To the End of the Year 1849
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Joseph, -----, 1834.
Mary [Ann. NR6], dau Joseph and Prudence, Oct. 10, 1830. [a. 18 y. NR6].
Prudence, wife Joseph, Oct. 27, 1825 [a. 47 y. GR2].
Ann, dau William and Anna, July 16, 1809, PR130.
Martha A., dau William and Anna, Oct. 20 1777. PR130.
Nancy, dau William and Anna, Feb. 2, 1797, PR130.
William, s. William and Anna, Dec. 17, 1819. PR130.
William, s. William and Anna, Sept. 27, 1843. PR130.
Catherine L., Dec. 31, 1845. GR4.
Eliza, w. Frederick, ----, 1839. a. 27 y. GR2.
Emma, w. Benjamin, Apr. 9, 1840. PR117.
John sr., Feb. --, 1824.
John jr., Sept. 3, 1830.
John, Dec. 11, 1843. PR117.
John, Dec. 20, 1845. PR117.
Lucy, Sept. 11, 1833. PR117.
Luther, Nov. 20, 1801. PR117.
Nancy, dau John jr., May --, 1820.
Patty, w. John, Aug. 6, 1827.
Ruth, Sept. 14, 1825. PR117.
------, ch. Fredick, Nov. 22, 1838.
------, w. Fredick, Dec. 24, 1838.
Hannah, Sept. 19, 1822. a. 7 y.
ALLAN (also see Allen)
Isaac, s. Joseph and Mary, May 17, 1775, a. 5 m. 17 d. GR2.
ALLEN (also see Allan)
Elizabeth, w. Timothy, Oct. 11, 1694, a. abt. 70 y. PR132.
Joseph sr., Jan. 24, 1817 [a. 80 y. GR2].
[Mary. GR2], w. Joseph sr., Nov. [3, GR2], 1818, a. 72 y.
------, s. Joseph and Mitta, Oct. 26, 1805.
AMAES (also see Ames)
Deborah, w. Nathan, Apr. 8, 1782, a. 35 y. 6 m. 24 d. GR2.
AMES (also see Amaes)
Abel, s. Amos and Abigail, Aug. 14, 1775.
Abigail B., May --, 1824.
Amos, Aug. 4, 1817.
Asa, m., farmer, s. Buckley and Lydia, lung fever, Apr. 14, 1846, a. 46 y. 5 m. 11 d.
Benjamin, s. twin, John and Susanna, July 11, 1766.
Benjamin, s. Nathan and Deborah, Dec. 24, 1787.
Benjamin, Sept. 27, 1825. PR100.
Bulkley [Buckley, PR92], Esq., Jan. 22, 1836.
Charity, w. Capt. Moses, Apr. 7, 1818, a. 34 y. GR1.
Charls, s. Peter and Sally, Nov. 8, 1808, a. 3 y. 3 m. 15 d. GR2.
Ephraim, s. twin, John and Susanna, July 2, 1766.
Ephraim, s. John and Susanna, May 3, 1774.
James, July 29, 1814. PR100.
Jephthah, s. Nathan and Deborah, June 30, 1786.
John, July 9, 1724.
John, July 30, 1743.
Lucy, dau Eli and Eunice, July 4, 1791.
Lydia [w. Nathan, GR1; jr. dup], Oct. 20, 1835. PR100. [a. 71 y. GR2].
Lydia, wid. Buckley, and dau Ebenezer and Lydia Prescott, Feb. 15 [23. PR92], 1848, a. 68 y. 1 m. 7 d.
Mial, s. Robert and Ruth, Mar. 31, 1785, a. 6 m. GR2.
Molley, dau Robert and Sarah, Aug. 6, 1775, in her 3d y. GR2.
Moses, s. Amos and Abigail, May 23, 1783.
Moses, Capt., Dec. 11, 1820, a. 37 y. GR1.
Nathan, Mar. 7, 1791, a. 61 y. GR2.
Persilla, family John, Oct. 24, 1729.
Peter, June --, 1823.
Robert, Nov. 15, 1789 [a. 26 y. 1 m. GR2].
Ruth, w. [wid. GR2] Robert [jr. GR2], July 3, 1825 [a. 68 y. GR2].
Sally, w. Peter, before 1838, CR1.
Sarah, w. Robert, Nov. 23, 1774, in her 33d y. GR2.
Sarah J[ane. GR1], dau Asa and Mary A., dysentery, Sept. 22, 1848, a. 5 y. 11 m. 18 d.
Simeon, s. Samuel and Hannah, small pox, Dec. 10, 1760, a. 19 y. 5 m. 6 d. GR2.
Simeon, s. Amos and Abigail, Sept. 25, 1784.
Susanna, dau John and Susanna, May 18, 1758.
Winslow, May 7, 1837.
Herman Monrad, s. Peter and Rebekah (Butler), grand s. Caleb Butler, Mar. 31, 1848, a. 3 y. 7 m.
Rebekah Butler, w. Peter, at Lowell, Sept. 6, 1844.
Mary, dau Dr. Aaron and Mary, Feb. 15, 1845, a. 13 y. GR2.
ARCHABALD (also see Archabeld, Archebell, Archibald)
Edmund, s. David and Hannah, Aug. 14, 1772.
ARCHABELD (also sede Archabald)
William, s. John and Catharine, Sept. 8, 1757.
ARCHEBELL (also see Archabald)
Thomas, s. John and Cathrine, May 28, 1751.
ARCHIBALD (also see Archabald)
Asa, s. David and Hannah [bet. 1730 and 1784].
William Norcutt, s. Rev. Timothy, at Lowell, Apr. 25, 1846, a. 8 y. GR1.
Elihu, a. 50 y. Issue of Aug. 7, 1830. NR6.
Ebeneser G., drowned, July 2, 1816. PR114.
Nathaniel jr., Sept. 1, 1808. PR114.
Thomas, May 31, 1786, in his 54th y. GR2.
Hepzibah, w. Eleazer, formerly w. Benjamin Jacquith, Nov. [14. GR2], 1823 [a. 73 y. GR2].
BANCROFFE (also see Bancroft)
Joseph, s. Capt. Benjamin and Anna, Nov. 2, 1745.
Sarah, dau Capt. Benjamin and Anna, Nov. 2, 1745.
BANCROFT (also see Bancroffe)
Abel, Lt., Oct. 30, 1786, in his 35th y. GR2.
Adelia Caroline, dau Henry A. and Caroline, croup, July 1, 1843, a. 1 y. 9 m.
Agnes, wid. William, July 31, 1832, a. 76 y.
Alice, w. Dea. Benjamin, Nov. 29, 1781, a. 51 y. 8 m. 25 d. GR2.
Amos [Dr., July 12, GR2], 1848. CR2, a. 81 y.
Anna, wid. Capt. Benjamin, Apr. 3, 1790, in her 88th y. GR2.
Benjamin, s. Thaddeus and Bulah, Mar. 8, 1776, a. 3 m. 15 d. GR2.
Benjamin, Capt., July 21, 1787, a. 86 y. 2 m. 4 d. GR2.
Benjamin, Dea., Oct. 27, 1804, a. 80 y. GR2.
Elisabeth, Feb. 11, 1819. PR90.
Elisabeth, Sept. 8, 1820. PR90.
Eliza, w. Dr. Amos [and dau Doane, merchant, of Boston, dec. NR4], Nov. 11, 1840 [a. 55 y. NR4].
George W., Jan. 18, 1814. PR90.
Henry Augustus, dau(sic) Henry A. and Caroline [after Mar. 22] 1847.
Henry Eugene, s. Henry A. and Caroline, scarlet fever, Aug. 8, 1844, age 1 y.
Jonathan, s. Benjamin and Anna, Oct. 26, 1745.
Joseph, s. Benjamin and Anna [Marey, dup], Nov. 29, 1739.
Marey, dau Benjamin and Anna, Dec. 1, 1732.
Marey, dau Benjamin and Anna [Marey, dup], Nov. 25, 1737.
Mary Ann, dau Amos and Sally [Sarah. GR2], Feb. 26, 1841 [a. 31 y. GR2].
Sally [Sarah, GR2], w. Dr. Amos, Apr. 29, 1837 [a. 69 y. GR2].
Samuel, Feb. --, 1822, a. 57 y.
Sarah, wid. Abel, July 8, 1830 [a. 77 y. GR2].
Susanna, Mrs., at Milford, N.H., a. 61 y. Issue of July 27, 1825. NR7.
Thaddeus, June 21, 1784, a. 28 y. 2 m. 9 d. GR2.
William sr. [h. Agness. GR2], May 28, 1832, a. 76 y.
William, Esq., Nov. 27, 1780, in his 42d y. NR16.
BARDEEN (also see Barden)
Casendana Sophia, dau Daniel N. and Sophia, consumption, Feb. 26, 1846, a. 13 y. 4 m. 23 d.
Sarah, w. Shadrach, Oct. 18, 1841, a. 58 y. GR2.
Shadrac, widr., blacksmith, b. Harvard, dropsy, Dec. 1, 1843, a. 55 y. [1. 65 y. GR2].
BARDEN (also see Bardeen)
Chester, s. Joseph, Sept. 14, 1839.
-------, w. Joseph, Oct. 31, 1839.
Amos Russell, bur. Tyngsboro, -----, 1838.
BARNES (also see Barns)
Charles W., s. William and Almira, dropsy in the head, Sept. 8, 1849, a. 8 m. 28 d.
Ruth, Mrs., at Lancaster, heart disease, Feb. 23, 1836, a. 58 y. PR135.
BARNS (also see Barnes)
Marey, dau Joseph and Sarah, Apr. 21, 1754.
------, w. John, disease of the heart, Dec. 9, 1843 [1842. CR5], a. 46 y.
BARRAN (also see Barron)
Abiel, w. Nathan, at Harvard, June 11, 1740. PR131.
BARRON (also see Barran)
Anna, w. Elliz, 3: 11: [16]73, a. 37 y. CT.R.
John sr., Jan. 1, 1693, CT.R.
Samuel, June 9, 1771, in his 88th y. GR2.
Silas, s. Silas Parker and Abigail, convulsion fit, Aug. 7, 1766, a. 3 w. 1 d. GR2.
Mary, Mrs., ----, 1845. CR5.
BARTELET (also see Bartlett)
Nickles, Mar. 16, 1743-4.
Sarah W., dau William and Susan, Aug. 30, 1843, a. 10 m. GR1.
BARTLET (also see Bartlett)
Samuell, s. Nickles, Dec. 10, 1737.
BARTLETT (also see Bartelet, Bartlet)
Alonzo W., Oct. 29, 1849. PR5.
Hannah, Apr. 3, 1824. PR5.
Horatio, s. Horatio, of Boston, Dec. 12, 1835, a. 12 y. NR7.
Sarah, Jan. 18, 1843. PR82.
Ann, w. Stephen, at Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 10, 1823, a. 22 y. GR2.
BATTORICK (also see Buttrick)
Elisabeth, Oct. 18, 1744.
Abigail [Bardwell. NR5], dau Otis, Aug. 2, 1825 [a. 2 y. NR5].
Mary, wid., Feb. 17, 1771.
William A., s. William and Rhoda, Oct. 15, 1825.
BELLOWS (also see Billows)
Asahel, Aug. 9, 1835, a. 54 y. GR1.
Hannah V., wid. Asahel, Sept. 11, 1843, a. 62 y. GR1.
Susannah, w. Rev. -----, of Harvard, and dau Rev. -----, chaplin of Groton, at Harvard, suddenly, Oct. 5, 1810. NR7.
BENNET (also see Bennett)
Aaron, s. Benjamin and Marey, Nov. 2, 1728.
Abijah, July 25, 1841 [a. 55 y. GR3].
Bashua, dau Benjamin and Marey, July 7, 1736.
Benjamin, Sept. 25, 1757.
Esther, dau Benjamin and Sibbel, Apr. 21, 1836.
Mary, wid. Benjamin, Oct. 15, 1761.
Sarah, w. Benjamin, July 10, 1765.
BENNETT (also see Bennet)
Catharine, dau Joseph and Mary, Oct. 1, 1811, a. 1 y. GR1.
Caroline, dau Joseph and Sarah, burnt to death, Oct. --, 1811 [a. 1 y. 1 m. dup].
Emeline Champney, dau Josiah Kendall and Lucinda, Dec. 12, 1833.
Eunice, wid. Thomas, formerly wid. Nathaniel Shattuck, decay of nature, July 9, 1844, a. 91 y.
James, father of Thomas, July 10, 1809.
James, s. James and Anna, at Lynn, May 11, 1832.
James, s. Thomas and Polly, b. Billerica, consumption, Nov. 20, 1849, a. 69 y. 7 m. 12 d.
Job, s. twin, James and Anna, Apr. 10, 1809.
John, s. Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1803 [a. 3 y. GR1].
Joseph, s. Joseph, May 5, 1759.
Joseph, Apr. 29, 1828 [a. 56 y. GR1].
Louisa, dau Jonathan S. and Maranda W., dysentery, July 22, 1848, a. 1 y. 4 m.
Mary, w. William, July 7, 1753.
Mary, dau Joseph and Mary, Apr. 16, 1809, a. 9 d. GR1.
Mary, w. Thomas, Oct. 26, 1813.
Samuel, Sept. [Aug. GR2] 29, 1819 [a. 25 y. GR2].
Sarah, w. William, Sept. 23, 1756.
Sarah, w. James, May 27, 1810.
Sibbel, w. Benjamin, Mar. 24, 1836.
Sibbell, dau Benjamin and Sibbel, May 21, 1842.
Thomas, Mar. 18, 1822, a. 66 y.
-----, ch. Josiah K., Dec. 18, 1833.
Thomas, May 22, 1839.
------, wid., b. England, old age, May 23, 1849, a. 70 y.
Elizabeth Paine, w. Joshua, at Boston, Oct. --, 1804, a. 66 y. GR2.
Joshua [of Boston. GR2], Apr. [15. GR2], 1819, a. 95 y.
Eunice, a pauper, Feb. 22, 1831.
BEVERSTOCK (also see Bevertock)
BEVERTOCK (also see Beverstock)
-----, ch. John, June 24, 1833.
Anna, w. Timothy [wid. Col. Timothy of Worcster. GR1], and mother of Lucy Lawrence, Aug. 2, 1809. [a. 63 y. GR1].
Harriet M., w. Josiah, July 27, 1800. GR4.
Sarah M., w. John and dau Calvin and Sally Childs, Dec. 10, 1839 [a. 21 y. 8 m. GR1].
BILLOWS (also see Bellows)
Hannah [Bellowes. CR4]. wid., Sept. 13 [11. CR4], 1843. a. 63 y.
Asa, Jan. 7, 1842 [1841. CR2].
Charles Henry, s. Asa, dec., and Mary, Feb. 5, 1845, a. 4 y.
Eliza, dau Asa and Mary, Feb. 27, 1825.
------, Mrs., of Boston, May 19, 1841.
Jacob jr., s. Jacob and Rebecka, Dec. 21, 1769.
Jacob, Apr. 26, 1770.
James, Feb. 8, 1703-04.
James, small pox, Sept. 20, 1757.
Mary, w. Simeon, and dau John Shattuck, Nov. 20, 1827.
Mary Elizabeth [d. Dexter and Charlotte. GR1], Nov. 20, 1840 [1841, CR5; a. 15 y. GR1].
Unes, dau James and Anna, Apr. 13, 1710.
William D., at Yuba River, California, "and buried there," Sept. 3, 1849, a. 23 y. GR1.
Esther, dau John and Agnis, Apr. 26, 1751.
BLODGET (also see Blodgett)
BLODGETT (also see Blodget)
Mary, w. William, of Tyngsborough, typhus fever, Sept. 25, 1844, a. 77 y.
BLOOD (also see Bloud)
Abraham, s. Silas and Alathea, killed in battle of Bunker Hill, June --, 1775.
Alathea, w. Silas, Apr. 19, 1767.
Allathear, dau Silas and Allathear, June 13, 1748.
Almira, dau [Capt. GR2] Thomas and Milly, Aug. [19. GR2], 1822, a. 5 y. 10 m.
Ann Maria, dau Joseph and Nancy, Aug. 16, 1823 [a. 12 y. GR1].
Augustine, s. Joseph and Nancy, July 10, 1828, a. 2 y. GR1.
Avis, w. Calvin 2d, Apr. 10, 1842.
Azubah, dau Oliver jr. and Hannah, in New York, Feb. 26, 1816.
Caleb, Dec. 9, 1804, a. 70 y. GR2.
Calvin, s. Luther and Sally, Feb. 27, 1813 [a. 11 d. GR2].
Darling, s. Oliver and Sarah, Sept. 18, 1771, a. 2 y. 4 m. 8 d. GR2.
Ebenezer L., ----, 1831. CR3.
Ebenezer L., Sept. 17, 1839.
Elisabeth, w. James, Apr. 9, 1773.
Elisabeth, wid. Caleb, Dec. [9. GR2], 1819, a. 70 y.
Eliza, w. Timothy jr., b. Dunstable, dysentery, July 31, 1849, a. 31 y. 5 m. 27 d.
Elizabeth, wid. William, lung fever, Dec. 19, 1843, a. 75 y.
Elizabeth, w. Timothy jr., July 31, 1848, a. 40 y. 7 m. GR2.
Frederick Augustus, s. Timothy and Sibbel, Aug. 4, 1840.
Gabriel Lakin, s. Henry and Abigail, Aug. 28, 1805 [a. 6 y. 7 m. GR2].
Hannah, w. Caleb, childbirth, Sept. 1, 1773 [a. 38 y. 1 m. 26 d. GR2].
Hannah, dau Oliver jr. and Hannah, Sept. 30, 1780.
Hannah, Feb. 16, 1796. PR31.
Hannah, Jan. 14, 17 --, a. 82 y.
Hannah, w. Oliver, Apr. 17, 1816 [a. 70 y. GR1].
Henry sr., Nov. [21. PR50], 1832.
Henry, s. Henry and Abigail, Oct. 23, 1837.
Ivers, ch. Oliver 3d and Ruth, June 27, 1806.
Jephthah, s. Oliver jr. and Hannah, June 24, 1785.
John, Aug. 23, 1758, in his 70th y. GR2.
Jonas, Feb. --, 1825.
Jonathan, m., farmer, s. Oliver and Sarah, palsy, Sept. 30, 1846, a. 83 y. 6 m.
Joseph, Jana. 5, 1794. PR31.
Joseph, s. Oliver and Hannah, disease of the heart, Apr. 20, 1849, a. 66 y. 5 m. 10 d.
Joseph E., ----, 1843. GR1.
Lemuel, June 4, 1828, a. 79 y. GR1.
Levi, s. Caleb and Elisabeth, Sept. 29, 1782.
Levi, July 8, 1829.
Lewis sr., June --, 1819, a. 41 y.
Lucy A. [Maria. GR1], dau Joseph D. and Lavinia W., dropsy of the brain, Feb. 3, 1849, a. 2 y. 6 m. 17 d.
Lunar A., ch. Joseph and Sarah, ----, 1847. GR1.
Luther, s. twin, Timothy and Sibbel, Mar. 10, 1807.
Luther, Sept. 8, 1832 [a. 47 y. GR2].
Lydia, Aug. 14, 1840 [a. 84 y. GR1].
Mary Ann, Nov. 3, 1844, a. 26 y. GR4.
Mary G., m., dau Jacob Gragg, lung pleurisy, Mar. 11, 1846, a. 74 y. 11 m. 21 d.
Milly, w. Capt. Thomas, June 4, 1833 [a. 54 y. GR2].
Naomi, dau James and Mary, May 3, 1765.
Olive, dau Silas and Alathea, Apr. 3, 1765.
Oliver, Aug. 6, 1836 [a. 84 y. GR1].
Oliver, s. Oliver and Hannah, apoplexy, June 5, 1849, a. 72 y. 2 m. 7 d. [a. 84 y. GR1].
Permelia, w. Joseph D., Oct. 16, 1834 [a. 21 y. GR1].
Rachel, w. Royal, Aug. 26, 1834.
Richard, hus Issable, 7: 10: 1683. CT.R.
Royal jr., June --, 1824.
Royal sr., May 24, 1825.
Rozilah, dau Timothy, Feb. 27, 1828.
Ruth, w. Oliver, Dec. 2, 1844, a. 70 y. GR2.
Sally, Nov. 6, 1833. PR31.
Sally Eliza, dau Luther and Sally, July 18, 1810 [a. 2 y. GR2].
Samuel, a Revolutionary soldier, formerly of Groton, at Groton, N.H., Nov. 20, 1829. NR7.
Sarah, w. Ebenezer L., Jan. 14, 1802.
Sarah, w. Oliver, Oct --, 1812, a. 85 y.
Sarah, w. Levi, Nov. 3, 1824.
Sarah, Nov. 9, 1838.
Sarah, b. Ashburnham, w. Oliver, old age, Dec. 2, 1844, a. 71 y.
Sibbel, w. Timothy, July 28, 1812 [a. 34 y. 2 m. 5 d. GR1].
Susan, w. Jacob, a. 27 y. Issue of Apr. 3, 1813. NR7.
Susanna, dau Ebenezer and Abigal, July 26, 1738.
Susanna, dau Silas and Alathea, Aug. 8, 1753.
Thomas, Capt., Oct. 15, 1835 [a. 59 y. GR2].
Thurza, dau Oliver jr. and Hannah, Sept. 27, 1789.
Timothy, s. Caleb and Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1777 [a. 1 y. 9 m. 26 d. GR2].
Volney, s. Jonathan jr. and Eliza [perished in a snow storm. NR7], Nov. 26, 1833 [a. 13 y. NR7].
William, s. William and Elizabeth, Dec. 29, 1811.
------, ch. William, Mar. 4, 1840.
------, wid. Lemuel, Aug. 30, 1840.
------, ch. Hiram, smothered, Dec. --, 1844.
------, dau Oliver P. and Nancy, fit, Jan. 19, 1848, a. 3 m. 27 d.
------, s. Timothy jr. and Elizabeth, cholera morbus, Oct. 24, 1848, a. 3 m. 17 d.
BLOUD (also see Blood)
Hannah, 6: 11: 1675, a. 1 y. CT.R.
Marah, dau Richard, Apr. 19, 1662. CT.R.
Richard, s. James, July 8, 1670. CT.R.
Sarah McLane, Feb. 14, 1840. PR103.
Rebeckah, w. John, Aug. 25, 1835 [1834. a. 52 y. GR2].
William, unm., farmer, s. John and Rebecca, typhus fever, Dec. 3 [12. GR2], 1844 [a. 25 y. GR2].
Almira Victoria, dau Eliab G., June 11, 1844, a. 1 y.
George F., unm., s. Eleab, fits [idiotic], Sept. 12, 1846, a. 24 y. 8 m. 2 d.
Sarah, wid., June 24, 1822, a. 99 y. 10 m.
Nathaniel, s. Thomas and Esther, Mar. 17, 1794.
Sarah Augusta, dau twin, Luther and Hannah, July 30, 1838.
Mary, July 20, 1842. CR4.
Peter, hus Sylvia, May 5, 1836, a. 45 y. GR2.
Sylvia, w. Peter, Mar. 1, 1842, a. 50 y. GR2.
Benjamin, May 4, 1813, a. 47 y. GR2.
Caleb T., s. Samuel and Mary, ----, 1842. GR1.
Hannah, w. Jonas, July 12, 1789, in her 48th y. GR2.
Isaac, Sept. 14, 1808, a. 67 y. GR2.
Jerathmell, Capt., Apr. 23, 1724, in his 70th y. GR2.
Jonas, Nov. 11, 1795, a. 52 y. GR2.
Jonathan, s. Nehemiah and Sarah, Feb. 2, 1748.
Mary, dau Isaac and Priscilla, Sept. 21, 1775 [a. 5 y. 8 m. 17 d. GR2].
Mary Ann, dau Samuel and Mary, May 4, 1839.
Mary Downing, dau Samuel and Mary, ----, 1839. GR1.
Mary [Downing, w. Samuel. GR1; formerly of Lynn, NR4], July 20, 1842 [a. 41 y. NR4].
Phinehas, s. Samuell and Deborah, Sept. 12, 1745 [a. 1 y. 11 m. 12 d. GR2].
Phinehas 2d, s. Samuell and Deborah, July 27, 1767 [a. 16 y. 6 m. 15 d. GR2].
Samuel, Dec. 16, 1768, in his 58th y. GR2.
Samuell jr., s. Samuel and Deborah, Aug. 30, 1764 [a. 28 y. 8 m. 26 d. GR2].
Sarah, dau Isaac and Priscilla, Sept. 23, 1775 [a. 4 y. 1 m. 21 d. GR2].
Eunice [Unice 2d, w. GR2], w. Josiah, Jan. 1, 1745 [a. 37 y. GR2].
Jane, Mar. 26, 1828.
Josiah, Oct. 17, 1772, in his 72d y. GR2.
Samuel, Nov. 23, 1780, a. 29 y. GR2.
Thomas, Nov. 15, 1719.
Calvin, Esq., Mar. 5, 1837.
Sarah, w. [Capt. GR2] Joseph, Feb. 27, 1718-19 [1717, a. 71 y. GR2].
Sarah Tenney, w. John, at Fitchburg, Aug. 8, 1839. PR84.
William T., s. Calvin and Patty, Aug. 25, 1825 [a. 11 y. NR7].
[Betsey. GR1], wid. William, and dau William and Rhoda Bates, consumption, Jan. 9, 1849, a. 68 y. 3 m. 16 d.
Charles E., s. G. B. and R. N., Nov. 17, 1835, a. 16 m. GR1.
John Hoffman, s. Stephen and Betsey, Sept. 25, 1817 [a. 6 d. GR1].
John Hoffman, s. Stephen and Betsey, Apr. [8, 1823. a. 1 y. 6 d. GR1].
Stephen, Sept. 3, 1841 [a. 61 y. GR1].
Stephen A. [s. G. B. and R. N. GR1], Mar. 23, 1848, a. 5 y.
Stephen Albert, s. Stephen and Betsey, May 11, 1826 [a. 15 y? GR1].
Hannah, wid. James, Esq., at Pepperell, Apr. 14, 1826 [a. 61 y. GR1].
Henrietta, dau William F. and Phebe, Sept. 4, 1825 [a. 2 y. NR7].
Henry Farwell, s. William F. and Phebe, at Benton, Ala., July 2, 1840. GR1.
James, Esq. [suddenly. NR7], Nov. 10, 1818, a. 59 y.
James, Nov. 10, 1840, a. 61 y. GR1.
Mary S[altonstall, dau William F. and Phebe, GR1], at Weathersfield, Vt., Oct. 1, 1829.
Phebe Varnum, w. William Farwell, July 30, 1849. GR1.
Sarah, w. James [Apr. --, NR7; 1810, a. 47 y. GR1].
William F[arwell. GR1], Nov. 17, 1835 [a. 53 y. NR7].
Betsey Morse, dau George D. and Mary Jane, Aug. 4, 1844, a. 6 y. 3 m. 5 d.
Betsy Morse, w. George, May 6, 1820, a. 29 y.
Emely, dau George D. and Mary Jane [bef. 1840] [Oct. 2, 1839, a. 5 m. GR1].
Eunice, dau wid. Mary, at Bangor, Me., a. 42 y. Issue of Feb. 17, 1838. NR4.
John, Capt., June [May 21. GR2], 1823 [a. 71 y. GR2].
Frances Maria, dau Rufus and Mary, b. Harvard, dysentery, Sept. 13, 1849, a. 5 y. 2 m. 8 d.
Aaron, Esq., Nov. [14. GR1], 1811 [a. 59 y. GR1].
Aaron, Capt., hus. Sarah, Aug. 19, 1832 [a. 44 y. GR2].
Cynthia, ----, 1846. CR5.
Elizabeth, w. Aaron, Esq., Aug. 4, 1797, a. 45 y. GR1.
Elizabeth, w. Ephraim, May 23, 1839, a. 78 y. GR1.
Ephraim, s. Joseph [and Sibel. GR1], Sept. 24, 1840 [a. 20 y. 10 m. GR1].
Horace K., s. Joseph and Sybil, consumption, May 21, 1849, a 24 y. 11 m. 21 d.
John [Deblois, s. John C. NR4], of Boston, Apr. 7, 1839 [a. 25 y. NR4].
Nathan, Capt., Jan. 9, 1828 [1. 83 y. 8 m. GR2].
Sally, dau Aaron and Elizabeth, Aug. 21, 1790 [a. 2 y. GR1].
Samuel, s. Aaron, dec [and Elizabeth, GR1], drowned at Brookline [N.H. NR3], Sept. 18, 1812, a. 28 y. NR11.
[Sarah, CR4], wid. Capt. Nathan, Mar. 24, 1838, a. 86 y.
Sarah S., dau Aaron and Sarah, Dec. 14, 1814, a. 16 m. GR2.
Sarah S. [dau Capt. Aaron and Sarah, GR2], Apr. 23, 1840 [a. 24 y. GR2].
Thesta, w. [2d w. GR1] Aaron, Esq., Dec. 29, 1816 [a. 47 y. GR1].
William, Mar. 16, 1830.
------, inf. s. Aaron and Elizabeth, ----, 1780. GR1.
------, ch. Aaron, Apr. --, 1819, a. 4 m.
------, mother of Capt. Joseph, May 21, 1839.
Abigal, w. Capt. John, Apr. 15, 1747 [1746, in her 40th y. GR2].
John, Col. [a Harvard graduate. GR2; strangury. NR6], Dec. 3, 1772, a. 69 y. GR2.
John, s. Col. John and Mary, Dec. 16, 1774 [a. 26 y. GR2]/
Peter, s. John, Esq., and Abigail, May 10, 1765 [in his 25th y. GR2].
Anna, w. Isaac, Feb. 22, 1827 [a. 31 y. GR2].
George C., s. Isaac and Anna, Dec. 23, 1826 [a. 4 y. GR2].
Nancy, w. Isaac, Feb. 22, 1827, a. 31 y. NR8.
BURGES (also see Burgess)
Emeline Augusta, dau Levi jr. and Lucy, Mar. 2, 1843.
Franklin Lewis, s. Levi jr. and Lucy, May 12, 1832.
Jemima [Mima. GR2], w. Levi, Dec. 22, 1832 [a. 55 y. GR2].
John, Mar. 19, 1829 [a. 77 y. GR2].
John jr., Jan. 13, 1836.
Levi, Feb. 25 ,1837 [a. 61 y. GR2].
Lucy, dau John, June 1, 1831.
Mary, w. John, Apr. 21, 1826 [a. 55 y. GR2].
Mary, w. William, Jan. 7, 1840.
Thomas, ----, 1835.
William, hus. Mary [June 11, 1834, a. 38 y. GR2].
------, s. ----- Mar. ---, 1818, a. 1 y. 8 m.
BURGESS (also see Burges)
George W., s. Levi and Mima, Oct. 23, 1842, a. 20 y. GR2.
Lucy, w. Levi, and dau Asa Lewis, consumption, Nov. 25, 1848.
William A., s. Levi, whooping cough, May 30, 1844, a. 1 y.
James, m., laborer, b. Ireland, accidental, by blasting rocks, Sept. 12, 1844, a. 38 y.
George William, s. John and Nancy, July 13, 1844. a. 2 y.
John Dana, s. John and Nancy, Aug. 16, 1834.
Benjamin 3d, Jan. 21, 1808. PR79.
Benjamin, Jan. 13, 1842. PR79.
Charles Davis, Nov. 27, 1821. PR79.
Judith, May 1, 1849. PR79.
Charles V[arnum, s. Caleb and Clarissa. GR1], on board the Brig New York, stranded on Massacre Island, Gulf of Mexico, Feb. 16, 1831 [a. 24 y. GR1].
George [P., formerly of Groton. NR7], at New York, N.Y., June 12, 1835 [a. 27 y. GR1].
Henry, Oct. 29, 1840. PR5.
Herman Monrad, s. P. Anderson and Rebekah, Mar. 31, 1848, a. 3 y. 7 m. GR1.
Rebecca [w. P. Anderson, Sept. 6, GR1], 1844. CR2 [a. 33 y. 3 m. GR1].
Susan [dau Caleb and Clarissa. GR1], Sept. 24, 1826 [a. 17 y. GR1].
William [s. Caleb and Clarissa. GR1], at Galena, Ill., Oct. 24, 1839 [a. 27 y. GR1].
Nathaniel, Dec. 29, 1682. CT.R.
BUTTRICK (also see Battorick)
Abigail, w. Tilly, May 2, 1800, a. 44 y. GR2.
Amos, s. John, Aug. 3, 1688. CT.R.
James, Dec. 2, 1690, CT.R.
Eliza, dau John and Sally, June 21, 1812, a. 6 m.
John, s. John and Sally, Sept. 24, 1807.
John sr., Feb. 27, 1818 [a. 64 y. GR1].
Mary, b. Boston, wid. John, and dau William and Elizabeth Perkins, old age, Sept. 6, 1847, a. 93 y. 4 m. 22 d.
CARLETON (also see Carlton)
------, ch. Moses, at Lancaster, lung fever, Oct. 24, 1823. PR135.
CARLTON (also see Carleton)
John, Aug. 24, 1841.
Naby, dau Solomon and Naby, Oct. 2, 1799 [a. 1 y. 10 m. 15 d. GR2].
Martha A., Aug. 25, 1840, a. 2 y. 5 m. 5 d. GR4.
Martha M., dau Ephraim and Sarah, scarlet fever, July 20, 1846, a. 2 y. 4 m.
Elizabeth, w. Capt. Jonathan, formerly of Sutton, Jan. 9, 1781, in her 44th y. GR2.
Elisebeth, w. Thomas, June 13, 1699.
Gershom, s. Thomas and Elisebeth, Mar. 29, 1699.
Sarah, w. Samuel, and late w. Ebenezer Patch, June 12, 1793, a. 63 y. GR2.
[torn]h, dau Thomas and Elisabeth, [torn]ber 14, 1699.
Abigail, w. Ebenezer, and dau Rev. Caleb Trowbridge, Oct. 23, 1775, a. 35 y. GR2.
Abigail T., wid. [Francis. GR2], dau Nehemiah and Abigail L. Trowbridge, dropsy, Oct. 3, 1846, a. 81 y. 3 m. 26 d.
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Abigail, Aug. 29, 1775, a. 18 m. GR2.
Elizabeth, dau Ebenezer and Abigail, Aug. 27, 1775, in her 6th y. GR2.
Ebenezer, Hon., father Francis, Sept. 10, 1810, a. 67 y. GR2.
Francis, s. Francis and Abigail, Jan. 20, 1787.
Francis, [s. Francis and Abigail, GR2], Sept. 6, 1790.
Francis, Feb. 23, 1837.
Nabby [Abbie. GR2], dau Francis and Abigail, July 15, 1793.
Sally, dau Ebenezer and Abigail, Aug. 29, 1775, a. 2 y. GR2.
Samuel, s. Francis and Abigail, July 20, 1793.
Daniel, s. Rev. Daniel and Susanna, Sept. 3, 1815 [a. 31 y. GR1].
Daniel, Rev., D.D., Apr. 8, 1831 [a. 87 y. GR1].
Eliza Oliver, dau Rev. Daniel and Susanna, Mar. 12, 1807 [May 22, 1807. GR1].
Harriet, dau Rev. Daniel and Susanna, Oct. 14, 1808 [a. 19 y. GR1].
Jeremiah, Apr. 21, 1802, a. 37 y. GR1.
Lydia, w. Jeremiah, Feb. 24, 1834 [a. 67 y. GR1].
Lydia, dau Jeremiah and Lydia, at Boston, Feb. 4, 1848. GR1.
Susanna, wid. Rev. Daniel, Aug. 31, 1832 [a. 75 y. GR1].
Susanna Bemis, dau Daniel and Susanna, at Harvard, Oct. 5, 1810.
------, Mrs., Oct. 18, 1837.
Charles, s. Peter and Selley, May 16, 1812.
Clarissa, dau Peter and Sally, Oct. 21, 1814.
Emily, w. John, Sept. --, 1823.
John, s. Benjamin and Rachel, Oct. 1, 1749.
Joseph, Dec. 20, 1779, in his 61st y. GR2.
Joseph, July --, 1811, a. 61 y. 4 m.
Mary Ann, dau Peter and Sally, at Springfield, June 14, 1835.
Moses, Nov. 28, 1837.
Sarah, July 15, 1826.
Walter, s. Peter and Sally (Stone), Aug. --, 1833. PR82.
William, s. Peter and Sally, May 21, 1817.
CHILD (also see Childs)
Abraham [a Revolutionary soldier, GR2], Jan. 3, 1834, a. 93 y.
Anna, dau Moses and Sarah, Oct. 17, 1777.
Asa, s. Ens. Moses and Sarah, June 16, 1759 [a. 2 m. 8 d. GR2].
Clarissa A., dau Calvin and Sally, Aug. 26, 1825 [a. 1 y. 11 m. GR1].
Clarissa A., dau Calvin and Sally, Sept. 17, 1826 [a. 1 y. 3 m. GR1].
David, Oct. 16, 1838 [a. 17 y. GR2].
Harriot Pickering, Apr. 18, 1824. PR129.
Henry William, s. William and Dorcas (Thorning), Oct. 12, 1834. PR129.
Isaac, s. Capt. Abraham and Rebecca, Jan. 12, 1790.
James, a native of Groton, at Augusta, Me., a. 78 y. Issue of Apr. 4, 1840. NR4.
Mary Paine, dau David and Susannah, Aug. 29, 1825 [a. 18 y. NR7].
Mary Paine, dau William, Sept. 3, 1826. PR129. [a. 18 m. 10 d. NR7].
[Rebecca Clark. GR2], w. William, Mar. 24, 1820, a. 52 y.
Rebecca [Stowell. GR2], w. Abraham, Nov. 14, 1830 [a. 84 y. GR2].
Sally, dau Moses and Sarah, May 25, 1760 [a. 1 m. 29 d. GR2].
Sally, Feb. 28, 1833, a. 75 y.
Susan Elizabeth, dau Calvin and Sally, Oct. 24, 1832 [a. 1 y. 6 m. GR1].
CHILDS (also see Child)
Calvin A., s. Calvin and Mary A., teething, June 20, 1849, a. 1 y. 1 m. 8 d.
Calvin P. [s. Calvin and Sally. GR1], Nov. 2, 1842 [a. 28 y. GR1].
George F., s. Calvin and Sarah [Sally. GR1], typhus fever, Sept. 25, 1843, a. 15 y. [4 mo. GR1].
Mary Jane, b. Littleton, w. William T., consumption, Nov. 20, 1845, a. 20 y. 2 m. 11 d.
Sarah [Sally Fitch. GR1], w. Calvin, inflammation of the stomach, Aug. 19, 1845, a. 44 y. 12 d.
William, m., blacksmith, b. Waltham, s. Capt. Abraham, consumption, June 18, 1844, a. 73 y.
Cornelius, Dec. 12, 1697.
Caroline A., unm., b. Boston, consumption, Dec. 22, 1844, a. 21 y.
Alfred H., ----, 1848. GR1.
Martha M., ----, 1829. GR1.
Rosilla S., ----, 1845. GR1.
Sarah Frances, dau David and Sarah G., June 28, 1837 [a. 9 y. 3 m. 13 d. GR2].
Sarah G., Mrs., at Boston, Nov. 3, 1848, a. 51 y. NR9.
William, at Fort George, in American service, Oct. 26, 1776, a. 30 y.
Eunice [w. Israel. NR7], dau E. and B. Farnsworth, Oct. 9, 1814, a. 47 y. GR1.
Hannah, dau Lemuel Petts, b. Townsend, dropsy, Sept. 12, 1849, a. 79 y. 10 m. 11 d.
John, Mar. 16, 1759, a. 75 y. GR2.
Sarah, at Westford, June 9, 1823.
Charles, s. Jessee and Susan, bowel complaint, Sept. 20, 1848, a. 17 y. 21 d.
Jesse, May 10, 1832.
Alice, w. Peter, Mar. 16, 1805, a. 29 y. 2 m. 13 d. GR2.
Curtis [Ens. GR1], s. Peter and Alice, Sept. 4, 1799, a. 1 y. 3 m. 12 d. GR2.
Peter, Ens., Nov. 9, 1807, a. 42 y. 11 m. GR2.
Sally, dau Ens. Peter and Alice, Oct. 2, 1799, a. 3 y. 1 m. 20 d. GR2.
Sarah, Aug. 21, 1818. PR78.
John, s. Timothy, Apr. 28, 1672. CT.R.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, b. Ossipee, N.H., consumption, June 16, 1849, a. 34 y. 4 m. 9 d.
COREY (also see Cory)
Abigail, wid., a. 69 y. Issue of Sept. 11, 1834. NR7.
Amelia, dau Aaron and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1826, a. 2 m.
Amelia, w. Aaron jr., and dau Nahum and Jane Woods, dysentery, Sept. 5, 1847, a. 61 y. 10 m. 29 d.
Ann Augusta, dau William M. and Elizabeth, Sept. 24, 1849, a. 2 y. 5 m. GR1.
Charles A., s. William M. and Elizabeth, Feb. 14, 1846, a. 5 y. 4 m. GR1.
George G., s. William jr. and Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1835 [a. 1 y. 8 m. GR1].
Samuel, Jan. 8, 1835.
William E., s. William M. and Elizabeth, Sept. 25, 1843, a. 8 m. 8 d. GR1.
William W., s. William M. and Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1844, a. 8 m. 5 d. GR1.
------, ch. Zoper, May 15, 1832.
------, ch. William, Nov. --, 1832.
------, ch. Zepher and Lois, Aug. 15, 1844. a. 1 d.
------, ch. Zopher and Lias, May 3, 1847, a. 1 d.
CORY (also see Corey)
Nathan, Apr. 8, 1820, a. 72 y.
Sally, dau Samuel and Sally, Apr. 12, 1798-9.
Moses, formerly of Groton, at Newcastle, Me., a. 63 y. Issue of Oct. 10, 1807. NR7.
Esther, unm., consumption, Mar. 10, 1846, a. 64 y. 11 m. 8 d.
Julia Ann, dau James, Feb. 20, 1844, a. 10 m.
Azubah, Oct. 21, 1819. PR119.
David Hopkins, June 21, 1814. PR119.
Harriet, May 1, 1842. PR119.
Hatsell, Sept. 10, 1816. PR119.
Lucinda H., Dec. 22, 1829. PR119.
Zenas, Aug. 4, 1812. PR119.
Phebe, Mrs., Feb. 7, 1834, a. 74 y. GR2.
Timothy, Mar. 4, 1803, in his 53d y. GR2.
John Whicher, at Bath, May 12, 1829. PR111.
Josiah J., Mar. 2, 1848. PR111.
Mary, w. Nathan, Mar. 13, 1817. a. 25 y. PR111.
Moses A., May 25, 1835. PR111.
Nathan, Apr. 24, 1832. PR111.
[Jemima. NR7], wid. Jonas, Jan. --, 1819, a. 82 y.
Jonas, hus. Jemima, Dec. 19, 1782, a. 55 y. GR2.
Rachael, dau Joseph and Rachael, Sept. 21, 1825. PR97.
Sabra, dau Joseph and Rachael, Feb. 4, 1843. PR97.
Susan, dau Joseph and Rachael, July 8, 1826. PR97.
Elizabeth, w. Nathan, a. 70 y. Issue of Sept. 29, 1813. NR7.
Mary [Mercy. GR2], w. Simon, Aug. 31, 1751 [a. 34 y. 10 d. GR2].
Phebe, dau Simon and Mary [Mercy. GR2], Sept. 20, 1751 [a. 3 y. 1 m. 25 d. GR2].
Sarah, dau Simon and Mary [Mercy. GR2], Sept. 31[sic], 1751. [Sept. 15, a. 15 d. GR2].
Emeline, dau George A. and Almira, fits, June 16, 1844, a. 7 d.
DALRUMPLE (also see Dalrymple, Derumple)
William jr., Jan. 8, 1782.
William, May 7, 1782.
DALRYMPLE (also see Dalrumple)
Sarah [Gibson. GR1], w. Capt. [Maj. GR1] William, July 16, 1814. [a. 35 y. GR1].
Anna, dau Hon. Samuel, dec., of Amherst, N.H., and sister Mrs. ----- Brown, of Groton, at Boston, Dec. 21, 1811, a. 40 y. NR11.
Charles ["midshipman" NR7], s. Samuel and Rebecca, drowned at St. Mary's in Georgia, July 31, 1819 [a. 20 y. NR7].
Ezra, s. Rev. Samuel and Anna, Sept. 27, 1778.
George, s. Samuel and Rebecca, Apr. 12, 1804 [a. 1 y. 6 m. 10 d. GR2].
Rebecca, w. Samuel [and dau Hon. Charles Barrett of New Ipswich, N.H. NR&7; May 11, GR2], 1834. [a. 51 y. GR2].
Samuel, Hon., formerly of Groton, at Charlestown, Nov. 20, 1835, a. 68 y. NR7.
Stephen, s. Rev. Samuel and Anna, July 2, 1773, a. 17 d. GR2.
Stephen, s. Rev. Samuel and Anna, Aug. 6, 1775. GR2.
Susan A., w. Amariah, Feb. 18, 1848, a. 26 y. GR1.
Tryphena F., w. Kimball, Jan. 6, 1828.
George, Jan. 26, 1825. PR13.
George, Apr. 16, 1830. PR13.
Hannah, Nov. 6, 1829. PR13.
Joseph C., July 22, 1817. PR13.
Joseph C. 2d, Oct. 13, 1822. PR13.
Abel, ----, 1845. CR2.[GR2?].
Abel, m., farmer, s. Abel and Ruhamah, consumption, Jan. 30, 1846, a. 77 y. 7 m.
Amos [a Revolutionary soldier. NR7], Dec. 1, 1834 [a. 82 y. GR1].
Artemas P., s. Joshua and Betsy, at Rockingham, Vt., Sept. 4, 1822.
Barnabas, Aug. 12, 1690. CT.R.
Betsey [w. Joel. GR2; suddenly, CR4], Jan. 26, 1843 [a. 58 y. CR4].
Betsy, 2d, w Joshua [and sister of his former wife. GR2], Aug. 27, 1818. a. 42 y. 1 m.
David, June 27, 1824.
Elizabeth, dau Benjamin and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1762 [a. 11 m. GR2].
Hannah, w. Amos, Oct. 31, 1816, a. 59 y. GR1.
James, s. Joshua, July 16, 1827 [a. 23 y. NR8].
Joel, formerly of Groton, at Stanstead, Canada, Mar. 6, 1845, a. 59 y. NR4.
John, Oct. 25, 1704.
Joseph, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Feb. 13, 1762 p1761, in his 16th y. GR2].
Joshua sr., July 5, 1827 [a. 79 y. GR2].
Judith Emerline Bussey, Apr. 16, 1820, PR79.
Lizzie Lawrence, w. Alvin, Dec. 26, 1821. GR1.
Lucy, w. Amos, Jan. 23, 1797, a. 41 y. GR1.
Lucy, w. David D., Dec. 27, 1814. NR7.
Luther, Dec. 24, 1836, a. 42 y. GR2.
Mary Anna, w. Hon. Caleb, Jan. 12, 1787. NR6.
Meriam, dau John, Sept. 31 [sic], 1736.
Samuell, Dec. 28, 1699.
Sarah Yeend, dau Joel and Betsey, May 27, 1832 [a. 20 y. GR2].
Sibel, w. Joshua, Jan. 8, 1799 [a. 25 y. GR2].
Jean, w. Moses, Oct. 14, 1816 [a. 48 y. GR2].
Lucy, of Westford, Apr. 10, 1837.
Moses jr., July 30, 1838 [a. 37 y. GR2].
Nathaniel, at Charlestown, Jan. 17, 1831.
Sarah Ann, dau Moses and Ann L., Dec. --, 1822.
------, s. Moses and Anna, Apr. 4, 1832.
Edmond P., s. Edmund D. and Harriet E., bowel complaint, July 5, 1846, a. 4 m. 28 d.
Frankie, s. Edmond D. and Harriet E., Nov. 3, 1846, a. 4 m. GR1.
DERUMPLE (also see Dalrumple)
Becca, dau John, dec., Feb. 10, 1794.
James, s. William and Elisabeth, Oct. 16, 1753.
James, s. William and Elizabeth, Feb. 3, 1760.
John, Sept. 27, 1793.
Rebecka, dau William and Elisabeth, at Newburyport, Nov. 25, 1766.
Benjamin Bussey, Apr. 10, 1829. PR79.
Benjamin Bussey, Nov. 14, 1830. PR79.
Eleanor Bussey, ----, 1835. PR79.
Eliza Bussey, Aug. 26, 1837. PR79.
DICKERSON (also see Dickinson)
James, July 5, 1754, a. 39 y.
DICKINSON (also see Dickerson)
James, July 5, 1754, a. 68 y. GR2.
Anna, "mother Walter," [wid., formerly of Cambridge, Apr. 4, NY7], 1819, a. 89 y. NR7.
Walter, Dec. 1, 1789, a. 70 y. GR1.
Walter sr., Mar. 12, 1828 [a. 55 y. GR1].
DINSMORE (also see Dunsmoor, Dunsmore)
Elisha, Jan. 25, 1783. PR79.
Elisha, May 17, 1807. PR79.
Hope, June 25, 1766. PR79.
Betsy, dau Isaac and Elizabeth, July 1, 1803.
Franklin, s. Isaac and Elizabeth, Dec. 8, 1806.
Isaac, s. Lt. Isaac and Elizabeth, Mar. 6, 1776, a. 12 m. 29 d. GR2.
Jonas, unm., farmer, s. Samuel and Mary, inflammation of the lungs, Jan. 14, 1847, a. 43 y. 13 d.
Mary, wid., a. 98 y. Issue of Aug. 29, 1840. NR22.
Molley, wid. [Mary, w. Samuel, GR1] Samuel, Nov. 30, 1840.
Phebe, Nov. 15, 1825. PR82.
Samuel, hus. Molley [Mary. GR1], Sept. 4, 1838.
Thomas, at Port au Prince, on brig Sublime, yellow fever, abt. Aug. 1, 1834. NR7.
Frederick, from a fall, Dec. 12, 1836.
Nancy, w. Frederick, Mar. 3, 1835.
Robert, Dec. 3, 1842 [a. 42 y. GR2].
Mary, dau Amos and Molly, Aug. 3, 1781, a. 18 y. 9 m. 19 d. GR2.
Lawrence, s. Michael, canker, bur. Worcester, died Dec. 8, 1843, a. 2 y.
John C. [formerly of Boston, NR7], Apr. 2, 1820, a. 55 y.
Naomi A., wid. John, at Boston, Apr. 30, 1826.
DUNSMOOR (also see Dinsmore)
Prudence, June 22, 1816, a. 38 y. GR2.
DUNSMORE (also see Dinsmore)
Phineas, before 1838, CR1.
Sally, Sept. 25, 1844. PR117.
Samuel, Feb. 8, 1836.
------, s. Robert and Betsey, lung fever, Mar. 24, 1848. a. 1 d.
Nathaniel, Nov. 25, 1826 [aa. 32 y. NR15].
Lucy, wid., b. Shirley, dau David and Catharine Livermore, consumption, bur. Harvard, d. Feb. 14, 1846, a. 70 y.
Eliza, w. Jonas jr., Mar. 20, 1830.
George H., s. Joshua and Matilda, consumption, Aug. 15, 1848, a. 16 y. 10 m. 7 d.
------, inf. ch. Jonas jr. and Eliza, Apr. 1, 1830.
Abigail, wid., May 31, 1832.
Esther, Nov. 11, 1816, a. 52 y. GR2.
Isaiah, Nov. 17, 1803, a. 73 y. GR2.
Catharine Rayner, Aug. 29, 1832, PR126.
Horace S., Dec. 22, 1836. PR126.
Horace S., Apr. 12, 1848. PR126.
Charles, Esq., a. 55 y. Issue of Dec. 1, 1798. NR7.
Lucius Owen, s. Dr. Micah and Sally, Aug. 12, 1826.
Martha Willard, w. William C. [d. Elijah and Mercy Flagg, GR1], June 3, 1837.
Eunice, formerly w. Thomas Gragg, Dec. 18, 1826.
Dorothea [Dorothy, dau Dearborn and Sally. GR2], Feb. 29, 1808 [a. 1 y. 5 m. 27 d. GR2].
George W., May 1, 1820, a. 1 y. 11 m.
Sewall, s. Dearborn and Sally, Oct. 16, 1808, a. 9 d. GR2.
Harriet W., w. Joseph, consumption, Aug. 11, 1843, a. 24 y.
------, ch. Joseph, Apr. 25, 1831.