To the End of the Year 1849
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Eunice, of Harvard, and Silas Strue [Stone. PR139], at Harvard, June 1, 1767.
Joseph [Fairbanks. CR1], of Harvard, and Abigail [Tarbel. CR1; Tarbell, CT.R], Oct. 4, 1749.
FALKNAR (also see Faulkner)
Lois [Faulkner. CR1], of Acton, and John Loring, Jan. 19, 1797.
FAREWELL (also see Farwell)
Thomas, and Sarah Davis of Harvard, at Harvard, Jan. 3, 1760.
FAREWILL (also see Farwell)
Hannah [Farewell. CR1], and Eleazer Gilson, May 6, 1719.
Elizabeth, and Joshua Parker, Sept. 16, 1784.
Lucretia G., of Hollis, N.H., and Rev. Dudley Phelps, at Hollis, N.H., Oct. 12, 1837. PR146*.
Naby, and Silvanis Smith, Apr. 4, 1797.
Avis, and Calvin Blood 2d, Nov. 29, 1832*.
Barbary [Barbara. CR1], and John Burt, Mar. 5, 1740. [1740-1. CR1].
Betsy, and Simond Pach [Patch. CR1], of Ludlow, Vt., June 22, 1797.
Daniel, of Lunenburg, and Elisabeth Woods [Wood. CR1], Nov. 2, 1732.
Hannah, wid., and Ephraim Spaulding, int. May 6, 1801.
John, of Billerica, and Hannah Wood [Apr. 27. CT.R], 1725.
Lydia T., and Henry H. Kendall of Framingham, Sept. 1, 1842*.
Sally, of Lexington, and Samuel Pierce, at Lexington, Feb. 12, 1794.
Sally, Mrs., and Oliver P. Lewis, int. Jan. 3, 1818.
Samuel W., unm., a. 22 y., s. Jeremiah and Jemimah, and Almeda K. Dane of Fitchburg, a. 24 y., b. Intchburg, dau Ebenezer and Betsy, Oct. 8, 1845*.
Tamar, and Ebenezer Blood, Mar. 8, 1830*.
Thomas, and Sarah Bennett, Jan. 28, 1807*.
FARNESWORTH (also see Farnsworth)
Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Whitney, Apr. 17, 1706-07. CR1.
Samuel, and Mary Willard of Lancaster, Dec. 12, 1706-07.
FARNSWORTH (also see Farnesworth, Farnworth)
Aaron, and Sarah Bennett, June 16, 1767.
Aaron, and Abigail Johnson of Worcester, at Worchester, Sept. 17, 1767.
Abel, and Polly Godell of Sutton, int. Oct. 6, 1808.
Abel jr., and Hannah Gould, resident, Apr. 24, 1812*.
Abigail, and Ephraim Sawtell [Satle. PR134], at Concord, Apr. 10, 1743 [1713. PR134].
Abigail, and Nehemiah Trowbridge, Jan. 12, 1758.
Abigail, and Benjamin Shattuck, Dec. 8, 1763.
Abigaill, and David Blood, -----, 1740.
Amos [Farnworth. CR1], and Lydia Longley [Mar. 20. CR1], 1734-5.
Amos, and Elizabeth Rockwood, May 7, 1782.
Anna, and William Colburn of Hollis, at Pepperell, June 22, 1772.
Annice, and Isaac Warren, at Townsend, June 17, 1779.
Asa D., of Lancaster, and Betsey Sawtell, Sept. 22, 1835*.
Azuba, and Ephraim Parker, ----- 16, 1757.
Azuba, of Harvard, and Mathias Farnsworth, at Harvard, Feb. 21, 1776.
Benjamin, and Rebecca Pratt of Malden, at Malden, May 19, 1736.
Benjamin, and Dorcas Whittemore of Lancaster, at Lancaster, Oct. 2, 1805. PR135*.
Charles, and Susan Kittredge, resident in Shirley, Aug 1, 1813*.
Charles, and Hannah F. Whittle of Deering, N.H., int. Mar. 10, 1849.
Deborah [Farnworth. CR1], and Samuell Bowers jr. [Mar. 19. CR1], 1734-5.
Dina, and Joel Rice of Westborough, Oct. 12, 1761.
Ebenezer [Farnworth. CR1] jr., and Mary Nichols [Nickols. Feb. 20. CR1], 1755.
Ebenezer, and Sarah Nicholls [Nichols. CR1], Feb. 18, 1767.
Ebenezer, and Martha Haild of Harvard, July 4, 1780.
Edmund, and Jane Conn, Mar. 1, 1781.
Elisabeth [Farnsorth. CR1], and Joseph Bruce of Mendon, Jan. 23, 1755.
Elizabeth, and James Roberson, Jan. 16, 1667. CT.R.
Elizabeth, and Caleb Blood, Mar. 3, 1774.
Emma, and William Kemp, Mar. 30, 1780.
Esther, and Josiah Parker, Nov. 1, 1759.
Eunice, and Isaac Warner, at Townsend, June 7, 1779.
Ezra, and Abigail Pierce, at Concord, Sept. 19, 1733.
Ezra, and Sally Fitch, June 3, 1821*.
Hannah [Farnworth. CR1], and James Lock jr., of Townsend, [Dec. 17 CR1[, 1751 [1753. CR1].
Hannah, and Benjamin David jr., May 28, 1765.
Hannah, and Amos Stone jr., Mar. 19, 1807*.
Habour, and Lucy Haild of Harvard, at Harvard, Mar. 12, 1778.
Isaac [Farnworth. CR1], and Anna Green, Dec. 4, 1744.
Isaac, Dea., and [Mrs. int] Lydia Moors, Oct. 9, 1800*.
Jane, and Samuel Holden, Oct. 1, 1797.
Jeremiah, and Sarah Gilson, int. Jan. 18, 1727-8.
Jeremiah T., and Cynthia E. Brown, June 9, 1842*.
Jerome, of Harvard, and Lydia H. Robbins, May 10, 1838*.
John, and Nancy Baker of Littleton, at Littleton, Dec. 29, 1789.
Jonathan, and Mary Burt, at Medford, June 30, 1725.
Jonathan, at Harvard, and Hannah Farwell, May 5, 1767.
Joseph, and Rebecca Gibson of Sudbury, at Concord, May 4, 1727.
Joseph, of Shirley, and Rebecca Davis, int. Aug. 22, 1829.
Josiah [Farnworth. CR1] jr., and Hannah Buttrick [July 27. CR1], 1742 [1743. CR1].
Keziah [Farnworth. CR1], and Jonathan Shattuck jr., Jan. 27, 1741 [1742-3. CR1].
Lavina, and Nathaniel Joslyn of Lancaster, May 4, 1832*.
Lidia, and Josiah Farwell, at Townsend, Dec. 15, 1750.
Louiza, of Pepperell, and Luther A. Tarbell of Brookline, N.H., May 2, 1842.
Lucy, and Solomon Farnsworth [Dec. --, CT.R], 1770.
Lucy, of Harvard, and Joseph Sawtell, at Harvard, July 1, 1794.
Luke, and Mrs. Hannah Fields of Nashua, N.H., Nov. 25, 1841*.
Luther, resident, and Polly Childs, Feb. 22, 1807*.
Lydia [Farnworth. CR1], and Jonathan Tarbell, Dec. 12, 1754.
Lydia, and William Shead [Shed. CR1], Sept. 26, 1765.
Lydia, and Asa Lawrence, Nov. 13, 1791.
Martha, and Edward Phelps of Leominster, Dec. 20, 1765.
Mary, and Jonathan Avery of Townsend, at Townsend, Jan. 9, 1752.
Mary, and Elisha Rockwood jr., Apr. 29, 1762.
Mary, and Ebenezer Hartwell, Dec. 7, 1763.
Mary, and Capt. Joshua Davis, int. May 11, 1828.
Mary, and Nathan F. Culver, int. July 10, 1847.
Mary, and Samuel Farnsworth, int. Dec. 4, 1847.
Mary A., a. 18 y., dau Asahel and Eunice, and William T. Bardeen, unm., a. 26 y., blacksmith, s. Shadrac and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1846*.
Mathias, and Sarah Farnsworth of Harvard, at Littleton, Feb. 16, 1769.
Mathias, and Azuba Farnsworth of Harvard, at Harvard, Feb. 21, 1776.
Matthias, and Martha Burges, Oct. 6, 1818*.
Meriah, and Silas Parker, Sept. 26, 1780.
Molly, and Thomas Tarbell, July 1 [21. CR1], 1789.
Nancy, and Amos Otis of Barnstable, Mar. 26, 1798.
Olive, and Lt. Benjamin Whitney of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Mar. 5, 1794.
Oliver [Farnworth. CR1], and Sarah Tarbell [Tarbel. CR1], Dec. 15, 1749.
Oliver jr., and Patience Kemp, Oct. 30, 1781.
Patty, and Elisha Jacobs of Sutton, Feb. 20, 1804*.
Polly, and Samuel Dodge, Sept. 16, 1790.
Polly, of Harvard, and Nehemiah Ramsdell, Jan. 3, 1792.
Polly [Mary. int], and Asa Andrews of Sutton, Oct. 15, 1812*.
Prudence, and Benjamin Stone, Oct. 12, 1762.
Rachel, and Jabez Holdin [Holden. CR1], June 16, 1761.
Releife, and Reuben Tucker of Townsend, June --, 1771.
Ruth, and Thomas White jr., May 23, 1771.
Sally, and Josiah Scripture of Langdon, int. Dec. 12, 1807.
Sally, and William Park, Oct. 3, 1793.
Sampson, and Rachel Shattuck, Sept. 25, 1765.
Samuel [Dr., CR1], and Betsey Fitch, Nov. 25, 1788.
Samuel, and Hannah Tuttle of Littleton, int. Apr. 3, 1805.
Samuel, and Mary Farnsworth, int. Dec. 4, 1847.
Sarah, and John Stone, at Concord, Dec. 7, 1698.
Sarah [Farnworth. CR1], and Eliezer [Ebenezer. CT.R] Nutting, [Mar. 22, CT.R], 1749. [1749-50. CR1].
Sarah [Farnworth. CR1], and Joshua Bowers, Apr. 26, 1749.
Sarah, of Harvard, and Mathias Farnsworth, at Littleton, Feb. 16, 1769.
Sarah, and Timothy Johnson, July 28, 1773.
Solomon, and Lucy Farnsworth, [Dec. --. CT.R] 1770.
Susanna, and John Sawtell [Sawtel. CR1] jr., Aug. 25, 1761.
Sybil, and William Stevens of Townsend, at Townsend, Dec. 13, 1750.
Thomas, and Lavina Page of Shirley, int. Apr. 11, 1812.
Thomas S., and Harriet H. Lawton of Concord, Dec. 3, 1835*.
William, and Ruth Hobart, Mar. 24, 1736-7.
FARNWORTH (also see Farnsworth)
Aaron, and Hannah Barron, Mar. 24, 1728 [1729. CR1].
Abigail, and David Blood, May 1, 1740. CR1.
Daniel [Farneworth. CR1], and Abigal Shed, wid., Oct. 20. 1725.
Elisabeth and Ebenezer Jefts, Dec 30, 1729.
Ezra, and Elisabeth Lakin, Apr. 26, 1726.
Hannah, and Ebenezer Prescott, May 24, 1721.
Isaac, and Sarah Page, int. Mar. 26, 1723.
Josiah, and Mary Pierce, Mar. --, 1719-20. CR1.
Lydia, and Samuell Tarbel, Dec. 19 [Tarbell. Dec. 29. CR1], 1725.
Marquis D., and Sally Tarbell, Sept. 23, 1809*.
Martha, and John Stevens, Oct. 11, 1728.
Mary, and Jonathan Page, both of Turkey Hills, Nov. 8, 1726. CR1.
Mathias [Farworth. CR1], and Abigal Shead, Feb. 24, 1729-30.
Priscila, and Samuell Randal of Stow, Nov. 30, 1731.
Rachel, and Ebenezer Hartwell of Concord, Aug. 4, 1727 [1726. CR1].
Stephen, of Stow, and Sarah Stone, Sept. 28, 1707-08. CR1.
Thomas, and Elizebeth Powers, both of Neshobah, Mar. 16, 1713-14.
Willard, and Sibbell Hazen, both resident, Nov. 2, 1814*.
Willard, and Hannah Wilkinson, Mar. 28, 1828*.
Levi, of Townsend, and Eliza Ann Bathrick, int. Apr. 15, 1832.
Thomas, and Betty Woods, Oct. 6, 1768.
Thomas jr., of Hancock, and Betty Holdin, Jan. 18, 1785.
FARWELL (also see Farewell, Farewill, Farwill)
Abagail, of Tyngsboro, and Benjamin Moors, at Tyngsboro, June 21, 1819. PR133*.
Abigail, and Jonathan Wetherbee of Harvard, May 11, 1772.
Anna, and Josiah Brown of Littleton, Dec. 11, 1740 [Nov. 11, 1741. CR1].
Anna, and Silas Snow of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, Nov. 20, 1760.
Benjamin, and Lucy Collier, Nov. 2, 1780.
Daniel, and Mary More of Andover, at Andover, July 3, 1739.
Daniel Moors, and Loisa Atherton of Harvard, int. May 7, 1808.
David, and Sibbel Page, Dec. 8, 1763.
David, and Submit Woods, June 26, 1764.
Dorcus, of Concord, and Eleab G. Bolton, resident, int. Sept. 14, 1821.
Edmund, and Mary Russell of Harvard, at Harvard, July 15, 1773.
Elizabeth, and Jonathan Gates of Stow, Jan. 12, 1730-1. CT.R.
Emma, and Benjamin Holden, Nov. 29, 1797.
Ephraim, and Anna Bartlett, Oct. 31, 1782.
Eunice, and Ebenezer Pratt, both of Shirley, Jan. 6, 1789.
Hannah, dau Joseph, and Samuel Wood, s. Samuel, at Chelmsford, Dec. 30, 1685.
Hannah, and Jonathan Farnsworth of Harvard, May 5, 1767.
Hannah, wid., and Capt. Jonathan Fletcher of Dunstable, May 20, 1805*.
Henery, and Lydia Tarbell [Tarbel. CR1], Dec. 6, 1749.
Henry [Lt. CR1], and Sarah Taylor of Westford, June 3, 1761.
Henry, Capt., and Hannah Worcester, Oct. 12, 1800*.
Henry jr., and Mary Lamson, Nov. 27, 1800*.
Isaac, and Lucy Page, Dec. 6, 1770.
John [Farwel. CR1], of Harvard, and Sarah Sawtell [July CR1] 15, 1741 [1742. CR1].
Jonathan and Tryphena Frost [Nov. 22. CR1], 1751 [1752 CT.R].
Jonathan and Sybele Sawtell, June 25, 1801*.
Josiah, and Lidia Farnsworth, at Townsend, Dec. 15, 1750.
Leonard, and Lydia [A. int.] Williams, Nov. 24, 1825*.
Levi, and Lavina Lovejoy, July 21, 1835*.
Lucy, and David Davis, July 6, 1790.
Lydia, of Harvard, and Timothy Stone, May 27, 1794.
Mary, and James Stone, Dec. 28, 1726.
Mary, and Joseph Howe [Hoar. PR141] of Littleton, at Littleton, Dec. 18, 1760.
Molly, and Moses Hale of Harvard, at Harvard, Apr. 10, 1776.
Olive, and Barnabas Davis jr. of Littleton, Apr. 19, 1758.
Oliver [Farwel. CR1], and Reioyce [Rejoice. CR1] Preston, July 22, 1741 [1742. CR1].
Peter, and Lydia Adams, both resident, Feb. 2, 1803*.
Samuell, and Elisabeth Mooers [Moors. CR1], June 23, 1737.
Sarah, and Silas Rand of Harvard, at Harvard, Feb. 22, 1763.
Sarah, and James Brazer, ---- 23, 1781.
Sarah, and William Lawrence, July 11, 1786.
Sarah, and Ebenezer Woods jr., May 12, 1790.
Silas, and Sally Williams, Feb. 4, 1804*.
Submit, and Jonathan Adams of Concord [Apr. 30. CT.R], 1751 [1752. CR1].
Submit, and Oliver Lakin, Nov. 25, 1784.
Susanna [Farwel. CR1], and John Cheeney [Cheney. CR1], Apr. 6, 1763.
Sybil, of Harvard, and William Farwell, at Harvard, Dec. 5, 1765.
Thomas, and Elisabeth Pearce [Pierce. CR1], Dec. 24, 1723.
Thomas jr., of Washington [N.H. CR1], and Sally Wait, Feb. 28, 1788.
Timothy, and Sarah Page, Oct. 3, 1771.
William [Farwel. CR1], and Esther Woods, June 26, 1760.
William, and Sybil Farwell of Harvard, at Harvard, Dec. 5, 1765.
Zacheus, and Lydia Gilson of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Jan. 18, 1780.
FARWILL (also see Farwell)
Elizebath [Farwell. CR1], and John Stone jr., Dec. 26, 1722.
Joseph [Farwell. CR1], and Mary Gilson, Dec. 24, 1719.
FASSET (also see Fassett)
Abigail, of Westford, and Peter Stone, Sept. 14, 1773.
Ede, and James Robertson jr. of Chesterfield, N.H., Dec. 8, 1791.
FASSETT (also see Fasset)
Amaziah, and Abigail Graves, Nov. 12, 1816*.
FAULKNER (also see Falknar)
Lucy, of Lynn, and Andrew J. Parker, int. Apr. 10, 1847.
Ruhamah H., of Milford, N.H., and William S. Nutting, int. Oct. 12, 1832.
Sarah T., of Milford, N.H., and Silas Nutting, int. Mar. 23, 1841.
FIELD (also see Fields)
George R., and Olive L. Hardy of Shirley, int. Nov. 10, 1848.
FIELDS (also see Field)
Hannah, Mrs., of Nashua, N.H., and Luke Farnsworth, Nov. 25, 1841*.
Jonothan [John. CR1], and Jain Garvin [Irvine. CT.R], Apr. 22, 1731.
Jonas, of Cambridge, and Mary Kemp, Feb. 19, 1799.
Mary [Mrs., int], resident, and Aaron Breed of Lynn, Nov. 10, 1805*.
Samuel, of Harvard, and Rhoda Park, at Harvard, Apr. 24, 1780.
Billings, of Dedham, and Hannah Parker, Nov. 19, 1821*.
Lewis E., unm., of Boston, a. 25 y., printer, s. Louis Whitney and Nancy, of Wrentham, and Lydia A. Porter, a. 18 y., dau J. Mason and Harriet, Apr. 6, 1847*.
Otis R., of Wilton, N.H., and Mary Wright, int. Aug. 3, 1833.
FISK (also see Fiske)
Adams, of Jaffrey, N.H., and Mary Loring, Jan. 7, 1835*.
Anna, and Theophilus Bixby of Westford [of Roxbury. int], at Westford, Nov. 3, 1805. PR145*.
Debby, and Ebenezer Laughton of Ashby, Nov. 29, 1792.
Elizabeth, and Zachariah Shattuck, at Pepperell, Mar. 3, 1747 [1746.dup].
Emma, and John Hubbard, Dec. 4, 1805.
James, and Lydia Bennett [Bennet. CR1], Mar. 23, 1736-7.
Jemima, wid., and John Craig [Cragg, Nov. 22 CR1], 1751 [1753. CT.R].
John, and Anna Blood, at Pepperell, Sept. 26, 1775.
Lydia, and Reuben Fisk, Nov. 3, 1785.
Mary, and Abraham Byam, Mar. 2, 1707-08. CR1.
Mary, and Abel Amsden, July 12, 1780.
Peter, and Rachel Kemp, Oct. 3, 1769.
Poley, of Pepperell, and Henry Blood, at Pepperell, June 20, 1792.
Rachel, and Isaac Forster, at Lunenburg, Sept. 10, 1778.
Rahel, and Abel Dinsmore [Densmore. CR1], Aug. 20, 1789.
Reuben, and Lydia Fisk, Nov. 3, 1785.
Sarah, and John Nutting 3d, of Pepperell, at Pepperell, May 21, 1783(?).
Thomas, and Mary Parker, Mar. 11, 1741 [1741-2. CR1].
FISKE (also see Fisk)
Samuell [Fisk. CR1], and Elisabeth Parker, Jan. 2 [12. CR1], 1726-7.
Amelia, and Samuel W. Row, Dec. [4. int.], 1830*.
Betsey, and [Dr. CR1] Samuel Farnsworth, Nov. 25, 1788.
Betsey, and William T. Lawrence of Pepperell, int. Apr. 3, 1834.
Elizebeth [Esther. PR144], of Bedford, and Nehemiah Lawrence [of Bedford. PR144], at Bedford, Oct. 25, 1774.
Emily E., Mrs., and Zara Patch, Mar. 10, 1840*.
Hepzibath, of Sterling, and Martin Jennison, int. Nov. 3, 1804.
Indiana, and Artemus Hemenway, Dec. 6, 1821*.
John, and Sukey Parker, Feb. 16, 1801*.
John, and [Mrs. int.] Hannah M. Shattuck, Nov. 29, 1832*.
John jr., and Lucy L. Sawtell, Dec. 4, 1834*.
Joseph, unm., a. 24 y., carpenter, s. John and Susanna, and Mary L. Nutting, a. 21 y., dau Peter and Phebe, May 7, 1845*.
Maria, and Abel H. Fuller of Putney, Vt., May 27, 1843*.
Milly, of Pepperell, and Thomas Blood, Oct. 17, 1799*.
Nabby, and James Giles jr. of Townsend, at Townsend, ----, 1798. PR147.
Nancy, Mrs., and Nathaniel Livermore of Pawpaw, Mich., int. Dec. 29, 1849.
Polly, resident, and Samuel Reed [Read. CR1] jr. of Westford, Dec. 29, 1795.
Polly, and Capt. Thomas Blood, Dec. 30, 1833 [Feb. 6, 1834. dup.]*.
Sally, and Calvin Childs, Feb. 10, 1818*.
Sally, and Ezra Farnsworth, June 3, 1821*.
Sarah, of Pepperell, and Samuel Hemingway, Apr. 26, 1774.
Sarah, of Pepperell, and Ira Dodge of Harwich, Dec. 6, 1839*.
Sybil, and David Potter of Bridgton [Me., CR1], June 22, 1793.
William, of Flintstown [Baldwin, Me., CR1], and Betsy Woods, Mar. 8, 1792.
William, and Emily E. Shattuck of Pepperell, int. Nov. 15, 1834.
Zachariah, and Lydia Tuck of Bedford, Aug. 4, 1763.
Zachariah, and Sybele Lakin, Feb. 3, 1767.
Zachariah, Capt., and Elizabeth Tuttle of Pepperell, int. Apr. 21, 1809.
Zechariah jr., and Amilla Blood, int. Oct. 17, 1800.
Mary, and Dennis Sheehne, int. Aug. 31, 1844.
Elisabeth W., of Lunenburg, and Lewis Williams, int. Sept. 13, 1835.
Fransis, of Littleton, and Eliza Pierce, int. May 15, 1838.
FLEACHER (also see Fletcher)
John [Fletcher. CR1], and Lydia Patch, June 23, 1736.
FLETCHER (also see Fleacher)
Abigail, and George Green, May 28, 1831*.
Anna, and Timothy Blood, Apr. 22, 1813*.
Betsey, of Acton, and Levi Tufts, Apr. 15, 1834*.
Christina, and George S. Gates, Nov. 26, 1840*.
David, of Dunstable, and Mary Allen, Feb. --, 1796.
Dexella, and Jefferson Loring, Oct. 8, 1830*.
Elisabeth, and Amos Sawtell [Sawtel. CR1], Sept. 17, 1746.
Hannah [of Chemsford. CR1], and Timothy Barron, Jan. 13, 1725-6.
Isaac, of Westford, and Ruth Parce, at Westford, Sept. 21, 1784.
John, of Westford, and Betsey Longley of Shirley, Apr. 9, 1823.
Jonas, and Ruth Fletcher of Lancaster, at Lancaster, May 28 [21. dup], 1751. PR135.
Jonas, and Joanna Crocker, wid. of Lunenburg, May 1, 1759.
Jonathan, Capt., of Dunstable, and Hannah Farwell, wid., May 20, 1805*.
Lucy, and William Blood, at Pepperell, Jan. 5, 1748.
Lucy, of Westford, and Joseph Rockwood jr., at Westford, Nov. 26, 1789.
Lucy, and Asa Lewis of Ashby, Aug. 18, 1802*.
Lydia, and Jonathan Lawrence of Littleton, at Littleton, Oct. 10, 1754.
Lyman, and Nabby Stone, Apr. 21, 1799*.
Martha, and Asa Lewis, Mar. 28, 1737*.
Mary [wid. PR133], and John Woodward of Tyngsboro [at Tyngboro. PR138], June 14, 1798.
Mary, and Samuel S. Walker of Harvard, Jan. 13, 1835*.
Moses, of Boston, and Mary Ann Johnson, June 10, 1829*.
Moses Parker, and Eunice Gragg, Sept. 10, 1799*.
Nancy, and Ebenezer Woods, Aug. 8, 1793.
Nancy E., and William Sawtell of Shirley, int. Jan. 7, 1843.
Nathaniel, of Dunstable, and Submit Blood, at Pepperell, Feb. 21, 1792.
Oliver jr., and Mary Parker, Apr. 28, 1789.
Paul, and Anna Willard of Lancaster, Aug. 20, 1760.
Paul, and Abigail Willard of Harvard, at Harvard, Mar. 8, 1764.
Paul, and Thankful Beman [Beeman. CR1], resident, Oct. 3, 1774.
Phinehas P., and Eliza Woods, May 24, 1825*.
Rebecca, of Westford, and James Stone, at Westford, May 23, 1765.
Rebecca, and Oliver Blood, June 19, 1817*.
Roxana, and Walter Shattuck, May 28, 1827*.
Rufus R., and Sarah M. Whitney of Stow, int. Jan. 8, 1848.
Ruth, of Lancaster, and Jonas Fletcher, at Lancaster, May 28 [21. dup], 1751. PR135.
Sadoc, and Patty Cory, Apr. 26, 1792.
Samuel, and Anna Lawrance, Sept. 29, 1806*.
Samuel, and Elizabeth Corey, Nov. 22, 1830*.
Sarah, and Nehemiah Lane of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, Apr. 17, 1760.
Vryling, and Lefe Parker, Nov. --, 1791.
Eli jr., and Bulah Astin, May 22, 1817*.
Eli, and Fanny Flint, June 29, 1820*.
Fanny, and Eli Flint, June 29, 1820*.
Samuell, of Andover, and Tryphene Powers, Dec. 8, 1742 [1743. CR1].
Leonard, of Union, Me., and Lucy Preston, Dec. 3, 1822*.
FORSTER (also see Foster)
Isaac, and Rachel Fisk, at Lunenburg, Sept. 10, 1778.
David, of Charlestown, and Mary H. Smiley, Oct. 9, 1834*.
David jr., and Sarah L. Woodbury, Mar. 10, 1841*.
Joanna S., and [Rev. int.] Theodore H. Lunt of Perkinsville, Vt., Jan. 6, 1841*.
Sarah, and John Tarbell, int. May 26, 1847.
FOSTER (also see Forster)
Bular, and Thadeus Bancroft, at Pepperell, Sept. 5, 1775.
George, and Sarah A. Shattuck of Berwick, Me., int. Mar. 16, 1844.
Jonathan, and Betty Hazzen, Mar. 30, 1758.
Jonathan, and Thankful Harrington of Pepperell, Apr. 11, 1759.
Samuel, of Boxford, and Jame Boynton, at Pepperell, Nov. 24, 1748.
Sarah, wid., and Cotten Proctor, Mar. 6, 1760.
Simeon, and Mary Lakin, Dec. 15, 1762.
Stephen, and Sarah Blood, at Pepperell, Aug. 5, 1747.
Stephen, and Elizabeth Dutton [Dustun. CR1], Dec. 27, 1773.
Stephen, of Mason, N.H., and Margaret Hason, int. Nov. 7, 1812.
Susanna, of Westford, and Elijah Nutting, at Westford, May 18, 1786.
Amarath, of Hollis, N.H., and James F. Harding of Nashua, N.H., Nov. 18, 1840.
Joseph S., of Weymouth, and Anne M. Hobart of Lowell, May 6, 1839.
John, of Shirley, and Eunice Nutting, int. Oct. 13, 1815.
Mary, and John Blair, Sept. 23, 1757.
Polly, of Hingham, and Edmund Bancroft, int. Aug. 9, 1818.
Samuel, of Dunstable, and Mary Johnson of Westford, May 7, 1778.
Sarah, and Samuel Corey, Oct. 19, 1792.
Abigail, and Samuell Phillips, Dec. 2, 1742 [1743. CR1].
Benjamin, and Lucretia Jonsen [Johnson. CR1], resident, May 16, 1796.
Betsy, and Josiah Stevens, July 19, 1795.
Jemima, and James Hartwell of Littleton, Feb. 22, 1737-8.
John jr., and Mindwell Bigelow of Harvard, at Harvard, Sept. 6, 1750.
Levi, and Lucretia [A. int] Shipley, Dec. 30, 1841*.
Lydia, and Ezra Hale of Leominster, at Leominster, June 5, 1774.
Mindwell, and Cornet Simon Gilson of Pepperell, at Pepperell, May 11, 1796.
Patiance, and Jonathan Kendall [of Leominster. CR1], Dec. 3, 1761.
Solomon, and Sally Whitcomb, Nov. 7, 1796.
Solomon, and Dorcus Hopkins, Sept. 24, 1822*.
Submit, and Moses Wilder, at Lancaster, Nov. 17, 1757. PR135.
Tryphena, and Jonathan Farwell [Nov. 22. CR1], 1751 [1752. CT.R].
Zeruiah, and Nathaniel [Nathan. CR1] Rugg of Lancaster, Dec. 12, 1740 [Nov. 12, 1741. CR1].
Abel H., of Putney, Vt., and Maria Fitch, May 27, 1832*.
David, of Pepperell, and Mary Holden [wid. int], Oct. 2, 1810*.
Martha Ann, a. 20 y., dau Abel and Phoebe, and Alfred G. Kilburn, unm., of Boston, a. 28 y., painter, s. George and Lovina, Jan. 1, 1849*.
Nancy, and Charles Bartlett of Concord, int. Dec. 7, 1849.
GADRIDGE (also see Goodridge)
John [Goodridge. CR1], of Lunenburg, and Eunice Scripture, [June. CT.R] 21, 1733.
Benjamin, of Lowell, and Loiza [Louise. NR6] Parker, Jan. 11, 1830*.
Hiram, and Mary P. Simonds, Aug. 16, 1832*.
Mary Ann, of Lowell, a. 18 y., dau James and Sophia, and Henry Kittredge, unm., of Billerica, a. 26 y., farmer, s. Hezekiah and Rebecca, June 26, 1847.
Julianna W., and James Beard of Charlestown, int. Feb. 7, 1848.
Jain [Irvine. CT.R], and Jonathan [John. CT.R] Fife, Apr. 22, 1731.
GASS (also see Goss)
Thomas, and Eleanor Holden of Shirley, int. Nov. 30, 1805.
George S., and Christina Fletcher, Nov. 26, 1840*.
Jonathan, of Stow, and Elizebeth Farwell, Jan. 12, 1730-1.
GEEN (also see Green)
Isaac, of Ashby, and Prudence Ames, Dec. 27, 1786.
Charles, and Sarah Jane Brooks of Medford, int. Nov. 24, 1844.
Charles A., of Cambridge, and Abigail Bowers, int. Sept. 24, 1838.
Harriet Augusta of New Ipswich, N.H., and Washington Shiple, int. Oct. 7, 1836.
James J., and Sarah E. Handley of Acton, Aug. 2, 1842*.
Rebecca, of Sudbury, and Joseph Farnsworth, at Concord, May 4, 1727.
James, of Townsend, and Elizabeth Green, Dec. 8, 1763.
James jr. of Townsend, and Nabby Fitch, at Townsend, -----, 1798. PR147.
James [Thomas. CR1] jr., of Townsend, and Nabby [Abigail. int.] Spaulding, Dec. 16, 1799*.
Mary, and John Peabody, Aug. 8, 1833*.
Moses, and Keziah Lawrence of Pepperell, int. Aug. 19, 1826.
GILLSON (also see Gilson)
Caty [Gilson. CR1], and Charls Quails [Quailes. CR1], May 12, 1778.
Elisabeth [Gilson. CR1], and Samuel Kemp 3d, Feb. 2, 1736-7.
Isaac, and Milly Lawrence, int. Feb. 4, 1805.
Otis H., unm., of Lowell, a. 21 y., moulder, and Elizabeth Kittredge of Lowell, a. 21 y., Mar. 20, 1847.
GILSON (also see Gillson)
Abigail, and Thomas Hewes, int. May 22, 1814.
Abijah, and Deborah Blood, Aug. [Oct. CR1] 17, 1803*.
Amasa, and Bulah Phelps, wid., July 11, 1759.
Anna, and Samuel Chamberlain of Chelmsford, Mar. 7, 1710-11. CR1.
Anna, and Thomas Patch, Mar. 25, 1741 [1741-2. CR1].
Annis, of Pepperell, and David Gilson [Jan. 15. CT.R] 1751 [1754. CR1].
Asa, and Sukey Gragg, Sept. 12, 1793.
Betsy, of Dunstable, and Asa Hazen, int. June 27, 1812.
Bulah, and Charles Reed [Read. CR1] of Westford, Jan. 25, 1810*.
Catharine, and Samuel Woods, June 5, 1817*.
Charles K., of Tyngsboro, and Margaret Hazen, int. Aug. 7, 1831.
Daniel, and Apphis Kent of Westford, at Westford, Nov. 27, 1760.
David, and Annis Gilson of Pepperell, [Jan. 15, CT.R] 1751 [1754. CR1].
Dorothy, and Ambros Lakin [Jan. 16. CT.R] 1751 [1752. CR1].
Ebenezer, and Annis Sarl [Annas Searl. CR1], Jan. 23, 1733-4.
Ebenezer, of Pepperell, and Hannah Darley, at Pepperell, July 12, 1759.
Eleaser, and Mary Hall, at Pepperell, July 21, 1748.
Eleazer, and Hannah Farwill [Farewell. CR1], May 6, 1719.
Eleazer Jr., and Mary Hall, July 21, 1748.
Elizebeth, and Abraham Mores, Nov. 21, 1717.
Eunice, and Clement Blood, at Westford, May 29, 1746.
Fidelia, dau Nathaniel S. and Nancy B., and James K. Perkins, unm., a. 22 y., laborer, b. Concord, N.H., s. Edward S. and Almeda, May 15, 1848*.
Hannah, and Simon Page, at Westford, Oct. 8, 1741.
Hannah, wid., and Capt. Ephraim Sawtell [Sawtel. CR1], Mar. 26, 1755.
Harriet, and James Melvin, int. Mar. 14, 1848.
Isaac, and Dorithy Kemp, Jan. 13, 1729-30.
James, of Pepperell, and Sarah Dodge, Aug. 23, 1791.
Joel, of Dunstable, and Abigail Parker [wid., int.] at Providence, R.I., Nov. 25, 1814*.
Joel jr., unm., of Dunstable, farmer, b. Dunstable, s. Joel of Dunstable, and Louisa Woods, a. 25 y., b. Dunstable, dau Isaac, deceased. May 1, 1844.
John, and Mary Shattuck, Dec. 8, 1722.
John jr., and Hannah Green, at Westford, Oct. 20, 1747.
John, and Prudence Lawrence, Jan. 19, 1764.
John McKean, and Fanny Blood, Jan. 30, 1831.
Jonas, and Hannah Goodridge, both of Turkey Hills, Nov. 8, 1726. CR1.
Jonas, and Nabby Green, May 2, 1790.
Jonathan, and Susanna Pierce [Mar. 6. CT.R] 1751 [1750-01. CR1].
Joseph, and Mary Cooper, at Chelmsford, Nov. 10, 1661. PR132.
Joshua, and Ann Moulton, of Framingham, int. Dec. 23, 1842.
Levi, and Sybil Lakin, Nov. 7, 1793.
Lucy, and Asa Bigeby jr., of Westford, May 26, 1793.
Luther, and Patty [Martha. int] Blake [of Westford. int.] at Westford, Feb. 11, 1822. PR145*.
Lydia, and Peter Stevens, Sept. 27, 1759.
Lydia, of Pepperell, and Zacheus Farwell, at Pepperell, Jan. 18, 1780.
Mary, and Joseph Farwill [Farwell. CR1], Dec. 24, 1719.
Mary, and John Erwin [Irvine. CR1], Dec. 5, 1738.
Mary, and James Blood jr., Feb. 4, 1741.
Mary, and Jotham Woods, Oct. 17, 1790.
Mary, and Asa Bixby jr., at Westford, July 3, 1817. PR145&.
Mary, and Oliver Blood jr., int. Apr. 7, 1842.
Merric L., unm., of Lancaster, a. 25 yh., blacksmith, s. Nathaniel S. and Nancy B., and Emeline E. Tucker of Lancaster, a. 16 y., b. Boylston, dau Amos D. and Louisa, of Lancaster, July 6, 1849.
Michael, and Susannah Sawtell, Apr. 26, [28. CR1], 1726.
Nathaniel, and Mary Eaton, Mar. 26, 1794.
Nathaniel [S. int], and Nancy B. Hildreth [Hendrith. int], at Westford, Aug. 19, 1821. PR145*.
Peter, and Sybil Whitney, May 27, 1756.
Peter, and Silbbel Nutting, Sept. 8, 1784.
Philenia, and Marcena Nutting, June 28, 1840*.
Phineas H., and Ann Mague of Brookline, Feb. 26, 1835*.
Ruth, and Jonathan Pierc [Pierce. Nov. 8. CR1], 1749 [Nov. 1, 1750. CT.R].
Ruth, and Barnabas Davis of Littleton, Nov. 16, 1756.
Samuel, and Elizabeth Shedd [Shead. dup], at Pepperell, Feb. 20, 1752 [1751. dup].
Samuel H., unm., of Lancaster, a. 24 y., farmer, b. Ackworth, N.H., s. Nathaniel S. and Nancy B., and Caroline Delano of Shirley, a. 18 y., b. Phillips, Me., dau Seth and Hannah, of Shirley, Feb. 3, 1848.
Sarah, and Richard Warner, May 17, 1708-09. CR1.
Sarah, and Jonathan Kemp of Chelmsford, at Concord, Nov. 19, 1718.
Sarah, and Jeremiah Farnsworth, int. Jan. 18, 1727-8.
Sarah, and Simson Blood, June 17, 1746.
Sarah, and John Robbins, at Concord, Aug. 2, 1763.
Sibbell, and Roswell Read of Westford, Aug. 1, 1813*.
Sibbill, and Oliver Lakin, May 3, 1764.
Simeon, and Elizabeth Sartell, May 5, 1786.
Simeon, of Boston, and Jane Woods, Oct. 15, 1812*.
Simon, Cornet, of Pepperell, and Mindwell Frost, at Pepperell, May 11, 1796.
Sukey, and James Snow of Westford, at Westford, Apr. 28, 1786.
Deborah Dimond, of Pepperell and Benjamin Woods Parker, int. July 21, 1810.
GOING (also see Gowing)
Jonathan, and Sarah Kendall, both of Windsor, Vt., Feb. 1, 1785.
Mary, of Lunenburg, and Jonathan Bennett, at Lunenburg, Oct. 15, 1755.
Polly, of Sutton, and Abel Farnsworth, int. Oct. 6, 1808.
Hannah, of Westford, and John Woods Jr., Nov. 10, 1768.
Lydia, and Nathan Ames, at Chelmsford, Apr. 10, 1788*.
GOODRICH (also see Goodridge)
Mehitable, and Ebenezer Champney jr. of New Ipswich, Nov. 8, 1803*.
GOODRIDGE (also see Gadridge, Goodrich)
Hannah, and Jonas Gilson, both of Turkey Hills, Nov. 8, 1726. CR1.
GOOLD (also see Gould)
Lydia, of Shirley, and Amos Atherton of Lancaster, May 4, 1758.
Nehemiah, and Esther Bowers, Nov. 1, 1737.
Nehemiah, and Molley Kemp, Mar. 9, 1773.
Phinehas, and Sally Russell, Dec. 18, 1803*.
GOSS (also see Gass)
John [Gosse. CR1], of Lancaster, and Mary Wood [Woods. CR1], Nov. 9, 1710. [Nov. 20, 1710-11. CR1].
John Park, and Susan Stone, Mar. 17, 1812*.
Thomas [Gass. CR1], of Burlington Bay [Vt. CR1], and Betsy Park, May 2, 1793.
GOULD (also see Goold)
Adam, and Hannah Knight of Woburn, at Woburn, Sept. 28, 1687. PR136.
Esther [Goold. CR1], and Phinehas Wait, Mar. 13, 1765.
Hannah, resident, and Abel Farnsworth jr., Apr. 24, 1812*.
Mary, of Shirley, and Obadiah Sawtell [Sawtel. CR1], May 26, 1756.
Moses jr., and Submit Holdin, Sept. 13, 1759.
GOWING (also see Goling)
Ebenezer, of Shirley, and Abigail Simonds of Shirley, Apr. 27, 1757.
Anna, and William Lakin, Feb. 2, 1758.
Eliza, of Antrim, N.H., and Gilbert Smith, int. Jan. 11, 1806.
Elizabeth [Mrs. int] and Capt. Job Shattuck, May 26, 1800*.
Eunice, and Moses P[arker. int.] Fletcher, Sept. 10, 1799*.
Eunice [wid. int.], and Capt. Peleg Ewell of Deering, N.H., Oct. 19, 1809*.
Hannah, Mrs., and John Holt, int. Mar. 8, 1840.
John, and Elizabeth Lakin, Oct. 19, 1763.
John jr., and Mary Bennett, both resident, Sept. 26, 1779.
Joseph, and Hannah Graves, Sept. 1, 1786.
Margaret, and John Lawrance [Lawrence. int.] 3d, July 16, 1799*.
Mary, and Jonathan Blood, June 25, 1788.
Rachel, and Moses P. Fletcher, Aug. 28, 1803*.
Sukey, and Asa Gilson, Sept. 12, 1793.
Thomas, and Eunice Lakin, Dec. 1, 1768.
Eunice [Mrs. int], divorced w. Charles C. Grant, a. 32 y., dau William Huddleston, and Francis Brooks, unm., a. 24 y., laborer, s. Joseph and Betsey, Dec. 24, 1849*.
Abigail, and Amaziah Fassett, Nov. 12, 1816*.
Asa, and Sukey Lawrence, Apr. 25, 1805*.
Asa S., and Henrietta Whitney of Pepperell, int. Apr. 10, 1847.
Caroline, and Daniel L. Parker of Lunenburg, Oct. 15, 1835*.
Ezra, and Sarah Reed of Bedford, int. May 15, 1813.
Hannah, and Joseph Gragg, Sept. 1, 1786.
John I., and Lucy Pollard, Nov. 26, 1834*.
Laura G., and John B. Wheeler, June 1, 1834*.
Peter, of Westminster, and Esther Lawrence [Lawrance. CR1], Nov. 29, 1798.
Rachel, and Joseph Robbins, Mar. 20, 1800*.
Nancy, and Joseph Blood, May 30, 1805*.
Sally, Mrs., of Derry, N.H., and Clark Simonds, int. Aug. 9, 1828.
GREEN (also see Greene)
Abigail jr., dau William, and John Sheple [Shepley. Sept. CR1], 9, 1755.
Abigail, wid., of Pepperell, and Elisha Corey, int. May 12, 1810.
Almira, and James Woods, int. Dec. 22, 1839.
Andrew J., unm., a. 32 y., farmer, s. Asa and Phebe, and Lucy A. Nutting, a. 29 y., dau Jonathan and Lucy, Oct. 10, 1847*.
Anna, and Isaac Farnsworth [Farnworth. CR1], Dec. 4, 1744.
Anna, and Nathaniel Blanchard, Nov. 28, 1782.
Asa, and Phebe Prescott, June 5, 1805*.
Ede, and David Lakin jr., Feb. 24, 1792.
Eleazer jr., and Hannah [Anna. CR1] Tarbel, Mar. 8, 1721-2.
Eleazer jr., and Sarah Parker [Dec. 19, CR1] 1749 [1750. CT.R].
Eleazer jr., and Lucy Blanchard, Apr. 6, 1778.
Elisabeth, and Benjamin Brook [Brooks. CR1] jr., of Townsend, [Jan. 22, CT.R], 1751 [1752. CR1].
Elizabeth, and James Giles of Townsend, Dec. 8, 1763.
Elizebeth, and Edmund Parker of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Apr. 13, 1757.
George, and Abigail Fletcher, May 28, 1831*.
Hannah, wid., and Benjamin Swallow, Nov. 20, 1746.
Hannah, and John Gilson jr., at Westford, Oct. 20, 1747.
Hannah, and Jeremiah Hobart, [Mar. 4. CT.R] 1751 [1752. CR1].
Hannah, of Pepperell, and Amaziah Blood, at Pepperell, May 13, 1783.
Indiana, and Isaac Bennett, Dec. 2, 1813.
Isaac, and Marthy Boyden, at Westford, Feb. 18, 1742.
James, and Sarah Shattuck, Apr. 26, 1739.
James, and Jemima Holdin, June 29, 1758.
John, of Charlestown, and Patience Davis, dau Samuel, at Charlestown, [11: 1691?].
John, and Keziah [Hezekiah. dup] Shattuck [at Pepperell. dup], July 16, 1747.
John, and Susannah Wood [Woods. dup], at Pepperell, Jan. 3, 1751.
Jonathan, and Sarah Lakin, Feb. 25, 1724.
Joshua [Dr. int.] of Sunderland, and Eliza Lawrence, Jan. 5, 1824*.
Martha, wid., and John Page, Apr. 17, 1760.
Martha, and Jonathan Bancroft of Dunstable, at Dunstable, May 20, 1773.
Mary, and Daniel Cadye, at Chelmsford, July 6, 1683.
Mary, of Watertown, and Samuel Scripture, at Concord, Feb. 8, 1699-1700.
Mary, and Jonathan Nuttin, at Charlestown, June 1, 1710.
Mary, and Samuel Scripture jr., Oct. 9, 1746.
Mary, and Abijah Bennett, Apr. 22, 1824*.
Mary, of Pepperell, and Richard Messer, int. Apr. 13, 1828.
Molly, and Nathan Corey [Korey. Dec. CR1], 27, 1770.
Nabby, and Jonas Gilson, May 2, 1790.
Rachel, and Joseph Stone, Nov. 20, 1797.
Sarah, and Jonathan Sheple [Shepley. CR1], Mar. 11, 1756.
Sarah, and Dr. Phinehas Phelps of Lancaster, Apr. 23, 1760.
Sarah H., of Boston, and Jonas Eaton jr., int. Dec. 21, 1830.
Simon, and Mary Shattuck, at Pepperell, Sept. 13, 1753.
Susanna, and Abijah Warren, Aug. 25, 1773.
William, of Charlestown, and Mary Brown [Barron. PR137], at Charlestown, June 20, 1705.
William, and Hannah Holdin, Mar. 9, 1726-7.
William jr., and Ruth Colburn, [Dec. 26. CT.R] 1749 [1750. CR1].
William, of Pepperell, and Hannah Woods, Apr. 16, 1765.
William jr., of Pepperell, and Abigail Ames, Mar. 10, 1785.
Zoa P., and Nathaniel Shattuck of Boston, Nov. 20, 1823*.
GREENE (also see Green)
James [Green. dup], and Elizabeth Sheple, at Pepperell, July 10, 1751.
John, and Mary Pierce of Watertown, at Concord, Dec. 25, 1688. PR134.
John, and Joanna Boynton, both of Turkey Hills, Nov. 23, 1726. CR1.
Benjamin, of Boston, and Mary Bancroft, May 18, 1806*.
Dorcas, of Harvard, and William Thurlo, Dec. 15, 1805*.
Samuel A., and Sarah Eaton, June 30, 1829*.
William, of Gilmanton, N.H., and Amelia Eaton, Mar. 29, 1818*.
HABOARD (also see Hubbard)
Gershom, and Mary Townsend, at Westford, Jan. 11, 1743.
John jr., of Westford, and Ruth Kemp, Jan. 6, 1774.
John, of Gardner, and Abigail Prescott, Feb. 14, 1788.
Jonas, and Azubah Prescott, both of Westford, Dec. 14, 1780.
Mehitable, and John [Joshua. PR147] Wheeler of Townsend, at Townsend, Jan. 4, 1737.
HAILD (also see Heald)
Lucy, of Harvard, and Harbour Farnsworth, at Harvard, Mar. 12, 1778.
Martha, of Harvard, and Ebenezer Farnsworth, July 4, 1780.
HALE (also see Holt)
David, widr., yeoman, and Abigail Parker, a. 54 y., tailoress, dau Winslow and Abigail, deceased, May 30, 1843*.
Eliza, Mrs., and Alfred Corey, Jan. 29, 1838*.
Ezra, of Leominster, and Lydia Frost, at Leominster, June 5, 1744.
Mary, and Benjamin F. Stone, May 10, 1829*.
Moses, of Harvard, and Molly Farwell, at Harvard, Apr. 10, 1776.
Olive, of Stow, and Jonathan Peirce, int. July 13, 1811.
Samuel, and Betsey Brown, Aug. 4, 1799*.
Susan, of Stow, and Isaac Brown, int. Mar. 18, 1809.
Caroline Augusta, and Daniel Needham, int. June 18, 1842.
Isaiah, and Hannah Keep of Westford, at Westford, May 22, 1788.
Jonathan, of Ashby, and Beulah Biglow of Westford, Sept. 22, 1778.
Joseph F., and Sally Moors, May 3 [4. dup], 1804*.
Joseph F. jr., and Sarah L. Longley, int. Nov. 26, 1837.
Lucy, and William Dunn of Watertown, June 1, 1815*.
Mary, and Eleaser Gilson [jr. dup], at Pepperell, July 21, 1748.
Paulina J., of Brookline, N.H., and Henry K. Kemp, int. Sept. 7, 1845.
Sarah O., and Daniel C. King of Lowell, Feb. 28, 1831*.
HAMLEN (also see Hamlin)
Alice, and Jsoeph Parks, at Harvard, Nov. 25, 1784. PR131.
Eleazer, and Sarah Bancroft, Mar. 29, 1791.
Polly, and Moses Stone [of New Pennacook. CR1], Aug. 20, 1789.
HAMLIN (also see Hamlen)
Africa, of Harvard, and Susanna Stone, Oct. 18, 1785.
Lydia, of Harvard, and John Park jr., at Pepperell, June 1, 1786.
Irena A., of Boston, and Warren Clark, int. June 21, 1845.
Sarah E., of Acton, and James J. Gibson, Aug. 2, 1842*.
Margaret [Heniford. int], of Shirley, and Isaac Child, Nov. 10, 1824*.