To the End of the Year 1849
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

James F., of Nashua, N.H., and Amarath Fox of Hollis, N.H., Nov. 18, 1840.
Asa, of Nottingham West, and Dolly Prescott, int. May 23, 1805.
Lydia M., of Concord, and Samuel H. Warner, at Concord, Mar. 1, 1838. PR134*.
Olive L., of Shirley, and George R. Field, int. Nov. 10, 1848.
Jane, of Lunenburg, and Abel Tarbell, int. June 10, 1806.
Pamela, of Lunenburg, and Capt. Abel Tarbell, int. Aug. 30, 1817.
Ammi, and Sarah Nutting, Apr. 14, 1785.
Obadiah K., unm., of Shirley, a. 29 y., laborer, s. Phinehas and Lois, of Shirley, and Nancy Withington, wid., a. 35 y., dau Samuel and Sarah Nutting, Dec. 2, 1847*.
Rebecca, of Concord, and Daniel Brooks, at Concord, Jan. 28, 1808. PR134*.
Susan, and Charles C. Cutter of Hudson, N.H., May 3, 1835*.
Thankful, of Pepperell, and Jonathan Foster, Apr. 11, 1759.
Amos, and Abigail Stone of Sudbury, int. May 22, 1799.
John, and Bulah Corey, wid. [both of Shirley. CR1], Oct. 19, 1756.
Jonathan, of Leominster, and Hannah Robins [Robbins. CR1], Feb. 2, 1767.
Nathaniel, and Anna Mead of Watertown, at Watertown, Oct. 27, 1748.
Priscilla, of Watertown, and Nathaniel Smith, at Watertown, Sept. 17, 1751.
Mary Ann, and John Whiles of Pepperell, int. Oct. 7, 1849.
Daniel jr., and Polly Marshall of Lunenburg, at Lunenbury, Sept. 13, 1798.
Elias, and Sally Page, Apr. 25, 1799*.
Abi, and Dr. Joseph Mansfield, June 11, 1805*.
Almira W., and Lewis Blood, July 10, 1834*.
Ann Elizabeth, of Littleton, and George Pierce, int. Sept. 15, 1841.
Benjamin F., and Emma Whitman of Stow, int. Nov. 12, 1839.
Clarissa, and Samuel Williams, Aug. 22, 1827*.
David, and Harriet Newell Hayward [Haywood. dau Asel, NR7], at Easton, int. Aug. 22, 1833.
Ebenezer, of Concord, and Rachel Farnworth, Aug. 4, 1727. [1726. CR1].
Ebenezer, and Mary Farnsworth, Dec. 7, 1763.
Eliza, and Levi Priest, Nov. 29, 1832*.
Elizabeth B., a. 24 y., dau Jepthah R. and Betsey, and Thomas C. Day, unm., of Ware, a. 24 y., tailor, b. Salem, s. Benjamin and Mary, of Lowell, Dec. 3, 1844*.
Emme, of Shirley, and John William jr., int. May 10, 1800.
George, of Townsend, and Deborah Young, Oct. 14, 1830*.
James, of Littleton, and Jemima Frost, Feb. 22, 1737-8.
James, and Betsey Nutting of Pepperell, int. Apr. 24, 1839. (Bans forbidden by both parties).
James, and Mary Ann Bolton, July 2, 1839*.
James C., and Mary G. Corey, Sept. 24, 1841*.
Jepthah R., and Betsey Boynton, Dec. 22, 1819*.
John H., and Caroline Shattuck, May 12, 1831*.
Jonathan, of Townsend and [Mrs. int] Mary Blood, Jan. 27, 1825*.
Joseph, of Littleton, and Elisabeth Pierce, Mar. 19, 1767.
Lois, and Simeon Lakin, July 27, 1786.
Lowell, and Harriet Worcester of Lancaster, int. Sept. 21, 1835.
Luther, and Sally Cushing, int. Apr. 6, 1811.
Luther, and Mrs. Eunice Woodbury, int. May 9, 1836.
Luther, and Betsey Searls, int. May 12, 1839.
Margaret L. [S. int], and Rufus Williams, May 8, 1834*.
Martha A., a. 24 y., dau Jepthah R. and Betsey, and William DeWitt, widr., of Ware, a. 29 y., house trimmer, s. John and Lucretia, of Ware, May 26, 1846*.
Mary, Mrs., and John Searls of Townsend, int. July 12, 1844.
Mary Jane, of Chelmsford, and William t. Childs, int. July 14, 1844.
Matilda, and Joshua H. Searles of Littleton, July 2, 1842*.
Molly, and Elijah Pierce, Oct. 1, 1810*.
Oliver, and Rachel Shattuck, Mar. 27, 1789.
Ozias, and Hannah Patch of Littleton, int. Dec. 6, 1823.
Rachel, and Jonathan Lawrence, Feb. 18, 1812*.
Reuben jr., of Shirley, and Mary Pierce, Apr. 12, 1829*.
Richmond, of Stetson, Me., and Abigail Nutting, Feb. 27, 1842*.
Sally, and David Lakin jr., June 5, 1809*.
Samuel, and Caroline Matilda Wright, Aug. 15, 1791.
Samuell, and Sarah Holdin, June 9, 1737.
Sarah, and Job Shattuck, at Pepperell, May 25, 1758.
Thomas W., and Diana A. Staples, Apr. 24, 1832*.
HARWOOD (also see Haywood)
Joseph jr., of Littleton, and Thankful Stone, Oct. 21, 1773.
HASEN (also see Hazen)
Benjamin [Hazer. int], and Martha Burgess, Apr. 2, 1834*.
HASKELL (also see Hassal)
Otis, and Nancy W. Stearns, of Lancaster, at Lancaster, May 17, 1832. PR135*.
Ruth, of Lancaster, and Abel Shead, at Lancaster, Nov. 29, 1768. PR135.
HASON (also see Hazen)
Margaret, and Stephen Foster of Mason, N.H., int. Nov. 7, 1812.
HASSAL (also see Haskell)
Moses [Haskel. CT.R], of Harvard, and Anna Tarbell [Tarbel, Sept. 4. CR1], 1751.
HASTIN (also see Hastins)
Mary, of Dunstable, and Isaac Patch, at Westford, May 26, 1748.
HASTINS (also see Hastin)
Sarah, and Samuell Cummins, both of Turkey Hills [Lunenburg], Sept. 28, 1726. CR1.
Susannah, and Moses Willard, both of Turkey Hills [Lunenburg], Sept. 28, 1726. CR1.
William W., of Lowell, and Caroline Parker, Nov. 23, 1827*.
Betsey, and William Capell, Aug. 17, 1806*.
Nabby, and Solomon Carleton, July 23, 1797.
Abigal, of Reading, and Rev. Joseph Emerson, at Reading, Dec. 12, 1750.
Betsey, and Capt. Charles Osgood of Gardner, int. Oct. 28, 1837.
Daniel, and Mrs. Calista Hildreth of Westford, int. July 8, 1847.
Luther, resident, and Betsy Austin, int. Feb. 12, 1815.
John, of Salem, and Rebeckah Lakin, int. Feb. 12, 1806.
Keziah, Mrs., of Shirley, and Joel S. Wright, int. Nov. 15, 1840.
HAYWARD (also see Harwood)
Harriet Newell [Haywood, dau Asel. NR7], and David Hartwell, at Easton, int. Aug. 22, 1844.
HAZEN (also see Hasen, Hason, Hazzen)
Asa, and Betsy Gilson of Dunstable, int. June 27, 1812.
Benjamin, and Elizabeth Blanchard, July 25, 1717.
Benjamin, and Bette Nutting, [Apr 2. CR1] 1740.
Betsey, and Jonas Lawrence of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Oct. 31, 1794.
Betsey, a. 40 y., dau John and Hannah, and Robert Duren, widr., of Watertown, a. 40 y., yeoman, s. Joel and Lydia, July 15, 1844*.
David [jr. int.] and Jane Turner, at Townsend, May 25, 1808. PR147*.
Edward jr., and Lucy Woods, Mar. 8, 1831*.
Eunice, and Edward Woodcock of Orange [Boston. int], Nov. 29, 1807*.
Hannah, b. Tyngsboro, dau John, deceased, and Ephraim Burgess, widr., of Harvard, yeoman, b. Harvard, Sept. 12, 1843*.
Isaac, and Julia Ann Parker, int. Dec. 13, 1823 (Banns forbidden by William Parker and also by both parties).
Isaac, and Lucy Simons, Jan. 16, 1824*.
John, and Hannah Woster, Oct. 19, 1792.
Lydia, and Oliver Green Sheple, int. Feb. 3, 1816.
Margaret, and Charles K. Gilson of Tyngsboro, int. Aug. 7, 1831.
Mary, and Eli Blood of Pepperell, Apr. 11, 1837*.
Rebecca, and John Simonds, May 5, 1833*.
Samuel, of Shirley, and Betsey D. Pollard, Feb. 16, 1837*.
Sibbell, and Willard Farr, both resident, Nov. 2, 1814*.
Susan, and Levi Parker Keyes, int. May 11, 1839.
Susan, and Luther Nutting, July 14, 1841*.
Thomas L., of Shirley, and Mary Jane Pollard, May 12, 1842*.
William, and Mary Nutting, int. Jan. 5, 1823.
Mary, of Shirley, and Henry Hennesy, int. July 29, 1829.
HAZZEN (also see Hazen)
Benjamin, and Lydia Woods, Nov. 20, 1770.
Betty, and Jonathan Foster, Mar. 30, 1758.
Josiah, and Eunice McLane, Feb. 18, 1805*.
Mary, and Jacob Patch, Jan. 9, 1772.
HEALD (also se Haild)
Ephraim jr., of Westford, and Lydia Patch, June 23, 1808*.
Esther, of Concord, and Daniell Sawtell, Feb. 28, 1727-8.
Mary C., and Edmund Blood, Feb. 14, 1832*.
Sally, of Westford, and David Patch, int. Apr. 13, 1800.
HEMENWAY (also see Hemingway)
Artemas, and Indiana Fitch, Dec. 6, 1821*.
Joseph, and Fanny Clark of Boscawen, N.H., int. Feb. 20, 1814.
Lucy, and Asa Lawrence jr., June 7, 1806*.
HEMINGWAY (also see Hemenway, Heminway, Hemmenway)
Phineas [Manning. dup], and Elesebeth Taylor, at Townsend, Oct. 14, 1773.
Samuel, and Sarah Fitch of Pepperell, Apr. 26, 1774.
HEMINWAY (also see Hemingway)
Sarah B., a. 18 y., dau Artemas and India, and Abel B. Winn, unm., of Pepperell, a. 23 y., yeoman, s. Hezekiah and Emily, Apr. 8, 1847*.
HEMMENWAY (also see Hemingway)
Daniel, and Hannah Collier, Nov. 7, 1793.
Eliza, and David W. Jewett of Pepperell, int. Dec. 15, 1849.
Lucy, and Asa Blood of Mason, Mar. 22, 1792.
Saly [Hemenway. CR1], and Joseph Warner jr., of Pepperell, July 6, 1796.
Milo, of Pepperell, and Hitty J. Wilder, int. Oct. 1, 1842.
Henry, and Mary Hazzard of Shirley, int. July 29, 1829.
Horace, and Aurelia Townsend of Boston, int. Nov. 14, 1836.
Thomas, and Abigail Gilson, int. May 22, 1814.
Calista, Mrs., of Westford, and Daniel Hayden, int. July 8, 1847.
Emeline E., of Westford, and Horace K. Brown, int. Oct. 1, 1848.
Levi, of Westford, and Adaline M. Conant, Oct. 6, 1831*.
Martha Ann [of Westford. int] and John H. Spalter, at Westford, July 15, 1841. PR145*.
Mary, of Westford, and John Wright, int. July 18, 1812.
Nancy B. [Hendrith, of Westford. int] and Nathaniel S. Gilson, at Westford, Aug. 19, 1821. PR145*.
Almon A., and Marth Ann Elizabeth Simons, int. Dec. 11, 1847.
Amos, of West Cambridge, and Rebecca H. Davis, Jan. 19, 1808*.
Henry, and Abigail Coffin [of Haverhill. int], at Haverhill. Issue of Oct. 10, 1833. NR7*.
John, of Harvard, and Sarah Davis, Nov. 27, 1782.
Lucinda [of Pepperell. int] and Reuben L. Torrey, at Pepperell. Issue of Dec. 12, 1833. NR7*.
Israel, of Littleton, and Sarah Foster, at Littleton, Aug. 17, 1768.
William, of Chelsea, and Achsah Woods, Jan. 3, 1821*.
Charles R., and Mary A. Wood of Pepperell, int. Oct. 28, 1848.
Joseph Nelson, and Eliza Ann Nelson of Lincoln, int. Apr. 21, 1838.
Joseph Nelson, and Elizabeth Ann Shattuck, Jan. 20, 1842*.
Reuben S., of Littleton, and Mary Ann Stone, May 22, 1839*.
Roxcellana, and James Adams of Concord, int. Sept. 2, 1822.
HOBART (also see Hoburt)
Abigail, and Noah Porter of Braintree, Mar. 5, 1820*.
Anna Lawrence, of Shirley, and Moses Day, int. Nov. 12, 1817.
Anne M., of Lowell, and Joseph S. Foye of Weymouth, May 6, 1839.
Benjamin, and Elisabeth Brooks of Townsend, at Townsend, Jan. 21, 1779.
Betsy, and John Wright, int. Sept. 30, 1810.
Eliza Jane, and Nathaniel Lawrence, int. Oct. 20, 1837.
Gershom, and Lydia Nutting, Feb. 26, 1713-14.
Hannah, and Abel Shattuck of Pepperell, at Townsend, Apr. 19, 1776.
Israel, and Anna Lawrence, July 7, 1748.
Israel jr., and Sarah Nutting, Aug. 31, 1769.
Jeremiah, and Hannah Green [Mar. 4. CT.R] 1751 [1752. CR1].
Jeremiah, and Rebecca Saunders, at Chelmsford, Mar. 4, 1776*.
Josiah, and Lucy Kendall of Hollis, N.H., at Hollis, N.H., Sept. 10, 1776. PR146.
Josiah jr., and Sally Blood, Oct. 13, 1795.
Lydia, and John Shattuck of Pepperell, Dec. 28, 1757.
Mary, and William Richardson of Townsend, Dec. 9, 1741 [1742. CR1].
Nathaniel, and Hannah Sartell, Sept. 6, 1785.
Peter, and Abigail Lakin [jr., Nov. 8. CR1] 1751 [1752. CT.R].
Phebe, and Ralph Lawrence of Pepperell, Dec. 28, 1829*.
Rachel, and Josiah Connant [Conant. CR1], May 12, 1748.
Ruth, and Ebenezer Prescott of Lancaster, at Watertown, Dec. 5, 1711.
Ruth, and William Farnsworth [Farnworth. CR1], Mar. 24, 1736-7.
Samuell, and Ann Bradstreet, Mar. 27, 1755.
Sarah, and John Shattuck, [Dec. 11, CR1] 1739.
Shubael, of Hollis, N.H., and Prudence Parker, wid., at Hollis, N.H., July 28, 1790. PR146.
Simon, and Mary Lawrence, June 7, 1818*.
Thomas jr., and Susanna Patterson of Shirley, at Shirley, June 16, 1796.
Tryphena, and Jonathan Stevens, Nov. 2, 1787.
HOBURT (also see Hobart)
Shebul [Hobart. CR1] jr., and Esther Parker, June 7, 1739.
Roswell B., and Esther M. Cragin, int. Oct. 14, 1848.
John, and Lydia Hunt of Westminster, Vt., int. Feb. 19, 1843.
Zaccheus, of Mason, N.H., and Eunice Lawrence of Ashby, May 27, 1778.
Samuel, of New Salem, and Betty Kemp, June 18, 1782.
Azubah, and George Blood, int. Aug. 25, 1816.
Azubah, and Benjamin Worcester, Dec. 1, 1817*.
James S., of Braintree, and Hannah Stone, June 12, 1839*.
HOLDEN (also see Holdin)
Abel, and Polly Worster, Aug. 27, 1808*.
Abel L., of Shirley, and Olive Davis, Apr. 19, 1825*.
Benjamin, and Emma Farwell, Nov. 29, 1797.
Edmond, of Langdon, N.H., and Susanna Rockwood, Feb. 16, 1796.
Eleanor, of Shirley, and Thomas Gass, int. Nov. 30, 1805.
Elizabeth, and Ezekiel Nutting jr., Nov. 15, 1788.
Emma, and Ebener Colman of Ashby, July 29, 1838*.
Frances M., of Nashua, N.H., a. 18 y., dau John and Lydia, and Charles O. Whittemore, unm., a. 23 y., farmer, s. Charles and Lydia, Mar. 4, 1847*.
John jr., of Castleton, Vt., and Submit D[alrymple. int] Rice, Dec. 7, 1830*.
Mary, and Thomas Williams, Aug. [July. dup] 11, 1666. CT.R.
Mary [wid. int], and David Fuller of Pepperell, Oct. 2, 1810*.
Mary, Mrs., and John Brown, July 13, 1840*.
Samuel, and Jane Farnsworth, Oct. 1, 1797.
Sawtell [Sartell. CR1], of Shirley, and Hannah Cook [Cooke. CR1], Dec. 30, 1778.
Stephen, and Sarah Wheeler of Lunenburg, at Boxford, Mar. 21, 1739.
Stephen, and Sarah Cressey of Charlestown, at Charlestown, July 4, 1749.
William, and Mrs. Lucy H. Dana, Dec. 1, 1841*.
HOLDIN (also see Holden)
Abigail, and Seth Walker jr., [Jan. CR1] 14, 1741.
Amos, and Prudence Holdin [Feb. 6. CT.R], 1749 [1750-1. CR.R].
Asa, of Shirley, and Dorothy Waite, Dec. 6, 1757.
Betty, and Thomas Farrington, Jan. 18, 1785.
Deborah, and John Woods, Jan. 12, 1774.
Elisabeth [wid. CR1], and John Derbe [Darby. CR1], of Harvard, Apr. 20, 1747.
Elisabeth, and Moses Wheeler [formerly of Lunenburg. CR1], Dec. 14, 1747.
Eunice, and Joel Stone, Jan. 31, 1765.
Hannah, and William Green, Mar. 9, 1726-7.
Hannah, and Caleb Blood [Nov. 1. CT.R] 1751 [1753. CR1].
Isaiah [Holden. CR1], and Elisabeth Shed, Dec. 23, 1762.
Jabez [Holden. CR1], and Rachel Farnsworth, June 16, 1761.
Jemima, and James Green, June 29, 1758.
John, and Sarah Davis, Nov. 22, 1716 [1715-16. CR1].
Jonathan, and Deborah Houghton, Apr. 26, 1742 [1743. CR1].
Jonathan, and Hannah Woods, Mar. 16, 1758.
Joshua, and Sarah Bigelow, June 3, 1761.
Mary, and Jonathan Sawtell [Sawtel. CR1], Dec. 13, 1749.
Nathanill, and Abigall Stone, Dec. 11, 1718.
Philemon, and Lucey Walker [Jan. 10. CT.R] 1749. [1750-1. CR1].
Prudence, and Amos Holdin [Feb. 6. CT.R], 1749 [1750-1. CR1].
Rachel, and William Lun [of Dunstable. CR1], Dec. 20, 1716.
Sarah, and John Kemp, Nov. 4, 1731.
Sarah, and Samuell Hartwell, June 9, 1737.
Stephen [Houldin. CR1], and Hannah Sawtell, Sept. 2, 1719.
Submit, and Moses Gould jr., Sept. 13, 1759.
William, and Annis Nutting, Nov. 10, 1747.
Stephen, of Bolten, and Rhoda Russell, Oct. 3, 1793.
Julia Ann, and Phineas Johnson, Apr. 11, 1843*.
Lydia, dau John, and Michael Murtogh, unm., of Pepperell, laborer, b. Ireland, Mar. 7, 1844*.
HOLT (also see Hale)
John, and Mrs. Hannah Gragg, int. Mar. 8, 1840.
Martha [Hale. CT.R], and Thomas Jewett of Boxford, Apr. 2, 1743 [1744. CR1].
Benjamin F., and Marietta Colby, both of Boston, Oct. 6, 1842.
Dorcas, and Solomon Frost, Sept. 24, 1822*.
Joseph [Stephens. CT.R], of New Ipswich, and Elisabeth Sawtell, Nov. 10, 1742 [1743. CR1].
HORESLEY (also see Hosley)
James [Horsely. CT.R], of North Town, and Exercise Jewet [Experience Jewit. CT.R], Apr. 4, 1732. CR1.
HOSLEY (also see Horesley)
Stephen, of Pepperell, and Sarah Rockwood, Dec. 30, 1784.
Jacob [resident. int], and Catharine Wellington [Willington. int] of Concord, at Concord, Jan. 9, 1809. PR134*.
Anna [of Peterborough, N.H. int], and Samuel Rockwood, at Peterborough, N.H., Nov. 19, 1818*.
Betsey, of Littleton, and Elijah Peirce, int. Dec. 31, 1805.
Deborah, and Jonathan Holdin, Apr. 26, 1742.
Elisabeth, and Caleb Trowbridge jr., Sept. 18, 1738.
Esther, and Moses Woods [Nov. 22. CT.R] 1733.
Joel, and Mary Stone, Nov. 10, 1818*.
John, of Harvard, and Esther Tarbell, Mar. 11, 1760.
Sarah, and Thomas Lawrance [Lawrence. CR1], Mar. 3, 1743 [July 3, 1744. CR1].
Sarah, of Lancaster, and Samuel Parker, at Lancaster, Jan. 18, 1824-5. PR135.
Sarah, of Dunstable, and Jonas Taylor, Dec. 30, 1774.
Abigail, and James Woods, Feb. 6, 1760.
HOWE (also see Howes)
David jr., of Sudbury, and Sybele Rockwood, June 7, 1786.
David, Lt,. and Sibbil Rockwood, at Sudbury. Issue of Mar. 14, 1796. NR19.
Joseph [Hoar. PR141], of Littleton, and Mary Farwell, at Littleton, Dec. 18, 1760.
Lucinda, and Joel Ames of Medford, Mar. 2, 1800*.
HOWES (also see Howe)
Almira, Mrs., of Boston, and John A. Blood, int. Oct. 8, 1841.
Benjamin G., unm., of Lowell, a. 20 y., trader, s. Benjamin and Almira, and Sarah Jane Eaton, a. 22 y. dau Joshua and Matilda, Apr. 24, 1849*.
HUBBARD (also see Haboard, Hubbart, Hubberd)
Abigail, and Jacob Chase, May 2, 1786.
Anna, and Joseph Clough of Boston, June 7 [1. CR1], 1807*.
Betsy, and Anthony Van Doorn of Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 8, 1815*.
Betty, and Amos Lawrence [Lawrance. CR1] jr., Dec. 31, 1772.
Calvin, and Sally Ames, Oct. 15, 1823*.
David, and Mrs. Sarah Parker, at Westford, Mar. 22, 1744.
Deborah, and Robert Parker, at Westford, Aug. 13, 1745.
Elizabeth, and Samuel Conant of Littleton, Jan. 14, 1839*.
George, and Joanna H. Thomas of Lowell, int. Aug. 12, 1835.
Hannah, and Josiah Willard [jr. CR1] of Lunenburg, Nov. 28, 1732.
John, and Emma Fisk, Dec. 4, 1805*.
Jonathan, of Ashby, and Lydia Dickson, May 3, 1837*.
Lucy, and Samuel Rockwood, Feb. --, 1780.
Mary, and Phinehas Wait, Mar. 14, 1731-2. CT.R.
Mary, Mrs., of New Ipswich, N.H., and William Nutting, int. July 20, 1800.
Mary, and William Nutting of Randolph, Vt., Oct. 5, 1809*.
Mary, and Joseph Moors, Nov. 28, 1839*.
Nathan [Hubburd. CR1], and Mary Patterson, Apr. 2, 1745.
Nathaniel F., and Clarissa Barker of Acton, int. Feb. 24, 1843.
Rebeckah [Huburd. CR1], and Joseph Blanchard of Dunstable, Sept. 26, 1728.
Sarah, and Freeman Torrey, May 6, 1840*.
Susanna, and Joseph Bancroft, Nov. 6, 1783.
Thomas [Hubberd. CR1] jr., and Mary Patterson, Mar. 11, 1807*.
HUBBART (also see Hubbard)
Gershom, and Phebe Patch of Westford, at Westford, July 11, 1769.
HUBBERD (also see Hubbard)
Emme, and Joseph Moors of Rindge, Oct. 11, 1787.
Zibiah, of Billerica, and Walter Bathrick, int. June 12, 1847.
Benaiah [Hutson. CR1] of Pepperell District, and Dorithy Lawrance [Lawrence. CR1], Mar. 7, 1754.
Dorothy, of Pepperell, and Simon Nutting, Dec. --, 1774.
Elizabeth, of Cranston, and William Parker jr., int. Oct. --, 1809.
Elinor [Elen. CR1], and Jonathan Parker [July CR1] 12, 1742 [1743. CR1].
John A., unm., of Pepperell, carpenter, b. Pepperell, and Susan M. Kemp, a. 18 y., dau Moses, Dec. 21, 1843*.
Lydia, of Westminster, Vt., and John Hodgman, int. Feb. 19, 1843.
Mary, of Westmoreland, N.H., and James Moors, int. Mar. 31, 1838.
Rebecka, of Westford, and Samuel Parker jr., Dec. 27, 1768.
Sarah, resident, and Simon Nutting of Shirley, Nov. 22, 1823*.
Denison, of Harvard, and Mary Park Houghton, int. Feb. 21, 1819.
Joshua, and Sarah Shed [Shead. CR1], July 12, 1722.
Charlotte, Mrs., of Pepperell, and Abijah Nutting, int. Sept. 30, 1825.
INGOLLS (also see Ingols)
Ruth, of Dunstable, and James Pike, at Dunstable, Mar. 3, 1773.
INGOLS (also see Ingolls)
Eliza Ann, a. 29 y., dau Benjamin and Elizabeth, and James Worcester. unm., a. 45 y., laborer, s. Francis and Molly, Apr. 2, 1848*.
IRVINE, see Garvin, Erwin and Ewin.
Elisha, of Sutton, and Patty Farnsworth, Feb. 20, 1804*.
Lucy, and Justus L. Whitcomb of Littleton, int. Feb. 26, 1837.
Benjamin, of Ashby, and Rebeccah Spaulding, May 20, 1802*.
Benjamin F., unm., of Boston, clerk, and Harriot Ann Nutting, wid., dau ------ of Columbus, Ohio, June 13, 1847*.
Hepzibah, Mrs., and Eleazer Ball of Groton, N.H., int. July 19, 1823.
Lucy, Mrs., and John Lawrence 2d, int. Oct. 21, 1849.
Daniel, and Suanna Willard of Harvard, int. July 3, 1802.
Ebenezer, and Elisabeth Farnworth, Dec. 30, 1729.
JENKENS (also see Jenkins)
Mary Jane, of Dorchester, and Isaac C. Abbott, int. Sept. 5, 1834.
JENKINS (also see Jenkens)
Asa, and Lucy Jewett, Nov. 4, 1825*.
Francis, and Elizabeth Keezar, Mar. 26, 1806*.
Lydia, and Joseph Sawtell [Sawtel. CR1], May 29, 1760.
Obadiah jr., and Lucy Parker, Jan. 28, 1773.
Susanna, and James Adams, Jan. 6, 1767.
Eleazer jr., unm., of Rochester, N.Y., a. 27 y., merchant, b. Newport, N.H., s. Oliver of Newport, N.H., and Sarah Peabody, a. 28 y., dau John, June 26, 1844*.
Jonas, of Shirley, and Abigail Kemp, int. Mar. 30, 1805.
Martin, and Hepzibath Fitch of Sterling, int. Nov. 3, 1804.
Thomas, of Shirley, and Maria Dickson, Feb. 16, 1814*.
Joseph, and Mary Saunders of Billerica, at Billerica, Sept. 25, 1738.
JEWET (also see Jewett)
Exercise [Experience Jewit, CT.R], and James Horesley [Horsley. CT.R] of North Town, Apr. 4, 1732. CR1.
JEWETT (also see Jewet, Jewitt)
Anna, of Pepperell, and John Lakin, int. Jan. 3, 1808.
Asher, adn Amelia H. Keep, Apr. 11, 1839*.
Betsey P[ittman. int.], and Jackson Blood, Sept. 27, 1827*.
Daniel P., and Sarah M. [Mary. int] Lowell, July 28, 1842*.
David W., of Pepperell, and Eliza Hemmenway, int. Dec. 15, 1849.
Edmund jr., of Pepperell, and Phebe Shepley, May 14, 1815*.
Edward, of Pepperell, and Maria Blood, at Pepperell, Nov. 23, 1784.
Elisabeth [Jewet. CR1] of Pepperell, and James Blood jr., Jan. 12, 1769.
Hephsibah, of Pepperell, and Caleb Blood 3d, at Townsend, Mar. 22, 1781.
Jedediah [Jewet. CR1], and Elisabeth Shattuck, Jan. 17, 1744 [1744-5. CR1].
Jonas, of Pepperell, and Mary Danforth of Tyngsborough, Nov. 30, 1797.
Lucy, and Asa Jenkins, Nov. 4, 1825*.
Lydia, of Pepperell, and Isaac Corey, at Pepperell, Mar. 14, 1765.
Nancy, and Abel Prescott of Pepperell, int. Apr. 6, 1828.
Nathan, and Lucy Cook, Feb. 5, 1800*.
Nehemiah [Jewet. CR1], and Lydia Blood, Aug. 29, 1738.
Sarah, of Pepperell, and Samuel Cook, at Pepperell, -----, 1797.
Sarah, Mrs., of Pepperell, and Isaac P. Saunderson, int. Dec. 2, 1833.
Thomas, of Boxford, and Martha Holt [Hale. CT.R], Apr. 2, 1743 [1744. CR1].
William V., and Nancy B. Derby of Littleton, int. Mar. 2, 1843.
JEWITT (also see Jewett)
Mary [Jewett. CR1], of Pepperell, and Abel Lawrence [Lawrance. CR1], Feb. 16, 1797.
John [Gipson. int] of Lunenburg, and Sarah Heald Russell, Nov. 24, 1808*.
JOHNSON (also see Jonsen)
Abigail, of Worcester, and Aaron Farnsworth, at Worcester, Sept. 17, 1767.
Abigail, and Daniel Page, Feb. 9, 1768.
Betsey B., and Frederick w. Blodget of Chelmsford, May 23, 1837*.
James, and Lydia Nutting, Mar. 4, 1816*.
James B., and Nancy Dodge, int. Sept. 12, 1841.
John, and Susanna Bennett, May 16, 1785.
John [jr. int] of Lancaster, and Hanah Avery, at Lancaster, Jan. 20, 1761. PR135.
Joshua, of Stow, and Elisabeth Pushe of Stow, Dec. 8, 1763.
Levi, of Leominster, and [Mrs. int] Susan Johnson, July 10, 1834*.
Lucy, and Horace W. Woodward, Jan. 30, 1839*.
Lydia A., and Benjamin B. Nutting of Dunstable, Apr. 8, 1839*.
Mary, of Westford, and Samuel French of Dunstable, May 7, 1778.
Mary Ann, and Moses Fletcher of Boston, June 10, 1829*.
Phineas, and Julia Ann Holmes, Apr. 11, 1843*.
Sarah, and Jesse Blood, July 23, 1816*.
Sarah [of Waltham. int], and Joseph Parker, May 27, 1829*.
Sarah, and Robert Rogers of New York City, Sept. 3, 1836*.
Sophia, and Elijah Lawrence of Waltham, Mar. 27, 1817*.
Susan [Mrs. int], and Levi Johnson of Leominster, July 10, 1834*.
Timothy, and Sarah Farnsworth, July 28, 1773.
Betsy, of Acton, and Levi Wait, int. July 13, 1807.
Ezekiel, and Anna Lewis. Issue of Mar. 6, 1830. NR6*.
Jonathan, and Eunice Shattuck, Oct. 12, 1800*.
Mary, and James Blood, of Dunstable, Apr. 4, 1820*.
William, of Lunenburg, and Sarah Stone, Feb. 15, 1763.
JONSEN (also see Johnson)
Lucretia [Johnson. CR1], resident, and Benjamin Frost, May 16, 1796.
Nathaniel, of Lancaster, and Lavina Farnsworth, May 4, 1832*.
Betsy, of Boston, and Alfred Blood, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
Reuben, of Pepperell, and Edee Adams, resident, int. May 9, 1812.
KAMP (also see Kemp)
Bethiah [Kemp. CR1], and John Spencer, Nov. 12, 1719.
KEAZER (also see Kezar)
Sarah [Keeser. dup], and Ephraim Warren [Warin. dup] of Townsend, at Townsend, Apr. 12, 1762.
KEEMP (also see Kemp)
Hannah, and Joseph Sawtell 3d, Feb. 22, 1788.
Amelia H., and Asher Jewett, Apr. 11, 1839*.
Calvin, of Pepperell, and Amelia Carey, int. Sept. 5, 1816.
Hannah, of Westford, and Isaiah Hall, at Westford, May 22, 1788.
Harriet Augusta, and Henry K. Kemp, Oct. 30, 1838>
Lucinda, and Joseph D[anforth. int] Nutting, Apr. 12, 1810*.
Nabby, and Abel Blood, July 1, 1792.
Ruth, Mrs., of Pepperell, and Eleazer Ball, int. Feb. 14, 1824.
KEEZAR (also see Kezar)
Elizabeth, and Francis Jenkins, Mar. 26, 1806*.
KEEZER (also see Kezar)
Hannah, and Jonathan Burridge jr. of Lunenburg, Nov. 2, 1809*.
Maria [P. int], a. 18 y., dau of Noah and Anna, and Joel D. Spaulding, unm., a. 22 y., laborer, s. Calvin and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1847*.
John, and Elisabeth Russel, July 21, 1737.
John, and Martha McFarlen of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, Jan. 10, 1739-40.
KEMP (also see Kamp, Keemp)
Abel, and Lucy Pratt, at Pepperell, May 4, `775.
Abel, and Rebeccah Archabald, Sept. 3, 1778.
Abigail, and David Smith of Shrewsbury, Apr. 23, 1781.
Abigail, and Jonas Jennison of Shirley, int. Mar. 30, 1805.
Albert S., and Lydia P. Balcom of Shirley, at Mount Holly, Vt., Oct. 18, 1840.
Asa, and Alice Nutting of Pepperell, May 17, 1781.
Bathsheba, resident, and Joel Kemp, Nov. 21, 1786.
Betsey F., and Charles Dodge, int. Mar. 24, 1838.
Betty, and Samuel Hodskin of New Salem, June 18, 1782.
Catherine E., a. 18 y., dau William and Polly, and Abel Pierce, unm., a. 23 y., butcher, s. Richard W. and Sally, Nov. 4, 1845*.
Daniel, and Rhoda Wetherbee, Dec. 29, 1817*.
David, and Hannah Sawtel, Jan. 5, 1743 [1743-4. CR1].
Dorithy, and Isaac Gilson, Jan. 13, 1729-30.
Dorothy, and Simeon Nutting of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Jan. 22, 1767.
Ebenezer, and Mareh Broudstreet, at Westford, Oct. 31, 1749.
Ebenezer jr., and Reliefe Phillips, Aug. 31, 1773.
Emily Jerusha, of Dunstable, and Joseph Saunderson, int. Mar. 11, 1838.
Esther, and Zachariah Weath [Withe. dup], at Pepperell, July 21, 1748.
Esther, and David Tarbell, at Pepperell, July 2, 1772.
Esther, and Oliver Page [of Shirley. CR1], Mar. 30, 1791.
Eunice, and Jonas Sawtell, July 29, 1778.
Eunice, and Aaron Woodbury of Salem, Aug. 14, 1804*.
Hannah, and Jephthah Page, Dec. 31, 1807*.
Hannah, and Dickerson Brooks of Ashburnham, Sept. 28, 1818*.
Henry K., and Harriet Augusta Keep, Oct. 30, 1838*.
Henry K., and Paulina J. Hall of Brookline, N.H., int. Sept. 7, 1845.
Hiram, and Sally Parker, Mar. 4, 1812*.
Joel, and Bathsheba Kemp, resident, Nov. 21, 1786.
John, and Sarah Holdin, Nov. 4, 1731.
John, and Sally Shattuck, at Pepperell, Apr. 10, 1798.
Jonas, and Molly Nutting, Feb, 10, 1783.
Jonathan, of Chelmsford, and Sarah Gilson, at Concord, Nov. 19, 1718.
Levi, and Rebecka Nevers, Sept. 28, 1769.
Levi [jr. CR1], and Jerusha Wyman, Jan. 7, 1798.
Lucy, and James Ralph [a resident. CR1], Nov. 3, 1789.
Lydia, and John Blood, June 24, 1783.
Lydia, and Joseph Wetherbee jr., Nov. 4, 1784.
Mary, and Phinehas Parker jr., Feb. 11, 1730 [1730-1. CR1].
Mary, and Jonas Fillebrown of Cambridge, Feb. 19, 1799.
Molley, and Nehemiah Goold, Mar. 9, 1773.
Molly, and Isiah Edes, Dec. 12, 1791.
Moses, and Nancy Blood, Aug. 24, 1809*.
Nancy B., and Lt. Joel Shattuck, Oct. 14, 1831*.
Nashti, and John Tidd of Littleton, Dec. 17, 1811*.
Oliver, and Lydia Blood, Apr. 12, 1790.
Patience, and David Sawtell, June 16, 1773.
Patience, and Oliver Farnsworth jr., Oct. 30, 1781.
Polly, and Simon [Jonas. CR1] Page jr., Jan. 27, 1801*.
Rachel, and Peter Fisk, Oct. 3, 1769.
Rebecca, and James Newhall 5th, of Lynn, int. July 28, 1806.
Ruth, and John Hadley jr. of Westford, Jan. 6, 1774.
Ruth, and Sewell Tarbell of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Nov. 8, 1798.
Sally, and Eleazer Nutting jr, Aug. 5, 1784.
Sally, and Sewell Brooks of Westminster, Mar. 8, 1798.
Samuel, and Sarah Lacey of Andover, at Andover, Feb. 12, 1713.
Samuel, and Lydia Phillips, at Pepperell, June 26, 1759.
Samuel, and Hepzebath Shattuck of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Dec. 29, 1791.
Samuel 3d, and Elisabeth Gillson [Gilson. CR1], Feb. 2, 1736-7.
Samuell 3d, and Elizabeth Keysar [Kezer. CR1] of Shirley, June 6, 1770.
Sarah Jane, and John Balcom 2d, May 28, 1839*.
Simeon, and Tryphena Parker, May 6, 1784.
Susan M., a. 18 y., dau Moses, and John A. Hunt, unm., of Pepperell, carpenter, b. Pepperell, Dec. 21, 1843*.
Suannah, and William Parker, Mar. 30, 1736.
William, and Patience Nutting, [Nov. CR1] 11, 1740.
William, and Polly Blood, Feb. 7, 1810*.
William jr., and Susan Lawrence, Sept. 16, 1840*.
Zerubbabel jr., and Abigail Lawrance [Lawrence. CR1], Nov. 23, 1737.
KENDAL (also see Kendall)
James [Kendall. CR1], of Ashby, and Lucy Dodge, Jan. 1, 1798.
KENDALL (also see Kendal, Kendale)
Alice, and Asa Wilkins, both of Reading, Vt., Jan. 30, 1781.
Asa S., and Sarah C. Kilburn, June 14, 1842*.
Catherine P., and Silas P. Dodge, May 12, 1842*.
Elizabeth, and Ebenezer Parkhurst, both of Dunstable, Feb. 8, 1787.
George, of Ashby, and Susan Smith, Apr. 21, 1841*.
Henry H., of Framingham, and Lydia T. Farmer, Sept. 1, 1842*.
Isaac, and Ruth Swallow of Dunstable, Sept. 13, 1785.
Joel, and [Mrs. int] Mary M. Loring, Apr. 28, 1842*.
Jonathan, [of Leominster. CR1] and Patiance Frost, Dec. 3, 1761.
Lucy, of Hollis, N.H., and Josiah Hobart, at Hollis, N.H., Sept. 10, 1776. PR146.
Sarah, and Jonathan Going, both of Windsor, Vt., Feb. 1, 1785.
Stephen, and Ruth Shattuck, Mar. 8, 1827*.
Stephen [Capt. int], widr., a. 41 y., yeoman, s. James, deceased, and Abigial Taylor, wid., b. Dunstable, dau Temple Kendall of Dunstable, Feb. 27, 1845*.
Sukey [Susanna, int], Mrs. [wid. int], and Aaron Scott, resident, Feb. 10, 1809*.
Anna, of Newton, and Rev. Samuel Dana, at Newton, May 6, 1762.
Apphia, of Westford, and Daniel Gilson, at Westford, Nov. 27, 1760.
KEYES (also see Keys)
Eliza Ann, and James W. Shattuck of Pepperell, int. Apr. 6, 1839.
Hannah, and Dexter K. Way, Nov. 18, 1841*.
Levi Parker, and Susan Hazen, int. May 11, 1839.
Mercy Asenath, and Albert E. Spaulding, Dec. 9, 1841*.
Sally, Mrs., and Thomas Robbins, int. May 22, 1844.
KEYS (also see Keyes)
Joseph [Keyes. PR145], of Westford, and Sarah Derumple, Apr. 19, 1786.
KEYSAR (also see Kezar)
Elizabeth [Kezer, CR1], of Shirley, and Samuell Kemp 3d, June 6, 1770.
KEZAR (also see Keazer, Keezar, Keezer, Keysar)
Sarah, [Keezer. CR1] and James H. Watson of Boston, Feb. 7, 1822*.
Amos, of Chelmsford, and Mercy Nutting, Oct. 23, 1774.
KILBOURNE (also see Kilburn)
Mary Emmeline, and Edmund Dana Bancroft of Boston, int. Oct. 27, 1844.
KILBURN (also see Kilbourne)
Alfred G., unm., of Boston, a. 28 y., painter, s. George and Lovina, and Martha ann Fuller, a. 29 y, dau Abel and Phoebe, Jan. 1, 1849*.
Frances R., and William Taylor, unm., a. 21 y., paper maker, Dec. 21, 1843*.
Mary Jane, and George D. Brigham, Apr. 23, 1837*.
Rosalina, a. 19 y., dau Isaac and Nancy, and Samuel J. Wright, unm., of Fitchburg, a. 27 y., baker, b. Hollis, N.H., s. Paige and Sarah, Nov. 30, 1848*.
Sarah C., and Asa S. Kendall, June 14, 1842*.
Ephraim, of Littleton, and [Mrs., PR141] Mary Sawtell [Sartell. PR141], at Littleton, Feb. 3, [15. PR141], 1770.
Jacob, of Bridgton, and Emme Stone, Feb. 2, 1796.
William, of Boston, and Sarah [Sally. int] Pierce, Feb. 11, 1822. CR1*.
Daniel C., of Lowell, and Sarah O. Hall, Feb. 28, 1831*.
Isaac, of Brooklyn, and Huldy Reed, int. Sept. 16, 1806.
KITTEREDGE (also see Kittredge)
Franklin O., and Mary Ann Dutton of Mt. Vernon, N.H., int. Oct. 27, 1838.
KITTERIDGE (also see Kittredge)
John, of Billerica, and mary Abbott of Andover, Apr. 19, 1707-08. CR1.
KITTREDGE (also see Kitteredgbe, Kitteridge)
Elizabeth, of Lowell, a. 21 y., and Otis H. Gilmore, unm., of Lowell, 1. 21 y. moulder, Mar. 20, 1847.
Henry, unm., of Billerica, a. 26 y., farmer, s. Hezekiah and Rebecca, and Mary Ann Gallier of Lowell, a. 18 y., dau James and Sophia, June 26, 1847.
Susan, resident of Shirley, and Charles Farnsworth, Aug. 1, 1813*.
William, of Lowell, and Nancy B. Thayer, Aug. 24, 1842*.
Mary [of Westford. int], and Amos Bancroft, M.D., at Westford, Oct. 31, 1841. PR145*.
Damaris, of Lancaster, and Paul Dickerson, at Lancaster, Mar. 10, 1766. PR135.
Hannah, of Woburn, and Adam Gould, at Woburn, Sept. 28, 1687. PR136.
William, of Suncook, and Lydia Ewin [Irvine. CR1], Mar. 23, 1737-8.