To the End of the Year 1849
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Sarah, and [Capt. int] Phineas G. Prescott, Dec. 27, 1832*.
SANDERS (also see Sanderson)
Harriet, of Townsend, and Joshua Smith, int. May 21, 1840.
Polly, and Ebenezer L. Blood, Dec. 8, 1803*.
SANDERSON (also see Sanders, Saunders, Saunderson)
Abigail, and Walter Wright, May 5, 1842*.
David, and Eunis Warner, Apr. 19, 1738.
Joseph, and Sarah Page, July 30, 1714.
Joseph, and Ruth Parker, June 2, 1737.
Susan M., a. 20 y., dau Amasa and Abigail, and Andrew Blood, unm., a. 24 y., farmer, s. Timothy and Anna, Jan. 29, 1846*.
William, and Sarah Russell [Russel, both of Boston, CR1], May 6, 1741 [1742. CR1].
Maria, of Harvard, and Nathaniel Whittemore, int. Sept. 2, 1843.
SARL (also see Searles)
Abigail [Searl. CR1], and John Albee [both of Northtown, CR1], Apr. 25, 1732.
Annes [Searl. CR1], and Ebenezer Gilson, Apr. 25, 1733-4.
SARTEL (also see Sawtell)
Zechariah, and Aibgail Bigsby of Westford, at Westford, Sept. 11, 1733.
SARTELE (also see Sawtell)
Sarah, Mrs., and Solomon Prentice of Hassnamnisco [Grafton. CR1], Oct. 26, 1732.
SARTELL (also see Sawtell)
Abel, and Sarah Nutting, Nov. 9, 1789.
Elizabeth, and Simeon Gilson, May 5, 1786.
Elnathan, and Ruth Patch, Dec. 7, 1780.
Hannah, and Nathaniel Hobart, Sept. 6, 1785.
Sally, and Ephraim Lawrence [Lawrance. CR1], Apr. 30, 1789.
SAUNDERS (also see Sanderson)
Hannah, and Thomas Smith of Westford, Dec. 10, 1767.
Mary, of Billerica, and Joseph Jewell, at Billerica, Sept. 25, 1738.
Rebecca, and Jeremiah Hobart, at Chelmsford, Mar. 4, 1776.
SAUNDERSON (also see Sanderson)
Andrew J., and Mary J. Blood, Dec. 31, 1837*.
Elizabeth P., and Timothy Blood jr., int. Nov. 10, 1827.
Eunice [Sanders. dup; Sanderson. CT.R], and Amasa Turner Lancaster, at Pepperell, Feb. 14, 1751.
Isaac P., and Mrs. Sarah Jewett of Pepperell, int. Dec. 2, 1833.
Joseph, and Emily Jerusha Kemp of Dunstable, int. Mar. 11, 1838.
Lucinda, and Hiram Truell of Dunstable, N.H., Aug. 12, 1828*.
Daniel [jr. int], of Watertown, and Lucy Dickson [Dixson. int], Sept. 2, 1799*.
SAWTEL (also see Sawtell)
Hannah, and David Kemp, Jan. 4, 1743 [1743-4. CR1].
SAWTELL (also see Sartel, Sartele, Sartell, Sawtel, Sawtle)
Abel jr., and Susanna F. Bardeen of Harvard, int. Mar. 31, 1822.
Abigail [Sawtel. CR1], wid., and Joshua Nevers, Jan. 22, 1756.
Abigall, and Joseph Parker jr., Jan. 24, 1715-16.
Amos [Sawtel. CR1], and Elisabeth Fletcher, Sept. 17, 1746.
Anna, and Jonathan Stearns of Townsend, at Townsend, Mar. 1, 1737.
Benjamin F., and Vesta Ann Nutting, May 25, 1828*.
Betsey, and Asa D. Farnsworth of Lancaster, Sept. 22, 1835*.
Cornelia, a. 20 y., dau Eben and Sally, and David Stevens, unm., of Nashua, N.H., a. 24 y., s. Samuel G. and Betsey, Apr. 19, 1848*.
Daniell, and Esther Heald of Concord, Feb. 28, 1727-8.
David [Sawtel jr., CR1], and Rebekah Pratt [Prat. CR1], Dec. 3, 1747.
David, and Patience Kemp, June 16, 1773.
David, and Lucy Dickerson of Shirley, int. Aug. 15, 1813.
Elisabeth, and Joseph Hopkins [Stephens. CT.R] of New Ipswich, Nov. 10, 1742 [1743. CR1].
Elizabeth, and Jonathan Spaulding of Townsend, Mar. 19, 1760.
Elizabeth, of Shirley, and John Whitney jr. of Shirley, Apr. 15, 1762.
Elizabeth, and Jonathan Boyden, Nov. 15, 1769.
Elnathan [Sawtel. CR1], and Mary Stone [Mar. 5, CT.R], 1751 [1752. CR1].
Elnathan jr., and Emily Petts, int. Apr. 10, 1814.
Ephraim [Satle. PR134], and Abigail Farnsworth, at Concord, Apr. 10, 1743 [1713. PR134].
Ephraim [Sawtel. CR1], Capt., and Hannah Gilson, wid., Mar. 26, 1755.
Ephraim, and Abigail Stone, Dec. 22, 1757.
Ephraim [Sawtel. CR1], Capt., and Mrs. Hannah Parker, Sept. 30, 1762.
Ephraim, and Zoa Stone, May 30, 1820*.
Hannah, and Stepehen Holdin [Houldin. CR1], Sept. 2, 1719.
Hannah, and John Whitney jr. of Shirley, Feb. 26, 1759.
Hepsebah [Sawtle. PR134], and Thomas Porter [Foster. PR134] of Billerica, at Concord, Aug. 24, 1706.
Hezekiah, and Joannah Willson, int. Aug. 1, 1723.
Hezekiah [Sawtel. CR1] jr., and Marget Dodge of Lunenburg, June 25, 1747.
Joanna, and Sampson Shattuck, int. Nov. 22, 1812.
John [Sawtel. CR1] jr., and Susanna Farnsworth, Aug. 25, 1761.
John, and Sarah Bennett of Cambridge, Mar. 18, 1824*.
Jonas [Sawtel. CR1], and Elisabeth Albe of Townsend, May 29, 1755.
Jonas, and Eunice Kemp, July 29, 1778.
Jonathan [Sawtel. CR1], and Mary Holdin [Holden. CR1], Dec. 13, 1749.
Joseph [Sawtel. CR1], and Lydia Jenkins, May 29, 1760.
Joseph 3d, and Hannah Kemp, Feb. 22, 1788.
Joseph, and Lucy Farnsworth of Harvard, at Harvard, July 1, 1794.
Joseph 3d, and Lucy Parker, Dec. 11, 1815*.
Josiah, of Lancaster, and Ledya Parker, Feb. 10 [Jan. 14. CR1], 1717-18.
Josiah, and Sally Parker, Nov. 23, 1791.
Lucy, and Thomas Dodge, int. Nov. 6, 1802.
Lucy, and Rufus Moors, Dec. 23, 1802*.
Lucy L., and John Fitch jr., Dec. 4, 1834*.
Lydia, and Robert Wilkinson of Westford, Feb. 16, 1795.
Mary, and Benjamin Parker [Oct. 23. CR1], 1718.
Mary, and John Blanchard of Dunstable, May 30, 1722.
Mary [Mrs. PR141], and Ephraim Kimball of Littleton, at Littleton, Feb. 3 [15. PR141], 1770.
Millia, and Moses Day jr., June 1, 1820*.
Molly, and Samuel Boyden, Jan. 26, 1775.
Nabby, and William Abbott jr. of Wilton [N.H. int], Sept. 29, 1807*.
Nathaniel, and Abigail Wyman, June 9, 1763.
Nathaniel, and Frances Stone, Apr. 8, 1835*.
Obadiah, and Rachell Parker, Nov. 16, 1721.
Obadiah [Sawtel. CR1], and Mary Gould of Shirley, May 26, 1756.
Patty, and Calvin Boynton, Aug. 12, 1795.
Permelia, of Mason, N.H., and Joseph D. Blood, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
Phebe, and Phillip Woods, int. June 30, 1799.
Polly, and Job Shattuck 3d, Apr. 19, 1803*.
Rebecca, and Ebenezer Stacy, Sept. 23, 1784.
Rebecca, and John Woodward of Tyngborough, Dec. 18, 1823*.
Richard, and Elisabeth Bennet [wid. CR1], Mar. 23, 1763.
Richard jr., and Sally Wear of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Mar. 10, 1796.
Sally, and Edmond Tarbell, Jan. 1, 1795.
[Samuel. CT.R; Sawtel. CR1], and Lydia Duglas [Douglas. wid., Sept. 4. CR1] 1751 91753. CT.R].
Sarah, and John Farwell [Farwel. CR1] of Harvard, July 15, 1741 [1742. CR1].
Sarah, and Joseph Bardeen, both resident of Brookline, Dec. 12, 1810.
Sarah, and Jonas Woods of Dunstable, Mar. 31, 1818*.
Susan, and Jesse Constandine of Lancaster, July 25, 1811*.
Susannah, and Michael Gilson, Apr. 26 [28. CR1], 1726.
Sybele, and Jonathan Farwell, June 25, 1801*.
Uriah [Sawtel. CR1], and Sarah Marten [Martin. CR1], May 13, 1740 91751. CR1].
William, of Shirley, and Nancy E. Fletcher, int. Jan. 7, 1843.
SAWTELE (also see Sawtell)
Jonathan, and Mary -----, July 3, 1665. CT.R.
Bezaleel, of Lancaster, and Lois Lawrence [Dec. 17. CT.R], 1751.
Hannah, of Lancaster, and Joseph Blood, at Concord, Apr. 15, 1706.
Israel, of Berlin, and Louisa Smith, Feb. 15, 1842*.
John, of Bolton, and Ruth Carter, Oct. 4, 1802*.
John, of Lunenburg, and Rebecca Stone, Apr. 23, 1807*.
Rebecca, Mrs., and Oliver Page of Shirley, Oct. 9, 1827*.
Samuel, of Cambridge, and Amelia Dalrymple, int. June 8, 1828.
Elizabeth, dau Thomas, of Boston, and Josiah Parker, s. Capt. James, at Chelmsford, May 8, 1678. PR132.
Oliver, and Syntha Small, int. Oct. 29, 1836.
Ann, a. 20 y., b. Ireland, dau Cornelius, of Ireland, and John Cornel [Correl. int], widr., a. 53 y., laborer, b. Ireland, s. Darby, of Ireland, June 22, 1844*.
SCOOT (also see Scott)
John [Scott. CT.R], and Mary Chamberlin [Chamberlain. CR1], Apr. 9, 1732.
SCOTT (also see Scoot)
Aaron, resident, and Mrs. Sukey [Susanna. int] Kendall [wid. int], Feb. 10, 1809*.
John, of Pepperell, and Esther Boynton, wid., May 31, 1758.
John, and Ruth Conant, both of Pepperell, June 9, 1778.
John, and Bethiah Ames, Feb. 18, 1788.
Lemuel [Scot. CR1], and Mary Wetherel, both of Pepperell, Sept. 9, 1773.
Mary [Scot. CR1], and Andrew Conn of Ipswich, N.H., Apr. 12, 1764.
Sarah Ann, of Mount Holly, Vt., and George M. Shattuck, Oct. 14, 1841*.
William, of Dunstable, and Mary Derumple, Apr. 23, 1747.
Deborah, and Jonathan Whitcomb, at Concord, Sept. 4, 1710.
Eunice, and John Gadrich [Goodridge. CR1] of Lunenburg [June. CT.R] 21, 1733.
Josiah, of Langdon, and Sally Farnsworth, int. Dec. 12, 1807.
Samuel, and Mary Green of Watertown, at Concord, Feb. 8, 1699-1700.
Samuell jr., and Mary Green, Oct. 9, 1746.
SEARL (also see Searles)
Sally, wid., of Townsend, and John Adams, int. Oct. 25, 1818.
SEARLES (also see Sarl, Searl, Searls)
James D., of Littleton, and Mary Ann Waters, int. Feb. 15, 1837.
Joshua H., of Litleton, and Matilda Hartwell, July 2, 1842*.
SEARLS (also see Searles)
Betsey, and Luther Hartwell, int. May 12, 1839.
John, of Townsend, and Mrs. Mary Hartwell, int. July 12, 1844.
SEAVER (also see Sever)
Norman, Esq., of Boston, and Anna Maria Lawrence, Dec. 1, 1829*.
SEVER (also see Seaver)
John [Esq. int], of Kingston, and Anna Dana, Oct. 10, 1825*.
SHATTICK (also see Shattuck)
Margaret, and George Brigham, Dec. 20, 1820*.
SHATTOCK (also see Shattuck)
Abigail, and William Shattock, Mar. 15, 1710-11. CR1.
Ruth, and Ebenezer Nutting, Dec. 13, 1710-11. CR1.
William, and Abigail Shattock, Mar. 15, 1710-11. CR1.
SHATTUCK (also see Shattick, Shattock)
Abel, of Pepperell, and Hannah Hobart, at Townsend, Apr. 19, 1776.
Abigail, and Isaac Coleburn [Colburn. CR1] of Dunstable, June 26, 1739.
Abigail R., and Albert D. Spalter, int. Nov. 9, 1838.
Albert, and Sybel R. Shattuck of Pepperell, int. May 15, 1846.
Almira, and Merrick Shattuck, Oct. 16, 1828*.
Amelia and [Lt. int] Stephen Sheple, Apr. 9, 1818*.
Amey W., and Jonathan Burman [jr. int] of Tewksbury, Mar. 2, 1819*.
Andrew, and Cynthia Stone of Harvard, int. Apr. 7, 1832.
Anna, and Simon Blood, at Pepperell, Feb. 1, 1753.
Anna, and Stephen Bates Esq. of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 30, 1822*.
Asa, of Pepperell, and Anna Wright, Dec. 25, 1787.
Augusta P., and James Lewis of Milford, N.H., int. Mar. 20, 1847.
Benjamin, and Abigail Farnsworth, Dec. 8, 1763.
Benjamin jr., of Brookline, N.H., and Sibbel Parker, int. Apr. 27, 1800.
Betsy, of Medford, and Joel B. Patten of Boston, Sept. 28, 1808.
Caroline, and John H. Hartwell, May 12, 1831*.
Daniel, and Nabby Sheple, Mar. 28, 1799*.
Daniel, and Catharine Shepley, July 7, 1815*.
Daniel, and [Mrs. int] Hannah White, Apr. 30, 1826*.
David, and Dorithy Varnum, Feb. 25, 1735-6.
David, and Sibbel Brown, both resident, Dec. 25, 1786.
Davis, and Almira B. Brannum, July 19, 1842*.
Diadama, Mrs., of Dunstable, and Aaron Corey jr., int. Jan. 1, 1848.
Elisabeth, and Isaac Lakin, Jan. 27, 1725-6.
Elisabeth, and John Shead, Nov. 14, 1732.
Elisabeth, and Jedediah Jewett, Jan. 17, 1744 [1744-5. CR1].
Eliza, and Isaac Woods, resident, Mar. 26, 1821*.
Elizabeth Ann, and Joseph N[elson. dup] Hoar, Jan. 20, 1842*.
Elizebeth, and John [Jonathan. CT.R] Shattuck, at Pepperell, Aug. 16, 1750 [1749. dup].
Elizebeth, of Pepperell, and Issac Baldwin, at Pepperell, Nov. 27, 1760.
Emily E., of Pepperell, and William Fitch, int. Nov. 15, 1834.
Esther, and Abel Parker, at Pepperell, May 10, 1750 [1749. CT.R].
Eunice, and Jonathan Jones, Oct. 12, 1800*.
Eunice [wid. int], and Thomas Bennett, Jan. 19, 1815*.
Ezekiel, and Prudence Blood, at Pepperell, Sept. 25, 1788.
Frances Ann, and George May, June 8, 1842*.
George, and Louisa Capell, int. July 18, 1835.
George M., and Sarah Ann Scott of Mount Holly, Vt., Oct. 14, 1841*.
Hannah [Chattuck. PR134], and Nathaniel Blood, at Concord, Dec. 25, 1760.
Hannah M. [Mrs. int], and John Fitch, Nov. 29, 1832*.
Harriet A., of Perry, O., and William D. Nutting, int. Oct. 20, 1844.
Hepzebath, of Pepperell, and Samuel Kemp, at Pepperell, Dec. 29, 1791.
Hezekiah, and John Green, at Pepperell, July 16, 1747.
Israel [of Pepperell. CR1], and Ede Patch, May 28, 1789.
James, and Sarah Chamberlin [Chamerlain. CR1], Nov. 22, 1726.
James W., or Pepperell, and Eliza Ann Keyes, int. Apr. 6, 1839.
Jeremiah, and Sarah Parker, July 7, 1724.
Jeremiah, and Lidia Lakin, at Pepperell, Aug. 10, 1749.
Job, and Sarah Hartwell, at Pepperell, May 25, 1758.
Job, Capt., and [Mrs. int] Elizabeth Gragg, May 26, 1800*.
Job 3d, and Polly Sawtell, Apr. 19, 1803*.
Joel, Lt., and Nancy B. Kemp, Oct. 14, 1831*.
John, and Sarah Hobart [Dec. 11. CR1], 1739.
John [Jonathan. CT.R], and Elizebeth Shattuck, at Pepperell, Aug. 16, 1750 [1749. dup].
John, of Pepperell, and Lydia Hobart, Dec. 28, 1757.
John, and Polly Bennett, Nov. 16, 1797.
John jr., and Deidamia Woods, Jan. 22, 1827*.
Jonathan, and Elizebeth Chamberlin [Chamberlain. CR1], June 25 [23. CR1], 1719.
Jonathan jr., and Keziah Farnsworth [Farnworth. CR1], Jan. 27, 1741 [1742-3. CR1].
Keziah, and John Green, July 16, 1747.
Lidea, and Isaac Williams, May 22, 1723*.
Lovell, of Pepperell, and Martha Clark, Oct. 27, 1841*.
Lucretta, and James Butler [Cutler. int] of Dunstable, N.H., Oct. 20, 1824*.
Luther, and [Mrs. int] Polly T. [P. int] Shattuck, Apr. 15, 1821*.
Margaret, and Jonathan Bennett, May 11, 1800*.
Marget, and Joseph Bennett [May 26. CT.R], 1741 [1752. CR1].
Maria Antoinette, a. 20 y., dau William, and Benjamin Franklin Nutting, unm., a. 23 y., carpenter, s. Peter, Apr. 4, 1844*.
Maria H., a. 21 y., dau Daniel and Hannah, and John S. P. Wheeler, unm., of Ogdensburgh. N.Y., a. 21 y., engineer, s. John and Sarah P., Jan. 1, 1849*.
Martha, of Pepperell, and James Blood jr., Dec. 27, 1774.
Mary, and John Gilson, Dec. 8, 1722.
Mary, and Simon Green, at Pepperell, Sept. 13, 1753.
Mary, and Simeon Blanchard of Dunstable, N.H., May 18, 1820*.
Mary, and James Bennett 2d, Jan. 5, 1830*.
Mary, and Sumner Boynton of Charlestown, Dec. 16, 1830*.
Mary Jane, of Pepperell, a. 18 y., dau James and Mary, and Eusebius S. Clark, unm., a. 25 y., tin plate worker, s. Robert and Sophia, Apr. 15, 1847.
Merrick, and Almira Shattuck, Oct. 16, 1828*.
Mindwell H., and Asa Lewis, ----- 19, ---- [int. Jan. 1, 1820]*.
Nancy, and Thomas Bennett, Nov. 25, 1798.
Nancy, and James Bennett jr., Apr. 5, 1804*.
Nathaniel, and Hannah Simons [Simonds. dup], at Pepperell, May 14, 1747.
Nathaniel, of Boston, and Zoa P. Green, Nov. 20, 1823.
Nathaniel, and Sophronia Spaulding of Lowell, int. May 3, 1840.
Noah, and Anna Sheple, Nov. 25, 1798.
Noah jr., and Prudence Wright, Apr. 27, 1823*.
Norman, and Asenath [Mary, int] Brown, June 19, 1838*.
Olive H., of Pepperell, and Reuben Wyman jr., int. July 31, 1842.
Phillip, and Mary [Mercy. CR1] Butterfield, both of Pepperell, June 9, 1778.
Polly T. [P., Mrs. int], and Luther Shattuck, Apr. 15, 1821*.
Rachel, and Sampson Farnsworth, Sept. 25, 1765.
Rachel, and Oliver Hartwell, Mar. 17, 1789.
Rebecah, of Boston, and Leomuel Lakin, int. Feb. 4, 1803.
Reuben jr., of Pepperell, and Sally Parker, July 21, 1799*.
Rosilla, and James M. Colburn of Dunstable, N.H., May 17, 1821*.
Ruth, and Jacob Ames, Nov. 14, 1727 [1726. CR1].
Ruth, and Stephen Kendall, Mar. 8, 1827*.
Sally, and John Kemp, at Pepperell, Apr. 10, 1798.
Sally, and Lewis Blood, Dec. 23, 1800*.
Sally, and Levi Parker of Dunstable, int. Apr. 20, 1805.
Sally, and Nathaniel Lawrence jr., Mar. 20, 1808*.
Sampson, and Joanna Sawtell, int. Nov. 22, 1812.
Samuell jr., and Anna Williams, Jan. 27, 1725-6.
Sarah, and James Green, Apr. 26, 1739.
Sarah, and Solomon Story of Charlestown, int. Aug. 16, 1840.
Sarah A., of Berwick, Me., and George Foster, int. Mar. 16, 1844.
Sumner, Capt., and Emeline Bennett, Apr. 9, 1839*.
Susan, and Richard Williams [M.D. int] of Milford, N.H., Apr. 25, 1832*.
Sybel R., of Pepperell, and Albert Shattuck, int. May 15, 1846.
Walter, and Roxana Fletcher, May 28, 1827*.
Warren, and Olive Procter, Mar. 29, 1825*.
William, and Deliverance Pease [Pee's. CR1], Mar. 24, 1718-19.
William [Lt. int], and Sally Parker, May 13, 1819*.
William 2d, and Lucy Burgess, Dec. 10, 1839*.
Zachariah, and Elizabeth Fisk, at Pepperell, Mar. 3, 1747 [1746. dup].
SHEAD (also see Shed)
Abel, and Ruth Haskell of Lancaster, at Lancaster, Nov. 29, 1768. PR135.
Abigail, and Joseph Page [Nov. 21. CR1], 1739.
Abigal, and Mathias Farnworth [Farworth. CR1], Feb. 24, 1729-30.
Daniel, and Mary Tarbell [Tarbel. CR1], Ocr. 6, 1740 [1741. CR1].
Elisabeth, and William Derimple [Derampell. CR1], Nov. 4, 1746.
John, and Elisabeth Shattuck, Nov. 14, 1732.
William [Shed. CR1], and Lydia Farnsworth, Sept. 26, 1765.
William jr., and Elizabeth Parker, Jan. --, 1773.
Michael, and Jane Stack, both residents, int. Sept. 25, 1844.
Abigail, and Samuel Willard, Aug. 8, 1664. CT.R.
SHED (also see Shead, Shedd, Sheed)
Abigail, wid., and Daniel Farnworth [Farneworth. CR1], Oct. 20, 1725.
Amos, and Lucy Tarbell, May 11, 1789.
Elisabeth, and Isaiah Holdin [Holden. CR1], Dec. 23, 1762.
Elizabeth, and Samuel Comings, at Charlestown, Jan. 14, 1708-09.
Esther [Sheadd. CR1], and Ephram Perce [Pierce. CR1], Oct. 30, 1721.
Jonathan [of Reading, Vt. CR1], and Nabby Allen, Feb. 1, 1791.
Mary, and Oliver Shed, Mar. 30, 1763.
Oliver, and Mary Shed, Mar. 30, 1763.
Oliver jr., and Prudence Lawrance of Pepperell, int. Apr. 10, 1802.
Oliver jr., and Nabby Rice of Framingham, int. Apr. 26, 1818.
Prudence, Mrs., and George Robbins of Harvard, int. Jan. 4, 1829.
Sarah [Shead. CR1], and Joshua Hutchins, July 12, 1722.
SHEDD (also see Shed)
David, and Lucy Blood, at Pepperell, Feb. 4, 1773.
Elizebeth, and Samuel Gilson, at Pepperell, Feb. 20, 1752 [1751. dup].
SHEED (also see Shed)
Jonathan [Shead. CR1], and Sarah Barron [Farnworth. CT.R], Apr. 3, 1722.
Dennis, and Mary Fitzgerald, both resident, int. Aug. 31, 1844.
SHEPLE (also see Shepley, Shiple, Shipley)
Amelia E., a. 19 y., and Granville P[arker. int] Travis of Shirley, July 23, 1844*.
Anna, and Noah Shattuck, Nov. 25, 1798.
Elizabeth, and James Greene [Green. dup], at Pepperell, July 10, 1751.
James, and [Mrs. int] Sarah Longley, Jan. 12, 1802*.
John [Shepley. CR1] jr., and Elisabeth Boiden [Boyden. CR1], Feb. 16, 1725-6.
John [Shepley. CR1], and Abigail Green jr. [dau William. CR1; Sept. CT.R] 9, 1755.
John, and Rebecca Blanchard, Dec. 8, 1772.
Jonathan [Shepley. CR1], and Lydia Laking [Lakin. CR1], Dec. 26, 1728.
Jonathan, and Sarah Green, Mar. 11, 1756.
Jonathan, and Anna Blood, Dec. --, 1774.
Jonathan, of Washington, N.H., and Deborah Lawrance, Feb. 19, 1799.
Joseph, Capt., and Deborah Bowers, July 6, 1769.
Luther, and Amelia Blood, Apr. 1, 1824*.
Lydia, wid., and Capt. Jonathan Boyden, Mar. 22, 1736-7.
Nabby, and Daniel Shattuck, Mar. 28, 1799*.
Oliver Green, and Lydia Hazen, int. Feb. 3, 1816.
Sally, and Eli Blood, Mar. 6, 1819.
Sarah, and Silas Blood jr., July 14, 1785.
Stephen [Lt. int], and Amelia Shattuck, Apr. 9, 1818*.
Wilder jr., and Sally Williams, May 30, 1810*.
William, and Agnis Storman, July 28, 1757.
William jr., and Lydia Tarbell, Sept. 20, 1787.
SHEPLEY (also see Sheple)
Catharine, and Daniel Shattuck, July 7, 1815*.
Curtis, and Rebecca Lawrence, Apr. 5, 1815*.
Mary, and Jonas Varnum jr., Jan. 28, 1730-1. CR1.
Phebe, and Edmund Jewett jr. of Pepperell, May 14, 1815*.
William jr., and Catharine Nutting, July 3, 1817*.
SHIPLE (also see Sheple)
Mary Ann [Sheple. int], and Ephraim Burges of Harvard, Mar. 28, 1833*.
Washington, and Harriet Augusta Gibson of New Ipswich, N.H., int. Oct. 7, 1836.
SHIPLEY (also see Sheple)
Ann M., and Charles E. Weston, May 2, 1839*.
Eliza J., Mrs., and [Capt. int] Samuel Shipley, Feb. 20, 1840*.
Eliza R., of Pepperell, and Jefferson Loring, Jan. 12, 1834*.
Joseph, and Eunice Parker, at Westford, June 27, 1744.
Lucretia [A. int], and Levi Frost, Dec. 30, 1841*.
Marietta, of Pepperell, and Dr. Amos B. Bancroft, int. May 24, 1840.
Samuel [Capt. int], and Mrs. Eliza J. Shipley, Feb. 20, 1840*.
Anna, of Concord, N.H., and John Park, int. Aug. 3, 1811.
Simon H., unm., of Sutton, a. 28 y., scythe maker, b. Oxford, s. Simon and Nancy, and Mary P. Eaton, a. 21 y., b. Lunenburg, dau Joshua and Matilda, Jan. 2, 1845*.
Simon H., widr., of Spencer, a. 30 y., cotton manufacturer, s. Simon and Nancy, and Ann Maria Eaton, a. 18 y., dau Joshua and Matilda, Oct. 14, 1847*.
SIMMONS (also see Simonds)
Mary, of Haverhill, and Francis Worster, at Haverhill, Apr. 1, 1775.
SIMONDS (also see Simmons, Simons, Symonds)
Abigail, of Shirley, and Ebenezer Gowing of Shirley, Apr. 27, 1757.
Abraham, and Milly Lakin of Pepperell, June 12, 1800*.
Clark, and Mrs. Sally Greely of Derry, N.H., int. Aug. 9, 1828.
Hannah, and Nathaniel Shattuck, May 14, 1747.
Hannah, of Ashby, and Jonas Trowbridge, int. Oct. 15, 1815.
Hepsabeth L., and Amos Eaton of Townsend, int. Dec. 27, 1834.
James, and Hannah Woods, Nov. 4, 1828*.
Jerusha [of Woburn. PR136], and Joseph Lakin, at Woburn, Oct. 23, 1770.
John, and Rebecca Hazen, May 5, 1833*.
Joseph B., and Laura Tyler of Townsend, int. Oct. 20, 1839.
Martha Ann Elizabeth, and Almon A. Hill, int. Dec. 11, 1847.
Mary P., and Hiram Gale, Aug. 16, 1832*.
Molly, and William Tarbell, Apr. 8, 1788.
Salley, and Henry Lawrence of Dunstable, int. Sept. 26, 1813.
Sally, and Oliver Laughton of Pepperell, May 10 [13. CR1], 1794.
Susanna, and Jonas Baker [of Westminster. CR1], Sept. 29, 1789.
SIMONS (also see Simonds)
Betsy, and Ezekiel Nutting jr., Nov. 18, 1812*.
Hannah, and Nathaniel Shattuck, at Pepperell, May 14, 1747.
Lucy, and Isaac Hazen, Jan. 16, 1824*.
Lydia, and Josiah Sartell Williams, Nov. 20, 1804*.
Reuben, of Concord, N.H., and Jane Stuart Day, Apr. 26, 1835*.
Jemima, of Swanzey, and Joshua Chatman, at Swanzey, Jan. 27, 1783.
Mariett [Harriet. dup], of Francestown, N.H., and Dr. Norman Smith, int. Oct. 15, 1843 [Mar. 31, 1838. dup].
Mary H., and David Fosdick of Charlestown, Oct. 9, 1834*.
David, of Shrewsbury, and Abigail Kemp, Apr. 23, 1781.
Dinsmore, of Gilsum, N.H., and Elizabeth Burges, Nov. 8, 1832*.
Eliza, and Rufus Reed, both of Acton, Sept. 15, 1825.
Elizabeth A., a. 20 y., b. Boston, dau Nathaniel P. and Phebe, and Alvah A. Burrage, unm., of Boston, a. 25 y., merchant, b. Leominster, s. Josiah and Ruth K, of Leomister, May 17, 1849*.
Esther, and Thomas Tarbell [Tarbel. CR1] jr., Jan. 19, 1741 [1741-2. CR1].
Gilbert, resident, and Eliza Gragg, of Antrim, N.H., int. Jan. 11, 1806.
Jerusha, and John Woods, at Pepperell, June 17, 1756.
Joseph C., Rev., and Margaret Ann Brigham, int. Nov. 7, 1846.
Joshua, and Harriet Sanders of Townsend, int. May 21, 1840.
Louisa, and Israel Sawyer of Berlin, Feb. 15, 1842*.
Lucius, of Randolph, Vt., and Susan Pressey, int. Jan. 11, 1846.
Nathaniel, and Priscilla Harris of Watertown, at Watertown, Sept. 17, 1751.
Norman, Dr., and Mariett [Harriet. dup] Sleeper of Francestown, N.H., int. Oct. 15, 1843 [Mar. 31, 1838. dup].
Norman, M. D., and Maria A. Brown of Lowell, int. Sept. 5, 1847.
Patty, and Joshua Marcy of Pepperell, Mar. 17, 1812*.
Silvanis, and Naby Farley, Apr. 4, 1797.
Sophia, of Fitchburg, and Edmund Tarbell, int. Jan. 19, 1831.
Susan, and George Kendall of Ashby, Apr. 21, 1841*.
Thomas, of Westford, and Hannah Saunders, Dec. 10, 1767.
William, unm., of North Bridgewater, a. 28 y., shoe dealer, s. Joseph D. and Jane, and Mary Jane Peabody, a. 24 y., dau John and Abigail, Oct. --, 1849*.
Winslow, and Harriet Woods, Feb. 10, 1828*.
James, of Westford, and Sukey Gilson, at Westford, Apr. 28, 1786.
Silas, of Lunenburg, and Anna Farwell, at Lunenburg, Nov. 20, 1760.
Susan B., of Lunenburg, and Charles L. Nutting, int. May 29, 1847.
John, and Dorcas Whiple [Whipple, June 17. CR1], 1751 [1752. CT.R].
Samuel A., and Rhoda Ann Balcom of Pepperell, int. Sept. 5, 1846.
SPALDIN (also see Spaulding)
Lydia, and Ephraim Nutting, May 13, 1731.
William, and Hepzebah Blood, Jan. 6, 1731 [1731-2. CR1].
SPALDING (also see Spaulding)
Deborah [Spaulding. CR1], and Joseph Parkhurst [May 19. CT.R], 1751 [1752. CR1].
Timothy [Spaldin. CR1], of Chelmsford, and Thankfull Prescott, May 31, 1726.
Albert D., and Abigail R. Shattuck, int. Nov. 9, 1838.
John, resident, and [Mrs. int] Betsey Spaulding, Aug 21, 1808*.
John H., and Martha Ann Hildreth [of Westford. int], at Westford, July 15, 1841. PR145*.
SPAULDING (also see Spaldin, Spalding)
Abel jr., of Dunstable, and Anna Parker, Mar. 4, 1811*.
Abigail, and John Peabody [Peaboddy. int], Jan. --, 1815*.
Albert E., and Mercy Asenath Keyes, Dec. 9, 1841*.
Betsey [Mrs. int], and John Spalter, resident, Aug. 21, 1808*.
Ephraim, and Hannah Farmer, wid., int. May 6, 1801.
Hannah, of Ashburnham, and Abel Prescott, at Ashburnham, Oct. 7, 1794.
Harriet E., and Elijah Tracey, Jan. 27, 1842*.
Hezekiah, and Sarah Lewis, Mar. 27, 1798.
Israel H., and Lucy Porter of Shirley, Nov. --, 1829.
Joel D., unm., a. 22 y., laborer, s. Calvin and Sarah, and Maria [P. int] Kelley, a. 18 y., dau Noah and Anna, Nov. 4, 1847*.
Jonathan, of Townsend, and Elizabeth Sawtell, Mar. 19, 1760.
Josiah, of Tyngsborough, and Molly Patch, Dec. 15, 1808*.
Lucinda, and Luther Williams, both of Pepperell, June 13, 1822.
Nabby [Abigail. int], and James [Thomas. CR1] Giles jr., of Townsend, Dec. 16, 1799*.
Rebeccah, and Benjamin Jaquith of Ashby, May 20, 1802*.
Samuel, and Mary E. Cole, both of Pepperell, Dec. 1, 1837.
Sarah, and Aaron Lewis, Dec. 29, 1814*.
Sophronia, of Lowell, and Nathaniel Shattuck, int. May 3, 1840.
Susanna, and Mousall Wright of Woburn, at Woburn, Apr. 5, 1733.
Vesta, and Frederic Blood, Apr. 14, 1825*.
Sally, of Marlboro, dau Capt., deceased, and Thomas Swan. Issue of Aug. 23, 1773. NR1.
John, and Bethiah Kamp [Kemp. CR1], Nov. 12, 1719.
Sarah, and Samuell Blodget [Bloget. CR1], Dec. 6, 1744.
Elizebeth, and Ebenezer Prescott of Westford, at Westford, Feb. 19, 1746.
Hezekiah, and Elizebeth Avery of Dedham, at Dedham, Oct. 30, 1729.
June, and Michael Sheag, int. Sept. 25, 1844.
Ebenezer, and Rebecca Sawtell, Sept. 23, 1784.
George W. [formerly of Boston. NR6], and Sarah Boit, Jan. 18, 1830*.
Betsey, and Joel Davis, Apr. 7, 1808*.
Diana A., and Thomas W. Hartwell, Apr. 24, 1832*.
Eliza F., and Benjamin F. Lawrence, Aug. 1, 1832*.
Thomas Adams, Capt., and Adelia Loiza Lawrence, Aug. 30, 1827*.
Abigail, resident, and Henry Proctor, int. Mar. 28, 1810.
Jonathan, of Townsend, and Anna Sawtell, at Townsend, Mar. 1, 1737.
Lydia, of Townsend, and Daniel Brown, at Townsend, June 13, 1765.
Nancy W., of Lancaster, and Otis Haskell, at Lancaster, May 17, 1832. PR135*.
Sarah W., and Amos Chase, Sept. 19, 1833*.
Sarah L., resident, and Daniel Morse of Worcester, Aug. 21, 1839.
Betsey, and Joel Lawrance [Lawrence. CR1], June 23, 1803*.
STEPHENS (also see Stevens)
Adeline, Mrs., and Edmund Longley of Shirley, Sept. 16, 1840*.
Joanna, and Nathaniel Parker [Dec. 6. CR.R], 1733.
Sarah [Stevens. CR1], and Enoch Lawrance [Lawrence. CR1], Jan. 29, 1733-4.
STEVENS (also see Stephens)
Abel, and Deborah Trufant, Sept. 13, 1787.
Abigal, and Isaac Woods, Sept. 21, 1725.
Albert G., and Adaline Stone, Nov. 29, 1827*.
Bill Wright, of Westford, and Rachel Woods, Sept. 3, 1816*.
Catharine, of Billerica, and Alpheus Richardson, int. May 15, 1831.
David, unm., of Nashua, N.H., a. 24 y., s. Samuel G. and Betsey, and Cornelia Sawtell, a. 20 y., dau Eben and Sally, Apr. 19, 1848*.
Elizebeth, and Uzriel Withee, resident, at Townsend, Jan. 5, 1797.
John, and Martha Farnsworth, Oct. 11, 1728.
John, of Townsend, and Susanna Tarbell [Tarbel. CR1], Apr. 16, 1755.
John, of Townsend, and Mary Lawrence [Lawrance. CR1], May 15, 1765.
Jonathan, and Tryphena Hobart, Nov. 2, 1787.
Josiah, and Betsy Frost, July 19, 1795.
Lydia, of Townsend, and David Brown, at Townsend, June 13, 1765.
Peter, and Lydia Gilson, Sept. 27, 1759.
Rebecca, and Dr. Stanton Prentice of Lancaster, Jan. 5, 1758.
Reuben, and Thankfull Rumrill of Townsend, at Townsend, Mar. 22, 1792.
Ruth, and Obadiah Parker, at Chelmsford, Oct. 17, 1752*.
Solomon, of Townsend, and Hannah Tarbell, Jan. 10, 1759.
William, of Townsend, and Sybil Farnsworth, at Townsend, Dec. 13, 1750.
STEWARD (also see Stuart)
Timothy, of Westford, and Esther Taylor of Westford, Dec. 10, 1756 [1755. CT.R].
George Lewis, of Chelmsford, and Harriet Woods, int. Nov. 20, 1830.
STILES (also see Styles)
Samuel, of Lyndeborough, and Susannah Lakin, at Pepperell, July 15, 1772.
Jeremy [Dr. int] of Hopkinton, and [Mrs. int] Abi Richardson, Dec. 29, [19. NR3], 1807.
Abel, and Lydia Whitaker, Aug. 11, 1763.
Abel, and Sally Ann Park, int. Apr. 9, 1837.
Abigail, and Nathaniell Holdin, Dec. 11, 1718. CR1.
Abigail, and Ephraim Sawtell, Dec. 22, 1757.
Abigail, and Elisha Rockwood [jr. CR1], June 4, 1771.
Abigail, of Sudbury, and Amos Harris, int. May 22, 1799.
Abigail, and John Blanchard of Harvard, May 29, 1811*.
Abigall, and Nathaniell Holdin, Dec. 11, 1718.
Abraham, and Edy H. Page of Shirley, int. Oct. 25, 1823.
Abraham, and Lydia W. Page of Shirley, int. Dec. 21, 1827.
Adaline, and Albert G. Stevens, Nov. 29, 1827*.
Amelia, and Nathaniel Whittemore of Lancaster, June 12, 1829*.
Amos jr., and Hannah Farnsworth, Mar. 19, 1807*.
Amos, and Caroline Blood, May 1, 1838*.
Benjamin, and Emma Parker, May 13, 1736.
Benjamin, and Prudence Farnsworth, Oct. 12, 1762.
Benjamin F., and Mary Hale, May 10, 1829*.
Betsey, and Elijah Longley of Shirley, Apr. 17, 1805*.
Cynthia, of Harvard, and Andrew Shattuck, int. Apr. 7, 1832.
Daniel, and Martha Lawrence of Littleton, at Littleton, Jan. 29, 1769.
David, and Lydia Pratt [Apr 1. CT.R], 1751 [1752. CR1].
Elisabeth, and Moses Blood, June 27, 1745.
Emily, and [Capt. int] Aaron Pressey, Jan. 8, 1837*.
Emme, and Jacob Kimball of Bridgton, Feb. 2, 1796.
Ephraim, and Sarah Ames, June 18, 1787.
Esther, and Ephraim Pierce, Mar. 11, 1766.
Eunice, and William Park jr. of Harvard, Nov. 1, 1781.
Frances, and Nathaniel Sawtell, Apr. 8, 1836*.
Frances L., a. 21 y., dau Nathaniel and Lydia, and Jeremiah A. Tuttle, unm., of Littleton, a. 24 y., farmer, b. Littleton, s. Jeremiah and Rebecca, Feb. 3, 1846*.
Hannah, and Phinehas Page of Shirley, Feb. 2, 1769.
Hannah, and Elias Chaffin of Harvard, Oct. 20, 1785.
Hannah, and James S. Holbrook of Braintree, June 12, 1839*.
Huldah L., and Loring Burrill, int. May 19, 1832.
Isaac, and [Mrs. PR141] Hannah Laghton [Leighton. PR141] of Littleton, at Littleton, June [Jan. PR141] 5, 1773.
Isaac Newton, and Lucy Dickson, Aug. 29, 1832*.
Isac, and Lucy Daby, Nov. 2, 1795.
James, and Mary Farwell, Dec. 28, 1726.
James jr., and Deborah Nutting, Sept. 13, 1748.
James, and Harriot Lawrence, Mar. 4, 1817*.
Joel, and Eunice Holdin, Jan. 31, 1765.
John, and Sarah Farnsworth, at Concord, Dec. 7, 1698.
John jr. and Elizebath Farwill [Farwell. CR1], Dec. 26, 1722.
John jr., and Anne Pratt, July 7, 1747.
John jr., and Jerusha Woods, wid., Jan. 11, 1759.
John, and Rachel Peirce [Pierce. CR1], Apr. 28, 1763.
Jonas, and Rebecca Fletcher of Westford, at Westford, May 23, 1765.
Jonathan, and Susanna Mores [Moors. CR1], July 9, 1755.
Jonathan of Harvard, and Jemima Longley, Mar. 18, 1773.
Jonathan jr., and Catherine Willard of Harvard, at Harvard, July 2, 1786.
Joseph, and Mary Prescott, May 9, 1728.
Joseph, and Rachel Green, Nov. 20, 1797.
Joseph, and Phebe Blanchard of Harvard, int. Oct. 29, 1803.
Levi, and Louise [Louisa. int] Burgess, Sept. 4, 1833*.
Lucy, and Joseph Moors, July 22, 1761.
Lydia, and Ebenezer Pratt of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, Sept. 22, 1761.
Lydia, and Nathaniel Whittemore of Harvard, Feb. 19, 1778.
Lydia, and Calvin Darby of Worcester, Mar. 15, 1820*.
Martha [Ann. int], and Olney Eldredge, May 18, 1831*.
Martha, of Worcester, a. 32 y., dressmaker, dau Nathaniel, and Charles Nason of Worcester, Oct. 11, 1843.
Mary, and Elnathan Sawtell [Mar. 5. CT.R], 1751 [1752. CR1].
Mary, and Joel Houghton, Nov. 10, 1818*.
Mary Ann, and Reuben S. Hoar of Littleton, May 22, 1839.
Mindwell, and Moses Wentworth, Feb. 3, 1747 [174708. CR1].
Moses [of New Pennacook. CR1] and Polly Hamlen, Aug. 20, 1789.
Nabby, and Lyman Fletcher, Apr. 21, 1799*.
Nathaniel, and Sally Park, June 5, 1811*.
Nathaniel, and Lydia of Lunenburg, int. Apr. 20, 1816.
Olive, and Abel Davis, Feb. 25, 1794.
Patty, and George Munroe, Apr. 28, 1805*.
Peter, and Abigail Fasset of Westford, Sept. 14, 1773.
Polly, and Seth Ramsdell of Waterford, Jan. 5, 1792.
Rebecca, and John Sawyer of Lunenburg, Apr. 23, 1807*.
Rhoda, and Simon Stone jr. of Templeton, May 13, 1795.
Sally, and John Chamberlain [Chamerlin. CR1] of Waterford, Jan. 1, 1794.
Sally, and Peter Chase, June 29, 1802*.
Salmon, and Susa Page, Nov. 11, 1767.
Samuel, and Caroline Woods, int. Feb. 14, 1824.
Sarah, and Stephen Farr of Stow, Sept. 28, 1707-08. CR1.
Sarah, and William Jones of Lunenburg, Feb. 15, 1763.
Sarah [Polly. dup], and Nathaniel Whitimore [Jr. int; Whittemore. dup] of Lancaster, Dec. 20, 1798 [May 30, 1799. dup].
Sarah P., a. 29 y., dau Nathaniel, and Luther Blood, num., a. 33 y., butcher, s. Luther, deceased, May 2, 1844*.
Sherman, unm., a 29 y., blacksmith, s. Timothy 2d, deceased, and Isabella [C. int] Manning, Aug. 15, 1843*.
Silas, and Eunice Fairbank of Harvard, at Harvard, June 1, 1767. PR139.
Simon jr., of Templeton, and Rhoda Stone, May 13, 1795.
Solomon, and Hepsabah Treadwell of Littleton, at Littleton, Nov. 20, 1790.
Sophia, and Daniel N. Bardeen, Mar. 27, 1832*.
Susan, and John Park Goss, Mar. 17, 1812*.
Susan, and Jeremiah Beal of Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 17, 1832*.
Susanna, and Africa Hamlin of Harvard, Oct. 18, 1785.
Sybele, and Jonathan Carriel jr., June 14, 1781.
Thankful, and Joseph Harwood jr. of Littleton, Oct. 21, 1773.
Timothy, and Lydia Farwell of Harvard, May 27, 1794.
Timothy, and Mary Page, int July 14, 1810.
Timothy [Dea. int], and [Mrs. int] Mary Davis, Nov. 21, 1826*.
Warren F., and Mary Williams, int. Jan. 30, 1842.
Zoa, and Ephraim Sawtell, May 30, 1820*.
Agnis, and William Sheple, July 28, 1757.
Soloman, of Charlestown, and Sarah Shattuck, int. Aug. 16, 1840.
Deborah, and Jonathan Holdin, Apr. 26, 1743. CR1.
Eliza, and Barnabas F. Adams of Braintree, int. May 16, 1835.
Silas [Stone. PR139], and Eunice Fairbanks of Harvard, at Harvard, June 1, 1767.
STUART (also see Steward)
John, of Newburyport, and Sarah F. Brazer [Taylor, int; dau James B. Esq. NR7], June 28 [29. NR7], 1809*.
STYLES (also see Stiles)
Prudence, and Peter Swallow of Dunstable, Feb. 8, 1770.
Amaziah, Lt., of Dunstable, and Mrs. Mary Woods, Feb. 16, 1786.
Asenath, of Dunstable, and Thomas Parker, int. Feb. 15, 1833.
Benjamin, and Hannah Green, wid., Nov. 20, 1746.
Deborah, of Dunstable, and David Woods, at Dunstable, Apr 19 [Dec. 14. PR143], 1770.
Deborah, and Joseph Abbott, Feb. 27, 1827*.
Jonathan, and Jemima Wilson of Westford, at Westford, Mar. 18, 1788.
Peter, of Dunstable, and Prudence Styles, Feb. 8, 1770.
Ruth, of Dunstable, and Isaac Kendall, Sept. 13, 1785.
Benjamin, [of Littleton. CR1], and Mary Wait, Feb. 4, 1790.
Thomas, and Sally Speakman of Marlboro, dau Capt., deceased. Issue of Aug. 23, 1773. NR1.
SYMONDS (also see Simonds)
Jonathan, of Harvard, and Jane B[oynton. int] Nutting, Aug. 14, 1806*.
Joseph, and Mitty Cumings, Oct. 10, 1770.
William, of Shirley, and Sarah Wilson of Shirley, Mar. 21, 1765.