[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Clarissa, June 1, 1842. [Clarasa, June 17, a. 62 y. 6 m., G.R.]
Clarrissa, Jan. 1, 1843.
Horace, July 5, 1834, a. 34. G.R.
Moses [h. Mary], May 21, 1784.
Jeremiah [h. Sabrina], Aug. 10, 1833.
Amaziah,------------,1835. G.R.
Elijah, ch. Philip and Mary, June 15, 1783.
Mary Ewers, W. Sergt. Philip,------------, 1834, a. 81. G.R.
Philip, "Sergt. in the Revolution" [h. Mary Ewers],------------, 1835, a. 88. G.R.
Abraham, Sept. 9, 1838, a. 65. G.R.
Charles C., Rev., Nov. 29, 1846, a. 33. G.R.
Louisa A., d. Abram and Mary, June 19, 1835, a. 16. G.R.
Anna, wid. Moses, May 3, 1839, a. 78. G.R.
Asher Newton, s. Athenadorus and Esther, Aug. 12, 1810, a. 2 y. 4 m. G.R.
Chloe, w. Elijah S., Sept. 17, 1838, a. 36. G.R.
Elisabeth, Feb. 15, 1843.
Elizabeth, Feb. 13, 1843, a. 6. [d. Elijah S. and Chloe, Feb. 14, G.R.]
Eunice, w. Dea. Moses, July 21, 1802, a. 60. G.R.
Hannah, w. Cyrus S., Sept. 8, 1835, a. 24. G.R.
Henry P., s. Henry and Rhoda, typhus fever, Oct. 20, 1845, a. 22.
Lisander, s. Elijah S. and Chloe, Nov. 1, 1838, a. 3 m. G.R.
Moses, Dea., Sept. 19, 1805, a. 69. G.R.
Moses, Mar. 8, 1814, a. 53. G.R.
Moses Dwight, s. Athenodorus and Esther, Oct. 9, 1827, a. 10. G.R.
Rhoda, w. Henry, July 8, 1836, a. 40 y. 11 m. G.R.
Almyra Bathsheba, ch. George A. and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1835. [Elmira Bathsheba, a. 10, G.R.]
Bathsheba, Mrs., Mar. 20, 1820. [w. Jacob, Mar. 3, a. 71, G.R.]
Bathsheba Almyra, ch. John and Jemima, Nov. 27, 1817.
Charlotte, w. Erastus A., Aug. 10, 1842, a. 27. G.R.
Henry Kerley, ch. John and Jemima, Apr. 4, 1836. [Henry K., s. John Esq. and Jemima, a. 27, G.R.]
Jacob, Mr., July 5, 1828. [a. 78, G.R.]
Jacob Allen, ch. John and Jemima, Aug. 12, 1813. [a. 12, G.R.]
James Janes, ch. John and Jemima, Sept. 12, 1806. [Sept. 12, 1807, a. 15 m., G.R.]
Sarah, b. Bernardston, w. George A., dysentery, Sept. 3, 1849, a. 54 y. 1 m. 9 d. [Sarah Slate, Aug. 27, a. 54, G.R.]
Shermon, ch. Ichabod D. and Miranda, Jan. 30, 1838.
Abigail, w. Rosel, Jan. 3, 1833, a. 98. G.R.
Francis Peter, s. Henry "from Germany of Prussia on the Rhine," May 22, 1845. G.R.
Augusta, d. John and Rachel P., May 17, 1838, a. 10 m. G.R.
Jerusha, w. John, Aug. 13, 1838, a. 83. G.R.
John Sr. [h. Rachel], Feb. 19, 1832. [a. 74, G.R.]
John, b. Torrington, Conn., s. John and Jerusha, epistaxes, Dec. —, 1848, a. 49 y. 7 m. 22 d. [Dec. 1, a. 49, G.R.]
John W., s. John and Rachel, June 23, 1834, a. 2 y. 4 m. G.R.
Daniel, m., s. Daniel and Levina, fractured thigh, July 9 [1844], a. 51.
Levine, b. Northfield, wid. David, old age, June 1, 1843, a. 81.
Elizabeth Wheeler, ch. Walter and Mary, Mar. 16, 1811. [Elizabeth W., a. 2 y. 4 m., G.R.]
WaIter, ch. Walter and Mary, Dec. 22, 1800.
Walter, ch. Walter and Mary, Sept. 29, 1802. [s. Walter and Polly, Oct. 31, a. 16 m., G.R.]
BURNETT (see Burnit, Burnitt)
Nathaniel, "Town Pauper," b. Barre, sudden, Apr. 12, 1849, a. 78 y. 2 m. 12 d.
BURNIT (see Burnett, Burnitt)
Anna, ch. Nathaniel and Ana, Nov. 21, 1802.
Anna, ch. Nathaniel and Ana, Feb. 29 [sic], 1803.
BURNITT (see Burnett, Burnit)
Cloe, second w. Nathaniel, Jan. 19, 1837.
Clara, d. Josiah and Josephine, cholera infantum, Aug. 18, 1848, a. 1 y. 6 m. 3 d. [d. Josiah D. and Josephine M., a. 18 m., G.R.]
George, s. Joseph C. and Cornelia W., Sept. 11, 1848, a. 15 w. G.R.
William Pitt, M.D., "Ass't Surgeon of the U. S. Navy, who died on board the U. S. Ship Vandalia, at sea, on her passage from Port au Prince to Norfolk, Va.," Apr. 7, 1845, a. 26. G.R.
Zina, ch Joseph and Rachel, Sept.—, 1797.
Almon, July 13, 1847, a. 36. G.R.
Erastus A., s. Almon and Esther S., Aug. 10, 1845, a. 1 y. 2 m. G.R.
Abigail, ch. Ebenezer and Martha, Apr. 26, 1776.
Betsey, ch. Ebenezer and Martha, Mar. 12, 1824. [Betsy, a. 37, G.R.]
Clarrisa, ch. Ebenezer and Martha, Sept. 1, 1832. [Clarissa, a. 53, G.R.]
Ebenezer [h. Martha], Jan. 28, 1829. [a. 78, G.R.]
Ebenezer Green, ch. Samuel G. and Sylvia, Dec. 4, 1856. [Ebenezer G., Dec. 3, 1837, a. 23, G.R.]
Eliphas, s. Eliphas and Sally, Oct. 29, 1815, a. 7 w. G.R.
Eliphas, Aug. 4, 1816, a. 25. G.R.
Henry H., s. Eliphas and Sally, Aug. 29, 1815, a. 16 m. G.R.
Martha (w. Ebenezer], Dec. 22, 1837. (a. 87, G.R.]
Patty, ch. Ebenezer and Martha, Aug. 17, 1777.
Patty, ch. Ebenezer and Martha, Sept. 9, 1829. [Sept. 5, a. 37, G.R.]
Sam[ue]l G. [h Sylvia], Apr. 2, 1831. (a. 44, G.R.]
Samuell, ch. Ebenezer and Martha, Feb. 13, 1785.
Sarah, ch. Ebenezer and Martha,, Mar. 2, 1791.
Sylvia [w. Sam[ue]l G.], Aug. 9, 1833. [Aug. 7, a. 48, G.R.]
John (h. Melenda], May 11, 1829.
Rachal Pierce, ch. John and Melenda, Feb. 17, 1820.
Isaac, Mar. 31, 1842, a. 51.
Henriet Menerva, d. William and Anna, Feb. 26, 1807, a. 2 y. 3 m. G.R.
Abigail E., w. Seth, Sept. 27, 1815, a. 36. G.R.
Adna Emery, ch. Seth and Abigail, Aug. 11, 1818. [Adna E., a. 6, G.R.]
Seth, "Drowned in the Conn. River," Dec. 14, 1818, a. 41, G.R.
Sophia S., w. Thomas, d. S. Munn and G., Aug. 15, 1834, a. 21. G.R.
Joseph Leveritt, ch. Abner and Susannah W., Sept. 21, 1827.
Betsy, ch. John, Oct. 11, 1802.
George [h. Jeney], drounded, July 6, 1799, a. 38.
Levina, ch. John, Oct. 15, 1802.
Mercy, w. Jediah, July 27, 1798, a. 70.
Azubah, wid., b. Hardwick, d. Daniel Morton and Mary, consumption, Aug. 28, 1846, a. 86 y. 4 m. 12 d.
------------, s. E. A., July 21, 1848, a. 10 d. G.R.
Asenath, w. James, Nov. 8, 1827, a. 59. G.R.
Ellen C., d. Robert and Adaline, Jan. 7, 1827, a. 9 m. G.R.
James, Jan. 5, 1841, a. 72. G.R.
Nahum "late of Chesterfield," N.H., s. Ezra and Marcy, "drowned in Connecticut river, at Millers falls," Apr. 24, 1802, in 23d y. G.R.
Newton, ch. James and Mercelina, Jan. 13, 1843.
Ruth [w. Peter], Mar. 23, 1836.
Timothy D., s. Peter and Ruby, July 30, 1838, a. 8 m. G.R.
David, s. David and Lucinda, Dec. 3, 1841, a. 28. G.R.
Joseph, Mar. 23, 1820, a. 86. G.R.
Mary, w. Joseph, Feb. 5, 1815, a. 76. G.R.
Benjamin, ch. James and Lavina,------------ 6, 1803.
Henry, July 10, 1836, a. 88. G.R.
James, ch. James and Lavina, Aug. 7, 1803.
Rachel, ch. Henry and Rachel, Aug. 16, 1803.
Rachel, w. Henry, Dec. 20, 1810.
Abby D., d. Dwight and Mary, Aug. 5, 1845, a. 14 m. G.R.
Clarrissa Orilla, ch. Rodolphus and Nancy, Feb. 7, 1835. [Clarissa A., d. Rodolphus W. and Hannah D., a. 19, G.R.]
Diana A., d. Loring and Mary, May 24, 1833, a. 23. G.R.
Ebenezer, Mar. 27, 1813, a. 68. G.R.
Eunice, wid. Ebenezer, July 6, 1826, a. 74. G.R.
Gratis, d. Ebenezer and Eunice, Mar. 7, 1813, a. 23. G.R.
Hollis D., s. Dwight and Mary, Apr. 20, 1843, a. 6 y. 7 m. G.R.
Hollis D., s. Dwight and Mary, Feb. 8, 1844, a. 14 m. G.R.
Loring, Dec. 22, 1833, a. 48. G.R.
Prentice H., only s. Rodolphus W. and Hannah D., Mar. 9, 1813, a. 12. G.R.
Rodolphus, Mar. 21, 1816, a. 46. G.R.
------------, s. D. and M., Oct. 30, 1834, a. 4 d. G.R.
------------, inf. d. D. and M., Apr. 16, 1835. G.R.
Obed, Sept. 21, 1797, in 56th y. G.R.
Ruth, Mrs., Aug. 7, 1792, in 86th y. G.R.
Lydia, w. Joel, d. Robert White and Lydia, apoplexy, Dec. 11 [? 1845], a. 40 y. 11 m. 9 d. [Dec. 11, 1815, a. 41, G.R.]
GAINES (see Gains)
George [h. Rachel], Apr. 15, 1842. [Gains, a. 78, G.R.]
Prudence, b. Glossonbury, Conn., d. David and Prudence, old age, July 3, 1848, a. 89.
GAINS (see Gaines)
Allen, ch. Jehiel and Dorinda, Aug. 20, 1803 [?1805].
Aurelea, ch. Jehiel and Dorinda, Aug. 14, 1803.
Ferona, ch. Job and Lydia, Apr. 14, 1798. [d. Hon. Job, a. 3, G.R.]
Abigail, w. Alfred, Oct. 11, 1821, a. 33.
George, widr., b. Glastonbury, Conn., s. David and Sarah, old age, Aug. 16 [1843], a. 93.
Georg,------------, 1843.
Lucinda, w. George, Apr. 21, 1814. [a. 56, G.R.]
Ralph, ch. Georg and Lusinda, Oct. 24, 1802. [ch. George and Lucinda, a. 1 y. 7 m., G.R.]
Ralph Edward, ch. Georg and Lusinda, Mar. 30, 1814. [Ralph E., ch. George and Lucinda, a. 9, G.R.]
William, ch. Georg and Lusinda, May 5, 1814. [s. George and Lucinda, a. 21, G.R.]
Esther, w. James, May 28, 1811, a. 31. G.R.
Eunice, w. James Esq., Jan. 13, 1815, a. 37. G.R.
James, Mr., Oct. 25, 1825. [James Esq., a. 4[broken, 8 or 9], G.R.]
Lucinda, ch. James and Esther, Dec. 1, 1809. [Lucinda, a. 8 m., G.R.]
Sarah, ch. James and Esther, Apr. 6, 1813. [a. 22 d., G.R.]
Jephthah, Sept. 16, 1839, a. 84. G.R.
Margaret, w. Jephthah, Oct. 1, 1837, a. 79. G.R.
Henry, b. Bernardston, s. Nelson and Esther M., fitts, Sept. 9, 1848, a. 1 y. 3 m.
John, s. Aaron and Rachel, June 1, 1831, a. 7 m. G.R.
Lovinia, consumption, Oct. 16, 1847, a. 23 y. 1 m. 19 d.
Martha, d. Aaron P. and Rachal, measles, June 27, 1849, a. 9. [Martha Elvira, d. Aaron and Rachel, June 22, G.R.]
Martha N., ch. Ralph A. and Caroline, Mar. 5, 1843. [Martha Ann, a. 2 m., G.R.]
Samuel, m., b. Chatham, Conn., s. Samuel and Lucy, old age, Nov. 13, [18]46, a. 78 y. 6 m. 5 d. [Lt. Samuel, a. 78, G.R.]
HARA (see Hard, Haru).
HARD (see Haru)
Almira, d. John and Bathsheba A. M., Sept. 10, 1816, a. 10 d. G.R.
Bathsheba A., w. John M., Nov. 26, 1817, a. 20. G.R.
Sarah, wid. Samuel, congestive fever, Feb. 4, 1849, a. 73. [Sarah C., G.R.]
HARU (see Hard)
John M. [? Hara], Feb. 19, 1833.
Dolly, b. Greenfield, d. Oliver and Dolly, consumption, Jan. 1, [18]47, a. 53 y. 1 m. 13 d.
Dorathy, d. Oliver and Dorothy, Jan. 21, 1847, a. 42. G.R.
Dorothy, wid. Oliver, old age, Oct. 2, 1848, a. 87. [Dorothy, Oct. 1, G.R.]
Oliver, Feb. 2, 1826, a. 70. G.R.
Richard, s. Onesimus and Mary, July 20, 1826, a. 20 m. G.R.
Sidney, s. Warren and Candace, July 27, 1826, a. 3. G.R.
Warren [h. Candis], June 4, 1834 [a. 43, G.R.]
Warren M., July 24, 1848, a. 39. G.R.
Abigail, w. Elijah, M.D., Nov. 14, 1830, a. 48. G.R.
Achsah S., d. Dr. Elijah and Achsah, Apr. 11, 1833, a. 1. G.R.
Elizabeth G., d. Dr. Elijah and Abigail, Feb. 24, 1827, a. 2. G.R.
Julia A., d. Dr. Elijah and Achsah, May 22, 1837, a. 2. G.R.
Harriet, ch. Charles and Almira, Dec. 4, 1842. [Harriet S., Dec. 5, a. 8 m., G.R.]
Martha G., w. Rev. Charles, Mar. 9, 1840, a. 23. G.R.
Abigail [w. Edward F.], Feb. 1, 1833.
Adna Seth, ch. Edward F. and Abigail, Oct. 4, 1833.
Samuel, Sept. 18, 1826, a. 71. G.R.
HOLISTER (see Hollister)
Bohan F., s. Dr. Elisha and Aurela, Mar. 17, 1813, in 13th y. G.R.
Horace A., s. Dr. Elisha and Aurela, Mar. 15, 1813, in 11th y. G.R.
Penelope, wid. Capt. Elisha, Aug. 13, 1801, a. 68. G.R.
HOLLISTER (see Holister)
Aurilla, Dec. 28, 1815, a. 38. G.R.
Patty, Jan. 30, 1817, a. 33. G.R.
HORSLEY (see Hosley)
Benjamin [h. Lucy], Sept. 28, 1803. (Hosley, Aug. 28, a. 82 y. 4 m. 11 d., G.R.]
Danforth, ch. Jonathan Jewet, Sept. 7, 1803.
Isaiah, Aug. 22, 1804. [Hosley, a. 42 y. 5 m. 7 d., G.R.]
Jonathan Jewet, ch. Jonathan Jewet, Sept.—, 1802.
Lucy, w. Benjamin, Feb. 8, 1808.
Martha, ch. Jonathan Jewet, Sept. 9, 1803.
Tirzah, w. Benjamin, Aug. 29, 1826, a. 46. G.R.
HOSLEY (see Horsley)
Benjamin [h. Ruth], Dec. 14, 1827. [a. 77, G.R.]
George N., s. Adolphus and Alvira, worms, Aug. 13, 1848, a. 4 y. 11 d. [s. Adolphus and Elvira, Aug. 10, a. 4, G.R.]
Mary, wid. Rufus, d. David Wrisley and Hannah, consumption or dropsy, Mar. 30, 1849, a. 69.
Rufus [h. Polly], Feb. 8, 1840. [a. 65, G.R.]
Ruth, w. Benjamin Jr., Mar. 16, 1796, a. 40. G.R.
Ruth, w. Benjamin, July 10, 1812. [July 14, 2.40, G.R.]
Theron [h. Orrilla], Feb. 13, 1837. [a. 40, G.R.]
Eldad, widr., b. Newbury, Vt., s. Aaron and Abigail, fever, Mar. 1, [18]47, a. 73 y. 4 m. 6 d. [a. 73, G.R.]
Experience [w. Eldad], Oct. 12, 1829. [a. 53, G.R.]
Luander, ch. Eldad and Experiance, Jan. 9, 1804. [Lysander B., s. Eldad and Experience, Jan. 19, a. 7 m., G.R.]
Nathaniel [h. Abigail], Jan. 14, 1837. [Hoisington, a. 49, G.R.]
Asa, m., b. Petersham, s. John and Mary, diarrhoea, Sept. 7 [1843], a. 81.
Flora E., b. Winchester, d. Benjamin and Electa, mirasmus, Feb. 25, 1849, a. 6 m.
Abigail, ch. Seth and Experience, Oct. 6, 1784.
Abigail, w. Seth S., Oct. 8, 1835, a. 54. G.R.
Abigail, ch. Salmon and Wealthy, Oct. 11, 1821.
Calvin, ch. Seth and Experience, Sept. 14, 1777.
Consider, ch. Seth and Experience, Feb. 17, 1808.
Experiance, ch. Calvin and w., Oct. 20, 1816.
George, May 16, 1815, a. 72. G.R.
Seth [h. Experience], Apr. 10, 1794.
Wealthy, w. Salmon, Dec. 11, 1821, a. 54.
Betsy, d. Rev. Peter, June 14, 1815, a. 21. G.R.
Kezia, w. Rev. Peter, Nov. 23, 1813, a. 49. G.R.
Hannah Oliver, ch. Sam[ue]ll, Mar. 25, 1837. [Hannah O., d. Samuel and Susannah, a. 36, G.R.]
Susanna, d. Samuel and Susanna, Nov. 29, 1811, a. 14. G.R.
Susanna, w. Samuel, Apr. 4, 1833, a. 65. G.R.
------------, twin inf. Sylvanus M. and Eunice, June 24, 1842.
------------, twin inf. Sylvanus M. and Eunice, June 24, 1842.
------------, inf. s. Samuel Jr. and Eveline, disease of the heart, Mar. 12 [1844].
Ebenezer, m., b. Woodstock, Conn., paralysis, Sept. 29, 1845, a. 61 y. 3 m. 12 d. [a. 61, G.R.]
Keziah, b. Newfane, Vt., wid. Ebenezer, d. Ebenezer Harris and Lucy, spinal, July 23, 1848, a. 62. [Kezia W., G.R.]
Lewis N., s. Ebenezer and Kezia W., Dec. 18, 1837, in 21st y. G.R.
Ellen L, Feb. 1, 1842, a. 1 y. 6 m.
Albert N., s. Chauncy N. and Mary A., Nov. 2, 1837, a. 2 y. 4 m. G.R.
John, ch. William and Polley, July 29, 1803.
Mary, mother of John, Mar. 8, 1843.
Patty, ch. William and Polley, Feb. 1, 1803.
William, ch. William and Polley, July 30, 1803.
Mary, wid. Rev. Jona[than], formerly w. Obed Foote, May 16, 1813, a. 73. G.R.
Lucy [w. Aaron], May 23, 1829. [a. 44, G.R.]
Betsey, d. Samuel and Rachel, Dec. 17, 1817, a. 21. G.R.
Rachel, w. Samuel, Feb. 28, 1818, a. 66. G.R.
George, father of John, Nov. 29, 1843.
Betsy, w. Samuel, Sept. 5, 1812, a. 61. G.R.
Experiance, wid. Seth, formerly w. Seth Howland, Oct. 24, 1837, a. 87. G.R.
LYON (see Lyons)
Horatio Nelson, ch. Dr. Joel and Eliza, July 19, 1831.
Lydia Augusta, d. Elvin D. and Penelope, disease of the heart, Nov. 30, [18]49, a. 3 y. 8 m. 17 d.
Mary, m., b. Bernardston, d. Hatsell Purple and Eliza,------------[rec. between July 5, 1846, and Mar. 1, 1847].
Peter Mason, ch. Dr. Joel and Eliza, July 3, 1810. [Lyons, s. Dr. Joel and Eliza W., July 3, 1811, a. 2, G.R.]
LYONS (see Lyon)
Nancy, ch. Alvin and Penelope, Feb. 2, 1843. [ch. Elvin D. and Penelope B., a. 14 m., G.R.]
Nancy Eliza, d. Elvin D. and Penelope B., Nov. 30, 1849, a. 3 y. 8 m. 17 d. G.R.
Sarah Ann, b. Guilford, Vt., typhoid fever, Sept. 5, 1849, a. 16.
Abigail [w. George W.], Apr. 17, 1828. [Abigail S., w. George D., a. 23, G.R.]
Anna [w. Soloman], Dec. 3, 1837. [w. Solomon, a. 61, G.R.]
George W. [h. Abigail], Feb. 6, 1835. [a. 32, G.R.]
Soloman [h. Anna], May 25, 1841. [Solomon, a. 74, G.R.]
Whelock, ch. Solomon and Anna, June 5, 1807. [s. Solomon and Ann, drowned, a. 10, G.R.]
Henry, ch. Wid. Mange, Feb. 10, 1842.
Lucy Jane, adopted d. Seth and Rowena Wood, Feb. 25, 1841, a. 7 y. 6 m. G.R.
Jane Amanda, d. Velorus and Hannah, pertusis, May 7, 1843, a. 1 m. 14 d.
Velorous, Oct. 15, 1847, a. 38. G.R.
Edwin Dickinson, s. Samuel and Charlotte, worms, Sept. 4, 1845, a. 2 y. 1 m. 20 d.
John Knote, s. Dwight and Asenath, burned by explosion of gunpowder, Aug. 24, 1845, a. 9 y. 9 m. 1 d. [John K., a. 9 y. 9 m., G.R.]
Betty, ch. John and Mariam, Apr. —, 1792.
John, ch. John and Mariam, June 16, 1799.
Rusel, ch. Dimic, Nov. 18, 1782.
Elisha [h. Eunice], Sept. 22, 1847, a. 92. G.R.
Eunice, w. Dea. Elisha, Sept. 12, 1836, a. 79. G.R.
Fany, ch. Moses and Abigail, Dec. 29, 1830. [Fanny, a. 20, G.R.]
Gratia, w. Seth, Mar. 20, 1838, a. 52. G.R.
Harriet, May 23, 1839, a. 21. G.R.
Joel, July 10, 1820, a. 33. G.R.
Livonia, d. Joel and Elizabeth, Mar. 4, 1817, a. 9 m. G.R.
Lorenzo J., s. Otis and Malenda, Apr. 29, 1812, a. 19 m. G.R.
Luther, Apr. 23, 1843. [Luther Wesley, s. Seth and Melitta, a. 2 y. 10 m., G.R.]
Melitta, b Greenfield, w. Seth, d. Theophilus Griswold and w., consumption, May 18, 1844, a. 40 y. 1 m. 10 d. [May 19, a. 39, G.R.]
Noah, May 13, 1821, a. 75. G.R.
Rhoda, ch. Seth, July 8, 1836.
Selina, wid. Seth, Oct. 3, 1819, a. 58. G.R.
Seth, Feb. 13, 1808, a. 54. G.R.
Sophia, d. Seth and Selina, Nov. 17, 1805, in 15th y. G.R.
Sophia S., d. Otis and Malenda, Apr. 8, 1810, a. 22 m. G.R.
Abigail, w. Rufus, Oct. 17, 1832, a. 56. G.R.
Rufus, Nov. 20, 1846, a. 77. G.R.
Ruth, d. Rufus and Abigail, July 19, 1826, a. 19. G.R.
Mary [w. Nathaniel], Mar. 31, 1829.
Fox, ch. Jonathan and Patients, Oct. 13, 1802.
Jonathan, ch. Simeon and Sirena, Feb. 6, 1818.
Patients, ch. Jonathan and Patients, Jan. 31, 1807.
Allen, s. P. Allen and Betsey F., June 19, 1835, a. 6. G.R.
P. Allen, Oct. 4, 1837, a. 33. G.R.
Anna, wid., b. Westfield, paralysis, Sept. 11, 1845, a. 82 y. 26 d.
Huldah J., b. Bernardston, d. Noble P. and Nancy Ann, consumption, Mar. 8, 1847, a. 15 y. 9 m. 13 d.
Josiah, m., b. Warwick, apoplexy, Mar. 15, [18]48, a. 80y 5 m. 18 d.
Rebeckah, w. Ichabod, Feb. 24, 1796.
Zebina Jr., b. Leverett, s. Zebina and w., drowning, June 16 [1844], a. 9 y. 2 m. 3 d.
Mary Emily, ch. John and Sophia, Dec. 14, 1827.
Clarissa, Nov. 4, 1842. [w. Ezra, G.R.]
Josephine M., ch. Ezra and Clarasa, May 4, 1818. [d. Ezra and Clarissa, G.R.]
------------, inf. s. Ezra and Clarissa, Oct. 3, 1824. G.R.
Emely, ch. Moses and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1840. [Emily, d. Capt Moses and Sally, a. 41, G.R.]
Eunice Lock, wid., b. Jaffrey, N.H., old age, Mar. 6, 1846, a. 82 y 8 m. 12 d. [Eunice Locke, wid. Edward, a. 82, G.R.]
Luman, b. Unity, N.H., s. John N., typhus fever, July 31, 1843, a. 21. [s. John L. and Abigail, a. 21 y. 3 d., G.R.]
Moses, Capt., Dec. 14, 1802, a. 36. G.R.
Theophlus G., b. Rockingham, V t., s. Perrin N. and Emily, disease of the heart, Jan. 14 [18]47, a. 22 y. 11 m. 13 d.
William, Oct. 2, 1825, a. 70. G.R.
Lucy, w. Rev. William, d. Rev. Dr. Hopkins of Hadley, Dec. 17, 1813, a. 45. G.R.
Septima, Nov. 4, 1810. G.R.
William, Rev., " Graduated at Dart. College, 1793. Settled in the Ministry in Bristol, Me. 1796 and in Whitingham, Vt. 1815," Oct. 24, 1849. G.R.
RISLEY (see Wrisley, Wrisly)
Aaron, ch. Elijah and Deborah, Aug. 5, 1827.
Chloe, ch. Jonathan and Chloe, Oct. 26, 1802.
Content, ch. David Jr., Nov. 30, 1840.
David, ch. David Jr., Apr. 23, 1838.
Jonathan, ch. Jonathan and Chloe, Oct. 14, 1802.
Lucy, ch. Elijah and Deborah, Mar. 27, 1817.
Nally, ch. Jonathan and Chloe, Oct. 3, 1802.
Polly, ch. Jonathan and Chloe, Sept. 28, 1802.
Wealthy, ch. Elijah and Deborah, Mar. 9, 1815.
Alanson [h. Harriet], June 7, 1841. [a. 49, G.R.]
Amaziah [h. Mary], Mar. 2, 1813.
Climena E., d. Horatio and Eunice, Apr. 21, 1833, a. 3. G.R.
Ebenezer [h. Submitt], Feb. 17, 1832, a. 78.
Elizabeth, w. Alanson, Mar. 29, 1816, a. 21. G.R.
Holland Foster, ch. Alsetus and Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1833. [Holland F., s. Alsetus and Betsy, a. 6 y. 8 m. 8 d., G.R.]
Mary [w. Amaziah], May 24, 1829.
Moses S., s. Alsetus and Betsy, Sept. 8, 1838, a. 23 m. 27 d. G.R.
Ozias, ch. Ozias and Philinda, May 20, 1833. [ch. Ozias and Philanda, May 6, a. 5 m. 20 d., G.R.]
Sabra, d. Eben[eze]r and Submit, asthma, Jan. 6 [1844] a. 64.
Submitt [w. Ebenezer], July 17, 1824, a. 67. [Submit, July 17, 1827, G.R.]
Ellen A., d. Samuel and Lorana, Aug. 12, 1842, a. 1 y. 6 m. G.R.
George A., s. Samuel and Lorana, Jan. 27, 1840, a. 6 m. 21 d. G.R.
Lydia, d. Abel and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1820, a. 33. G.R.
Osee, ch. Benjamin and Levina, drowned, June 6, 1799.
Phinena, ch. Benjamin and Levina, Oct. 8, 1799.
Alpheus Newton, ch. Rufus and Rozana, Mar. 21, 1810.
Asa H., Oct. 18, 1831, a. 37. G.R.
Charles, ch. Hervey and w., Jan. 12, 1843.
Diaffa, w. Solomon, Dec. 6, 1846, a. 49. G.R.
Diaffa, wid., b. Montague, d. Jeremiah Andros and [Sabrina], fever, Jan. 25, [18]47, a. 47 y. 6 m.
Eunice, w. Moses, Mar. 7, 1847, a. 84. G.R.
Eunice A., d. Solomon and Diaffa, June 18, 1830, a. 12. G.R.
Eunice R., d. Rufus and Roxana, Sept. 21, 1839, a. 19. G.R.
Moses, Jan. 7, 1817, a. 68. G.R.
Obadiah, s. Moses and Eunice, Oct. 19, 1802, a. 2. G.R.
Olive, d. Moses and Eunice, Oct. 11, 1802, a. 3. G.R.
Roxana [w. Rufus], Apr. 11, 1838. [Apr. 10, a. 51, G.R.]
Solomon [h. Diaffa], Sept. 4, 1842. [a. 50, G.R.]
Solomon B., s. Solomon and Diaffa, Apr. 4, 1833. G.R.
Sarah Ann, July 25, 1841, a. 3.
Emeline C., w. M. W., wid. Arad Hunt, d. Ezra Purple and Clarissa, Oct. 28, 1847. G.R.
SEVERANCE (see Severance)
Charlotte, d. Daniel and Mary, consumption, Feb. 24, 1848, a. 29 y. 10 m. 17 d.
Marilla, d. Daniel and Mary, Sept. 13, 1838, in 28th y. G.R.
Orin, ch. Abner, Dec. 20, 1825. [Orren, Dec. 20, 1826, a. 40, G.R.]
Rhoda, Dec. 18, 1841, a. 18. G.R.
SEVERENCE (see Severance)
Harriet Charlotte, ch. Elijah and Charlottee, Apr. 26, 1843. (Harriet C. Severance, d. Elijah and Charlotte, a. 25, G.R.]
Harriette, Apr. 25, 1843.
Reuben, Dea., June 3, 1814. [a. 65, G.R.]
Ruth, Dec. 14, 1825. [wid. Dea. Reuben, a. 62, G.R.]
Almeda, ch. Capt. Bethuel and Sarah Ballard,------------,1832, a. 25. G.R.
Bathsheba, w. Samuel, d. Eleazer Wrisley and Anna, consumption, Mar. 27, 1849, a. 72 y. 11 m. 19 d.
Bethiah, w. Ebenezer, Dec. 19, 1817, a. 44. G.R.
Bethuel, s. Ebenezer, bite of a hog, Jan. 22, 1848, a. 71 y. 7 m. 23 d. [Capt Bethuel, a. 71, G.R.]
Daniel, Feb. 10, 1789, a. 81. G.R.
Ebenezer, Jan. 10, 1829, a. 77. G.R.
Martha, ch. Bethuel and Sally, Feb. 1, 1827. [ch. Capt. Bethuel and Sarah Ballard, a. 8, G.R.]
Mary, wid. Daniel, Aug. 10, 1795, a. 83. G.R.
Patty, w. Ebenezer, Apr. 30, 1799, a. 50. G.R.
Patty, second w. Ebenezer, Mar. 25, 1813, a. 53. G.R.
Sally [w. Bethuel], Feb. 1, 1832. [Sarah Ballard, w. Capt. Bethuel, a. 54, G.R.]
Samuel A., ch. Samuel and Beersheba, Sept. 16, 1804.
Sophrona, ch. Bethuel and Sally, Aug. 10, 1803. [Sophronia, ch. Capt. Bethuel and Sarah Ballard, a. 4, G.R.]
Abigail, w. Josiah, Aug. 10, 1831, a. 75. G.R.
Eunice Lyman, ch. Josiah and Lucy, Sept. 29, 1822.
Josiah, Jan. 31, 1823, a. 65. G.R.
Lucius Field, ch. Josiah and Lucy, Sept. 25, 1822.
Lucy, w. Josiah, May 18, 1821, a. 24 y. 8 m. 27 d. [a. 24, G.R.]
Mary M., w. Dexter D., d. A. Roberts and H., Apr. 25, 1847, a. 22. G.R.
Philena [w. Josiah], June 17, 1831. [a. 41, G.R.]
Anna [w. Joseph], Mar. 1, 1837. [a. 64, G.R.]
Jonathan, Mar. 13, 1811, a. 75. G.R.
Joseph, widr., s. Joseph and Miriam, bowel complaint, Aug. 16 [1843] a. 72.
Miriam, wid. Jonathan, Mar. 14, 1816, a. 85. G.R.
Sarah Ann, ch. Joseph W. and Mary E., Feb. 14, 1831.
Selina, ch. Joseph and Anna, Mar. 11, 1798 [sic, see birth]. [Mar. 11, 1802, a. 16 m., G.R.]
Asubah [dup. Azubah] R. [w. Gilbert], Feb. 11, 1843. [Azubah R., w. Gilbert Esq., a. 69, G.R.]
Charles, ch. Gilbert and Azubah Root, May 12, 1833. [Dr. Charles, a 31, G.R.]
Gilbert Esq. [h. Azubah Root], Mar. 23, 1813. [a. 42, G.R.]
Harriot, ch. Gilbert and Azubah Root, Sept. 12, 1832. [Harriet, a. 23, G.R.]
Salley, ch. Gilbert and Azubah Root, July —, 1803.
Electe, ch. Jonas and Mary, Apr. 27, 1793.
Adaliina, w. Sylvanus M., Aug. 15, 1845, a. 27. G.R.
Charles E., s. Sylvanus M. and Adaline, Aug. 24, 1846, a. 1. G.R.
STEPHENS (see Stevens)
Priscilla, b. New Salem, wid. Phinehas (Stevens), old age, Jan. 6, 1849, a. 80 y. 10 m.
STEVENS (see Stephens)
Abiel, widr., b. Andover, old age, July 3, 1845, a. 81 y 3 m. 11 d. [Abial, a. 81, G.R.]
Alvira Priscilla, w. Phinehas, Jan. 7, 1849, a. 81. G.R.
Margaret, w. Abial, Mar. 13, 1841, a. 75. G.R.
STOUGHTON (see Stougton)
George Harvy, ch. Asa and Anna, Oct. 6, 1822. [George H., a. 11 m., G.R.]
Isabella Marietta, ch. Timothy and Eunice, Apr. 2, 1823. [d. Dea. Timothy and Eunice, a. 6 w., G.R.]
Priscilla, ch. Timothy and Eunice, June 23, 1813. [June 24, a. 3, G.R.]
Ruth, ch. Timothy and Eunice, Feb. 25, 1826. [d. Dea. Timothy and Eunice, a. 20, G.R.]
Samuel, Jan. 25, 1814, a. 74. G.R.
Sarah, wid. Samuel, July 11, 1835, a. 84. G.R.
Timothy, Dea., m., s. Samuel and Sarah, consumption, July 8, 1849, a. 70 y. 1 m. 15 d. [a. 70, G.R.]
STOUGTON (see Stoughton)
Ira, ch. Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 16, 1788. [Stoughton, a. 1, G.R.]
Nancy, ch. Samuel and Sarah, Apr. 6, 1785. [Stoughton, a. 4, G.R.]
Timothy, ch. Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 17, 1777. [Stoughton, a. 2, G.R.]
Charles, s. Samuel 2d and Mehitable, June 27, 1820, a. 4. G.R.
Elisabeth Jenette, d. Samuel and Livia, Dec. 19, 1829, a. 7 m. G.R.
Elisha [h. Calista], Feb. 11, 1836. [in 48th y., G.R.]
Lydia R., d. Samuel 2d and Mehitable, Jan. 7, 1820, a. 4. G.R.
Mehitable, w. Samuel, Jan. 8, 1833, a. 43. G.R.
Priscilla West, d. Elisha and Callsta W., grand d. Gershom West, Feb. 4, 1838, a. 11. G.R.
William Henry, ch. Samuell and w., July 1810. [s. Samuel and Livia, a. 2 y. 7 m. [dup. William H., s. Samuel and Levina, a. 2 y. 6 m.], G.R.]
Augustin Cooley. ch. Warren and Emily, Feb. 20, 1841. [Augustin C., a. 27, G.R.]
Elihu Gray, ch. Linus and Mila, Oct. 1, 1822.
Erasmus Darwin, ch. Warren and Emily, Aug. 29, 1825. [Erasmus D., a. 3 y. 7 m. 3 d., G.R.]
Franklin, ch. Warren and Emily, Sept. 2, 1825. [a. 19 m. 23 d., G.R.]
Arathusa, May 21, 1840. G.R.
Nancy Lyons, w. John A., Mar. 5, 1839. G.R.
Gemima, Mar. 18, 1843, a. 84. G.R.
George, b. Worcester, s. James and Mary, croup, Aug. 21 [1844] a. 3 y. 5 m. [George W. T., s. James T. and Mary C., a. 3 y. 4 m. 21 d., G.R.]
Clementina, [twin] d. Hervey M. and w., fitts, Sept. 14 [1844], a. 2 m. 2 d.
------------, [twin] d. Hervey M. and w., fitts, Aug. 13, [1844], a. 21 d.
Giles, m., s. Asahel and w., general debility, Dec. 18 [? 1845], a. 81.
Jonathan, ch. Giles and Holda, Jan. 20, 1810.
Jotham, ch. Wiliam and Lucinda, June 29, 1810.
Abigail, wid. Ebenezer, formerly w. Stoddard Cady, Dec. 6, 1840, a. 87. G.R.
Achsah, b. S. Hadley, wid. Thomas, old age, Jan. 1, 1844, a. 84 y. 2 m. 28 d.
Gershom, Oct. 23, 1823, a. 69 y. 5 m. 20 d. G.R.
Marcus, b. Townshend, s. Hiram and Sarah, fever, July 16, 1845, a. 20 y. 7 m. 29 d. [Marcus L. Whitcomb, s. Hiram and Abigail, a. 21, G.R.]
Clarissa L., ch. Elijah and Jane, Feb. 9, 1817, a. 7. G.R.
Dexter P., s. Laban and Annah P., consumption, July 28, 1848, a. 23 y. 10 m. 23 d. [a. 24, G.R.]
Elijah, Aug. 28, 1840, a. 72. G.R.
Jane, Oct. 30, 1842. [w. Elijah, a. 68, G.R.]
Lydia, b. Douglass, wid. Elijah, paralysis, May 5, 1843, a. 89.
Mary E., ch. Elijah and Jane, Feb. 16, 1817, a. 17 m. G.R.
Robert [h. Lydia], Apr. 18, 1841.
Sibley, s. Laban and Anna, consumption, Mar. 2, 1848, a. 21 y. 7 m. [a. 21, G.R.]
Richard, Oct. 2, 1848, a. 73. G.R.
Clarinda, wid. Charles, d. Ebenezer Slate and Martha, debility, Nov. 26 [1843], a. 70. [Clerrenda, w. Charles, Nov. 25, G.R.]
Rowena E., d. Seth and Rowena, May 30, 1834, a. 7 w. G.R.
Seth W., s. Seth and Rowena, Apr. 25, 1833, a. 18 m. G.R.
Lydia, M, b. Warwick, d. Oliver Kendrick and Olive, typhoid fever, Nov. 26, 1848, a. 71. [wid. William, a. 70, G.R.]
Mary C., d. William and Lydia, Dec. 12, 1835, a. 23. G.R.
Samuel C., s. Thaddeus and Poley, May 10, 1793, a. 4 w. G.R.
William, May 16, 1836, a. 56. G.R.
WRISLEY (see Risley, Wrisly)
Abigail [w. Justus], June 4, 1834. [w. Justus S., a. 35, G.R.]
Alvah, May 31, 1842 [dup. 1843]. [May 31, 1842, a. 36, G.R.]
Anna, wid. Eleazar, Nov. 23, 1821, a. 76. G.R.
Asahel, h. Ruth, Dec. 21, 1828.
Calvin, Nov. 22, 1820, a. 33. G.R.
Cynthia (see Synthia).
Darcas, w. Asahel, Sept. 6, 1816.
David, Jan. 23, 1819, a. 79. G.R.
Diantha, Dec. 29, 1842.
Eleazar, Nov. 24, 1810, a. 68. G.R.
Erastus, s. Calvin and Mary, May 1, 1813, a. 2. G.R.
Hannah, w. David, Mar. 18, 1818, a. 74. G.R.
Philena, d. Calvin and Mary, Nov. 19, 1823, a. 9. G.R.
Rufus. M, s. David and Hannah, mania potie, Aug. 30 [1844] a. 60.
Ruth, w. Asahel, Oct. 28, 1822.
Salme, d. Joseph and Jane, July 15, 1831, a. 23. G.R.
Synthia S., d. Calvin and Mary, Oct. 3, 1828, a. 2. G.R.
Synthia S., d. Calvin and Mary, June 12, 1820, a. 1. G.R.
Tryphena, w. Rufus, Mar. 20, 1813, a. 33. G.R.
WRISLY (see Risley, Wrisley)
Deborah, w. Elijah, June 14, 1814, a. 59.
Elijah (h. Deborah], Apr. 3, 1822.
Joshua, widr, b. New Salem, s. George and Mary, consumption, July 5 [18]46, a. 80 y. 6 m. 27 d.