Vital Records Of Foxborough, Norfolk Co., Ma
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town - Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1911
Marriages - RAFFERTY to WYMAN
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Michael and Mary Lyons, int. Nov. 30, 1844.
RANDAL (see Randall)
Amy and Friend Belcher Jr., June 26, 1825.
RANDALL (see Randal)
Amanda B. [int. Randal] and Sylvester Buck [int. of Easton], Aug. 19, 1833.
Benjamin of Sharon, and Molly Wares, July 1, 1784, in Sharon.
Cynthia C. and Charles C. Cutler, int. Oct. 1, 1847.
Milsom and Shepherd Godfrey of Norton, int. Nov. 28, 1834.
Samuel of Conn., and Polly Parish of Conn., ----.
READ (see Reed)
Edwin of Mansfield, and Sarah S. Cobb, Oct. 20, 1839.
REED (see Read)
Marcus [int. Read] of Mansfield [int. Attleboro], and Mary E. Cobb, Oct. 20, 1839.
John and Sarah Clark of Stoughtonham, Nov. 18, 1782.
RHOADES (see Rhoads, Rhodes)
Anna (see Nancy). Martha [int. Rhodes] and William R. Hitchcock, Apr. 29, 1838.
Nancy [int. Anna Rhoads] and John Cory [int. Corey], ---- [int. ---- 31 [rec. between July 8 and Sept. 10], 1820].
Stephen and Patty Carpenter (second w.), Mar. 20, 1815.
Stephen Jr. [dup. Rhodes] and Betsy Bird, Jan. 1, 1817.
RHOADS (see Rhoades, Rhodes)
Aaron and Mrs. Poly Wilkinsson, Feb. 26, 1789.
Lucinda and Silas Smith, Dec. 24, 1812.
RHODES (see Rhoades, Rhoads)
Catherine and William P. Payson, May 16, 1839.
Jemima and Thomas Clapp, ----.
Mary [dup. and int. Polly Rhoads] and Jesse Pratt, Feb. 23, 1786.
Mary [Rhodes, written in pencil above Patridge crossed out], wid. [wid., written in pencil], and Asa Morse, ----.
Stephen [dup. Rhoades] and Anne [second dup. Anna, third dup. and int. Mrs. Anna, omit wid.] Carpenter, wid. Nehemiah, d. Francis Daniels and Kezia, Apr. 15, 1792.
Susanna and John Nason, May 28, 1783.
RICHARD (see Richards)
Anna [dup. Anne Richards] of Sharon, and James Paine, Jan. 15, 1784, in Sharon.
RICHARDS (see Richard)
Ellis of Canton, and Emaline Pettee, int. May 24, 1828.
Harriet D. [int. of Attleboro] and Dr. James W. Foster, ---- [int. June 9, 1839].
Alfred and Harriet Ford, Oct. 20, 1839.
Elvira and Phillip Trafford [int. of Dartmouth], Oct. 20, 1831.
Howard A., 21, factory operative, s. Howard and Mary, and Almira F. Belcher, 18, b. Woonsocket, R.I., d. Ira and Lydia, Aug. 6, 1848.
Isaac and Jemima Paine [dup. Pain], May 4, 1786.
John and Dorotha ----, ----.
Lois and Elias Nason [dup. and int. Nasson], Feb. 13, 1793.
Martha A. 23, b. Belgrade, Kennebec Co., Me., d. John and Martha, and David Shaw, 28, bonnet shaper, b. Abington, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, Nov. 28, 1849.
Olive and Etheridge Clark [dup. and int. Ethridge, dup. Clerk], Oct. 28, 1794.
Rebeccah [dup. Rebeckah, int. Rebekah], wid. (second w.), and Jacob Cook, Mar. 31, 1793.
Rebeccah and Jeremiah Hartshorn, ----.
Francis C. of Mansfield, and Roxalaney Salley, int. [Nov.] 17, 1843.
Hannah S., 40, of Mansfield, d. Rufus and Fanny, and William H. Peters, 23, laborer, s. John and Caroline, May 26, 1845.
Rufus M. and Lucretia French, Apr. 20, 1837.
Silas, Rev., and Mary F. Wilder of Hingham, int. July 14, 1847.
Silas, Rev., and Lydia S. Brooks, ----, "Removed to Foxboro 14 Oct. 1837."
Silas S. and Fanny W. King of Mansfield, int. May 17, 1848.
Elizabeth and Dr. Shadrach Winslow, ----.
Hannah [int. Robins] and Samuel Forrist Jr., ---- [int. Nov. 7, 1812], "Moved 1819 to Cumberland."
Mary of Stoughton, and Abijah Pratt, Nov. 27, 1788.
Sally and Joseph Kingsbury [dup. Kingsbry, int. Kingbry, dup. and int. of Walpole], Aug. 24, 1794.
Abiathar and Nancy Fisher of Attleborough, int. Nov. 10, 1832. ["Countermanded," written in pencil.]
Abiathar and Lucretia H. Strange [int. of Taunton], ---- [int. July 20, 1837].
Abisha of Raignham [int. Abisa Robbinson of Rainhom], and Hannah Robinson [int. Robins], Sept. 10, 1797.
Cynthia [dup. Cynthea, int. Cynthia Robbinson] and Abial Paine [int. Abiel Pain], Aug. 5, 1779, in Mansfield.
David B. and Elizabeth Jones, May 19, 1839.
Experience and Henry H. Sumner Esq., July 18, 1832.
Hannah [int. Robins] and Abisha Robinson of Raignham [int. Abisa Robbinson of Rainhom], Sept. 10, 1797.
Hannah and John Comee Jr., May 23, 1824.
Hepzibah [dup. and int. Hipsabah] and Hosea Clark [dup. Hosa Clerk, int. Clerk], Mar. 17, 1791.
Joel H. of Franklin, and Anna Daniels, Nov. 28, 1832.
Joel H. and Elizabeth Daniels (second w.), Mar. 22, 1838.
Lydia and Timothy Morse, ----.
Nancy and Harvey Clark, May 29, 1825.
Peddy (second w.) and Wellcome Stratton, Oct. 20, 1817.
Polly and Jesse Paine, May 19, 1785.
Rachel and Jacob Shepard [int. Shapard] Jr., Mar. 13, 1803.
Rachel and John Patch of Providence, R.I., Oct. 13, 1831.
Sanford and Sally D. Shores of Taunton, int. Aug. 26, 1838.
Seth and Rachel Brayman, ----.
Sylvanus [dup. Robertson] and Anna Leonard, Nov. 16, 1809.
Vodisa and John E. Sumner, Nov. 16, 1823.
Elisha of Wrentham, and Elizabeth Hewins, Oct. 21, 1841.
Kezia and Francis Daniels, ----. [Rockwell of Franklin, and Francois Daniels, P.R.17.]
Thomas T. of Holliston, and Evelina Leonard, Feb. 10, 1841.
Joanna and Elisha Morse, ----.
Sarah [int. Sally Rodgers of Mansfield] and Daniel Wilber [int. Wildbore] Jr., ---- [int. Oct. 14, 1804].
Joseph [int. of Medfield, dup. int. of Boston] and Susan H. Sweet, Nov. 28, 1833.
RUGGELS (see Ruggles)
David of Walpole, and Abigal Prat, int. ---- [rec. between May 31 and Sept. 13], 1806.
RUGGLES (see Ruggels)
Hervey [int. Harvey] and Betsey B. Hodges, Aug. 3, 1823.
Hannah and William Clark, ----.
Mary J. of E. Greenwich, R.I., and Sanford E. Whiting, int. Oct. 11, 1849.
Daniel and Susanna Hardon, Jan. 4, 1788.
Daniel, widr. [int. omits widr.], 84, farmer, and Polly Deane, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 83, May 8, 1845.
George and Susanna Drake [int. of Sharon], ---- [int. Nov. 25, 1819].
George W. of Mansfield, and Roxa White, int. Nov. 27, 1847.
Peggy and Eli White [of] Mansfield, Oct. 2, 1822.
Roxalaney and Francis C. Ring of Mansfield, int. [Nov.] 17, 1843.
Susan [int. Susanna] and Francis [int. adds M.] Bray [int. Bragg], Dec. 30, 1824.
Rebeckah [int. adds Mrs.] and Timothy Blackmer, Jan. 24, 1791.
Mary L. and Joseph Bowen Davol, ----.
Mary and Uriah Atherton, ----.
Dennis of Providence, R.I., and Sabra D. Parker, int. July 20, 1833.
Phillip [int. Philip] and Abigail Simmonds [int. Simmons], Sept. 18, 1810.
Phillips and Keziah Billings, ----.
Gilbert D. [int. of Attleboro] and Mary J. Holbrook, June 27, 1836.
Mary and Schuyler Holbrook, Aug. 2, 1820, "Moved From Wrentham."
Asa and Lois Fisher, Nov. 28, 1786.
Asa and [int. adds Mrs.] Polly Leach (second w.) [int. of Mansfield], Feb. 20, 1813.
Belinda and Nelson Paine, int. May 31, 1828.
Betsey [int. and dup. int. Betsy] and Hartford Leonard, ---- [int. and dup. int. Oct. 30, 1819].
David, 28, bonnet shaper, b. Abington, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, and Martha A. Richardson, 23, b. Belgrade, Kennebec Co., Me., d. John and Martha, Nov. 28, 1849.
Experience and Amherst Billings [int. Billing of Wrentham], ---- [int. Apr. 25, 1812].
George [dup. Georg] and Elizabeth Pratt, Feb. 15, 1797.
Hannah, 29, weaver, d. Asa and Polly, and Daniel Mecarn, 30, stone cutter, of Uxbridge, s. John and Margaret, July 19, 1844.
Jason, 21, boot maker, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, and Hannah N. Sumner, 21, d. Bradish and Junia, July 1, 1845.
Joel and ---- Todd [int. Eliza M. Todd of Mansfield], ---- [int. Sept. 15, 1821].
Keziah E. and Jason F. Alden of Middleboro, int. June 17, 1820.
Loring C. and Jemima Nason [int. of New Marlborough, N.H.], ---- [int. [Dec.] 10, 1820].
Loring C. and Vesta Pratt, Nov. 18, 1832, "Moved to Mansfield."
Louisa and Lines [int. Lynes] Carpenter, Nov. 1, 1829.
Marshal and Hannah White [int. of Taunton], ---- [int. Sept. 11, 1824].
Nancy and Meletiah Everett, Oct. 20, 1805, "Moved To Wrentham 1832."
Nathan B. of Abington, and Maria [int. adds L.] Standish, Oct. 24, 1839.
Susan and Daniel Fisher of Keene [int. Keen], N.H., Sept. 18, 1826.
SHEARMAN (see Sherman, Shermon)
James N. [int. Sherman] and Catharine [int. Catherine] Drake [int. of Smithfield, R.I.], Oct. 30, 1839.
SHEPARD (see Shepherd)
Abigail [dup. ch. Joseph and Abigail, int. Abigale Shopard] and Daniel Hayden [int. Danniel Haden of Attleborough], ---- [int. Mar. 2, 1801].
Amelia and Willard Starkey of Wrentham, Oct. 7, 1832.
Betsy [dup. and int. Betsey Shepherd, second dup. ch. Joseph and Abigail] and Robert Stratton [dup. and int. Straton], Sept. 22, 1797.
David L. and S. Minerva French of Attleboro, int. Dec. 15, 1849. [David Lewis Shepard and Sarah Minerva French [of Attleborough], P.R.1.
Elijah H. Jr. of Mansfield, and Eliza Ann Brown, Feb. 4, 1841.
Elijah H. and Lona Todd, ----.
Ephraim Jr. and Charlotte Nason [int. Marlborough, N.H.], ---- [int. May 30, 1816].
Ephraim and Freelove Hall, wid., ----.
Eunice and Samuel Brastow, Nov. 29, 1804. [Unice Shepherd, C.R.1.]
Eunice, Mrs., and Nathaniel Brintnall of Mansfield, int. [Oct.] 24, 1818.
Experience B. and Lewis G. Daniels, May 24, 1836.
Fanny [int. Fanney], ch. Joseph and Abigail, and Metcalf Everett, ---- [int. June 1, 1801].
Franklin and Ruth [dup. Ruthe] Comee, Nov. 8, 1811.
Jacob Jr. [int. Shapard] and Rachel Robinson, Mar. 13, 1803.
Jacob and Lydia Newell, ----.
Jacob G. and Hannah H. Goff [int. of Rehoboth], ---- [int. [Sept.] 9, 1837.
Jacob G., widr., 32, boot maker, of Stoughton, s. Jacob and Rachel, and Lucinda F. Hall, 22, of Stoughton, b. Jefferson, Lincoln Co., Me., Nov. 28, 1849.
James S. and Mary Belcher of Canton, int. Aug. 3, 1839.
Jeremiah M., 23, farmer, s. Lewis and Olivia, and Emeline G. Colby, 23, of Franklin, d. John and Almira, Dec. 10 1846. [Jeremiah Mann Shepard [ch. Lewis and Olivia (Hewes)] and Emeline Glitten Colby, P.R.11.]
John Jr. [dup. and int. Shepherd, dup. omits Jr.] and Eunice Brintnell [dup. Unice Brintnal, int. Brintnall], wid. (second w.), May 3, 1796.
John and Martha Bacon, ----.
John Jr. and Lois Blake, ----.
Joseph Jr. [dup. and int. Shepherd, dup. omits Jr., second dup. ch. Joseph and Abigail] and Nabby Hewes, Feb. 15, 1798.
Joseph Jr. [dup. ch. Joseph and Abigail, int. Shopord] and Mary [int. Marey] Stratton (second w.), May 5, 1808.
Joseph and Sarah E. Billings of Mansfield, int. [Nov.] 14, 1840.
[Sarah Emeline], m. Dec. 10, 1841 [in Mansfield], P.R.8.]
Joseph and Abigail Hodges, ----.
Lemuel B. [of] Providence [int. adds R.I.], and Polly Messinger [int. Messenger], Nov. 24, 1830.
Lewis and Olivia [int. Olive] Hewes, Dec. 25, 1817. [Olivia, P.R.11.]
Lois [dup. Shapard, int. Shepherd] and Sirrel [dup. Shrrill, int. Sarril] Brown, Feb. 6 [sic, int. June 14], 1800.
Lydia and Adoniram J. Mann of Wrentham, int. Aug. 27, 1809.
Mary and Robert Barclay Grover of Mansfield, ---- [int. Sept. 4, 1830].
Nabby [int. adds H.] and Seth Sherman of Billingham [int. Bellingham], Jan. 6, 1828.
Nancy and John Miller, ---- [int. Apr. 6, 1801].
Preston and Hannah Pasmore, ----.
Redmond B. and Louisa Carter, int. Oct. 28, 1820.
Robert [int. Shapard] and Nancy Brintnell [ia. Brintanell of Mansfield], ---- [int. Feb. 6, 1807].
Robert [int. adds Adjt.] and Lucretia Childs (second w.), ---- [int. Oct. 15, 1814].
Sarah B. and John F. Chamberlin of Cleveland, O., int. Oct. 3, 1840.
Lydia of Milton, and Harvey Foord of Pembroke, Jan. 6, 1813, "Moved April 1815 To Foxboro."
SHEPHERD (see Shepard)
Anna and Asa Brown of Wrentham, July 25, 1793.
Chloe and Peter Fales of Attleborough, Sept. 10, 1797.
SHERMAN (see Shearman, Shermon)
Anna and Joseph Morse, Oct. 14, 1828.
Caroline and George Sherman, ---- [int. May 10], 1833.
Clarissa [int. Clarisa], Mrs., and Capt. Martin Torrey, Dec. 30, 1838.
David S. and Jane [int. Nancy] T. Ellis, Dec. 19, 1830.
Elisha and Eliza and Jerry A. Olney [int. of Smithfield, R.I.], Oct. 27, 1835.
George and Caroline Sherman, ---- [int. May 10], 1833.
George E. of Easton, and Julia Ann Blake, Sept. 21, 1837.
Job 3d and Jane W. Ellis, Aug. 1, 1830.
Job and Mary Hodges of Sharon, Oct. 31, 1841.
John [dup. Shermon, int. Shearman] and Polly Skinner of Mansfield, Nov. 12, 1797, in Mansfield.
Judith and Sewall Hodges [? of Sharon], Nov. 6, 1817. P.R.12.
Levina and Chester Morse, int. Feb. 20, 1830.
Miranda [int. Maranda] and Samuel Thayer of Bellingham, Dec. 4, 1826.
Obadiah, 27, farmer, s. Stephen and Lucinda, and Julia A. Cook, 17, d. Silas and Joanna, Dec. 13, 1844.
Obed and Clarissa [int. Clarisa] Hartshorn, ----[int. Dec. 1, 1820].
Seth of Billingham [int. Bellingham], and Nabby [int. adds H.] Shepard, Jan. 6, 1828.
Solomon [int. Soloman] and Ruth A. [int. omits A.] Hodges of Sharon, d. Sewall, Dec. 20, 1843. [Solomon and Ruth Allen] Hodges [of Sharon] [ch. Sewall and Judith (Sherman)], P.R.12.]
Sophia and Thomas H. Putnam, May 27, 1826.
SHERMON (see Shearman, Sherman)
Abigail and Job Shermon Jr. [s. Job and Elizabeth], ----.
George and Sarah [int. Sally] Skinner [int. of Mansfield], ---- [int. Feb. 24, 1805].
Job and Elizabeth Holmes, ----.
Job Jr. [s. Job and Elizabeth] and Abigail Shermon, ----.
Matilda and Otis Pettee, Sept. 25, 1817.
Obadiah [dup. Shearman, int. Sheearman] and Matilda [dup. Matildah] Witherel [int. Wetherl], Feb. 27, 1791.
Stephen [int. Shearman] and Lucinda Skinner [int. of Mansfield], ---- [int. Jan. 5, 1801].
Sally D. of Taunton, and Sanford Robinson, int. Aug. 26, 1838.
Charles Jr., 25, housewright, s. Charles and Mary C., and Elizabeth Wilson, 19, d. Amasa and C., Apr. 11, 1847.
Abigail [int. Simmons] and Phillip [int. Philip], Sawyer, Sept. 18, 1810.
Charles of Attleboro, and Lois Paine, int. Feb. 15, 1812.
Thomas, Rev., "Settled 1807 Resigned 1816," and Emma Willard, ----.
Nancy and Preston Carpenter, ----.
Adah [int. of Mansfield] and Leonard Corey, ---- [int. Aug. 26, 1814].
Charlotte [int. of Mansfield] and Aaron Comee, ---- [int. Jan. 3, 1812].
Eunice of Mansfield, and Willard Billings, int. Oct. 31, 1823.
Hanah [int. Hannah, adds wid.] of Mansfield, and Joseph Comee, Nov. 17, 1800.
Harriet N. of Mansfield, and Lyman F. Comey, ---- [int. Apr. 8, 1837].
Hezekiah, Dr., of Mansfield, and Sally Hartshorn, int. Sept. 2, 1804. [m. Nov. 15, C.R.1.]
Horace and Fanny M. Howes, Nov. 21, 1833.
James, Capt., of Mansfield, and Sally Sumner, int. Mar. 15, 1806.
Jerusha [int. adds M.] and James A. Alexander [int. of Cumberland], ---- [int. Jan. 18, 1823].
Lucinda [int. of Mansfield] and Stephen Shermon [int. Shearman], ---- [int. Jan. 5, 1801].
Mary [int. of Mansfield] and Charles C. Sumner, ---- [int. [Mar.] 26], 1840.
Melsar of Mansfield, and Polly Hodgers, int. Mar. 16, 1799.
Polly of Mansfield, and John Sherman [dup. Shermon, int. Shearman], Nov. 12, 1797, in Mansfield.
Sabrina [int. Sebrina] and Moses Eames of Hopkinton, Dec. 5, 1825.
Sarah [int. Sally of Mansfield] and George Shermon, ---- [int. Feb. 24, 1805].
Sybil E. of Mansfield, and Harvey Leonard, Sept. 26, 1838.
Almira and Albert C. Gay of Walpole, int. Sept. 6, 1844.
Anna and Simeon Burr, ----.
Francis and Caroline Morse, Sept. 16, 1835.
George J. of Canton, and Mary Ann Hall, int. July 21, 1840.
Henry G., 23, R. Road overseer, of Mansfield, s. Waterman and Susanna, and Almira White, 33, of Mansfield, d. Eliah and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1845.
Ithiel [int. Jr.] of Dunstable, N.H., and Levarna Packard, June 28, 1835.
Jacob of Walpole, and Cata Fales of Walpole, Aug. 12, 1809.
Jacob, widr., 25, farmer, of Wrentham, s. Robert and Mary, and Ann Lucretia Hindee, 19, of Wrentham, d. Thomas and Martha, Dec. 30, 1849.
James A. and Mary A. Oloney, ----.
Lawton and Lucy B. Thompson, ----.
Levarna, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 41, d. Jedediah Packard and Mehitable, and John Pool Jr., widr. [int. omits widr.], 48, "Math. Ins. Maker," of Easton, s. John and Mary, Apr. 15, 1845.
Mary of Walpole, and Asa Plimpton, Apr. 20, 1780, in Wrentham.
Osmin of Walpole, and Olive Clap, int. Feb. 14, 1812.
Rebecca [int. Rebackah of Mansfield] and Wellcome Stratton [int. Wilcom Stratten], ---- [int. Aug. 22 [1807]].
Roxana and Reuben Clapp, ----.
Sarah Jane, 17, of Norton, d. Seth and Sarah M., and Washington L. Newcomb, 23, farmer, of Norton, s. Hezekiah and Nancy, Mar. 27, 1849.
Sibil [int. Sybil] C. and Dean Bacon of Walpole, Dec. 18, 1836.
Silas and Lucinda Rhoads, Dec. 24, 1812.
Silas [int. adds Capt.] of Walpole, and Sabra Boyden, Apr. 10, 1842.
Sybil C. (see Sibil C.).
Warren [int. of Walpole] and Sibbel Clapp, May 27, 1815.
Willard and Amanda M. [int. Mariah] Ellis of Medway, Aug. 8, 1836.
Zachariah [int. Zechariah B. of Litchfield, Me.] and Lydia Plimpton, Aug. 14, 1825, "Moved to Litchfield Maine."
Keziah and Ira Wallice of Wrentham, int. Oct. 1, 1825.
Hosea H., 20, laborer, s. Hosea and Lydia, and Julia M. Wilson, 17, Nov. 21, 1847.
Lovisa, 23, d. Hosea and Lydia, and Lewis Maddocks, 25, bonnet presser, s. Richard and Esther, Aug. 6, 1848.
William and Sarah J. Sumner, int. [Mar.] 25, 1847.
George and Harriet E. Wight, int. Nov. 6, 1847.
Maria [int. adds L] and Nathan B. Shaw of Abington, Oct. 24, 1839.
Miles and Mary Miller, Dec. 26, 1816.
Thomas [int. of Merrimac, N.H.] and Lucinda Gerry [dup. Gary], ---- [int. Nov. 17, 1819].
Thomas and Mrs. Rhoda S. Wight (second w.), July 27, 1843.
Warren T. and Harriet Loud of Providence, R.I., ---- in Weymouth.
Briggs and Caroline C. Allen [int. of Rehoboth], Apr. 20, 1834.
Lemuel of Attleborough, and Sally Grover, int. Oct. 30, 1808.
Willard of Wrentham, and Amelia Shepard, Oct. 7, 1832.
STARNS (see Stearns)
Betsy and Ezekiel Avens of Shelborn, int. Feb. 12, 1802.
Charlotte of Bristol, R.I., and William C. Van Doom, int. Oct. 6, 1827.
STEARNS (see Starns)
Abigail [dup. Nabby Starns, int. Sterns] and Joseph Bradshaw [int. Bradsaw], Dec. 11, 1800.
Joseph S. and Esther Page of Walpole, int. [Mar.] 12, 1835.
Joshua and Hannah Hewes, ----.
Martha M. [int. of Wrentham] and Amasa A. Grover, Oct. 2 1836.
William, 22, machinist, of Lowell, s. Hugh and Lydia, and Eliza Maria Guild, 22, d. Freedom and Eliza, Feb. 9, 1845.
Lydia and Ira Belcher, ----.
Joshua [int. Steetson] of Walpole, and Nabby Everett, Nov. 8, 1798.
Horatio, Dr., of Hanover, and Priscilla Winslow Faxon, Sept. 26, 1812.
Mary [int. of Knatic, sic] and Rev. Daniel Loring, "Settled 1804 Resigned 1806," ---- [int. Apr. 4, 1804].
STORER (see Story)
Mary L. and James P. Crotty of Wrentham, int. Jan. 4, 1842.
STORY (see Storer)
Roxey [dup. and int. Storey] and Francis Carpenter, June 4, 1818.
Lucretia H. [int. of Taunton] and Abiathar Robinson, ---- [int. July 20, 1837].
Adaline S. and Ezekiel C. Grant of Bellingham, int. Sept. 27, 1828.
Amy and James Plimpton, ----[int. Oct. 15, 1814].
Chandler and Cinthia A. White, Apr. 25, 1836.
Charles of Mansfield, and Eleanor Dixon, Nov. 26, 1840.
Charlotte N. and Alfred Fales, Nov. 9, 1834.
Elisabeth, Mrs. [dup. Elizabeth Pettee, wid. Joseph, omits Mrs., int. Elizabeth, omits Mrs.], and Beriah Billing of Walpole, Dec. 13, 1809.
Fanny and George Grover [of] Mansfield, Jan. 17, 1822.
George [dup. Stratten] and Catharine [dup. Caty] Freeman, Jan. 27, 1782.
Hannah [dup. d. George and Catharine] and Jedediah Carpenter of Roxbury [second dup. Seekonk], May 23, 1809.
Harrison and Hannah Talbot [int. of Sharon], Dec. 13, 1832.
James and Eliza Paine, Apr. 23, 1826.
James and Lydia Tower, ----.
John [dup. and int. Straton] and Lucy Nason, Mar. 27, 1799.
Joseph [dup. and int. Straton] and Elizabeth [dup. and int. Betsey] Pettee, Dec. 13, 1795.
Lucy and John Farwell [of] Roxbury, Feb. 13, 1823.
Mary (second w.) [int. Marcy] and Joseph Shepard Jr. [dup. ch. Joseph and Abigail, int. Shopord], May 5, 1808.
Milton [dup. s. George and Catharine] and Nancy Comee [int. Comie], Feb. 7, 1805. [Comee, C.R.1.]
Nancy, d. George and Catharine, and ---- ---- [int. Beriah Mann], Mar. 17, 1805 [Straton, and Beriah Mann, Mar. 14, C.R.1.]
Richard and Eliza Ann Swetland [int. of Norton], ---- [int. Nov. 24, 1832].
Richard and Sarah Newell, ----.
Robert [dup. and int. Straton] and Betsy Shepard [dup. and int. Betsey Shepherd, second dup. ch. Joseph and Abigail], Sept. 22, 1797.
Sally [dup. and int. Straton, dup. adds Mrs.] and Ebenezer Fisher [dup. and int. Jr. of Wrentham], Mar. 25, 1790.
Sally [dup. Salley] and James Payson, Apr. 26, 1808.
Tyler and Sarah [dup. and int. Sally] Bird of Mansfield, May 23, 1809.
Waitstil [dup. and int. Weighty Straton] and Oliver Morse, July 23, 1797.
Wellcome [int. Wilcom Stratten] and Rebecca [int. Rebackah] Smith [int. of Mansfield], ---- [int. Aug. 22 [1807]].
Wellcome and Peddy Robinson (second w.), Oct. 20, 1817.
Lucy, Mrs., of Walpole, and Joseph Estes, int. [Nov.] 30, 1834.
Albert A. and Mary Allen, Aug. 21, 1849, in Sherburne.
Bradish and Junia Bullard, ----.
Calvin and Hannah Gay, ---- [int. Feb. 5], 1831.
Catherine M., 21, d. Joanthan N. and Susan, and Jeremiah Oakes, 23, bonnet presser, b. New Portland, Franklin Co., Me., s. John and Jane, Nov. 29, 1849.
Charles C. and Mary Skinner [int. of Mansfield], ---- [int. [Mar.] 26], 1840.
Charles C., widr. [int. omits widr.], 35, manufacturer, s. William F. and w., and Clarissa L. Lane, 21, of Norton, d. Calvin and w., Nov. 13, 1845.
Hannah and Dea. [dup. and int. omit Dea.] Ebenezer Forrist [dup. Ebenezar Forrest, int. Ebenzer Forrest], Mar. 16, 1786.
Hannah N., 21, d. Bradish and Junia, and Jason Shaw, 21, boot maker, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, July 1, 1845.
Harriet H. and Asahel Dean of Rehoboth, May 26, 1836.
Henry H. Esq. and Experience Robinson, July 18, 1832.
Hepzaba [dup. crossed out, Hepzabath, second dup. Hepzibah, int. Hepzabeth] and Cornelius Metcalf, Sept. 27 [second dup. Sept. 7], 1798.
John Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Hannah Evans [dup. and int. of Grafton], Jan. 10, 1793, "Moved to Sharon."
John and Hannah Nutting, ----.
John E. and Vodisa Robinson, Nov. 16, 1823.
John E. and Esther H. Pettee (second w.) [int. of Needham], Aug. ----, 1841.
Jonathan N. and Susan Brazee, ----.
Mary C. [int. Caroline] and William A. [int. Allen] Thompson [int. of Wrentham], Aug. 23, 1832.
Milton and Sally [dup. crossed out, Salley] Thompson [int. of Easton], ---- [int. May 24, 1823].
Roger and Hannah Boyden, Nov. 30, 1797.
Roger and Mehetibel Corey [int. Mehitable Cora], wid. [int. omits wid.] (second w.), ---- [int. May 9, 1800].
Sally and Capt. James Skinner of Mansfield, int. Mar. 15, 1806.
Sarah J. and William Spofford, int. [Mar.] 25, 1847.
Susannah [int. Susanna] and Benjamin Hodges of Sharon, Dec. 24, 1839.
Truelove H. and Emery [dup. and int. Emory] Belcher, Apr. 28, 1833.
Turner and Polly [int. Mary] Brintnell, ---- [int. May 8, 1808].
William and Susanna Turner, Mar. 13, 1782.
William F. and Hannah Clark, Dec. 7, 1809.
Louisa M. and Calvin Pettee, Aug. 6, 1835.
Elizabeth and Dea. Nehemiah Carpenter, ----.
Henry L. and Sarah F. Belcher, May 22, 1834.
Leonard [int. Lenord Sweat] of Attleborough, and Lemira F. [int. Field] Everett [int. omits Everett], ---- [int. Dec. 6, 1805].
Susan H. and Joseph Rowe [int. of Medfield, dup. int. of Boston], Nov. 28, 1833.
SWEETLAND (see Swetland)
Ruth and John Bate, int. Aug. 13, 1795.
SWETLAND (see Sweetland)
Eliza Ann [int. of Norton] and Richard Stratton, ---- [int. Nov. 24, 1832].
Brown S. B., 31, mechanic, of Richmond, N.H., s. Brown and w., and Ruth Bassett, 34, d. Cyrus and Anna, May 3, 1846.
Charles, Dr., and Adeline Wood of Dighton, int. [Aug.] 22, 1835.
Hannah [int. of Sharon] and Harrison Stratton, Dec. 13, 1832.
Isaac W. of Turner, Cumberland Co., and Elizabeth P. Winslow, int. Jan. 22, 1803.
Rebecca S. of Walpole, and William T. Hewins of Walpole, Jan. 16, 1842.
TEBBETS (see Tibbetts)
Enoch, widr. [int. omits widr.], 40, grocer, of Roxbury, s. Samuel and Lydia, and Mary B. Leonard, 30, d. Lewis and Bethiah, June 17, 1849.
Eliza and Benjamin Jones, ----.
Abiather Fales and Mehitable Copeland, Dec. 5, 1822.
Peter of Attleborough, and Susan Pratt, wid., Jan. 5, 1826.
Ackseh and Dudley Billings, Nov. 22, 1818.
Elijah of Mansfield, and Mehitible [int. Mehatable] Pratt, Apr. 25, 1792.
Elmira J., 21, and Charles W. Pond, 21, farmer, s. Jacob and Rebecca, Dec. 1, 1846.
Samuel of Bellingham, and Miranda [int. Maranda] Sherman, Dec. 4, 1826.
Susan, 30, d. John and Abigail, and Peter Carpenter, widr. [int. omits widr.], 74, farmer, s. Nehemiah and Elizabeth, Aug. 18, 1844.
Deborah W. of Duxbury, and Noah Hobart of Abington, Nov. 5, 1789, "Moved 2d May 1804 From Abington to Foxboro."
Lucy B. and Lawton Smith, ----.
Mary and Thacher Comee, Dec. 21, 1823.
Ralph and Mary ----, ----.
Sally [dup. crossed out, Salley, int. of Easton] and Milton Sumner, ---- [int. May 24, 1823].
Susan of Wobourn [int. Woburn], and Rev. Daniel J. Poor, ---- [int. Mar. 14, 1840].
William A. [int. Allen of Wrentham] and Mary C. [int. Caroline] Sumner, Aug. 23, 1832.
Sarah G. and Nathan Walker, widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], Oct. 2, 1843.
TIBBETTS (see Tebbets)
Olive and John Pierson, ----.
Fanny and Otis Boyden, int. July 15, 1821.
Isaac [int. of Mansfield] and Fanny Grover, ---- [int. Apr. 3, 1799].
Isaac and Achsah Carpenter, Dec. ---- [int. Dec. 12], 1828. [m. Dec. 28, P.R.18.]
Joseph Jr. and Syntha Paine, int. July 22, 1805. [Tifany, and Cynthia Paine, m. Aug. 22, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Sarah Morse, ----.
Lewis and Emily Blackington of Wrentham, int. Aug. 9, 1843.
Miriam [int. Meriam Tipheney] and Joshua Clark, May 27, 1779, in Mansfield.
Rufus [s. Joseph and Sarah (Morse)] and Sally White, Oct. 11, 1811.
Sally and Holsey Grover of Mansfield, int. Nov. 25, 1812.
Nehemiah and Abigail Morse, Apr. 19 [second dup. Apr. 7], 1792.
Timothy C., Rev., and Nancy Bliss [int. of Attlieboro], ---- [int. Mar. 8], 1832, "Moved 1837 to Boston."
Lazarus of Norton, and Esther Leonard, Nov. 29, 1810.
John and Lurana Makepeace of Norton, int. Dec. 16, 1842.
Comfort of Seekonk, and Esther Paine, July 4, 1822.
Hannah B. and Hermon Brackett, int. [Oct.] 27, 1838.
James and Rebecca Wood, Sept. 21, 1847.
Reuben [int. Rubin] of Mansfield, and Mary Atherton, wid. [int. Marah Artheton, omits wid.], Oct. 28, 1784, in Mansfield.
Samuel and Eunice Bacon, ----.
Eliza M. (----) [int. Eliza M. of Mansfield] and Joel Shaw, ---- [int. Sept. 15, 1821].
Lona and Elijah H. Shepard, ----.
Fanny and William M. Allen, Nov. 27, 1834.
Spencer [int. of Sharon] and Hannah Clark [dup. ch. William and Hannah], ---- Mar. ----, 1806, dup. "Moved to Wrentham"]
Spencer and Eliza Pond of Attleborough, int. [Sept.] 15, 1831.
M. Merrick of Newton, and Ann J. Leonard, int. Nov. 15, 1848.
Martin and Susanna [int. Susannah] Hardon [int. of Mansfield], Nov. 25, 1817.
Martin, Capt., and Mrs. Clarissa [int. Clarisa] Sherman, Dec. 30, 1838.
Mary Dodge and Otis Cary, ----, "Moved 1834 from Easton."
Ann Eliza, 24, d. Calvin and Ann, and Ira L. Myrick, 25, of Vt., s. Nathan and Harriet, Apr. 1, 1846.
Lydia and James Stratton, ----.
Phillip [int. of Dartmouth] and Elvira Richardson, Oct. 20, 1831.
Benjamin of Oxford, and Rachel Pratt, Oct. 3, 1789.
Ruth [dup. Ruthe] and Benjamin Comee, Mar. 24, 1785.
Josiah H. of Walpole, and Mrs. Margaret Hogan of Walpole, Oct. 31, 1841.
Ann (see Nancy).
Jesse of Milton, and Eliza Warren, Dec. 29, 1817.
Nancy and Hon. Ebenezer Warren Esq., ----. [Ann, Dec. 14, 1774, P.R.13.] [Nany ?, Dec. 14, 1774, P.R.14.]
Sally and Samuel Thompson [int. omits Thompson] Belcher, ---- [int. Dec. 11, 1791].
Zenora of Mt. Holly, Vt., and Joseph Elliot, int. [Nov.] 21, 1835.
Azubah and Israel Morse, July 11, 1791.
Beziah of Wrentham, [and] Robert Day, Apr. 9, 1784.
Salmon Jr. and Clementina [int. Clemintina] L. Bird, Nov. 26, 1840.
Susanna and William Sumner, Mar. 13, 1782.
Willard P. and Catherine E. Bird, Mar. 12, 1835.
Almira M. of Dover, and Luther R. Grover, int. [Apr.] 25, 1846.
William C. and Charlotte Stead of Bristol, R.I., int. Oct. 6, 1827.
Maria of Dennis, and F. Emmons Hartshorn, int. Oct. 20, 1849.
Elisabeth of Sharon, and Simeon White of Sharon, June 1, 1797.
Olive and Laban Witherell, int. July 8, 1809.
WALDEN (see Waldin)
Lydia [int. Waldin] of Cumberland, R.I., and Lyman F. Comey, widr. [int. omits widr.], Nov. 30, 1843.
WALDIN (see Walden)
Alpha of Attleborough, and Joel Barden, int. Mar. 12, 1842.
Nathan, widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], and Sarah G. Thrasher, Oct. 2, 1843.
Nathan and Rebecca ----, ----.
WALLICE (see Wallis)
Ira of Wrentham, and Keziah Southwick, int. Oct. 1, 1825.
WALLIS (see Wallice)
Mary Ann and Elisha S. Boyden, Nov. 1, 1818.
Celia and James Gillooley of Easton, int. Oct. 30, 1848.
WARE (see Wares)
Abigail [Ware, written in pencil] and David Wilkinson, ----.
Charlotte and Samuel Forrist, Aug. 30, 1787.
Chloe and Hezekiah Pettee, May 5, 1786.
Daniel of Wrentham, and Survea Greatreaks of Wrentham, July 14, 1785.
Eliza A. (----) [Ware] and James A. Wilber, ----. [Ware, and James A. Wilbur, Nov. 23, 1836, P.R.15.]
Elizabeth and Lemuel Wight, ----.
Fanne [int. Fanna] and Samuel Pittee [int. Pettee], July 7, 1785.
Keziah and Joseph Everett, ----.
Lucretia and Zebulon Pond of Wthenthon, Jan. 25, 1787.
Mary and William Hewes, ----.
Melatiah (second w.) and John Everett, ----.
Meletiah and Chloe ----, ----.
Nancy and Enoch Billings of Stoughton, Feb. 1, 1781, in Wrentham.
WARES (see Ware)
Molly and Benjamin Randall of Sharon, July 1, 1784, in Sharon.
Abigail [int. adds A.] and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] William Payson, June 7, 1812.
Ebenezer Esq., Hon., and Nancy Tucker, ----. [Ann, Dec. 14, 1774, P.R.13.] [Nany ?, Dec. 14, 1774, P.R.14.]
Eliza and Jesse Tucker of Milton, Dec. 29, 1817.
Hannah and Schuyler Clark, Nov. 22, 1832.
Jane and Lemuel Paine, int. Sept. 30, 1805. [Jane Thompson Warren, m. Nov. 28, C.R.1.]
Joseph Esq. and Hannah Green Gilbert [int. of Mansfield], ---- [int. Nov. 28, 1834]. [m. Dec. 25, P.R.13.]
Nathaniel M., 28, teamster, of Stoughton, s. Nathan and Ruth, and Mary D. Jones, 27, of Stoughton, May 10, 1849.
William S. and Mary Ann Pettee, Oct. 20, 1834.
Ruthe and Rev. Thomas Kendall, "1786 Settled Resigned 1800," ----.
WELLMAN (see Welman, Willman)
Elmina and Elijah Brown of Cumberland, R.I., int. Nov. 8, 1823.
WELMAN (see Wellman, Willman)
Lydia and Jacob Morse, ----.
George J. and Charlotte R. Wight of Upton, int. [Mar.] 25, 1842.
James and Nabby [int. Abigail] Everett, Nov. 6, 1831.
Stephen [int. Westcot] and Tryphena [int. Triphene] Everett, Jan. 24, 1822.
Stephen and Mary Barker (second w.), June 22, 1826.
Stephen E. of Boston, and Mary L. Cartee, int. [Dec.] 13, 1847.
William and Judith M. Barker, Dec. 14, 1837.
Lucy and Williams Hodges [int. of N.Y.], [int. Oct. 5, 1811], "Moved to N. York State."
WETHERELL (see Witherel, Witherell)
Mose of Easton, and Rachel Morse, int. Aug. 6, 1812.
Abraham, Rev., of Fairhaven, and Ann Mumford Albro of Wrentham, June 11, 1817.
Ethan B. [int. of Fairhaven, Vt.] and Betsey Pettee, Sept. 23, 1823.
Almira, 33, of Mansfield, d. Eliah and Sarah, and Henry G. Smith, 23, R. Road overseer, of Mansfield, s. Waterman and Susanna, Oct. 5, 1845.
Anna [dup. Anne] of Mansfield, and Simon Morse, May 27, 1781, in Mansfield.
Arbela [int. of Raynham] and Alvan [int. Alvin] Grover, Jan. 27, 1820.
Asa of Sharon, and Hannah Morse, Apr. 4, 1797.
Betsey W., wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 43, d. Samuel Forrist, and Amos Childs, widr. [int. omits widr.], 51, laborer, s. Phinehas, Oct. 2, 1844.
Betsy and George W. Berry, ----.
Cinthia A. and Chandler Stratton, Apr. 25, 1836.
Cyntha (----) [int. Syntha White] and Elkanah Clark, ---- [int. Dec. 13, 1794].
Eli [of] Mansfield, and Peggy Salley, Oct. 2, 1822.
Eli E. and Abaline C. G. Green of Wrentham, int. May 16, 1846.
Ephraim, widr., 27, basket maker, of Mansfield, b. Mansfield, s. Eliah and Sally of Mansfield, and Mary M. Fillebrown, 21, of Mansfield, b. Mansfield, d. Rodolphus and Mary of Mansfield, Nov. 27, 1849.
Franklin A. [int. of Mansfield] and Sarah H. Lothrop, May 28, 1835.
Friend and Betsey W. Forrist, int. Apr. 12, 1828.
Gardner H. and Julia A. Childs, int. Oct. 2, 1847.
George A. and Nancy O'Brien of Providence, R.I., int. [Nov.] 28, 1846.
Hannah [int. of Taunton] and Marshal Shaw, ---- [int. Sept. 11, 1824].
Jerusha of Mansfield, and Jedediah Morse, Apr. 30, 1795.
John of Easton, and Sally Mitchel, int. July 6, 1817.
Leonard of Manfield, and Lydia Hodgers, int. July 10, 1794.
Levi [int. of Sharon] and Dolly Ware Farrington, ---- [int. Mar. 5, 1814].
Levi and Fanny Forrist (second w.), Oct. 19, 1825.
Mary and Elias Guild, Aug. 30, 1782.
Mary 3d [int. adds Mrs., omits 3d] of Mansfield, and Dr. John Willman [int. Welman], Aug. 25, 1796, in Mansfield.
Mary Jane, 24, d. Levi and Dolly W., and Edward S. Morse, 22, shoe maker, of Holliston, s. Edward and Clestina, Oct. 6, 1844.
Matilda and William Lane, ---- [int. Oct. 9, 1803].
Merium [int. of Sharon] and Cornelius Morse, Jan. 18, 1801 [sic, int. Dec. 12, 1802].
Nancy and Nathan Clark [int. 2d], ---- [int. Jan. ----, 1802].
Nancy of Mansfield, and Joseph Howard, int. Apr. 22, 1837.
Olive Maria [int. of Mansfield] and Charles Capen, June 22, 1837, in Mansfield.
Peggy S. and Phillip B. Lake of New Bedford, int. Oct. 1, 1842.
Rhoda, Mrs., and Amasa Grover, int. Jan. 14, 1843. "Notice Recalled."
Roxa and George W. Salley of Mansfield, int. Nov. 27, 1847.
Sally and Rufus Tiffany [s. Joseph and Sarah (Morse)], Oct. 1, 1811.
Simeon of Sharon, and Elisabeth Wade of Sharon, June 1, 1797.
William A. [int. Augustus], 28, laborer, s. Willis and Phebe, and Althea M. [int. Maria] Gilmore, 20, d. James and Celia, Nov. 17, 1844.
William W. of Mansfield, and Sarah J. Austin, int. Oct. 1, 1836.
John of Wrentham, and Meletiah Everitt, int. Jan. ----, 1802.
Sanford E. and Mary J. Salisbury of E. Greenwich, R.I., int. Oct. 11, 1849.
Timothy P. and Susan Mann, ----.
Horatio C., 19, painter, s. Joshua and Eunice, and Lucy A. Barrows, 19, of Walpole, d. Edward and Mary, Oct. 17, 1847.
Jesse of Boston, and Cynthia R. Perry of Claremont, N.H., Oct. 1, 1840.
Joshua and Eunice Morse, ----.
Charlotte R. of Upton, and George J. Westcott, int. [Mar.] 25, 1842.
Harriet E. and George Standish, int. Nov. 6, 1847.
Lemuel Jr. and Rhoda Paine [dup. Pain, int. Roda Pain], Apr. 16, 1795.
Lemuel and Elizabeth Ware, ----.
Polly [int. Wright] and Benjamin Knight of Wrentham, May 27, 1798.
Rhoda S., Mrs. (second w.), and Thomas Standish, July 27, 1843.
Simeon of Wrentham, and Huldah Balcom of Attleborough, May 4 [?], 1796.
WILBER (see Wilbor)
Caroline and Orren Witherell [int. Wetherell], June 16, 1839. [Wilbur [ch. James and Hepzibah (Morse)], P.R.15.]
Daniel Jr. [int. Wildbore] and Sarah Rogers [int. Sally Rodgers of Mansfield], ---- [int. Oct. 14, 1804].
Erastus A. and Mary Belcher, Mar. 1, 1842.
Fanny and Rev. Francis Dane of Mansfield, int. Apr. 30, 1815.
James A. and Eliza A. ---- [Ware], ----. [Wilbur, and Eliza A. Ware, Nov. 23, 1836, P.R.15.]
L. Bryant, 21, mechanic, s. James and Hepzibah, and Laura A. Dunbar, 21, d. David and Nancy, Nov. 5, 1846. [Lorenzo B. Wilbur [ch. James and Hepzibah (Morse)], P.R.15.]
WILBOR (see Wilber)
Abiathar [int. Abiather Wildbore] and Eunice Morse, ---- [int. Nov. 12, 1814].
Elisha [dup. Wildboar, int. Wildboor] and Abi Belcher, Aug. 14, 1794.
Elizabeth of Wrentham and Joseph Gay, Feb. 4, 1798.
James [dup. and int. Wilber] and Hepzibah [dup. Hephsibah, int. Hephzibah] Morse, Nov. 23, 1809.
Sally [int. Wildbore] and Asahel Williams of Mansfield, Jan. 10, 1804.
Polly K., 29, of Mansfield, d. John and Polly, and Benjamin C. Balcomb, 26, carpenter, of Mansfield, s. Samuel and Anna, Sept. 20, 1846.
Mary F. of Hingham, and Rev. Silas Ripley, int. July 14, 1847.
WILKINSON (see Wilkinsson)
David and Abigail Ware [Ware, written in pencil], ----.
Susannah of Attleborough, and Darius Fisher, int. Dec. 10, 1794.
WILKINSSON (see Wilkinson)
Poly, Mrs., and Aaron Rhoads, Feb. 26, 1789.
Emma and Rev. Thomas Skelton, "Settled 1807 Resigned 1816," ----
Abigail and Capt. Josiah Pratt, ----.
Amass of Mansfield, and Phebe Witherel, int. June 18, 1791.
Amelia of Attleboro, and Samuel Fisher Jr., Apr. 22, 1838.
Asahel of Mansfield, and Sally Wilbor [int. Wildbore], Jan. 10, 1804.
Azubah of Mansfield, and Joel Pain, Aug. 15, 1782, in Mansfield.
Daniel of Mansfield, and Nancy Grover, Jan. 1, 1793.
Densey [int. Dency] of Mansfield, [and] Rufus M. Hewes, Feb. 11, 1810.
Francis D. Of Providence, R.I., and Lydia T. Copeland, int. June 12, 1847.
George W., 18, machinist, s. George and Hannah F., and Phebe A. Pond, 15, d. Charles E. and Phebe F., Jan. 2, 1846.
Julia of Mansfield, and Warren Billings, int. [Aug.] 29, 1835.
Thomas, Rev., "Settled 1816 Resigned 1821," and Ruthe [dup. Ruth] Hale, ----.
WILLIS (see Wyllys)
Job and Matilda H. Noyes, int. June 12, 1824.
Martin and Eliza Cobb of Sharon, int. [Mar.] 25, 1839.
WILLMAN (see Wellman, Welman)
John, Dr. [int. Welman], and [int. adds Mrs.] Mary White 3d [int. omits 3d] of Mansfield, Aug. 25, 1796, in Mansfield.
Elizabeth [int. adds H.] (second w.) and Leonard Morse, Aug. 22, 1841.
Elizabeth, 19, d. Amasa and C., and Charles Shute Jr., 25, housewright, s. Charles and Mary C., Apr. 11, 1847.
Julia M., 17, and Hosea H. Spaulding, 20, laborer, s. Hosea and Lydia, Nov. 21, 1847.
Lucena of Franklin, and James A. Guild, int. Sept. 21, 1839.
Bety Peck and David Clapp of Walpole, int. Oct. 23, 1819.
Cynthia J., 22, d. Isaac and Leonora, and Alvah R. Chase, 25, carpenter, of Attleborough, b. Attleborough, s. Alvah (Chace) and Clarissa, Nov. 30, 1848. [Cynthia Jones Winslow and Alvah Richmond Chace, P.R.19.]
Eleazer and Ann Corbett of Dorchester, int. Apr. 3, 1813.
Elizabeth P. and Isaac W. Talbot of Turner, Cumberland Co., int. Jan. 22, 1803.
Fanny and Samuel B. Leonard, Sept. 24, 1829.
Isaac and Leonora Jones, Jan. 21, 1822.
Shadrach, Dr., and Elizabeth Robbins, ----.
Simmons, widr. [int. omits widr.], 40, blacksmith, of Berkley, b. Berkley, s. Gardner and Wealthy, and Nancy M. Carpenter, 25, d. James and Nancy, May 15, 1849.
WITHEREL (see Wetherell, Witherell)
Matilda [dup. Matildah, int. Wetherl] and Obadiah Shermon [dup. Shearman, int. Sheearman], Feb. 27, 1791.
Phebe and Amasa Williams of Mansfield, int. June 18, 1791.
Sally and John Fairbanks Jr. of Wrentham, Aug. 3, 1794.
WITHERELL (see Wetherell, Witherel)
Benjamin of Mansfield, and Mrs. Elisabeth Kendall, int. June 8, 1842.
Betsy [dup. Mrs. Betsey Witherale] and Silas Hartshorn, Oct. 30, 1788.
Laban and Olive Wakefield, int. July 8, 1809.
Orren [int. Wetherell] and Caroline Wilber, June 16, 1839. [Caroline Wilbur [ch. James and Hepzibah (Morse)], P.R.15.]
WOOD (see Woods)
Adeline of Dighton, and Dr. Charles Talbot, int. [Aug.] 22, 1835.
Bridget, wid. [int. and dup. int. omit wid.], and Ebenezer Copeland [int. and dup. int. Coplin of Bridgwater], ---- [int. and dup. int. Aug. 29, 1801].
Eliza [int. Elezebeth of Francklin and Dr. Spencer Pratt, ---- [int. Sept. 19, 1801], "Moved To Franklin."
Joshua, Dr., of Stoughtonham, and Bridget Greatracks of Stoughtonham, Jan. 17, 1782.
Rebecca and James Titus, Sept. 21, 1847.
Zephaniah and Mary ----, ----.
Polly and James Clapp, Apr. 9, 1818.
WOODS (see Wood)
Nancy and Ellis Leonard, Apr. 10, 1823.
Abby H. of Walpole, and Thomas Clapp, int. Dec. 10, 1844.
WYLLYS (see Willis)
Job [int. Willis] and Selah Brayman [int. Braymon], ---- [int. Dec. 26 [1801]].
David and Abigail Pratt, Dec. 19, 1839.
- ----, Abigail and Soloman Morse, ----.
----, Ann and Leavett Billings, ----.
----, Azubah and Nathan Kingsbury, ----.
----, Chloe and Meletiah Ware, ----.
----, Dorotha and John Richardson, ----.
----, Elizabeth and Joshua Armsby, ----, " Moved to Sutton."
----, Elizabeth and Joseph Day, ----.
----, Hannah and Jacob Cook, ----.
----, Lois and Amariah Marsh, ----.
----, Mary and Joel Eliot, ----.
----, Mary and Isaac Pratt, ----.
----, Mary and Ralph Thompson, ----.
----, Mary and Zephaniah Wood, ----.
----, Rebecca and Nathan Walker, ----.
----, Rebeccah and William Pettee, ----.
----, Sarah and Samuel Balckom, ----.
----, ---- and Luther Grover, ----.
----, ---- and Elbridge H. Packard, ----.
----, ---- and Elisha Sherman, ----.