To the End of the Year 1849
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Emery, of Firtzwilliam, N.H., and Mrs. Mary P. Cobb, June 2, 1836*.
Lewis, and Lucinda Pierce, Apr. 5, 1832*.
TARBALL (also see Tarbell)
Thomas, and Elizabeth Wood, Dec. 1, 1868, CT.R.
Samuel [Tarbell, CR1], and Lydia Farnworth, Dec. 19, 1725.
TARBELL (also see Tarball, Tarbel, Tarble, Tarbole).
Abel, and Lavinia Longley of Shirley, int. Jan. 9, 1802.
Abel, and Jane Harkness of Lunenburg, int. June 10, 1806.
Abel, Capt. and Pamela Harkness of Lunenburg, int. Aug. 30, 1817.
Abigail [Tarbel. CR1], and Joseph Fairbank [Fairbanks. CR1] of Harvard, Oct. 4, 1749.
Allis [Tarbel. CR1], and Benjamin Bancroft Jr., Oct. 18, 1749.
Anna [Tarbel. CR1], and Moses Hassal [Haskel. CT.R] of Harvard, Sept. 4, 1751.
Asa, and Relief Whitney of Lunenburg, int. ----, 1803.
Betsey, and William Adams of Harvard, Jan. 12, 1819*.
Betsy, and David Moors, Sept. 18, 1796.
Betty, and Amos Woods, July 7, 1778.
Charlotte, and F. F. Cunningham, at Providence, R.I. Issue of Oct. 21, 1812. NR7.
David, and Bathsheba Woods, Nov. 17, 1757.
David, and Esther Kemp, at Pepperell, July 2, 1772.
Eben, and Sarah Warren, Jan. 14, 1783.
Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Bowers, Dec. 20, 1726. CR1.
Edmond, and Sally Sawtell, Jan. 1, 1795.
Edmund, and Sophia Smith of Fitchburg, int. Jan. 19, 1831.
Eleazer, and Elesabeth Bowers, Dec. 20, 1727.
Elizabeth, of Pepperell, and Thomas Capell, July 23, 1802*.
Esther, and John Houghton of Harvard, Mar. 11, 1760.
Hannah, and Solomon Stevens of Townsend, Jan. 10, 1759.
Hannah, and Henry Vassel Chamberlain Esq. of Farmington, Me., June 4, 1804*.
John [Tarbel. CR1], and Sarah Parker [Oct. 24, CT.8], 1751 [1753. CR1].
John, and Sarah Fosdick, int. May 26, 1847.
Jonathan [Tarbel. CR1], and Lydia Farnsworth [Farnworth. CR1; Dec. 12, 1754, CT.R].
Lucy, and Amos Shed, May 11, 1789.
Luther A., of Brookline, N.H., and Louiza Farnsworth of Pepperell, May 2, 1842.
Lydia [Tarbel. CR1], and Henery Farwell, Dec. 6, 1749.
Lydia, and William Sheple jr., Sept. 20, 1787.
Lydia, and Jonathan Lawrence [Lawrance. CR1], Jan. 13, 1790.
Martha [Tarbel. CR1], and Daniel Shead, Oct. 6, 1740 [1741. CR1].
Mary, and Samuel Reed jr. of Lunenburg, Dec. 3, 1765.
Mary Jane, a. 20 y., dau William and Suzn, and Isaac Bennett jr., unm. of Pepperell, a. 28 y., carpenter, b. Pepperell, s. Isaac and Indianna, of Pepperell, July 3, 1845*.
Nancy, and Joseph J. Bigelow of Boston, Jan. 7, 1830*.
Nehemiah, and Martha Dodge, at Townsend, Dec. 3, 1776.
Sally, and Israel Longley of Shirley, June 4, 1799*.
Sally, and Abel Bancroft, June 26, 1808*.
Sally, and Marquis D. Farnworth, Sept. 23, 1809*.
Sally, and Capt. William Dalrymple, int. June 14, 1817.
Sarah [Tarbel. CR1], and Oliver Farnsworth [Farnworth, CR1], Dec. 15, 1749.
Sarah, and Lt. Joseph Boynton of Westford, Oct. 7, 1762.
Sarah, and Josiah Warren, May 26, 1772.
Sewell, of Pepperell, and Ruth Kemp, at Pepperell, Nov. 8, 1798.
Sibil [Tarbel. CR1], and Jonathan Moors [Morse. CT.R], Apr. 10, 1754.
Solomon, and Molly Bennett, Feb. 17, 1785.
Susanna [Tarbel. CR1], and John Stevens of Townsend, Apr. 16, 1755.
Sybil, and Joseph Whelock [Wheelock. CR1] of Annapolis, Nova Scotia, June 16, 1795.
Thomas [Tarbel. CR1] jr., and Esther Smith [Jan. CR1] 19, 1741 [1741-2. CR1].
Thomas, and Molly Farnsworth, July 1 [21. CR1], 1789.
Thomas, and Elizabeth Bennett [Bennet. CR1], July 16, 1807.
William [Tarbal. CR1] jr., and Sarah Woods, May 22, 1745.
William, and Molly Simonds, Apr. 8, 1788.
Wiliam, and Suza Blood, Apr. 24, 1823*.
William, and Mrs. Sarah Nutting of Townsend, int. Apr. 17, 1840.
TARBLE (also see Tarbell)
Thomas [Tarbell. CR1], and Abigall Parker, Jan. 1, 1716-17.
TARBOLE (also see Tarbell)
Thomas, and Hannah Longley, July 31, 1666. CT.R.
Lucy, and Jacob Blodget, Nov. 10, 1774.
Abigail, and George Wetherbee, Oct. 30, 1828*.
Abigail, wid., b. Dunstable, dau Temple Kendall, of Dunstable, and [Capt. int] Stephen Kendall, widr., a. 41 y., yeoman, s. James, deceased, Feb. 27, 1845*.
Amos, of Dunstable, and Bridget Morten [Marten. dup.], at Pepperell, May 21, 1747.
Annas, of Harvard, and Abijah Nutting jr., int. Dec. 19, 1813.
Catharine, and Joseph Parkhurst, both of Dunstable, Nov. 4, 1778.
David, of Concord, and Sarah Parker, July 23, 1767.
Ebenezer M., and Abigail P. Durant, int. Nov. 7, 1839.
Elesebeth, and Phineas Hemingway [Manning. dup.], at Townsend, Oct. 14, 1773.
Esther, of Westford, and Timothy Steward of Westford, Dec. 10, 1756 [1755. CT.R].
Jonas, and Sarah Houston of Dunstable, Dec. 30, 1774.
Jonas, resident, and Hannah Blood, Mar. 17, 1778.
Mary, of Dunstable, and Solomon Woods, at Dunstable, Apr. 19, 1770.
Samuel H., of Harvard, and Emeline E. Nutting, a. 23 y., Aug. 6, 1844*.
Sarah, of Westford, and [Lt. CR1] Henry Farwell, June 3, 1761.
Thomas, and Ellen McCarthy of Boston, int. May 7, 1848.
William, unm., a. 21 y., paper maker, and Frances R. Kilburn, Dec. 21, 1843*.
Stephen, of Charlestown, and Eunice Pamela Wythe, int. Jan. 17, 1807.
Martha A., a. 23 y., dau Benjamin F. and Mary, and Ephraim C. Barrett, unm. of Boston, a. 24 y., brass finisher, s. Olive & Betsey, June 24, 1849*.
THACHER (also see Thatcher)
George [Esq. int], widr. of Munroe, Me., a. 56 y., counseller at law, s. George and Sarah, and Lucy M. Bancroft, a. 48 y., dau Amos and Abigail, June 15, 1847*.
THATCHER (also see Thacher)
John, and Elizebeth Morse of Watertown, at Watertown, Oct. 24, 1712.
Elizabeth, of Hollis, N.H., and Ziba Abbot of Dracut, May 16, 1833.
Hannah M[aria. int], of Hollis, N.H., and Henry Woods, at Hollis, N.H., Apr. 8, 1828, PR146*.
Maria, of Boston, and John G. Park, int. May 8, 1829.
Nancy B., and William Kittredge [Kitteredge. int] of Lowell, Aug. 24, 1842*.
Nathan R., unm., of Lowell, a. 24 y., dealer in wood and coal, b. Hollis, N.H., s. Nathan and Hannah, of Hollis, N.H., and Emily Wood, a. 23 y., b. Mason, N.H., dau Artemas and Susan, June 23, 1846*.
Sarah A., and George S. Boutwell, July 8, 1841*.
Joanna H., of Lowell, and George Hubbard, int. Aug. 12, 1835.
Dorcas, of Lexington, and William Child, int. July 29, 1821.
William, and Dorcas Gutterson of Harvard, Dec. 15, 1805*.
Charles, widr., of Lexington, a. 41 y., farmer, s. John and Esther, and Rebekah W. B. Trask, wid., a. 38 y., Jan. 6, 1848*.
John, of Littleton, and Nashti Kemp, Dec. 17, 1811*.
Mary, of New London, and Edward Ames, int. Sept. 22, 1822.
John, of Wilton, N.H., and Abigail Peirce [Pierce. CR1], Jan. 21, 1806*.
Freeman, and Sarah Hubbard, May 6, 1840*.
Reuben [L. int.], and Lucinda Hill of Pepperell, at Pepperell. Issue of Dec. 12, 1833. NR7*.
Sarah, and Luther Dyer of Weymouth, Oct. 12, 1837*.
Willard, and Catherine Blood, Jan. 7, 1841*.
Josiah t., unm., of Winchendon, a. 23 y., farmer, s. Joshua and Polly, and Sibbill L. Boardman, a. 22 y., dau Samuel & Sophia, Apr. 8, 1849*.
Aurelia, of Boston, and Horace Herrick, int. Nov. 14, 1836.
John, and Caroline Phelps of Lancaster, int. May 9, 1835.
Mary, and Gershom Haboard, at Westford, Jan. 11, 1743.
Elijah, and Harriet E. Spaulding, Jan. 27, 1842*.
Mark, Gen. [Esq. int.], of Bangor, Me., and Anna Bright, Sept. 16, 1822*.
Rebekah W. B., wid., a. 38 y., and Charles Tidd, widr., of Lexington, a. 41 y., farmer, s. John and Esther, Jan. 6, 1848*.
Granville P[arker. int.], of Shirley, and Amelia E. Sheple, a. 19 y., July 23, 1844*.
Hepsabah, of Littleton, and Solomon Stone, at Littleton, Nov. 20, 1790.
TROBRIDGE (also see Trowbridge)
Lefe [Trowbridge. PR145], and Abel Wright of Westford, Mar. 30 [10. PR145], 1795.
TROWBRIDGE (also see Trobridge)
Abigail, and Ebenezer Champney, Oct. 9, 1764.
Caleb Jr., and ELisabeth Houghton, Sept. 18, 1738.
Jonas, and Hannah Simonds of Ashby, int. Oct. 15, 1815.
Maria, Mrs., and Capt. Josiah Bowers of Billerica, Jan. --, 1773.
Mary, and Jonathan Loring, Jan. 12, 1815*.
Nehemiah, and Abigail Farnsworth, Jan. 12, 1758.
Sarah, and Artemas Ward of Shrewsbury [July 31. CT.R], 1749 [1750. CR1].
Thomas, and Lucy Woods, Oct. 29, 1761.
Thomas, and Ruth Nevers, July 15, 1773.
Hiram, of Dunstable, N.H., and Lucinda Sanderson, Aug. 12, 1828*.
Christopher, of Harvard, and Betsey Burges, Nov. 17. 1805*.
Colson, and Maria Page, June 22, 1790.
Deborah, and Abel Stevens, Sept. 13, 1787.
Joseph jr., and Anna Bennett, Apr. 25, 1790.
Oracy, of Harvard, and Hannibal Nutting, int. Nov. 18, 1827.
Susanna, and Benjamin Morse jr., July 10, 1788.
Lydia, and Zachariah Fitch of Bedford, Aug. 4, 1763.
Emeline E., of Lancaster, a. 16 y., b. Boylston, dau Amos D. & Louisa, of Lancaster, and Merrie L. Gilson, unm., of Lancaster, a. 25 y., blacksmith, s. Nathaniel S. & Nancy B., July 6, 1849.
Josiah, and Abigal Williams, int. Jan. 19, 1724.
Reuben, of Townsend, and Releife Farnsworth, June --, 1771.
James, of Medford, and Phebe Woods [Oct. CR1], 25, 1733.
Levi, and Betsey Fletcher of Acton, Apr. 15, 1834*.
Lucy, and Brook [Brooks. CR1] Bowman of Guilford, Nov. 12, 1820*.
Sarah, and Asa Lowell, Feb. 16, 1809*.
Amasa, of Lancaster, and Eunice Saunderson [Sanders, dup; Sanderson, CT.R] of Lancaster, at Pepperell, Feb. 14, 1751.
Charlotte, of Lunenburg, and Abraham Marshall, int. Oct. 8, 1827.
Jane, and David Hazen [jr. int.], at Townsend, May 25, 1808. PR147*.
Luther G., of Harvard, and Harriet Waters, int. Oct. 28, 1835.
Mary, of Dunstable, and David Darling, int. Jan. 5, 1805.
TUTTEL (also see Tuttle)
Lucy [Tuttle. CR1], and Eleazer Lawrance [Lawrence. CR1] jr., both of Littleton, June 25, [15. CR1] 1731.
TUTTLE (also see Tuttel)
Alson, of Littleton, and Mary L. Whittemore, Mar. 6, 1828*.
Elizabeth, of Pepperell, and Capt. Zachariah Fitch, int. Apr. 21, 1809.
George K., and Eunice E. Abbot, both of Sterling, Mar. 27, 1832.
Hannah, of Littleton, and Samuel Farnsworth, int. Apr. 3, 1805.
Jeremiah A., unm., of Littleton, a. 24 y., farmer, b. Littleton, s. Jeremiah & Rebecca, and Frances L. Stone, a. 21 y., dau Nathaniel & Lydia, Feb. 3, 1846*.
Mary, of Littleton, and Henry Davis of Littleton, Feb. 12, 1782.
Mary, Mrs., of Littleton, and Benjamin Bancroft, at Littleton, Oct. 18, 1785.
Samuell [Lt. CR1], of Littleton, and Mrs. Mary Lawrance, May 29, 1772.
James P., of Leominster, and Louiza Lewis, Nov. 10, 1840*.
Laura, of Townsend, and Joseph B. Simonds, int. Oct. 20, 1839.
Mercy, of Leominster, and Asa Bancroft, int. June 8, 1806.
Mary, Mrs., of Westford, and Col. John Bulkley, at Westford, June 29, 1748.
Hezekiah, and Abigail Cleavland, both of Charlestown, June 20, 1728.
Anthony, of Bratleboro, Vt., and Betsy Hubbard, Nov. 8, 1815*.
Clarissa [of Dracut, int.], and Caleb Butler, at Dracut, Aug. 22, 1804*.
Dorithy, and David Shattuck, Feb. 25, 1735-6.
John, of Dracut, and Dorithi Prescout, at Dracut, Nov. 13, 1700.
Jonas, and Mary Sheple [Shepley. CR1], Jan. 28, 1730.
Jonas, and Lydia Boynden [Feb. CR1] 12, 1734-5.
Phebe, of Dracut, and William Farwell Brazer, int. Oct. 31, 1807.
Elesebeth D., of Ashby, and Oliver Pierce, Nov. 5, 1834*.
Maria J., of Braintree, and Dexter L. Pierce, int. Nov. 3, 1821.
WAIT (also see Waite)
Elisabeth, and [David. CT.R] Bennett [Bennet. CR1], of Shirley [Jan. 3. CT.R], 1751 [1754. CR1].
Levi, and Betsy Jones of Acton, int. July 13, 1807.
Mary, and Benjamin Swan [of Littleton. CR1], Feb. 4, 1790.
Phineas, and Ruth Bicknell of Shirley, at Shirley, Nov. --, 1796.
Phinehas, and Mary Hubbard, Mar. 14, 1731-2. CT.R.
Phinehas, and Esther Gould [Goold. CR1], Mar. 13, 1765.
Sally, and Thomas Farwell jr. of Washington [N.H. CR1], Feb. 28, 1788.
WAITE (also see Wait)
Dorothy, and Asa Holdin of Shirley, Dec. 6, 1757.
Phinehas [Wait. CR1] jr., and Sarah Peirce [Pierce, CR1] of Pepperell, Jan. 28, 1762.
Betsey, of Kennebunk, Me., and [Dr. int.] Jacob Williams, Nov. 29, 1832*.
Elmer [Eleanor. CT.R] and Nathaniel Parker jr., May 25, 1740 [1741. CR1].
Lucey, and Philemon Holdin [Jan. 10. CR1], 1749 [1750-1. CT.R].
Samuel S., of Harvard, and Mary Fletcher, Jan. 13, 1835*.
Seth jr., and Abigail Holdin [Jan. CR1] 14, 1741 [1741-2. CR1],
Lucy, of Lancaster, and Samuel Peirce [Pierce. CR1], Dec. 4, 1764.
John [jr. PR147], of Townsend, and Mary White, at Pepperell [at Townsend. PR147], Feb. 15, 1753.
William, of Townsend, and Eunis Nutting, Aug. 2, 1747.
Artemas, of Shrewsbury, and Sarah Trowbridge [July 31. CR1] 1749 [1750. CT.R].
Caroline, of Shrewsbury, and Benjamin P. Dix, int. Nov. 20, 1830.
William, and Rebecca Barrett of Concord, at Concord, Mar. 6, 1817. PR134*.
WARE (also see Wear)
Ephraim, and Martha Parker, July 26, 1764.
Ephraim, Dr., and Abigail Gamage, at Cambridge, Oct. 13, 1785.
Thomas, and Mehetubel Yarrow, both of Dunstable, May 17, 1729.
Augustus [resident. int.], and Sarah Blood, Aug. 28, 1822*.
Eunis, and David Sanderson, Apr. 19, 1738.
Joseph, jr., of Pepperell, and Saly Hemmenway [Hemenway. CR1], July 6, 1796.
Richard, and Sarah Gilson, May 17, 1708-09. CR1.
Samuel H., and Lydia M. Hardy of Concord, at Concord, Mar. 1, 1838. PR134*.
Abigail, and Samuell Bowers jr., May 8, 1759.
Abijah, and Susanna Green, Aug. 25, 1773.
Alden, and Harriet A. Brooks of Medford, int. Oct. 31, 1841.
Benjamin, and Mary Munroe, int. Dec. 18, 1824.
Betsy [Warran. int.], and Jonathan Wythe [Wyeth. int.] at Littleton, Dec. 3, 1799*.
Elijah and Prudence Lawrance, Oct. 29, 1766.
Ephraim [Warin. dup.], of Townsend, and Sarah Keazer [Keeser. dup], at Townsend, Apr. 12, 1762.
Hepzibath, and Joseph Wilson of Shirley, May 2, 1765.
Isaac, and Annice Farnsworth, at Townsend, June 17, 1779.
Josiah, and Sarah Tarbell, Mar. 26, 1772.
Lucy, and Joseph Cummings of Swansea, N.H., at Townsend, May 6, 1777. PR147.
Samuel, and Hannah Cady, at Concord, Oct. 15, 1706.
Sarah, and Eben Tarbell, Jan. 14, 1783.
Susanna [Mrs. PR142], and Robert Ames, at Townsend, Apr. 29, 1777.
WASON (also see Watson)
Barnett, of Lowell, and Lucy F. Corey, Nov. 28, 1839*.
Hannah, wid., and Zechariah Maynard of Sudbury, May 22, 1721.
Harriet, and Luther G. Turner of Harvard, int. Oct. 28, 1835.
Mary Ann, and James D. Searles of Littleton, int. Feb. 15, 1837.
John W., of Chelmsford, and Nancy Dodge, Feb. 13, 1831*.
WATSON (also see Wason)
James H., of Boston, and Sarah Kezar [Keezer. CR1], Feb. 7, 1822*.
Mary, dau John, of Chelmsford, and John Parise, at Chelmsford, Dec. 29, 1685.
Dexter K., and Hannah Keyes, Nov. 18, 1841*.
WEAR (also see Ware)
Sally, of Pepperell, and Richard Sawtell jr., at Pepperell, Mar. 10, 1796.
WEATH (also see Withee, Wythe)
Zachariah [Withe. dup.], and Esther Kemp, at Pepperell, July 21, 1748.
David, and Elizabeth Quailes, Sept. 13, 1801*.
Nancy B., and Dr. Robert H. Lane. Issue of May 20, 1820. NR7.
Catharine, of Concord, and Jacob Hosmer, at Concord, Jan. 9, 1809. PR134.
Eunice, and Samuel Downe of Fitchburg, at Fitchburg, Jan. 1, 1771.
Moses, and Mindwell Stone, Feb. 3, 1747 [1747-8. CR1].
Oliver, and Eunice [Mrs. Lucy. NR7] Worcester, Oct. 31, 1815*.
Permelia, of Lowell, and Ralph Woods, int. Aug. 20, 1828.
Isaac, of Littleton, and Amaris P. Robbins of Dunstable, Jan. 3, 1830.
Charles E., and Ann M. Shipley, May 2, 1839*.
Lucy, of Townsend, and Samuel Rockwood, int. Feb. 16, 1840.
Catharin [Weatherbee. CR1], of Bolton, and Micah Creecy [Creece. CR1; Dec. 20, CT.], 1751 [1752. CR1].
Eliza [Wetherbe. CR1], and Frederic Adams, Oct. 18, 1826*.
George, and Abigail Taylor, Oct. 30, 1828*.
Hepzibath [Mrs. int.], and Henry Blood jr., July 3, 1818*.
Jonathan, at Harvard, and Abigail Farwell, May 11, 1772.
Joseph jr., and Lydia Kemp, Nov. 4, 1784.
Nahum, and Olive Wright, both of Weston, May 29, 1836.
Adams, at Townsend, Aug. 15 [Aug. 6, 1777. PR147], 1792.
Rhoda, and Daniel Kemp, Dec. 29, 1817*.
Mary, and Lemuel Scott [Scot. CR1], both of Pepperell, Sept. 9, 1773.
WHEELAR (also see Wheeler)
Asa, and Sarah Bancroft, Feb. 11, 1798.
WHEELER (also see Wheelar)
Eliphalet, and Clarissa Rice of Framingham, int. Dec. 12, 1812.
Francis C., and Harriet Law, Jan. 1, 1843*.
Harriet L., Mrs., and Daniel Church of Morristown, N.Y., int. Sept. 8, 1848.
John [Joshua. PR147], of Townsend, and Mehitable Hadley, at Townsend, Jan. 4, 1737.
John B., and Laura G. Graves, June 1, 1834*.
John S. P., unm., of Ogdensburgh, N.Y., a. 21 y., engineer, s. John & Sarah P., and Maria H. Shattuck, a. 21 y., dau Daniel & Hannah, Jan. 1, 1849*.
Lucy, and John Bowers, Apr. 12, 1787.
Mary, and George Campbell of Townsend, at Townsend, -----, 1753. PR147.
Moses [formerly of Lunenburg, CR1], and Elisabeth Holdin, Dec. 14, 1747.
Oliver, of Acton, and Abigail Woods, Nov. 25, 1747.
Sarah, of Lunenburg, and Stephen Holden, at Boxford, Mar. 21, 1739.
Tabitha, and Samuel Wood Jr., at Westford, Sept. 22, 1747.
Thankful, of Concord, and Jonas Prescott [Prescote. PR134], at Concord, Oct. 5, 1699.
WHEELOCK (also see Whelock)
John, and Martha Wood, both of Lancaster, Sept. 11, 1729.
WHELOCK (also see Wheelock)
Joseph [Wheelock, CR1], of Annapolis, N.S., and Sybil Tarbell, June 16, 1795.
WHETNEY (also see Whitney)
William, and Lydia Perham of Chelmsford, at Chelmsford, Mar. 16, [1699 or 1700].
John, of Pepperell, and Mary Ann Harrison, int. Oct. 7, 1849.
WHIPLE (also see Whipple)
Dorcas [Whipple. CR1], and John Solindine [June 17, CR1], 1751. [1752. CT.R].
Nathan, and Hannah Boynton, May 7, 1730.
WHIPPLE (also see Whiple, Whittle)
Nathan, and Hannah Boynton, May 7, 1730. CR1.
Nathan, and Abigail Bowers, Mar. 18, 1766.
William, resident, and Lydia Lakin, June 30, 1783.
John jr., and Thankful Pierce, Dec. 23, 1766.
Lydia, and Abel Stone, Aug. 11, 1763.
Elizebeth, of Lancaster, and Daniel Power, at Concord, Apr. 8, 1702.
Hannah, and Joseph Powers, both of Neshobah, Mar. 16, 1713-14.
Jonathan, and Deborah Scripture, at Concord, Sept. 4, 1710.
Jonathan, and Deliverance Nutting, May 15, 1716 [1715-16. CR1].
Justus L., of Littleton, and Lucy Jacobs, int. Feb. 26, 1837.
Sally, and Solomon Frost, Nov. 7, 1796.
Sally, and Joseph Richardson, May 5, 1825*.
Hannah [Mrs. int.], and Daniel Shattuck, Apr. 30, 1826*.
John, of Pepperell, and Lydia Farwell, Dec. 25, 1788.
Mary, and George Camel of Townsend, at Pepperell, Feb. 8, 1753.
Mary, and John Wallis [jr. PR147] pf Townsend, at Pepperell [at Townsend. PR147], Feb. 15, 1753.
Samuel jr., of Littleton, and Susannah Young, int. Jan. 4, 1816.
Thomas jr., and Ruth Farnsworth, May 23, 1771.
WHITMORE (also see Whittemore)
Ann Maria, and George Proctor of Chelmsford, May 29, 1836*.
WHITTIMORE (also see Whittemore)
Nathaniel [jr. int.; Whittemore, dup.] of Lancaster, and Sarah [Polly. dup.] Stone, Dec. 20, 1798. [May 30, 1799. dup].
Abigail, of Hollis, N.H., and Dr. Amos Bancroft of Westford, Aug. 29, 1796.
Harriet, formerly of Pepperell, and Michael Dorn, Nov. 26, 1840*.
Lemuel, and Clarissa Childs, Oct. 24, 1839*.
Nancy, of Hollis, N.H., and Oliver Prescott jr., at Hollis, N.H., Feb. 22, 1791. PR146.
WHITMAN (also see Wightman)
Betsey, and Timothy Cumings jr. of Westford, Feb. 13, 1805*.
Charity, and Moses Ames of Boston, Dec. 1, 1808*.
Emma, of Stow, and Benjamin F. Hartwell, int. Nov. 12, 1839.
Hannah, and John S. Roby of Concord, Nov. 20, 1810*.
WHITNEY (also see Whetney)
Benjamin, Lt., of Pepperell, and Olive Farnsworth, at Pepperell, Mar. 5, 1794.
Benjamin, [Lt. int] of Pepperell, and Anna Woods, Oct. 11, 1809*.
Elizabeth, and Ebenezer Farnsworth, Apr. 17, 1706-07. CR1.
Ephraim, and Esther Woods, Dec. 18, 1744.
Henrietta, of Pepperell, and Asa S. Graves, int. Apr. 10, 1847.
John jr., of Shirley, and Hannah Sawtell, Feb. 26, 1759.
John jr., of Shirley, and Elizabeth Sawtell of Shirley, Apr. 15, 1762.
Joseph [Whittney. CR1], and Abigail Nutting, Dec. 6, 1737.
Martha, and Isaac Williams of Newton, Feb. 1, 1708-09. CR1.
Mary, and Richard Briant, Apr. 16, 1789.
Mehitabel [Martha M., int], a. 17 y., b. Harvard, dau Jonathan and Mehitabel, and Phinehas L. Nutting, unm., a. 22 y., farmer, s. Phinehas and Mary E., Nov. 24, 1846*.
Rebeccah, and Joseph Chamberlain, both of Pepperell, Apr. 10, 1781.
Relief, of Lunenburg, and Asa Tarbell, int. -----, 1803.
Sarah, and Benjamin Wilson, Nov. 26, 1747, CR1.
Sarah M., of Stow, and Rufus R. Fletcher, int. Jan. 8, 1848.
Shadrach, of North Town [Townsend. CR1], and Prudence Lawrance [Lawrence. wid. CR1], Jan. 5, 1731 [1731-2. CR1].
Sibble, of Pepperell, and Stephen Lunn of New Ipswich, Aug. 14, 1771.
Submit, wid., and Reuben Woods [June, CR1] 11, 1740 [1741. CR1].
Sybil, and Peter Gilson, May 27, 1756.
Timothy, of Townsend, and Submit Parker, at Townsend, May 24, 1738.
William, and Anna Laken [Lakin. CR1], Sept. 5, 1803*.
Elijah, and Lydia Wilder [of Hingham, int], Sept. 18, 1822*.
WHITTEMORE (also see Whitemore, Whitimore)
Charles O., unm., a. 23 y., farmer, s. Charles & Lydia, and Frances M. Holden of Nashua, N.H., a. 18 y., dau John and Lydia, Mar. 4, 1847*.
Dorcas, of Lancaster, and Benjamin Farnsworth, at Lancaster, Oct. 2, 1805. PR135*.
Eunice, of Fitchburg, and John Pingrey, int. Jan. 16, 1825.
Ira, of Weston, and Betsy Adams, int. Feb. 29, 1812.
Mary L., and Alson Tuttle of Littleton, Mar. 6, 1828*.
Nathaniel, of Harvard, and Lydia Stone, Feb. 19, 1778.
Nathaniel, of Lancaster, and Amelia Stone, June 12, 1829*.
Nathaniel, and Maria Sargent of Harvard, int. Sept. 2, 1843.
WHITTLE (also see Whipple)
Hannah F., of Deering, N.H., and Charles Farnsworth, int. Mar 10, 1849.
WIGHTMAN (also see Whitman)
Sophia Ann, of Boston, and Thomas Bacon, int. July 3, 1814.
Hitty J., and Milo Henderson of Pepperell, int. Oct. 1, 1842.
Lydia, and Elijah Whiton, Sept. 18, 1822*.
Moses, and Submit Frost, at Lancaster, Nov. 17, 1757. PR135.
Samuel B., and Sophia Blood, Mar. 28, 1820*.
Asa, and Alice Kendall, both of Reading, Vt., Jan. 30, 1781.
Mary, and John M. Dike, unm., hostler, May 2, 1844*.
Hannah, and Willard Farr, Mar. 28, 1828*.
Mary, and Daniel Emerson Parker, int. Sept. 8, 1827.
Robert, of Westford, and Lydia Sawtell, Feb. 16, 1795.
Abigail, of Harvard, and Paul Fletcher, at Harvard, Mar. 8, 1764.
Abiiah [Abijah. CR1], of Lancaster, and Elisabeth Prescott, Dec. 2, 1747.
Anna [Willerd. CR1], of Lancaster, and Paul Fletcher, Aug. 20, 1760.
Catherine, of Harvard, and Jonathan Stone jr., at Harvard, July 2, 1786.
Daniel, of Lancaster, and Sarah Dickinson, wid., Feb. 6, 1760.
Isabella, of Langdon, N.H., and Joel Lawrence, int. Sept. 4, 1819.
Josiah [jr. CR1], of Lunenburg, and Hannah Hubbard, Nov. 28 [12. CR1], 1732.
Mary, of Lancaster, and Samuel Farnesworth, Dec. 12, 1706-07. CR1.
Moses, and Susannah Hastins, both of Turkey Hills [Lunenburg], Sept. 28, 1726. CR1.
Samuel, and Abigail Shearman, Aug. 8, 1664. CT.R.
Susanna, of Harvard, and Daniel Jefts, int. July 3, 1802.
WILLES (also see Willis)
Ebenezer, and Sarrah Davis, int. Dec. 17, 1727.
Aaron jr., and Sarah Bennett, Sept. 17, 1812*.
Abigal, and Josiah Tucker, int. Jan. 19, 1724.
Anna, and Samuel Shattuck jr., Jan. 27, 1725-6.
Anne, and Samuel Larrabee of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, Dec. 7, 1752.
Eliza, of Worcester, and Aaron Earle, int. Feb. 7, 1824.
Elizebeth [William. CR1], and James Lakin, Feb. 12, 1717-18.
Elizebeth, and William Elliott [Elliot], at Pepperell, Mar. 19, 1752. [1751. dup].
Eunice, and Asa Porter, Oct. 14, 1778.
George, unm., a. 24 y., tanner, s. Lewis and Abigail, of Brookline, N.H., and Louisa Bailey, a. 18 y., b. Brookline, N.H., dau William and Ruth, deceased, May 7, 1845*.
Hannah, and Abel Prescott of Port Gibson, Miss., Sept. 23, 1827*.
Harriet C., and Jonas Lakin jr., Sept. 18, 1825*.
Isaac, of Newton, and Martha Whitney, Feb. 1, 1708-09. CR1.
Isaac, and Lidea Shattuck, May 22, 1723*.
Jacob [Dr. int], and Betsey Wakefield of Kennebunk, Me., Nov. 29, 1832*.
Jason, and Jemima Nutting, Apr. 5, 1749.
Jason, and Emme Woods, Dec. 21, 1812*.
Jemima, and Jonathan Lakin, Aug. 1, 1768.
John [jr. CR1], and Elisabeth Cutter of Charlestown, May 5, 1740 [1741 CR1].
John jr., and Emme Hartwell of Shirley, int. May 10, 1800.
Josiah, and Prudence Nutting [Nov. 29. CR1], 1749 [1750. CR1].
Josiah Sartell, and Lydia Simons, Nov. 20, 1804*.
Josiah, and Elisabeth M. Mansfield, Feb. 25, 1835*.
Lewis, and Elisabeth W. Flagg of Lunenburg, int. Sept. 13, 1835.
Lucinda, and Francis Parker, Jan. 31, 1798.
Luther, and Lucinda Spaulding, both of Pepperell, June 13, 1822.
Lydia, and Phinehas Chamberlin [Chamberlain. CR1], Mar. 19, 1744 [1744-5. CR1].
Lydia [A. int], and Leonard Farwell, Nov. 24, 1825*.
Margaret, and Benjamin Larrabee of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, Dec. 7, 1752.
Mary, and Warren F. Stone, int. Jan. 30, 1842.
Nathaniel, and Hannah Lawrence, Aug. 26, 1784.
Persis, and David Olds, resident, Apr. 2, 1805*.
Richard [M.D. int], of Milford, N.H., and Susan Shattuck, Apr. 25, 1832*.
Rufus, and Margaret L. [S. int] Hartwell, May 8, 1834*.
Sally, and Silas Farwell, Feb. 4, 1804*.
Sally, and Wilder Sheple jr., May 30, 1810*.
Samuel, and Clarissa Hartwell, Aug. 22, 1827*.
Thomas, and Mary Holden, Aug. 11 [July 11. dup], 1666. CT.R.
Thomas, and Mary Rolf, Jan. 29, 1745 [1745-6. CR1].
William, and Mary Parker [Perkins. CT.R], Nov. 22, 1743.
Catherine, of Concord, and Jacob Hosmer, resident, int. Dec. 8, 1808.
WILLIS (also see Willes)
Abigail, of Taunton, and Thomas Cimber, at Norton, June 26, 1733.
Samuel W., unm., of Littleton, a. 25 y., farmer, s. Elijah & Diana, of Littleton, and Hannah Wright, a. 20 y., dau Joseph & Hannah, Apr. 1, 1845*.
WILLSON (also see Wilson)
Benjamin [Wilson. CR1], and Ruth Bush, Sept. 28, 1738.
Joannah, and Hezekiah Sawtell, int. Aug. 1, 1723.
WILSON (also see Willson)
Benjamin, and Sarah Whitney, Nov. 26, 1747.
Jemima, of Westford, and Jonathan Swallow, at Westford, Mar. 18, 1788.
Joseph, of Shirley, and Hepzibath Warren, May 2, 1765.
Ruth, and Jonas Baldwin of Townsend, Jan. 2, 1759.
Sarah, of Shirley, and William Symonds of Shirley, Mar. 21 1765.
WIMAN (also see Wyman)
Olive, and James Adams, int. Apr. 11, 1813 [Banns forbidden by James' father, he not being of age, Apr. 15].
Abel B., unm., of Pepperell, a. 23 y., yeoman, s. Hezekiah & Emily, and Sarah B. Heminway, a. 18 y., dau Artemas & India, Apr. 8, 1847*.
George W., of Manchester, N.H., and Ellen Mansfield, int. Jan. 1, 1843.
John, of Hudson, N.H., and Anna Patch, int. Oct. 20, 1836.
Wyzeman C., of Boston, and Julia Ann Parker, May 13, 1831*.
Samuill, of Killingly, and Elizebeth Phillbrook, Feb. 16, 1713-14.
WITHEE (also see Weath)
Uzriel, resident, and Elizebeth Stevens, at Townsend, Jan. 5, 1797.
Nancy, wid., a. 35 y., dau Samuel & Sarah Nutting, and Obadiah K. Harrington, unm., of Shirley, a. 29 y., laborer, s. Phinehas & Lois, Dec. 2, 1847*.
WOOD (also see Woods)
Abijah, of Westminster, and Lydia Rockwood, Sept. 24, 1823*.
Amos [Woods. CR1], and Hannah Nutting [July 5, CT.R], 1733.
Artemas jr., and Sarah J. Coburn of Dracut, int. Aug. 4, 1849.
Benjamin L., unm., of Harvard, a. 25 y., farmer, b. Harvard, s. Benjamin & Triphena, and Eliza E. Lawrence, a. 30 y., b. Pepperell, dau Edward & Kesiah, Dec. 13, 1849*.
Ebenezer, of Sudbury, and Abigail Rockwood, Dec. 15, 1774.
Elizabeth, and Thomas Tarball, Dec. 1, 1686. CT.R.
Elizabeth, a. 22 y., b. Mason, N.H., dau Artemas & Susan, and Joshua Nye jr., unm., of Fairfield, Me., a. 26 y., trader, s. Joshua & Mary H., of Fairfield, Me., June 23, 1846*.
Emily, a. 23 y., b. Mason, N.H., dau Artemas & Susan, and Nathan R. Thayer, unm., of Lowell, a. 24 y., dealer in wood and coal, b. Hollis, N.H., s. Nathan & Hannah, of Hollis, N.H., June 23, 1846*.
Jepht [Woods. CR1; Jeptha [h] int], and Rodia [Rhoda. CR1] Nutting, Mar.30, 1820*.
Jonathan, unm., of Harvard, a. 29 y., farmer, s. Jabez & Nabby, of Harvard, and Caroline Worcester, a. 17 y., dau Job & Sally, Apr. 27, 1845*.
Martha, and John Wheelock, both of Lancaster, Sept. 11, 1729.
Mary [Woods. CR1], and John Goss [Gosse. CR1] of Lancaster, Nov. 9, 1710 [Nov. 20, 1710-11. CR1].
Mary A., of Pepperell, and Charles R. Hoar, int. Oct. 28, 1848.
Nathan, and Ann Parker, at Concord, Nov. 27, 1754.
Rebecah, of Littleton, and Ebenezer Lamson, int. Feb. 7, 1801.
Sally, and George Lawrance, Sept. 26, 1809*.
Samuel, s. Samuel, and Hannah Farwell, dau Joseph, at Chelmsford, Dec. 30, 1685.
Samuel jr., and Tabitha Wheeler, at Westford, Sept. 22, 1757.
Samuel jr., of Littleton, and Rebecka Brook, Aug. 13, 1771.
Susannah [Woods. dup], and John Green, at Pepperell, Jan. 3, 1751.
Thomas, and Molly Pirce [Pierce. CR1], May 4, 1797.
Watson, and Annis Abbott, Jan. 1, 1823*.
William, unm., of New York City, a. 28 y., clergyman, and Lucy Maria Lawrence, a. 22 y., dau Curtis & Lucy, July 11, 1847*.
Aaron, of Salem, and Eunice Kemp, Aug. 14, 1804*.
Abigail of [Sutton?], and Thomas Burbank, at Sutton, Apr. 5, 1780.
Eunice, Mrs., and Luther Hartwell, int. May 9, 1836.
Samuel, Rev., of North Yarmouth, Me., and Mary Lawrence, July 28, 1818*.
Sarah L., and David Fosdick jr., Mar. 10, 1841*.
Caroline, and James Worcester, int. May 3, 1824 (Banns forbidden).
Edward, of Orange [Boston. int], and Eunice Hazen, Nov. 29, 1807*.
Hannah, dau Edward & Eunice, and Augustus Russell, unm., of Brookline, N.H., a. 26 y., farmer, s. Campbell & Lucretia, Apr. 19, 1848*.
WOODS (also see Wood)
Aaron, and Sarah Boynton, Apr. 1, 1739.
Abi, and Merrick Lewis, Apr. 30, 1829*.
Abigail, and John Chamberlain, Oct. 13, 1712-13. CR1.
Abigail, and Oliver Wheeler of Acton, Nov. 25, 1747.
Abigail, and Silas Barron, May 19, 1763.
Abigail, and Winslow Parker, May 19, 1781.
Abigail, of Pepperell, and Caleb Woods, at Pepperell, June 25, 1789.
Achsah, and William Hinkley of Chelsea, Jan. 3, 1821*.
Amelia, and Aaron Corey jr., Mar. 12, 1833*.
Amos, and Betty Tarbell, July 7, 1778.
Amos jr., of Dunstable, and Elizabeth Parker, Aug. 2, 1807*.
Anna, and William Beles [Beals. CR1] of Westford, May 7, 1772.
Anna, and Jeremiah Lawrence of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Feb. 1, 1774.
Anna, and [Lt. int] Benjamin Whitney of Pepperell, Oct. 11, 1809*.
Bathsheba, and Collins Mors [Mores. CR1] of Oxford, May 2, 1722.
Bathsheba, and David Tarbell, Nov. 17, 1757.
Betsy, and William Fitch of Flintstown [Baldwin, Me., CR1], Mar. 8, 1792.
Betsy, and Daniel Cole, at Boston. Issue of July 3, 1799. NR7.
Betty, and Thomas Farrington, Oct. 6, 1768.
Caleb, and Betty Cumings of Hollis, Nov. 26, 1767.
Caleb jr., and Abigail Woods of Pepperell, at Pepperell, June 25, 1789.
Caroline, and Samuel Stone, int. Feb. 14, 1824.
Caroline, and Calvin Blood 2d, Feb. 14, 1843*.
Charlotte, and Benjamin Edes, Oct. 26, 1815*.
David, and Deborah Swallow of Dunstable, at Dunstable, Apr. 19, 1770 [Dec. 14, 1769. PR143].
Deidamia, and John Shattuck jr., Jan. 22, 1827*.
Ebenezer, and Eunice Boyden, at Pepperell, June 25, 1752.
Ebenezer jr., and Sarah Farwell, May 12, 1790.
Ebenezer jr., and Nancy Fletcher, Aug. 8, 1793.
Ebenezer jr., and Dorcas V. Brown, Apr. 7, 1825*.
Ede, and Henry P. Booth, Aug. 30, 1827*.
Eliphalet, unm., a. 26 y., shoemaker, s. Eben, and Relief Nutting, a. 31 y., dau Jonathan, Apr. 11, 1844*.
Elisabeth [Wood. CR1], and Daniel Farmer of Lunenburg, Nov. 2, 1732.
Elisabeth, and Ephraim Dival [Divol. CR1] of Lancaster, Feb. 4, 1741 [1741-2. CR1].
Eliza, and Phinehas P. Fletcher, May 24, 1825*.
Emme, and Jason Williams, Dec. 21, 1812*.
Esther, and Ephraim Whitney, Dec. 18, 1744.
Esther, and William Farwell, June 26, 1760.
Esther, and Enoch Lawrence [of Mason, N.H. CR1], Dec. 20, 1762.
Esther, of Dunstable, and Robert Reed, resident, int. Oct. 7, 1809.
Fanny G., and Alva Wright, Nov. 25, 1841*.
Hannah, and John Farmer of Billerica [Apr. 27. CT.R], 1725.
Hannah, and Jonathan Holdin, Mar. 16, 1758.
Hannah, and William Green of Pepperell, Apr. 16, 1765.
Hannah, and James Simonds, Nov. 4, 1828*.
Hannah P., and Francis Lawrence of Charlestown, Feb. 4, 1823*.
Harriet, and Windslow Snell, Feb. 10, 1828*.
Harriet, and George Lewis Stockemire of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 20, 1830.
Henery, and Deborah Parker, Apr. 13, 1756.
Henry, and Hannah M[aria. int] Thayer of Hollis, N.H., at Hollis, N.H., Apr. 8, 1828. PR146.*
Isaac, and Abigal Stevens, Sept. 21, 1725.
Isaac, resident, and Eliza Shattuck, Mar. 26, 1821*.
James, and Abigail Howard, Feb. 6, 1760.
James, of Pepperell, and Polly Capel, Sept. 16, 1798.
James, and Almira Green, int. Dec. 22, 1839.
Jane, and Simeon Gilson of Boston, Oct. 15, 1812*.
Jerusha, wid., and John Stone jr., Jan. 11, 1759.
John, and Sarah Longley, June 3, 1725.
John, and Jerusha Smith, at Pepperell, June 17, 1756.
John jr., and Hannah Goodhue of Westford, Nov. 10, 1768.
John, and Deborah Holdin, Jan. 12, 1774.
John jr., and Betty Farnsworth, Feb. 20, 1804*.
John French, and Mary Parker, wid., Oct. 15, 1778.
Jonas, of Dunstable, and Sarah Sawtell, Mar. 31, 1818*.
Jotham, and Mary Gilson, Oct. 17, 1790.
Louiza, a. 23 y., of Dunstable, b. Dunstable, dau Isaac, deceased, and Joel Gilson jr., unm., of Dunstable, farmer, b. Dunstable, s. Joel, of Dunstable, May 1, 1844.
Lucy, and Thomas Trowbridge, Oct. 29, 1761.
Lucy, and Edward Hazen jr., Mar. 8, 1831*.
Lydia, and Benjamin Hazzen, Nov. 20, 1770.
Lydia, and Richard Blood, int. Apr. 18, 1825.
Mary, Mrs., and Lt. Amaziah Swallow of Dunstable, Feb. 16, 1786.
Mary, and Daniel Parker, Dec. 3, 1829*.
Mitty, and Oliver Rice, Jan. 5, 1804*.
Moses, and Esther Houghton [Nov. 22. CT.R], 1733.
Nahum, and Jane Derumple, Nov. 17, 1785.
Nahum, unm., a. 25 y., farmer, s. Samuel & Catherine, deceased, and Susan A. Rice, a. 23 y., dau Oliver & Mitty, June 19, 1845*.
Nancy, and Thomas Chamberlain of Worcester, int. Dec. 24, 1809.
Nancy Adams, dau Levi, of Pepperell, and Robert Reed, int. Dec. 20, 1807.
Nathaniel, and Mary Erwin, Dec. 2, 1762.
Nathaniell, and Sarah Brown of Stow, July 3, 1721.
Nathaniell, and Mary Derbeshire, wid., Sept. 14, 1725.
Nehemiah, of Hollis, N.H., and Sarah Lakin, at Hollis, Apr. 20, 1756. Pr146.
Phebe, and James Tufts of Medford, [Oct. CR1] 25, 1733.
Phillip, and Phebe Sawtell, int. June 30, 1799.
Phineas N., of Pepperell, and Mrs. Sally Clapp, int. Apr. 18, 1841.
Polly, and Ephraim Nutting, Nov. 25, 1790.
Rachel, and Bill Wright Stevens of Westford, Sept. 3, 1816*.
Ralph, and Permelia Wentworth of Lowell, int. Aug. 20, 1828.
Rebeckah, and Benjamin Lawrence jr., at Townsend, Apr. 29 [July --, dup] 1778.
Reuben, and Submit Whitney, wid. [June. CR1] 11, 1740 [1740-1. CR1].
Reuben, and Mahala Lawrence, Sept. 7, 1809*.
Samson, Col., and Mary Burges, June 23, 1822*.
Samuel, and Catharine Gilson, June 5, 1817*.
Samuill [Wood. CR1], and Patience Biggelo, Nov. 29, 1720.
Sarah, and William Tarbell [Tarbal. CR1] jr., May 22, 1745.
Sarah, and Robert Aimes, Dec. 2, 1762.
Sarah, of Hollis, N.H., and Samuel [Dirscoll. int] Colburn, at Hollis, N.H., May 13, 1824. PR146*.
Sibbel, of Pepperell, and Timothy Blood, at Pepperell, Nov. 15, 1798.
Solomon, and Mary Taylor of Dunstable, at Dunstable, Apr. 19, 1770.
Stephen J. jr., unm., a. 32 y., farmer, s. Stephen J. & Martha, and Mary E. Bixby, a. 26 y., dau Asa & Mary, deceased, May 1, 1845*.
Submitt, and David Farwell, June 26, 1764.
Syble, and Benjamin Bennett, Aug. 28, 1778.
Sylvia, and Melzar Dunbar of Boston, int. Oct. 1, 1808.
Thomas, and Abigall Chamberlin [Chamberlain, wid. CR1], Apr. 30, 1723*.
Timothy, and Elizabeth Derumple, July 24, 1771.
Zadoc, and Roxey Blood, July 12, 1821*.
Benjamin, of Dunstable, and Mary Blood, at Pepperell, Nov. 17, 1784.
George W., of Chelmsford, and Eliza Ann Prescott, Apr. 15, 1841*.
Horace W., and Lucy Johnson, Jan. 30, 1839*.
Jane, a. 16 y., dau Rufus & Anna, and John H. Lawrence, unm., a. 23 y., laborer, s. Jonathan & Rachel, Aug. 14, 1848*.
John, of Tyngsborough, and Mary Fletcher [wid. PR133], June 14, 1798.
John, of Tyngsboro, and Rebecca Sawtell, Dec. 18, 1823*.
Rufus, and Anna Bennett, Mar. 2, 1828*.
Charles, and Catharine Elizabeth Colburn, May 6, 1827*.
Susanna, wid., and David Child, int. Aug. 31, 1806.
WORCESTER (also see Worster, Woster)
Asa [Worster. CR1], and Anna Parker, Dec. 15, 1763.
Asa, and Eunice Benterodt, Feb. 10, 1821*.
Azubah, and Ralph Augustus Wright, int. Oct. 20, 1838.
Benjamin, and Azubah Hoit, Dec. 1, 1817*.
Caroline, a. 17 y., dau Job & Sally, and Jonathan Wood, unm., of Harvard, a. 29 y., farmer, s. Jabez & Nabby, of Harvard, Apr. 27, 1845*.
Eunice [Mrs. Lucy. NR7], and Oliver Wentworth, Oct. 31, 1815*.
Hannah, and Capt. Henry Farwell, Oct. 12, 1800*.
Harriet, of Lancaster, and Lowell Hartwell, int. Sept. 21, 1835.
James, and Caroline Woodcock, int. May 3, 1824 [Banns forbidden].
James, unm., a. 45 y., laborer, s. Francis & Molly, and Eliza Ann Ingols, a. 29 y., dau Benjamin & Elizabeth, Apr. 2, 1848*.
Jesse, and Hannah R[eed. int] Crafts of Westford, Nov. 20, 1825*.
Job, and Eunice Benterodt, int. Dec.19, 1819.
Job, and Sally Wright, int. Dec. 13, 1823.
Mahala, and Rowland Lawrence [Lawrance. CR1], Sept. 29, 1798.
Mary E., and John Blood, int. Jan. 8, 1848.
Samuel [Worster. PR135], widr., of Lancaster, a. 50 y., carpenter, b. Lancaster, s. Samuel & Relief, and Ann Nutting, a. 31 y., dau David & Charlotte [at Lancaster. PR135], July 15, 1847*.
WORSTER (also see Worcester)
Francis, and Mary Simmons of Haverhill, at Haverhill, Apr. 11, 1775.
Polly, and Abel Holden, Aug. 27, 1808*.
Sarah, and John Harrod Cumings of Nottingham West, May 5, 1763.
Hannah, formerly of Lancaster, and William Banks, Dec. 21, 1719.
WOSTER (also see Worcester)
Hannah, and John Hazen, Oct. 19, 1792.
WRIGHT (also see Write)
Aaron, and Emeline Moore of Harvard, int. Mar. 6, 1848.
Abel, of Westford, and Lefe Trobridge [Trowbridge. PR345], Mar. 30 [10. PR145], 1795.
Alva, and Fanny G. Woods, Nov. 25, 1841*.
Anna, and Asa Shattuck of Pepperell, Dec. 25, 1787.
Artemas, and Prudence Corey, Apr. 7, 1805*.
Artemas jr., and Mary M. Donald of Brookline, N.H., int. Nov. 11, 1834.
Artemas, and Mrs. Vesta Blood, Oct. 20, 1842*.
Betsey, and Richard Reed of Boston, Apr. 8, 1806*.
Caroline Matilda, and Samuel Hartwell, Aug. 15, 1791.
Charles, and Jane J. Comstock of Lowell, int. Dec. 29, 1839.
David, of St. Stevens, N.B., and Charlotte Eaton, Mar. 11, 1824*.
Deverd, of Pepperell, and Nathan Cory jr., Nov. 3, 1803*.
Dolly, of Westford, and Ezra Prescott, June [Jan. PR145] 29, 1780.
Elizur, of Hudson, Ohio, and Susan Clark, Sept. 12, 1829*.
Hannah, and Amos Nickolas, int. Jan. 28, 1843.
Hannah, a. 20 y., dau Joseph & Hannah, and Samuel W. Willis, unm., of Littleton, a. 25 y., farmer, s. Elijah and Diana, of Littleton, Apr. 1, 1845*.
Joel S., and Mrs. Keziah Haynes of Shirley, int. Nov. 15, 1840.
John, and Betsy Hobart, int. Sept. 30, 1810.
John, and Mary Hildreth of Westford, int. July 18, 1812.
John, and Susan Prescott, May 15, 1829*.
Joseph, of Charlestown, and Sally Brook of Cambridge, Feb. 1, 1802.
Joseph W., of Littleton, and Lavina Ames, Apr. 16, 1839*.
Lovey Maria, and Silvester Patch, July 14, 1833*.
Lydia P., and Asa S. Burgess of Harvard, int. Oct. 10, 1847.
Mary, of Hollis, N.H., and Leonard Chafin, at Hollis, N.H., July 13, 1827. PR146*.
Mary, and Otis R. Fisher of Wilton, N.H., int. Aug. 3, 1833.
Miriam, and Abel B. Eaton, Oct. 11, 1829*.
Mousall, of Woburn, and Susanna Spaulding, at Woburn, Apr. 5, 1733.
Olive, and Nahum Wetherbee, both of Weston, May 29, 1836.
Prudence, and Noah Shattuck jr., Apr. 27, 1823*.
Ralph Augustus, of Pepperell, and Azubah Worcester, int. Oct. 20, 1838.
Sally, and Job Worcester, int. Dec. 13, 1823.
Samuel J., unm., of Fitchburg, a. 27 y., baker, b. Hollis, N.H., s. Paige & Sarah, and Rosalina Kilburn, a. 19 y., dau Isaac & Nancy, Nov. 30, 1848*.
Sarah, of Westford, and Ebenezer Patch, at Westford, June 4, 1746.
Walter, and Abigail Sanderson, May 5, 1842*.
WRITE (also see Wright)
Samuel [Rite. CR1], and Hannah [Annah. CR1] Lawrance, Jan. 18, 1732-3.
WYMAN (also see Wiman)
Abigail, and Nathaniel Sawtell, June 9, 1763.
Asahel, and Susanna Childs, Dec. 26, 1786.
Betty, and Ezekiel Porter, Dec. 16, 1784.
Jerusha, and Levi Kemp [jr. CR1], Jan. 7, 1798.
Reuben, and Sally Parker, Apr. 15, 1817*.
Reuben jr., and Olvie H. Shattuck of Pepperell, int. July 31, 1842.
Reubin, and Mrs. Hannah W. Page of Shirley, int. Dec. 24, 1843.
Samuel, and Abigial Nutting, Aug. 8, 1782.
WYTHE (also see Weath)
Abigail, and John Robbins, Oct. 2, 1798.
Eunice Pamela, and Stephen Temple of Charlestown, int. Jan 17, 1807.
Jonathan [Wyeth. int], and Betsy Warren [Warran. int]. at Littleton, Dec. 3, 1799*.
Abial, and Nathan Barron, Feb. 2, 1729-30.
Mehetubel, and Thomas Warlly, both of Dunstable, May 17, 1729.
Henry, and Sarah Davis, Mar. 30, 1806*.
Almira, and George a. Dadman, May 12, 1831*.
Deborah, and George Hartwell of Townsend, Oct. 14, 1830*.
Hannah, and Moses Burnham of Littleton, int. Oct. 8, 1806.
Joanna, and Willard Dadmun of Boston, Feb. 10, 1823*.
Susannah, and Samuel White jr. of Littleton, int. Jan. 4, 1816.
Jacob jr. of Lancaster, and Fanny Adams, Sept. 25, 1804*.
------, Lidea, and William Longley, May 15, 1672. CT.R.
------, Mary, and Jonathan Sawtle, July 3, 1665. CT.R.
------, Mary, and Cornelius Church, June 4, 1670. CT.R.
------, Sarah, and Capt. William Dalrymple, Apr. 29, 1803.
Bode, and By, Feb. 5, 1750-1. CR1.
Boston, Caird R., of Lunenburg, and Emerson Hazzard, int. June 6, 1829.
Burdoo, Aaron, of Reading, and Phebe Lea [Phebe Lew, CT.R], Feb. 28, 1788.
By, and Bode, Feb. 5, 1750-1. CR1.
Canterbury, Rose, of Lancaster, and Primas Law, both free negroes, at Lancaster, Oct. 18, 1752. PR135.
Gigger, Daniel, and Sophronia Ransalear, May 25, 1836*.
Hazard, Martha A., of Boxborough, and Barzillai B. Williams, int. Mar. 9, 1844.
Hazzard, Emerson, and Caird R. Boston of Lunenburg, int. June 6, 1829.
Hazzard, Lucy, and Amos Jackson, Dec. 7, 1825*.
Hazzard, Rufus, and Mary Newell of Shirley, int. Apr. 4, 1823.
Hennesy, Mary and Osmon Lew, resident, int. Oct. 27, 1839.
Jackson, Amos, and Lucy Hazzard, Dec. 7, 1825*.
Lea, Phepe [Phebe Lew, CT.R], and Aaron Burdoo of Reading, Feb. 28, 1788.
Lew, Osmon, and Mary Hennesy, residents, int. Oct. 27, 1839.
Lew, Primas, and Rose Canterbury of Lancaster, both free negroes, at Lancaster, Oct. 18, 1752. PR135.
Margaret, formerly servant to Samuel Scripture, and Priamus, servant to Capt. Boyden, Dec. 28, 1742. CR1.
Newell, Mary, of Shirley, and Rufus Hazzard, int. Apr. 4, 1823.
Nutting, Mary, and William Reed, Aug. 21, 1823*.
Priamus, servant to Capt. Boyden, and Margaret, formerly servant to Samuel Scripture, Dec. 28, 1742. CR1.
Ransalear, Sophronia, and Daniel Gigger, May 25, 1826*.
Reed, William, and Mary Nutting, Aug. 21, 1823*.
Williams, Barzillai B., and Martha A. Hazard of Boxborough, int. Mar. 9, 1844.