To the End of the Year 1849
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Sarah, dau Simon and Mary, Aug. 31, 1751.
Ann Maria, dau George A. and Almira, Oct. 22, 1832.
Caroline Almira, dau George A. and Almira, Mar. 27, 1836.
Emeline, dau George A. and Almira, June 9, 1844.
Francis Willard, s. Willard and Joanna, Oct. 27, 1823.
Henry Harrison, s. George A. and Almira, May 17, 1841.
Lydia Ann, dau Willard and Joanna, Nov. 27, 1826.
Margaret E., dau George A., farmer, and Almira, July 24, 1847.
William Henry, s. Willard and Joanna, Nov. 11, 1824.
DALRYMPLE (also see Darumple)
Amelia, dau Capt. William and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1807.
Harriet, dau William and Sarah, June 2, 1818.
Martha, dau Capt. William and Sarah, May 7, 1810.
Mary Ann, dau Capt. William and Sarah, Mar. 7, 1812.
Samuell Boyden [Derumple. CR1], s. William jr. and Sarah [(Gibson) CR1], Feb. 8, 1781.
Sarah, w. Capt. William, Feb. 3, 1779.
Sarah, dau Capt. William and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1806.
William, s. William jr. and Sarah [(Gibson{ CR1], Jan. 17, 1779.
Willard, s. Capt. William and Sarah, Apr. 20, 1804.
William Gipson, s. Capt. William and Sarah, July 16, 1814.
Amelia, dau Rev. Samuel and Anna [(Kenrick) CR1], Apr. 14, 1765.
Anna, dau Rev. Samuel and Anna [(Kenrick) CR1], June 16, 1771.
Anna, dau Samuel and Rebecca, Aug. 28, 1800.
Charles, s. Samuel and Rebecca, Apr. 7, 1799.
George, s. Samuel and Rebecca, Oct. 2, 1802.
James, s. Samuel and Rebecca, at Charlestown, Nov. 8, 1811.
John Palmer, s. Enoch G. and Lucy, May 9, 1834.
Lucy, dau Samuel and Anna (Kenrick), bp. July 28, 1776. CR1.
Luther, s. Rev. Samuel and Anna [(Kenrick) CR1], Aug. 13, 1763.
Martha Barrett, dau Samuel and Rebecca, at Charlestown, Oct. 27, 1809.
Rebecca, dau Samuel and Rebecca, Mar. 22, 1805.
Samuel, s. Rev. Samuel and Anna [(Kenrick) CR1], June 26, 1767.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Rebecca, Apr. 1, 1808.
Stephen, s. Samuel and Anna (Kenrick), ---- 20, 1773. CR1.
Stephen, s. Samuel and Anna (Kenrick), bp. June 5, 1774. CR1.
Thesta, dau Rev. Samuel and Anna [(Kenrick) CR1], Aug. 14, 1769.
Thesta Dorcas, dau Samuel and Rebecca, Dec. 19, 1816.
Ursula Adaline, dau Nathan, farmer, and Hannah, May 10, 1849.
Eliza Ann, Dec. 21, 1818. PR109.
Kimball Erskin, s. Kimbal and Tryphena, Jan. 8, 1819.
Louiza Emily, dau Kimball and Tryphena F., Mar. 8, 1821.
Martha Tarbell, dau Kimball and Tryphena F., Apr. 13, 1824.
DARBE (also see Derby)
Mary, dau John and Mary, Jan. 3, 1705-06.
Daniel, s. Timothy and Joanna, bp. Oct. 18, 1761. CR1.
William Henry, s. Benjamin, laborer, and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1847.
Ellen, dau Robert, farmer, and Mary, Sept. 26, 1849.
Alfred, Nov. 29, 1848. PR13.
Charles, Dec. 17, 1823. PR13.
Ellen A., Aug. 4, 1840. PR13.
George, May 10, 1821. PR13.
Hannah, May 12, 1828. PR13.
Hannah L., Jan. 8, 1836. PR13.
John, Aug. 12, 1814. PR13.
Joseph C., May 18, 1817. PR13.
Joseph C, 2d, July 3, 1818. PR13.
Nathaniel, Feb. 20, 1812. PR13.
Susan E., Nov. 2, 1846. PR13.
DAVES (also see Davis)
Amos, s. Samuell and Hana, Oct. 15, 1705.
Lediah, dau John and Mahetabel, Mar. 10, 1704.
Simon, s. Samuell and Hana, Nov. 1, 1702.
-------, dau Samuel, Jan. 31, 1662. CT.R.
DAVIS (also see Daves)
Aaron, s. John and Rebekah, Apr. 11, 1732.
Abel Holden, s. Luther and Nancy, Aug. 17, 1827.
Abigell, dau John and Mehitibell, July 24, 1699.
Abijah, s. Barnabas and Olive, Feb. 25, 1770. CR1.
Almerine, dau Joshua and Sibel, Feb. 9, 1798.
Anna, dau Samuel and Anna, May 24, 1697.
Anna, dau Benjamin, Feb. 2, 1742.
Anna, dau Mary and Benjamin Farwell "as She saith," Jan. 25, 1777.
Artemas Patterson, s. Joshua and Betsey, Apr. 4, 1802.
Barnabas, s. Samuel, Apr. 17, 1672. CT.R.
Barnabus, s. Samuell and Ann, Dec. 19, 1700.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin, Apr. 8, 1744.
Betsey, dau Joel and Betsey, Aug. 4, 1808.
Betsy, dau David and Lucy, Jan. 12, 1793.
David, s. Benjamin, Aug. 6, 1751.
Eleanor Bussey, May 26, 1807. PR79.
Eleazer, s. Nathaniell and Roas, Aug. 8, 1729.
Eleazer, s. Benjamin and [and Sarah, CR1], Sept. 6, 1763.
Elisabeth, dau Nathaniell and Rose, Aug. 28, 1724.
Eliza, Feb. 1, 1809. PR79.
Elizabeth, dau Benjamin, Mar. 10, 1761.
Ellenor, dau Nathanell and Roos, Dec. 2, 1706.
Experance, dau Samill and Anna, at Chelmsford, Nov. 23, 1707.
Ezekiel, s. Nathanill and Roose, Jan. 8, 1723.
Ezra, s. John and Rebekah, at Harvard, Aug. 23, 1738.
Hannah, dau Barnabas and Olive, bp. June 23, 1765. CR1.
Hannah, Apr. 23, 1789. PR54.
Harriet, dau Joseph and Lydia, bp. Dec. 22, 1793. CR1.
Henry, s. Benjamin, Oct. 17, 1758.
Ira Laughton, s. Luther and Nancy, Oct. 5, 1824.
Isaac, s. Nathanell and Rose, May 13, 1727.
James, s. Benjamin, June 22, 1756.
James, s. Joshua and Betsey, May 14, 1804.
Joanna, dau Nathaniell and Roos, Jan. 26, 1702.
John, s. Samuel, Mar. 10, 1664-5. CT.R.
John, s. John and Mehitibell, May 6, 1698.
John, s. John and Rebeckah, Nov. 10, 1725.
John, s. Nathan and Mary, Feb. 17, 1790.
John, s. Amos and Lucy, May 24, 1794.
Joseph, s. Benjamin, Mar. 14, 1746.
Joseph, s. Benjamin [and Sarah, CR1], Sept. 27, 1765.
Joshua, s. Benjamin, Aug. 30, 1748.
Joshua, s. Joseph and Lydia, bp. July 14, 1793. CR1.
Joshua, s. Joshua and Sibel, Feb. 16, 1796.
Judith Emeline, Aug. 29, 1805. PR79.
Levi, s. Nathan and Mary, at Ashby, Jan. 1, 1775.
Lucy, dau Benjamin, bp. Nov. 23, 1766. CR1.
Lucy, dau Nathan and Mary, at Ashby, Mar. 25, 1773.
Maria, Mar. 26, 1814. PR79.
Marthaw, dau Nathanell and Roos, June 4, 1711.
Mary, dau Samuel and Anna, May 20, 1699.
Mary, dau Nathanell and Roos, Mar. 8, 1712.
Mary, dau Nathan and Mary, at Stow, July 25, 1771.
Mandana, ch. Luther and Nancy, Feb. 20, 1830.
Mehitibell, dau John and Mahitibell, June 22, 1693.
Meriam, dau John and Rebeckah, at Harvard, May 10, 1734.
Nathan, s. Capt. Thomas and Sarah, at Concord, May 1, 1744.
Nathan, s. Nathan and Mary, at Stow, Apr. 25, 1768.
Nathan, s. Amos and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1819.
Nathaniel, s. Abel and Olive, Mar. 12, 1801.
Nathaniell, s. Nathaniell and Roos, Mar.12, 1714-15.
Olive, dau Abel and Olive, Nov. 2, 1803.
Oliver, s. Nathan and Mary, at Stow, Sept. 11, 1769.
Rachel, dau Nathaniel and Rose, bp. May 29, 1709. CR1.
Rebekah, dau John and Rebekah, Oct. 29, 1729.
Roxana, dau Luther and Nancy, Jan. 28, 1834.
Ruth, dau John and Rebeckah, at Harvard, Feb. --, 1735-6.
Samuel, s. Samuel, Jan. 8, 1669. CT.R.
Samuell, s. Samuell and Anna, Aug. 16, 1695.
Samuel, s. Nathan and Mary, Oct. 27, 1785.
Sarah, dau Samuel and Mary, 12: 6: 1667. CT.R.
Sarah, dau John and Mahitibell, Sept. 22, 1694.
Sarah, dau Nathanell and Ros, Mar. 10, 1704.
Sarah, dau Benjamin, May 24, 1754.
Sarah, dau Nathan and Mary, June 15, 1783.
Sarah Yeend, dau Joel and Betsey, June 18, 1812.
Sibel, dau Joshua and Sibel, June 5, 1794.
Steeven, [d. sic] Samuel, 10: 2: 1674. CT.R.
Sullivan, s. twin, Nathan and Mary, at Ashby, Feb. 9, 1777.
Susanna, dau Nathan and Mary, Feb. 8, 1788.
Thaddeus, s. Barnabas and Olive, bp. Apr. 10, 1768. CR1.
Thomas, s. Nathan and Mary, at Concord, Apr. 24, 1781.
Zacheriah, s. Nathanill and Roose, Mar. 11, 1716-17.
Zebudah, dau John and Rebeckah, Apr. 11, 1728.
Maria, May 1, 1834. PR119.
Elizabeth, dau Moses and Anna L., bp. Aug. --, 1826. CR1.
Jean Stewart, dau Moses and Jean, Jan. 1, 1803.
Moses, s. Moses and Jean, Nov. 17, 1800.
Nancy, dau Moses and Anna, bp. Dec. 15, 1822. CR1.
Nathaniel, s. Moses and Jean, Sept. 17, 1805.
Samuel Smith, s. Moses and Anna L., bp. Aug. --, 1826. CR1.
Sarah Ann, dau Moses and Anna L., Apr. 10, 1819.
Amanda M., Oct. 10, 1834. PR94.
Calvin A., Nov. 5, 1838. PR94.
Frank C., May 22, 1849. PR94.
Harriet C., Jan. 27, 1840. PR94.
John, Nov. 23, 1808. PR94.
John H., Sept. 8, 1836. PR94.
Joshua A., Mar. 23 1845. PR94.
Samuel, s. Arthur and Mary, bp. Oct. 1, 1775. CR1.
DERBY (also see Darbe)
George Oliver, s. Oliver and Elisabeth, June 7, 1832.
Harriet J., dau Edmund D., teamster, and Harriet, Aug. 19, 1844.
DERBYSHARE (also see Derbyshire)
Oliver, s. John and Mary, Dec. 8, 178 - [1708].
DERBYSHIRE (also see Derbyshare)
Mary, dau John and Mary, bp. Mar. 20, 1709. CR1.
DERUMPLE (also see Dalrymple)
Abigail, dau William and Elisabeth, May 2, 1755.
Anna [D'rumple. CR1], dau William and Elisabeth [(Shed) CR1], Apr. 30, 1765.
Alec, s. William and Elizabeth, bp. Sept. 6, 1761. CR1.
Becca, dau John and Betty, Aug. 24, 1792.
Betsy, dau twin, John and Betty, at Ludlow, Mar. 8, 1788.
Elisabeth, dau William and Elisabeth, Sept. 1, 1748.
James, s. William and Elisabeth, May 26, 1750.
James, s. William and Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1758.
Jane [Jenny. CR1], dau William and Elisabeth [(Shed) CR1], July 20, 1763.
John, s. William and Elisabeth [(Blood) CR1], Apr. 11, 1767.
Mary, dau William and Elisabeth, Oct. 17, 1759.
Nancy, bp. by the name of Becca, 1796, dau John and Betty, Apr. 25, 1790.
Polly, dau twin, John and Betty, at Ludlow, Mar. 8, 1788.
Rebekah, dau William and Elisabeth, Mar. 30, 1747.
Sarah, dau William and Elisabeth, Mar. 23, 1753.
William, s. William and Elisabeth, Oct. 10, 1751.
Mary Jane, Jan. 27, 1836. PR118.
Van Rensselaer, -----, 1813. PR118.
William Wallace, -----, 1843. PR118.
Mary Ann, dau Michael, laborer, and Mary Finn, Dec. --, 1849.
Benjamin, Mar. 23, 1830. PR79.
Benjain Bussey, Oct. 2, 1828. PR79.
Eleanor, dau John C. and Eliza B. [after 1830] PR79.
Eliza, dau John C. and Eliza B. [after 1830] PR79.
DICINSON (also see Dickinson)
Samuell, s. James and Sarah, Aug. 11, 175 - .
DICKINSON (also see Dicinson)
Edward, July 27, 1848. PR59.
Eliza Clark, Apr. 9, 1828. PR59.
Joseph, May 6, 1819. PR59.
Almira Ann, dau [Dea., CR1] Walter jr. and Sarah [(Eldredge) CR1], Oct. 2, 1828.
Anna Tufts, dau Walter and Anna, at Cambridge, Sept. 27, 1795.
Charles, s. Walter and Anna [(Tufts) CR1], Aug. 8, 1809.
Charles Howard, s. Charles and Rebecca F. R., Aug. 10, 1839.
Cynthia, dau Walter [jr. CR1] and Anna [(Tuft) CR1], Aug. 14, 1797.
Henry Augustus, s. Walter and Sarah, July 2, 1837.
Herbert Mills, s. Charles, farmer, and Rebecca M., Aug. 5, 1848.
Isabella Eleanor, bp. Apr. 27, 1843. CR3.
Louisa Frances, bp. June 27, 1841. CR3.
Lucinda, dau twin, Walter and Anna (Tufts), bp. Feb. 5, 1804. CR1.
Lucy, dau Walter and Anna [(Tufts) CR1], Apr. 30, 1801.
Lydia, d. [twin, CR1], Walter and Anna [(Tufts) CR1], DEc. 22, 1803.
Maria, dau Walter and Anna, at Cambridge, Sept. 22, 1793.
Mary Elizabeth, dau Walter and Sarah, July 4, 1833.
Philip Doddridge, s. Walter jr. and Sarah, Mar. 31, 1827.
Samuelette, dau Walter and Sarah, Apr. 27, 1847.
Sarah Augusta, dau Walter jr. and Sarah [(Eldredge) CR1], Sept. 13, 1825.
Walter, s. Walter and Anna [(Tufts) CR1], Mar. 15, 1799.
Walter Eldridge, s. Walter and Sarah, Aug. 13, 1831.
Thomas, s. Sally Priest and Abel Dinsmore "as she Saith," Nov. 20, 1788.
Alfred Perkins, s. Benjamin P. and Caroline, Dec. 12, 1839.
Benjamin Ward, s. Benjamin Perkins and Caroline, Mar. 16, 1833.
Hariot Caroline, dau Benjamin P. and Caroline, Sept. 2, 1842.
Henry Dana, s. Benjamin P. and Caroline, Jan. 16, 1838.
Sarah Elizabeth, dau Benjamin P. and Caroline, Oct. 31, 1834.
Elisha, June 23, 1725. PR79.
Elisha, Aug. 21, 1786. PR79.
Hope, May --, 1726. PR79.
Hope, Mar. 24, 1756. PR79.
Andrew, s. Thomas and Lucy, July 11, 1808.
Betsy, dau Isaac and Elizabeth, Apr. 12, 1802.
Calvin, s. Thomas and Lucy, Aug. 17, 1806.
Charles, s. Samuell and Molley, Apr. 15, 1807.
Charles Luther, s. Charles and Betsey, June 4, 1839.
Daniel, s. Samuell and Molley, Feb. 8, 1793.
David, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 6, 1775. CR1.
Franklin, s. Isaac and Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1803.
Franklin, s. Samuell and Molley, Sept. 9, 1809.
George, s. Samuell and Molley, Sept. 2, 1797.
George, s. Thomas and Lucy, June 1, 1818.
Ira, s. Samuell and Molley, May 22, 1805.
Isaac, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, Feb. 8, 1775.
Jonas, s. Samuell and Molley, Feb. 26, 1803.
Joseph, s. Thomas and Lucy, June 30, 1810.
Levi, s. Samuell and Mollley, Mar. 31, 1791.
Lucy, dau Thomas and Lucy, Apr. 19, 1812.
Lucy, dau Isaac and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. 6, 1775. CR1.
Luther, s. Samuell and Molley, Aug. 18, 1799.
Lydia, dau Thomas and Lucy, Dec. 8, 1802.
Mary, dau Thomas and Lucy, July 18, 1814.
Nancy, dau Isaac and Elizabeth, Sept. 11, 1805.
Nancy, dau Thomas and Lucy, Aug. 12, 1822.
Phebe, Apr. 28, 1755. PR82.
Sally, dau Samuell and Molly, Jan. 29, 1795.
Samuel, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, Apr. 15, 1783.
Samuel, s. Thomas and Lucy, Oct. 7, 1804.
Sarah Elizabeth, dau Ira, mason, and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1847.
Silas Parker, s. Samuell and Molley, Apr. 2, 1812.
Solon Rindge, Sept. 2, 1848. PR79.
Stephen, s. Thomas and Lucy, July 25, 1816.
Stuart Park, s. Silas P., farmer, and Catharine P., Aug. 11, 1845.
Wilder, s. Samuell and Molley, Oct. 6, 1801.
Frederick, s. Frederick and Nancy, July 2, 1807.
John Carroll, s. Robert and Mary Ann, Dec. 25, 1833.
Mary, dau Frederick and Nancy, Jan. 14, 1806.
Mary Ann, dau Robert and Mary Ann, at Gosport, Va., Aug. 30, 1831.
Nancy, dau Frederick and Nancy, May 25, 1804.
Charles, s. James, laborer, and Mary Ann, Apr. 30, 1849.
Margaret Maria, dau Patrick, laborer, and Margaret, Jan. 17, 1849.
Patrick, s. Michael, laborer, and Catherine, Mar. 15, 1845.
Diantha, Aug. 10, 1823. PR60.
Henry F., Aug. 25, 1824. PR84.
Elizabeth, dau John and Sibel [Sybele (Russell) CR1], Nov. 30, 1763.
Francis, s. John and Sibbel, at Harvard, Dec. 31, 1775.
Hannah, dau John and Sibel, Nov. 13, 1768.
Jason, s. John and Sibel [Sybele (Russell) CR1], July 8, 1766.
John, s. John and Sibel, Oct. 11, 1761.
Lucy, dau John and Sibel, at Harvard, Nov. 19, 1781.
Molly, dau John and Sibbel, at Harvard, Aug. 29, 1773.
Parker Russell, s. John and Sibel, May 27, 1771.
Sibel, dau John and Sibel, Dec. 5, 1759.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Lydia, July 2, 1740.
Catharine Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1813. PR126.
Harriet Jane, Sept. 21, 1807. PR126.
Sarah Ann, Sept. 26, 1810. PR126.
William, Oct. 26, 1782. PR126.
Andrew Beard, s. Vinal Stow, at Gardner, June 15, 1813.
Elizabeth, dau Vinal Stow, at Boylston, Dec. 26, 1809.
Lavina, dau Vinal Stow, at Westminster, July 29, 1807.
Lucus Cranston, s. Vinal Stow, Feb. 16, 1818.
John Vinal, s. Vinal Stow, at Peru. Vt., May 3, 1811.
George Henry, Apr. 18, 1849. PR65.
Henry, June 21, 1821. PR65.
Lizzie Williamette, May 27, 1846. PR170.
Charles Carroll, s. Robert, farmer, and Betsy, Aug. 21, 1846.
George Bancroft, s. Robert, laborer, and Betsey, Nov. 24, 1844.
DUSTIN (also see Duston)
Abel, s. Timothy and Eunice, Nov. 27, 1773.
DUSTON (also see Dustin)
Hannah, dau John and Marcey, Apr. 15, ----.
Lucy, dau John and Mercy, Jan. 1, 1758.
Nathaniell, s. John and Marcey, Feb. 21, 175 - .
Sarah, dau John and Marcey, June 14, 1756.
DUSTUN (also see Duston)
John, s. Gardner and Rachel, Nov. 19, 1762.
Pearley, ch. Gardner and Rachel, bp. Nov. 16, 1766. CR1.
Richard, s. Elisabeth, bp. Sept. 15, 1765. CR1.
Abel Bancroft, s. Daniel and Anna, at Boston, Oct. 8, 1802.
Amelia, dau Jonas [jr. CR1] and Polly [(Corey) CR1], Aug. 8, 1795.
Ann, dau Daniel and Anna, June 26, 1804.
Charles Augustus, s. Daniel and Anna, Dec. 19, 1821.
Charlotte, dau Jonas [jr. CR1] and Polly [(Corey) CR1], Jan. 22, 1803.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Anna, June 23, 1819.
Eliza, dau Daniel and Anna, Mar. 15, 1806.
Frances Maria, dau Daniel and Anna, Dec. 8, 1807.
Franklin, s. Jonas and Polly (Corey), bp. June 27, 1821. CR1.
Harriot, dau Daniel and Anna, Sept. 18, 1817.
Hellen Eliza, dau Jonas jr. and Eliza, Sept. 17, 1827.
Henry Franklin, s. Jonas and Polly, Nov. 22, 1812.
James, s. Daniel and Anna, May 13, 1814.
Jonas, at Charlestown, Feb. 11, 1770.
Jonas, s. Jonas [jr. CR1] and Polly [(Corey) CR1], Aug. 28, 1799.
Joshua, s. Jonas [jr. CR1] and Polly [(Corey) CR1], Sept. 21, 1792.
Joseph Emerson, s. Jonas and Polly [(Corey) CR1], May 27, 1809.
Martha Greene, bp. Oct. 12, 1834. CR3.
Mary, dau Jonas [jr. CR1] and Polly [(Corey) CR1], Nov. 1, 1797.
Mary Gulliver, dau Daniel and Anna, Aug. 4, 1812.
Sarah, dau Daniel and Anna, Dec. 28, 1809.
Sarah, dau Jonas and Polly [(Corey) CR1], Mar. 3, 1811.
Susannah, dau Jonas and Polly [(Corey) CR1], July 14, 1815.
William, s. Jonas and Polly [(Corey) CR1], Dec. 10, 1806.
William Augustus, s. Jonas jr. and Eliza, Dec. 30, 1825.
William Bancroft, s. Abel B. and Miriam, Mar. 14, 1831.
Abigail, dau Peter and Anna, Mar. 5, 1794.
Agnes, dau Peter and Anna, at Waltham, Dec. 1, 1785.
Anna, dau Isaiah and Mary [Molly (Kemp) CR1], May 3, 1798.
Benjamin, s. Isiah and Mary [Molly (Kemp) CR1], Apr. 9, 1793.
Grace, dau Isaiah and Mary [Molly (Kemp) CR1], Feb. 8, 1796.
Isaiah, s. Peter and Anna, at Waltham, Dec. 16, 1782.
Nancy, dau Peter and Anna, at Waltham, Apr. 30, 1784.
Patty, dau Peter and Anna, at Waltham, June 19, 1787.
Robert, s. Peter and Anna, Mar. 11, 1789.
B. Franklin, Aug. 23, 1807. PR126.
Elizabeth Rayner, Mar. 28, 1848. PR126.
Elleen Catharine, Aug. 18, 1838. PR126.
Ellen Catharine, Aug. 10, 1830. PR126.
Harriot Elizabeth, Apr. 1, 1835. PR126.
Horace Sprague, Apr. 15, 1843. PR126.
Roxa Sprague, Apr. 15, 1843. PR126.
Thomas, Jan. 25, 1780. PR126.
Thomas Franklin, Dec. 5, 1840. PR126.
ELLET (also see Ellot)
Jeremiah, s. Elias and Ruth, May 22, 1737.
William, s. Elias and Ruth, July 22, 1730.
ELLETT (also see Ellot)
Oliver, s. Elias and Ruth, Aug. 24, 1734.
ELLOT (also see Ellet, Ellett)
Abigail, dau Elias and Ruth, Mar. 16, 1740.
Eliseborth, dau Elias and Ruth, July 4, 1743.
Rachell, dau Elias and Ruth, Aug. 10, 1732.
Dearbourn, s. Dearbourn and Sally, Oct. 17, 1804.
Dorothea, dau Dearbourn and Sally, Sept. 2, 1806.
Eliza, dau Dearbourn and Sally, Dec. 18, 1812.
George Washington, s. Dearbourn and Sally, May 24, 1818.
Mary, dau Joseph and Abigial, Oct. 19, 1751.
Mary D., Oct. 19, 1813. PR28.
William, s. Dearbourn and Sally, Feb. 28, 1803.
Edwin C., Feb. 5, 1844. PR56.
EMERY (also see Emory)
Paschal Plummer, s. Enos and Zipporah, July 21, 1825.
EMORY (also see Emery)
Agness, dau Ebenezer, bp. Oct. 17, 1799. CR1.
Betty, dau Ebenezer, bp. Sept. 22, 1782. CR1.