To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. 1918
Thos. P. Nichols & Son Co. Printers, Lynn, Mass.
Marriages - AARON to CISCO
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Joseph and Susanna Matson, Feb. 8, 1798.
[Abby in int.], Samuel of Chatham, Conn, and [Mrs. in int.] [Wid. in C.R.] Sarah Leland, April 4, 1776.
Rebeckah and Richard Vincen of Sutton, April 2, 1745.
ABRAHAM (see Abram)
Abigail (Indian) and William Anthony (negro), Nov. 14, 1752.
Andrew Jr., and Abigail Printer, Feb. 29, 1739. Indians.
(alias Sampson), Andrew and Lydia Corbin, int.. Dec. 20, 1774.
Hanah Hill of Marblehead and Jonathan Wheeler, int. Sept. 9, 1798.
ABRAM (see Abraham)
Elisabeth and ---- Samson, May 30, 1756. Indians.
Abigail of Chelmsford and John Larned, Sept. 14, 1733. C.R.
Andrew and Elizabeth Hunt of Concord, Oct. 15, 1741. In Concord.
Andrew and Mrs. Sarah Torrey of Mendon, May 30, 1771. In Mendon.
Andrew Jr. and Mrs. Lucy Meriam, June 7, 1775.
Andrew of Boston and Susan Leland, Jan. 17, 1808. C.R.
Barnard and Susan Howe of Hopkinton, int. July 28, 1832.
Betsey and Sherman Leland of Eastport, Oct. 13, 1811. C.R.
Charles O. (s. Otis and Sylvia, a. 24) and Deborah A. [Ann in C.R.] Chickering, Oct. 29, 1846.
Clark of Northbridge and Sally Rockwood, Oct. 19, 1831.
[Mrs. in int.] Cyntha of Northbridge and James Foster, Jan. 31, 1793. In Northbridge.
Daniel and Betsy Goldthwait of Northbridge, int. Nov. 2, 1805.
Deborah [Debba in int.] of Northbridge and Royal Keith, Dec. 28, 1797. In Northbridge.
Dolly and Alden Thayer of Worcester, int. March 18, 1836.
Elizabeth and Daniel Grout, Nov. 3, 1762. C.R.
Elizabeth M. of Oxford and Charles Cleavland, Jan. 29, 1815. C.R.
Hannah P. and Joseph Leland of Boston, int. July 30, 1814. Certificate called for, March, 1815.
Hannah P. and Samuel Wood, Nov. 22, 1818. C.R.
Horatio of Milton (s. Horatio and Elizabeth, a. 25) and Mary B. Ford, Nov. 16, 1846.
Jasper and Gerusha Sibblv of Sutton, int. Nov. 30, 1805. C.R.
John of Northbridge and Polly Lathe, March 15, 1810. C.R.
John and Anna B. Stow, Oct. 10, 1819.
Joseph and Martha Haven, Dec. 19, 1813. C.R.
Joseph and Mrs. Susan [J. in int.] Merriam, April 27, 1842.
Judson and Emily E. Gates, April 27, 1834.
Lucy and Solloman [Solomon in int.] Brigham, Nov. 15, 1798.
Maria [Mariah in int.] E. and Thomas Bryant of Natick [Westboro in int], Dec. 3, 1840.
Martha and Daniel Whipple, Aug. 7, 1776.
Martha H. and Lewis W. Dodge, May 16, 1837.(Died March 1, 1907 in handwritting)
Mary and Thomas Dodge, Jan. 5, 1747.
Mary and Ebenezer Waters of Sutton, Dec. 10, 1767. In Sutton.
Moses and Elisabeth Whipple, March 29, 1786.
Moses H. and Sally Prentice, May 6, 1821. C.R.
Nancy and Jonathan Sibbly, Jan. 22, 1807. C.R.
Nathaniel and Mrs. Eunice [Unise in int.] Stearns of Waltham, Nov. 20, 1738. In Waltham [?].
Nathanael and Mary Harrington, Feb. 8, 1784.
Nathaniel and Polly Capen Meriam, June 8, 1809. C.R.
Nathaniel Jr. and Persis Greenwood, Feb. 8, 1824. C.R.
Otis and Sylvia King, May 16, 1822. C.R.
Polly and Joshua Herrington, Nov. 29, 1798.
Polly and Charles Leland, June 26, 1803. C.R.
Ruth and John Whipple, June 20, 1765. C.R.
Sally and Timothy Meriam Jr., April 30, 1809. C.R.
Samuel and Elizabeth [Elisabeth in int.] Temple, June 4, 1786.
Samuel and Olive Jones, June 24, 1794.
Samuell and Elisabeth Gould of Sutton, Nov. 1, 1750.
Sarah and Solomon Rand, June 2, 1774. In Shrewsbury.
Silence of Northbridge and John Ewers, int.. Feb. 8, 1835.
Stephen and [Mrs. in C.R.] Nancy Rockwood, Feb. 22, 1837.
Susan of Hopkinton and David Jordan, int. Feb. 26, 1825.
Susan and Samuel F. Redding, March 12, 1829.
Susan of Worcester and Samuel P. Champney, int. Sept. 24, 1837.
Sylvanus of Lowel and Caroline Wesson, Sept. 10, 1835.
Tyler of Sutton and Polly Leland, April 15, 1816. C.R.
AINGELL (see Angell)
Daniel and Phebeann Wood, int. Oct. 4, 1823.
Sarah H. of Milford and George W. Jones, int. Nov. 1, 1829.
Rev. Seth of Marlborough and Mary D. Miles, June 4, 1822. C.R.
ALDRICH (see Aldridge)
Ann E. of Northbridge and Calvin Prentice, Oct. 1, 1834.
Betsy and John Garfield, int. July 5, 1794.
[Lt. in int.] Charles and Eliza Wadsworth, Nov. 9, 1823. C.R.
Cromwell and Rosina Morse of Upton, int. April 28, 1822.
Ebenezer and Hannah Kimball, Nov. 26, 1829.
Emeline and Winthrop Faulkner, April 5, 1842.
Hosea and Mary Eliza Chard of Upton, int. Nov. 8, 1817.
Liberty and Mrs. Mary A. Jurdon, May 27, 1838.
Lidia of Mendon and William Hayward, int. June 14, 1795.
Madison M. and Mariah [Maria in int.] H. Sawtell, April 26, 1836.
Mary and Lewis Daniels, Sept. 8, 1831.
Pardon and Mrs. Hannah Richardson, May 4, 1843.
Sarah and Rufus Prentice, Jan. 1, 1833.
Scyntha of Northbridge and Lyman Mann, int. Dec. 26, 1818.
Thomas and Cynthia Davis, Nov. 29, 1840. In N. Uxbridge [?].
Sophronia of Mendon and Chandler M. Warren, int. May 10, 1828.
Willard C. of Northbridge and Louisa Emerson, int. Jan. 12, 1841.
ALDRIDGE (see above)
Elisha and Mrs. Mary Hutchinson, int. Aug. 12, 1775.
James of Southborough and Sally Lyon Leland, Oct. 30, 1808. C.R.
Mary and Robert Legate, Sept. 16, 1830.
Whitney of Mendon and Hannah Shearman [Sherman in int.], Dec. 5, 1830.
ALLEN (see Allin)
Alfred and Caroline Pierce of Smithfield, R.I., int. March 29, 1836.
Elijah and Mary Hunt, Nov. 27, 1744.
Harriet J. (d. George W. and Betsey, a. 15) and Rock Jacobs, Oct. 10, 1847.
Joseph and Mary [Mercy in C.R.] Livermore, Feb. 19, 1732-3. At Westboro.
Lavina [Lavinia in int.] H. and Albert Sweet, May 7, 1837.
Luke F. and Elizabeth [W. in int.] Greenwood, [April 21, 1839, C.R.].
Mary. A. and Thomas P. Wheelock, int. Oct. 26, 1839.
Nancy of Providence, R.I., and James H. Benchley, int. June 23, 1827.
Owen W. and Susan W. Bigelow, both of Sutton, Nov. 30, 1826.
Solomon and Ruth Putnam [both of Grafton Gore in int.], April 27, 1788. In Sutton.
Simon and Fanny Norcross of Sutton, int. Sept. 4, 1830.
ALLIN (see above)
William and Unice Pratt, Nov. 10, 1742.
[Ambley in int.], Arnold and Elvira [Alvira in int.] N. Payson, Aug. 29, 1835.
Clarrissa and Silas Forbush Jr., int. June 9, 1821.
[Amesden in int.], Minot and Sally J. [I. in C.R.] Johnson, Oct. 9, 1833.
Minot and Mary I. Dean, April 7, 1836.
Lucy B. and Gilbert C. Taft, int. Sept. 20, 1835.
Thomas of N.Y. and Angeline Howard, Aug. 21, 1834.
Nahum and Nancy Gale of Westborough, int. March 8, 1817.
William Jr. of Providence, R.I., and Sarah A. Harris, Nov. 8, 1841.
ANGELL (see Aingell)
Abraham and Abby Clough of North Providence, R.I., int. May 10, 1837.
Roland and Mary Marsh, March 25, 1823. C.R.
Dinah of Worcester and James Leonard, Sept. 24, 1789.
Abigail (Indian) and Fortain Burn (negro), Jan. 27, 1757.
Mary E. of Providence, R.I., and Samuel W. Flagg, int. March 11, 1848.
Richard B. and Margaret S. Whitwell of Brimfield, int. April 7, 1832.
William (negro) and Abigail Abraham (Indian), Nov. 14, 1752.
Booth, now of Grafton (s. ----and Margaret, a. 22), and Margaret Ester, Oct. 7, 1848.
Nancy M. (d. John and Nancy, a. 19) and Isaac P. Wheeler, July 2, 1848.
Francis E. (a. 24) and Sarah C. Lesure, April 30, 1844.
James and Lois Perrey, both resident in Grafton, April 13, 1791.
Amasa S. of Cumberland, R.I., and Susan M. Taft, June 16, 1847.
Harry and Sally Leonard of Worcester, int. Oct. 18, 1817. Colored.
Joseph and Abigail Newton, Oct. 9, 1755.
Sarah M. (d. Harry, a. 23) and Samuel Cisco, Aug. 19, 1844.
Dolly B. and Elbridge G. Wheelock of Millbury, Nov. 13, 1832.
Sarah Ann and Preston Carpenter of Sutton, int. April 10, 1839.
AXTAL (see below)
[Axtel in int.], Deborah and Samuel Green of Westborough, April 2, 1822. C.R.
[Axtil in int.], Hannah and Zedekiah Drury of Sutton, July 20, 1738.
Abigail and Moses Eager, July 18, 1759. C.R.
Adaline H. and John V. Leland, Oct. 7, 1828.
Elizabeth and Nathaniel Cooper, April 22, 1746. C.R.
Hannah and Jason Wait Jr., Nov. 17, 1763. C.R.
Lucy and John Knox, Aug. about the 22d, 1784.
Polly and George Smith, May 8, 1786.
Seth J. and Lucy B. Stratton, Nov. 18, 1832.
Thomas [Jr. in int.] and Elizabeth Sherman of Marlborough, May 13, 1736. At Sudbury.
Thomas Jr. and Hannah Walker of Worcester, int. Aug. 21, 1808.
T. Russell of St. Louis, Mo., and E. Jane Hall, int.. Feb. 2, 1839.
[Axtell in C.R.], Abigal and Benjamin Pratt, Dec. 21, 1736.
AXTILL (see forms above)
Abigail and Moses Eagor, July 18, 1759.
Daniel and Elisabeth Whitimore, Nov. 12, 1754.
[Axtell in C.R.], Elisabeth and Ephraim Lyon, Nov. 27, 1760. [Oct in C.R.]
John, a transient person, and Lucy Flegg, int. Jan. 3, 1774.
John and Rebeckah Waite of Boylston, int. May 6, 1801.
Mary and Samuel Giles of Hopkinton, Nov. 16, 1749. Hopkinton C.R.
[Mrs. in int.] Sarah and James McCllallan [McClallen in int.] of Sutton, Feb. 2, 1758.
Thomas and Mary Sanger, Oct. 6, 1760.
[Axtell in int.], Thomas Jr. and Deborah Jones, June 10, 1777.
Rebeckah G. of Newton and William G. Moore, int. Aug. 11, 1836.
William 3d of Brookfield and Miriam Harrington, Feb. 5, 1761.
[Ayers in int.], Lucy H. and Charles O. Foster, May 4, 1842.
Sarah R. (d. Jonas and Elizabeth, a. 29) and James W. White, April 20, 1847.
Sarah R. (d. Reuben, a. 20) and Ezra Crocker, both of Northborough, Aug. 18, 1847.
Sophia of Westborough and Willard Doolittle, int. Jan. 2, 1830.
BACHELDER (see Batchelder and forms following)
[Batchellor in int.], Dea. Joseph and Sarah Tilton of East Sudbury, Sept. 4, 1780. In East Sudbury. [Int. Sept. 7, 1780.]
[Bachelder in int..], Nehemiah and Experience [Exsperiance in int.] Perham, June 16, 1738.
Eliza A. and Henry D. Bailey, both of Sutton, Oct. 26, 1842. In Sutton.
Lewis K. and Almira W. Batchellor of Sutton, int. Oct. 18, 1834.
Nancy N. and Augustus D. Clark, int. April 26, 1845.
Villitta of Millbury and Rufus W. Davenport, int. June 6, 1835.
George and Clarissa E. Wood of Worcester, int. Feb. 4, 1826.
Henry D. and Eliza A. Bacon, both of Sutton, Oct. 26, 1842. In Sutton.
[Baley in int.], Phebe of Berlin and Peter Richardson, Jan. 27, 1790. At Berlin.
Silas of Worcester and Mary P. Goddard, Nov. 24, 1835.
BAIRD (see Beard)
Betsy of Worcester and Rufus Wesson of Grafton Gore, int. Aug. 27, 1808.
Hiram (s. Lewis, a. 21) and Vashti B. Wheeler, Oct. 16, 1844.
Lewis of Worcester and Lucy Wesson of Grafton Gore, int. June 7, 1806.
[Beard in int.], Patty of Worcester and Leonard Kimball, Sept. 15, 1793. In Worcester.
Abigail and Noah Vilas of Hopkinton, July 24, 1760.
Almira of Upton and Dr. Levi Rawson, int. Jan. 14, 1832.
Azubah of Shrewsbury and John Wesson of Grafton Gore, int. Oct. 18, 1805.
Benjamin F. of Boston and Sabra L. Heywood, Nov. 28, 1841.
Betsey S. and John Shirtleff, int. Dec. 11, 1818.
Charlotte and Reuben Wheelock, int. May 4, 1808.
Cornelius and Rachel Pach of Wenham, int. June 20, 1761.
Cornelius and Mrs. Esther Gould of Stoneham, May 13, 1763. In Stoneham [?]
Edward of Upton and Polly Sharman, int. Aug. 19, 1803.
Ermina [Mrs. Ermina in int.] (d. Betsey Snow, a. 45, wid.) and Leonard Snow, May 19, 1844.
Eunice F. of Shrewsbury and Jonathan Butterfield of Springfield, Nov. 29, 1842.
Healy and Lucy E. Maynard, April 4, 1839.
Lucretia and Benjamin Bowen, int. May 10, 1807.
Lydia of Petersham and Joel Brooks, Oct. 7, 1784. In Petersham.
Maria F., see Barker.
Mary W. and Andrew E. Fuller [Turner in int.] of Uxbridge, Nov. 8, 1832.
Millotte of Northbridge and Susan E. Roberts, Feb. 17, 1830.
Priscilla and Mark Batcheller Jr., March 10, 1763. C.R.
Sarah P. of Boston and Charles L. Heywood, int. July 23, 1842.
Smith and Nancy Savary of Auburn, int. Sept. 15, 1838.
Susan of Pawtucket and George W. Skiff, int. Sept. 28, 1828.
Susannah [Sarah in dup.] of Upton and Amos Batchellor, Aug. 11, 1793.
Thomas J. and Anna Gates, int. Oct. 27, 1823.
Thomas Marshal of Upton and Susanna Whipple, Jan. 7, 1768. C.R.
Thomas M. Jr. of Upton and Basshaba L. Brown, April 12, 1843. In Uxbridge [?].
Thomas [Marshal in int.] and Betsey Sharman [Sherman in int.], May 1, 1798.
Hollis of Sudbury and Lucy Gerry, March 30, 1835.
Elizabeth Williams (d. Luke and Mary, a. 35) and Amos Stephens of Roxbury, Oct. 17, 1849.
Franklin (s. Jeduthan and Anna, a. 29) and Catharine Turner, Feb. 4, 1847.
Sally Searl of Townsend and Samuel Prentice, int. Feb. 22, 1806.
William of Worcester and Lucy W. Green, [Jan. 16, 1845, C.R.].
Benjamin and Love Ryan of Brattleborough, Vt., int. April 7, 1832.
Dexter D. and Sarah A. Jenkins, Dec. 23, 1833.
Elisabeth and Josiah Child, April 24, 1755.
Henry [Henry A. in int.] and Mary A. Harrington, April 12, 1336.
Henry A. of Boston (a. 31, widr.) and Eliza B. Biscoe, Nov. 5, 1844.
Lucy and Benjamin Nurse of Shrewsbury, Jan. 21, 1760.
Rebekah and Peter Brooks, Jan. 8, 1752.
Sarah and Daniel Nurse of Shrewsbury, Feb. 21, 1759.
Nancy of Thompson, Ct., and John George, int. Aug. 16, 1823.
Winthrop Hamilton and Abigail Holmes of Thompson, Ct., int. Oct. 1, 1825.
Loring V. and Rhoda B. Martin, int. March 8, 1834.
Sibyl and James A. Mellen, June 19, 1839.
BARAT (see Barrett)
Joseph and Sarah Rice, Aug. 16, 1733. At Westboro.
BARDEN (see Burdon)
Polly of Northbridge and James New, Aug. 21, 1800. In Northbridge.
[Baker in dup.], Charles and Betsey Lesure, Oct. 1, 1823. C.R.
John H. and Betsey Brooks, Sept. 17, 1818. C.R.
Mary E. (d. John H. and Betsey, a. 21) and Edmund F. Wheeler, May 18, 1847.
[Baker in dup.], Maria F. and Anson Hancock, April 11, 1843.
William T. (s. John H. and Betsey, a. 27) and Eliza J. Wingate, Sept. 12, 1848.
James M. of Newton and Betsey Grover, int. Nov. 5, 1836.
BARNES (see Barns)
Cintha A. F. and Daniel G. Fairbanks, int. Oct. 29, 1836.
Jane E. (d. Nathaniel and Levina, a. 22) and J. F. Southland of Jamestown, N.Y., March 29, 1848.
Lucy and Dr. Peter Howe of Hopkinton, int. Sept 6, 1806.
Mary L. (d. Nathaniel and Lavina, a. 24) and Samuel Hutchinson, Sept 29, 1847.
BARNS (see Barnes)
Anna of Hopkinton and Joseph Wadsworth, int. April 6, 1806.
Mrs. Elizabeth of Hopkinton and Samuel Wardsworth, Oct 3, 1789. In Hopkinton.
Elizabeth of Hopkinton and Samuel Wadsworth, int. Sept. 2, 1798. [Perhaps same as next above.]
Lucy and Benjamin Leland, May 3, 1801. C.R.
Nathaniel of Hopkinton and Lavina Furbush, May 27, 1812. C.R.
Stephen of Marlborough and Betsey [Betsy in int] Parks, Aug. 19, 1793.
BARRETT (see Barat)
Caroline L. (d. Ebenezer and Abby, a. 20) and Ashley W. Rice, April 25, 1848.
John W. of Thompson, Ct., and Charlotte [Charlott in int.] S. Wilson, May 22, 1836. At Sutton.
Marcia F. and Wilson L. Rawson of Northbridge, int. April 24, 1847.
Maria A. (d. Ebenezer and Abby, a. 19) and John Q. Meriam, Jan. 2, 1849.
Benjamin F. of Millbury and Hepsy Ann Gerry, int. Oct. 23, 1840.
Elphonzo and Sarah H. Wilson, March 30, 1835.
Elvira and John S. Sweeney, Sept. 28, 1836.
Lemira and Elisha L. [S. in int.] Livermore, Dec. 28, 1841.
BARTLET (see Bartlett)
Hannah and Oliver Rice of Shrewsbury, June 30, 1742.
Richard of Sutton and Mary Safford, Nov. 18, 1744.
BARTLETT (see Bartlet)
Jonathan and Olive P. Seaver of Northborough, int. Sept. 20, 1837.
Mary and David Safford, May 1, 1740.
Mary E. of Northborough and Abraham M. Bigelow, int. April 20, 1833.
Mrs. C. F. and R. M. Slayton of Hartland, Vt., int. Dec. 8, 1849.
Lewis of Millbury and Mary Ann Cole, Jan. 27, 1830.
Phebe and Levi Leland, int. June 11, 1774.
Jedidiah of Braintree and Sarah Hill, Sept 30, 1763. In Braintree. [Nov. 17, 1763, C.R.]
BASSET (see Bassett)
Benjamin of Northbridge and Sally [Nancy?] Sherman, Jan. 3, 1808. C.R.
Samuel of Sutton and Sally Sharman, int. Sept. 21, 1806.
BASSETT (see Basset)
Sarah of Holden and Tarrant S. Sherman, int. Oct 27, 1841.
Silas [Silas B. Gassett in int.] and Susan Martin, Aug. 1, 1837.
BATCHELDER (see Bachelder, etc., and below)
[Batchellor in int.], Benjamin Jr. and Patty Witherby of Shrewsbury, Feb. 21, 1793. In Shrewsbury.
[Batchelor in int.], Joseph and Hannah P. Meriam, Feb. 18, 1823.
Joseph G. and Mary J. Mascroft of Sutton, int. Nov. 5, 1845.
Lucy of Sutton and Austin Chase of Paris, Me., Sept. 21, 1837.
Mehitable W. [Mehetebel W. Batchellor in int.] and George Tucker of Woodstock, Ct., Mar 3, 1843.
Sarah and William Holbrook, May 15, 1753.
William H. and Catherine F. Bigelow of Sutton, Dec. 6, 1843.
Adolphus of Northbridge (s. Simeon and Lucy, a. 54, widr.) and Permelia Fowler, March 15, 1848.
Betsey R. of Upton and Nathan F. Taft, int. Aug. 2, 1828.
Celistina of Northbridge and William P. Mascroft, int. Oct. 17, 1818.
Mrs. Dorcas and Artimas Rawson of Upton, int. July 8, 1779.
Harriet B. and David Packard, Oct. 9, 1834.
Holland N. of Millbury (s. John and Sarah, a. 27) and Mary Dennis, April 29, 1846.
[Batchellor in int.], Jeremiah and Lydia Prentice of Hopkinton, May 15, 1787. In Hopkinton.
John and Sally Read, Nov. 23, 1808. C.R.
John and Lydia Leland, Nov. 30, 1768. C.R.
Mark Jr. and Priscilla Baker, March 10, 1763. C.R.
Nathaniel and Lydia Leland, Nov. 25, 1766. C.R.
Perley and Mary Meriam, Nov. 21, 1771. C.R.
Perley Jr. and Lois Hayden, May 11, 1802. C.R.
Wid. Sarah and Micah Stone of Framingham, June 6, 1798.
Almira W. of Sutton and Lewis K. Bacon, int. Oct. 18, 1834.
Amos and Susannah [Sarah in dup.] Baker of Upton, Aug. 11, 1793.
Anna Jr. and Robertus Flagg, Oct. 31, 1787.
Betsy and Lovel Stow, Aug. 16, 1801.
Charles H. and Ann Maria Stoddard of Upton, int. Sept. 8, 1833.
Elizabeth and Thomas Knowlton of Shrewsbury, May 14, 1771. C.R.
Huldah and Josiah Goddard, March 5, 1761.
Joseph Jr. and Sally Gashet of Hopkinton, int. Feb. 17, 1787.
Julia S. and John R. Snow, March 13, 1827.
Marcy and Barnard Eager, March 4, 1790.
Mary and John Sherman Jr., Sept. 13, 1768. C.R.
Mary and Enoch Forbush of Upton, Sept. 14, 1780.
Nathaniel and Betty Wait, Oct. 8, 1778.
Patty [Polly in int.] and Simeon Putnam of Charlton, Feb. 2, 1794.
Sally and Nathaniel Whipple, Dec. 7, 1806. C.R.
Sally of Sutton and John L. Leland, int. July 30, 1809.
Sally of Upton and John Pacard, int. March 4, 1811.
Sarah and William Holebrook, May 15, 1753. C.R.
Sarah and Timothy Shearman, June 2, 1772. C.R.
Sarah [Sally in int.] and Daniel Warrin of Upton, Aug. 8, 1786.
BATCHELOR (see Batchelder and forms above)
Abraham of Sutton and Elizabeth Temple, Dec. 6, 1821. C.R.
Hannah and Nathaniel Ward, int. April 3, 1773.
Horace (s. Mark and Mehitable, a. 27) and Sophronia W. Hall, Oct. 6, 1846.
Jamima of Upton and Judson B. Clapp, int. Sept. 1, 1821.
[Bachelor in int.], Leland of Providence, R.I., and Mary A. [Mary Ann in int.] Forbush, Sept. 31, 1832.
Levi of Upton and Lois Chamberlin, April 29, 1828.
Lucinda of Sutton and Lebbeus Fay, int. Oct. 25, 1834.
[Batcheller in int.], Mary Ann and George G. Carpenter, July 28, 1830.
Mary B. (d. Mark and Mehitable, a. 26) and Alexander Edwards of Framingham, Feb. 23, 1848.
[Batchelor in int.], Moses L. and Sarah Ann Phillips, Nov. 13, 1833.
Adaline and Samuel A. Dalrimple, int. Oct. 1, 1831.
Alvina and Benjamin S. Watson, Nov. 14, 1842.
Angelina and Luther P. Martin of Charlton, Sept. 28, 1834.
Mary and Cyrus Ferry, Oct. 13, 1840.
Mary Ann and Leveret S. Chapman of Brookfield, May 3, 1838.
Sarah A. (d. Amos and Eunice, a. 20) and George W. Ferry, May 1, 1849.
Samantha of Thompson, Ct., and Asahel Fairbanks, int. March 14, 1829.
Elizabeth of Shrewsbury and Nathan S. Wheelock, July 14, 1836.
Mattina M. of Westboro (d. Elma and Marietta, a. 18) and Charles A. Eames of Upton, Dec. 1, 1847.
Roxana S. (d. Elma and Marietta, a. 21) and Israel A. Rawson, both of Upton, Feb. 10, 1846.
Solomon of Westborough and Catharine H. Parkes of Shrewsbury, March 24, 1835.
James of Milford and Lucy Stow, Sept. 18, 1804. C.R.
Samuel D. and Mary Kirby of Worcester, int. Feb. 16, 1829.
Sukey of Uxbridge and Charles Brigham, May 20, 1797. In Uxbridge.
BEAMUSS (see Bemis)
Tabitha and Caleb Chase, int. Sept. 24, 1774.
BEARD (see Baird)
James of Worcester and Betsy Wesson of Grafton Gore, int. Dec. 24, 1803.
Lois and Halvor Halvoson [Harvorson in int.], Nov. 1, 1838.
Hannah of Sutton and John Hayden, int. Dec. 11, 1806.
Joseph W. of Worcester and Emma O. Pheteplace, Dec. 16, 1838. In Webster.
Jefferson and Avis Benson cf Millbury, Aug. 28, 1833. [May 28, 1833, C.R.]
Patty and Nahum Newton, both of Shrewsbury, Nov. 29, 1792.
Willard [William in int.] and Abbey S. Harden, Jan. 24, 1841.
Margaret and Michael Besau, both now residents of Grafton, int. Jan. 9, 1845.
Ann of Northborough and Galen P. Daman, int. Nov. 28, 1829.
BEMIS (see Beamuss)
Lewis [Jr. in int.] of Stow and Hannah P. Clark, Sept. 3, 1843.
Albert L. of Millbury and Elizabeth Vickers, Sept. 27, 1840.
James H. and Nancy Allen of Providence, R.I., int. June 23, 1827.
Stephen G. of North Providence and Abba [Abby in int.] M. Smith, Oct. 24, 1833.
[Bennett in int.], Samuel C. and Cadelia Brooks, Feb. 27, 1822. C.R.
Fanny B. and Joel Brooks, May 13, 1813. C.R.
Gideon and Lucy Flagg, April 10, 1823. C.R.
John and Sally Flagg, Aug. 14, 1791. In Sutton.
J. Chandler [John C. in int.] (s. Samuel C. and Cadelia, a. 23) and Dolly Hunt, April 8, 1847.
Lucy M. and David Fisher, Nov. 28, 1839.
Miriam of Shrewsbury and Ebenezer Cutler Jr., Noy. 28, 1764. In Shrewsbury.
[Mrs. in int.] Sally and Amos Ellis, Nov. 2, 1823. C.R.
Susannah of Northbridge and William Green, int. Aug. 30, 1838.
BENOWAY (see Benway)
Mary and Peter Besau, int. March 20, 1847.
Avis of Millbury and Jefferson Bellows, Aug. 28, 1833. [May 28 in C.R.]
Levi T. (s. Ebenezer and Cynthia, a. 23) and Jane Nealy, Nov. 20, 1845.
Martha of Northbridge and Timothy Gleason, int. Sept. 12, 1802.
Mary (d. Ebenezer and Cynthia, a. 32) and William Walace of Waltham, Sept. 12, 1847.
Betsey of Sudbury and Josiah H. Stone, int. Feb. 19, 1815.
BENWAY (see Benoway)
Austin and Victory Snow, int. Aug. 3, 1849.
Michael and Margaret Belville, both now residents of Grafton, int. Jan. 9, 1845.
Peter and Mary Benoway, int. March 20, 1847.
BIGBEE (see Bixby)
[Bigsby in int.], Hannah and John Devenport, Aug. 28, 1795.
BIGELOW (see Biglo, Biglow)
Abraham M. and Mary E. Bartlett of Northborough, int. April 20, 1833.
Abraham M. and Eliza J. Whittemore of Leicester, int Feb. 24, 1849.
Caroline of Boylston and Luther Stowe, OCt. 1, 1844. C.R.
Catherine F. of Sutton and William H. Batchelder, Dec. 6, 1843.
Edward B. and Eleanor M. Moore of Worcester, int. June 28, 1834.
Franklin and Elizabeth T. Kemp, Dec. 29, 1842.
Harriet E. of Worcester and Daniel L. Cutler, int. Jan. 12, 1844.
Mrs. Julia of Sherburne and Frederick Waterman, int. March 21, 1840.
Lewis H. (s. Lewis, a. 24) and Rhoda Ann Kemp, April 2, 1844.
Lucas of Marlborough and Mahalah [L. in int.) Stow, March 30, 1830.
Lucy of Westminster and Nathan Elick, int. Feb. 11, 1815.
Maria R. (d. Solomon and Rebecca, a. 22) and Charles H. Loring of Sterling, June 2, 1846.
Samuel and Cynthia Forbush, Oct. 10, 1815. C.R.
Sarah of Shrewsbury and Ephraim Smith, June 8, 1767. In Shrewsbury.
Susan W. and Owen W. Allen, both of Sutton, Nov. 30, 1826.
Whipple of Sutton and Amy Chase, Aug. 25, 1833.
BIGLO (see Bigelow and below)
Joshua of Sutton and Elisabeth Stimson, June 28, 1753.
Humphrey and Hannah Whipple, both of Shrewsbury, Oct. 26, 1791.
[Biglo in int.], Jedidiah [Jedadiah in int.] and Thamesia Nurse of Framingham, Jan. 27, 1736-7. In Framingham.
Samuel Jr. of Shrewsbury and Anna Winchester, Jan. 29, 1771. C.R.
Vishti [Vashti in int.] and James Wheeler, Feb. 26, 1778.
Hannah and Reuben Cummings, July 26, 1838.
Alexander L. of Sutton and Abigail K. Pratt, Jan. 20, 1839.
Margaret P. and Sidney S. Whitney, July 4, 1831.
Eliza B. ([d. Bathsheba, C.R.] a. 32) and Henry A. Ball of Boston, Nov. 5, 1844.
George R. and Adaline Coe of Ashford, int. Sept 24, 1836. Certificate not delivered or called for.
[Besson in Worcester V.R.], Sophia and Charles Vansleet of Worcester, int. April 21, 1844.
BIXBY (see Bigbee)
Erastus and Susan Durfey, int. Dec. 18, 1824.
Patty and Thomas Devenport, int. Jan. 18, 1794.
Sibyl J. of Thompson, Ct., and Harvey George, int. Sept. 8, 1827.
Mark E. and. Mrs. Nancy C. Stow, Sept. 26, 1843.
David H. of Millbury and Mary F. Pheteplace, int. Oct. 21, 1844.
Delia E. of Shrewsbury and Samuel B. Dolliver, July 29, 1834.
Elizabeth D. and Leonard P. Snow, int. March 12, 1847.
Milly of Holden and Ebenezer Cutler Jr., int. Nov. 9, 1816.
Benjamin of Amherst and Thankfull Goodale, int. Feb. 24, 1774.
Henry P. of Boston [s. Jesse and Caroline P. F. of Brookfield, a. 25, C.R.] and Hannah L. Warren, int. April 14, 1845.
Lucia T. ana James F. Cooper of Sutton, int. Aug. 22, 1849.
Martha M. (d. Sylvester and Rebecca, a. 22) and Charles F. Pollard of Sutton, April 25, 1848.
Orvis L. and Letha McFarland, Dec. 21, 1842.
Easman of Shrewsbury and Mariam Greenwood, int. Aug. 26, 1805.
Orin of Oxford and Susan Sibley, int. Oct. 19, 1833.
Joseph of New Braintree (s. Joseph and Catharine, a. 60, widr.) and Hannah B. D. Leland, Jan. 14, 1846.
Lucina of Wardsbury, Vt., and Horatio N. Monroe, int. April 4, 1838.
Nancy and Solomon Hayden, Nov. 25, 1798.
Betsey and Joseph Brooks, Sept. 17, 1795.
Matilda and Ebenezer Lyon, March 30, 1779.
Eliza D. of Troy and Harrison G. O. Hearsey, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
Jacob, resident of Grafton, and Polly A. [Polly S. in int.] Green, Aug. 15, 1792.
Eliza A. and Cyrus W. Stratton of Worcester, April 4, 1843.
Fisher A. and Nancy Fay, March 15, 1843.
Mariah and David R. Chamberlin, both of Upton, April 13, 1838.
Pollina S. and Martin R. Howe, March 16, 1842.
James of Leominster and Mrs. Adah J. Goulding, int. Sept. 28, 1843.
Benjamin and Lucretia Baker, int. May 10, 1807.
Dorcas of Smithfield, R.I., and Albert Hall, int. June 16, 1833.
Jonathan and Vashti Wheeler, Oct. 3, 1803. C.R.
Sanford R. and Delight Moffitt of Killingly, Ct., int. March 12, 1836.
Sarah of Northbride and Collester Wood, int. Aug. 7, 1808.
Sarah C. of North Providence, R.I., and Benjamin D. Leavitt, int. June 24, 1837.
Sylvanus and Nancy Fay, March 31, 1811. C.R.
William and Mrs. Dinah Marshall of Mendon, April 26, 1770. In Mendon.
BOYDEN (see Boydon)
John of Westborough and Sally Wesson, March 30, 1826. C.R.
Martha A. of Leominster and Charles H. Knowlton, int. March 27, 1844.
BOYDON (see Boyden)
Mrs. Mercy and Jonathan Hogerny [Hodgerny in int.], March 15, 1840.
Hannah of Boylston and Isaac Chase, int. Sept. 3, 1809.
Sarah of Upton and Jonathan Wood, int. Oct. 3, 1773.
Ansel E. of Millbury and Maria W. Watson, int. Dec. 8, 1839.
Loisa of Stafford, Ct., and Joseph Nichols, int. Sept. 11, 1828.
Samuel F. and Eunice S. Grosvenor, Sept. 6, 1836.
Dexter S. and Betsey Brown, Nov. 11, 1833.
[Brayman in int.], Anna and Freeman [Truman in int.] Clark, Oct. 8, 1781.
Palmer and Julia M. Therasher of Rehoboth, int. Aug. 9, 1838.
Fanny C. of Wendell and Hollis Chamberlin, int. March 31, 1842.
Martha of Mendon and Benjamin W. Fay, int. July 21, 1833.
Thomas T. [F. in C.R.] (s. Willard and Cynthia, a. 19) and Christiana Jenison, March 21, 1849.
John and Mary Dean, int. Aug. 14, 1840.
Martin of Leicester and [Mrs. in C.R.] Betsey Gates, Dec. 11, 1833.
Edward W. and Eliza S. Shepherd, both of Millbury, Oct. 31, 1833.
Elisha H., of Worcester and Lydia B. Knowlton, Jan. 6, 1831.
Aaron and Sarah Winchester, Dec. 3, 1761. C.R.
Abigail and Ezra K. Pratt, May 12, 1830.
Abigail M. of Shrewsbury and James S. Green, Oct. 22, 1837.
Annah Eliza of Westborough and Charles Brigham Jr., int. March 25, 1826.
Arathusa A. of Shrewsbury and Jonathan L. A. Patch, int. Sept. 15, 1838.
Charles and Sukey Baylies of Uxbridge, Oct. 20, 1797. In Uxbridge.
Charles Jr. and Annah Eliza Brigham of Westborough, int. March 25, 1826.
Denna of Southboro and Mirinda Fessenden, Jan. 1, 1833.
Dulcena [Mrs. Adulcina in int.] and John Thatcher of Uxbridge, March 30, 1817.
Edward M. and Drusilla D. Whitney of Northborough, int. Oct. 18, 1843.
Elisha and Sarah Roberts, Dec. 30, 1756.
Mrs. Elizabeth and Nahum Warrin, int. Nov. 2, 1775.
Elizabeth P. and Jonathan Jackson of Northbridge, Nov. 13, 1832.
Emaline [Emeline in int.] F. and Andrew J. Holden, Aug. 16, 1837.
Ezekiel and Millicent Sherman, Oct. 30, 1765. C.R.
Ezekiel Jr. and Patience Gowing, Feb. 5, 1784.
Ezekiel Jr. and Susanna Goulding, July 2, 1817. C.R.
Hannah and Rev. Stillman Pratt of Malden, int. Aug. 2, 1849.
Huldah and Moses Rockwood, April 12, 1792.
Isaac and Betsy Frost of Milford, int. Jan. 8, 1786.
Jonas B. and Lucinda Howe of Boylston, int. March 15, 1835.
Levinah of Shrewsbury and Antipas Harrington, July 14, 1774. In Shrewsbury.
Lincoln of Northborough and Susan A. Maynard, April 24, 1832.
[Mrs. in int.] Lucy and Matthew Wood of Brookfield, Jan. 18, 1819. C.R.
Lydia [Lidia in dup.] and Dea. Isaac Stone of Ward, May 20, 1811. In Ward [?].
Mahalia and Forest Fisher, July 8, 1827.
Maria C. (d. Charles and Susannah, a. 26) and William T. Merrifield of Lancaster, March 9, 1847.
Martha and Benjamin Leland Jr., March 12, 1772. C.R.
Mary and Amariah Park of Worcester, int. Aug. 6, 1763.
Mary and Dea. John Hurd of Oxford, May 5, 1825. C.R.
Mary Ann and Robert Prentice, Nov. 18, 1818.
Nicholas H. of Boston and Sarah E. Wood, Dec. 20, 1838.
Percies and Leonard Wheelock, Oct. 17, 1804. C.R.
Mrs. Persis and Noah Brooks Kimball, int. Nov. 2, 1775.
Phebe and William Holden, April 9, 1832.
[Mrs. in int.] Rebeckah and Jeremiah Whipple of Sutton, Oct. 26, 1775. In Sutton.
Rufus and Charlotte Knox, May 29, 1822. C.R.
Sally and Benjaman Kingsbury, Oct. 7, 1798.
Samuel A. and Daphna Legate, int. July 1, 1832.
[Mrs. in int.] Sarah and Ebenezer Maynard of Westborough, March 19, 1776.
Sarah and Zebulun Daniels, April 18, 1782.
Sarah and Aaron Hall, Aug. 8, 1790.
Sarah and Rev. Charles B. Kettredge [Kittredge in int.] of Westborough, July 9, 1840.
Solloman [Solomon in int.] and Lucy Adams, Nov. 15, 1798.
Sophia and Daniel B. Wheelock, Nov. 19, 1828.
Susan B. (d. Charles and Susannah, a. 39) and Dr. Josiah Kittredge of Nashua, N.H., May 10, 1844.
Susannah and Ephreim Goulding [Ephraim Golding in int.], March 6, 1792.
Elizabeth and George W. Hambleton, int. July 14, 1840. Forbidden by Robert L. Brightman, father of Elizabeth, the minister of Woodstock, Ct., having informed him that Brightman was already married.
Jane of Needham and Joseph Smallidge, Jan. 5, 1747-8. In Needham.
Aaron and Sarah Grout of Petersham, int. Feb. 20, 1789.
Augustus W. (s. Jonathan and Almira, a. 19) and Sarah J. Hatch of Upton, Aug. 27, 1845.
Aurelia [T. in int.] and Henry Dunton, July 31, 1827.
Betsey and John Kimball, Aug. 26, 1821. C.R.
Betsey and John H. Barker, Sept. 17, 1818. C.R.
Cadelia and Samuel C. Bennet, Feb. 27, 1822. C.R.
Charles E. (s. Jonathan and Almira, 20) and Dolly P. Hatch of Upton, Jan. 1, 1849.
Elijah and Mary Hall, Dec. 25, 1783.
Elijah B. and tmeline Stratton, int. March 12, 1842.
Elizabeth and Thomas Drury Jr., 27, 1746. C.R.
Elizabeth and Jacob Dwinel of Sutton, April 18, 1771. C.R.
Ephraim and Sarah Forbush of Upton, int. Jan. 3, 1789.
Fenella [Finetta in int.] and Francis L. Eddy of Orange, April 16, 1839.
Joel and Sarah Drury, Oct. 26, 1743. In Shrewsbury.
Joel and Wid. Mary Hall, Aug. 23, 1779.
Joel and Lydia Baker of Petersham, Oct. 7, 1784. In Petersham.
Joel and Fanny B. Bennet, May 13, 1813. C.R.
Capt. Joel of Petersham and Mrs. Sarah Holbrook, May 24, 1818. C.R.
John T. and Augusta Hunt, int. Nov. 17, 1848.
Jonathan of Upton and Almira Clapp, Nov. 25, 1821. C.R.
Joseph and Betsey Boon, Sept. 17, 1795.
Lois of Lincoln and Solomon Brooks, April 16, 1767. In Lincoln.
Lucy and John Goulding, Feb. 22, 1753.
Lucy and Ebenezer Wadsworth, Jan. 10, 1770. C.R.
Lydia and Hiram Stow of Petersham, int. Sept. 6, 1782.
Mary and Aaron Kimball, April 5, 1753.
[Mrs. in int.] Mary and Rev. Joseph Farrar, July 28, 1779. C.R.
Nancy G. and Kendrick Hunt, Sept. 19, 1843.
Noah of Concord and Sarah Willard, Feb. 18, 1735-6.
Patty and Ebenezer Leland Jr., int. May 3, 1800.
Patty and Rufus Cady [Cody ?], July 17, 1803. C.R.
Peter and Rebekah Ball, Jan. 8, 1752.
Peter and Lydia Haden of Hopkinton, int. Sept. 23, 1749.
Polly and Joel Knowlton, April 5, 1809. C.R.
Mrs. Rachel and Simeon Shephard of Alstead [in Hampshire Colony in int.], Feb. 1, 1776.
Rebeckah and David Temple of Marlborough, March 14, 1782.
Sally of Westminster and Benjamin Howe, int. Feb. 3, 1828.
Sarah of Concord and Benjamin Willard, May 17, 1739. In Concord.
Sarah and John Prentice, Dec. 8, 1763.
Sarah and Abner Stow Jr., April 16, 1816. C.R.
Simeon and Rachael Drury, Oct. 22, 1747. In Shrewsbury.
Solomon and Lois Brooks of Lincoln, April 16, 1767. In Lincoln.
Abraham Jr. of Alsted and Lucy Goulding, int. Feb. 26, 1778.
Almira of Rutland and Rufus E. Warren, int. May 22, 1831.
Amanda and Edmund Dean, int. Nov. 29, 1836.
Andrew and Hannah Comicher, April 3, 1782.
Basshaba L. and Thomas M. Baker Jr. of Upton, April 12, 1843. In Uxbridge [?].
Betsey and Dexter S. Bragg, Nov. 3, 1833.
Betty and Eliphalet [Eliphalit in int.] Smith, April 24, 1783.
Celia and Israel Mowry of Sutton, int. June 1, 1829.
Clark and Salley Sherman, March 30, 1797.
Clark and Julia Dupee, July 27, 1829.
David W. and Abigail Sloane, Oct. 19, 1834. At Hardwick.
Elcy and Samuel Johnson, Jan. 6, 1831.
Elisabeth of Brookline and Ebenezer Cutler Jr., March 27, 1788.
Elisha and Pelthira Frill of Sutton, Nov. 10, 1829.
Eliza and Charles Preston of Killingly, Ct., April 18, 1824. C.R.
Gardner of Sutton and Salley Warren, Nov. ----, 1791.
George Jr. of Shrewsbury and Lois Whitney, Jan. 10, 1791.
George A. of Upton (s. Leonard) and Catherine F. Sadler, Dec. 25, 1844.
Hannah of Sutton and Jonas Brown Jr., Oct. 18, 1786. In Sutton.
Hannah W. and George A. Dresser of Pomfret, Ct., Aug. 12, 1835.
Horace P. and Eliza J. Whitney, May 27, 1832.
Isaac L. and Mary Ann Fuller, Nov. 4, 1840.
Jonas and Betty Dudley, of Sutton, March 21, 1757.
Jonas Jr. and Hannah Brown of Sutton, Oct. 18, 1786. In Sutton.
Jonathan [John in int.] S. and Sarah W. Watson of Sutton, Nov. 21, 1827. C.R.
Joseph of Sutton and Sally Brown, June 5, 1791. In Sutton.
Lucy and Samuel Whipple, Aug. 24, 1769. C.R.
Martha W. of Bath, Me., and Noah Kimball, int. July 13, 1828.
Martha P. and Willard S. Wood, May 18, 1842.
Martin S. of Uxbridge (s. George and Sarah, a. 35) and Clarissa L. Roberts, March 24, 1847.
Mary and Nathan Sibley 2d of Sutton, March 26, 1815.
Mary A. of Shrewsbury, d. William and Freelove, a. 23, and George H. Rugg, June 20, 1843.
Mary M. and Horatio C. Chase, Feb. 2, 1843.
Meritta of Sutton and Stephen Hayes, int. July 9, 1831.
Nancy and Francis E. Paine, Sept. 7, 1843.
Nathaniel and Abigail Croxford, Jan. 7, 1815. C.R.
Perlin of Sutton and Nicholas Johnson, int. Aug. 31, 1840.
Phelex and Fanny Hicks of Sutton, int. Oct. 31, 1818.
Sally [Salley in int.] and Joseph Brown of Sutton, June 5, 1791. In Sutton.
Sally S. and Jonathan Warren, Nov. 9, 1823. C.R.
Sarah D. and Nathaniel P. Whitney, June 1, 1843.
Seward M. and Elizabeth Robie of Charlestown, int. Sept. 18, 1846.
Silas M. of Sutton and Elizabeth H. Leland, April 13, 1837.
Susan G. and Jared Williams of Killingly, Ct., Dec. 25, 1838.
William H. and Chloe J. Gifford of Blackstone, int. Dec. 8, 1849.
Eliza A. and William Green of Mendon, Dec. 10, 1837.
Elijah and Eunice Rice, Jan. 30, 1773.
Eliza and Welcome Eager of Boston, Dec. 7, 1813. C.R.
Eunice and William Moore, both of Worcester, Nov. 16, 1784.
Harriot F. and John Whitney, Jan. 1, 1838. (Died March 6, 1907, indiffernt writing.)
John and Clara S. Moore of Boylston, int. Aug. 20, 1842.
Joseph and Harriot Fay of Southboro, int. Oct. 2, 1813.
Sarah and Samuel Wood, Jan. 8, 1815. C.R.
Sarah W. and John M. Davenport, April 5, 1841.
Simon and Sarah Whipple [the 2d in int.], Jan. 14, 1787.
William S. and Friendly [Frendelly in int.] Wood, Sept. 9, 1840.
Melinda A. of Westborough and Stephen Harrington, int. April 16, 1831.
Thomas of Natick [Westboro in int.] and Maria [Mariah in int.] E. Adams, Dec. 3, 1840.
Albert H. (s. Pliny and Betsey, a. 21) and Lucina Miller, June 15, 1847.
Michael and Catharine McGlaflin, int. July 25, 1849.
Harriet P. and Robert Towers Jr. of Richmond, Vt., int. Sept. 8, 1838.
Julia A. of Upton and Silas A. Forbush, int. Oct 24, 1845.
Almira of Spencer and Calvin Kent, int. Jan. 22, 1832.
BURDON[Bardon ?] -
Mary Ann of Sutton and Leonard Johnson, int. Aug. 17, 1836.
George and Prudence Leland, Nov. 9, 1837.
Fortain (negro) and Abigail Anthony (Indian), Jan. 27, 1757.
Nancy T. of Millbury and Gabriel F. Wheeler, int. Nov. 21, 1818.
[Burney in int.], Fortin [Fortune in C.R.] and Phylis [negro servant of Rev. Mr. Frost] of Mendon, July 31, 1778. Negroes.
[Burney in int.], Forten [Fortune in C.R.] and Sarah Hector of Sutton, Nov. 8, 1781. Negroes.
Sarah and Boston Philips [Philip Boston in int.], July 9, 1786 [int. Nov., 1786].
Mary Ann and Patrick Kennedy, int. Feb. 9, 1849.
William H. and Louisa Chambers of Lancaster, int. April 19, 1847.
Mary A. of Millbury and Abner T. Lathe, int. March 5, 1836.
Polly S. of Bellingham and Jonathan V. [?] Thurston, int. Jan. 20, 1844.
Ebenezer and Polly Leland, int. April 22, 1810.
Ebenezer F. and Mary Jane Grant, Sept. 3, 1843.
Adeline of West Boylston and Russel Putnam, int. Feb. 25, 1824.
Alice (d. Paul and Mary, a. 26) and Lewis Daniels, May 29, 1849.
Lewis of Providence and Barbary Nichols, int. Nov. 4, 1798.
Peter and Ruth Gould, Feb. 17, 1774, in Upton.
Deborah of Westford and James Robbins, Dec. 9, 1740. In Westford.
Jonathan of Springfield and Eunice F. Baker of Shrewsbury, Nov. 29, 1842.
Martha A. of Framingham and Rev. Edmund B. Willson, int. April 19, 1844.
Oliver and Susanna Smith, Aug. 13, 1772. C.R.
Eliza A. (d. Leonard and Sally, a. 22) and James Gregory Jr., April 5, 1849.
Nancy (d. Leonard A. and Mary P., a. 18) and Francis D. Putnam, Nov. 28, 1849.
Submit and Luke Leland Jr, int. Nov. 1, 1844.
Vicena T. and Willard C. Clapp of Northbridge, int. Nov. 23, 1839.
CADY(or Cody?)
Thomas S. and Clarissa M. Robbins, Aug. 2, 1838.
Jonathan and Anna Stow, int. Nov. 7, 1805.
Rufus and Patty Brooks, July 17, 1803. C.R.
Jean of Shrewsbury and John Shaw, June 5, 1735. In Shrewsbury.
Sylvia and David Chase, int. April 27, 1839.
Warren and Augusta Ann Cook of Oxford, int. Oct. 16, 1846.
[Mrs. in int.] Margary of Grafton Gore and James Young, Nov. 21, 1810. C.R.
Zenas and Marjory Weson, both of Grafton Gore, int. Oct. 25, 1800.
James of Sutton and Sophia F. Pratt, March 6, 1817. [Cartton in int.], Nancy M. (d. James and Sophia, a. 24) and John Irwin of New York, Jan. 29, 1849.
Abner P. of Upton and Mrs. Sarah A. Heath, int. Sept. 10, 1842.
Ann (a. 27) and Dwight Mann of Petersham, Nov. 9, 1847.
Ephraim W. of Worcester and Sarah A. Fuller, int. Aug. 1, 1846.
George G. and Mary Ann Batchelor [Batcheller in int.], July 28, 1830.
George G. (s. Timothy and Mary, a. 41, widr.) and Tylee T. Wilson, March 9, 1845.
Harvey and Mrs. Sally D. Newton of Shrewsbury, int. April 30, 1846.
Joseph A. and Mary E. Hastings of Millbury, March 21, 1833.
Moses of Sutton and Sibyl Marsh, April 11, 1843.
Nathan of Dudley and Abigail Rand, July 10, 1732. C.R.
Orinda and Rodney Leland, April 3, 1833.
Preston of Sutton and Sarah Ann Austin, int. April 10, 1839.
Solomon and Susanna Pratt, Feb. 9, 1819. C.R.
Mary A. of Thompson, Ct., and Chandler M. Pratt, int. April 18, 1829.
CARRYL (see Caryl)
[Caryl in int.], John and Eunice Willard, Oct. 3, 1779.
Polly and Timothy Caryl, both of Sutton, Nov. 12, 1789.
Adeline and Charles Chase, Jan. 8, 1843.
Dolly and Daniel G. Fairbanks, May 5, 1842.
Emeline [Eveline in int.] A. and Elisha C. [O. in int.] Rawson, Nov. 16, 1834.
Mary of Millbury and Daniel G. Prentice, int. March 21, 1844.
William and Sarah L. Matherson, Dec. 12, 1842.
CARYL (see Carryl)
Timothy and Polly Carryl, both of Sutton, Nov. 12, 1789.
Angeline (d. Pardon P. and Priscilla, a. 19) and Charles E. McCarty, June 17, 1848.
Elijah and Sarah Leland, March 9, 1806. C.R.
Elijah and Elizabeth Meriam, May 3, 1809. C.R.
Elijah L. and Lorania Stone, April 8, 1829.
Mrs. Elizabeth and Charles Prentice, May 9, 1824. C.R.
John M. of Worcester and Hannah L. Heywood, July 13, 1831.
Lafayette of Taunton (s. Pardon P. and Priscilla, a. 25) and Elizabeth Hannum, June 10, 1849.
CASEY[Case?] -
Lydia W. and Seth White of West Boylston, Jan. 15, 1822. C.R.
Comfort and Lucy Hoit, Sept. 25, 1781.
Nancy and John Daniels, Sept 29, 1833.
Nathaniel O. and Martha P. McKnight of Sutton, int. June 5, 1840.
Nathan L. and Prudence Leland, int. Feb. 14, 1846.
CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin)
Elizabeth and Silas Pratt of Hardwick, April 16, 1747. C.R.
Hannah of Hopkinton and Nathan Chamberlain, May 31, 1781. In Hopkinton.
Nathan and Hannah Chamberlain of Hopkinton, May 31, 1781. In Hopkinton.
CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain)
Anna and Willinm Winter of Northbridge, April 19, 1781. In Northbridge.
Charles L. and Eleanor Stowe, int. May 9, 1846.
David R. and Mariah Bosworth, both of Upton, April 13, 1838.
Eliza and Albert Leland of Holliston, May 25, 1831.
Hollis and Mary Elizabeth Goddard, April 15, 1829.
Hollis and Fanny C. Brewer of Wendell, int. March 31, 1842.
Jonas and Caroline Leland of Holliston, int. May 29, 1829.
Lois and Levi Batchelor of Upton, April 29, 1828.
Lucas and Susanna Day, int. Jan. 12, 1822.
Lucy F. of Westborough and George N. Sibley, int. Oct 20, 1838.
Maria and Charles Hathaway, int. May 25, 1845.
Mary A. and Henry A. Sceavy of Townsend, int. Dec. 7, 1849.
Phinehas and Huldah Cooper, both of Northbridge, Nov. 27, 1783.
Louisa of Lancaster and William H. Burns, int. April 19, 1847.
Samuel P. and Susan Adams of Worcester, int. Sept. 24, 1837.
Ruth E. of Upton and David Webster, int. Nov. 3, 1844.
Sarah of Concord and Eleazer Flagg, Dec. 8, 1763. In Concord.
Joseph and Sally Mason of Thomson, int. Feb. 7, 1796.
Hannah of Holden and Gabriel F. Wheeler, int. Sept. 10, 1815.
Abigail A. and Benedict A. Green of New York, Oct. 18, 1837.
Benjamen [Benjamin in int.] and Anna Rice, Jan. 10, 1738-9.
Benjamin and Jemima Morris of Woodstock, int. Dec. 13, 1750.
Mrs. Dorcas of Mendon and Benjamin Thurston, Nov. 24, 1768. In Mendon.
Edwin A. and Assenath T. Sargent of Shrewsbury, int. Sept. 8, 1848.
Eliza A. of Lancaster and Levi W. Damon, int. March 6, 1838.
Gershom of Uxbridge and Mary Sherman, Nov. 5, 1778.
Hannah and Benjamin Wheelock of Mendon, June 4, 1752.
Jerusha of Leyden and Levi Sadler, int. Feb. 6, 1803.
Polly of Uxbridge and John Warren, May 20, 1797. In Uxbridge.
Ruth A. of Uxbridge and Dr. William Thornton, int. April 30, 1830.
Sarah and Jonathan Hemenway of Framingham, Sept 19, 1768. C.R.
Leveret S. of Brookfield and Mary Ann Bates, May 3, 1838.
Mary Eliza of Upton and Hosea Aldrich, int. Nov. 8, 1817.
Amariah and Elisabeth Chase, both of Sutton, Nov. 28, 1784.
Amy and Whipple Bigelow of Sutton, Aug. 25, 1833.
Ambroas [Ambrose Jr. in int.] of Sutton and Sally Sharman, March 13, 1798. At Westboro.
Ambrose of Sutton and Thankfull Robbins, July 25, 1734.
Austin of Paris, Me., and Lucy Batchelder of Sutton, Sept. 21, 1837.
Betsey S. M. and Charles A. Chase, Oct. 14, 1842.
Bradford and Mary Kimball, March 12, 1835.
Caleb and Tabitha Beamuss, int. Sept. 24, 1774.
Caleb and Hannah Ellison of Northbridge, Jan. 30, 1776. C.R.
Calista and Leonard Nelson, March 3, 1841.
Caroline W. and Edwin H. Wood, April 2, 1833.
Charles and Adeline Carter, Jan. 8, 1843.
Charles A. and Betsey S. M. Chase, Oct. 14, 1842.
Daniel of Sutton and Martha Fletcher, Jan. 24, 1782. In Sutton.
Daniel of Sutton and Margaret [Margret in int.] Samson [Lawson? in C.R.], Feb. 17, 1742.
Daniel G. and Sarah P. Clark of Sutton, int. Jan. 25, 1840.
David and Sylvia Call, int. April 27, 1839.
Elisabeth and Amariah Chase, both of Sutton, Nov. 28, 1784.
Eliza A. of Keene, N.H., and William Prentice, Jan. 7, 1841. In Keene.
Eliza G. and Horatio Parminter [Parmenter in int.], April 3, 1832.
Horatio C. and Mary M. Brown, Feb. 2, 1843.
Isaac and Hannah Boynton of Boylston, int. Sept. 3, 1809.
Mrs. Jerusha R. and Samuel P. Lindley, May 3, 1836.
John and Polly Drury, Feb. 8, 1795.
Jonathan and Patty Kimball, Oct 8, 1801. C.R.
Jonathan of Sutton and Thankfull Sharman, Nov. 28, 1759.
Josiah of Sutton and Hannah Goddard, May 28, 1772. C.R.
Mrs. Judith of Millbury and Amasa Roberts, int. Aug. 30, 1829.
Judith and Levi M. Harrington, Oct. 28, 1841.
Lavina [Levina. C. in int.] (d. Moody and Susan, a. 19) and Jeremiah Whitcomb of Bolton, Dec. 5, 1844.
Leonard and Abigail G. Hapgood of Sutton, int. March 1, 1835.
Louisa M. and Freeman Nelson, int. Nov. 23, 1839.
Lucy of Sutton and Benjamin Garfield, Nov. 15, 1764. In Sutton.
Lucy and Daniel Greenwood Jr., both of Sutton, April 16, 1788.
Mrs. Mary and Dexter Clark, Dec. 22, 1842.
Molly and Noah B. Kimball, Dec. 12, 1782.
Olive and Andrew Jennings, int. June 6, 1840.
Persis S. M. and Horace L. Gleason, May [10?], 1842.
Mrs. Priscilla of Barre and Perley Goddard, int. May 9, 1818.
Robert D. (s. Moody and Susan, a. 25) and Elizabeth A. Kimball, June 15, 1848.
Rufus P. and Emily Peck of Claremont, N.H., int. March 6, 1830.
Samuell Jr. of Sutton and Silence Stow, May 29, 1751.
Silas of Sutton and Lucina Holbrook, Nov. 8, 1809. C.R.
Vienna of Douglass and Keith W. Segraves, int. May 17, 1837.
William C. of Sutton and Catharine A. White, int. Jan. 4, 1849.
James H. and Sophia Raymond of Winchendon, int. March 25, 1837.
John of Holden and Eunice Sherman, March 8, 1815. C.R.
Josephus of Holden and Polly Haydon, April 23, 1799. C.R.
Margaret W. of Sutton and Enoch Forbush Jr., int. Feb. 6, 1820.
Caroline E. and Noah Fletcher, May 24, 1840.
Deborah A. [Ann in int.] (d. Isaiah and Julia, a. 22) and Charles O. Adams, Oct. 29, 1846.
Rebekah and Calvin Patrick, Oct. 9, 1836.
Sarah M. and Otis Frissell, Jan. 1, 1832.
Timothy and Rhoda Wheelock, int. May 14, 1774.
CHILD (see Childs)
Abigail and Eliphalet Wood of Littleton, Nov. 7, 1751.
Wid. Abigail and Moses Town of Oxford, int. May 28, 1763.
Jonathan and Eunice Smith of Westboro, April 16, 1767. At Westboro.
Josiah and Elisabeth Ball, April 24, 1755.
Lucretia and Zephaniah Lathe, int. Sept. 7, 1780.
Ruth and Ezekiel Smith of Westboro, Jan. 6, 1763. C.R.
Sarah and Daniel Rice of Westborough, Feb. 27, 1766. C.R.
Solomon and Martha Rice of Westboro, April 16, 1767. At Westboro.
CHILDS (see Child)
Abigail of Westborough and Joseph H. int. Sept. 9, 1820.
Almond of Upton (s. Fisher H. and Adeline, a. 21) and Martha M. Fay, Nov. 10, 1847.
Emily H. and Willard G. Emerson, Apni 19, 1831.
Ephraim of Westboro and Catharine Whitney, Nov. 6, 1794. At Westboro.
Sally of Charlton and Daniel Woodbury of Sutton, April 19, 1802. C.R.
Sarah [Sally in int.] of Westborough and Christopher Nason, Aug. 10, 18O8. C.R.
Samuel (s. Edward, a. 35) and Sarah M. Arnold, Aug. 19, 1844.