To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. 1918
Thos. P. Nichols & Son Co. Printers, Lynn, Mass.
Marriages - SUMNER to YOUNG
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

John Jr. of Foxborough and Hannah Everett, Jan. 10, 1793. In Foxborough.
Lucinda and John T. Snow, Aug. 29, 1843.
SWEAT (see Sweet)
William and Lucy [Lucy F. in int.] Merrill, Aug. 28, 1836.
John S. and Elvira Barrus, Sept. 28, 1836.
[Swear in int.], Nancy (d. Reuben and Nancy, a. 24) and Daniel F. Young, May 4, 1847.
SWEET (see Sweat)
Albert and Lavina [Lavinia in int.] H. Allen, May 7, 1837.
Caleb L. and Maranda Redfield, both of Northbridge, March 31, 1840.
Frederick and Mary Jusham, int. Jan. 6, 1849.
Mary and Felix Dagg, int. July 13, 1849.
Nancy and Jesse Tracy of Northbridge, Aug. 7, 1828.
Arnold of Mendon and Martha B. Harrington, Sept. 3, 1815. In Ward [?].
Benjamin and Mary Kimball, Dec. 6, 1808. C.R.
Calvin of Millbury and Susan Wadsworth, March 26, 1834.
Caroline E. and Addison Taylor of Northbridge, May ----, 1845. C.R.
Emory A. (s. Daniel C. and Irene, a. 26) and Mary H. Stow, May 9, 1848.
Eunice of Petersham and Elijah Kimball, int. Dec. 25, 1813.
Experience and Levi N. Leland, Nov. 29, 1827.
George Washington of Uxbridge and Nancy Hill, Aug. 21, 1803. C.R.
Gilbert C. and Lucy B. Anderson, int. Sept. 20, 1835.
Jane T. of Uxbridge and Elias B. Crawford, int. March 8, 1834.
Joel of Upton and Lovisy Fisher, int. Aug. 11, 1804.
Joel and Eliza Ann Martin, Jan. 1, 1834.
Josiah and Hannah S. Fay, Oct. 8, 1835.
Jotham W. and Sally E. Coe of Ashford, Ct., int. Oct. 21, 1836. Certificate not granted.
Lois and John P. Hayden, April 15, 1832.
Lois K. of Upton and Daniel C. Thurston, int. Aug. 31, 1842.
Lucretia W. and George G. Rice, March 15, 1831.
Nathan and Cerlista Wood of Upton, int. Jan. 8, 1826.
Nathan F. and Betsey R. Batcheller of Upton, int. Aug. 2, 1828.
Orray of Northbridge and Deborah Keith, Sept. 24, 1821. C.R.
Rhoda [G. in int.] and Curtis Forbush, Sept. 23, 1839. In Uxbridge.
Robert [Jr. in int.] of Upton and Rhoda Rockwood, Jan. 8, 1784.
Robert G. and Julia Ann [Julian in int.] Roberts, March 23, 1826.
Sally and Foster Fay, Nov. 28, 1833.
Susan M. and Amasa S. Arnold of Cumberland, R.I., June 16, 1847.
Titus V. and Sarah J. Hager, int. Aug. 14, 1830.
Daniel and Mariah [Maria in int.] B. Marsh, April 21, 1833.
Paul and Jane Wagner, int. March 22, 1847.
Luther and Eliza Smith of Sutton, int. Oct. 10, 1829.
TAYLOR (see Taylor)
Catharin of Worcester and Joseph Moor, int. April 9, 1736.
Sumner and Harriet Lawrence of Ashby, int. Jan. 12, 1833.
TAYLOR (see Tayler)
Addison of Northbridge and Caroline E. Taft, May ----, 1845. C.R.
Elisabeth and Paul Warfield, Dec. 11, 1780.
Hannah and Thaddeus Reed of Uxbridge, May 24, 1780.
Hezekiah and Abigail Hunt of Concord, Dec. 13, 1744. In Concord.
Hezekiah [Jr. in int.] and Sarah Frost of Mendon, March 30, 1774. In Mendon.
Mary and Rev. Aaron Crosby of Prohaughguage, Aug. 22, 1774. In Shrewsbury.
Releaf [Relief in int.] M. and Charles Clapp, April 7, 1829.
Sally of Ashby and Thaddeus Taylor, Jan. 6, 1796. At Westford.
Sally W. and Harvlain T. Eddy of Sutton, Aug. 31, 1843.
Sarah and Jonathan Robinson, Jan. 29, 1778.
Thaddeus and Sally Taylor of Ashby, Jan. 6, 1796. In Westford.
Abram H. of Rutland (s. Joel and Hannah, a. 28) and Angelina Merriam, Nov. 11, 1847.
Alice of Shrewsbury and Dr. Levi Rawson, int. March 18, 1826.
David of Marlborough and Rebeckah Brooks, March 14, 1782.
Elizabeth [Elisabeth in int.] and Samuel Adams, June 4, 1786.
Elizabeth and Abraham Batchelor of Sutton, Dec. 6, 1821. C.R.
Joseph and Mary Whitmore, Oct. 28, 1756.
Joseph S. of Shrewsbury and Wid. Submit Goodenow, June 5, 1817. C.R.
Persis and Jedathun Fay Jr. of Westborough, int. July 23, 1773.
Sally [Salley in int.] and Ithamer [Ithmnr in int.] Stow, Dec. 16, 1792.
Sarah of Upton and David Forbush, int. Aug. 18, 1785.
Sarah and David White, April [27 in C.R.] 28, 1830.
Susanna and Samuel Temple, int. March 31, 1837.
Susanna and Samuel Lesure, Dec. 5, 1822. C.R.
Thankfull of Marlborough and Ephraim Sherman, May 16, 1733. At Westboro.
Timothy and Susanna Thare of Mendon, April 22, 1798.
THARE (see Thayer)
[Thair in int.), Susanna of Mendon and Timothy Temple, April 22, 1798.
[Thacher in int.], Elbridge G. of Douglass and Lydia Smith, Sept. 17, 1838.
John of Uxbridge and Dulcena Brigham, March 30, 1817.
THAYER (see Thare)
Alden of Mendon and Silence McNamara, int. March 10, 1821.
Alden of Worcester and Dolly Adams, int. March 18, 1836.
Aurilla and Samuel W. Putnam, Nov. 4, 1830.
Clarissa of Bellingham and Valentine R. Coombs, int. Oct. 15, 1826.
Jemima of Mendon and James Sherman, int. Nov. 5, 1819.
Julia M. of Rehoboth and Palmer Brayman int. Aug. 9, 1838.
THIRSTIN (see Thurstin, Thurston)
Levi and Hannah Hayden, July 13, 1794.
Elisha B. and Octavia M. Reed of Mexico, Me., int. Dec. 11, 1846.
James of Philadelphia, Pa., and Mary Comacher, int. Feb. 6, 1777.
Miranda of Ashfield and Augustus Goodnow, int. April 15, 1843.
THOMPSON (see Thomson)
Caroline M. and Leonard W. Hathaway, int. March 4, 1831.
Charlotte and Nathnniel G. Whitney, Dec. 24, 1833.
Franklin and Julia Nason, Sept. 26, 1808. C.R.
Harriot and Jeremiah Robinson, Sept. 22, 1836.
Hosea and Susan M. Maynard, Jan. 11, 1837.
Lucina of Northbridge and Samuel A. Wheeler, April 30, 1839.
THOMSON (see Thompson)
[Thompson in int.], Arvin and Elizabeth Leland, March 26, 1834.
Ethan R. of Berkshire, Vt., and Marcy Ann Wheeler, Sept 19, 1843.
[Thompson in int.], William H. (s. Franklin, a. 25) and Hannah M. Merriam, April 30, 1844.
Dr. William and Ruth A. Chapin of Uxbridge, int. April 30, 1830.
THURSTIN (see Thirstin, Thurston)
Benjamin Jr. and Mary Wheeler, Dec. 20, 1770. C.R.
Daniel and Rosanna Ellis of Bellingham, int. June 9, 1799.
John and Susanna Wheeler, April 30, 1765. C.R.
[Thirstin in int.], Timothy and Lucy Hayden, Jan. 10, 1796.
THURSTON (see Thirstin, Thurston)
Benjamin and Mrs. Dorcas Chapin of Mendon, Nov. 24, 1768. In Mendon.
Caroline W. and Levi B. Fisher, April 27, 1826.
Calvin S. and Eliza J. Coe, int. May 2, 1830.
Daniel C. and Lois K. Taft of Upton, int. Aug. 31, 1842.
George W. and Eliza A. Dutton of Lowell, int. March 11, 1846.
Hannah of Westborough and Jonathan Daniels Jr., int. Feb. 20, 1830.
Harriet of Westborough and Corning Fairbanks, int. May 3, 1825.
Jonathan V. and Polly S. Burr of Bellingham, int. Jan. 20, 1844.
Levi and Percilla Wheelor, int. March 28, 1773.
Lucretia [Lucretia in int.] and Ezekiel D. [Ezekiel Dodge in int.] Wheeler, June 21, 1792.
Peter and Elisabeth Holbrook of Upton, int. Oct. 23, 1779.
Rachel and Amos Ellis, int. Feb. 14, 1789.
Reconcile and James Dexter Jr. of Roylston, Nov. 29, 1798.
Susannah W. and Lawson Munyan, int. Dec. 30, 1829.
Timothy and Peggy Hills, Nov. 29, 1787.
Timothy of Conway and Mary Rawson, Nov. 26, 1771. C.R.
William E. of Marlborough and Sarah Stone, May 8, 1838.
Luke B. and Amanda Howlett of Worcester, int. Sept. 20, 1835.
Pure of Hopkinton and Asa Cushman, int. Feb. 18, 1826.
[Mrs. in int.] Sarah of East Sudbury and Dea. Joseph Bachelder, Sept. 4, 1780. In East Sudbury. [Int. Sept. 7, 1780.]
Clarinda (d. Joseph and Rachel, a. 20) and Thomas B. Graffum, Dec. 21, 1845.
Margaret of Tolland and William F. Slocum, int. April 3, 1847.
Penelope of Dover and Danforth B. Comins, int. Aug. 18, 1833.
Rachel of Douglas and Stephen Drake, int. Nov. 8, 1816.
Jeremy Fisher of Barre and Betsey Leland, Oct. 25, 1814. C.R.
Susanna of Worcester and John Hector, int. Sept. 18, 1816. Negroes.
Mrs. Sarah of Mendon and Andrew Adams, May 30, 1771. In Mendon.
James of Upton and Mrs. Rhoda Lathe, int. June 9, 1775.
Maria J. of Sutton and Caleb Wood, int. Feb. 23, 1833.
Robert Jr. of Richmond, Vt., and Harriet P. Bullard, int. Sept. 8, 1838.
Moses of Oxford and Wid. Abigail Child, int. May 28, 1763.
William of Royalston and Sarah Sherman, Oct. 13, 1777.
Jesse of Northbridge and Nancy Sweet, Aug. 7, 1828.
Mary E. and Joel H. Wheelock of Boylston, Jan. 24, 1832.
Sarah and John Clayton, int. Nov. 2, 1780.
Abigail E. of Leicester and Joseph Mason, May 18, 1836.
David of Leicester and Abigail Harrington, Dec. 4, 1808. C.R.
James T. and Selina Wilder of Bolton, int. Nov. 3, 1832.
Solomon and Elmira [Almira in int.] C. Hayden, April 10, 1834.
George W. of Holden (s. Washington and Sarah, a. 25, and Elvira B. Rich, Aug. 17, 1843.
Mrs. Mary M. of Warren and Zebina C. Lincoln, int. Nov. 1, 1847.
Sarah and Elias Keyes Jr. of Shrewsbury, April 15, 1741.
George of Woodstock, Ct., and Mehitable W. Batchelder [Mehetebel W. Batchellor in int.], May 3, 1843.
Thomas and Nancy Kenney, Dec. 2, 1830.
Rev. James of Wardsborough, Vt., and Submit Haydon, Feb. 1, 1807. C.R.
Andrew E. [Fuller?] of Uxbridge and Mary W. Baker, Nov. 8, 1832. C.R.
Asa and Salley Goodale, Oct 26, 1791.
Catharine (d. Duncan and Issabella, a. 25) and Franklin Baldwin, Feb. 4, 1847.
Elizabeth P. and Willard A. Hayden, both of Waltham, Oct. 26, 1846.
Joshua and Lydia Drury, Aug. 22, 1781.
Nancy of Bath, Me., and Henry D. Howard, int. Nov. 4, 1843.
Nathan and Mrs. Sarah Clayton, int. July 8, 1779.
Esther C. of Sutton and Joseph D. Dispeau, int. Aug. 30, 1845.
Mary A. of Millbury (d. Thomas, a. 24) and Cromwell Lathe, Nov. 28, 1844.
William N. of Auburn and Mary Nelson, Oct. 26, 1843.
Nancy P. of Westborough and Marvin Mason, int. Nov. 2, 1822.
Humphrey M. (s. Crawford and Martha, a. 23) and Elizabeth M. Wing, Jan. 3, 1849.
Zilpah and Daniel Fisk, both of Upton, Dec. 27, 1744. C.R.
Sarah Maria (d. Georg; a. 20) and Josiah Gilman Hall, Sept. 7, 1844.
Mary of Northbridge and Charles Curtis, int. May 23, 1840.
Nehemiah and Sarah T. Howe of Fitzwilliam, N.H., int. July 31, 1840.
Joannah of Reading and John Holebrook, int July 17, 1752.
Charles of Worcester and Sophia Bissum, int. April 21, 1844.
Francis and Mary Clair, int. June 12, 1847.
Salley of Mendon and William B. Nolen, int. Nov. 23, 1842.
Elizabeth and Albert L. Benchley of Millbury, Sept. 27, 1840.
Susan B. and Henry Nelson of Shrewsbury, int. Jan. 15, 1841.
Noah of Hopkinton and Abigail Baker, July 24, 1760.
Richard of Sutton and Rebeckah Abbot, April 2, 1745.
Ira and Mary West of Southbridge, int. Sept. 16, 1832.
Maria T. of Cornish, N.H., and Oliver Mason, int. Aug. 28, 1831.
Mary L. of Manchester, N.H., and Manson Fuller, int. Dec. 14, 1844.
WADSWORTH (see Wardsworth)
Anna and Stephen Davis 2d of Oxford, int. Jan. 24, 1814.
David and Elizabeth Whipple, March 15, 1764. C.R.
David [Jr. in int.] and Virtue Willard, Sept. 10, 1789. In ----.
David and Caroline Metcalf, Dec. 8, 1825.
Ebenezer and Lucy Brooks, Jan. 10, 1770. C.R.
Ebenezer and Lucy Goulding Kimball, Oct. 27, 1803. C.R.
Eliza and Charles Aldrich, Nov. 9, 1823. C.R.
Elizabeth and Josiah Stiles of Millbury, April 23, 1815. C.R.
Eliza Ann and Zephaniah Fost [Frost in int.] of New York, Nov. 26, 1829.
George, negro servant E., and Philliss Whipple, negro servant Jonathan, Sept. 2, 1746. C.R.
Hannah and Dea. Joseph [Joshua in C.R.] Meriam, Dec. 26, 1754.
Hannah and Asa Scott of Oakham, Oct. 29, 1801. C.R.
John and Lois Warren, Nov. 12, 1797. C.R.
John and Mrs. Persis Kimball, int. Dec. 20, 1806.
Jonathan and Tabitha Warrin, int. April 9, 1790.
Joseph and Anna Barns of Hopkinton, int. April 6, 1806.
Joseph and Caroline Warren of Sutton, int. March 8, 1834.
Lois of Barre and Otis Prince, int. Feb. 20, 1830.
Lucina and Adolphus Fowler, May 14, 1829. C.R.
Lucy and Josephus Willard, April 3, 1793.
Lucy G. [Goulding in int.] and Salmon Hatheway of Sutton, March 16, 1809. C.R.
Mary and Elias Forbes of Westborough, Nov. 5, 1811. C.R.
Mary Ann of Westborough and Jonah Whitney, int. Dec. 30, 1832.
Nancy and Elbridge Hewitt, Feb. 20, 1828.
Polly and James Martin of Northbridge, March 25, 1828.
Sally and David Stratton of Athol, June 5, 1810. C.R.
Sally and Paul Farnum, Jan. 1, 1817. C.R.
Samuel and Margery Hutchinson Jr., April 2, 1772. C.R.
Samuel and Elizabeth Barns of Hopkinton, int Sept. 2, 1798. [Perhaps same as Samuel Wardsworth below.]
Sarah and Joseph Meriam Jr., Dec. 8, 1763.
Susan and Calvin Taft of Millbury, March 26, 1834.
WAER (see Ware)
Martha and William Gibson of Pelam, Dec. 19, 1752.
Jane and Paul Tathro, int. March 22, 1847.
WAIT (see Waite)
Betty and Nathaniel Batchellor, Oct. 8, 1778.
Jason Jr. and Hannah Axtell, Nov. 17, 1763. C.R.
Ruth and Nathaniel Harvey of Shutesbury, int. April 16, 1774.
Simon and Susanna Warrin, int. April 2, 1778.
Simon and Marcy Flagg, Nov. 28, 1780.
Susanna and William Withington, Nov. 28, 1799. C.R.
WAITE (see Wait)
Rebeckah of Boylston and John Axtill, int. May 6, 1801.
Rufus of Millbury and Rebecca White, int. Sept. 5, 1819.
WAITHERBEE (see Wetherbe, Witherbe, etc.)
Lewis and Huldah Wesson, both of Grafton Gore, int. Aug. 27, 1792.
Amasa R. of Northborough (s. Aaron and Narcissa, a. 24) and Abigail Lackey of Sutton, May 20, 1847.
Lorenzo of Millbury and Jane D. Phillips, Oct. 6, 1835.
Washington of Hardwick, Vt., and Irena Knowlton, March 11, 1821. C.R.
Wealthy B. and Orin Dadman, int. Sept. 27, 1845.
William of Waltham (s. James and Anna, a. 27) and Mary Benson, Sept. 12, 1847.
[Wolcott in int.], Harlow of Westborough and Elizabeth Watson, April 17, 1842.
[Walcutt in int.], Silas Jr. and Charlotte S. Rice, Aug. 26, 1835.
Betsey R. and Willard or William Pond, both of Hopkinton, July 13, 1836.
Hannah of Worcester and Thomas Axtell Jr., int. Aug. 21, 1808.
Lucy and Isaac Willard of Worcester, April 13, 1841.
Mary and Alfred P. Eaton, int. Oct. 6, 1839.
Samuel and Abigail [G. in int.] Searles, Dec. 10, 1828.
Susan L. and Henry N. Staples, int. May 6, 1833.
William and Lucy Sadler, June 8, 1778.
Artemis and Betsy Phillips of Milford, int. March 11, 1798.
Ephraim Jr. of Winchendon and Abigail P. Muzzy, int. April 3, 1848.
Garshom and Prudence Powers of Uxbridge, Sept. 1, 1768. In Uxbridge.
Hezekiah and Martha Earl of Leicester, April 7, 1768. In Leicester.
James and Susan Wren of East Cambridge, int. April 7, 1836.
Nathaniel and Hannah Batchelor, int. April 3, 1773.
Oliver and Betsy Phillips, Feb. 1, 1809. C.R.
Sabra and Daniel Holbrook, both of Upton, Nov. 19, 1797.
WARDSWORTH (see Wadsworth)
Samuel and Mrs. Elizabeth Barns of Hopkinton, Oct. 3, 1789. In Hopkinton.
WARE (see Waer)
Gilbert A. and Janett Shields of Franklin, int. Feb. 22, 1837.
Paul and Elisabeth Taylor, Dec. 11, 1780.
Jane and Lewis Hall of Sutton, int. July 19, 1845. Certificate never called for.
John and Adeline Dudley, both of Millbury, Aug. 3, 1828.
WARREN (see Warrin)
Anna G. and Josiah H. Hammond, Oct. 14, 1829.
Asiel and Huldah Leland, Dec. 19, 1802. C.R.
Caroline of Sutton and Joseph Wadsworth, int. March 8, 1834.
Chandler M. and Sophronia Aldrich of Mendon, int. May 10, 1828.
Charles of Worcester and Mary Wesson of Grafton Gore, int. Sept. 13, 1808.
Charles and Ester [Esther in int] Daniels, Nov. 26, 1828.
Charles Ira and Huldah C. Goddard, Dec. 5, 1827. C.R.
Comfort of Upton and Moses Sharman Jr., int. Feb. 21, 1801. Forbidden by Moses Sharman Jr.
Comfort of Upton and Moses Sharman, int. April 25, 1802.
Elisha of New Braintree and Eunice Whipple, May 28, 1793. In Shrewsbury.
Elizabeth N. and Jonas Greenwood, May 4, 1817. C.R.
Hannah of Upton, see below, last entry under Warren.
Hannah H. and Samuel Harrington, May 23, 1827. C.R.
Hannah L. and Henry P. Bliss of Boston, int. April 14, 1845.
Henrietta of Townsend and Rev. Benjamin A. Edwards, int Jan. 11, 1847.
John and Polly Chapin of Uxbridge, May 20, 1797. In Uxbridge.
John and Susanna Grout of Westborough, int. Sept. 28, 1804.
Jonathan and Sally S. Brown, Nov. 9, 1823. C.R.
Jonathan C. (s. Jonathan and Sally, a. 24) and Elizabeth A. Forbush, Nov. 14, 1849.
Jonathan M. and Livinia Damon of Fitzwilliam, N.H., int. Sept. 16, 1832.
Jonathan S. and Lucy Richardson of Sutton, int. March 17, 1827.
Joseph A. and Sarah H. Potter of Fitzwilliam, N.H., int. Jan. 17, 1837.
Lois and John Wadsworth, Nov. 12, 1797. C.R.
Mary C. and Joseph Merriam Jr., April 28, 1825. C.R.
Minerva A. of Shrewsbury and Frederick F. Elliot, int. March 20, 1846.
Phila and Nathaniel Whipple, March 12, 1801. C.R.
Rufus E. and Almira Brown of Rutland, int. May 22, 1831.
Salley and Gardner Brown of Sutton, Nov. ----, 1791.
Sarah and Liberty Wood, May 17, 1818. C.R.
Sarah E. (d. John and Susannah, a. 26) and John W. Mason of Boston, Oct. 22 [21 in C.R.], 1846.
Silas and Mary Cutler of Millbury, int. Sept. 22, 1833.
Susannah C. and Joseph F. Rice, April 7, 1835.
Willard and Marinda Wheelock of Shrewsbury, int. Nov. 12, 1825.
Zachra and Desire Marsh of Sutton, April 1, 1755. In Sutton.
---- [Hannah in Upton v.R.] and Eliab Fobes, both of Upton, Oct. ----, 1795.
Daniel of Upton and Sarah [Sally in int.] Batchellor, Aug. 8, 1786.
David and Prudence Whipple, Dec. 24, 1761. C.R.
Elizabeth and Jonathan Stow, June 6, 1765. C.R.
[Warren in int.], Jonathan and Sarah Prentice, May 1, 1788.
Joseph and Lois Lyon, March 28, 1765. C.R.
Lucy and James Leland, June 21, 1744. (see Warren) [Mrs. in int.] Abigail and John Holbrook, Jan. 16, 1758.
Mrs. Thankfull and Levi Rawson of Mendon, Oct. 26, 1775.
Nahum and Mrs. Elizabeth Brigham, int. Nov. 2, 1775.
Samuel and Eunice Corbitt of Mendon, May 29, 1754. In Mendon.
Samuel and Elisabeth Stow, int. Sept 16, 1790.
Sarah and Phinehas Leland, March 12, 1752.
Susanna and Simon Wait, int. April 2, 1778.
Tabitha and Jonathan Wadsworth, int. April 9, 1790.
William and Elisabeth Fletcher, int. Dec. 16, 1762.
Abigail of Brookfield and Joseph Taylor Wood, int. May 17, 1800.
Frederick and Mrs. Julia Bigelow of Sherburne, int. March 21, 1840.
John and Susan W. Sadler of Upton, int. Sept. 20, 1834.
Ebenezer of Sutton and Mary Adams, Dec. 10, 1767. In Sutton.
Jonathan [E. in int.] and Martha R. Leland, April 11, 1837.
Samuel of Sutton and Mrs. Prudence Winchester, Sept. 23, 1775.
Stephen of Sutton and Huldah Flagg, May 19, 1762. C.R.
Almira A. of Smithfield, R.I., and John L. Gleason, int. Jan. 9, 1841.
Almy F. and Willard Rice of Sutton, int. Nov. 28, 1832.
Benjamin S. and Alvina Bates, Nov. 14, 1842.
Elizabeth and Harlow Walcott [Wolcott in int.] of Westborough, April 17, 1842.
Maria W. and Ansel E. Bradley of Millbury, int. Dec. 8, 1839.
Mary and Thomas P. Pike of Milford, May 4, 1834.
Ruth and Daniel Whitney, Feb. 9, 1836.
Sarah W. of Sutton and Jonathan S. Brown, Nov. 21, 1827. C.R.
Sylvester J. [I. in int.] and Sarah R. Pratt, April 26, 1835.
Mary N. of Holliston and Cyrus N. French, int. April 19, 1840.
David and Ruth E. Chandler of Upton, int. Nov. 3, 1844.
George and Annis Nichols of Mendon, int. May 5, 1834.
Clarissa and George Spear, March 7, 1838.
Hannah of Boston and Isaac Kimball, int. March 23, 1805.
Horace L. of Belchertown and Rebecca D. White, May 4, 1847.
Thomas Jr. of Oxford and Martha W. Clark, int. Aug. 25, 1822.
[Wendell in int.], James B. and Diana S. Clark, May 6, 1832.
Marjory and Zenas Canedy, both of Grafton Gore, int. Oct. 25, 1800.
WESSON (see Weston)
Abel and Sarah Drury, May 27, 1767. C.R.
Azubah H. [Azuba in int.] and Levi White of Boston, Sept. 12, 1832.
Betsey and Cromwell Fisher, Oct. 18, 1827. C.R.
Betsey B. [D. in int.] of Worcester (d. Rufus) and William H. H. Conner, Oct. 17, 1844.
Betsy of Grafton Gore and James Beard of Worcester, int. Dec. 24, 1803.
Caroline and Sylvanus Adams of Lowel, Sept. 10, 1835.
Daniel A. and Hariet [Harriet in int.] Stow, Nov. 16, 1831.
Edwin and Nancy M. Harrington, June 10, 1838. In Marlborough.
Henry and Julia A. Flint, int. April 8, 1838.
Huldah and Lewis Waitherbee, both of Grafton Gore, int. Aug. 27, 1792.
Joel [Jr. in int.] of Grafton Gore and Thankfull Newton of Shrewsbury, Sept. 15, 1796.
John [Johan in int.] and [Wid. in int.] Rebeckah Davis, Aug. 24, 1757.
John and Mary Davis, both reputed of Grafton, Dec. 17, 1764. C.R.
John of Grafton Gore and Azubah Baker of Shrewsbury, int. Oct. 18, 1805.
Lucy of Grafton Gore and Lewis Baird, int. June 7, 1806.
Maria and Alson Cobb of Westmoreland, N.H., Feb. 23, 1843.
Martin and Abigail H. Green, Jan. 6, 1841.
Mary of Grafton Gore and Charles Warren of Worcester, int. Sept. 13, 1808.
Mary of Worcester and George Willey, int. March 3, 1827.
Rufus of Grafton Gore and Betsy Baird of Worcester, int. Aug. 27, 1808.
Rufus Jr. and Meriam Harrington of Shrewsbury, July 23, 1840. In Shrewsbury.
Sally and John Boyden of Westborough, March 30, 1826. C.R.
Samuel and Rebekah Davis, Dec. 8, 1763.
Sarah [of Grafton Gore in int.] and Aaron Peirce of Hopkinton, Aug. 17, 1796.
Sewel and Susannah Day of Winchendon, int. March 22, 1811.
Susan and Albert G. Cobb of Westmoreland, N.H., Nov. 19, 1835.
Sylvia W. of Uxbridge and James H. Smith, int. March 11, 1848.
William and Betsy Harrington of Worcester, int. Sept. 17, 1801.
William of Grafton Gore and Olive Mason of Thompson, Ct., int. Nov. 16, 1823.
[Vest in int.], Abraham and Sally Lamb, Aug. 27, 1837.
Mary of Southbridge and Ira Vinton, int. Sept. 16, 1832.
WESTON (see Wesson)
John of Worcester Gore [John Wesson of Grafton Gore in int.] and Mehitable Elliot, Jan. 17, 1785. In Sutton.
[Wesson in int.], Molly and Amos Pierce, March 21, 1785. In Sutton.
Silas and [wid. in C.R.] Thankfull Keys [Kyes in int.] of Shrewsbury, Oct. 9, 1738.
WHEELER (see Wheelor)
Aaron of Bolton and Miriam Fay July 31, 1827.
Anna and John [John Cody in int.] Pratt, June 27, 1786.
Anna and Reuben White, Sept. 24, 1809. C.R.
Anna Rawson and John Putnam, Aug. 19, 1798.
Anne and John Pratt, June 27, 1786. C.R.
Anteperce and Diadamia Forbush, April 7, 1819. C.R.
Asa of Leicester and Polly Goddard, May 6 [7 in C.R.], 1830.
Bethenia and David White, int. April 20, 1811.
Candace (d. Ephraim H. and Hephzibah R., a. 29) and Elbridge G. Harrington, May 26, 1848.
Charles and Elmira Hinds of Millbury, int. April 20, 1833.
Ebenezer and Rachel Wood of Upton, int. March 17, 1739.
Ebenezer and Lois Corbit, int. Sept. 6, 1751.
Ebenezer and Mrs. Priscilla Hayward of Mendon, Sept. 5, 1753. In Mendon.
Ebenezer and Rhoda Myrick, Dec. 8, 1819. C.R.
Edmund F. (s. Gabriel F. and Nancy T., a. 22) and Mary E. Barker, May 18, 1847.
Eleanor P. (d. Ebenezer and Rhoda, a. 23) and Samuel D. Hager, May 14, 1845.
Elmira and Levi B. Fisher, Dec. 1, 1831.
Ephraim Howard and Hepzebeth White, Feb. 7, 1813. C.R.
Eunice and Warren Smith of Fitchburg, Oct. 31, 1833.
Ezekiel D. [Ezekiel Dodge in int.] and Lucrecia [Lucretia in int.] Thurston, June 21, 1792.
Gabriel F. and Hannah Chaphin of Holden, int. Sept. 10, 1815.
Gabriel F. and Nancy T. Burnap of Millbury, int. Nov. 21, 1818.
Gardner and Elisabeth Drury, April 16, 1788.
Hannah A. and Lewis Mills, Oct. 5, 1825. C.R.
Humphrey B. and Rebeckah W. [H. in dup.] Sibley, Nov. 7, 1813. C.R.
Isaac P. (s. Abel and Nancy, a. 25, widr.) and Nancy M. Arling, July 2, 1848.
James and Vishti [Vashti in int.] Biglow, Feb. 26, 1778.
James and Sally Johnson, Nov. 26, 1809. C.R.
John and Hannah Sherman, Oct. 11, 1803. C.R.
John Jr. and Miriam P. Daniels of Hopkinton, int. Aug. 11, 1832.
Jonathan and Anna Rand of Shrewsbury, April 2, 1765. In Shrewsbury.
Jonathan and Mary Rawson, Feb. 12, 1778.
Jonathan and Hanah Hill Abraham of Marblehead, int. Sept. 9, 1798.
Jonathan D. and Elizabeth Davenport of Mendon, int. Oct. 10, 1830.
Jotham Jr. of Worcester and Mary E. Pierce, May 14, 1842.
Lucretia W. and Joseph Leland, Sept. 14, 1818. C.R.
Marcy Ann and Ethan R. Thomson of Berkshire, Vt., Sept. 19, 1843.
Martin and Lucy Frost of Paxton, int. Dec. 30, 1820.
Martin and Harriet Sherman of Westborough, int. Sept 4, 1831.
Mary and Benjamin Thurstin Jr., Dec. 20, 1770. C.R.
Percilla and Levi Thurston, int. March 28, 1773.
[Mrs. in int.] Polly and Joseph Elliot of Leicester, May 25, 1808. C.R.
Priscilla [Priscilla in int.] (d. James and Vashti) and George W. Putnam, May 5, 1803.
Sally of Charlton and Samuel Leland, int. Nov. 2, 1822.
Samuel A. and Lucina Thompson of Northbridge, April 30, 1839.
Sarah and Ithamer Smith, Oct. 7, 1773 [int. Aug. 30, 1779], At Charlton. [1779 is right]
Solomon of Shrewsbury and Zipporah Harrington, Aug. 26, 1771. In Shrewsbury.
Susanna and John Thurstin, April 30, 1765. C.R.
Vashti and Jonathan Bowen, Oct. 3, 1803. C.R.
Vashti B. (d. Martin, a. 19) and Hiram Baird, Oct. 16, 1844.
Abigail and Daniel Heminway, both of Shrewsbury, Nov. 4, 1783.
Benjamin of Mendon and Hannah Chapin, June 4, 1752.
Caroline L. and Charles L. Mitchell of Dixfield, Me., Feb. 3, 1838.
Caroline M. and David White Jr., Jan. 1, 1845. C.R.
Daniel and Susan Prentice of Chester, Vt., int. Aug. 15, 1826.
Daniel B. and Sophia Brigham, Nov. 19, 1828.
Elbridge G. of Millbury and Dolly B. Atwood, Nov. 13, 1832.
Elizabeth T. (d. Jefferson and Elizabeth, a. 21) and Judson Eames, both of Upton, April 23, 1846.
Ezra of Grafton Gore and Vashti Putnam, Jan. 8, 1787.
Gardner L. and Caroline A. Wood, Nov. 29, 1832.
Jefferson and Rebekah Fisk, May 15, 1828.
Joel H. of Boylston and Mary E. Tracy, Jan. 24, 1832.
Joseph and Sally Slater, both of Worcester, March 9, 1786.
Joseph of Shrewsbury and Judith Foster, Nov. 27, 1806. C.R.
Leonard and Percies Brigham, Oct. 17, 1804. C.R.
Leonard S. and Abigail Pollard of Bolton, int. Sept. 30, 1837.
Leonard S. and Lucy Pollard of Bolton, int. Nov. 1, 1845.
Lois and Silas Witherby, Sept. 29, 1805. C.R.
Lucy and Stephen Cutler, Sept. 2, 1819.
Marinda of Shrewsbury and Willard Warren, int. Nov. 12, 1825.
Mary of Worcester and Rufus Prentice, int. Feb. 8, 1823.
Nathan S. and Elizabeth Batherick of Shrewsbury, July 14, 1816.
Obediah and Lucretia Fisher, int. June 26, 1795.
Reuben and Charlotte Baker, int. May 4, 1808.
Rhoda and Timothy Chickery, int. May 14, 1774.
Rinda A. and Samuel D. Smith, May 26, 1830.
Roxellana and Horatio Slocumb of Sutton, int. Oct. 7, 1820.
Russell and Betsey Sherman, May 31, 1825. C.R.
Ruth [Holbrook?] and Jonathan Eames of Holliston, June 11, 1744.
Samuel W. and Susan Fay, Oct. 6, 1825. C.R.
Silas and Anna Whitney, both of Shrewsbury, July 16, 1783.
Solomon B. and Ruth Hall, Feb. 18, 1840.
Sophronia and Willard S. Wood, Dec. 2, 1828.
Thomas of Shrewsbury and Sally Nurse Fairbanks, Dec. 25, 1808. C.R.
Thomas P. and Mary A. Allen, int. Oct. 26, 1839.
Timothy and Mary M. [H. in dup.] Marsh, Feb. 7, 1825. C.R.
William A. of Oxford (s. Aaron and Ruth, a. 46) and Sarah C. Keith, Jan. 2, 1849.
WHEELOR (see Wheeler)
Rebecca and James Dexter, int. May 23, 1773.
Abigal and Samuel Cooper, May 24, 1742.
Betsy and James Wright Jenkins of Hardwick, April 4, 1804. C.R.
Daniel and Martha Adams, Aug. 7, 1776.
Elizabeth and David Wadsworth, March 15, 1764. C.R.
Elisabeth and Moses Adams, March 29, 1786.
Eunice and Jonathan Rice of Worcester, Jan. 14, 1761. In Worcester.
Eunice and Elisha Warren of New Braintree, May 28, 1793. In Shrewsbury.
[Mrs. in int.] Hannah and Isaac Herrington [Harrington in int.] Jr., Aug. 25, 1757.
Hannah and Humphrey Biglow, both of Shrewsbury, Oct. 26, 1791.
James Jr. and Lydia Powers of Littleton, Nov. 29, 1750.
James Jr. and Elizabeth Hall, June 14, 1763. C.R.
James Jr. and Sally Merriam, Nov. 27, 1792. In Shrewsbury.
James of Cumberland, R.I., and Betsey Lamb, June 8, 1824.
Jamima and Ephraim Whitney Jr. of Upton, Oct. 1, 1778.
Jeremiah of Sutton and Rebeckah Brigham, Oct. 26, 1775. In Sutton.
Jerusha and David Haven of Framingham, Nov. 28, 1754.
John and Ruth Adams, June 20, 1765. C.R.
John Jr. and Lucy Stow, May 23, 1793. In Shrewsbury.
Jonathan and Lydia [Lydea in int.] Leland, July 31, 1791.
Jonathan and Milinda Grout of Westborough, int. Sept 15, 1820.
Joseph of Stow and Mary Whipple, May 20, 1736.
Joseph Jr. and Elen Colman, July 9, 1761.
[Capt in int.] Joseph and Catharine Hastings of Shrewsbury, Oct. 15, 1797. In Shrewsbury.
Lydia and Samuel Hall, Dec. 18, 1766. C.R.
Lydia of Northbridge and Charles Hager, int. April 5, 1838.
Mary and Joseph Whipple of Stow, May 20, 1736.
Mary and Joshua Winchester, Dec. 6, 1750.
Mary and Moses Holbrook, Jan. 15, 1767. C.R.
Mary M. and Charles D. Monroe, Oct. 4, 1837.
Nathaniel and Phila Warren, March 12, 1801. C.R.
Nathaniel and Sally Batchellor, Dec. 7, 1806. C.R.
Oliver and Betsy Hassom [Hashom in int], Aug. 26, 1792.
Patty and Jacob Whitney of Upton, Sept. 27, 1795.
Perley and Olive Drury, Nov. 29, 1796.
Philliss, negro servant Jonathan, and George Wadsworth, negro servant E., Sept. 2, 1746. C.R.
Polly [Polley in int.] and Amaziah Haywood of Upton, July 24, 1791. In Sutton.
Prudence and David Warren, Dec. 24, 1761. C.R.
Samuel and Lucy Brown, Aug. 24, 1769. C.R.
Sarah and Isaac Willard, Dec. 29, 1746. C.R.
Sarah [the 2d in int.] and Simon Bruce, Jan. 14, 1787.
Sarah and Isaac Hastings of Warwick, April 13, 1806. C.R.
Simon B. and Prudence L. Harrington, May 4, 1820. C.R.
Susanna and Thomas Marshal Baker of Upton, Jan. 7, 1768. C.R.
Thaddeus and Elisabeth Stow, Nov. 7, 1793.
Harrison G. of West Boylston and Lamira Himes, Jan. 2, 1842.
Samuel of Worcester and Lavira Hirnes, int. Jan. 6, 1843.
Jeremiah of Bolton [Boston in int.] (s. Jacob and Elizabeth, a. 21) and Lavina Chase, Dec. 5, 1844.
Nathan Jr. and Maria R. Leonard of Swanzey, N.H., int. Aug. 14, 1824.
Andrew H. and Sarah E. Muzzy, Nov. 29, 1842.
Benjamin and Hadassah Esther Prentice, March 5, 1781.
Catharine A. and William C. Chase of Sutton, int. Jan. 4, 1849.
David and Bethenia Wheeler, int. April 20, 1811.
David and Sarah Temple, April [27 in C.R.] 28, 1830.
David Jr. and Caroline M. Wheelock, Jan. 1, 1845. C.R.
Erastus and Lucinda W. Dryden of West Boylston, int. July 28, 1844.
Hepzebeth and Ephraim Howard Wheeler, Feb. 7, 1813. C.R.
James W. and Elizabeth Holden, Sept. 11, 1838. At Templeton.
James W. (s. Reuben and Anna, a. 35, widr.) and Sarah R. Babcock, April 20, 1847.
Joel (s. Joseph, a. 25) and Priscilla P. Converse, both of Northbridge, Sept. 24, 1844.
John of Northborough and Sarah Knowlton of Shrewsbury, Oct. 28, 1798. In Shrewsbury.
John B. and Abigail S. Prentice, Jan. 22, 1839.
Levi of Boston and Azubah H. [Azuba in int.] Wesson, Sept. 12, 1832.
Lucius A. (s. Joseph, a. 20) and Adaline L. Newell, Aug. 15, 1844.
Martha of Northbridge and Josiah Hall, int. Sept. 7, 1822.
Rebecca and Rufus Waite of Millbury, int. Sept. 5, 1819.
Rebecca D. and Horace L. Wellman of Belchertown, May 4, 1847.
Reuben and Anna Wheeler, Sept 24, 1809. C.R.
Samuel O. of Worcester and Judith L. Pinkham, int. Dec. 24, 1845.
Seth of West Boylston and Lydia W. Casey [Case in dup.], Jan. 15, 1822. C.R.
Stephen R. and Nancy Fowler of Northbridge, int. Jan. 14, 1842.
Martha S. and Alexander Hayward, Nov. 30, 1825. C.R.
WHITMORE (see Whitmore, Whittemore)
Elisabeth and Daniel Axtill, Nov. 12, 1754.
James F. of Northbridge and Patience H. Saunders, int. July 2, 1842.
Louisa and Hiram K. Hall, Feb. 23, 1834.
WHITMORE (see Whitmore, Whittemore)
Mary and Joseph Temple [of Lancaster], Oct. 28, 1756.
Abigail and Ebenezer Cutler, int. April 15, 1779.
Adeline [A. in int.] and Jeremiah Goodnough, Sept. 3, 1829.
Alden [Allen in int.] (s. Ransford and Eunice, a. 20) and Lydia M. Gregory, May 26, 1847.
Amos of Northboro and Lorinda [Lurinda in int.] Pratt, Aug. 14, 1842.
Anna and Silas Wheelock, both of Shrewsbury, July 16, 1783.
Catharine [Katherine in int.] and Ephraim Childs of Westboro, Nov. 6, 1794. At Westboro.
Clarisa of Millbury and Francis Sawyer, int. June 30, 1849.
Daniel and Ruth Watson, Feb. 9, 1836.
Drusilla D. of Northborough and Edward M. Brigham, int. Oct. 18, 1843.
Eliza J. and Horace P. Brown, May 27, 1832.
Ephraim Jr. of Upton and Jamima Whipple, Oct. 1, 1778.
Hannah R. and John C. Cody, Nov. 6, 1834.
Harriet (d. Ransford and Eunice, a. 17) and Ithiel P. Farnum, Nov. 21, 1848.
Harriot W. [Whiting in int] and Joseph Estes of Lynn, Oct. 6, 1836.
Horace M. and Martha Gerry, Oct. 29, 1835.
Jacob of Upton and Patty Whipple, Sept. 27, 1795.
Joel of Westborough and Ebial Nason, Sept. 5, 1813. C.R.
Joel of Upton and Mary J. Whitney, Nov. 27, 1828.
John and Harriot F. Bruce, Jan. 1, 1838.
John Smith of Westboro and Susanna Knowlton of Shrewsbury, Feb. 25, 1794.
Jonah and Mary Ann Wadsworth of Westborough, int. Dec. 30, 1832.
Joseph and Hannah Rice of Marlborough, int. Oct. 15, 1797.
Joseph and Polly Stockwell, int. April 10, 1802.
Joseph H. and Damaris H. Rich, March 12, 1829.
Joseph H. and Sarah Ingraham, Jan. 7, 1834.
Lewis and Lucy Goddard of Webster, int. April 7, 1842.
Lois and George Brown Jr. of Shrewsbury, Jan. 10, 1791.
Lorenzo of Westborough and Sarah A. Hall, int. March 18, 1848.
Lucy of Shrewsbury and Asaph Sherman, int. June 26, 1762.
Mary and Jonas Southgate of Leicester, int. June 8, 1782.
Mary and Reuben B. Fuller, Sept. 4, 1836.
Mary J. and Joel Whitney of Upton, Nov. 27, 1828.
Nathan of Spencer District and Abigail Marstass, Feb. 20, 1754.
Nathaniel and Sarah Nurse of Westborough, int. Dec. 8, 1780.
Nathaniel G. and Charlotte Thompson, Dec. 24, 1833.
Nathaniel P. and Sarah D. Brown, June 1, 1843.
Orlando and Susan M. Wood, May 7, 1829.
Patty [Polly in dup.] and Warren Heald of Winslow [Winston ?], District of Maine, Oct. 25, 1818. C.R.
Polly and Solomon L. Prentice, Jan. 1, 1829.
Sabra of Upton and Samuel King, int. Oct. 22, 1825.
Sala of Shrewsbury and John F. Lyon, int. Feb. 6, 1777.
Samuel of Shrewsbury and Phebe Harrington, Sept. 2, 1762. C.R.
Samuel C. (s. David and Samaria, a. 23) and Harriet S. Prentice, Nov. 25, 1847.
Sarah and Abel F. Stow, April 2, 1834.
Sidney S. and Margaret P. Billings, July 4, 1831.
Sophia D. and Alvah S. Davis, Sept. 28, 1831.
WHITTEMORE (see Whitmore, Whitimore)
Eliza J. of Leicester and Abraham M. Bigelow, int. Feb. 24, 1849.
Mary A. of Leicester and Ebenezer Flagg, int. April 19, 1845.
Margaret S. of Brimfield and Richard B. Anthony, int. April 7, 1832.
Horace and Eliza Hager, Nov. 22, 1831.
WILDE (see Wildes)
Rev. John and Julia M. Forbes of Westborough, int. Nov. 10, 1832.
Lucy A. (a. 22) and Francis O. Goddard, May 17, 1849.
Selina of Bolton and James T. Trask, int. Nov. 3, 1832.
WILDES (see Wilde)
Harriet and Henry May, both of Sutton, Feb. 16, 1843.
Benjamin and Sarah Brooks of Concord, May 17, 1739. In Concord.
Betsy and Cyrus French, April 9, 1806. C.R.
Daniel and Sybil Willard of Springfield, July 30, 1759. In ----.
Elizabeth and John Stearns Jr. of Worcester, May 28, 1767. C.R.
Elisabeth and James Putnam, Dec. 28, 1780.
Eliza G. of Keene, N.H., and Rev. William Coolidge Richards int. June 19, 1841.
Eunice and John Carryl [Caryl in int.], Oct. 3, 1779.
Hannah and Richard Roberts, Feb. 22, 1744.
Hannah and Simon Willard, Nov. 29, 1776. C.R.
Isaac and Sarah Whipple, Dec. 29, 1746. C.R.
Isaac of Worcester and Lucy Walker, April 13, 1841.
John and Molly Howard, int. Jan. 23, 1780.
Josephus and Lucy Wadsworth, April 3, 1793.
Joshua and Phebe Porter of Sutton, June 13, 1776. In Sutton.
Lakin and Caleb Leland, April 8, 1789.
Lucy and Nathaniel Balch Dexter, July 26, 1781.
Mrs. Lucy W. and Amos Pierce of Millbury, int. Sept. 2, 1847.
Margaret and Antipas Maynard Fay of Westborough, Sept 14, 1803. C.R.
Martha and David Harrington, Dec. 29, 1743. C.R.
Martha and Joseph Wood Jr., Dec. 25 [31 in int.], 1777.
Martha and Samuel March of Millbury, April 23, 1840.
Mary and Daniel Goddard of Shrewsborough, Nov. 17, 1756.
Mira [Myra in int.] and Martin Herrington, June 24, 1822. C.R.
Molly and Aaron Lyon, May 3, 1769. C.R.
Phebe and Samuel Richard of Watertown, March 9, 1780.
Sally and Charles C. Mitchell, Oct. 23, 1823. C.R.
Samuel and Prudence Rawson, int. Feb. 20, 1785.
Sarah and Noah Brooks of Concord, Feb. 18, 1735-36.
Sarah and Josiah Lyon Jr., June 26, 1771. C.R.
Simeon and Phebe Newton of Westboro, June 10, 1729. At Westboro.
Simon and Hannah Willard, Nov. 29, 1776.
Sybil of Springfield and Daniel Willard, July 30, 1759.
Virtue and David Wadsworth, Sept. 10, 1789.
George and Mary Wesson of Worcester, int. March 3, 1827.
Abigail and Royal Keith of Sutton, int. Oct. 9, 1848.
Achsah D. and James F. Dickerson, int. June 26, 1840.
Jared of Killingly, Ct., and Susan G. Brown, Dec. 25, 1838.
Samuel (d. Alpheus and Clarissa, a. 21) and Sarah H. Spear, May 20, 1847.
Lydia B. and Charles H. Fay, int. Nov. 22, 1841.
WILLSON (see Wilson)
Rev. Edmund B. and Martha A. Buttrick of Framingham, int. April 19, 1844.
Mary E. (d. William H. and Lucy J., a. 20) and Amos Fuller Jr., May 1, 1848.
WILSON (see Willson)
Charlotte [Charlott in int.] S. and John W. Barrett of Thompson, Ct., May 22, 1836. At Sutton.
Clarisa and Asa Ross, July 1, 1841.
Ephraim and Elizabeth B. Hathaway of Northbridge, int. Nov. 3, 1832.
Sarah H. and Elphonzo Barrus, March 30, 1835.
[Willson in int.], Tylee T. (d. Nathaniel and Tylee, a. 30) and George G. Carpenter, March 9, 1845.
Anna and Samuel Biglow Jr. of Shrewsbury, Jan. 29, 1771. C.R.
Joseph and Lucy Harrington, April 15, 1756.
Joshua and Mary Whipple, Dec. 6, 1750.
Wid. Mary and Ephraim [Ephriam in int.] Sherman Jr., May 12, 1760.
Mary and Nathaniel Goddard June 7, 1763. C.R.
Mary and Phinehas Newton of Sutton, Sept. 2, 1771. C.R.
Mrs. Prudence and Samuel Waters of Sutton, Sept 23, 1775.
Sarah and Aaron Brigham, Dec. 3, 1761.
Sarah and Phineas Leland, July 6, 1774. In Shrewsbury.
Thomas of Westborough and Mary Pratt, Nov. 24, 1748. At Westboro.
Elizabeth M. (d. Philip and Betsey, a. 21) and Humphrey M. Tyler, Jan. 3, 1849.
Paul and Mehitable L. Devenport of Northbridge, June 5, 1821. C.R.
Philip of Uxbridge and Betesy Smith, May 2, 1821. C.R.
Cleora S. (d. Jonathan and Sarah, a. 25) and Isaac D. Palmer, May 22, 1849.
Dexter B. and Elizabit [Elizabeth in int.] S. Fisk, May 18, 1842.
Dexter B. and Emily Mansfield of Camden, Me., int. Aug. 26, 1844.
Eliza J. (d. Jonathan and Sarah, a. 23) and William T. Barker, Sept. 12, 1848.
Freeman and Lydia S. Paine, Oct. 13, 1836.
Susannah of Holden and Lyman Howe, int. Sept. 27, 1835.
Hitty, of Framingham and Levi B. Potter, int. Aug. 14, 1841.
Seth C. (s. Eleazer R. and Ann, a. 24) and Nancy M. Flagg, Nov. 26, 1846.
Anna and Henry Croney, both of Northbridge, Feb. 27, 1812.
Elizabeth of Northbridge and Daniel Fuller, int. Feb. 19, 1803.
John G. (s. John and Lydia, a. 39, widr.) and Ester Gregory, Aug. 23, 1848.
Mary of Northbridge and Asa Saunders of Upton, Dec. 15, 1811. In Northbridge.
William of Northbridge and Anna Chamberlin, April 19, 1781. In Northbridge.
William C. and Desire Fuller of Sutton, int. June 12, 1813.
WITHERBEE (see Waitherbee, Wetherbe, and forms below)
William of Southborough and Relief Miller, Dec. 8, 1796. C.R.
William of Southbrough and Releaf Miller, Dec. 8, 1796.
Jonathan G. and Abigail C. Smith, int. March 10, 1833.
Oliver and Mary Harrington of Worcester, int. Oct. 25, 1816.
[Witherbee in int.] [Mrs. in int.] Patty of Shrewsbury and Benjamin Batchelder Jr., Feb. 21, 1793. In Shrewsbury.
R. L. (s. Silas and Lois, a. 31) and Mary A. Prentice, March 19, 1849.
Sally of Shrewsbury and Joseph Merriam 3d, Aug. 28, 1794. In Shrewsbury.
Silas and Lois Wheelock, Sept. 29, 1805. C.R.
William and Susanna Wait, Nov. 28, 1799. C.R.
WOOD (see Woods)
Alonzo and Jerusha J. Fay, June 26, 1828.
Caleb and Maria J. Tourtellotte of Sutton, int. Feb. 23, 1833.
Caroline A. and Gardner L. Wheelock, Nov. 29, 1832.
Cerlista of Upton and Nathan Taft, int. Jan. 8, 1826.
Clarissa E. of Worcester and George Bailey, int. Feb. 4, 1826.
Collester and Sarah Bowen of Northbride, int. Aug. 7, 1808.
Edwin H. and Caroline W. Chase, April 2, 1833.
Eliphalet of Littleton and Abigail Child, Nov. 7, 1751.
Elizabeth [Elisabeth in int.] and John Newton of Westborough, May 8, 1788. At Westboro.
Friendly [Frendelly in int.] and William S. Bruce, Sept 9, 1840.
George A. of Millbury (s. Peleg and Vesta, a. 24) and Amanda Prouty of Northbridge, Sept. 6, 1848.
Hannah of Northborough and Phineas Gates Jr., int. March 21, 1845.
Hannah Rice and Joel Fay, March 27, 1803. C.R.
Isaac Willard and Susanna Smith, int. Sept. 12, 1802.
Joel F. and Lucy Sanford of New Braintree, int. March 26, 1831.
John M. of Springfield, and Abigail M. Putnam, May 28, 1840.
Jonathan and Sarah Bradish of Upton, int. Oct. 3, 1773.
Joseph Jr. [4th in int.] and Phebe Wood, May 25, 1803.
Joseph Jr. and Martha Willard, Dec. 25 [31 in int.], 1777.
Joseph Taylor and Abigail Waterman of Brookfield, int. May 17, 1800.
Liberty and Sarah Warren, May 17, 1818. C.R.
Lincoln and Mary Stone, April 16, 1828. C.R.
Lois [Louis in int.] of Northbridge and Reuben Commings, June 15, 1794. In Northbridge.
Lucinda and Joseph B. Duncan of Millbury, April 29, 1821. C.R.
Maria F. of Upton and Daniel Hunt, int. Jan. 18, 1849.
Mariam and Reuben Jenks, Nov. 20, 1800. C.R.
Matthew of Brookfield and Lucy Brigham, Jan. 18, 1819. C.R.
Melinda of Norton and George Clapp, int. Oct. 25, 1829.
Nathaniel G. and Levina [Mrs. Lavina in int.] Hayden, April 16, 1793.
Nehemiah, late of Luningburg, now resident in Sutton, and Mary Jonson, int. Aug. 3, 1739.
Patty Willard and Truman Clarke, int. April 27, 1804.
Phebe and Joseph Wood Jr., May 25, 1803. C.R.
Phebeann and Daniel Aingell, int. Oct. 4, 1823.
Phinehas of Mendon and Cloe Hazeltin, int. June 26, 1791.
Rachel of Upton and Ebenezer Wheeler, int. March 17, 1739.
Robert of Northborough (s. John and Elezabeth, a. 22) and Susan M. Gates, Nov. 26, 1846.
Rosalia and Andrew River, int. Dec. 16, 1848.
Samuel and Elisabeth Kimball, Sept. 28, 1788.
Samuel and Sarah Bruce, Jan. 8, 1815. C.R.
Samuel and Hannah P. [T. in int.] Adams, Nov. 22, 1818. C.R.
Sarah of Uxbridge and Oliver Hayden, int. May 4, 1808.
Sarah E. and Nicholas H. Brigham of Boston, Dec. 20, 1838.
Sarah Jane and Ira Day Hibbard, Oct. 13, 1839.
Susan M. and Orlando Whitney, May 7, 1829.
Susanna of Mendon and Phineas Pratt, Aug. 24, 1749. In Mendon.
Thomas R. and Sophronia Hutchinson, April 9, 1820. C.R. [April 20 in dup.] ?.
Willard S. and Sophronia Wheelock, Dec. 2, 1828.
Willard S. and Martha P. Brown, May 18, 1842.
William and Phebe Goulding, Nov. 16, 1786.
William S. and Sybil R. Cunningham of Hopkinton, int. Nov. 7, 1849.
Daniel of Sutton and Sally Childs of Charlton, April 19, 1802. C.R.
John C. of Sutton and Mariah [Maria in int.] Sibley, April 2, 1835.
Moses C. and Mary E. [C. in int.] Hayden, May 3, 1842.
Ruth of Charlton and Samuel P. Leland, int. Sept. 7, 1811.
[Wood in int.], Abijah and Hannah Stone, April 13, 1825. C.R.
David and Asenath Holbrook, Dec. 4, 1834.
Sarah of Sutton and Levi Leland, Oct. 12, 1780 [int. Nov. 2, 1780].
Susan of East Cambridge and James Ward, int. April 7, 1836.
Lucy and Nathan Hancock, April 15, 1818.
Luther and Caroline Nichols, May 11, 1826.
Ellen of Middletown, Vt., and Ruel S. Davis, June 29, 1843.
John of Millbury and Mahalea E. Leland, July 4, 1816. C.R.
Benjamin and Susannah Phillips, int. Jan. 16, 1808.
Daniel F. (s. Daniel and Abigail, a. 23) and Nancy Sweers, May 4, 1847.
James and Margary Canady of Grafton Gore, Nov. 21, 1810. C.R.
Justice [Justus in int.] and Mary Newton, July 31, 1834.
William of Worcester and Mary Moar, March 12, 1746. C.R.
----, Jane, a servant to Capt. Clark of Hopkinton, and George Dyer, May 15, 1777. In Hopkinton.
Phylis [Philes in int.] of Mendon and Fortin Burnee, July 31, 1778. Negroes.
----, Jonathan and Johannah Packard of Bridgewater, int. Oct. 11, 1807.
----, ---- (Hager Elisabeth written in) and Zadock Leland of Sutton, int. Aug. 25, 1820.