To the End of the Year 1849
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

* = intention also recorded.
ABBOT (also see Abbott)
Eunice E., and George R. Tuttle, both of Sterling, Mar. 27, 1832.
William, of Wilton [N.H., and Mrs., int.] Betty Lawrance, Dec. 17, 1799*.
Ziba, of Dracut, and Elizabeth Thayer of Hollis, N.H., May 16, 1833.
ABBOTT (also see Abbot)
Annis, and Watson Wood, Jan. 1, 1823*.
Ephraim, Rev. [preceptor of Westford Academy, NR6], of Westford and Abigail [W. NT6] Bancroft, Jan. 22, 1830*.
Isaac C., and Mary Jane Jenkens of Dorchester, int. Sept. 5, 1834.
Joseph, and Deborah Swallow, Feb. 27, 1827*.
Joseph I. and Phebe Lovejoy of Andover, int. May 18, 1835.
Mary, of Andover, and John Kittridge of Billerica, Aug. 19, 1707-08. CR1.
Olive, of Shirley, and Jonathan Davis, int. Aug. 15, 1821.
Rhoda and William Bell, int. Aug. 30, 1818.
William jr., of Wilton [N.H. int.], and Nabby Sawtell, Sept. 29, 1807*.
Barnabas F., of Braintree, and Eliza Stow, int. May 16, 1835.
Betsy, and Ira Whittemore of Weston, int. Feb. 29, 1812.
Edee, resident, and Reuben Joy of Pepperell, int. May 9, 1812.
Eliza, dau Joseph Esq. of Killingly, Ct., and Jonas Eaton, at Boston. Issue of Mar. 13, 1824. NR5.
Elizabeth D., and John Boynton, Jan. 6, 1831*.
Fanny, and Jacob Zweir jr. of Lancaster, Sept. 25, 1804*.
Frederic, and Eliza Wetherbe [Wetherbe. CR1], Oct. 18, 1826*.
James, and Susanna Jenkins, Jan. 6, 1767.
James, and Olive Wiman, int. Apr. 11, 1813. (Banns forbidden by James' father, he not being of age, Apr. 15).
James, of Concord, and Roxcellana Hoar, int. Sept. 2, 1822.
Joel, and Polly Moors, both of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 28, 1811.
John jr., and Patty Richards, July 2, 1799*.
John, and Sally Searle [wid. int.] [of Townsend, int.], at Townsend, Nov. 12, 1818. PR147*.
John, and Mary Patch of Shirley, Nov. 27, 1828*.
Jonathan, of Concord, and Submit Farwell [Apr 30, 1752. CT.R.], 1751.
Joseph, physician, and Lovy Lawrence, dau Rev. -----, of Lincoln, at Townsend. Issue of Dec. 19, 1774. NR2.
Lydia, and Thomas Chamberlain, May 9, 1769.
Lydia, and Peter Farwell, both resident, Feb. 2, 1803*.
Mary, of Ashburnham, and Asa Ames, int. Mar. 28, 1836.
Richard, of Dunstable, and Lydia Phillips, at Pepperell, Jan. 17, 1751.
Roda, and Parker Wetherbee [Weatherbe. PR147], of Townsend, at Townsend, Aug. 15, 1792 [May 6, 1777. PR147].
William, of Harvard, and Betsey Tarbell, Jan. 12, 1819*.
ALBE (also see Albee)
Elisabeth, of Townsend, and Jonas Sawtell, May 29, 1755.
ALBEE (also see Albe)
John and Abigil Sarl [Searle, both of Northtown. CR1], Apr. 25, 1732.
William, resident, and Eunice Parker, May 23, 1798.
Joseph jr. and Submit Lawrance, Feb. 27, 1800*.
Lucy, of Concord, and Samuel Bowers, at Concord, Apr. 2, 1786.
Mary, and David Fletcher of Dunstable, Feb. -- 1796.
Nabby, and Jonathan Shed [of Reading, Vt., CR1], Feb. 1, 1791.
Sarah, and Abraham Moors, Sept. 1, 1773.
Sarah, and Enoch [C. int.] Pag of Lunenburg, Oct. 6, 1829*.
Abel, and Fanny Livingston, Oct. 9, 1792.
Abigail, and William Green jr. of Pepperell, Mar. 10, 1785.
Adeline, and Oliver H. Atherton of Harvard, May 31, 1836*.
Amos, and Abigail Bulkley, Oct. 27, 1757.
Asa, and Mary Adams of Ashburnham, int. Mar. 28, 1836.
Bethiah, and John Scott, Feb. 18, 1788.
Betsy Bulkley, and William Livermore, Apr. 21, 1799*.
Bulkley, and Lydia Prescott of Westford, at Westford, Sept. 22, 1799*.
Edward, and Mary Tilla of New London, int. Sept. 22, 1822.
Elizabeth, and William Blood, Dec. 2, 1790.
Elvira, and Joab Buck of New Bedford, Apr. 26, 1831*.
Hannah [Anna. CT.R], and Imlah Parker, June 7, 1789.
Jacob, and Ruth Shattuck, Nov. 14, 1727.
Jacob, and Olive Davise, at Westford, Feb. 16, 1749.
Jacob, and Sarah Parker, at Pepperell, Jan. 24, 1751.
Joel, of Medford, and Lucinda Howe, Mar. 2, 1800*.
Joel jr., and Jane A. Bardeen of Harvard, int. Sept. 13, 1835.
John, and Susanna Nutting, May 6, 1756.
Jonna [Am's. CR1], and John Parker, May 22, 1719.
Joseph, and Hannah Cory, Nov. 20, 1791.
Lavina, and Joseph W. Wright of Littleton, Apr. 16, 1839*.
Lydia, and Daniell Davis, Mar. 21, 1726-7.
Lydia, and Jeremiah Chaplin, Mar. 29, 1796.
Lydia, and Luther F. Potter, Dec. 26, 1839*.
Maria, and Amos R. Barker of Tyngsborough, Nov. 1, 1836*.
Mary, Mrs., and Joseph Davis of New Ipswich, N.H., Nov. 30, 1837*.
Mary, Mrs., and Calvin Child, int. May 15, 1847.
Mary Ann, and Samuel Beard, Nov. 1, 1836*.
Moses, of Boston, and Charity Whitman, Dec. 1, 1808*.
Nathan, and Deborah Bowers, Apr 19, 1763.
Nathan, and Lydia Goodhue, at Chelmsford, Apr. 10, 1788*.
Olive, and Samuel Nutting of Waltham, Oct. 9, 1765.
Peter, and Sally Child, Oct. 7, 1799*.
Presilla, and William Lakin, Feb. 27, 1756.
Prudence, and Isaac Green of Ashby, Dec. 27, 1786.
Robert, and Sarah Woods, Dec. 2, 1762.
Robert, and [Mrs. PR142] Susanna Warren, at Townsend, Apr. 29, 1777.
Robert jr., and Ruth Lawrence, Feb. or Mar. 27, 1783.
Sally, and Calvin Hubbard, Oct. 15, 1823*.
Sally, Mrs., and Isaac Brown, int. Mar. 27, 1825. (Banns forbidden by both parties Mar. 30, 1825).
Sally, Mrs., and John Rockwood, May 6, 1827*.
Sarah, and Ephraim Stone, June 18, 1787.
Sarah Ann, and Benjamin W. Robbins of Littleton, int. Apr. 17, 1842.
Simeon, and Sibbel [W., int.] Blood, Nov. 25, 1830*.
Stephen, and Jane Robbins, Apr. 14, 1731.
Winslow, of Pepperell, and Mary Parker, Feb. 27, 1818*.
Abel, and Mary Fisk, July 12, 1780.
Mary, and Thomas Merrifield, July 12, 1732.
Peter, of Lowell, and Rebekah Butler, Sept. 29, 1840*.
Aaron, resident, and Mary Parker, Mar. 1, 1821*.
Asa, of Sutton, and Polly [Mary. int.] Farnsworth, Oct. 15, 1812*.
ARCHABALD (also see Archibald)
Rebeccah, and Abel Kemp, Sept. 3, 1778.
ARCHIBALD (also see Archabald)
David, and Hannah Patch, at Concord, Nov. 9, 1769.
Abiel, and John Larrabee of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, June 19, 1760.
ASTIN (also see Austin)
Bulah, and Eli Flint jr., May 22, 1817.
Amos, of Lancaster, and Lydia Goold of Shirley, May 4, 1758.
Amos, and Mary Pratt of Westford, Mar. 8, 1831*.
Elisabeth, and Edmund Bancroft, Dec. 30, 1747.
Loisa, of Harvard, and Daniel Moors Farwell, int. May 7, 1808.
Mary, of Harvard, and William Bennett, at Harvard, Nov. 26, 1741.
Oliver H., of Harvard, and Adeline Ames, May 31, 1836*.
Elizabeth [Atkinson. CR1], and Joseph Priest jr. of Harvard, Feb. 12, 1815.
AUSTIN (also see Astin)
Betsy, and Luther Hayden, resident, int. Feb. 12, 1815.
Emeline M., and Thomas Elliot of Mount Vernon, N.H., Nov. 5, 1840*.
Sarah, of Lunenburg, and John Dunsmoor, int. Mar. 6, 1814.
Elizebeth, of Dedham, and Hezekiah Sprague, at Dedham, Oct. 30, 1729.
Hanah, and Joshua Johnson jr. of Lancaster, at Lancaster, Jan. 20, 1761. PR135.
Jacob, and Sylva Eddy of Swanzey, at Swanzey, June 4, 1753.
Jonathan of Townsend, and Mary Farnsworth, at Townsend, Jan. 9, 1752.
David L., of New York City, and Rebecca S. Rice, int. Feb. 3, 1833 (Banns forbidden by Rebecca S. Rice).
BACON (also see Bason, Basone)
Thomas and Sophia Ann Wightman of Boston, int July 3, 1814.
Elisabeth, of Rockingham, Vt., and Capt. Jonas Parker, int. Feb. 27, 1820.
BAILEY (also see Baley)
Louisa, a. 18 y., b. Brookline, N.H., dau William and Ruth, deceased, and George Williams, unm., a. 24 y., tanner, s. Lewis and Abigail, of Brookline, N.H., May 7, 1845*.
Jonas [of Westminster. CR1], and Susanna Simonds, Sept. 29, 1789.
Nancy, of Littleton, and John Farnsworth, at Littleton, Dec. 29, 1789.
John, resident, and Rhoda Pirce, int. July 30, 1820.
John 2d, and Sarah Jane Kemp, May 28, 1839*.
Lydia P., of Shirley, and Albert S. Kemp, at Mount Holly, Vt., Oct. 18, 1840.
Rhoda Ann, of Pepperell, and Samuel A. Souther, int. Sept. 5, 1846.
Eliza, of Townsend, and Abel Lawrence, int. Feb. 17, 1849.
Isaac, and Elizebeth Shattuck of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Nov. 27, 1760.
Jonas, of Townsend, and Ruth Wilson, Jan. 2, 1759.
Lydia, of Watertown, and Olive Prescott, at Watertown, Feb. 19, 1756.
BALEY (also see Bailey)
Sarah, and Thomas Lawranec jr., May 5, 1757.
Eleazer, of Groton, N.H., and Mrs. Hepzibah Jaquith, int. July 19, 1823.
Eleazer, and Mrs. Ruth Keep of Pepperell, int. Feb. 14, 1824.
Jonas, and Betsy Connick, Nov. 7, 1793.
Nathan, of Northborough, and Elisabeth Reed [Mar. CT.R] 25, 1766.
Thankful, of Concord, and Ephraim Robbins, at Concord, Dec. 19, 1777.
BANCROFFT (also see Bancroft)
Anne, and Nathan [Jonathan. CR1] Longley, [Jan. 30. CT.R] [1750-51. CT.R].
Benimin jr., and Allis Tarbell, Oct. 18, 1749.
Edmund [Bancroft. CR1], and Elisabeth Atherton, Dec. 30, 1747.
BANCROFT (also see Bancrofft)
Abel, and Sarah Lawrence [Lawrance. CR1], July 14, 1774.
Abel, and Sally Tarbell, June 26, 1808*.
Abigail [Nabby, int.], Mrs., and Peter Blood of Dunstable, Mar. 23, 1819*.
Abigail [W. NR6], and Rev. Ephraim Abbott [perceptor of Westford Academy, NR6], Jan. 22, 1830*.
Allice, and Peter Coock [Cook, CR1], July 15, 1794.
Amos, Dr., of Westford, and Abigail Whiting of Hollis, N.H., Aug. 29, 1796.
Amos B., Dr., and Marietta Shipley of Pepperell, int. May 24, 1840.
Amos, M.D., and Eliza Doane of Boston, Oct. 17, 1839*.
Amos, M.D., and Mary Kneeland [of Westford, int.], at Westford, Oct. 31, 1841. PR145*.
Anna, and Daniel Eaton jr. of Boston, Dec. 28, 1801*.
Asa, and Mercy Tyler of Leominster, int. June 8, 1806.
Benjamin [3d. CR1], and Phebe Parker, Jan. 26, 1773.
Benjamin, and Mrs. Mary Tuttle of Littleton, at Littleton, Oct. 18, 1785.
Bulah, and Solomon Russell, Dec. 30, 1784.
Easter E., and William Boynton, Feb. 26, 1833*.
Edmund, and Polly French of Hingham, int. Aug. 9, 1818.
Edmund Dana, of Boston, and Mary Emmeline Kilbourne, int. Oct. 27, 1844.
George W., and Emeline Robbins, Nov. 28, 1839*.
Harriot, and Josiah Conant of Boston, Oct. 23, 1817*.
Henry A., of Boston, and Caroline Robbins, int. Nov. 8, 1848.
John, of Woodstock, and Eunice Blood, Nov. 17, 1768.
John, and Lucy Davis, Sept. 24, 1793.
Jonathan, of Danvers, and Phebe Lawrance, Sept. 30, 1756.
Jonathan, of Dunstable, and Martha Green, at Dunstable, May 20, 1773.
Joseph, and Susanna Hubbard, Nov. 6, 1783.
Lucy, and Josiah Rogers of Billerica, int. Sept. 7, 1837.
Lucy M., a. 48 y., dau Amos and Abigail, and George Thacher [Esq., int.], widr., of Munroe, M., a. 56 y., consellor at law, s. George and Sarah, June 15, 1847*.
Mary, and John Binford of Boston, int. July 11, 1801.
Mary, and Benjamin Gulliver of Boston, May 18, 1806.*
Phebe E., of Boston, and William T. Childs, int. Oct. 21, 1846.
Samuel, and Abigail Child, May 7, 1789.
Sarah, and Eleazer Hamlen, Mar. 29, 1791.
Sarah, and Asa Wheeler, Feb. 11, 1798.
Sarah Jane, and Asa F. Lawrence, Esq. of Pepperell, int. June 24, 1837.
Thadeus, and Bular Foster, at Pepperell, Sept. 5, 1775.
William, and Agness Edes, Sept. 19, 1782.
William, and Hannah Wortsamog, formerly of Lancaster, Dec. 21, 1719.
Mary Anna [Anne, wid. William, and dau Ezekiel Lewis, NR2], and Caleb Davis, Esq. of Boston, Aug. 20, 1783.
BARDEEN (also see Barden, Bardin)
Daniel N., and Sophia Stone, Mar. 27, 1832*.
Jane A., of Harvard, and Joel Ames jr., int. Sept. 13, 1835.
Joseph, and Sarah Sawtell, both resident of Brookline, Dec. 12, 1810.
Sarah, of Harvard, and Luther Crouch, int. Nov. 3, 1804.
Shadrach, of Harvard, and Sarah Nutting, Dec. 26, 1803*.
Susanna F., of Harvard, and Abel Sawtell jr., int. Mar. 31, 1822.
William T., unm., age 26 y., blacksmith, s. Shadrac and Sarah, and Mary A. Farnsworth, age 18 y., dau Asahel and Eunice, Oct. 1, 1746*.
BARDEN (also see Bardeen)
Hiram, and Rachel Robbins, Oct. 8, 1833*.
Joseph, and Mrs. Susan Constantine, Jan. 21, 1840*.
Olive, and Warren Robbins, Apr. 11, 1836*.
BARDIN (also see Bardeen)
Joseph, and Mrs. Rachel Robbins, Apr. 16, 1829*.
BARET (also see Barrett)
Hannah, and James Bennit, at Reading, Mar. 23, 1703.
Amos R., of Tyngsborough, and Maria Ames, Nov. 1, 1836*.
Clarissa, of Acton, and Nathaniel F. Hubbard, int. Feb. 24, 1843.
Dorcas [Barney. CT.R], and John Cortne [Courtnay, CT.R], June 12, 1743 [1744. CR1].
Abraham, and Lucy Cushing of Boston, Aug. 12, 1834*.
BARRET (also see Barrett)
Edward, and Abi Bassett of Ludlow, Vt., int. Oct. 29, 1809.
BARRETT (also see Baret, Barret)
Ephraim C., unm. of Boston, a. 24 y., brass finisher, s. Oliver and Betsey, and Martha A. Tenney, a. 23 y., dau Benjamin F. and Mary, June 24, 1849*.
Hannah, of Concord, and Amos Davis, at Concord, Sept. 29, 1798. PR134.
Hannah, of Mason, N.H., and Amos Davis, int. Dec. 6, 1817.
Rebecca, of Concord, and William Ward, at Concord, Mar. 6, 1817. PR134*.
Abigail, and Ephraim Cade [Cady. CR1], of Killingly [Conn., Oct. 26. CT.R], 1732*.
Hannah, and Aaron Farnworth, Mar. 24, 1728 [1729. CR1].
Mary, and William Green of Charlestown, at Charlestown, June 20, 1705. PR137.
Nathan, and Abial Yarrow, Feb. 2, 1729-30.
Sarah [Farnsworth. CT.R], and Jonathan Sheed [Shead. CR1], Apr. 3, 1722.
Silas, and Rebecca Parker, June 4, 1760.
Silas, and Abigail Woods, May 19, 1763.
Stephen, and Sybil Parker [Apr. CR1], 17, 1735.
Timothy, and Hannah Fletcher [of Chelmsford. CR1], Jan. 13, 1725-6.
Moses, and Sarah Power, at Concord, Apr. 8, 1702.
BARTLET (also see Bartlett)
Elisabeth [Bartlett, CR1], wid., and James Paterson [Patterson, CR1], Jan. 17, 1744.
Jerusha, of Plymouth, and Joseph Croswell, at Plymouth, Mar. 14, 1744.
Sally [Sarah Bartlett, CR1], and Samuel Blood, Sept. 10, 1788.
BARTLETT (also see Bartlett)
Anna, and Ephraim Farwell, Oct. 31, 1782.
Charles, of Concord, and Nancy Fuller, int. Dec. 7, 1849.
Samuel jr., and Tabitha Burge, Apr. 3, 1783.
BASON (also see Bacon)
Sarah [Bacon. CT.R], wid., and Ebenezer Lawrans [Severence, CT.R], Apr. 2, [1754. CT.R].
BASONE (also see Bacon)
Samuell, and Sarah Rice, wid., July 23, 1740.
Lydia, of Chelmsford, and Stephen Corey, int. Mar. 22, 1816.
Stephen, Esq., of Dunstable, N.H., and Anna Shattuck, Apr. 30, 1822*.
Benjamin, and Polly Beers, Oct. 11, 1793.
Eliza Ann, and Levi Farrar of Townsend, int. Apr. 15, 1843.
Walter, and Zibiah Huddleston of Billerica, int. June 12, 1847.
Jeremiah, of Brattleboro, Vt., and Susan Stone, Oct. 17, 1832*.
James, of Charlestown, and Julianna W. Gardner, int. Feb. 7, 1848.
Samuel, and Mary Ann Ames, Nov. 1, 1836*.
BEELS (also see Beles)
Benjamin, of Rindge, N.H., and Anna Lawrance [Lawrence. CR1], May 11, 1779.
BEERS (also see Biers)
Polly, and Benjamin Bathrick, Oct. 11, 1793.
BELES (also see Beels)
William [Beals. CR1], of Westford, and Anna Woods, May 7, 1772.
Nancy, of Tyngsborough, and Frederick Dolt, at Tyngsborough, Apr. 9, 1803. PR133.
William, and Rhoda Abbott, int. Aug. 30, 1818.
Thankful [Beeman. CR1], resident, and Paul Fletcher, Oct. 3, 1774.
Stephen, Rev., of Harvard, and Susanna Chaplin [dau Rev. Daniel. NR3], Apr. 20, 1808*.
Nathen S., Rev., of Byron, N.Y., and Hannah Maria Nutting, Mar. 4, 1839(.
BENIT (also see Bennett)
James, and Hannah Baret, at Reading, Mar. 23, 1703.
William, and Mrs. Hannah Peney [Perrey. PR138] of Andover, at Andover, Mar. 28, 1758.
BENNET (also see Bennett)
Anna, and John Bush, Dec. 2, 1762.
Benjamin [Bennitt. CR1], and Mary Lakin, Mar. 27, 1723.
Elisabeth [wid. CR1], and Richard Sawtell, Mar. 23, 1763.
Eliza, and Aaron Corey of Boston, int. May 21, 1808.
James jr. and Susanna McIntosh of Lunenburg, int. Jan. 26, 1805.
Jonas, and Nancy Buck of Wilmington, int. Mar. 2, 1809.
Joseph [Bennett. CR1], and Sally Proctor [of Dunstable. Apr. 13, CR1], 1797.
Margret, wid., and Joseph Medcalf, Jan. 24, 1759.
Moses [Bennit. CR1], and Annah Blanchard, Aug. 11, 1719.
William, and Mary Atherton of Harvard, at Harvard, Nov. 26, 1741.
BENNETT (also see Benit, Bennet)
Abial, and William Bush, Mar. 1, 1748.
Abijah, and Mary Green, Apr. 22, 1824*.
Anna, and Joseph Trufant jr., Apr. 25, 1790.
Anna, and Rufus Woodward, Mar. 2, 1828*.
Benjamin jr. and Sarah Lakin, Jan. 8, 1746 [1746-7. CR1].
Benjamin jr. and Sarah Lakin, Apr. 7, 1778.
Benjamin, and Syble Woods, Aug. 28, 1778.
Betsey, resident, and James Clerk [Clark. CR1] Richardson of Brookfield, Aug. 24, 1804.
[David. CR.R: Bennit. CR1], of Shirley, and Elisabeth Wait [Jan. 3, CT.R] 1751 [1754. CT.R].
Elizabeth [Bennet, CR1], and Thomas Tarbell, July 16, 1807*.
Emeline, and Capt. Sumner Shattuck, Apr. 9, 1839*.
Eunice [Bennit. CR1], and Jerahemel Powers, Feb. 9, 1748.
Eunice, and Seth Nutting, Mar. 31, 1803*.
Isaac, and Indiana Green, Dec. 2, 1813*.
Isaac jr., unm., of Pepperell, a. 28 y., carpenter, b. Pepperell, s. Isaac and Indianna, of Pepperell, and Mary Jane Tarbell, a. 20 y., dau William and Suzn, July 3, 1845*.
James jr., and Nancy Shattuck, Apr. 5, 1804*.
James 2d, and Mary Shattuck, Jan. 5, 1830*.
Jonathan and Mary Going of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, Oct. 15, 1755.
Jonathan, and Margaret Shattuck, May 11, 1800*.
Joseph [Bennit. CR1] and Marget Shattuck [May 26, CT.R], 1751 [1752. CT.R].
Josiah R. [K., int.], and Lucinda H. Nutting, Jan. 6, 1830*.
Lucretia J., and Merrick Reed of Westford, int. June 28, 1844.
Lydia [Bennit. CR1], and James Fisk, Mar. 23, 1736-7.
Mary, and John Gragg jr., both resident, Sept. 26, 1779.
Molly, and Solomon Tarbell, Feb. 17, 1785.
Moses jr. and Sarah Blood, Feb. 17, 1746.
Polly, and John Shattuck, Nov. 16, 1797.
Sarah, and Aaron Farnsworth, June 16, 1767.
Sarah [Bennet. CR1], and Ebenezer Lewis, Aug. 21, 1773.
Sarah, and Thomas Farmer, Jan. 28, 1807*.
Sarah, and Aaron Williams jr., Sept. 17, 1812*.
Sarah, of Cambridge, and John Sawtell, Mar. 18, 1824*.
Sarah [Mrs. int.] and Jonas Merriam of Shirley, Apr. 25, 1826*.
Susanna, and John Johnson, May 16, 1785.
Thomas jr. and Nancy Shattuck, Nov. 25, 1798.
Thomas, and Eunice Shattuck [wid. int.], Jan. 19, 1815*.
Eunice, and Job Worcester, int. Dec. 19, 1819.
Eunice, and Asa Worcester, Feb. 10, 1821*.
Ruth, of Shirley, and Phineas Wait, at Shirley, Nov. --, 1796.
BIERS (also see Beers)
Jabez, of Bolton, and Phebe Brooks, Dec. 7, 1773.
Sarah, of Westford [Westborough. CT.R], and John Pierce, Nov. 26, 1765.
BIGEBY (also see Bixby)
Asa jr., of Westford, and Lucy Gilson, Mar. 26, 1793.
BIGELOW (also see Biggelo, Biglow)
Aaron, and Lucy Pierce, wid., Feb. 7, 1781.
Clarissa, and Tyler Bigelow, Esq., of Watertown, Nov. 23, 1806*.
Joseph J., of Boston, and Nancy Tarbell, Jan. 7, 1830*.
Lucy, dau Col. Timothy, late of Worcester, deceased, and [Capt. int] Luther Lawrence, at Worcester, June 19, 1805*.
Meriam, and Samuel Peirce [Pierce. CR1], Feb. 17, 1762.
Meriam, and William Longley 3d, of Shirley, May 29, 1811*.
Mindwell, of Harvard, and John Frost jr., at Harvard, Sept. 6, 1750.
Sarah, and Joshua Holdin, June 3, 1761.
Timothy, and Lucy Prescot, Sept. 30, 1791.
Tyler, Esq., of Watertown, and Clarissa Bigelow, Nov. 23, 1806*.
BIGGELO (also see Bigelow)
Patience, and Samuill Woods [Samuell Wood. CR1], Nov. 29, 1720.
BIGLOW (also see Bigelow)
Beulah, of Westford, and Jonathan Hall of Ashby, Sept. 22, 1778.
BIGSBY (also see Bixby)
Abigail, of Westford, and Zechariah Sartel, at Westford, Sept. 11, 1733.
John [jr. int], of Lunenburg, and Mary B. Morse, Oct. 26, 1808*.
John A., and Sarah M. Childs, May 30, 1839*.
Polly, of Lunenburg, and Levi Carlisle, at Lunenburg, Oct. 7, 1798.
Samuel, and Susanna Divoll of Lunenburg, int. Sept. 15, 1804.
John, of Boston, and Mary Bancroft, int. July 11, 1801.
BIXBY (also see Bigeby, Bigsby)
Asa jr., of Westford, and Mary Gilson [at Westford. PR145], int. June 22, 1817.
B. Varnum, unm., a. 29 y., farmer, s. Asa and Mary, and Bridget Lee, a. 24 y., b. Ireland, Apr. 26, 1849*.
Mary E., a. 26 y., dau Asa and Mary, deceased, and Stephen J. Woods jr., unm., a. 32 y., farmer, s. Stephen J. and Martha, May 1, 1845*.
Theophilus, of Westford [Roxbury. int.] and Anna Fisk, at Westford, Mar. 3, 1805. PR145*.
John, and Mary Freeman, Sept. 23, 1757.
Caleb M., and Margaret McDuffee, May 21, 1833*.
Patty [Martha, of Westford. int], and Luther Gilson, at Westford, Feb. 11 [Jan. 12, int.] 1822. PR145*.
Annah, and Moses Bennet [Bennit. CR1], Aug. 11, 1719.
Dexter, and Charlotte Capell [Capel. NR5], Nov. 9, 1824*.
Elizabeth, and Benjamin Hazen, July 25, 1717.
John, of Dunstable, and Mary Sawtell, May 30, 1722.
John, of Sutton, and Huldah Carrol, at Harvard, Sept. 26, 1786 [1785. PR131],
John, of Harvard, and Abigail Stone, May 29, 1811*.
Joseph, of Dunstable, and Rebeckah Hubbard [Huburd. CR1], Sept. 26, 1728.
Lucy, and Eleazer Green jr., Apr. 6, 1778.
Mary, and Ferns Dunning, Aug. 9, 1842*.
Nathaniel, and Anna Green, Nov. 28, 1782.
Phebe, of Harvard, and Joseph Stone, int. Oct. 29, 1803.
Rebecca, and John Sheple, Dec. 8, 1772.
Rebecka, and David Lakin, Mar. 22, 1774.
Simeon, of Dunstable, N.H., and Mary Shattuck, May 18, 1820*.
William, of Dunstable, and Deliverance Parker [Feb. 28, CR1], 1733-4.
William, and Elizabeth Dodge of Harvard, int. Aug. 16, 1804.
William, of Charlestown, and Lucretia Parker, at Boston, Issue of Oct. 2, 1805. NR7.
Sylva, of Compton, Canada, a. 14 y., b. Compton, Canada, and John Lawrence, unm., a. 27 y., miller, s. John and Lucy, Dec. 20, 1848*.
BLODGET (also see Blodgett, Blogget)
Abigail, and John Chaney jr., both of Dunstable, Mar. 4, 1784.
Frederick W., of Chelmsford, and Betsy B. Johnson, May 23, 1837*.
Jacob, and Lucy Tarbox, Nov. 10, 1774.
John, of Westford, and Mary Prescott, Feb. 17, 1806*.
Lydia [Blodgett. CR1], and Jesse Butterfield, both of Dunstable, Sept. 28, 1780.
Samuell [Bloget. CR1], of Westford, and Sarah Spencer, Dec. 6, 1744.
Thomas, of Chelmsford, and Mary Druce, at Chelmsford, July 8, 1696.
BLODGETT (also see Blodget)
Mary [Blodget. int.], of Tyngsborough, and John Johnson jr., at Tyngsborough, July 3, 1810. PR133*.
BLOGGET (also see Blodget)
Josiah, of Dunstable, and Jemima Nutting, Apr. 13, 1737.
BLOOD (also see Bloud)
Abel, and Nabby Keep, July 1, 1792.
Abigail, wid., and Ephraim Chandler of Westford, Feb. 16, 1747 [1747-8. CR1].
Abigail, and Ebenezer Perry, Dec. 11, 1816*.
Alethea, and Oliver Patch, Jan. 26, 1778.
Alfred, and Betsy Joy of Boston, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
Amaziah, and Hannah Green of Pepperell, at Pepperell, May 13, 1783.
Amelia, and Luther Sheple, Apr. 1, 1824*.
Amilla, and Zechariah Fitch jr., int. Oct. 17, 1800.
Andrew, unm., a. 24 y., farmer, s. Timothy and Anna, and Susan M. Sanderson, a. 20 y., dau Amasa and Abigail, Jan. 29, 1846*.
Anna, and Jonathan Sheple, Dec. --, 1774.
Anna, and John Fisk, at Pepperell, Sept. 26, 1775.
Anna, and Franklin Lawrence, Nov. 30, 1837*.
Asa, of Mason, and Lucy Hemmenway, Mar. 22, 1792.
Asenath, and Ebenezer Pierce of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Jan. 28, 1799.
Azubah, and Jonathan Lawrance jr., Oct. 19, 1802*.
Betsey, and Oliver Lakin, Mar. 6, 1815*.
Caleb, and Hannah Holdin [Nov. 1. CT.R], 1751 [1753. CT.R].
Caleb, and Elizabeth Farnsworth, Mar. 3, 1774.
Caleb 3d, and Hephsibah Jewett of Pepperell, at Townsend, Mar. 22, 1781.
Calvin 2d, and Avis Farmer, Nov. 29, 1832*.
Calvin, and Mary Ann Blood, Apr. 25, 1833*.
Calvin 2d, and Caroline Woods, Feb. 14, 1843*.
Caroline, and Amos Stone, May 1, 1838*.
Catherine, and Willard Torrey, Jan. 7, 1841*.
Clement, and Eunice Gilson, at Westford, May 29, 1746.
David, and Abigaill Farnsworth [Farnworth, May 1, CR1], 1740.
David, and Sybele Parker, Aug. 7, 1781.
Deborah, and Abijah Gilson, Aug. [Oct. CR1] 17, 1803*.
Eben, and Sarah Pierce of Pepperell, at Pepperell, June 3, 1792.
Ebenezer, and Tamar Farmer, Mar. 8, 1830*.
Ebenezer L. and Polly Sanders, Dec. 8, 1803*.
Edmund, and Katy Blood, Nov. 4 [24. CR1], 1772.
Edmund, and Mary C. Heald, Feb. 14, 1832*.
Eli, and Sally Sheple, Mar. 6, 1819.
Eli, of Pepperell, and Mary Hazen, Apr. 11, 1837*.
Elinor, and Jonathan Lampson of Concord [Nov. 1. CT.R], 1733.
Elisabeth, and Nathaniell Bowers, Feb. 8, 1741 [1742-3. CR1].
Elizabeth, and Ebenezer Proctor [Procter. CR1], of Dunstable, [Nov. 25. CR1], 1735.
Elizabeth, and Isaac Dodge, July 4, 1801*.
Elnathan, and Elisabeth Boynton, Nov. 26, 1740 [1741 CR1].
Eunice, and John Bancroft of Woodstock, Nov. 17, 1768.
Fanny, and John McKean Gilson, Jan. 30, 1831.
Franklin, and Eliza Jane Rowe of Campton, N.H., int. Apr. 8, 1837.
Frederick A., and Vesta Spaulding, Apr. 14, 1825*.
George, and Azubah Hoit, int. Aug. 25, 1816.
Hannah, and Joseph Blood jr., [Spet. CR1] 9, 1741 [1742. CR1].
Hannah, and Oliver Blood jr., Nov. 17, 1774.
Hannah, and Jonas Taylor, resident, Mar. 17, 1778.
henry, and Nabby Lakin, May 14, 1790.
Henry, and Poley Fisk of Pepperell, at Pepperell, June 20, 1792.
Henry jr. and [Mrs. int.] Hepzibath Wetherbee, July 3, 1818*.
Hepzibah, and William Spaldin, Jan. 6, 1731 [1731-2. CR1].
Hepzibah [Jaquith. int.], and Isaac Laken [Lakin. CR1; jr. int.], Nov. 22, 1803*.
Jackson, and Betsey Pitman Jewett, Sept. 27, 1827*.
James jr., and Mary Gilson, Feb. 4, 1741 [1741-2. CR1].
James jr., and Elisabeth Jewett [Jewet. CR1] of Pepperell, Jan. 12, 1769.
James jr., and Martha Shattuck of Pepperell, Dec. 27, 1774.
James, of Dunstable, and Mary Jones, Apr. 4, 1820*.
Jesse, and Sarah Johnson, July 23, 1816*.
Joanna, and Timothy Darling of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, Feb. 8, 1753.
John, and Joanna Nutting, July 13, 1712. CR1.
John jr., and Abigail Parker, Dec. 8, 1740 [1741. CR1].
John, and Lydia Kemp, June 24, 1783.
John, and Mary E. Worcester, int. Jan. 8, 1848.
John A., and Mrs. Almira Howes of Boston, int. Oct. 8, 1841.
Jonathan, and Mary Gragg, June 25, 1788.
Joseph, and Hannah Sawyer of Lancaster, at Concord, Apr. 15, 1706.
Joseph jr., and Hannah Blood [Sept. CR1] 9, 1741 [1742. CR1].
Joseph, and Nancy Gray, May 30, 1805*.
Joseph D., and Laura W. Merriam, May 13, 1833*.
Joseph D., and Permelia Sawtell of Mason, N.H., int. Aug. 10, 1833.
Katy, and Edmund Blood, Nov. 4 [24. CR1], 1772.
Lemuel, and Lydia Blood, Dec. 10, 1772.
Lewis, and Sally Shattuck, Dec. 23, 1800*.
Lewis, and Almira W. Hartwell, July 10, 1834*.
Lois, and Abraham Parker, at Pepperell, Mar. 10 [16. dup], 1749.
Lucinda, and Zadock Lawrance, June 6, 1816*.
Lucy, and David Shedd, at Pepperell, Feb. 4, 1773.
Lucy, and Samson Prescott, Jan. 27, 1785.
Luther, and Sally Cook, int. Apr. 2, 1808.
Luther, unm., a. 33 y., butcher, s. Luther, deceased, and Sarah P. Stone, a. 29 y., dau Nathaniel, May 2, 1844*.
Lydia, and Nehemiah Jewett, Aug. 29, 1738.
Lydia, and Lemuel Blood, Dec. 10, 1772.
Lydia, and Robert Lakin of Peterborough, N.H., Dec. 15, 1785.
Lydia, and Oliver Kemp, Apr. 12, 1790.
Lyman F., and Matilda Clark, July 1, 1841*.
Maria, and Edward Jewett of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Nov. 23, 1784.
Mary, and Josiah Nutting, Dec. 13, 1742.
Mary, and Nathan Davis, s. Capt. Thomas and Sarah, May 25, 1767.
Mary, and David Prescott, Feb. 24, 1780.
Mary, and Benjamin Woodward of Dunstable, at Pepperell, Nov. 17, 1784.
Mary, and Luther Nutting, Apr. 23, 1818*.
Mary, and Jonathan Hartwell of Townsend, Jan. 27, 1825*.
Mary Ann, and Calvin Blood, Apr. 25, 1833*.
Mary Ann, and William Parker, Nov. 28, 1839*.
Mary J., and Andrew J. Saunderson, Dec. 31, 1837*.
Moses, and Elisabeth Stone, June 27, 1745.
Nancy, and Moses Kemp, Aug. 24, 1809*.
Nancy S., of Pepperell, and Elisha Corey, int. Nov. 26, 1837.
Nathaniel, and Hannah Shattuck [Chattuck. PR134], at Concord, Dec. 25, 1760.
Noah, and Mary Chapman, both of Dunstable, Oct. 16, 1821.
Oliver, and Sarah Darlin, at Pepperell, Nov. 8, 1751.
Oliver jr., and Hannah Blood, Nov. 17, 1774.
Oliver 3d, and Ruth [Conn. CR1] of Ashburnham, July 3, 1797.
Oliver, and Rebecca Fletcher, June 19, 1817*.
Oliver jr., of Harvard, and Mary Gilson, int. Apr. 7, 1842.
Peter, of Dunstable, and Mrs. Abigal [Nabby. int] Bancroft [at Dunstable. NR7], Mar. 23, 1819*.
Phebe, and James Burns, Jan. 12, 1838*.
Polly, and William Kemp, Feb. 7, 1810*.
Prudence, and Ezekiel Shattuck, at Pepperell, Sept. 25, 1788.
Richard, and Lydia Woods, int. Apr. 18, 1825.
Roxana, and Solomon Nutting, Jan. 11, 1838*.
Roxey, and Zadoc Woods, July 12, 1821*.
Ruth, and Isaac Parker, at Concord, Dec. 16, 1708. PR134.
Sally, and Josiah Hobart jr., Oct. 13, 1795.
Sally, and John Capell [Sarah Bartlett. CR1], Sept. 10, 1788.
Sarah, and Moses Bennett jr., Feb. 17, 1746 [1746-7. CR1].
Sarah, and Stephen Foster, at Pepperell, Aug. 5, 1747.
Sarah jr., and John Darling jr. of Winchendon, Sept. 24, 1778.
Sarah, and Augustus Warner [resident. int.], Aug. 28, 1822*.
Shattuck, and Lydia Nutting, Mar. 1, 1756.
Sibbel [W. int.] and Simeon Ames, Nov. 25, 1830*.
Silas, and Alatheah [Allethear. dup.] Martin, at Pepperell, May 12, 1747.
Silas jr., and Sarah Sheple, July 14, 1785.
Simeon, and Sarah Gilston, June 17, 1746.
Simon, and Anna Shattuck, at Pepperell, Feb. 1, 1753.
Sophia, and Samuel B. Wilder, Mar. 28, 1820*.
Submit, and Nathaniel Fletcher of Dunstable, at Pepperell, Feb. 21, 1792.
Susan, a. 48 y., dau William, and Samson Prescott, widr., a. 55 y., farmer, s. David and Mary, Nov. 13, 1845*.
Suza, and William Tarbell, Apr. 24, 1823*.
Thomas, and Milly Fitch of Pepperell, Oct. 17, 1799*.
Thomas, Capt., and Polly Fitch, Dec. 30, 1833 [Feb. 6, 1834. dup]*.
Thomas F., and Caroline Parker, Jan. 30, 1840*.
Timothy, and Sibbel Woods of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Nov. 15, 1798.
Timothy, and Anna Fletcher, Apr. 22, 1813*.
Timothy jr., and Elizabeth P. Saunderson, int. Nov. 10, 1827.
Vesta, Mrs., and Artemas Wright, Oct. 20, 1842*.
William, and Martha Lawrance, Feb. 11, 1735-6.
William, and Lucy Fletcher, at Pepperell, Jan. 5, 1748.
William, and Elizabeth Ames, Dec. 2, 1790.
BLOUD (also see Blood)
James, and Elizabeth Longly, Sept. 7, 1669. CT.R.
Nahaniel, and Hannah Parker, June 13, 1670. CT.R.
Sibbill L., a. 22 y., dau Samuel and Sophia, and Josiah T. Towne, unm., of Winchendon, a. 23 y., farmer, s. Joshua and Polly, Apr. 8, 1849*.
BOIDEN (also see Boyden)
Elisabeth, and John Sheple [Shepley. CR1] jr., Feb. 16, 1725-6.
Josiah [Boyden. CR1], and Eunis Parker, Jan. 7, 1729-30.
Eliza, and William P. Davis, Dec. 2, 1819*.
Rebecca J., and Charles R. Patch of Boston, int. Dec. 18, 1842.
Sarah, and George W. Stacy [formerly of Boston, NR6], Jan. 18, 1830*.
BOLTON (also see Boulton)
Eleab G., resident, and Dorcus Farwell of Concord, int. Sept. 14, 1821.
Mary Ann, and James Hartwell, July 2, 1839*.
Thomas, and Esther Merriam of Concord, at Concord, Mar. 5, 1777.
Henry P., and Ede Woods, Aug. 30, 1827*.
BOULTON (also see Bolton)
Abigail, of Shirley, and Joseph Chaplin jr. of Lunenburg, Oct. 24, 1782.
BOUTELLE (also see Boutwell)
Luther [Boutell. int], and Hannah Conant, at Townsend, Oct. 14, 1830. PR147*.
BOUTWELL (also see Boutelle)
George S., and Sarah A. Thayer, July 8, 1841*.
Abigail, and Nathan Whipple, Mar. 18, 1766.
Abigail, and Charles A. Gibson of Cambridge, int. Sept. 24, 1838.
Deborah, and Nathan Ames, Apr. 19, 1763.
Deborah, and Capt. Joseph Sheple, July 6, 1769.
Elesabeth, and Eleazer [Ebenezer. CR1] Tarbell, Dec. 20, 1727. [1726. CR1].
Elisabeth, and David Pearce [Peace. CT.R; Pierce, CR1], June 15, 1725.
Elizebeth, of Lancaster, and Phineas Parker, at Woburn, June 14, 1722.
Esther, and Nehemiah Goold, Nov. 1, 1737.
Hannah, and John Pratt, Feb. 5 [1745-6. CR1].
Isaac, and Priscilla Dodge, Mar. 23, 1762.
John, and Lucy Wheeler, Apr. 12, 1787.
Jonas, and Hannah Brown, Dec. 2, 1761.
Joseph, and Becca Bucknam, June 26, 1803*.
Joshua, and Sarah Farnsworth [Farnworth. CR1], Apr. 26, 1749.
Josiah, Capt., of Billerica, and Mrs. Maria Trowbridge, Jan. --, 1773.
Lucy, Mrs., of Littleton, and James Proctor jr., resident, int. May 29, 1807.
Mary, and Jonathan Prat [Pratt. CR1], Apr. 26, 1732.
Nathaniell, and Elisabeth Blood, Feb. 8, 1741 [1742-3. CR1].
Sally, of Townsend, and Andrew Dodge jr. [at Townsend. PR147], Aug. 21, 1798.
Samuel, and Lucy Allen of Concord, at Concord, Apr. 2, 1786.
Samuel, widr., shoemaker, and Nancy L. Davis, wid., b. Shirley, dau Oliver Laughton of Shirley, Mar. 25, 1844*.
Samuell jr., and Deborah Farnsworth [Mar. 19, CR1], 1734-5.
Samuel jr. and Abigail Warren, May 8, 1759.
Brook [Brooks. CR1], of Guilford, and Lucy Tufts, Nov. 12, 1820*.
BOYDEN (also see Boiden, Boydin)
Eunice, and Ebenezer Woods, at Pepperell, June 25, 1752.
Jonathan, Capt., and Lydia Sheple, wid. [Shepley. CR1], Mar. 22, 1736-7.
Jonathan, and Elizabeth Sawtell, Nov. 15, 1769.
Josiah, and Jane Read of Westford, at Westford, Apr. 12, 1749.
Josiah, and Sarah Nutting of Pepperell, at Pepperell, May 10, 1759.
Lydia, and Jonas Varnum [Feb. CR1] 12, 1734-5.
Marthy, and Isaac Green, at Westford, Feb. 18, 1742.
Samuel, and Molly Sawtell, Jan. 26, 1775.
Sarah, and William Derumple jr., May 28, 1778.
BOYDIN (also see Boyden)
Molly [Boyden. CR1], and Timothy Lawrence [Lawrance. CR1] of Littleton, Jan. 2, 1794.
Betsey, and Jephthah R. Hartwell, Dec. 22, 1819*.
Calvin, and Patty Sawtell, Aug. 12, 1795.
Danill, and Jemimiah Brown, June 1, 1721.
Elener [Eleonora. CR1], and Danill Perce [Pierce. CR1], Dec. 9, 1719.
Elisabeth, and Elnathan Blood, Nov. 26, 1740 [1741. CR1].
Esther, wid., and John Scott of Pepperell, May 31, 1758.
Hannah, and Nathan Whiple [Whipple. CR1], May 7, 1730.
Jaine, and William Nutting, Jan. 18, 1737-8.
Jane, and Samuel Foster of Boxford, at Pepperell, Nov. 24, 1748.
Joanna, and John Grout, both of Turkey Hills, Nov. 23, 1726. CR1.
John, and Elizabeth D. Adams, Jan. 6, 1831*.
Joseph, Lt., of Westford, and Sarah Tarbell, Oct. 7, 1762.
Nathaniel, and Eliza Lawrence [2d. int.], Mar. 19, 1822*.
Sarah, and Samuell Davis, both of Turkey Hills [Lunengurg. CT.R], Feb. 27, 1727-8*.
Sarah, and Aaron Woods, Apr. 1 [3. CR1], 1739.
Sumner, of Charlestown, and Mary Shattuck, Dec. 16, 1830*.
William, and Easter E. Bancroft, Feb. 26, 1833*.
BRADSTREET (also see Braydstreet, Broudstreet)
Ann, and Samel Hobart, Mar. 27, 1755.
Lucy, and Jonathan Pratt, Feb. 26, 1756.
Mary, and John Parker jr., Nov. 29, 1715.
Almira B., and Davis Shattuck, July 19, 1842*.
Mary E., a. 29 y., b. Medway, dau Stephen and Mary, deceased, and Joseph Estes, widr., a. 32 y., shoemaker, b. Farmington, N.H., s. Samuel and Dorothy, Sept. 26, 1844*.
BRAYDSTREET (also see Bradstreet)
Dudle [Dudley Bradstreet. CR1], and Abigal Lakin 4th, Apr. 20, 1727 [1726. CR1].
James, and Sarah Farwell, ---- 23, 1781.
James Esq., and Mrs. Hannah Pierce [wid., of Pepperell. int], at Pepperell, Apr. 10, 1811. NR11*.
Sarah F. [Taylor, int; dau James B., Esq. NR7], and John Stuart of Newburyport, June 28 [29. NR7], 1809*.
William Farwell, and Phebe Varnum of Dracut, int. Oct. 31, 1807.
Aaron, of Lynn, and [Mrs. int] Mary Fillebrown, resident, Nov. 10, 1805*.
Richard, and Mary Whitney, Apr. 16, 1789.
BRIDGE (also see Bridges)
Franklin, of Charlestown, and Rebecca H. Davis, int. Jan. 22, 1805.
BRIDGES (also see Bridge)
James L., of Wilton, N.H., and Lorinda Lawrence, int. Aug. 13, 1837.
BRIDHAM (also see Brighan)
Betsey Morse, and Jonathan Preston of Boston, Apr. 12, 1834*.
Emeline, and Johnson C. Burrage of Boston, Nov. 29, 1838*.
George, and Betsy Morse of Marlborough, int. Apr. 28, 1810.
George D., and Mary Jane Kilburn, Apr. 23, 1837*.
Margaret Ann, and Rev. Joseph C. Smith, int. Nov. 7, 1846.
Mary Loring, a. 20 y., dau George, and Gardner Morse, widr., of New Haven, treasurer and collector, b. New Haven, s. Stephen, of Marlborough, deceased, Dec. 20, 1813*.
BRIGHAN (also see Brigham)
George, and Margaret Shattick, Dec. 20, 1820*.
Anna, and Gen. Mark Trafton [Esq. int.] of Bangor, Me., Sept. 16, 1822*.
BROOK (also see Brooks)
Benjamin jr., of Townsend, and Elisabeth Green [Jan. 22. CT.R], 1751 [1752. CT.R].
Rebecka, and Samuel Wood jr. of Littleton, Aug. 13, 1771.
Sally, of Cambridge, and Joseph Wright of Charlestown, Feb. 1, 1802.
BROOKS (also see Brook)
Daniel, and Rebecca Harrington of Concord, at Concord, Jan. 28, 1808. PR134*.
Dickerson, of Ashburnham, and Hannah Kemp, Sept. 28, 1818*.
Eliksabeth, of Townsend, and Benjamin Hobart, at Townsend, Jan. 21, 1779.
Elizabeth, and Joseph Rockwood Jr., Apr. 14, 1808*.
Francis A., unm., of Petersham, a. 23 y., lawyer, s. Aaron jr. and Abby B., and Francis Butler, a. 24 y., dau Caleb and Clarissa, Sept. 14, 1847*.
Francis, unm., a. 24 y., laborer, s. Joseph and Betsey, and [Mrs. int] Eunice Grant, divorced w. Charles C. Grant, a. 32 y., dau William Huddleston, Dec. 24, 1849*.
Hannah, and Ephraim Robbins of Westminster, Nov. 3, 1774.
Hannah, of Lunenburg, and John Rockwood, int. Nov. 23, 1828.
Harriet A., of Medford, and Alden Warren, int. Oct. 31, 1841.
Phebe, and Jabez Biers of Bolton, Dec. 7, 1773.
Salley, of Stoddard, N.H., and Darburn Emerson, int. Nov. 7, 1801.
Sarah H., and Joseph H. Moore of Worcester, Sept. 6, 1837*.
Sarah Jane, of Medford, and Charles Gerrish, int. Nov. 24, 1844.
Sewell, of Westminster, and Sally Kemp, Mar. 8, 1798.
Tryphena Fisher, of Stoddard, N.H., and Kimball Danforth, int. June 15, 1816.
BROUDSTREET (also see Bradstreet)
Mareh, and Ebenezer Kemp, at Westford, Oct. 31, 1749.
Aaron jr., and Sarah Pierce, June 6, 1811*.
Asenath [Mary. int.], and Norman Shattuck, June 19, 1839*.
Betsy, and Samuel Hale, Aug. 4, 1799*.
Cynthia E., and Jeremiah T. Farnsworth, June 9, 1842*.
Daniel, and Lydia Stearns of Townsend, at Townsend, June 13, 1765.
David, and Lydia Stevens of Townsend, at Townsend, June 13, 1765.
David [jr. CR1], of Mason, and Betsy Richerdson [Richardson. CR1], Dec. 11, 1792.
Dorcas V., and Ebenezer Woods jr., Apr. 7, 1825*.
Hannah and Jonas Bowers, Dec. 2, 1761.
Horace K., and Emeline E. Hildreth of Westford, int. Oct. 1, 1848.
Ira, of Concord, and Frances Maria Eaton, Apr. 19, 1827*.
Isaac, and Susan Hale of Stow, int. Mar. 18, 1809.
Isaac, and Mrs. Sally Ames, int. Mar. 27, 1825 (Banns forbidden by both parties Mar. 30, 1825).
James M., of Littleton, and Amanda M. Pingrey, int. Dec. 8, 1848.
Jemimiah, and Danill Boynton, June 1, 1721.
John, and Lucy Lakin, int. June 26, 1802.
John, and Mrs. Mary Holden, July 13, 1840*.
John Campbell, and Lucy Chase, Mar. 16, 1775.
Joseph, of New Ipswich [Ipswich. int], N.H., and Sibbel Davis, Feb. 25, 1819*.
Josiah, of Littleton, and Anna Farwell, Dec. [Nov. CR1] 11, 1740.
Lydia F. [T. int.], and Francis Maxwell of New Ipswich, N.H., Apr. 14, 1841*.
Maria A., of Lowell, and Norman Smith, M.D., int. Sept. 5, 1847.
Martha, and Peter Croning Edwards of Wenham, Sept. 13, 1814*.
Martha M., and Charles H. Pierce, June 7, 1842*.
Mary, and William Green, at Charlestown, June 20, 1705.
Mary, and Peltiah Russell, May 29, 1796.
Mary, and Ezra Dodge of Beverly, Feb. 2, 1806*.
Polly, and Dea. Timothy Dakin of Mason, N.H., Dec. [23. CR1], 1813.*
Sarah, of Stow, and Nathaniell Woods, July 3, 1721.
Sibbel, and David Shattuck, both resident, Dec. 25, 1786.
Susan, of Templeton, and Samuel Putman, int. Sept. 13, 1838.
Joseph, of Mendon, and Elisabeth Farnsworth [Farnworth. CR1], Jan. 23, 1755.
Joab, of New Bedford, and Elivra Ames, Apr. 26, 1831*.
Nancy, of Wilmington, and Jonas Bennet, int. Mar. 2, 1809.
Becca, and Joseph Bowers, June 26, 1803*.
Abigail, and Amos Ames, Oct. 27, 1757.
John, Col., and Mrs. Mary Underwood of Westford, at Westford, June 29, 1748.
Mary [Buckley. CT.R], and Abel Lawrence [Nov. 14. CT.R], 1751.
Rebecca, and James Parker jr. [at Pepperell. dup], Dec. 22, 1748.
Thomas, and Abigail Woodbury, of [Sutton?], at Sutton, Apr. 5, 1780.
BURGE (also see Burgess)
Tabitha, and Samuel Bartlett jr., Apr. 3, 1783.
BURGES (also see Burgess)
Betsey, and Christopher Trufant of Harvard, Nov. 17, 1805*.
Elizabeth, and Dinsmore Smith of Gilsum, N.H., Nov. 8, 1832*.
Ephraim, of Harvard, and Mary Ann Shiple [Sheple. int.], Mar. 28, 1833*.
John [jr. int], and Polly Reed, Aug. 31, 1803*.
John, and Sally Churchill of Sterling, int. Dec. 6, 1832.
Levi [Burgess. CR1; jr. NR5], of Concord, and Lucy Lewis, Nov. 24, 1825*.
Martha, and Matthias Farnsworth, Oct. 6, 1818*.
Mary, and Col. Samson Woods, June 23, 1822*.
Sarah, and Thomas R. Pierce, Apr. 1, 1824*.
Silas, of Concord, and Ann Eaton, Apr. 29, 1824*.
BURGESS (also see Burge, Burges)
Asa S., of Harvard, and Lydia P. Wright, int. Oct. 10, 1847.
Ephraim, widr., of Harvard, yeoman, b. Harvard, and Hannah Hazen, b. Tyngsborough, dau John, deceased, Sept. 12, 1843*.
Levi, and Mrs. Mary Lawrence, int. June 2, 1836.
Louise [Louisa. int.], and Levi Stone, Sept. 4, 1833*.
Lucy, and William Shattuck 2d, Dec. 10, 1839*.
Martha [Burges. int], and Benjamin Hasen [Hazer, int], Apr. 2, 1834*.
Moses, of Littleton, and Hannah Young, int. Oct. 8, 1806.
James, and Phebe Blood, Jan. 12, 1838*.
Robert W., of Ashby, and Rebecah Parkhurst of Dunstable, May 16, 1797.
BURRAGE (also see Burridge)
Alvah A., unm., of Boston, a. 25 y., merchant, b. Leominster, s. Josiah and Ruth K., of Leominster, and Elizabeth A. Smith, a. 20 y., b. Boston, dau Nathaniel P. and Phebe, May 17, 1849*.
Johnson C., of Boston, and Emeline Brigham, Nov. 29, 1838*.
BURRIDGE (also see Burrage)
Jonathan jr. of Lunenburg, and Hannah Keezer, Nov. 2, 1809*.
Loring, and Huldah L. Stone, int. May 19, 1832.
BURT (also see Burts)
John jr. and Elisabeth Nutting, Mar. 9, 1725-6.
John, and Barbary [Barbara. CR1] Farmer, Mar. 5, 1740 [1740-1. CR1].
Mary, and Jonathan Farnsworth, at Medford, June 30, 1725.
Rebeccah [Burck. int.], and John Davis, June 13, 1723*.
BURTS (also see Burt)
Phinehas, and Sarah Bush, Jan. 21, 1735-6. CR1.
John, and Ruth Nutting, at Marlborough, Oct. 29, 1712.
John, and Anna Bennet, Dec. 2, 1762.
Ruth, and Benjamin Willson [Wilson, CR1], Sept. 28, 1738.
Sarah, and Phinehas Burts, Jan. 21, 1735-6. CR1.
William, and Abial Bennett, Mar. 1, 1748.
Albert, unm., of Shirley, a. 25 y., baggage master, b. Lancaster, s. Samuel and Nancy, and Melvina Longley of Shirley, dau Edmund and Cynthia, Nov. 27, 1849.
Caleb and Clarissa Varnum [of Dracut, int.] at Dracut, Aug. 22, 1804*.
Frances, a. 24 y., dau Caleb and Clarissa, and Francis A. Brooks, unm., of Petersham, a. 23 y., lawyer, s. Aaron jr. and Abby B., Sept. 14, 1847*.
Hannah, and Simon Lakin, [Nov. 7. CR1], 1734.
Henrietta, and Nathaniel Littlefield of Mobile, Ala., Sept. 1, 1823*.
James [Cutler. int.] of Dunstable, N.H., and Lucetta Shattuck, Oct. 20, 1824*.
Rebekah, and Peter Anderson of Lowell, Sept. 29, 1840*.
Jonathan [jr. int] of Tewksbury, and Amey W. Shattuck, Mar. 2, 1819*.
Abigail, of Westford, and Enoch Cook, at Westford, Sept. 26, 1790.
Jesse, and Lydia Blodget [Blodgett. CR1], both of Dunstable, Sept 28, 1780.
Joseph, and Sarah Lawrence, Mar. 1, 1809*.
Mary, of Dunstable, and Peter Parker, at Dunstable, Jan. 3, 1769.
Mary [Mercy. CR1], and Phillip Shattuck, both of Pepperell, June 9, 1778.
Mary, and David McGregore of Lancaster, Feb. 4, 1801*.
Phillip, and Mary Parkhurst, both of Dunstable, Oct. 29, 1778.
Sarah, and Timothy Preist, Aug. 22, 1764.
Benjamin, and Lucy Nutting, int. Dec. 31, 1807.
Hannah, and Josiah Farnsworth [Farnworth, jr., July. CR1] 27, 1742 [1743. CR1].
William, of Pepperell, and Clarissa Parker, Dec. 25, 1814*.
Peter, and Sylvia Nutting, both of Boston, Aug. 1, 1818.
Abraham, of Chelmsford, and Mary Fisk, Mar. 2, 1707-08. CR1.