Vital Records Of Edgartown, Massachusetts,
To The Year 1850.
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1906.
Editor; Henry Ernest Woods.
Stanhope Press
P. M. Gilson Company, Boston U.S.A.
Marriages - EARL to LUMBERT
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Hannah of Nantucket, and Daniel Norton, int. Sept. 6, 1823.
Nathaniel of Nantuckett, and Pheby Fish, Feb. 10, 1797. [Phebe, Feb. 12, C.R.1.]
Sarah O. of Nantucket, and Albert Coffin, int. Sept. 14, 1833.
Esther and Hoseah Ompany, Jan. 2, 1791.
Nancy E. of Falmouth, and Edward R. Dunham, int. Feb. 20, 1848.
William of Baltimore, and Patty Gudredge, int. May 14, 1825.
Micah of New Bedford, and Joanna P. Clark, Apr. 20, 1834.
Francis of Nantucket, and Anne Chadwick, Dec. 16, 1810. [Elkins of Nantuckett, and Anna Chadwick, C.R.1.]
Joseph [int. Enus] 34, mariner, of Nantucket, and Rebecca Godfrey, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 30, d.---- Arnolds, Sept. 22, 1846.
Peter, shipwright [int. of Danzig, Prussia], and Susan C. Bunker, 22, d. Chloe, Oct. 12, 1846.
Isaac of Nantucket, and Polly Butler, Dec. 4, 1796.
Daniel and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Pease, Apr. 12, 1821. [Daniel Sr. and Hannah Pease, wid., C.R.1.]
Sophia F. [int. E.] [int. of Benson, Vt.], and Alfred R. [int. K.] Fisher, ---- [int. June 9, 1832]. C.R.1.
John of Chilmark, and Mrs. Mary Sprague, int. Sept 1, 1810.
Peggey and Peleg Crossman, Nov. 25, 1784. [Peggy Fergerson and Peleg Crosman, C.R.1.
Harriot of Tisbury, and Joseph Sprague, July 5, 1821.
Jacob of E. Haven, Conn., and Lydia Donham, Dec. 8, 1793. [Dunham, C.R.1.]
George and Catharine S. Norton, Apr. 17, 1842.
Mechach [of] Straten [int. Meshack of Stratham], N.H., and Sally Jernegan, Nov. 11, 1819.
Consider H. [int. C[on]sider Fisher] of Sandwich [int. adds Barnstable Co.], and Hannah R. Butler, Apr. 23, 1828.
Daniel and Sally Fish, Nov. 24, 1785. [Oct. 22, C.R.1.]
Gamaiel and Patience Donham, Oct. 30, 1791. [Gamaliel and Mrs. Patience Dunham, C.R.1.]
Henry 3d and Jane Donham, Nov. 10, 1796. [Dunham, C.R.1.]
Huldah and Ebenezer Donham Jr., Oct. 28, 1784. [Dunham, C.R.1.]
James and Abigail Osborn, Dec. 12, 1765.
James Jr. and Mrs. Hepsibah Whippy, Jan. 2, 1783.
Jedidah and John Clark Jr., Nov. 18, 1790. [Clarke, C.R.1.]
John Jr. and Elisabeth Butler, [Mar.] 9 [1780].
Jonathan and Eunice Holly, July 25, 1774.
Joseph and Easter Dunham, Jan. 10, 1782. C.R.1.
Joseph and Thankfull Swasey, Jan. 31, 1788.
Lurana and Seth Swasey, Oct. 2, 1796. [Lurana, C.R.1.]
Molly, Mrs., and Samuell Wheaton "a trancient Person," Apr. 8, 1784.
Nath[anie]ll and Naomi Donham, Oct. 18, 1764.
Pheby and Nathaniel Earl of Nantuckett, Feb. 10, 1797. [Phebe, Feb. 12, C.R.1.]
Priscilla [int. Prescillia] and David Pease, July 2, 1801. [Priscilla, C.R.1.]
Prudance and Uriah Morse of Nantucket, Feb. 18, 1796. [Mrs. Prudence and Uriah Morse of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
Sally and Daniel Fish, Nov. 24, 1785. [Oct. 22, C.R.1.]
Sam[ue]ll and Dinah Vinson, Jan. 3, 1771.
Sarah and Emanuel Sylvaney Noans, Jan. 11, 1776.
Susa and Jonathan Vinson, Apr. 28, 1799.
Aaron and Ann [int. Anne] Holly, [Oct.] 30, 1806. [Anna, C.R.1.]
Abiah and John Marchant [int. Jr.], [Oct.] 19, 1813.
Abigail and Thomas Wilson "a Foreigner," Apr. 28, 1811.
Abigail O. and Ichabod N. Luce, Mar. 18, 1838.
Abner [int. 2d] and Sally Ayers Fisher, Dec. ---, 1820.
Abraham Jr. and Louisa C. Fisher, [June] 22, 1824.
Alexander P. and Sophronia P. Coffin, July 14, 1839.
Alfred K. and Sarah L. Mayhew, Dec. 19, 1839.
Alfred R. [int. K.] and Sophia [int. E.] Fellows [int. of Benson, Vt.], --- [int. June 9, 1832]. C.R.1.
Amanda and Dennis Courtney, Apr. 21, 1833.
Amaziah Jr. and Pheby Fisher, Dec. 5, 1819. [Phebe, C.R.1.]
Andrew and Sally Butler, Oct. 17, 1820.
Andrew and Mrs. Rhoda Danover, int. Nov. 7, 1835.
Anna [int. Anne] and Francis Smith of Amsterdam [int. adds Holland], Jan. 11, 1807.
Anna [int. adds Butler] and Amos L[o]per [int. Lopers] of N.Y., Apr. 26, 1819.
Barzillia [int. adds N.] and Caroline Baylies, July 25, 1839.
Belinda and John Godfroid [int. Godfroyd] Gabler of Drisden, Prusia, Feb. 22, 1804. [Belinda and John Godfroyad Gabler, Feb. 2, C.R.1.]
Betsey 2d and Henry Gray, Apr. 27, 1820. C.R.1.
Caroline and Martin Arey, Nov. 8, 1840.
Caroline and John Tripp of West Port, int. May 4, 1845.
Catherine N. and Benjamin Pool of Readfield, Me., Aug. 28, 1834. [Catharine N., C.R.1.]
Celia H. of Sandwich, and Uriah Morse, int. Oct. 10, 1835.
Charles and Emiline [int. Emeline] Fisher, Aug. 2, 1829.
Charlotte [int. Charlott] and Daniel C. Pease, June 14, 1829.
Christiana and John Haskins of Boston, int. Jan. 14, 1826.
Cordelia and Isaac Daggett, Aug. 17, 1823.
Cyrus and Ann B. Thompson of Nantucket, int. Nov. 17, 1844.
Daniel and Lurana Swasey, int. Nov. 1, 1801.
Daniel, Dr. [int. omits Dr., adds of Tisbury], and Grace C. Coffin, Sept. 16, 1829.
Daniel 2d and Cynthia Kelley, int. Dec. 11, 1841.
Dinah and Elish Dunham, int. Aug. 5, 1820.
Eliza A. and Peter R. Marchant, Dec. 30, 1840.
Eliza O. and John R. Sands of Charlesten, S.C., June 7, 1841.
Elizabeth W. [int. Whippey] and Samuel Fisher Jr., Oct. 6, 1812.
Elsy [int. Elcy] and Elisha Dunham Jr., Mar. 24, 1822.
Emiline [int. Emeline] and Charles Fisher, Aug. 2, 1829.
Esther and James Simson [int. Simpson] "A transient person," Mar. 24, 1811.
Francis and Susanna Norton, May 20, 1810.
Francis and Louisa F. Cooms of New Bedford, int. May 14, 1836.
Gamaliel [int. Gamalial] and Rhoda Fisher, Oct. 30, 1814. [Gamaliel, 20, and Rhoda Fisher, 15, C.R.1.]
George F. or Newbern [int. Newburn], N.C., and Ann F. Smith, Oct. 24, 1842.
George O. and Mary B. Huxford, int. June 28, 1834.
Hepzibah and John Warren Norton, int. Nov. 10, 1820.
Hiram and Margaret Ripley, Mar. 22, 1825. [Margret, C.R.1.]
James, 25, s. Matthew and Sarah, and Sarah F. Adlington, 19, d. Francis and Abby, Feb. 18, 1849.
Jane and Leonard Coatney, Jan. 29, 1828.
Jane and Leavitt Fisher, July 3, 1836.
Jared and Sally Pease, Nov. 20, 1814.
Jared Jr. and Desire A. Osborn, Jan. 12, 1840.
Jedidah and William Butler Fisher, Feb. 17, 1814.
Jerusha P., Mrs. [dup. and int. omit Mrs.], and Isaiah D. Pease Esq. [dup. and int. omit Esq.], Sept. 16, 1838.
John and Sarah Y. Collins, Apr. 4, 1841.
Jonathan Jr. and Susan Norton, Feb. 13, 1821.
Joseph Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Rosanna Cockrin [int. Cokring], Oct 30, 1803. [Cockran, C.R.1.]
Leavitt and Jane Fisher, July 3, 1836.
Levi and Jerusha P. [dup. omits P., int. Pease] Coffin, Oct. 11, [dup. Oct. 16] 1813. [Oct. 10, C.R.1.]
Lorenzo and Sabra N. Coffin, Oct. 8, 1837.
Louisa C. and Abraham Fisher Jr., [June] 22, 1824.
Love and Edmond Luce [int. Luis] of Tisbury, Feb. 24, 1803. [Lewis, C.R.1.]
Lucenda and Gideon Snow of Nantucket, int. Apr. 21, 1810.
Lucy and Aaron Norton, Dec. 25, 1808.
Lucy and Benjamin B. Huxford, Nov. 2, 1842.
Lurana and Edmund Stewart, May 16, 1838.
Lydia and Samuel Norton, [Dec.] 13, 1812.
Margaret, Mrs., and Richard B. Marchant, Apr. 11, 1841.
Margaret, 47, d. Tho[ma]s and Margaret, and Ephraim Ripley, widr. [int. omits widr.], 40, mariner, s. Ephraim and Dinah, Apr. 18, 1846 [int. Mar. 28, 1847, sic].
Margarett [int. Margaret] and George W. Church of New Bedford, May 27, 1832.
Martha and John Ally [int. Alley] of Nantucket, Aug. 10, 1806. [John Alley of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
Mary and Henry Pease, Jan. 20, 1820.
Mary and George S. Coffin of Nantuckett [int. Nantucket], Feb. 2, 1826. C.R.1.
Mary B., d. Jared and Sarah P., and Watson S. Butler, school teacher, b. Falmouth, Sept. 10, 1846.
Mary C., 20, d. Abraham and Louiza, and John W. Knowlton, widr. [int. omits widr.], 28, s. Stephen and Elizabeth, May 16, 1848.
Mary H. [and] Ansel J. Kempton of New Bedford, Oct. 6, 1836.
Mathew and Sally Fisher, Mar. 25, 1821.
Obed and Hepsibah [int. Hepzibah] Butler, Nov. 15, 1801.
Obed and Betsey Osborn, Nov. 11, 1804.
Olive O. and John S. Potter, int. Apr. 12, 1828.
Owen and Cynthia Ann Taber of Fairhaven, int. Sept. 25, 1841.
Persis and Benj[ami]n Holmes of Nantucket, Sept. 27, 1812. [Benja[min] Holmes of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
Pheby and Amaziah Fisher Jr., Dec. 5, 1819. [Phebe, C.R.1.]
Priscilla and Joseph Wilbour, Apr. 15, 1834.
Rebecah [int. Rebeca D.] and Walter Allen, [Oct.] 14, 1819. [Rebecca, C.R.1.]
Rebecca [int. Rebekah] and Burnham Parish of Hartford, Nov. 13, 1806. [Rebeckah and Burham Parish, C.R.1.]
Rhoda and Gamaliel [int. Gamalial] Fisher, Oct. 30, 1814. [Rhoda, 15, and Gamaliel Fisher, 20, C.R.1.]
Rufus and Mary Pease, Oct. 22, 1809.
Sally and Mathew Fisher, Mar. 25, 1821.
Sally Ayers and Abner Fisher [int. 2d], Dec. ---, 1820.
Sally F. and Tristram E. Butler, Dec. 26, 1841.
Samuel Jr. and Elizabeth W. [int. Whippey] Fisher, Oct. 6, 1812.
Samuel O. and Susan Raynolds of Fairhaven, int. Nov. 19, 1848.
Samuel [int. omits Samuel] Osborn and [int. adds Mrs.] Deborah Coffin, Oct. 30, 1813.
Sarah N. and Benjamin C. Smith, Oct. 2, 1827.
Sarah P., 27, d. Jared and Sarah, and Jonathan F. Fussell, 28, merchant, of New Bedford, s. Jonathan and Martha, Jan. 28, 1848.
Silvia and John Hendrick Randle of Sweeden, int. Mar. 21, 1835.
Sophronia and James Weeks, Feb. 25, 1810. [Sophrona, C.R.1.]
Susan, Mrs., and Peter M. Coffin, Sept. --- [int. Sept. 7], 1839.
Sylvester H., tailor, b. Falmouth, and Eliza S. Gibbs, Dec. 13 [int. Dec. 14, sic] [1845].
Sylvia (see Silvia).
Theodore [int. of Sandwich] and Adeline [int. Adeline] Butler, Dec. 28 [1835].
Thomas Jr. and Katharine Norton, [July] 14, 1804. [Catharine, July 15, C.R.1.]
Tristram P. and Mary Ann Norton, Oct. 6, 1833.
Velina F. and Thomas Huxford 2d, Sept. 18, 1836.
William Butler and Jedidah Fisher, Feb. 17, 1814.
Hannah and William Covel, Dec. 14, 1786. [Fish, C.R.1.]
Kaziah and Peter Pease Jr., May 10, 1789. [Keziah, C.R.1.]
Anthoney and Hephsibah Riply, July 9, 1775.
Elenor and Nathaniel Marchant, Jan. 11, 1738.
Francis F. and Hannah Davis of New Bedford, negroes [int. omits negroes], June 11, 1835.
Radrick and ----, Bassett, int. May ---, 1820.
Shubal [int. Shubeal] M. of Nantucket, [and] Joann N. Clark, Mar. 19, 1837.
Abigail and Daniel Coffin Jr., Apr. 22, 1774.
Elisabeth and Silvenus Luce, Aug. 4, 1774.
John of Tisbury, and Mary Coffin, Apr. 15, 1770.
Sarah Ann of N.Y., and Ebenezer Smith Jr., Apr. 28, 1835.
Charles of Grenville, France, and Mary L. Dunham, int. Apr. 18, 1840.
Immanuel and Love Norton, May 20, 1779.
John of N.Y., and Rebecca Ann Martin, int. Oct. 30, 1831.
Margaret of Gayhead, and Eliakam Jonas, int. June 27, 1840.
Joseph and Jerusha Peas, Aug. 1, 1774.
Abraham of Rorwich [? Norwich], Conn., and Martha Gudley, negroes, int. Nov. 9, 1822.
Isaac of N.Y., and Jane Thomas, int. Nov. 29, 1818.
Jane and Joseph Brown of New Haven, negroes, int. Sept. 27, 1823.
Jane, Mrs., and Samuel Mingo of Tisbury, negroes, int. Nov. 4, 1837.
Sam[ue]ll and Lydia Coffin, Mar. 2, 1769.
Augustus [int. Frisbee] of Branford [int. adds Conn.], and Elizabeth Stewart, Nov. 23, 1809. [of Brandford, Conn., C.R.1.]
Emeline and Alexander B. Perry, Dec. 2, 1841.
Jane (see Mrs. Jane Remson).
Sarah [int. Frisbe] and Charles B. Snow, May 15, 1836.
Serena E. and Willinm B. Charles of N.Y., int. June 23 [1838].
Andrew B., candle manufacturer [int. of Nantucket], b. Nantucket, and Mary Thaxter, 27, tailoress, d. John and Mary, Jan. 18 [1846].
William J. A. of Boston, and Catharine L. Osborn, int. May 22, 1841.
Matthew of Ireland [int. of Newross, Iereland], and Bethania [int. Bathaner] Cleaveland, Feb. 5, 1840.
Jonathan F., 28, merchant, of New Bedford, s. Jonathan and Martha, and Sarah P. Fisher, 27, d. Jared and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1848.
John Godfroid of Drisden, Prusia [int. John Godfroyd of Dresden, Prussia], and Belinda Fisher, Feb. 22, 1804. [John Godfroyad and Balinda Fisher, Feb. 2, C.R.1.]
J. T. E., Dr., widr. [int. Dr. J. Thompson E., omits widr.]. 35, s. Tho[ma]s and Mary E., and Jane E. [int. Elizabeth] Cooke, 35, d. Tho[ma]s and Elizabeth, May 31, 1846.
Deborah and Sam[ue]ll Call of Tisbory, Feb. 15, 1749.
George A. of Nantucket, and Betsy W. Brown, int. Mar. 14, 1840.
Grafting and Abigail Coffin, Sept. 22, 1730.
Mary and Luice Cooke, Indians, Oct 7, 1785. [Lewis Cook, C.R. I.]
Rowland [int. adds Capt.], 25, marener, of Nantucket, b. Nantucket, s. Henry and Hannah of Nantucket, and Martha S. Potter, 18, d. John and Olive, June 1, 1847.
Tristram of Nantuckett, and Deborah Coffin, Jan. 24, 1734-5.
William and Mary Johnson, Dec. 12, 1780. [Indians, C.R.1.]
Nancy of Boston, and Richard Gould, int. June 23, 1844.
John of Dartmouth, and Abiah Claghorn, Sept. 4, 1767.
Abigail and Elisha West, June 23, 1736.
Albion and Lydia D. Norton, Oct. 22, 1837.
Charity [int. adds C.] and John R. Norton, Apr. 13, 1836.
Eliza S. and Sylvester H. Fisher, tailor, b. Falmouth, Dec. 13 [int. Dec. 14, sic] [1845].
Asa R. [int. adds Capt.], 35, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. David and Sally of Dartmouth, and Abby D. Beetle, 23, d. James H. and Betsey, Feb. 14, 1849.
Albert [int. Godfrey] and Mrs. Olive O. Potter, Sept. 18, 1832. C.R.1.
Belindia and Edwar[d] B. Kelley of Nantucket, May 3, 1838.
Daniel and Rebecca Butler, Oct. 18, 1840.
Rebecca, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 30, mariner, d. ---- Arnolds, and Joseph Enos [int. Enus], 34, of Nantucket, Sept. 22, 1846.
Patty and John Wing of New Bedford, int. Dec. 8, 1818.
Joseph W[illia]m of Salem, and Priscilla Chadwick, int. Jan. 10, 1808.
Horace of Boston, and Mary Allen, Aug. 23, 1801.
Jane and Joseph Sam "a transient man" [Indians], int. July 17, 1824.
Richard and Nancy Garrish of Boston, int. June 23, 1844.
Zenus [int. Zenas] M., 23 [int. of Gayhead], b. Gayhead, s. Joseph and Fenely, and Mary Grant, 15, b. Christiantown, d. William and Eliza [int. negroes], May 4, 1849.
Joseph B. of Halowell [int. Holowell], Me., and Julia A. Vincent, June 18, 1842.
Mary, 15, b. Christiantown, d. William and Eliza, and Zenus [int. Zenas] M. Gould, 23 [int. of Gayhead], b. Gayhead, s. Joseph and Fenely [int. negroes], May 4, 1849.
Elizabeth P. and Thomas Dunham, Feb. 24, 1841.
Henry and Betsey Fisher 2d, Apr. 27, 1820. C.R.1.
Jane [int. Elizabeth Jane] and Alfred Swift of Rochester, Oct. 29, 1818. [Jane, C.R.1.]
John and Puerta Butler, Sept. 25, 1796.
John and Margret Butler, Oct. 14, 1819.
Mary Ann of Me., and Charles Kidder, int. June ---, 1835.
Rhoda and David Isbell of Talmage [int. Talmadge], O., May 31, 1838.
Mary d. Charles of Marblehead, and Matthew Pease, s. James, Apr. ---, 1699.
Samuel of Nantucket, and Lucy Barney of Nantucket, negroes, int. Jan. 4, 1812.
Amos and Leah Pechaker [? Indians], int. Nov. 27, 1803.
Martha and Abraham Freeman of Rorwich [? Norwich], Conn., int. Nov. 9, 1822.
Nelly and Emanuel Joseph, negroes, -----[int. Jan. 9, 1821].
Patty and William Edwards of Baltimore, int. May 14, 1825.
Simion and Daty Belain, coloured, int. June 8, 1833.
Anthony of Nantuckett [int. Nantucket], and Hannah Tacknash, negroes [int. omits negroes], --- [rec. between Apr. 6 and Aug. 10, 1806] [int. Mar. 23, 1806]. C.R.1.
Rhoda, Mrs., and Daniel Dunavin of Nantucket, int. July 22, 1825.
William W., Rev., and Mrs. Sally [int. adds A.] Bunting, Feb. 19, 1837.
Hannah and John Salue, Sept. 20, 1739.
James and Barshaba Pease, d. Sergt. Thomas, Aug. 18, 1719.
Robert(Bobert) of Tisbury, and Jean Butler, June 13, 1749.
Jean and jabez Wallrond of Tisbury, Dec. 4, 1774.
Thankfull and Thomas Losson, Dec. 1, 1768.
Christopher of Middleborough, and Mrs. Love Nickerson, int. Dec. 30, 1815.
William A. [int. Hanna], mariner, of Nantucket, and Mary C. Chadwick, b. Nantucket, d. Anthony and w. of Nantucket, July 14, 1846.
Bethiah and Elijah Smith, June 21, 1739.
Mary and Samuel Huxford, Jan. 6, 1715.
Thomas and Sarah Arey, Nov. 16, 1696.
Henrietta of Duxbury, and Frederick Pease, int. JulY 1, 1849.
Hannah [? Harper] and Ephram Peas, Jan. 15, 1761.
Barsheba and Samuel Killey, Mar. 7, 1757.
Hannah (see Hannah Harpen).
Lucinda and Abram Prebble, June 10, 1764.
Mary and John Squire, Aug. 22, 1754.
John "a Forigner," and Priscilla Backus [int. Bacus], Feb. 8, 1819.
Hannah and Frederick Webquish [int, coloured], Jan. 4, 1838.
Prince S. [dup. omits S.] of New Bedford, and Sophronia Vincent, July 2, 1833.
Roger of Rochester, and Sally Smith, Nov. 19, 1789. [of New Bedford, and Mrs. Sally Smith, wid. of Jona[than], C.R.1.]
John of Boston, and Christiana Fisher, int. Jan. 14, 1826.
Benjamin and Darcus Smith, d. Benjamin Esq., July 24, 1705.
Darcus, Mrs., and John Worth Esq., Dec. 22, 1724.
Shubael, Capt. [int. omits Capt., adds of New Bedford], and Nancy Smith, July 25, 1827.
Ebenezer of Yarmouth, and Sarah Norton, d. Isaac Jr., Feb. 23, 1699-1700.
Julia and John Ames, negroes, int July 8, 1849.
Sally [int. of Nantucket] and Samuel Scamahorn [int. Samerhorn of R.I.], negroes [int. omits negroes], Dec. 31, 1821.
Louis [female] and Thomas Neal, July 17, 1744.
Edward, Rev., and Elizabeth Niles Cambridge of Boston, int. Oct. 10, 1812.
Abigail of Chilmark, and Rufus H. Davis, int. Sept. 28, 1840.
Grafton of Tisbury, and Martha P. [int. omits P.] Norton, Aug. 1, 1837.
Abigail [int. Holliston, dup. int. Holiston] and Daniel Luce, [Feb.] 12, 1804. [Mrs. Abigail Holistor, C.R.1.]
Keziah O. and William E. Beetle, int. May 21, 1825.
Lavina, 23, d. Richard and Patience, and Henry B. Huxford, 28, mariner, s. Joseph and Priscilla, Dec. 5, 1847.
Patience [int. Patince], Mrs., and Tunis Contant of Albany [int. Albina), N.Y., Sept. 5, 1837.
Richard and Patience N. Tilton of Chilmark, int. Sept. 6, 1823.
William and Delia M. Starbuck of Nantucket, int. Oct. 18, 1834.
Abigail [int. Holley] and Wilmot Luce, Apr. 6, 1809.
Ann [int. Anne] and Aaron Fisher, [Oct.] 30, 1806. [Anna, C.R.1.]
Eunice and Jonathan Fish, July 25, 1774.
Harriat [int. Harriot Holley] and Oliver Norton, Jan. 17, 1805. [Harriot, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Mrs. Jane Russell, Aug. 28, 1785. [Russel, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Molly Wheaton, Oct. 3, 1790. [Oct 31, C.R.1.]
Joseph Jr. [int. Holley] and Lucy [int. adds N.] Ripley, Nov. 6, 1827.
Richard and Lydia Covel, d. James, Jan. 24, 1706.
Benj[ami]n of Nantucket, and Persis Fisher, Sept. 27, 1812. [of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
William of N.Y., and Damson Howoswit of Chilmark, int. Apr. 5, 1828.
Mary of Tisbury, and Feeman Norton, int. Sept. 3, 1808.
Joseph of Liverpool, N.S., and Sally Vincent, int. Oct. 24, 1810.
Cintha, [int. Cynthia] and Benja[min] Chadwik [int. Chadwick] of Nantucket, [Feb.] 27, 1804. [Cinthia Huxford and Benja[min] Chadwick of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
Damson of Chilmark, and William Holsey of N.Y., int. Apr. 5, 1828.
Simeon of Yarmoth, and Huldah Norton, May 30, 1776.
Mary [dup. Hulsart] of N.Y., and Ebenez[e]r Smith, Feb. 27, 1800. [of New York City, C.R.1.]
David of Conn., and Mrs. Pernal Butler, Dec. 9, 1745.
Silvanus of Nantucket, and Prudence Pease, Dec. 25, 1794. [Hussay of Sherborn, and Prudence Pease, C.R.1.]
Thomas "A Stranger" [int. of England], and Abagail [int. Mrs. Abigail] Lumbert, Apr. 6, 1806.
Peter of Hartford, and Jenny Coffin of Nantucket, negroes, int. Nov. 16, 1811.
Mayhew A. of Fairhaven, and Mrs. Hannah Benson, int. Oct. 25, 1828.
Paletiah and Jean Pease, Oct. 26, 1749.
Almira S., 20, d. Joseph and Priscilla, and Chase Pease Jr., 26, farmer, s. Chase and Hannah, Oct. 25, 1846.
Benjamin B. and Lucy Fisher, Nov. 2, 1842.
Beulah [int. Bulah] A. and Henry Pease 2d, June 2, 1825. [Henry Pease Jr., C.R.1.]
Cinthia (see Cintha Howland).
Esther and Henry Huxford of Morlbero, Jan. 20, 1774.
Henry of Morlbero, and Esther Huxford, Jan. 20, 1774.
Henry B., 28, mariner, s. Joseph and Priscilla, and Lavina Holley, 23, d. Richard and Patience, Dec. 5, 1847.
Jean and Palatiah Russel of Sherbourn, June 3, 1755.
Joseph Jr. and Mary Arey, Nov. 30, 1780.
Margarett and Jared Norton, Dec. 13, 1840.
Maria and Ephraim Ripley Jr., May 12, 1835.
Mary and William Brown Jr., Nov. 10, 1839.
Mary and William W. Way of Hudson, int. Apr. 5, 184[0].
Mary A. [int. B.] and Robert Norton, Oct. 31, 1837.
Mary B. and George O. Fisher, int. June 28, 1834.
Samuel and Mary Harlock, Jan. 6, 1715.
Samuel [int. Samuell and Suky [int. Susan] Sprague, Nov. 22, 1801. [Sukey, C.R.1.]
Sarrah and Daniel Donham Jr., Nov. 20, 1739.
Susan S. and Henry Pease 2d, Sept. 11, 1833.
Thomas and Eliza Brown of Nantucket, int. Nov. 29, 1823.
Thomas 2d and Velina F. Fisher, Sept. 18, 1836.
William W. and Catharine [int. Catharin] Smith, June 3 [1830].
Deborah of Marthas Vineyard, and Sam[ue]ll Smith, "sometime in the Beginning of ye Winter before Last" [rec. Sept. 24, 1766], in Boston.
David of Talmage [int. Talmadge], O., and Rhoda Gray, May 31, 1838.
John of Barnstable, and Deborah Daggett, d. Joshua, May 9, 1717.
Mary W. of Taunton, and Henry H. Marchant, int. Aug. ---, 1833.
Thomas and Judith Weeks, int. May 25, 1810.
JARNAGAN (see Jennegan, Jernegan, Jernigan)
William and Mary Osbourn, Feb. 8, 1749.
Francis [int. Francies] "a stranger," and Polly Swasey. Aug. 21, 1800.
Solomon of New Bedford, and Love Weeks of Tisbury, int. July 24, 1803.
Jane F., Mrs., and Amos Loper, int. June 21, 1846.
Abigail and James Skiff of Chilmark, Oct. 26, 1775.
Anne and Sam[ue]ll Wiswall, Mar. 9, 1761.
Elizabeth of Nantucket, and Frederick Marchant, int. Nov. 24, 1832.
Hannah, d. Joseph, and Malatiah Pease, Dec. 1, 1732.
Hannah and Beriah Pease, Mar. 28, 1764.
Joseph Jr. and Abigail Little, d. Samuel dec'd, Oct. 31, 1737.
Marshal and Mary Peas, Apr. 22, 1767.
John L., 28, mariner [int. of Dover, N.H.], b. Dover, N.H., s. David and Deborah of Dover, N.H., and Elizabeth P. Dunham, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 22, d. Henry Gray and
Betsy, June 3, 1847.
Henry and Almira Mills, int. July 7, 1844.
Edmund W. of Mansfield, Conn. [int. omits Conn.], and Eliza Cleveland, June 7, 1835.
Abigail and John Davis of Tisbu[ry], Feb. 8, 1776.
Abigail M. of Hingham, and Charles Marchant, int. May 25, 1839.
Almira and Charles Worth, June 19, 1842.
Belinda N. and William Ripley, Nov. 8, 1836.
Clarinda and Edward D. Chadwick [int. of Nantucket], June 9, 1836.
Cyrus, 21, tailor, s. Hiram and Abigail, and Phebe P. Butler, 25, d. Henry and Love, Sept. 20, 1846.
Deborah N., 19, d. Nathan and Prudence, and John Mayhew, 26, b. Williamsburg, s. Constant and Roanna of Williamsburg, Dec. 24, 1848.
Eliza and Ephraim Marchant Jr., Aug. 29, 1832.
Eunice and Henry Marchant 2d, Dec. 16, 1840.
George, 24, s. William and Rebecca, and Martha G. Coffin, 19, d. John and Harriet, May 3, 1848.
Hiram and Abigail Worth [int. Worths], Nov. 18, 1824.
Jared, 21, mariner, s. Nathan and Prudence, and Rebecca R. Ripley, 22, d. Jethro and Eunice, June 3, 1847.
Julia Ann, 24, b. Hingham, d. Jared and Priscilla, and William H. King, 27, s. William and Pamelia, May 8, 1848.
Leanard [int. Leonard] and Betsey [int. Elizabeth] Pease, [Jan.] 23, 1807. [Leonard Jernigan, Jan. 22, C.R.1.]
Mary and Henry Ripley, Oct 13, 1811. [Jernigan, Oct. 3, C.R.1.]
Mary of S. Hingham, and Sirson P. Coffin, int. Sept. 2, 1836.
Mary M. and Nicholas Norton, Oct. 21 1832.
Nathan and Prudence Norton, Nov. ---, 1816. [Nov. 28, C.R.1.]
Nathaniel M., mariner, s. William and Rebecca, and Abigail S. [int. omits S.] Vincent, d. Shubael and Mary Norton, Oct. 17 [1845].
Prudence and Samuel E. Andrews of N.Y., June 13, 1841.
Prudence S. [int. omits S.], 19, d. Richard W. and Lydia M., and Lauson W. Perkins [int. Lawson W. Parkins], 28, cooper [int. of Nassaw], b. Waisaw, N.Y., s. Anson A. and
Betsey of Waisaw, N.Y., Oct. 8 [1844].
Rebecca and Timothy Daggett Esq. [int. omits Esq.], Oct. 18, 1829.
Richard Whellen [int. omits Jernegan, adds "foregar"] and Lydia Marchant Vincent, Nov. 23, 1815. [Richard Whellen Jernegan, C.R.1.]
Sally and Mechach [int. Meshack] Fifield [of] Straten [int. Stratham], Nov. 11, 1819.
Susan and Frederick Vincent, Aug. 1, 1837.
Tho[ma]s and Huldah Coffin, Jan. 17, 1771.
Thomas Jr. and Mary Thaxter, [Nov.] 27, 1806. [Jernigan, C.R.1.]
Thomas and Anne M. Clasby of Nantucket, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
William and Abigail Mayhew, Sept. 20, 1781. [Jernigan Jr., and Abigail Mayhew of Chilmark, C.R.1.]
William [int. 3d] and Rebecca Mayhew [int. of Chilmark], Nov. 26, 1812.
William Esq. and Rebecca Coffin 2d, Jan. 31, 1830.
William 2d and Love P. Chadwick of Nantucket, Jan. 20, 1841.
David and Armdes Marchant, Dec. 8, 1796. [Armelis, C.R.1.]
J. L. [int. Joseph L. Jernegan] and Phebe Marchant, May 3, 1832. C.R.1.
Sally and Timothy Daggett, Feb. 9, 1797. [Mrs. Sally, C.R.1.]
Sukey and Daniel Vinson Jr., Sept. 19, 1799.
William Esq. and Eunice Coffin, Sept. 28, 1794. [Hon. William Esq. and Eunice Coffin, wid., C.R.1.]
JOAB (see JOB)
Isaac, mariner, of Tisbury, b. Tisbury, and Ann Brown, negroes [written in pencil] [int. omits negroes], Dec. 25 [1844].
JOB (see JOAB)
Jane and Robert Turner of Phelideiphia, int. Dec. 8, 1818.
Hezekial and Hannah Moses, Indians, Jan. 3, 1782. C.R.1.
Mary and Cato Pon, Indians, Nov. 30, 1785. [Ponn, C.R.1.]
Patience and Ebenezer Codudy [Indians], int. Aug. 29, 1801.
Annis and James Williams of Baltmore, negroes [int. Williamson, omits negroes], Aug. 2, 1821.
Cesar of Chilmark, and Jenny Dodge of Marshpee, int. May 28, 1807.
Hepzibah and Franklin Peas of Marshbee, negroes, int. May 5, 1832.
Margaret and Elisha Taukurst of Chilmark, Ind[ian]s, Dec. 21, 1769.
Mary and William Gardner, Dec. 12, 1780. [Indians, C.R.1.]
Mary and Samuel Cooper, int. Sept. 17, 1803.
Mary and William Washington of Baltimore, negroes, int. Apr. 27, 1833.
Matilda S. of Chilmark, and Shubael Davis. int. Mar. 19, 1836.
Orila and Asa Peters of Tisbury, negroes, int. ---, 1838.
Sally and Peter Bea of Nantucket, int. Nov. 24, 1805.
Tho[ma]s and Thankfull Smith, Apr. 24, 1769.
Waty and Isaiah Belain [int. coloured], June 9, 1831.
William (Johson) and Celia Soloman, int. Feb. 13, 1808.
Eliakam [int. of Bridgwater] and Clarisa [int. Clarrisal Webquish, coloured, Dec. 20, 1823.
Eliakam and Margaret Francis of Gay head, int. June 27, 1840.
Bethiah (Rethgnh) and Thomas Wheldon, July 2, 1743.
Hephzibah and Silas Marchant, Mar. 17, 1747.
James A. and Avis Athearn of Tisbury, int. Mar. 15, 1817.
Mary, Mrs., of Tisbury, and John Thaxter, int. Sept 27, 1817.
Nancy of Tisbury, and Samuel Smith Jr., int. Feb. 24, 1826.
Paletich [Peletiah] and Joyce Newcomb, June 10, 1731.
Polly [int. adds Mrs.] and George Laurence of Boston, Jan. 19, 1812. [Lawrence, C.R.1.]
Rolen of Baltimore, and Polly Wheaten, [Apr.] 5, 1804. [Roland of Baltimore, C.R.1.]
Betsey and Paul Warren of Nantucket, Int. Dec 2, 1804.
Love and William Binks of N.Y., int. Dec. 10, 1818.
Polly of Chilmark, and Samuel Cagnehew, int. Aug. 1, 1802.
Emanuel and Nelly Gudley, negroes, ---- [int. Jan. 9, 1821].
Ebenezor of Dartmouth, and Elizabath Covell, Sept. 25, 1740.
Pamela and Silvanus Luce, int. Oct 29, 1814.
Cynthia and Daniel Fisher 2d, int. Dec. 11, 1841.
Edward B. of Nantucket, and Belindia Godfrey, May 3, 1838.
John of Nantucket, and Sally Cleveland, int. Apr. 14, 1810.
John and Cynthia D. Blankingship [int. Blankinship], Sept 14, 1837.
Joseph, 22, blockmaker, s. Joseph and Eliza, and Caroline H. Raynolds [int. Reynolds], 17 [int. of Fairhaven], b. Fairhaven, d. Edmund and Elizabeth of Fairhaven, Feb. 21,
1846 [sic, int. Feb. 7, 1847].
Joseph V. and Eliza Norton, Nov. 25, 1823.
Sally, Mrs. [int. Kelley], and Silvanus Crocker, Nov. 8, 1838.
Ansel J. of New Bedford, [and] Mary H. Fisher, Oct. 6, 1836.
Joseph of Rochester, and [int. adds Mrs.] Eliza Sanders, Oct. 16, 1806. [Oct. 10 C.R.1.]
Elmira of Newport, R.I., and Charles Worth, Nov. 4, 1832, in Newport.
John and Huldah Peas, Dec. 28, 1767.
Charles and Mary Ann Gray of Me., int. June ---, 1835.
Lydia G. and Thomas A. Norton, Oct. 12, 1837.
Stephen and Eunice P. Davis, Dec. 20 [1831].
Hannah and Eben[e]z[e]r Aikins Pope of New Bedford, Mar. 28, 1799. [Kelly, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Sally Vinson, May 17, 1798. [Kelly, C.R.1.]
Samuel and Barsheba Harper, Mar. 7, 1757.
Joseph [int. Kenderick of Rochester] and Lydia Osborn, July 1, 1804. [Kendricks of Rochester, C.R.1.]
Almira and Daniel Pease, Dec. 2, 1830.
Benjamin Michael of White Haven, Eng., and Mrs. Jane Beecher, int. Mar. 1, 1817.
Chloe, wid. [int. Mrs. Cloe, omits wid.), 42, nurse, and Samuel S. Daggett, widr. [int. omits widr.], 45, trader, Nov. 17 [1844].
Dorcas and Daniel Dunham of Nantucket, Dec. 28, 1816. [Daniel Dunham of Nantucket, C.R.1.]
Lydia R. and Charles W. Pease, Aug. 15, 1838.
Margaret and Ebenezar Dunham [int. Jr.] of Nantucket, Jan. 17, 1816.
Margaret and David N. Ripley, Oct. 30, 1834.
Mary B. and Alvin Stewart, Oct. 20, 1841.
Rosanna [int. Rosina] and James Cockring [int. Cokring] of Nantucket, Feb. 5, 1801. [James Cokring of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
Stephen of Boston, and Chloe [int. Mrs. Chloa] Bunker, Sept. 14, 1834.
William and Pamela Ripley, int. Oct. 10, 1807.
William H., 27, s. William and Pamelia, and Julia Ann Jernegan, 24, b. Hingham, d. Jared and Priscilla, May 8, 1848.
Samuel, Rev., and Jedidah Sumner, Dec. 15, 1763.
Samuel, [int. Kenniston] and Thankfull Vinson [int. Vincent], Oct. 24 [1830]. [Thankful Vinson, C.R.1.]
Daniel of Boothbay, and Mrs. Anne Smith, int. Jan. 13, 1816.
John W., widr. [int. omits widr.], 28, s. Stephen and Elizabeth, and Mary C. Fisher, 20, d. Abraham and Louiza, May 16, 1848.
LANDON (see London)
John and Esther Sharper, Aug. 9, 1792.
Benja[min] of Portland, and Jane Norton, int. Jan. 11, 1801.
Margaret [dup. and int. of Hudson] and Thomas Mayhew, Oct. 6, 1805.
Jerusha, Mrs., and Simon Newcomb Jr. of Labonan, Nov. 17, 1740.
Sarrah, d. Thomas, and Solomon Bacon, June 5, 1719.
Thomas Jr. and Mary Cooke, negroes [int. omits negroes], May 20, 1840.
George of Boston, and [int. adds Mrs.] Polly Jones, Jan. 19, 1812. [Lawrence, C.R.1.]
George Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Mary Clark of Richmond, R.I., Aug. 16, 1835.
Mary and Daniel W. Baylies, Sept. 9, 1835.
Eliphelite and Jedidah Stewart, Apr. 14, 1768.
Sally and Frederick Baylies, ------.
Abraham and Mary [int. Mercy] O. Norton, May 8, 1842.
Ann and Benjamin Allen of Nantucket, Feb. 8, 1825. [Benjamin Allen of Nantuckett, Feb. 5, C.R.1.]
Edmun [int. Edmund] and Agnis [int. Agnes B.] Weeks of Tilbury, Dec. 16, 1832.
Ellis and Deborah D. Norton, Nov. 6, 1831.
Joseph, 32, mariner, of Nantucket, s. Francisco and Mary F., and Caroline Tripp, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 20, d. Abner Fisher, Feb. 7, 1848.
Samuel W. and Harriet Stewart, July 11, 1830.
Betsey and Charles N. Daggett of Tisbury, int. Sept. 27, 1837.
Edward D. and Eliza C. Butler, Aug. 11, 1836.
Elizabeth J., 17, d. John and Jane, and Joseph M. Mayhew, sailmaker, 29, s. Jos[eph] and Nancy, Apr. 8, Feb. 28, 1847, sic].
John and Sophronia. J. Dellingham of Tisbury, int. Mar. 21, 1829.
Joseph and Sally Daggett, int. Apr. 7, 1800.
Joseph and Eleanor Allen, int. June 27, 1812.
Joseph Jr. and Dinah Norton, Nov. 11, 1824.
Abigail, d. Samuel dec'd, and Joseph Jenkins Jr., Oct. 31, 1737.
Samuel of Pembrook, Coleney of New Plymouth, and Jeon Sarson, Oct. 1, 1717.
Charls [int. Charles Looke] of Tisbury, and Betsey Smith, Jan. 29, 1818. [Charles Look, C.R.1.]
Elizabeth and Abner Vinson, May 10, 1781. C.R.1.
Olive and Ira Potter of Plymouth, Conn., [Sept.] 22, 1805.
Esther and James Bassett, Nov. 14, [1797].
John of Sherborn, and Hannah Pease, Oct. 24, 1765.
Charles (see Charls Lock).
Cheny and Anna Chapman, Dec. 1, 1774.
Hannah of Tisbury, and William Sandford Vincent, int. Feb. 6, 1820.
Mary E. of Tisbury, and Clement Norton, int. Oct. 31, 1847.
Noah of Tisbury, and Dinah Norton, Jan. 8, 1745.
Valintine [int. Valentine] of Industry, and Mary Smith, Feb. 15, 1815.
Amos (L[o]per) [int. Lopers] of N.Y., and Anna [int. adds Butler] Fisher, Apr. 26, 1819.
Amos and Mrs. Jane F. Jenalds, int. June 21, 1846.
Thomas of Nantuckett, and Thankfull Hammett, Dec. 1, 1768.
Nehemiah of Barnstable,and Rhodah Shaw, July 3, 1788. [Nehemial and Rhoda Shaw, C.R.1.]
I. [int. Ivory] H., Dr., 54, and Mary T. Osborn, 25, d. Samuel and M. T., Sept. 15, 1846.
Abigail L. and Tristram Luce Jr. [int. omits Jr.], June 12, 1842.
Ann Maria and Daniel Smith of W. Springfield, Dec. 21, 1840.
Benjamin of Tisbery, and Abigale Presbery, Mar. 20, 1730-1.
Bethuel of Tisbury, and Susanna Norton, Oct. 18, 1765.
Charlotte of Tisbury, and Ebenezer Norton, int. Apr. 23, 1848.
Cordelia. of Tisbury, and John Luce, Mar. 27, 1831.
Daniel of Chilmark, and Abigail Holester [int. Holliston, dup. int. Houston], [Feb.] 12, 1804. [Mrs. Abigail Holistor, C.R.1.]
Edmund [int. Edmund] and Keziah Norton of Tisbury, Feb. 8, 1826. C.R.1.
Edmond [int. Luis] of Tisbury, and Love Fisher, Feb. 24, 1803. [Lewis, C.R.1.]
Elisha of Tisbury, and Mary Crowell, int. June 4, 1823.
Elizabeth F. of Tisbury, and James A. Norton, int. July 10, 1841.
Everline [int. Eveline] and Albert [int. adds C.] Morse, Sept. 15, 1833.
George [int. Jr.] of Nantucket, and Sally M. [int. Martin, Coffin, Dec. 7, 1815. [George Jr. of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
George Jr. of Tisbury, and Rebeca Crowell, int. May 2, 1819.
George and Sophia. B. Allen of Tisbury, int. Apr. 27, 1839.
Hannah of Tisbury, and Tho[ma]s Manter of Tisbury, Sept. 9, 1799. C.R.1.
Holmes D., 29, mariner, of Tisbury, b. Tisbury, s. Jonathan and Sarah H. of Tisbury, and Mary S. Norton, 22, d. Supply B. and Sarah H., May 4, 1847.
Ichabod N. and Abigail O. Fisher, Mar. 18, 1838.
James N. and Martha N. Willber of "Township No. 2," Oxford Co., Me., Dec. 22, 1829.
Jane and Silvester Whelden [int. Sylvester Welden] of Barnstable, May 26, 1823.
Jason of Tisbury, and Ruth Norton, Apr. 12, 1795. [Mrs. Ruth Norton C.R.1.]
Joanna [int. Johanna] and Charles P. Smith of Tisbury, Dec. 3 [1844].
John and Cordelia Luce, Mar. 27, 1831.
Jonathan of Tisbury, and Katharine [sic, Keturah] Tilton, Dec. 26, 1790.
Jonathan [int. 3d] of Tisbury, and Clarinda Cooke, May 12, 1811. [Jonathan Jr., C.R.1.]
Lois, Mrs., and John Matter of Tisbory, Nov. 28, 1751.
Lovina of Tisbury, and Clement Vincent, int. Nov. 26, 1808.
Lydia and Charles Shute of Nantucket, Feb. 15, 1808. [Charles Shute of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
Lydia D. of Tisbury, and William F. [int. Franklin] Daggett, Dec. 19, 1837.
Maria R. and John Eames Waight of Winchester, Hants Co., Eng., int. Jan. 9, 1841.
Marshal and Velina Norton, Dec. 6, 1812.
Moses and Susanna Pease, Aug. 21, 1785. [Moses Luce of Tisbury, C.R.1.]
Obed [int. of Tisbury] and Joann Davis, Apr. 12, 1831.
Obed, widr. [int. adds. Capt., omits widr.], mariner, 41, s. George and Abigail, and Mary N. Norton, 35, d. Dennis and Polly, Sept. 12, 1847.
Paul and Prudence Luce, int. Mar. 30, 1816.
Polly [of] Tisbury, and Isaiah D. Pease, Aug. 1, 1816.
Prudence of Tisbury, and Paul Luce, int. Mar. 30, 1816.
Rebeca and Henry Cheney Norton, Sept. 17, 1798. [Rebecca, Sept. 27, C.R.1.]
Sally and Benjamin Butler of Nantucket, int. June 11, 1808.
Sally and Hebron Crowell, May 6, 1821.
Sarah and Jabez Norton, Apr. 20, 1769.
Sarah M., Mrs., and Stephen Skiff [int. Esq.] of Chilmark,----- [rec. between Aug. 22 and Sept. 3, 1842] [int. Aug. 13, 1842].
Silas and Hannah Norton, [Dec.] 11, 1806.
Silvanus of Tisbury, and Pamela Keith, int. Oct. 29, 1814.
Silvenus and Elisabeth Forguson, Aug. 4, 1774.
Tamson and Thomas Barrows, Sept. 25, 1831. C.R.1.
Thankfull and Benjamin Stuard, Sept. 1, 1785. [Thankful and Benjamin Stewart, C.R.1.]
Timothy [dup. of Tisbory] and Sarah Presbery, Feb. 18, 1730-1.
Tristram Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Tisbury, and Abigail L. Luce, June 12, 1842.
Urana C. of Tisbury, and Joseph Cleaveland, int. Dec. 14, 1839.
Wilmot and Abigail Holly [int. Holley], Apr. 6, 1809.
Zephaniah and Hope Norton, Apr. 19, 1714.
Edmond (see Edmond Luce).
Peter and Mehitable Paul, int. Feb. 6, 1803.
Abagail [int. Mrs. Abigail] and Thomas Hutchins "A Stranger" [int. of England], Apr. 6, 1806.
Abisha Haden of Chilmark, and Hephsabah Coffin, Oct. 16, 1792. [Abishai Lumbart and Mrs. Hepsibah Coffin, C.R.1.]
David of Nantucket, and Abigail Swasey, Oct 4, 1797. [Lambert, C.R.1.]
Eliza, of Tisbury, and Hannah Norton, Feb. 20, 1828.
Elles, d. Jonathan, and John Newcomb, s. Simon, Sept. 23, 1709.
Thomas, Capt. [int. omits Capt., adds F.], of Chilmark, and Mary [int. adds M.] Pool, July 4, 1837.