To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. 1918
Thos. P. Nichols & Son Co. Printers, Lynn, Mass.
Marriages - PHELAN to STRONG
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

John and Mary Magrath, int. Jan. 23, 1836.
Charles (s. William and Sally, a. 37) and Luseba A. Fairbanks, Nov. 26, 1846.
Sarah B. and Henry H. Messenger, Nov. 28, 1844.
Susannah H. and Henry H. Messenger [Messinger in int.], March 17, 1836.
David (s. Zebidee, a. 25) and Mary E. C. Morse, Oct. 8, 1844.
Emma O. and Joseph W. Belknap of Worcester, Dec. 16, 1838. In Webster.
Mary F. and David H. Blake of Millbury, int. Oct. 21, 1844.
PHILIPS (see Phillips)
Boston [Philip Boston in int.] and Sarah Burnee, July 9, 1786 [int. Nov., 1786].
Ruth of Westborough and Jacob Eager, Jan. 24, 1771. C.R.
PHILLIPS (see Philips)
Andrew S. and Roxana M. Drake, int. Aug. 30, 1845.
Antonie and Malissant [Mellissant in int.] H. Rugg, Nov. 20, 1833.
Betsy of Milford and Artemas Ward, int. March 11, 1798.
[Mrs. in int.] Betsy and Oliver Ward, Feb. 1, 1809. C.R.
Catharine L. and Charles L. Heywood, Jan. 2, 1827.
Charlotte E. and Oliver C. Forehand [Forbush in int.], July 4, 1842.
Ebenezer [Eber in int.] and Rachael Gale of Sutton, March 30, 1775. In Sutton.
Ebenezer Jr. and Sally Lathe, May 3, 1801. C.R.
Elbridge G. and Dorcas E. Monro [Munroe in int.], June 14, 1837.
Elizabeth V. and Albert Clapp, int July 16, 1836.
Hannah of Milford and Stephen Sadler, int. Dec. 1, 1801.
Jane D. and Lorenzo Wakefield of Millbury, Oct. 6, 1835.
John and Catherine Lathe, Feb. 16, 1807. C.R.
John G. and Sally Newton of Sutton, int. March 13, 1830.
Sarah Ann and Moses L. Batchelor [Batchellor in int.], Nov. 13, 1833.
Sarah H. and Lucian Hodges of Warren, Dec. 24, 1837.
Susannah and Benjamin Young, int. Jan. 16, 1808.
PIERCE (see Pearce, Peirce, Pirce, Purce)
Amos of Millbury and Mrs. Lucy W. Willard, int. Sept. 2, 1847.
Amos and Molly Weston, March 21, 1785. In Sutton.
Caroline of Smithfield, R.I., and Alfred Allen, int. March 29, 1836.
Charles A. and Anna E. Sibley, Oct. 10, 1839. C.R.
Hannah and John B. Rice, Oct. 26, 1842.
[Peirce in int.], Jonathan of Hopkinton and Eunice Lathe, July 14, 1760.
Julia A. and Thomas T. Grigg, Feb. 16, 1842.
Mary E. and Jotham Wheeler Jr. of Worcester, May 14, 1842.
Nancy W. of Worcester and Charles A. Dinsmore, int Dec. 18, 1846.
Roxanna and Charles M. Smith, int. July 28, 1849.
Sally of Sutton and Timothy Johnson, March 8, 1798. In Sutton.
Silas A. (s. Amos and Ann, a. 29) and Maria N. Smith, Oct. 18, 1849.
William and Amy Davis, Oct. 18, 1838.
Frank [Frenk in int. Frenck is probably correct] of Bellingham and Eliza T. Gates, March 19, 1834.
Mary of Hopkinton and William Hide, int. Nov. 4, 1816.
Rufus of Pomfret, Ct., and Hannah S. Cleaveland, March 10, 1842.
Thomas P. of Milford and Mary Watson, May 4, 1834.
[Pinkharn in int.], Julia Ann and Samuel Clough of Natick, Sept. 30, 1841.
Aurelia S. and Daniel H. Knowlton, Jan. 31, 1843.
Clarissa J. (d. Joseph and Sarah, a. 20) and Albert Sawyer, both of Worcester, Sept. 22, 1846.
James S. and Mary Stratton, int. March 12, 1842.
Joseph and Mrs. Sally [Sarah in int.] Sawyer, March 1, 1842.
Joseph (about 60) and Jerusha Spencer of Hartford, July 3, 1849. Third marriage of groom.
Judith L. and Samuel O. White of Worcester, int. Dec. 24, 1845.
Lucius M. of Springfield (s. Joseph and Sarah, a. 24) and Caroline S. Faske, June 10, 1847.
Ursula S. (d. Joseph and Sarah, a. 32) and Rev. A. H. House of Nashua, N.H., Aug. 16, 1849.
PIRCE (see Pearse, Peirce, Pierce, Purce)
Joanna of Upton and John Gaffield, March 7, 1823. C.R.
Daniel and Mary Ann Nichols, April 7, 1825.
Sarah of Uxbridge and Asa Cole, int. Aug. 2, 1829.
Cadelia and Joseph Santon of Worcester, int. Nov. 6, 1847.
John of Alstead in the Colony of N.H. or Grafton and Susannah Clayton, int. Aug. 7, 1774.
Abigail of Bolton and Leonard S. Wheelock, int. Sept. 30, 1837.
Charles F. of Sutton (s. Leonard and Annis, a. 26) and Martha M. Bliss, April 25, 1848.
Lucy of Bolton and Leonard S. Wheelock, int. Nov. 1, 1845.
Charles and Eunice Harrington of Shrewsbury, July 4, 1829.
Easther [Esther in int.] and Aaron Harrington, Jan. 7, 1794. At Westboro.
Eunice of Franklin and Timothy Garfield, int. April 6, 1789.
Olive and Simeon Keith, April 8, 1789.
William [Willard ?] and Betsey R. Walker, both of Hopkinton, July 13, 1836.
Phebe of Sutton and Joshua Willard, June 13, 1776. In Sutton.
James and Mary Foster, Dec. 8, 1811. C.R.
Levi B. and Hitty Winsell of Framingham, int. Aug. 14, 1841.
Rufus B. and Mary Ann Eames, April 22, 1841.
Sarah H. of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and Joseph A. Warren, int. Jan. 17, 1837.
Lemuel and Thankfull Leland, June 14, 1742.
Lydia of Littleton and James Whipple Jr., Nov. 29, 1750.
Lydia of Uxbridge and Jonah Stow, Nov. 7, 1768. C.R.
Prudence of Uxbridge and Gasshom Ward, Sept. 1, 1768. In Uxbridge.
Abigail K. and Alexander L. Billings of Sutton, Jan. 20, 1839.
Adaline of Millbury and William Holbrook, Nov. 22, 1832.
Benjamin and Abigal Axtil, Dec. 21, 1736.
Chandler M. and Mary A. Carroll of Thompson, Conn., int. April 18, 1829.
Chandler M. and Julia A. Lazell of Spencer, May 11 [1840?]. In Spencer.
Chandler M. and Olivia Fisher of West Medway, int. Sept. 8, 1842.
Charles L. and Nancy Stratton of Princeton, int Nov. 20, 1824.
Eleazer Jr. of Westboro and Mary Druce, Sept. 26, 1776. At Westboro.
Ezra K. and Abigail Brigham, May 12, 1830.
Harriet and David Fay, May 20, 1832.
Harvey [Hervey in int.] J. and Lucy E. [Lucy Emily in int.] Goulding, May 4, 1834.
John [John Cody in int.] and Anna Wheeler, June 27, 1786.
Leander S. and Martha H. Stone, May 19, 1835.
Lorinda [Lurinda in int.] and Amos Whitney of Northboro, Aug. 14, 1842.
Lucy and James H. Miller, May 14, 1786.
Lydia and William Perram, Oct. 2, 1747.
Lymander and Mrs. Maria P. Dennis of Sutton, int. July 7, 1849.
[Prat in int.], Mary and Thomas Winchester of Westborough, Nov. 24, 1748. At Westboro.
[Mrs. in int.] Mary E. and Jonas Greenwood, April 12, 1835.
[Prat in int.], Phineas [Phinehas in int.] and Susanna Wood of Mendon, Aug. 24, 1749. In Mendon.
Phinehas and Wid. Susanna Parlmer of Upton, int. Oct. 23, 1762.
Sarah and Joshua O. Lewis of Pawtucket, R.I., Nov. 9, 1836.
Mrs. Sarah and Stephen Eager, July 19, 1764. At Westboro.
Sarah R. and Sylvester J. [I. in int.] Watson, April 26, 1835.
Silas of Hardwick and Elizabeth Chamberlain, April 16, 1747. C.R.
Sophia and Solomon Lathe, int. May 24, 1805.
Sophia F. and James Carlton of Sutton, March 6, 1817.
Rev. Stillman of Malden and Hannah Brigham, int. Aug. 2, 1849.
Susanna and Eliphlit Smith, Oct. 24, 1797.
Susanna and Solomon Carrol, Feb. 9, 1819. C.R.
Unice and William Allin, Nov. 10, 1742.
Abigail and Daniel Lamson [or Sampson ?], March 28, 1815. C.R.
Abigail S. and John B. White, Jan. 22, 1839.
Ann Maria (d. Solomon L. and Polley, a. 18) and Horace Mecorney of East Douglas, April 5, 1848.
Betsey and Perley [Parley in int.] Crowl Sept. 12, 1830.
Calvin and Ann E. Aldrich of Northbridge, Oct. 1, 1834.
Charles and Mrs. Elisabeth Case, May 9, 1824. C.R.
Charles 2d and Betsey Leland, Nov. 22, 1836.
Daniel and Abigail Stanley [Standley in int.] of Medford, July 18, 1779.
Daniel and Lethia [Lettisa in dup.] Ryder, Sept. 25, 1803. C.R.
Daniel G. and Mary Carter of Millbury, int. March 21, 1844.
Emily (d. Robert and Mary A, a. 24) and Sanford J. Hall of Worcester, May 6, 1845.
Hadassah Esther and Benja White, March 5, 1781.
Hannah and Moses Harrington Jr., May 7, 1782.
Harriet S. (d. Rufus and Mary, a. 19) and Samuel C. Whitney, Nov. 25, 1847.
Henry and Sarah Rice, May 10, 1764. C.R.
Henry and Anna Harrington, int. March 3, 1779.
Henry of Worcester and Tabitha L. Southwick, April 24, 1832.
Henry G. and Sarrah J. Drury, Aug. 20, 1839.
Ira (s. Daniel, a. 26) and Zilpha Prouty, May 2, 1844.
John and Sarah Brooks, Dec. 8, 1763.
Joseph and Precillia Meriam, int. June 26, 1796.
Julia E. (d. Samuel and Sally S., a. 26) and John H. Stiles, Nov. 30, 1848.
Lydia of Hopkinton and Jeremiah Batcheller, May 15, 1787. In Hopkinton.
Mahalah S. and George W. Drury of Boston, Oct. 21, 1827.
Mary A. (d. Rufus and Polly, a. 23) and R.I.. Witherby, March 19, 1849.
Nathaniel S. and Martha Howard of Easton, Oct. 13, 1757. In Easton.
Robert and Mary Ann Brigham, Nov. 18, 1818.
Rufus and Abigail Marsh, Jan. 5, 1815. C.R.
Rufus and Mary Wheelock of Worcester, int. Feb. 8, 1823.
Rufus and Sarah Aldrich, Jan. 1, 1833.
Sally and Moses H. Adams, May 6, 1821. C.R.
Samuel and Sally Searl Baldwin of Townsend, int. Feb. 22, 1806.
Sarah and Jonathan Warrin [Warren in int.], May 1, 1788.
Sarah and William Kitchen, int. Nov. 16, 1833.
Sarah L. and Benjamin Robinson, April 13, 1837.
Solomon and Tabathy Leland, Feb. 23, 1800. C.R.
Solomon and Mrs. Mittey Newton of Southborough, int. Nov. 24, 1847.
Solomon L. and Polly Whitney, Jan. 1, 1829.
Susan of Chester, Vt., and Daniel Wheelock, int. Aug. 15, 1826.
Tartious and Polly Sherman, Dec. 16, 1800. C.R.
William and Harriet [Hariet in int.] L. Sibley, Sept. 25, 1832.
William and Eliza A. Chase of Keene, N.H., Jan. 7, 1841. In Keene.
Charles of Killingly, Ct., and Eliza Brown, April 18, 1824. C.R.
Otis and Lois Wadsworth of Barre, int. Feb. 20, 1830.
Abigail and Andrew Abraham Jr., Feb. 29, 1739. Indians.
Ruth [D. in int.] and John Gould Jr. of Sutton, April 21, 1794. In Sutton.
Amanda of Northbridge (d. James and Lavinia, a. 21) and George A. Wood of Millbury, Sept. 6, 1848.
Zilpha (a. 23) and Ira Prentice, May 2, 1844.
William and Lydea Peirce of Sutton, int. Dec. 28, 1810.
Freeman of Sudbury and Mary Ann Gerry, Sept. 21, 1835.
Benjamin and Elisabeth Rice, May 30, 1759.
PURCE (see Pearce, Peirce, Pierce, Pirce)
Betsey of Smithfield, R.I., and Martin Jacobs, int. July 16, 1825.
Abigail [Nabby Putnum in int.] and Samuel Herrington [Harrington in int.], Aug. 8, 1795.
Abigail M. and John M. Wood of Springfield, May 28, 1840.
Adaline and John Claflin, June 27, 1839. C.R.
Charles and Catherine F. Ingraham of Smithfield, R.I., int. April 26, 1839.
Elbridge G. and Eunice Knowlton, April 26, 1831.
Elisabeth and Solomon Willard [Willard in int.] Harrington of Conway, April 8, 1790.
Eliza and William B. [or P.] Harrington, Oct. 4, 1825. C.R.
Elizabeth and James A. Goodale, Nov. 24, 1842.
Emory and Martha [E. in int.] Miller, Sept. 28, 1841. In Westborough.
Emory and Jane M. Miller of Upton, Oct. 25, 1843. In Westboro.
Eunice and Samuel Lovel, int. July 23, 1743.
Fanny of Sutton and James P. Leland, int. Feb. 17, 1827.
Francis D. (s. Royal and Mary, a. 19) and Nancy Buxton, Nov. 28, 1849.
Frederick W. (s. Jasper W. and Mary, a. 20) and Caroline Elizabeth Crooker of Poland, Me., Feb. 6, 1849.
George W. [Jeorge in int.] (s. Zadoc and Abigail) and Priscilla Wheeler, May 5 [15 in C.R.], 1803.
Hannah and Ebenezer Leland Jr., Sept. 5, 1802. C.R.
Mrs. Harriet N. and Sumner Densmore, April 8, 1845. C.R.
James and Elisabeth Willard, Dec. 28, 1780.
James and Phebe P. Sloan, Nov. 9, 1836.
James G. of New Orleans and Elizabeth T. Cleaveland [Cleveland in int.], June 27, 1837.
John and Anna Rawson Wheeler, Aug. 19, 1798.
John Jr. and Sarah W. Nelson of Shrewsbury, int. April 18, 1829.
John K. [H. in int. and Upton V.R.] of Upton and Nancy M. Fay, May 7, 1826. C.R.
Lewis and Puah Mellen of Holliston, int. March 6, 1830.
Mariah and James J. Harding, int. April 26, 1839.
Mary Ann and Nelson Ferry, June 16, 1836.
Mary E. and Albert A. Paine [Payne in int.], April 9, 1835.
Mary W. and John P. Howe, Oct. 12, 1830.
Nancy A. and Levi Smith of Worcester, June 24, 1819. C.R.
Rufus and Releaf H. Dispeau, Aug. 22, 1813. C.R.
Rufus and Mrs. Phebe Lamb of Rutland, int. Sept. 21, 1822.
Russel and Adeline Buss of West Boylston, int. Feb. 25, 1824.
Ruth and Solomon Allen, both of Grafton Gore, April 27, 1788. In Sutton.
Samuel W. and Aurilla Thayer, Nov. 4, 1830.
Sarah of Sutton and Timothy Meriam, June 21, 1775.
Simeon of Charlton and Patty Batcheller, Feb. 2, 1794.
Vashti and Ezra Wheelock of Grafton Gore, Jan. 8, 1787.
Zadock E. and Harriet N. Munroe, April 16, 1835.
Mahala and Charles Johnson, Jan. 13, 1838.
Catharine and Tully McKenney of Westborough, int. Sept. 24, 1849. Certificate never called for.
Abigail and Nathan Carpenter of Dudley, July 10, 1732. C.R.
Anna of Shrewsbury and Jonathan Wheeler, April 2, 1763. In Shrewsbury.
Daniel and Abigail Rockwood, June 21, 1781.
Solomon and Sarah Adams, June 2, 1774. In Shrewsbury.
Wareham D. and Mary A. R. Snow, Feb. 13, 1837.
Willard of Weston and Caroline E. Stearns, int. Nov. 8, 1845.
Abner and Martha Johnson of Shrewsbury, int. March 18, 1820.
Anna Batchellor and Thomas Leland of Sutton, Aug. 21, 1778.
Artimas of Upton and Mrs. Dorcas Batcheller, int. July 8, 1779.
Caleb Jr. of Northbridge and Ann Maria Jones, int. Oct. 7, 1840.
Derring J. of Cumberland, R.I., and Thankful T. Sherman, int. Feb. 22, 1823.
Edward of Worcester and Sally Newton, April 2, 1803. C.R.
Elisha C. [O. in int.] and Emeline [Emeline in int.] A., Nov. 16, 1834.
Hannah of Mendon and Ezra Leland, int. March 30, 1834.
Israel A. (s. William and Phila, a. 24) and Roxana S. Bathrick, both of Upton, Feb. 10, 1846.
Levi of Mendon and Mrs. Thankfull Warrin, Oct. 26, 1775.
Dr. Levi and Alice Temple of Shrewsbury, int. March 18, 1826.
Dr. Levi and Almira Baker of Upton, int. Jan. 14, 1832.
Louisa A. and Dr. George A. Field, int. May 13, 1848.
Luther H. and Rouena Smith, Oct. 5, 1836.
Mary and Timothy Thwing of Conway, Nov. 26, 1771. C.R.
Mary [or Marcy] and Jonathan Wheeler, Feb. 12, 1778.
Mary and David W. Leland, Jan 24, 1779.
Patty and Phinehas Leland, Sept. 20, 1812. C.R.
Priscilla, residing in Northbridge [of Uxbridge in int.], and Asa Lathe, Sept. 6. 1786. In Northbridge.
Prudence and Samuel Willard, int. Feb. 20, 1785.
Turner and Patty King of Sutton, int. Dec. 7, 1803.
Wilson L. of Northbridge and Marcia F. Barrett, int. April 24, 1847.
James and Prudence E. Kellogg [Kelley in int.], Dec. 18, 1833.
Sophia of Winchendon and James H. Cheeney, int. March 25, 1837.
READ (see Reed)
Betsy H. and Gilead Rider, July 1, 1807. C.R.
Clarissa of Leicester and Luther Peirce, int. Jan. 18, 1803.
Sally and John Batcheller, Nov. 23, 1808. C.R.
Thaddeus Jr. and Patty Leland, Nov. 28, 1816. C.R.
Thaddeus and Nabby Sibley, March 10, 1831.
READING (see Redding)
John of Taunton and Abigail McCrillis, June 14, 1840.
Maurice and Mrs. Hannah French, Feb. 11, 1838.
REDDING (see Reading)
Elizabeth and Roswell B. Hodge of Croydon, N.H., Nov. 9, 1837.
Isaac H. and Harriet W. [M. in int.] Spring, Sept. 23, 1843.
Mary and Medad Montague of Montague, May 23, 1814. C.R.
Nancy M. (d. Obediah and Elizabeth, a. 20) and Simeon E. Cromb, July 4, 1846.
Samuel F. and Susan Adams, March 12, 1829.
Capt. Zebedee and Mary Grout of Westboro, int. Feb. 5, 1803.
Zebidee Jr. and Sally Harrington, Dec. 15, 1793. In Sutton.
Heman and Mary B. Spear, Jan. 15, 1832.
Lovina and Simeon D. Fay, Sept. 10, 1834.
Lucretia [Lucia Ann in int.] and William Sampson [Jr. in int.], March 10, 1836.
Maranda and Caleb L. Sweet, both of Northbridge, March 31, 1840.
Nancy and Otis F. Sargent of Chester, Vt., Sept. 28, 1837.
Sarah [G. in int.] and Russel [Russell in int.] Hathaway, Nov. 26, 1835.
William and Lucinda Severance, int. Aug. 13, 1836.
REED (see Read)
Eli B. and Olive Luclaire, July 5, 1837.
Mrs. Nabby S. and Col. Stephen Davis of Oxford, Sept. 1, 1841.
Octavia M. of Mexico, Me., and Elisha B. Thomas, int. Dec. 11, 1846.
Thaddeus of Uxbridge and Hannah Taylor, May 24, 1780.
Homer E. (s. Spaulding and Phylinda, a. 21) and Margaret A. Spear, Sept. 3, 1846.
Eliza A. of Providence, R.I., and Halsey H. Maine, int. Oct. 27, 1838.
Mary Ann of Thompson, Conn., and George W. Smith, int. Oct. 29, 1831.
Abel and Betsey Hunt of Northboro, int. May 29, 1813.
Abner of Wayland and Caroline [W. in int.] Latham, Sept. 11, 1843.
Anna and Benjamen [Benjamin in int] Chapin, Jan. 10, 1738-9.
Ashley W. (s. Ephraim Jr. and Betsey, a. 23) and Caroline L. Barrett, April 25, 1848.
Caleb and Mrs. Lucy Leland, May 25, 1775.
Charlotte S. and Silas Walcott [Walcutt in int.] Jr., Aug. 26, 1835.
Daniel of Westborough and Sarah Child, Feb. 27, 1766. C.R.
Daniel of Sutton and Anna Holbrook, Aug. 24, 1784.
Elisabeth and Benjamin Pulcipher, May 30, 1759.
Mrs. Elisabeth and Timothy Darling, July 1, 1756.
Eunice and Elijah Bruce, Jan. 30, 1778.
George G. and Lucretia W. Taft, March 15, 1831.
George H. of Millbury and Mrs. Susan C. Rice, April 7, 1842.
Hannah of Marlborough and Joseph Whitney, int. Oct. 15, 1797.
Israel and Lydia Sherman of Shrewsbury, Nov. 22, 1764. In Shrewsbury.
[Price?] [Rix in C.R.], James of Mendon and Mehitable Palmer, June 5, 1735.
Jedidiah and Mehetable Cuttler, March 19, 1746. C.R.
John and Sarah I. Howe, Jan. 1, 1840. C.R.
John and Susan W. Knowlton of Shrewsbury, int. March 18, 1837.
John of Northbridge and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Harrington, int. March 1, 1843.
John B. and Hannah Pierce, Oct. 26, 1842.
Jonathan of Worcester and Eunice Whipple, Jan. 14, 1761. In Worcester.
Joseph and Hannah Leland [Leland in int], July 16, 1739.
Joseph F. and Susannah C. Warren, April 7, 1835.
Lucy R. of Stoddard, N.H., and Edwin L. Merrick, int. Jan. 14, 1842.
Martha of Westboro and Solomon Child, April 16, 1767. At Westboro.
Mathias and Hannah Maynard of Shrewsbury, int. March 12, 1825.
Oliver of Shrewsbury and Hannah Bartlet, June 30, 1742.
Phinehas [Jr. in int.] and Abigail Livermore of Water Town, Oct. 5, 1758.
Relief and Seth Robbins, May 8, 1808. C.R.
Ruth and Silas Fay of Westborough, Dec. 26, 1796 [1793 in dup.].
Sarah and Joseph Barat, Aug. 16, 1733. At Westboro.
Sarah and Henry Prentice, May 10, 1764. C.R.
Stephen Jr. and Polly [Polley in int.] Packard, May 15, 1796.
Mrs. Susan C. and George H. Rice of Millbury, April 7, 1842.
Truman W. (s. Ephraim and Betsey, a. 22) and Lydia A. Howe, Nov. 31, 1848.
Willard of Sutton and Almy F. Watson, int. Nov. 28, 1832.
Damaris H. and Joseph H. Whitney, March 12, 1829.
Elvira B. (d. Emerson and Nancy, a. 20) and George W. Trim of Holden, Aug. 17, 1845.
Mary H. of New Braintree and Benjamin Goddard, int. April 3, 1834.
Lois Maria [Maria L. in int] (d. James and Sally J., a. 18) and Phineas H. Dalrymple of Northboro, June 4, 1845.
Samuel of Watertown and Phebe Willard, March 9, 1780.
Rev. William Coolidge and Eliza G. Willard of Keene, N.H., int. June 19, 1841.
Abner and Sibyl Knapp of Sutton, int. March 15, 1828.
Adeline of Shrewsbury and Rufus Stow, int. Nov. 2, 1822.
Edwin of Worcester and Sarah A. G. Craig, July 6, 1843. At Worcester.
Mrs. Hannah and Pardon Aldrich, May 4, 1843.
John and Abigail Haven [of Hopkinton in int.], July 23, 1789. In Hopkinton.
Lucy of Sutton and Jonathan S. Warren, int. March 17, 1827.
Mary of Medway and Philemon Stacey, int. Oct. 23, 1762.
Peter and Phebe Bailey of Berlin, Jan. 27, 1790. At Berlin.
RIDER (see Ryder)
Andrew and Eliza Perry, int. Feb. 8, 1841.
Gilead and Betsy H. Read, July 1, 1807. C.R.
Patty and Rufus Newton, Dec. 31, 1805. C.R.
Polly and Joshua W. Leland, March 19, 1807. C.R.
Abigail of Uxbridge and Joseph E. McCrillis, int. March 10, 1832.
Andrew and Rosalia Wood, int. Dec. 16, 1848.
Anna and Benjamin Roberts, int. Nov. 30, 1780. Forbidden by Anna Rixford.
James and Ann Felan, int. Nov. 11, 1849.
ROBBERTS (see Roberts)
Benjamin and Ruth Druce, March 26, 1786.
John and Elizabeth Fay, June 5, 1746.
Richard and Hannah Willard, Feb. 22, 1744. C.R.
[Robbins in int.], Mary A. (d. Moses and Lavina, a. 19) and Ezekiel Sheldon, Dec. 21, 1848.
ROBBINS (see Robins)
Abigail of Littleton and Moses Laland, Dec. 11, 1738. C.R.
Clarissa M. and Thomas S. Cady, Aug. 2, 1838.
[Robins in int.], Daniel of Westborough and Martha Miller, Nov. 25, 1779.
Daniel of Marlborough and Candice Miller, Nov. 28, 1795.
James and Deborah Butterfield of Westford, Dec. 9, 1740. In Westford.
Mary of Westborough and Asa Fay, April 13, 1780. In Shrewsbury. [Int. April 19, 1780.]
[Robins in int.], Nathaniel Jr. and Lydia [Lydea in int.] Holbrook, May 26, 1791.
Patty M. and William Sibley, April 18, 1827.
Seth [Seth M. in int.] and Relief Rice, May 8, 1808. C.R.
Thankfull and Ambrose Chase of Sutton, July 25, 1734.
[Robinson in int.], William E. (s. Moses and Levina, a. 21) and Lucy A. Clapp, Aug. 2, 1849.
Wilson [Willson in int.] B. of Woonsocket, R.I., and Caroline C. Hall, April 31, 1842.
ROBERTS (see Robberts)
Amasa and Mrs. Judith Chase of Millbury, int. Aug. 30, 1829.
Benjamin and Anna Rixford, int. Nov. 30, 1780. Forbidden by Anna Rixford.
Betsy [Mrs. Betsey Robarts in int.]. and Lymon Stanford, Dec. 27, 1792.
Clarissa L. (d. Moses and Susanah, 21) and Martin S. Brown of Uxbridge, March 24, 1847.
Emeline and Sumner Packard, April 6, 1836.
Hannah S. and Gregory S. Leland, Feb. 24, 1833.
John and Tabitha Leland, July 6, 1780.
Julia Ann [Julian in int.] and Robert G. Taft, March 23, 1826.
Lucy and Increase Stearns of Holden, April 18, 1784.
Lucy P. and Charles Smith, Nov. 28, 1813. C.R.
Margaret L. and Royal Leland, Oct. 17, 1824.
Moses and Susannah Ellis, Nov. 29, 1807. C.R.
Richard and Hannah Willard, Feb. 22, 1744.
Sarah and Elisha Brigham, Dec. 30, 1756.
Susan E. and Millotte Baker of Northbridge, Feb. 17, 1830.
Tabatha and Isaac Southwick, int. Oct. 16, 1808.
Elizabeth of Charlestown and Seward M. Brown, int. Sept. 18, 1846.
ROBINS[see Robbins] -
Abigal of Littleton and Moses Leland, Dec. 11, 1738.
Daniel S. and Mary Clemmons of Southbridge, int. April 11, 1818.
Lydia and Joshua How, July 21, 1736.
Benjamin and Sarah L. Prentice, April 13, 1837.
Elezabeth and Emory Harrington, int. March 20, 1830.
Jeremiah and Harriot Thompson, Sept. 22, 1836.
Jonathan and Sarah Taylor, Jan. 29, 1778.
Nancy P. of Northbridge and Solomon E. Goulding, int. May 1, 1843.
Sophronia S. and Thomas L. Jacobs, int. March 7, 1848.
Abigail and Daniel Rand, June 21, 1781.
Azubah and William Taylor Stow of Buckland, int. March 9, 1785.
Azubath [Azubah in int.] and Daniel Grout, Feb. 1, 1789. At Westboro.
Emily and George W. Jones, Jan. 1, 1834.
Lydia and Samuel Flagg, Dec. 28, 1769. C.R.
Moses and Huldah Brigham, April 12, 1792.
Moses Jr. and Nancy Livermore of Leicester, int. Dec. 30, 1823.
Nancy and Stephen Adams, Feb. 22, 1837.
Rhoda and Robert Taft [Jr. in int.] of Upton, Jan. 8, 1784.
Sally and Clark Adams of Northbridge, Oct. 19, 1831.
Jane and Chandler Cooper, Jan. 20, 1842. In Upton.
Jonathan of Southborough and Abigail Flagg, int. Dec. 29, 1750.
Seth (s. Ephraim A. and Lydia, a. 23) and Susan Ryant, May 18, 1848.
Stephen and Susanna Stewart of Upton, March 20, 1743-4. C.R.
William and Mary Russell, int. May 22. 1839. Certificate not granted.
Marvin and Mary Gates, Oct. 12, 1832.
Asa and Clarisa Wilson, July 1, 1841.
Mary B, and Horatio Davis, March 29, 1831.
Bethisda of Worcester and Daniel Stow, July 2, 1816. C.R.
George H. (s. Ebenezer, a. 23) and Mary A. Brown of Shrewsbury, June 20, 1848.
Malissant [Mellissant in int.] H. and Antonie Phillips, Nov. 20, 1833.
Nancy (d. Jacob and Mary, a. 47) and James Inman, March 20, 1847.
Hepsibah P. of Westborough and Lyman L. Mason, int. Feb. 22, 1825.
Milton and Sarah Fisk of Upton, int. Jan. 8, 1826.
Mary and William Romans, int. May 22, 1839. Certificate not granted.
Love of Brattleborough, Vt., and Benjamin Ball, int. April 7, 1832.
Susan (d. Thomas and Elizabeth, a. 25) and Seth Rollins, May 18, 1848.
RYDER (see Rider)
Lethia [Lettisa in dup.] and Daniel Prentice, Sept. 25, 1803. C.R.
Azubah and Benjamin Perham [3d in int.] of Upton, Oct. 4, 1781.
Caleb and Naomy Goldthwait of Northbridge, Nov. 11, 1790. In Northbridge.
Catherine F. and George A. Brown of Upton, Dec. 25, 1844.
Levi and Jerusha Chapin of Leyden, int. Feb. 6, 1803.
Lucy and William Walker, June 8, 1778.
Sarah and Jacob Heminway of Bridport in the District of Vermont, Jan. 29, 1789.
Stephen and Polley Hill of Sturbridge, int. Jan. 29, 1797.
Stephen and Hannah Phillips of Milford, int. Dec. 1, 1801.
Susan W. of Upton and John Waterman, int. Sept. 20, 1834.
David and Mary Bartlett, May 1, 1740.
Mary and Richard Bartlet of Sutton, Nov. 18, 1744.
Margaret and Lewis Hall of Sutton, int. Jan. 23, 1847.
SAMPSON (see Samson)
Daniel [Lamson ?] and Abigail Prentice, int. March 11, 1815.
Lot P. and Sarah W. Moore, March 10, 1834.
Louisa M. [Ann Louisa in int.] and Samuel G. Goddard, Oct. 20, 1842.
William [Jr. in int.] and Lucretia [Lucia Ann in int.] Redfield, March 10, 1836.
SAMSON (see Sampson)[look also at Lamson names] -
Alatheah [Allatheah in int.] and Isaac Johns, Nov. 14, 1787.
Margaret [Margret in int.] and Daniel Chase of Sutton, Feb. 17, 1742.
----, and Elisabeth Abram, May 30, 1756. Indians.
Lucy of New Braintree and Joel F. Wood, int. March 26, 1831.
Mary and Thomas Axtill, Oct. 6, 1760.
Joseph of Worcester and Cadelia Plant, int. Nov. 6, 1847.
Assenath T. of Shrewsbury and Edwin A. Chapin, int. Sept. 8, 1848.
John M. and Martha M. Flagg of Boylston, int. April 6, 1849.
Otis F. of Chester, Vt., and Nancy Redfield, Sept. 28, 1837.
Persis N. and Marshall Oliver, Oct. 13, 1832.
Asa of Upton and Mary Winter of Northbridge, Dec. 15, 1811. In Northbridge.
Emely B. [Emily, in C.R.] (d. Esek and Minerva, a. 23) and William H. Jourdan of Worcester, Oct. 11, 1849.
Patience H. and James F. Whitin of Northbridge, int. July 2, 1842.
Rosannah and Warren S. Gay, int. Jan. 16, 1839.
Nancy of Auburn and Smith Baker, int. Sept. 15, 1838.
Mariah [Maria in int.] H. and Madison M. Aldrich, April 26, 1836.
Albert (s. Elijah and Fanny, a. 23) and Clarissa J. Pinkham, both of Worcester, Sept. 22, 1846.
Eliza J. (d. William and Sarah, a. 20) and Lucius F. Harlow, April 16, 1848.
Francis and Clarisa Whitney of Millbury, int. June 30, 1849.
Ivers and Maria T. Simons of Sutton, int. May 4, 1842.
Peter and Jane May, Oct. 6, 1835.
Mrs. Sally [Sarah in int.] and Joseph Pinkham, March 1, 1842.
Sarah A. (d. William and Sarah, a. 18) and John G. Dimond, Nov. 30, 1848.
[Searle in int.], Uriah and Tabithe [Tabitha in int.] F. Hall, Oct. 1, 1834.
Rev. Moses C. and Mary Ann Smith of Salem, int. April 14, 1827.
SCEARLES (see forms below, also Seirls)
Sibyl [Sybill Searles in int.] and Charles Muzzy, Sept. 10, 1822.
Henry A. of Townsend and Mary A. Chamberlin, int. Dec. 7, 1849.
Asa of Oakham and Hannah Wadsworth, Oct. 29, 1801. C.R.
Betsey H. and Joseph Kimball, May 11, 1820.
Philip C. of Cumberland, R.I., and Catharine H. Holbrook, April 4, 1841.
SEARLE (see Searle)
Elizabeth (d. John and Mary, a. 22) and Rufus F. Stowe, April 27, 1847.
[Searls in int.], Abigail [G. in int.] and Samuel Walker, Dec. 10, 1828.
Andrew and Elizabeth Kimball, Sept. 1, 1828.
Grace [Grace P. Scearls in int.] and Aaron Stow, Nov, 25, 1841.
SEARLS (see forms above)
Susan and Ithmar F. Stow, int. Feb. 7, 1824.
Olive P. of Northborough and Jonathan Bartlett, int. Sept. 20, 1837.
Rebecah and Spencer Manard, int. Aug. 13, 1802.
Keith W. and Vienna Chase of Douglass, int. May 17, 1837.
SEIRLS (see Searles)
Elenor and Aaron Stow, July 2, 1820. C.R.
E. Hubbard of Boston and Mrs. Maria H. Street, May 16, 1843.
Lucinda and William Redfield, int. Aug. 13, 1836.
SHARMAN (see Shearman, Sherman)
Anna of Westborough and Asa Larnard, int. March 2, 1806.
[Sherman in int.], Betsey and Thomas Marshal [Marshal in int.] Baker, May 1, 1798.
John and Eunice [Unice in int.] How of Malbrough, Dec. 12, 1739.
Lydia and Luke Drury, July 26, 1759.
Martha and Jacob Stephens, Feb. 6, 1752.
Moses and Comfort Warren of Upton, int. April 25, 1802.
Moses Jr. and Comfort Warren of Upton, int. Feb. 21, 1801. Forbidden by Moses Sharman Jr.
Polly and Edward Baker of Upton, int. Aug. 19, 1803.
Sally [Salley in int.] and Ambroas Chase of Sutton, March 13, 1798. At Westboro.
Sally [Nancy ?] and Samuel Basset of Sutton, int. Sept. 21, 1806.
Sarah of Shrewsbury and Thomas Grover, Dec. 20, 1759.
[Shearman in int.], Thankfull and Jonathan Chase of Sutton, Nov. 28, 1759.
John and Jean Calhoun of Shrewsbury, June 5, 1735. In Shrewsbury.
Anna and Jonathan Marble, Oct. 4, 1753.
SHEARMAN (see Sharman, Sherman)
[Sherman in int.], Hannah and Whitney Alexander, Dec. 5, 1830.
Persis and John Johnson of Southborough, May 23, 1771. C.R.
Prudence and Joseph Perry Jr., Dec. 20, 1770. C.R.
Timothy and Sarah Batchellor, June 2, 1772. C.R.
Ezekiel (s. Ezekiel and Abigail, a. 22) and Mary A. Robbin, Dec. 21, 1848.
[Shepherd in int.], Nancy and Allison [Ellison in int.] Gore, Oct. 3, 1832.
Laurinda and George W. Hastings of Millbury, int. March 31, 1841.
Simeon of Alstead [in Hampshire Colony in int.] and Mrs. Rachel Brooks, Feb. 1, 1776.
Eliza S. and Edward W. Bridgeway, both of Millbury, Oct. 31, 1833.
SHERMAN (see Sharman, Shearman)
Aaron and Sarah Kimball, April 6, 1774. In Shrewsbury.
Anna and Josiah Holbrook of Sutton, Jan. 18, 1787.
Asaph and Lucy Whitney of Shrewsbury, int. June 26, 1762.
Betsey and Russell Wheelock, May 31, 1825. C.R.
David Jr. and Prussia Warren Leland, Aug. 19, 1804. C.R.
Elizabeth of Marlborough and Thomas Axtell, May 13, 1736. At Sudbury.
Elizabeth and Eleazer Leland of Croydon, June 30, 1777.
Ephraim and Thankfull Temple of Marlborough, May 16, 1733. At Westboro.
Ephraim [Ephriam in int.] Jr. and Wid. Mary Winchester, May 12, 1760.
Ephraim Jr. and Remember Cook of Smithfield, int. May 9, 1789.
Eunice and Moses Cutler, April 4, 1764. C.R.
Eunice and John Cheney of Holden, March 8, 1815. C.R.
Hannah and John Wheeler, Oct. 11, 1803. C.R.
Harriet of Westborough and Martin Wheeler, int. Sept. 4, 1831.
James and Jemima Thayer of Mendon, int Nov. 5, 1819.
John Jr. and Mary Batchellor, Sept. 13, 1768. C.R.
Lydia of Shrewsbury and Israel Rice, Nov. 22, 1764. In Shrewsbury.
Lydia and Thomas Leland, Oct. 11 [Nov. 2 in int.], 1780.
Martha and Hugh McNamara of Northbridge, July 1, 1784.
[Sharman in int.], Mary and John Cooper of Hardwick, March 15, 1748-9.
Mary and Gershom Chapin of Uxbridge, Nov. 5, 1778.
Mary and Josiah Holbrook, Feb. 26, 1784.
Mary A. [Ann in int.] and [Rev. in int.] Daniel Jones, May 1, 1842.
Millicent and Ezekiel Brigham, Oct. 30, 1765. C.R.
Moses and Molly Hill, int. July 26, 1776.
Moses and Mrs. Betsey Freeman of Mendon, int. Dec. 13, 1807.
Moses and Penelope Steere of Glocester, R.I., int. Oct. 9, 1824.
Moses 2d and Louisa Leroy of Mendon, int. April 14, 1832.
Nabby and Gardner How, both of Shrewsbury, Oct. 29, 1789.
Nancy and Benjamin Basset of Northbridge, int. Dec. 20, 1807.
Nancy and Thomas Harbach of Sutton, June 2, 1811. C.R.
Nathan and Polly Sterns, both of Shrewsbury, Aug. 15, 1790.
[Shearman in int.], Nathaniel Jr. and Abigail Lyon, April 9, 1760.
Polly and Tartious Prentice, Dec. 16, 1800. C.R.
Prusha [Prushia in int.] Ann and George W. Hastings, Aug. 25, 1836.
Salley and Clark Brown, March 30, 1797.
Sally and Benjamin Basset of Northbridge, Jan. 3, 1808. C.R.
Samuel and Deborah Sibley of Sutton, int. May 7, 1817.
Sarah and Eliakim Garfield, Feb. 6, 1769. C.R.
Sarah and William Town of Royalston, Oct. 13, 1777.
Susan of Lowell and Samuel S. Coburn, int. Oct. 31, 1839.
Susannah and Joseph Goddard, May 19, 1796. In Shrewsbury.
Susy and Joseph Goddard, int. March 29, 1795.
Tarrant S. and Sarah Bassett of Holden, int. Oct. 27, 1841.
Thankful and Joshua Leland, Aug. 15, 1786.
Thankful T. and Derring J. Rawson of Cumberland, R.I., int. Feb. 22, 1823.
Janett of Franklin and Gilbert A. Ware, int. Feb. 22, 1837.
Sarah G. of Worcester and Edward Grinnell, int. Feb. 2, 1833.
John and Betsey S. Baker, int. Dec. 11, 1818.
Eliza B. of Upton and Moses C. Hayden, int. Nov. 3, 1838.
[Shurtleff in int.], William of Upton and Candace A. Hall, April 10, 1839. C.R.
SIBBLY (see Sibley)
Gerusha of Sutton and Jasper Adams, int. Nov. 30, 1805.
Jonathan and Nancy Adams, Jan. 22, 1807. C.R.
SIBLEY (see Sibbly)
Anna E. and Charles A. Pierce, Oct. 10, 1839. C.R.
Barnabas [Barnabus Silbly in int.] and Rebeckah Keith, Jan. 7, 1796.
Barnabas [Barnabus in int.] and Phebe Earls of Boylston, Aug. 3, 1798.
[Mrs. in int.] Catherine and Hyram [Hiram in int.] Sibley, Jan. 2, 1839.
Deborah of Sutton and Samuel Sherman, int. May 7, 1817.
George N. and Lucy F. Chamberlin of Westborough, int. Oct. 20, 1838.
Harriet [Hariet in int.] L. and William Prentice, Sept. 25, 1832.
Hyram [Hiram in int.] and [Mrs. in int.] Catherine Sibley, Jan. 2, 1839.
Jonathan B. and Caroline E. Meriam, int. May 13, 1843.
Mariah [Maria in int.] and John C. Woodbury of Sutton, April 2, 1835.
Mary of Sutton and Charles Cumming, int. Sept. 17, 1836.
Nabby and Thaddeus Read, March 10, 1831.
[Mrs. in int.] Nancy and Otis Morse of Norwich, Ct, Oct. 20, 1822. C.R.
Nathan [Nathaniel in int.] 2d of Sutton and Mary Brown, March 26, 1815.
Otis L. and Hannah D. Fisher, Oct. 26, 1836.
Polley of Uxbridge and Miner Mott of Lebanon, Ct., Feb. 28, 1843.
Rebeckah W. [H. or K. in dup.] and Humphrey B. Wheeler, Nov. 7, 1813. C.R.
Rufus and Elva Fisk of Upton, int. Dec. 2, 1810.
Susan and Orin Bolster of Oxford, int. Oct. 19, 1833.
William and Abigail Fay, both of Westborough, Feb. 14, 1782.
William and Patty M. Robbins, April 18, 1827.
Wilson L. and Josephene Huse of Millbury, int. Dec. 15, 1849.
Wyman of Millbury and Betsy Elliot, May 21, 1833.
Abba [Abby in int] (a. 24) and Joseph R. Fairbanks of Sterling, Aug. 12, 1844.
Charlotte E. of Sutton and Jephthah P. Newton, int. March 13, 1840.
Eliza (d. Amasa and Ann, a. 24) and Jonas B. Longley, both of Millbury, Sept. 18, 1845.
John and Hannah Howe of Worcester, int. April 11, 1829.
Maria T. of Sutton and Ivers Sawyer, int. May 4, 1842.
Eliza and James Emerson, June 3, 1835.
Emery and Lois Pearce of Holden, int. March 3, 1821.
Emory and Catherin Smith of Milbury, Jan. 1, 1834.
Azubah of Sutton and Benjamin Lathe, int. March 15, 1800.
George W. and Susan Baker of Pawtucket, int. Sept. 28, 1828.
Sally and Joseph Wheelock, both of Worcester, March 9, 1786.
R. M. of Hartland, Vt., and Mrs. C. F. Barton, int. Dec. 8, 1849.
Phebe P. and James Putnam, Nov. 9, 1836.
Abigail and David W. Brown, Oct. 19, 1834. At Hardwick.
SLOCOMB (see Slocum, Slocumb)
Augustus and Sarah M. Dodge of Northbridge, int. Nov. 25, 1836.
Cynthia A. and Joseph Leland, May 28, 1839.
George F. and Lucy A. Hancock, June 20, 1843.
Susan (d. John W. and Sereptia, a. 18) and George W. Collier, Nov. 21, 1849.
William and Sarah Dadmun, int. Aug. 29, 1839.
William F. and Margaret Tinker of Tolland, int. April 3, 1847.
SLOCUMB (see above)
Horatio of Sutton and Roxellana Wheelock, int. Oct. 7, 1820.
Joseph and Jane Broad of Needham, Jan 5, 1747-8. In Needham.
Abba [Abby in int.] M. and Stephen G. Benedict of North Providence, Oct. 24, 1833.
Abigail C. and Jonathan G. Witherby, int. March 10, 1833.
Abner of Oxford and Emaline [Emeline in int.] Lewis, April 6, 1837.
Betesy and Philip Wing of Uxbridge, May 2, 1821. C.R.
Catherin of Milbury and Emory Singletary, Jan. 1, 1834.
Charles and Lucy P. Roberts, Nov. 28, 1813. C.R.
Charles D. and Catherine W. Dunton of Marlborough, int. March 23, 1844.
Charles M. and Roxanna Pierce, int. July 28, 1849.
Charlotte H. and Edwin Morse, int. April 22, 1841.
Edward and Christina Eaton, int. May 25, 1839.
Edwin and Hannah E. Jencks of Millbury, int. April 16, 1846.
Eliphalet and Beriah [Mariah in int.] Leland, June 28, 1781.
Eliphalet [Eliphalit in int.] and Betty Brown, April 24, 1783.
Eliphelet and Rachel McFarland, int. Sept. 13, 1795.
Eliphlit [Eliphlet in int.] and Susanna Pratt, Oct. 24, 1797.
Eliza of Sutton and Luther Taunt, int. Oct. 10, 1829.
Elizabeth and Francis Henry, Aug. 21, 1833. C.R.
Ephraim and Sarah Bigelow of Shrewsbury, June 8, 1767. In Shrewsbury.
Eunice of Westboro and Jonathan Child, April 16, 1767. At Westboro.
Ezekiel of Westboro and Ruth Child, Jan. 6, 1763. C.R.
Florella and Lewis McCrillis, July 3, 1837.
Franklin of New Braintree [Brantree in int.] and Martha Leland, May 29, 1844.
George and Polly Axtell, May 8, 1786.
George and Dinah Duner of Milford, int. Feb. 19, 1792.
George W. and Mary Ann Rhodes of Thompson, Conn., int. Oct. 29, 1831.
Henry and Louisa Stone, Sept. 1, 1824.
Ithamer and Sarah Wheeler, Oct. 7, 1773 [int. Aug. 30, 1779]. At Charlton. [1779 in Charlton V.R.]
James H. and Sylvia W. Wesson of Uxbridge, int. March 11, 1848.
John B. and Elizabeth M. Mardin of Boston, int. July 28, 1838.
John R. of Northampton and Huldah P. Stevens [Stephens in int.], May 5, 1841.
Levi of Worcester and Nancy A. Putnam, June 24, 1819. C.R.
Louisa and John Morey, Nov. 5, 1838.
Lucinda and John S. Dispeau, Dec. 26, 1819. C.R.
Lucius M. and Charlotte T. Mansfield of Camden, Me., int. Oct. 4, 1845.
Lydia and Elbridge G. Thatcher [Thacher in int.] of Douglass, Sept. 17, 1838.
L. Maria and Justus Eddy of Millbury, June 8, 1842.
Maria N. (d. Nathaniel and Nancy, a. 21) and Silas A. Pierce, Oct. 18, 1849.
Martin of Shrewsbury and Polley Harrington, June 29, 1794.
Mary Ann of Salem and Rev. Moses C. Searle, int. April 14, 1827.
Mary R. and George Cummins [George T.] of Smithfield, R.I. Jan. 26, 1836.
Nancy of Northbridge and Charles Jackson, int. April 10, 1846.
Nancy Maria (d. Henry and Louisa, a. 15) and Jonathan E. Nichols, May 14, 1846.
Nathaniel and Nancy Forbush, Feb. 3, 1824. C.R.
Philura A. and Benjamin B. Paige [Page in int.], May 31, 1840.
Priscilla Hayward and Oliver Ormsbee, Oct. 22, 1800. C.R.
Rouena and Luther Rawson, Oct. 5, 1836.
Samuel, a transient pason, and Hannah Marble, Nov. 15, 1770. C.R.
Samuel D. and Rinda A. Wheelock, May 26, 1830.
Sanford I. [J. in int.] of Worcester and Mary Ann Johnson, Nov. 19, 1840.
Sarah and William Gibson, March 30, 1831.
Sarah W. of Newton and Silas Stone, int. July 9, 1841.
Sophia and George Gerry, Feb. 1, 1837.
Susanna and Oliver Buttrick, Aug. 13, 1772. C.R.
Susanna and Isaac Willard Wood, int. Sept. 12, 1802.
Warren of Fitchburg and Eunice Wheeler, Oct. 31, 1833.
John R. and Julia S. Batchellor, March 13, 1827.
Joseph and Louisa Jusham, int. Oct. 13, 1848.
Leonard [formerly of Leominster, now of Grafton in int.] and Sally Leland of Sutton, Feb. 6, 1826.
Leonard (s. Moses, a. 49, widr.) and Ermina Baker, May 19, 1844.
Leonard P. and Elizabeth D. Blake, int. March 12, 1847.
Mary A. R. and Wareham D. Rand, Feb. 13, 1837.
Sybil of Paxton and Henry W. Harrington, int. Nov. 1, 1834.
Victory and Austin Benway, int. Aug. 3, 1849.
Nancy and William Mayor, int. Sept 13, 1845.
Diana of Worcester and John Francis, int. June 25, 1826. Colored.
Jonas of Leicester and Mary Whitney, int. June 8, 1782.
Judson and Rhoda Forbush, May 30, 1819.
J. F. of Jamestown, N.Y. (s. Judson and Rhoda F., a. 21), and Jane E. Barnes, March 29, 1848.
Isaac and Tabatha Roberts, int. Oct. 16, 1808.
Isaac H. of Madison, India (Indianna in int.], and Clarissa Ann Keith., Aug. 8, 1837.
Tabitha L. and Henry Prentice of Worcester, April 24, 1832.
William and Charlotte M. Fisher, Nov. 4, 1841.
Eliza and John H. Lang, Feb. 12, 1837.
John and Silinda W. Cole, Dec. 15, 1831.
George and Clarissa Weeden, March 7, 1838.
Margaret A. (d. Joshua and Sibyl, a. 24) and Homer E. Reeves, Sept. 3, 1846.
Mary (d. Joshua, a. 26) and John L. Stow, May 17, 1844.
Mary B. and Heman Redfield, Jan. 15, 1832.
Sarah H. (d. Joshua and Sibyl, a. 20) and Samuel Williams, May 20, 1847.
[Mrs. in int.] Jernsha of Hartford (a. 45) and Joseph Pinkham, July 3, 1849.
Phineas (S. John and Susan, a. 22) and Persis A. Drury, May 21, 1845.
Zebulon of Boston and Cloe [Chloe in int.] H. Johnson, Oct. 4, 1840.
Caroline and Stephen [Stephen N. in int.] Lougee, Oct. 1, 1834.
Harriet W. and Isaac H. Redding, Sept. 23, 1843.
Jacob and Alvira [Elvira in int] Goodnough of Boylston, July 19, 1837.
Merrill and Louisa Clapp, July 15, 1845.
[Lt. in int.] Philemon and Mary [Mrs. Molly in int.] Fairbanks, June 2, 1778.
Philemon and Mary Richardson of Medway, int. Oct. 23, 1762.
Lymon and Betsy Roberts, Dec. 27, 1792.
[Standley in int.], Abigail of Medford and Daniel Prentice, July 18, 1779.
Elijah and Hannah Leland, March 13, 1777.
Elijah and Pecis Heard of Rutland, int. June 7, 1800.
Elizabeth G. and Salmon D. Hall, May 8, 1843.
Harriet G. and William D. Mascroft, Aug. 19, 1841.
Henry N. and Susan L. Walker, int. May 6, 1833.
Jeremiah and Mary Lord of Phillips, Me., int. Nov. 12, 1848.
William and Irene Garfield, May 11, 1845. C.R.
STARNS (see Stearnes, Stearns, Sterns)
Prudence of Watertown and Francis Harrington, int. Oct. 9, 1736.
Samuel of Worcester Gore and Sarah Grover, int. Nov. 27, 1762.
Samuel and Jemima Hoyt of Shrewsbury, Aug. 19, 1752. In Shrewsbury.
Caroline E. and Willard Rand of Weston, int. Nov. 8, 1845.
Mrs. Eunice [Unice in int.] of Waltham and Nathaniel Adams, Nov. 20, 1738. In Waltham [?].
Increase of Holden and Lucy Roberts, April 18, 1784.
John Jr. of Worcester and Elizabeth Willard, May 28, 1767. C.R.
Sarah and Benjamin Lathe, Dec. 6, 1770. C.R.
Stephen of Shrewsbury and Mrs. Mary Holmes, int. June 6, 1839.
Mary A. and Rev. John S. Day of Hatfield, Sept. 24, 1843.
[Steel in int.], Martha S. and Emmons Stockwell, May 27, 1840.
Penelope of Glocester, R.I., and Moses Sherman, int. Oct. 9, 1824.
STEPHENS (see Stevens)
[Stevens in int.], Amos of Roxbury (s. Phineas, a. 48) and Elizabeth Williams Baldwin, Oct. 17, 1849.
[Stevens in int.], Betsey and Barnabus Newton, April 1, 1835.
[Stevens in int.], Jacob and Martha Sharman, Feb. 6, 1752.
STERNS (see Starns, Stearns)
Polly and Nathan Sherman, both of Shrewsbury, Aug. 15, 1790.
Polley and Joseph Dwelly, both of Worcester, Aug. 10, 1791.
Bradford of North Bridgewater (s. Elisha and Laura, a. 21) and Christaney Inman, Nov. 16, 1845.
STEVENS (see Stephens)
Elizabeth and Benjamin Hills, Feb. 28, 1765. C.R.
[Stephens in int], Huldah P. and John R. Smith of Northampton, May 5, 1841.
Martha and Benjamin C. Payne, July 6, 1843.
Susanna of Upton and Stephen Rolph, March 20, 1743-4. C.R.
Aurilla R. (d. David and Lucy, a. 20) and Samuel M. Davis, Oct. 17, 1845.
[Mrs. in int.] Elizabeth of Millbury and Stephen Holbrook, Jan. 20, 1825. C.R.
John H. (s. Josiah and Hannah, a. 26) and Julia E. Prentice, Nov. 30, 1848.
Josiah of Millbury and Mrs. Elizabeth Wadsworth, April 23, 1815. C.R.
Vernon [of Millbury in int.] and Lucy [Lucy H. in int.] Goddard, Sept. 22, 1824.
Elisabeth and Joshua Biglo of Sutton, June 28, 1753.
Candace Ann of Sutton and Thompson Kimberly Jr., int. Sept 10, 1836.
Ellen (d. Moses and Relief, a. 21) and Cyrus E. Dalrymple, May 18, 1847.
Emmons and Martha S. Steele [Steel in int.], May 27, 1840.
Leander and Julia Leland, Aug. 28, 1843.
Polly and Joseph Whitney, int. April 10, 1802.
Ann Maria of Upton and Charles H. Batchellor, int. Sept. 8, 1833.
Samuel and Elizabeth Dun of Uxbridge, Dec. 6, 1770. In Uxbridge.
Albert and Sally Brooks Kimball, Jan. 11, 1804. C.R.
Gregory and Prudence Leland, July 1, 1799. C.R.
Hannah and Abijah Woods, April 13, 1825. C.R.
Hannah and Benjamin Kingsbury, Nov. 16, 1825. C.R.
Dea. Isaac of Ward and Lydia Brigham, May 20, 1811. In Ward [?].
Job C. (s. Josiah and Bridget, a. 48) and Mary C. McFarland, both of Shrewsbury, Oct. 10, 1848.
Lt. Jonathan [Jr. in int.] of Ward and Sally Hall, June 23, 1792. In Ward.
Josiah H. and Betsey Bent of Sudbury, int. Feb. 19, 1815.
Lorania and Elijah L. Case, April 8, 1829.
Louisa and Henry Smith, Sept. 1, 1824.
Lucy E. [Lucy C. in C.R.] (d. Albert and Sally B., a. 24) and William J. Eaton, May 19, 1846.
Martha H. and Leander S. Pratt, May 19, 1835.
Mary at Lincoln Wood, April 16, 1828. C.R.
Micah of Framingham and Wid. Sarah Batcheller, June 6, 1798.
Nahum and Mrs. Hannah Haven of Framingham, int. March 24, 1755 [1775?].
Sarah and William E. Tidd of Marlborough, May 8, 1838.
Silas and Sarah W. Smith of Newton, int. July 9, 1841.
STOW (see Stowe; also examine How names)
Aaron and Anna Clark, May 26, 1793.
Aaron and Elenor Seirls, July 2, 1820. C.R.
Aaron and Grace Searles [Grace P. Scearls in int.], Nov. 25, 1841.
Abel F. and Sarah Whitney, April 2, 1834.
Abner Jr. and Elisabeth Meriam, Jan. 20, 1768. C.R.
Abner Jr. and Eunice Goldsburg of Warwick, July 2, 1778.
Abner Jr. and Sarah Brooks, April 16, 1816. C.R.
Ann M. (d. Jonathan and Betsey, a. 25) and Lawson Munyan, Jan. 1, 1846.
Anna and Jonathan Cady, int. Nov. 7, 1805.
Anna B. and John Adams, Oct. 10, 1819. C.R.
Anne and Moses Haven of Framingham, May 23, 1751.
Caroline A. and John Harrington, int. April 17, 1845.
Daniel and Bethisda Rugg of Worcester, July 2, 1816. C.R.
Elijah and Marietta Heywood of Shrewsbury, int. Dec. 8, 1827.
Elisabeth and Ebenezer Grover, int. Jan. 10, 1767. Forbidden by Elizabeth Stow.
Elisabeth and Ebenezer Grover, int. June 13, 1767.
Elisabeth and Samuel Warrin, int. Sept. 16, 1790.
Elizabeth and Capt. Benjamin Fay of Westboro, Oct. 28, 1765. C.R.
Elizabeth [Elisabeth in int.] and Thaddeus Whipple, Nov. 7, 1793.
Elizabeth M. and Asa C. Newton, April 4, 1837.
Hariet [Harriet in int.] and Daniel A. Wesson, Nov. 16, 1831.
Hiram of Petersham and Lydia Brooks, int. Sept. 6, 1782.
Horace and Nancy Knowlton, May 2, 1832.
Irene E. and Charles L [Charles J. in int.] Fay, March 26, 1833.
Ithamer [Ithmar in int.] and Sally [Salley in int.] Temple, Dec. 16, 1792.
Ithmar F. and Susan Searls, int. Feb. 7, 1824.
John and Hannah Hall, May 22, 1755.
John L. (s. David, a. 25) and Mary Spear, May 17, 1844.
John T. and Lucinda Sumner, Aug. 29, 1843.
Jonah and Lydia Powers of Uxbridge, Nov. 7, 1768. C.R.
Jonathan and Elisabeth Warrin, June 6, 1765. C.R.
[Stowe in int.], Jonathan and Betsey Eames, Jan. 29, 1810. C.R.
Jonathan W. and Mary Hunt of Upton, int. Aug. 7, 1831.
Lovel and Betsy Batchellor, Aug. 16, 1801. C.R.
Lovel Jr. and Alone [Aloha in C.R.] Knowlton, Nov. 18, 1834.
Lucinda E. and Willard Gibson, int. Oct. 10, 1830.
[Mrs. in int.] Lucy and Reuben Hoit of New Braintree, June 20, 1779 [int. June 23, 1779.].
Lucy and John Whipple Jr., May 23, 1793. In Shrewsbury.
Lucy and James Battle of Milford, Sept. 18, 1804. C.R.
Lucy and Joel Drake, May 26, 1819.
Mahalah [L. in int.] and Lucas Bigelow of Marlborough, March 30, 1830.
Martin and Charlott C. Marshall, Sept. 13, 1836.
[Mrs. in int.] Mary and Jonathan Hall, Jan. 19, 1758.
Mary H. (d. Abner and Sarah, a. 19) and Emory A. Taft, May 9, 1848.
Mrs. Nancy C. and Mark E. Blair, Sept. 26, 1843.
Patty and Stephen Howe of Northboro, Jan. 5, 1819. C.R.
Rufus and Adeline Richardson of Shrewsbury, int. Nov. 2, 1822.
Sarah and Elijah Drury, Dec. 11, 1760.
Sarah and David Fisk of Upton, July 9, 1807. C.R.
Sarah B. and Levi C. Heywood, Oct. 31, 1827.
Shelomith and Mrs. Flivtbeth Kimball of Westborough, int. Jan. 9, 1776.
Silas and Polly Nason, April 28, 1811. C.R.
Silence and Samuell Chase Jr. of Sutton, May 29, 1751.
Sumner E. and Nancy L. Fay, April 3, 1834.
Thomas and Silence Hunt, June 2, 1748.
Vandel of Woburn and Margaret Clark of Mendon, Aug. 21, 1842. In Mendon.
William M. and Sarah Hall, Nov. 15, 1832.
William Taylor of Buckland and Azubah Rockwood, int. March 9, 1785.
STOWE (see Stow)
Eleanor and Charles L. Chamberlin, int. May 9, 1846.
Eunice G. and Eli Harrington of Shrewsbury, May 10, 1842.
Luther and Mary K. Hathaway, Sept. 11, 1839.
Luther and Caroline Bigelow of Boylston, Oct. 1, 1844. C.R.
Mary A. (d. Jonathan and Betsey, a. 20) and Otis C. Fay, Nov. 21, 1847.
Rufus F. (s. Aaron and Eleanor, a. 21) and Elizabeth Searle, April 27, 1847.
Charles and Jane Harrington, int. Nov. 1, 1834.
Cyrus W. of Worcester and Eliza A. Bosworth, April 4, 1843.
David of Athol and Sally Wadsworth, June 5, 1810. C.R.
Emeline and Elijah B. Brooks, int. March 12, 1842.
Julia A. [Ann in int.] and William A. Knapp, May 28, 1840.
Lucy B. and Seth J. Axtell, Nov. 18, 1832.
Mary and James S. Pinkham, int. March 12, 1842.
Nancy of Princeton and Charles L. Pratt, int. Nov. 20, 1824.
Sarah M. and Otis Newton of Westboro, Oct. 14, 1831.
Mrs. Maria H. and E. Hubbard Severance of Boston, May 16, 1843.
Mary A. G. of Hollisson and Dr. Charles Cutler, int. Feb. 17, 1838.
Francis P. of Griswold, Ct., and Charlotte Dudley, Dec. 24, 1834.