Vital Records of Hardwick, Massachusetts,
to the Year 1850
Compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin
Boston, Mass., 1917
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

* Intention not recorded.
Abigail A. of Belchertown, and Dr. William H. Willis, int. Sept. 17, 1842.
Elisha and Sarah Crosby of Sturbridge, in Sturbridge, Feb. 18, 1795.*
Abiel and Israel Johnson, Dec. 29, 1761.
Anna and Israel Omsted, Nov. 25, 1756.
Chellis (of Rutland, int.) and Rebeckah Winslow, July 10, 1755.
Chellis, Dr., and Lydia Worner, Feb. 8, 1760.
Ebenezer and Abiei Higgens, Nov. 24, 1759.*
Joseph and Martha Powers, Oct. 26, 1753.
Lydia and (Hon., int.) Jonas Fay (Esq., of Bennington, int.), Nov. 20, 1777.
Mary and Azariah Wright (of Westminster, int.), June 29, 1762.
SAMPSON (see Samson)
Betsy and Giles Warner, May 4, 1809.
Olive and Allen Cobb, Jan. 1, 1795.
SAMSON (see Sampson)
Rachel of Templeton, and (Capt., int.) Elijah Warren (Warner, int.), in Templeton, May 15, 1786.
SANDERS (see Saunders)
Robert and Hannah Walker of Petersham, int. Aug. 30, 1768.
SANDERSON (see Saunderson)
Joel (Saunders of Petersham, int.) and Abigail Livermore, Feb. 2, 1774. C.R.
Calvin and Fidelia Stone of Petersham, int. Sept. 4, 1841.
SARGEANT (see Sargent)
Eliza and Charles Paige, Mar. 22, 1810.*
SARGENT (see Sargeant)
S. A. of New Braintree, and R. S. Ruggles, int. Apr. 17, 1839.
SAUNDERS (see Sanders)
Hannah (Mary dup.) of Boston, and Nathaniel Oliver 2d, int. Dec. 18, 1846.
SAUNDERSON (see Sanderson)
Ruth of Sudbury, and Benjamin Goodenow, in Sudbury, Mar. 23, 1762.*
SAWYER (see Sawyr)
Sarah of Nichewoag [Petersham], and Ralph Rice of New Rutland, int. June 10, 1749.
SAWYR (see Sawyer)
Dorithy and Joseph Stephens, both of Whitstown, int. June 10, 1745.
Charles and Clara Rawson of Orange, int. Mar. 9, 1844.
Mary of Uxbridge, and David Moulton, int. Mar. 7, 1840.
Abigail and Charles S. Smith of Barre, Sept. 21, 1841.
Andrew of Greenwich, and Rachael Stetson, in Greenwich, Mar.----, 1787.
Barnabus and Rachel Bullord of Rutland, int. Sept.----, 1764.
Elisha and Hannah Sears, Oct. 31, 1771. C.R.
Freeman and Mehatable Haskel, Oct. 22, 1761.
Hannah and Elisha Sears, Oct. 31, 1771. C.R.
Hannah of Greenwich, and Ezekiel Baker, int. Oct. 2, 1785.
Mary and Capt. Jonathan Fletcher (of Rutland, int.), May 1, 1760.
Mercy and Reuben Snow, May 11, 1769.
Richard and Mary Lee, Dec. 19, 1771. C.R.
Thankful and John Cobb, July 19, 1764.
SEAVER (see Sever)
Lucy and Nathaniel Jackson of Greenwich, int. Jan. 10, 1792.
Lucy and Ezera Leonard, int. July 5, 1807.
Elijah and Lucy Luce, Sept. 3, 1783. C.R.*
SELLEN (see Sellon, Sillon)
John Jr. and Martha Mosly (Mosely, int.) of Sutton, in Sutton, Nov. 26, 1778.
SELLON (see Sellen, Sillon)
John and Rebekah Leech of Belcher, int. Sept. 25, 1796.
Marcy (Nancy, int.) and Silvanus Purington, Dec. 7, 1780. C.R.
Samuel of Leverett, and Abigail Moseley, int. Jan. 22, 1786.
SEPHENS (see Stephens, Stevens, Stevins)
Anna of Marlborough, and James Woods, int. Oct. 5, 1747.
SEVER (see Seaver)
Luther and Saloma Jackson (Jan. 12, 1809. C.R.).
John of Winchester, N. H., a. 40 y., and wid. Elvira Alexander, d. of Timothy P. Anderson, a. 31 y., Nov. 24, 1844.
Daniel (Saxon, int.) Jr. of Somers, Conn., and Huldah Walker, June 18, 1812.
Andrew and Ann Blair, Nov. 17, 1749.
Channey R. of Belchertown, and Eunice M. Elwell, May 24, 1831.
Ginnit and David Ayres, Dec. 21, 1742. C.R.*
Hannah and Thomas Read Smith, Mar. 8, 1792.
Jesse and Paulina. Crowel, Dec. 19, 1813.
John (of Brookfield, int.) and Kezia Chamberlain, June 12, 1780. C.R.
Loiza and Alvah Ward of Northampton, Apr. 6, 1824.
Loren, s. of James and Chloe, a. 38 y., and Lucy (Lucy H., int.) Totman, d. of Levi and Elisabeth, a. 35 y., Mar. 17, 1846.
Mehetibel and Oliver Harris, Apr. 4, 1781.
Oziel of Ware, and Lavina Bassett, May 10, 1836.
Tho[ma]s and Elisabeth Jenna (Phinney of Petersham, int.), Jan. 7, 1778.
Mary (Polley, int.) and Abner Perkins, Jan. 21, 1783. C.R.
SHEARMON(see Sherman)
Mary of Grafton, and John Cooper, in Sutton, Mar. 15, 1748-9.
Susanah and William Barlow, both of Brookfield, July 4, 1810.*
SHERMAN (see Shearmon)
Eliza of Barre, d. of Otis of Fletcher, Vt., and Abigail, b. in Barre, a. 26 y., and Timothy R. Hinkley of Barre, s. of Timothy R. of Barre, and Roxana, b. in Barre, a. 26 y., Apr. 1, 1845.*
John of Barre, and Mrs. Sally Allen, Dec. 3, 1835.
William (of Rochester, int.) and Hannah Steward, Sept. 11, 1766.
SHIRLIEFF (see Shurliff, Shurtleff, Shurtlief, Shurtliff)
Otis (Shirtlief, int.) and Lydia Hinkley, Feb. 14, 1810.
Eliza F. and James P. Rogers, Mar. 5, 1822.
Levins of Barre, and Mary Eliza Bolster, Aug. 19, 1834.
Perez of Petersham, and Sarah Dwight, Apr. 3, 1811.
Relief of Petersham, and Joseph A. Gould, int. Jan. 18, 1839.
Zemira (Zemira T., int.) and Rhoda W. Rogers, Feb. 11, 1835.
SHURTLIFF (see Shirlieff, Shurtleff, Shurtlief, Shurtliff)
Jemima of Plympton, and Ebenezer Lawrence, int. Sept. 30, 1776.
SHURTLEFF (see Shirlieff, Shurliff, Shurtlief, Shurtliff)
Heman and Sally Mirek, Nov. 30, 1788.
SHURTLIEF(see Shirlieff, Shurliff, Shurtleff, Shurtliff)
Jedediah and Lucy Newhall(Newel, int.) of Danvers, in Danvers, July 7, 1785.
SHURTLIFF (see Shirlieff, Shurliff, Shurtleff, Shurtlief)
Jonas and Dolly Haws of New Braintree, in New Braintree, Mar. 27, 1794.
Abijah and Patty Korey, Sept. 29, 1785.
Ann Maria of Barre, and Henry Wilkins, int. Oct. 24, 1841.
Beeman B. of Enfield, and Maria Augusta Utley, Dec. 31, 1833.
Betsey and Sam[ue]l Warden of Petersham, June 30, 1785.
Elisha and Elizabeth Twichell (of Athol, int.), in Athol, Nov. 1, 1781.
Elisha and wid. Sally Bruce, both of Dana, Mar. 18, 1828.*
Eunice of New Salem, and Adonijah Dinna, int. May 1, 1780.
Jeremiah and Elisabeth Flagg of Nichewoag [Petersham], in Petersham, Aug. 17, 1751.
Molley and Stephen Woodward (of Petersham, int.), May 13, 1777.
Samuel and Sarah Ingersol of Petersham, int. Aug. 29, 1773.
Sarah C. of Auburn, and Constant Southworth, int. Dec. 27, 1838.
Walter (Waterville, int.) of Brookfield, and Hannah Danforth, Mar. 29, 1843.
SILLON (see Sellen, Sellon)
Polley and James Thompson, Aug. 20, 1777.*
SIMMONS (see Simonds, Simons)
Susan and John Thayer, int. Feb. 7, 1820.
SIMONDS (see Simmons, Simons)
Abigail and Joseph Marsh, May 17, 1750.*
Judah and Thankfull Allis, May 28, 1777.*
Philena and Robert Parker, int. May 13, 1811.
Sarah of Barre, and Freadrick Henery, int. Nov. 24, 1791.
SIMONS (see Simmons, Simonds)
Hannah and David Aken, July 15, 1765. (July 18. C.R.)
Job and Polly Andrews, both of Ware, Nov. 18, 1812.*
Nathaniel and Sarah Spooner, Mar. 12, 1835.
Nathaniel, widr., s. of Thomas and Susanna, b. in Wardsboro, Vt. a. 54 y., and Harriett N. Denio, a. 35 y., Dec. 23, 1847.
Greely of Sutton, and Joseph Allen Jr., in Sutton, Jan. 15, 1772.
Clarissa C. and Lendall W. Thayer, Sept. 7, 1843.
SLOAN (see Sloane)
James and Celia J. Richardson, Mar. 16, 1837.
Melissa, d. of Willard and Alma W., a. 27 y., and Charles P. Brown of West Woodstock, Conn., s. of Clark and Sarah, formerly of Grafton, a. 26 y., Oct. 24, 1849.
SLOANE (see Sloan)
Abigail and David W. Brown, both of Grafton, Oct. 19, 1834.*
SMALL (see Smlla)
Jain of Truro, and Samuel Pike, int. Oct. 8, 1810.
Abigail and Obed Lane, Feb. 16, 1802.
Amos K. of Wendall, and Anna W. Dexter, June 12, 1826.
Benjamin and Mary Finny of Swansy, in Norton, Dec. 15, 1741.*
Benjamin, Esq., of Rutland, Vt., and Alma Ruggles, Sept. 15, 1833.
Benton Rev., and Maria Louisa Sprague of Boston, int. Aug. 26, 1845.
Betsey of Ware, and Timothy Barlow, int. June 6, 1791.
Charles S. of Barre, and Abigail Sears, Sept. 21, 1841.
David and Ruth Weekes, both of Barre, Oct. 6, 1803.*
Dorcas and Solomon Hedge, Mar. 8, 1781. C.R.
Edward and Dorcus Ruggles of New Braintree, in New Braintree, Aug. 25, 1757.
Eleanor and Zenas Cobb, June 2, 1805.
Elisabath and John Walker of Greenwich, Feb. 19, 1807.
Elizabeth and James Robinson, July 3, 1739. C.R.*
Hannah and Samuel Howe of Rutland, in Rutland, May 29, 1739.*
Hannah and John Barker of Pelham, int. Feb. 15, 1794.
James M. (Dr., C.R.) of New Haven, Conn., and Martha Ann Paige, Nov. 25, 1829.
Jane (of Petersham, int.) and Joseph Smith, Aug. 26, 1768. C.R.
John and Hannah Warner of New Braintree, in New Braintree, Sept. 1, 1793.
Joseph and Jane Smith (of Petersham, int.), Aug. 26, 1768. C.R.
Kezia and John Giffin, July 22, 1783.*
Lucy and Park Ruggles, Nov. 29, 1804.
Lucy H. and Jason Cleveland, Jan. 30, 1843.
Luther, s. of Sylvester, and Rebecca, a. 26 y., and Elisabeth E. Grant, d. of Philip and Lucy, a. 21 y., July 21, 1847.
Mahitable of Sturbridge, and Daniel Marble, in Sturbridge, Feb. 16, 1792.
Martha and Tho[ma]s Spooner, Dec. 15, 1785.
Martha and Gamaliel Collins, Oct. 13, 1834.
Mary of Belchertown, and Capt. Benjamin Ruggles, in Greenwich, Dec. 28, 1778.
Mary L. and Converse C. Rogers of Ware, June 20, 1833.
Melona and Elbridge Hill of Holden, int. May 19, 1841.
Mercy of Greenwich, and Aquilla Collings, Oct. 18, 1807.
Moses and Adelaide Paige, Dec. 25, 1834.
Nancy M. of New Salem, and Samuel R. Aiken, int. Apr. 24, 1826.
Nancy R. of Barre, and Maj. James Danforth, int. Sept. 11, 1830.
Olive and Ezra Lenard, June 1, 1737. C.R.*
Orrel of Palmer, and Moses M. Warner, int. Dec. 30, 1816.
Ransford L. of Hopkinton, and Lydia Ruggles, Apr. 9, 1839.
Rebakah and Levi Higgins of Greenwich, Jan. 7, 1796.
Rhoda of Petersham, and John Jameson, Dec. 15, 1785.
Ruggles and Hannah D. Bonney of Chesterfield, int. Mar. 16, 1838.
Sally and Archippus Thayer (of Mansfield, int.), Nov. 29, 1804.
Sally of Petersham, and Royal Cleveland, int. Apr. 3, 1820.
Samuel and Cyntha Mason, Dec. 22, 1803.
Sarah and Jacob Knowton, int. Nov. 1, 1762.
Sarah R. and Daniel H. Fay of Southborough, Apr. 1, 1841.
Susan and Cheney Harrington, both of Oakham, July 4, 1836.*
Susanmaa and Israel Aiken of Windsor, Sept. 23, 1784.
Sylvia S. of Greenwich, and Justice Johnson, int. Feb. 28, 1840.
Thomas Read and Hannah Shaw, Mar. 8, 1792.
Triphena of Dana, and Ephrahom Hodges Jr., int. Dec. 25, 1815.
Welthea and Whiteing Ruggles, July 20, 1780. C.R.*
William (Jr., int.) and Lucy Ruggles, Feb. 14, 1805.
SMLLA (see Small)
Betsee [Small] of Truro, and Ebenezer Barlow, int. Aug. 6, 1787.
Almond, s. of Barnabas A. and Eunice, a. 26 y., and Mary S. Newton, d. of Ephraim and Polly, a. 24 y., Dec. 31, 1845.
Apollas and Leah Packard of Belchertown, int. July 14, 1794.
Barnabas and Eunice Wicker, Feb. 18, 1817.
Bethany and Nathaniel Harriman of Chesterfield, Mar. 14, 1781.
Clarissa and George W. Knap of Franklin, Sept. 21, 1823.
Esther of Chelmsford, and Isaac Hildrick Jr, of Nichewoag [Petersham], int. Dec. 30, 1749.
Joseph K. of Brookfield, and Polly Tucker of Ware, Apr. 7, 1841*
Mary and Abel Walker Jr., Jan. 26, 1797.
Nabby and Samuel Pike, in Sutton, Dec. 17, 1778.
Nathan of Leicester, and Mary Burt of Greenwich, Sept. 19, 1808.*
Rebecca and Ephraim Lane, Nov. 13, 1803.
Reuben and Mercy Sears, May 11, 1769.
Reuben A. and Persis M. Haskins, int. Nov. 16, 1849.
Salome and Nathaniel Wetherbee of Greenwich, in Greenwich, Oct. 20, 1789.*
Sarah and Edw[ar]d Allen of New Windsor, Jan. 30, 1783.
Selomy and Nathaniel Whitcomb Jr. of Greenwich, int. Apr. 26, 1789.
Charlotte and Elias Holbrook of Sturbridge, Feb. 8, 1821.
Stewart and Deborah Rayment (Raymond, int.), July 22, 1773. C.R.
Alvah and Fanny Hunter of Prescott, int. Mar. 25, 1843.
Constant and Sarah C. Sibley of Auburn, int. Dec. 27, 1838.
Alma and Daniel Hale, Feb. 18 (27, C.R.), 1806.
Amaziah and Lydia Fay, Feb. 22, 1749. [I749-50.]
Amaziah of Amherst, and Clarissa Allen, Apr. 27, 1825.
Benjamin A., Dr., of Southbridge, and Mary A. Johnson, int. Feb. 9, 1845.
Betsey, Mrs., of Barre, and Levi Ross of Brookfield, Jan. 25, 1843.*
Bradford and Arethusa Earl, Nov. 30, 1821.
Charles of Barnard, Vt., and Charity Curtiss, Feb. 15, 1795.
Charles of Petersham, and Betsey Powers, June 4, 1818.
Charles C. and Anna M. (Anna Maria, int.) Trow, Sept. 17, 1830.
Daniel, Dea., of Petersham, and Mary Dean, Oct. 16, 1780.
Eliacom of Petersham, and Bethsheba Warner, int. July 29, 1764.
Elisabeth and Daniel Fay, May 18, 1749.
Fanney and Joseph Bowman Jr. of Barnard, Jan. 26, 1786.
Festus of Jericho, Vt., and Maria Anderson, May 25, 1836.
Grover of Barre, and Ruth Hathaway, May 28, 1829.
Hannah and Cephas Clap of Brookfield (New Braintree, int.), Mar. 21, 1815.
Hannah and Orville Swift of Wilimington, Vt., June 5, 1832.
Jeduthun and Hannah Crowel, Apr. 27, 1781. C.R.
Joel of Northfield, and Lydia Trow, Dec. 24, 1797.
Joshua of Brookfield, and Bathsheba Ruggles, int. Jan. 15, 1766.
Luce (Lucia, int.) and Edward Ruggles, Jan. 29, 1746.
Lucy and Eli Freeman, July 22, 1813.
Maria and Julius Norton of Bennington, Vt., Feb. 29, 1836.
Mary of Barre, and Benjamin F. Richmond, int. Nov. 11, 1837.
Mercy J. and Abial B. Staples of Taunton, Apr. 20, 1842.
Philip (of Petersham, int.) and Elisabeth Winslow, Dec. 25, 1755.
Rebecca and Moses Barnes (Jr., int.) of Brookfield (Feb. 7, 1809. C.R.).
Rebekah and Capt. Joseph Warner (of Cummington, int.), Nov. 12, 1781. C.R.
Samuel and Hannah Williams, Jan. 14, 1798.
Sarah and Nathaniel Simpson, Mar. 12, 1835.
Seth and Mehetabel Taylor, Feb. 19, 1795.
Seth and Sally Gates, Nov. 25, 1812.
Shearjashub of Petersham, and Sarah Whipple, in Petersham, May 21, 1760.
Thomas and Mary Howe (Molley Haven, int.) of Barre, in Barre, Nov. 7, 1777.
Thomas and Martha Smith, Dec. 15, 1785.
Urial and Rowena Ross of Brookfield, int. May 26, 1816.
Uriel of Brookfield, and Hannah Fish, int. Apr. 26, 1843.
Wyman of Windsor, Vt., and Eliza (Elisabeth, int.) Fish, Nov. 10, 1818.
Zephaniah and Sarah Church, Nov. 5, 1789.
Zephaniah of Springfield, and Sophronia Randall, Apr. 8, 1841.
Eliza and Lewis Peckham, both of Pelham, in Petersham, Jan. 1, 1838.*
Maria Louisa of Boston, and Rev. Benton Smith, int. Aug. 26, 1845.
Abiah and Jonas Barnes, Mar. 20, 1791.
Abigail and Ezra Johnson of Prescott, int. Nov. 6, 1830.
Eben[ezejr and Mary Thayer of Petersham, Dec. 11, 1783.
Ebenezer and Meriam Barnes, June --, 1790.
Ezra of Greenwich, and Dency Newland, Dec. 3, 1818.
Mercy and David Ingeram of Amherst. [No date. 1786 or 1787.]*
Nathan and Lucena Dana of Amherst, int. Mar. 10, 1795.
Nathaniel Jr. and Azubah Cummings, in Greenwich, Dec. 28, 1775.
Polly of Greenwich, and Joseph Cummins, int. Sept. 19, 1812.
Polly and Samuel Johnson, int. May 15, 1825.
Rachel and James McCoon, Feb. 24, 1801.
Robert and Betsey Lincoln, Sept. 17, 1781.
Roxana and John Barlow, Sept. 27, 1808. C.R.
Ephraim and Rebecah Kimbal of Enfield, int. Aug. 13, 1827.
Sarah, wid., and Henry Rixforth, Feb. 22, 1781.
Silvanus and Polly Preso, Aug. 4, 1799.
Abial B. of Taunton, and Mercy J. Spooner, Apr. 20, 1842.
Ebenezer P. of Taunton, and Lutheria G. Dexter, Apr. 26, 1841.
Ebenezer P., widr., of Taunton, s. of Ebenezer Jr. and Susannah, a. 28 y., and Mary A. Peck, d. of Milton, and Mary, a. 22 y., Nov. 11, 1845.
Mary of Prescott, and Giles Warner, int. Apr. 12, 1824.
STEARNS (see Stens, Sternes, Sterns)
Eliza and John Browning of Hubbardston, Nov. 8, 1810.
Hannah and Jesse Kinney, Aug. 11, 1776.*
Harriet and Amherst Hasting of Petersham, Dec. 29, 1811.
John Perkins of New Braintree, and Susannah Griffin, int. July 26, 1774.
Mehitable of Worcester, and Isaac Rice, in Worcester, Dec. 1, 1768.
Patience of Worcester, and Isaac Clark (Jr., int.), in Worcester, Jan. 6, 1774.
Benjamin and Mercy Aikens, Sept. 24, 1772. C.R.
Harriet, d. of Lemuel and Sally, b. in Brimfield, a. 24 y., and Elijah C. Newton, s. of Reuben and Prudentia, a. 33 y., Nov. 16, 1848.
Lemuel of Leicester, and Elvira Warren of Ware, Jan. 3, 1836.*
STENS (see Stearns, Sternes, Sterns)
Abigail and Thomas. Wheet, Mar. 22, 1770. C.R.
STEPHENS (see Sephens, Stevens, Stevins)
Daniel and Rebacah Whipple, int. Apr. 14, 1811.
Deborah and Seth Whipple of Dana, int. Mar. 22, 1819.
Hannah and Caleb Thayer, Apr. 13, 1823.
Jacob and Hannah Thayer, int. Nov. 8, 1796.
Joseph and Dorithy Sawyr, both of Whitstown, int. June 10, 1745.
Levi and Thankfull Dexter, Oct. 18, 1830.
Mary and William Thayer, Nov. 28, 1793.
Robert and Abigal Davis, Oct. 9, 1794.
Sarah Ann and Charles N. Gibbs of Prescott, Dec. 1, 1836.
Thomas and Elisabeth Perkins of Brookfield, int. Jan. 15, 1748.
Thomas and Abigaile Haile of Dana, int. Nov. 18, 1815.
STERNES (see Stearns, Stens, Sterns)
Allice and Parley Williams of Hubbardston, May 1, 1808. C.R.
STERNS (see Stearns, Stens, Sternes)
Benjamin (of Rutland, int.) and Mary Warrin, Nov. 12, 1753.
Elisabath and Nathaniel Wood, Nov. 17, 1805.
Abiel and Ruth Bonny, Feb. 24, 1767.
Anna and Thaddeus Russel of Dana, June 2, 1803.
Benja[min] and Mary Johnson, Aug. 24, 1780.
Betsey and Asa Blackemore of Pittsford, Vt., Nov. 27, 1800.
Elijah and Dulcena Carpenter, Apr. 17, 1808.
Ezra and Susanna Gibbs of Greenwich, int. Apr. 6, 1786.
Hannah and Solomon Hinds of Greenwich, Oct. 2, 1791.
Lydia and Zephaniah Hack of Greenwich, Mar. 4, 1790.
Polly and Benjamin Thayer, Sept. 22, 1793.
Rachael and Andrew Sears of Greenwich, in Greenwich, Mar.----,1787.
Sally (Sally S., int.) and Silsbe Wetherei of Ware, Nov. 29, 1810.
Sarah and Ephraim Thayer, Apr. 29, 1779.
Sarah and Samuel Haskins, int. Nov. 16, 1806.
Susannah and Joshua Bascom of Western, int. July 14, 1793.
STEUART (see Steward, Stuard)
Elkenah and Lydia Cobb, Sept. 7, 1761.
STEVENS (see Sephens, Stephens, Stevins)
Cyrus W. and Lucy Richardson of Dana, Dec. 31, 1837.
Dolly of Petersham, and Wilder Barnes, in Petersham, Nov. 20, 1794.*
Joseph W. and Elizabeth C. Richardson, Mar. 23, 1843.
Mary G. of New Salem, and Luther Cole, int. Mar. 9, 1846.
Sarah and Charles Woods Jr., May 30, 1779. C.R.*
STEVINS (see Sephens, Stephens, Stevens)
Dorrity and Nathan Goddard, both of Nichewoag [Petersham], int. Sept. 24, 1748.
STEWARD (see Steuart, Stuard)
Daniel and Eunice Allen, Sept. 5, 1768.
Hannah and William Sherman (of Rochester, int.), Sept. 11, 1766.
Samuel of Barnard, Vt., and Sarah Egery, Oct. 22, 1789.
Susanna and Ithamar Reed (of Nichewoag [Petersham], int.), Jan. 16, 1749.
Mary W. of Rindge, N. H., and Ebenezer B. Ellis, int. May 13, 1841.
Freeman and Vilot Neadham, Mar. 23, 1791.
Thomas of. Greenwich, and Hannah Parlin of Barre, Feb. 14, 1788.*
Mercy of Prescott, and Granger Pierce, int. Jan. 28, 1832.
Eliza and Moses Barns, May 28, 1826.
Fidelia of Petersham, and Calvin Sanford, int. Sept. 4, 1841.
George. Rev., of Sandgate, Vt., and Elutheria F. Lawton, July 10, 1831.
Harriet, d. of Joseph and Patty, a. 28 y., and John Paige, s. of Clark and Lydia, a. 31 y., Oct. 23, 1845.
Horace and Abigale Grant, Apr. 14, 1822.
Hosea and Prarna King, June 18, 1824.
Hosca E. and Fanny Richardson, int. Oct. 17, 1847.
Huldah of Southboro, and Azariah Bangs, int. Mar. 2, 1769.
James of Greenwich, and Fanny Thayer of Dana, Dec. 1, 1803.*
John and Susanna Mandell, May 12, 1768.
John Jr. of Greenwich, and Betsy Bryant, int. Sept. 16, 1798.
John and Harriot Welmon of Barre, int. Apr. 27, 1818.
Joseph, Dr., and Patty Maynard of Shrewsbury, int. Mar. 11, 1816.
Louisa, d. of Joseph and Patty, a. 19 y., and Charles P. Aikin, s. of David and Patty, a. 25 y., Sept. 27, 1846.
Martha, d. of Joseph and Patty, a. 22 y., and Charles Mandell, s. of Martin and Phila, a. 30 y., Mar. 3, 1846.
Mercy Ann and Augustus Conkey of Mount Norris, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1846.
Susannah of Dana, and Thomas Haskin, int. Mar. 23, 1818.
William, Dr., of Enfield, and Hannah Jenney, Nov. 23, 1819.
William B. (Rev., int.) of Brookfield, and Phebe W. Robinson, Feb. 16, 1842.
Betsey and Bethuel Bartlett, Feb. 3, 1794.
STOWEL (see Stowell)
Abel of Petersham, and Rachel Freeman, July 5, 1792.
STOWELL (see Stowel)
Avery W. and Caroline S. Ingram of Amherst, int. Oct. 14, 1845.
Charles and Ruth Burden of Charlton, int. Oct. 11, 1829.
STRATTEN (see Stratton)
Abagail of Peaquaog [Athol], and Henry Chase of Whitstown, int. Dec. 8, 1746.
Betty of Marlborough, and Elisha Hedge, int. Nov. 4, 1765.
STRATTON (see Stratten)
Elisabeth and Thomas Elwell, int. Apr. 25, 1762.
Francis and Eunice Corlie, Apr. 29, 1740. C.R.*
Ichabod Jr. and Abigail Church (of HadIey, int.), Oct. 14, 1743. C.R.
Ichabod (Jr., int.) and Hannah Goodenow, July 1, 1755.
James Jr. and Abigail Moorten, both of Pequsige, int. Oct. 5, 1751.
Polly of Greenwich, and Abner Giffen, int. May 3, 1801.
STUARD (see Steuart, Steward)
Peace and Samuel Attwood, Aug. 30, 1753.
STURTEDANT (see Sturtevant)
Sybil of Ware, and James Whipple Jr., int. Feb. 20, 1808.
STURTEVANT (see Sturtedant)
Asa of Ware, and Ruth Baker, int. May 1, 1815.
Marcia and Lymon Thomas, int. June 19, 1815.
Marcia and Aiden (Aiden A., int.) Thompson, Dec. 16, 1828.
Prolexana and Lorenzo Newland, Apr. 22, 1835.
Sybil P. and Elbridge C. Howard of Monson, int. May 23, 1846.
Benjamin and Polly Osburn, Oct. 10, 1816.
Clark and Louisa Turner of Pelham, int. Jan. 14, 1846.
George and Malina Thayer of Amherst, int. Aug. 23, 1845.
Irena and Thompson Howard, July 25, 1816.
Sibel and Asa Raymond, Nov. 30, 1803.
Betsy and John Calony (Conolee, late of Ireland, int.), Aug. 3, 1788.
Martin of Bridgewater, s. of Martin and Sarah, a. 25 y., and Louisa S. Ames, d. of Sampson and Elisabeth, a. 25 y., Dec. 11, 1845.
Nathan of Rutland, and Mary Willis, in Barre, Sept. 8, 1774.
Orville of Wilmington, Vt., and Hannah Spooner, June 5, 1832.
Thankfull of Providence, R. I., and Joseph Burgess 2d, int. Jan. 29, 1831.
Thomas of Greenwich, and Frances (Fanny, int.) Bryant, Apr. 28, 1796.
TAYLER (see Taylor)
Bartholomew and Abagail Kerly, both of Ware River, int. Aug. 25, 1746.
TAYLOR (see Tayler)
Ammi of Fairlee, Vt., and Olive Taylor, Sept. 14, 1800.
Betsy and Martin Rogers, Nov. 30, 1797.
Edward and Lydia Haskell, Nov. 23, 1775.
Enos and Mercy Taylor, Nov. 22, 1801.
Lemuel F. and Cassandra D. Dexter, Apr. 9, 1835.
Lyman and Adeline (Adaline M., int.) Howland, Nov, 28, 1839.
Mary M. and Hiram Gorham, Nov. 26, 1830.
Mehetabel and Seth Spooner, Feb. 19, 1795.
Mercy and Enos Taylor, Nov. 22, 1801.
Nathan and Suckey Gorham of Barre, int. Nov. 27, 1806.
Olive and Ammi Taylor of Fairlee, Vt., Sept. 14, 1800.
Seth and Rhoda Granger of New Braintree, int. Feb. 5, 1804.
Silvanus and Eunice Bridges, Nov. 19, 1801.
Susanna of Athol, and Nath[anie]l Myrick, in Atho1, Oct. 23, 1797.
Sylvanus and Anna Dewirn of Brookfield, int. Jan. 30, 1820.
Elisha (of Roadtown, int.) and Abigail Thompson (of Ware River, int.), Feb. 3, 1755.
TENNEY (see Tinney)
Daniel of Ware, and Abigail Pike, Oct. 16, 1803.
TERREY (see Terry)
John Jr. and Sarah Ramsdell, Sept. 26, 1782.
TERRY (see Terrey)
Horace and Eunice Ann Rogers, int. Apr. 7, 1843.
John and Ruth Dana, May 17, 1804.
Lydia and Rev. Joshua Crosby of Greenwich, Feb. 8, 1790.
Otis and Cynthia Ruggles, Mar. 6, 1817.
Pheby and David Bassett, Dec. 11, 1783.
Reuel and Dolly Window of Ware, int. Dec. 15, 1810.
Ruel and Bethiah Richardson of Dana, int. Apr. 26, 1807.
Ruth and John P. Marsh of Ware, int. Oct. 31, 1840.
Sarah and Orin Ramsdel, June 8, 1823.
Sylvia and Festus Alden of Greenwich, Sept. 10, 1840.
Abigail and Jonas Allen, May 10, 1809.
Abigal and Silas Richardson, Nov. 26, 1789.
Achsa of Greenwich, and Joseph Burges, int. May 24, 1819.
Annis and William Kelley, int. Dec. 25, 1820.
Archippus (of Mansfield, int.) and Sally Smith, Nov. 29, 1804.
Benjamin and Polly Stetson, Sept. 22, 1793.
Caleb and Hannah Stephens, Apr. 13, 1823.
Cilday of Dana, and Darius Wadkins, int. Sept. 3, 1812.
Civilla R. and Philip Johnson, int. Mar. 20, 1830.
Clarissa and John Wild of Butternut, Otsego Co., N. Y., int. Feb. 15, 1819.
Ephraim and Sarah Stetson, Apr. 29, 1779.
Erastus and Ruby Whipple, May 26, 1830.
Eunice S. of Athol, and Charles R. Cleveland, int. Aug. 24, 1842.
Fanny of Dana, and James Stone of Greenwich, Dec. 1, 1803.*
Hannah and Jacob Stephens, int. Nov. 8, 1796.
Hosea of Dana, and Serena Whipple, int. Apr. 26, 1819.
Joel, s. of Hosea of Dana, and Cyrena, a. 28 y., and Jane Frances Converse, d. of Dan[ie]l S. and Sabrina, a. 20 y., Nov. 28, 1849.
John Jr. and Exe Powers of Greenwich, int. Nov. 5, 1780.
John and Susan Simmons, int. Feb. 7, 1820.
Lendall W. and Clarissa C. Skinner, Sept. 7, 1843.
Lina and George Marsh of Petersham, int. Apr. 9, 1801.
Lucretia of Salem, and John Elsworth, int. May 31, 1807.
Malina of Amherst, and George Summer, int. Aug. 23, 1845.
Martha and David Whipple, int. Jan. 26, 1827.
Mary of Petersham, and Ebenezer Sprout, Dec. 11, 1783.
Moses and Lucinda Peckham, both of Petersharn, Nov. 28, 1833.*
Nancy and John Johnson, int. Nov. 10, 1797.
Ortensa C., d. of Ellis, a. 22 y., and Walter Newton of Barre, s. of Ephraim and Polly, a. 23 y., Aug. 11, 1847.*
Rachel and Henry Butterfield of Greenwich, Nov. 20, 1783.
Relief and Ephraim Amsden Jr. of Greenwich, Oct. 15, 1816.*
Sally and Moses Whipple, Dec. 31, 1789.
Sally and Aaron Johnson of Greenwich, Oct. 14, 1798.
Sally W. and Solomon G. Towne of Winchendon, May 13, 1834.
Samuel of Dana, and Fanny Richardson, int. Jan. 27, 1812.
Susan and Newell Bacon, Dec. 31, 1839.
William and Mary Stephens, Nov. 28, 1793.
THOMAS (see Thommas, Thomus)
Aaron and Elisabeth Marvile of Brookfield, int. Jan. 27, 1749.
Abigail and Samuel Beals, July 30, 1767.
Abigail and Gershom Cobb, May 2, 1811.*
Amos (Marsh, int.) and Eunice Bangs, Dec. 20, 1770. C.R.
Anna and Deering Elwell of Westhampton, int. Mar. 20, 1791.
Beals and Nancy Biggalow of North Brookfield, int. Jan. 16, 1815.
Beals and Polly W. (Dolly W., int. and C.R.) Egery, Apr. 11, 1824.
Beals and Sally W. Gorham, int. Oct. 21, 1837.
Daniel and Polly Ruggles, Sept. 3, 1798.
Hannah and Isaiah Glazier, Nov. 8, 1738. C.R.*
Israel of Greenwich, and Fanney Pirce, int. Nov. 30, 1797.
Israel and Gratia Cobb of Greenwich, int. Jan. 22, 1827.
Jacob of Shutesbury, and Nancy Burt, Nov. 5, 1837.
Joanna and Jonas Barns, Apr. 3, 1806.
Joseph and Mary Billings, Mar. 17, 177. C.R.
Lucinda and Abel Ruggles, May 8, 1799.
Lydia and John Webb, Apr. 27, 1786.
Lymon and Marcia Sturtevant, int. June 19, 1815.
Mercy and Luke Bonney, Nov. 5, 1772. C.R.
Mercy and Isaac Warren, Oct. 19, 1800.
Patience and Jonathan Kendall (of Leominster, int.), Oct. 10, 1745. C.R.
Perthenia and Joseph Crowel, Oct. 24, 1793.
Rebekah and Mark Elwell, May 28, 1783. C.R.*
Rena and John J. Upham, negroes, int. Aug. 30, 1819.
Sintha of Dana, and Lowrin Mason, int. May 15, 1813.
Submit of New Braintree District, and Richard Waite, int. June 20, 1771.
W[illia]m, Dr., and Abiel Collins, Aug. 23, 1765.
THOMMAS (see Thomas, Thomus)
Isaac and Cynthia Washburn, Nov. 27, 1806.
THOMPSON (see Thomson)
Abigail (of Ware River, int.) and Elisha Temple (of Roadtown, int.), Feb. 3, 1755.
Aiden (Aiden A., int.) and Marcia Sturtevant, Dec. 16, 1828.
Eunice and John Wallace (Jr., int.) of Barre, in Barre, Feb. 7, 1780.
James and Polley Sillon, Aug. 20, 1777.*
THOMSON (see Thompson)
Nathan of Salem, N. Y., and Alice Ruggles, Dec. 21, 1797.
THOMUS (see Thomas, Thommas)
William and Susanna Marble of Stow, int. Apr. 11, 1747.
Abigail of New Braintree, and Isaiah (Josiah, int.) Butler, in New Braintree, Feb. 7, 1771.
Harvey of New Braintree, and Aurilla Bolster, Dec. 5, 1826.
Lewis of Prescott, and Lydia Chase, Dec.----, 1842.
Marthar of New Braintree, and William Joslin, Oct. 11, 1805.*
Melinda M., d. of Hervey, a. 18 y., and William Blake of Belchertown, s. of John, a. 29 y., Mar. 6, 1848.
Deborah and Micah Reed (Jr., int. and C.R.), May 25, 1797.
Lettis and Stephen Gorham, Nov. 6, 1798.
Sally and Abner Weston, in New Braintree, Oct. ----, 1788.
Sibella and Capt. Samuel Dexter, Sept. 26, 1811.
Bathsheba of Halifax, and Samuel Heaford (Hayfod, int.), in Halifax, Mar. 1, 1776.
TINNEY (see Tenney)
Gideon of Barre, and Betsey Childs, Mar. 8, 1792.
Ebenezer of Greemvich, and Patty Rich, Aug. 30, 1792.
Ephraim and Hannah Cobb, Dec. 20, 1770. C.R.
Silva and John Adams of Palmer, Mar. 23, 1791.
James of Hoboken, N. J., and Julia A. Cummings of Prescott, in Prescott, May 9, 1843.*
Nathaniel of Greenwich, and Irene Brown, Jan. 23, 1833.
L. Maria and Addison A. Barber of Amherst, int. Sept. 1, 1848.
Lucretia and Miles Cobb, int. Dec. 30, 1826.
Lucy (Lucy H., int.), d. of Levi and Elisabeth, a. 35 y., and Loren Shaw, s. of James and Chloe, a. 38 y., Mar. 17, 1846.
Lydia and Laertes Evans, June 2, 1833.
Nancy and Samuel D. Anderson of Ware, Aug. 7, 1828.
TOWN (see Towne)
Almira and Hosea Butterfield of Greenwich, Apr. 11, 1820.*
Hannah and Jedidiah Emmons (both of Quabin [Greenwich], int.), Sept. 27, 1749.
Ichabod of Greenwich, and Lydia Whipple, int. Jan. 27, 1798.
TOWNE (see Town)
Harriet M. and Dr. David Ransom of Earlville, N. Y., May 19, 1840.
Jonathan of Greenwich, and Sarah Fowler, in Greenwich, Sept. 3, 1766.
Levi of Greenwich, and Abigail Oaks, in Greenwich, Mar. 8, 1790.
Solomon G. of Winchendon, and Sally W. Thayer, May 13, 1834.
TOWNSEN (see Townsend)
Hannah of Greenwich, and Samuel Bridge, int. Aug. 19, 1760.
TOWNSEND (see Townsen)
Lucy of Greenwich, and Uriah Gibbs, in Greenwich, Mar. 3, 1764.
Danforth and Clarissa Winter of Greenwich, int. Nov. 23, 1833.
David of Leicester, and Pamelia Cutler, Aug. 29, 1816.
Michael and Milly Rawson of South Orange, int. May 4, 1844.
Michael and Martha Rawson, int. May 20, 1848.
Alma and Dan Wilmoth Lane (of Worcester, int.), Jan. 6, 1824.
Anna M. (Anna Maria, int.) and Charles C. Spooner, Sept. 17, 1830.
Elliott B. and Anna P. King of Barre, int. Mar. 12, 1831.
Israel, Capt., and Prudence Leonard of Taunton, int. Apr. 1, 1811.
Lucy P., and James Browning, Nov. 26, 1830.
Lydia and Joel Spooner of Northfield, Dec. 24, 1797.
Nancy and Joseph Bruce, Apr. 28, 1799.
Oren and Lucy (Lucy P., int.) Robinson, July 14, 1822.
Orin and Hannah Robinson of Barre, int. May 26, 1799.
Clarinda of North Brookfield, and James Vokes, int. Nov. 16, 1847.
Elizabeth W. of New Salem, and Robert Tucker, int. Mar. 5, 1832.
John E. of Ware, s. of Laban and Amy, a. 34 y., and Adaline Gilmore, d. of James and Ruth, b. in Ware, a. 23 y., Mar. 17, 1846.
Joshua and Sarah Johnson of Orange, int. Mar. 10, 1799.
Laban and Ruth Converss of Ware, int. Oct. 16, 1803.
Laban and Anna Douglas, Nov. 8, 1810.
Polly of Ware, and Joseph K. Snow of Brookfield, Apr. 7, 1841.*
Robert and Elizabeth W. Tucker of New Salem, int. Mar. 5, 1832.
Ruth E. and William S. Bassett, Dec. 1, 1836.
Sarah and James U. Bassett, both of Ware, Apr. 7, 1841.*
Seth and Miriam Arvin, Dec. 17, 1807.
John and Martha Ruggles, Nov. 11, 1765.
Bathsheba and Luther Burges, Dec. 24, 1797.
Louisa of Pelham, and Clark Sumner, int. Jan. 14, 1846.
Catharine and William Richards, Feb. 28, 1830.
TWICHELL (see Twitchel)
Elizabeth (of Athol, int.) and Elisha Sibley, in Athol, Nov. 1, 1781.
John W. and Silence E. Edmands of Mendon, int. Jan. 9, 1830.
TWITCHEL (see Twichell)
Timothy Jr. of Barre, and Hannah Farrow, int. Dec. 15, 1800.
Reuben and Elizabeth Billing, Apr. 3, 1831.
Sally of Western, and Robert Field, int. Feb. 20, 1802.
Hariot L. of Portsmouth, N. H., and Rev. John M. Mirick, int. Dec. 1, 1828.
John J. and Rena Thomas, negroes, int. Aug. 30, 1819.
Elijah of Boston, and Abigail Mandell, Sept. 25, 1820.
Hannah and Thomas Gorham (of Barre, int.), Dec. 12, 1811.
Louisa V. and John S. Lewis of Athol, Sept. 25, 1843.
Maria Augusta and Beeman B. Sibley of Enfield, Dec. 31, 1833.
Mary and Moses Barnes of West Brookfield, May 25, 1813.
Oren and Hannah Dexter of Royalston, int. Sept. 22, 1811.
Oren and Susan Adams of Brookfield, int. Mar. 11, 1831.
Susan (Susanah, int.) and Masa Bassett, May 10, 1814.
Louisa of West Brookfield, and Elisha W. Hunt, int. Aug. 20, 1841.
Sarah P. and George Cutler of Brookfield, Nov. 15, 1842.
Charles, s. of Robert and Ruth, b. in Barre, a. 38 y., and Jenisha Perry, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, a. 32 y., Oct. 29, 1844.
Edmond and Salome Bolster, May 3, 1832.
James and Clarinda Tucker of North Brookfield, int. Nov. 16, 1847.
Robert and Ruth Bangs of Barre, in Barre, July 19, 1792.*
Darius and Cilday Thayer of Dana, int. Sept. 3, 1812.
WAIT (see Waite)
Phineas of New Braintree, and Patty Anderson, int. Sept. 20, 1801.
Sylvina of New Braintree, and Ashbel Rice, int. June 21, 1807.
WAITE (see Wait)
David and Bathsheba Crowel, Nov. 23, 1769.
Richard and Submit Thomas of New Braintree District, int. June 20, 1771.
Abel Jr. and Mary Snow, Jan. 26, 1797.
Abel and Bathsheba Read of Rehoboth, int. Nov. 15, 1801.
Elias and Sarah Aikens, Feb. 27, 1772. C.R.
Elisabath of New Salem, and Josiah Robinson, int. Nov. 2, 1806.
Elvira E. and John Allen, both of Belchertown, Oct. 30, 1838.
Hannah of Petersham, and Robert Sanders, int. Aug. 30, 1768.
Hannah and Isaac Nye, Nov. 29, 1770. C.R.
Huldah and Daniel Sexton (Saxon, int.) Jr. of Somers, Conn., June 18, 1812.
John of Greenwich, and Elisabath Smith, Feb. 19, 1807.
Lois (Lois R., int.) and Joseph Cobb Jr. of Greenwich (of Boston, int.), Dec. 30, 1830.
Louis and Lewis Baker of Pelham, in Greenwich, Feb.----, 1785 (int. May 31, 1786).
Mary of Barre, and Lieut. Job Dexter, int. Nov. 1, 1811.
Patience (of Petersham, int.) and Silas Johnson, Nov. 27, 1766.
Simion and Judith Gorse, Oct. 10, 1751.
Suchy and Silas Guild of Lebanon, Conn., int. Aug. 29, 1796.
Susan and Harmon (Hammond, int.) Hunt, Apr. 30, 1839.
Thomas P. and Mary H. Gibbs of Greenwich, int. Feb. 26, 1836.
William and Unice Powers of Greenwich, int. Sept. 5, 1804.
William, Lieut., and Mercy Brown of Western, int. Jan. 16, 1830.
Darius and Rebeckah Weeks of Ware River, int. Nov. 8, 1760.
John (Jr., int.) of Barre, and Eunice Thompson, in Barre, Feb. 7, 1780.
Mary, d. of Nahum and Zilpha, a. 22 y., and Joseph Baker of Gardner, s. of Ezra and Lucy, a. 21 y., Mar. 16, 1847.
William and Martha Ann Atwood, both of Barre, June 10, 1829.*
Alvah of Northampton, and Loiza Shaw, Apr. 6, 1824.
Bethiah of Belchertown, and Nathaniel Cook of Pelham, Nov. 23, 1834.*
Mary and Philander S. Knight, both of Pelham, in Pelham, June 11, 1837.*
Moses of Belchertown, and Fanny Barnes, Mar. 5, 1816.
Sarah, d. of Alvah and Lucresa, a. 21 y., and Anson Bassett, s. of William and Lovinia, a. 41 y., Nov. 28, 1848.
William and Harriet Ross, both of Petersham, Feb. 16, 1819.*
William of Ware, and Melenda Bassett, Mar. 10, 1831.
Abigail (of Petersharn, int.) and Joseph Goodale, Aug. 15, 1780. C.R.
Catherine E. and W[illia]m Edwards of Southbridge, Nov. 27, 1834.
Lucia and George (George F., int.) Maxwell of Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 9, 1840.
Mary (Mary A., int.) and John Blair of Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 5, 1841.
Mercia and Henry Converse of Sandusky City, Ohio, Feb. 23, 1837.
Abigail of New Braintree, and John Harris, in New Braintree, July 2, 1789.
Margaret of Wrentham, and Aaron Holbrook, int. Jan. 12, 1806.
Samuel of New Braintree, and Mary Belding, in New Braintree, Nov. 3, 1757.*
WARNER (see Worner)
Abel and Sarah Cooke, in Kingston, Feb. 15, 1786.
Alpha of Hardwick, Vt., and Lydia Cobb, Jan. 14, 1796.
Anna and James Paige, Oct. 25, 1770. C.R.
Bathsheba and John Burt (of Springfield, int.), June 4, 1765.
Bathsheba and Luke Brown, June 8, 1798.
Bethsheba and Eliacom Spooner of Petersharn, int. July 29, 1764.
Betsey and Levi Whipple, Aug. 21, 1803.
Caroline M., d. of Giles and Mary, a. 31 y., and West Paige, s. of Stephen W. and Lucy, a. 31 y., Dec. 13, 1848.
Daniel and Mary Wright, May 31, 1758.
Daniel and Nancy Fish, May 29, 1821.
Eli of New Braintree, s. of Daniel of New Braintree, and Lovisa, a. 27 y., and Lucia C. Cleveland, d. of Elijah and Lucy, a. 20 y., Apr. 1, 1845.
Elijah, Capt., and Sarah Wheeler, Dec. 30, 1807.
Eloisa and Eliphas Jones of Enfield, int. Aug. 21, 1825.
Fanny and John A. (John Andrews, int.) Parker of Roxbury, Feb. 23, 1801.
Giles and Betsy Sampson, May 4, 1809.
Giles and Mary Staples of Prescott, int. Apr. 12, 1824.
Hannah and John Bradish (Jr., int.), Mar. 4, 1773, C.R.*
Hannah and Peltiah Hitchcock, July 17, 1791.
Hannah of New Braintree, and John Smith, in New Braintree, Sept. 1, 1793.
Harriot and Alexander Holton of Westminster, Vt., Oct. 12, 1806.
Jona[than] and Hannah Mandell, Feb. 5, 1766.
Jonathan (Jr., int.) and Sally Paige, in New Braintree, Apr. 28, 1788.
Jonathan, Ens., and Annis Marsh, Oct. 18, 1807.
Joseph and Mary Whipple, Nov. 14, 1764.
Joseph, Capt. (of Cummington, int.), and Rebekah Spooner, Nov. 12, 1781. C.R.
Justus and Katharine Hall of New Braintree, in New Braintree, Dec. 29, 1791.
Levi W. (Whipple, int.) and Lutheria Clark, Apr. 10, 1832.
Lewis and Veronica Anderson of New Braintree, int. Apr. 2, 1827.
Lucy and Asa Hatch, Jan. 23, 1766.
Lydia and Samuel French, Feb. 23, 1775. C.R.
Lydia and Charles Gilbert of Chester, Feb. 25, 1796.
Mary and Thomas Robinson, int. Sept. 15, 1744.
Mary and Timothy Moore, May 26, 1768. (May 25. C.R.)
Mary and William Robinson of New Braintree, Nov. 28, 1809.
Mary A., d. of Giles and Mary, and Charles Hathaway of Boston, s. of Jeremiah Jr. and Sally, Apr. 24, 1845.
Moses M. and Orrel Smith of Palmer, int. Dec. 30, 1816.
Olive and Pyam Mitchell of Comington, Oct. 27, 1807.
Patience and Beriah Haws (Hows, int.), Nov. 15, 1750.
Percis and Noah Joy of Plainfield, Jan. 21, 1806.
Phenhas of New Braintree, and Martha Nash of Hatfield, int. Dec. 29, 1751.
Polly and Rev. Solomon Aikens of Dracut, int. Oct. 12, 1788.
Prudence of New Braintree, and Daniel Eldridge, in New Braintree, Feb. 10, 1767.
Rachel and Joseph Robinson, Apr. 2, 1811.
Rachel and Loring Gilbert of Ware, May 5, 1831.
Rhoda and Robert McIntyre, Nov. 26, 1772. C.R.
Sarah A. of New Braintree, and Philip Amidon, int. Nov. 14, 1848.
Stephen and Louis Goss, May 26, 1768.
Stephen (of Granby, int.) and Damaris Church (wid., int.), Nov. 13, 1771. C.R.
Sukey and (Capt., int.) Arternas Howe of New Braintree, in New Braintree, Feb. 16, 1786.
Sukey of New Braintree, and Thomas Paige, int. Apr. 23, 1798.
William A. and Elizabeth F. Billing, May 24, 1832.
WARREN (see Warrin)
Benjamin and Mary Maccoye, May 29, 1744. C.R.
David and Anna Boollen, Feb. 17, 1791.
Elijah (Capt. Elijah Warner, int.) and Rachel Samson of Templeton, in Templeton, May 15, 1786.
Elizabeth (of Westborough, int.) and Silvanus Cobb, Mar. 9, 1772. C.R.
Elvira of Ware, and Lemuel Stedman of Leicester, Jan. 3, 1836.*
Isaac and Mercy Thomas, Oct. 19, 1800.
Samuel (Warner, int.) of Springfield, and Clarissa Richards, July 11, 1820.
WARRIN (see Warren)
Anson of Tewksbury, and Eliza Bowen, Dec. 23, 1829.
Mary and Benjamin Sterns (of Rutland, int.), Nov. 12, 1753.
WASHBORN (see Washburn)
Ruth of Williamsburg, and Hozea Ballou, in Williamsburg, Sept. 15, 1796.
WASHBURN (see Washborn)
Anna and Benjamin Willis Childs, Nov. 25, 1798.
Azubah of Stafford, and Silas Dean Jr., int. Feb. 23, 1783.
Clarissa and Thomas Egery, Apr. 28, 1796.
Cynthia and Isaac Thommas, Nov. 27, 1806.
Cyrus, Dr., of Vernon, Vt., and Lucy Hathaway, int. Sept. 24, 1827.
Elijah and Sarah (Mary, int. and C.R.) Winchester, Jan. 1, 1778.
Eliphalet and Anna Benjamin, Sept. 19, 1769.
Luther and Catty Cotting of Lancaster, in Lancaster, Mar. 25, 1799.
Lydia and Isaac Cummings, int. Sept. 4, 1785.
Naomi and Silas Newton, Apr. 9, 1789.
Philip and Sarah Carpenter, Jan. 8, 1767.
Rebeckah and Lemuel Leach, Oct. 12, 1767.*
Ruel and Sophia Moody, Jan. 13, 1817.
Rufus and Thankfull Cotting (Cutter, int.) of Lancaster, in Lancaster, Mar. 25, 1799.
Rufus Jr. of Johnstown, N. Y., and Laura L. Knowles, Feb. 21, 1837.
Sylvanus and Melisent Richards, Mar. 7, 1765.*
Ana and Esek Brown, int. Apr. 2, 1809.
WATKINS (see Wadkins)
David and Hannah Garfield, in Cambridge, May 30, 1795.*
Stephen of Athol, and Susanna Rice, Mar. 6, 1789.
Sukey and Royal Dennis, Oct. 6, 1802.
Thankfull of New Braintree, and Paul Eager, int. Oct. 22, 1797.
Benjamin T. and Sarah H. Russel of Ware, int. Oct. 22, 1827.
Betsey and Ezra Clark, Nov. 17, 1803.
George Washington and Patience Clark, Oct. 16, 1803.
John and Lydia Thomas, Apr. 27, 1786.
John and Lydia Forbes of Barre, int. Nov. 25, 1804.
Jonathan, Capt. and Mary Paige, June 14, 1819.
Mary P. and Loring F. Woods of New Braintree, int. Sept. 5, 1839.
Priscilla and Noah Beach, Jan. 8, 1805.
Betsy and Moses Doty, Sept. 20, 1781. C.R.
Elisabeth and John Hunt (Jr., int.), Dec. 23, 1772. C.R.
Sarah and Aaron Hudson, Nov. 3, 1777.
WEEKES (see Weeks)
Ruth and David Smith, both of Barre, Oct. 6, 1803.*
WEEKS (see Weekes)
Ammiel and (wid., int.) Sarah Mandell, in Greenwich, Feb. 26, 1778.
Content and Isaac Clarke, Oct. 29, 1742. C.R.*
David and Betsey Robinson, May 22, 1733.*
David and Anstriss B. Manley of Enfield, Mar. 6, 1827.
Elisabeth and Benjamin Holms of Bennington, Feb. 10, 1780.
Hannah and Silas Marsh of Western, Apr. 18, 1780.
Holland and Mary Perce, int. Feb. 2, 1772.
Joseph and Hannah Willis, May 10, 1775. C.R.
Judah and Mary Clark of New Stratford, int. Dec. 4, 1780.
Lemuel of Hardwick, Vt., and Fanny Wheeler, Nov. (Dec., C.R.) 27, 1801.
Mary and John Giffin, Sept. 7, 1769.
Nathan and Polly Lawton, Apr. 12, 1807.
Rebeckah of Ware River, and Darius Walkins, int. Nov. 8, 1760.
Sheverick and Celia (Selia W., int.) Hathaway, Nov. 26, 1821.
Thomas and Catherine Clark of Rochester, in Rochester, Apr. 3, 1743.*
Tryphena and Solomon W. Ruggles, Apr. 1, 1827.
WELLES (see Wells)
Hannah and Jabez Green of Leicester, May----- [prob. 1786].*
WELLS (see Welles)
John and Kezia Farr, Dec. 14, 1748.
Lydia and Nathan Billing, Feb. 24, 1757.
Martha and Capt. Nathaniel Hammond (of Lower Ashawillets, int.), Aug. 6, 1747.
Mary and Jonathan Farr, June 5, 1751.
Submit and Elijah Worner, Jan. 14, 1762.
Harriot of Barre, and John Stone, int. Apr. 27, 1818.
WESSON (see Weston)
Maria (Maria L., int.) and Moses F. Dickinson, Sept. 27, 1831.
William Brigham, Rev., and Azubah Maria Graves of Athol, int. Oct. 11, 1807.
William C. and Elisabeth Jones of Greenwich, int. May 22, 1840.
Justus of Greenwich, and Ruth Marvin, Mar. 9, 1813.
WESTON (see Wesson)
Abner and Sally Thurston, in New Braintree, Oct.-----, 1788.
WETHERBE (see Wetherbee, Wetherby, Witherbee, Witherby)
Lydia and Barnabas Rich of Enfield, int. Nov. 26, 1827.
Nathaniel of Greenwich, and Salome Snow, in Greenwich, Oct. 20, 1789.*
Vernum and Betsey R. Rice, Nov. 14, 1831.
WETHERBY (see Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Witherbee, Witherby)
Samuel, s. of Calvin and Betsey, a. 22 y., and Lutheria Johnson, d. of William and Eliza, a. 20 y., Dec. 27, 1849.
WETHEREL (see Wetherell, Witherell)
Silsbe of Ware, and Sally (Sally S., int.) Stetson, Nov. 29, 1810.
WETHERELL (see Wetherel, Witherell)
Delano of Boston, and Lucinda Nye, July 10, 1804.
WHEELAR (see Wheeler, Wheler, Whellar)
Charles and Luthera Bangs, Mar. 2, 1814.
WHEELER (see Wheelar, Wheler, Whellar)
Amanda and Alanson Johnson, int. May 8, 1826.
Betsy and Elihu Wright of Westminster, Vt., Nov. 28, 1799.
Bette (Elisabeth, int.) and Joseph Cleaveland, May 4, 1772. C.R.
Daniel, Capt., and Mary Cleaveland of New Marlborough, int. Apr. 2, 1775.
Daniel and Sally Wheeler, Nov. 3, 1814.
Daniel 2d and Mary Hinkley, int. Nov. 5, 1826.
Daniel Warner and Delia Jenney of Ware, int. May 28, 1848.
Dommons of Shrewsbury, and John Farr of New Braintree, int. Sept. 21, 1751.
Elathera (Luthera, int.) and Joseph Adams of Shutesbury, Apr. 1, 1824.
Elizabeth and Isaac Davis of Rutland, int. May 2, 1825.
Fanny and Lemuel Weeks of Hardwick, Vt., Nov. (Dec., C.R.) 27, 1801.
Fanny and Forister B. Aikin, May 10, 1837.
George P. of Petersham, s. of Daniel and Lurina, a. 32 y., and H. Almeda Aiken, d. of John and Celia, a. 29 y., June 13, 1848.
Hannah and Lewis Abbot of Oakham, May 2, 1793.
Jesse and Sarah Merit, Sept. 30, 1779. C.R.*
John and Mary (Molley, int.) Paige, Nov. 18, 1779. C.R.
John of Rutland, and Sophia Wheeler, int. May 2, 1825.
Lemuel and Anna Ames of Barre, in Barre, May 2, 1793.
Martha of Marlborough, and David Woods, int. Feb. 11, 1743-4.
Mary and Elisha Chass, both of New Salem, int. Oct. 5, 1747.
Mary and Moses Mandell, May 28, 1777.
Mary and Levi Adams of Shutesbury, int. May 3, 1843.
Nathan (of Brookfield, int.) and Hannah Hunt, July 1, 1762.
Polly and Peter Wilder of Oakham, int. May 25, 1794.
Rebekah and Daniel Munden, Aug. 8, 1771. C.R.
Sally of Greenwich, and Joseph Gilbert, int. June 21, 1801.
Sally and Daniel Wheeler, Nov. 3, 1814.
Sarah and Capt. Elijah Warner, Dec. 30, 1807.
Sophia and John Wheeler of Rutland, int. May 2, 1825.
Thomas and Sarah Worner, Sept. 8, 1762.
Thomas Jr. and Anna Dexter, June 3, 1790.
Thomas, Capt., and Polly Paige, Feb. 14, 1805.
William A. of Worcester, and Almira (Almira W., int.) Allen, Jan. 13, 1825.
Gideon and Sarah Forbush, Jan. 14,1771. C.R.
Lydia and Ichabod Merritt of Ward, int. Apr. 6, 1783.
Sally and James Hallowell (of Greenwich, int.), in Greenwich, Nov. 15, 1792.
Sarah and Benjamin Merritt of Ware, in Ware, Jan. 8, 1797.
Thomas and Abigail Stens, Mar. 22, 1770. C.R.
WHELER (see Wheelar, Wheeler, Whellar),
Sarah and Thomas Emmons, Apr. 30, 1741. C.R.*
WHELLAR (see Wheelar, Wheeler, Wheler)
Elisabeth and Timothy Ramsdell, both of Quabin [Greenwich], int. Aug. 25, 1746.
WHITETCUMB (see Whitcomb)
Asa and Joanna Raymond of Rochester, int. Feb. 18, 1759.
Moses and Sarah Powers, Nov. 4, 1762.
Nathaniel (Jr., int.) and Margaret Aikens, June 19, 1755.
Betsy of Grafton, and James Wright Jenkins, int. Jan. 1, 1804.
David and Martha Thayer, int. Jan. 26, 1827.
David and Elizabeth Davis of Greenwich, in Greenwich, Apr. 7, 1785.
David and Arathusa Estabrook, in Dana, Nov. 15, 1836.
Eliza and William Johnson, Aug. 15, 1822.
Hannah and David Lenard of No. 5[Cummington], Feb. 15, 1773. C.R.
Harriet K., d. of Moses and Harriett, a. 21 y., and S. Osborne Brown of Fitchburg, s. of Francis and Lucinda, a. 22 y., May 1, 1845.
Jacob and Edna Furbush, Dec. 30, 1777.
James and Electa Johnson, in Greenwich, Apr. 21, 1785.
James Jr. and Sybil Sturtedant of Ware, int. Feb. 20, 1808.
James G. (James Z. dup.) and Ann Maria Dodge, both of Pelham, in Pelham, Apr. 2, 1837.*
Joel and Unice Richardson, Sept. 2, 1821.
Joseph (2d, int.) and Deborah Haskell, Apr. 15, 1824.
Levi and Betsey Warner, Aug. 21, 1803.
Lucy of Westborough, and Moses Pratt, in Westborough, Nov. 16, 1747.
Lydia and Ephraim Cleavland (Jr., int.), Nov. 15, 1770. C.R.
Lydia and Ichabod Town of Greenwich, int. Jan. 27, 1798.
Lydia and Holland Randall of Barre, int. Apr. 7, 1817.
Mary and Joseph Warner, Nov. 14, 1764.
Moses and Katharine Forbush, May 25, 1758.
Moses and Sally Thayer, Dec. 31, 1789.
Mosses (Jr., int.) and Eunis Knowls, Apr. 6, 1823.
Nahum of New Braintree, and Lucinda Ashley, int. Feb. 13, 1782.
Olive and Chiron Peneman of St. Johnsborough, Vt., Jan. 17, 1797.
Prudence and Dea. James Fay, int. Sept. 13, 1760.
Prudence and George Field, Apr. 13, 1775. C.R.
Rachel and Joshua Johnson, Aug. 12, 1798.
Rebacah and Daniel Stephens, int. Apr. 14. 1811.
Rhoda and Solomon Cutler of Rindge, N. H., Jan. 3, 1799.
Ruby and Erastus Thayer, May 26, 1830.
Samuel and Sarah Lenard, Mar. 30, 1775. C.R.
Sarah and Shearjashub Spooner of Petersham, in Petersham, May 21, 1760.
Sarah and Joel Gleason, int. June 24, 1811.
Serena and Hosea Thayer of Dana, int. Apr. 26, 1819.
Seth of Dana and Deborah Stephens, int. Mar. 22, 1819.
Susan B. and Silas N. Johnson, Feb. 5, 1823. C.R.*
Susanah and Stephen N. Johnson, int. Feb. 3, 1823.
WHITAKER (see Whittaker)
Franklin, Rev., of Southbridge, and Mary Ruggles, int. May 10, 1843.
WHITCOMB (see Whietcumb)
Content and Solomon Bush (of Ware, int.), Nov. 27, 1766.
Dorcas and Solomon Aikens, Feb. 8, 1749.
Elizabeth and William Powers, in Rochester, Nov. 16, 1758.
Joanna and Silas Dean, Sept. 13, 1744. C. R.
Lot and Lydia Nye of New Braintree, in New Braintree, Dec. 9, 1762.
Mary and Paul Dean (of Taunton, int.), Dec. 4, 1745. C.R.
Nath[anie]l, Capt. (of Greenwich, int.), and wid. Mary Freeman, Oct. 17, 1779. C.R.
Nathaniel Jr. of Greenwich, and Selomy Snow, int. Apr. 26, 1789.
Olive and Rufus Carpenter (of Woodstock, int.), Feb. 27, 1777 (int. Mar. 2, 1777).
Rozilla and George Paige, June 4, 1752.
Abel and Abigail Babbitt, both of Barre, Oct. 5, 1785.*
Betsy and Jonah How, Sept. 21, 1812.
Elias of Barre, and Hope Cobb, in New Braintree, Oct. 2, 1789.
Isaiah of Uxbridge, and Mary (Mercy, int.) Perks, Sept. 20, 1798.
John and Sally Brown of Worcester, int. Dec. 26, 1784.
John and PoIIy Clark, Nov. 19, 1795.
Joseph, Dr., and Barsheba Jenney of New Bedford, int. June 30, 1799.
Lewis of Shutesbury, and Nancy Anderson, Apr. 15, 1834.
Lucy W. (Lucy Whipple, int.) and Perly Blanchard of New Braintree, Dec. 31, 1812.
Noah of Barre, and Mivina (Alvina, C.R.) Cobb, Feb. 8, 1807.
Noah W. and Anna Lawrence, Nov. 5, 1826.
Sarah and Rev. Lemuel Hedge, Nov. 5, 1761.
Sarah and John Perkins, July 23, 1777.*
Susannah and Jonathan Danforth, Apr. 19, 1770. C.R.
Thomas Wells and Namah Wood of Northfield, int. Oct. 14, 1764.
Urania of Barre, and Hiram Powers, int. Nov. 4, 1843.
William (of Rutland, int.) and Ann Anderson, Oct. 10, 1745. C.R.
WHITEMORE (see Whittemore)
Mary and Jonathan Parkhurst, both of Nichewoag [Petersham], int. July 20, 1751.
WHITIN (see Whiting)
Abigail and Stephen Morton, Apr. 15, 1805.
WHITING (see Whitin)
Abigail and Jesse Paige, May 26, 1812.
Ebenezer and Abigail Bryant, int. Sept.----, 1797.
Isabella and Southworthy I. Mann, int. Nov. 19, 1827.
Olive P. and Capt. Walter Mandell, Nov. 30, 1837.
Charles Jr. of Watertown, and Martha G. Collins, Dec. 29, 1840.
Samuel of Brimfield, and Anna L. Minsden of Petersham, in Petersham, June 13, 1837.*
WHITTAKER (see Whitaker)
Seth (Silus, int.) of Petersham, and Olive Cleveland, in Greenwich, Apr. 7, 1785.
WHITTEMORE (see Whitemore)
Polly and Marshal Nye, Dec. 7, 1813.
Eunice and Barnabas Snow, Feb. 18, 1817.
Fredrick and Susanna Newton, June 24, 1784.*
Ira of Bridport, Vt., and Mary Haskell, Oct. 1(7, C.R.), 1812.
John and Priscilla Collins, Nov. 13, 1803.
Lemuel and Mary P. Hunt, Jan. 15, 1811.
Lemuel and Sarah Haskell, Oct. 5, 1813.
Levina and William Bassett Jr., Nov. 28, 1799.
Lucy and Justus Jenny, Feb. 19, 1811.
Luther and Katharine Johnson, int. June 19, 1780.
Marcy and Abner Giffin, int. Dec. 20, 1813.
Susanna and Seth Willis, Oct. 12, 1794.
William and Susannah Parker of Paxton, int. Feb. 23, 1772.
WILCOX (see Willcox)
Susan C. and Hiram Castle, Mar. 21, 1839.
John of Butternut, Otsego Co., N. Y., and Clarissa Thayer, int. Feb. 15, 1819.
Hannah of Hingham, and Nehemiah Howard, in Hingham, Dec. ----, 1772.
Leah of Hingham, and Prince Haskell, in Hingham, Oct. 4, 1781.
Peter of Oakham, and Polly Wheeler, int. May 25, 1794.
Henry and Ann Maria Sibley of Barre, int. Oct. 24, 1841.
WILLCOX (see Wilcox)
Josiah of New Salem, and Eleanor Ruggles, Dec. 26, 1830.
Charity and Eleazer Dexter [no date] (int. June 18, 1786).
Hannah and Samuel Spooner, Jan. 14, 1798.
Jacob, Capt., and Ruth Day of Williamsburg, int. May 28, 1798.
Jarais and Hannah Morse, both of Petersham, Mar. 20, 1789.*
John J. and Hannah Greenlief, Apr. 22, 1821. (Negro, int.)
Maria and Joel Haskins, Dec. 31, 1826.
Mary of Dana, and Alexander W. Gleason, int. Jan. 9, 1835.
Parley of Hubbardston, and Allice Sternes, May 1, 1808 C.R.
Sally and Samuel Dexter Jr., Dec. 15, 1796.
Simeon of Prescott, and Adaline Bartlett, Nov. 23, 1823.
Thomas and Sarah Reed of Harvard, in Harvard, Nov. 28, 1782.*
Abigail and Ebenezer Chiles of New Salem, Dec. 26, 1769.
Adam and Anna Finton of New Braintree, in New Braintree, Dec. 14, 1785.
Betty and Moses Hawks of New Braintree, Oct. 11, 1787.
Ebenezer, Dea., and Rebacah Lane of Greenwich, int. May 13, 1811.
Edmund and Mary (Mercy, int.) Fuller (of Oakham, int.), Feb. 23, 1777.
Hannah and Joseph Weeks, May 10, 1775. C.R.
Hannah and Atwood Aiken, Dec. 9, 1779.
Hannah and Dr. Elliot Beckwith, int. Mar. 2, 1812.
Kezia and Samuel Robinson, June 20, 1793.
Lemuel and Rebekah Berry, May 27, 1771. C.R.
Mary and Nathan Swift of Rutland, in Barre, Sept. 8, 1774.
Mehetabel and Lemuel Bryant of Wardsborough, Vt., Oct. 27, 1793.
Olive and James Hawkes (of Petersham, int.), Mar. 7, 1776.
Rebeckah and James Wing, Aug. 13, 1772. C.R.
Seth and Susanna Wicker, Oct. 12, 1794.
Silas Jr. and Ruth Wright of Brookfield, int. Nov. 29, 1778.
Thomas and Anna Rice, Nov. 16, 1800.
William H., Dr., and Abigail A. Sabin of Belchertown, int. Sept. 17, 1842.
Zerviah and John Keith, Oct. 21, 1782.
Joseph and Mehetabel Rice, int. Aug. 2, 1765.
WILLSON (see Wilson)
Elisabeth and Elisha Flagg, both of Nichewoag [Petersham], int. June 30, 1750.
Patty and James Lawton, Apr. 12, 1804.
Solomon and Prissila Paige, both of Nichewoaa [Petersham], int. July 6, 1751.
WILSON (see Willson)
Caleb and Polly Flagg, Oct. 6. 1791.
Daniel of Lynn, and Nancy Fisk, int. Nov. 8, 1807.
Hannah W. of Southbridge, and Elder Joseph Glazier, int. Apr. 11, 1834.
Joseph Jr. of Nichewoag [Petersham], and Elisabeth Rosson of Quabin [Greenwich], int. Jan. 26, 1754.
Anson and Heriet Carpenter, Sept. 2, 1812.
Benjamin and Sarah Allen, Feb. 19, 1761.
Benjamin and Rebeckah Wing, May 31, 1801.
Elisabeth and Theodorous Forbes, Jan. 22, 1781.
Moses and Margery Forbush (Furbush, int.), Feb. 3, 1780. C.R.
Prudence and Oliver Bailey (of No. 5[now Cummington], int.), June 3, 1779. C.R.
Prudence and Jonas Allen of Sutton, in Sutton, Feb. 15, 1781.
Sarah (Mary, int. and C.R.) and Elijah Washburn,. Jan. 1, 1778.
Sarah and Jonas Allen, Aug. 29, 1798.
Thomas and Patience Dennis, Sunday eve., Dec. 23, 1787.
Benjamin and Rebaca Lee of Barre, int. Feb. 9, 1801.
Isaac of Rochester, Vt., and Betsey Allen, Jan. 24, 1793.
James and Rebeckah Willis, Aug. 13, 1772. C.R.
James and Hannah Witherby of Petersham, in Petersham, Apr. 11, 1799.
Kezia and Daniel Allen, Jan. 20, 1791.
Lucy and Nathan Chandler of Rochester, Vt. [no date] (int. Apr. 16, 1786).
Rebeckah and Benjamin Winchester, May 31, 1801.
Roger of Williamsburg, and Polly Dennis, May 24, 1790.
Sarah and Elijah Carpenter, Feb. 1, 1784.
Prudence H. and Jonas K. Partridge of Barre, int. Dec. 19, 1825.
Abigail and Edward Clefford, Nov. 30, 1761.*
Abigail and Abisha Rice of Greenwich, in Greenwich, Feb. 20, 1782.
Charity and Dorias Rice, in Greenwich, Dec. 7, 1780.
Claramond and John Hathaway, int. Nov. 10, 1823.
David L., Lieut., of Barre, and Mercy H. Dexter, Mar. 22, 1837.
Dolly of Ware, and Reuel Terry, int. Dec. 15, 1810.
Elisabeth and Philip Spooner (of Petersham, int.), Dec. 25, 1755.
Hannah and John Paige, int. Dec. 23, 1764.
Hannah and Benjamin Fisk, Aug. 15, 1770. C.R.
Hannah of Greenwich, and Thomas Ruggles, in Greenwich, July 19, 1778.
Job and Margaret Cooley of Greenwich, in Greenwich, July 27, 1780.*
Judith and Edward Goodspeed, Oct. 19, 1764.
Marcy and Jonathan Farr, Jan. 19, 1757.
Mary and James Fay (Jr., int.), Mar. 18, 1756.
Olive (Alice, int.) and Clark Dexter, Oct. 16, 1796.
Philander of Springfield, and wid. Fanny Cooley of Greenwich, Feb. 3, 1835.*
Rebecca of Barre, and Moses Hunt Jr., int. Oct. 20, 1805.
Rebeckah and Chellis Safford (of Rutland, int.), July 10, 1755.
Rozamond and Richard Ransom of Woodstock, Vt., int. Nov. 26, 1801.
Samuel and Martha Goodspeed of Barnstable, in Barnstable, June 12, 1760.
Sarah and James Cleland (of Greenwich, int.), Aug. 19, 1779. C.R.
Seth and Mary Church of Greenwich, in Greenwich, Nov. 23, 1775.
Seth of Barre, and Mary Allen, int. Oct. 22, 1826.
Susanna and Phinias Meigs of Sunderland, Aug. 3, 1783.*
Clarissa of Greenwich, and Danforth Trask, int. Nov. 23, 1833.
Jonas of Shutesbury, and Lucia Aiken, Dec. 6, 1826.
William and Olive Hudson, June 5, 1831.
WITHERBEE (see Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Wetherby, Witherby)
Phinehas of Brookfield, and Lydia Barnes, Jan. 6, 1795.
WITHERBY (see Wetherbe, Wetherbee, Wetherby, , Witherbee)
Hannah of Petersham, and James Wing, in Petersham, Apr. 11, 1799.
WITHERELL (see Wetherel, Wetherell)
Betsy and Aaron Marsh, both of Ware, Apr. 23, 1809.*
Lucinda and Samuel Cook Jr. of Petersharn, int. Apr. 30, 1825.
Elisabeth of Paxton, and Stephen Johnson, int. May 16, 1779.
Thomas and Betsey Haskins, Aug. 26, 1810.
WOOD (see Woods)
Chandler and Polly Pike, Feb. 19, 1806.
Hiram (Hiram N., int.) and Susan (Susan A., int.) Brimhall, Aug. 18, 1840.
Lucinda and Zenas H. Dexter, Aug. 28, 1837.
Namah of Northfield, and Thomas Wells White, Int. Oct. 14, 1764.
Nathaniel and Elisabath Sterns, Nov. 17, 1805.
William of Brookfield, and Polly Nye, Nov. 15, 1798.
WOODARD (see Woodward)
Hulda of Petersham, and Jonathan Robinson, int. Oct. 30, 1808.
Seth of Petersham, and Elizabeth Barber of Greenwich, Oct. 31, 1787.*
Mary and Eleazar Packard, June 9, 1769.
Melinda and Horatio Allen, both of Barre, Feb. 23, 1830.*
Tryphosa F. of West Brookfield, and James M. Riddle, int. Dec. 23, 1849.
WOODS (see Wood)
Aaron of Greenwich, and Sarah Bridges, (No date. 1786 or 1787.]*
Charles Jr. and Sarah Stevens, May 30, 1779. C.R.*
David and Martha Wheeler of Marlborough, int. Feb. 11, 1743-4.
Eliza C., d. of George of New Braintree, and Dorcas, b. in New Braintree, a. 28 y., and Aretus D. Gilbert, widr., of Brookfield, s. of David and Anna, b. in Brookfield, a. 35 y., May 23, 1844.
James and Anna Sephens of Marlborough, int. Oct. 5, 1747.
Loring F. of New Braintree, and Mary P. Webb, int. Sept. 5, 1839.
Lydia of New Braintree, and Ens. David Allen, in New Braintree, Jan. 22, 1795.
Mary and Samuel Clark (Jr., int.) of Petersham, Mar. 13, 1817.
Patience G. and Alfred William Coffin of Palmer, Nov. 15, 1831.
Polly of Petersham, and John Rice, in Petersham, Dec. 10, 1789.*
Sarah of Greenwich, and John Rice, int. Nov. 26, 1789.
WOODWARD (see Woodard),
Benjamin and wid., int.) Molley Woodward, Jan. 17, 1783.
Joel of Petersham, and Mary (Nancy, int.) Comee, in Petersham, Aug. 17, 1796.
Lucy M. and Henry H. Grainger, Mar. 30, 1837.
Molley (wid., int.) and Benjamin Woodward, Jan. 17, 1783.
Rebecca of Ware, and Edmond Rogers, int. Jan. 24, 1820.
Seth of Petersham, and Ruth Ayers, Aug. 25, 1778.
Stephen (of Petersham, int.) and Molley Sibley, May 13, 1777.
Sam[ue]l of Petersham, and Betsey Sibley, June, 30, 1785.
WORK (see Works)
Samuel (of Leicester) and (wid., int.) Batheshebah Hayford, May 3, 1783. C.R.
WORKS (see Work)
Elizabeth and Capt. Pliny Alden, in Shutesbury, Sept. 11, 1828.*
Aldridge of Boston, and Hannah Mirick, int. July 8, 1805.
WORNER (see Warner)
Elijah and Submit Wells, Jan. 14, 1762.
Lydia and Dr. Chellis Safford. Feb. 8, 1760.
Mary and Zurishaddai Dole, Dec. 4, 1755.
Sarah and Thomas Wheeler, Sept. 8, 1762.
Azariah (of Westminster, int.) and Mary Safford, June 29, 1762.
Elihu of Westminster, Vt., and Betsy Wheeler, Nov. 28, 1799.
Gershom P. and Arathusa M. Robinson of Barre, int. Feb. 10, 1849.
Hulda and Southworth Jenkins, Nov. 15, 1770. C.R.
James and Mary Hunt, June 18, 1766.
Mary and Daniel Warner, May 31, 1758.
Patience and Lieut. John Hunt, Dec. 25, 1765.
Ruth of Brookfield, and Silas Willis Jr., int. Nov. 29, 1778.
Silas and Mercy Hayford, Feb. 15, 1781. C.R.
Thomas Martin and Elisabeth Newton, Dec. 19, 1776.
Zadock (Dyman, int. and C.R.) of Springfield, and Hannah Paige, June 15, 1819.
William N. and Eleanor Morton, May 19, 1836.
Rose and Tack, servants of Kenelm Winslow, Apr. 3, 1755. C.R.
Tack and Rose, servants of Kenelm Winslow, Apr. 3, 1755. C.R.