov. 23, 1849.
Julia, d. of John and Mary, Feb. 3 [1846].
Anson, s. of Daniel and Susanna, Jan. 26, 1806.
John Prescott, s. of Daniel and Susan, Aug. 6, 1810.
Marcy Prescott, d. of Daniel and Susanna, Sept. 3, 1803.
Roxanna, d. of Daniel and Susanna, Aug. 3, 1808.
Clara Louisa, d. of Benjamin and Clarissa, bp. June 2, 1844. C.R.2.
Maria Elisabeth, d. of Benjamin and Clarissa, bp. Dec. 1, 1833. C.R.2.
Rebecca, d. of Lynn and Hannah, Sept. 20, 1763. Negro.
JOHNSON (see Jonson)
Betsey, d. of Daniel and Betsey, b. Sept. 19, 1775. C.R.1.
Daniel, s. of Rev. Daniel and Betsey, Nov. 4, 177---. (1772. C.R.1.)
- Dole, s. of Dole and Hannah, July 4, 1745. s. of wid. Hannah, bp. Aug. 25, 1745. C.R.1.)
Hannah, d. of Dole and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1739.
Henry, s. of Samuel of Lancaster, bp. July 24, 1743. C.R.1.
Joanna, d. of Rev. Daniel and Betsey, Aug. 15, 1774. (Aug. 5, 1774. C.R.1.)
Jonas, s. of Jonas and Mary, Dec. 31, 1804.
Lydia, d. of Daniel and Lydia, bp. Oct. 7, 1750. C.R.1.
Nabby Lee, d. of Rev. Daniel and Betsey, Mar. 15, 1771.
Samuell, s. of Samuell and Rebeccah of Lancaster, bp. Mar. 24, 1745. C.R.1.
Thomas Jefferson, s. of Jonas and Mary, Aug. 10, 1802.
Moses, s. of Joseph and Ruth, Aug. 27, 1776.
JONSON (see Johnson)
Simeon, s. of Dole and Hannah, Feb. 13, 1742-3.
Jabez, s. of Jabez and Phebe, Sept. 8, 1759.
Leonard, s. of Leonard and Ruth, May 7, 1767.
Mehitabel, d. of Jabez (Jr., C.R.1) and Phebe, Nov. 8, 1773.
Phebe, d. of Jabez and Lydia, Apr. 1, 1789.
Rebecca, d. of Jabez and Phebe, Mar. 26, 1782.
Sally, d. of Jabez and Lydia, Feb. 26, 1786.
Samuel, s. of Leonard, bp. Feb. 23, 1772. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of Leonard and Ruth, May 31, 1770.
Silve, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, June 21, 1777.
Daniel, s. of John Jr., bp. May 22, 1774. C.R.1.
Molly, d. of John Jr., bp. May 19, 1776. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of John Jr., bp. June 14, 1772. C.R.1.
Abagal, d. of Josiah and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1744.
Mary, d. of Josiah and Sarah, Apr. 22, 1741.
KEYES (see Keys)
Elizabeth, d. of William and Mary, Sept. 13, 1749.
William, s. of William and Mary, June 17, 1752. N.S.
KEYS (see Keyes)
Submit, d. of John of Bolton, bp. Oct. 4, 1747. C.R.1.
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin, bp. Feb. 24, 1788. C.R.1.
George, s. of Benjamin and Nancy, May 18, 1783.
Naby, d. of Benjamin and Nancy, Aug. 2, 1785.
Nahum, s. of Benjamin and Nancy, bp. Sept. 28, 1794. C.R.1.
Nancy, d. of Benjamin and Nancy, Oct. 25, 1781.
Salley, d. of Benjamin, bp. Nov. 7, 1790. C.R.1. .
Wallace E., Mar. 18, 1849. G.R.3.
KITTERIDGE (see Kittridge)
Sarah Francis, d. of Floyer and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1836.
KITTRIDGE (see Kitteridge)
Lucinda, d. of Thomas and Olive, Mar. 5, 1810.
KNEELAND (see Neeland, Neland)
John, s. of Timothy and Moriah, Aug. 12, 1766.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Miriam, Nov. 22, 1752.
KNIGHT (see Knights, Nights)
Abel, s. of Ebenezer and Prudince, Dec. 16, 1763.
Abidan, s. of Joseph Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1782.
Abigail, d. of Joseph and Sarah, May 10, 1776.
Abigail, d. of Jesse and Sally (Sarah, C.R.1), May 17, 1808.
Abigail, d. of Heman and Nabby, May 4, 1819.
Alfred, s. of Jesse and Sally (Sarah, C.R.1), May 11, 1810.
Amanda, d. of Heman and Nabby, Mar. 1, 1821.
Asa, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth, Apr. 1, 1765.
Betsey, d. of John and Elisabeth, Apr. 8, 1774. Twin.
Daniel, s. of Daniel, bp. May 14, 1786. C.R.1.
Elizabeth Rider, d. of Abidan and Sally, Oct. 15, 1818.
Hannah Briant, d. of William and Lydia, Oct. 4, 1786.
Heman, s. of Joseph Jr. and Sarah, Dec. 13, 1780.
Henry, s. of Elisha and Lydia, Mar. 5, 1792.
Isaac, s. of Heman and Rhoda, Feb. 19, 1810.
Jesse, May 26, 1771. G.R.1.
John, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth, Aug. 8, 1768.
John Cutler, s. of John and Lucy, Jan. 2, 1812.
Jonathan Preston, s. of John and Sally, Mar. 23, 1823.
Joseph, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth, Nov. 22, 1766.
Lidya, d. of John and Elisabeth, Apr. 8, 1774. Twin.
Lucy Whitney, d. of John and Sally, Oct. 30, 1819.
Marcia, d. of William and Lydia, bp. Nov. 3, 1793. C.R.1.
Mary, d. of Jesse and Sally (Sarah, C.R.1), Sept. 25, 1814.
Nancy, d. of William and Lydia, bp. Sept. 30, 1798. C.R.1.
Olive Davis, d. of John and Lucy, bp. Sept. 25, 1814. C.R.1.
Polley, d. of William, bp. May 10, 1789. C.R.1.
Preston, s. of Jonathan P. and Hannah E., Sept. 10, 1846.
Rachel Binney, d. of Jesse and Sabra, July 7, 1806. (June 7, 1807. G.R.1.)
Rhoda, d. of Heman and Rhoda, May 4, 1814.
Sabra, d. of Jesse and Sally (Sarah, C.R.1), Oct. 28, 1804.
Sally [----], w. of Jesse, Feb. 11, 1773. G.R.1.
Sally, d. of William and Lydia, bp. Dec. 6, 1792. C.R.1.
Sally, d. of Abidan and Sally, Apr. 2, 1813.
Sarah Holden, d. of Jesse and Sally, June 23, 1812.
KNIGHTS (see Knight, Nights)
Rachel, d. of Nathan and Susannah, Oct. 22, 1772.
Suky, d. of Nathan and Susannah, Nov. 12, 1770.
Lois, d. of John, bp. Dec. 27, 1767. C.R.1.
Artemas, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Oct. 29, 1785.
Daniel, s. of Jeremiah and Rachel, July 1, 1750.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 7, 1781.
Emely, d. of Daniel and Lucy, July 4, 1798.
Ephraim, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Nov. 12, 1789.
George, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Apr. 17, 1792.
Hannah, d. of Jeremiah and Rachel, May 1, 1763.
Hannibal, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Mar. 3, 1794.
Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah and Rachel, Aug. 7, 1765.
John, s. of Jeremiah and Rachel, July 1, 1755.
John, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Apr. 14, 1778.
John, s. of John and Pattee, May 12, 1790.
Lucy, d. of Daniel and Lucy, June 6, 1796.
Olivea, d. of Daniel and Lucy, Aug. 24, 1787.
Olivia, d. of Jeremiah and Rachel, Apr. 27, 1768.
Rachel, d. of Jeremiah and Rachel, Aug. 7, 1760.
Sarah, d. of Jeremiah and Rachel, May 8, 1758.
Stephen, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 2, 1783.
Thomas, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Oct. 6, 1779.
LAWRANCE (see Lawrence)
Charles H., s. of Abraham and Rhoda, Feb. 14, 1823.
Sarah E., d. of Abraham and Rhoda, June 19, 1828.
LAWRENCE (see Lawrance)
Alfred G., s. of Andrew and Laura Ann, Jan. 30, 1837.
Amos, s. of Amos and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1773.
Andrew, s. of Stephen and Lucy, Mar. 16, 1817.
Ann Maria, d. of Jonathan and Sarah Ann, Sept. 21, 1835.
Anna, d. of Abraham and Rhoda, Jan. 30, 1808.
Charles Allen, s. of Jonathan and Sarah Ann, Feb. 3, 1838.
Edward, s. of Stephen and Lucy, June 21, 1810.
Emory O., s. of Andrew and Laura Ann, Apr. 17, 1840.
Esther Wallace, d. of Stephen, bp. May 1, 1825. C.R.1. (Esther W., b. Nov. 3, 1824. G.R.1.)
Frederick J., s. of Andrew and Laura Ann, June 17, 1839.
George Hiram, s. of Andrew and Laura Ann, July 15, 1844.
Henry, s. of Stephen and Lucy, July 10, 1790.
Henry Allen, s. of John K. and Roxanna, Nov. 14, 1844.
James, s. of Stephen and Lucy (Mary, C.R.1), Sept. 7, 1814.
John Kimball, s. of Abraham and Rhoda, Nov. 14, 1812.
Jonathan (Jonathan W., G.R.1), s. of Abraham and Rhoda, May 21, 1809.
Joseph Andrew, s. of Andrew and Laura Ann, Mar. 27, 1847.
Joseph Bigelow, s. of Stephen and Lucy, Sept. 28, 1812.
Justin, s. of Stephen and Lucy, Aug. 4, 1806.
Katherine L., d. of J. W. and Sarah Ann, Oct. 17, 1846.
Levi, s. of Charles, bp. Jan. 12, 1766. C.R.1.
Louiza, d. of Stephen and Lucy, May 17, 1808.
Lucinda, d. of Abraham and Rhoda, Dec. 21, 1810.
Lucy, d. of Stephen and Lucy, bp. Oct. 7, 1821. C.R.1.
Mary Wetherbe, d. of Abraham and Rhoda, July 10, 1818.
Nabbe, d. of Amos and Sarah, May 14, 1774.
Oliver, s. of Abraham and Rhoda, Nov. 9, 1814.
Oliver Franklin, s. of Abraham and Rhoda, July 25, 1816.
Sarah A. Williston [----], w. of Jonathan W., June 15, 1810. G.R.1.
Sarah F. Worcester [----], w. of Henry A., ----, 1848. G.R.3.
Stephen, s. of Stephen and Lucy, bp. June 20, 1805. C.R.1.
William, s. of Stephen and Lucy, May 18, 1819.
William Williston, s. of Abraham and Rhoda, May 25, 1820.
LEASON (see Lesson)
David Russell, s. of George, bp. Nov. 14, 1773. C.R.1.
Isaac, s. of George, bp. July 21, 1776. C.R.1.
LESSON (see Leason)
Betty, d. of George and Betsey, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.1.
Nabby, d. of George and Betsey, bp. Dec. 10, 1793. C.R.1.
Nancy, d. of George and Betsey, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.1.
Polly, d. of George, bp. June 18, 1780. C.R.1.
Sally, d. of George, bp. June 18, 1780. C.R.1.
Solomon, s. of George and Betsey, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.1.
Zebadiah Wheeler, s. of George and Betsey, bp. Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.1.
Frances Elizabeth, d. of William and Fanny, Oct. 7, 1823.
William, s. of Timothy and Abigail, in Lancaster, Aug. 30, 1799.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Ellen, in Keene, N.H., July 10, 1846.
Betsey, d. of Nathaniel and Keziah, June 18, 1782.
Henry, s. of Nathaniel and Keziah, Nov. 28, 1788.
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Kezia, Apr. 24, 1784.
Polley, d. of Nathaniel and Kezia, July 30, 1786.
Hannah B., ----, 1840. G.R.1.
Jonas, ----, 1807. G.R.1.
Rebecca H., ----, 1814. G.R.1.
Eunice, d. of Edward and Sarah, Apr. 10, 1786.
John, s. of Edward and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1790.
Sarah, d. of Edward and Sarah, Sept. 18, 1784.
Polly, d. of Theophilus and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1811.
Sarah Haywood, d. of Theophilus and Hannah, Feb. 6, 1809.
William, s. of Samuel and Lucy, bp. Sept. 11, 1808. C.R.1.
Mary L., d. of Jonathan W. and Lucy H., Jan. 22, 1845.
Michael, s. of John and Mary, July 21, 1737.
Michael, s. of Nathaniel and Ann, Sept. 18, 1766.
Nathaniel, s. of John Esq., bp. Sept. 27, 1741. C.R.1.
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel, bp. Aug. 13, 1769. C.R.1.
Pamela, d. of (Dr., C.R.1) Nathaniel and Ann, Aug. 24, 1767.
Richard, s. of John Esq., bp. Aug. 5, 1739. C.R.1.
Sumner Redway, Rev., June 14, 1819. G.R.3.
Phillip J., Nov. 22, 1809. G.R.2.
Caleb Augustus, s. of William and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1847.
Charles C., ----, 1836. G.R.3.
Mary A. Hapgood [----], w. of Charles E., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
William Austin, s. of William, b. in Northborough, and Sarah Ann, b. in Bolton, Feb. 15, 1849.
Susannah, Nov. 12, 1795. G.R.2.
MEAD (see Meed, Meeds)
Asa, s. of Samuel Jr. and Ame, Mar. 8, 1761.
Francis, s. of Samuel Jr. and Ame, Oct. 28, 1765.
Hannah, d. of Samuel Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 13, 1753.
John, s. of Samuel and Hannah, June 29, 1749.
Jonathan, s. of John and Sarah, Dec. 11, 1771.
Lucy, d. of Samuel Jr. and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1756.
Lydia, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Jan. 9, 1759.
Lydia Priest, gr. d. of Jacob Priest, bp. Sept. 5, 1824. C.R.2.
Marcy, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 15, 1769.
Mercy, d. of Samuell and Dinah, bp. June 10, 1750. C.R.1.
Oliver, s. of Samuel Jr. and Hannah, Sept. 2, 1751.
Reuben, s. of Samuel Jr. and Ame, Nov. 23, 1769.
Reuben Whitney, orphan ch. of ----, bp. July 3, 1825. C.R.1.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah, May 30, 1761.
Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1773.
MEED (see Mead, Meeds)
John, s. of John and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1775.
MEEDS (see Mead, Meed)
Albegence, s. of Jason and Silence, Dec. 10, 1793.
Alice, d. of Samuell and Dinah, bp. Aug. 19, 1744. C.R.1.
Ame, d. of Samuel (Jr., C.R.1) and Patience, July 22, 1781.
Artemus, s. of Francis and Molley, bp. May 5, 1793. C.R.1.
Bethiah, d. of Jason and Silence, Apr. 2, 1788.
Beulah, d. of Samuell and Dinah, Mar. 24, 1733-4.
Cephas, s. of Francis and Molley, bp. May 5, 1793. C.R.1.
Charlottee, d. of Jason and Silence, Dec. 22, 1791.
Dinah, d. of Samuell and Beulah, bp. July 11, 1736. C.R.1.
Emely, d. of Jasoh and Silence, Jan. 8, 1796.
Hannah, d. of Samuell and Dinah, in Littleton, Apr. 10, 1729.
Jason, s. of Samuel (Jr., C.R.1) and Ame, Feb. 9, 1764.
Jason Atherton, s. of Jason and Silence, Mar. 16, 1803.
Lemuel, s. of Samuell and Dinah, bp. Aug. 30, 1747. C.R.1.
Lois, d. of Samuel, bp. July 12, 1741. C.R.1.
Lucy, d. of Samuel, bp. Mar. 9, 1740. C.R.1.
Mary, d. of Samuell Jr. and Hephsebeth, July 20, 1793.
Mary, d. of Reuben and Lydia, Aug. 1, 1809.
Nancy, d. of Samuel Jr. and Hephsebeth, Jan. 2, 1791.
Oliver, s. of Samuel, bp. July 2, 1738. C.R.1.
Onesimus, s. of Samuel Jr. and Hephsebeth, Jan. 22, 1789.
Rebecca, d. of Samuell and Dinah, in Littleton, Dec. ----, 1731.
Reuben, s. of Samuel and Patience, Jan. 31, 1782.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hephsebeth, Nov. 10, 1797.
Samuell, s. of Samuell and Dinah, June 18, 1732.
Silas, s. of Samuel' and Dinah, bp. Aug. 11, 1745. C.R.1.
MERIAM (see Merriam)
Fanny, d. of Jonas and Rachel, bp. Oct. 25, 1818. C.R.1. (Frances, b. Aug. 18, 1818. G.R.1.)
MERRIAM (see Mariam)
Asenath, d. of William and Sarah, May 21, 1780.
Jonas, Nov. 6, 1773. G.R.1.
Phebe, d. of William and Sarah, Mar. 30, 1778.
Rachel [----], w. of Jonas, Jan. 2, 1778. G.R.1.
Sarah, d. of Jonas and Rachel, bp. Oct. 27, 1811. C.R.1. (b. Jan. 8, 1808. G.R.1.)
Silas Parkhurst, s. of Jonas and Rachel, bp. Oct. 27, 1811. C.R.1.
Susan, d. of Jonas and Rachel, bp. Nov. 7, 1813. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of William, bp. Aug. 4, 1771. C.R.1.
William, s. of William, bp. May 13, 1770. C.R.1.
Cyntha Maria, d. of James and Mary J., Nov. 21, 1845.
Lydia Ann, d. of James, b. in Manchester, N.H., and Mary J., b. in Hollis, N.H., Aug. 5, 1849.
Gustin, ch. of Henry, bp. at Bolton, June 13, 1824. C.R.1.
MUNRO (see Munroe)
Atherton, s. of Ephraim and Mercy, Friday, Oct. 29, 1784, at four o'clock in the morning.
John Hollond, s. of Ephraim and Mercy, Friday, Mar. 22, 1782, at ten o'clock in the morning.
Tilley Merrick, s. of Ephraim and Mercy, Thursday, Oct. 8, 1778, at ten in the morning.
William, s. of Ephraim and Mercy, Saturday, Apr. 22, 1780, at 5 P.M.
MUNROE (see Munro)
Abel, s. of John and Lucy, July 8, 1785.
Charles, s. of John and Elizabeth, May 8, 1847.
Clarissa, d. of Joseph and Polly, June 24, 1813.
James Kendall, s. of Joseph and Polly, Feb. 3, 1808.
John, s. of Joseph and Polly, Jan. 11, 1818.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Polly, June 1, 1805.
Lydia, d. of Abraham and Lydia, Dec. 22, 1776.
Mary Ann, d. of Joseph and Polly, Feb. 26, 1810.
Rebecca, d. of Ephraim and Mercy, Mar. 27, 1787.
Sarah Moriah, d. of John and Eliza, Mar. 29, 1848.
Tilly Wilder, s. of John and Lucy, May 1, 1784.
John, s. of John and Mary, both b. in Ireland, in Sterling, Aug. 17, 1848.
Maria, d. of Seth and Nancy, bp. May 25, 1817. C.R.1
NEELAND (see Kneeland, Neland)
Oliver, s. of Timothy and Moriah, Apr. 21, 1764.
NELAND (see Kneeland, Neeland)
Moriah, d. of Timothy and Moriah, Feb. 9, 1762.
Ellah Adelia, d. of Leonard and ----, in Lancaster, July 1, 1847.
Ezra B., Feb. 24, 1795. G.R.2.
Abagal, d. of John and Mary, Mar. 5, 1733.
Bethiah, d. of Samuel and Lydia, June 29, 1760.
Hezekiah, s. of Samuel and Lydia, Feb. 19, 1762.
NIGHTS (see Knight, Knights)
Asa, s. of Timothy, bp. May 1, 1768. C.R.1.
Joseph, s. of Timothy, bp. May 1, 1768. C.R.1.
Emma Cleone, Mar. 2, 1843.G.R.1.
Gideon C., June 6, 1803. G.R.1.
Matthew, Nov. 22, 1773. G.R.1.
Nancy G. Perkins [----], w. of Gideon C., Oct. 26, 1807.G.R.1.
NOURSE (see Nurs, Nurse)
Caroline W. Robinson [----], w. of Oliver L., ----, 1843. G.R.3.
Oliver L., ----, 1841. G.R.3.
NUBS (see Nourse, Nurse)
Joshua, s. of Joshua and Mary, May 16, 1743.
Mary, d. of Joshua and Mary, Feb. 15, 1741.
NURSE (see Nourse, Nurs)
Brown, s. of David and Lois, Jan. 24, 1804.
Charles Warren, s. of James R. and Emeline, Mar. 3, 1846.
David, s. of David and Lois, Dec. 22, 179--- (1798 T.C.).
Edwin Brown, s. of James R. and Emeline, Mar. 6, 1835.
Francis, s. of Francis and Nabby, Apr. 27, 1799.
Harvey, s. of David and Lois, Nov. 5, 1809.
James David, s. of James R. and Emeline, Nov. 7, 1830.
James Richardson, s. of David and Lois, Oct. 10, 1795.
John, s. of David and Lois, Apr. 27, 1807.
Martha, d. of Benjamin and Martha, bp. Sept. 26, 1742. C.R.1.
Mary Ann, d. of David and Lois, Feb. 2, 1814.
Mary Ann Emeline, d. of James R. and Emeline, Dec. 8, 1836.
Nancy Maria Nason, d. of John and Maria, June 30, 1833.
Solomon, s. of Joshua and Mary, bp. Aug. 2, 1747. C.R.1.
Stillman, s. of David and Lois, Apr. 7, 1801. G.R.1.
Franklin Lawrence, s. of Phinehas L., b. in Groton, and Martha M., July 12, 1849.
Phinehas Meles, s. of Phinehas and Martha, in Westford, Nov. 24, 1847.
OAK (see Oakes, Oaks)
Calvin, s. of Seth and Elizabeth, Sept. 12, 1758.
Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 25, 1750. C.R.1.
Melea, d. of Jonathan, bp. Sept. 11, 1768. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1752.O.S.
OAKES (see Oak, Oaks)
Abel, s. of Capt. ----, bp. Aug. 11, 1771. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of Capt. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 22, 1771. C.R.1.
Solomon, s. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 19, 1769. C.R.1.
Sybel, d. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 19, 1769. C.R.1.
OAKS (see Oakes, Oak)
Katharine, d. of Seth, bp. Oct. 22, 1758. C.R.1.
Levi, s. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 23, 1763. C.R.1.
Lois, d. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 23, 1763. C.R.1.
Seth, s. of Seth and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 21, 1760. C.R.1.
Melissa Warren, d. of Rejoice, bp. June 16, 1811. C.R.1.
Abi, s. of Abel and Asenath, Jan. 21, 1819.
Harriet, d. of Abel and Asenath, Dec. 27, 1815.
PARK (see Parks)
Abigail Carter, d. of John and Nabby, Dec. 3, 1813.
Andrew, s. of John and Jean, Feb. 25, 1753.
Andrew, s. of John and Jane, May 19, 1757.
Andrew, s. of John and Nabby, bp. Aug. 28, 1808. C.R.1.
Ann Henrietta, d. of John and Henrietta, Oct. 21, 1830.
Benjamin Kimball, s. of John and Nabby, May 17, 1806.
Elvira Longley, d. of John and Henrietta, Feb. 12, 1828.
Frances Maria, d. of John and Henrietta, bp. Oct. 30, 1836.C.R.2.
Francis H., s. of Rufus H. and Harriot S., Feb. 16, 1837.
Hannah Fisher, d. of William and Abigail, bp. July 15, 1827. C.R.2.
John, s. of John and Jane, Apr. 12, 1742.
John, s. of William and Eunice, Aug. 22, 1782.
John, s. of Thomas and Rosanna, Apr. 24, 1786.
John Calvin, s. of John and Henrietta, bp. Nov. 16, 1833. C.R.2.
John Little, s. of John and Abigail, bp. May 4, 1817. C.R.1.
- Joseph, s. of John and Jane, bp. Apr. 8, 1753. C.R.1.
Margret, d. of John and Jean, Aug. 20, 1744.
Maria Stetson, d. of William 2d, bp. June 4, 1815. C.R.1.
Mary Ellery, d. of John and Henrietta, July 16, 1825.
Moody, s. of William and Eunice, Sept. 25, 1790.
Nancy, d. of William and Eunice, Dec. 13, 1785.
Oscar Harrison Kimball, s. of Rufus H. and Harriot S., Apr. 29, 1840.
Polley, d. of William and Eunice, July 21, 1789.
Rufus Harrington, s. of John and Nabby, May 29, 1811.
Salley, d. of William and Eunice, Jan. 25, 1800.
Stuart James, s. of William Jr. and Abigail, Apr. 29, 1820.
Susan Hayward, d. of William 2d and Abigail, Mar. 4, 1817. (Susan Hayward, d. of William Park 2d, bp. July 7, 1816. C.R.1.)
Susan Maria, d. of William and Abagail, bp. Dec. 22, 1822. C.R.2.
Thomas, s. of William and Abigail, bp. Aug. 16, 1829.C.R.2.
William, s. of John and Jean, Mar. 4, 1750.
William, s. of William Jr. and Abigail, Mar. 28, 1818 (1819 dup.).
William Moody, s. of John and Henrietta, Nov. 8, 1821.
William Stewart, s. of William 2d and Abigail, bp. Sept. 26, 1824. C.R.2.
Augustus D., Dec. 7, 1847. G.R.1.
John Winslow, s. of John W. and Mary, Augusta, bp. July 1, 1847. C.R.2.
Mary, d. of Nehemiah, bp. Aug. 10, 1766. C.R.1.
Mary, d. of Samuel Stillman and Rebecca, Feb. 11, 1798.
Nabby, d. of Eleazer, bp. Sept. 26, 1779. C.R.1.
Oliver, Apr. 15, 1844. G.R.1.
William Augustus, s. of William and Lucy, Mar. 6, 1832.
PARKHURS (see Parkhurst)
George, s. of Jonathan and Mary, in Nichawog [Petersham], Aug. 10, 1752.
Samuel, s. of Jonathan and Mary, in Winchester, Mar. 13, 1754.
PARKHURST (see Parkhurs)
Lucinda, d. of ----, bp. Mar. 21, 1773. C.R.1.
Lucy, d. of Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 3, 1756.
Nathan, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 13, 1757.
Rachel, d. of Silas, bp. Aug. 23, 1778.C.R.1.
Sophia Puffer, d. of Theophilus and Sophia, Feb. 12, 1821.
Theophilus, s. of Silas, bp. Sept. 6, 1789. C.R.1.
PARKS (see Park)
Mary, d. of John and Jane, bp. Nov. 5, 1749. C.R.1.
Andrew, July 6, 1819. G.R.1.
John W., ----, 1822. G.R.1.
(John W., G.R.1), s. of John W. and Mary Augusta, Mar. 22, 1847.
Maria Mead, Sept. 7, 1827. G.R.1.
Martha Trowbridge, inf. ch. of John, bp. at Littleton, Apr. 10, 1825. C.R.1.
Mary A. Haskell [----], w. of John W., ----, 1823. G.R.1.
Alexander, s. of Nicholas and Abigail, May 15, 1787.
Artemas, s. of Nicholas and Abigail, Apr. 7, 1781.
Anna Willard, d. of Nicholas and Abigail, Mar. 5, 1785.
Asa, s. of Lemuel and Susannah, May 29, 1788.
Betsey, d. of Nicholas and Anna, July 31, 1776.
Exion, d. of Lemuel and Susannah, Jan. 15, 1798.
James, s. of Lemuel and Susannah, Apr. 23, 1785.
John, s. of Lemuel and Susannah, Sept. 14, 1790.
Lemuel, s. of Lemuel and Sugannah, Sept. 9, 1783.
Lucendy, d. of Nicholas and Abigail, Feb. 25, 1783.
Nabbe, d. of Nicholas and Abigail, July 22, 1779.
Nabbe Willard, d. of Nicholas and Abigail, June 13, 1790.
Samuel, s. of Lemuel and Susannah, Nov. 5, 1800.
Sybel, d. of Nicholas and Anna, Jan. 31, 1774.
Abigail R., ----, 1793. G.R.1.
Edward A., ----, 1789. G.R.1.
Eliphalet, Rev. Dr., ----, 1752. G.R.1.
Henry P. Esq., Mar. 29, 1795. G.R.1.
Margaret Bromfield, d. of Rev. Eliphalet and w. of Rev. I. H. T. Blanchard, Nov. 10, 1787. G.R.1.
Mary E. McFarland [----], w. of Henry P., ----, 1814. G.R.1.
P. Holyoke [----], w. of ----, 1740. G.R.1.
S. Bromfield [----], w. of ----, 1757. G.R.1.
Honora Hayden [----], w. of Samuel H., ----, 1836. G.R.1.
PEIRCE (see Pierce, Pirce)
Abigail, d. of Jonas and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1754. Twin.
Charles, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 24, 1760.
Daniel, s. of Daniell, bp. Mar. 1, 1752. C.R.1.
Elijah, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1767.
Hannah, d. of William, bp. Dec. 23, 1739. C.R.1.
Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, bp. Aug. 18, 1745. C.R.1.
Hannah, d. of Joseph and Deborah, Sept. 15, 1755.
Jacob, s. of Daniel Jr. and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1751.
John, s. of John and Hannah of Shirley, bp. July 15, 1753.C.R.1.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1758.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Deborah, Aug. 26, 1748.
Lucy, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Feb. 13, 1763.
Marcy, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1769.
Matthew, s. of Jonas and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1755.
Meriah, d. of John and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1748.
Reuben, s. of Daniel Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 17, 1747.
Samuel, s. of Daniel Jr. and Sarah, May 21, 1749.
Sarah, d. of Jonas and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1754. Twin.
Sarah, d. of John and Hannah, bp. May 9, 1756. C.R.1.
Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Mar. 23, 1765.
Thomas, s. of Joseph and Deborah, Dec. 27, 1752.
Mary Elisebeth, d. of Thomas J. and Elisabeth, Feb. 26, 1846.
Enoch, s. of Jonathan and Dorcas, in Lunenburg, Jan. 15, 1797.
Francis, s. of Jonathan and Dorcas, in Ipswich, Aug. 21, 1792.
Francis, s. of Enoch and Mary, Nov. 7, 1830.
Jonathan, in Ipswich, Mar. 2, 1765.
Julia Ann, d. of Enoch and Mary, Nov. 7, 1837.
Mary Adeline, d. of Enoch and Mary, Oct. 13, 1833 (1835 dup.).
Ruth Ann, d. of Jonathan and Esther, Mar. 7, 1832.
Thomas James, s. of Jonathan and Esther, Feb. 15, 1829.
James, s. of James and Hephzibah, Nov. 22, 1766.
Marcy, d. of James and Hephzibah, Dec. 22, 1769.
Miriam, d. of James, bp. Aug. 22, 1773. C.R.1.
Matilda S., Nov. 13, 1802. G.R.2.
Jacob, s. of ----, bp. May 14, 1775. C.R.1.
John, s. of Timothy and Sarah, Mar. 8, 1769.
Sally, d. of Timothy, bp. Oct. 4, 1772. C.R.1.
Alonzo, ----, 1848. G.R.3.
David Y., ----, 1821. G.R.3.
Philomela Worster [----], w. of David Y., ----, 1824. G.R.3.