To the End of the Year 1849
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

* = Intention also recorded.
CADE (also see Cady, Cadye)
Abigail, and Daniel Cade, Apr. 24, 1706-07. CR1.
Daniel, and Abigail Cade, Apr. 24, 1706-07. CR1.
Ephraim [Cady. CR1], of Killingly [Conn. CT.R], and Abigail Barron [Oct. 26. CT.R], 1732.
CADY (also see Cade)
Hannah, and Samuel Warren, at Concord, Oct. 15, 1706.
Judah, and Alexander Rouse, May 15, 1672. CT.R.
Nicolas, s. Nicolas, and Parcime Redland, dau William, at Chelmsford, Mar. 20, 1685.
CADYE (also see Cade)
Daniel, and Mary Green, at Chelmsford, July 6, 1683.
CAMBLE (also see Campbell)
Ann, of Wenham, and William Preson, at Westford, June 13, 1745.
CAMEL (also see Campbell)
George, of Townsend, and Mary White, at Pepperell, Feb. 8, 1753.
Robert [Camell. CR1], of Roxbury, and Elisabeth McDonnel [Mcdonnell. CR1], Mar. 6, 1738-9.
CAMPBELL (also see Camble, Camel)
Deborah, of Epsom, N.H., and Aaron Pingrey, int. Jan. 17, 1827.
George, of Townsend, and Mary Wheeler, at Townsend, -----, 1753. PR147.
CAPEL (also see Capell)
Polly, and James Woods of Pepperell, Sept. 16, 1798.
CAPELL (also see Capel)
Charlotte [Capel. NR5], and Dexter Blanchard, Nov. 9, 1824*.
John [Capel. CR1] jr., and Sally Blood, July 8, 1801*.
Louisa, and George Shattuck, int. July 18, 1835.
Thomas, and Elizabeth Tarbell of Pepperell, July 25, 1802*.
William, and Betsey Haven, Aug. 17, 1806*.
Jonathan, and Louis Porter, Nov. 26, 1778.
Mercy, and Abraham Moors Jr., Dec. 14, 1779.
Solomon, and Nabby Haven, July 23, 1797.
Levi, and Polly Billings of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, Oct. 7, 1798.
CARRAL (also see Carriel)
Huldah [Carol. PR131], and John Blanchard of Sutton, at Harvard, Sept. 26, 1786 [1785. PR131].
CARRIEL (also see Carral)
Jonathan jr., and Sybele Stone, June 14, 1781.
Lydia, and Walter Parker of Lunenburg, July 3, 1823*.
Ruth, and John Sawyer of Bolton, Oct. 4, 1802*.
Thaddeus, of Sandy Stream, and Betsy Derumple, at Westford, Aug. 24, 1797.
CHAFFIN (also see Chafin)
Elias, of Harvard, and Hannah Stone, Oct. 20, 1785.
CHAFIN (also see Chaffin)
Leonard [Chaffin. int], and Mary Wright of Hollis, N.H., at Hollis, N.H., July 13, 1827. PR146*.
CHAMBERLAIN (also see Chamberlin)
Elizabeth, and Jeremiah Lawrance [Lawrence. CR1], Mar. 23, 1736-7.
Henry Vassel, Esq., of Farmington, Me., and Hannah Tarbell, June 4, 1804*.
Jacob, of Sharon, Conn., and Anna Nutting, int. May 16, 1829.
John, and Abigail Woods, Oct. 13, 1712-13. CR1.
John, of Pepperell, and Mary Patch, at Pepperell, Apr. 25, 1758.
John [Chamberlin. CR1], of Waterford, and Sally Stone, Jan. 1, 1794.
Joseph, and Rebeccah Whitney, both of Pepperell, Apr. 10, 1781.
Samuel, of Chelmsford, and Anna Gilson, Mar. 7, 1710-11. CR1.
Samuel, of Hollis, and Sarah Patch, Nov. --, 1784.
Samuel [Chamberlin. CR1] of Littleton, Sept. 19, 1793.
Thomas [Chamberlin, PR134] and Abigail Nutting [Nuttin. PR134], at Concord, Aug. 16, 1699.
Thomas, and Lydia Adams, May 9, 1769.
Thomas, of Worcester, and Nancy Woods, int. Dec. 24, 1809.
CHAMBERLIN (also see Chamberlain)
Abigall [wid. int; Chamberlain, CR1], and Thomas Woods, Apr. 30, 1723*.
Dorithy [Dorothy Chamberlain. CR1], and Nathaniell Lawrence, Feb. 4, 1728 [1728-9. CR1].
Elizebeth [Chamberlain. CR1], and Jonathan Shattuck, June 25 [23. CR1], 1719.
John [Chamberlain. CR1] jr., and Rachel Lawrence, Dec. 3, 1746.
Josiah [Chamberlain. CR1], and Hepziabah Crecy [Crecee. June 10, CR1], 1751.
Mary [Chamberlain, CR1], and John Scoot [Scott. CT.R], Apr. 9 [19 CR1], 1732.
Phinehas [Chamberlain, CR1], and Lydia Williams, Mar. 19, 1744 [1744-5. CR1].
Sarah [Chamberlain, CR1], and James Shattuck, Nov. 22, 1726.
Ebenezer, and Abigail Trowbridge, Oct. 9, 1764.
Ebenezer jr., of New Ipswich, and Mehitable Goodrich, Nov. 8, 1803*.
Hannah, dau Ebenezer, and James Prescott, at New Ipswich, Feb. 2, 1792.
Susanna, and William Parker, Oct. 26, 1784.
Benjamin, of Suncook, and Phebe Lakin, Dec. 22, 1737.
Ephraim, of Westford, and Abigail Blood., wid., Feb. 16, 1747 -1747-8. CR1],
CHANEY (also see Cheeney)
John jr., and Abigail Blodget, both of Dunstable, Mar. 4, 1784.
Jeremiah, and Lydia Ames, Mar. 29, 1796.
Joseph jr., of Lunenburg, and Abigail Boulton of Shirley, Oct. 24, 1782.
Sarah, and Abel Rockwood, int. Apr. 12, 1828.
Susanna [d. Rev. Daniel. NR3], and Rev. Stephen Bemis of Harvard, Apr. 20, 1808*.
CHAPMAN (also see Chatman)
Mary, and Noah Blood, both of Dunstable, Oct. 16, 1821.
Amos, and Sarah W. Stearns, Sept. 19, 1833*.
Ezekiel, Dr., and Priscila Merrill of Newbury, at Newbury, May 20, 1729.
Jacob, and Abigail Hubbard, May 2, 1786.
Jacob, and Sally Park, Jan. 5, 1797.
John, and Emily Danforth of Amherst, N.H., Oct. 28, 1821.
John, and Mary Ann Danforth of Amherst, N.H., Dec. 6, 1823.
Lucy, and John Campbell Brown, Mar. 16, 1775.
Peter, and Sally Stone, June 29, 1802*.
Samuel, and Ann Longley of Shirley, Apr. 30, 1795.
William A., and Sarah Horthshorn of Mason, N.H., int. Sept. 5, 1846.
CHATMAN (also see Chapman)
Joshua, and Jemima Slade of Swanzey, at Swanzey, Jan. 27, 1783.
CHEENEY (also see Chaney)
John [Cheney. CR1], and Susanna Farwell [Farwel. CR1], Apr. 6, 1763.
CHILD (also see Childs)
Abigail, and Samuel Bancroft, May 7, 1789.
Calvin, and Mrs. Mary Ames, int. May 15, 1847.
David, and Susanna Woolley, wid., int. Aug. 31, 1806.
Isaac, and Margaret Hanniford [Heniford. int] of Shirley, Nov. 10, 1824*.
James, and Hannah Cushing, July 29, 1782.
Sally, and Peter Ames, Oct. 7, 1799*.
William, and Dorcas Thorning of Lexington, int. July 29, 1821.
CHILDS (also see Child)
Calvin, and Sally Fitch, Feb. 10, 1818*.
Calvin P., and Cornelia [H. int] Dewey, Apr. 25, 1841*.
Clarissa, and Lemuel Whiting, Oct. 24, 1839*.
Isaac, and Sally Rockwood, May 3, 1804*.
Nancy, and John Lewis, Nov. 30, 1809*.
Polly, and Luther Farnsworth, resident, Feb. 22, 1807*.
Sarah M., and John A. Billings, May 30, 1839*.
Susanna, and Asahel Wyman, Dec. 26, 1786.
William T., and Mary Jane Hartwell of Chelmsford, int. Jly 14, 1844.
William T., and Phebe E. Bancroft of Boston, int. Oct. 21, 1846.
Cornelius, and Mary -----, June 4, 1670. CT.R.
Daniel, of Morristown, N.Y., and Mrs. Harriet L. Wheeler, int. Sept. 8, 1848.
Sally, of Sterling, and John Burges, int. Dec. 6, 1832.
Thomas, and Abigail Willis of Taunton, at Norton, June 26, 1733.
Sally, Mrs., and Phinehas N. Woods of Pepperell, int. Apr. 18, 1841.
Ensebius S., unm., a. 25 y., tin plate worker, s. Robert and Sophia, and Mary Jane Shattuck of Pepperell, a. 18 y., dau James and Mary, Apr. 15, 1847*.
Fanny, of Boscawen, N.H., and Joseph Hemenway, int. Feb. 20, 1814.
Martha, and Lovell Shattuck of Pepperell, Oct. 27, 1841*.
Mary, and David Russel [Russell. CR1], both of Littleton, Apr. 27, 1731.
Matilda, and Lyman F. Blood, July 1, 1841*.
Susan, and Elizur Wright of Hudson, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1829*.
Warren, and Irena A. Hancock of Boston, int. June 21, 1845.
Margaret, and Jeremiah Lawrence of Mount Holly, Vt., June 19, 1832*.
Abigail, and Hezekiah Usher, both of Charlestown, June 20, 1728.
Joseph, of Boston, and Anna Hubbard, June 7 [1. CR1], 1807*.
Abigail C., and Austin Robinson, Apr. 30, 1833*.
Mary P., Mrs., and Emery Taft of Fitzwilliam, N.H., June 2, 1836*.
Sarah J., of Dracut, and Artemas Wood jr., int. Aug. 4, 1849.
COFFEN (also see Coffin)
Lydia [Coffin. CR1], and Floyd Pratt of Malden [Oct. 14. CT.R], 1751.
COFFIN (also see Coffen)
Abigail [of Haverhill. int], and Henry Hill, at Haverhill. Issue of Oct. 10, 1833. NR7*.
COLBURN (also see Coleburn)
Calvin, of Boston, and Sybel Laken, Apr. 20, 1800*.
Catharine Elizabeth, and Charles Woolley, May 6, 1827*.
James M., of Dunstable, N.H., and Rosilla Shattuck, May 17, 1821*.
Ruth, and William Green, -----, 1749 [Dec. 26, 1750. CR1].
Samuel [Dirscoll. int], and Sarah Woods of Hollis, N.H., at Hollis, N.H., May 13, 1824. PR146*.
William, of Hollis, and Anna Fransworth, at Peperell, June 22, 1772.
Marietta, and Benjamin F. Hooper, both of Boston, Oct. 6, 18842.
Daniel, and Betsy Woods, at Boston. Issue of July 3, 1799. NR7.
Danville, unm., of Lowell, a. 24 y., founder, s. Job and Mary, and Charlotte Edes of Lowell, a. 21 y., dau Benjamin and Charlotte, of Shirley, June 19, 1845.
James, and Mrs. Anna Coombs, both of Boston, Dec. 31, 1840.
Mary E., and Samuel Spaulding, both of Pepperell, Dec. 1, 1837.
COLEBURN (also see Colburn)
Isaac [Colburn. CR1], of Dunstable, and Abigail Shattuck, June 26, 1739.
Hannah, and Daniel Hemmenway, Nov. 7, 1793.
Lucy, and Benjamin Farwell, Nov. 2, 1780.
Ruth, and Joel Lawrence, Dec. 14, 1790.
Ebener, of Ashby, and Emma Holden, July 29, 1838*.
COMINGS (also see Cummings)
Elizabeth [Cummins, CR1], wid., and Robert Robins [Robbins. CR1] of Littleton, Jan. 3, 1720-1.
John {Cummins. CR1], and Sarah Lawrance of Littleton, Jan. 28, 1735-6.
Samuel, and Elizabeth Shed, at Charlestown, Jan. 14, 1708-09.
Samuel [Cummings. CR1], of New Sherborn [Douglas, CR1], and Sarah Robens [Robbins. Sept. 18. CR1], 1734.
Jane J., of Lowell, and Charles Wright, int. Dec. 29, 1839.
Soloman, of Cooperstown, N.Y., and Mary Pierce, July 5, 1836*.
CONANT (also see Connant)
Adaline M., and Levi Hildreth of Westford, Oct. 6, 1831*.
Hannah, and Luther Boutelle [Boutell. int], at Townsend, Oct. 14, 1830. PR147*.
Josiah, of Boston, and Harriot Bancroft, Oct. 23, 1817*.
Ruth, and John Scott, both of Pepperell, June 9, 1778.
Samuel, of LIttleton, and Elizabeth Hubbard, Jan. 14, 1839*.
Andrew, of Ipswich, N.H., and Mary Scott [Scot. CR1], Apr. 12, 1764.
Jane, and Edmund Farnsworth, Mar. 1, 1781.
Mary, and Samuell Crage [Cragg. CR1], Mar. 27, 1855.
Rosanna, of Harvard, and Thomas Park, at Harvard, May 3, 1768.
Ruth, of Ashburnham, and Oliver Blood, July 3, 1797.
Thomas, s. of S. Carolina, and Mary McFarland, Aug. 30, 1764.
CONNANT (also see Conant)
Josiah [Conant. CR1], and Rachel Hobart, May 12, 1748.
Betsy, and Jonas Ball, Nov. 7, 1793.
Cynthia, Mrs., and Ebenezer Putman, int. Nov. 23, 1840.
CONSTANDINE (also see Constantine)
Jesse, of Lancaster, and Susan Sawtell, July 25, 1811*.
CONSTANTINE (also see Constandine)
Susan, Mrs., and Joseph Barden, Jan. 21, 1840*.
COOCK (also see Cook)
Peter [Cook. CR1], and Allice Bancroft, July 15, 1794.
COOK (also see Coock)
Enoch, and Abigail Butterfield of Westford, at Westford, Sept. 26, 1790.
Hannah [Cooke. CR1], and Sawtell [Sartell. CR1] Holden of Shirley, Dec. 30, 1778.
Lucy, and Nathan Jewett, Feb. 5, 1800*.
Lydia, and Abel Page of Shirley, June 22, 1786.
Sally, and Luther Blood, int. Apr. 2, 1808.
Samuel, and Sarah Jewett of Pepperell, at Pepperell, -----, 1797.
Leafe, of Leominster, and Hoscah Edson, int. Mar. 16, 1803.
Ann, Mrs., and James Cole, both of Boston, Dec. 10, 1840.
COOPER (also see Coopper)
Mary, and Joseph Gilson, at Chelmsford, Nov. 10, 1661. PR132.
Timothy, and Sarah Morse, June 2, 1669. CT.R.
COOPPER (also see Cooper)
Jonathan, and Sarah Edson, Dec. 29, 1803*.
CORAY (also see Corey)
Betsy [Corey. CR1], and Phinias Parker jr., Sept. 3, 1793.
COREE (also see Corey)
Sarah, and Jonathan Lakin, Mar. 24, 1712-13. CR1.
COREY (also see Coray, Coree, Cory)
Aaron, of Boston, and Eliza Bennet, int. May 21, 1808.
Aaron jr. and Amelia Woods, Mar. 12, 1833*.
Aaron jr., and Mrs. Diadama Shattuck of Dunstable, int. Jan. 1, 1848.
Alfred, and Mrs. Eliza Hale, Jan. 29, 1838*.
Amelia, and Calvin Keep of Pepperell, int. Sept. 5, 1816.
Bulah, wid., and John Harris, both of Shirley, Oct. 19, 1756.
Elisha, and Mary Munroe of Lexington, at Lexington, Apr. 18, 1780.
Elisha, and Abegail Green, wid. of Pepperell, int. May 12, 1810.
Elisha, and Nancy S. Blood of Pepperell, int. Nov. 26, 1837.
Elizabeth, and Samuel Fletcher, Nov. 22, 1830*.
Isaac, and Lydia Jewett of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Mar. 14, 1765.
Joseph, and Katharine Perry, Mar. 9, 1768.
Lucy F., and Barnett Wason of Lowell, Nov. 28, 1839*.
Mary G., and James C. Hartwell, Sept. 24, 1841*.
Mindwell, and Joseph Lawrence, Oct. 1, 1820*.
Nathan [Korey. CR1], and Molly Green [Dec. CR1] 27, 1770.
Polly, and Jonas Eaton jr., Mar. 2, 1792.
Prudence, and Artemas Wright, Apr. 7, 1805*.
Rebecca, and Elijah Robbins jr. of Dunstable, Oct. 19, 1815*.
Samuel, and Sarah French, Oct. 19, 1792.
Sarah [Coree. CR1], and Richard Rice [Price. CR1], Feb. 1, 1721-2.
Stephen, and Lydia Bateman of Chelmsford, int. Mar. 22, 1816.
John [Correl. int], widr., a. 53 y., laborer, b. Ireland, s. Darby, of Ireland, and Ann Schiely, a. 29 y., b. Ireland, dau Cornelius of Ireland, June 22, 1844*.
John [Courtney. CT.R], and Dorcas Barne [Barney, CT.R], June 12, 1743 [1744. CR1].
CORY (also see Corey)
Hannah, and Joseph Ames, Nov. 20, 1791.
Nathan jr., and Deverd Wright of Pepperell, Nov. 3, 1803*.
Patty, and Sadoc Fletcher, Apr. 26, 1792.
William, and Mary O'Conner, int. Jan. 23, 1848.
COURTNEY, see Cortne.
John, of Billerica, and Hannah Davis, at Westford, May 30, 1744.
Hannah R[eed. int], of Westford, and Jesse Worcester, Nov. 20, 1825*.
CRAGE (also see Craig)
Samuell [Cragg. CR1], and Mary Conn, Mar. 27, 1755.
Esther M., and Roswell B. Hodge, int. Oct. 14, 1848.
Isaiah L., of South Reading, and Sarah A. Loring, June 2, 1842*.
CRAIG (also see Crage, Craigg)
John [Cragg. CR1], and Jemima Fisk, wid. [Nov. 22. CT.R], 1751 [1753. CT.R].
CRAIGG (also see Craig)
Susanna, and Reuben Rice, Jan. 25, 1790.
Mary, and Ambrose Lakin, both of Lyndeborough, N.H., Sept. --, 1784.
Mary, and John Russell, Nov. 5, 1746.
CRECY (also see Cressey)
Hepzibah [Crecee, CR1], and Josiah Chamberlin [June 10. CT.R], 1751 [1752. CR1].
CREECE (also see Cressey)
Jonathan, and Anna Davis, July 11, 1759.
CREECY (also see Cressey)
Micah [Crecee. CR1], and Catharin Wetherbee of Bolton [Dec. 20. CT.R]. 1751 [1752. CR1].
CRESSEY (also see Crecy, Creece, Creecy)
Sarah, of Charlestown, and Stephen Holden, at Charlestown, July 4, 1749.
Mary, and Robert Parise, at Chelmsford, Apr. 16, 1667. PR132.
Chandler, widr., of Fitchburg, a. 40 y., paper maker, s. Samuell and Comfort, and Caroline Rochwood, a. 31 y., dau Sewell and Lucy, Sept. 29, 1847*.
Joanna, wid., of Lunenburg, and Jonas Fletcher, May 1, 1759.
Seborne, and Robert Parise, at Chelmsford, May 22, 1663. PR132.
Lucy, and James Lewis jr., Dec. 19, 1782.
Joseph, and Jerusha Bartlet of Plymouth, at Plymouth, Mar. 14, 1744.
Luther, and Sarah Bardeen of Harvard, int. Nov. 3, 1804.
Nathan F., and Mary Farnsworth, int. July 10, 1847.
CUMINGS (also see Cummings)
Betty, of Hollis, and Caleb Woods, Nov. 26, 1767.
Eleazer, of Hollis, and Sarah Reed of Littleton, Feb. 15, 1764.
John Harrod, of Nottingham West, and Sarah Worster, May 5, 1763.
Mitty, and Joseph Symonds, Oct. 10, 1770.
Timothy jr., of Westford, and Betsey Whitman, Feb. 13, 1805*.
CUMMINGS (also see Comings, Cumings, Cummins)
Joseph of Swansea, N.H., and Lucy Warren, at Townsend, May 6, 1777. PR147.
Samuel [Cummins. CR1], and Prudance Lawracne [Jan. CR1] 30, 1732-3.
Walter H., of Tyngsborough, a. 25 y., stone cutter, s. Thomas and Lucinda, of Tyngsborough, and Clarissa Reid of Westford, a. 16 y., dau Roswell and Sybel, of Westford, Oct. 22, 1845.
CUMMINS (also see Cummings)
Samuell, and Sarah Hastins, both of Turkey Hills, (Lunenburg), Sept. 28, 1726. CR1.
T. F., and Charlotte Tarbell, at Providence, R.I. Issue of Oct. 21, 1812. NR7.
Hannah Maria, dau Henry B., Esq., deceased, and Dr. George Mansfield of Waltham, at Boston, Nov. 15, 1832. NR7.
Hannah, and James Child, July 29, 1782.
Lucy, of Boston, and Abraham Barns, Aug. 12, 1834*.
Salley, and Luther Hartwell, int. Apr. 6, 1811.
CUTLER, see Butler.
Charles C., of Hudson, N.H., and Susan Harrington, May 3, 1835*.
Elisabeth, of Charlestown, and John Williams [jr. CR1], May 5, 1740 [1741. CR1].
DABY (also see Derby)
Lucy, and Isac Stone, Nov. 2, 1795.
DADMAN (also see Dadmun)
George A., and Almira Young, May 12, 1831*.
DADMUN (also see Dadman)
Willard, of Boston, and Joanna Young, Feb. 10, 1823*.
Timothy, Dea., of Mason, N.H., and Polly Brown, Dec. 13 [23. CR1], 1813*.
DALRYMPLE (also see Derimple, Derumple)
Amelia, and Samuel Sawyer of Cambridge, int. June 8, 1828.
William, Capt., and Sarah -----, Apr. 29, 1803.
William, Capt., and Sally Tarbell, int June 14, 1817.
Anna, and John Sever [Esq. int.] of Kingston, Oct. 10, 1825*.
Lucy H., Mrs., and William Holden, Dec. 1, 1841*.
Rebecca, and Kilby Page of Boston, Oct. 31, 1832*.
Samuel, Rev., and Anna Kenrick of Newton, at Newton, May 6, 1762.
Almeda K., of Fitchburg, a. 24 y., b. Fitchburg, dau Ebenezer and Betsy, and Samuel W. Farmer, unm., a. 22 y., s. Jeremiah and Jemimah, Oct. 8, 1845*.
Eliza Ann, of Hillsborough, N.H., and Reuben Lewis, int. June 5, 1842.
Emily, of Amherst, N.H., and John Chase, int. Oct. 28, 1821.
Kimball, and Tryphena Fisher Brooks of Stoddard, N.H., int. June 15, 1816.
Mary, of Tyngsborough, and Jonas Jewett of Pepperell, Nov. 30, 1797.
Mary Ann, of Amherst, N.H., and John Chase, int. Dec. 6, 1823.
DARBY (also see Derby)
Calvin, of Worcester, and Lydia Stone, Mar. 15, 1820*.
DARLEY (also see Darling)
Hannah, and Ebenezer Gilson of Pepperell, at Pepperell, July 12, 1759.
DARLIN (also see Darling)
Sarah, and Oliver Blood, at Pepperell, Nov. 8, 1751.
DARLING (also see Darley, Darlin)
Benjamin, of Mason [N.H. CR1], and Susanna Priest, Mar. 29, 1796.
David, and Mary Turrel of Dunstable, int. Jan. 5, 1805.
John jr. of Winchenden, and Sarah Blood jr., Sept. 24, 1778.
Timothy, of Lunenburg, and Joanna Blood, at Lunenburg, Feb 8, 1753.
Mary [Mrs. int.], of Harvard, and Frederick Nutting, Nov. 15, 1832*.
DAVIS (also see Davise)
Abel, and Olive Stone, Feb. 25, 1794.
Abigall, and Eleazer Nutting, June 25 [23. CR1], 1719.
Alvan [Alvin. int] A., a. 31 y., and Elizabeth Lawrence, a. 27 y., at Concord, Aug 31, 1849. PR134*.
Amos, and Hannah Barrett of Concord, at Concord, Sept. 29, 1798. PR134.
Amos, and Hannah Barrett of Mason, N.H., int. Dec. 6, 1817.
Anna, and Jonathan Creece, July 11, 1759.
Barnabas, of Littleton, and Ruth Gilson, Nov. 16, 1756.
Barnabas jr., of Littleton, and Olive Farwell, Apr. 19, 1758.
Benjamin jr., and Hannah Farnsworth, May 28, 1765.
Betsey, and Joshua R. Davis of Stanstead, Lower Canada, Feb. 12, 1839*.
Betsy, and Jacob Pollard of Boston, May 7, 1812*.
Caleb, Esq., of Boston, and Mrs. Mary Anna Bant [wid. William, and dau Ezekiel Lewis, Esq., NR2], Aug. 20, 1783.
Daniell, and Lydia Ames [Am's. CR1], Mar. 21, 1726-7.
David, and Lucy Farwell, July 6, 1790.
Eleazer, and Betsey Parker, May 20, 1790.
Hannah, and John Cowdry of Billerica, at Westford, May 30, 1744.
Henry, and Mary Tuttle of Littleton, at Littleton, Feb. 12, 1782.
Joel, and Betsy Stanley, Apr. 7, 1808*.
John, and Rebeccah Burt [Burck. int], June 13, 1723*.
Jonathan, and Olive Abbott of Shirley, int. Aug. 15, 1821.
Joseph, of New Ipswich, N.H., and Mrs. Mary Ames, Nov. 30, 1837*.
Joshua, and Sybil Patterson of Harvard, at Harvard, Aug. 3, 1793.
Joshua, and Betsey Patterson, May 31, 1801*.
Joshua, Capt., and Mary Farnsworth, int. May 1, 1828.
Joshua R., of Stanstead, Lower Canada, and Betsey Davis, Feb. 12, 1839*.
Lucy and John Bancroft, Sept. 24, 1793.
Luther, and Nancy Laughton of Shirley, int. Mar. 8, 1823.
Mary [Mrs. int], and [Dea. int] Timothy Stone, Nov. 21, 1826*.
Mary Ann B., Mrs., of New Ipswich, N.H., and Dea. Curtis Lawrence, int. June 12, 1847.
Mathew, of Jeffrey, and Sally Nuting [Nutting. CR1], Mar. 9, 1795.
Nancy L., wid., b. Shirley, dau Oliver Laughton of Shirley, and Samuel Bowers, widr., shoemaker, Mar. 25, 1844*.
Nathan, s. Capt. Thomas and Sarah, and Mary Blood, May 25, 1767.
Olive, and Abel L. Holden of Shirley, Apr. 19, 1825*.
Patience, dau Samuel, and John Green of Charlestown, at Charlestown, [11: 1691?].
Rebecca, and Joseph Farnsworth of Shirley, int. Aug. 22, 1829.
Rebecca H., and Amos Hill of West Cambridge, Jan. 10, 1808*.
Samuell, and Sarah Boynton, both of Turkey Hills [Lunenburg. CT.R], Feb. 27, 1727-8*.
Sarah, and John Holdin [Holding. CR1], Nov. 22, 1716. [1615-16. CR1].
Sarah, of Harvard, and Thomas Farewell, at Harvard, Jan. 3, 1760.
Sarah, and John Hill of Harvard, Nov. 27, 1782.
Sarah, and Henry Yeend, Mar. 30, 1806*.
Sarrah, and Ebenezer Willes, int. Dec. 17, 1727.
Seth, and Lucy Meriam, both of Shirley, May [June. CR1] 23, 1825.
Sibbel, and Joseph Brown of New Ipswich [Ipswich. int] N.H., Feb. 25, 1819*.
William P., and Eliza Boit, Dec. 2, 1819*.
DAVISE (also see Davis)
Olive, and Jacob Ames, at Westford, Feb. 16, 1749.
Ebenezer, of Boston, and Abigail Nutting, Jan. 26, 1815*.
Jane Stuart, and Reuben Simpson of Concord, N.H., Apr. 26, 1835*.
Moses, and Jane Park, Jan. 16, 1800*.
Moses, and Anna Lawrence Hobart of Shirley, int. Nov. 12, 1817.
Moses jr., and Millia Sawtell, June 1, 1820*.
Thomas C., unm., of Ware, a. 24 y., tailor, b. Salem, s. Benjamin and Mary, of Lowell, and Elizabeth B. Hartwell, a. 24 y., dau Jepthah R. and Betsey, Dec. 3, 1844*.
Margaret, and Patrick Downey, int. Jan. 8, 1848.
Caroline, of Shirley, a. 18 y., b. Philips, Me., dau Seth and Hannah, of Shirley, and Samuel H. Gilson, unm., of Lancaster, a. 24 y., farmer, b. Ackworth, N.H., s. Nathaniel S. and Nancy B., Feb. 3, 1848.
Lucy, Mrs., and William Reed, both of Concord, Dec. 5, 1841.
DERBE (also see Derby)
John [Darby. CR1], of Harvard, and Elisabeth Holdin [wid. CR1], Apr. 20, 1747.
Mary, wid., and Nathaniel Woods, Sept. 14, 1725.
DERBY (also see Daby, Darby, Derbe)
Edmund D., unm., teamster, s. Oliver, and Harriot E. Loring, a. 25 y., dau John H., June 29, 1843*.
Nancy B., of Littleton, and William V. Jewett, int. Mar. 2, 1843.
DERIMPLE (also see Dalrymple)
William [Derampell. CR1], and Elisabeth Shead, Nov. 4, 1746.
DERUMPLE (also see Dalrymple)
Abigal, and Joseph Prescott of Westford, Dec. 22, 1774.
Betsy, and Thaddeus Carter of Sandy Stream, at Westford, Aug. 24, 1797.
Elizabeth, and Timothy Woods, July 24, 1771.
Elizibath, and Simon Page of Shirley, Nov. 11, 1796.
Jane, and Nahum Woods, Nov. 17, 1785.
Mary, and William Scott of Dunstable, Apr. 23, 1747.
Sarah, and Peletiah Russell, Mar. 30, 1780.
Sarah, and Joseph Keys [Keyes. PR145] of Westford, Apr. 19, 1786.
William jr., and Sarah Boyden, May 28, 1778.
Cornelia [H. int], and Calvin P. Childs, Apr. 25, 1841*.
William, widr., of Ware, a. 29 y., house trimmer, s. John and Lucretia, of Ware, and Martha A. Hartwell, a. 24 y., dau Jepthah R. and Betsey, May 26, 1846*.
Sarah E., of Lowell, and Jacob W. Parker, int. Mar. 3, 1832.
DICKERSON (also see Dickinson)
Lucy, of Shirley, and David Sawtell, int. Aug. 15, 1813.
Paul, and Damaris Knight of Lancaster, at Lancaster, Mar. 10, 1766. Pr135.
DICKINSON (also see Dickerson)
Sarah, wid., and Daniel Willard of Lancaster, Feb. 6, 1760.
DICKSON (also see Dixon)
Lucy [Dixon. int], and Daniel Sawin [jr. int] of Watertown, Sept. 2, 1799*.
Lucy, and Isaac Newton Stone, Aug. 28, 1832*.
Lydia, and Jonathan Hubbard of Ashby, Mar. 3, 1837*.
Maria, and Thomas Jennison of Shirley, Feb. 16, 1814*.
Walter jr., and Sarah Eldridge of Dunstable, int. Sept. 25, 1824.
John M., unm., hostler, and Mary Wilkins, May 2, 1844*.
Mary, and Robert Robbins, at Chelmsford, Mar. 27, 1697.
DINSMORE (also see Dunsmoor, Dunsmore)
Abel [Densmore. CR1] and Rachel Fisk, Aug. 20, 1789.
DIVOL (also see Divoll)
Ephraim, of Lancaster, and Elisabeth Woods, Feb. 4, 1741 [1741-2. CR1].
DIVOLL (also see Divol)
Susanna, of Lunenburg, and Samuel Billings, int. Sept. 15, 1804.
Benjamin P., and Caroline Ward of Shrewsbury, int. Nov. 20, 1830.
DIXON (also see Dickson)
Robart [Dixson. CR1], and Abigall Parker, wid., Feb. 7, 1721-2.
Eliza, of Boston, and Amos Bancroft, M.D., Oct. 17, 1839*.
Andrew jr., and Sally Bowers of Townsend [at Townsend. PR147], Aug. 21, 1798.
Charles, and Betsey F. Kemp, int. Mar. 24, 1838.
Elijah, of Lunenburg, and [Mrs. int] Sarah Parker, Nov. 2, 1830*.
Elizabeth, of Harvard, and William Blanchard, int. Aug. 16, 1804.
Elizabeth [wid. int], and Jonas [Longley. int] Parker, Oct. 15, 1809*.
Ezra, of Beverly, and Mary Brown, Feb. 2, 1806*.
Franklin, of Harwich, and Susan Fitch, Dec. 6, 1839*.
George, of Boston, and Anna Parker, Apr. 12, 1825*.
Hannah, and Robison [Robin. CR1] Lakin, Apr. 15, 1746. [1745-6. CR1].
Ira, and Sarah Fitch of Pepperell, int. Apr. 21, 1838.
Isaac, and Elizabeth Blood, July 4, 1801*.
Joseph, and Mary Erwin [Irvine. CR1], wid., Feb. 21, 1741 [Feb. 28, 1742-3. CR1].
Lucy, and Benjamin Kendale [Kendall. CR1] of Ashby, Jan. 1, 1798.
Martha, and Nehemiah Tarbell, at Townsend, Dec. 3, 1776.
Marget [Margaret, of Lunenburg. CR1], and Hezekiah Sawtell [Sawtel. CR1] jr., June 25, 1747.
Mary, and Nathaniel Lakin of Pepperell, Jan. 20, 1785.
Nancy, and John W. Watkins of Chelmsford, Feb. 13, 1831*.
Nancy, and James B. Johnson, int. Sept. 12, 1841.
Priscilla, and Isaac Bowers, Mar. 23, 1762.
Ruth, and Benjamin Lawrance [Lawrence. CR1], June 22, 1743 [June 20, 1744. CR1].
Samuel, and Polly Farnsworth, Sept. 16, 1790.
Sarah, and James Gilson of Pepperell, Aug. 23, 1791.
Sarah, and Oliver Page, Dec. 17, 1821. CR1*.
Silas P., and Catherine P. Kendall, May 12, 1842*.
Thomas, and Lucy Sawtell, int. Nov. 6, 1802.
Amos, of Littleton, and Molley Page, May 29, 1755.
Frederick [Doldt. int], and Nancy Bell [Pell. int] of Tyngsborough, at Tyngsborough, Apr. 9, 1803. PR133*.
Mary M., of Brookline, N.H., and Artemas Wright jr., int. Nov. 11, 1834.
Michael, and Harriet Whiting, formerly of Pepperell, Nov. 26, 1840*.
DOUGLIS (also see Duglas, Dugless)
Hepzebath [Longlie. PR140], and Solomon Parker, at Pepperell, Dec. 12, 1752.
DOWNE (also see Downey)
Samuel, of Fitchburg, and Eunice Wentworth, at Fitchburg, Jan. 1, 1771.
DOWNEY (also see Downe)
Patrick, and Margaret Dealey, int. Jan. 8, 1848.
Mary, and Thomas Blodget of Chelmsford, at Chelmsford, July 8, 1696.
John, and Sybell Russell of Harvard, Mar. 1, 1759.
DUGLAS (also see Douglis)
Lydia [wid. CT.R] and Samuel Sawtell, -----, 1751 [Sept. 4, 1753. CT.R].
DUGLESS (also see Douglis)
Daniel, and Lydia Lakin, Aug. 4, 1740.
Melzar, of Boston, and Sylvia Woods, int. Oct. 1, 1808.
William, of Watertown, and Lucy Hall, June 1, 1815*.
William, of Dunstable, and Sally Richards, Nov. 30, 1815*.
Ferns [Terns Duning. int], and Mary Blanchard, Aug. 9, 1842*.
DUNSMOOR (also see Dinsmore)
John, and Sarah Austin of Lunenburg, int. Mar. 6, 1814.
DUNSMORE (also see Dinsmore)
Betsy, of Lunenburg, and Enock Cook Page, int. July 29, 1808.
Hannah [Densmore. CR1], and Enoch C. Page, Oct. 19, 1812*.
DURANT (also see Duren)
Abigail P., and Ebenezer M. Taylor, int. Nov. 7, 1839.
Benjamin H. and Mary E. Nutting, int. Jan. 16, 1841.
Martha, of Billerica, and Jonas Parker, at Billerica, Jan. 17, 1769.
Sophia [Mrs. PR135], of Lancaster, and Phinehas Nutting, at Lancaster, int. Sept. 19 [Oct. 15. PR135], 1812.
William, of Charlestown, and Marina Prescott, Dec. 9, 1830*.
William Henry, and Adeline K. Nutting, int. May 1, 1842.
DUREN (also see Durant)
Robert, widr., of Watertown, a. 40 y., yeoman, s. Joel and Lydia, and Betsey Hazen, a. 40 y., dau John and Hannah, July 15, 1844*.
DUTTEN (also see Dutton)
James, and Mary Robin, Dec. 9, 1690. CT.R.
DUTTON (also see Dutten)
Elizabeth [Dustun. CR1], and Stephen Foster, Dec. 27, 1773.
John, of Stoddard, N.H., and Deborah Parker, wid., Oct. 22, 1778.
Mary Ann, of Mount Vernon, N.H., and Franklin O. Kitteredge, int. Oct. 27, 1838.
Nathaniel, and Mahalah Elliot of Pepperell, int. May 3, 1817.
William, of New Ipswich, and Martha Parker, Dec. 12, 1769.
Luther, of Weymouth, and Sarah Torrey, Oct. 12, 1837*.
Aaron, and Eliza Williams of Worcester, int. Feb. 7, 1824.
Abel B., and Miriam Wright, Oct. 11, 1829*.
Amelia, and William Gutterson of Gilmanton, N.H., Mar. 29, 1818*.
Amos, of Townsend, and Hepsabeth L. Simonds, int. Dec. 27, 1834.
Ann, and Silas Burges of Concord, Apr. 29, 1824*.
Ann Maria, a. 18 y., dau Joshua and Matilda, and Simon H. Sibley, widr., of Spencer, a. 30 y., cotton manufacuturer, s. Simon and Nancy, Oct. 14, 1847*.
Charlotte and David Wright of St. Stevens, N.B., Mar. 11, 1824*.
Daniel jr., of Boston, and Anna Bancroft, Dec. 28, 1801*.
Frances Maria, and Ira Brown of Concord, Apr. 19, 1827*.
Jonas jr., and Polly Corey, Mar. 2, 1792.
Jonas, and Eliza Adams, dau Joseph Esq., of Killingly, CT., at Boston. Issue of Mar. 13, 1824. NR5.
Jonas jr., and Sarah H. Green of Boston, int. Dec. 21, 1830.
Joshua, and Matilda Prescott, Apr. 13, 1820*.
Mary, and Nathaniel Gilson, Mar. 26, 1794.
Mary P., a. 21 y., b. Lunenburg, dau Joshua and Matilda, and Simon H. Sibley, unm., of Sutton, a, 28 y., scythe maker, b. Oxford, s. Simon and Nancy, Jan. 2, 1845*.
Matilda, and Andrew Robbins, Apr. 29, 1841*.
Sarah, and Samuel A. Gutterson, June 30, 1829*.
Sarah Jane, a. 22 y., dau Joshua and Matilda, and Benjamin G. Howes, unm., of Lowell, a. 20 y., trader, s. Benjamin and Almira, Apr. 24, 1849*.
William, and Mary Lindsey, Apr. 29, 1834*.
Sylvia, of Swanzey, and Jacob Avery, at Swanzey, June 4, 1753.
Agness, and William Bancroft, Sept. 19, 1782.
Benjamin, and Charlotte Woods, Oct. 26, 1815*.
Charlotte, of Lowell, a. 21 y., dau Benjamin and Charlotte, of Shirley, and Danville Cole, unm., of Lowell, a. 24 y., founder, s. Job and Mary, June 19, 1845.
Isaiah, and Eunice Parker, wid., Jan. 19, 1780.
Isiah, and Molly Kemp, Dec. 12, 1791.
Hoscah, and Leafe Coolage of Leominster, int. Mar. 16, 1803.
Sarah, and Jonathan Coopper, Dec. 29, 1803*.
Jane, and John Lawlor, both resident, "at theis time," int. Feb. 6, 1836.
Peter Corning, of Wenham, and Martha Brown, Sept. 13, 1814*.
John, of Shirley, and Abigail Parker, Jan. 21, 1773.
John [Eills. CR1], of Rindge, and Rebecca Page, July 27, 1773.
ELDREDGE (also see Eldridge)
Olney, and Martha [Ann. int] Stone, May 18, 1831*.
ELDRIDGE (also see Eldredge)
Sarah, of Dunstable, and Walter Dickson jr., int. Sept. 25, 1824.
ELIOT (also see Elliot)
Elias, and Ruth Lawrenc [Lawrence. CR1], Dec. 18, 1729.
ELLIOT (also see Eliot, Elliott)
Mahalah, of Pepperell, and Nathaniel Dutton, int. May 3, 1817.
Thomas, of Mount Vernon, N.H., and Emeline M. Austin, Nov. 5, 1840*.
ELLIOTT (also see Elliot)
William [Eliot. dup], and Elizabeth Williams, at Pepperell, Mar. 19, 1751 [1751 dup].
Darburn, and Salley Brooks of Stoddard, N.H., int. Nov. 7, 1801.
Joseph, Rev., and Abigal Hay of Reading, at Reading, Dec. 12, 1750.
ERWIN (also see Ewin)
John [Irvine. CR1], and Mary Gilson, Dec. 5, 1738.
Mary [Irvine. CR1], wid., and Joseph Dodge, Feb. 21, 1741 [Feb. 28, 1742-3. CR1].
Mary, and Nathaniel Woods, Dec. 2, 1762.
Joseph, widr., a. 32 y., shoe maker, b. Farmington, N.H., s. Samuel and Dorothy, and Mary E. Brannum, a. 29 y., b. Medway, dau Stephen and Mary, deceased, Sept. 26, 1844*.
Peleg, Capt., of Deering, N.H., and Eunice Gragg, [wid. int], Oct. 19, 1809*.
EWIN (also see Erwin)
Lydia [Irvine. CR1], and William Knox of Suncook, Mar. 23, 1737-8.