Vital Records Of The Town Of Halifax Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Literally Transcribed Under The Direction Of
George Ernest Bowman, Editor Of "The Mayflower Descendant"
And "Vital Records Of Brewster, Mass."
Published By The Massachusetts Society Of Mayflower Descendants
At The Charge Of The Old Colony Town Record Fund
Boston, Massachusetts 1905.
Editor- George Ernest Bowman
Nathaniel U. Walker
Edward H. Whorf
Stanley W. Smith
George Ernest Bowman
Coommittee on Publication; Charles A. Hopkins
BIRTHS, 1783-1844
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

[p. 1]
The Children of Jonathan Pratt & Nabby his Wife
Jonathan Leonard Pratt their son born March 21st 1823.
Elisha Phillips Pratt their son was born August 18th 1824
[p. 2]
The Children of Lewis Thomson & Huldah his Wife
Mariett Thomson their Daughter born February 15th 1824
Lewis Henry Thomson their Son born Nov. 23rd 1826
Elvina Thompson their Daughter born October 14th 1830.
Matilda Thompson was born June 5th 1834
Marcus Morton Thompson born April 14th 1840
[p. 3]
The Children of Jacob Thomson 2nd & Emeline his Wife
George Williams Thomson their son was born Sept 26th 1828
Franklin Watson Thompson was born Sept 6th 1830
Mary Jacobs Thompson was born May 1st 1835
Vernon Messinger Thompson born March 16th 1837
Frances Maria Thompson born Janr. 24th 1839
Jacob Perkins Thompson born Octr 31st 1841
[p. 4]
The Children of Chipman Porter and Ruth his Wife
Oliver Chipman Porter their son was born January 26th 1827
Lucy Tinkham Porter their Daughter was Born October 31st 1830
Ruth Hathaway Porter their Daughter was born March 23rd 1833
Henry Martyn Porter their son by his Second Wife Cynthia Wood was born November 10th 1837
[p. 5]
The Child of Horatio Thomas & Caroline his Wife
Josiah Barrows Thomas their son was born April 10th 1827
[p. 6]
The Children of Samuel Wood 2nd & Sophia his Wife
Samuel Newell Wood their Son was born August 7th 1826
Angelina Wood their Daughter born December 15th 1828
Leander Porter Wood their Son was born January 10th 1835
Harriet Newell Wood their Daughter was born June 6th 1840
[p. 7]
The Children of Charles White & [no name] his Wife
Nancy Mariah White their Daughter was born March 8th 1832
[p. 8]
The Children of Alpha Lyon & Tabitha his wife
Joan Lyon their Daughter born June 28th 1830
Mary Jane Lyon born May 4th 1832
The Children of ----- Leach
Alrnera Cushman Leach born April 9th 1835
William Alden Leach born July 15th 1837
Sylvanus William Leach born June 23rd 1842
[p. 9]
The Children of Sylvanus Fuller & Priscilla his Wife
Sylvanus Ripley Fuller born May 15th 1813
George Fuller born February 2nd 1815
Charles Fuller born November 16th 1816
Hannah Fuller born December 14th 1818
Joshua Thomas Fuller born November 23rd 1820
Lydia Fuller born March 22nd 1824
Francis Fuller born March 23rd 1826
[p. 10]
The Children of William Sears & Mary his Wife
William Holmes Sears born March 27th 1826
Henry Ward Sears born April 29th 1829
Mary Mercy Sears born April 8th 1831
Ebenezer Wood Sears born August 14th 1833
Hannah Richmond Sears born October 27th 1835
Amanda Sears born November 2nd 1837
Andrew Richmond Sears born August 19th 1839
Lucinda Sears was born March 21st 1842
[p. 11]
The Children of Samuel S. Inglee & Rebeccah his Wife Lucy
Taber Inglee was born March 18th 1835
Amanda Thompson Inglee born September 17th 1843
Charles Stafford Inglee born December 8th 1845
[p. 12]
The Children of William Tillson & Clara his Wife
Mercy Morton Tillson their Daughter was born October 16th 1842
[p. 13]
The Children of Cyrus Morton and Lucy his Wife
Cyrus Morton Jr their Son born July 26th 1826
Lloyd Morton their Son born December 3rd 1827
A Son Born November 29th 1830
A Son Born April 11th 1832
A Son Born December 31st 1839
by Lidia His seccond wife -
Lucy Waterman Morton born February 19th 1843
[p. 14]
The Children of Samuel Churchell Jr and Sarah his Wife
Edmund Wright Churchell their Son was born March 13th 1838
[P. 15]
The Children of Dexter C. Thompson & Harriet his Wife
Nehemiah Thompson their Son was born October 7th 1835
Harriet Dexter Thompson their Daughter was born April 14th 1841
[p. 16]
The Children of Henry Pope & Lydia his Wife
Lydia Sturtevant Pope born July 31st 1827
Josiah Sturtevant Pope born February 23rd 1829
Susan Augusta Pope born February 8th 1831
Rebecca Waterman Pope born February 4th 1833
Frances Amelia Pope born January 8th 1835
Mercy Ann Pope born March 10th 1837
Henry Stafford Pope born March 4th 1839
Henry S. Pope Died September 17th 1839
2nd Henry Stafford Pope born April 23rd 1840
John Thomas Pope born June 18th 1842
Stafford Sturtevant Pope born February 28th 1844
[p. 17]
The Children of Friend S. Perkins & Anna R. his Wife
Charles Henry Perkins born May 26th 1834
Lucy Inglee Perkins born October 15th 1839
[p. 18]
Record of Birth in the Town of Halifax begining May 1st 1842
15 - Mercy Morton Tillson, William Tillson & Clary Tillson, Female, October 16th 1843
19 - Lucy Waterman Morton, Cyrus Morton & Lydia Morton, Female, February 19th 1843
[p. 19]
The Children of Lysander Thompson & Abigail his wife
Lysander Mendall Thompson born September 2nd 1834
Soranus Thompson was born November 12th 1836
Sidney Williams Thompson born July Bth 1844
The Children of Ichabod Sampson & Mary his wife
Phebe Ellen Sampson born December 29th 1843
[p. 20]
The Children of Isaac Thompson Jr & Ann T. his wife
Christiana Thompson born April 15th 1842
Clodilia Thankful Thompson born March 16th 1844
[p. 21]
The Children of Lorenzo Tower & Hannah L. his wife
Mary Alden Tower born September 4th 1844
[p. 22]
The Children of Josepus White & Abigail his wife
Josephus S. White born January 26th 1826
[p. 23]
The Children of William A Peasley and Malinda his wife
William Adams Peasley born June 30th 1838
Hannah Wade Peasley born July 17th 1844
[p. 24]
The Children of George W. Mitchell & Sarah S. his wife
Eugene Mitchell born September 22, 1843
Fanny Sturtevant Mitchell born July 3rd 1843
[p. 25]
The Children of Ward Sturtevant & Lucinda his wife
Lucinda Sturtevant was born June 24th 1816
Eunice Sturtevant born May 26th 1818
Mariah Sturtevant born November 4th 1820
Zadock Sturtevant born May 24th 1823
Mary I. Sturtevant born July 2nd 1826
Caleb C. Sturtevant born November 14th 1827
George W. Sturtevant born August 15th 1830
2nd Mary I. Sturtevant born June 17th 1833
Angeline C. Sturtevant born March 23rd 1836
Margaret H. Sturtevant born February 6th 1839
[p. 26]
The Children of James Wade & Sabina his wife -
James Wade was born April 1, 1783
Sabina Lyon was born March 28, 1785
James Wade and Sabina Lyon: Parents to the Childr below-
Elvira C. Wade was born Dec. 27, 1805
Sopha L. Wade was born Dec. 31, 1807
Sabina L. Wade was born Dec. 21, 1810
James Wade Jr was born June 16, 1816
David N. Wade was born July 2, 1819
Martha L. Wade was born Nov. 28, 1820
Henry L. Wade was born Sept. 16, 1824
Henrietta M Wade was born Feb. 18, 1830
Cyntha Wade was born Aug. 10, 1813