[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

INGERSOL,- Samuell, Capt., of Salem, and Eleanor Bridge, May 31, 1781.
James and Patty Bent of Sudbury, Dec. 5, 1782. In Sudbury.
Augustus, s. of--------, dec., a. 31 y., and Harriet A. Atwood, d. of----------, dec., a. 21 y., Sept. 12, 1844.
John and Lucy Stone of East Sudbury, June 11, 1826.
Mary Ann, d. of George, a. 22 y., and James Howell, s. of James and Betsey, a. 22 y., Dec. 25, 1849.
Maryann and Elbridge P. Paul, int. June 22, 1848.
William H. and Caroline C. Brigham of Wayland, Jan. 17, 1843.
Barshabe and Jonas Holland of Marlboro, Feb. 1, 1738-9. In Hopkinton.
WiIIiam and Patty Hunt of Sudbury, June 2, 1796. In Sudbury.
Deborah and Moses Perry of Sherborn, Feb. 17, 1742-3. In Sherborn.
William A. (of Waltham, int.) and Cornelia (S. Cornelia, int. and C.R.1.) Maynard, Sept. 24, 1840.
Ann and Thomas O. Blackburn, July 22, 1831.
Borredell L. of Newton, and Nathan Dadman Jr., int. Jan. 21, 1809.
GrindIy of Sudbury, and Hepsabeth Flagg, May 30, 1753.
Hannah (Hannah E., int.) and William R. Slosson (Slason, int.) of Hubbardston, Vt., Jan. 10, 1833.
Jonathan and Martha Frisel, Mar. 7, 1716-7. In Sudbury.
Lidia and Isaac How, June 26, 1712.
Martha Ann of Hopkinton, and Charles Russel Train (Esq., int.), Oct. 27, 1841.
Sarah Jane of Ashland, and Edgar H. Wheeler, int. Jan. 9, 1848.
Rhode and Abel Benson, Sept. —, 1784.
Ann J. and Henry R. Wheeler, both of Lynn, Sept. 10, 1837. C.R.2.
JENISON (see Genneson, Jennison)
Dana of Southboro, and Sally Howe, May 2, 1822.
JENNINGS (see Gennings, Jennins)
Almira of Sherborn, and William Andrews, Jan. 3, 1832.
Daniel and Elizabeth Cozzens of Holliston, July 11, 1739. In Holliston.
Ephraim and Sybilla Rice of Sudbury, Mar. 31, 1742-3. In Sudbury.
Eunice and William Fisk of Watertown, Nov. 3, 1708. In Watertown.
Hannah and Buckminster Rice, July —, 1786.
Joseph Jr. and Sally Eames, Oct. 30, 1781.
Phila and Capt. Solomon Hopkins, Feb. 20, 1825.
Stephen and Susanna Bigiow, June 9, 1715.
Uriah of Whitestown, New York, and Ruth Clayes, Dec. —, 1790.
JENNINS (see Gennings, Jennings)
Hannah and Samuell Walker, both of Sudbury, Nov. 3, 1715. In Sudbury.
JENNISON (see Genneson, Jenison)
John of Bellingham, and Lucinda Winch, Sept. 22, 1830.
Sibil of Natick, and Moses Fisk, June 4, 1801.
Lucy and William Sullivan, int. July 30, 1848.
Abigail of East Sudbury, and Caleb Moulton, June 19, 1792. In East Sudbury.
Abigail of Southboro, and Lieut. John Temple, int. Nov. 11, 1809.
Amos of Southboro, and Betsy Childs (Child, dup.), Aug. 6, 1786. In Southboro.
Amos Jr. and Eunice Brintnell of Hopkinton, Nov. 27, 1816.
Amos and Puah Farrington, int. Jan. 29, 1837.
Ann and Zenas Johnson of Berlin, int. Apr. 27, 1823.
Betsey and Ezekiel Gay of Hopkinton, Apr. 11, 1811.
Daniel of Marlboro, and Dorothia Lamb, Dec. 23, 1697. In Marlboro.
David of Southboro, and Nelly Hemenway, Apr. 3, 1800.
Ebenezer of Boston, and Catherine Belknap, June 19, 1832.
Emmons W., s. of Joseph and Betsey, a. 26 y., and Betsey Goodnow, d. of Luther, dec., and Mary, a. 22 y., both of Ashland, Sept. 12, 1849.
Ferona A. and Samuel S. Soden of Boston, Dec. 28, 1841.
Ira A. and Lucy M. Clement of Croydon, N. H., int. Apr. 2, 1848.
James and Levina Robinson, Oct. 25, 1823.
Jemima and Isaiah Knowlton of Sherborn, May 23, 1796.
Joanna of East Sudbury, and William Rice, July 30, 1795. In East Sudbury.
John of Southboro, and Polly Hemenway, May 10, 1815.
John, s. of John and Mary, a. 27 y., and Eliza Ann Howe, wid., of Sudbury, d. of Asher and Fanny Goodnow of Sudbury, a. 32 y., Aug. 12, 1847.
Joseph of Hopkinton, and Betsey Wilson, Mar. 30, 1815.
Levi and Ellen D. Bullard, int. Mar. 12, 1848.
Maria D. (Marion D., C.R.2.) and Buckley Moor of Worcester, Apr. 23, 1840.
Mary and Cotesworth P. Wheeler, both of Lexington, June 16, 1836. C.R.1.
Millisent and Rev. Calvin Newton of Bellingham, Nov. 26, 1828.
Nathaniel Jr. of Holliston, and Eunice Goodenow, Jan. 1, 1821.
Oren and Hannah Adams, int. Jan. 7, 1848.
Peluna and Nathaniel I. Carter, Feb. 14, 1847.
Phebe and Jonas Underwood, June 13, 1822.
Philinda and James Troy, Oct. 21, 1838.
Polly of Southboro, and William Maynard, int. Mar. 5, 1814.
Polly of Southboro, and Daniel Hemenway, int. Oct. 10, 1829.
Rosina E. and William H. Shephard, Dec. 28, 1841.
Stephen and Elizabeth Jordon, Mar. 2, 1783. In Southboro.
Susan and Nathan Fairbanks, of Holliston, Oct. 15, 1821.
Thankful and Ebenezer Gleason, Dec. 9, 1730.
William of Westboro, and Eliza Ann Chamberlain, Aug. 22, 1832.
William P. of Southboro, and Susan E. (Susan Ellen, int.) Manson, d. of John and Nelly, Apr. 14, 1847.
Zenas of Berlin, and Ann Johnson, int. Apr. 27, 1823.
Thomas and Anna Oxford, both of Natick, Nov. 25, 1784. (Negroes, M.R.)
Alden of Washington, N. H., and Betsey Winch, Mar. 8, 1826.
Almira and John Emory of Winchendon, Oct. 2, 1832.
Andrew T. and Lydia H. Hill of Hopkinton, Oct. 30, 1831.
Anne and Phinehas Wilson, Oct. 26, 1739.
Artemas and Martha Childs, Dec. 2, 1813.
Betsey (James, dup.) and Josiah Smith of East Sudbury, Mar. 26, 1806.
Betsey and David Childs, Nov. 23, 1808.
Caroline M. (Caroline Matilda, C.R.2.) and Lorenzo Thompson of Westboro, May 20, 1841.
Charles and Mehitable Pratt, Jan. 23, 1825.
Charlotte and Calvin Hemenway, Nov. 26, 1829.
Clarissa and John A. Anguls, int. Apr. 6, 1834.
Cyrus W. and Josephine Walkup, Feb. 9, 1844. In Marlboro.
Daniel and Lucy Emes, June —, 1782. ( June 13, 1782, C.R.1.)
Daniel and Molly Dunn, May ---, 1786. (May 25, 1786, C.R.1.)
Elbridge M. and Sarah Coolidge, June 9, 1835.
Elbridge M. and Rosaline Augusta Merriam (of Cambridge, int.), June 3, 1840.
Elisha 3d and Hannah Greenwood, Dec. 2, 1819.
Elisha 2d and Mary Cheney of Marlboro, int. May 6, 1820.
Eliza and William Bacon of Hopkinton, Dec. 3, 1818.
Eliza Ann, d. of Lemuel C. and----------, and Nathan Dadmun, s. of Joseph and Betsey, Aug. 27, 1845.
Elizabeth Alden of Hopkinton, and John Ballord, int. Feb. 26, 1808.
George W. and Clarissa Gennings, int. Nov. 8, 1841.
Harriet N., d. of Alexander H. and Mille, a. 22 y., and Joseph C. Walker of Lowell, s. of Moses C. and Martha, a. 26 y., Oct. 30, 1844.
Jenny of Hopkinton, and Gilbert Marshall, Oct. 17, 1782. In Hopkinton.
Joanna and Phinehas Emes, July —, 1790.
Joel and Nabby Howe, both of Sudbury, May 29, 1810.
John Jr. and Elizabeth Gibs, Nov. 16, 1738.
John and Polly Belknap, Apr. 15, 1779. In Sherborn.
John and Peggy Stone, May 9, 1803.
John H. and Sally S. Ballard, Apr. 27, 1816.
Lemuel and Nancy French, Dec. 2, 1819.
Lois and Jeduthan Dedman, Dec. 18, 1800.
Louisa Conant and Lewis Newhall of Leominster, Mar. 31, 1824.
Lucy and Jonathan Whiting of Dover, Dec. 22, 1813.
Martha, d. of Alexander and Milly, a. 34 y., and Charles T. Eames, widr., of Milford, s. of Phinehas and Izanna, a. 46 y., Sept. 16, 1847.
Martin A. of Natick, and Almira Eames, Feb. 25, 1840.
Mary and Lawson Buckminster, May 4, 1769. In Hopkinton.
Mary and Timothy Fife (Trife, int.) of Troy, N. H., Jan. 24, 1821.
Mary B. and Henry N. Moore, Sept. 26, 1839.
Mehitabel and William Greenwood, Feb. 10, 1789.
Nancy and Josiah Parkhurst, Apr. 2, 1801.
Persis and Alfred Hill, July 27, 1802.
Persis (Almira Jones, C.R.1.) and Joseph Tayler (Joseph Taylor of Worcester, C.R.1.), Oct. 19, 1825.
Sarah and James Stone, Dec. 25, 1733.
Sophia and David Frost, Nov. 30, 1815.
Susan and Samuel G. Treat of Northboro, Jan. 13, 1818.
Thomas B. of Weston, and Sarah F. Rice, June 27, 1848.
Vaughan and Abigail Hunnewell, Mar. 14, 1824.
William and Sarah Gates, Mar. 21, 1748.
JORDEN (see Jordon)
William of Boston, and Louisa Trowbridge, int. Jan. 15, 1832.
JORDON (see Jorden)
Elizabeth and Stephen Johnson, Mar. 2, 1783. In Southboro.
Mary and Thomas Kennady, int. Jan. 24, 1847.
KANE (see Cane)
Hannah and John Larny, int. June 15, 1845.
Pattrick and Ann Donohu, int. July 26, 1846.
Nathan and Bathsheba Alexander, July 3, 1778. In Sudbury.
Ellen and Hugh Wallace, Sept. 6, 1840.
Michael and Margaret Temple, int. Oct. 15, 1849.
Hannah C. (of Middleboro, int.) and Nathan M. Hudson, Dec. 1, 1836. In Marlboro.
Omen S., Esq., and Lucretia M. Pomroy of Northfield, int. May 12, 1833.
KELLEY (see Kelly)
George of Boston, and Sally Belcher, Oct. 16, 1823.
David, Rev., and Sally (Sarah, dup.) Bridge, May 27, 1781.
Gardner and Susan (Susan J., int.) Fairbanks, July 1, 1835.
Polly and Dr. John B. Kitteridge, July 19, 1801.
Sally and William Brown Jr. of Boston, May 9, 1805.
Sarah of Dorchester, and James Townsend, int. May 15, 1826.
KELLY (see Kelley)
Daniel of Weston, and Asenath Pratt, Feb. 22, 1818.
Grace of Hopkinton, and John Dunn Jr., June 25, 1751. In Hopkinton.
KENDAL (see Kendall, Kindall)
Benjamin and Keziah Lealand of Sherborn, Jan. 24, 1732-3.
Daniel of Harvard, and Hannah Rider, June —, 1787.
Elizabeth of Sherborn, and Henry Eames, Feb. 14, 1822.
Ezekiel and Rebeccah Hemenway, Apr. --, 1788.
Hannah and Joseph Belcher, May —, 1782.
John and Mary Greenwood, June —, 1782.
Martha and Nehemiah Wright Jr., Dec. 10, 1778.
Nabby and John Eames of Holliston, Feb. --, 1807.
Nathan and Betsy Richards, Feb. --, 1784.
Nelly and Jonas Bennett, Feb. —, 1807.
Timothy and Lucy Rice, June —, 1785. ( June 29, 1785, C.R.1.)
KENDALL (see Kendal, Kindall)
Amasa and Fanny Estee of Watertown, int. Jan. 18, 1812.
Amasa and Abigail Mayhew, Nov. 25, 1819.
Charles B., s. of Luther, and Sarah Smith, May 13, 1845.
Chever and Dorothy Paris of East Sudbury, Aug. 24, 1780. In East Sudbury.
Elijah and Jemima Smith of Sudbury, May 24, 1750. In Sudbury.
Francis of Sherborn, s. of Timothy and Polly of Sherborn, a. 26 y., and Mary E. Littlefield, d. of Adams and Mary, a. 28 y., Nov. 30, 1848.
George E. and Louisa W. Buttman, Feb. 17, 1842.
Henry and Lydia I. Farmer of Groton, int. Aug. 7, 1842.
John Jr. and Levina Gibbs, May 24, 1829.
Jonathan and Frances Crumpton of Sudbury, Mar. 14, 1750. In Sudbury.
Luther and Mary Case, Oct. 31, 1813.
Luther and Mary Rice, Apr. 29, 1832.
Maria E., d. of Amasa, a. 24 y., and Charles (Charles Jr., int.) Frost of West Cambridge, s. of David, a. 26 y., Apr. 22, 1846.
Martha and Joshua Lamb of Templeton, May 2, 1776. In Sherborn.
Martha and Nathan Wright of Philipstown, June —, 1815. ( June 5, 1815, int. )
Mary and William Gallott, Apr. 15, 1823.
Mary A. of Sherborn, and George D. Chamberlain, int. Oct. 28, 1849.
Nancy and Henry Travis of Natick, June 14, 1842.
Nathaniel and Susanna Haynes of East Sudbury, int. Apr. 15, 1809.
Samuel W. and Jane E. Brigham, Dec. 5, 1838.
Susan and Silas Hemenway of Cambridge, July 5, 1827.
Thomas Jr. and Hannah Rice, Mar. 27, 1751.
Thomas and Mary Joyce, int. Jan. 24, 1847.
John and Mary McGlow, int. Jan. 1, 1848.
Michael and Susan Myers, int. May 17, 1846.
John and Mary Goddard of Cambridge, int. May 3, 1816.
Lewis and Lucy S. Sevens of Roxbury, int. July 11, 1817.
Truman, s. of John and Martha, a. 35 y., and Nancy Claflin, d. of William and Sally, a. 42 y., wid., Dec. 8, 1845.
Ann and Pattrick O'Rouke, int. May 18, 1834.
Whitney of Medway, and Elizabeth Snell of Holliston, Mar. 2, 1814.
KIMBALL (see Kimboll)
Alexander (Kendall, int.) and Julia Griskill, Mar. 2, 1840. In Cambridge.
Charles H. and Polly Ann Bennett of Mendon, int. Feb. 15, 1835.
George W. and Susannah H. Willis, Sept. 30, 1838.
Jane of Peterboro, N. H., and George W. Pratt, int. Apr. 4, 1833.
Richarrd and Hepzibah Goodnow of Sudbury, int. Sept. 30, 1832.
Seth and Martha Chickering, Nov. 26, 1840.
KIMBOLL (see Kimball)
John (Kimball, int.) of Natick, and Mary Herring, Dec. 18, 1833.
KINDALL (see Kendal, Kendall)
James A., Rev., of Medfield, and Maria B. Brown, int. May 12, 1833.
Susan and Robert Wood, Aug. 9, 1841.
Eliza B. of New Ipswich, N. H., and Dr. Otis Hoyt, int. July 30, 1843.
Frederick and Mary Robinson, Dec. 22, 1825.
Lydia of Sutton, and Nathaniel Singletary, Mar. 28, 1727. In Sutton.
Rufus T. (Rufus S. of Roxbury, int.), and EmeIine E. Stone, Aug. 30, 1841.
Catharine Augusta (Charlotte Augusta, int.), d. of Lawson and Sophia, a. 21 y., and William Brigham Bliss (of Warren, int.), s. of Aaron and Lydia, a. 22 y., Apr. 2, 1845.
George, Dr., and Lorinne A. Chase of Boston, May 28, 1845. C.R.2.
Lawson, Esq., and Sophia White, Apr. 23, 1822.
Mary of Natick. and James O. Mann, int. Aug. 1, 1847.
Samuel of Brockport, N. Y., and Anna B. Adams of Medfield, Oct. 3, 1830.
Sena of Westboro, and Austin Rice, int. Mar. 18, 1820.
Andrew G. and Caroline Mead, Apr. 24, 1845.
KITTERIDGE (see Kittridge)
John B., Dr., and Polly Kellogg, July 19, 1801.
KITTRIDGE (see Kitteridge)
Ellen and Dexter Stone of Philadelphia, Oct. 2, 1833.
Joanna and Daniel Slurtrary, int. Oct. 24, 1819.
Ephraim and Nancy A. White, int. July 3, 1842.
KNIGHT (see Knights)
Amos K. of Marlboro, and Lydia (Lydia C., int.) Dunn, Oct. 10, 1833.
Samuel of Sudbury, and Anne Eams, Apr. 23, 1740.
William H. of Tariffville, Conn., and Elizabeth Stone, Oct. 8, 1827.
KNIGHTS (see Knight)
Asahel of Sudbury, and Sarah Rice, Apr. 14, 1799.
Mary and Edward Hager, Dec. 5, 1822.
Clarissa and Josiah Hastings, int. Aug. 2, 1823.
Albert of Jaffrey, N. H., and Catherine Charlton, Aug. 31, 1834.
Annar and Philip Metcalf, May 26, 1790.
Asenath and John Bruce, Sept. 29, 1823.
Charles of Jaffrey, N. H., and Elizabeth Pratt, Dec. 1, 1831.
Daniel and Abigail Almy, Feb. 17, 1743.
Daniel of Holliston, and Abigail Marshal, Nov. 1, 1781.
Daniel M. and Rebecca W. Sleepers, Aug. 2, 1834. C.R.2.
Edward and Almira Davis, Apr. 9, 1832.
Henry and Angeline B. Hubbard of Newton, Oct. 31, 1841. In Natick.
Isaiah of Sherborn, and Jemima Johnson, May 23, 1796.
Luther and Prudence Dedman, Dec. 28, 1800.
Micah and Nancy Greenwood, May 7, 1807.
Nancy P. and Charles H. Wenzel, Feb. 25, 1839.
Rebecca and Daniel Morse, June 29, 1790. In Hopkinton.
Ruth and Edward Caryel, both of Hopkinton, Sept. 27, 1733.
Vilot and Semion Harrey, Feb. 13, 1752.
Shurburn, of Nashua, N. H., and Nancy Lewis, May 11, 1848.
Abiel and Hannah Tailor of Marlboro, Dec. 4, 1699. In Marlboro.
Abigail and Nathan Underwood, Dec. 27, 1792.
Abigail and Michal Pike, May —, 1793.
Benjamin and Nabbe Rice, June 23, 1779. In Sherborn.
Betsy and Timothy Underwood, June 7, 1792.
David and Lydia Barrett of Athol, Nov. 13, 1795. In Athol.
Dorothia and Daniel Johnson of Marlboro, Dec. 23, 1697. In Marlboro.
John and Susannah Haven, Mar. 16, 1779.
Jonathan and Lydia Death, both of Watertown, July 9, 1708. In Watertown.
Joshua of Templeton, and Martha Kendall, May 2, 1776. In Sherborn.
Molly and Amos Underwood, May --, 1784.
Nathan and Lucy Pepper of Weston, Jan. 29, 1784. In Weston.
Samuel Jr. and Sarah Atwood, Dec. 17, 1747. In Hopkinton.
Susan of Gerry, and Elijah Haven, int. Oct. 30, 1807.
Jesse and Mary Childs, Aug. 29, 1826.
Eliza Eaton and Thomas Rice, Nov. 27, 1828.
Joshua of Stratham, N. H., and Betsey Eaton, Sept. 9, 1801.
Susan and Benjamin Lewis Jr., Apr. 5, 1838.
LARIBEE (see Larrabee)
Emily and Liberty Chadwick, July 9, 1839.
Albert of Sudbury, and Martha French, int. Oct. 17, 1847.
LARNED (see Learned, Lernard)
Isaac and Sarah How, Nov. 19, 1706.
Martha and Jacob Cummins of Oxford, June 27, 1723.
John and Hannah Kane, int. June 15, 1845.
LARRABEE (see Laribee)
Elenor and Sirus Newton, July 16, 1771. In Lynn.
Lucy A. (Lucy Ann, int.) and David F. Chadwick of Sudbury, Nov. 8, 1843.
Sally of Malden, and William Buckminster, Esq., of Vassalboro, Me., Oct. 21, 1812.
Thomas and Lucy Hemenway, June 13, 1808.
William and Sally Fisk, Sept. 16, 1806.
Hopestill and Joseph Shaw, June 8, 1828.
Amos and Sarah F. Hill, Apr. 3, 1834.
Lucy and Richard Hernenway, Mar. 20, 1816.
Mary and Thomas Fairbank, Mar. 28, 1813.
Daniel J. of Concord, and Mary B. Richardson, Apr. 22, 1838.
Edwin of Boston, and Hannah F. Robinson, Apr. 3, 1834.
Sarah of Hopkinton, and Joseph Buckminster, June 18, 1719.
William S. and Adaline Ellenwood, Sept. 4, 1839.
Israel and Elizebeth Hemenway, Jan. 19, 1782.
William and Hepzibah Richards, Dec. —, 1789.
LEALAND (see Leland)
Keziah of Sherborn, and Benjamin Kendal, Jan. 24, 1732-3.
LEARNED (see Larned, Lernard)
Ebenezer and Deborah Haynes, Oct. 14, 1714.
Elizebeth and Jacob Bancroft Winchester, both of Watertown, Mar. 3, 1786.
Hannah and Obadiah Walker of Marlboro, May 2, 1715.
Samuel and Hannah Walker, July 7, 1778. In Sudbury.
Ann and John Grady, int. Dec. 24, 1848.
Mary and Pattrick Murphy, int. Apr. 16, 1848.
Mary S. and William Macomber of Boston, int. Oct. 19, 1845.
William S. H. and Olivia Butler, int. May 17, 1826.
Samuel (Luiz, int.) of Concord, and Columbia Willis, Nov. 27, 1836.
Thomas and Ellen Finessy, int. Dec. 27, 1846.
LELAND (see Lealand)
Augustin of Pawtucket, R. I., and Lucy Ann Brown, Thursday, Apr. 9, 1835.
Eliza and John Barnes, int. June 15, 1845.
Harriet of Sherborn, and Alonzo B. Whipple of Southboro, Sept. 9, 1845. C.R.1.
Jonas and Olive Cole of Sherborn, Oct. 17, 1793. In Sherborn.
Judith M. (Juliette M., int.) of Milford and Lawson Lovering, Sunday, May 8, 1842.
Lucy Ann and Benjamin Brown, May 14, 1840.
Mary and Edward C. Parker, both of Holliston, May 17, 1832.
Micah Jr. of Sherborn, and Tryphena B. Bennett, Oct. 11, 1837.
Patience of Sherborn, and Elkanah Haven, Feb. 5, 1716-7. In Sherborn.
Patience of Sherborn, and James Whitney, Mar. 18, 1741-2. In Sherborn.
Susanna of Sherborn, and John Page, Apr. 24, 1712. In Sherborn.
Walter Jr. and Thankful Strout, May 20, 1846.
Benjamin and Sarah E. Palmer of Alna, Me., int. Oct. 17, 1847.
James and Nancy F. Newton, May 4, 1842.
John and Sarah E. Phipps, Apr. 5, 1838.
Mary and John McGrath, int. Nov. 14, 1846.
LERNARD (see Larned, Learned)
Elizabeth and Jonathan Partridge of Medway, Nov. 13, 1717. In Medway.
LESLIE (see Lesslie)
Peter P. and Jane R. Cross, int. Nov. 19, 1843.
Thomas and EIiza Thompson, wid., Oct. 13, 1849.
LESSLIE (see Leslie)
Mehitable Almira of Cornish, N. H., and Ira Mitchel, int. Oct. 30, 1824.
Benjamin Jr. and Susan Langdon, Apr. 5, 1838.
Mary E. of Windham, N. H., and John H. Tower, int. June 20, 1847.
Nancy and Shurburn Lakeman of Nashua, N. H., May 11, 1848.
Sarah E. and Thomas D. Morse of Natick, Oct. 28, 1847.
Caleb W. of Natick, and Rhoda J. Reed, int. Apr. 12, 1845.
Nancy Maria, d. of Paul and Hannah, a. 20 y., and Joseph Read of Milford, s. of Joseph and Susan, a. 20 y., Aug. 1, 1847.
John and Clarissa E. Dickinson, June 26, 1837.
John and Lucy Sullivan, int. Aug. 24, 1845.
Adams and Mary Morse, Feb. 20, 1817.
Mary and Grant Fay of Southbaro, Dec. 23, 1812.
Mary E., d. of Adams and Mary, a. 28 y., and Francis Kendall of Sherborn, s. of Timothy and Polly of Sherborn, a. 26 y., Nov. 30, 1848.
Ruth and Thomas Temple, Nov. 30, 1797.
Sally of Holliston, and John Eames Jr., int. Dec. 9, 1810.
Abigail and Amasa Frost of Mendon, Feb. 1, 1749-50. In Mendon.
Abigail and Samuel Gleason, Apr. 3, 1755.
John of Weston, and Abigail Stone, June 22, 1731.
Mary and Joseph Hurd of Oxford, Dec. 15, 1763. In Oxford.
Mary Elizabeth and Matthew Molley, int. Nov. 20, 1842.
LLOYD (see Loyd)
Curtis B. and Ruth W. Puffer, int. Oct. 23, 1836.
Susan C. of Boston, and John J. Hill, Dec. 29, 1839.
Almeda and Ephraim Smith, Dec. 10, 1840.
Anna M. and Judson Smith, int. Jan. 14, 1844.
Reuben and Emily B. Rowell, May 7, 1840. In Salem.
Stephen and Elizabeth Jane Casey, Nov. 11, 1841. In Burlington.
James A. (James Augustus, int.) of Natick, and Mary Maria Bullard, Nov. 27, 1839.
Nancy and Joseph Black, both of Natick, Apr. 6, 1843.
Susan, d. of Ephraim and Susan, and Ebenezer (Eleazer, C.R.2.) Tyler, both of Natick, Feb. 22, 1847.
Nathaniel and Caroline E. Clark, Dec. 23, 1840.
Eunice of Medfield, and Josiah Cloyes, June 1, 1795. In Medfield.
Mary and Timothy Stearns, Sept. 3, 1794.
Ruth and Enoch Belknap, Oct. 29, 1797.
Mary B., d. of Stephen and Mary, a. 20 y., and Henry Hunt of Sudbury, s. of John and Mary, a. 26 y., July 28, 1844.
Stephen of Sullivan, N. H., and Mary Belcher, Jan. 22, 1821.
Joseph of Westboro, and Eliza F. Stone, June 27, 1826.
Nabby of Medfield, and Alexander Ames, Nov. 28, 1799. In Medfield.
Oliver E. of Millbury, and Rebecca G. Bannister, Sept. 14, 1843. C.R.1.
Rachael of Medfield, and Nathaniel Eames, Nov. 27, 1735. In Medfield.
Lawson and Judith M. (Juliette M., int.) Leland of Milford, Sunday, May 8, 1842.
John of Boston, and Frances Boynton, Apr. 9, 1832.
Samuel of Weston, and Asenath Goodnow, Jan. 9, 1826.
Betsey of Kensington, N. H., and Richard Fisk Jr., int. July 2, 1818.
LOYD (see Lloyd)
Ann, wid., a. 45 y., and John Wilson, widr., s. of Archibald and Susan, a. 59 y., June 21, 1849.
John of Milton, and Eliza Brewer, Aug. 9, 1805.
Nancy of Ware, N. H., and William Gibbs, int. Dec. 5, 1841.
Catharine and William Ryan, int. Dec. 30, 1846.
Elizabeth of Shrewsbury, and Elijah Stone, Apr. 4, 1765. In Shrewsbury.
Jesse of Needham, and Mehitable Frost, Feb. 11, 1817.
Nathaniel and Sarah Annis, Feb. 4, 1725. In Newton.
MACOMB (see McComb)
Henry and Mary McMann, int. Dec. 3, 1837.
John T. of Weston, and Olivia Sanger, Apr. 1, 1821.
William of Boston, and Mary S. Leeds, int. Oct. 19, 1845.
James and Catharine Murphy, int. Apr. 2, 1846.
Agnes and Dr. John Park of Boston, June 25, 1814.
Ann and John Ryan, int. Aug. 2, 1846.
Catharine and Israel Simmons, July 31, 1837. In Medway.
James O. and Mary Kingsbury of Natick, int. Aug. 1, 1847.
Thomas and Martha M. Taylor, Jan. 3, 1841. In Marlboro.
George W. of Boston, and Caroline Manson, July 24, 1826.
Sarah E., d. of George W. and Caroline, a. 21 y., and John J. Hollister, widr., of Buffalo, N. Y., a. 26 y., Sept. 18, 1848.
MANSON (see Munson)
Almira and Josiah Warren Jr., June 8, 1824.
Ann and Dexter Hemenway, Nov. 23, 1820.
Caroline and George W. Mansir of Boston, July 24, 1826.
Dana and Eliza Sanger, May 11, 1817.
Debby and Cyrus Cobb of Boston, Aug. 12, 1806.
Eliza and Dr. William W. Reed of Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1830. C.R.2.
Ellen and Ebenezer Hyde, June 15, 1836.
Hannah Sawen and Truman Stow of Marlboro, May 17, 1815.
John of Southboro, and Eleanor Nurse, Jan. 3, 1816.
Mary and Isaac Fisk 2d, Oct. 2, 1837.
Polly and William Barber of Marlboro, June 9, 1803.
Sally and Alpheus Moulton, Feb. 22, 1832.
Susan E. (Susan Ellen, int.), d. of John and Nelly, and William P. Johnson of Southboro, Apr. 14, 1847.
Susan F. and William Fisk, Sept. 20, 1831.
Joel of Millbury, and Susan H. Park, Nov. 19, 1827.
Emily (Emily S., int.) and C. C. Esty (Constantine C., Esq., int.), s. of Dexter and Mary, Oct. 18, 1849.
John, Maj., and Lucretia Darr of Boston, int. May 16, 1829.
Lucinda of Holliston, and Lieut. Jonathan Rugg Jr., Apr. 26, 1825.
William S. of Springfield, and Caroline Blake, int. Sept. 12, 1847.
MARSHAL (see Marshall)
Abigail and Daniel Knowlton of Holliston, Nov. 1, 1781.
Ebenezer and MehetabeI Haven, Feb. 11, 1747-8.
MARSHALL (see Marshal)
Alathina and Capt. Richard Sears of Chatham, Apr. 11, 1815.
Ebenezer and Easter Fisk, Apr. 25, 1781.
Ebenezer and Mary Haven, Oct. 23, 1783.
Eunice of Waltham and Jonathan Whitney, June 15, 1758. In Waltham.
Fear (Fear Sears, int.) and Calvin Shepard Jr., Nov. 22, 1833.
Gilbert and Jenny Jones of Hopkinton, Oct. 17, 1782. In Hopkinton.
Harriot Daniels and Joseph Prescott, both of Natick, Oct. 4, 1833. C.R.2.
James and Sybil Holbrook of Sherborn, May 16, 1786. In Sherborn.
Jane and Charles Scudder of Boston, Oct. 7, 1823.
John J. and Elizabeth B. Taber of Roxbury, int. Dec. 10, 1837.
Mary and Thomas Danforth 2d of Norton, Apr. 26, 1804.
Olive and Jacob Pepper, Feb. 27, 1779. In Sherborn.
John of Cambridge, and Elizabeth W. Pray of Natick, June 28, 1846. In Natick. C.R.1.
Elizabeth and Joseph Porter, Mar. 11, 1841.
Oliver of Southboro, and Olive Nurse, Mar. —, 1790.
Patty and Josiah Beamis, both of Southboro, May —, 1791.
John, s. of David and Martha, a. 26 y., and Martha Moncrief, d. of Charles and Elizabeth, a. 21 y., Dec. 10, 1846.
Martha and Thomas Bellows of Marlboro, May 29, 1716.
Mary of Sudbury, and David Mellen, June 20, 1744.
Sarah of Sudbury, and John Putnam, Apr. 25, 1737. In Sudbury.
Silance and Jedediah Parmenter of Sudbury, Feb. 5, 1755. In Sudbury.
Abigail and Amasa Kendall, Nov. 25, 1819.
John of Shrewsbury, and Hannah Rugg, Feb. 21, 1743.
Martin and Tabitha Stratton of Holden, int. Oct. 13, 1821.
Abby S. G., d. of Lawson D. and Nancy, a. 21 y., and Leander A. Angier, s. of Cyrus W. and Maria, a. 23 y., Nov. 29, 1849.
Ann S., d. of Lawson D., a. 19 y., and Nathaniel C. Dudley of Wayland, s. of William of Wayland, a. 30 y., June 27, 1844.
Anne and Nathaniel Polly, Oct. 18, 1781.
Cornelia (S. Cornelia, int. and C.R.1.) and William A. Jackman (of Waltham, int.), Sept. 24, 1840.
Hannah and Ephraim How of Marlboro, Nov. —, 1782. (Nov. 20, 1782, C.R.1.)
Harriet F., d. of Lawson D. and Nancy, a. 18 y., and Cromwell G. Rowell, s. of Aaron and Ruth, a. 23 y., Nov. 29, 1849.
Hezekiah and Tabitha How, both of Marlboro, June 11, 1739.
John, Capt. and Martha Wilder of Lancaster, Oct. 25, 1785. In Lancaster.
Jonathan and Martha Gleson, Nov. 11, 1742.
Jonathan and Lois Eaton, May 30, 1784.
Joseph and Abigail Gennings, May 29, 1746.
Joseph and Deborah Twitchell of Sherborn, May 5, 1775. In Sherborn.
Mehetabel and Caleb Drury, May 27, 1735.
Moses of Sudbury, and Lois Stone, Mar. 18, 1723-4. In Sudbury.
Needom and Hitte Emes, May 6, 1781.
Patty and Isaac Hemenway, Dec. —, 1785.
Patty and Isaac Damon of East Sudbury, Jan. 1, 1798.
Polly of Boylston, and Jesse Pratt, int. July 4, 1820.
Sally and Matthias Felton of Fitzwilliam, Oct. 18, 1781.
William and Eunice Dench, Mar. 12, 1797.
William and Polly Johnson of Southboro, int. Mar. 5, 1814.
Bridget and Jeremiah Hickey, int. Aug. 27, 1848.
Mary and Pattrick Cook, int. Apr. 4, 1841.
McCOMB (see Macomb)
Samuel and Margaret (Mary, int.) (Margaret, C.R.1.) Woods, May 20, 1844.
Michael and Mary Moloney, int. Nov. 2, 1849.
Betsey and Thomas Weller, Jan. 24, 1827.
Martin and Ann Gorling of Lowell, int. May —, 1848.
Mary and Edward Davis, int. Sept. 18, 1843.
Bernard and Elizabeth Shields, int. Jan. 18, 1845.
Winiford and Thomas Hoey, int. Oct. 8, 1849.
James and Catharine Condland, int. Sept. 21, 1845.
Mary and John Kenney, int. Jan. 1, 1848.
Rosanna and Hugh Carroll, int. Nov. 30, 1843.
Timothy and Bridget Cary, int. Oct. 31, 1846.
John and Mary Leonard, int. Nov. 14, 1846.
Mary and John Hayes, int. May 13, 1844.
Mary and John Brenn, int. June 24, 1849.
John and Christiana Hurley, int. Aug. 5, 1848.
James, Rev., and Lydia C. Bartlett of Newburyport, int. Dec. 3, 1835.
Mary Jane, d. of Henry and Mary, a. 19 y., and Liman Dudley, s. of Abijah and Susan, a. 22 y., Sept. 23, 1847. In Natick.
Sarah and John Hammond of Natick, int. Mar. 24, 1833.
Ann and Thomas Braden, int. Oct. 1, 1849.
John and Susan A. Belknap, Sept. 27, 1842.
Daniel and Martha Roxanna Parks of Lincoln, int. Nov. 4, 1848.
Mary and James Gaffrey, int. Oct. 6, 1839.
Mary and Henry Macomb, int. Dec. 3, 1837.
Chesnut, a. 56 y., and Mary Ann Hill (of Sudbury, int.) a. 35 y., Jan. 1, 1845.
Caroline and Andrew G. Kitchen, Apr. 24, 1845.
MEDCALF (see Metcalf)
Mary and James Glover, Sept. 23, 1784.
MELINS (see Mellen, Mellens, Menllen, Millen)
James and Abigail Sanderson, of Watertown, Sept. 29, 1720. In Watertown.
MELLEN (see Melins, Mellens, Menllen, Millen)
Abigail and William Mellen, Oct. 18, 1750.
Abigail and Moses Haven of Hopkinton, Nov. 1, 1750.
Ann Homer and Josiah Norcross of Boston, Dec. 24, 1823.
Daniel and Hannah Adams, Feb. 3, 1735-6.
David and Mary Maverick of Sudbury, June 20, 1744.
Debby and John Hopkins, Oct. 16, 1814.
Elizabeth and John Dadmun, Dec. 3, 1818.
Elizebath of Hopkinton, and Windsor Stone, Mar. 26, 1778. In Hopkinton.
Henry and Abaigail Pratt, Mar. 24, 1711-2.
James and Martha Battle of Dedham, Nov. 28, 1754.
James and Susannah Gould, Jan. 16, 1800.
Lucy and Abner Stone, Dec. 7, 1763. In Hopkinton.
Martha H. and Ebenezer Tombs of Hopkinton, Dec. 2, 1830.
Mary and Jonathan Mores, Sept. 30, 1731.
Nabby (Abigail, int.) and Samuel Murdock, Sept. 6, 1814.
Rosina and Robert S. Downing, Sept. 18, 1837.
Simon Jr. and Abigail Ball, Apr. 27, 1742.
Tabitha and Mark Whitney of Hopkinton, Jan. 4, 1726-7.
William and Abigail Mellen, Oct. 18, 1750.
William and Abigail Hemenway, Nov. 7, 1751.
MELLENS (see Melins, Mellen, Menllen, Millen)
Simon Jr. and Easter Town, Apr. 23, 1711.
Ellen and Michael O'Brien, int. June 30, 1839.
MENLLEN (see Melins, Mellen, Mellens, Millen)
Martha (Mellen, M.R.) and Micael Homer of Hopkinton, Nov. 5, 1777.
MERIAM (see Merriam)
Rebekah of Bedford, and Joseph Stone, Jan. 13, 1758. In Bedford.
MERIT (see Merrit, Merritt)
Edward and Maria Newton, Nov. 30, 1831.
Ruth and Martin Pike of Petersham, Feb. 7, 1828.
MERRIAM (see Meriam)
George May of Boston, and Caroline Parmela Haven, Sept. 19, 1821.
Hannah and Capt. Joseph Fisher of Baltimore, Md., Dec. 18, 1817.
Joseph, Capt., and Alice Thayer of Franklin, int. Oct 18, 1825.
Mary D. and Jesse Hall of Cambridge, Sept. 1, 1830.
Rosaline Augusta (of Cambridge, int.) and Elbridge M. Jones, June 3, 1840.
Traphina and William D. Hills of Charlestown, Oct. 12, 1809.
MERRIT (see Merit, Merritt)
Sumner and Harriet Chase of Southboro, Aug. 10, 1834.
William H. and Hannah (Hannah M., int.) Davis, July 10, 1836.
MERRITT (see Merit, Merrit)
Anna and Luther Newton, Mar. 14, 1837.
Nathaniel and Sally Morse, Feb. 29, 1824.
William H. of Hopkinton, and Mary Ann White, int. Apr. 7, 1844.
Abigail of Wrentham and Caleb Death, Dec. 27, 1752. In Wrentham.
METCALF (see Medcalf)
Abel and Nabby Emes, Feb. —, 1789.
James of Wrentham, and Abiel Haven, Jan. 3, 1754.
Joseph of Wrentham, and Hannah Haven, Oct. 23, 1751.
Laura of Franklin, and Elihu White Jr., int. Sept. 10, 1831.
Luther (Jr., int.), Capt., of Medway, and Sarah B. Phipps, Jan. 16, 1828.
Lydia of Hopkinton, and Josiah Clayes Jr., May 5, 1828.
Obed and Nabby Park, Feb. 4, 1790.
Olive and Aaron Pratt of Sherborn, Oct. —, 1790.
Philip and Annar Knowlton, May 26, 1790.
Samuel W. and Eliza Jane Partridge of Medway, int. Mar. 29, 1846.