Vital Records Of Edgartown, Massachusetts,
To The Year 1850.
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1906.
Editor; Henry Ernest Woods.
Stanhope Press
P. M. Gilson Company, Boston U.S.A.
Marriages - ABBOTT to DUNNELS
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Norris G. [int Abbot] of Providence, R.I., and Charlotte B. Norton, Nov. 1, 1833.
Louisa of Tisbury, and Thomas Norton, int. Oct. 4, 1806.
Lucinda F. of New Bedford, and Samuel D. Smith, int. May 25, 1844.
John and Elizabath Newcomb, Mar. 5, 1699-1700.
Samuell and Embling Newcomb, Apr. 8, 1703.
Sarah F., 19, d. Francis and Abby, and James Fisher, 25, s. Matthew and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1849.
Ann, Mrs., and Alden Sibley, Apr. 12, 1836.
Bartlett of W. Tisbury, and Cordelia A. Coffin, Feb. 19, 1832.
Benjamin of Nantucket, and Ann Lewis, Feb. 8, 1825. [of Nantuckett, Feb. 5, C.R.1.]
Clarisa and Henry Marchant, Nov. 15, 1819.
Ebeazer [int. Ebenzar] of Fair Haven [int. Fairhaven], and Hannah Stuart [int. Stewart], Jan. 2, 1817. [Eleazer, C.R.1.]
Eleanor and Joseph Linton, int. June 27, 1812.
Eliza and Joseph Sanders [int Saunders] of Boston, Nov. 18, 1801.
Elizabath, d. Ichabod of Tisbary, and Jabez Norton, Feb. 9, 1736.
Ezra of Chilmark, and Beulah Coffin, Apr. 6, 1797. [Bulah, C.R.1.]
Freeman and Beulah Pease, Apr. 22, 1810. [Bulah, C.R.1.]
Huldah and James Coffin, Sept. 9, 1773.
James 3d of Chilmark, and Mrs. Lois Allen of Chilmark, Dec. 18, 1783.
Jane P. and Charles Bunker, Apr. 26, 1827.
John Jr. and Clarissa [int. Clarisia] Pease, Apr. 1, 1804.
Lois, Mrs., of Chilmark, and James Allen 3d of Chilmark, Dec. 18, 1783.
Mary and Horace Gould of Boston, Aug. 23, 1801.
Moriah of Tisbury, and David Smith, Nov. 13, 1788.
Rebeca [int. Rebeckah] [of] Falmouth, and Joseph Vinson Jr., Nov. 30, 1800. [Rebecca, C.R.1.]
Robert of Chilmark, and Desire Norton, Dec. 21, 1752.
Sarah E. of Falmouth, and Isaiah D. Pease Jr., int. Mar. 25, 1849.
Sophia B. of Tisbury, and George Luce, int. Apr. 27, 1839.
Walter and Rebecah [int. Rebeca D.] Fisher, [Oct.] 14, 1819. [Rebecca, C.R.1.]
James of Nantuckett [int. Nantucket], and Mary Chockrane [Cockrane] [int. Cokrin], Aug. 23, 1820. C.R.1.
John [int. Alley] of Nantucket, and Martha Fisher, Aug. 10 1806. [of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
John of New Bedford, and Louisa Whiting, Mar. 21, 1809.
John and Julia Hayman, negroes, int. July 8, 1849.
Richard and Patty Drew, negroes, int. Oct. 5, 1802.
Prudence, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 26, d. Nathan Jernegan and Prudence, and George W. Mudgett, 26, of Prospect, Me., b. Prospect, Me., s. William P. and Comfort, Sept.
12, 1849.
Samuel E. of N.Y., and Prudence Jernegan, June 13, 1841.
James of Anapolis, N.S., and Margaret Michael, int. Oct. 20, 1805.
Betsey and Freeman Ripely, Mar. 4, 1804. [RipleY, C.R.1.]
Elijah and Anna Pease, Feb. 22, 1774.
Elisha of Newlonden, Conn., and Debby Ripley, int. May 31, 1804.
George W. and Mary Marchant, Mar. 27, 1803. [George Washington, C.R.1.]
Heman and Polly [int. Mrs. Sally] Thaxter, May 5, 1818. [Sally Thaxter, wid. Joseph Jr., C.R.1.]
Jane M. and Gustavus A. Baylies, June 6, 1841.
Jean, d. Richard, and Benjamin Pease, June 17, 1697.
Margaret and John Vincent [int. Vinson], Feb. 5, 1828.
Martin and Margaret Pease, Dec. 1, 1814.
Martin and Caroline Fisher, Nov. 8, 1840.
Mary and Joseph Huxford Jr., Nov. 30, 1780.
Mary Ann and George R. Marchant, Mar. 14, 1826. C.R.1.
Nancy and Soloman C. Swift of Falmouth, Jan. 23, 1834. [Solomon, C.R.1.]
Richard and Lydia Norton, d. Joseph Esq., Dec. 6, 1705.
Sally P. and Gustavus A. Baylis [int. Baylies], Sept. 20, 1829. [Sally Pease and Capt. Gustavus A. Balylies, C.R.1.]
Sarah and Thomas Harlock, Nov. 16, 1696.
Thomas and Bulah Trapp, Sept. 4, 1740.
Tho[ma]s and Mary Sumner, Nov. 2, 1769.
Joyce of Chilmark, and James Michael, int. Oct. 9, 1803.
Alexander of Tisbury, and Louisa [int. Louisa] Smith, Sept. 23, 1827.
Avis of Tisbury, and James A. Jones, int. Mar. 15, 1817.
Avis J. of Tisbury, and Elijah B. Vincent Esq., int. Nov. 22, 1846.
Charles Grandison of Tisbury, and Ann Thaxter, d. Rev. Joseph, Jan. 1, 1824. [Athern, C.R.1.]
Elizabeth of Tisbury, and Henry Davis, int. Sept. 22, 1805.
Jabez of Tisbury, and Sally P. Vincent. int. Nov. 12, 1825.
Joseph and Susan P. [int. omits P.] Coffin, Aug. 8, 1832.
Joseph and Mrs. Nancy C. Coffin, Nov. 11, 1838.
Margaret of Tisbury, and Jesse Pease, int. Nov. 25, 1814.
Nancy of Tisbury, and Gilbert W. Smith, int. June 1, 1816.
Abigail and Horatio Norton, Sept. 4, 1830. [Atherton, and Horatio G. Norton, C.R.1.]
ATKINS (see Adkins)
Sarah and Daniel Manter of Tisbury, July 11, 1774.
Bathsheba and Edw[ar]d Burgis, Aug. 4, (?)74.
James of Greenfield, and Love Clark, Oct. 25, 1798. [Baker of Greenfield, Conn., and Love Clarke, C.R.1.]
Priscilla [int. Bacus] and John Harpy "a Forigner," Feb. 8, 1819.
Solomon and Sarrah Lathropp, d. Thomas, June 5, 1719.
Hervy [int. Hervey] and Julyann [int. Julia] Cooke, Dec. 27, 1827. [Harvy and Julia Cooke, C.R.1.]
Lydia N. of Farmington, Me., and Isaac Norton, Sept 3, 1843.
James (see James Bachus).
Sarah of Bass River, and John Crosby, int. Mar. 28, 1812.
John C. [int. H.] of Bethel, N.Y., and Sarah C. Sweet, Apr. 2, 1844.
James and Mercy Coffin, July 21, 1774.
Jeremiah and Abigail Marchant, Dec. 16, 1821. [Baning, Dec. 18, C.R.1.]
Mercy and Henry Pease Worth, [Oct.] 21, 1813. [Baning, C.R.1.]
Lucy of Nantucket, and Samuel Green of Nantucket, negroes, int. Jan. 4, 1812.
John of Philadelphia, and Rebekah Marchant, int. June 9, 1810.
George [int. Barrett] of Nantucket, and Rebecca M. Vincent, June 11, 1841.
James of Philadelphia, Pa., and Lucy N. Marchant, int. Oct. 4, 1846.
Thomas and Tamson Luce, Sept. 25, 1831. C.R.1.
Lois S. of Rochester, and John N. Smith, int. Dec. 4, 1830.
Benja[min] and Hannah Claghorn, July 21, 1774.
Nathan of Chilmark, and Lydia Norton, Sept. 22, 1791. [Bassett, C.R.1.]
Joseph S. [int. Bassett] of Newburyport, and Polly Coffin [int. Mary C.] Marchant, Dec. 15. 1816. [of Newbery Port, and Mary Coffin Marchant, C.R.1.]
Betsy of Chilmark, and Zadok Davis, int. July 28, 1804.
James and Esther London, Nov. 14 [1797].
Mary, Mrs., d. Nathan Bassett of Chilmark, and Benjamin Smith, Nov. 29, 1716.
Nancy, 32, dressmaker, b. New Bedford, d. Nathaniel and Sophia of New Bedford, and William P. Chadwick, 34, blacksmith, b. Nantucket, s. Anthony of Nantucket, Feb. 16,
Zilpha and Charles Mingo of Troy, negroes, int. Oct. 25, 1823.
-----, and Radrick Flood, int. May --, 1820.
Sarah F. of Danvers, and Rev. David Tilton, int. Feb. 20, 1836.
Lydia and Elijah Vincent, [Nov.] 28, 1813. [Lydia Butler, C.R.1.]
Caroline and Barzillia [int. adds N.] Fisher, July 25, 1839.
Daniel W. and Mary Lawrence, Sept. 9, 1835.
Edgar M. and Sophia. P. Marchant, Mar. 21, 1832.
Frederick [int. Jr.] and Velina Worth [int. 2d], May 18, 1820. [Fredrick Jr., C.R.1.]
Frederick and Sally Lee, ----.
Gustavus A. and Jane M. Arey, June 6, 1841.
Harriet and John Coffin, Dec. 20 [dup. Dec. 18], 1821. [Harriot, Dec. 20, C.R.1.]
John A. and Mrs. Catharine N. Pool, Oct. 13, 1839.
Maria B., Mrs., and Edward Smith, July 22, 1838.
Nancy and Henry Colt, June 30, 1825. [Baylis, C.R.1.]
Sally and Jerard Coffin, Jan. 14, 1819. [Jared, C.R.1.]
Thomas L. and Maria B. Coffin, May 16, 1830.
Gustavus A. [int. Baylies] and Sally P. Arey, Sept. 20, 1829. [Capt. Gustavus A. Balylies and Sally Pease Arey, C.R.1.]
Eastman Jr. of Saco, and Louisa Vincent, int. Feb. 23, 1812.
Josiah and Zerviah Newcomb, Nov. 2, 1716.
Jane, Mrs., and Benjamin Michael King of White Haven, Eng., int. Mar. 1, 1817.
Joseph of Walcot [int. Walcott, Conn.], and Jane Cleavland [int. Mrs. Jane Cleveland], Feb. 13, 1812. [of Walcut, Conn., C.R.1.]
Abby D., 23, d. James H. and Betsey, and [int. adds Capt.] Asa R. Gifford, 35, of Dartmouth, b. Dartmouth, s. David and Sally of Dartmouth, Feb. 14, 1849.
Anna [int. Anne] and Harrison Smith, June 21, 1810. [Anna, C.R.1.]
Christopher and Mary Norton, Oct. 25, 1718.
Christopher R. and Charlotte N. Smith of Tisbury, int. Sept. 2, 1826.
Elisabeth and Peter Norton Jr., Dec. 23, 1775.
Eliza [int. adds Mrs.] and John G. Thurber of Providence, R.I., Oct. 15, 1826. C.R.1.
Eliza W. and Thomas H. Norton, June 19, 1842.
Hannah and Thomas Bradley, Sept. 1, 1814.
James [int. adds H.] and Betsey Worth, Dec. 4, 1817.
Jane Coffin and Edmund Bradley, Dec. 10, 1822. [Edmond, C.R.1.]
John and Sally Butler, [Nov.] 18, 1804.
Lovey and Aaron Coffin, Mar. 15, 1789.
Mary and Samuell Bradly, July 2, 1785. [Bradley, C.R.1.]
Mary and Edmond Bradley [int. Edmund Bradlee], Mar. 10, 1811.
Mary A., 17, d. Christopher and Charlotte, and Henry D. Norton, 25, mariner, s. Shubael C. and Polly D., Jan. 6, 1848.
Mary B. and Benjamin Stewart, June 16, 1839.
Phebe [int. adds G.] and Bernard Case [int. Barnard C.] Marchant, May 29, 1825.
Ruben and Jedidah Coffin, June 26, 1791. C.R.1.
Sally [int. adds Mrs.] and Elijah Stewart Esq., Apr. 28, 1825. [Mrs. Sally, C.R.1.]
William 3d [int. omits 3d] and Eliza [int. Elisa] Pease, Sept. 19, 1822.
William E. and Keziah O. Holley, int. May 21, 1825.
Jedidah and John Butler Jr. of Tisbury, Dec. 5, 1749.
Anstress [int. Anstruss], 16, d. Peter and Sally, and Daniel T. Webquish, 25, s. ---- and Sally [Indians] [int. [coloured]], May 1, 1849.
Asa J. and Charlotte M. Peters of Christiantown, Tisbury [Indians], int. Aug. 12, 1843.
Daty and Simion Gudridge, coloured, int. June 8, 1833.
David and Herriet N. Simpson, coloured, int. Aug. 15, 1847.
Isaiah and Waty Johnson [int. coloured], June 9, 1831.
Isaiah and Laura Webquish, coloured, int. Jan. 27, 1837.
Moses of Brantry, and Ann Sarson, May 20, 1715.
Peter of Nantucket, and Sally Johnson, int. Nov. 24, 1805.
Hannah, Mrs., and Mayhew A. Huttlestone of Fairhaven, int. Oct. 25, 1828.
Sally C. of Tisbury, and Peter M. Vincent, June 3, 1821.
Thomas of Tisbury, and Hannah Vincent, int. Apr. 27, 1822.
Phebe Ann of Nantucket, and Joseph Vincent Jr., int. Dec. 6 [1834].
Mirick [int. Barret] of Vinal Haven, Me., and Sally Crosby, Oct. 21, 1829.
Sarah and Uriah Coffin, ---, 1791. [Mrs. Sarah Beetle, --- [rec. after Dec. 14, 1790], C.R.1.]
William of N.Y., and Love Jonson, int. Dec. 10, 1818.
Jerusha, Mrs., and Benjamin Dunham, int. Feb. 15, 1812.
William [int. adds R.] and Jerusha Cleveland, --- [rec. between Oct. 9 and Nov. 6], 1803. [Cleavland, C.R.1.]
James W. of Charleston [int. Charlestown], S.C., and Susan Osborn, July 28, 1825. [of Littletown, S.C., and Sunsan Osborn, C.R.1.]
Susan, Mrs., and Orlando Chester [int. of Groton, Conn.], May 3, 1832. C.R.1.
Mary F. of Rochester, and Henry H. Smith, int. Nov. 9, 1839.
William of Rochester, and Nancy Smith, Aug. 22, 1802. C.R.1.
Walter of Union, and Jane Reed [int. Read], [Jan.] 15, 1809.
Cynthia D. [int. Blankinship] and John Kelley, Sept. 14, 1837.
Nancy M. of Nantucket, and Elijah P. Smith, int. Mar. 17, 1827.
George of Nantucket, and Ferebey Porrage, int. June 6, 1802.
Myrinda C. of New Bedford, and Henry F. Ripley, int. Feb. 18, 1843.
Deborah of Sandwich, and Rev. Frederick Upham of Malden, int. Apr. 24, 1824.
Edmond [int. Edmund Bradlee] and Mary Beetle, Mar. 10, 1811.
Edmund and Jane Coffin Beetle, Dec. 10, 1822. [Edmond, C.R.1.]
Stephen H. of Madison, Conn., and Harriet Butler, Feb 3, 1842.
Thomas and Hannah Beetle, Sept. 1, 1814.
Samuell and Mary Beetle, July 2, 1785. [Bradley, C.R.1.]
Ann A., wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 36, d. Freeman Ripley and Betsey and Manuel D. Susan, widr. [int. omits widr.], 36, mariner, s. Joseph and Mary D., May 31, 1846.
James and Ann A. Ripley, Apr. 1, 1830.
Samuel A. of New Bedford, and Mary B. Crosby, Oct. 2, 1836.
Ann and Isaac Joab, mariner, of Tisbury, b. Tisbury, negroes [written in pencil] [int. omits negroes], Dec. 25 [1844].
Betsy W. and George A. Gardner of Nantucket, int. Mar. 14, 1840.
Eliza of Nantucket, and Thomas Huxford, int. Nov. 29, 1823.
Joseph of New Haven, and Jane Freeman, negroes, int. Sept. 27, 1823.
Juliann of Falmouth, and Joseph Simpson Jr., negroes, int. Dec. 13, 1823.
William "A Transient person," and Naomi Daggett, [Sept] 29, 1808.
William and Persis Dunham, July 30, 1820. C.R.1.
William Jr. and Mary Huxford, Nov. 10, 1839.
Emily B. of Tisbury, and John C. Daggett, May 15, 1831. [of Holmes Hole, May 14, C.R.1.]
Andrew P. of Nantucket, and Eliza Clark, Apr. 5, 1825.
Charles and Jane P. Allen, Apr. 26, 1827.
Chloe [int. Mrs. Chloa] and Stephen King of Boston, Sept. 14, 1834.
Hannah and Tho[ma]s Riply, Dec. 15, 1774.
Jerusha, Mrs., and Brotherton Daggett Esq., June 9, 1782. C.R.1.
Richard and Susanna Roborts, Aug. 2, 1781. C.R.1.
Susan C., 22, d. Chloe, and Peter Esaw, shipwright [int. of Danzig, Prussia], Oct. 12, 1846.
Angeline, wid. [int. Mrs. Angelina], 39, d. Benjamin Worth and Betsey, and [int. adds Capt.] Valentine Pease Jr., widr. [int. omits widr.], 49, mariner, s. Valentine and Love,
July 26, 1846.
James and Mrs. Sally A. Pease, Nov. 9, 1823.
John and Angeline [int. Angline] Worth, Mar. 2, 1831.
Sally [int. adds A.], Mrs., and Rev. William W. Hall, Feb. 19, 1837.
Melvina S. of Sandwich, Pocassett, and Tristram Cleveland, int. Dec. 7, 1845.
Edw[ar]d and Bathsheba Atsett, Aug. 4, 1774.
Jacob of Baltimore, and Olive Cooke, negroes, int. July 17, 1824.
Abigail and Joseph Smith, Apr. 18, 1764.
Abigail and David Covel, June ---, 1785. [Covil, June 26, C.R.1.]
Abigail and John Randal, Oct. 17, 1790.
Adaline [int. Adeline] and Theodore Fisher [int. of Sandwick], Dec. 28 [1835].
Almira and Jonathan Mayhew of Chilmark, Nov. 8, 1821.
Almira E., 18, d. Daniel and Dinah, and Levi Pierce, mariner, of Tisbury, Aug. 23, 1847.
Anna and William Covel, June 25, 1774.
Anna and Ebenezer Dexter of Rochester, Mar. 26, 1829.
Arnold and Prudence Smith of Tisbury, int. June 3, 1809.
Benjamin of Nantucket, and Sally Luce, int. June 11, 1808.
Beulah and John Benja[min] Downs, Sept. 16, 1792. [Mrs. Bulah, C.R.1.]
Caroline and Joseph Wilber of Bethel, Me., int. May 14, 1848.
Caroline L., 19, d. Daniel and Dinah, and Charles R. Smith, [int. of S. Sandwich], b. S. Sandwich, s. Edmund and Celia of S. Sandwich, July 2, 1849.
Charles and Lucy Mayhew, June 17, 1813.
Charles D. of Tisbury, and Love Pease, Oct. 3, 1843.
Daniel and Mary Norton, Mar. 17, 1814.
Daniel and Dinah [written in pencil] Smith of Tisbury, int.--- 1827.
Deborah, wid., and Authur Snow of Gt. Britain, Nov. 28, 1737.
Deborah and Simeon Coffin, Dec. 1, 1806.
Dinah and Abner Chapman of Colchester, Mar. 10, 1748-9.
Elijah and Thankfull Smith, Apr. 14, 1737.
Elisabeth and John Fish Jr., [Mar] 9 [1780].
Eliza C. and Edward D. Linton, Aug. 11, 1836.
Elizabath, d. Sam[ue]ll, and Peter Martain, Jan. 24, 1739.
Fidelia [int. Fidele] and John R. Quinnell [int. John Richards Quinnel] of Portsmouth, Eng., Sept 3, 1842.
Francis and Mrs. Hannah Pease, Nov. 5, 1786.
Freeman and Abigh [int. Abiah] Vincent, Oct. 11, 1818.
Gamaliel and Marcy Donham, Dec. 5, 1748.
Hannah and Eliakim Norton, Aug. 18, 1774.
Hannah, 20, d. Freman and Abiah, and Josiah C. Pease, 22, mariner, s. Josiah and Anna, Apr. 12, 1846 [sic, int. Mar. 14, 1847].
Hannah R. and Consider H. Fish [int. C[on]sider Fisher] of Sandwich [int. adds Barnstable Co.], Apr. 23, 1828.
Harriet and Stephen H. Bradley of Madison, Conn., Feb. 3, 1842.
Henery and Prisila Mallikins, Dec. 30, 1747.
Henry and Elisabeth Ripley, Feb. 2, 1766.
Henry Jr. and Mehetabbe Norton, Feb. 14, 1771.
Henry and Charlottee Norton, Sept. 23, 1792. [Mrs. Charlotte, C.R.1.]
Henry of Nantucket, and Love Pease, int. Sept. 23, 1809.
Hepsibah [int. Hepzibah] and Obed Fisher, Nov. 15, 1801.
Jane, Mrs., and Timothy Butler, Mar. 1, 1785. [Mar. 31, C.R.1.]
Jane and Jonathan Manter of Tisbury, June 26, 1791. [Mrs. Jane and Jonathan Mantor Jr., July 3, C.R.1.]
Jane and Joseph Randel of Rocester [int. Rochester], May 15, 1803. [Randal, C.R.1.]
Jane Eliza and Thomas H. Norton, Mar. 30, 1837.
Jean and Bobert [Robert] Harnett, June 13, 1749.
John Jr. and Elizabath Daggett, d. Capt. Thomas, Dec. 16, 1708.
John Jr. of Tisbary, and Jedidah Beettle, Dec. 5, 1749.
John O. and Olivia P. Willard [int. Williard], Sept. 19, 1841.
Joseph and Rebeca Pease, Mar. 2, 1800. [Rebecca, C.R.1.]
Joyce, d. Capt. Butler, and Joseph Newcomb, Nov. 20, 1705.
Julia and Dr. Elihew [int. Ellin, omits Dr.] P. Norton, Dec. 23, 1824.
Keziah and Sam[ue]ll Orsborn, Sept. 9, 1731.
Lorenzo and Mary Ann Pease, int. Sept. 17, 1842.
Lydia (see Lydia Batterson).
Margaret and Rodulphus [int. Rodolphus] W. Coffin, Jan. 1, 1835.
Margret and John Gray, Oct. 14, 1819.
Mary and James Manter of Tisbury, Nov. 28, 1771.
Mary N. and Thomas M. Stewart, Feb. 27, 1833.
Mary P., 28 [int. of Holmes Hole], d. Samuel and Mary P., and Richard W. Coffin, 26, bricklayer, s. Thomas [and] Ruann, Apr. 14, 1846 [int. Mar. 21, 1847, sic].
Mary S. and Seth Marchant, June 12, 1828.
Matthew and Jean Vinson, Mar. 11, 1773.
Nabby and George Marchant, Oct. 15, 1796.
Nancy P. [int. Pease] and John Presbury [int. Presbery] Norton of Tisbury, Oct. 18, 1810.
Nicalos and Thankfull Marchant, Jan. 1, 1730.
Nicolas and Sarrah Riply, Sept. 6, 1726.
Pernal, Mrs., and David Humphrevile of Conn., Dec. 9, 1745.
Phebe and Abner Coffin, Sept. 9, 1731.
Phebe P., 25, d. Henry and Love, and Cyrus Jernegan, 21, tailor, s. Hiram and Abigail, Sept. 20, 1846.
Polly and Isaac Ewers of Nantucket, Dec. 4, 1796.
Priscilla and David Donham, Nov. 5, 1761.
Prissa, Mrs., and James Preston, Feb. 24, 1783. [Priscilla, C.R.1.]
Prudence and Andrew Day of Florus, Western Islands, Apr. 5, 1843.
Puella and John Gray, Sept. 25, 1796.
Rebecca and Daniel Godfrey, Oct. 18, 1840.
Salley and Tristram Norton Jr., Dec. 2, 1794. [Sally, C.R.1.]
Sally and John Beetle, [Nov.] 18, 1804.
Sally and Andrew Fisher, Oct. 17, 1820.
Samuel and Rebeca Smith, int. Sept. 5, 1818.
Sara and Jabez Wheelden, Jan. 12, 1764.
Sarah P. and Stephen Morse, Sept. 9, 1827.
Sarson and Mrs. Susanna Young, June 3, 1783.
Silas and Mrs. Miriam Thomson, int. Jan. 7, 1821.
Sukey and Timothy Pease, June 21, 1799.
Susan and Alexander Marchant, Dec. 6, 1838.
Thanklull and Sam[ue]ll Peas of Glosenbury, Dec. 15, 1774.
Thomas and Jeraimah -----, Nov. 27, 1682. D.R.1.
Thomas Jr. and Anne Torrey of Waymouth, Sept. 18, 1702.
Thomas and Elizabeth [int. Betsey Smith] Vincent, July 19, 1812.
Timothy and Mrs. Jane Butler, Mar. 1, 1785. [Mar. 31, C.R.1.]
Tristram E. and Sally F. Fisher, Dec. 26, 1841.
Velina and George Norton, Dec. 1, 1807.
Walter and Polly Sprague, July 1, 1798.
Watson S., school teacher, b. Falmouth, and Mary B. Fisher, d. Jared and Sarah P., Sept. 10, 1846.
William and Rebeca Smith, Sept. 13, 1792. [Mrs. Rebeccah, C.R.1.]
Zephaniah and Hannah Riply, Mar. 3, 1774.
Samuel and Polly Jonson of Chilmark, int. Aug. 1, 1802.
Sam[ue]ll of Tisbory, and Deborah Gardner, Feb. 15, 1749.
Elizabeth Niles of Boston, and Rev. Edward Hide, int. Oct. 10, 1812.
Philip of New Bedford, and Betsy Smith, negroes, int. Mar. 18, 1826.
Harriet N. of Tisbury, and Theodore Norton, int. June 27, 1847.
Tho[ma]s and Luce Peters, Indians, Aug. 6, 1789.
Barnard of Tisbury, and Thankfull Daggett, Jan. 1, 1793. [Mrs. Thankful, C.R.1.]
Thankfull and Cornelius Marchant, Nov. 14, 1796. [Thankful, C.R.1.]
William of Tisbury, and Mary Peas, Dec. 17, 1774.
Thomas of Boston, and Betsey Peters, negroes,----[rec. after Aug. 6, 1789]. C.R.1.
Isaac and Mary Pease, Apr. 3, 1702.
Nickerson [int. Noherson] of Tisbury, and Fanny Norton, Jan. 1, 1801. [Chase, C.R.1.]
Anne and Francis Elkin of Nantucket, Dec. 16, 1810. [Anna and Francis Elkins of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
Edward D. [int. of Nantucket] and Clarinda Jernegan, June 9, 1836.
Love P. of Nantucket, and William Jernegan 2d, Jan. 20, 1841.
Mary C., b. Nantucket, d. Anthony and w. of Nantucket, and William A. Hannah [int. Hanna], mariner, of Nantucket, July 14, 1846.
Priscilla and Joseph W[illia]m Gorman of Salem, int. Jan. 10, 1808.
Susanna and Ambros Whiten of Nantucket, Dec. 10, 1801. [Ambrose Whitens of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
William P. and Sally P. Mayhew, May 31, 1832.
William P., 34, blacksmith, b. Nantucket, s. Anthony of Nantucket, and Nancy Bassett, 32, dressmaker, b. New Bedford, d. Nathaniel and Sophia of New Bedford, Feb. 16,
Benja[min] [int. Chadwick] of Nantucket, and Cintha [int. Cynthia] Howland, [Feb.] 27, 1804. [Chadwick of Nantuckett, and Cinthia Huxford, C.R.1.]
William E. of Newport, R.I., and Arm Maria Ripley, int. Sept. 12, 1840.
Abner of Colchester, Conn., and Dinah Butler, Mar. 10, 1748-9.
Anna and Cheny Look, Dec. 1, 1774.
Joseph and Anna Roberts, Oct. 22, 1772.
William B. of N.Y., and Serena E. Frisbee, int. June 23 [1838].
Alfred of Tisbury, and Almira Pease, int. June 9, 1838.
Mary ["N Pease aunt," written in margin] of Sherbourn, and David Donham, Oct. 4, 1748.
Prissilla ["N. Pease aunt," written in margin], d. Joseph, and Henery Smith of Sherbourn, Mar. 17, 1740-1.
Sarah and Seth Peas ["I D Peases G Father," written in margin], Oct. 1, 1753.
Sarah of Tisbury, and Jeremiah Weeks, int. Sept. 28, 1845.
Tho[ma]s, eldest s. Lt. (Chace), and Jean Smith, d. Benjamin, Feb. 21, 1704.
Tho[ma]s of Tisbury, and Sarah Claghorn, Apr. 23, 1751.
Orlando [int. of Groton, Conn.], and Mrs. Susan Black, May 3, 1832. C.R.1.
Charles, Capt., of Recester, and Mrs. Katurah Shaw, Mar. 2, 1783. [of Rochester, C.R.1.]
George W. of New Bedford, and Margarett [int. Margaret] Fisher, May 27, 1832.
Abiah and John Gerish of Dartmouth, Sept 4, 1767.
Abigail of Tisburey, and Seth Cottle of Tisburey, Feb. 22, 1749.
Bartlett Jr. and Lucinda W. Nye of Rochester, int. May 30, 1829.
Hannah and Benja[min] Bartlet, July 21, 1774.
Hepsiba [int. Hepsibah], 62, and Joseph Norton, 76, Nov. 18, 1819.
James and Marcey Norton, d. Isaac, Nov. 30, 1715.
Jane and William Cleveland, [May] 13, 1804. [Cleavland, C.R.1.]
Jean, d. James, and Richard Wellen "Late of Edgertown," Dec. 8, 1735.
Jean and Garrison [dup. Garison] Mears [dup. of Glocester], Aug. 26 [dup. Aug. 21], 1760.
Joseph and Augusta N. Daggett of Tisbury, int. Jan. 12, 1828.
Lydia and Cornelius Norton, Dec. 12, 1765.
Mary and Abner Norton, Apr. 12, 1770.
Mary and William Vincent, Oct. 2, 1808. [William Vincent, 75, C.R.1.]
Sally and Ichabod Cleveland, Jan, 4, 1800.
Sarah and Tho[ma]s Chase of Tisbury, Apr. 23, 1751.
Susannah and William Wailey, Jan. 1, 1776.
Will[ia]m and Thankfull Dexter, Nov. 11, 1756.
Cinthia [int. Sympathy Ann] and Ralph R. Dunham, Dec. 25, 1827.
Eliza and Andrew P. Bunker of Nantucket, Apr. 5, 1825.
Eliza S. and Thomas Dexter, June 13, 1831. C.R.1.
Joann N. [and] Shubal [int. Shubeal] M. Folger of Nantucket, Mar. 19, 1837.
Joanna P. and Micah Eldred of New Bedford, Apr. 20, 1834.
John of Middelborugh, and Lydia Marchant, Nov. 27, 1764.
John Jr. and Jedidah Fish, Nov. 18, 1790. [Clarke, C.R.1.]
Lemuel and Jerusha Norton, Nov. 6, 1803.
Love and James Bachus of Greenfield, Oct. 25, 1798. [Clarke, and James Baker of Greenfield, Conn., C.R.1.]
Marshal and Naomi Swaney, Jan. 22, 1804. [Clarke, C.R.1.]
Mary of Chilmark, and Samuel B. Mayhew, June 9, 1821.
Mary of Richmond, R.I., and George Lawrence Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Aug. 16, 1835.
Sympathy Ann (see Cinthia).
Benjamin [int. Clark] of Bridgwater [int. Bridgewater], and Jane Ann Smith, Sept. 21, 1820. C.R.1.
Zorada [int. Clark] and Nathaniel Moore [int. Nathan Moores] of New London, [Oct.] 26, 1806. [Nathan Moore, C.R.1.]
Anne M. of Nantucket, and Thomas Jernegan, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
Elizabath, d. Mrs. Anne Worth, and Samuel Stoubridge, Dec. 23, 1709.
Bethania [int. Bathaner] and Matthew Furlong of Ireland [int. of Newross, Ireland], Feb. 5, 1840.
Charles [int. Cleveland] and Eliza Perkins, Sept. 21, 1837.
Charles G. and Caroline Sowle of New Bedford, int. Apr. 5, 1840.
Deborah [int. Cleveland] and John Modley of Nantucket, Apr. 5, 1838.
Eliza and Moses Worthley of Ware, N.H., int. Jan. 31, 1835.
Herriet [int. Harriet] and Roswell M. Coon of Nantucket, Aug. 8, 1841.
Joseph and Urana C. Luce, int. Dec. 14, 1839.
Mary S. and William Simpson, int. Dec. 26, 1840.
Seth [int. Cleveland], 38, s. Joseph and Martha, and Lurana Stewart, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 27, d. Daniel Fisher and Lurana, Oct. 28, 1849.
Sophia and John Silvia of the Western Islands, int. Aug. 5, 1843.
Abraham L., Capt., and Sarah L. Winslow of N. Dartmouth, int. Jan. 31, 1847.
Benjamin and Hannah Smith of Tisbury, int. Dec. 19, 1812.
Ebenezer and Mary Vinson, d. Thomas, Jan. 19, 1704.
Ezra Jr. and [int. adds Mrs.] Prudence Vincent, Apr. 19, 1807.
Ichabod and Martha Donham, Dec. 20, 1770.
Jane [int. Cleveland, adds Mrs.] and Joseph Beecher of Walcot [int. Walcott, Conn.], Feb. 13, 1812. [Joseph Beecher of Walcot, Conn., C.R.1.]
Jedidah and John Ogdon of N.Y., Nov. 10, 1768.
Joseph and Mary Covell, Jan. 1, 1740.
Sam[ue]l [int. Cleveland] and Sally Daggett, Mar. 29, 1805.
William [int. Cleveland] and Sophia F. Norton, --- [int. June 16, 1832]. C.R.1.
Betsy C. and James Stewart, Sept. 6, 1829.
Elisabeth and John Rosson, Aug. 15 [1776].
Eliza and Edmund W. Jennings of Mansfield, Conn. [int. omits Conn.], June 7, 1835.
Ezra and Abiah Neal, Dec. 13, 1770.
George and Catharine T. Davis of New Bedford, int. May 16, 1835.
Henry and Susan Manter of Tisbury, int. Jan. 19, 1828.
Hepsey and Isaac Powers, Nov. 13, 1827.
Ichabod and Sally Claghorn, Jan. 4, 1800.
James and Deborah Reynolds of Tisbury, int. Oct. 10, 1807.
Jedidah [dup. Cleavland] and Thomas Mayhew [int. Jr.], Oct. 25 [dup. Oct. 26], 1817.
Jerusha and William [int. adds R.] Bird, --- [rec. between Oct. 9 and Nov. 6] [int. May 23], 1803. [Cleavland, C.R.1.]
John and Puella Sprague, int. Dec. 29, 1810.
Joseph, 67, and Mary Ripley, 18, Mar. 29, 1781. C.R.1.
Joseph and Matta Cleveland, Jan. 12, 1797. [Cleavland, and Matta Cleavland, C.R.1.]
Lois N. and Robert Coffin of Nantucket, int. Mar. 22, 1828.
Lucy and Edward Norton, Sept. 20, 1829.
Martha [int. Cleavland] and James Stoddart of Clinton, Me. [int. of Kennebeck, Clinton Co.], Mar. 16, 1834.
Mary and Freeman Ripley, int. Sept. 21, 1845. "This publishment withdrawn."
Matta and Joseph Cleveland, Jan. 12, 1797. [Cleavland, and Joseph Cleavland, C.R.1.]
Sally and John Kelley of Nantucket, int. Apr. 14, 1810.
Sophronia and David Y. Taylor of Peperrill, int. June 2, 1832.
Susanna and Martin Norton, Feb. 20, 1794. [Cleavland, C.R.1.]
Tristram and Susanna Daggett, Dec. 24, 1795. [Cleavland, and Mrs. Susanna Daggett, C.R.1.]
Tristram and Melvina S. Burgess of Sandwich, Pocassett, int. Dec. 7, 1845.
William and Jane Claghorn, [May] 13, 1804. [Cleavland, C.R.1.]
Mary Tucker [int. Cleavland] and Samuel [int. Samuel] Osborn, Dec. 13, 1815.
Eliza and Hiram Vincent, int. Oct. 20, 1827.
Leonard and Jane Fisher, Jan. 29, 1828.
Mary (Chockrane) (int. Cokrin] and James Alley of Nantuckett [int. Nantucket], Aug. 23, 1820. C.R.1.
Rosanna [int. Cokring] and Joseph Fisher Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Oct. 30, 1803. [Cockran, C.R.1.]
James [int. Cokring] of Nantucket, and Rosanna [int. Rosina] King, Feb. 5, 1801. [Cokring of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
Hephziba d. Robert dec'd., and Nathan Skiffe of Tysburie, -----. D.R.2.
Betsy and Joshua Nucom of Chilmark, int. Sept. 6, 1801.
Dillia and David York, Nov. 2 [? 1792].
Ebenezer and Patience Joel [Indians], int. Aug. 29, 1801.
Aaron and Lovey Beetle, Mar. 15, 1789.
Abigail and Grafting Gardner, Sept. 22, 1730.
Abigail, Mrs. [dup. omits Mrs.], and Tho[ma]s Cooke [dup. Cook], May 19, 1763.
Abigail, Mrs. and Tristram Coffin, Sept. 12, 1782.
Abigail and Daniel Smith, Apr. 23, 1795. [Mrs. Abigail, C.R.1.]
Abner and Phebe Butler, Sept. 9, 1731.
Albert and Sarah O. Earl of Nantucket, int. Sept. 14, 1833.
Allen and Deborah [int. adds G.] Coffin, Jan. 5, 1809. [Deborah G., C.R.1.]
Belinda and William Nicolas Nash of Steuben, int. Oct. 10, 1807.
Benjamin and Elizabath [dup. Elisabeth] Norton, Sept. 1, 1743.
Beulah and Jonathan Peas, Jan. 5, 1769.
Beulah and Ezra Allen of Chilmark, Apr. 6, 1797. [Bulah, C.R.1.]
Cordelia A. and Bartlett Allen of W. Tisbury, Feb. 19, 1832.
Daniel and Sarah Ripley, Apr. 24, 1769.
Daniel Jr. and Abigail Forguson, Apr. 22, 1774.
David and Eunice Pribble, Apr. 15, 1823.
Deborah and Tristram Gardner of Nantuckett, Jan. 24, 1734-5.
Deborah and Thomas Neal, Dec. 3, 1786.
Deborah [int. adds G.] and Allen Coffin, Jan. 5, 1809. [Deborah G. C.R.1.]
Deborah [int. adds Mrs.] and Samuel [int. omits Samuel] Osborn Fisher, Oct. 30, 1813.
Deboroh, d. John, and Thomas Macy of Sherbourn, Nantuckett, June 18, 1708.
Debroh and Sanford Davis, Nov. 26, 1790. [Mrs. Deborah, Nov. 25, C.R.1.]
Desire Allen and John Osborn, Sept. 19, 1813.
Eddy, Capt. [dup. omits Capt.], and Sarah Martin, Feb. 6, 1762.
Eddy [dup. Edy] and Mrs. Sarah [dup. Sara] Martin, Feb. 17, 1763.
Eddy and Sarah Vincent [dup. Vinson], Oct 26 [dup. Oct. 28], 1772.
Eddy and Nancy C. Drew of Nantucket, int. Mar. 26, 1825.
Edwin and Hannah P. Norton, July 15, 1839.
Eliza and Salvanus [int. Silvanus] Crocker of Falmouth, Mar. 16, 1806.
Eliza and George R. Marchant, July 4, 1835.
Elizabeth G., 24, d. Thomas and Ruan, and Shipley W. Crosby, 27, s. Oliver and Belinda, May 7, 1849.
Enoch Jr. and Jean Whellens, Dec. 27, 1739.
Enoch Jr. and Deborah Peas, May 8, 1775.
Enoch Jr. and Huldah Norton, Mar. 2 [1780].
Eunice and Simeon Coffin, June 16, 1774.
Eunice and William Jernigan Esq., Sept. 28, 1794. [Eunice, wid., and Hon. William Jernigan Esq., C.R.1.]
Eunice G. and Abraham Osborn, Feb. 13, 1827. C.R.1.
Eunice J. and Jonathan Worth, int. June 25, 1831.
Freeman [int. adds P.] and Cloe [int. Chloe] Dexter, May 7, 1829. [Freman, C.R.1.]
George and Deborah Crosby, June 13, 1841.
George S. of Nantuckett [int. Nantucket], and Mary Fisher, Feb. 2, 1826. C.R.1.
Grace C. and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Daniel Fisher [int. of Tisbury], Sept. 10, 1829.
Hannah and Jonathan Peas, Jan. 24, 1775.
Hannah and Chace [int. Chase] Pease, Dec. 4, 1803.
Henry A. [int. Allen] and Susan L. [int. Lyman] Osborn, Aug. 8, 1837.
Hephsabah and Abisha Haden Lumbert, Oct. 16, 1792. [Mrs. Hepsibah and Abishai Lumbart of Chilmark, C.R.1.]
Hephsibah and Abraham Riply, Feb. 12, 1771.
Hepzibah, d. Enoch Esq., and John Norton, Nov. 23, 1734.
Huldah and Tho[ma]s Jernegan, Jan. 17, 1771.
James and Huldah Allen, Sept. 9, 1773.
Jared W., 23, merchant, s. Jared and Sarah, and Charlotte S. McLellan [int. McLellon], 19, of Gorham, Me., b. Gorham, Me., d. Alexander Esq. of Gorham, Me., Sept. 15,
Jedidah and Ruben Beetle, June 26, 1791. C.R.1.
Jenny of Nantucket, and Peter Hutchinson of Hartford, negroes, int. Nov. 16, 1811.
Jerard and Sally Baylies, Jan. 14, 1819. [Jared, C.R.1.]
Jerusha P. [dup. omits P., int. Pease] and Levi Fisher, Oct. 11 [dup. Oct. 16], 1813. [Oct. 10, C.R.1.]
Jethro and Lydia Cottle of Tisbury, int. Nov. 21, 1807.
John [and] Mary Wass, Oct. 29, 1772.
John of Pleasant River, and Pheby Coffin, June 22, 1795. [Mrs. Phebe, C.R.1.]
John and Harriet Baylies, Dec. 20 [dup. Dec. 18], 1821. [Harriot, Dec. 20, C.R.1.]
John 2d [int. s. Uriah] and Sophia L. Crosby, May --- [int. May 6], 1837.
Louisa P. and Benjamin Worth, Mar. 13, 1833.
Love and Benjamin Smith, Apr. 18 [dup. Apr. 19], 1764 "New Stile."
Lydia and Sam[ue]ll Frink, Mar. 2, 1769.
Lydia and Hebron Vincent, Oct. 14, 1832.
Maria B. and Thomas L. Baylies, May 16, 1830.
Martha G., 19, d. John and Harriet, and George Jernegan, 24, s. W[illia]m and Rebecca, May 3, 1848.
Mary and John Forguson of Tisbury, Apr. 15, 1770.
Mary Jr. [int. 3d] and William Nash of Addison, Sept. 2, 1805.
Mary and Gardner T. Cornell, Feb. 26, 1815.
Mary W. and Tristram D. [int. omits D.] Pease, Aug. 23, 1827.
Mercy and James Banning, July 21, 1774.
Nancy C., Mrs., and Joseph Athearn, Nov. 11, 1838.
Nath[anie]ll and Mary Norton, Mar. 26, 1769.
Peter and Loas Pease [dup. Peas], Aug. 27, 1789. [Lois Pease, C.R.1.]
Peter M. and Mrs. Susan Fisher, Sept. --- [int. Sept. 7], 1839.
Peter Martin and Margret [int. Margaret] Mayhew, Sept. 6, 1826. C.R.1.
Pheby and John Coffin of Pleasant River, June 22, 1795. [Mrs. Phebe, C.R.1.]
Polly and Ephriam Marchant, Dec. 15, 1796. [Ephraim, C.R.1.]
Rachal and Obed Peas, Dec 4, 1766.
Rebecca 2d and William Jernegan Esq., Jan. 31, 1830.
Richard W., 26, bricklayer, s. Tho[ma]s [and] Ruann, and Mary P. Butler, 28 [int. of Holmes Hole], d. Samuel and Mary P., Apr. 14, 1846 [int. Mar. 21, 1847, sic].
Robert of Nantucket, and Lois N. Cleveland, int. Mar. 22, 1828.
Rodulphus [int. Rodulphus] W. and Margaret Butler, Jan. 1, 1835.
Sabra N. and Lorenzo Fisher, Oct. 8, 1837.
Sally and Phillip Smith, Nov. 16, 1813. [Philip, Nov. 18, C.R.1.]
Sally M. [int. Martin] and George Luce [int. Jr.] of Nantucket, Dec. 7, 1815. [George Luce Jr. of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
Samuel and Lucy Sprague, int. July 31, 1813.
Sarah and Tho[ma]s Coffin, Nov. 22, 1781. C.R.1.
Simeon and Eunice Coffin, June 16, 1774.
Simeon and Deborah Butler, Dec. 1, 1806.
Sirson P. and Mary Jernegan of S. Hingham, int. Sept. 2, 1836.
Sophia and Holmes W. [int. Wass] Smith, Aug. 19, 1823. [Homes W., C.R.1.]
Sophronia P. and Alexander P. Fisher, July 14, 1839.
Susan P. [int. omits P.] and Joseph Athearn, Aug. 8, 1832.
Tabathy of Barnstable, and Robert West, negroes, int. Feb. 15, 1801.
Tho[ma]s and Sarah Coffin, Nov. 22, 1781. C.R.1.
Thomas Jr. and Ruhamah [int. Ruann] Pease Dunham [int. Donham], Aug. 4, 1817.
Thomas M. [M., written in pencil] [int. Martin] and Sophrona [int. Sophronia] Pease, Nov. 22, 1807.
Thomas M., widr. [int. omits widr.], 66, housewright, s. Eddy and Sarah, and Fanny S. Daggett, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 39, d. Jonathan Worth and Mercy, Dec. 16, 1846.
Timothy and Zoradah Norton, Aug. 21, 1788. [Zorada, C.R.1.]
Timothy Jr. and Velina Pease Worth, Nov. 5, 1822.
Tristram and Mrs. Abigail Coffin, Sept. 12, 1782.
Uriah and Sally ---ù, Dec. 29, 1790.
Uriah and Sarah Bettie, ---, 1791. [Mrs. Sarah Beetle, --- [rec. after Dec. 14, 1790], C.R.1.]
Uriah Jr. and Susanna Nye of Chilmark, int. Oct. 20, 1805.
Uriah and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Vincent, Sept. 5, 1810.
Uriah and Abigail Cooke, Feb. 14, 1830.
Velina P., Mrs., and Soloman C. Swift of Falmouth, Oct. 3, 1839.
William and Sally Mayhew, [June] 22, 1824.
Zoraida, 21, d. Timothy dec'd. and Velina P. dec'd, and Samuel Osborn Jr., 23, merchant, s. Samuel and Mary T., Feb. 12 [1846].
Almira and Dennis Rockway, June 9, 1837 [sic, int. May 18, 1839].
Robert S., tin plate worker, b. Nantucket, s. ----- of Nantucket, and Aiaminta [int. Araminta] D. Mayhew, d. Thomas and Jedidah, Oct. 31, 1844.
William of Little Milton, Oxferdshair, Eng., and Mary Trapp, d. Thomas, June 4, 1716.
Polfry and Dorcas Worth, Oct. 4, 1818. [Palfrey "a Native of Boston,"C.R.1.]
Sarah Y. and John Fisher, Apr. 4, 1841.
Daniel of Tisbury, and Susanna Norton, int. Apr. 3, 1803.
Henry and Nancy Baylies, June 30, 1825. [Baylis, C.R.1.]
Henry, widr. [int. adds Capt., omits widr.], 43, mariner, s. Daniel and Susan, and Harriet T. Cummings, 33, of Boston [int. of Bath, Me.], b. Brunswick, Me., d. Samuel and
Mary of Brunswick, Me., Sept. 10, 1846.
Stephen of Norwich, and Mary Trapp, Aug. 25, 1746.
James of Baltimore, and Louisa A. Norton, int. Aug. 14, 1830.
Tunis of Albany [int. Albina], N.Y., and Mrs. Patience [int. Patince] Holley, Sept. 5, 1837.
Abigail and Uriah Coffin, Feb. 14, 1830.
Clarinda and Jonathan Luce [int. 3d] of Tisbury, May 12, 1811. [Jonathan Luce Jr., C.R.1.]
Eliza and Jonathan Mayhew of Saghticoke [int. Schaghticoke], Oct. 20, 1816. [Jonathan Mayhew of Schaghicoke, N.Y., C.R.1.]
Hephzibah, Mrs., and Joseph Robertson of Boston, int. Sept. 15, 1821.
Jane E. [int. Elizabeth], 35, d. Tho[ma]s and Elizabeth, and Dr. J. T. E. [int. Dr. J. Thompson E.] Gage, widr. [int. omits widr.], 35, s. Tho[ma]s and Mary E., May 31, 1846.
Julyann [int. Julia] and Hervy [int. Hervey] Bailey, Dec. 27, 1827. [Julia and Harvey Bailey, C.R.1.]
Littleton and Mary Swasey, Oct. 23, 1792. [Mrs. Mary, C.R.1.]
Luice and Mary Gardner, Indians, Oct. 7, 1785. [Lewis Cook, C.R.1.]
Maria and William Swift of Falmouth, Oct. 9, 1831. C.R.1.
Mary of Gayhead, Chilmark, and John Shepherd of N.Y., int. Oct. 30, 1831.
Mary and Thomas Laton Jr., negroes, May 20, 1840.
Olive and Jacob Burke of Baltimore, negroes, int. July 17, 1824.
Tho[ma]s [dup. Cook] and Mrs. [dup. omits Mrs.] Abigail Coffin, May 19, 1763.
Thomas Jr. and Betsey Mayhew, Aug. 15, 1790.
William and Hepsibah Swasey [int. Hepsibah Swazey], [Dec.] 29, 1810.
William and Mary Daggett, Oct. 22, 1822.
Louisa F. of New Bedford, and Francis Fisher, int. May 14, 1836.
Roswell M. of Nantucket, and Herriet [int. Harriet] Cleaveland, Aug. 8, 1841.
Samuel and Mary Johnson, int. Sept. 17, 1803.
Gardner T. and Mary Coffin, Feb. 26, 1815.
Barius of Providence, and "M" Love Vinson, June 14, 1798. [Barkus Coartney, C.R.1.]
Dennis and Amanda Fisher, Apr. 21, 1833.
Elener and Prince Daggett, Aug. 20, 1775.
Jane Ann of Tisbury, and Richard E. Norton, int. May 2, 1847.
Lydia of Tisbury, and Jethro Coffin, int. Nov. 21, 1807.
Samuel of Tisbury, and Sarah Pease, Sept. 27, 1858 [sic, 1758].
Sarah [int. adds Mrs.] and Peter Pease, Feb. 14, 1802. [Peter Pease Sr., C.R.1.]
Seth of Tisburey, and Abigail Claghorn of Tisburey, Feb. 22, 1749.
Abigale, Mrs., and James Pease, Apr. 26, 1706.
David and Abigail Butler, June ---, 1785. [Covil, June 26, C.R.1.]
James Jr. and Mary Donham, d. Gersham, July 22, 1713.
Jethro and Lydia Vinson, Aug. 3, 1770.
Lydia, d. James, and Richard Holman, Jan. 24, 1706.
Nabby and Benjamin Ripeley, Dec. 20, 1794. [Ripley, C.R.1.]
Sally and Timothy Norton, June 26, 1816.
Thankfull and Abishai Donham of Tisb[u]r[y], Feb. 20, 1776.
William and Anna Butler, June 25, 1774.
William and Hannah Fissh, Dec. 14, 1786. [Fish, C.R.1.]
Elizabath and Ebenezor Joye of Dartmouth, Sept. 25, 1740.
Mary and Joseph Cleavland, Jan. 1, 1740.
Sarah and Benajah Donham, May 7, 1708.
Robert [int. adds R.] of N.Y. [int. of New York City], and [int. adds Mrs.] Mercy Whelden [int. Wheldon], [Mar.] 22, 1807. [Robert R. of New York City, C.R.1.]
Chauncy of Williams Town, Vt., and Clarrissa P. Smith, int. Aug. 22, 1840.
Salvanus [int. Silvanus] of Falmouth, and Eliza Coffin, Mar. 16, 1806.
Silvanus and Susan Pease, Dec. 21, 1820. C.R.1.
Silvanus and Mrs. Sally Kelly [int. Kelley], Nov. 8, 1838.
Thomas of Brantry, and Mary Worth, d. John, Nov. 13, 1718.
Harler and Dolly Norton, Oct. 3, 1790. [Harlow Crosby of Tisbury, and Mr[s]. Dolly Norton, C.R.1.]
Ann and Francis Pent, Jan. 1, 1834.
Deborah and George Coffin, June 13, 1841.
Harlow and Abigail Norton, Nov. 1, 1816. [Nov. 17, C.R.1.]
John Jr. of Tisbury, and Rebecca [int. Rebekah] Pease, Mar. 8, 1807. [Mar. 3, C.R.1.]
John and Sarah Baker of Bass River, int. Mar. 28, 1812.
Mary of Tisbury, and Daniel Manter of Tisbury, Sept. 19, 1832.
Mary B. and Samuel A. Briggs of New Bedford, Oct. 2, 1836.
Moses [int. of Tisbury] and Lucy Pease, [Dec.] 25, 1806.
Oliver [int. Thomas Dunham of Tisbury] and Belinda Norton, Mar. 4, 1819 [see Thomas Dunham]. [Oliver of Tisbury, C.R.1.]
Sally and Mirick Berret [int. Barret) of Vinal Haven, Me., Oct. 21, 1829.
Shipley W., 27, s. Oliver and Belinda, and Elizabeth G. Coffin, 24, d. Thomas and Ruan, May 7, 1849.
Sophia L. and John Coffin 2d [int. s. Uriah], May --- [int. May 6], 1837.
Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] and Josiah Rodgers [int. Rogers] of New London, Conn., May 3, 1826. C.R.1.
Silvans of Tisb[u]rby, and Huldah Peas, Oct. 25, 1770.
Abigail and William Marshall of New Bedford, int. Nov. 28, 1807.
Peleg and Peggey Fergerson, Nov. 25, 1784. [Crosman, and Peggy Furgerson, C.R.1.]
William [int. of Nantucket] and Jane Norton Vincent, Oct. 16, 1810.
Jeremiah of Tisbury, and Olive Norton, int. July ---, 1817.
Samuel of Tisbury, and Love Pease, int. Aug. 19, 1809.
Betty of Tisbury, and John Daggett, int. Aug. 4, 1803.
Hebron and Sally Luce, May 6, 1821.
Mary and Elisha Luce, int. June 4, 1825.
Rebeca and George Luce Jr., int. May 2, 1819.
Azubah C. [int. Cumings], 20, d. William and Lucy, and Levi Vanslyke, 25, of New Bedford, s. Jesse and Polly, Apr. 1, 1849.
Harriet T., 33, of Boston [int. of Bath, Me.], b. Brunswick, Me., d. Samuel and Mary of Brunswick, Me. and [int. adds Capt.] Henry Colt, widr. [int. omits widr.], 43,
mariner, s. Daniel and Susan, Sept. 10, 1846.
Sarah [int. Cummins] and George W. Robertson of Salem, July 4, 1841.
John and Eunice Norton, Jan. 6, 1748-9.
Tho[ma]s and Love Daggett, Oct. 17, 1775.
James, mariner [int. of New Bedford], and Francis [sic] P. Prince, d. Lawrence and Love, negroes, Apr. 15, [1846].
Anna Frances, Mrs., and Beriah Norton, Dec. 15, 1757.
Hannah, Mrs., of Tisbury, and William Norton Jr, Dec. 26, 1782. [Daggett, C.R.1.]
Almira and George Osborn, July 22, 1821.
Amey, d. Joseph, and Thomas Martin, Dec. 22, 1715.
Augusta N. of Tisbury, and Joseph Claghorn, int. Jan. 12, 1828.
Brotherton Esq. and Mrs. Jerusha. Bunker, June 9, 1782. C.R.1.
Charles and Fanny S. Worth, June 19, 1828.
Charles N. of Tisbury, and Betsey Linton, int. Sept. 27, 1837.
Deborah, d. Joshua, and John Ishom of Barnstable, May 9, 1717.
Deborah of Tisbury, and Lendal Smith of Portland, May 3, 1802. C.R.1.
Ebenezer and Jedidah Vinson, Mar. 6, 1759.
Elisha and Pamelia Dunham of Tisbury, int. Oct. 13, 1838.
Elizabeth, d. Capt. Thomas, and John Butler Jr., Dec. 16, 1708.
Elizabeth and Sam[ue]ll Whelden, Nov. 3, 1757.
Fanny S., wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 39, d. Jonathan Worth and Mercy, and Thomas M. Coffin, widr. [int. omits widr.], housewright, 66, s. Eddy and Sarah, Dec. 16, 1846.
George and Elthannah Donham, Sept. 18, 1769.
Hannah and Tho[ma]s Stuart, Sept. 21, 1769.
Hannah (see Susan).
Hephziabth and Jabez Trapp, --- 10, 1716.
Hephzibah and Enoch Norton, Dec. 17, 1725.
Isaac and Cordelia Fisher, Aug. 17, 1823.
Isreal and Ruth Norton, Jan. 31, 1701.
John and Thankfull Vinson, June 11, 1761.
John Jr. and Mrs. Susanna Stuard, Jan. 26, 1784. [Stewart, C.R.1.]
John and Betty Crowell of Tisbury, int. Aug. 4, 1803.
John C. and Emily B. Brush of Tisbury, May 15, 1831. [Emily B. Brush of Holmes Hole, May 14, C.R.1.]
Love and Tho[ma]s Cunningham, Oct. 17, 1775.
Love, Mrs., and Valentine Pease, Aug. 18, 1785. [Volentine, C.R.1.]
Mary and Benja[min] Davis, Oct. 1, 1775.
Mary and William Cooke, Oct 22, 1822.
Naomi and William Brown "A Transient person," [Sept] 29, 1808.
Prince and Elener Cottle, Aug. 20, 1775.
Sally and Joseph Linton, int. Apr. 7, 1800.
Sally and Sam[ue]l Cleavland [int. Cleveland], Mar. 29, 1805.
Samuel S., widr. [int. omits widr.], 43, trader, and Chloe [int. Mrs. Cloe] King, wid., 42, nurse, Nov. 17 [1844].
Sam[ue]ll, s. Capt. Thomas, and Mary Pease, d. Sergt. Thomas, July 11, 1705.
Samuell and Hope Norton, Dec. 15, 1796. [Samuel, C.R.1.]
Susan [int. Hannah] and George W. Whitaker [int. Whituker] of N.Y., Sept 9 [1830]. [Hannah and Capt. George Whitaker, C.R.1.]
Susanna and Tristram Cleveland, Dec. 24, 1795. [Mrs. Susanna and Tristram Cleavland, C.R.1.]
Thankfull and Barnard Case of Tisbury, Jan. 1, 1793. [Mrs. Thankful, C.R.1.]
Timothy and Mary Smith, d. Benjamin Esq., May 6, 1717.
Timothy and Sally Jernigan, Feb. 9, 1797. [Mrs. Sally, C.R.1.]
Timothy Esq. [int. omits Esq.] and Rebecca Jernegan, Oct. 18, 1829.
William F. [int. Franklin] and Lydia D. Luce, Dec. 19, 1837.
Benjamin F. [int. Danfourth] of New Bedford, and Lucy Norton, May 6, 1834.
Rhoda, Mrs., and Andrew Fisher, int. Nov. 7, 1835.
Charles S. of New London, Conn., and Abigail F. Pease, int. Aug. 5, 1826.
Ira of Waterford, Conn., and Martha W. [dup. W[yer]] Norton, [Oct.] 30, 1823.
Mary L., 18, d. Ira and Martha W., and John A. Pease, 24, s. Jeremiah and Eliza, Nov. 5, 1848.
Anna and Samuel Norton, int. Aug. 12, 1804.
Benjamin and Mary Daggett, Oct. 1, 1775.
Benjamin Jr. and Almira Newcomb of Tisbury, int. Sept. 24, 1825.
Catharine T. of New Bedford, and George Cleveland, int. May 16, 1835.
Cornelius and Hepzibah Norton, Dec. 17, 1807.
Dennis and Polly Norton [int. Nortown], Nov. 26, 1800.
Eunice P. and Stephen Kidder, Dec. 20 [1831].
Hannah of New Bedford, and Francis F. Flood, negroes [int. omits negroes], June 11, 1835.
Henry and Elizabeth Athearn of Tisbury, int. Sept 22, 1805.
James and Prudance Ripely, Apr. 19, 1789. [Prudence Ripley, C.R.1.]
Joann and Obed Luce, Apr. 12, 1831.
John of Tisbu[ry], and Abigail Jernegan, Feb. 8, 1776.
Lydia and Francas Norton, Dec. 15, 1768.
Margret, Mrs., of New York City, and Thomas Nugent of Trinadad, W.I, Nov. 23, 1800. C.R.1.
Mary and Henry Norton, Dec. 22, 1764.
Mary Cosens and Metaliah [Melatiah] Davis, Dec. 19, 1771.
Metaliah [Melatiah] and Mary Cosens Davis, Dec. 19, 1771.
Oliver and Nancy Norton, Sept 23, 1810.
Phebe A., 23, d. Benjamin and Almira, and Shubael L. Norton, 24, s. Shubael and Sophronia, Aug. 9, 1849.
Polly D. [int. Daggett] and Charles Smith, Apr. 16, 1818.
Rufus and Abigail Norton, Mar. 15, 1818.
Rufus H. and Abigail Hillman of Chilmark, int. Sept. 28, 1840.
Sally and Argalis Pease, Feb. 2, 1798. [Mrs. Sally, Feb. 1, C.R.1.]
Samuel N. and Adaline Norton [int. Norten], Nov. 7, 1839.
Sanford and Debroh Coffin, Nov. 26, 1790. [Mrs. Deborah Coffin, Nov. 25, C.R.1.]
Sarah C. and Grafton Norton 2d, int. Nov. 4, 1837.
Shubael and Matilda S. Johnson of Chilmark, int. Mar. 19, 1836.
Sylvia of Nantucket, and William Smith of Nantucket, negroes, int. Jan. 4, 1812.
Wendal and Polly Smith, Feb. 18, 1790. [Mrs. Polly, C.R.1.]
Zadock and Betsy Bassett of Chilmark, int. July 28, 1804.
Andrew of Florus, Western Islands, and Prudence Butler, Apr. 5, 1843.
John, 29, mariner, of Tisbury, b. Tisbury, s. Zenas and Betsey of Tisbury, and Hepsey B. Pent, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 25, seamstress, d. John W. Norton and Hepsey
B., July 1, 1847.
Sophronia J. of Tisbury, and John Linton, int. Mar. 21, 1829.
Francis [int. Dimmick] of Falmouth, and Puella [int. adds M.] Waldron [int. of Albany], Aug. 14, 1811. [Dimick, Aug. 15, C.R.1.]
London and Jenny Sanders, int. Mar. 23, 1806.
Cloe [int. Chloe] and Freeman [int. adds P.] Coffin, May 7, 1829. [Freman, C.R.1.]
Desire and Alexander B. Perry, May 3, 1843.
Ebenezer of Rochester, and Anna Butler, Mar. 26, 1829.
Eliza and John Bradley Donison, int. Feb. 2, 1828.
Mary Eliza and John B. Dormin, Feb. 26, 1828.
Thankfull and Will[ia]m Claghorn, Nov. 11, 1756.
Thomas and Eliza S. Clark, June 13, 1831. C.R.1.
Abigail and Charles Williams of N.Y., negroes, int. Mar. 20, 1803.
Sally and William Dunkin, int. Dec. 18, 1803.
Jenny of Marshpee, and Cesar Johnson of Chilmark, int. May 28, 1807.
Abishai of Tisb[u]r[y], and Thankfull Covel, Feb. 20, 1776.
Benajah and Sarah Covell, May 7, 1708.
Benajah Jr. and Lydia Peas, d. Nathan, Jan. ---, 1733.
Benajah and Anna Marchant, Oct. 7, 1772.
Benajah Jr. and Mrs. Mary Marchant, Aug. 12, 1784. [Dunham, C.R.1.]
Daniel Jr. and Sarrah Huxford, Nov. 20, 1739.
Daniel Jr. [of] Newp[or]t, and Elisabeth Donham, Dec. 18, 1759.
David and Mary Mackoloy, Oct. 30, 1738.
David and Mary Chase ["N Pease aunt," written in margin] of Sherbourn, Oct. 4, 1748.
David and Priscilla Butler, Nov. 5, 1761.
Deborah [int. adds Mrs.] and Abisha Marchant, June 25, 1803. [Dunham, and Abishai Marchant, C.R.1.]
Drusilla and Matthew Mayhew of West Port, Aug. 16, 1798. [Dunhom, C.R.1.]
Ebenezer and Abigail Vinson, Sept. 13, 1750.
Ebenezer Jr. and Huldah Fish, Oct. 28, 1784. [Dunham, C.R.1.]
Elijah Jr. and Mrs. Silvia White, May 22, 1783. [Dunham, and Silva White, C.R.1.]
Elisabeth and Daniel Donham Jr. [of] Newp[or]t, Dec. 18, 1759.
Elisabeth and Peter Marchant, May 4, 1786. [Elizabeth Dunham, C.R.1.]
Elisha and Rebecca Vinson, Apr. 4, 1769.
Elisha Jr. and Rebecca [int. Rebeca] Ripely, [Apr.] 8, 1804. [Dunham, and Rebecca Ripley C.R.1.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elthannah and George Daggett, Sept. 18, 1769.
Hannah and Noah Pease, Mar. 7, 1776.
Hezekiah and Jean Steward, Oct. 22, 1761.
Isaiah and Salley Osborn, Dec. 25, 1794 [Dunham, and Mrs. Sally Osborn, C.R.1.]
Jane and Henry Fish 3d, Nov. 10, 1796. [Dunham, C.R.1.]
Jerusha and Anthoney Swasey, Aug. 10, 1774.
Jonathan and Sukey Marchant, Nov. 18, 1798. [Dunham, and Sukey Merchant, C.R.1.]
Joseph [int. Dunham] and Susanna Stuart, May 6, 1804 [Dunham, and Susanna Stewart, C.R.1.]
Lydia and Jacob Ferren of E. Haven, Conn., Dec. 8, 1793. [Dunham, C.R.1.]
Marcey and Nathaniel Macy of Nantucket, int. Mar. 6, 1802.
Marcy and Gamaliel Butler, Dec. 5, 1748.
Martha and Ichabod Cleavland, Dec. 20, 1770.
Mary, d. Gersham, and James Covel Jr., July 22, 1713.
Matild and John Marchant, Aug. 19, 1787. [Matilda Dunham, C.R.1.]
Mehita[ble] and Barnabas Vinson, Oct. 1, 1761.
Mercy (see Marcey, Marcy).
Naomi and Nath[anie]l Fish, Oct. 18, 1764.
Nathan and Matilda -----, Dec. 29, 1757.
Patience and Gamaiel Fish, Oct. 30, 1791. [Mrs. Patience Dunham and Gamaliel Fish, C.R.1.]
Percies and William Donham of Colchester, Nov. 13, 1739.
Pheby and Joseph Pilsbury [int. Pilsbary "a Trancient Person"], Mar. 31, 1803. [Phebe Dunham, C.R.1.]
Sally of Tisbury, and William Pease, int. ---, 1802.
Sally and Will[ia]m Morris of [int. adds E. Haven], Conn., [Dec.] 25, 1803. [Dunham, and William Moris, C.R.1.]
Sarah, Mrs., and Abraham Pease, Jan. 17, 1784. [Dunham, C.R.1.]
Sarrah and David Pease, July 5, 1739.
Seth and Mahala Pease, Jan. 10, 1802. [Dunham, C.R.1.]
Thomas of Tisbury, and Deborah Norton, June 1, 1800. [Dunham, C.R.1.]
William of Colchester, Conn., and Percies Donham, Nov. 13, 1739.
Zurviah and William Rogers of Tisbary, July 16, 1741.
John Bradley and Eliza Dexter, int. Feb. 2, 1828.
John B. and Mary Eliza Dexter, Feb. 26, 1828.
Tho[ma]s of Nantuckett, and Lois Steward, d. Charles, Dec. 27, 1734.
John Benjamin and Beulah Butler, Sept. 16, 1792. [Mrs. Bulah Butler, C.R.1.]
Nancy C. of Nantucket, and Eddy Coffin, int. Mar. 26, 1825.
Patty and Richard Anable, negroes, int. Oct. 5, 1802.
Daniel of Nantucket, and Mrs. Rhoda Gurnerson, int. July 22, 1825.
Benjamin and Mrs. Jerusha Bird, int. Feb. 15, 1812.
Charles F. and Matilda V. Mayhew of Chilmark, int. May 30, 1840.
Daniel of Nantucket, and Dorcas King, Dec. 28, 1816. [of Nantuckett, C.R.1.]
Easter and Joseph Fish, Jan. 10, 1782. C.R.1.
Ebenezar [int. Jr.] of Nantucket and Margaret King, Jan. 17, 1816.
Edward R. and Nancy E. Edwards of Falmouth, int. Feb. 20, 1848.
Elish and Dinah Fisher, int. Aug. 5, 1820.
Elisha Jr. and Elsy [int. Elcy] Fisher, Mar. 24, 1822.
Eliza [int. Elsa], Mrs., and Henry Norton 2d, Oct. 1, 1833.
Eliza and Thomas Powers, Apr. 12 [1835].
Elizabeth P., wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 22, d. Henry Groy and Betsy, and John L. Jenks, 28, mariner [int. of Dover, N.H.], b. Dover, s. David and Deborah of Dover, N.H.,
June 3, 1847.
Esther (see Easter).
Jane S. and Francis J. Silva of Nantucket, int. May 13, 1837.
Joseph Jr. and Jane Ann Stewart, Feb. 22, 1842.
Mary L. and Charles Francis of Grenville, int. Apr. 18, 1840.
Pamelia of Tisbury, and Elisha Daggett, int. Oct. 13, 1833.
Persis and William Brown, July 30, 1320. C.R.1.
Ralph R. and Cinthia [int. Sympathy Ann] Clark, Dec. 25, 1827.
Rebecca S. of Chilmark, and Peter M. Pease, int. Sept. 30, 1843.
Ruhamah [int. Ruann] Pease [int. Donham] and Thomas Coffin Jr., Aug. 4, 1817.
Sally [int. adds A.] and Peter Pease 3d, Dec. 25, 1817.
Sarah and Robert W. Norton, Nov. 6, 1834.
Thomas of Tisbury, and Belinda Norton, int. Feb. 7, 1819. "you will find that M. Smith made a mistake in this entery and put T. Dunham where Oliver Crosby should have
been. L. D. Pease."
Thomas and Elizabeth P. Gray, Feb. 24, 1841.
William and Sally Diamon, int. Dec. 18, 1803.
Samuel of Boston, and Jane Remsen [int. Remson] [dup. Jane Frisbee] of Nantucket, June 12, 1836.