[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Mary Cornelia, d. of Nathan and Mary, Dec. 12, 1826.
Daniel, May 18, 1834, a. 34 y. G.R.5.
-----------, inf. ch. of Aaron of Dedham, Dec. 29, 1842. C.R.1.
Abraham, Cort., June 3, 1777 (in his 81st y., G.R.1.) Killed by lightning.
Anna, d. of Thomas and Betsey, Mar. 9, 1806.
Anne, w. of Jonathan, Mar. 4, 1834, a. 70 y. G.R.1.
Arthur Truman, s. of Isaac and Emily, June 6, 1849, a. 1 y. 7 m. 11 d., b. in Wayland. Throat distemper.
Betsey, d. of Thomas and Betsey, Sept. 3, 1791.
Betsey, w. of Thomas, June 10, 1821.
Bezalel, s. of Bezalel and Susanna, Aug. 10, 1748.
David, Feb. 1, 1790, in his 52d y. G.R.1.
Edmund, s. of Martin and Betsey, Dec. 6, 1843. (a. 21 y. C.R.2.)
Edward Curtis, s. of Luther and Mary, Nov. 18, 1825. (Nov. 20, 1825, a. 4 y., G.R.1.)
Edwin B. (Edwin Brainerd, G.R.2.), s. of Lorenzo E. and Harriet, Sept. 19, 1847, a. 4 y. 6 m. 23 d. Croup.
Elenor, d. of Capt. Uriah and Mary, June 7, 1818.
Elezebeth, w. of Henery, Aug. 23, 1705.
Eliza, d. of Lot and Elizabeth, July 22, 1814, a. 25 y.
Elizabeth, w. of Lot, Jan. 22, 1820, a. 56 y.
Elizabeth, d. of Capt. Samuel and Huldah, Nov. 14, 1838.
Emery, s. of Austin and Eunice, Dec. 29, 1848, a. 24 y. 5 m. 9 d. Md. Consumption.
Eunice, in Natick, Dec. 24, 1838, a. 38 y. G.R.1.
Ezekeil, May 12, 1806, a. 82.5 y.
Ezra, Feb. 2, 1833. (a. 67 y., G.R.1.)
Hannah, w. of David, Dec. 18, 1704.
Hannah, d. of Capt. Samuel and Huldah, Oct. 20, 1838. (a. 49 y., C.R.2.)
Henery, Feb. 10, 1710-1.
Henry Howard, s. of Austin and Sena, Dec. 22, 1829, a. 8 y. G.R.1.
Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Mary, Sept. 5, 1745.
Hezekiah, Lieut., Nov. 16, 1761 (in his 68th y., G.R.1.)
Hitty, June 12, 1837. (a. 59 y., G.R.1.)
Huldah, wid. of Capt. Samuel, Oct. 6, 1838. (a. 71 y., C.R.2.)
John, Sept. 30, 1831.
John, Nov. 16, 1847, a. 45 y. Intemperance.
Johnathan Edmunds, s. of Capt. Samuel and Huldah, Dec. 29, 1821.
Jonathan, Apr. 12, 1725, in his 71st y. G.R.1.
Jonathan, in Natick, Feb. 25, 1838, a. 80 y. G.R.1. (Old age, C.R.2.)
Josiah, Capt., Jan. 5, 1834.
Lucy (Lucy E., G.R.1.), w. of Micajah, Mar. 31, 1835. (Mar. 28, 1835, a. 50 y., G.R.1.)
Luther, July 12, 1827. (a. 34 y., G.R.1.)
Lydia, w. of Ezekiel Jr., Apr. 25, 1793.
Mary, d. of Hezekiah and Elisabeth, Dec. 13, 1733.
Mary, w. of Lieut. Hezekiah, Dec. 16, 1785, in her 96th y. G.R.1.
Mary, d. of Lieut. Phinehas and Ruth, Oct. 3, 1825. (a. 26 y., G.R.1.)
Mary Ann, d. of Joel and Nancy, Dec. 2, 1820. (Dec. 3, 1820, a. 2 y. 1 m., G.R.1.)
Mary M., w. of Perkins, Nov. 30, 1835, a. 39 y. G.R.1.
Nathan E., s. of Stephen and Mary, Oct. 26, 1825, a. 3 y. G.R.1.
Olive, d. of Martin and Betsey, Jan. 4, 1826.
Patience, w. of Cornet Abraham, Jan. 2, 1796, a. 94 y. G.R.1.
Peter, June 28, 1805, a. 78 y. (74 y., G.R.1.)
Phinehas, s. of Lieut. Phinehas and Ruth, Jan. 1, 1826. (a. 36 y., G.R.2.)
Phinehas, Lieut., May 17, 1842 (in his 81st y., G.R.1.)
Phinehas, s. of Phinehas Jr. and Sally, Oct. 16, 1847, a. 21 y. G.R.2. (Hurt upon the railroad, C.R.2.)
Prescot, July 21, 1846, a. 47 y. C.R.2.
Richard, s. of Abraham and Pacience, Sept. 26, 1746.
Ruth, wid. of Jonathan, May 16, 1805.
Ruth, w. of Peter, May 2, 1822, a. 86 y. G.R.1.
Ruth, w. of Lieut. Phinehas, Oct. 28, 1832 (in her 70th y., G.R.1.)
Ruth, w. of Ezra, Nov. 10, 1832. (a. 67 y. G.R.1.)
Ruthe, d. of Lieut. Phinehas and Ruth, Apr. 28, 1788.
Sally, d. of Capt. Samuel and Huldah, Aug. 4, 1792.
Samuel, Capt., Oct. 6, 1800.
Samuel, s. of Capt. Samuel and Huldah, Oct. 20, 1838. (a. 44 y., C.R.2.)
Sarah, wid. of-----------, Mar. 10, 1842. (a. 75 y., C.R.2.)
Susan, w. of Phinehas, Jan. 21, 1849, a. 67 y. 10 m. 25 d. Lung fever.
Susanna, w. of Bezalel Jr., Sept. 15, 1750.
Thomas, Jan. 31, 1827.
Thomas, Feb. 12, 1844. (a. 54 y., C.R.1.)
Uriah, s. of Hezekiah and Elisabeth, Dec. 31, 1733.
William A., s. of Martin and Betsey, Sept. 8, 1833.
Zeruiah, d. of Bezaleel and Sarah, Mar. 4, 1739-40.
Polly, w. of Thomas, in Brookfield, Feb. 18, 1805.
Edward (Edward Clark, G.R.2.), s. of George and Harriet (Harriet N., G.R.2.), Sept. 28, 1847, a. 4 y. 1 m. Croup.
George Francis, s. of Henry F. A., Jan. 25, 1848, a. 3 y. 6 m. Brain disorder.
George Henry, s. of George and Harriet N., Nov. 2, 1841. G.R.2.
James F., s. of Henry, Jan. 22, 1848, a. 3 y. C.R.2.
Raham W. (Raham William, G.R.2.), s. of Henry and Relief, Oct. 12, 1847, a. 28 y. Fever.
Anna, w. of Jonas, Dec. 15, 1826, a. 73 y. G.R.1.
Gideon, July 28, 1794, in his 73d y. G.R.1.
Jonas, Aug. 25, 1818. (a. 69 y., G.R.1.)
James, Feb. 23, 1829. Negro. (Revolutionary soldier, born in San Domingo, a. 91 y., G.R.6.)
Amasa of Sudbury, Apr. 5, 1835. C.R.2.
(Susan Rebecca, C.R.2.), d. of (Willard, C.R.2.), Feb. 3, 1848, a. 9 m. Consumption.
ROBENSON (see Robinson)
Patiance, w. of Jonathan, Aug. 11, 1768.
Isabella R., d. of John and Jane, Oct. 3, 1845, a. 12 y. G.R.5.
Jane R., d. of John and Jane, Feb. 26, 1847, a. 23 y. G.R.5.
ROBINSON (see Robenson)
Martha, d. of Jonathan and Martha, Dec. 12, 1729.
Martha, w. of Jonathan, Apr. 28, 1752.
Alonzo G. G., s. of Aaron and Ruth, July 16, 1838, a. 15 y. 10 m. G.R.1.
William Jackman, s. of Aaron and Ruth, Oct. 4, 1837, a. 8 m. G.R.1.
Aberaham, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, May 4, 1710.
Caroline, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Patty, July 2, 1810.
Ebenezer, s. of Jonathan and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1720.
Eliza, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Patty, July 27, 1821. (a. 19 y., G.R.1.)
Ezra, July 2, 1810.
Glover, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Patty, Nov. 24, 1825.
Hannah, wid. of Jonathan, May 30, 1786, in her 64th y. G.R.1.
Hepzibah, July 11, 1808.
Jonathan, Dec. 25, 1753.
Jonathan, Mar. 6, 1776, in his 55th y. G.R.1.
Jonathan Sr., Nov. 20, 1833.
Jonathan Jr., July 4, 1845. (1843, a. 66 y., G.R.1.) (1843, C.R.2.)
Martha, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Patty, June 30, 1814.
Patty, w. of Jonathan Jr., Aug. 1, 1824.
Sarah, w. of Jonathan, May 7, 1710.
Warren, Mar. 8, 1842. (a. 34 y., G.R.1.)
Josiah, Mar. 27, 1818. (a. 37 y., G.R.1.)
Mary Ann, d. of Josiah and Anna, May 6, 1839. (a. 21 y. 6 m., G.R.1.) (Consumption, C.R.2.)
Reuben, Feb. 21, 1809.
Peter, Aug. 16, 1816. A Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.
Bathsheba, wid. of David, Nov. 20, 1783, a. 76 y. G.R.1.
Betsey, w. of Daniel, Nov. 28, 1819. (a. 37 y., G.R.1.)
Daniel, Sept. 27, 1807.
Daniel, Dec. 10, 1840. (1839, a. 73 y. Insanity, C.R.1.)
David, at Albany, in defence of his country, Dec. 15, 1753. a. 45 y. G.R.1.
Easter, d. of David and Bathshaba, Dec. 2, 1741.
Joseph, Mar. 13, 1805.
Joseph, Feb. 5, 1830. (a. 48 y., C.R.1.)
Maria, d. of Daniel and Elizabeth, May 1, 1822, a. 17 y. G.R.1.
Obadiah, Dec. 3, 1844, a. 56 y. 7 m. G.R.1.
Patience, wid. of-----------, July 17, 1805.
Persis, w. of Daniel, Nov. 29 [prob. 1798].
-----------, inf. ch. of William, July 23, 1846. C.R.2.
-----------, ch. of-----------, Feb. 23, 1833. C.R.2.
Ann Maria, d. of William and Fidelia, Mar. 22, 1833.
Ellen, d. of Michael and Mary, July 18, 1843. (July 19, a. 1 m. 3 d., G.R.4.) (Fits, C.R.1.)
Sarah T., Sept. 27, 1841, a. 41 y. G.R.2.
Elizabeth, Dec. 28, 1847, a. 74 y. C.R.2.
Jane, d. of John, Apr. 23, 1846, a. 10 y.
Sarah, d. of John and Martha, Apr. 16, 1846, a. 3 y. 11 m. G.R.5.
Henry (Henry A., G.R.1.), s. of Oliver and Abigail, Apr. 1, 1848, a. 24 y. Consumption.
Oliver, Aug. 26, 1839, a. 45 y. G.R.1.
James McIntire, s. of Calvin Jr. and Fear, Apr. 26, 1836.
Moses, s. of Moses and Polly, Feb. 9, 1845, a. 39 y., b. in Grafton. Md. Rupture of blood vessel. Fever.
Thomas, s. of John and Earls, Jan. 9, 1708.
Samuel of Hopkinton, Aug. 22, 1725. P.R.
Eliza D. Park, w. of Thomas W., July 25, 1847. G.R.2.
Dana M., s. of William and Angelina W., Jan. 13, 1844, a. 1 y. 4 m. 20 d. G.R.6.
Ephraim, Dec. 11, 1837.
John C., s. of Ephraim and Patty, Oct. 7, 1823 (in his 9th y., G.R.1.)
Mary B., in Saugus, Oct. 17, 1836, a. 31 y. G.R.5.
Henry Thomas, Dec. 1, 1837, a. 1 y. 8 m. G.R.5.
Samuel S., Mar. 18, 1844, a. 24 y. 9 m. G.R.5.
Mary, wid. of-----------, Dec. 30, 1842, a. 72 y.
Nathaniel, Dec. 28, 1760.
-----------, w. of Timothy 2d, Jan. 3, 1820.
Asa, s. of Timothy and Bethia, Aug. 13, 1751.
Henry Otis, s. of Thomas C. and Mary, July 10, 1834.
Joshua, s. of Timothy and Bethia, July 24, 1751,
Mary, w. of-----------, July 17, 1846, a. 41 y. C.R.2.
Payson, Feb. 4, 1814.
Sarah, d. of Timothy, Feb. 8, 1825.
Timothy, Feb. 2, 1813.
Timothy, Jan. 10, 1820.
Timothy Sr., Jan. 15, 1831.
Volina, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1844, a. 16 y. G.R.5.
Charles Augustus, s. of Isaac and Eliza, Aug. 25, 1826. (a. 5 y. 6 m., G.R.1.)
Edwin Alphonso, s. of Isaac and Eliza, Aug. 29, 1826. (a. 4 y. 2 m., G.R.1.)
Eliza Henriette, d. of Isaac and Eliza, Jan. 23, 1827. (a. 2 y. 6 m., G.R.1.)
Franklin I., Mar. 17, 1842, a. 13 y. 3 m. G.R.1.
Isabella E., Apr. 17, 1834, a. 8 m. G.R.1.
Maria S., Feb. 7, 1837, a. 2 y. G.R.1.
Claribel T., Dec. 29, 1844. G.R.2.
Henry O., July 27, 1842, G.R.2.
Henry O., Sept. 4, 1843. G.R.2.
Benjamin, Nov. 7, 1848, a. 84 y., b. in Charlestown. Consumption.
STON (see Stone)
Abigarle, w. of Daniell, Oct. 28, 1711.
Ann, d. of John and Ann, Feb. 13, 1715-6.
Lydia, w. of John, Nov. 3, 171(?).
Presilia, d. of Samuell and Barssheba,(?), Aug. 29, 1708.
STONE (see Ston)
-----------, inf. of Henry Louis and Mary Elisabeth H. G., July 3, 1842, G.R.5.
Abigail, d. of Seth and Dorcas, Dec. 24, 1841, a. 5 y. 8 m. G.R.1.
Abner, Sept. 10, 1745.
Abner, Oct. 1, 1829. (a. 79 y., G.R.1.)
Anne, wid. of-----------, Mar. 25, 1733.
Anne, wid. of (Hon. Josiah, G.R.1.), May 20, 1819. a. 94 y.
Asenath, d. of Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth, June 30, 1842. (May 30, 1842, a. 32 y., G.R.1.)
Bulah, d. of Josiah and Anne, May 7, 1752.
Bulah, Feb. 22. 1824, in her 72d y. G.R.1.
Calvin L., s. of Luther and Mary, in Charleston, S. C., Aug. 23, 1839, a. 23 y. G.R.5.
(Caroline B., G.R.5.), d. of Josiah (and Sophia, G.R.5.), June 2, 1846, a. 6 y. (June 3, 1846, a. 6 y. 6 m., G.R.5.)
Cynthia, d. of Abner Jr. and Sally, Dec. 30, 1806.
Daniel, Dea., May 15, 1785, in her 76th y. G.R.1.
Daniel, Capt., Apr. 3, 1813, a. 86 y. G.R.1.
Daniel, Nov. 3, 1834, a. 74 y. G.R.1.
Dexter (of Philadelphia, C.R.1.), Nov. 22, 1846, a. 55 y. G.R.1. (Consumption, C.R.1.)
Elijah, Dr., Aug. 10, 1804, a. 68 y. G.R.1.
Eliza, d. of Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth, on passage home from France, Oct. 28, 1844.
Elizabeth, w. of Maj. Josiah, June 30, 1812. (a. 49 y., G.R.1.)
Elizabeth, wid. of (Dr. Elijah, G.R.1.), July 24, 1830. (a. 89 y., G.R.1.)
Emerline C., Oct. —, 1845. C.R.3.
Emily, d. of Maj. Josiah and Nancy, Sept. 23, 1819.
Eugene, s. of Josiah and Sophia, Feb. 7, 1838, a. 5 y. 6 m. G.R.5.
Ferdinand Fisk, s. of Luther, lost at sea, —, 1840, a. 18 y. G.R.5.
Hannah, w. of Samuel, Nov. 4, 1724.
Hannah, w. of----------- sister to Dea. Hemenway, Feb. 1, 1847, a. 82 y. C.R.2.
Isaac, Jan. 5, 1815, a. 79 y. 8 m. G.R.1.
Joel, Jan. 21, 1825, a. 73 y.
John, Dr., Nov. 26, 1719. P.R.
John, s. of John and Anne, Dec. 5, 1730.
John, Dec. 6, 1755.
John, Esq., Aug. 1, 1817, a. 85 y. (gr. s. of Rev. John Swif1, G.R.1.)
Joseph, s. of Ebenezer and Prudence, Dec. 20, 1730.
Josiah, Esq., Apr. 12, 1785, a. 60 y. G.R.1.
Josiah, s. of Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1799.
Josiah, Maj., Sept. 3, 1836, a. 75 y. (Sept. 2, 1836, dup.)
Luce, d. of Josiah and Anne, Apr. 29, 1752.
Lynds, s. of Dr. Elijah and Elizabeth, Apr. 22, 1790, in his 21St y. G.R.1.
Marshall D., s. of Buckley and Mary, June 2, 1838, a. 15 m. 12 d. G.R.1.
Martha, w. of Ebenezer 2d, Jan. 31, 1844, a. 40 y. G.R.5.
Martha E., d. of Luther and Mary, Jan. 23, 1836, a. 23 y. G.R.5.
Mary, w. of Dea. Daniel, May 26, 1760, in her 47th y. G.R.1.
Mary, w. of John, Esq., Oct. 1, 1809, a. 77 y. G.R.1.
Micah, s. of Micah and Rachel, Jan. 9, 1768. (a. 14 y., G.R.1.)
Micah, Col., Sept. 6, 1813.
Micah, s. of Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1838. (a. 40 y., G.R.1.) (Pulmonary consumption, C.R.1.)
Nabby, d. of Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth, Apr. 10, 1806.
Persis, d. of Daniel and Persis, Mar. 1, 1752.
Persis, w. of Capt. Daniel, May 7, 1804. (a. 76 y., G.R.1.)
Persis, w. of Isaac, May 7, 1806, a. 62 y. (62 y. 5 m., G.R.1.)
Persis, w. of Abner, June 17, 1837, a. 79 y. G.R.1.
Persis, Oct. 29, 1847, a. 50 y. G.R.1.
Phineas, s. of Abner Jr. and Sally, Feb. 16, 1806.
Phinehas, s. of Ebenezer and Prudence, Jan. 7, 1730-1.
Polley, d. of Dr. Elijah and Elisabeth, Sept. 16, 1778, a. 17 m. G.R.1.
Polly, d. of Dr. Elijah and Elizabeth, June 13, 1813, a. 28 y. G.R.1.
Rachel, d, of Micah and Rachel, Feb. 28, 1772, a. 9 m. G.R.1.
Rachel, d. of Micah and Rachel, Sept. 22, 1775, a. 13 m. G.R.1.
Rachel, w. of Col. Micah, June 18, 1794, a. 64 y. G.R.1.
Sally, w. of Daniel, Apr. 19, 1845, a. 75 y. G.R.1. (Hepatic disease, C.R.1.)
Samuel Jr., Aug. 30, 1726.
Sara R., w. of Abner, Nov. 26, 1846, a. 64 y. G.R.1.
Sarah, wid. of----------- Sept. 24, 1820.
Sarah, w. of-----------, Nov. 23, 1829, a. 89 y.
Sarah, w. of Benjamin, Sept. 3, 1847, a. 82 y. 5 m. Old age.
Sarah Grace, d. of Henry Louis and Mary Elisabeth H. G., in Cambridge, Oct. 26, 1844, a. 6 m. 24 d. G.R.5.
Sewel, s. of Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth, Oct. 19, 1799.
Sewel (h. of Sarah J., G.R.5.), S. of Josiah and Anna, Oct. 4, 1848. (Oct. 8, 1848, G.R.5.) a. 30 y. 1 m. 20 d. Consumption.
Sumner, s. of Maj. Josiah and Nancy, Sept. 22, 1820.
Susan, d. of Abner Jr. and Sally, Feb. 15, 1817.
Thomas, Jr., July 1, 1826.
Timothy, Jan. 7, 1831. C.R.2.
William, Nov. 10, 1845, a. 37 y. G.R.5.
-----------, father of Rev. John, bur. Feb. 3, 1717-8. P.R.
-----------, mother of Rev. John, Feb. 4, 1717--8. P.R.
Ebenezer, Sept. 3, 1775, in his 24th y. G.R.1.
John, Rev., 1st minister of the town, Apr. 24, 1745. G.R.1.
Martha, d. of Ebenezer and Sally, Nov. 18, 1801.
Sarah Tileston, w. of Rev. John, Feb. 1, 1747, a. 74 y. G.R.1.
Charles P. (Charles Porter, C.R.2.), s. of Increase N. and-----------, Sept. 12, 1849, a. 3 y. 2 m. Measles.
Lucy M., d. of Joel and Persis, Dec. 25, 1824.
-----------, inf. ch. of John S., July 18, 1836, a. 1 y. Chickenpox. G.R.1.
Abby E., d. of John and Abigail, Oct. 7, 1844, a. 20 y. Unm. Consumption.
Betsey (Betsy H., G.R.2.), w. of William Pitts, Aug. 29, 1843. (Aug. 29, 1849, a. 48 y., G.R.2.)
David, 4th s. of Josiah and Elizabeth, May 7, 1800, a. 19 y. G.R.1.
Elizabeth, eldest d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, July 4, 1798, a. 20 y. G.R.1.
Elizabeth, wid. of Josiah, July 2, 1829, a. 83 y.
Josiah, eldest s. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Nov. 17, 1800, a. 28 y. G.R.1.
Josiah, Lieut., father of Williwn Pitts, Oct. 5, 1824.
Mary L., d. of Dea.-----------, Mar. 4, 1847, a. 36 y. Unm. C.R.2.
Sarah, w. of Thomas, June 20, 1768. (June 22, 1768, in her 57th y., G.R.1.)
Susan Maria, d. of William Pitts and Betsey (Betsey H., G.R.2.), Sept. 20, 1837. (a. 1 y. 1 m., G.R.2.) (Dysentery and fever, C.R.2.)
Thomas, Feb. 28, 1773, in his 59th y. G.R.1.
Thomas, 3d s. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1798, a. 22 y. G.R.1.
Herbert N., s. of E. B. and M. Cornelia, Aug. 11, 1845. G.R.1.
Prisilla H., d. of Abel and Adeline, Mar. 10, 1847, a. 1 y. 11 m. G.R.5.
William J., in Roxbury, Feb. 9, 1844, a. 29 y. G.R.5.
Lucy, w. of Joseph, May 24, 1823.
Hannah, w. of Nathan, Aug. 27, 1832.
Jabiz, June —, 1829. C.R.3.
Lucy Ann, d. of Nathan and Hannah, Apr. 18, 1813.
Mary, Apr. 12, 1835. C.R.3.
Nathan,-----------, 1842. C.R.3.
-----------, w. of-----------, Dec. —, 1835. C.R 2.
John, May 5, 1833.
-----------, w. of-----------, Dec. —, 1835. C.R.2.
George W., s. of Rufus and Elizabeth, May 18, 1847, a. 22 y. G.R.5.
Jane Maria, d. of Rufus and Elizabeth, Dec. 2, 1830, a. 2 y. 4 m. G.R.5.
Sarah Ann, d. of Rufus and Elizabeth, Feb.-----------, a. 17 y. G.R.5.
William, s. of Rufus and Elizabeth, Oct. 1, 1835, a. 2 m. 7 d. G.R.5.
William Rufus, s. of Rufus and Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1842. a. 6 y. 3 m. G.R.5.
Martha Ann, w. of Rev. Leonard, Apr. 22, 1845, a. 36 y. G.R.2.
Althea, d. of (Rev., dup.) Charles and Hepsibah, Sept. 17, 1845 (Sept. 11, 1845, dup.), a. 25 y. Unm. Cholera morbus. (a. 24 y. In Cambridge, C.R.2.)
Charles, Rev., Sept. 18, 1849, a. 66 y. 7 m., b. in Weston. Md. Consumption. (Sept. 17, dup., C.R.2., C.R.3.)
Elizabeth, w. of Rev. Charles, Sept. 14, 1814.
Lucilla, d. of Rev. Charles and Hepzibah, May 21, 1841.
TREADWAY (see Tredway)
Mary, w. of Benjamin, Nov. 27, 1766.
TREDWAY (see Treadway)
-----------, ch. of Benjamin and Mary, Apr. 30, 1724.
James, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Sept. 3, 1730.
Judith, Mrs., Oct. 12, 1726.
Judith, d. of Benjamin and Mary, July 19, 1727.
TROBRIDGE (see Trowbridge)
-----------, s. of Charles and Mary G., Mar. 5, 1848.
Anna, Apr. 29, 1836.
(Josiah W., G.R.2.), s. of (Capt., G.R.2.) Charles and (M., May 13, 1845, G.R.2.), a. 21 d.
TROWBRIDGE (see Trobridge)
-----------, only ch. of George and Mary Ann, Oct. 24, 1845. Drowned. C.R.1.
Elizabeth, wid. of-----------, Apr. 24, 1828.
John, May 19, 1762.
John, Esq., May 21, 1807, a. 77 y. G.R.1.
John, s. of Edmund and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1815.
John, Esq., July 28, 1825.
Joshua, Lieut., Dec. 6, 1824.
Margaret, w. of John, Mar. 6, 1774, in her 46th y.
Martha, d. of John and Margret, May 6, 1762.
Mary, wid. of-----------, Jan. 30, 1844, a. 88 y. C.R.2.
Mary E., d. of Charles and Mary, Feb. 15, 1848, a. 10 y. Head disorder. (Feb. 16, 1848, a. 10 y. 5 m., G.R.2.)
Nelle, d. of John and Margret, Feb. 18, 1769.
Fanny, w. of Joseph W., July 10, 1836, a. 28 y. G.R.5.
George, s. of Joseph W. (and Susanna L., G.R.5.), July 6, 1849, a. 2 y. 2 m. 17 d. Scarlet fever.
Sarah, w. of Joseph W., Dec. 27, 1845, a. 25 y. G.R.5.
Anna, Dec. 18, 1776, a. 6 y. G.R.1.
Calvin, Dec. 18, 1771, a. 3 y. 6 m. G.R.1.
Susanna, Dec. 19, 1776, a. 8 y. 1 m. G.R.1.
Syntha, Dec. 18, 1776, a. 1 y. 5 m. G.R.1.
Abigail, d. of Joshua and Lucy, Oct. 22, 1825.
Betsey, wid. of-----------, Mar. 15, 1827.
Fanny, in Medford, Jan. 3, 1848, a. 45 y. C.R.2.
Nathan, Dec. 8, 1843. (a. 74 y., C.R.2.)
Mary, d. of Joshua and Lucy, Sept. 10, 1822.
Samuel, June 8, 1767. P.R.2.
Esther, wid. of Lewis, Oct. 5, 1842, a. 46 y. G.R.5.
Elmyra, d. of Persian H. and Patty, Dec. 3, 1843. (a. 15 y., G.R.1.)
John Holbrook, s. of Persian and Patty, Jan. 16, 1828, a. 11 m. 17 d. G.R.1.
Martha Ann, d. of Persian H. and Patty, Feb. 10, 1842. (a. 5 y., G.R.1.)
Lydia, w. of Ezekiel, Dec. 13, 1740.
Mary, d. of Ezekiel and Lydia, Dec. 10, 1740.
Phebe, Apr. 23, 1831.
Thomas, s. of Ezekiel and Rebecka, Feb. 14, 1748 [prob. 1748-9]
-----------, Mr., June --, 1832. C.R.2.
Asa, Feb. 24, 1722-3.
Charles, s. of Matthias and Jane, Apr. 22, 1816.
Charles, Dr., Jan. 1, 1839, a. 30 y. Consumption. C.R.1.
Hannah, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 27, 1720-1.
Thomas, Oct. 25, 1717.
George, Nov. 3, 1748.
Mary, May 17, 1840, a. 69 y. (Maiden lady. Dislocation of hip joint, C.R.2.)
Nathan A., s. of John M. and-----------, Nov. 8, 1849, a. 9 y. 2 m. 8 d. Killed by kick of a horse.
Sally Foster, d. of William Jr. and Esther, Oct. 11, 1817.
Henry Jr., Sept. 22, 1843, a. 49 y. C.R.1.
Abigail M., Apr. 20, 1837 (1839, dup.), (w. of Ebenezer, a. 46 y., G.R.1.).
Eliza, d. of Isaac and Sally, Nov. 3, 1805.
Fanny, wid. of Josiah, Dec. 3, 1843. (a. 79 y., C.R.2.)
Isaac, June 26, 1847, a. 72 y. Md. Heart disease.
James B. F., Feb. 13, 1841. Drowned.
Josiah, Dec. 25, 1840. (a. 85 y., C.R.2.)
Pamela, w. of George, June 23, 1843. (a. 37 y., C.R.2.)
Ruth, July 5, 1830. ( July 6, 1830, a. 57 y., G.R. 1.)
Sarah, wid. of Isaac, July 23, 1849, a. 69 y. C.R.2.
Susan F., w. of Isaac B., in Wrentham, Dec. 5, 1848, a. 38 y. 7 m. 13 d., b. in Wrentham. Fever.
Thomas Jr., July 15, 1830. (a. 32 y., G.R.2.)
Julia A., w. of Edmund, Mar. 11, 1847, a. 33 y. G.R.1.
WENZEL (see Wenzell)
John, Capt., Sept. 12, 1830, a. 65 y. G.R.6.
WENZELL (see Wenzel)
Catharine W. H., d. of Capt. John and Hephzibah, and w. of Ezra Dearth, Oct. 20, 1835, a. 37 y. G.R.6.
Henry, Aug. 17, 1824, a. 33 y. G.R.6.
Hepzibah, wid. of (Capt. John, G.R.6.), Dec. 10, 1841. (a. 74 y., G.R.6.)
Lucy, w. of Henry, July 31, 1833, a. 39 y. G.R.6.
Mary, d. of Henry and Lucy, July 30, 1838, a. 18 y. G.R.6.
Abner, Oct. 10, 1843, a. 71 y. G.R.1. (Inflammation of bowels, C.R.1.)
Abner B., Dr., s. of Abner and Polly, Dec. 8, 1847, a. 36 y. G.R.1.
Charles Walker, s. of Increase Sumner and Elizabeth M., Nov. 24., 1842. (Nov. 21, 1842, G.R.2.) (Hydrocephalus, C.R.1.)
George, s. of Capt. Abner and Polly, Dec. 21, 1840. (a. 40 y., G.R.1.)
Horatio, s. of Capt. Abner and Polly, Mar. 28, 1837. (a. 27 y., G.R.1.) (Liver disorder, C.R.1.)
Horatio, Oct. 5, 1840, a. 17 m. G.R.1.
Horatio 2d, s. of Abner B. and Caroline S. H., July 23, 1846, a. 4 y. 4 m. G.R.1.
Polly, w. of Capt. Abner, Apr. 10, 1836. (a. 57 y. Internal inflammation, C.R.1.)
Robert (Robert Ellesmere, G.R.2.), s. of Increase Sumner and Elizabeth M., May 28, 1845. (a. 2 y. 9 m. Consumption, dup.)
WHETTNY (see Whitney)
Sarah, w. of John, Apr. 23, 1718.
Adelade L., d. of Jonas and Ann B., June 6, 1845, a. 4 y. G.R.5.
Ann B., w. of Jonas, Jan. 21, 1844, a. 41 y. G.R.5.
Anna G., d. of Jonas and Ann B., Oct. 26, 1844, a. 17 y. G.R.5.
Laura, d. of Charles and Amanda, Oct. 12, 1841. (a. 15 m. Scalded, C.R.2.)
Phebe, w. of James, July 16, 1838. (a. 55 y., G.R.2.)
WHITNEY (see Whettny)
Ephraim, in Cambridge, Sept. 16, 1775. Accidentally shot.
Henry, s. of Dr. Simon, July 22, 1840, a. 8 y. Drowned. C.R.1.
John, June 18, 1805.
Martha, w. of John, Nov. 14, 1721.
Gardner, Feb. 19, 1835, a. 43 y. G.R.1.
-----------, w. of Ahas, Aug. 17, 1825.
Gilbert T., Rev., May 20, 1823, a. 61 y.
Cyrus Henry, Jan. 6, 1841. (a. 25 y., C.R.2.)
Margaret B., w. of-----------, and d. of David and Sophia Frost, Nov. 28, 1844, a. 23 y. 7 m. Consumption.
WILLSON (see Wilson)
Elezebeth, w. of Nathaniell, Mar. 10, 1715.
Ferdinand E., s. of Ferdinand and Martha, Sept. 18, 1844, a. 11 m. G.R.1.
WILSON (see Willson)
George W., Jan. 30, 1841, a. 4 w. G.R.2.
Hannah, June 3, 1831, a. 23 y. 8 m. G.R.2.
James, Jan. 13, 1834.
Margaret, w. of John, Oct. 26, 1848, a. 48 y. 2 m. 11 d., b. in Ireland.
Mary, w. of James, Feb. 12, 1833.
Nathanael Sr., Dec. 26, 1721.
-----------, inf. ch. of John, Oct. 4, 1834. C.R.2.
Edwin, s. of Josiah Jr. and Abigail, June 28, 1821.
Eliza, w. of Josiah Jr., May 18, 1818.
Eliza, d. of Dana and Tryphena, Jan. 15, 1848.
Emeline, d. of Samuel and Ruthe, Apr. 6, 1806.
Emeline, d. of Samuel and Ruthe, May 26, 1808.
Hildreth, s. of Josiah Jr. and Abigail, Oct. 15, 1826.
Joel, July 25, 1760. P.R.2.
John, Jan. 19, 1718-9.
Joseph, Capt., father of Reuben, Apr. 10, 1815.
Josiah, July 23, 1833.
Josiah, Apr. 20, 1848, a. 55 y. Md. Consumption.
Leonard C., s. of Jesse and Martha, Sept. 11, 1805.
Mary, wid. of Josiah, Dec. 11, 1841. (a. 71 y., C.R.2.)
Molly, w. of Capt. Joseph, Nov. 25, 1812.
Nathaniel, s. of Ebenezer and [Easter],-----------, 1779.
Reuben, s. of Reuben and Olive, Oct. 15, 1825.
Reuben, Apr. 7, 1846, a. 73 y. (72 y. 7 m., G.R.1.) Md. Liver complaint.
Ruthe, w. of Samuel, Sept. 22, 1820.
Sally, d. of Daniel, Oct. 9, 1805.
Samuel, bur. Aug. 3, 1718. P.R.
Samuel, Mar. 17, 1754, a. 27 y. 9 m. 10 d. G.R.1.
Sarah, w. of Daniel, Feb. 2, 1733-4.
Thomas, Lieut., Sept. 22, 1761, in his 68th y. G.R.1.
Edward, s. of Jacob B. and Mary R., Sept. 18, 1841. G.R.2.
Emma, d. of Jacob B. and Mary R., Feb. 9, 1843. G.R.2.
James, s. of Jacob B. and Mary R., Sept. 21, 1836. G.R.2.
Mary E., d. of Jacob B. and Mary R., Sept. 28, 1828. G.R.2.
-----------, Mr., May 13, 1833. C.R.2.
Elisabeth, d. of John and Elisabeth, Apr. 13, 1714.
Lovice, w. of Peleg (Aug. 28, C.R.3.), 1845. G.R.5.
Peleg,-----------, 1808. G.R.5.
Joseph, s. of Timothy and Adaline, Feb. —, 1841.
Sarah Tisdal, d. of Timothy and Adaline, Feb. 26, 1838.
Elizabeth Ann, d. of John and Martha, Oct. 23, 1821.
Elvira, d. of John and Martha, May 12, 1816.
Elvira Augusta, d. of John and Martha, Apr. 21, 1819.
Bezaleel, Sept. 10, 1759.
Mehetibal, d. of Edward and Hannah, Mar. 18, 1743-4.
-----------, Mary, d. of----------- and Mary, Sept. 21, 1849, a. 7 m. Consumption.