Extracted from
A Register of Births, Deaths & Marriages
In Groton, 1664-1693
And of Marriages, 1713-1793
Contained in Groton Historical Series
A Collection of Papers Relating to
The History of the Town of Groton, Massachusetts
Samuel Abbott GREEN, M. D., Vol 1, 1887
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

3 Oct 1664 -
Sarah, dau. of Jn'o LAKEN, b. 4 Feb 1661
Sarah, dau. of Jn'o NUTTING, b. 29 Mar 1663
Thomas, son of Samuel WOODES, b. 9 Mar 1663
Wm., son of Jn'o LAKIN, b. 12 May 1664
-----, dau. of Samuel DAVES, b. 31 Jan 1662
Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel LAUARNCE, b. 3 Jul 1664
Mr. Jn'o MILLER, minister of Gods holy word d. 12 Jun 1663
Marah, dau. of Richard BLOUD d. 19 Apr 1662
Elizabeth, wife of Jn'o LAURANCE d. 29 Aug 1663
Jn'o PAGE & Faith DUNSTER m. 12 May 1664
Mr. Samuel WILLARD & Abigail SHEARMAN m. 8 Aug 1664
Received 8 Aug 1664, and here entred by Tho: DANFORTH, Record'r
Abigaill, dau. of Mr. Samuel WILLARD, b. 5 Jul 1665
Abraham, son of William LAKEN, b. 10 Jan 1664
John, son of Samuel DAVIS, b. 10 Mar 1664-1665
John, son of Jn'o BARRON, 4 Apr 1665
Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel PEIRCE, b. 16 May 1665
Grace, dau. of Elliz BARRON, b. 29 Jul 1665
Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel WOODS, 17 Sep 1665
William, son of William GREENE, 13 Jul 1665
Jonathan SAWTLE & Mary his wife, m. 3 Jul 1665
By James FISKE, clark 15- 9- 1666 Entered by Thomas DANFORTH, Record'r [III. 45-47.]
Thomas WILLIAMS & Mary [HOLDEN] his wife m. 11 Jul 1666
Thomas TARBOLE & Hannah [LONGLEY] his wife m. 31 Jul 1666
Abigail, dau. of John LAURANCE Sen. & Susannah his wife, b. 11 Jan 1666
Sarah, dau. of Joseph PARKER, b. 16 Nov 1766
Joshua, son of Joshua WHITNEY, b. 14 Jun 1666
[Note in margin: "Births memo I suppos ye clarke did mistake & these should be entred 1665"]
James FISKE clark
1 Oct 66
Entred by Tho: DANFORTH Record'r ------------------------------------------
It will be noticed that these returns are duplicated among those which immediately precede them, though the dates do not always agree. The recorder's supposition is undoubtedly correct that the births belong to the year 1665. As it stands, the record of Sarah PARKER's birth was made six weeks before the event took place. [III. 74, 75.] ------------------------------------------
[Transcriber's note: In the following records the numeric dates are displayed as day . month . year]
Daniel PEIRCE, son of Daniel PEIRCE & Elizab. his wife, b. 28 . 9th . 1666
Joseph GLESON, son of Joseph GLESON & Mary his wife, b. 8 . 1. 1666/7
Ebenezer, son of Jn'o & Sarah NUTTING, b. 23 . 8 . 1666
Anna, dau. of Will'm GREENE & Mary his wife, b. 12 . 3 . 1667
Abigail, dau. of Jn'o LAKIN & Marcy his wife, b. 13 . 1 . 1666/7
Samuel, son of Samuel LEAMOND & Marcy his wife, b. 29 . 2 . 67
Thomas, son of Thomas TARBOLE & Anna his wife, b. 6 Jul 1667
Susanna, dau. of Jn'o LAURANCE & Susanna his wife, b. 3 Jul 1667
John, son of Nathaniel & Sarah LAURANCE, b. 29 Jul 1667
Sarah, dau. of Samue & Mary DAVIS, b. 12 . 6 . 1667
Thomas, son of Thomas & Mary WILLIAMS, b. 17 . 1st mo . 1667
By James FISKE clarke
Enter'd by Tho: DANFORTH R. [III. 104.] ------------------------------------------
Elizabeth BARON, dau. of Jn'o BARON, b. 28 Sep 1667
Mary, dau. of Jonath. SAWTLE & Mary his wife, b. 16 Oct 1667
Joseph, son of Joseph & Susanna MORSS, b. 11 Nov 1667
Mary, dau. of Robert & Mary PARISH, b. 5 Jan 1667
Nathaniel, son of Samuel & Ales WOODS, b. 25 Mar 1667/8
Mehetabel BARRON, dau. of Eliz BARRON, b. 22 Jun 1668
John, son of Daniel PEARSE, b. 18 Aug 1668
Samuel, son of Mr. Samuel WILLARD, b. 25 Jan 1667
Abraham, son of Will'm LEAKIN, b. 11 Sep 1667
James ROBERSON & Elizab. [FARNSWORTH ?] m. 16 Jan 1667
Grotton, 16 Nov 1668 -- James FFISKE
Entred by Thomas DANFORTH Record'r [III. 144.]
Sarah WHITNEY, dau. of Joshua WHITNEY, b. 3 Oct 1668
Elizabeth, dau. of James ROBERSON, b. 3 Oct 1668
Jonathan, son of Jn'o NUTTING, b. 17 . 8 . 68
Elizabeth SAWTELL, dau. of Jonathan SAUTLE, b. 3 Feb 1668
John WILLIMS, son of Thomas WILLIAMS, b. 3 Nov 1668
Jonathan, son of Samuel KEMP, b. 6 Apr 1668
Sarah, dau. of Joseph GILSON, b. 25 Jun 1669
Anna, dau. of Robert PARISH, b. 2 Apr 1669
John, son of William GREENE, b. Mar 1669
Timothy COOPER & Sarah MORSS m. 2 Jun 1669
James BLOUD & Elizabeth LONGLY m. 7 Sep 1669
Mary MARTINN, wife of Will'm MARTIN, d. 14 Aug 1669
Entered by Thomas DANFORTH Record'r [III. 154.] ------------------------------------------
James PRAGE [PAGE], son of John & Faith PRAGE, b. 10 Dec 1669
Samuel FARNEWORTH, son of Mathias & Mary his wife, b. 8 Oct 1669
Elizab. son of [sic] Peleg & Elizabeth his wife, b. 9 Jan 1669
Elizab: LAKIN son of [sic] Wm LAKIN & Lidea, b. 8 Jan 1669
Mary, dau. of Mr. Samuel WILLARD & Abigal his wife, b. 10 Oct 1669
Wm. LONGLY, son of Jn'o LONGLY & Scisely his wife, b. 12 Feb 1669
Hannah, dau. of Walter SKENNR & Hannah, b. 12 Mar 1669
Moses, son of Jn'o BARRON, b. 26 Mar 1669
Mary, dau. of Nathaniel LAURANCE, b. 3 Mar 1669/70
Samuel, son of Samuel DAVIS, b. 8 Jan 1669
Timothy, son of Timothy COOPER & Sarah his wife, b. 24 Mar 1669/70
Joseph, son of John LAKIN, b. 14 Apr 1670
Mary, dau. of Samuel & Ales WOODS, b. 2 Aug 1670
Anna, dau. of Thomas & Anna TARBOLE, b. 10 Jun 1670
Richard, son of James & Elizabeth BLOOD, b. 29 May 1670
Robert, son of Robert PARISH, b. 20 Nov 1670
Samuel, son of Joseph MORSS, b. 4 Sep 1670
Hannah, dau. of Jonathan & Mary SAWTLE, b. 6 Oct 1670
Corneius CHURCH & Mary his wife, m. 4 Jun 1670
Nathaniel BLOUD & Hannah [PARKER] m. 13 Jun 1670
Richard BLOUD, son of James BLOOUD, d. 8 Jul 1670
Thomas PARISH, son of Robert PARISH, d. 18 Apr 1668
By James FISKE, clarke
[III. 194, 195] ------------------------------------------
Margarett LONGLY, dau. of John LONGLY, b. 28 Dec 1671
Abigal FARNWORTH, dau. of Mathyas, b. 17 Jan 1671
Anna, dau. of Nathaniel BLOUD, b. 1 Mar 1671
John COOPER, dau. of Timothy, b. 5 Mar 1671
Abigail, dau. of Jonathan SAWTELL, b. 5 Mar 1671
Anna, dau. of Thomas SMITH, b. 17 Apr 1672
Samuel, son of John PRAGE [PAGE], b. 4 Jun 1672
Eleazer, son of Will'm GREENE, b. 20 May 1672
Elliz. BARRON, son of John BARRON, b. 14 Jun 1672
Barnabas DAVIS, son of Samuel DAVIS, b. 17 Apr 1672
Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel LAURANCE, b. 16 May 1672
Abigail WOODS, dau. of Samuel WOODS, b. 19 Aug 1672
Mary BLOUD, dau. of James BLOUD, b. 1 Sep 1672
Will'm TARBOLE, son of Thomas TARBOLE, b. 1 Oct 1672
Will'm LONGLEY & Lidea his wife m. 15 May 1672
Alexand'r ROUSE & Judah [CADY] m. 15 May 1672
John, son of Timothy COOPER d. 28 Apr 1672
Groton, 10th Dec 1672
By James FFISKE, Ck. ------------------------------------------
Anna PARRIS, dau. of Robert PARRIS, b. 10 Sep 1672
Benjamin LAKEN, son of John LAKEN, b. 6 Nov 1672
Grace HALL, dau. of Christopher HALL, b. 25 Nov 1672
Mary WILLIAMS, dau. of Thomas WILLIAMS, b. 3 Feb 1672
Mary MORSS, dau. of John MORSS, b. 11 Feb 1762
John BOYDEN, son of Thomas BOYDEN, b. 6 Dec 1672
Veseulah COLES, dau. of John COLES, b. 20 Feb 1672
Judeth & Elizabeth ROUSS, daughters of Alexand'r ROUSS, b. 2 Feb 1672
Timothy BARRON, son of Elliz BARRON, b. 18 Apr 1673
Sarah, dau. of Timothy COOPER, b. 20 Mar 1672/3
John WILLARD, son of Mr. Samuel WILLARD, b. 8 Sep 1673
Elizab. BLOUD, dau. of Nathaniel BLOUD, b. 7 Oct 1673
Mehattabell KEMP, dau. of Samuel KEMP, b. 4 Jun 1673
Ephraim PEIRCE, son of Daniel PEIRCE, b. 15 Oct 1673
Will'm MARTINN, ae abt 76 yrs, d. 26 Mar 1672
Will'm LAKIN, ae abt. 9 yrs, d. 10 Dec 1672
Judeth ROUSS & Elizab. ROUSS, d. in Apr & Jun 1673
By James FISKE, cl.
16 . 10 . 73 Entered by Thomas DANFORTH, Record'r
[III. 221-223]
Hannah, dau. of Tho: Williams, b. 1 . 12 . 74
Lidea, dau. of Wm. LONGLEY, b. 1 . 1 . 73/4
Elizab:, dau. of Mr. Sam'l WILLARD, b. 27 . 12 . 74
Mary, dau. of Jonas PRESCOTT, b. 3 . 12 . 74
Mary, dau. of Tho: TARBOLE, b. 2 . 2 . 75
Sarah, dau. of Nath'll BLOUD, b. 17 . 2 . 75
Elizab:, dau. of James BLOUD, b. 27 . 2 . 75
John, son of Timothy COOPER, b. 5 . 3 . 75
Hen : son of Hen : WILLARD, b. 11 . 2 . 75
Elizab : dau. of Alexander ROUSS, b. 23 . 3 . 75
Jonathan FFARNWORTH, son of Mathias, b. 1 . 4 . 75
Josiah, son of Daniel PEIRCE, b. 2 . 3 . 75
Samuel, son of Sam'l SCRIPTURE, b. 4 . 8 . 75
Josiah, son of Jn'o LEAKIN, b. 14 . 7 . 75
William, son of Wm. LONGLEY, b. 17 . 12 . 75
Eleazer, son of Phebe LAURANCE. b. 24 . 12 . 75
Mary, dau. of Joshua WHITNEY, b. 1 . 5 . 75
Elizabeth LAWRENCE, ae 1 yr, d. 10 . 8 . 75
Elizab: ROUSS, abt 5 yrs, d. 10 . 8 . 75
Hannah BLOUD, ae 1 yr, d. 6 . 11 . 75
Mary LONGLEY, dau. of John JONGLEY, b. 10 . 11 . 73
Sarah, dau. of Jonath. SAWTELL, b. 24 . 12 . 73
Hannah, dau. of Joseph MORSS, b. 7 . 2 . 74
Annah, dau. of Zach. SAWTELL, b. 14. 1. 73/4
Steeven, dau. of [sic] Sam'l DAVIS, b. 10 . 2 . 74
James, son of Thomas SMITH, b. 14 . 2 . 74
Elizab:, dau. of Nath'll LAURANCE, b. 6 . 7 . 74
Hannah, dau. of Wm. SAUNDERS, b. 8 . 3 . 74
Mary, dau. of Robert PARRIS, b. 8 . 7 . 74
Annah, dau. of Sam'l WOODS, b. 18 . 7 . 74
Mary, dau. of John PAGE, b. 9 . 11 . 74
Mary TARBOLE, ae 54, d. 29 . 2 . 74
Anna, wife of Elliz BARRON, ae 37, d. 3. 11 . 73
Mary, wife of Tho: PARISH, ae 23, d. 8 . 8. 74
Hen: WILLARD & Mary [LARKIN} m. 18 . 5 . 74
John NUTTIN & Mary his wife, m. 11 . 10 . 74
James FFISK cl: of ye writts
Ent'd by T. D. R.
[IV. 55, 56]
Sam'l, son of Peleg & Elizab. LAURANCE, b. 16 Oct 1671
Eleazer, son of Peleg & Elizab. LAURANCE, b. 28 Feb 1674
Jonath : son of Peleg & Elizab. LAURANCE, b. 29 Mar 1679
Elizab. dau. of Josiah & Elizab. PARKER, b. 31 Aug 1679
Marah, dau. of Just. & Marah HOLDEN, b. 20 May 1680
Mary, dau. of Nath'll & Anna BLOUD, b. 17 Apr 1678
Nath'll, son of Nath'll & Anna BLOUD, b. 16 Jan 1679
Mary PARKER, dau. of James & Mary PARKER< b. 21 Sep 1680
John, son of Christoph. & Sarah HALL, b. 9 Apr 1681
Daniel, son of Enosh & Ruth LAURANCE, b. 7 Mar 1681
Sarah, dau. of James & Lidea NUTTING, b. 11 Mar 1681
Abigail, dau. of Peleg & Eliazb. LAURANCE, b. 6 Oct 1681
John, son of Josiah & Elizab. PARKER, b. 13 Apr 1681
Joseph, son of Nath'll & Anna BLOUD, b. 3 Feb 1681
Anna, dau. of Sam'll & Anna HOLDEN, b. 1 Mar 1682
Joseph FARNUTH, son of Mathias & Sarah FARNUTH, b. 7 Jan 1682, d. 2 Feb 1682
Mary SCRIPTURE, dau. of Sam'l & Elizab., b. 7 Feb 1680
Sarah, dau. of Sam'l & Elizab. SCRIPTURE, b. 8 Feb 1682
Samuel, son of James & Mary PARKER, b. 22 Sep 1682
Sarah, dau. of Josiah & Elizab. PARKER, b. 1 May 1683
Elnathan, son of Obadiah & Hannah SAWTELL, b. 27 Mar 1683
Deborah, dau. of Nath'll & Sarah LAURANCE, b. 24 Mar 1683
Simon, son of Hen : WILLARD & Mary his wife, b. 8 Oct 1678
Mary, dau. of Hen. WILLARD, b. 3 Aug 1680
John, son of Hen : WILLARD & Mary his wife, b. 3 Sep 1682
Wm. LONGLY Sen. d. 29 Nov 1680
Annay, wife of Tho: TARBOLE Jr., d. 29 Dec 1680
Sarah, wife of Ch'r HALL, d. 15 Aug 1682
Nath'll BUTTERWORTH d. 29 Dec 1682
By James PARKER, cl.
Grotton, 16 Jun 1683
[IV. 75-77]
Zechariah, son of Enos & Ruth LAWRANCE, b. 16 . 5 . 83
Darkis, dau. of Adam & Rebecca GOLD, b. 8 . 7 . 83
Elizabeth, dau. of Will: & Mary GREEN, b. 11 . 1 . 80
Hannah, dau. of Willyam & Mary GREEN, d. 28 . 11 . 82
Hannah, dau. of William & Mary GREEN, b. 10 . 2 . 83
Bethiah, dau. of Samuel & Sarah KEMP, b. 9 . 5 . 83
Richard, husband of Issable BLOOD, d. 7 . 10 . 83
16 Jun 84, James PARKER, Clericus
[IV. 88]
Sarah, dau. of Jonah & Mary PRESCOT, b. 3 May 1686
Sarah, dau. of Alexander & Judith ROUES, b. 26 Jul 1686
Lydia, dau. of James & Lydia NUTTING, b. 3 Jun 1686
Jeremiah, son of Enosh & Ruth LAURENCE, b. 1 May 1686
Anna, dau. of Elizer & Mehetabel PARKER, b. 17 Apr 1686
Moses, son of Joshua & Elizabeth WHEAT, b. Sep 1686
James, son of Samuel & Abigail PARKER, b. 28 Apr 1686
Elizabeth, dau. of Zech. & Elizabeth PARKER, b. 10 Apr 1686
Elizabeth, dau. of James & Hannah CADY, b. 10 Apr 1686
Ezekiel, son of Daniel & Mary CADY, b. 18 Sep 1686
Dorothy, dau. of Greshom & Sarah HOBART, d. 10 Jun 1686
Jonathan MORS d. 31 Jul 1686
Josiah PARKER, Cler.
Rec'd 21 Dec 1686
A true Coppy Entred & Examin'd by Laur. HAMMOND, Record'r
Thomas TARBALL & Elizabeth WOOD, both of Groton, Joyned together in Marriage before Mr. Ja RUSSELL Justice, 1 Dec 1686
Recorded by L. HAMMOND, Rec.
Joseph, son of Wm. & Deliverance LANGLY, b. 6 Jan 1686/7
Jeremiah, son of Peleg & Elizabeth LAWRENCE, b. 3 Jan 1686/7
Abigail, dau. of Samuel & Elizabeth SCRIPTURE, b. 28 Jan 1686/7
Abigail, dau. of Ephra: & Elizab'th PHILBROOK, b. 6 Mar 1686/7
Jonathan, son of Samuel & Elizab'th CHURCH, b. 12 Feb 1686/7
James, son of James & Marah PARKER, b. 24 Mar 1686/7
Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel & Hannah LAURENCE, b. 26 Apr 1687
Joseph, son of Mathias FARNWORTH, d. 20 Feb 1686/7 -
Jeremiah, son of Peleg LAURENCE, d. 26 Apr 1687
Simeon, son of Josiah & Elizabeth PARKER, b. 27 Aug 1687 -
Josiah, son of Obadiah & Hannah SAWTELL, b. 14 Aug 1687
Per me, Josiah PARKER, Cler for Groton.
Rec'd & Recorded 6 Sep 1687, by L. HAMMOND, Cler
[IV. 127]
Thomas, son of Thomas & Elizabeth TARBAL, b. 13 Sep 1687
Abigail, dau. of John & Hannah FARNWORTH, b. 17 Oct 1687
Nehemiah, son of Mr. Gersham & Sarah HUBBERT, b. 24 Oct 1687
Elizabeth, dau. of Elias & Sarah BARRON, b. 26 Oct 1687
Josiah, son of Mathias & Sarah FARNWORTH, b. 24 Feb 1687
Robert, son of Samuel & Abigail PARKER, b. 2 Apr 1688
Aaron, son of James & Hannah CADEY, b. 7 Apr 1688
Edward, son of Zechariah & Elizabeth PARKER, b. 23 Apr 1688
Abigail, dau. of Jonah & Mary PRESCOT, b. 8 May 1688
Joseph, son of Peleg & Elizabeth LAWRENCE, b. 12 Jun 1688
Daniel, son of Justin & Mary HOLDEN, b. 11 Jul 1688
Margaret, dau. of Zechariah & Anna SAWTEL, b. 19 Jul 1688
Elizabeth, wife of Thomas WOODS, d. 21 Apr 1688 -
John, son of Thomas WOODS, d. 1 May 1688
Samuel, son of Samuel HOLDEN, d. 6 Jun 1688
Stephen, son of Stephen HOLDEN, d. 28 Jul 1688
Amos, son of John CADY, d. 3 Aug 1688
Rec'd & Recorded, 4 Sep 1688, Per L. HAMMOND, Cler.
[IV. 168]
Hannah, dau. of John & Elisabeth COMINS, b. 20 May 1690
Benjamin, son of Zechariah & Elisabeth PARKER, b. 18 Aug 1690
Mathias, son of Mathias & Sarah FFARNWORTH, b. 6 Aug 1690
Mary, dau. of James & Tabitha FFISK, b. 11 Sep 1690
Joseph, son of Joseph & Sarah CADY, b. 3 Oct 1690
Mara, dau. of Nathan'll & Anna LAURANCE, b. 16 Oct 1690
Anna of Joseph & Elisabeth GILSON, b. 22 Oct 1690
Mary of John & Mary GREEN, b. 3 Nov 1690
John of John & Mary SHADDUCK, b. 6 Jan 1690
Abraham of James & Mary PARKER, b. 4 Jan 1690
Joanna of James & Lydia NUTTING, b. 21 Feb 1690/1
Elisabeth of John & Mary PARRISH, b. 13 Mar 1690/1
Joshua PARKER & Abigail MORS m. 22 Sep 1690
James DUTTEN & Mary ROBIN m. 9 Dec 1690
Jonathan SAWTELL d. 6 Jul 1690
Barnabas DAUIS d. 12 Aug 1690
Josiah son of Obadiah SAWTELL d. 4 Oct 1690
James CADEY d. 2 Dec 1690
Received of Josiah PARKER, Clerk of ye writts for Groton
16th Apr 1691 & Entered by Sam'll PHIPPS Record'r
Ruth, dau. of James & Lydia NUTTING, b. 7 Apr 1693
Jonathan, son of John & Joanna CADY, b. 22 Jan 1693
Elisabeth of Ephraim & Elisabeth FFILBRICK, b. 18 Nov 1693
Daniel, son of John & Hannah FFARNWORTH, b. 11 May 1692
John BARRON, Sen., d. 1 Jan 1693
4 Jul 1693, Rec'ed of Wm. LONGLY, Town Clerk of Groton
And Entered by Sam'll PHIPPS, Record'r
[Probate Records VI. 18, at the end of the original volume]
Middlesex in Groton
The account of Marriages from Justice PRESCOTT, as follows -
Sam'll WINTER of Killingsly [Conn.] & Elisabeth PHILBROOK of Groton, m. 16 Feb 1713
Gershom HOBART & Lydia NUTTING bog, m. 26 Feb 1713
Wm. POWERS of Concord & Lydia PARHAM of Groton, m. 16 Mar 1713/4
Thomas FARR & Elisabeth POWERS, both of Nashobah, m. 16 Mar 1713/4
Joseph POWERS & Hannah WETCOM, both of Nashobah, b. 16 Mar 1713/4
Joseph SANDERSON & Sarah PAGE, bog, m. 30 Jul 1714
Rec'd from Joseph LAKIN, Town Clerk for Groton
Rec'd 10 Dec 1717 & Recorded by Sam'll PHIPPS, Reg'r or Record'r
The acco't of Marriages by Mr. TROWBRIDGE -
John PARKER & Mary BRADSTREET, bog, m. 29 Nov 1715
Joseph PARKER, Jr., & Abigail SAWTELL, bog, m. 24 Jan 1715/6
Jonathan WHETCOMB & Deliverance NUTTING, bog, m. 15 May 1716
John HOLDIN & Sarah DAVIS, bog, m. 22 Nov 1716
William LUN of Dunstable & Rachel HOLDIN of Groton, b, 20 Dec 1716
Thomas TARBELL & Abigail [PARKER], bog, m. 1 Jan 1716/17
Att: Joseph LAKIN Clerk
10 Sep 1717, Rec'd & accordingly Entered by Sam'll PHIPPS, Cler & Reg'er ------------------------------------------
Memorandum of Marriages Celebrated by Mr. Caleb TROWBRIDGE: [Residents of Groton unless otherwise indicated]
1718 -
23 Oct, Benjamin PARKER to Mary SAWTELL
11 Dec, Nathan'll HOLDING to Abigail STONE
24 Mar, William SHATTUCK to Deliverance PEASE, bog
1719 -
6 May, Eleazer GILSON to Hannah FARWELL
22 May, John PARKER to Joanna AM'S
23 Jun, Eleazer NUTTING to Abigail DAVIS
11 Aug, Moses BENNIT to Anna BLANCHARD
2 Sep, Stephen HOLDIN to Hannah SAWTELL
12 Nov, John SPENCER to Bethiah KEMP
9 Dec, Daniel PIERCE to Elenor BOYNTON
24 Dec, Joseph FARWELL to Mary GILSON
1720 -
27 Oct, Jonathan PARKER to Sarah PIERCE
29 Nov, Sam'll WOODS to Patience BIGGELOW
23 Jan, Robert ROBINS of Littleton to widow Elisabeth CUMMINS
1721 -
22 May, Zech'r MAYNARD to Widow WATERS
24 May, Ebenezer PRESCOTT to Hannah FARNWORTH
1 Jun, Daniel BOYNTON to Jemimah BROWN
3 Jul, Nath'll WOODS to Sarah BROWN of Stow
30 Oct, Ephraim PIERCE to Dasther [SHEDD]
16 Nov, Obadiah SAWTLE to Rachel PARKER
1 Feb, Richard RICE to Sarah CAREE
7 Feb, Robert DICKSON to Abigail PARKER, Widow
8 Mar, Eleazer GREEN to Annah TARBELL
1722 -
3 Apr, Jonathan SHEAD to Sarah FARNWORTH
2 May, Collins MORES of Oxford to Bathsheba WOODS
30 May, John BLANCHARD of Dunstable to Mary SAWTELL
27 Jun, William LAWRENCE to Susanna PRESCOTT
12 Jul, Joshua HUTCHINS to Sarah SHEAD
8 Dec, John GILSON to Mary SHATTUCK
26 Dec, John STONE Jr., to Elisabeth FARWELL
21 Dec 1719, This may Certifie to whome it may Concern, That William BANKS of Groton & Hannah WANSAMUG late of Lancaster both in ye County of Midd'x were Joyned in marriage the 21st day of Decemb'r 1719 / at Groton. Pr. Fra : FULLAM, Justice of Peace
All these marriages returned 11 Jun 1723, By Joseph LAKIN late Town Clerk for Groton being entered by him And accordingly entered per Sam'll PHIPPS Cler Pac's
These Persons whose names are hereafter mentioned were Joyned in marriage by the Rev'd Mr. Caleb TROWBRIDGE of Groton in ye year 1723 ... vizt:
27 Mar, Benj'a BENNIT to Mary LAKIN
30 Apr, Thomas WOOD to Abigail CHAMBERLIN
22 May, Isaa WILLIAMS to Lydia SHATTUCK
13 Jun, John DAVIS to Rebeckah BURT
24 Dec, Thomas FARWELL to Elizabeth PIERCE
A true Coppy Attest: John LONGLEY, Town Clerk
Midd'x : 9 Jul 1724, Rec'd & accordingly Entered, by Sam'll PHIPPS, Cler Pac's
These following persons were Joyned in Marriage by the Reverend Mr. Caleb TROWBRIDGE of Groton, viz:
1724 -
7 Jul, Jeremiah SHATTUCK & Sarah PARKER
25 Feb, Jonathan GREEN & Sarah LAKIN
1725 -
27 Apr, Joseph FARMER of Billerica to Hanah WOODS
3 Jun, John WOODS & Sarah LONGLEY
15 Jun, David PEACE & Elizabeth BOWERS
Entered by John LONGLEY Town Clerk
Rec'd & Entered by Sam'l PHIPPS, Cler Pac's
These persons hereafter named were Joyned in Marriage at the respective times herein mentioned by the Rev. Mr. Caleb TROWBRIDGE of Groton. -
Nathaniel WOODS to Widow Mary DERBESHERE, 5 Jun 1725
Isaac WOODS to Abigail STEVENS, 21 Sep 1725
Daniel FARNSWORTH to Widow Abigail SHEAD, 20 Oct 1725
Sam'l TARBEL to Lydia FARNSWORTH, 19 Dec 1725
Timothy BARRON to Hanah FLETCHER, 13 Jan 1725/6
Isaac LAKIN to Elizebeth SHATTUCK, 27 Jan 1725/6
John SHIPLEY to Eliz'th BOIDEN, 16 Feb 1725/6
John BURT, Jr., to Eliz'th NUTTING, 9 Mar 1725/6
Ezra FARNSWORTH to Elizebeth LAKIN, 26 Apr 1726
A true Copy. Att't John LONGLEY Town Clerk
Rec'd May 1726 & Entered by Sam'l PHIPPS Cler Pac's
1726 -
28 Apr, Michael GIBSON to Susannah SAWTEL
31 May, Timothy SPAULDING of Chelmsford to Thankfull PRESCOT
22 Nov, James SHATTUCK to Sarah CHAMBERLIN
28 Dec, James STONE to Mary FARWELL
1726/7 -
12 Jan, Samuel FISK to Elizebeth PARKER
9 Mar, William GREEN to Hannah HOLDING
21 Mar, Daniel DAVIS to Lydia AMES
1727 -
20 Apr, Dudley BRADSTREET to Abigail LAKIN ye 4th
4 Aug, Eben'r HARTWELL of Concort to Rachael FARNSWORTH
14 Nov, Jacob AMES to Ruth SHATTUCK
20 Dec, Eleazer TARBEL to Elizebeth BOWERS
1727/8 -
27 Feb, Samuel DAVIS to Sarah BOYNTON, both of Turkey Hills [Lunenburg]
28 Feb, Daniel SAWTEL to Esther HEALD of Concord
1728 -
9 May, Josseph STONE to Mary PRESCOT
26 Sep, Joseph BLANCHARD of Dunstable to Rebecca HUBBARD
11 Oct, John STEVENS to Martha FARNSWORTH
26 Dec, Jonathan SHEPLEY to Lydia LARKIN
1728/9 -
4 Feb, Nath'll LAWRENCE, Jr., to Dorothy CHAMBERLIN
24 Mar, Aaron FARNSWORTH to Hannah BARRON
1729 -
27 Oct, John LARKIN to Lydia PARKER
18 Dec, Elias ELLIOT to Ruth LAURENCE
30 Dec, Ebenezer JEFTS to Elizabeth FARNSWORTH
1729/30 -
7 Jan, Josiah BOYDEN to Eunice BARKER
13 Jan, Isaac GILSON to Dorothy KEMP
28 Jan, Jacob LAKIN to Eunice LAKIN
2 Feb, Nathan BARRON to Abigail YARROW
24 Feb, Mathias FARNSWORTH to Abigail SHEAD
4 Mar 1729/30. The foregoing is the list of names of the persons that were joyned in marriage By the Rev'd Mr. Caleb TROWBRIDGE Pastor of the Church in Groton as appears by certificate under his hand.
A true Copy Att't John LANGLEY Town Clerk
The Persons hereafter named were joyned in marriage by Benjamin PRESCOT Esq'r as appears by Certificate under his hand, Viz: -
Hezekiah USHER & Abigail CLEVELAND, both of Charlestown, 20 Jun 1728
Thomas WARLLEY & Mehetable YARROW, both of Dunstable, 11 May 1729
John WHEELOCK & Martha WOODS, both of Lancaster, 11 Sep 1729
A true Copy Att't John LONGLEY Town Clerk
Rec'd & Entered by Sam'l PHIPPS, Cler Pac's
[Note: Individuals are "of Groton" unless otherwise specified]
1730 -
7 May, Nathaniel WHIPPLE to Hannah BOYTON
1730/1 -
12 Jan, Jonathan GATES of Stow to Elizebeth FARWELL
28 Jan, Jonas VARNUM to Mary SHEPLEY
9 Feb, Jeremiah NORCROSS of Lunenburgh to Faith PAGE
11 Feb, Phinehas PARKER, Jr., to Mary KEMP
1731 -
26 Mar, Nathanel NUTTING to Elizebeth PAGE
14 Apr, Stephen AMES to Jane ROBBINS
22 Apr, John FIFE to Jane IRVINE
27 Apr, David RUSSEL to Mary CLARK, both of Littleton
13 May, Ephraim NUTTING to Sydia SPAULDING
25 Jun, Eleazer LAWRENCE, Jr., to Lucy TUTTLE, both of Littleton
4 Nov, John KEMP to Sarah HOLDING
30 Nov, Sam'l RANDAL of STOW to Pricilla FARNWORTH
1731/2 -
5 Jan, Shadrick WHITNEY of North Town [Townsend] to Prudence LAWRENCE
6 Jan, William SPALDING to Hepsibah BLOOD
13 Jan, Ebenezer LAKIN to Lydia LAKIN
14 Mar, Phinehas WAIT to Mary HUBBARD
1732 -
James HORSLEY of North Town to Experience JEWIT
These were Joyned in Marriage by the Rev. Mr. Caleb TROWBRIDGE of Groton as by his Certificate to me appears as Att't, Tho's TARBEL, Town Clerk
Recd & Entered by Sam'l PHIPPS Cler Pa'cs
1732 -
19 Apr, John SCOTT to Mary CHAMBERLIN
25 Apr, John ALBEE to Abigail SEARL, both of North Town
26 Apr, Jonathan PRAT to Mary BOWERS
12 Jul, Thomas MERRYFIELD to Mary ANDERSON
26 Oct, Mr. Solomon PRENTICE of Hassnamisco to Mrs. Sarah SAWTEL
26 Oct, Ephraim CADY of Killingsley [Conn.] to Abigail BARRON
2 Nov, Daniel FARMER of Lunenburgh to Elizebeth WOODS
14 Nov, John SHEAD to Elizebeth SHATTUCK
23 Nov, Josiah WILLARD, Jr., of Lunenburgh to Hannah HUBBARD
1732/3 -
4 Jan, William LONGLEY to Mary PARKER
18 Jan, Samuel WRIGHT to Annah LAWRENCE
30 Jan, Samuel CUMMINGS to Prudence LAWRENCE
20 Feb, James LAWRENCE to Mary MARTIN
1733 -
21 Jun, John GOODRICH of Lunenburgh to Eunice RIPTURE
The persons afore named were Joyned in marriage by the Rev. Mr. Caleb TROWBRIDGE of Groton at the times above mentioned as by his Certificate thereof appears.
Tho's TARBEL, Town Clerk
1733 -
5 Jul, Amos WOODS to Hannah NUTTING
12 Sep, John PAGE to Mary PARKER
25 Oct, James TUFTS of Medford to Phebe WOODS
1 Nov, Jonathan LAMPSON of Concord to Elinor BLOOD
22 Nov, Moses WOODS to Esther HOUGHTON
6 Dec, Nathaniel PARKER to Joanna STEPHENS
1733/4 -
23 Jan, Ebenezer GILSON to Annas SEARL
29 Jan, Enoch LAWRENCE to Sarah STEPHENS
The persons above named were joyned in Marriage by the Rev'd Mr. Caleb TROWBRIDGE of Groton at ye several times above mentioned as by his Certificate to me appears.
Thomas TARBEL, Town Clerk
The aforegoing Marriages Rec'd & Entred per Sam'l PHIPPS, Cler Pac's [IV. 217-219] ------------------------------------------
Groton, 21 Feb 1744/5. To Mr. Tho's TARBEL Clerk for sd Town.
Sir, That the Persons hereafter named were (at the several Times Set against their respective names) joyned in marriage by me the Subscriber is hereby certified to you. Caleb TROWBRIDGE, Pastor of the Chh in sd Town. Viz:
1740/1 -
5 Mar, John BURT to Barbara FARMER
1741 -
5 May, John WILLIAMS, Jr., to Eliz. CUTTER of Charlestown
13 May, Uriah SARTLE to Sarah MARTIN
25 May, Nathaniel PARKER, Jr., to Eleanor WALKER
11 Jun, Reuben WOODS to Widow Submit WHITNEY
16 Sep, Isaac PHILLIPS to Abig'l NUTTING
6 Oct, Daniel SHED to Mary TARBEL
11 Nov, Josiah BROWN of Littleton to Anna FARWELL
12 Nov, Nathan RUGG of Lancaster to Zeruiah FROST
-- Nov, John MOSHIER to Elizabeth LAWRENCE
26 Nov, Elnathan BLOOD to Eliz'a BOYNTON
8 Dec, John BLOOD to Abigail PARKER
1741/2 -
14 Jan, Seth WALKER, Jr., to Abigail HOLDIN
19 Jan, Thomas TARBEL, Jr., to Esther SMITH
4 Feb, Ephraim DIVOL of Lancaster to Eliz'a WOODS
-- Feb, James BLOOD, Jr., to Mary GILSON
4 Mar, Peter PARKER to Prudence LAWRENCE of Littleton
11 Mar, Thomas FRISK to Mary PARKER
1742 -
25 Mar, Thomas PATCH to Anna GILLSON
6 May, William SANDERSON to Sarah RUSSELL
15 Jul, John FARWELL of Harvard to Sarah SAWTLE
22 Jul, Oliver FARWELL to Rejoyce PRESTON
9 Sep, Joseph BLOOD, Jr., to Hannah BLOOD
9 Dec, William RICHARDSON of Townshend to Mary HOBART
28 Dec, Priamus Negro (Cap't BOYDEN's Slave) to Margaret Molatto
27 Jan, Jonathan SHATTUCK, Jr., to Kezia FARNSWORTH
8 Feb, Nathaniel BOWERS to Elizabeth BLOOD
21 Feb, Joseph DODGE to Widow Mary IRVINE
1743 -
26 Apr, Jonathan HOLDIN to Deborah HOUGHTON
-- Apr, Timothy MOORE to Lydia NUTTING
12 Jul, Jonathan PARKER to Eleanor HUNT
27 Jul, Josiah FARNSWORTH, Jr., to Hannah BUTTRICK
10 Nov, Joseph STEPHENS of New Ipswich (so called) to Elisabeth SAWTLE
2 Dec, Samuel PHILLIPS to Abigial FROST
8 Dec, Samuel FLOOD resident of Andover to Triphena POWERS
13 Dec, Josiah NUTTING to Mary BLOOD
1743/4 -
David KEMP to Hannah SAWTLE
1744 -
2 Apr, Thomas JEWETT of Boxford to Martha HALE
12 Jun, John COURTNEY to Dorcas BARNEY
20 Jun, Benjamin LAWRENCE to Ruth DODGE
3 Jul, Thomas LAWRENCE to Sarah HOUGHTON
22 Nov, William WILLIAMS to Mary PERKINS
4 Dec, Isaac FARNSWORTH to Anna GREEN
6 Dec, Samuel BLOGET of Westford to Sarah SPENCER
18 Dec, Ephraim WHITNEY to Esther WOODS
1744/5 -
James PATERSON to Widow Elisabeth BARTLET
-- Jan, Jedediah JEWETT to Elisabeth SHATUCK
19 Mar, Phinehas CHAMBERLAIN to Lydia WILLIAMS
1745 -
2 Apr, Nathan HUBBURD to Mary PATERSON
22 May, William TARBEL, Jr., to Sarah WOODS
27 Jun, Moses BLOOD to Elisabeth STONE
Rec'd 29 Aug 1745 & Entered per Thad MASON, Cler Pac's
[IV. 283-285]
John FANWORTH of Groton & Hannah ALDIS of Dedham, m. 8 Dec 1686
James BLOOD & Abigail KEMB, m. 20 Dec 1686
James FISK & Tabitha BUTTERICK m. 2 Feb 1686/7
John LAURANCE & Hannah TARBAL, m. 9 Nov 1687
By Gersham HUBERT, Minister of Groton
[IV. 154]
The remaining records from Volume IV are found under the headings of different towns, and in every instance the page is given within the brackets. -
Christopher HALL of Groton & Ruth GARFIELD of Watertowne, m. 2 Feb 1687/8, by Wm. BOND, Esq., JP [154]
William SHATTUCK, Jr., of Groton, & Hannah UNDERWOOD of Watertown, m. 19 Mar 1687/8, by Justice Will'm BOND [164]
Adam GOOLD of Groton & Hannah KNIGHT of Wooburn m. by Jabez FOX of Woburn, 28 Sep 1687 [165]
John GREEN of Groton & Mary PIERCE of Watertown m. 25 Dec 1688, by Rev. Joseph ESTABROOK, of Concord. [166]
John GREENE of Charlestown & Patience, dau. of Samuel DAVIS of Groton, m. before Mr. MINOT of Concord (no date given) [189]
Jonathan KEMP of Chelmsford & Sarah GILSON of Groton, m. 19 Nov 1718, by Justice MINOTT [200]
Joseph FARNSWORTH of Groton & Rebecca GIBSON [of Sudsbury], m. 4 May 1727 [207]
Samuel PARKER of Groton & Sarah HOUGHTON of Lancaster m. 18 Jan 1724/5 [212]
Joseph WHEELER of Tosnshend & Mehetable HADLEY of Groton m. 4 Jan 1737/8, by Phinehas HEMENWAY, Pastor of the Chh in Townshend [290]
Timothy WHITNEY, lately an Inhabitent of Townshend, & Submit PARKER of Groton m. 24 May 1738, by Rev. Mr. Phinehas HEMENWAY [290]
Jacob BYAM of Groton & Sarah AVERY of Townshend, m. 14 Apr 1747, by Phinehas HEMENWAY Pastor of Townshend [291]
Benjamin FARNSWORTH of Groton & Rebekah PRATT of Maldon m. 19 May 1736 by Mr. Jos: EMERSON
After this date the list of marriages is found in the two volumes marked respectively "Marriages No. 1" & "Marriages No. 2."
2 Mar 1746 To Mr. Tho's TARBELL Clerk. I do hereby certifie you that the Persons undernamed were joyed together in Marriage (at the Several Times affixed to their names) by me Caleb TROWBRIDGE Pastor of a Church in sd Town. [Note: All individuals are "of Groton" unless otherwise specified.]
1745 -
29 Jan, Tho's WILLIAMS & Mary ROLF
5 Feb, John PRATT & Hannah BOWERS
1746 -
15 Apr, Robinson LAKIN & Hannah DODGE
17 Jun, Simeon BLOOD & Sarah GILLSON
17 Sep, Amos SAWTELL & Elisabeth FLETCHER
9 Oct, Samuel SCRIPTURE, Jr., & Mary GREEN
4 Nov, William DERUMPLE & Elisabeth SHEAD
5 Nov, John RUSSELL & Mary CRANSON
20 Nov, Benj'a SWALLOW & Widow Hannah GREEN
3 Dec, John CHAMBERLAIN, Jr., & Rachel LAWRENCE
3 Dec, Jon'a LAWRENCE & Elisabeth LAKIN
8 Jan, Benjamin BENNET, Jr., & Sarah LAKIN
17 Feb, Moses BENNET, Jr., & Sarah BLOOD
The Persons above named are recorded by me as they stand ent'ed in Groton Town Book for Marriages &c. Thomas TARBELL, Town Clerk
Zachariah SHATTUCK & Elizabeth FISK, 3 Mar 1746/7 -
Silas BLOOD & Alathea MARTIN, 12 May 1747
Nathaniel SHATTUCK & Hannah SIMONDS, 14 May 1747
Amos TAYLOR & Bridget MARTIN, 21 May 1747
John GREEN & Kezia SHATTUCK, 16 Jul 1747
Stephen FOSTER & Sarah BLOOD, 5 Aug 1747
Married per me Joseph EMERSON
The within persons are recorded by me in Groton Town Book for marriages &c. Tho's TARBELL, Town-Clerk
Groton, 21 Feb 1847: To Mr. Tho's TARBELL, Clerk of said Town, this may certifie to you that the following Couples were joyed in Marriage at the times set against their Names, by me Caleb TROWBRIDGE, Pastor of the Chh in Said Town. Viz't:
1747 -
2 Apr, William WALLIS of Townshend & Eunice NUTTING
20 Apr, John DERBY of Harvard & Widow Elisabeth HOLDIN
23 Apr, William SCOTT of Dunstable & Mary DERUMPLE
25 Jun, Hezek'h SAWTELL, Jr., & Margaret DODGE ofLunenburgh
7 Jul, John STONE, Jr., & Anna PRATT
1 Sep, David NUTTING & Rachel LAKIN
10 Nov, William HOLDING & Annis NUTTING
25 Nov, Oliver WHEELER of Acton & Abigail WOODS
26 Nov, Benj'a WILLSON & Sarah WHITNEY
2 Dec, Abijah WILLARD of Lancaster & Elisabeth PRESCOTT
3 Dec, David SAWTELL, Jr., & Rebekah PRATT
14 Dec, Moses WHEELER, resident in Groton & Elizabeth HOLDIN
30 Dec, Emund BANCROFT & Elisabeth ATHERTON
3 Feb, Moses WENTWORTH & Mindwell STONE
16 Feb, Ephraim CHANDLER of Westford & Widow Abigail BLOOD
The Persons above named are recorded by me as they Stand entered in Groton Town Book of Marriages &c. Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk
All the foregoing were rec'd 3 May 1749 and recorded by me, Thad MASON, Clerk Pac's
Groton, 28 Apr 1749. To Capt. Tho's TARBELL Clerk of said Town I do certifie you that the Several Couples hereafter named were joyned together in Marriage (at the Several Times Set against their respective Names) by me Caleb TROWBRIDGE, Pastor of the first Church in said Town. Viz.:
1748 -
12 May, Josiah CONANT & Rachel HOBART
7 Jul, Israel HOBART & Anna LAWRENCE
13 Sep, Jam's STONE, Jr, & Deborah NUTTING
9 Feb, Jerahmeel BOWERS & Eunice BENNIT
1 Mar, William BUSH & Abiel BENNIT
1749 -
5 Apr, Jason WILLIAMS, Jr., & Jemima NUTTING
26 Apr, Joshua BOWERS & Sarah FRANSWORTH
A true Copy from Groton Town Book of Records for Marriages.
Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk
Groton, 24 Feb 1749. To Mr. Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk &c. I do hereby certifie that the following Couples were joyed in marriage (at the Several Times Set against their Names by me, Caleb TROWBRIDGE, Pastor of the 1st Chh in Said Town. Viz:
1749 -
4 Oct, Joseph FAIRBANKS of Harvard & Abigail TARBELL
18 Oct, Benj'a BANCROFT & Alis TARBELL
6 Dec, Henry FARWELL & Lydia TARBELL
13 Dec, Jonathan SAWTELL & Mary HOLDIN
14 Dec, Oliver FARNSWORTH & Sarah TARBELL
A true Copy from the Groton Book of Records for Marriages.
Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk
William BLOOD to Lucy FLETCHER, 5 Jan 1747/8
Eleazer GILLSON to Mary HALL, 21 Jul 1748
Zachariah WITHE to Esther KEMP, 21 Jul 1748
Samuel FOSTER [of Boxford] to Jane BOYNTON, 24 Nov 1748
James PARKER to Rebekah BULKLEY, 22 Dec 1748
Abraham PARKER to Lois BLOOK, 16 Mar 1749
Jeremiah SHATTUCK, Jr., to Lydia LAKIN, 10 Aug 1749
A true copy from Groton Town Book of Records for Marriages.
Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk
All the foregoing were rec'd 14 Feb 1750 and recorded by me, Thad Mason, Cler Pac's ------------------------------------------
Groton, 8 Feb 1750. To Cap't Thom's TARBELL, Clerk &c. I do hereby certifie yout that I Caleb TROWBRIDGE have joyned in Marriage the following Couples at the several Times set against their respective Names, Viz.: -
22 Mar 1749, Ebenezer NUTTING & Sarah FARNSWORTH
31 Jul 1750, Artemas WARD of Shrewsbury & Sarah TROWBRIDGE
1 Nov, 1750, Jonathan PEIRCE & Ruth GILLSON
29 Nov, 1750, Josiah WILLIAMS & Prudence NUTTING
19 Dec, 1750, Eleazer GREEN, Jr., & Sarah PARKER
26 Dec,1750, William GREEN, Jr., & Ruth COLBURN
10 Jan, 1750/1, Philemon HOLDIN & Lucy WALKER
30 Jan, 1750/51, Jonathan LONGLEY & Anna BANCROFT
6 Feb, 1750/1, Amos HOLDIN & Prudence HOLDEN
Entered in Groton Town Book of Records, Tho's TARBELL
Groton, 11 Jun 1752. To Mr. Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk for said Town, I do hereby certifie that the following Couples were joyned in marriage to each other at the Several Times Set against their Names, by me Caleb TROWBRIDGE Pastor of the first Church in Groton. -- Viz: -
6 Mar, Jonathan GILSON & Sarah PEIRCE
13 Mar, Jonas PRESCOTT, Jr., of Westford & the Widow Rebekah PARKER
1751 -
4 Sep, Moses HASKEL of Harvard & Anna TARBEL
14 Oct, Floyd PRATT of Malden & Lydia COFFIN
14 Nov, Abel LAWRENCE & Mary BUCKLEY
20 Nov, Joseph LONGLEY & Esther PATERSON
17 Dec, Bezaleel SAWYER of Lancaster & Lois LAWRENCE
1752 -
16 Jun, Ambros LAKIN & Dorothy GILLSON
22 Jan, Benj'a BROOKS, Jr., of Townshend, & Elisabeth GREEN
4 Mar, Jerem'h HOART & Hannah GREEN
5 Mar, Elnathan SAWTELL & Mary STONE
1 Apr, David STONE & Lydia PRATT
30 Apr, Jonathan ADAMS of Concord & Submit FARWELL
19 May, Joseph PARKHURST & Deborah SPAULDING
26 May, Joseph BENNIT & Margaret SHATTUCK
10 Jun, Josiah CHAMBERLAIN & Hepziabah CRECEE
Entered in Groton Town Book of Records, Tho's TARBELL ------------------------------------------
Groton, 25 Feb, 1754. To Cap't Tho's TARBELL Town Clerk &c. This is to certifie that I Caleb TROWBRIDGE (Pastor of the Church in said Town) did joyn in Marriage the following Couples at the Times set against their respective Names, Viz.--
1752 -
17 Jun, John SOLLENDINE & Dorcas WHIPPLE
18 Jun, James PRESCOTT & Susanna LAWRENCE
8 Nov, Peter HOBART & Abigail LAKIN
22 Nov, Jonathan FARWELL & Triphena FROST
20 Dec, Micah CRECEE of Groton & Catharine WETHERBEE of Bolton
1753 -
7 Mar, Zachariah LONGLEY & Jemima MOORS
4 Sep, Samuel SAWTELL & Widow Lydia DOUGLAS
24 Oct, John TARBELL & Sarah PARKER
1 Nov, Caleb BLOOD & Hannah HOLDEN
22 Nov, John CRAIG & Widow Jemima FISK
17 Dec, James LOCK, Jr., of Townshend & Hannah FARNSWORTH
1754 -
3 Jan, David BENNIT of the District of Shirley & Elisabeth WAIT
15 Jan, David GILSON of Groton & Anna GILSON of Pepperrill District
Entered in Groton Town Book of Records, Tho's TARBELL
Married in the year 1750 -
Abel PARKER to Esther SHATTUCK, 10 May
Jonathan SHATTUCK to Elisabeth SHATTUCK, 16 Aug
In the year 1751 -
John GREEN to Susanna WOOD, 3 Jan
Richard ADAMS [of Dunstable] to Lydia PHILLIPS, 17 Jan
Jacob AMES to Sarah PARKER, 24 Jan
Amosa TURNER [of Lancaster] to Eunice SANDERSON, 14 Feb
James GREEN to Elisabeth SHEPLE, 10 Jul
John LONGLEY to Elisabeth PATERSON, 16 Jul
Oliver BLOOD to Sarah DARLIN, 8 Nov
In the year 1752 -
Samuel GILSON to Elisabeth SHED, 20 Feb
William ELLIOT to Elisabeth WILLIAMS, 19 Mar
Per me Joseph EMERSON
Entered in Groton Book of Records, Tho's TARBELL
All the foregoing were rec'd 16 May 1754 Recorded per Thad MASON, Cler Pac's
Groton, 24 Feb 1755. To Cap't Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk, These are to certify that the following Couples were joyned together in Marriage at the Time Set agains their respective Names (by me Caleb TROWBRIDGE Pastor of the Church in Said Town, Viz.-- [Note: all individuals from Groton unless otherwise indicated.]
1754 -
7 Mar, Benaiah HUTSON of Pepperrill District & Dorothy LAWRENCE
19 Mar, Isaac LAKIN, Jr., & Mary Lawrence of Pepperrill &c
2 Apr, Ebenezer SEVERANCE & Widow Sarah BACON
10 Apr, Jonathan MORSE & Sybil TARBELL
29 May, Ephraim NUTTING & Jerusha PARKER
12 Dec, Jonathan TARBELL & Lydia FARNSWORTH
1755 -
9 Jan, William PARKER & Widow Sarah RICHARDSON of Pepperrill &c
23 Jan, Joseph BRUCE of Mendon & Elisabeth FARNSWORTH
23 Jan, Nathaniel LAKIN of Pepperrill & Sybil PARKER
20 Feb, Eben'r FARNSWORTH, Jr., & Mary NICKOLLS
To Thad's MASON Esq'r. This may certifie you that the Persons above named stand recorded with me as they are above entered. Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk
Groton, 28 Feb 1756. To Cap't Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk. This is to certifie you that the following Couples were joyned in Marriage (at the Several Times Set against their respective Names) by me Caleb TROWBRIDGE Pastor of the Chh in Said Town, Viz: --
1755 -
26 Mar, Cap't Eph'm SAWTELL & Widow Hannah GILSON
27 Mar, Samuel CRAGGE & Mary CONN
-- ---, Samuel HOBART & Ann BRADSTREET
16 Apr, John STEVENS of Townshend & Susanna TARBELL
29 May, Jonas SAWTELL & Elisabeth ALBEE of Townshend
-- ---, Amos DOLE of Littleton & Molly PAGE
9 Jul, Jonathan STONE & Susannah MORES
9 Sep, John SHEPLE & Abigail GREEN Jr.
3 Oct, Rev. Mr. Jospeh PERRY of Windsor [Conn.] & Mrs. Sarah LAWRENCE
1756 -
22 Jan, Joshua NEVERS, resident in Groton & Widow Abigail SAWTELL
26 Feb, Jonathan PRATT & Lucy BRADSTREET
27 Feb, William LAKIN & Priscilla AMES
To Thad's MASON Esq'r: This may certifie that the Persons above named Stand recorded upon my Book as they are entered above. Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk
10 Dec 1755, This may certify that I married Timothy STEWARD & Esther TAYLOR both of Westford on the Day aforesaid. John STEVENS, Jus't Peace
The above written stands entered with me as above, Tho's TARBELL, Town Clerk
All the foregoing were received 11 Mar 1756 & recorded. Per Thad MASON, Cler Pac's
To Doct'r Oliver PRESCOTT Town Clerk, Sir, I have Married the Persons hereafter named at the Times specified. Sam'l DANA
1765 -
26 Sep, William SHED to Lydia FARNSWORTH
9 Oct, Samuel NUTTING of Waltham to Olive AMES
26 Nov, John PIERCE to Sarah BIERS of Westborough
5 Dec, Samuel REED, Jr., of Lunenburgh to Mary TARBELL
20 Dec, Edward PHELPS of Leomister to Marth FARNSWORTH
1766 -
30 Jan, Joseph ROCKWOOD to Sarah RICHARDSON
11 Mar, Ephraim PIERCE to Esther STONE
18 Mar, Nathan WHIPPLE to Abigail BOWERS
25 Mar, Nathan BALL of Northborough to Elisabeth REED
23 Dec, John WHITAKER, Jr., to Thankful PEIRCE
1767 -
6 Jan, James ADAMS to Susanna JENKINS
15 Jan, Simon PAGE, Jr., of Shirley, to Elisabeth MOORES
2 Feb, Jonathna HARRIS of Leominster to Hannah ROBBINS
3 Feb, Zachariah FITCH to Sybill LAKIN
18 Feb, Ebenezer FARNSWORTH to Sarah NICHOLLS
19 Mar, Joseph HARTWELL of Littleton to Elisabeth PEIRCE of Groton
5 May, Jonathan FARNSWORTH of Harvard to Hannah FARWELL
16 Jun, Aaron FARNSWORTH to Sarah BENNET
23 Jul, David TAYLOR of Concord to Sarah PARKER
29 Oct, John PAGE to Esther LAWRENCE
11 Nov, Salmon STONE to Susa PAGE
26 Nov, Caleb WOODS to Betty CUMINGS of Holles
10 Dec, Thomas SMITH of Westford to Hannah SAUNDERS
1768 -
9 Feb, Daniel PAGE to Abigail JOHNSON
10 Feb, Jonas MARTIAL of Chelmsford to Mary PARKER
9 Mar, Joseph KOREY to Catharine PERRY
1 Aug, Jonathan LAKIN to Jemima WILLIAMS
6 Oct, Thomas FARRINGTON to Betty WOODS
10 Nov, John WOODS, Jr., to Hannah GOODHUE of Westford
17 Nov, John BANCROFT of Woodstock to Eunice BLOOD
1 Dec, Thomas GRAGG to Eunice LAKIN
27 Dec, Samuel PARKER, Jr., to Rebekah HUNT of Westford
1769 -
12 Jan, James BLOOD, Jr., to Elisabeth JEWETT of Pepperrill
2 Feb, Phineas PAGE of Herley to Hannah STONE
9 May, Thomas CHAMBERLAIN to Lydia ADAMS
To Thaddeus MASON, Esq., Clerk for the County of Middlesex &c, Sir, the within is a List of Marriages returned to me by the Rev. Samuel DANA of Groton & they are entered upon the Town Book for Groton. Att'd Oliver PRESCOTT, Town Clerk.
Middlesex ss: 9 Mar 1773. Rec'd & Recorded by Thad MASON, Cler Pac's
To the Town Clerk of Groton, Sir, I have married the following Persons at the Times here Specified.
1769 -
6 Jul, Cap't Joseph SHEPLE to Deborah BOWERS
31 Aug, Israel HOBART to Sarah NUTTING
28 Sep, Levi KEMP to Rebekah NEVERS
3 Oct, Peter FISK to Rachel KEMP
26 Oct, Isaac NUTTING, Jr., to Mary NUTTING
15 Nov, Jonathan BOYDEN to Elisabeth SAWTELL
21 Nov, Benjamin LAWRENCE of Pepperrill to Sybill PARKER
12 Dec, William DUTTON of New Ipswich to Marta PARKER
1770 -
8 Feb, Peter SWALLOW of Dunstable to Prudence STILES
6 Jun, Samuel KEMP, 3d, to Elisabeth KEZER of Shirley
10 Oct, Joseph SIMONDS to Mitty CUMMINGS
20 Nov, Benjamin HAZEN to Lydia WOODS
6 Dec, Isaac FARWELL to Lucy PAGE; Solomon FARNSWORTH to Lucy FARNSWORTH; Nathaniel MELVIN of New Ipswich to Abigail LAKIN
27 Dec, Nathan KOREY to Molly GREEN
1771 -
7 May, Zachariah NUTTING to Eunice NUTTING, dau. to Nathaniel NUTTING
23 May, Thomas WHITE, Jr., to Ruth FARNSWORTH
4 Jun, Elisha ROCKWOOD to Abigail STONE; Reuben TUCKER of Townshend to Relief FARNSWORTH
24 Jul, Timothy WOODS to Elisabeth DERUMPLE
13 Aug, Samuel WOODS, Jr., of Littleton, to Rebecca BROOKS
14 Aug, Stephen LUNN of New Ipswich to Sybill WHITNEY of Pepperrill
3 Oct, Timothy FARWELL to Sarah PAGE
1772 -
9 Jan, Jacob PATCH to Mary HAZEN
26 Mar, Josiah WARREN to Sarah TARBELL
7 May, William BEALS of Westford to Anna WOODS
11 May, Jonathan WETHERBEE of Harvard to Abigail FARWELL
20 May, Lt. Samuel TUTTLE of Littleton to Mary LAWRENCE
To Thaddeus MASON, Esq'r, Cler. Pac's for the County of Middlesex, Sir, The within is a Return of Marriages by the Rev'd Samuel DANA of Groton & they are entered upon the Town Book for Groton. Att't Oliver PRESCOTT, Town Clerk Middlesex ss : Rec'd 19 May 1773 & recorded by Thad MASON Cler Pac's
A Return of Marriages Solemized by the Rev'd Daniel CHAPLIN of Groton
1786 -
27 Dec, Isaac GREEN of Ashby to Prudence AMES
1787 -
8 Feb, Een'r PARKHURST to Elisabeth KENDALL, both of Dunstable
12 Apr, John BOWERS to Lucy WHEELER
18 Jun, Ephraim STONE to Sarah AMES
13 Sep, Abel STEVENS to Deborah TRUFANT
20 Sep, William SHEPLE, Jr., to Lydia TARBELL
11 Oct, Joseph MOORES of Ringe to Emme HUBBARD
2 Nov, Jonathan STEVENS to Tryphena HOBART
25 Dec, Asa SHATTUCK of Pepperill to Anna WRIGHT
1788 -
14 Feb, John HADLEY of Gardner to Abig'l PRESCOTT
18 Feb, John SCOTT to Bethia AMES
22 Feb, Joseph SAWTELL, 3d, to Hannah KEMP
28 Feb, Thomas FARWELL, Jr., of Washington, to Sally WAIT
28 Feb, Aaron BURDO of Reading to Phebe LEE
8 Apr, William TARBELL to Molly SIMONDS
A true Copy tes't Joseph SHED, Town Clerk
Middlesex ss: 27 May 1788, Received & Recorded by Thad MASON Cler Fac's [Marriages, No. 1, pages 104-115]
A List of Marriages returned by the Rev'd Daniel CHAPLIN 1788 -
10 Jul, Benjamin MORSE, Jr., to Susanna TRUSANT
10 Sep, Samuel BLOOD to Sarah BARTLET
15 Nov, Ezekiel NUTTING, Jr., to Elisabeth HOLDIN
25 Nov, Samuel FARMSWORTH to Bettsy FITCH
25 Dec, John WHITE of Pepperrill to Lydia FARWELL
A True Copy Test. Joseph SHED, Town Clerk
A List of Marriages returned by Ebenezer CHAMPNEY, Esq'r -
25 Jun 1788, Jonathan BLOOD to Mary GRAGG
27 Mar 1789, Oliver HARTWELL to Rachel SHATTUCK
6 Jan, 1789, Ebenezer PRATT, Jr., to Eunice HARTWELL, both of Shirley
28 Mar, 1789, Oliver FLETCHER to Mary PARKER
A true Copy. Tes't Joseph SHED, Town Clerk
A List of Marriages returned by Israel HOBART, Esq'r -
18 Nov 1788, Abel PATCH to Rebekah NUTTING of Pepperrill
Groton, 5 May, 1789, A true Copy Tes't Joseph SHED, Town Clerk
Middlesex ss : 5 May 1789, Received & Recorded by Thad MASON, Cler Pac's
The following is a Copy of a Return of Marriages Solemnized by the Rev'd Daniel CHAPLIN:
1789 -
16 Apr, Richard BRIANT to Mary WHITNEY
30 Apr, Ephraim LAWRENCE to Sally SARTELL
7 May, Samuel BANCROFT to Abigail CHILD
11 MAy, Amos SHED to Lucy TARBELL
28 May, Israel SHATTUCK to Ede PATCH
7 Jun, Imlah PARKER to Anna AMES
1 Jul, Thomas TARBELL to Molly FARNSWORTH
20 Aug, Moses STONE to Polly HAMLEN
20 Aug, Abel DINSMORE to Rachel FISK
29 Sep, Jonas BAKER to Susanna SIMONDS
3 Nov, James RALPH to Lucy KEMP
9 Nov, Abel SARTELL to Sarah NUTTING
1790 -
13 Jan, Jonathan LAWRENCE to Lydia TARBELL
17 Jan, Jacob RODIMAN to Abigail LAWRENCE
25 Jan, Reuben RICE to Susanna CRAIGG
4 Feb, Benjamin SWAN to Mary WAIT
A true Copy tes't Joseph SHED, Town Clerk, 4 May 1790
N. B. No return from any Justice of the Peace Middlesex ss : 7 May 1790, Received & recorded by Thad MASON, Cler Pac's
A list of Persons returned by Rev'd Daniel CHAPLIN
1790 -
12 Apr, Oliver KEMP to Lydia BLOOD
25 Apr, Joseph TRUSANT, Jr., to Anna BENNETT
2 May, Jonas GILSON to Nabby GREEN
12 May, Eben. WOOD, Jr., to Sarah FARWELL
14 May, Henry BLOOD to Nabby LAKIN
20 May, Eleazer DAVIS to Betsy PARKER
22 Jun, Colson TRUSANT to Maria PAGE
6 Jul, David DAVIS to Lucy FARWELL
16 Sep, Sam'l DODGE to Polly FARNSWORTH
30 Sep, John LAWRENCE, Jr., to Esther NUTTING
17 Oct, Jotham WOODS to Mary GILSON
25 Nov, Eph. NUTTING, Jr., to Polly WOODS
14 Dec, Joel LAWRENCE to Ruth COLLIER
1791 -
1 Feb, Jonathan SHED to Nabby ALLEN
29 Mar, Eleazer HAMLEN to Sarah BANCROFT
30 Mar, Oliver PAGE to Esther KEMP
A true Copy Att't Joseph SHED To' Clerk -
2 Dec 1790, Wm. BLOOD to Elizabeth AMES, m. by Wm. SWAN, Esq'r
A true Copy, Att't Joseph SHED, To' Clerk -
Middlesex ss : Groton, 26 Mar 1793, Then was joined in Marriage by me the Subscriber: Asa BIGSBY, Jr., of Westford, & Lucy GILLSON, which are all the persons I Have Married in the year past.
Wm. SWAN, Justice of the Peace
A true Copy test : Joseph SHED, Town Clerk
[Marriages, No. 2, pages 104-106]
The remaining records of marriages are found under the headings of the different towns where they took place. [Individuals are from Groton unless otherwise indicated]
25 Oct 1774, Nehemiah LAWRENCE & Esther FITCH of Bedford [Marriages, No. 1, p 190]
17 Jan 1769, Jonas PRIEST & Martha DURANT of Billerica [Marriages, No. 1, p 343]
19 Dec 1777, Ephraim ROBBINS & Thankful BALL of Concord [Marriages, No. 1, p 64]
3 Jan 1769, Petere PARKER, Jr., & Mary BUTTERFIELD of Dunstable [Marriages, No. 1, p 119]
14 Dec 1769, David WOODS & Deborah SWALLOW of Dunstable
19 Apr 1770, Solomon WOODS & Mary TAYLOR of Dunstable [Marriages, No. 1, p 418]
10 Oct 1754, Jonathan LAWRENCE of Littleton & Lydia FLETCHER, by Rev. Mr. Dani'l ROGERS of Littleton [Marriages, No. 1, p 133]
18 Dec 1760, Joseph HOAR of Littleton & Mary FARWELL, by Rev. Mr. Daniel ROGERS [Marriages, No. 1, p 138]
24 Jan 1769, Daniel STONE & Martha LAWRENCE of Littleton, by Daniel ROGERS, Clerk
16 Feb 1769, Matthias FARNSWORTH & Sarah FARNSWORTH of Harvard, by J. D. ROGERS, Just. Peace. [Marriages, No. 1, p 273]
15 Feb 1770, Mr. Ephraim KIMBALL of Littleton & Mrs. Mary SARTELL, by Rev. Mr. Daniel ROGERS [Marriages, No. 1, p 274]
5 Jan 1773, Mr. Isaac STONE & Mrs. Hannah LEIGHTON of Littleton, by Rev. Daniel ROGERS [Marriages, No. 1, p 277]
12 Feb 1782, Henry DAVIS & Mary TUTTLE of Littleton, by Edmind FOSTER [Marriages, No. 2, p 51]
24 Nov 1784, James POOL of Hollis & Mary RICHARDSON, by Edmund FOSTER [Marriages, No. 2, p 52]
6 May, 1762, Rev'd Mr. Samuel DANA & Miss Anna KENRICK of Newton [Marriages, No. 1, p 15]
5 Feb 1789, Abijah NUTTING & Eunice PAGE of Shirley [Marriages, No. 2, p 91]
13 Dec 1750, William STEVENS of Townshend & Sybill FARNSWORTH, by Phinehas HEMMENWAY, Pastor of Townshend.
15 Dec 1750, Josiah FARWELL & Lydia FARNSWORTH, by John STEVENS, Justice of the Peace
9 Jan 1752, Jonathan AVERY of Townshend & Mary FARNSWORTH, by Rev. Phin's HEMMENWAY, Pastor of Townshend [Marriages, No. 1, p 198]
14 Oct 1773, Phineas HEMENWAY & Elizabeth TAYLOR
-- Apr 1776, Abel SHATTUCK of Pepperrell & Hannah HOBART
19 Dec 1776,
29 Apr 1777, Mr. Robert AMES & Mrs. Susanna WARREN
-- Jul 1778, Benj'a LAWRENCE, Jr., & Rebeccah WOODS [Marriages, No. 2, p 178]
21 Jan 1779, Benj HOBART & Eliz. BROOKS of Townshend
17 Jun 1779, Isaac WARREN & Eunice FARNSWORTH
22 Mar 1781, Caleb BLOOD, 3d, & Hepzibah JEWETT of Pepperrell [Marriages, No. 2, p 179]
27 Oct 1748, Nathaniel HARRIS & Anna MEAD of Watertown, by Rev. Mr. Seth STORER [Marriages, No. 1, p 31]
17 Dec 1751, Nathaniel SMITH & Priscilla HARRIS of Watertown, by Rev. Mr. Seth STORER [Marriages, No. 1, p 33]
19 Feb 1756, Oliver PRESCOTT & Lydia BALDWIN of Watertown, by Set STORER, Minister of the Gospel [Marriages, No. 1, p 37]
26 Sep 1784, Isaac FLETCHER of Westford & Ruth PEIRCE [Marriages, No. 1, p 422]
26 Nov 1789, Joseph ROCKWOOD, Jr., & Lucy FLETCHER of Westford [Marriages, No. 1, p 424]
21 Feb 1790, Amos READ of Westford & Rachel PRESTON
26 Sep 1790, Enoch COOK & Abigail BUTTERFIELD of Westford [Marriages, No. 1, p 425]
12 Feb 1713, Samuel KEMP & Sarah LACEY of Andover
3 Jul 1739, Daniel FARWELL & Mary MORE of Andover, by Rev. Samuel PHILLIPS
28 Mar 1758, William BENIT & Mrs. Hannah PERREY of Andover, by Rev. Samuel PHILLIPS
7 Oct 1794, Abel PRESCOTT & Hannah SPAULDING of Ashburnham, by Rev. John CUSHING
25 Oct 1774, Nehemiah LAWRENCE & Elizebeth FITCH of Bedford, by Rev. Joshep PENNIMAN. [The county records give her name as Esther]
25 Sep 1738, Joseph JEWELL & Mary SAUNDERS of Billerica, by Mr. Samuel RUGGLES
21 Mar 1739, Stephen HOLDEN & Sarah WHEELER of Lunenburg, by David WOOD, Esq.
12 Jun 1718, Mr. Benj. PRESCOT & Mrs. Abigail OLIVER of Cambridge, by Jonathan POOL, Esq.
13 Oct 1785, Dr. Eph'm WARE & Mrs. Abigail GAMAGE, by Rev. Timothy WILLARD
20 Jun 1705, William GREEN & Mary BARRON, by Hon. James RUSSELL, Esq., J. P.
14 Jan 1708/9, Samuel COMINGS & Elizabeth SHED, by Edward EMERSON, Esq., J. P.
1 Jun 1710, Jonathan NUTTIN & Mary GREEN, by Mr. Justice EMERSON
4 Jul 1749, Stephen HOLDEN & Sarah CRESSY of Charlestown, by Rev. Mr. Hull ABBOT
6 Jul 1683, Daniel CADYE & Mary GREEN, by Samuel ADAMS, Commissioner
29 Dec 1685, John PARISE & Mary, dau. of John WATTEL of Chelmsford, by Samuel ADAMS, Commissioner
30 Dec 1685, Samuel, son of Samuel WOOD, & Hannah, dau. of Joseph FARWELL, by Samuel Adams, Commissioner
4 Jan 1685, William LAKIN & Elizebeth, dau. of James ROBINSON, by Samuel ADAMS, Commissioner
20 Mar 1685, Nicolas CADY, son of Nicolas, & Porcine, dau. of William REDLAND, by Samuel ADAMS, Commissioner
8 Jul 1696, Thomas BLODGET of Chelmsford & Mary DRUSE, by Thomas CLARK
27 Mar 1697, Robert ROBBINS & Mary DILL, by Mr. Thomas CLARK
-- Mar ----, William WHITNEY & Lydia PERHAM of Chelmsford, by Mr. Thomas CLARK (the rest of the date is wanting, but it is supposed to be 1699 or 1700)
10 Apr 1788, Nathan AMES & Lydia GOODHUE, by Abisha CROSSMAN
17 Oct 1751 (new style), Obediah PARKER & Ruth STEVENS, by Rev. Ebenezer BRIDGE
4 Mar, 1776, Jeremiah HOBART & Rebecca SAUNDERS, by Rev. Ebenezer BRIDGE
7 Dec, 1698, John STONE & Sarah FARNSWORTH, by Justice MINOT
16 Aug, 1699, Thomas CHAMBERLAIN & Abigail NUTTING, by Justice MINOT
5 Oct 1699, Jonas PRESCOT & Thankful WHEELER of Concord, by Rev. Jo's EASTERBROOK
8 Feb 1699/1700, Samuel SCRIPTURE & Mary GREEN of Watertown, by Justuce MINOT
8 Apr, 1702, Moses BARROW & Sarah POWER, by Justice MINOT
8 Apr 1702, Daniel POWER & Elizebeth WHITCOMB of Lancaster, by Justice MINOT
15 Apr 1706, Joseph BLOOD & Hannah SAWYER of Lancaster, by Justice MINOT
24 Aug 1706, Thomas PORTER of Billerica & Hepsibah SAWTELL, by Justice MINOT
23 Sep 1706, Benjamin LAKIN & Elizebeth LAKIN, by Justice MINOT
15 Oct 1706, Samuel WARNER & Hannah CADY, by Justice MINOT
4 Sep 1710, Jonathan WHITCOMB & Deborah SCRIPTURE, by Justice MINOT
10 Apr 1713, Ephraim SAWTELL & Abigail FARNSWORTH, by Justice MINOT
27 Nov 1754, Nathan WOOD & Ann PARKER, by Justice MINOT
25 Dec 1760, Nathaniel BLOOD & Hannah SHATTUCK, by Justice MINOT
10 May, 1762, Ebnezer PARKER & Susanna LOPER of Concord, by Rev. Mr. BLISS
2 Aug 1763, John ROBBINS & Sarah GILSON, by Ths. WHITING, Esq.
9 Nov 1769, David ARCHIBALD & Hannah PATCH, by Justice WHITING
5 Mar 1777, Thomas BOND & Esther MERRIAM of Concord, by Rev. Jos. PENNIMAN
2 Apr 1786, Samuel BOWERS & Lucy ALLEN of Concord, by J. CUMMINGS, Esq.
30 Oct 1729, Hezekiah SPRAGUE & Elizebeth AVERY of Dedham, by Rev. Mr. Sam'l DEXTER
13 Nov 1700, John VARNHAM of Dracut & Dorathy PRESCOUT
19 Apr 1770, David WOODS & Deborah SWALLOW of Dunstable [County records date this marriage as 14 Dec 1769]
3 Mar 1773, James PIKE & Ruth INGOLLS of Dunstable
20 May 1773, Jonathan BANCROFT of Dunstable & Martha GREEN
1 Jan 1771, Samuel DOWSE of Fitchburg & Eunice WENTWORTH, by Rev. John PAYSON
26 Nov 1741, William BENNET & Mary ATHERTON of Harvard, by Rev. John SECCOMB
6 Sep 1750, John FROST, Jr., & Mindwell BIGELOW of Harvard, by Rev. John SECCOMB
4 May 1757, Ephraim READ of Harvard & Elizebeth PIERCE, by Rev. John SECCOMB
3 Jan 17670, Thomas FAREWELL & Sarah DAVIS of Harvard, by Rev. Joseph WHEELER
22 Feb 1763, Silas RAND of Harvard & Sarah FARWELL, by Rev. Joseph WHEELER
8 Mar 1764, Paul FLETCHER & Abigail WILLARD of Harvard, by Rev. Joseph WHEELER
5 Dec 1765, William FARWELL & Sybil FARWELL of Harvard, by Rev. Joseph WHEELER
1 Jun 1767, Sials STONE & Eunice FAIRBANK of Harvard, by Rev. Joseph WHEELER
3 May 1768, Thomas PARK & Rosanna CONN of Harvard, by Rev. Joseph WHEELER
15 Jul 1773, Edmund FARWELL & Mary RUSSELL of Harvard, by Rev. Dana JOHNSON
21 Feb 1776, Mathias FARNSWORTH & Azuba FARNSWORTH of Harvard, by Rev. Dana JOHNSON
10 Apr 1776, Moses HALE of Harvard & Molly Farwell, by Rev. Dana JOHNSON
12 Mar 1778, Harbour FARNSWORTH & Lucy HEALD of Harvard, by Joseph WHEELER, J. P.
24 Apr 1780, Samuel FINNEY of Harvard & Rhoda PARK, by Isaiah PARKER
2 Jul 1786, Jonathan STONE, Jr., & Catherine WILLARD of Harvard, by Rev. Ebenezer GROSVENOR
26 Sep 1786, John BLANCHARD of Sutton & Hulda CARROL, by Josiah WHITNEY, Esq
3 Aug 1793, Joshua DAVIS & Sybil PATTERSON of Harvard, by Rev. William EMERSON
1 Jul 1794, Joseph SAWTELL & Lucy FARNSWORTH of Harvard, by Rev. Wm. EMERSON
11 Apr 1775, Francis WORSTER & Mary SIMMONS of Haverhill
5 Jun 1744, Ezra HALE of Leominster & Lydia FROST
6 Apr 1757, Edward PHELPS of Leominster & Martha TARBELL, both by Rev. John ROGERS
18 Apr 1780, Elisha COREY & Mary MUNROE of Lexington
12 Feb 1794, Samuel Pierce & Sally FARMER of Lexington, both by Rev. Jonas CLARK
17 Aug 1768, Israel HINDS of Littleton & Sarah FOSTER, by J. Dummer ROGERS
18 Oct 1785, Benj. BANCROFT & Mrs. Mary TUTTLE of Littleton, by Rev. Edmund FOSTER
29 Dec 1789, John FARNSWORTH & Nancy BAKER of Littleton, by Rev. Edmund FOSTER
20 Nov 1790, Solomon STONE & Hepsabah TREADWELL of Littleton, by Rev. Edmund FOSTER
3 Dec 1799, Jonatha WYTHE & Betsey WARREN, by Sampson TUTTLE, Esq.
15 Oct 1755, Jonathan BENNETT & Mary GOING of Lunenburg, by Rev. Mr. David STEARNS, Minister of Lunenburg
8 Feb 1753, Timothy DARLING of Lumenburg & Joanna BLOOD, by Rev. Mr. David STEARNS
10 Jan 1739/40, John KELSEY & Martha McFARLEN of Lunenburg, by Rev. Mr. David STEARNS, Minister of Lunenburg
7 Dec 1752, Samuel LARRABEE of Lunenburg & Anne WILLIAMS, by Rev. Mr. David STEARNS
7 Dec 1752, Benj. LARRABEE of Lunenburg & Margaret WILLIAMS, by Rev. Mr. David STEARNS
17 Apr 1760, Nehemiah LANE of Lunenburg & Sarah FLETCHER, by Rev. Mr. David STEARNS
7 May 1761, William LARKIN of Lunenbury & Hannah PARCE, by Edward HARTWELL, J. P.
19 Jun 1760, John LARRABEE of Lunenburg & Abiel ARVERN, by Rev. Mr. David STEARNS
22 Sep 1761, Ebenezer PRATT of Lunenburg & Lydia STONE, by Edward HARTWELL, J. P.
20 Nov 1760, Silas SNOW of Lunenburg & Anna FARWELL, by Rev. Mr. David STEARNS
10 Sep 1778, Isaac FORSTER, Jr., & Rachel FISK, by Rev. Zabdiel ADAMS
13 Sep 1798, Daniel HART, Jr., & Polly MARSHALL of Lunenburg, by Rev. Zabdiel ADAMS
7 Oct 1798, Levi CARLISLE & Polly BILLINGS of Lunenburg, by Rev. Zabdiel ADAMS
29 Oct 1712, John BUSH & Ruth NUTTING
30 Jun 1725, Jonathan FARNSWORTH & Mary BURT
20 May 1729, Dr. Ezekiel CHASE & Priscila MERRILL of Newbury, by Rev. Mr. John TUFTS
26 Jun 1733, Thomas CIMBER & Abigail WILLIS of Taunton, by George Leonard, Justice
PEPPERELL [Unless otherwise indicated, marriages were preformed by Rev. Joseph EMERSON]
1748 -
5 Jan William BLOOD & Lucy Fletcher
21 Jul, Eleazer GILSON & Mary HALL
21 Jul, Zachariah WEATH & Esther KEMP
24 Nov, Samuel FOSTER of Boxford & Jane BOYNTON
22 Dec, James PARKER & Rebeckah BULKLEY
1749 -
10 Mar, Abraham PARKER & Lois BLOOD
10 Aug, Jeremiah SHATTUCK & Lidia LAKIN
1750 -
16 Aug, John SHATTUCK & Elizebeth SHATTUCK
1752 -
25 Jun, Ebenezer WOODS & Eunice BOYDEN
12 Dec, Solomon PARKER & Hepzibeth LONGLIE
1752 -
1 Feb, Simon BLOOD & Anna SHATTUCK
8 Feb, George CAMEL of Townsend & Mary WHITE
15 Feb, John WALLIS of Townsend & Mary WHITE
13 Sep, Simon GREEN & Marry SHATTUCK
1756 -
17 Jun, John WOODS & Jerusha SMITH
1757 -
13 Apr, Edmund PARKER of Pepperell & Elizebeth GREEN
1758 -
25 Apr, John CHAMBERLAIN of Pepperell & Mary PATCH
1759 -
10 May, Josiah BOYDEN & Sarah NUTTING of Pepperell
26 Jun, Sam'l KEMP & Lydia PHILLIPS
12 Jul, Ebenezer GILSON of Pepperell &Hannah DARLEY
1760 -
27 Nov, Isaac BALDWIN & Elizebeth SHATTUCK of Pepperell
11 Dec, Ebenezer LAKIN & Eunice LAKIN
1765 -
14 Mar, Isaac COREY & Lydia JEWETT of Pepperell
1767 -
22 Jan, Simeon NUTTING of Pepperell & Dorothy KEMP
22 Jan, Eleazer PARKER & Abigail LAWRENCE of Pepperell
1772 -
22 Jun, William COLBURN of Hollis & Anna FARNSWORTH
2 Jul, David TARBELL to Esther KEMP
15 Jul, Samuel STILLS of Lyndboro & Susannah LAKIN
1773 -
4 FEb, David SHEDD & Lucy BLOOD
1774 -
1 Feb, Jeremiah LAWRENCE of Pepperrell & Anna WOODS
4 May, Abel KEMP & Lucy PRATT
5 Sep, John PIERCE & Tabatha PORTER
5 Sep, Thadeus BANCROFT & Bular FOSTER
26 Sep, John FISK & Anna BLOOD
5 Oct, Ezra PIERCE & Rebecca LAWRENCE
1780 [Unless otherwise indicated the following Pepperill Marriages were preformed by Rev. John BULLARD.]
18 Jan, Zacheus FARWELL & Lydia GILSON of Pepperell
31 Oct, Robinson LAKIN of Pepperell & Hepzibeth LAKIN
1783 -
13 May, Amaziah BLOOD & Hannah GREEN of Pepperell
21 May, John NUTTING, tertius, of Pepperell, & Sarah FISK
1784 -
17 Nov, Benjamin WOODWARD of Dunstable & Mary BLOOD
23 Nov, Edward JEWETT of Pepperell & Maria Blood
1786 -
1 Jun, John PARK, Jr., & Lydia HAMLIN of Howard
1788 -
25 Sep, Ezkiel SHATTUCK & Prudence BLOOD
1789 -
25 Jun, Caleb WOODS, Jr., & Abig'l WOODS of Pepperell
1791 -
29 Dec, Sam'l KEMP & Hepz'b SHATTUCK of Pepperell
1792 -
21 Feb, Nathaniel FLITCHER of Dunstabel & Submit HOOD
3 Jun, Eben. BLOOD & Sarah PIERCE of Pepperell
20 Jun, Henry BLOOD & Polly FISK of Pepperell
1794 -
5 Mar, Lieut. Benj'a WHITNEY of Pepperell & Olive FARNSWORTH
1 Oct, Jonas LAWRENCE of Pepperell & Betsey HAZEN
1796 -
10 Mar, Richard SAWTELL, Jr. & Sally WEAR of Pepperell
11 May, Cor't Simon GILSON of Pepperell & Mindwell FROST
1797 -
10 Apr, Sam'l COOK & Sarah JEWETT of Pepperell
1798 -
8 Nov, Sewell TARBELL of Pepperell & Ruth KEMP
15 Nov, Tim'y BLOOD & Sibbel WOODS of Pepperell
1799 -
28 Jan, Ebenezer PIERCE of Pepperell & Assineth BLOOD
14 Mar 1744, Joseph CROSWELL & Jerusha BARTLET of Plymouth
23 Mar 1703, James BENIT & Hannah BARET, by John BROWN, Esq., one of her Majesties' Justices of the Peace, Reading
27 Jan 1763, Samuel NICHOLS to Elizebeth PATTERSON of Shirley, by Rev. P. WHITNEY
-- Aug 1793, Phineas NUTTING to Susa PAGE of Shirley
-- Nov 1796, Phineas WAIT to Ruth BICKNELL of Shirley
16 Jun 1796, Mr. Thomas HOBART, Jr., to Susanna PATTERSON of Shirley, by Joshua LONGLEY, Esq.
5 Apr 1780, Thomas BURBANK & Abigail WOODBURY of Sutton, by Rev. David HALL, Pastor of the first Chh. in Sutton
27 Jan 1783, Joshua CHATMAN & Jemima SLADE of SWANZEY, by Russel MASON, Pastor of a church of Christ in Swanzey
4 Jun 1753, Jacob AVERY & Sylva EDDY of Swanzey, by Russel MASON, Elder of a church of Christ in Swanzey
4 Jan 1737, John WHEELER of Townsend & Mehitable HADLEY
1 Mar 1737, Jonathan STEARNS of Townsend & Anna SAWTELL (History of Townsend, p. 386, gives the bride's name as Sarah SARTELL of Groton)
24 May 1738, Timothy WHITNEY of Townsend & Submit PARKER
12 Apr 1762, Ephraim WARNER of Townsend & Sarah KEAZER
[The following marriages were performed in Townsend by Rev. Sam'l DIX] -
13 Jun 1765, David BROWN & Lydia STEVENS of Townsend
14 Oct 1773, Phineas HEMINGWAY & Elizebeth TAYLOR
19 Apr 1776, Abel SHATTUCK of Pepperell & Hannah HOBART
3 Dec 1776, Nehemiah TARBELL & Martha DODGE
29 Apr 1777, Robert AMES & Susanna WARREN
29 Apr 1778, Benj. LAWRENCE, Jr., & Rebeckah WOODS
7 Jun 1779, Isaac WARREN & Eunice FARNSWORTH
22 Mar 1792, Reuben STEVENS & Thankful RUMRILL of Townsend
15 Aug, 1792, Parker WITHERBEE of Townsend & Roda ADAMS
5 Jan 1797, Uziel WITHEE & Elizebeth STEVENS of Townsend
5 Dec 1711, Eben'r PRESCOTT of Lancaster & Ruth HOBART, by Jonas BOND, J. P.
24 Oct 1712, John THATCHER & Elizebeth MORSE of Watertown, by Rev. Samuel ANGIER
11 Sep 1733, Zecheriah SARTEL & Abigail BIBSBY of Westford, by Willard HALL, Pastor
[The following 11 marriages were performed in Westford by Jonas PRESCOTT, Justice of the Peace] -
20 May 1741, Lenard PARKER to Abigail PARKER
8 Oct 1741, Simon PAGE to Hannah GILSON
18 Feb 1742, Isaac GREEN to Marthy BOYDEN
11 Jan 1743, Gershom HUBOARD & Mary TOWNSEND
22 Mar 1744, Mr. David HUBBARD & Mrs. Sarah PARKER
30 May 1744, John CRODRY of Billerica & Hannah DAVIS
27 Jun 1744, Joseph SHEPLEY & Eunice PARKER
13 Jun 1745, William PRESTON & Ann CAMBLE of Winham
13 Aug 1745, Robert PARKER & Deborah HUBBARD
19 Feb, 1746, Ebenezer PRESCOTT of Westford to Elizebeth SPRAGUE
29 May 1746, Clement BLOOD & Eunice GILSON
4 Jun 1746, Ebenezer PATCH to Sarah WRIGHT of Westford, by Willard HALL, pastor
22 Sep 1747, Samuel WOOD, Jr., & Tabitha WHEELER, by Jonas PRESCOTT, J. P.
20 Oct 1747, John GILSON, Jr., & Hannah GREEN, by Jonas PRESCOTT, J. P.
26 May 1748, Isaac PATCH & Mary HASTIN of Dunstable, by Jonas PRESCOTT, J. P.
29 Jun 1748, Col. John BUCKLEY & Mrs. Mary UNDERWOOD of Westford, by Willard HALL, Pastor
16 Feb 1749, Jacob AMES & Olive DAVISE, by Jonas PRESCOTT, J. P.
12 Apr 1749, Josiah BOYDEN to Jane READ of Westford, by Willard HALL, Pastor
31 Oct 1749, Ebenezer KEMP & Marah BROADSTREET, by Jonas PRESCOTT, J. P.
27 Nov 1760, Daniel GILSON & Apphia KENT of Westford, by Willard HALL, Pastor
23 May 1765, Jonas STONE to Rebecca FLETCHER of Westford, by Willard HALL, Pastor
11 Jul, 1769, Gershom HUBBART to Phebe PATCH of Westford, by Willard HALL, Pastor
20 Jan 1784, Lt. Thomas REED of Westford to Widow Phebe PROCTOR, by Mathew SCRIBNER, Minister
18 May 1786, Elijah NUTTING to Susana FOSTER of Westford, by Mathew SCRIBNER, Minister
28 Apr 1786, James SNOW of Westford to Sukey GILSON, by Caleb BLAKE, Pastor
18 Mar 1788, Johnath SWALLOW to Jemima WILSON of Westford, by Mathew SCRIBNER, Minister
12 May 1788, Isaiah HALL to Hannah KEEP of Westford, by Mathew SCRIBNER, Minister
24 Aug 1797, Thaddeus CARTER of Sandy Streem, County of Lincoln, & Betsy DERUMPLE, by Zac. WRIGHT, J. P.
22 Sep 1799, Bulkley AMES to Lydia PRESCOTT of Westford, by Caleb BLAKE, Pastor
14 Jun 1722, Phineas PARKER & Elizabeth BOWERS of Lancaster
5 Apr 1733, Mousall WRIGHT of Woburn & Susanna SPAULDING
23 Oct 1770, Joseph LAKIN to Jerusha SIMONDS
17 Sep 1767, Aaron FARNSWORTH & Abigail JOHNSON of Worcester, by Thaddeus MACCARTY, Minister of Worcester