To the End of the Year 1849
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Betsey, dau Jeremiah and Jemima, at Tewksbury, Aug. 28, 1826.
Hannah, dau Jeremiah and Jemima, Apr. 10, 1825.
Irene, dau Jeremiah and Jemima, Oct. --, 1826.
William L., s. Jeremiah and Jemima, Sept. 15, 1826.
FARNESWORTH (also see Farnsworth)
Thomas, Capt., May 1, 1831, a. 43 y. GR2.
FARNSWORTH (also see Farnesworth, Farmoth, Farmuth, Farnworth)
Abigail, w. Matthias, May 11, 1768.
Abigail, w. Ezra, Jan. 8, 1800, a. 90 y. GR1.
Amos, s. Amos and Lidia, July 9, 1749 [in his 4th y. GR2].
Amos, drowned in Lancaster River, Dec. 5, 1775 [a. 71 y. 6 d. GR2].
Amos, s. Jonas and Jane, Mar. 10, 1787.
Amos, m., farmer, s. Amos and Lydia, old age, Oct. 29, 1847, a. 94 y. 6 m. 12 d.
Ann Maria, b. Lowell, dau Thomas S. and Harriet H., spasms, July 8, 1848, a. 1 y. 10 m. 8 d.
Benjamin jr., small pox, Sept. 18, 1757 [a. 58 y. 7 m. 22 d. GR2].
Benjamin, s. Amos and Lydia, drowned in Lancaster River, Dec. 5, 1775 [a. 18 y. 1 m. 11 d. GR2].
Betsey, w. Ezra, Nov. 5, 1819, a. 73 y. GR1.
Cynthia E., w. J. T., May 10, 1846, a. 25 y. 2 m. 12 d. GR1.
Daniel, Dea., Jan. 27, 1775, in his 83d y. GR2.
Ebenezer, May --, 1760.
Ebenezer jr., May 11, 1761.
Ebenezer, -----, 1819, a. 80 y.
Edmund, s. Oliver and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1756.
Elisabeth, w. Ezra, Nov. 5, 1819, a. 73 y.
Elizabeth, w. Aaron [formerly w. Josiah Parker. GR2], dropsy, Dec. 12, 1766 [a. 46 y. GR2].
Elizabeth, wid. Amos, dau Eleazer and Elizabeth Rockwood, inflammation of the lungs, Dec. 11, 1847, a. 91 y. 6 m. 12 d.
Ephraim, s. Lt. Ezra and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1754 [a. 7 y. GR2].
Ephraim, s. Ezra and Elisabeth, Mar. 19, 1812 [a. 43 y. GR1].
Ezra, Lt., June 19, 1788, in his 86th y. GR2.
Ezra, s. Ezra and Abigail, Mar. 19, 1798, a. 54 y. GR1.
Ezra, Jan. 8, 1800. GR4.
George Henry, s. Jeremiah [T. GR1] and Cynthia E., croup, Jan. 26, 1848, a. 4 y. 10 m. 28 d.
Hannah, w. Samuel, Jan. 5, 1800.
Hariot Newell, dau William and Betsy, July 28, 1821, a. 3 y. 9 m. GR2.
Isaac, Dea., Oct. [1. NR3], 1812, a. 88 y. 10 m.
Jane, wid. Jonas [Lt. Jonas F., and dau Capt. James Delap, of Granville, Nova Scotia. NR7], May 20, 1826, a. 73 y. 9 m.
Jonas [Lt. GR2], suddenly, apoplexy, July 16, 1805, a. 56 y. 11 m.
Jonas, s. Capt. Thomas and Lavina, Feb. 2, 1816 [a. 3 m. 13 d. GR2].
Lois, Mrs., Jan. 19, 1843.
Lucy, dau Amos and Lydia, at Granville, Nova Scotia, June --, 1802.
Mary, dau Luke and Sally [Sarah, Jan. 15. GR2], 1824.
Mary [Susanna Augusta, dau Luke and Sarah. GR2], Sept. 12, 1825.
Mary, w. Dr. Amos, Oct. 27, 1828, a. 37 y. NR7.
Mary Ann, dau Jonathan, Nov. 24, 1825.
Mary Rice, dau Abel and Polley [Mary. GR1], May 26 [5. CR5], 1840 [a. 18 y. GR1].
Matthias, Nov. 23, 1805.
Nathan, s. Ens. John and Hannah, Aug. 4, 1753.
Patience, w. Benjamin, July 10, 1734 [1733, in her 31st y. GR2].
Polly, dau Ebenezer and Sally, Apr. 25, 1782. GR2.
Rebecca, dau Ebenezer and Sarah, Jan. --, 1792, in her 25th y. GR2.
Rebekah, w. Benjamin, Oct. 1, 1756 [in her 54th y. GR2].
Sally, w. Luke, May 17, 1841.
Samson, Capt., July 1, 1833 [a. 88 y. GR2].
Samuel, hus. Hannah, Jan. 17, 1834.
Sarah, dau Amos and Lydia, Sept. 30, 1756, a. 19 y. 11 m.
Sarah, w. Ebenezer, Apr. 13, 1782, in her 43d y. GR2.
Sarah, dau Luke [and Sarah. GR2], Sept. 6, 1825.
Susanna Augusta, dau Luke and Sally [Sarah, Jan. 12. GR2], 1824.
Thomas, Capt., May 1, 1831, a. abt 43 y.
------, s. Amos and Lydia, Sept. 30, 1750. GR2.
------, wid. Dea. Isaac, Nov. --, 1812, a. 89 y.
FARNUTH (also see Farnsworth)
Joseph, s. Mathias and Sarah, Feb. 2, 1682. CT.R.
FARNWORTH (also see Farnsworth)
Banjinan, s. Benjeman and Mary, Jan. 16, 1699.
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer, Oct. 11, 1723.
Jeremiah, Nov. 25, 1731, in his 32d y. GR2.
John, s. Jonathan and Ruth, July 25, 1715.
John, Oct. 7, 1729.
Joseph, s. Mathias, Feb. 20 1686-7. CT.R.
Martha, dau Benjamin and Marey, Feb. 11, 1698.
Mary, dau Jonathan jr. and Mary, Mar. 17, 1727-8.
Sarah, dau Jeremiah and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1731, a. 1 y. GR2.
Celatia, m., farmer, b. Chesterfield, N.H., s. Jonathan, bronchitis, June 26, 1843, a. 64 y.
Elizabeth, dau Thomas and Mary, Feb. 24, 1779, a. 18 y. GR2.
Leonard, hus. Persis, June 27, 1843, a. 64 y. GR2.
Sibbel, w. Willard, Feb. --, 1820, a. 26 y.
John M[oses. NR7], "on a journey from Boston to Newipswich," July 4, 1815 [a. 18 y. NR7].
Betty, w. Capt. Thomas, at Kennebec, May 5, 1775.
Daniel, s. Capt. Thomas and Joanna, Jan. --, 1770.
Fredrick, s. Capt. Thomas and Joanna, Jan. --, 1770.
Joanna, w. Capt., June 24, 1767.
FARWELL (also see Farwill)
Anna, dau Henery and Lydia, Feb. 20, 1754.
Bounkker, s. William and Esther, Sept. 29, 1764.
Clarissa, unm., b. Tyngsboro, lung fever, bur. Tyngsboro, died Feb. 24, 1844, a. 46 y.
Esther, w. William, Nov. 20, 1815, a. 79 y. GR1.
Hannah, dau Josiah and Lidia, Sept. 1, 1753.
Henry, Capt., Jan. 9, 1804, in his 81st y. GR2.
Isaac, s. Joseph and Mary, May 16 [18. CT.R], 1740, a. 18 y. 2 m. 10 d. [a. 17 y. 2 m. 28 d. CT.R].
Isaac, a Captain in the Revolution, at Woodstock, Vt., Dec. 1, 1791. PR148.
Jonathan, Nov. 29, 1761, a. 30 y. 14 d. CT.R.
Joseph, Aug. 21, 1740, a. 70 y.
Joseph jr., s. Joseph and Mary, Aug. 27, 1758, a. 32 y. 11 m. 7 d. CT.R.
Lydia, dau Lt. Henry and Sarah, Dec. 16, 1763.
Mary M., dau Leonard and Lydia, Dec. 6, 1847, a. 21 y. 4 m. GR1.
Naomi, dau William and Esther, Apr. 25, 1769.
Naomi [unm., the Hermitess. GR1], dau William and Esther (Woods), Jan. 1, 1838, a. 68 y. NR18 [a. 69 y. CR1].
Sarah, w. Capt. Henry, Sept. 15, 1799, a. 66 y. GR2.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Sept. 8, 1725.
Thomas, Dec. 16, 1731, a. 33 y. 2 m. 5 d. GR2.
Thomas, Dea., formerly of Groton, at Washington, N.H., a. 92 y. Issue of Apr. 2, 1825. NR5.
William, Feb. 14, 1754.
William, June 20, 1819, a. 81 y. GR1.
FARWILL (also see Farwell)
Sarah, dau Joseph and Hannah, July 4, 1721.
Abigail, w. Amaziah, and dau Peter Graves, Apr. --, 1823.
Amaziah, at Boston, July --, 1775.
Amiziah, s. Amaiah and Ede, at Lincoln, Oct. 17, 1795.
Nabby, dau [Lt. GR2] Amaziah and Ede, Oct. 22, 1795 [in her 21st y. GR2].
Daniel, m., farmer, "an inhabitant of Milford, N.H.," consumption, Feb. 26, 1845, a. 64 y.
Patience, dau Nathan and Patience, Oct. 15, 1747.
Charles F., s. Caroline, Dec. 18, 1833.
John, s. John and Anna, Apr. --, 1811.
Jonathan, Sept. 12, 1832.
Josiah, s. Samuel and Elisabeth, Aug. 2, 1742.
Mariam, dau Samuill and Susannah, Mar. 26, 1718-19.
Molly, dau John and Anna, Feb. 23, 1783.
Nathaniel, s. John and Anna, Mar. 16, 1783.
Reuben, Aug. 10, 1825.
Samuel, May 26, 1723.
------, dau Jonathan, Apr. --, 1812, a. 3 y 6 m.
Betty, dau Zachariah and Sibel, Oct. 21, 1833.
Charles, s. Zachariah and Amelia, Nov. 8, 1840.
Ellen E., dau J. and A., Nov. 15, 1842. GR1.
Harriet M., dau Calvin and Harriet, ----, 1847. GR1.
Joseph, s. John, Feb. --, 1812, a. 9 w.
Parker, m., carpenter, s. John and Susan, consumption, June 4, 1847, a. 39 y. 6 m. 28 d.
Prudence, dau Zachariah and Amelia, Mar. 28, 1812, a. 9 y. 5 m.
Sukey (Parker), dau Silas and Marriah, July 18, 1830. PR128.
Susanna, w. John, June 18, 1830.
William [formerly of Groton, at Belvidere, Ill. NR20], Sept. --, 1838. CR2 [a. 28 y. NR20].
Zachariah, Capt., Sept. 2, 1820, a. 86 y.
Elijah jr., M.D., June 3, 1845. GR1.
FLEACHER (also see Fletcher)
Pall, s. John and Lydia, Dec. 2, 1738.
FLETCHER (also see Fleacher)
Abigial, Mar. 20, 1827.
Abigail Ardelia, dau Phinehas P. and Eliza, Dec. 3, 1831.
Abigail, b. Ashby [w. Lyman. GR2], dau Daniel and Martha Stone, consumption, Nov. 2, 1849, a. 69 y. 4 m. 10 d.
Almon, s. Lyman and Nabby, Jan. 29, 1815, a. 3 m. 15 d. GR2.
Anna, w. Paul, Apr. 1, 1763, a. 26 y. GR2.
Bredget, dau Ezekiel and Bredget, Oct. 20, 1796, a. 28 y. GR2.
Bredget, w. Lt. Ezekiel, Aug. 9, 1800, a. 53 y. GR2.
Charles, Sept. 5, 1833.
David, Nov. 1, 1831.
Eliza, July 13, 1829.
Eliza Parker, dau Phinehas P. and Eliza, Feb. 7, 1833.
Ezekiel, Lt., July 7, 1806, a. 65 y. GR2.
Ezekiel G., at Charlestown, Aug. 12, 1835, a. 44 y. NR7.
Jonas, Dec. --, 1777, a. 83 y. GR2.
Lyman jr. [s. Lyman and Nabby, GR2], Sept. 16, 1826 [a. 16 y. 11 m. 3 d. GR2].
Lyman sr., Oct. 4 [24. GR2], 1828 [a. 55 y. GR2].
Olive, dau Oliver and Olive, Aug. 24, 1775, a. 14 y. 11 m. GR2.
Oliver, s. Oliver jr. and Mary, July 18, 1793.
Phinehas P., Oct. 24, 1833.
Samuel, Jan. 13, 1808, a. 27 y. GR2.
Samuel, unm., student, s. Calvin Esq., lung fever, Jan. 12, 1845, a. 19 y.
Sumner, s. John and Clarissa, dysentery, July 17, 1848, a. 6 y. 5 m. 8 d.
------, ch. Moses, of Charlestown, Nov. 1, 1839.
Eli, Dec. --, 1824.
Eli, Aug. --, 1833.
Henry, s. Eli, Sept. 12, 1825.
Mary Ann, at Charlestown, Mar. 20, 1824 [a. 10 y. NR5].
Sarah, w. Eli, Nov. --, 1818. a. 50 y.
------, dau Eli and Sarah, Nov. --,1811, a. 4 y. 4 m.
Mary [Follingsbe, wid. Thomas. GR2], Oct. 20, 1760, a. 82 y.
George, b. Boston, s. David jr. and Sarah, dropsy in the head, Oct. 4, 1848, a. 2 y. 8 m. 20 d.
------, ch. David, Sept. 13, 1838.
Betty, w. Jonathan and dau Benjamin Hazzen, Sept. 25, 1758.
Sophia, w. Isaac J., Sept. 13, 1837.
Joanna, dau Thomas and Mary, smothered, Dec. 25, 1844, a. 4 m.
Benjamin S., s. Solomon and Dorcas, Sept. 4, 1834, a. 4 w. GR2.
James R., Oct. 15, 1844, PR32.
Margret L., Sept. 10, 1803. PR32.
Sally, w. Solomon, Dec. 12, 1839.
Solomon, Nov. 16, 1807.
Solomon, Mar. 10, 1843, a. 46 y. GR2.
David, Apr. --, 1822, a. 40 y.
George H., s. Abel H. and Maria, bowel complaint, Aug. 31, 1845, a. 10 m. 6 d.
George H., s. Abel H. and Maria, cholera infantum, Sept. 27, 1846, a. 7 m. 23 d.
Timothy, Hon., Oct. 1, 1835 [a. 57 y. NRG].
Elizabeth, June 6, 1778. PR97.
George Addison, s. Addison and Anna (Harrington), Sept. 20, 1841. PR119.
Harriet Larkin, dau Addison and Anna (Harrington), July 14, 1842. PR119.
James, Aug. 30, 1818. PR97.
John, May 24, 1766. PR97.
Louisa, Sept. 12, 1838, a. 34 y. GR2.
Phebe, Dec. 14, 1777. PR97.
Sarah, w. Thomas, Oct. 13, 1832. PR97.
Thomas, Dec. 16, 1781. PR97.
Abba, dau Hiram and Mary, measles and whopping cough, May 22, 1844, a. 3 y.
Caroline Augusta, dau Hiram and Mary, May 29, 1844, a. 5 y.
Frederick Alonzo [Simonds. GR2], s. Hiram and Mary P., Oct. [Nov. GR2] 23, 1833 [a. 9 m. GR2].
Warren Pollard, s. Hiram and Mary, measles and whopping cough, May 9, 1844, a. 9 y.
Sarah Elizabeth [Gallott. GR1], b. Boston, dau Nathan and Sarah, dysentery, Sept. 6, 1845, a. 9 y. 9 m. 14 d. [1835. GR1].
Abigail, w. Thomas, and dau Hon. Ebenezer and Abigail Champney, Nov. 10, 1805. GR2.
George, s. Thomas and Nabby, May 21, 1822.
John, s. Thomas and Nabby, July 9, 1826.
Nabby [Abigail. GR2], dau Thomas and Nabby [Abigail. GR2], Mar. 23, 1811 [a. 18 y. GR2].
Nathaniel, merchant, a. 41 y. Issue of Apr. --, 1800.. NR10.
Walter, midshipman in U.S. Navy, s. Thomas, at Cape Henry, Hayti, a. 22 y. Issue of Apr. 22, 1820. NR7.
Paul, at Townsend, Sept. 15, 1847, a. 56 y. CR1.
Allina [C. NR4], Apr. 25, 1840 [a. 33 y. NR4].
Laura Jane [dau Moses and Keziah. GR2], June 15, 1838 [a. 18 m. GR2].
Moses Augustus, s. Moses and Keziah, Feb. 29, 1828 [a. 7 w. GR2].
Moses Ames, s. George and Jemima G., Sept. 20, 1817, a. 1 y. GR2.
GILLSON (also see Gilson)
Elezer, Feb. 16, 1754, in his 59th y. GR2.
Jacob, s. Michel and Susanna, Oct. 31, 1735.
John, Capt., Nov 17, 1753, in his 56th y. GR2.
Zachariah, s. Michel and Susanna, Oct. 29, 1735.
Arthur Esq. of Newburyport, Sept. 18, 1836. NR20.
GILSON (also see Gillson)
Abigail, w. Jonas, Nov. 24, 1830.
Abijah, Dec. 16, 1835.
Alfred, unm., farmer, s. Luther and Martha, diarrhoea, June 23, 1844, a. 21 y.
Amassy, Jan. --, 1819, a. 84 y.
Charlotte, b. Westford [w. Charles, and formerly w. David Nutting. GR2], dau Thomas and Lydia Reed, typhus fever, Nov. 7, 1849, a. 68 y. 10 m. [a. 61 y. GR2].
David, s. John and Mary, Sept. 1, 1728.
Fanny, at Tyngsboro, "on her return from a visit at Boston," Oct. 30, 1827.
Francis M. [Frances Monrod. GR2], s. John [M.E. GR2] and Fanny, lung fever, Oct. 28, 1849, a. 1 y. 6 m. 18 d.
George, unm., farmer, s. Luther and Martha, Jan. 9, 1844, a. 19 y.
Jeremiah, s. John and Mary, Oct. 11, 1731.
John, Sept. 10, 1707.
Jonas, Capt., Jan. 5, 1837.
Jonathan, s. John and Mary, Oct. 12, 1[728-29?].
Josiah, Oct. 3, 1835.
Maria, w. Joshua, at Boston, Mar. 2, 1833, a. 32 y. GR1.
Mary, dau Solomon and Mary, July 2, 1776.
Mary, Mrs., Nov. 25, 1846, a. 74 y. 9 m. GR1.
Mary Ann, dau Simeon jr., May 8, 1820, a 5 y.
Mindwell, June 5, 1812. PR77.
Oliver, s. Nehemiah, Apr. 31[sic]. 1895.
Phineas H., Apr. 20, 1835. PR108.
Phinehas Hemmenway, s. Simeon and Elizabeth, Mar. 23, 1820, a. 13 y.
Simeon jr., s. Simeon, at Lowell, Jan. 18, 1828.
Simeon, s. N. S., Jan. 3, 1834.
Simeon, Aug. 9, 1842 [a. 81 y. GR1].
Solomon, Mar. 17, 1838, a. 79 y.
Sumner, s. Phineas H. and Ann, May 19, 1838.
William, July 22, 1848. PR98.
------, dau Asa W., and Sarah, dysentery, Oct. 5, 1845, a. 8 m. 1 d.
John, Rev., Nov. 4, 1811, a. 28 y. GR1.
Mary Ann, Sept. 15, 1805. PR118.
Samuel D., June 30, 1847. PR118.
Susanna H., Aug. 9, 1848. PR118.
Ezekiel, a. 68 y. Issue of Nov. 3, 1821. NR7.
Catharine R., Apr. 29, 1834. PR126.
David, Jan. 21, 1825. PR126.
Betsy [Gass. GR2], w. Thomas, Sept. 21, 1804, in her 35th y.
Jonas, s. Nehemiah and Esther, Feb. 11, 1745.
Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Esther, Mar. 19, 1745.
Eunice, wid. Thomas, Dec. 18, 1826, a. 76 y. GR2.
Hannah, w. Joseph, Dec. 30, 1822.
John, Sept. 18, 1798, in his 58th y. GR2.
John, s. Samuel, Feb. [22. NR23], 1822, a. 22 y.
Joseph sr., Dec. 28, 1824, a. 57 y. [1825, a. 58 y. NR7].
Thomas, hus. Eunice, May 17, 1807, a. 61 y. GR2.
Esther, wid. Peter, Nov. 25, 1824.
Peter, Oct. 29, 1824, a. 79 y.
Susan A., Nov. 20, 1824.
Susanna, Mrs., Feb. 14, 1836.
------, dau Ezra and Sally, Apr. --, 1818, a. 7 w.
------, dau Ezra and Sally, July --, 1819, a. 5 m.
------, ch. Ezra, Mar. 1, 1833.
------, inf. s. -----, 1849. GR3.
Abigail, sister Mary Sartell, Dec. 20, 1790, a. 83 y. GR1.
Anna, w. Eleazer, and dau Dea. Thomas Tarbell and Elisabeth, Nov. 27, 1753.
Benjamin, Jan. 23, 1776. GR2.
David, s. Jonathan and Sarah, at Mason, N.H., Nov. 10, 1822, a. 82 y.
Eleazer, Sept. 10, 1737.
Eleazer, Oct. 13, 1824, a. 71 y.
Elezebeth, dau William and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1745, a. 2 m. 14 d. GR2.
Elisabeth, Mar. 17, 1744.
Elizabeth, w. Peter Esq., and dau the late Col. John Bulkley, at Concord, a. 22 y. Issue Sept. 8, 1774. NR6.
Eunice, dau Jonathan and Sarah, Apr. 1, 1773, in her 20th y. GR2.
Hannah, dau William and Mary, 28: 11 [16]82. CT.R.
Hannah, dau Jonas and Abigail, Dec. 17, 1784.
Hannah, w. William, Sept. 3, 1797, a. 90 y. GR2.
James, Sept. 21, 1756, in his 26th y. GR2.
Jonas, s. Jonas and Jemima, Apr. 2, 1762.
Jonathan, Oct. 10, 1758, in his 58th y. GR2.
Jonathan jr., Dec. 22, 1758, a. 25 y. 7 m. 11 d. GR2.
Joshua, May 11, 1837.
Joshua, s. Dr. Joshua and Eliza, consumption, Feb. 13, 1846, a. 11 y. 9 m. 6 d.
Josiah, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Dec. 28, 1755, in his 28th y. GR2.
Josiah, Sept. 28, 1828.
Lucy [Louisa. NR4], wid. Eleazer, old age, Sept. 30, 1843, a. 81 y.
Mary, dau Isaac and Martha, Nov. 12, 1753.
Reuben, s. triplet, Jonas and Jemima, Oct. 17, 1767.
Samuel, s. Eleazer and Anna, Dec. 26, 1753.
Sarah, wid. Jonathan, Dec. 8, 1782, a. 77 y. 6 m. 27 d. GR2.
William, May 7, 1778, a. 79 y. GR2.
William L., s. Dr. Joshua [and Eliza. GR1], Aug. 28, 1825 [a. 10 m. GR1].
William L[awrence. GR1], unm., merchant, s. Joshua and Eliza, typhoid fever, Oct. 21, 1847, a. 21 y. 1 m. 29 d.
------, dau Elazr. and Ealizabath, Feb. 1698.
Mary, wid. Benjamin, June 7, 1813, a. 31 y. GR2.
HADEN (also see Hayden)
Joshua, May 7, 1825. PR118.
Mehitable, Apr. 13, 1745, a. 57 y.
Sarah, Aug. 3, 1731, a. 17 y.
Betsey (Brown), w. Samuel [and dau Aaron Brown, Jan. 29. GR1], 1822. a. 44 y.
Edward, s. Betsey and Samuel, at Boston, July 21, 1827, a. 15 y. GR1.
Samuell, hus. Betsey, at Montgomery, Ala., June 14, 1822, a. 44 y. GR1.
Caroline A. (Bancroft), w. Benjamin, Feb. 28, 1829. PR90.
Francis, Nov. 1, 1836.
Hannah, Mrs., Jan. 10, 1842.
Isaiah [a Revolutionary soldier. NR7], June 24, 1834 [a. 74 y. NR7].
Sarah, w. Charles, Aug. 15, 1682. CT.R.
------, w. Asia, of Westford, consumption, bur. Westford, died July 22, 1844, a. 63 y.
Emeline Fletcher, Nov. 13, 1838. PR120.
Henry, Oct. --, 1820. PR120.
Nathan, Apr. 5, 1833. PR120.
Olive, Apr. 3, 1833. PR120.
Olive, Apr. --, 1839. PR120.
Olive Ellen, at Boston, Oct. 25, 1832. PR120.
Samuell, Sept. 25, 1822. PR120.
Sarah, Feb. 2, 1842. PR120.
John, Nov. 18, 1805. PR82.
Mary G., Sept. 18, 1816. PR82.
Samuel, Nov. 18, 1846. PR82.
HARTWELL (also see Hartwill)
Abel, June 17, 1836.
Almond, Sept. 10, 1825.
Caroline, dau Samuel and Caroline Matilda, consumption, July 9, 1844, a. 31 y.
Clarissa Ann, dau Jepthah R., Aug. 25, 1825 [a. 16 m. NR7].
Ebenezer, Apr. --, 1767.
Elizabeth, wid., b. Shirley, dau Jonas and Elizabeth Hall, Mar. 26, 1848, a. 74 y.
Elnathan, s. Samson and Joanna, June 11, 1817.
Emma Josephine, Mar. 15, 1842. GR1.
Jonathan, -----, 1842. CR2.
Jonathan, Feb. 21, 1843.
Maria, May 8, 1835.
Mary, wid., Mar. 19, 1832, a. 93 y.
Sally, Sept. 16, 1825.
Sally, w. Luther, Oct. 22, 1835 [a. 42 y. GR2].
Samuel, s. Samuel and Caroline M., June 11, 1825.
Samuel sr., Mar. 24, 1842.
Sarah Sophia, dau twin, Jepthah R. and Betsey, -----, 1834.
Thomas, W., Esq., formerly of Groton, at Bellvedere, Ill., Jan. 5, 1848,a. 38 y. NR9.
William S., s. Jepthah R. and Betsey, Mar. --, 1834.
------, d. Oliver, July --, 1811. a. 8 m.
------, ch. Luther. Issue of Sept. 17, 1825. NR5.
------, s. Jepthah R. and Betsey, Dec. 9, 1827.
HARTWILL (also see Hartwell)
Samuel P., s. Reuben [and Mary. GR2], Sept. 18, 1833 [a. 3 y. 7 m. 3 d. GR2].
HAYDEN (also see Haden)
Betsy A. [w. Luther. GR1], b. Brookline, N.H., consumption, Dec. 11, 1846, a. 57 y. 5 m. 8 d.
Parazina, wid., lung fever, bur. Westford, died Feb. 1, 1844, a. 76 y.
Martin, Feb. 24, 1812. PR81.
Thomas, Mar. 15, 1839. PR81.
HAZEN (also see Hazzen)
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1775.
David sr., Sept. 30, 1826.
Edward, s. Benjamin and Lydia, Sept. 15, 1775.
Edward jr., Jan. 11, 1834.
Emerline, d. Benjamin and Martha, canker, Sept. 9, 1846, a. 1 m. 6 d.
Eunes, d. Benjamin and Elisabeth, Nov. 14, 1728.
John, Feb. 10, 1814, a. 64 y. GR1.
Lydia, w. Benjamin, Aug. --, 1820, a. 75 y.
Mary, dau William and Mary, consumption, June 20, 1849, a. 23 y. 5 m. 3 d.
William Henry, s. Benjamin and Martha, scrofula, Aug. 18, 1848, a. 7 y. 5 m. 20 d.
HAZZEN (also see Hazen)
Benjamin, Sept. 28, 1755.
Eleanor Bussey Davis, Jan. 3, 1833. PR79.
Judith Bussey, Jan. 30, 1831. PR79.
Nathan, Sept. --, 1818, a. 36 y.
HEMENWAY (also see Heminway)
Artemas, s. [Lt. GR2] Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 13, 1795. [a. y. 1 m. GR2].
Artemas, Oct. 5, 1833, a. 37 y. GR2.
Artemas, h. Indiana Fitch, -----, 1833. GR1.
Bela, s. Lt. Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 17, 1816, a. 26 y. GR2.
Fanny, dau Joseph and Mary [Rebecca. GR2], Nov. 5, 1821 [a. 5 y. GR2].
George, s. A. and L., -----, 1843. GR1.
George W., s. Dr. Samuel [Sept. 5, 1830, a. 23 y. GR2].
Jeremiah, Nov. 16, 1834, a. 52 y. GR2.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1775.
Samuel, Lt., Mar. [15. GR2], 1818, a. 69 y. 10 m. [a. 70 y. GR2].
Samuel, s. A. and L., -----, 1826. GR1.
Samuel, Dr., s. Lt. Samuel, Jan. 8, 1823, a. 45 y. GR2.
Sarah, wid. [Lt. GR2] Samuel, Apr. 16, 1826 [a. 71 y. GR2].
HEMINWAY (also see Hemenway)
Rebecca [Hemenway. GR2], dau Joseph and Mary [Rebecca. GR2], Oct. 2, 1821 [a. 16 m. GR2].
Benjamin F., s. William F. [and Caroline. GR2], brain fever, Aug. 28, 1844, a. 2 y.
Jonas P., drowned at Boston. Issue of Feb. 22, 1822. NR23.
Adam, June 20, 1820. PR77.
[Mary Abbey, dau Henry and Abigail (Coffin), PR69], Aug. 21, 1837 [a. 1 y. 4 m. GR2].
Mercy, June 12, 1830. PR77.
Rufus, May 17, 1830. PR77.
Hannah, Apr. 19, 1841. PR110.
Joshua, Feb. 17, 1840. PR110.
Albert Bliss, s. Joseph and Charlotte, Apr. 30, 1821 [1824, a. 14 y. NR5].
Eliza Ann, w. Joseph Nelson [-----, 1840, a. 24 y. GR1].
Henry, Jan. 23, 1844, a. 47 y. 6 m. GR1.
Henry Emerson, s. Joseph and Charlotte, Apr. 1, 1824 [a. 3 y. GR1].
Joseph, b. Concord, s. Daniel and Polly, gout, Nov. 3, 1849, a. 64 y. 11 m. 7 d.
Martha A. M. [Ann Mary. NR5], dau Joseph [and C. GR1], Aug. 10, 1825 [a. 20 m. NR5].
Benjamin, Nov. 3, 1842.
David, s. Jeremiah and Hannah, Apr. 30, 1782.
Dorothy, dau Gershom and Sarah, June 10, 1686. CT.R.
Emme, dau Josiah, June 12, 1765.
Gershom, Dec. 18, 1707.
Hannah, wid. Jeremiah, Dec. 27, 1820, a. 80 y.
Huldah, dau Nehemiah and Rachel, at Pepperell, Sept. 1, 1761.
James, s. Shebuel jr. and Esther, Jan. 22, 1754.
Josiah, s. Josiah, June 12, 1765.
Josiah, widr., farmer, s. Jeremiah and Hannah, Oct. 24, 1845, a. 78 y. 10 m.
Jotham, s. Josiah, June 14, 1765.
Levi, s. Jeremiah and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1782.
Lucy, w. Josiah, June 5, 1808, a. 90 y. GR2.
Martha, dau Josiah, June 18, 1765.
Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Rachel, Mar. 7, 1758, a. 16 y.
Nehemiah, s. Israel and Anna, Dec. 3, 1764.
Phebe, dau Israel and Anna, Nov. 2, 1759 [a. 2 m. 27 d. GR2].
Sally, Mrs., Dec. 20, 1842, a. 41 y. NR22.
Sally, w. Josiah, and dau Shattuck Blood, consumption, Mar. 26, 1845, a. 69 y.
Samuel, s. Israel and Anna, at Townsend, Dec. 26, 1769.
Sarah, Mrs., Apr. 14, 1712.
Simon, s. Jeremiah and Hannah, July 24, 1775.
Susanna, dau Israel and Anna, Mar. 17, 1756.
------, w. Benjamin, Nov. 1, 1841.
Lucy, w. John, Oct. 2, 1841 [a. 37 y. GR1].
Lucy E., dau John and Lucy, dysentery, Nov. 1, 1845, a. 6 y.
Hulda, dau Elisha, Aug. 12, 1825.
HOLDEN (also see Holdin)
Abel sr., Feb. 7, 1838.
Isaiah, Nov. --, 1811, a. 82 y. 3 m.
Jabez, Capt., Aug. 11, 1783 [1787, in his 53d y. GR2].
Luther, Sept. 2, 1829.
Miriam [Whitny. CR2], dau Nehemiah and Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1775, a. 7 y. 6 m. 15 d. GR2.
Samuel, s. Samuel, June 6, 1688. CT.R.
Sarah, w. Joshua, Mar. 9, 1767.
Stephen, s. Stephen, July 28, 1688. CT.R.
HOLDIN (also see Holden)
Abigial, w. Nathanael, Sept. 29, 1757, in his(sic) 66 y. GR2.
Annes, dau William and Annes, Jan. 28, 1749.
Annes 2d, dau William and Annes, Nov. 16, 1749.
Deborah, dau Jonathan and Deborah, Sept. 11, 1753.
John, s. Jonathan and Deborah, Oct. 7 ,1747, a. 2 y.
John, Lt., s. Stephen, Dec. 27, 1753 [in his 69th y. GR2].
Jonathan, Sept. 13, 1758, a. 56 y.
Lydia, dau Nathaniell and Abigial, Feb. 5, 1744 [1744-5, in her 20th y. GR2].
Mary, dau Jonathan and Deborah, Sept. 20, 1753.
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Abigail, Apr. 30, 1740 [in his 19th y. GR2].
Nathaniel, s. Stephen and Hannah, May 15, 1740 [in his 49th y. GR2].
Oliver, s. Isaiah and Betty, Dec. --, 1822, a. 55 y.
Sarah, w. Lt. John, Dec. 21, 1753 [in her 59th y. GR2].
Sarah, dau Isaac [and Sarah. GR2], Mar. 6, 1759.
William, s. William and Annes, Feb. 14, 1755.
Mary Rachael, Dec. 26, 1846. PR102.
John, m., farmer, b. Hopkinton, N.H., s. Benjamin and Judah, dropsy, Jan. 15, 1847 [Aug. 15, 1846. GR2], a. 67 y. 5 m. 12 d.
Hannah, w. John, and dau Nathan Shattuck, consumption, May 7, 1843, a. 42 y.
Bradley, June 24, 1824 [1829, a. 27 y. GR2].
Dorcas, w. Capt. Ebenezer, Sept. 23, 1840 [a. 66 y. GR2].
Ebenezer, Capt. [Col. NR3], Aug. 24, 1808, a. 88 y. GR2.
Mary, Mar. --, 1842. PR119.
Mary B., Apr. 3, 1821. PR119.
Rowland, May 5, 1804. PR119.
[Abigail, wid., mother of Joel, FEb. FGR1], Dec. --, 1822, a. 72 y.
Joel, Dec. 29, 1834 [a. 49 y. GR1].
Calvin, Mar. 16, 1837.
Charles W., s. Nathaniel F. and Clarissa, croup, July 28, 1845, a. 6 m. 9 d.
Edwin C., s. Nathaniel and Clarissa, cholera infantum, Oct. 1, 1846, a. 2 m. 12 d.
Eliza, dau Thomas and Susanna, Feb. 7, 1817.
Emma [Amy. CR5], Mrs., Aug. 11, 1841.
Hannah, dau Nathan and Mary, Mar. 5, 1765.
Hannah, dau Thomas and Lois, June 23, 1786.
John, s. Lt. Jonathan, Feb. 17, 1724.
John, widr., farmer, consumption, Nov. 7, 1845, a. 67 y. 1 m. 4 d.
Jonathan, s. Nathan and Mary, Oct. 21, 1767.
Lucy, dau Thomas and Lois, Feb. 10, 1832.
Phinehas, s. Nathan and Mary, Mar. 10, 1786.
Sally, Mrs., Dec. --, 1842.
Susanna, w. Thomas, Dec. 13, 1807.
Tyomas, Feb. 1, 1728, in his 33d y. GR2.
Thomas, Dec. 10, 1830.
Joseph William, s. George and Jarusha, Feb. 27, 1844, a. 2 y.
Mahala, b. Westmoreland, N.H., dau Joseph and Prudence, consumption, July 11, 1846, a. 45 y. 9 m.
Martha, dau John A. and Susan M., Sept. 7, 1845, a. 1 m.
Sumner, s. John A. and Susan M., still born, June --, 1846.
William Henry, s. George and Jerusha, Mar. 17, 1838 [a. 8 m. 8 d. GR2],
Joshua, Rev., Sept. 11, 1819, a. 34 y.
Cynthia, -----, 1842. GR1.
Cynthia, dau Silvester and Cynthia, consumption, Jan. 5, 1848, a. 32 y. 4 m. 24 d.
Silvester, s. Silvester and Cynthia, June 21, 1837.
Benjamin, June 1, 1816, a. 65 y. GR2.
Eunice R., Aug. 16, 1840. PR126.
Henry F., s. Eleazer and Sarah, June 26, 1846, a. 1 y. GR1.
Joseph, Sept. 1, 1839, a. 21 y. GR1.
Sarah E., dau William V. and Nancy B., lung fever, Mar. 3, 1846, a. 1 y. 4 m. 5 d.
Sarah J., w. Daniel P., Oct. 21, 1841 [a. 23 y. GR2].
JOHANSON (also see Johnson)
Susanna, dau John and Mary, Dec. 8, 1813.
JOHNSON (also see Johanson)
Asa, Mar. 31, 1817.
Eunice, dau Asa and Sally, Sept. --, 1811 [a. 4 y. dup].
George, July 25, 1831.
Henry P., s. Phinehas and Julia A., dysentery, Oct. 1, 1848, a. 9 m. 18 d.
James Denmore, s. James B. and Nancy Jane, Nov. 28, 1842 [a. 7 y. GR2].
John sr., Aug. 31, 1834 [a. 72 y. GR2].
Jonathan sr., Oct. 14, 1840.
Lydia, w. James, Dec. 18, 1840.
Mary, Oct. 5, 1730. PR126.
Sarah, June 15, 1736. PR126.
Sarah 2d, July 8, 1745. PR126.
Susannah, Dec. 12, 1743. PR126.
Suse [w. John. GR2], Aug. 13, 1836 [a. 69 y. GR2].
Ezekiel, m., farmer, b. Marshfield, palsy, Oct. 30, 1846, a. 42 y. 2 m. 16 d.
Henry Rust, s. Eliphalet, of Boston, July 30, 1838, a. 12 y.