Vital Records Of The Town Of Halifax Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Literally Transcribed Under The Direction Of
George Ernest Bowman, Editor Of "The Mayflower Descendant"
And "Vital Records Of Brewster, Mass."
Published By The Massachusetts Society Of Mayflower Descendants
At The Charge Of The Old Colony Town Record Fund
Boston, Massachusetts 1905.
Editor- George Ernest Bowman
Nathaniel U. Walker
Edward H. Whorf
Stanley W. Smith
George Ernest Bowman
Coommittee on Publication; Charles A. Hopkins
DEATHS, 1804-1839
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

[p. 321]
Mary Tomson the wife of Ebenezer Tomson Esqr Died November 29th 1804 In the 78 year of her age
Widow Sarah Tomson Relict of Reuben Tomson Died August 20th 1805
Polly Soule Daughter Jabes Soule Died December 1st 1805
Damaris Hathaway Bosworth Died August 28th 1807 daughter of Salah Bosworth
Betty Cartee the wife of Benjamin Cartee Died September 3rd AD 1807 In the 69 year of her age
Ebenezer Tomson Esqe Died September 10th 1813 in the 88th year of his age He was born March ye 22nd AD 1726 His age was 87 years 5 Months and 19 Days
Mary Faunce Relect of Abner Cushman Died October 10th 1816 She was born January 1st 1729 her age was 87 years Nine Months & 10 days
Lucy Lyon the wife of Joshua Lyon died January 18th 1817
Jotham Cushman Esqr Died January 28th 1817 in the 32nd year of his age
Deborah Thomson the wife of Ebenr Thomson 2d Died April 9th 1817
Mercy Waterman the wife of John Waterman Died July 21st 1817
Mr. Ellis Holmes Died February 21st 1825 Aged 46 years
Mr. Jonathan Pratt Hung himself February 16th 1825 Aged 35 years
Priscilla Rider the wife of Nathl Rider Died February 22nd 1825 Aged 77 years
Hannah Sturtevant the wife of Zenas Sturtevant Died April 8th 1825 Aged 56 years
Child of Benjamin Munroe Died April 23rd 1825 Aged 3 years
Polly Pratt Died May 14th 1825 Aged 28 years
Widow Molly Pratt Relict of Consider Pratt Died August 20th 1825
John Wade the son of John Wade Died August 21st 1825
Francis M. Allen the son of Capt Seth Allen Died August 4th 1825
James Tillson Died March In 1839 Aged (?) years